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Waste Packaging Insp Rept 80-01 on 800131-0201.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas inspected:licensee-shipper Vehicles,Including Shipping Paper Requirements & DOT Placarding Requirements
Person / Time
Site: 02700047, 07000364
Issue date: 02/21/1980
From: Peery W, Potter J
Shared Package
ML19323E022 List:
15000039-80-01, 15000039-80-1, NUDOCS 8005220668
Download: ML19323E031 (5)


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101 MARIETTA ST., N.W., sulTE 3100 ATLANTA, G EORGIA 30303



TI 2840/1, (Rev. 1), " Waste Packaging Inspections", 10/10/79 Licensee-Shipper:

See Attached Addressee List Disposal Site:

Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc.

P. O. Box 726, Barnwell, South Carolina 29812 Docket No. 15000039 Inspector:

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W. W. Peery', Radi A on Specialist, Date Signed FF&MS ect'on FF&MS Branch Approved by:

J.P[ Potter, Chief,FF&MSSection,FF&MSBranch Dite ' Signed


Inspection Dates:

January 31 and February 1, 1980 visit to Chem-Nuclear Waste disposal site, Barnwell, South Carolina for unannounced inspections of licensee-shippers.

Areas Reviewed: Each licensee-shipper vehicle was inspected for compliance with Department of Transportation (DOT) and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regu-lations as follows:

(1) shipping paper requirements; (2) DOT Placarding require-ments; (3) radiation levels; (4) removable contamination; (5) DOT marking and labeling requirements for packages; (6) DOT and NRC requirements for external package features, and (7) prohibited articles or contents.

Results: Of the seven areas inspected involving seven shipments, no items of noncompliance were identified.

l 8005220 M


Persons Contacted D. Ebenhack, Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc.

A. Williams, South Carolina Department of Health W. House, South Carolina Department of Health R. Sappington, South Carolina Department of Health 2.

General The NRC inspection consisted of a review of the shipping papers, radiation survey of the vehicle, contamination surveys and ~ radiation level surveys of selected packages. General surveys and observations were conducted to deter-mine if the vehicle had proper placards, proper seals, and if any obvious safety hazards existed. The contents of the vehicles were inspected for appropriate marking, labeling, tightness of seals, integrity of package construction or any evidence of leakage.

Chem-Nuclear assigns a control number for each shipment upon arrival at the site. These numbers were called " shipment survey report numbers" (SSR No.)

and were used by the inspectors to identify licensee-shippers during this inspection.


Shipments Inspected Seven shipments were inspected during the period of January 31 to February 1, 1980. A listing of the shippers inspected and their assigned number is included as Attachment A.


Shipping Papers The shipping papers were reviewed for completeness and to ascertain if the contents of the shipment were properly identified, and if emergency notifi-cation procedures and instructions were included as required under 49 CFR 172, Subpart C.

Specific requirements for shipping papers were reviewed as -


Material shipping name 49 CFR 172.100/172.200/172.202


Material class 49 CFR 172.200/172.202 Name sequence 49 CFR 172.200/172.202 Total quantity (volume) 49.CFR 172.200/172.202 Limited quantity 49 CFR 172.200/172.203 Name of each radionuclide 49 CFR 172.203 Physical and chemical form 49 CFR 172.203 Activity in curies 49 CFR 172.203 Category or label 49 CFR 172.203 Notation of NRC/ERDA package approval 49 CFR 172.203 Proper certification 49 CFR 172.204 v-'-

. In addition to the above,149 CFR 177.817 requires carriers to maintain the above shipping papers readily available for inspection and recognizable by authorities in case of an accident.

No items of noncompliance were identified.


Each vehicle wa's inspected for conformance with DOT placarding requirements (49 CFR 172, Subpart F and 49 CFR 173.392). The vehicles were also inspected for compliance with the following:

Maximum transportation index of 50 - (49 CFR 177.842)

Loaded so as to avoid spillage (49 CFR 177.842)

Properly blocked and bracec (49 CFR 173.392/177.842)

LSA vehicle survey (49 CFR 17/.843)

No items of noncompliance were identified. For shipment SSR No. 018597 the inspector noted that the placard was missing from the right side of the trailer. However, this was the result of an icy road collision accident enroute and not negligence. The remains of the holder fo~r the placard could be seen on the side of the trailer.

Placards were in place on the other three sides of the trailer.


Maximum Radiation Levels Each truck was surveyed for maximum radiation levels in the normally occupied portions of the vehicle, in a plane at the edge of the flat bed or at the surface of the closed vehicles, in a vertical plane six feet from the sides of the vehicle where possible, and on the surface of a representative package. Shipping cask were surveyed at the surface.

No levels were in noncompliance with 49 CFR 173.393 limits.


Contamination Smears Each vehicle and a representative sample package was surveyed for removable contamination by smearing over a 300 square centimeters area of the surface.

No more than two smears were taken from any package or vehicle.

Smears were taken from areas that would most likely be contaminated. The smears were checked for gross Beta gamma contamination at the site.

No smears were found to be contaminated in excess of 49 CFR 173.397 limits.


Packaging A representative sampling of packages from each shipment was examined for conformance with DOT marking and labeling requirements. External features of the packages were examined for conformance with DOT and NRC requirments as noted below:

, Low specific activity (LSA) packaging 49 CFR 173.392 Tight packages

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49 CFR 173.391 or 173.392 No release of material 49 CFR 173.392/173.393 Radioactive material markings 49 CFR 172.310 Security seals 49 CFR 173.393 Gross weight requirements 49 CFR 172.310 Proper sb'.pping name 49 CFR 172.100/172.300 LSA labelieg 49 CFR 173.392 Cask design specifications 49 CFR 173.393a No items of. noncompliance were identified.


Verification of Package Contents Due to the lack of facilities for properly opening packages at the site, the criteria for opening packages was restricted to those packages containing solidified waste (to verify the absence of free-standing water) and/or where there was evidence of leakage.

No packages were selected for opening.

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a REGION il l

(L 101 MARIETTA ST., N.W., SUITE 3100 o

ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 ATTACHMENT A Report No. 80-01 Docket No. 15000039 ADDRESSEE LIST SSR No.

Region Licensee / Shipper Carrier Trailer No.

018590 I

Philadelphia Electric Co.

Hittman 72230 Peach Bottom Plant P. O. Box 8699 Philadelphia, PA 19101 Docket Nos. 50-277 and 50-278 018593 III Commonwealth Edison Hittman 72484

-Quad Cities 22710 206 Avenue N.

Cordova, Illinois 61242 Docket No. 50-254 018594 I

Union Carbide Corporation Tri-State 340734 018597 P. O. Box 234 840519 Tuxedo, New York 10987 Docket No.70-687 018595 II Tennessee Valley Authority Tri-State 440122 500A Chestnut Street Tower II


Chattanooga, TN 37401 Docket No. 50-259 018596 I

Babcock and Wilcox Company Tri-State 340177 609 North Warren Avenue i

Apollo, Pennsylvania 15613 Docket No.70-364 018599 II Florida Power & Light Co.

Chem-Nuclear 044 9250 West Flagler Street P. O. Box 013100 l

Miami, Florida 33101 l

Turkey Point Pladt Docket No. 50-250 l

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