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LER 82-003/03L-0:on 820208 & 10,door 400 Which Forms Part of Negative Pressure Boundary for Spent Fuel Pool Emergency Ventilation Sys Found Open.Caused by Faulty Door Closure Mechanism.Maint Order Issued for Corrective Action
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/05/1982
From: Stolz J, Wolfe R
Shared Package
ML20040G614 List:
LER-82-003-03L, LER-82-3-3L, NUDOCS 8202160310
Download: ML20040G619 (2)





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lh (PLEASE PRINT CR TYPE ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION) o i 7 5 l9 o l LICENSEE H i n CODE l B I S l i l@15s ll sa IlLICENSE 14 a l aNUM8ER l a l a l- le l s 26l@l4 26 11LICENSE 11 l1TYPg 11JOl@lSF CAT l l@

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EVENT DESCRIPTION AND PROBABLE CONSEQUENCES h o 2 l (NP-33-82-04) on 1/8/82 and again or.1/10/82, door 400 was found onen. Thin door in I g jat the top of the southwest stairway and forms part of the negative pressure boundary l o , lfor the spent fuel pool (SFP) emergency ventilation system (EVS). When the door is I o 3 gnot closed a'nd latched, the effectiveness of the SFP EVS is reduced. Since there is l o o l irradiated fuel in the pool, Technical Specification 3.9.12 requires both SFP EVS to l lol7l lbe operable. There was no danger to the health and safety of the public or station l

,o,gi gpersonnel. The conditions of the action statement were being met. I DE CODE $ SC E COMPONENT CODE SUSC DE SU E i

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40 41 42 43 44 47 CAUSE DESCRIPTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS h i o lThe cause of this occurrence was a faulty door closure mechanism. The mechanism was l

, , gout of adjustment and was not exerting enough force to cause the door to close and I y,,,,,g l atch. A maintenance work order was written to adjust the door closing mechanism. t

,, ,.,,lThe station is evaluating the need for further corrective action. l L'_1.4J l I 1 U 9 80 ST U  % POWER OTHER STATUS IS RY DISCOVERY DESCRIPTION l l5l d h l1l9l9l@l NA l W gl Plant Tour l A TIVITY CO TENT AHoVNT Of ACilVITV LOCAllON Of HELEASE i 6 HrtrAsE@n

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TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY DAVIS-BESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION UNIT ONE SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FOR LER NP-33-82-04 DATE OF EVENT: January 8, 1982 FACILITY: Davis-Besse Unit 1 IDENTIFICATION OF OCCURRENCE: Spent fuel pool negative pressure boundary door 400 not completely closed and latched Conditions Prior to Occurrence: The unit was in Mode 1 with Power (MWT) = 2764 and Load (Gross MWE) = 920.

Description of Occurrence: On January 8 and 10, 1982, door 400 was found open.

This door is located at the top of the southwest stairway and is part of the negative pressure boundary for the spent fuel pool area. In both cases, the door was not blocked open but was being held open by a differential pressure across it.

11ad the Spent Fuel Pool Emergency Ventilation System been needed, the ability of the system to maintain the area at a negative pressure of 2*1/8 . inch water gauge relative to the outside atmosphere would have been reduced. Since there is irra-diated fuel in the spent fuel pool, Technical Specification 3.9.12 requires two independent emergency ventilation systems servicing the storage pool area to be operabic. With the systems inoperabic or their effectiveness reduced, the action statement prevents the movement of fuel within the storage pool or crane opera-tion with loads over the storage pool.

Designation of Apparent Cause of Occurrence: These occurrences were caused by a faulty door closure mechanism. It had become out of adjustment and did not exert enough force to cause the door to close and latch. There are signs on the doars that indicate that the doors must be closed for proper operation of the spent fuel pool emergency ventilation system.

Analynin of Occurrence: Thuru wau no danger to the health and safat of the public or station personnel. There were no fuel handling operations being conducted during this time, nor any crane operations with loads over the storage pool.

Corrective Action: In both cases, the door was closed and the Shift Supervisor notified. A work request was submitted to adjust the closure mechanism and to replace with a larger mechanism to allow this door to close by itself against the pressure of the normal ventilation system. The station is evaluat inn further corree-Livu actLun.


Failure Data: Previous similar occurrences were reported in Licensee Event Reports NP-33-81-91 (81-076), NP-33-81-67 (81-055), NP-33-81-47 (81-042), and NP-33-81-06 (81-007).

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