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Proposed Tech Specs Re Tdi Diesel Engine Crankshaft Insp Schedule
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/02/1990
Shared Package
ML20006E023 List:
NUDOCS 9002160094
Download: ML20006E025 (2)



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Revised Attachment 3 Page i i




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ATTACHMENT 3 T0-NPF 47 TDI DIESEL ENGINES REQUIREMENTS GSU shall comply with the following requirements related to the T.DI diesel .

ergines. .l Change to the maintenance and surveillance program for the TDI diesel I

1.  !

engines, as identified and approved by the NRC staff in Supplement 3 to the SER, shall be subject to the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59.

I The frequency of the major engine overhauls referred to in the Itcense conditions below shall be consistent with Section IV.1. " Overhaul Frequency" i:: revit ton 2 of Appeiidix II of the Design Review / Quality Revalidation report which was transNitted by letter dated May 1, 1986, from J. George. Owners Group, to H. Denton, NRC.

2. Crankshafts shall be inspected as follows:

SD 18: During the first refueling cutage, inspect the fillets and of f holes of the three most heavily loaded crankpin journals (Nos. 5, 6, and 7)withflorescentliquidpenetrantandETasappropriate.

l SD 1A and 18: Durin the second d M 'cd refueling outa l )

the fillets and oil koles of two.of the three most loadedheavilfeefinspec, I

crankptn journals in the manner just mentioned. -. ,

SD 1A and 18: At approximate 5 year intervals :_J1 g ning gitlh thf third refueling outage, inspect the fillets and oil holes using florescent a three most heavily liquid penetrant and appropriate, of the : loaded crankpin jour between crankpin journals 5, 6 and 7. One engine may be inspected at the refueling outage closest to 5 years, and the other engine at the next r i

refueling outage.

.If cracks are found during inspections of crankshafts, this condition  ;

shall be reported promptly to the NRC staff and the affected engine shall be considered inoperable. The engine shall not be restored to operable status" until the proposed disposition and/or corrective actions have j l been approved by the NRC staff.

3. Cylinder blocks shall be inspected for " ligament" cracks, " stud-to-stud" cracks and " stud-to-end" cracks as defined in a report
  • by Failure Analysis Associates Inc. (FaAA). entitled, " Design Review of TDI R-4 and i l

RV-4 Series Emergency Diesel Generator Cy1.inder Blocks" (FaAA report no. '

FaAA-84-9-11.1) and dated December 1984 (Noted that the FaAA report specifies additional inspections to be performed for blocks with "known" l


  • This report was transmitted to ,H. Denton, NRC, from C. t.. Ray, Jr., TDI Owners Group, by letter dated December 11, 1984.

RECElVED NOV IS 1987 a nhent u l

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