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Radiation Control & Protection Procedure FNP-0-RCP-474, Revision 1, Mobile Solidification Unit Operation.
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 01/10/1980
From: Mccracken K
Shared Package
ML19321A135 List:
FNP--RCP-474, FNP-0-RCP-474, NUDOCS 8007220515
Download: ML19321A140 (59)


{{#Wiki_filter:- FNP-0-RCP-474 i~ r January 8, 1980

       -         1 Revision 1          ,


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Technical Superintendent Date Issued: \[1o[70 List of Effective Page Page Rev. #

                 'l-36            Rev. 1 Fig. Al-A7     Rev. 1                                          DOCUMENT CONTROL WO:01                                                               CONTROLLED COPY DO NOT REPRODUCE COPY. No. O O 1 L                                                                          4
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( 1.0 SCOPE 1.1 Applicability


3.0 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 3.1 Waste Transfer System 3.2 Resin Transfer and Dewatering System 3.3 Catalyst Addition System 3.4 Air Sparging System 3.5 Off-Gas Vent System 3.6 Pneumatic Control Panel i i 3.7 Electrical Control Console 3.8 Fill Head Assembly 4.0 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND PRECAUTIONS 5.0 OPERATING PROCEDURE 5.1 Initial Conditions 5.2 System Preoperational Checks

  -           5.3      Radioactive Liquid Waste Transfer and                     -

Disposable Liner Filling 5.4 Resin, Sludges, and Miscellaneous Media 5.5 Solidification of Resin, Sludges,.and Miscellaneous Media 5.6 Cask Closure and Shipment Release 5.7 Catalyst Transfer From Shipping Container to Catalyst Tank 5.8 Hydrostatic Test Procedure (Normal Condition) 5.9 H drostatic Test Procedure (High level Resit.3

                      " " Piece Installed k_.                                                #

1 Gen. Rev. 1 -


      .r.    ,

1.0 SCOPE f This document provides a detailed system description. The description explains the function and purpose of each system, major components of the system, and detailed operating instructions. These are necessary for the operation of CNSI's Mobile Solidification Unit 4 during resin transfer and dewatering, nor=al operation, and system startup and securing. The _. instructions contained in this manual are to be.used to operate CNSI's Mobile Solidification Unit 4 at Farley Nuclear Plant. These instructions will be - followed at all times. Sections 1 through 3 of this procedure constitute the Farley Nuclear Plant Process Control Program as


described in NUREG 0472. This procedure therefore supersedes the Process Control Program issued on December 29, 1978 and changes thereto.


2.1 American National Standard Quality Assurgnce Program Requirements for Nuclear Power P:lants

                              - N45.2 - 1971.

2.2 American National Standard Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the y b__(k - operational phase of Nuclear Power Plants - N18.7 - 1976. 2.3 Code of Federal Regulations Title 49. 2.4 Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. - instruction CN-AD-003, Procedure for Document Preparation. _ 2.5 NUREG 0472, Model Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for PWRs. 2.6 NUREG 0133, Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants. 2.7 ANSI N199, Liquid Radioactive Uaste Processing Systems for Pressurized Water' Reactor Plants. 2.8 ANSI N197 and N198, Liquid Radioactive Uaste Processing Systems for Boiling Water Reactors and Pressurized Water Reactor Plants. 2.9 Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., Drawing Number 2-249-101, P&ID for Mobile Solidification Units. (. ' A 2 Gen. Rev. 1 _


       ,e      e 2.10     Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., Drawing Number 1-184-121, Sparging Assembly Disposable

[, Container.

  • 2.11 Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., Drawing Number 1-189-101, Transport Cask.

2.12 CNSI Procedure SD-OP-Oll: Operating Procedure for Solidification System Unit with Prefix 2003-SD-OP-001 for Farley Nuclear Plant. 3.0 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION - The Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., Solidification Unit utilizes urea."ormaldehyde and sulfuric (H 2SO4 ) acid to convert all types of wet radioactive waste into a solid, homogeneous, free-standing matrix. The urea formaldehyde combines with the radioactive liquid through an air sparging system. Once the UF and waste water is thoroughly mixed, sulfuric acid is added in a thirty percent solution until solidification occurs. . The Solidification Unit is a trailer which contains the entire solidification system with the exception of the disposable liner, cask, and stowage tanks, which

        ..        are placed alongside the unit.      .
                                                                         .e           _

3.1 Waste Transfer System 3.1.1 The major component of the waste transfer system is the 2-inch teflon-lined, stainless steel hose with outer steel braiding which acts as the pressure boundary for the waste. Air-operated valves, and s stainless steel waste header complete the unit. 3.1.2 The hose connects the client's boundary discharge valve to Valve ' WS-1 (inlet to the unit). A second teflon-lined, stainless steel hose connects the waste transfer header to the filling head isolation Valve FI-1. This transfer hose is of the same type and construction as the hose which connects Valve US-1 and the' client's boundary valve. 3.1.3 The remainder of the system consists of Type 316 or 304 stainless steel ( seamless piping. 4 3 Gen. Rev. 1 - G

FNP-0-RCP-474 '

          ?    ,

3.1.4 Valve WS-1 (waste inlet valve) is'a 2-inch, direct-acting, air-operated, (~ remotely controlled diaphragm valve. Air is directed to the underside of the air motor diaphragm to overcome spring pressure and open the valve. - When air pressure is secured, spring tension overcomes the remaining air pressure and shuts the valve. WS-1 is operated from the electrical control console and has both remote .


valve position indication at the electrical control console and local mechanical valve position indication. When t,he system is placed in the waste ~ transfer mode, WS-1 opens to l allow waste and flush water to the l fill head. l 3'. 2 Resin Transfer and Dewatering System [ t 3.2.1 The major components of the resin transfer system is Valve WS-3 (resin inlet valve), stainless steel header, and teflon-lined, stainless

' - -- { -

steel braided waste transfer hose.

1. WS-3 is a 2-inch, direct-acting, air-operated, remotely controlled diaphragm valve. Air is directed to the undercide of the air motor diaphragm to overcome spring tension and open the valve.- When air -

pressure is secured, the spring tension overcomes the remaining air pressure and shuts the valve. WS-3 is operated from the electrical control console and has both remote valve position indication at the electrical control console l and local mechanical valve l position indication. l When the systes is placed in the resin transfer mode,.WS-(J 3 opens to aliow resin and 4 Gen. Rev. 1 - O ms

  • FNP-0-RCP-474
        ,e   ,

t, flush water to the fill head. . I. 2. A 2-inch teflon-lined, stainless steel braided hose connects the utility's . discharge header to Valve WS-3.

3. For high level Rosin transfers where it is radiologically beneficial to bypass the M.S.U a "Y" piece containing 2" stainless

' steel ball valves WS-2 and WS-4 is installed at FI-l and the normal resin hose is 1 disconnected from the outlet I manifold and a new resin hose is inserted between the outlet manifold directly to WS-4. This allows normal waste bypassing the unit to! transfer while f discharge high level resin. This is normally a temporary installation. h-( 3.2.2 The dewatering system consists of a 1-1/2" air-driven pump, piping, valves, and a teflon-lined, stainless steel waste transfer line. l.- The piping'for the dewatering system is 1-1/2" CPVC (Chlorinated Polyvinyl

  -                                     Chloride) on the suction and 1" CPVC on the discharge side of the pump.
2. The dewatering pump is a 1-1/2" air-driven, positive displacement pump. The pump is powered by 100 psig ,

supply air from the supply air to the trailer. The pump's discharge pressure is. directly proportional to the pressure of the supply air to the pump. By controlling the air pressure to the pump, it will control the discharge pressure of the 3 ( pump (Figure 5.1) . The air 5 Gen. Rev. 1 ,

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       ?    l supply pressure to the pump is controlled by a regulator                        .
    -(~                            -

from the pneumatic control console. By turning the regulator clockwise, wr increase the pressure to the - speed control 7 regulator which controls the pump's speed. By turning the regulator at the pneumatic control panel in the counterclockwise position, . we decrease the air pressure to the regulator, which controls the speed of the pump. A gauge is located downstream of the regulator


which indicates the pressure going to the speed control regulator.

3. The dewatering pump is also used to pump the trai%er sump to either a dispdsable liner or to the waste transfer hose.
4. Valves SP-2, SP-1, DW-Sr and L__

" { DW-3 are air-operated l diaphragm valves. These valves fail shut upon a

                                             ":pture to the diaphragm or loss of air. pressure (Figure 5.2).
5. The dewater fluid can be returned to one of two
                           ,                 places; either a.) when dewatering resin valve UW-5 is shut and the liquid returns to the plant via the waste manifolds or b.) when performing " secondary dewatering" the plant
                                            . isolation is shut and DW-5 is open allowing dewater tiquid to flow from the solidified liner through the
                                             " secondary dewatering head" to a pre-selected receipt liner.

3.3 Catalyst Addition System A 6 Gen. Rev. 1 _ n , --,

                                                                         ,,r             -,--    v


           ,   ,                                            FNP-0-RCP 174 3.3.1      The function of the catalyst addition systen is to store sulfuric                     '

(~ acid until it is to be used and to transfer the sulfuric acid into the disposable liner for solidification.  ! 3.3.2 The catalyst is transferred by air pressure, between 5 and 10 psig, acting on the top of the catalyst addition tank. When Valves CT-1, CT-4, and CT-5 are opened, acid will flow from the catalyst seawage tank .

                             . to the disposable liner via the fill head.

3.3.3 Two pressure switches are located on the fill line to the too af the catalyst addition tank. the pressure switches are set at 15 psig increasing pressure ~and 5 psig decreasing pressure. They are to warn the operator of either an. l ' overpressure or underpressure [ condition in the catalyst tank. Both the pressure switches actuare red alarm light on the control console. 3.3.4 The piping and valves of the catalyst addition system are

                   '           constructed of CPVC or carbon steel with a CPVC liner.

3.3.5 Valve CT-4, catalyst transfer valve, and CT-5, catalyst to fill head isolation, are both air-operated, 1/2-inch diaphragm valves. ' Air is directed to the underside of the air motor diaphragm to open the valvas. This air pressure overcomes the spring tension and opens the valve. When air to the valve is secured, the spring tension will overcome the air pressure and force the valve to shut. CT-4 and CT-5 are both remote-operated from the electrical control console and both valves will fail shut on a rupture to the air motor diaphragm. (L - ' Valvo position indication for CT-4 and CT-5 is both remote, at the 7 Gen. Rev. 1 -


  • i electrical control console, and local mechenical position indicators

( atop.each valve. 3.3.6 When the system is placed in the acid transfer mode, CT-4 and CT-5 will open and allow acid to pass through the air sparging header mixing with the air. The air

    -                             pressure then causes the catalyst to flow throughout the liner. This ensures solidification in all areas of the liner and prevents stratification of solidification layers.

3.4 Air Soarging Systen 3.4.1 The function o~f the air spar'ging system is to mix the urea formaldehyde and radioactive waste. This is done by increasing the air to the air sparge header until a 1 gentle rolling cotion on the surface  ! of the liquid is obtained. 3.4.2 Once the radioactive waste has been

 ,(                            added to the disposable. liner, the                                            1 r                              air sparge selector switch is placed in the ON" r sition at the pneumatic control panel. By                                                    1 regulating the regulator, air pressure is increased until a gentle rolling motion is noticed.

3.4.3 The major components of the air

    -                            sparge system are the air sparge header, which is placed inside the disposable liner-(Figure 3), the control regulator and gauge located at the pneumatic control panel, and 1/2" PVC and CPVC piping and valves.

3.5 Off-Gas Vent System 3.5.1 The purpose of the off-gas vent system is to create a slight vacuum at the top of the liner to draw off any particulate radioactive airborne contamination and pass them through a charcoal filter and HEPA filter so they may be renoved. Any moisture (_ which enters from the blower suction liner is separated fr,cm the air in a l I 8 Gen. Rev. 1 .

1 l



            ,o moisture separator prior to passing through the charcoal filters.                          .

3.5.2 The major components of the off-gas vent system are the blower, moisture separator, and charcoal and HEPA filters. There is also a vacuum breaker located in the suction side of the blower. The vacuum breaker will open and allow air to enter and increase pressure on the suction side of the blower if vacuum gets , too great. 3.5.3 During normal operation, the off-gas vent system is operating during waste transfer, resin transfer, and 4 UF addition. The moisture separator will remove any liquid which may enter the system and allow it to drain to the trailer sump. The drains on the moisture separator pass through two six-inch loop seals. These loop seals are to prevent the blower from pulling a suction on the trailer sump and discharging this liquid to che [-({ surrounding environment. See Figure - 5.4 for a drawing of the blower system and moisture separator. 3.6 Pneumatic Control Panel 3.6.1 The purpose of the pneumatic control panel is to line up and deliver air at 90'+ 20 psig for the following functions: .

1. Sparge Air
2. Catalyst Addition
3. Catalyst Purge
4. Camera Air
5. Main Air Selector Switch
6. Valve Air Selector Switch 4
7. Dewater Pump Supply 3.6.2 The sparge air, catalyst addition, catalyst purge, and remote controls at the pneumatic control panel are equipped with a regulator to control tne air delivery pressure and a pressure gauge which indicate the

( b air pressure on the discharge side of the pressure regufator. They are 9 Gen. Rev. 1 -

                   ,                                                                                  FNP-0-RCP-474 also equipped with an indication i.

device which is green when there is . no air flow through~its associated pressure regulator and red when there is air flow through its associated pressure regulator. 3.6.3 The remote operating switches line up air pressure to a pneumatic relay. When air prescure is increased at the pressure regulator, the pneumatic relay will sense this pressure and open. This will then allow air pressure to be put on the associated component. When you want to secure air to one of these remote componets, turn the pressure regulator in the counterclockwise direction. This stops air flow to the pneumatic relay and will cause the pneumatic relay to shut; vent the air pressure off the opening side of the valve. This will cause the valve to be shut by spring pressure. , 3.7 Electrical Control Console

                                                                                                                     - e 3.7.1                  The electrical control system for the mobile unit is powered by 100V AC. All solenoid valves are energized directly from the 110 vole power supply. A small transformer reduces the incoming power to 28 volts DC for push button and control relay functioning. An interlock in the filling head requires the cable to be plugged in to the filling head for the 110 volt control power to be applied to the control voltage transformer.              The control power                                                   -

light on the console indicates when this interlock is completed. A start /stop button on the pendant station applies the 28 volt AC voltage to the control system. 3.7.2 The control system will operate in manual or mode control. In manual, individual valves may be energized from the valve control buttons located on the control panel. In ( mode, groups of solenoids are energized to accompli'3h specific 10 Gen. Rev. 1 - a m 4em#e ,-..e, . - + - - . . . . . -w.. e e. . - . . _..e.-- e .,- e

FNP-0-RCP-474 operations. These operations include waste transfer, resin , ( transfer, UF transfer, catalyst add, catalyst top, dewater liner, dewater sump, and sump to liner. In the waste or resin transfer mode, valves are positioned to accept waste or resin from the respective station outlet. When the waste-or resin

     --                          transfer is started, the waste / resin timer is started. This timer automatically de-energizes the control power after a time period to

, prevent overfilling the container with waste or resin. This is a safety backup in case the operator does not stop the transfer process at the appropriate probe level indication or on failure of the probe system. While in the waste or resin transfer mode, the dewater liner mode can also be energized to dewater the liner. In UF transfer mode, the UF timer is energized to function as a safety backup for the operator and probe j.__([. system in a n .ner similar to tbat .. previously described for waste or , resin transfer. Catalyst add I operation will allow catalyst to be fed into the container through the sparging tube. This is normally l

done to initiate the solidification of the liquid. In dewater sump mode, the water the van

__ sump is pumped into the waste liner. j In both the dewater sump and sump to liner node, the-dewater pump must be . manually started. 3.7.3 The valve position buttons at the electrical control console energizes )p a pneumatic relay which will open to allow air pressure to be felt on the t valve operating diaphragm and open L the valve. In order for the air 2 pressure,to open the valve, it must overcome a preset spring which applies pressure on the opposite side of the diaphragm. When you shut a valve from the electrical (b - control console, you de-energize the pneumatic relay whichicauses it to-4 11 Gen. Rev. 1 ,


             .                                        FNP-0-RCP-474            -

shut off the supply air to'the valve and vent the opening air pressure. - C. In some cases, it will also apply air pressure to the closing side of the diaphragm to ensure positive shutting pressure. In.this case the air pressure aids the spring in shutting the valve. 3.7.4 Alarm annunciator points are provided for several process functions. Liner high level indicates maximum liquid level in the liner. FH position indicates filling head properly positioned on the waste liner. FH pressure indicates excessive pressure buildup in the waste liner. Catalyst high/ low pressure indicates high or low air pressure in the catalyst holding tank. Sump high level is approaching full capacity. 3.7.5 Indicating lights are also provided for liquid level sensing probes in the liner. Probes are provided for dewater level which is a low level , I- ( in the liner, waste level and " intermediate level in the liner, UF level which is a high level below the high level alarm point. Indicating meters are provided on the panel face to indicate the operation of each of the three probes. No electrical interlocking _ is provided between probe operation and the mode control relays. 3.7.6 In addition to an alarm light on five alarm points, an alarm buzzer is provided. These alarm points are sump high level, liner high level, accumulator pressure low level, and catalyst pressure high and low level. When the alarm is received, the acknowledge switch should be actuated to silence the buzzer. The alarm light will stay lit until the alarm condition is corrected. 3.8 Fill Head Assembly ( 3.8.1 The fill head assembig is mounted atop the disposable liner and 12 Gen. Rev. 1

         .,   ,                                                  FNP-0-RCP-474 directs the flow of waste or resin, catalyst, and sparging air to the

( liner. The fill head also directs any airborne radioactive contamination through the HEPA filters, which are installed in the blower system. The fill head also contains the ultrasonic level detection equipment

  • and the television camera, which is used for remote viewing.

3.8.2 The fill head is constructed of 3/16" mild steel and is coated with a sulfuric acid resistant oaint. The fill head is also fitt'ed with a


gasket on the lower side which acts as a seal between the fill head and

                               -liner top.

3.8.3 The fill head is equipped with 2 air-operated valves and two manually operated values. These valves direct the flow of waste, resin and catalyst and provide a dewatering k-( . , path. FI-1, fill head isolation valve, is a 2-inch direct-operated (air to open -spring to close) stainless steel valve. Air is. directed to the underside of the air motor diaphragm to open the valve against spring tension. When the air to the valve is secured, spring pressure will overcome the air pressure and force the valve shut. CT-5, catalyst t'o fill head - isolation valve, is a 1/2" direct-operated (air to open -- spring to close) CPVC valve.. Air is directed to the underside of the air motor - l diaphragm to open the valve against spring tension. When the air is secured, spring pressure overcomes air pressure and forces the valve shut. .Both CT-5 and FI-1 fail shut on a ruptured diaphragm. ( 4 13 Gen. Rev. 1 . m r--, -- - - - . - , - - ,, - - - ----*-,y +

             ,'                                                      FNP-0-RCP-474 CT-8, Secondary dewatering isolation                                               ,

(~ valve, is a 1/2" manually operated diaphragm valve. The valve disc and

                                   . stem are attached through a diaphragm located between the valve body and bonnet.          When.the valve is opened, the stem pulls the diaphragm
                  ,                    away from the valve seat, thus

_ moving the valve disc off the seat and opening the valve. 3.8.4 FI-l and CT-5 both have remote and local position indicators. The remote indication is on the electrical control console and local indication consists of the mechanical position indicators mounted on top of each valve. . 3.8.5 Valves WS-2 and US-5 are temporary installacion valves (2" manually operated ball valves) used during high level resin transfer to allow bypassing of M.S.U. to reduce exposures. 4.0 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND PRECAUTIONS E' ~ . 4.1 Any changes to equipment or operating procedures shall be accordance with CNSI's prescribed QA procedures and will have been approved by QA Department prior to instituting any change. This applies to all related drawings, procedures, and equipment.


4.2 The CNSI Solidification System requires the following support services: .

                         '4.2.1        Electrical Power: 70 amps at 480 VAC (supplied from 600 Volt Load Center IN Breaker ENO3 via transformer and receptacle NSR186007).                                                           e 4.2.2        Service air; 25 SCFM at 90 + 20 psi (supplied from N1P18V0llA or B) .

4.2.3 Service water (supplied from demineralized water header via N1PilV036). . 4.3 After the above services are connected to the (, Solidification System, the MSU operator will control the portions of the systems which are 14 Gen. Rev. 1 a wwge<*e e= toe e<* =* **68mm **mapu @ & N *-udfu'lt es > 6 e

FNP-0-RCP-474 4 supporting the Solidification System under the , direction of the Health Physics Foreman. ( 4.4 At all times, the representative of Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., shall follow the proper radiological precautions to minimi c the spread of contamination and to limit personal exposure to ionizing radiation and obey all applicable Radiation Control Procedures of the Facility. 4.5 When performing a dewatering operation, the air sparging system shall be in operation. This is to prevent the resin from settling out and forming a semi-solid mass which would prevent adequate dewatering. . 4.6 During all processing evolutions, the solidification system operator shall wear the dostmetry specified by the Radiation Work Permit. 4.7 During all operations of the solidification

                                                     . system, the CNSI operator shall wear the proper clothing as outlined by the Radiation Work Permit.

l . 4.8 Prior to receiving waste, visually check arl hoses for signs of wear and possible leakage points. 1 4.9 Cask or disposal liners shall be shipped as soon as possible after solidification to reduce radiation levels in the area of the solidification system and maintain exposures as low as reasonably achievable. 5.0 OPERATING PROCEDURE 5.1 Initial Conditions . NOTE: ALL STEPS PRECEEDED BY AN ASTERISK SHALL BE PERFORMED UHEN CHANGING LINER (S) DURING OPERATION. ) 5.1.1 Obtain a radiation work permit (RWP) from the client's Health Physics department. 5.1.2 Connect the two dewatering return lines to the "T" piece which is installed at DW-2 as follows : a.)

             ~,(                                                      the dewater to plant line is connected to~"open" sfde of        "T" to 1

1 15 Gen. Rev. 1 -

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  • FNP-0-RCP-474 _,

l plant dewater manifold b.) the ' secondary dewater line is connected ({ . to "T" piece at DU-5 to secondary dewater head. NOTE: STEPS 5.1. 3 THROUGH 5.1.12 MAY BE PERFORMED IN ANY SEQUENCE. 5.1.3 Monitor the area to be utilized for operation of the solidification unit for surface contamination and radiation levels. Record this information on CNSI Form 202. This report shall be verified by the client's health physics personnel. 5.1.4 Position the solidification unit, polymer stowage tank, and disposable liner in the position assigned by the utility's representative. 5.1.5 Establish the following services to the solidification system as described in Section 4.0, System Requirements:

   -f                                                           ~'

L 1. Electrical Power

2. Service Air
3. Service Water 5.1.6 Verify that the req'uired amounts of polymer, catalyst, cascamite, disposable liners, and lids are available.

5.1.7 With the installed crane, lift the filling head from its stowage tray and place into position for connection of the following services between fill head and trailer:

1. UF-and waste transfer hose
  • to FI-l NOTE: For high level resin transfers which are to bypars the M.S.U. the UF and waste transfer hose will be hooked to WS-2 side of "Y" piece installed at FI-1.
2. Catalyst transfer hose to CT-5

(, 3. Dewater suction hose

4. Blower suction hose l 16 Gen. Rev. 1 -


    '.     .                                       FNP-0-RCP-474
5. Fill head cooling air Cr.mera air (if available) 6.

C 7. Sparging air

8. TV camera and remote monitor
9. Level control
10. Alarm interface connections Waste "Y" connection if needed

11. for high level resin transfer.


5.1.8 Connect the polymer transfer line between the polymer storage tank and suction side of the polymer transfer pump. 5.1.9 Connect the polym . transfer line between the discharge of the polymer transfer pump and Valve UF-5, trailer inlet isolation. CAUTION: Applicable valves on Facility Bulk loading Facility are to be aligned per Figure A-6 prior to breaking system integrity. 5.1.10 Following proper radiological h -( precautions, and with a facilitf' H.P. technician present remove any blank flanges from the waste transfer hose and the utility's radwaste connection. 5.1.11 Connect the waste transfer hose between the utility's rad-waste connection and Valve WS-1 (waste inlet isolation). NOTE: For Low Level Resin transfer WS-3 will be utilized. For high level resin transfer where the M.S.U. is to be bypassed the resin hose will - be hooked directly to WS-4 side of "Y" piece installed at FI-1. 5.1.12 Connect the dewatering return line between Valve DW-2, dewater trailer isolation, and the utility's dewater return connection. For secondary dowatering, the dewater return line ( shall discharge to tha next b consecutive disposable liner or 55-17 Gen. Rev. 1 -

                                                                     -        =
        .       .                                     FNP-0-RCP-474 gallon drum per health physics



direction and approval. 5.2 System Precoerational Checks NOTE: Complete all sections of Pre-operational check off' sheet (Figure A-2) as required. 5.2.1 If a cask is used, remove the cask primary lid and secondary container l (if one is inside) and inspect for . water and lid seals. There must be l i absolutely no, free liquid inside the cask. l 5.2.2 Remove the barrel top from the  ! disposable liner and inspect for foreign material and damage. Record liner and cask condition in the daily log. CAUTION: INTERNAL PRESSURE I COULD BUILD UP INSIDE l THE DISPOSABLE LINER. ' REMOVE BARREL TOP WITH CARE. I p_{ m 5.2.3 Re-install primary cask lid and torque to specs. . Remove cask

                   ,                       lid, inspect seals and secondary' sleeve" assembly if needed install to allow use of Primary lid as shielding.

5.2.4 Place the air sparge header inside the disposabl'e liner and adjust the level leads to the setpoints defined by the initial test specimen or current test specimen. 5.2.5 Position the solidification filling head over the disposable liner opening. Leave enough clearance so that the sparging header and level leads can be installed in their connections on the fill head assembly. 5.2.6 Following proper, radiological ) precautions, insert the sparging header into the connection on the , (- fill head assembly. 4 18 Gen. Rev. 1 - I

  • FNP-Oi RCP-474 5.2.7 Following proper radiological precautions, insert she level leads .

(.- into the lead connector points as follows:

1. Yellow - Dewater
2. Black - Waste
3. White - UF
4. Green - Ground 5.2.8 Place the control power switch in the "0N" position. .

5.2.9 Position the filling head on the disposable liner. Verify position by checking that the filling head position light on the electrical  ; control consode is energized. '

                            *5.2.10   Actuate main air selector switch on the control console and check                         l available air pressure. Air                           I pressure should be 90 + 20 psig:                      !
                            *5.2.11   Actuate valve air selector switch and check air pressure to remove

[ -( hudb 90 + lb p g. = l;

                            *5.2.12   Energize remote pendant, then check
                    ,                 for proper operation of valves by                      I taking them to open position and then to the shut position from the control panel in both group selector                  .


                            *5.2.13   Energize TV camera, monitor, container light, and ultrasonic level detection system if operational.
                            *5.2/14   Check for proper operation of alarms and alarm lights on the control panel.                                                 1         Proper operation of

( the ultrasonic level detection system can 19 Gen. Rev. 1 -


                                        .              be verified by performing the                    -

( following checks. a) Ensure the Level 1, 2 and "hi-hi" are off b) Ensure Level 3 is on.

                         *5.2.15   Perform the following valve lineup               .

on the Mobile Solidification Unit in preparation for receiving waste.

1. Shut or check shut the i following valves:
1. CT-3
2. CT-6
3. CT-7
4. CT-4
5. CT-5 l
6. CT-8 NOTE: Prior to any discharge, the waste to be discharged will k'( be'sacpled by facility "

personnel for chemistry, activity, and dose rate. Pre-notifications of H.P. Foreman will be made to ensure desired limits are i maintained.

                         *5.2.16   Obtain from the clients's Radwaste System Opera. tor the amount of waste to be transferred and the expected flow rate of the pump that is to be used during discharge. Estimate the time required to transfer the waste; then set waste transfer timer to the obtained time i 2 minutes.

NOTE: The timer may be reset at any time during the waste


pumping evolution if conditions such as system back pressure, fluid viscosity or pump conditions make it evident that the setting obtained above was incorrect. 3 20 Gen. Rev. 1 - ,

       .       .                                          FNP-0-RCP-474
                       *5.2.17    Actuate the waste transfer switch.

Ensure the lights on the control ( panel indicate WS-1 and FI-l are open and the vent blower is operating. Using figure A4 open the appropriate plant isolation valve.

                       *5.2.18    Inform the client's Radioaactive Waste System Operator that the Mobile Solidification Unit is ready to receive the waste.



WILL NEED TO BE ADJUSTED TO GIVE ADEQUATE TIME TO COMPLETE THE DISCHARGE. 5.3 Radioaccivo Liquid Waste Transfer and Discosable Liner Filling 5.3.1 Prior to receiving a radioactive waste transfer, verify.all initial conditions and preoperational checks j-f' are complete. Document in daily-log. 5.3.2 Verify that the transfer of radioactive waste has begun by reviewing the TV monitor and inform the client's Radioactive Waste System Operator that the Solidification System in receiving waste. Record date and time you began receiving waste in the daily log. 5.3.3 Perform radiation surveys of the - Mobile Solidification Unit operating I

                                . space, waste transfer header, and cask periodically during transfee operation.

5.3.4 When the waste reaches the level set by the lower disposable level detector lead, secure the waste transfer operation by securing the , waste transfer mode switch. Ensure ' FI-1, US-1 shut and the vent blower (b- is secured. At this point, the client's Radioactive'Naste System 1 21 Gen. Rev. 1 .

      .       -                                     FMP-0-RCP-474 Operator should be informed so he can secure pumping operations.                   .

V NOTE: IF LARGE VARIANCE OCCUR IN THE VISCOSITY STREAM OR A MISCALCULATION OF THE ESTIMATED TIME REQUIRED TO COMPLETE WASTE TRANSFER THE WASTE TIMER CAUSES FI-l TO SHUT PREMATURELY. INFORM THE CLIENT'S RADWASTE SYSTEM OPERATOR TO SECURE THE , TRANSFER. VERIFY THAT THE WASTE HAS NOT REACHED THE PRE-SET LEVEL THEN PROCEED TO STEP 5.2.16. . 5.3.5 When the transferring operaqion is complete, inform the cl'ient s Radioactive Waste System Operator to perform the necessary valve lineup to flush the wa:ce transfer header with low-activity water. 5.3.6 When the Radioactive Waste System Operator reports that he is ready to flush, actuate the waste transfer k-d. selector switch and ensure WS-1-and FI-l are open and the vent blower is operating. 5.3.7 Continuously monitor liner level - during flushing ope, rations. 5.3.8 Monitor the waste transfer header for radiation levels during the

-                          waste header flushing. When radiation levels on the waste header approach background or at Facility's discretion secure flushing operations.

5.3.9 After flushing has tak'en place, shut US-1 and FI-l and secure vent blower. 5.3.10 Obtain the client's representative concurrence on the volume of waste received. Record this information in the daily operating log and on the monthly processing report. Send dischargo data to facility's counting room to (, report completed.get discharge A 22 Gen Rev. 1 .

  • FNP-0-RCP-474 5.3.11 Actuate the air sparge selector


  • switch on the pneumatic control panel and increase pressure by adjusing the regulating valve until a gentle rolling motion is noticed on the surface of the liquid by viewing the remote monitor.


                                    ' ADD THE UF.

5.3.13 Actuate the UF transfer selector switch at the control console. Ensure that UF-4 and FI-l are open and vent blower and UF transfer pump are operatinng. 5.3.14 Monitor liner for UF flow and 1 p--(, continue adding UF until the proper i j polymer to waste mix has been 1 achieved. 5.3.15 Continue sparging for a total sparging time of at least"one hour and at least fifteen minutes of sparging after all UF has been added. This ensures good mixing of the polymer and waste. 5.3.16 After sparging for the required time, commence catalyst addition , using the follouing procedure:

1. Clos'e CT-1 and pressurize the catalyst tank to 10 psig by adjusting the regulator at the control console.
2. Open Valve CT-3. -
3. Actuate the catalyst transfer selector switch.

Ensure that CT-4 and CT-5 are open by checking open 23 Gen. Rev. 1 -

FNP-0-RCP-474 i indication at the electrical ~ control console. J

4. Continue adding catalyst
                           .                       until a noticeable increase in the viscosity of the mixture is visible in the remote monitor. Secure catalyst addition by securing air to the catalyst tank. Open CT-1 depressurizing catalyst tank and allowing sparge air to force space acid in line, back to the catalyst tank.

When air bubbling is noted

    .                                              in the Catalyst Tank, shut
                                                 - CT-3. Secure air sparge system and secure catalyst additions system by de-energizing the catalyst                            j transfer switch.
5. Verify that solidification has~taken place and the rolling motion of the liquid has stopped by viewing the g

r , (r , remote monitor. 5.3.17 Allow the solidified matrix to stand for two hours, then perform the , following steps to ensure all free liquid is removed: (Secondary Dewatering) CAUTION: Ensure secondary I dewater line is , . secure to DW-5 and secondary dewatering ) head is installed securely to receipt container and filter  ! is in good condition. Ensure step 5.1.12 is , completed.

1. Commence the air sparge at l 40 psig for five minutes, j then secure air sparge.


2. Shut or check shut CT-5, DW- l 4 and plant dewater return

(, isolation valvAs. . 24 Gen. Rev. 1 -

                      .                        .                                               _,    U

FNP-0-RCP-474 4

3. Open or check open valves CT-8, DW-3, DW-2, DW-1 and '

C DW-5. ,

4. Start the dewatering pump.
1. Place the pump" air switch in the 0N" position.
2. With the speed control regulator,
  • increase pump regulator to 40 + 20 psig.
5. When liquid is no longer evident on the suction of
                                 .. the dewatering pump for                     '
      -                             fifteen consecutive minutes, secure the dewatering pump.
6. Shut or check shut the following Valves:

DW-1, DU-2, DW-3, DW-4, CT-8 5.3.18 Secure the main air switch and the

 !--i[         .            off-gas vent blower.                   r-5.3.19   Secure TV camera and monitor.

5.3.20 Following proper radiological precautions, raise the filling head off the disposable liner and place in its storage location. 5.3.21 Check the quality of the matrix.

1. Perform a visual inspection.
2. Perform a hardness examina' tion by probing the solidified product with a rigid device.
3. Record the condition of the matrix in the daily operations log.

5.3.22 As necessary, add cascamite or a similar product to the top of the matrix. 5.3.23 Install the lid on the disposable (, liner. - 4 25 Gen. Rev. 1 -

FNP-0-RCP-474 5.4 Recin.-Sludges, and Miscellaneous Media . NOTE: For low level resins ensure that

                      .      resin discharge line is connected properly between plant isolation valve and US-3.         For.high level resin where the M.S.U. is to be bypassed, ensure resin hose is connected properly between plant isolation valve and WS-4 on "Y"                                                    i connection.         Ensure Dewater line is                             ,

connected properly between DW-3 and p1sne. 5.4.1 Perform steps 5.1.1 through 5.2.4. 5.4.2 Place dewatering header inside the disposable' liner. , 5.4.3 Position the solidification filling head over the disposable liner opening. Leave enough clearance so the sparging header, dewatering header, and level leads can be adapted to their fill head connections. [-(,, . 5.4.4 / Following proper radiological - - precautions, insert the sparging header, dewater header, and level leads into their fill head Connections. 5.4.5 Perform steps 5.2.8 through 5.2.16. 5.4.6 Shut or check shut valves, US-1, WS- 1 2, WS-3 and DW-5. , 5.4.7 For low level resin transfer where "Y" piece is no.t used open US-3 and DW-1 and plant dewater isolation and-resin isolation. For hi resin transfer where "Y"gh levelis to piece be used open WS-4, DW-1 and plant dewater and resin isolation valves. 5.4.8 Place the control panel in the manual position (if using high level l resin "Y" piece) and open FI-1 and start the vent blower. If transferring low level resins and "Y" piece is not used, actuate resin ( transfer switch and ensure valves 26 Gen. Rev. 1 -

        .        .                                           FNP-0-RCP-474 WS-3 and FI-l indicate open and the                      '

vent blower is operational. { 5.4.9 Inform the client's radioactive waste system operator that the solidification unit is ready to receive waste. 5.4.10 Actuate the air sparge selector switch on the pneumatic control panel and increase pressure by , adjusing the regulating valve until a gentle rolling motion is noticed on the surface of the slurry by viewing the re=ote TV monitor. 5.4.11 If receiving icw level resin and "Y" not used, when the waste ' reaches the deuatering setpoint, actuate liner dewater mode and ensure DW-2 and DW-3 are open. If "Y" piece is used open DW-2 and DW-3. 5.4.12 Start the'dewc ering pump from the pneumatic control panel. ' k'( ' .

1. Place the pump air switch in the "03" position.
2. With the speed control regulator increase pressure l to 40 + 20 psig.
3. Adjust the regulator .

pressure to 40 + 10 psi. l v NOTE: THE REQUIREMENT FOR

                                                .      SOLIDIFYING DEWATERED RESIN IS BASED ON THE TECHNICAL
                                                      . SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE UTILITY. IF SOLIDIFICATION IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE

(_ . x' 27 Gen. Rev. 1 -

l . FNP-0-RCP-474 5.4.13 Continue pumping until the pump . loses suction and suction cannot be ({ . regained. 5.4.14 Perform radiation surveys of the solidification unit operating space and waste header periodically during opt stion. Record readings on CNSI _ For.,202. 5.4.15 If solidification is to be performed, proceed to Step 5.5. If solidification is not to be performed, proceed to step 5.5.11. 5.5 Solidification of Resin, Sludges, and Miscellaneous Media 5.5.1 When the waste reaches the setpoint defined by the initial test  ; solidification or other appropriate j means. Level 2 will energize and level 3 will de-energize. Then secure the dewater pur.p and secure DW-2 and DW-3. . l i __r 5.5.2 If not using "Y" piece and rocciving j ( low level resins flush the resin line by opening WS-3 and getting plant to flush line with clean water. If receiving high-level resins and "Y" piece is used, WS-3 will not be opened'but line must be flushed by plant. _ 5.5.3 When the radiation level on the resin transfer hose reach background or a level that is agreeable to plant Health Physics or a level


where it is agreed that further flushing will not reduce levels further, if not using "Y" connection inform plant to secure flushing and - shut WS-3. If using "Y" piece l inform plant to secure flushing annd I shut FI-l and WS-4. NOTE: If flushing water increased waste level in liner to greater than waste level setpoint, dewater per steps 5.4.12 through 5.4.13 un~til (, desired leveb is reached 28 Gen. Rev. 1 ~ s .

          .-     .-                                                     FNP-0-RCP-474                -

(e.g. waste level or . C completely dewatered). 5.5.4 Place the electrical console in the mode position (if using "Y" piece) and flush WS-2 section by slightly opening SW-1 and WS-2 until resin is expelled from dead leg in "Y" piece. 5.5.5 Set the UF timer to allow for a waste media to UF ratio as defines by the original or most recent test specimen. NOTE: TO SET THE TIMER, FIRST YOU MUST KNOW THE UF PUMP CAPACITY. MULTIPLY THAT TIMES THE NUMBER OF GALLONS YdU NEED TO ADD. THIS UILL YIELD THE TIME NECESSARY TO ADD THE UF. 5.5.6 Actuate the UF transfer selector switch at the control console. Ensure that UF-5 open and FI-l open and vent blower an'd UF transfer pump are operating. I-*( 5.5.7 Monitor liner for UF flow and continue adding i:F until the proper polymer to waste mix has been achieved. 5.5.8 Continue sparging for a total sparging time of at least one hour and at least fifteen minutes of spargin added. gThis after all UF has

                                                              -ensures goodbeen mixing of 1

the polymer and waste. 5.5.9 After sparging for.the required time, commence catalyst addition ' using the following procedure:

1. Close CT-1 and pressurize the catalyst tank to 10 psig by adjusting the regulator at the control console.
2. Open Valve CT-3.
3. Actuate the catalyst transfer selector switch.

l ( Ensure that C1-4 and CT-5

are open by checking open 29 Gen. Rev. 1

l _ . _ . - __

      '.'        ,                                   FNP-0-RCP-474 e                                indication at the electrical                                 .
      's                               control console.
4. Continue adding catalyst until a noticeable increase in the viscosity of the mixture is visible in the -

remote monitor. Secure _ catalyst addition by securing air to the catalyst tank. Open CT-1 depressurizing catalyst tank and allowing sparge air to force space acid in line, back to the catalyst tank. When air bubbling is noted in the Catalyst Tank, shut CT-3. Secure air sparge system and secure catalyst additions system by de-energizing the catalyst  ! transfer switch. l

5. Verify that solidification has taken place and the
       ,                               rolling motion of the liquid

, E...( has stopped by viewing,the remote monitor. j 5.5.10 Allow the solidified matrix to stand for two hours, then perform the following steps to. ensure all free liquid is removed in Secondary Dewater. . _ CAUTION: ~ Ensure dewater isolation valve to plant is shut and secondary dewater line is attached . properly between DW-5 and secondary dewater , head. Ensure dewater head is fastened. securely to pre-selected container and filter element is l in good condition. l

1. Commence the air sparge'at -

40 psig for five minutes, (- then secure :b: sparge. 30 Gen. Rev. 1 e  %

                                                                 ,n--    #w-   x---     <       w


2. Shut or check shut CT-5 and -

DW-4. C.

3. Open or check open valves CT-8, DW-1, DW-2, DW-3 and DW-5.
4. Start the dewatering pump.
1. Place the pump air switch in the "0N" position.
2. With the speed control regulator, increase pump regulator to 40 + 20
                                .        psig.
5. When liquid is no longer evident on the suction of the dewatering pump for fifteen consecutive minutes, secure the dewatering pump.
6. Chsck shut or shut Valves DW-1, DW-2, DW-3, DW-4, ~DW-5
!-i and CT-8.

5.5.11 Secure the main air switch and the off-gas vent blower. 5.5.12 Following proper radiological precautions, raise the filling head off the disposable liner and place


the filling head off the disposable liner and place the filling head in its storage location. 5.5.13 Check the quality of the matrix.

1. Perform a visual inspection.
2. Perform a hardness -

examination by probing the solidified product with a rigid device.

3. Record the condition of the matrix in the daily operations log.

5.5.14 As necessary, add cascamite or a similar product to the top of the matrix. 4 [. , 31 Gen. Rev. 1

      , ,    ,                                      FNP-0-RCP-474 5.5.15    Install the lid on the disposable

( - 5.5.16 liner. Reinstall Dewater line to Facilities Dewater lines and ensure all joints are tight. 5.6 Cask Closure and Shioment Release 5.6.1 Two bolts in both the secondary and primary lid shall have lead wire security seals attached after bolt torquing is complete. 5.6.2 The client shall provide a radioactive shipment record from which certifies the total volume of . waste and curie content for each cask or for each liner if a cask was not necessary. 5.6.3 The CNSI operator shall complete the following forms prior to the transportation of the waste shipment: 1.- Shipment Memo: The shipment L-( - i" A memo shall contain the e following information:

1. Date of service and location.
2. Quantity and type of material actually received.
3. Total quantity shipped.
4. Shipper.
5. RSR number and shipment number.
2. Containment and Radiation Surveys: A copy of the survey shall accompany the ,

shipment. This survey may be performed by the utility , or its designated shipper.

3. Radioactive Shipment Report (RSR): The RSR shall

be filled out in accordance with the instructions contained on the reverse side of the form. L


32 Gen. Rev.'l .

               .-                                                                                    l FNP-0-RCP-474 The Chem-Nuclear RSR form will b.e distributed as                              -

follows: (' .

1. White - CNSI, Barnwell
2. Canary - Customer
                                           . 3.      Pink - Carrier
4. Munthly Processing Report:

The monthly processing report shall be filled out at the close of the last working day each month and - shall be distributed as follows:

1. Manager Mobile Services
2. CNSI - Barnwell 5.6.4 Th_ radioactive shipm2nt record and shipment memo shall be submitted to the client's radiation protection group for verification and the radiation protection supervisor's signature.

NOTE: THE CLIENT SHALL ARRANGE FOR [- ' ALL SHIPMENT SURVEYS WHICH ARE REQUIRED 3Y LOCAL OR STATE AGENCIES PRIOR TO TRANSPORTING THE SHIPMENT FOR BURIAL. 5.7 Catalyst Transfer From Shiop' , Container to Catalyst Tank 5.7.1 Shut or check shut Valves CT-3, CT-7, CT-4, CT21, ann CT-6. 5.7.2 Connect the catalyst transfer pump discharge to Valve CT-6, if . required. 5.7.3 Open Valve CT-6 and CT-1 and insert suction probe onto catalyst. Start catalyst transfer pump. 5.7.4 When catalyst tank indicates full, secure catalyst transfer pump and shut Valve CT-6. Ensure suction probe is drained and bagged prior to storage. (, 5.8 Hydrostatic Test Procedure 33 Gen. Rev. 1_

   ..            .                                FNP-0-RCP-474 NOTE: Prior to any hydro test on any line, all bolts on flanges will be checked              .

C for tightness. 5.8.1 Hydrostatic test is required whenever the hose connection to one


of the three bulk disposal manifolds is broken and made back up. 5.8.2 APCo bulk disposal manifold valves will be aligned as follows for the appropriate line to receive , hydrostatic test. See Figure 1. Manifold 1 - Chemical Drains and Waste Evanorator Discharge QV-303 Chemical Drain Isolation Shut QV-342 Chemical Drain Isolation Shut , QV-315 Waste Evaporator Discharge l Isolation Shut , QV-343 Drain / Hydro Connection Open l l Manifold 1 - Spent Resin Discharge NV-169 Steam Generator Blowdown Resin Isolation Shut l QV-344 Drain / Hydro Connection Open l'-( NV-322 SGBD/ Primary Selector SGBD l QV-306 Primary Resin Isolation Shut Manifold 3 - Dewater Return l NV-174 Steam Generator Blowdown Dewater Isolation Shut QV-299 Primary Dewater Isolation Shut NV-323 Drain / Hydro Connection Open 5.8.3 Upon completion of the bulk disposal manifold valve lineup, the CNSI operator shall perform the following. valve lineup on CNSI system: NOTE: AT ALL TIMES, PROPER RADIOLOGICAL CONTROL PROCEDURES SHALL BE FOLLOWED. .

1. Shut or check shut Valva FI-1, fill head isolation.
2. - Open Valve US-1, l concentrated waste

{ isolation. 34 Gen. Rev. 1,


3. ~0 pen Valve WS-3, resin waste .


4. Shut or. check shut Valve UF-

__ 5, urea formaldehyde isolation. 5.8.4 Upon completion of valve lineup, the CNSI operator shall connect the discharge piping of the hydrostatic test pump to the appropriate , hydrostatic test connection on the appropriate radwaste manifold. 5.8.5 At this time, the CNSI operator

  • shall obtain permission from the Health Physics Foreman to start the hydrostatic test and an APCo representative will be present.

5.8.6 When permission has been granted to start the test, the CNSI operator shall start the hydrostatic pump and gradually . increase pressure in 25 psi increments until 125 psi has been attained. ['([- , NOTE: AFTER EACH 25 PSI INCREXSE IN PRESSURE, THE CNSI OPERATOR SHALL CHECK ALL PIPING AND VALVI:S IN THE UASTE TRANSFER READER THAT , ARE OR COULD BE AFFECTED BY  : THIS TEST.. 5.8.7 When the hydrostatic pressure is at l 125 psi, the-operator shall again check for leaks. Once 'the operator is satisfied that no leaks exist, the CNSI operator shall wait for 30 minutes while h'olding the ' hydrostatic pressure at 125 psi.

1. During this 30 minute period, the CNSI operator shall make another system check at midpoint (15 l minutes into the test) and l after 30 minutes make a i final check.

5.8.8 If, after 30 minutes, a pressure of (L 125 psi was maintained with zero- (0) leakage to the environment, the test 35 Gen. Rev. 1 -

FNP-0-RCP-474 8 may be considered complete and the . CNSI operator shall notify the C- Health Physics Foreman of the

                                  ,     results and return valve lineup to

_._ normal. 5.8.9 Results of this test shall be included in the CNSI routine report


to the Manager - Field Services and an entry will be made in the CUSI operator's log book. Log all data , on Figure A-7. 5.9 Hydrostatic Test Procedure (High Level Resins "Y" Piece Installed) 5.9.1 With hydro pump connected to fitting at QV344 on bulk disposal manifold, ' align valves as per 5.8.2 (Manifold 2). 5.9.2 Check shut FI-1, WS-1, WS-3, DW-1, DW-5 and all other bulk disposal manifold valves not checked in

                  .                     5.9.1.

5.9.3 Open WS-2 and US-4 on "Y" piece, I "(, ' this will hydro all lines up to'DW-5 and plant isolation valves. NOTE: It is recognized that due to spring tension on air operated valves that at approximately 60 psi che liquid will relieve through

    ~                                                FI-l into the container it sits-upon. This test is to ensure that leakage to the environment does not occur.

5.9.4 Complete steps 5.8.5 through 5.8.9. ' a w 36 Gen. Rev. 1 -

6 , e

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hb g3 O .

                                                                                  *                                                                   .            n,; )

Standard air motor features , Air motor cover (

  • Aluminum for light weight and non rust or ductile
                         **D '* , iron for extra strength.                                      '
                                                       . Most covers have drilled .                                                                                    -
           , , 7,                                 .    .f   and tappcd bosses on top           -
                       ,M*                    ,

cover so thq) pcsition ,

                                  *y                          Indicator and/or limit switches                                                                             ,

can bc fic!d ,snstalled if f,2,__ necessary. .- .. . ;<D l: n W. .\ Air motor d.saphragm .. n s , . . -. t .9.- l

                      ,.y          e,.        .3 Molded. nylon re.snforecd
                                                                                                                       ,           j
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                                                                                                    ..                                                  .--.---+C---..._                    .

e 'f

   -- M                s n ;Am.4@.. oltDesigned b                  -

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N*' pressurcs up to 85 psi. T' -

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                                                                                                                                                                    ' 7. * , .

Rugge'd, one piece carben i+. - ' h:;.c, "

  • f.
                                      .P                                                                                                                                  g-
                                      .                       steel bushing for ultra                                   ,_,
                                                                                                                                                                      . f ,. -                ,

e  : , . . g. - -

                                            =                 strong air motor to bonnet                                                  s,                    , .;. g .                                      y adapter.             - -
                                                                                            - .                                         .g                               -&            '

i Adaptor bonnet -. Q- - h .~.' ,

                                     -.                   . Mal!cabic iron in small sizes                                                                                g E


            ,                                 s-qg largersizes(thrcugh 6*)

(through 1"). ductile iron - l ,. i (N . - for addtd strcncth and **1 i . (" e I non-shaticring feature. - - - - [ . <:'..,: . . .

                                                                                                                                                      .m <t Yl2
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                                                                                                                     /                           " */j    ,                                                    g ./ = ,
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Fingcr plate  ?, , , .,,, and comprosser  : .. -

                                                                                                                                                                            ' T M g:.g 'f,.. (
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                                     ,  ' - y cast into the bonr":t in
  • i. larger valves combine with ~
                                                                                                                                                                                   -                                                              I
                                  -        ' 'I              the compressor to provide                           .

metal support to the dia- I

  • phragm in all positions.  ;


  • 3'1 Diaphragms arc molded .
                           /                       ,

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  • Average Approximate Transport Equivalence Drum (55 gal) Capacity Radlevels Radlevels Container Paylcad Container Classification Diraensions (inches) Capacity (Ft)_ _(R/hr}

3 (R/hr) Emp.W t. (.lbs) _(Ibs) C:.S 0-4 Type B (LL-28-4) USA /6275/B( ) 14 7/8"6 x'40" 11.50 N/A 3.5 50,000+ 50,000+ 73,150 1,850 Type B C;!S l-8 USA /9070/B 24"6 x 34-1/2" Nil 1 8 0.200 0.200 200 550_ Type 8 C!lS l-13G . USA /9044/B( )F 26-1/2"9 x 54" 6.20 1 13 5,000+ 5,000+ 23,250 5,000 Type B Ci:S l-13C USA /9081/B( ) 26-1/2"9 x 54" 5.7 l~ 13 1,000+ 1,000t 20.950 5,000 C::S 3-55 Type B - (LL-57-65) USA /5005/B( )F 36"O x 116-3/4" .7.00 3 60 10,000+ 10,000+ 57,000 9,200 Type B . C!:S 4-45 USA /6375/B( )F 26"B x 159" 6.5 - 7.5 4 45 10,000+ 10,000+ 57,050

  • 10,000 Type 3 y C:IS 4-05 USA /6244/B( ) 46"8 x 10'0" 3.33 4 38 100 50 40,300 5,700 bis 6-75 SPEC 7A  :=

53"0 x 74-1/2" 4.00 6 85 170 150 31,000 10,300 (AL-33-90) _U_S A_/9108/A Stron9, Tight Cils 6-80-1 Container Type A 59"6 x 58" 5.00 . 6 85 Pl R/hr 9 31 R/hr 9 47,5'00 Est fio Quantities Only** (59"O x 60-1/4") 3 Ft. 3 ft. Limit SPEC 7A - g . CilS 6-30-2 USA /9111/A 59"O x 58" 5.00 4 85 500+ 500+ 44,003 7,500 C?tS 6-80-B In Licensing 59"9 x 58" 5.00 4 85 500+ 5006 47,500 7,500 SPEC 7A 53,400 C;iS 6-101 USA /9105/A 34" x 40" x 156" 3.28 6 N/A 60 30 Inc. Trailer 6,000


SPEC 7A Jt-C*tS 7-100 USA /9113/A 75-1/2"9 x 40-3/4 3.50 7 87 150 100 35,000 7,000 4 C:iS S-120 Type B . 5 (LL-50-100) USA /6601/B(-) 62"O x 75" 4.50 43 126 250+ '250+ 58,000 12,000 , Stron9, Tight C*iS 12-180 Container, Type A 54" x 40" x 147" 2.00 - 12 . N/A fl R/hr 9 .W R/hr 9 31,000 No ( AL-31-120). Quantities Only** . 3 Ft. 3 ft. Limit Type 8 ' C:iS 14-190 l USA /5026/B( 73"9) x 38-1/4" 2.75 14 195 15' 5 60,280 10,720 (BC-43-220) Strong, Tight * - CliS 14-195tContainer, Type A 77"9 x 80" 2.00 14 200 $1 R/hr 9 S1 R/hr 9 ' 31,550 17,700 Quantities Oniv** - . 3 Ft. 3'Ft.

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  • Maximum
  • Average Approximate Transport Equivalence Drum (55 gal) Capacity Radlevels Radlevels Container Payloa Centainer Classification Dimensions (inches) _ Cap g Ft3 R/hr _ R/hr _EmpJt.(1bsj (lbs)

SPEC 7A CNS 14-195H USA /9094/A 77"O x 80" ~ 2.75 . 14 200 25 15 39,650 16,850 Strong Tight CNS 14-220L Container, Type A 77-1/2"3 x 89" 1.75 14 200 31 R/hr 9 $ R/hr 9 33,200 No (AL-27-240) Quantities Only** 3 Ft. 3 Ft. Limit Strong Tight - CNS 14-220H Container, Type A 75"O x 87-3/4" 2.75 14 N/A fl R/hr 9 S1 R/hr 9 39,900 No (AL-27-240) _ Quantities Only** - 3 Ft. 3 ft. Limit Strong Tight CNS 15-1605 Container, Type A 124" x 35" x 72 2.50 15 2 0 83 fl R/hr 9 fl R/hr 9 42,000 No Quantities Only** 3 ft. 3 Ft. Limit Type B . CNS 15-160B USA /6144/B 126" x 36" x 75' l.50 '15 2 0 83 5 1 37,000 5,000

                                                                                              .                                                        No 86" x 86" x 100                                                                                36,950         Limit CNS 18-450      SPEC 55                                  l-2                   18     303-           5               1 SPEC 7A      w  L ~ WA G"
  • N C'lS 21-300 USA /9096/A 83"9 x 109" 1.50 . 21 322 5 1 30,200 27,250 SHIELDED CLOSED, TRANS- ,

VAN FORT VEllICLE 7'5" x 40" x 9' O.50 75 N/A 1 0.500 _ 28,000 26,000 SULK SillPi1ENT Dump-type vehicles for the transport of bulk LSA, radioactive wastes - 620 ftJ capacity, 36,000+ CNS STC-C ONLY lb payload capacity (depending on various state limits). Dimensions - 18' x 52" x 84" Closed bcx-type containers for the shipmant of bulk, LSA, radioactive wastes - 360 f t3 capacity, CriS BTC-5 STC 40,000+ lb payload capacity (depending on various state limits). Dimensions: without inserts - 78" x 180" x 52" -

  • Based on Cobalt 60 gama energy, these Rad levels are generally found to be conservative, however, equivalent shielding should be carefully evaluated in relation to the specific isotopes' involved. -
   **These casks are considered " strong, tight containers" and radiation levels of the contents shall not exceed 1 R/hr 9 3 feet                 '

from the unshielded surface. The 6-80-1 and 14-195L casks are currently in' licens,ing for Spec 7A certification. 9 .

                                                        %.m 7                  vH.Es                       .
                                                                                                                           ...      1 L-                                                          o                                                             a ..             .-

I ' p , q. CNSI Transport container g .sve4 % fohS' t Classification co/NM oe ft . CNS 0-4 . Type B h** (LL-28-4) USA /6275/B ( ) /+ # /} "bl'ed ' Tvpe B I CNS 1-8 USA /9D70/B & #', 8 _CNS 1-13-C #1 USA / 08$/ ( ) , r A~kN-Type B g -/.cc t-Ac: CNS 1-13-C #2 USA /9081/B ( ) .sr 8 -~

                                  .,         Type B                                       L -l' 0 l Wr CNS 1-13-G              USA /9044/B (           )F                            (3r         M CNS 3-55 #1                  Type B (LL-57-65,              USA /5805/B (           )F Vandenburg)                                                                  M/g      Mp C:iS 3-55 #2                 Type B                                    <

(LL-57-65, USA /5805/B ( )F - l N[1 Alfg. Vandenburg) j Type B ' SPecM Si"*d CNS 4-45 USA /6375/B ( )F GCNC. odpER Type B L*'l% L*l6I ) CNS 4-85 USA /6244/B ( )' ?JrE STFif

        . CNS 6-75                          Spec 7A                                       2 Ped 6bM (AL-33-90)       _       USA /9108/A                                         o.d&       ocpD2               h        '                 .

Strong, Tight Container 4.6-60 CNS 6-80 #1 Type A Quantities Only K.8T 83 DTM Spec 7A is ,, // CNS 6-80 #2 USA /9111/A CNS 6-101 USA / O N

        #                                  Spec 7A                             -
    ,       CNS 7-100             . USA /9113/A                                      3/06T.         L7-tco grrs l l k,[                      .

CNS 8-120 #1 Type B E6-80 (LL-50-100) USA /6601/B ( ) j 37 i$rF6 l gO _ _ _ _ _ 4 'Tr ~ m '

                                    , ,        ,, g                          ,                n       s            l              VsAur d P9 L Y           -

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                                                             ~]'                                       O F                                         .                                                 i       l~

CNSI Transport , l '#'A ND 'ft d 1 Container Classification e t.o 1 MM fe(b' CNS 8-120 #2 In production bC b' (LL-50-100) B- i ige.b.s- fr3 CMS 12-180 #1 Leh ( AL-31-12 D) Strong, Tight Container Type A Quantities Only 'jf} It 11/

                                                                          "//^r.       Skceb CNS 12-130 #2           Strong, Tight Container                                      p (AL- 31-12 D)           Type A Quantities Only              p}[A-i g{W CNS 14-190                   Type B                                   LL'ao (BC-48-220              USA /5026/B (     )


                                                               -3 ,g (w/6 g             ,

Spec 7A 3a3 r o/-/6 m CNS 14-195H #1 USA /9094/A nT' i gr;W f.$O


Spec 7A , , CNS 14-195H #2 USA /9094/A _ Strong, Tight Container

, CNS 14-195L #3           Type A Quantities Only'   ,_

Spec 7A . CNS 14-195H #4 USA /9094/A , Strong, Tight Container CNS 14-195L #5 Type A Quantities Only Spec 7A CNS 14~195H #6 USA /9094/A Spec 7A CNS 14-195H #7 USA /9094/A Spec 7A -CNS 14-195H #8 USA /9094/A Spec 7A 'CNS 14-195H #9 USA /9094/A Spec 7A CNS 14-195H #10 USA /9094/A Spec 7A CNS 14-195H #11 USA /9094/A

                                                             .'#          #          Y W P i' : 'i?,,   .-e I .b n O n.v. o,( - E pox Y fu.4v2                                           .

i l C , D  ; .O , Transport b'* # 0 t 74 fd Container Classification , O ct) 7 /Jcd &;ff. Spec 7A , L /(5' -

   "CNS 14-195H #12   USA /9094/A                         73 8 _f,m8 Mdd Cl;S 14-220L    Strong, Tight container            y                          ,,

(AL-27-240) Type B Quantities Only .303'I' '8 C;!S 14-220H Strong, Tight Container y e d (AL-27-240) Type B Quantities Only Strong, Tight Container E'LM CNS 15-160S Type B Qucatities Only , r

                                                                  /1   yI           h (-

Type B // ,/ o CMS 15-160B USA /6144/B g//Y /j/d CI!S 18-450 Socc 55 t.g-qsd 30 N (Big Bertha) arpeg 308 Spec 7A L-3N

   - CNS 21-300 #1    USA /9096/A ar>l$t pe     32Z. 2-Spec 7A
   -CNS 21-300 #2     USA /9096/A                -

Spec 7A CNS 21-300 #3 USA /9096/A L Spec 7A '

 - CNS 21-300 #4      USA /9096/A Spec 7A    ,;
 . CNS 21-300 /!5     USA /9096/A  8 Spec 7A                                                                                .

CNS 21-300 #6 USA /9096/A . Spec 7A

  'CNS 21-300 #7      USA /9096/A              .
e. Spec 7A . d' - : Q Q Ct!S 21-300 #8 USA /9096/A J' 4

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                 .           o                                                                                                                .

V187(NV322) - 2 way plug valva for Resin Discharge Position 1

             -- Sacondary Resin                                                                                           Primary Resin 9   \                                /

r . O u, a N . Q , V) O N



       '            (                                          ~

e Position 2 loPEN \ J ^ L,. Handuhecl Waste Hose To Chem-Nucicar Position 1- Primary Spent Resin to Chem-Nuclear trailer Position 2- Resin (Secondary) to Chem-Nuclear trailer

                             *All positions between Position 1 and 2 are forbidden and the valve is not to be lef t in these positions.

(Figure A1) N.-* w. . . . . - ,.. *- +


               #                           Checkpoint                                                                                      Condition
1. UF Inventory (on hand) gal.
2. Catalyst Inventory (on hand) - gal.
3. Fire Extinguishers 1bs.

Functional Failed

4. Plant Air
5. Valve Air
6. Control' Power, TV, Ux line rad conitor
7. Service Unter t A

( 8. Eye Wash

9. Deluge Shower -
10. Survey meters (bate, response calibration date)
11. Pressure Indicators (Cat. Hi/ Low, accum)
12. Ohm meter
13. Crane -
14. Vent blower Yes No
15. Hoses inspected
16. Boundry ropes
17. IIcat tracing.
18. Dosincters zerood (if required)

( (Figure A2) 4 Continued next page e

                                                             .-.              +r.,,, - - , -,.,, , -     ,      ye                          --9y- --   m-  .9 - - .
  • I

r I i Checkonint- l Ccnditton f Yes No l

19. Plant Isolation valve close.

I  !

                ? 20.             t rilling head positioned.


  • 21.  ! Soarte Air on.
22. Camera Air on.
-                      23.          Cat Tank air (CT-1 open)
24. Manual operation, All valves open & close (Date of last valve 11ncup)
25. Mode operation, ,

Wasta Tx, US-3 & FI-1 open, All other valves closed (as procedure calls for) 25A UF TX, UF-5 & FI-l open , UF Flcw to liner All other valves closed (as procedure calls for)

     < f_                                                        w"                                                    -

I. .'. .- 416. O pressure to catalyst tank

27. Mode operation, Cat add, CT-4 & CT-5 open All other valves closed (as procedure calls for) -

2 8. . Fendent Secure (green button) ,,. . _ .

               -               -       All valves closed (as procedure calls for)

p <- .

29. CT-1 Closed (as procedure calls for) t L. 3 le teks: 2cr E anJ T,oron (if re- uire:.0
                                                                                                                                                    "- /-              *
31. Sample taken for Activity analysis
                                                                                                                    -    ~
32. Dose rate taken on tank to be discharged
                                                                                                              .b, < ~ .& - m.s
                                                                                                  .                                          . $.*d .l*,Q* K-
                                                                                                            . !.-VF.   .-^,'TL, . -T B E,r in& ,

f *; . _; 2,r . Ts.r:: , . ng ~. .

                                                                                           - .             3',     g,~            .
                                                                                                                                        -}*Wh ..~

m- , ;w*w~n; ..,;}pr

  • 2- ~

(Figure A2) can't

                                                                                                                                                 .                .      i I

[ k s .

i i

                  '      - !                                    CllE:!-MUCLEAR SYSTDts,1::C.


                                                                                                                '            NO
1. Plant Isointion Valves Closed and Flan;;cs
                               . Re-asser.b1 ed .
2. C~'-1 Ocen i


3. A'.1 other '-:sU valves cl.: sed }
4. Contactination and Dose Rate Surveys performed & recorded
5. Main air off
6. Seco level low
7. Service water off
8. Regulators zeroes
9. Vent blower off
10. TV monitor off
 !                       11. Radiation monitors off           5~
12. Ohm meter of f . ~
13. Control power off
14. Heating /AC off 15.- Heat tracing on
16. Emtadry ropos ue & posted properlv
                                   . ;:e . m ros ain: . sci:du;.-


18. Area clean .
19. Catalyst licht off -
                                                                                                                                   . e .-se,
  , , e .. ,             20.      Dosimeter readings recorded
  @;94:y                                 .-             ., _.                                   , , _ .

j;ng;w ;,,. . g,4.,g.wp

      . s'.tf:, :                                                                                         , p . ,7,y ~ if,_ e., g.,.~ y a Attach this sheet to pre-operational checklist and file in mobile unit.

Lock control room doors after leaving. (FI;ure A Z j





  • 4 s

e . r & C.iliJ y ( b.ts l C. ir

                   ' ' ' -                 ml3 .l~{'i ja oa'.',-q.

V:xlfE Gc.k es.* t a .! b  ! .


l m . EUG(0 i Pa > < a c.y ____ / il 5.r..s,7 vscs VIS7 I Chem No. law .

                                                                                                                                                                - b 4 goss E                           

sD * ^1' S.R.s y r [\\ Vl69 (w32:D g*

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                                                                                                                                                                                                -                 .z..

M A e41 tr oL-Q I

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Chemiced 4Tani, T ak /WD N^5b G*P . E l :M

s. -

( ysob V341 -

 %;ent.'                                                                      -
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6 q se: cw.m Na.L-b W e Hec' vais

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y s y% a

  .r$  4,~.,
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YvSIS tj .t .;' '. p . ~-? .:.,E J .,.Ik3 A,,- . s  ; M ant FOLD 1

                                                                                                                                                                                             ~ z A.j ~ j
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                                                              ., Me.s'm . cwoke                                                                    .
                                                                                                                                                           ..; G                                  J i_Ca'efe
                                                                                                                                       - ! .. _? .~

N hbb' ->: @igh-;s. bY d

                                                                                              ~V299~                                   ' '
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                                                                 -                             ', /


                         ,.2 g;r                                                                                                                                  s
                                                                                                                                                                      .~ . .                                      - ed, I 52 0 '.
  • t= b S' 8
                                                                                                                                                    ~'                u                   R 4 ,a D e w .t v.-: ;


  • r-i g'i ilOsc 4,')1 e'il /J J 0 ~.1* ._ , V 5.a ' T' vi79 j vv823 c.
                                                                                        -             ~ , .        , 3 ,. 3         1                                                                                    .
           ,                                                                           CI!CX-NUCL!!AR ::SU #4
                      . . . .                                            l'0::T!:i.Y SHUTDOP:: VAI.VF. C11ECKf.1ST                                  PC              1         of        2 '

U nc Perforr.ed Perfor::ad by: [_ s V.ilve Shutdown Position No. Iland Air Valve Tvpc . Dencription Onen Closed Init. T..'- l X i 3/4" CPVC Dall l Wast = ;'l u s h .X SW-2 X l Deuater Flush X S"-3 \ ' , f UF Flush X S '..' - 7 .s Safety Shower Isol. X

  • J.-4 LX i SPA"C X SN-S X 1" Sprin- Mit Safetj Shouar f

Hdl. X SM-8 X 1/2" Faucet Viv. Faucet X SW-9 X 1/2"Cye wash  ! Eye wash X

  -                   SW-4                 X                    3/4"CPVC Ec11                       Garden Hose Isol.                      '

X CT-1 X ' " Catalyst Vent X CT-2 1/4" Relief Cat.Tnk. Relief X CT-3 X 1/2"CPVC Ball Fbin Acid.Isol. X ' X 1/2"CPVC CT-4 Dischram Acid Isol. X CT-5 X Acid Isol. Fill Ed. X CT-6 X 1/2"CPVC Ball Acid Tank Fill X CT-7 X Acid Line-Air X Blowdown

        ;,.           CT-8               X                      1/2"CPVC                            Secondary

[ a' Diaphram T Dewater Isol. X k X 2" Cast Steel

      ...             WS.4                                                                                                                                                 -

Globe Main Waste Isol. X . *' WS-3 X Main Resin Isol. X F1-1 X 2" SS Globe Waste Fill Head Isol. X DW-1 X 1"CS Clobe Dewater Return to Plant X -

                    -DW-2         -

X 1"CS Globe Dewater Disch. X

   '--                DW-3                            X         1 1/2" CS                                                                                               -

Gl o b". Daunter Snct. X 1 '. " '2 J _n1 jMain Rasia l

                                                                                                  'Duwater ca fill head                                               X UF-5                            X         1" SS Globe                         UF pump disch.                                                    .m,                 -

to waste liner X SP-1 X 1 1/ 2" CS Sump suction to . +. '  :....


Globo dowater pumo X' - SP- 2 X l','CS Globe Sump disch. from . . ,

                                                                                                                                                                                    , . .g . .                g
                                                                                                                                             ,S _,       *,,., _ 4 f ~W'
                                                                . uyu,               .c' DW pump ~* *                      "-              -X                           I'   ' Di'M @

SU-10 X 3/4" Mild Main service ' -' - Stl. Globe unter Isol. X SA-8 X 1/2" CPVC Accumulator -

   .                                                            Ball                                Hlow Down                                 -

X SA-9 X Dewater pu.p X ino i n t. I . m (

                               .     .                             n         o s,,             .,    ;.                      .
                                                             ;                                      Wa.; t e c - ~ t. ;-

j s l L_  ; I Din: h. to m, y y _. - 1 J. i [ . .'". " L e t. . :::1 i j he ...m r h -> . e r i t. . X t ' S. . - l i .I ' l tilt P:.m Fluch l  ::  ! i . - 1. 2, ; . j  ; t'- si: c w nt i c te ri:!eu i l

                  ! --              i           I
  • l Trink f..I.

l X l

     .,                                                                                               1,  s      .    ..                                                                                .
          .            s

a PG 2 of 2 - f.

                       /,- ; c .; i                                                                    Shutdcwn Position                                                   TE:!F
o .  ! ILind Air Valve Type Der.cription Open l Closed Init. PEFlf 02-5 6 X 1" S.S. Gate Secondary Dewater X Pern l -

to Sparc I.iner

                   ~,:5 ?               "

2" S.S. Hall Main '?aste/UF Tsolstico X

  • Temp 1:3-4 X 2" S.S. Ec1L Main Resin to -

Fill Head Icol. X *Teup I

  • Temp. defined as installed only for high l'evel resin transfer and left installed only  : .

with permission of C&HP Supervisor.

                                                                                                                                   --.t                                            .
  • N ' . .% 'e .
                                                                                                                                                -4                              4    E.
                                                                                                                                                                                              'e 4

T .t <

  • f..

1 .

                           ~                                                                      .
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u;yc. M .. .. .., .- ,

                                                                                                                                 .... ; 9,n :..:. <
                                                                                                                                                                       . ~ ~.            :-
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                                                                                                                                , ' M W * -i; ;;.f, it. .g S 9 .
                                                                                                                           ' , ; J g .s J '
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(Figure AS) can't



                 .         c.                                                                                                                                             .


  • VAI.VE CliCC1,. LIS E
          -f                                                    s De*/.**: PC!WCRMED:                                                    PERr0X:4CD SY:                               .

_ Valve Position

                   - !:o .          !!and          Air        Valve Type             Description                              Open            Closed                                        Init.

V169- /- 2" Diaphram Resin discharge Secondary S.R.S.T. X V322 2 uay Plug Valve SGSD/ Primary SGBD

                                       .d.                                       Resin Selector                                               Position V 3 4 '.            X                      1" SS C.obe       I!ydro/ Drain Conn.                                                 X
                                                                                '4:1nifold II - Resin                                         Capped V303               .X                      1" Diaphram        CDT Discharge                                                      X V342                X                      1" Diaphram       CDT Discharge                                                       X.                  .

_ .f ri_ 4. - X V315 X 1" Diaphram Waste Evap.Disch. 4. g g U343 X 1" SS Globe Hydro / Drain Conn. - X . Wr 1 Manifold I - CDT & En Capped V299 X 1" Diaphram Primary SRST Dewater X p; ,;

x. -

1" Diaphram Secondary SRST Dewater X .ie; V174 X

                                                                                                                                            .                                                                'w             ,

V323 X 1" SS Globe Hydro / Drain Conn. X .


Mcnifold III - Dewater Capped

  -     -?        /'                    X    J                 1" Diaphram       Resin Discharge i     t*306.s     -

d-. Ie 4..  ; 3.

                                                                                                                                                 - .v.,      -W :.
                                                                                                                                              ..                       1._ ,. ,

i l t~ l i  !

                                              ,                              _.                                                          J 3   J. y '.')                            -' y-.-f. jiE:
                                                        -                                            '\
                                                                                                                                                . ' . [ ; Ljt,
                                                                                                                                                                                   . .           * ;- N 9 g-
                                                                                                                                                         .                                    . - . . ;ia ,

Y 2.{ c .f r. .yy,.fj; - .

                                                                      . ,. . g  v;.  -          .


                                                                                                                              , , f +,, y gy,gy-                             [py{4jjgh'-{
                                                                                                                                                                           ~,7!.                       .F).it J                                                                                                                                                       f . ~.r                               - . de.9 4
             - f                               [                                                                                                                                                                     !

( ' _. (Figure M:)

                                                                                                        ----.,y   - - - -               p                  . _ . _ . _
           . e i

C .". "c..'r' ' .' *v* vu' '_'. a' ", i:l.STC L :7 iiYD20-TESTI::G CCRTIFICATIO:: S!!CET ,

                         '0.:'. c                               ilydro Test perferr..ed by P.aalfold/Line Tested:                                                                       Reason:                      OotrIr LJ Line Ereak O Cther I.        Pressure:        25 psi
                                                                                                                                                                                             = - - w .- w ,

Check SAT OusSAr Remarks -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 . . .w.-3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    .., 3 6
                                                                                                                                       ,                                                                            c-CNSI                                     APCo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   < ,.:. 44o p.,            g,t.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .m .p-
                                                                                                                                      ..                              =   .

5 . II. Precsure: 50 psi .

                                                                                                                                                                                       ~_i~b. '
                                                                                                                                                                                                           -w Check                                                                             Re= arks                                                                                                  k' :@:
                                       ] SAT                        UNSAT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .u* c*.


                                                                                                                                 -~                              '

NM su

                                                                                                                                    .                                                                           . #4
  • g+-

III. Pressure 75 psi _

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .w, i-
        /         - Chack              - [ SAT                      UNSAT                                Remarks                                                                                                     -:i:.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                 . :-    -~ -

IV Pressure: 100 psi 3, Check ] SAT ] UNSAT Re= arks '

                                                                                                                                                            ~,;     rf;; -

CNSi APCo . 9 , -_.. .  ; .,

                                                                                                                                                                                                               - ,:2 ;

Y. Pressure 125 pst -

                                                                                                                                . " a ;- 7-u m^.       .
                                                                                                                                                           $. '".3       .n h? F.v,_i    , . Q,i            '%

I:znediato check SAT UNSAT - Remarks

                                                                                                                                                                                                   .  N M g=

m c. , l

                        ..        .. c.n e.              _.           ly~n v..~..-. u. .               . - n . . .s 30 minute check-                                                                      nemarke 4 - . m : ,.

O SAT O uNSAT e..w- .m. Test Completed .] SAT ]UNSAT* . . s.:! M. i[. ~

                                                                                                                                                                    . ww.;;.: ~~ .7n% 4.'.i.


  • Explain problem and corrective action taken
                                                                                                                                                         . I 511f_ _ . -                               ""f

Y3 A  ;

                                         . . - -                                                                                                                                                                                i
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                                                                                                                                                             -                                               e .n:.. -
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l { Al'Co U; r _.;cn L rc 1 s "::17. 1 (l'igure A7)
