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Certificate of Compliance 9022,Revision 4,for Model CE-250-2
Person / Time
Site: 07109022
Issue date: 06/19/1980
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML19320A667 List:
NUDOCS 8007020583
Download: ML19320A757 (2)



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,n g,g 7, For Radioactive Materials Pavages 1.(a) Certificate Numoer 1.(b) Revision No.

1.(c) Package toontification No.

1.(d) Pages No. 1.(e) Total No. Pages 9022 4

USA /9022/AF 1


2. P AEAMBLE 2.(a)

This certificate is issued to satisfy Sections 173.393a.173.394.173.395 and 173.396 of the Department of Transportation Hazardous Matertats Aegulations (49 CFR 170189 and 14 CFR 103) and Sections 146-. -10a and 146-19-100 of the Deoartment of Transportation Dangerous Cargoes Regulations (46 CFR 146-149), as amended.


The packaging and contents described in item 5 below, meet

  • the safety standards set forth in subpart C of Title 10. Code of Federal Regulations. Part 71. " Packaging of Radioactive Materials for Transport and Transcurtation of Radioactive Material Under Cartain Conditions."


This certificate does not relieve the consignor from comoliance with any requirement of the regulations of the U.S. Cepartment of Transoortaten or other applicable regulatory agencies, inc!uding the government of any country through or into which the package will be transported.

3. This certificate is issued on the basis of a safety analysis report of the package design or application-3.(a)

Prepared by (Name and address):


Title and identification of report or applicaton:

Combustion Engineering Co., Inc.

Combustion Engineering, Inc. application dated 1000 Prospect Hill Road January 11, 1980, as supplemented.

Windsor, CT 06095 3.tcl occket No.

71-9022 4 CONDITIONS This certificate is conditional upon the fulfilling of the requirements of Subpert D of to CFR 71. as applicaele. and the conditions specified in item 5 below.

5. Cescription of Packaging and Authorized Contents. Model Number. Fissile C: ass. Other Conditions, and


(a) Packaging (1) Model No.: CE-250-2 (2) Description The packaging consists of a 16-gauge steel containment vessel, 11-5/8 inches ID by 57-1/4 irches long with a bolted and gasketed top flange closure and steel welded bottom plate. The containment vessel is centered and supported in a 22-1/2-inch 10 by 68-3/8-inch long,16-gauge steel drum by twelve (12),

1/4-inch diameter spring steel rods welded to the containment vessel at the too flange and the bottom of the vessel. The void space between the contain-ment vessel and outer container is filled with vermiculite.

Closure of the containment vessel is maintained by a rubber gasket and six (6),

f 1/2-inch ;;ax head bolts and nuts. The outer container closure is made with t

a 12-gauge bolt locking ring with drop forged lugs, one of which is threaded, I

I having a 5/8-inch diameter bolt and lock nut.

The gross weight of the packaging and contents is approximately 575 pounds.

(3) Drawing The packaging is constructed in accordance with Combustion Engineering Company, Inc. Drawing No. NFM-E-Z2175, Revision C0.


o Page 2 - Certificate No. 9022 - Revision No. 4 - Docket No. 71-9022 5.

(b) Contents (1) Type and form of material Dry uranium oxide pellets and powder enriched to a maximum 4.1 w/o in the U-235 isotope. The maximum H/U atomic ratio, considering all sources of hydrogenous material within the containment vessel shall not exceed 2.26.

(2) Maximum quantity of material per package


The total contents not to exceed 300 pounds, with the U-235 content not to exceed 4.5 kilograms. The contents shall be contained within sealed stainless steel containers with a maximum cross sectional area of 73.2 square inches.

(c) Fissile Class II Minimum transport index to be shown on label 0.6 6.

Spacers and product containers shall be used to provide a snug axial fit of the product containers within the containment vessel.


Attachment of handle (Item 18, Drawing No. NFM-E-Z2175) to outer lid is not authorized.


The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 571.12(b).


Expiration date: June 30, 1985.

REFERENCES Combustion Engineering, Inc. application dated January 11, 1980.

l Supplement dated: June 6, 1980.

FOR THE U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and


Mcterial fafety Date:

JUN I 91980
