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Supplemental Answers to Applicant Second Set of Interrogatories in Response to ASLB 810720 Order.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 08/05/1981
From: Fouke R
NUDOCS 8108140141
Download: ML20010B151 (6)


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August 5, 1981


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C7CR'S SU??~;.ZCr21_T.' 1"5.E2S 20 L??LIC.'.XTS: SECO:'.', S~;2 CF Ihn.203ATC3IF.3 '

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-l Citiscn fcr Fcir US*7'ty Ra;uldien (C?CR) heroby su he f:$nEL9" f/

=:rcr: to .*4rfic=ts ' Second Sc/c cf Interrosctorica in re.,wasp to Board Q ~

Crde ddrd July 20g 1981."

  • N I@ \' $

1-2.' So ic.fic=t hcs relied on Ucstinsho tco? cnd othcrc/ to propero ced d;feni cic.:.:.fic=t pcMicas cf the C==cho ?cek Fin:1 Scfoty Analysis Report (FSC).' SO:o ;cdio=, pc?=cd. by ec==o other than the Applicent inpact h::v'ly cn tho : fc c?rdion of tho C?SISJ The principal purpose of the prc7:icion cnd dafcnca cf the FSiR. is to cnablo the Co-%sion to deter =ino thd C23.S s= ha c;cdcd i:ithcut.t:.iuo rick to the hccith =d cafety of tho

hlic ni is the princip
1 doc == fc_ do c??lic=t to provido the bris for t.;a C;

'.r.' = to dccido t-hcthe tho fc:ety 1:1 opecto in ecnfer=ity t:ith tho .'..;;, c.:. ..idia do Lpplic=t is t ?- 'c?'y gaelified to casago in tho .i

.;;ip. tic; to ha =ticriced by the c7cd'n; liccnco in cecordanco 1:ith 10 CFR 3:#c $C.5'l ( ) (4): "?rcu=t to p=S 50.56, en operating licenso c=y bo issued a i

by ;c.a Cc- '::ica, up to tho full tc.m =tho 1 cd by part 50.51. upon finding -

t: .t...(4' "ho c?plic=t is te+M c4'lv end financially gaalified to eng:ce in tha cdivitico =thorized by tho oprating licence in accordance trith the reg--

ule.ti,c.; in thic chepter...'. " (E:ph^cic cdded. ) Becauco of its relic.nce on Ucetin.,h= ; c.i ctherc, tho applic=t h= fciled to meet this icquirc =t. l 2-2. "dii t F. of the Tc s Ut* ic -Wc:tinshouse cgree=nt c;ccified that U:.d' $.:; . t. ;.0i grcvido the cffcri fcr prcpection end defc=e of c '

pcsi= a :.. C==cho ?cek Fi .:'. S 'c.t-f in 1ycia Report in accordance 1:ith 1 R . , C. ../_/ C 9 1.70, "Str#-- d Fc.c.c, =d Cent =t of Scfcty An:Aycis Reports s i f= !;.' c= ?c0cr Fl=t:-L'2 Eiiticni dded October 16,1975 (Rev.2)." Sco l(

1 8108140141 010805 PDR ADOCK 0S000445 l G PDR j

. "pago 2

' 21:o hhibit H.*, 2. Engin:cring,- 3. Nucle:r Safety, and m.' Standard For=at and Content C-uido.' Also,- Applic:nts an:.: ro to CFUR's 1st Set of Interrogatorios, quostion: 1,' 2 a.',b.',c. ,d. , 3i 5,17,18 11-2. FSAR cactions: 1.5, 1.6, 3.6Ng 3.7N, 3.951, 3.9N2, 3.9N3, 3 9N4, 3 9N5, 3.10N, 311N, Chapter 4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.2.1,~ 5.2.2, 5.2 3, 5.2.4, 5 3, 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.4 3, 5.4.4.' 5.4.6. Si4.7, 5.4.10, 5.4.11, 5.4.12, 5.h.13, 5.4.14, 61N, 6.3. 6.6, 9.1.1, 9.1.2, 9.1.4, 9.3.4,11.1,11.3 =d chapter 15.

12-2. Rcquire=enta for Further Technic:1 Infor=ation Material incorporated by

  • Rofcrcnco, Prc^4ction against Dyna =ic Effccts Accociated with the Postulated Rupturo of Pipingi Sois=ic Dacign, Special Topics for Mech:nical Co=ponentsi Dyr--* c Tosting ard Analysis,' ASME Codo Claca 1, 2, and 3 Co=ponentsi Co=;onent Supporta,' rd Coro SupporEStructure=, Control Rod Drive Sy::tc=, Reactor Vossal Intern:ls, Seirdo @m14 fication of Seic=ic Category I Instru=:ntation ard
1 Egipe=nti Environ = ntal Dopign of Machanical ard Electrical Equip-l
nti Reactori Reactor Coolant System ard Control Piping-Su==ary Do
cription, Integrity of Reactor Cc' lant c Pressure Boundary, Co=pliance with Codes and Ccdo Casos, Overpressure Protection / Reactor Cchlant Pressure Boundary Materials Incarvice Inspection and Testing of Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary, Reactor Stocm Line Flow Restrictions / Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System, Recidu:1 Heat Re=ov:1 Systes, Prescurizer, Pressurizer Relief Discharge Systems, Valves, Safoty and Relief Velves, Co=ponent Supports, Engineered Safety ard Feature Materials, E=crcency Core Cooling Systomi Inservico Inspection of Claiss 2 ani 3 Co=ponents,

( New Fuel Storace, Spent Fuel Storagei Fuol Handling System, Chemical ani Volume Control Syste=, Source Terms,' Gaceous Wasto Management, Accident Analysis.

l 13-2. Baced on Applicants! answer to interrogatory 17 in CFUR's First Set of Interrogatories.'

14-2. The rolo the Applicant has identified in answers to inteirogatories

3. , 5. i 11.', 17.'i and 18. Portions of the FSAR referrod to in interrogatory l 17 were prepared entirely by Westinghouse and the Applicant has only " reviewed for applic-h4l4 ty.'"

l 15-2. Ane; cr'to interrogatory 17 in CFUR's 1st Setc Interngatories.'

l l

l l

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16-2. 2C Lic=cing Requir-nt: in 10 CFR 50.57 (a) (4) 161ch require the pplic=t rH t',n .am15 e mt only to c.hcu technical qmlifications to erccse in tha activitics =thcri ed by the op= ting licenso.- Other references in-cludo 10 CFR 50 p=t 50.34 (b) (7), p=t 50.~40 (b).

17-2.' C7UR contendo that cinco the Applic:nt has relied on another entity to p; cp;W crd defend :;igic=t pcrtions of the FSAR =d thc.t cinca /,pplicant h: +4tted in encrer to interro;;te:cy 17 that they havo rc$.cd on Mc tinghoucs n:d havo cnly "rovicued for applierbi14ty" Woctinchouse s contributionc to cuch 8

FSAR cccticn=, that it has not dc=onstrated its own technic 1 qualifications..'.'

in accord =co uith 10 CFR 5L57 (c) (4) Ord that the burden of proof 10 on tho Applic =t to show otherwise.

18-2.' 10 CFR 50 with p=tsreferenced in abovo an=rers, Exhibit H of Acrce-cent botucon Wesingh".a:e ard Applicat, FSAR and Applicants anr.rers to CFUR s 1st Sot of Intcrrocatories, interroce. tory 17.

19-2.' Applicent itself states that those sections of FSAR were prepared by Woctinghouco crd has never stated that it (the Applicant) h:s done anything other th:n " review for applicability."

20-2 Applic:nt8srccponcetoinbrro; tory 17.

21-2.' Tcc':nical qualifications mct be thoun before an operating licenso can bc grantcd. The Applicant's anmrers to CFUR8s interrogatory 17 and others shou that the Applicent does not havo personal knowledge of those sections of tho FSAR cct out in interrogatory 17 ard has never specifically stc.tcd that it h= cuch technical qualifications. CFUR continues to refer to Diibit H of the Woctin;hcuso agrec=ent, to its ansvers to 1-2, 2-2,11-2, ard 12-2 ard to Applicent:c narers to interrogatory 17 c.s well as Section~ 13.1 of the FSAR .

nhich contains infor=: tion regarding the Applic:nts technical M ifications.'

w Thcro cro as m:ny as 40 sections of the FSAR which the applicant admits to hav-in:; rclicd on Woctinghouse to prepare ard states that it (the Applicant) has cnly "revicucd for applic'hi14_ty. "

22-2. Liibit H of Westinghouse acroc=ent, CFUR8s answers to 1-2, 2-2, 11-2 ard 12-2,' Applic nts anmrers to CFUR interrogatory 17 and Section 131 of the PSAR.


- - - _ _ - _ _ _ . _ . ____-_ __ _ __ _A

pc:a 4, s

22-2. Cont., The design m:dit for C~SES uns held in Ncv York in the offices of Gibb3 ed Fil', cccording to the E.C ct:ff becauco "it was necessary to have cccccc to the Gibbs ard Fi" dec^.gn engineers and Gibbs ard Fill design reporta ed dr= rings." Therefore, the reports and drawing cro not avni7nhie in the vicinity of CPSES, crd therefore the level of expertise of ',he Applicants 8 cn:;inecrs ic not adequate to deal uith operatioral contingencies et the local ,


32-2 Apf_ic=ts =st supply infor=hion d.ich vill coot the recnirc snts of 10 CFR p=t 50.34 (b)': h final c fcty = clysis report shall inc1rdo infor-nation th .t..'. 'cca.ts a safetv n n1ve...:nd shall include: (2)... description ch:11 be cufficient to permit urderaterding of the cyctc=s designs crd their rol tionchip to enfetv ewlue. tion; (4) a final analysis end evaluation of the -

design und perfor=nca of...sith the objectivo (10 CFR 50.34 (a) (4) ) of as-seccing the risk to Public red eafety resulting from operation of the facility....(cmph cis cdded).

Applicents cust suppl infor= tion that is now supplied by others in the i

FSAR in order to ccet the requir=cnts of the 1st; applicants cast show that -

they havo the experienced personnel to opernto ==i make decisions re: CPSES in c ==ncr ifaich will not crd:nger the public; ard to sub=it itself (Applicent) {

to c.- + r. tion in order to de=enstrate cufficient expertice at the licencing herin;; which gocc f r beyond " review (s) for applimhi7ity."

s 33-2 By chsuing that ths applic=t hac the technical qeli+'ications reg: ired by 1=:.

i 34 2. 10 C7R 50.57 (a) (4), NRC Staff reply to CMrs request that decign audit bo hcid in the vicinity of.Co==nchs Peak, ed CFUR8s ensucrs to interrogatory 22-2.-



39-2 )

Apfic=tc have not de=onstre.ted in choir nam:crs to discovery that they .


h=c tha c:::rienced parconnel :Sth tha chility to take sound technical judge =ents '

uith recpe,ct to the activities authcriced by the operating license and that such ,

p=cc=c1 cc ncu =d' vill be c=ployees of the licenseo cr4 tdll bo located fj in c.o i 2. vicirity of the p1=t cito.' Applicant has rmico affir:cd that le itc:.lf has tha 1=: ledge concening cert:in technic:1 =pcets of CPSES L o

re/C.c c.= c venior cr cub-contr ctor.' I L

40-2 t*=ct;;h 99-2.' (Contention 6) CFUR is prcpering a notion to the Bo:ni re- a P

7:.::o. 5 c:rdin: Ccntention 6.

Esspectfun y rib =ittedi 6W <

l Rich: d L.- Fouhe '1 1c68-3 Carter Driva A%in;.4.on, Tw.s 76010


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I hCrC71 c;rti^/ tht ecpics of CFL?.!c Sgpler. ntary Ans.: Ors ^w Applice.nts l Sccc d Sct of Interroce.teries hva bean cerved on the fo11ci:ing by depo:it f in tho Wited Sbtes ""i fir:t %s, thi: 5th d 7 of Austi 1931.' t 1


Adninistrative Judge Marshall E. Miller Mrs. Juanita Ellis U S. Nuq1 car Regulatory Comission President, C/tSE j Atomic Safety and licensing B6ard Pshel 1426 S6uth P61k' Street i Washington, D. C. 20555 Dallas, TX 75224 i l

Dr. Forrest J. Remick, M~ % r Mr. Dwight H. Moore, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board West Texas legal Services 305 E. Hamilton Avenue 100 Main Street (Lawyers Bldg.)

State College, PA 16801 Fort Worth, TX 76102 .

Dr. Richard Cole, Member ,

David J. Preister, Esq. 1 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Assistant Attorney General U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Environmental Protection Division Washington, D. C. 20555 P. O. Box 12548, Capitol Station l Austin, TX 78711 j Marjorie U1 nan Rothschild, Esq. l Office of Executive Legal Director Jeffrey L. Hart, Esq. -

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 4021 Prescott Avenue Washington, D.C. 20555 Dallas, TX 75219 Nicholas S. Reynolds, Esq. Arch C. McColl III, Esq.

Debevoise & Liberman 701 Co=merce Street

, 1200 17th Street, N.W. .

Suite 302 Washington, D.C. 20036 Dallas, TX 75202 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Dockoting and Service Section Office of the Secretary U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, D. C. 20555 Washington, D. C. 20555 g~ Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Panel ,

AS s U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co= mission Washington, D.C. 20555 6 ;r- g 8

,- AUG 101981 > 'i Off::e cf the Stretary J gg b .!,'#" d Richard L. Fouke CFUR D 16683 Carter Drive

(\ Arlington, TX 76010
