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Proposed ETS Change to Section 5,transferring Independent Review Responsibility from Sys Safety & Operating Committee to Safety Evaluation & Control Staff & Audit Responsibility to QA Dept
Person / Time
Site: North Anna  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 08/28/1980
Shared Package
ML19331E217 List:
NUDOCS 8009090352
Download: ML19331E219 (9)


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c. Review of proposed written procedures required by Sections 5.5.2 and 5.5.3 below and changes thereto, which affect the environmental impact of the station.
d. Review of proposed changes to station systems to determine the environmental impact of the changes,
e. Investigation of all reported instances of violation of the Environmental Technical Specifications; and where the investiga-tion indicates, evaluation and formulation of recocmendations to prevent recurrence.
f. Review of environmental monitoring programs to detect potential or existing significant adverse environmental impacts that have not been evaluated, or that are significantly greater than that evaluated by the Comission. Authority The SNSOC shall:

a. Review the environmental evaluation of all changes described in Section a, b and c, above. When the evaluation indicates that such activity may result in a significant adverse environ-mental impact that was not evaluated, or that is significantly greater than that evaluated by the Comission, the SNSOC shall ensure that a written evaluation of such activities is provided to and prior approval is obtained from the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation for the activities.
b. If the SNSCC determines that unexpected harmful effects cr evidence of irreversible damage are occurring as a result of operation of the station, the SNSOC shall ensure that an acceptable analysis of he problem and a plan of action to eliminate or significantly reduce the harmful effects or damage is submitted to the Comission for review and approval . ,


c. Review written reports precared as a result of investigations and reviews conducted under a, e and f.

1 Records l The SNSOC shall maintain written minutes of each meeting and copies I shall be provided to the Ch:im:n of the Sy: tem hele:r Safet" :nd C;;r:ti9g CC-itte: (Sp!!CC) . hcAce , Safay Evako m n and Cented. -

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l 5.3.2 ChmGq::htwrnnca Su: r". r, Ou:!'ty Dep.Am.n(

'::urtne:, 02:r:ti:n: nd "cint:n ne: Function Guot A The Sup:r"h. .:r,sseance DepaAmentQuality 2:ur:n :, Cper: tion: :nd ": int:n:n::-shall perform independent audits of the implementation of the Environmental Technical Speciff cations. Audits The following audits shall be completed:

a. The conformance of facility operation to provisions contained within these Environmental Technical Specifications and applica-ble license conditions at least once per 12 months.
b. The performance, training and qualifications of the facility staff involved in ensuring and monitoring compliance with these Environmental Technical Specifications at least once per 12 months.
c. The results of actions taken to correct deficiencies occurring in facility equipment, structures, systems or method of operation that affect the environmental impact of the station at least once per 12 months. Records Provide a written report of the results of the audits required by above to the SNSOC, the Sj?l5:C and the Station Manager.

Sday EvaLaun and C,.nW1(.sEc t gte sg gp 5.3.3 Sy:t c "u:!::r 5:fety :nd 0::m)ti ; C W t::: (5550C) Function SEC stow .

The SW5GG as described in Section 5.5.2 of Appendix A of this license, l shall function to provide independent review of designated activities related to the environmental impact of the station. Review SEC staW The SyMSCC shall review and, where necessary, coment on the results of the reviews conducted by the SNSOC and the independent audits conducted by the Supervi:Or, Ou lity .tcuran::, Oper: tion: :nd NN OtudA Asssance %go,.tment d 7

5-4 90Y 2 0 'C'? Resconsibility

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The $.EC staWy '500 has the responsibility for ensuring that the station is operated in accordance with the requirements of this license and applicable NRC regulations. Authority SEC stag Manager , Nuc\eae Teckn; cot Serv;ce.,

The Sy" SOC shall report to and" advise the Ex::utiv: 'f:r:; r- )

Lf::::f 93 :nd Ou:? f ty *.::;r: : , who shall advise the Executive Vice President-Power on those areas relating to the environmental impact of the station. Records The S/? 00 :h;!' m:f-t:f- -ftt:r i ut:: :# ::"  ::!'"; "d :

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en"'rer ent:1 ' ; :t c' t" tztf " GEE ATTACHED PAGE 5.4 State and Federal Pemits and Certificates The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the permits and certificates issued by the Commonwealth of Virginia to North Anna Power Station Under the provisions of Section 401 and 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended.

5.5 Procedures 5.5.1 Written Procedures Detailed written procedures, including appli:able checklists and instructions, shall be prepared and followed for all activities involved in carrying out the Environmental Technical Specifications as defined in Sections 5.5.2, 5.5.3, and 5.5.4, below. Procedures shall include sampling, data recording and storage, instrument calibration, measure-ments and analyses, and actions to be taken when limits are approached or excesced. Testing frequency of any alarm shall be included. These frequen:ies shall be determined from experience with similar instru-ments 19 similar environments and from manufacturer's technical manuals.

5.5.2 0:eratint Procedures Plant standard operating proce': ares shall include provisions, in addition to the procedures spa.ified in Section 5.5.1, to ensure that all plant systems and components are operated in compliance with the Limiting Condition < of Operations established as part of the Environ-mental Technical Specifications.

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o. .. -Records Records of SEC activities relating to the environmental impact of .the station shall be prepared and maintained in the SEC files and a summary _shall be disseminated as indicated below each calender month.

1. Executive Vice President - Power
2. Nuclear Power Station Managers
3. Manager, Nuclear Operations and Maintenance
4. Manager, Nuclear Technical Services
5. Executive Manager, Licensing and Quality Assurance
6. Others that the Director, Safety Evaluation and Control may designate.



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c. Review of proposed written procedures required by Sections 5.5.2 and 5.5.3 belcw and changes thereto, which affect the environcental impact of the station. .
d. Review of proposed changes to station systams to determine the environmental impact of the changes.
e. Investigation of all reported instances of violation of the ,,

Environmental Technical Specifications; and where the investiga-tion indicates, evaluation and for=ulation of recem=endat.i cns to prevent recurrence.

f. Review of environmental monitoring programs to detect potentiat or existing significant adverse environmental impacts that have not been evaluated, or that are significantly greater than that evaluated by the Cc: mission. Authori ty_

The SNSCC shall:

a. Review the environmental evaluation of all changes described in Section a, b and c, above. When the evaluation indicatas that such activity may result in a significant adverse enviren-mental impact that was not evaluated, or that is significantly greater than that evaluated by the Commissien, the SNSCC shall ensure that a written evaluation of such activities is provided to and prior approval is obtained from the Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation for the activities.
b. If the SN50C determines that unex:ected harmfui effects er evidence of irreversible damage are occurring as a result of operatien of the station, the SNSOC shall ensure that an acceptable analysis of the problem and a plan of action to eliminate or significantly reduce the harmful effects or damage is submitted to the Cc= mission fer review and approval,
c. Review written reports prepared as a result of investigations and reviews conducted under a e and f. Records The SNSCC shall maintain written minutas of each meeting and copies shall be provided to the ... .. ..._ .. .-. .j: tar "uc! ar Safety ar.d Op ritt ng CC---!tre: (SyM500) . T>irecior , SaCekyE vakauc.n and Centro \.

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r: ret. Cecr!:n "d " '"t:-ine l 5.3.2 Functici N.suranc e De TheQu4kl 5;;:r i;:r, ;;:1'ty S:paa. :cment

= ::, 0;:r:tf::: =d ": tit =::::- shall perfor:n independent audits of the implacentaticn of the Envirencencal Technical 'Speci fications. Audits The following audits shall be ccepleted:

a. The conformance 'of facility operation to previsions centained within these Enviren= ental Technical Specifications and applica-ble license conditicas at least once per 12 cenths.

b.. The performance, training and qualifications of'the facility staff involved in ensuring and conitoring compliance with these Environmental Technical Specifications at least once per 12 months.

c. The results of actions taken to correct deficiencies cccurring in facility equipment, structures, systems or method of operatica that affect the environmental impact of the station at least once per 12 months. Rec:rds Frevide a written report of the results of the audits required by above to the StiSOC, the -isy#&CC ;and the Statica .'!anagar.

+ SEC skaff sam EvakuRa and Cc.ntrol LSEC) 5.3.3 Sretst " ! 3- ?:f:t'/ :nd 0::r:t' - !:- ' :::_(if!!:c} Function _

SEC sbff The I/' 00 as described in Section 6.5.2 of Appendix A of this Itcense. l shall function to provide independent review of designated activities related to the environmental impact of the station. Review SEC skVF  ;

The GyN606 shall review and, where necessary, ccm.ent on the results )

of the reviews conducted by the StiSOC and the independent audits cenducted by the 5;per:f::c, 0 :?fty. k: r:9:0, C;:r:tf:n:' = d  ;

222"22' A Qu,Mi yAssucanc.e D9 ttmenk.

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- 3e_synsib!1ity ,Wecufh appropr6b esvbs, SEC sbW y The Sy':500 has the responsibility fsr ensuring that the sta.'on is l ocerated in accordance with the requirements.of this licarse and

,pplicable I;AC regulations. Authori ty S.EC sbff "^a3*# bd 3

'C bd" O The 0,1000 shall report to and advise the in ::t?"; ":::;+:r

'i::::ing ::d Q::lity ?.::gr::ce, who shall advise the Executive Vice President-Power on those areas relating to the environmental impact of the station. Records sa ATTACHED PAGE.

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- 5.4 State and Federal Permits and certificaten, None 5.5 Procedures 5.5.1 'a*ritten Frecedures Oetailed written procedures, including appifcable checklists and instructions shall be prepared and follcwed for all activities invcived in carrying out the Environmental Technical Scicificatiens as da rined in Sections 5.5.2, 5.5.3, and 5.5.4, belc<. Frocedures shall inciute sampling, data recording and stcrage, instrument calibration , measure-cents and analyses, and actions to be taken when limits are appr: ached

or exceeded. Testing frequency of any alarm shall be included. These frequencies shall be determined from experience with similar instru-ments in similar environments and from nanufacturer's technical ranuals.

5.5.2 Operating Procedures Plant standard operating procedures shall include provisions, in addition 'to the procedures specified in Section 5.5.1, to ensure that all plant systems and components are operated in compliance with the -

Limiting Conditions of Operations established as part of the Environ-mental Technical Sp,ecifications.

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a. u Records Records of SEC activities relating to the environmental impact of the station shall be prepared and maintained in the SEC files and a summary shall be disseminated as indicated below each calender month.
1. Executive Vice President - Power
2. Nuclear Power Station Managers
3. Manager, Nuclear Operations and Maintenance
4. Manager, Nuclear Technical Services
5. Executive Manager, Licensing and Quality Assurance
6. Others that the Director, Safety Evaluation and Control may designate.


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