ML19311C728 | |
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Site: | San Onofre |
Issue date: | 09/23/2014 |
From: | Public Watchdogs |
To: | Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs |
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Appendix D governing the licensing to receive and possess source, special nuclear, and by-product material at a-geological repository operations area that is sited, constructed, or operated in accordance with the NWPA (1982). 'However, the Commission proposes to supersede the generic criteria in Part 60 for disposal at a waste repository with specific criteria in a new 10 CFR Part 63 issued on February 22, 1999 (64 FR 8640).
Interim storage of Greater-than-Class-C (GTCC) Waste: The NRC regulations at 10 CFR 61.55-define three classes of low-level waste (LLW) (A, B, and C) that are suitable for near-surface disposal. Class C waste is required to meet the most rigorous disposal requirements.' The LLW that exceeds the concentration limits set for Class C, waste is referred to-as GTCC waste. Typically, GTCC waste is composed of activated metal components and process wastes.
On October 11, 2001 the NRC amended its regulations (in 66 FR 51823), to permit interim storage of GTCC waste used or generated by commercial power reactors within an ISFSI or monitored retrievable storage (MRS) facility.-'This change permits the co-locating of spent fuel and solid reactor-related GTCC waste in different casks and containers within the ISFSI or MRS. Commingling of spent fuel and GTCC waste in the same storage cask is not permitted,,except on a case-by-case basis: Ultimately, GTCC waste must be disposed of in a geologic repository.
LLW disposal at a licensed LLW site or treatment of LLW at compactor facilities: -The disposal of LLW is not within the scope of this Supplement. LLW is defined as any -
radioactive waste that is not classified as HLW;, spent nuclear fuel, transuranic waste,(a) or uranium or thorium mill tailings. LLW often contains small amounts of radioactivity dispersed in large amounts of material, but may also have activity levels requiring shielding and remote handling. LLW that is generated during decommissioning is usually composed of the following material contaminated with radionuclides:, rags, papers, filters, solidified liquids, ion-exchange resins, tools, equipment, discarded protective clothing, dirt, construction rubble,-concrete, and piping.
Regulations related to LLW disposal are in 10 CFR Part 61 and 10CFR Part 20, Subpart K.
A final GElS supporting the regulations in 10 CFR Part 61, was published in 1982 as "Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement for 10 CFR Part 61,". NUREG-0945 (NRC 1982).
A license for the LLW disposal site is not issued until the applicant provides an, ',,
environmental report (ER) indicating that the applicant's proposed disposal site, design, (a) Transuranic waste contains man-madl6ele6irents*heavier than uranium that decay by.
emitting alpha particles. Such waste is produced during reactor fuel assembly, weapons fabrication; and chemical processing operations:
I NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 I D-3
Appendix D operations, site closure, and post-closure institutional controls are adequate to protect public health and safety. The licensee for the LLW site must show that there is reasonable assurance that (1) the general population will be protected from releases of radioactivity, (2) that individual inadvertent intruders are protected, (3) that standards for radiation protection in 10 CFR Part 20 are met, and (4) that the long-term stability of the disposed waste and the disposal site will be achieved and will eliminate, to the extent practical, the need for ongoing active maintenance of the disposal site following closure. The ER will be reviewed by the NRC and the impacts of LLW disposal evaluated in an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that is written for the specific LLW site. The technical requirements for land-disposal facilities are covered in Subpart D of 10 CFR Part 61. The financial assurance requirements are covered in Subpart E of 10 CFR Part 61.
" Activities related to the ENTOMBMENT Period:
On October 16, 2001, the Commission issued an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) inviting input from stakeholders on "Entombment options for Power Reactors" (66 FR 52551). Consistent with the environmental evaluation of the DECON and SAFSTOR decommissioning options, the staff has limited its environmental evaluation of ENTOMB to those issues related to activities necessary to prepare the facility for entombment.
Issues and resulting impacts related to the ENTOMB option after the facility begins entombment, such as NRC oversight and monitoring requirements, durability of institutional controls and engineered barriers, indefinite retention onsite of radioactive materials, and other long-term site-specific issues are outside the scope of this Supplement.
A future environmental assessment in support of NRC rulemaking related to the entombment options may address these issues depending on the proposed changes to the regulations.
" Activities following license termination under restricted use conditions: Licensees are allowed by regulations in 10 CFR Part 20, Subpart E, "Radiological Criteria for License Termination," to release the site for restricted use. The impacts following a restricted release license termination will not be considered by this Supplement because the licensee is required to conduct a site-specific analysis to support development of an NRC site-specific EIS.
" Activities and impacts from living or working on the site after license termination:
Analysis of radiological impacts from unrestricted use after decommissioning and license termination are presented in NUREG-1496, Generic Environmental Impact Statement in Support of Rulemaking on Radiological Criteria for License Termination of NRC-Licensed Nuclear Facilities (NRC 1997). This GElS analyzed regulatory NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 D-4 November 2002
,Appendix D alternatives for establishing radiological criteria for decommissioning structures and lands of licensed facilities. The scope included both radiological and nonradiological impacts on human health and safety, including radiation exposure resulting from occupancy of site buildings and residence on site lands following decommissioning and license termination.
D.1 References 10 CFR 20. Code' of Federal Regulations, Title'l,Eheigy, Part 20, "Standards for protection against radiation."
10 CFR 50. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 50, "Domestic licensing of 1iroduction and initialization facilities."
10 CFR 51. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 51, "Environmental protection regulations for domestic licensing and related regulatory functions."
10 CFR 61. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 61, "Licensing requirements for land disposal of radioactive waste."
10 CFR 63. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 63, "Disposal of high-level radioactive wastes in a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada."
10 CFR 71. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 71, "Packaging and transportation of radioactive material."
10 CFR 72. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 72, "Licensing requirements for the independent storage of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste."
54 FR 39767. "10 CFR Part 51 Waste Confidence Decision Review." Federal Register.
September 28, 1989.
64 FR 8640. "10 CFR Parts 2, 19, 20, 21, 30, 40, 51, 60, 61, and 63 Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in a Proposed Geologic Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada." Federal Register. February 22, 1999.
64 FR 68005. 'Waste Confidence Decision Review." Federal Register. December 6, 1999.
66 FR 51823. "Interim Storage for Greater Than Class C Waste 10 CFR Parts 30, 70, 72, and 150." Federal Register. October 11,2001.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1
,November 2002
- D-5
Appendix D 66 FR 52551. "Entombment Options for Power Reactors." Federal Register. October 16, 2001.
Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended, 42 USC 10.101 et seq.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). 1982. Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement for 10 CFR Part 61. NUREG-0945, NRC, Washington, D.C.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). 1988. Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities. NUREG-0586, NRC, Washington, D.C.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). 1997. Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement in Support of Rulemaking on Radiological Criteria for License Termination of NRC Licensed Nuclear Facilities. NUREG-1496, Vol. 1, NRC, Washington, D.C.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 D-6 November 2002
NUREG-0586, Supplement 1 Volume 2 Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Supplement 1 Regarding the Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors Appendices N, 0 and P Final Report U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Washington, DC 20555-0001
AVAILABILITY OF REFERENCE MATERIALS IN NRC PUBLICATIONS NRC Reference Material As of November 1999, you may electronically access NUREG-series publications and other NRC records at NRC's Public Electronic Reading Room at http Ilwww nrc aov/reading-rm html.
Publicly released records include, to name a few, NUREG-series publications; Federal Register notices; applicant, licensee, and vendor documents and correspondence; NRC correspondence and internal memoranda; bulletins and information notices; inspection and investigative reports; licensee event reports; and Commission papers and their attachments.
NRC publications in the NUREG series, NRC regulations, and Title 10, Energy, in the Code of Federal Regulations may also be purchased from one of these two sources.
- 1. The Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Mail Stop SSOP Washington, DC 20402-0001 Internet: Telephone: 202-512-1800 Fax: 202-512-2250
- 2. The National Technical Information Service Spnngfield, VA 22161-0002 www.ntis gov 1-800-553-6847 or, locally, 703-605-6000 A single copy of each NRC draft report for comment is available free, to the extent of supply, upon written request as follows:
Address: Office of the Chief Information Officer, Reproduction and Distribution Services Section U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: Facsimile: 301-415-2289 Some publications in the NUREG series that are posted at NRC's Web site address http //www nrc,qov/readinp-rmldoc-collections/nuregs are updated periodically and may differ from the last printed version. Although references to material found on a Web site bear the date the material was accessed, the material available on the date cited may subsequently be removed from the site.
T Non-NRC Reference Material Documents available from public and special technical libraries include all open literature items, such as books, journal articles, and transactions, Federal Register notices, Federal and State legislation, and congressional reports. Such documents as theses, dissertations, foreign reports and translations, and non-NRC conference proceedings may be purchased from their sponsoring organization.
Copies of industry codes and standards used in a substantive manner in the NRC regulatory process are maintained at The NRC Technical Library Two White Flint North 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 These standards are available in the library for reference use by the public. Codes and standards are usually copyrighted and may be purchased from the originating organization or, if they are American National Standards, from American National Standards Institute 11 West 42n Street New York, NY 10036-8002 212-642-4900 Legally binding regulatory requirements are stated only in laws; NRC regulations; licenses, including technical specifications; or orders, not in NUREG-sedes publications. The views expressed in contractor-prepared publications in this series are not necessarily those of the NRC.
The NUREG series comprises (1) technical and administrative reports and books prepared by the staff (NUREG-XXXX) or agency contractors (NUREG/CR-XXXX), (2) proceedings of conferences (NUREG/CP-XXXX), (3) reports resulting from international agreements (NUREG/IA-XXXX), (4) brochures (NUREG/BR-XXXX), and (5) compilations of legal decisions and orders of the Commission and Atomic and Safety Licensing Boards and of Directors' decisions under Section 2 206 of NRC's regulations (NUREG-0750).
NUREG-0586, Supplement 1 Volume 2 Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Supplement 1 Regarding the Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Reactors Appendices N, 0 and P Final Report Manuscript Completed: October 2002 Date Published: November 2002 Division of Regulatory Improvement Programs Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001
Abstract This document is a supplement to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) document Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities issued in 1988 (NUREG-0586, referred to here as the 1988 Generic Environmental Impact Statement [GELS]). This Supplement was prepared because of technological advances in decommissioning operations, experience gained by licensees, and changes made to NRC regulations since the 1988 GELS.
This Supplement updates the information provided in the 1988 GElS. It is intended to be used to evaluate environmental impacts during the decommissioning of nuclear power reactors as residual radioactivity at the site is reduced to levels that allow for termination of the NRC license. This Supplement addresses only the decommissioning of nuclear power reactors licensed by the NRC. It updates the sections of the 1988 GElS relating to pressurized water reactors, boiling water reactors, and multiple reactor stations. It goes beyond the 1988 GElS to explicitly consider high-temperature gas-cooled reactors and fast breeder reactors. This document can be considered a stand-alone document for power reactor facilities such that readers should not need to refer back to the 1988 GELS. The environmental impacts described in this Supplement supercede those described for power reactor facilities in the 1988 GELS.
The scope of this Supplement is based on the decommissioning activities performed to remove radioactive materials from structures, systems, and components from the time that the licensee certifies that it has permanently ceased power operations until the license is terminated. The scope of the document was determined through public scoping meetings and meetings with other Federal agencies and the nuclear industry. An evaluation process was then developed to determine environmental impacts from nuclear power reactor facilities that are being decommissioned. The evaluation process involved determining the specific activities that occur during reactor decommissioning and obtaining data from site visits and from licensees at reactor facilities currently being decommissioned. The data obtained from the sites were analyzed and then evaluated against a list of variables that defined the parameters for facilities that are currently operating but which will one day be decommissioned. This evaluation resulted in a range of impacts for each environmental issue that may be used for comparison by licensees that are or will be decommissioning their facilities.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 iii
Contents Volume 2 Appendices N, 0 and P A bstract...............................................................
iii Abbreviations/Acronyms..................................................
vii Appendix N -Summary of Scoping Meetings...................................
N-1 Appendix 0 -Comments on the Draft Supplement and Staff Responses.............
0-1 Appendix P -Public Meeting Transcript Excerpts and Written Comments.............
P-1 NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 V
Abbreviations/Acronyms Abbreviations/Acronyms pGy microGray(s) pSv microSieverts ac acre(s)
AEA Atomic Energy Act of 1954 AEC U.S. Atomic Energy Commission ALl annual limits on intake ALARA as low as reasonably achievable ANPR advance notice of proposed rulemaking BLM Bureau of Land Management BMP best management practice Bq Bequerel(s)
BWR boiling water reactor C
Celsius CAA Clean Air Act CDE committed dose equivalent CEDE committed effective dose equivalent CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act CEQ Council on Environmental Quality CFR Code of Federal Regulations Ci Curie CWA Clean Water Act DAC derived air concentration dB decibel dBA A-weighted sound levels dBC C-weighted sound levels DBA design basis accident DDREF dose or dose rate effectiveness factor DE dose equivalent DNL day-night average sound level DOD U.S. Department of Defense DOE U.S. Department of Energy DOT U.S. Department of Transportation EA environmental assessment NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 vii
Abbreviations/Acronyms effective dose equivalent environmental impact statement environmental justice U.S. Environmental Protection Agency environmental report Endangered Species Act of 1973 environment, safety and health Fahrenheit Federal Aviation Administration fast breeder reactor final environmental statement Federal Housing Administration Federal Register Final Safety Analysis Report foot/feet Federal Water Pollution Control Act (also known as the Clean Water Act of 1977)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service gallon(s)
Generic Environmental Impact Statement gallons per day gallons per minute Greater-than-Class-C (waste) gray(s) hectare(s) high decommissioning activity high-efficiency particulate air (filter) high-level waste hour high-temperature gas-cooled reactor U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development heating, ventilation, and air conditioning International Atomic Energy Agency inch(es) instrumentation and control International Commission on Radiological Protection NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 EDE EIS EJ EPA ER ESA ES&H F
GElS gpd gpm GTCC Gy ha HDA HEPA HLW h
I&C ICRP viii November 2002
Abbreviations/Acronyms independent spent fuel storage installation kilogram(s) kilometer(s) kilovolt(s) kilowatt hour(s) liter(s) low-decommissioning activity licensee event report linear energy transfer low-level waste level of service license renewal application license termination plan light water reactor meter(s) cubic meters per day cubic meters per second Multi-agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual, NUREG-1 575 Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 mile(s) milliGray(s) maximum permissible concentrations millirad(s) millirem(s) monitored retrievable storage milliSievert(s) metric tonnes of heavy metal metric ton(s) (or tonne[s])
metric ton(s)-uranium megawatt(s) megawatt-days per metric ton of Ur~niui megawatt(s) electric megawatt(s) thermal megawatt hour(s) not applicable National Academy of Sciences National Bureau of Standards NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 ISFSI kg km kV kWh L
m3/d m3/s MARSSIM MBTA mi mGy MPC mrad mrem MRS mSv MTHM MT MTU MW MWd/MTU MW(e)
MWh NA NAS NBS November 2002 ix
Abbreviations/Acronyms NCRP NEI NEPA NHPA NIST NMFS NOX NPDES NRC NRR NWPA ODCM OSHA PAG PCBs PEL POL PPE PSDAR PV PWR QNQC I RCRA RCS IROW RPV SARA SHPO SI SO2 SSCs Sv NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Nuclear Energy Institute National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 National Institute of Standards and Technology National Marine Fisheries Service nitrogen oxide(s)
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Reactor Regulation Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Occupational Safety and Health Administration protective action guide polychlorobiphenyls permissible exposure limit possession-only license personal protective equipment post-shutdown decommissioning activities report pressure vessel pressurized water reactor quality assurance/quality control Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 reactor coolant system right-of-way/rights-of-way reactor pressure vessel Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act State Historic Preservation Officer Systeme Internationale (international system of units) sulfur dioxide sulfur oxide(s) structures, systems, and components sievert(s)
X November 2002
Abbreviations/Acronyms TEDE THPO UNSCEAR USC USFWS VOC VRM wk YNPS yr total effective dose equivalent Tribal Historic Preservation Officer United Nations Scientific Committee on The Effects of Atomic Radiation United States Code U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service volatile organic compound Visual Resource Management (system) week(s)
Yankee Nuclear Power Station year(s)
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 I I November 2002 xi
Appendix N Summary of Scoping Comments
Appendix N Appendix N Summary of Scoping Comments On Tuesday, March 14, 2000, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published a Notice of Intent in the Federal Register (65 FR 13797), to notify the public of the staff's intent to prepare a supplement to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities (1988 GElS), NUREG-0586, to support decommissioning activities at commercial power production facilities and to conduct scoping. This Supplement to the 1988 GElS was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA 1969),
Council on Environmental Quality guidelines, and 10 CFR Part 51. As outlined by NEPA, the NRC initiated the scoping process with the issuance of the Federal Register Notice. The NRC invited all stakeholders to participate in the scoping process by providing oral comments at the scheduled public meetings and/or submitting written suggestions and comments no later than July 15, 2000. The scoping process included four public scoping meetings, which were held in Lisle, IL, on April 27, 2000; Boston, MA, on May 17, 2000; Atlanta, GA, on June 13, 2000; and San Francisco, CA, on June 21, 2000. Approximately 60 members of the public attended the meetings. All four meetings began with NRC staff members providing a brief overview of the decommissioning and NEPA process. After the NRC's prepared statements, the meetings were open to public comments. Twenty-three attendees provided either oral or written statements that were recorded and transcribed by-a certified court recorder. The corrected meeting transcripts were provided in four letters dated June 30, 2000 (NRC 2000a, 2000b, 2000c, 2000d) and are available on the NRC website at
In addition to the comments provided during the public meetings, 11 comment letters were received by the NRC in response to the Notice of Intent.
While developing this Supplement to the 1988 GELS, the staff and its contractor considered all of the relevant issues raised during the scoping process. The full scoping summary report is accessible through NRC's Public Electronic Reading Room (ADAMS) website at; the accession number is ML011100625. Each comment that was applicable to this Supplement is summarized in this section. This information was extracted from the Scoping Summary Report, dated April 17, 2001 (65 FR 13797) and is being provided in this report for the convenience of those interested in the scoping comments applicable to this environmental review. The comments that were determined to be general or outside the scope of Supplement are not included in this Appendix.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 N-1
Appendix N Meetings Location Date Lisle, IL April 27, 2000 Boston, MA May 17, 2000 Atlanta, GA June 13, 2000 San Francisco, CA June 21, 2000 Written Comment Letters Name/Organization Date Nuclear Information and Resource Service July 11, 2000 Pamela Blockey-O'Brien July 12, 2000 Nuclear Information and Resource Service (submitted a supplement to July 13, 2000 the letter they originally sent)
Lynnette Hendricks (Nuclear Energy Institute)
July 14, 2000 Massachusetts Citizens for Safe Energy July 14, 2000 Campaign for a Prosperous Georgia July 14, 2000 Paul Gunter (Nuclear Information and Resource Service)
July 14, 2000 George Crocker (Executive Director of the North American Water Office)
July 14, 2000 Citizens Awareness Network July 15, 2000 Glenn Carroll (Georgians Against Nuclear Power)
July 15, 2000 George A. Zinke (Director, Nuclear Safety & Regulatory Affairs, Maine July 17, 2000 Yankee Atomic Power Co.)
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-2 November 2002
Appendix N Generic Environmental Impact Statement - Public Scoping Meeting Comments and Responses in Scope
- 1. Why is the GElS being updated?
Three commenters (five comments) inquired about the reason that the NRC decided to update the GELS. The question was raised whether the update was based on new information such as worker exposure, volume of high-or low-level radioactive waste, differences in disposal methodologies or decommissioning options, such as options in addition to entombment and rubblization. One commenter asked if the NRC had already found new information that would make the GElS more conservative.
Response: The basis for this Supplement is discussed in Chapter 1, Introduction. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter (in two different comments) questioned the creation of the GElS if decommis sioning is not a major Federal action and also indicated that the GElS and the decommissioning process are the "deregulation of decommissioning."
Response: The update of the GElS as related to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 is discussed in Chapter 1, Introduction. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
Four commenters expressed concern that the revisions to the GElS would be used in negative ways such as to'serve private corporate nuclear industry interests, to allow a release of unnecessary radioactive material onsite and offsite, or to reduce liability for the nuclear industry and increase environmental damage and public health. One commenter indicated that the GElS should regulate all forms of radioactive releases.
Response: The appropriate uses of the Supplement are discussed in Chapter 1, Introduction.
This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
Three commenters (four comments) agreed with the NRC's efforts to update the 1988 GElS on decommissioning. One commenter indicated that,the Supplement should be updated to incorporate and evaluate new decommissioning technologies developed over the past decade.
A second commenter specified that rubblization should be considered.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 N-3
Appendix N Response: One of the purposes of revising the GElS is to incorporate and evaluate new decommissioning technologies and methods such as rubblization. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement. Technologies and methods are incorporated into the discussion and analysis in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts.
- 2. How will the GElS be used?
One commenter inquired as to how the GElS would be used.
Response: The appropriate uses of this Supplement are discussed in Chapter 1, Introduction.
This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter encouraged the NRC to make the Supplemental GElS user-friendly with plain English and straightforward explanations for the public.
Response: The NRC has specific criteria that must be met in publications that are related to the usage of plain English. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement and incorporated throughout the document.
- 3. Will the GElS satisfy the NEPA process?
One commenter asked about the actions and reviews involved in determining if the environmental impact concerns considered by the NRC sufficiently satisfy the NEPA requirements.
Response: The relationship between the GElS and the NEPA requirements are discussed in Chapter 1, Introduction. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter asked if the NRC was planning to communicate the results of the scoping meetings and the final scope of the GElS to the public.
Response: The NEPA process provides for publishing and presentation of a draft report for comment before the final Supplement is issued. The comments noted in this summary report as being within the scope of the GElS are addressed in this Supplement. Comments on the Supplement are solicited and considered before the report is finalized. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter asserted that the NRC made false assumptions in the GElS and indicated that these assumptions must be addressed and the true risk discovered before any further generic considerations are implemented.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-4 November 2002
Appendix N Response: The assumptions in the 1988 GElS have been reconsidered in the development of this Supplement. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement and is discussed in Chapter 1, Introduction, and Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts.
One commenter indicated that decommissioning was a Federal major action and required NEPA compliance and site-specific EISs.
Response: Chapter 1, the introduction to this Supplement, describes the NEPA requirements for site-specific ElSs and the basis for the agency's determination that decommissioning is not a Federal major action. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter stated that the 1988 GElS is a robust analysis that has stood the test of time.
They supported a Supplement at this time.
Response: A discussion of the use of the previous GElS is provided in Chapter 1, Introduction.
This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
- 4. Reactors that will be included in the GElS One commenter thought the GElS should be explicit regarding which reactors were covered.
The commenter was specifically concerned about Peach Bottom and Fermi.
Response: The applicability of this Supplement to specific reactor facilities is discussed in Chapter 1, Introduction. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter indicated that it was prudent at this time to incorporate issues that were identified through actual experience and to include issues relevant to the limited number of commercial non-light-water reactors.
Response: The use of data from previous reactor decommissioning experience is discussed throughout this Supplement. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
- 5. Decommissioning Activities A. General Decommissioning Activities One commenter inquired how the GElS would handle two different methodologies for the same activity (such as removing steam generators as a whole or in pieces).
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-5 November 2002
Appendix N Response: This Supplement considers different methods for an activity to determine an acceptable envelope for that activity. If an activity results in impacts that are outside the envelope, then a site-specific assessment may be required. The process for developing this Supplement is described in Chapter 1, Introduction, further discussed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts, and described in more detail in Appendix E. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter indicated that the GElS should provide more detail about specific decommissioning activities and technologies in order to accurately assess the associated environmental impacts. Another commenter indicated that they did not agree with the statement that decommissioning activities are not significantly different from operating the plant.
Response: This Supplement considers specific decommissioning activities. The process for developing this Supplement is described in Chapter 1, Introduction, further discussed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts, and described in more detail in Appendix E. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
B. Decommissioning Options One commenter encouraged the NRC to adequately address alternatives. A second commenter inquired whether a preferred alternative would be specified in the GELS.
Response: Chapter 5 of this Supplement discusses alternatives to the proposed action, as required by the NEPA process. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
- 1. DECON No comments within scope.
- 2. SAFSTOR One commenter encouraged the use of the SAFSTOR option because of the advantages in terms of exposure to workers and the public. Another reason for the commenter's support of SAFSTOR as an option was their opposition to shallow land burial of radioactive waste.
Response: In Chapter 3, Description of Reactors, this Supplement addresses the options for decommissioning activities, including SAFSTOR and variations to SAFSTOR (such as the duration of the storage period or the use of incremental DECON, which includes incremental decontamination and dismantlement activities during the SAFSTOR period). This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-6 November 2002
Appendix N
- 3. Entombment One commenter asked what factors had changed since the 1988 GElS that would suggest that ENTOMB was a possible option. A second commenter suggested that the lack of dumps for contaminated material made entombment a viable solution. A third commenter asked why entombment was considered not to be viable. And a fourth commenter inquired why the NRC would even be considering entombment if they already knew that the residual levels of radio activity would be unacceptable.
Response: This Supplement addresses varying options for decommissioning activities, including ENTOMB in Chapter 3, Description of Reactors. These comments are within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter encouraged the NRC to address entombment and to consider a name change to SAFSTOR II or Assured Isolation.
Response: This Supplement addresses varying options for decommissioning activities, including ENTOMB in Chapter 3, Description of Reactors. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter indicated that a Supplemental EIS must be required for the entombment option to assess the impact of what they perceive to be near-surface dumping of greater than Class C (GTCC) waste.
Response: This Supplement addresses varying options for decommissioning activities including ENTOMB in Chapter 3, Description of Reactors. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
- 4. Rubblization Five commenters indicated that rubblization was an area that needed to be addressed in the revised GELS. One commenter also added in a second comment that this included the environ mental impact of residual radioactive material deeper than 6 in. below the surface, activated concrete, activated rebar, internal contamination in cracks, and sub-slab contamination. One of the commenters recommended that an additional intruder scenario be addressed.
Response: This Supplement considers various decommissioning activities including rubblization in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. These comments are within the scope of this Supplement.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 N-7
Appendix N Two commenters indicated that rubblization turns the reactor site into a low-level or perhaps high-level radioactive waste site and that deep monitoring wells, liners, etc., should be required and evaluated on a site-specific basis. One commenter also mentioned that salt-water corro sion should be evaluated because of the potential for some leakage from the facility if the waste is left onsite, such as occurs in rubblization.
Response: This Supplement considers various decommissioning activities including rubblization in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. These comments are within the scope of this Supplement.
- 5. Partial Site Release Three commenters stated that partial site release should be addressed in the GELS. One commenter inquired whether partial site release would be addressed in the Supplement.
Another commenter stated that they opposed partial site release.
Response: This Supplement considers partial site release and whether it can be included as a generic issue. Discussion of partial site release can be found in Chapter 1, Introduction. These comments are within the scope of this Supplement.
C. Specific Activities to be included in the GElS
- 1. Decommissioning Process No comments within scope.
- 2. Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR)
One commenter was concerned that the only time a site-specific analysis would be conducted for a decommissioning plant would be if the facility failed the PSDAR.
Response: This Supplement discusses the circumstances that will result in a site-specific analysis in Chapter 2, Introduction. This comment is within the scope of the GELS.
- 3. Public Meetings No comments within scope.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-8 November 2002
Appendix N
- 4. Citizen Advisory Panels No comments within scope.
- 5. Opportunity for Public Hearings No comments within scope.
- 6. Inspections No comments within scope.
- 7. Removal of Resident Inspectors No comments within scope.
- 8. Intact Vessel Removal Two commenters indicated that intact removal of the reactor vessel should be considered in the Supplement. One of the commenters actively advocated this alternative because of reduced worker dose, costs, and excellent isolation of the waste packages.
Response: This Supplement considers specific decommissioning activities including intact removal of the reactor vessel. Decommissioning activities are discussed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
- 9. Spent Fuel One commenter indicated that the delay in the schedule for removal of spent fuel should be reflected in the GElS as far as decommissioning schedule, costs, and doses.
Response: This Supplement addresses the impacts resulting from the variation in the timing of activities such as the removal of the spent fuel from the pool. This issue is addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
- 10. Waste Disposal No comments within scope.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-9 November 2002
Appendix N
- 11. Waste Transport One commenter asked what kind of transportation activities will be covered in the Supplement.
Response: This Supplement considers impacts associated with the transportation of waste from the facility and transportation of equipment into the facility. The issue of transportation is addressed in Section 4.3.16, Transportation. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
- 12. Offsite Cleanup No comments within scope.
- 13. Site Characterization and Final Site Surveys No comments within scope.
- 14. License Termination Plan - Timing of Submittal No comments within scope.
- 15. License Termination Plan - Contents No comments within scope.
- 16. License Termination Criteria No comments within scope.
- 17. Life after License Termination No comments within scope.
- 18. Reuse of Material No comments within scope.
- 19. Transfer of Ownership No comments within scope.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-1 0 November 2002
Appendix N
- 20. Financial Assurance No comments within scope.
- 21. License Extensions No comments within scope.
- 22. Safety of Decommissioning No comments within scope.
- 6. Impacts that should be included or considered in the Supplement A. Ecological Impacts Three commenters (in four different comments) indicated that decommissioning has environmental impacts and that the GElS should include an analysis of the environment and not just an analysis of impacts on humans.
Response: The environmental impacts of decommissioning are addressed in this Supplement.
Ecological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. These comments are within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter recommended that the GElS assess the degree to which the environmental parameters of the site may have changed during the operation of the facility.
Response: This Supplement may include a consideration of the degree to which environmental parameters of the site may have changed during operation. Ecological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter recommended that the GElS take into account the relevant environmental characteristics of the site and the impacts from-the use of the decommissioning techniques.
Response: Relevant characteristics of the commercial nuclear power facility sites are being considered in the development of this Supplement. The impacts from the use of decommissioning techniques are also considered. Site characteristics and decommissioning techniques are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 N-1 1
Appendix N One commenter recommended that land use, water use, air quality, and animal and human life be included in the GElS as environmental impacts.
Response: Ecological impacts such as land use, water use, air quality, and the impact on animals and humans are considered in this Supplement. Ecological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
Two commenters recommended a mesh screen to prevent birds from landing and nesting on the site. Another recommended sterilizing the wildlife and containing them to allow them to die naturally in order to keep them from passing on genetic material.
Response: The impacts of the decommissioning process on the terrestrial environment are considered in this Supplement. Mitigative actions will be considered if necessary. Ecological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
B. Groundwater Three commenters expressed concern about contamination in ground or surface water.
Commenters indicated that studies should be conducted related to leaking pipes or plumes of contamination in the groundwater. One commenter specified that protocols should be in place that would be adhered to, particularly for underwater drilling. A third commenter thought that appropriate methodologies should be included to determine groundwater contamination before decommissioning occurs.
Response: The impact of potentially contaminated groundwater is considered in this Supplement. Water quality issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. These comments are within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter cautioned that impacts to groundwater specifically from rubblization should not be underestimated.
Response: The radiological impacts of rubblization for the period beyond the license termination must meet the requirements in 10 CFR Part 20, Subpart E, before the license will be terminated. Impacts to groundwater during the decommissioning period and nonradiological impacts following the termination of the license are generically addressed in this Supplement.
Water quality issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
Two commenters recommended that wells be monitored within five miles of the facility and that specific actions be taken if contamination is found.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-1 2 November 2002
Appendix N Response: Monitoring of effluents during decommissioning are addressed in this Supplement.
Water quality issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter indicated that all plumes must be traced, blocked, pumped, and filtered.
Another commenter recommended pumping groundwater through resin beds, sand filters, and charcoal filters.
Response: An evaluation of the impact of potentially contaminated water is considered in this Supplement. Mitigative measures are discussed, as appropriate. Water quality issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of the GELS.
C. Surface Water Two commenters indicated that sediment up to a mile downstream from the discharge "valves" should be removed and treated as hazardous waste.
Response: The staff is uncertain as to the meaning of "discharge valve" but is responding to this question assuming the commenters meant the discharge structure. An evaluation of the impact of potentially contaminated sediment and its removal during the decommissioning process is considered within this Supplement. Mitigative measures are discussed as appro priate. Water quality issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter recommended routing site runoff to covered detention ponds equipped with filters, etc.
Response: An evaluation of the impacts to surface water is considered in this Supplement.
Mitigative measures are discussed as appropriate. Water quality issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
D. Radiological Concerns One commenter requested that NRC include a definition of background radiation in the GELS.
It should be clear whether the background was measured before or after 1945.
Response: This Supplement uses the NRC's definition of background radiation as given in 10 CFR 20.1003 as the basis for any discussion of radiological impacts. The background for a particular site would correspond to the background radiation levels determined at the time that the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the facility was issued. Radiological issues are November 2002 N-1 3 NUREG-0586 Supplement 1
Appendix N addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of the GELS.
E. Occupational Dose Impacts One commenter indicated that the dose estimates for decommissioning activities should be revised and that an envelope should be used to account for attempts to use certain techniques that may not be the best way to solve the problem.
Response: This Supplement addresses the occupational dose estimates for decommissioning.
Radiological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter recommended that a good look be taken at the radiation exposure projections and that the projected exposure should be a good challenge for the industry.
Response: This Supplement addresses the occupational dose estimates for decommissioning.
Radiological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of the GELS.
One commenter recommended that a comparison be made of the dose estimates if the facility is decommissioned initially or if decommissioning does not start for 2 years.
Response: The timing of activities and its impact on the anticipated radiological dose for a decommissioning facility are considered in this Supplement. Radiological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter encouraged caution in comparing risks among processes. The commenter recommended that all the aspects of different processes be considered and that the comparisons be compatible.
Response: The comment is noted. The impacts of decommissioning activities are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter thought the scientific studies that have been performed since 1988 that show that radiation is more harmful to human health should also be included.
Response: This Supplement will include a determination of the impacts on human health from the potential radiological dose. The discussion will be based on current scientific guidelines.
Radiological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-14 November 2002
Appendix N One commenter indicated that the total dose should be a very high priority.
Response: This Supplement includes an analysis of the dose impacts of decommissioning.
Radiological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter suggested that exposure levels for workers are monitored every day and tallied every week or so and tracked against the limits given in the GELS. A second commenter indicated that worker doses during decommissioning have been repeatedly underestimated because decommissioning is an experiment and there is a lack of experience and enforcement by the NRC. A third commenter specifically identified Connecticut Yankee as underestimating worker dose assessments and predictions.
Response: This Supplement includes an analysis of impacts of radiation dose to workers due to decommissioning. Radiological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts.
This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter recommended that the GElS include estimates for worker inhalation of materials of high specific activity that have been vaporized and particulated by a particular decommissioning operation.
Response: This Supplement includes an analysis of the impact of radiation-dose to workers during decommissioning. Radiological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
F. Public Dose Impacts One commenter thought the NRC did not deal with incidental contamination that affected a community, but focused instead on contamination from processes. The implication was that an analysis of incident contamination and its effect on the community should be included in the GELS. Three other commenters specified the inadvertent release of hot particles and the routine decommissioning releases as jeopardizing health and safety of the public. One other commenter (in two comments) thought the health and safety problems needed to be taken more seriously.
Response: The incidental contamination and inadvertent release of hot particles are unplanned releases and are handled on a site-specific basis and are not within the scope of this Supplement. An analysis of the routine decommissioning releases on the health and safety of the public are within the scope of this Supplement and are considered. Radiological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 N-1 5
Appendix N One commenter thought the dose to the public from shipment of material to other locations should be included in the consideration of dose from decommissioning a facility.
Response: The dose to the public during transportation of radioactive material to disposal facilities are considered in this Supplement. Radiological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter indicated that the priority of the whole process was not the decommissioning of the sites, but rather the protection of public health and the environment.
Response: The NRC's mission includes the protection of public health and safety, the common defense and security, and the protection of the environment. The NRC's mission influences the entire decommissioning process. Public safety and protection of the environment are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter expressed concern over the issue of hot particles and their impact on the community.
Response: The inadvertent or accidental release of hot particles is handled on a site-specific basis. Analysis of contamination that is removed from the site into the public realm is considered to be an accident and would be treated as such in this Supplement. Radiological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter stated that NRC should not recalibrate and redefine background radiation levels so that they include regular plant operations, accidents, and weapons testing.
Response: This Supplement uses the NRC's definition of background radiation as given in 10 CFR 20.1003 as a basis for any discussion of radiological impacts. Radiological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of the GELS.
G. Transportation Dose Impacts One commenter indicated that transportation doses should be considered and any site-specific issues. One commenter indicated that the changes in the transportation dose since 1988 (in the programs and methodologies that are used) warrant a revision in this area in the GELS.
Response: The transportation dose to the public and workers from the transport of wastes are within the scope of this Supplement. Transportation issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-16 November 2002
Appendix N H. Nonradiological Impacts One commenter encouraged the incorporation of nonradiological contaminants into the GElS.
Four commenters expressed concern over nonradiological impacts of decommissioning. Two of the commenters specifically mentioned nonradiological impacts such as polychlorobiphenyls, heavy metals, and concrete. Another commenter inquired where the information would be obtained that related to nonradiological issues. Another commenter asked if nonradiological issues would be addressed in the license termination plan. (It was uncertain if this commenter thought this would also apply to the GElS).
Response: Nonradiological chemical hazards are regulated by the provisions of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA 1976). Most states have received authority from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate and enforce RCRA. The EPA controls hazardous waste storage, treatment, and disposal in those states that do not have this authority. Mixed waste (hazardous waste that contains radioactive material) is subject to regulation by the NRC under the Atomic Energy Act, as amended (AEA 1954), and by EPA under RCRA, as amended. Nonradiological chemical hazards are addressed in this Supplement as they relate to the radiological decommissioning of the facility. Nonradiological issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. Mixed waste (radiological contamination that is mixed with chemical contamination) are within the scope of this Supplement.
I. Public Health Impacts (Nonradiological)
Two commenters discussed the spread of contamination into the community. One of the commenters recommended that the GElS address health problems in the community as a result of contamination in the community.
Response: This Supplement considers health impacts to the community as a result of radiation dose, noise, and transportation accidents. Public health issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
J. Socioeconomic Impacts Two commenters indicated that community impacts are not adequately addressed in the GElS and need to be looked at more carefully.
Response: This Supplement considers socioeconomic impacts. Socioeconomic issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts., This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 N-1 7
Appendix N K. Cultural Resource Impacts One commenter inquired if the facilities are required to adhere to the National Park Service's requirement for Historic American Engineering Records and the Historic Architectural Building requirements.
Response: Cultural resources are considered in this Supplement and are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
L. Cost Impacts Two commenters recommended that the NRC take a look at the decommissioning projects or sites in detail to see if cost estimates do or do not match the final results. One of the commenters specifically addressed the variation in cost with time.
Response: The cost of decommissioning is included in this Supplement. The variation in the cost estimates based on different start and end times of decommissioning are also considered.
Cost issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of the Supplement.
Two commenters thought that the storage of spent fuel should be considered as part of the decommissioning costs. One commenter also recommended that the removal of nonradioactive structures should be considered as part of the decommissioning costs.
Response: The dismantlement of nonradioactive structures is not considered as part of the radiological decommissioning of the site unless it is necessary to remove a structure in order to complete the radiological decommissioning of the facility. However, the removal of structures that were necessary for the production of power are included in this Supplement for the sake of completeness even if the structures are not part of the radiological decommissioning of the site.
Structure dismantlement issues are within the scope of this Supplement and are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. The management and funding for the storage of spent fuel is required by 10 CFR 50.54 and is regulated separately from the decommissioning costs. This comment is not within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter recommended placing the facility in SAFSTOR as a means to allow more time to gather money for decommissioning and to look at the availability of low-level waste sites.
Response: The regulations for the accrual of funds for decommissioning are given in 10 CFR 50.75 and are not within the scope of this Supplement. However, the cost benefits of various decommissioning options are considered, and are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-1 8 November 2002
Appendix N M. Environmental Justice Three commenters suggested that an analysis of the impacts of decommissioning on environmental justice be considered in the Supplement.
Response: An analysis of environmental justice is included in this Supplement in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
N. Impacts of Fuel Storage No comments within scope.
- 0. Cumulative Impacts One commenter recommended that the whole picture be looked at with regards to the overall purpose and the environmental effects of the combined decommissioning options.
Response: Cumulative impacts are within the scope of this Supplement and are considered in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts.
One commenter recommended that the GElS include a description and analysis of cumulative impacts for each waste stream in the community, including transportation routes, NRC and DOE facilities, and proposed sites for waste management, storage, and disposition.
Response: Cumulative impacts related to the decommissioning of the site are considered in this Supplement. Impacts related to transportation of the waste and to irretrievable commitment of land for waste storage are also considered in this Supplement. Cumulative impact, transportation, and retrieval resource impacts are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. Cumulative impacts from waste management, storage, and disposition facilities are not within the scope of this Supplement.
- 7. Site-Specific Information versus Generic Information Two commenters asked how impacts or site conditions will be addressed - if they would be handled generically in the GElS or on a site-specific basis.
Response: Ecological and environmental issues have been considered to determine if they are generic issues that should be included in'this Supplement. Those issues-determined not to be generic and that require a site-specific assessment are identified in this Supplement, in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
Two commenters asked how site-specific conditions such as groundwater pathways would be November 2002 N-1 9 NUREG-0586 Supplement 1
Appendix N considered in the Supplement. If they would be considered generically or on a site-specific basis.
Response: Ecological and environmental issues have been considered to determine if they are a generic issue that should be included in this Supplement. Those issues determined not to be generic and that require a site-specific assessment are identified in this Supplement, in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
Eight commenters (in 16 different comments) asked about the situations and rules for triggering a site-specific environmental impact assessment. Specific examples of items that might trigger a site-specific analysis include contamination in pools and under reactor sites, coastal and flood plain issues, seismology, background radiation, pollution, reactor types, geology, operating experiences, land use, economy, synergistic effects of other toxins or industries in the area, decommissioning techniques, uniqueness of the site soil contamination, and river sediments.
Response: This Supplement discusses the issue of site-specific versus generic environmental impacts in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. These comments are within the scope of this Supplement.
Six commenters (nine comments) indicated that, in general, a site-specific impact statement or a set of guidelines that the utilities need to consider during decommissioning might be more appropriate than a GElS because of the site-specific nature of decommissioning. One of the commenters thought that the question of what does and does not legitimately constitute site-specific factors in need of an EIS are economically driven instead of safety driven.
Response: This Supplement will discuss the issue of site-specific versus generic environmental impacts in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. These comments are within the scope of this Supplement.
- 8. Incorporation of Information from Previously Developed ElSs One commenter recommended that the Supplement address whether and how to incorporate findings from the ElSs for plant construction and operation, analyses that have accrued during plant operations, and reports on referenced facilities.
Response: Chapter 1, Introduction, in this Supplement discusses the interface between this Supplement for decommissioning and the EISs for plant construction, operation, and license renewal. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-20 November 2002
Appendix N
- 9. Methodology A. Methodology-Process One commenter recommended that decommissioning be treated as an activity separate from operations.
Response: Environmental impacts from decommissioning activities are specifically addressed (and separately from impacts of operation) in this Supplement. Environmental impacts are considered in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
B. Determination of Boundary Conditions One commenter asked how the boundary conditions for the GElS would be determined. The commenter then proceeded to recommend several methods for determining boundary conditions for waste volumes.
Response: This Supplement has been developed by collecting a reasonable range of information from the sites that are undergoing decommissioning and using that information to set boundaries for environmental impacts. Environmental Impacts are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
C. Changing the Parameters from the Initial Study One commenter recommended that the existing GElS be used as a baseline and that it should be supplemented in those areas where additional information is available. 'This would allow those licensees currently undergoing decommissioning to remain enveloped and those that are using the GElS to evaluate a future decommissioning would have more up-to-date information.
Response: The 1988 GElS is being supplemented based on additional information and decommissioning experience and history. The analysis in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts, and the corresponding appendices contain the data used for evaluating the environmental impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
- 10. Mitigation One commenter recommended that the NRC adequately address mitigation in the GElS or a site-specific analysis.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-21 November 2002
Appendix N Response: Mitigation is within the scope of this Supplement and is addressed in Chapter 1, Introduction, and Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts.
- 11. Grandfathering Three commenters asked about the impact of the new Supplement on facilities that have shut down and are in compliance with the 1988 GELS.
Response: The use of this Supplement by facilities that have previously shut down is addressed in this Supplement in Chapter 1, Introduction, and Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts.
- 12. Regulations A. Relationship to Other Regulations One commenter thought the GElS should address the relationship with other NRC regulations, such as site-release criteria.
Response: The relationship between this Supplement and other NRC regulations or EISs is discussed in Chapter 1, Introduction. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
One commenter recommended that NRC treat all problems and areas of concern as "site specific problems" rather than as generic industry problems.
Response: This Supplement identifies issues that require a site-specific analysis. Site-specific issues are addressed in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment was within the scope of this Supplement.
- 13. Scoping Meetings - Schedule, Substance, etc.
No comments within scope.
- 14. Comments Related to Specific Nuclear Power Plants Three commenters addressed the use of rubblization as an activity for decommissioning at Maine Yankee. One commenter agreed that the NRC needed to fulfill their responsibilities related to NEPA. A second commenter believed that a full environmental assessment should be made to determine if a site-specific EIS is necessary. A third commenter strongly opposed any delay in a specific plant initiative based on the Supplement to the GElS.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-22 November 2002
Appendix N Response: Rubblization is addressed by this Supplement. Specific areas or activities requiring site-specific analyses are also addressed. Rubblization and site-specific issues are considered in Chapter 4, Environmental Impacts. This comment is within the scope of this Supplement.
NA References 10 CFR 20. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 20, "Standards for protection against radiation."
10 CFR 50. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 50, "Domestic licensing of production and utilization facilities."
10 CFR 51. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Energy, Part 51, "Environmental protection regulations for domestic licensing and related regulatory functions."
65 FR 13797. "Notice of Intent to Prepare a Supplement to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities and to Hold Public Meetings for the Purpose of Scoping and to Solicit Public Input into the Process." Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Federal Register. March 14, 2000.
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 USC 2011 et seq.
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, 42 USC 4321 et seq.
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976, as amended by the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments Act of 1984, 42 USC 6901 et seq.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). 1988. Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities. NUREG-0586, NRC, Washington, D.C.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). 2000a. Letter from NRC to "People who Requested a Copy of Meeting Transcript for GElS Public Scoping Meeting on April 27, 2000 in Lisle, Illinois." Dated June 30, 2000.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). 2000b. Letter from NRC to "People who Requested a Copy of Meeting Transcript for GElS Public Scoping Meeting on May 17, 2000 in Boston, Massachusetts." Dated June 30, 2000.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). 2000c. Letter from NRC to "People who Requested a Copy of Meeting Transcript for GElS Public Scoping Meeting on June 13, 2000 in NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 N-23 November 2002
Appendix N Atlanta, Georgia." Dated June 30, 2000.
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). 2000d. Letter from NRC to "People who Requested a Copy of Meeting Transcript for GElS Public Scoping Meeting on June 21, 2000 in San Francisco, California." Dated June 30, 2000.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 N-24
Appendix 0 Comments on the Draft Supplement and Staff Responses
Appendix 0 Contents Introduction..........................................................
0-1 0.1 Im pacts.....................................................
0 -29 0.1.1 Onsite/Offsite Land Use..................................
0-29 0.1.2 Surface and Groundwater Quality and Use....................
0-31 0.1.3 Air Quality.............................................
0-39 0.1.4 Ecology...............................................
0-44 0.1.5 Threatened and Endangered Species........................
0-53 0.1.6 Radiological............................................
0-54 0.1.7 Decommissioning Accidents...............................
0-79 0.1.8 Occupational (Nonradiological) Impacts......................
0-84 0.1.9 Cost Impacts...........................................
0-88 0.1.10 Socioeconomics........................................
0-102 0.1.11 Environmental Justice....................................
0-109 0.1.12 Cultural Resources......................................
0-111 0.1.13 Aesthetics.............................................
0 -112 0.1.14 Noise.................................................
0-113 0.1.15 Transportation/Transportation Dose Impacts...................
0-114 0.1.16 Conclusions........
0-118 0.2 NRC Experience, Role and Regulations.............................
0-126 0.2.1 NRC Experience with Decommissioning......................
0-126 0.2.2 NRC Role.............................................
0 -129 0.2.3 Decommissioning Duration and Options......................
0-146 Decommissioning Duration........................
0-146 Decommissioning Options........................
0-148 Entombment...................................
0-151 Rubblization...................................
0-162 0.2.4 Safety of Decommissioning................................
0-170 Issues Related to Terrorist Events..................
0-170 Safety of Decommissioning........................
0-174 Risk-Informed Regulations........................
0-176 0.3 Decommissioning Process.......................................
0-177 0.4 Out-of-Scope Issues............................................
0-183 0.4.1 Reuse of Materials Offsite.................................
0-183 0.4.2 Partial Site Release......................................
0-188 0.4.3 Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste.....................
0-190 0.4.4 Spent Fuel Maintenance, Storage, and Disposal................
0-198 NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 O-iii November 2002
Appendix 0 0.4.5 License Extensions......................................
0-206 0.4.6 Site Characterization and Final Site Surveys...................
0-207 0.4.7 License Termination Criteria...............................
0-212 0.4.8 Beyond License Termination...............................
0-216 0.4.9 Ownership.............................................
0-223 0.4.10 Financial Assurance.....................................
0-226 0.5 NEPA-Related Issues...........................................
0-233 0.5.1 Process for Developing the GElS...........................
0-233 0.5.2 Public Meetings and Public Participation......................
0-234 0.5.3 Request for Additional Comment Period......................
0-244 0.5.4 Determination of Scope...................................
0-245 0.5.5 Definition and Discussion of SMALL, MODERATE and LARGE Impacts.........................................
0-252 0.5.6 Time Frame for Assessing Environmental Impacts..............
0-257 0.5.7 Reactors Included in the GElS Analysis......................
0-258 0.5.8 Application of NEPA Process to Decommissioning..............
0-259 0.5.9 Opposition to Use of Generic Impacts........................
0-261 0.6 General.....................................................
0-266 0.6.1 Clarifications and Recommendations Related Specifically to Supplement 1........................................
0-266 0.6.2 Clarification Questions....................................
0-284 0.6.3 Statements for or Against Nuclear Power.....................
0-287 0.6.4 Comments in Support of Decommissioning....................
0-289 0.6.5 General Comments......................................
0-290 Table 0.1 Comment Log....................................................
0-3 NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 O-iv November 2002
Appendix 0 Appendix 0 Comments on the-DraftfSupplement and Staff Responses Introduction On Nove'mber 9, 2001 a notice of availability was published by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the Federal Register (66 FR 56721) announcing the publication of the Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities, Draft Report for Comment (NUREG -0586, Supplement 1). The draft Supplement was published for comment by Federal, State, and local government agencies as well as interested members of the public'.
As part of the process to solicit public comments on'the draft Supplement, the staff:
"* placed a copy of the draft Supplement into the NRC's electronic Public Document
- Ro6m,
"* sent copies of the draft Supplement to certain Federal, State, and local agencies,
"* provided a copy of the draft Supplement to any member of the public that requested one free of charge,
" sent copies of the draft Supplement to identified public interest groups and concerned citizens in the vicinity of all 22 power reactors undergoing decommissioning,
" published a notice of availability of the draft Supplement in the Federal Register on November 9, 2001 (66 FR 56721), and
" announced and held public meetings in San Francisco, California on December 4, 2001, Chicago, Illinois on December 6, 2001, in Boston, Massachusetts on December 10, 2001, and in Atlanta, Georgia on December 12, 2001 to describe the resultsof the environmental review and answer related questions.
During the comment period, the staff received a total of 52 comment letters in addition to the comments received during the transcribed public meetings.
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 0-1
Appendix 0 I The staff has reviewed the public meeting transcripts and the 52 comment letters that are part I of the docket file for the application, all of which are available in the NRC's Electronic Public I Document Room (ADAMS) located at Appendix 0 1 contains the excerpted comments and the staff's responses. Related issues are grouped I together. The staff chose not to edit comments, and instead reprinted the comments in this I appendix without modification. Emphasis added by the authors of the comments, such as I capitalization, was retained. Appendix P contains excerpts of the public meeting transcripts, the I written statements provided at the public meetings, and comment letters.
I Each comment identified by the staff from the transcripts and comment letters was assigned a I specific alpha-numeric comment number. The comment number is typed in the margin of the I transcript or letter at the beginning of the comment. Table 0-1 contains a cross-reference of I the comment numbers, the speaker or author of the comment, the page where the comment I can be found in Appendix P, and the section of this Appendix where the comment is addressed.
I The speakers at the meetings are listed in speaking order in Table 0-1. The comments from I the transcript are identified by the letters "SF," "CH," "BO," or "AT,* followed by a number that I identifies each comment in approximate chronological order in which the comments were made.
I The letters "SF" indicate that the comments were made'at the meeting in San Francisco, I California, the letters "CH" indicate that the comments were made at the meeting in Chicago, I
Illinois, the letters "BO" indicate that the comments were made at the meeting in Boston, I Massachusetts, and the letters "AT" indicate the comments were made in Atlanta, Georgia.
I The written statements (from the public meetings) and written comment letters are identified by I the letters "CL," for "comment letter."
I The staff made a determination on each comment that it was one of the following:
I (1) a comment that was actually a request for information, or a statement of opinion, which did not introduce new information.
I (2) a comment that raised an environmental issue that was not addressed in the supplement, but is within the scope of the environmental review.
1 (3) a comment outside the scope of this environmental review (based on the determination of scope and purpose of this Supplement, see Section 1.3, Scope of the Supplement).
I Comments withouta supporting technical basis or without any new information are discussed in I this Appendix, and not in other sections of this Supplement. Relevant references that address I the issues within the regulatory authority of the NRC are provided where appropriate. Many of I these references can be obtained from the NRC Electronic Public Document Room.
I Within each section of this Appendix, similar comments are grouped together for ease of NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 0-2 November 2002
Appendix 0 reference, and are followed by the staff's response. Where the comment or question resulted in a change in the text of the draft Supplement, the corresponding response refers the reader to the appropriate section of the final Supplement where the change was made. Revisions to the text in this final Supplement report are designated by vertical lines beside the text.
Some numbers were initially assigned to portions of verbal or written statements that were later determined not to be comments or some comments were combined. These items were removed from the table. As a result, not all numbers in Table 0-1 are sequential.
Table 0.1. Comment Log Comment No.
SF-A/1 SF-A/2 SF-B/1 SF-B/2 SF-B/4 SF-B/5 SF-C/1 SF-C/2 SF-C/3 SF-C/4 SF-C/5 SF-C/6 SF-C17 SF-D/1 SF-D/2 SF-D/3 CH-A/1 CH-A/2 CH-A/3 CH-N4 CH-A/5 CH-AN6 CH-AW7 CH-A/8 CH-AN9 CH-AN10 CH-AN11 CH-N12 CH-AJ13 CH-A/14 CH-N15 CH-A/16 CH-B/1 Speaker or Author Sokolsky, David Sokolsky, David Cabasso, Jackie Cabasso, Jackie Cabasso, Jackie Cabasso, Jackie Nesbitt, Dale Nesbitt, Dale Nesbitt, Dale Nesbitt, Dale Nesbitt, Dale Nesbitt, Dale Nesbitt, Dale Olson, Patricia Olson, Patncia Olson, Patncia Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Gaynor, Paul Source Meeting Transcript - San Francisco Meeting Transcript - San Francisco Meeting Transcript - San Francisco Meeting Transcript - San Francisco Meeting Transcnpt-San Fran(cisco Meeting Transcnpt-San Francisco Meeting Transcnpt-San Francisco Meeting Transcnpt-San Francisco Meeting Transcnpt - San Francisco Meeting Transcript - San Francisco Meeting Transcnpt-San Francisco Meeting Transcnpt -San Francisco Meeting Transcript :San Francisco Meeting Transcript.- San Francisco Meeting Transcript - San Francisco Meeting Transcnpt - San Francisco Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript-Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meetino Transcript - Chicano NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Date 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/4/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 Comment Page In Appendix P
P-1 P-7 P-2 P-2 P-1I P-1li P-4 P-6 P-10 P-10 P-10 P-10 P-11 P-9 P-9 P-9 P-14 P-14 P.16 P-21 P-21 P-21 P-21 P-21 P-22 P-22 P-22 P-22 P-22 P-22 P-25 P-29 P-15 Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 06.2 0.6.2 06.2 0.6.2 02.31 04.4 0 5.5 0 5.5 02.4.1 0 2.4.1 04.4 0.1.6 05.2 04.1 04.1 0.6.2 0.62 030 0.6.4 04.10 0.2.42 0 2.4.1 01.16 02.34 0 2.3.1 0 6.1 02.31 04.10 06.2 0.1.4 S.........
17 I
0-3 November 2002 Meetino Transcrint - Chicaoo P-1 5
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
CH-B/3 CH-B/4 CH-C/1 CH-C/2 CH-C/3 CH-C/4 CH-C/5 CH-C/6 CH-Cf7 CH-C/8 CH-C/9 CH-C/10 CH-C/11 CH-C/12 CH-C/14 CH-C/15 CH-C/1 6 CH-D/1 CH-D/2 CH-D/5 CH-D/6 CH-D/7 CH-D/8 CH-D/9 CH-D/10 CH-D/11 CH-D/12 CH-D/13 BO-N1 BO-A/2 BO-A/3 BO-N41 )
BO-A/6 BO-B/1 BO-B/2 Speaker or Author Gaynor, Paul Gaynor, Paul Klebe, Michael Klebe, Michael Klebe, Michael Klebe, Michael Klebe, Michael Klebe, Michael Klebe, Michael Klebe, Michael Klebe, Michael Klebe, Michael Klebe, Michael Klebe, Michael Klebe, Michael Klebe, Michael Klebe, Michael Goodman, Lynne Goodman, Lynne Goodman, Lynne Goodman, Lynne Goodman, Lynne Goodman, Lynne Goodman, Lynne Goodman, Lynne Goodman, Lynne Goodman, Lynne Goodman, Lynne Dierker, Cad Dierker, Carl Dierker, Carl Dierker, Cad Dierker, Cad Williams, Cart WLIliame_ Cart Source Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcnpt - Chicago Meeting Transcnrpt - Chicago Meeting Transcnpt - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcnpt - Chicago Meeting Transcnpt - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcnpt - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcnpt - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcnpt - Chicago Meeting Transcnpt - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript-Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcnpt - Chicago Meeting Transcnpt - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Chicago Meeting Transcript - Boston Meeting Transcript - Boston Meeting Transcript - Boston Meeting Transcript - Boston Meeting Transcript - Boston Meeting Transcnpt - Boston Meetino Transcnot - Boston NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Comment Page In Appendix P
P-23 P-23 P-17 P-18 P-18 P-18 P-18 P-19 P-19 P-19 P-19 P-19 P-20 P-20 P-27 P-28 P-29 P-23 P-23 P-23 P-23 P-24 P-24 P-24 P-24 P-24 P-24 P-30 P-30 P-31 P-31 P-31 P-32 P-32 P-33 Date 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/6/2001 12/10/2001 12/10/2001 12/10/2001 12/10/2001 12/10/2001 12/10/2001 12/10/2001 W
li m
C arl..
0-4 November 2002 Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 0.5.1 05.1 02.33 02.33 0.5.4 02.33 0.233 0.16 0.233 0.2.33 0.22 0.2.33 0.22 0.2.33 02.3 02.3 0.65 0.18 06.1 0.1 9 0.1.8 0.1.7 06.5 065 0.1.6 05.1 0.5.3 02.3.2 0.5.7 055 05.4 054 I
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
AT-N1 AT-A/2 AT-A/3 AT-N5 AT-A/6 AT-A/7 AT-N8 AT-N9 AT-A/10 AT-A/N1 AT-A/12 AT-AN13 AT-N14 AT-A15 AT-A/16 AT-N17 AT-N18 AT-N19 AT-A/20 AT-N21 AT-N22 AT-A/23 AT-N24 AT-A/25 AT-A/26 AT-A/27 AT-A/29 AT-A/30 AT-A/31 AT-A/32 AT-A/33 AT-A/34 AT-W/35 AT-A/36 AT-A/37 AT-AN38 AT-A/39 Speaker or Author Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak. Sara Source Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meetina Transcript - Atlanta NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Comment Page In Appendix P
P-38 P-44 P-44 P-44 P-45 P-45 P-45 P-45 P.45 P-46 P-46 P-46 P-46 P-46 P-46 P-47 P-47 P-.47 P-47 P-47 P-47 P-47 P-48 P-48 P-48 P-.48 P-48 P-49 P-49 P-49 P-49 P-49 P-50 P-50 P-50 P-50 P-50 Date 12/1212001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/1 2/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 Section of Appendix 0 where comment is addressed 0.6.2 05.2 0.5.2 0.5.2 0.5.3 05.2 06.3 02.2 0 2.4.2 0 2.4.2 0 2.4.1 05.3 0 2.4.1 044 0.44 0.5.9 0.55 0.5.10 0.5.2 0.1.16 0.2.2 0.5.6 046 0.4.4 0.4.5 0.1.6 0.1.9 0.1.10 0.1.9 0.5.9 0.1.6 0.1.16 0.1.16 0.1.2 041.1 048 0-5 November 2002
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
AT-N40 AT-N41 AT-N42 AT-N43 AT-N44 AT-N45 AT-B/1 AT-B/2 AT-B/3 AT-B/4 AT-B/5 AT-B/6 AT-B/7 AT-B/8 AT-B/9 AT-B/10 AT-B/11 AT-B/12 AT-1B/13 AT-B/14 AT-B/15 AT-B/16 AT-B/17 AT-B/18 AT-B/19 AT-B/20 AT-B/21 AT-B/22 AT-C/1 AT-C/2 AT-C/3 AT-C/4 AT-C/5 AT-C/6 AT-D/1 AT-D/2 AT-D/3 AT-D/4 AT-D/5 Speaker or Author Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Zeller, Janet Martin, Ed Martin, Ed Martin, Ed Martin, Ed Martin, Ed Martin, Ed Kushner. Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Source Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt -Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt -Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt -Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meetinq Transcnpt - Atlanta Date 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/i2/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 Comment Page in Appendix P
P-51 P-51 P-51 P-51 P-51 P-51 P-38 P-39 P-39 P-40 P-55 P-55 P-55 P-55 P-55 P-55 P-56 P-56 P-56 P-56 P-57 P-57 P-57 P-57 P-73 P-73 P-73 P-73 P-41 P-41 P-42 P-41 P-41 P-41 P-52 P-52 P-52 P-52 P-52 November 2002 Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 0.1.10 0.5.9 02.32 04.3 0.6.5 0.59 0.1.6 04.7 047 04.8 0.58 047 0.5.2 0.4.5 0.65 0.2.1 0.2 4.3 0.52 0.1.10 0.4.7 02.32 02.33 0.6.4 0.5.2 0.52 022 02.1 05.9 0.1.9 0.19 0.4.7 0.1.9 0.1.9 0.2.42 0.59 044 0.30 0-6
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Comment No.
AT-D/6 AT-D/7 AT-D/8 AT-D/9 AT-D/1 0 AT-D/11 AT-E/1 AT-E/2 AT-F/1 AT-F/2 AT-F/3 AT-F/4 AT-F/5 AT-F/6 AT-F/7 AT-G1l AT-G/2 AT-G/3 AT-G14 AT-G/5 AT-G/i AT-H/1 CL-01/1 CL-01/2 CL-01/3 CL-01/4 CL-01/5 CL-01/6 CL-01/7 CL-01/8 CL-02/1 CL-02/2 CL-02/3 CL-02/4 CL-0215 CL-02/6 CL-02/7 CL-02/8 Speaker or Author Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Genoa, Paul Genoa, Paul Zeller, Lou Zeller, Lou Zeller, Lou Zeller, Lou Zeller, Lou Zeller, Lou Zeller, Lou Carroll, Glen Carroll, Glen Carroll, Glen Carroll, Glen Carroll, Glen Carroll, Glen Ferguson, Tom Scherer,-A Edward Scherer, A Edward Scherer, A Edward Scherer, A Edward Scherer, A Edward Scherer, A Edward Scherer, A Edward Scherer, A Edward Epstein,-Enc Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Enc Joseph November 2002 0-7 Source Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcript -Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcnpt - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Meeting Transcript - Atlanta Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Date 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12112/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2002 12/12/2002 12/12/2002 12/12/2002 12112/2002 12/12/2002 1211 2/2002 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/12/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 Comment Page In Appendix P
P-52 P-52 P-52 P-52 P-53 P-53 P-53 P-72 P-58 P-58 P-58 P-58 P-58 P-59 P-60 "P-60 P-61 P-61 P-61 P-61 P-71 P-62 P-75 P-75 P-75 P-75 P-75 P-76 P-76 P-76 P-79 P-79 P-80 P-80 P-80 P-80 P-80 P-80 Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 0.1.15 0.43 0.65 023.3 063 02.4.2 02.3.4 02.2 0.2.2 02.4.1 04.4 0.2 4.1 0.2.2 01.6 0.1.15 0.4.3 0.4.1 0.30 0.2 3.3 0.1.9 0.52 0.65 0.56 0.61 0.1.2 0.6 1 0.1.11 0.1.13 0.1.9 0.4 10 0.1.9 0.6.5 0.44 0.4.3 0.1.9 0.65
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Section of Comment Appendix 0 Page in where Appendix comment is Comment No.
Speaker or Author Source Date P
addressed CL-02/9 CL-02/10 CL-02/11 CL-02/12 CL-02/13 CL-02/14 CL-02/15 CL-02116 CL-02117 CL-02/18 CL-02/19 CL-02/20 CL-02/21 CL-02/22 CL-02/23 CL-02/24 CL-02/25 CL-02/26 CL-02/27 CL-02/28 CL-02/29 CL-02/30 CL-02/31 CL-02/32 CL-02/33 CL-02/34 CL-02/35 CL-02/36 CL-02/37 CL-02/38 CL-02/39 CL-02/40 CL-02/41 CL-02142 CL-02/43 CL-02/44 CL-02145 CL-02/46 CL-02/47 Epstein, Enc Joseph Epstein, Enc Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Enc Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Enc Joseph Epstein, Enc Joseph Epstein, Enc Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Enc Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Enc Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eno Joseph Epstein, Enc Joseph Epstein, Enc Joseph Epstein, Enc Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Enc Joseph Epstein, Enc Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Enc Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Epstein, Eric Joseph Enstein. Eric Josech Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 P-80 P-80 P-80 P-80 P-80 P-80 P-80 P-80 P-81 P-84 P-84 P-86 P-86 P-87 P-87 P-87 P-88 P-88 P-88 P-89 P-89 P-90 P-90 P-92 P-92 P-92 P-93 P-94 P-95 P-95 P-95 P-95 P-96 P-96 P-96 P-97 P-97 P-98 P-98 NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 04.9 02.2 0.2.2 0.4.10 0.4.4 0.6.5 02.2 0.65 0.1.9 02.1 0.1.9 0.1.9 044 0.1.9 04.4 04.4 04.4 04.4 0.1.9 0.1.9 04.3 04.3 0.4.10 04.9 0.4.10 0.1.10 04.9 0.1.9 022 022 04.10 0.6.1 04.10 0.4.10 0.5 8 0.5.5 0.1.4 0.1.13 01.1 0-8 November 2002
1 1 Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Section of Comment Appendix 0 Page in where Appendix comment Is Comment No.
Speaker or Author Source Date P
addressed CL-02/48 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-98 0.1.2 CL-02/49 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-99 0.1.2 CL-02/50 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-99 0.1.3 CL-02/51 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-100 0.1.4 CL-02/52 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-101 0.1.16 CL-02/53 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-101 0.1.4 CL-02/54 Epstein, Enc Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-101 0.1.8 CL-02/55 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-101 0.1.10 CL-02/56 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-102 0.1.16 CL-02/57 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-102 0.1.9 CL-02/58 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-102 0.1.10 CL-02/59 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-103 0.1.10 CL-02/60 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-103 0.1.11 CL-02/61 Epstein,Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-103 0.1.12 CL-02/62 Epstein, Enc Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-103 0.1.12 CL-02/63 Epstein, Enc Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-103 0.1.16 CL-02/64 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-104 01.13 CL-02/65 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-104 0.1.15 CL-02/66 Epstein, Enc Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-1 04 0.1.9 CL-02/67 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-1 05 0.5.7 CL-02/68 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-105 0.1.10 CL-02/69 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-105 0 1.10 CL-02/70 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-105 0.1.11 CL-02/71 Epstein, Eric Joseph Letter 12/28/2001 P-106 0 1.15 CL-03/1 Scott, Collier Shannon Letter 12/31/2001 P-108 CL-03/2 Scott, Collier Shannon Letter 12/31/2001 P-108 CL-03/3 Scott, Collier Shannon Letter 12/31/2001 P-108 CL-03/4 Scott, Collier Shannon Letter 12/31/2001 P-108 CL-03/5 Scott, Collier Shannon Letter 12/31/2001 P-109 0.1.10 CL-03/6 Scott, Collier Shannon Letter 12/31/2001 P-109 O.41.1,1 CL-03/7 Scott, Collier Shannon Letter 12/31/2001 P-109 0.1.10 CL-03/8 Scott, Collier Shannon Letter 12/31/2001 P-109 04.1.1 CL-03/9 Scott, Collier Shannon Letter 12/31/2001 P-110 0 4.1.1 CL-04/1 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-111 0.6.5 CL-04/2 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-111 0.5.4 CL-04/3 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-111 0.1.3 CL-04/4 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-111 0.1.4 CL-04/5 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-111 0.1.4 CL-04/6 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-1 12 0 1.5 NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 0-9
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Section of Comment Appendix 0 Page In where Appendix comment is Comment No.
Speaker or Author Source Date P
addressed 7CL-047 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-1 12 0.1.6 CL-04/8 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-112 0.1.11 CL-04/9 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-112 0.1.12 CL-04/10 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-112 0.1.15 CL-04/11 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-112 06.1 CL-04/12 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-112 0.1.6 CL-04/13 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-112 0.1.6 CL-04/14 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-113 0.1.10 CL-04/15 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-113 0.1.15 CL-04/16 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-113 0.1.6 ICL-04/17 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-1 13 06.1 CL-04/18 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-113 0.1.4 CL-04/19 Williamson, Thomas Letter 12/27/2001 P-113 06.1 CL-05/1 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-114 06.5 CL-05/2 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-115 0.1.6 CL-05/3 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-115 0 5.5 CL-05/4 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-115 0 6.1 CL-05/5 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 Po115 06.1 CL-05/6 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-115 06.1 CL-05/
Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-115 06.1 CL-05/8 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-115 0.1 6 CL-05/9 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-115 06.1 CL-05/10 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-116 02.33 CL-05/11 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-116 0.1.3 CL-05/12 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-116 06.1 CL-05/13 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-116 0.1.15 CL-05/14 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-116 0.1.4 CL-05/15 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-116 0.1.4 CL-05/16 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-116 06.1 CL-05/17 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-116 0.1.11 CL-05/18 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-116 06.1 CL-05/19 Davis, James Letter 12/28/2001 P-116 0.1.15 CL-06/1 Routh, Stephen Letter 12/21/2001 P-117 0.1 6 CL-06/2 Routh, Stephen Letter 12/21/2001 P-117 054 CL-06/3 Routh, Stephen Letter 12/21/2001 P-117 01.7 CL-07("1 Sokolsky, David Letter 12/21/2001 CL-08/1 Barczak, Sara Letter 12/27/2001 P-1 19 052 CL-08/2 Barczak, Sara Letter 12/27/2001 P-1 19 052 CL-08/3 Barczak, Sara Letter 12/27/2001 P-119 024.1 (a) CL-07 Letter submitted by Mr. David Sokolsky-superceded by CL-15 dated 12/21/2001-duplicate comments.
NUREG-0586 Supplement I 0-10 November 2002
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
CL-08/4 CL-08/5 CL-0816 CL-08/7 CL-08/8 CL-08/9 CL-08/1 0 CL-08/11 CL-08/12 CL-08/13 CL-08/14 CL-08/15 CL-08/16 CL-08/17 CL-08/1 8 CL-08/19 CL-08/20 CL-08/21 CL-08/22 CL-08/23 CL-08/24 CL-08/25 CL-08/26 CL-08/27 CL-08/28 CL-08/29 CL-08/30 CL-08/31 CL-08/32 CL-08/33 CL-08/35 CL-08/36(a' CL-09/1 CL-09/2 CL-09/3 CL-09/4 Speaker or Author Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak"Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, -Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara Barczak, Sara O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor. Jr. WT Source Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Comment Page In Appendix IP P-1 19 P-119 P-1 19 P-119 P-119 P-120 P-120 P-120 P-120 P-120 P-120 P-120 P-120 P-120 P-120 P-121 P-121 P-121 P-121 P-121 P-121 P-121 P.121 P-121 P-121 P-121 P-121 P-121 P-122 P-122 P-122 P-122 P-123 P-124 P-124 P-124 Date 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12/27/2001 12127/2001 12/27/2001 12127/2001 12128/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 (a) CL-08/36 is a comment submitted by Ms. Sara Barczak In a wntten statement that was read into the transcript at the Atlanta public meeting The wntten statement was submitted to the NRC on December 27, 2001 along with comment letter CL-08.
All the comments were duplicates of those in the transcnpt, except for comment CL-08/36, which has been added for
November 2002 Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 0.59 0.5.5 0.5.6 0.4.4 0.4.5 0.2.1 0.4.10 0.1.9 0.410 0.4.10 0.1.9 0.1.10 0.4.10 0.5.9 0.1.16 0.1.2 0.1.15 0.48 0.1.6 0.1.16 0.44 0.4.9 0.4.10 0.2.2 0.48 0.63 0.1.6 0.5.9 0.65 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 I
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
CL-09/5 CL-09/6 CL-0917 CL-09/8 CL-09/9 CL-09/1i0 CL-09/11 CL-09/12 CL-09/13 CL-09/14 CL-09/15 CL-09/16 CL-09/17 CL-09/1 8 CL-09/19 CL-09/20 CL-09/21 CL-09/22 CL-09/23 CL-09/24 CL-09/25 CL-09/26 CL-09/27 CL-09/28 CL-09/29 CL-09/30 CL-09/31 CL-09/32 CL-09/33 CL-09/34 CL-09/35 CL-09/36 CL-09/37 CL-09/38 CL-09/39 CL-09/40 CL-09/41 CL-09/42 CL-09/43 CL-09/44 NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Source Speaker or Author O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, JrA WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, W'T O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WTr O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr. WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor. Jr. 'NT Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Date 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 4.nft aI1"r4i 0-12 November 2002 Comment Page in Appendix P
P-124 P-124 P-124 P-124 P-124 P-124 P-124 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-125 P-126 P-126 P-126 P-126 P-126 P-126 P-126 P-126 P-126 P-127 P-127 P-127 P-127 Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 06.1 06.1 06.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.1.2 06.1 0.1.3 0.1.3 0.1.3 0.13 0.1.7 0.1.7 0.1.8 0.1.8 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 06.1 0.1.8 06.1 06.1 0.6.1 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 06.1 0.1.6 CL-09/44 O'Connor-Jr T
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
CL-09/45 CL-09/46 CL-09/47 CL-09/48 CL-09/49 CL-09/50 CL-09/51 CL-09/52 CL-09/53 CL-09/54 CL-09/55 CL-09/56 CL-09/57 CL-09/58 CL-10/1 CL-1 0/2 CL-10/3 CL-i 0/4 CL-10/5 CL-10/6 CL-1 0/7 CL-o10/8 CL-10/9 CL-10/10 CL-10/11 CL-10/12 CL-i 1/1 CL-1 1/2 CL-i 1/3 CL-1/4 CL-1 1/5 CL-1 1/6 CL-1117 CL-11/8 CL-1119 CL-11/10 CL-11/11 CL-11/12 CL-1 1/13 CL-I 1/14 Speaker or Author O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, w-T O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor, Jr, WT O'Connor Jr, WT Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Kushner, Adele Musiker, Debbie Musiker. Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker, Debbie Musiker. Debbie NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Source Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Date 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/29/2001 12/29/2001 12/29/2001 12/29/2001 12/29/2001 12/29/2001 12/29/2001 12/29/2001 12/29/2001 12/29/2001 12/29/2001 12/29/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 November 2002 0-13 Comment Page in Appendix P
P-127 P-127 P-127 P-127 P-127 P-127 P-127 P-127 P-127 P-127 P-127 P-127 P-128 P-128 P-129 P-129 P-129 P-129 P-129 P-129 P-129 P-129 P-129 P-129 P-129 P-129 P-130 P-130 P-130 P-130 P-131 P-131 P-131 P-131 P-131 P-131 P-131 P-131 P-131 P-131 Section of Appendix 0 where comment is addressed 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.8 06.1 06.1 0.1.7 0.1.7 0.1.7 0.1.7 0.1.7 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.5 0.232 0.2.2 030 0.1.15 0.1.7 0.5.9 0.2.32 0.2.33 0.2.32 0.2.32 0.1.6 0.5.2 0.6.4 0.1.16 0.1.6 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.3.0 0.1.16 0.1.4 0.4.10 0.1.6 0 2.4.1 02.2
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Source Comment No.
CL-11/15 CL-12/1 CL-12/2 CL-12/3 CL-1 3/1 CL-1 3/2 CL-13/3 CL-13/4 CL-13/5 CL-13/6 CL-13/7 CL-13/8 CL-13/9 CL-13/10 CL-13/11 CL-13/12 CL-13/13 CL-13/14 CL-13/15 CL-13/16 CL-13/17 CL-13/18 CL-13/19 CL-14/1 CL-14/2 CL-14/3 CL-14/4 CL-14/5 CL-14/6 CL-1417 CL-1 5/1 CL-15/2 CL-15/3 CL-15/4 CL-15/6 CL-16/1 CL-16/2 CL-16/3 CL-16/4 Speaker or Author Musiker, Debbie Martin, Ed Martin, Ed Martin, Ed Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Shadis, Raymond Oncavage, Mark P.
Oncavage, Mark P.
Oncavage, Mark P.
Oncavage, Mark P.
Oncavage, Mark P.
Oncavage, Mark P.
Oncavage, Mark P.
Sokolsky, David Sokolsky, David Sokolsky, David Sokoisky, David Sokolsky, David Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller. Anne Norton 0-14 November 2002 Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Date 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 12/31/2001 1/2/2002 1/2/2002 1/2/2002 1/2/2002 1/2/2002 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 Comment Page in Appendix P
P-131 P-133 P-133 P-133 P-134 P-134 P-134 P-134 Po135 P-135 P-135 P-135 P-135 P-135 P-135 P-135 P-135 P-135 P-135 P-136 P-136 P-136 P-136 P-137 P-137 P-138 P-138 P-138 P-138 P-138 P-140 P-140 P-140 P-140 P-140 Po141 P-141 P-141 P-141 Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 0.2.2 0.5.2 0.5.2 0.5.2 0.2.4 3 0.1.6 0.1.7 0.1.7 0.1.10 0.1.10 0.1.9 0.1.10 0.1.10 0.1.10 0.1.10 0.1.10 0.1.10 0.1.6 0.1.9 0.1.14 0.1.15 0.4.4 0.4.3 0.1.16 0.1.16 0.1.16 0.2..34 0.1.9 02.4.1 0.5.2 0.6.2 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.1.6 0.6.5 0.6.1 0.5.5 0.6-1
Appendix 0 Table 0.1..(contd)
Comment No.
CL-1 6/5 CL-16/6 CL-16/7 CL-16/8 CL-1 6/9 CL-1 6/10 CL-16/11 CL-1 6/12 CL-1 6/13 CL-1 6/14 CL-16/15 CL-16/16 CL-16/17 CL-16/18 CL-16/19 CL-16/20 CL-16/21 CL-16/22 CL-16/23 CL-16/24 CL-16/25 CL-16/26 CL-16/27 CL-16/28 CL-1 6/29 CL-16/30 CL-16/31 CL-i 6/32 CL-16/33 CL-16/34 CL-16/35 CL-16/36 CL-16/37 CL-16/38 CL-i 6/39 CL-16140 CL-16/41 CL-16/42 CL-16/43 Speaker or Author Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, 'Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller. Anne Norton NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Source Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Date 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12121/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12121/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12121/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12121/2001 12/21/2001, 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 Comment Page In Appendix P
P-141 P-142 P-142 P-142 P-142 P-142 P-143 P-143 P-143 P-143 P-143 P-143 P-143 P-143 P-143 P-143 P-143 P-143 P-143 P-143 P-143 P-144 P-144 P-144 P-144 P-144 P-144 P-144 P-144 P-144 P-144 P-144 P-144 P-145 P-145
,P-145 P-145 P-145 P-145 Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 0.1.2 0.61 0.4.6 0.61 0 2.3.3 0.5.6 0.54 0.12 0.1.7 0.5.5 0.61 0.3.0 0.1.6 0.1.2 0.1.6 0.61 0.6.1 0.1.1 0.1.1 0.1.1 0.1.1 0.1.1 0.1.2 0.1.2 0.1.2 0.1.2 0.1.2 0.1.2 0.1.2 0.1.2 0.1.2 0.1.2 0.1.2 0.1.3 0.1.3 0.1.3 0.1.3 0.1.3 November 2002 0-15
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
CL-16/44 CL-16/45 CL-16/46 CL-16/47 CL-1 6/48 CL-1 6/49 CL-1 6/50 CL-16/51 CL-1 6/52 CL-16/53 CL-1 6/54 CL-16/55 CL-16/56 CL-16/57 CL-16/58 CL-16/59 CL-1 6/60 CL-16/61 CL-16/62 CL-16/63 CL-16/64 CL-16/65 CL-16/66 CL-16/67 CL-16/68 CL-16/69 CL-16/70 CL-16171 CL-16/72 CL-16/73 CL-16/74 CL-17/1 CL-17/2 CL-17/3 CL-17/4 CL-17/5 CL-17/6 CL-1717 CL-17/8 Speaker or Author Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Miller, Anne Norton Ortciger, Thomas W.
Ortciger, Thomas W.
Ortciger, Thomas W.
Ortciger, Thomas W.
Ortciger, Thomas W.
Ortciger, Thomas W.
Ortciger, Thomas W.
Ortciaer. Thomas W.
NUREG-0586 Supplement I Source Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Date 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12121/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12121/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12121/2001 12121/2001 12121/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 12/21/2001 1/7/2002 117/2002 1/7/2002 1/7/2002 117/2002 117/2002 1/7/2002 1/7/2002 Comment Page in Appendix P
P-145 P-145 P-145 P-145 P-145 P-145 P-145 P-146 P-146 P-146 P-146 P-146 P-146 P-146 P-146 P-146 P-146 P-146 P-146 P-146 P-146 P-146 P-147 P-147 P-147 P-147 P-147 P-147 P-147 P-147 P-147 P-148 P-149 P-149 P-149 P-149 P-149 P-149 P-149 Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 0.1.3 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.4 0.1.5 0.1.5 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 02.34 06.1 0.1.12 0.1.15 06.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.6.1 0.5.4 0.4.8 0.2.2 0.4.8 0 2.3.3 02.2 0-16 November 2002
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (Contd)
Comment No.
CL-17/9 CL-17/10 CL-17/11 CL-17/12 CL-1 8/1 CL-18/2 CL-18/3 CL-19/1 CL-19/2 CL-20/1 CL-20/2 CL-20/3 CL-20/4 CL-20/5 CL-20/6 CL-20/7 CL-20/8 CL-20/9 CL-20/10 CL-20/11 CL-20/12 CL-20/13 CL-20/14 CL-20/15 CL-20/17 CL-20/1 8 CL-20119 CL-20/20 CL-20/21 CL-20/22 CL-20/23 CL-20/24 CL-20125 CL-20/26 CL-20/27 CL-20/28 CL-20/29 CL-20/30 NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Source Speaker or Author Ortciger, Thomas W.
Ortctger, Thomas W.
Ortciger 'Thomas W.
Ortciger. Thomas W.
Delezenski, Jerry Delezenski, Jerry Delezenski, Jerry Byme, Stephen A.
Byme, Stephen A.
Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela
.-Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Date 1/7/2002 1/7/2002 1/7/2002 1/7/2002 11/20/2001 11/20/2001 11/20/2001 12/20/2001 12/20/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 I 31jro~n Comment Page in Appendix P
P-149 P-149 P-149 P-149 P-150 P-150 P-150 P-151 P-151 P-152 P-152 P-152 P-152 P-152 P-152 P-153 P-153 P-153 P-153 P-154 P-154 P-154 P-154 P-154 P-154 P-154 P-154 P-155 P-155 P-155 P-155 P-155 P-155 P-155 P-155 P-155 P-155 P-155 Section of Appendix 0 where comment is addressed 04.3 065 065 02.2 0.6.1 0.1.9 065 0.2.33 0.6.5 06.3 065 0.2.2 0.1.16 0.55 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.4 01.4 0.6.5 0.4.7 0.48 0.30 0.1.2 0.4.6 0.1.2 0.1.2 0.2.34 0.43 0.3.0 0.3.0 0.1.8 0.4.4 0.4.4 0.4.4 0.1.2 0.1.2 O.1 A16 November 2002 0-17 Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter L.4t~r 01.16 P-1 55 Letter
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
CL-20/31 CL-20/32 CL-20/33 CL-20/34 CL-20/35 CL-20/36 CL-20/37 CL-20/38 CL-20/40 CL-20/41 CL-20/42 CL-20/43 CL-20/44 CL-20/45 CL-20/47 CL-20/48 CL-20/49 CL-20/50 CL-20/51 CL-20/52 CL-20/53 CL-20/54 CL-20/55 CL-20/56 CL-20/57 CL-20/58 CL-20/59 CL-20/60 CL-20/61 CL-20/62 CL-20/63 CL-20/64 CL-20/65 CL-20/66 CL-20/67 CL-20/68 CL-20/69 Source Speaker or Author Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen. Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Letter Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Letter Section of Comment Appendix 0 Page In where Appendix comment is P
addressed P-155 0.1.3 P-155 0.3.0 P-155 0.1.6 P-156 0.1.6 P-156 0.4.3 P-156 0.1.4 P-156 0.1.6 P-156 0.1.4 P-156 0.1.4 P-156 0.4.9 P-156 0.4.8 P-156 0.5.4 P-156 0.2.2 P-157 0.2.2 P-157 0.1.9 P-157 0.1.9 P-157 0.1.9 P-157 0.1.10 P-157 0.1.10 P-157 01.6 P-157 022 P-157 0.1.6 P-157 0.1.6 P-157 0.1.6 P-158 0.3.0 P-158 0.30 P-158 030 P-158 030 P-158 0.232 P-158 0.2.32 P-158 0.2.32 P-158 0.6.5 P-158 0.2.2 P-158 0.2.2 P-158 0.22 P-158 0.1.2 P-158 0.30 NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 Date 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 0-18
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Source Comment No.
CL-20/70 CL-20/71 CL-20/72 CL-20M/3 CL-20/74 CL-20175 CL-20/76 CL-20f77 CL-20/78 CL-20/79 CL-20/80 CL-20/81 CL-20/82 CL-20/83 CL-20/84 CL-20/85 CL-20/86 CL-20/87 CL-20/88 CL-20/89 CL-20/90 CL-20/91 CL-20/92 CL-20/93 CL-20/94 CL-20/95 CL-20/96 CL-20/97 CL-20/98 CL-20/99 CL-20/1 00 CL-20/1 01 CL-20/102 CL-201103 CL-20/104 CL-201105 CL-20/106 CL-20/107 CL-20/108 Speaker or Author Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockev-O'Brien. Pamela November 2002 0-19 Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Date 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/2612001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12126/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 Comment Page in Appendix P
P-158 P-158 P-158 P-158 P-159 P-159 P-159 P-159 P-159 P-159 P-159 P-159 P-159 P-159 P-159 P-160 P-160 P-160 P-160 P-160 P-160 P-160 P-160 P-160 P-160 P-160 P-160 P-160 P-160 P-160 P-160 P-161 P-161 P-161 P-161 P-161 P-161 P-161 P-161 Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 0.1.6 0.4.3 03.0 0.4.2 0.3 0 0.1.2 0.4.3 0.4.3 0.44 0.65 0.5.4 0.4.4 0.1.15 0.1.15 0.5.4 048 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 02.2 0.1.6 0.1.6 01.6 0.1.6 0.1.7 0.1.7 0.1.7 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.2.2 06.5
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
CL-20/109 CL-20/1 10 CL-20/1 11 CL-20/112 CL-20/113 CL-20/114 CL-20/115 CL-20/116 CL-20/117 CL-20/118 CL-21/1 CL-22/1 CL-23/1 CL-24/1 CL-24/2 CL-24/3 CL-24/4 CL-24/5 CL-24/6 CL-25/1 CL-25/2 CL-25/3 CL-25/4 CL-25/5 CL-25/6 CL-25/7 CL-25/8 CL-25/9 CL-25/1 0 CL-25/11 CL-25/12 CL-26/1 CL-26/2 CL-26/3 CL-26/4 CL-26/5 CL-26/6 CL-2617 CL-26/8 Speaker or Author Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Brien, Pamela Blockey-O'Bnen, Pamela Guynup, Sharon sublimation Long, A. J. (Fred)
Gnffiths, Rachel Gnffiths, Rachel Gnffiths, Rachel Gnffiths, Rachel Griffiths, Rachel Gnffiths, Rachel Russell, Edward T.
Russell, Edward T.
Russell, Edward T.
Russell, Edward T.
Russell, Edward T.
Russell, Edward T.
Russell, Edward T.
Russell, Edward T.
Russell, Edward T.
Russell, Edward T.
Russell, Edward T.
Russell, Edward T.
Matthews, Dave Matthews, Dave Matthews, Dave Matthews, Dave Matthews, Dave Matthews, Dave Matthews, Dave Matthews, Dave NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Source Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Date 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 12/26/2001 1/19/2002 1/19/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/20/2002 1/21/2002 1/21/2002 1/21/2002 1/21/2002 1/21/2002 1/21/2002 1/21/2002 1/21/2002 Comment Page in Appendix P
P-161 P-161 P-161 P-161 P-161 P-161 P-162 P-162 P-162 P-162 P-163 P-164 P-165 P-166 P-166 P-166 P-166 P-166 P-166 P-167 P-167 P-167 P-167 P-167 P-167 P-167 P-167 P-167 P-167 P-167 P-167 P-168 P-168 P-168 P-168 P-168 P-168 P-168 P-168 0-20 November 2002 Table O 1
Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 04.1.1 04.1.1 0.5.2 0.4.3 063 04.5 06.5 06.5 02.2 0.6.5 02.2 0.5.9 0.1.16 02.3.4 0.22 0.22 0.1.16 0.4.9 0.4.4 0.5.9 0.1.16 0.4.8 0.1 6 0.58 0.2.2 0.65 0.1.16 0.42 0.4 8 0.4.7 0.1 6 016 Letter
Appendix 0 Table 0.1.- (contd)
Section of Comment Appendix 0 Page in where Appendix comment is Comment No.
Speaker or Author Source Date P
addressed CL-26/9 Matthews, Dave Letter 1/21/2002 P-168 0.1.6 CL-26/10 Matthews, Dave Letter 1/21/2002 P-168 0.5.8 CL-26111 Matthews, Dave Letter 1/21/2002 P-168 0.5.2 CL-26/12 Matthews, Dave Letter 1/21/2002 P-168 05.5 CL-26/13 Matthews, Dave Letter 1/2112002 P-168 0.2.2 CL-26/14 Matthews, Dave Letter 1/21/2002 P-168 05.2 CL-26/15 Matthews, Dave Letter 1/21/2002 P-168 CL-27/1 Schumann, Klaus Letter 1/21/2002 P-169 05.9 CL-27/2 Schumann, Klaus Letter 1/21/2002 P-169 0.52 CL-27/3 Schumann, Klaus Letter 1/21/2002 P-169 0.24 CL-28/1 Larson, Dennis Letter 1/21/2002 P-170 0.5.10 CL-29/1 Kellerman, Martin Letter 1/2112002, P-171 0 4.8 CL-29/2 Kellerman, Martin Letter 1/21/2002 P-171 0.2.34 CL-29/3 Kellerman, Martin Letter 1/21/2002 P-171 CL-30/1 Heider, Kenneth J.
Letter 12/26/2001 P-172 0.6 5 CL-30/2 Heider, Kenneth J.
Letter 12/26/2001 P-173 0.6.1 CL-30/3 Heider, Kenneth J.
Letter 12/26/2001 P-173 0.6.1 CL-30/4 Heider, Kenneth J.
Letter 12/26/2001 P-173 0.2.34 CL-30/5 Heider, Kenneth J.
Letter 12/26/2001 P-173 0.6.1 CL-30/6 Heider, Kenneth J.
Letter 12/26/2001 P-173 0.6.1 CL-30/7 Heider, Kenneth J.
Letter 12/26/2001 P-173 0.6.1 CL-30/8 Heider, Kenneth J.
Letter 12/26/2001 P-173 0 6.1 CL-30/9 Heider, Kenneth J.
Letter 12/26/2001 P-173 0 6.1 CL-30/10 Heider, Kenneth J.
Letter 12/26/2001 P-173 0.6.1 CL-30/11 Heider, Kenneth J.
Letter 12/26/2001 P-173 0.6.1 CL-30/12 Heider, Kenneth J.
Letter 12/26/2001 P-173 0.6.1 CL-30/13 Heider, Kenneth J.
Letter 12/26/2001 P-173 06.1 CL-31/1 Gallagher, Michael P.
Letter 12/28/2001 P-174 06.5 I
CL-31/2 Gallagher, Michael P.
Letter 12/28/2001 P-174 06.5 I
CL-31/3 Gallagher, Michael P.
Letter 12/28/2001 P-174 CL-31/4 Gallagher, Michael P.
Letter 12/28/2001 P-174 023.4A CL-31/5 Gallagher, Michael P.
Letter 12/28/2001 P-174 0.2 3.2 CL-31/6 Gallagher, Michael P.
Letter 12/28/2001 P-175 0.6.1 CL-31f7 Gallagher, Michael P.
Letter 12/28/2001 P-175 0.1.9 CL-31/8 Gallagher, Michael P.
Letter 12/28/2001 P-175 0.1.2 CL-31/9 Gallagher, Michael P.
Letter 12/28/2001 P-175 0.1.3 CL-31/10 Gallagher, Michael P.
Letter 12/28/2001 P-175 0.1.6 CL-31/11 Gallagher, Michael P.
Letter 12/28/2001 P-175 0.1.6 CL-31/12 Gallaqher, Michael P.
Letter 12/28/2001 P-175 0.1 9 NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 November 2002 0-21
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
CL-31/13 CL-31/14 CL-31/15 CL-31/16 CL-31/17 CL-31/18 CL-31/19 CL-32/1 CL-32/2 CL-32/3 CL-33/1 CL-33/2 CL-33/3 CL-33/4 CL-33/5 CL-33/6 CL-3317 CL-33/8 CL-33/9 CL-33/10 CL-33/11 CL-33/12 CL-33/13 CL-33/14 CL-33/15 CL-33/16 CL-33/17 CL-33/18 CL-33/19 CL-33/20 CL-34/1 CL-34/2 CL-34/3 CL-34/4 CL-34/5 CL-35/1 CL-36/1 CL-36/2 CL-36M3 NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Source Speaker or Author Gallagher, Michael P.
Gallagher, Michael P.
Gallagher, Michael P.
Gallagher, Michael P.
Gallagher, Michael P.
Gallagher, Michael P.
Gallagher, Michael P.
Clark, Susan Clark, Susan Clark, Susan Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Nagel, Margaret Casten, Liane Casten, Liane Casten, Liane Casten, Liane Casten, Uane Kim, Mary Miller, Suzanne Miller, Suzanne Miller. Suzanne Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter 0-22 November 2002 Date 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 12/28/2001 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/24/2002 1/25/2002 1/25/2002 1/25/2002 1/25/2002 Comment Page In Appendix P
P-175 P-175 P-175 P-175 P-175 P-175 P-175 P-176 P-176 P-176 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-177 P-178 P-178 P-178 P-178 P-178 P-179 P-180 P-180 P-180 Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 0.1.9 0.6.1 0.1.7 06.1 06.1 02.33 0.6.1 02.2 0.2.33 0.1.6 02.2 06.3 0.1.6 0.1.6 02.2 02.2 02.34 04.2 0.4.8 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.58 0.1.16 0.5.2 0.5.5 0.2.2 0.52 0.5.4 0.4.7 0.6.5 0.1 6 0.63 0.4.8 0.6.5 0.5.2 0.52 0.22 05.9
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
CL-36/4 CL-36/5 CL-36/6 CL-36/7 CL-36/8 CL-37/1 CL-38/1 CL-38/2 CL-38/3 CL-38/4 CL-38/5 CL-38/6 CL-38/7 CL-39/1 CL-39/2 CL-39/3 CL-39/4 CL-39/5 CL-39/6 CL-40/1 CL-40/2 CL-40/3 CL-40/4 CL-41/1 CL-41/2 CL-42/1 CL-42/2 CL-42/3 CL-42/4 CL-42/5 CL-43/1 CL-43/2 CL-43/3 CL-43/4 CL-43/5 CL-43/6 CL-43/7 CL-43/8 CL-43/9 Speaker or Author Miller, Suzanne Miller, Suzanne Miller, Suzanne Miller, Suzanne Miller, Suzanne Nordlund, James M.
Woelker, Roger' Woelker, Roger Woelker, Roger Woelker, Roger Woelker, Roger Woelker, Roger Woelker, Roger Moore, Anne Moore, Anne Moore, Anne Moore, Anne Moore, Anne Moore, Anne Runkle, John Runkle, John Runkle, John Runkle, John Schlau, Benjamin Schlau, Benjamin Ferguson, Tom Ferguson, Tom Ferguson, Tom Ferguson, Tom Ferguson, Tom Reed, Mary S.
Reed, Mary S.
Reed, Mary S.
Reed, Mary S.
Reed, Mary S.
Reed, Mary S.
Reed, Mary S
-Reed, Mary S.
Reed, Mary S NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Source Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Date 1/25/2002 1/25/2002 1/25/2002 1/25/2002 1/25/2002 1/25/2002 1/27/2002 1/27/2002 1/27/2002 1/27/2002 1/27/2002 1/27/2002 1/27/2002 1/28/2002 1/28/2002 1/28/2002 1/28/2002 1/28/2002 1/28/2002 1/28/2002 1/28/2002 1/28/2002 1/28/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 Comment Page In Appendix P
P-180 P-180 P-180 P-180 P-180 P-181 P-182 P-182 P-182 P-182 P-182 P-182 P-182 P-183 P-183 P-183 P-183 P-183 P-183 P-1 84 P-1 84 P-184 P-1 84 P-185 P-185 P-186 P-186 P-186 P-186 P-186 P-187 P-187 P-187 P-187 P-187 P-187 P-187 P-187 P-187 0-23 Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 0.2.2 048 02.42 063 02.3.4 05.9 0.55 0.1.6 0 4.3 0.4 1.1 0.6.5 0.4.2. 0.48 0.2.2 0.1.6 0.1.16 0.1.6 04.8 0 4.1.1 06.5 0.4.5 04.4 0 2A.1 063 06.3 04.2 048 0.1.6 0.1.6 05.8 0.1.16 052
- 1 November 2002
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
CL-43/10 CL-43/11 CL-43/12 CL-43/13 CL-43/14 CL-43/15 CL-43/16 CL-44/1 CL-44/2 CL-44/3 CL-44/5 CL-44/6 CL-44/7 CL-44/8 CL-44/9 CL-44110 CL-44/11 CL-44/12 CL-44/13 CL-44/14 CL-44/15 CL-44/16 CL-45/1 CL-45/2 CL-45/3 CL-46/1 CL-46/2 CL-46/3 CL-46/4 CL-46/5 CL-46/6 CL-47/1 CL-47/2 CL-47/3 CL-47/4 CL-47/5 CL-4716 CL-47/7 NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Source Speaker or Author Reed, Mary S.
Reed, Mary S.
Reed, Mary S.
Reed, Mary S.
Reed, Mary S.
Reed, Mary S.
Reed, Mary S.
Borchamann, Patncia Borchamann, Patricia Borchamann, Patricia Borchamann, Patricia Borchamann, Patricia Borchamann, Patricia Borchamann, Patricia Borchamarinn, Patricia Borchamann, Patricia Borchamann, Patricia Borchamann, Patricia Borchamann, Patricia Borchamann, Patricia Borchamann, Patricia Borchamann, Patricia McKeown, Diana S.
McKeown, Diana S.
McKeown, Diana S.
Ferguson, Tom Ferguson, Tom Ferguson, Tom Ferguson, Tom Ferguson, Tom Ferguson, Tom Ritter, David Ritter, David Ritter, David Ritter, David Ritter, David Ritter, David Ratt~r. David Date 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/29/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 0-24 November 2002 Comment Page In Appendix P
P-187 P-187 P-187 Po187 P-187 P-187 P-187 P-188 P-188 P-188 P-189 P-189 P-189 P-189 P-189 P-189 P-189 P-189 P-189 P-189 P-189 P-189 P-190 P-190 P-190 P-191 P-191 P-191 P-191 P-191 P-191 P-192 P-192 P-192 P-192 P-192 P-1 92 P-192 Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 0.5.5 02.2 0.52 0.4.7 0.4.7 0.5.9 0.5.2 0.1.16 0.1.16 0.1.16 04.2 0.1.6 05.9 022 05.5 02.2 04.7 0.4.7 022 0.52 0.1.9 0.5.2 0.1.6 0.1.16 0.52 0.5.2 04.4 0.1.7 06.3 0.6.3 06.5 06.5 0.6.4 0.5.2 06.4 0.2.4 2 043 Rte David
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
CL-4718 CL-47/9 CL-47/10 CL-47/11 CL-47/12 CL-47113 CL-47/14 CL-47115 CL-47/16 CL-47/17 CL-47/18 CL-4811 CL-48/2 CL-48/3 CL-48/4 CL-48/5 CL-48/6 CL-48/7 CL-48/8 CL-48/9 CL-48/10 CL-48/11 CL-48/12 CL-48113 CL-48114 CL-48115 CL-48116 CL-48117 CL-48/18 CL-48/19 CL-48/20 CL-48/21 CL-48/22 CL-48/23 CL-48/24 CL-481/25 CL-48126 CL-48/27 CL-48/28 Speaker or Author Ritter, David Ritter, David Ritter, David Ritter, David Ritter, David Ritter, David Ritter, David Ritter, David Ritter, David Ritter, David Ritter, David Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Source Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Date 1130/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/3012002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/3012002 1/30/2002 1/3012002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/3012002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1130/2002 1/30/2002 Comment Page in Appendix P
P-192 P-192 P-193 P-193 P-193 P-193 P-193 P-193 P-193 P-193 P-194 P-195 P-195 P-195 P-195 P-195 P-195 P-196 P-196 P-196 P-196 P-196 P-196 P-196 P-196 P-196 P-197 P-197 P-197 P-197 P-197 P-197 P-197 P-197 P-197 P-197 P-197 P-197 P-198 0-25 November 2002 Section of Appendix 0 where comment is addressed 02.2 0.2.34 0.5.9 0.5.9 0.5.2 0.5.5 0.2.34 0.2.34 0.1.9 0.5.4 0.5.2 0.2.2 0.1.16 0.5.2 0.2.1 0.59 0.64 0.64 0.1.9 0.4.3 0.5.4 0.54 0.5.4 0.16 04.6 04.6 04.1.1 0.1.9 021 0.1.9 0.1.9 0.4.10 0.4.10 01.9 0.5.9 0.5.5 05.2 02.32
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
CL-48/29 CL-48/30 CL-48/31 CL-48/32 CL-48/33 CL-48/34 CL-48/35 CL-48/36 CL-48/37 CL-48/38 CL-48/39 CL-48/40 CL-48/41 CL-48/42 CL-48/43 CL-48/44 CL-48/45 CL-48/46 CL-48/47 CL-48/48 CL-48/49 CL-49/1 CL-49/2 CL-50/1 CL-50/2 CL-5O/3 CL-50/4 CL-50/5 CL-50/6 CL-50/7 CL-5O/8 CL-50/9 CL-5O/i0 CL-50/11 CL-5O/12 CL-50/13 CL-50/14 CL-50/15 CL-50/16 Speaker or Author Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Gunter, Paul Greene, Eileen Greene, Eileen Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz. Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz. Deb Source Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 0-26 November 2002 Date 1/30/2002 1130/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 Section of Comment Appendix 0 Page in where Appendix comment Is P
addressed P-198 P-198 0.2.34 P-198 P-198 P-198 P-198 P-198 P-198 P-198 0.4.2 P-198 P-198 0.1.6 P-198 0.1.6 P-198 0.1.6 P-199 0.5.8 P-199 0.5.9 P-199 0.5.2 P-199 05.5 P-199 022 P-199 0.52 P-199 04.7 P-199 P-200 0.1.6 P-200 0.1.6 P-201 02.2 P-201 0.2.2 P-201 0.5.8 P-202 0.5.4 P-202 0.2.2 P-202 0.22 P-202 0.30 P-202 0.5.2 P-202 0.5 2 P-202 0.1 6 P-202 0.4.6 P-202 02.1 P-202 0.4.6 P-202 0.4.6 P-202 030 P-202 0.1.6
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
CL-50/17 CL-50/18 CL-50/19 CL-50/20 CL-50/21 CL-50/22 CL-50/23 CL-50124 CL-50/25 CL-50/26 CL-50127 CL-50/28 CL-511/
CL-51/2 CL-51/3 CL-5114 CL-51/5 CL-5116 CL-51/7 CL-51/8 CL-51/9 CL-51/10 CL-51/11 CL-51/12 CL-51/13 CL-51/14 CL-51/15 CL-51/16 CL-51/17 CL-51/18 CL-51/19 CL-51/20 CL-51/21 CL-51/22 CL-51123 CL-51/24 CL-51/25 CL-51/26 CL-51/27 NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Source Speaker or Author Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Katz. Deb Katz, Deb Katz, Deb Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey. Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey. Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey. Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drey, Kay Drev. Kav Date 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/31/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 1/30/2002 Comment Page in Appendix P
P-202 P-202 P-202 P-203 P-203 P-203 P-203 P-203 P-203 P-203 P-203 P-203 P-204 P-204 P-204 P-204 P-205 P-205 P-205 P-205 P-205 P-205 P-205 P-205 P-205 P-205 P-205 P-205 P-205 P-205 P-205 P-205 P-206 P-206 P-206 P-206 P-206 P-206 P-206 Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 0.1.6 0.3.0 04.2 0.1.6 0.2.34 02.2 04.4 0.5.2 0.1.7 04.6 05.2 0 2.4.1 01.16 046 046 0.46 0.5.1 061 02.3.4 0.1.3 0.1.6 0.1.8 0.16' 01.2 0.48 04.8 048 0.4.10 0.22 0.2 4.1 0.4.3 04.8 0.22 048 02.2 065 November 2002 0-27 Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter CL-51/27 1/1a/2002
Appendix 0 Table 0.1. (contd)
Comment No.
CL-51/28 CL-52/1 CL-52/2 CL-5213 CL-5214 CL-52/5 CL-52/6 CL-52/7 CL-52/8 CL-52/9 CL-52110 CL-52/11 CL-52/12 CL-52113 CL-52114 CL-52/15 CL-52116 CL-52/17 CL-52/1 8 CL-52/19 CL-52/20 CL-52/21 CL-52/22 CL-52/23 CL-52/24 CL-52/25 CL-53/1 CL-53/2 CL-53/3 CL-53/4 CL-53/5 CL-53/6 Speaker or Author Drey. Kay Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud. Judith Johnsrud, Judith Johnsrud, Judith Becker, Rochelle Becker, Rochelle Becker, Rochelle Becker, Rochelle Becker, Rochelle Becker. Rochelle NUREG-0586 Supplement 1 Source Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Letter Date 1/30/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 2/21/2002 212/2002 212/2002 2/212002 2/2/2002 2/2/2002 2/2/2002 Comment Page in Appendix P
P-206 P-207 P-207 P-207 P-207 P-207 P-207 P-207 P-207 P-207 P-207 P-207 P-207 P-208 P-208 P-208 P-208 P-208 P-208 P-208 P-208 P-208 P-208 P-208 P-208 P-208 P-209 P-209 P-209 P-209 P-209 P-209 Section of Appendix 0 where comment Is addressed 0.22 0.6.5 0.5.4 0.54 0.2.2 0.22 0.52 0.5.2 0.5.9 0.5.4 0.5.4 0.4.8 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.4.7 04.1.1 04.1.1 04.1.1 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.1.6 0.2.2 0.2.2 0.65 0.5.2 0.5.9 0.4.4 0.5.2 05.2 0-28 November 2002