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Application for Amend to Certificate of Compliance 9022,to Permit Closure of Model CE-250-2 by Either Licensed or Proposed Alternate Closure Sys.Fee Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07109022
Issue date: 08/14/1980
From: Hansen L
17103, NUDOCS 8009260184
Download: ML19332B167 (3)


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RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER 2955 George Washington Way, Richland, Washington 99352 PHONE: (509) 375 71M PEC[!y((

August 14, 1980 E 15 Fi! 30 I U."

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Mr. C. E. MacDonald, Chief r0 Transportation certification Branch 7



Divisien of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety D

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O U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission pCS Washington, D.C.

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Docket No. 71-9022

Dear Mr. MacDonald:

The Exxon Nuclear Company, Inc. is a registered user of the CE-250-2 package, certific Me of Compliance 9022. Routine use of the licensed package has indicated that improved utilization can be achieved by a modification of the inner package closure system. This letter, there-fore, is to request your review, approval, and subsequent revision of Certificate 9022 to permit closure of the CE-250-2 package via either the currently licensed or proposed alternate closure system.

Part 5(a) (3) of Certificate of Compliance No. 9022 references Combustion Engineering Company, Inc. drawing NFM-E-Z2175, Revision 00. View B of that drawing indicates the typical closure bolting arrangement.

In the case shown, a bolt is inserted through the inner lid and attached via a nut which is tack-welded to the back of the flange. The alternate arrangement for which your approval is requested is shown in the attached figure.

In that proposed closure system, a stud would be threaded into the existing nut located on the back of the flange and closure would be accomplished by t.he use of a helical lock washer and nut arrangement.

The optional closure system proposed herein utilizes part of the existing system and, where replacement parts are proposed, the strength of the new parts meets or exceeds that of the replaced components.

Consequently, continued compliance of the proposed alternate closure system with the requirements of 10 CFR 71 is assured.

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Mr. C. E. MacDonald August 14, 1980 If you have any questions with respect to the proposed revision of Certi-ficate 9022, or'if additional information is needed to complete your review, please contact me on (509) 375-7288.

A check in the amount of $350, the minor amendment application fee specified in 10 CFR 170.31, part llD, is enclosed.

Sincerely, f

==l' L. E. Hansen, Senior Specialist Criticality Safety & Physical Security LEHisir Enclosure cc H. V. Lichtenburger, Combustion Engineering j

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