MONTHYEARML20042G6331990-05-11011 May 1990 Certificate of Compliance 9022,Rev 14,for Model CE-250-2 ML20042G6801990-05-0808 May 1990 Application for Extension of Rev 12 to Certificate of Compliance 9022 to 900630 for Model CE-250 ML20034B5361990-04-25025 April 1990 Certificate of Compliance 9022,Rev 13,for Model CE-250-2 LD-88-107, Application for Amend of Certificate of Compliance 9022 for Model CE-250-21988-09-30030 September 1988 Application for Amend of Certificate of Compliance 9022 for Model CE-250-2 ML20207D5531988-08-10010 August 1988 Certificate of Compliance 9022,Rev 12,for Model CE-250-2 LD-88-063, Application for Rev to Certificate of Compliance 9022 for Model CE-250-2,providing Results of Addl Criticality Analysis & Computer Output Associated W/Criticality Analysis1988-07-28028 July 1988 Application for Rev to Certificate of Compliance 9022 for Model CE-250-2,providing Results of Addl Criticality Analysis & Computer Output Associated W/Criticality Analysis LD-88-058, Application for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9022 for Model CE-250-21988-07-22022 July 1988 Application for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9022 for Model CE-250-2 LD-88-050, Application for Rev to Certificate of Compliance 9022 for Model CE-250-2,increasing Allowable Enrichment That Can Be Transported by CE-250-2 Shipping Container.Fee Paid1988-07-0101 July 1988 Application for Rev to Certificate of Compliance 9022 for Model CE-250-2,increasing Allowable Enrichment That Can Be Transported by CE-250-2 Shipping Container.Fee Paid ML20245C7911987-10-30030 October 1987 Certificate of Compliance 9022,Rev 11,for Model CE-250-2. Approval Record Encl ML20132G3741985-07-10010 July 1985 Amended Application for Rev to Certificate of Compliance 9022.Requests Approval for Delivery to Carrier for Transport of Shipping Container Used for Transport of U Oxide ML20128E9021985-06-24024 June 1985 Certificate of Compliance 9022,Rev 10,for Model CE-250-2. Approval Record Encl ML20129E0571985-05-24024 May 1985 Certificate of Compliance 9022,Rev 9,for Model CE-250-2. Approval Record Encl ML19350E5211981-06-18018 June 1981 Certificate of Compliance 9022,Revision 6,for Model CE-250-2 ML19338F7331980-10-14014 October 1980 Certificate of Compliance 9022,Revision 5,for Model CE-250-2 ML19332B1671980-08-14014 August 1980 Application for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9022,to Permit Closure of Model CE-250-2 by Either Licensed or Proposed Alternate Closure Sys.Fee Encl ML19320A7571980-06-19019 June 1980 Certificate of Compliance 9022,Revision 4,for Model CE-250-2 ML19257B6581980-01-0303 January 1980 Certificate of Compliance 9022,Revision 3,for Model CE-250-2 ML19249E6201979-09-14014 September 1979 Certificate of Compliance 9022,Revision 2,for Radioactive Matl Shipping Package Model CE-250-2 1990-05-08
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May 8,1990 CWM:90:075 o
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Mr. C. E. MacDonald, Chlof Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and Transportation, NMSS Washington /DC 20555
Dear Mr. MacDonald:
CERTIFICATE NO. 9022, REVISION 12 Advanced Nuctoar Fuels Corporation (ANF) requests that it be allowed to continue to uso Rovision 12 of Cortliicato No. 9022 dated August 12,1988 for the CE-250 packago through June; L30,1990.
. We shall contain uranium oxide pollets within scaled containers with a maximum cross sectional area of 73.2 in'. The scaled containers and the container Insert shall conform to-
drawings ANF 306,176 (Sheet 1) and ANF 304,306 (Shoots 1 and 2) as submitted in our Applicatio_n for Use of the ANF-250 Shipping Containo' for Transport of Radioactivo Materials, r
Rovision 4, dated Docombor 1980. : Criticality safety for the above described configuration was demonstrated in Section 6.0 of that same opplication.
Your assistance In this mattor is greatly appreciated.
Enclosed is'a chock in the amount of $150.
Very truly yours,
.lb Charlos W. Malody, Manager
- jrs 9005150281 900508 7
PDR ADOCK 07109022 C
- A/S emens Company,.