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Application for Amend to License DPR-61,revising TS Bases for Reactor Coolant Loops & Coolant Circulation in Section 3/4.4.1
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 08/09/1993
From: Opeka J, Romberg W
Shared Package
ML20046D059 List:
B14554, NUDOCS 9308160082
Download: ML20046D058 (3)



.4 NORTHEAST t#TILITIES oenmi Omce.. semen stre 1. sernn. coonecticui I

5 P.O. BOX 270 J [iurm m.c,1 o,,m o,[*jh]L HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06141-0270 k

k (203) 665-5000 l

r August 9, 1993 Docket No. 50-213 i

B14554 Re:

10CFR50.59 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Gentlemen:


Haddam Neck Plant Change to Technical Specification Bases Section 3/4.4.1 Introduction change to the Haddam Neck Pl ant's. Technical This letter transmits i

Specification Bases for the. reactor coolant loops and coolant circulation t

(Bases Section 3/4.4.1). This change was made pursuant to the requirements of 10CFR50.59, and is being provided for the NRC Staff's information.. The change to Bases Section 3/4.4.1 is ' necessary as a result of the installation of-additional atmospheric steam dump valves which will be used -to increase the remote manual atmospheric steam dump capability of the ' plant.

With. the installation of this new type.of safety valve, a steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) with a' loss-of off-site power may be mitigated by dumping steam from-the intact steam generators.

Therefore, the Haddam Neck Plant will no longerL be relying on the loop isolation valves to terminate primary to_ secondary leakage from a SGTR.

_The marked-up Bases page is ' provided in' Att.achment 1, and the retyped Bases page is provided in Attachment 2.

The change is 4

described below.

Backaround On May 4,1993,"' Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPC0) submitted j

a proposed license amendment pursuant to 10CFR50.90 on additional atmospheric F

steam dump to support work performed during the. Cycle-17 refueling outage.

During this outage, four main steam safety valves-- (one per main steam'.line) wera replaced with valves that significantly increase the remote. manual 1

atmospheric steam dump capability of the Haddam. Neck Plant.

These new valves -




Opeka ' letter ~ to U.S.

Nuclear Regulat'ory J Commission, " Proposed-Revision to Technical Specifications-Additional Atmospheric Steam Dump,"

dated May 4, 1993.

130041 00 osaci nw us 9308160092 930909



PDR' ADDCK 05000213 M





U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission r

B14554/Page 2 August 9, 1993 can be operated remotely from the main control room, and are self-actuating for steam generator overpressure protection.

This modification provides the ability to rapidly cool down and depressurize the plant without reliance on the main condenser or other nonsafety-related balance-of-plant equipment.

This method of cooldown will be used following the rupture of a steam generator tube concurrent with a loss of off-site power or loss of the main condenser.

CYAPC0's May 4, 1993, letter proposed to change the existing technical specifications for the code safety valves to address both the self-actuation function and remote-actuation function.

These additional requirements will provide further assurance that the safety valves are-available to perform their intended function.

The initial atmospheric steam dump capacity at the Haddam Neck Plant was limited and was originally designed to maintain the plant at hot shutdown following a reactor trip.

Therefore, procedures required reducing the primary-side pressure to equal the secondary-side pressure if off-site-power and the main condenser are available to terminate leakage which results from a SGTR.

The reactor coolant system (RCS) loop stop valves were previously used to terminate primary to secondary leakage due to a SGTR with a loss of off-site power or loss of main condenser.

With the installation of the new type of code safety valve, a SGTR can now be mitigated by dumping steam from two of the intact steam ' generators and rapidly cooling and depa ssurizing the primary system until the RCS pressure is below the lowest main steam code safety valve setpoint.

Description of the Chance This change is being processed to modify the Bases of the Technical Specifications so that it is consistent with the Emergency Operating l


Specifically., this change removes the sentence, "The -loop isolation valves are required to be OPERABLE in the operating loops in order to terminate the primary to secondary leak path in the event of a' steam generator tube rupture."

The Haddam Neck Plant is continuing to follow the requirements of Technical Specification 3/4.4.1, " Reactor Coolant Loops and Coolant Circulation-Startup and Power Operation," and 3/4.7.1, " Turbine Cycle-Safety Valves," along with Table 3.7-1,

" Steam Line Safety Valves Per Loop."

These technical specifications were requested to be modified via our May 4,1993, letter, to reflect the additional atmospheric Ateam dump capability.

Our letter also proposed to modify Bases 3/4.4.1, Reactor Coolant Loops and Coolant Circulation." This proposed change is now also contained in the attachment to this letter.

This change to the Bases was required to support plant startup,-

and having been reviewed under 10CFR50.59, is being provided to the NRC Staff for information.

The remaining changes proposed in our letter were not required to support plant startup and are requested to be reviewed and approved by the NRC Staff at your earliest convenience.

. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission B14554/Page.3 August 9, 1993 If you should have any questions concerning this Bases change, please contact us.



J. f. 0peka Executive Vice President BY:

W. D. Romberg. // -

Vice President l


T. T. Martin, Region I Administrator A. B. Wang, NRC Project Manager, Haddam Neck Plant W. J. Raymond, Senior Resident Inspector, Haddam Neck Plant:


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