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MONTHYEARML17335A1681998-03-31031 March 1998 Final TER on step-2 Review of IPEEE at DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, March 1998 ML17334A6111998-01-0707 January 1998 TER Confirmatory Calculations of DC Cook Sump Water Level. ML17333A6911996-06-28028 June 1996 Rev 0 to, Review of Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant Methodology for Analysis of Fire Barrier Ampacity Derating Factors, Ltr Rept ML17333A5511994-12-0404 December 1994 Ltr Rept, Evaluation of Cook Ipe/Hra Matls. ML20126H1381991-07-31031 July 1991 Draft Afs Risk-Based Insp Guide for DC Cook Nuclear Power Plant ML20082K7531991-07-30030 July 1991 Final Rept SAIC-91/6677, Technical Evaluation Rept for Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Station Blackout Evaluation ML17328A1251989-06-30030 June 1989 Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20245H2301989-02-15015 February 1989 Internal Conduit Fire Seal Program,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML17328A8721988-07-30030 July 1988 Technical Evaluation Rept on Second 10-Yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan:Indiana & Michigan Electric Co, DC Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 2. ML17328A8711988-07-30030 July 1988 Technical Evaluation Rept on Second 10-Yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan:Indiana & Michigan Electric Co, DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Unit 1. ML17334B1091987-04-30030 April 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classification for All Other Safety-Related Components:Cook 1 & 2, Final Informal Rept ML20214R8651987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28, Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Cook-1 & -2,Haddam Neck, Final Informal Rept ML20204G4181987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28 Item 2.1 (Part 1) Equipment Classification (Reactor Trip Sys Components) Cook Units 1 & 2 ML17334B1101987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.1 (Part 1) Equipment Classification,Cook Units 1 & 2, Informal Rept ML17334B0721987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28 Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Cook Units 1 & 2 & Haddam Neck. ML17324B2461987-02-0606 February 1987 Dcrdr Evaluations,Phases III-V,DC Cook Units 1 & 2, Informal Technical Communication ML17334B0331986-11-30030 November 1986 Input for Ser,Beaver Valley Power Station Units 1 & 2, Braidwood Station Units 1 & 2,Byron Station Units 1 & 2, Callaway Plant Unit 1,Catawba Nuclear Station Units 1..., Reactor Trip Sys Reliability Item 4.5.2 Generic Ltr 83-28. ML17324B2191986-11-0606 November 1986 Review of App R Procedures for Post-Fire Remote Emergency Shutdown Outside Control Room,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20207A7041986-06-30030 June 1986 Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 ML20197J4641986-04-30030 April 1986 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.3 & 3.2.3, Catawba Nuclear Stations 1 & 2,DC Cook Nuclear Power Plants 1 & 2,WB McGuire Nuclear Stations 1 & 2,Sequoyah Nuclear Plants 1 & 2 ML17324A9561986-03-31031 March 1986 Technical Evaluation Rept of 1984 Meteorological Data from Donald C Cook Nuclear Power Plant. ML17321A9321985-10-17017 October 1985 Review of Licensee...Responses to NRC Generic Ltr 83-28 (Required Actions Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events),Item 1.2, `Post-Trip Review:Data & Info Capabilities' for DC Cook..., Technical Evaluation Rept ML20244D3871985-07-10010 July 1985 Review of Licensee & Applicant Responses to NRC Generic Ltr 83-28 (Required Actions Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events),Item 1.2, `Post-Trip Review:Data & Info Capabilities for Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. ML20244D4381985-06-30030 June 1985 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.3 & 3.2.3, Dresden Units 2 & 3,Millstone Unit 1,Monticello,Pilgrim & Quad Cities Units 1 & 2. Contains Info for Dresden & Quad Cities ML20206F3131985-02-0404 February 1985 Revised Containment Hydrogen Analysis Review of DC Cook, Program Ltr Rept.Related Documentation Encl ML17320A4811983-09-30030 September 1983 DC Cook,Units 1 & 2 Inservice Insp Plan, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20077L8511983-09-0101 September 1983 Control of Heavy Loads (C-10) Indiana & Michigan Electric Co,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20077K9771983-07-27027 July 1983 Revised Masonry Wall Design (B-59),DC Cook Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML17320A5491983-02-24024 February 1983 Draft Control of Heavy Loads (C-10),Donald C Cook Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20076C4091983-01-27027 January 1983 ECCS Repts (F-47) TMI Action Plan Requirements,Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20027D1821982-10-28028 October 1982 Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification Safety Evaluation Repts (F-11 & B-60),DC Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Technical Evaluation Rept,Vols 1 & 2 ML20027D1811982-10-28028 October 1982 Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification SERs (F-11 & B-60), Technical Evaluation Rept.Vols I & II ML20069H8611982-10-0808 October 1982 Radiological Effluent Tech Spec Implementation (A-2),DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20127A2891982-10-0505 October 1982 Containment Leak Rate Testing Investigations, Progress Summary for Sept 1982 ML17319B6161982-09-0303 September 1982 DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2,Seismic Qualification of Auxiliary Feedwater Sys, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20126F2541982-08-26026 August 1982 Containment Leak Rate Testing, Monthly Progress Rept for Aug 1982 ML20069D0761982-08-17017 August 1982 Improvements in Training & Requalification Programs as Required by TMI Action Items I.A.2.1 & II.B.4, Final Technical Evaluation Rept ML20062E2251982-07-31031 July 1982 Socioeconomic Impacts of Nuclear Generating Stations.D.C. Cook Case Study.Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316.(Indiana and Michigan Electric Company) ML18005A0091982-04-0808 April 1982 to Request for Addl Info Re Equipment Environ Qualification Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification Safety Evaluation Repts & TMI Action Plan Installed Equipment. ML17319B3231982-04-0707 April 1982 to Request for Addl Info Re Equipment Environ Qualification Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification Safety Evaluation Repts & TMI Action Plan Installed Equipment. ML17319B2871982-02-28028 February 1982 Tech Specs for Redundant Decay Heat Removal Capability, Donald C Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20041D7251982-01-31031 January 1982 Tech Specs for Redundant Decay Heat Removal Capability, Donald C Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Preliminary Technical Evaluation Rept ML17326A9271981-11-20020 November 1981 Control of Heavy Loads. ML20132C5541981-05-31031 May 1981 Technical Evaluation of Response to Position 5 of Item II.E.4.2 of NUREG-0737,Containment Isolation Setpoint for DC Cook Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 & 2 ML19347E9081981-04-30030 April 1981 Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution Sys Voltages,Dc Cook Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML17319A9411981-04-27027 April 1981 Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Automatic Initiation & Flow Indication, Technical Evaluation Rept ML19240C0001981-03-31031 March 1981 Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution Sys Voltages, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20003C1061981-01-31031 January 1981 Technical Evaluation Rept,Adequacy of Station Electrical Distribution Sys Voltages,Dc Cook Nuclear Station Units 2 & 3, Preliminary Rept ML17331A6131980-11-30030 November 1980 Fracture Toughness of Steam Generator & Reactor Coolant Pump Supports,Dc Cook Units 1 & 2, Revised Technical Evaluation Rept ML17326A7511980-09-30030 September 1980 Fracture Toughness of Steam Generator & Reactor Coolant Pump Supports,Donald C. Cook Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept 1998-03-31
[Table view] Category:QUICK LOOK
MONTHYEARML17335A1681998-03-31031 March 1998 Final TER on step-2 Review of IPEEE at DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, March 1998 ML17334A6111998-01-0707 January 1998 TER Confirmatory Calculations of DC Cook Sump Water Level. ML17333A6911996-06-28028 June 1996 Rev 0 to, Review of Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant Methodology for Analysis of Fire Barrier Ampacity Derating Factors, Ltr Rept ML17333A5511994-12-0404 December 1994 Ltr Rept, Evaluation of Cook Ipe/Hra Matls. ML20126H1381991-07-31031 July 1991 Draft Afs Risk-Based Insp Guide for DC Cook Nuclear Power Plant ML20082K7531991-07-30030 July 1991 Final Rept SAIC-91/6677, Technical Evaluation Rept for Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Station Blackout Evaluation ML17328A1251989-06-30030 June 1989 Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20245H2301989-02-15015 February 1989 Internal Conduit Fire Seal Program,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML17328A8721988-07-30030 July 1988 Technical Evaluation Rept on Second 10-Yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan:Indiana & Michigan Electric Co, DC Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 2. ML17328A8711988-07-30030 July 1988 Technical Evaluation Rept on Second 10-Yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan:Indiana & Michigan Electric Co, DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Unit 1. ML17334B1091987-04-30030 April 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classification for All Other Safety-Related Components:Cook 1 & 2, Final Informal Rept ML20214R8651987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28, Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Cook-1 & -2,Haddam Neck, Final Informal Rept ML20204G4181987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28 Item 2.1 (Part 1) Equipment Classification (Reactor Trip Sys Components) Cook Units 1 & 2 ML17334B1101987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.1 (Part 1) Equipment Classification,Cook Units 1 & 2, Informal Rept ML17334B0721987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28 Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Cook Units 1 & 2 & Haddam Neck. ML17324B2461987-02-0606 February 1987 Dcrdr Evaluations,Phases III-V,DC Cook Units 1 & 2, Informal Technical Communication ML17334B0331986-11-30030 November 1986 Input for Ser,Beaver Valley Power Station Units 1 & 2, Braidwood Station Units 1 & 2,Byron Station Units 1 & 2, Callaway Plant Unit 1,Catawba Nuclear Station Units 1..., Reactor Trip Sys Reliability Item 4.5.2 Generic Ltr 83-28. ML17324B2191986-11-0606 November 1986 Review of App R Procedures for Post-Fire Remote Emergency Shutdown Outside Control Room,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20207A7041986-06-30030 June 1986 Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 ML20197J4641986-04-30030 April 1986 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.3 & 3.2.3, Catawba Nuclear Stations 1 & 2,DC Cook Nuclear Power Plants 1 & 2,WB McGuire Nuclear Stations 1 & 2,Sequoyah Nuclear Plants 1 & 2 ML17324A9561986-03-31031 March 1986 Technical Evaluation Rept of 1984 Meteorological Data from Donald C Cook Nuclear Power Plant. ML17321A9321985-10-17017 October 1985 Review of Licensee...Responses to NRC Generic Ltr 83-28 (Required Actions Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events),Item 1.2, `Post-Trip Review:Data & Info Capabilities' for DC Cook..., Technical Evaluation Rept ML20244D3871985-07-10010 July 1985 Review of Licensee & Applicant Responses to NRC Generic Ltr 83-28 (Required Actions Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events),Item 1.2, `Post-Trip Review:Data & Info Capabilities for Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. ML20244D4381985-06-30030 June 1985 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.3 & 3.2.3, Dresden Units 2 & 3,Millstone Unit 1,Monticello,Pilgrim & Quad Cities Units 1 & 2. Contains Info for Dresden & Quad Cities ML20206F3131985-02-0404 February 1985 Revised Containment Hydrogen Analysis Review of DC Cook, Program Ltr Rept.Related Documentation Encl ML17320A4811983-09-30030 September 1983 DC Cook,Units 1 & 2 Inservice Insp Plan, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20077L8511983-09-0101 September 1983 Control of Heavy Loads (C-10) Indiana & Michigan Electric Co,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20077K9771983-07-27027 July 1983 Revised Masonry Wall Design (B-59),DC Cook Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML17320A5491983-02-24024 February 1983 Draft Control of Heavy Loads (C-10),Donald C Cook Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20076C4091983-01-27027 January 1983 ECCS Repts (F-47) TMI Action Plan Requirements,Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20027D1821982-10-28028 October 1982 Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification Safety Evaluation Repts (F-11 & B-60),DC Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Technical Evaluation Rept,Vols 1 & 2 ML20027D1811982-10-28028 October 1982 Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification SERs (F-11 & B-60), Technical Evaluation Rept.Vols I & II ML20069H8611982-10-0808 October 1982 Radiological Effluent Tech Spec Implementation (A-2),DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20127A2891982-10-0505 October 1982 Containment Leak Rate Testing Investigations, Progress Summary for Sept 1982 ML17319B6161982-09-0303 September 1982 DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2,Seismic Qualification of Auxiliary Feedwater Sys, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20126F2541982-08-26026 August 1982 Containment Leak Rate Testing, Monthly Progress Rept for Aug 1982 ML20069D0761982-08-17017 August 1982 Improvements in Training & Requalification Programs as Required by TMI Action Items I.A.2.1 & II.B.4, Final Technical Evaluation Rept ML20062E2251982-07-31031 July 1982 Socioeconomic Impacts of Nuclear Generating Stations.D.C. Cook Case Study.Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316.(Indiana and Michigan Electric Company) ML18005A0091982-04-0808 April 1982 to Request for Addl Info Re Equipment Environ Qualification Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification Safety Evaluation Repts & TMI Action Plan Installed Equipment. ML17319B3231982-04-0707 April 1982 to Request for Addl Info Re Equipment Environ Qualification Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification Safety Evaluation Repts & TMI Action Plan Installed Equipment. ML17319B2871982-02-28028 February 1982 Tech Specs for Redundant Decay Heat Removal Capability, Donald C Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20041D7251982-01-31031 January 1982 Tech Specs for Redundant Decay Heat Removal Capability, Donald C Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Preliminary Technical Evaluation Rept ML17326A9271981-11-20020 November 1981 Control of Heavy Loads. ML20132C5541981-05-31031 May 1981 Technical Evaluation of Response to Position 5 of Item II.E.4.2 of NUREG-0737,Containment Isolation Setpoint for DC Cook Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 & 2 ML19347E9081981-04-30030 April 1981 Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution Sys Voltages,Dc Cook Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML17319A9411981-04-27027 April 1981 Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Automatic Initiation & Flow Indication, Technical Evaluation Rept ML19240C0001981-03-31031 March 1981 Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution Sys Voltages, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20003C1061981-01-31031 January 1981 Technical Evaluation Rept,Adequacy of Station Electrical Distribution Sys Voltages,Dc Cook Nuclear Station Units 2 & 3, Preliminary Rept ML17331A6131980-11-30030 November 1980 Fracture Toughness of Steam Generator & Reactor Coolant Pump Supports,Dc Cook Units 1 & 2, Revised Technical Evaluation Rept ML17326A7511980-09-30030 September 1980 Fracture Toughness of Steam Generator & Reactor Coolant Pump Supports,Donald C. Cook Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept 1998-03-31
[Table view] Category:ETC. (PERIODIC
MONTHYEARML17335A1681998-03-31031 March 1998 Final TER on step-2 Review of IPEEE at DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, March 1998 ML17334A6111998-01-0707 January 1998 TER Confirmatory Calculations of DC Cook Sump Water Level. ML17333A6911996-06-28028 June 1996 Rev 0 to, Review of Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant Methodology for Analysis of Fire Barrier Ampacity Derating Factors, Ltr Rept ML17333A5511994-12-0404 December 1994 Ltr Rept, Evaluation of Cook Ipe/Hra Matls. ML20126H1381991-07-31031 July 1991 Draft Afs Risk-Based Insp Guide for DC Cook Nuclear Power Plant ML20082K7531991-07-30030 July 1991 Final Rept SAIC-91/6677, Technical Evaluation Rept for Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Station Blackout Evaluation ML17328A1251989-06-30030 June 1989 Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20245H2301989-02-15015 February 1989 Internal Conduit Fire Seal Program,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML17328A8721988-07-30030 July 1988 Technical Evaluation Rept on Second 10-Yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan:Indiana & Michigan Electric Co, DC Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 2. ML17328A8711988-07-30030 July 1988 Technical Evaluation Rept on Second 10-Yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan:Indiana & Michigan Electric Co, DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Unit 1. ML17334B1091987-04-30030 April 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classification for All Other Safety-Related Components:Cook 1 & 2, Final Informal Rept ML20214R8651987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28, Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Cook-1 & -2,Haddam Neck, Final Informal Rept ML20204G4181987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28 Item 2.1 (Part 1) Equipment Classification (Reactor Trip Sys Components) Cook Units 1 & 2 ML17334B1101987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.1 (Part 1) Equipment Classification,Cook Units 1 & 2, Informal Rept ML17334B0721987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28 Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Cook Units 1 & 2 & Haddam Neck. ML17324B2461987-02-0606 February 1987 Dcrdr Evaluations,Phases III-V,DC Cook Units 1 & 2, Informal Technical Communication ML17334B0331986-11-30030 November 1986 Input for Ser,Beaver Valley Power Station Units 1 & 2, Braidwood Station Units 1 & 2,Byron Station Units 1 & 2, Callaway Plant Unit 1,Catawba Nuclear Station Units 1..., Reactor Trip Sys Reliability Item 4.5.2 Generic Ltr 83-28. ML17324B2191986-11-0606 November 1986 Review of App R Procedures for Post-Fire Remote Emergency Shutdown Outside Control Room,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20207A7041986-06-30030 June 1986 Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 ML20197J4641986-04-30030 April 1986 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.3 & 3.2.3, Catawba Nuclear Stations 1 & 2,DC Cook Nuclear Power Plants 1 & 2,WB McGuire Nuclear Stations 1 & 2,Sequoyah Nuclear Plants 1 & 2 ML17324A9561986-03-31031 March 1986 Technical Evaluation Rept of 1984 Meteorological Data from Donald C Cook Nuclear Power Plant. ML17321A9321985-10-17017 October 1985 Review of Licensee...Responses to NRC Generic Ltr 83-28 (Required Actions Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events),Item 1.2, `Post-Trip Review:Data & Info Capabilities' for DC Cook..., Technical Evaluation Rept ML20244D3871985-07-10010 July 1985 Review of Licensee & Applicant Responses to NRC Generic Ltr 83-28 (Required Actions Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events),Item 1.2, `Post-Trip Review:Data & Info Capabilities for Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. ML20244D4381985-06-30030 June 1985 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.3 & 3.2.3, Dresden Units 2 & 3,Millstone Unit 1,Monticello,Pilgrim & Quad Cities Units 1 & 2. Contains Info for Dresden & Quad Cities ML20206F3131985-02-0404 February 1985 Revised Containment Hydrogen Analysis Review of DC Cook, Program Ltr Rept.Related Documentation Encl ML17320A4811983-09-30030 September 1983 DC Cook,Units 1 & 2 Inservice Insp Plan, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20077L8511983-09-0101 September 1983 Control of Heavy Loads (C-10) Indiana & Michigan Electric Co,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20077K9771983-07-27027 July 1983 Revised Masonry Wall Design (B-59),DC Cook Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML17320A5491983-02-24024 February 1983 Draft Control of Heavy Loads (C-10),Donald C Cook Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20076C4091983-01-27027 January 1983 ECCS Repts (F-47) TMI Action Plan Requirements,Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20027D1821982-10-28028 October 1982 Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification Safety Evaluation Repts (F-11 & B-60),DC Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Technical Evaluation Rept,Vols 1 & 2 ML20027D1811982-10-28028 October 1982 Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification SERs (F-11 & B-60), Technical Evaluation Rept.Vols I & II ML20069H8611982-10-0808 October 1982 Radiological Effluent Tech Spec Implementation (A-2),DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20127A2891982-10-0505 October 1982 Containment Leak Rate Testing Investigations, Progress Summary for Sept 1982 ML17319B6161982-09-0303 September 1982 DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2,Seismic Qualification of Auxiliary Feedwater Sys, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20126F2541982-08-26026 August 1982 Containment Leak Rate Testing, Monthly Progress Rept for Aug 1982 ML20069D0761982-08-17017 August 1982 Improvements in Training & Requalification Programs as Required by TMI Action Items I.A.2.1 & II.B.4, Final Technical Evaluation Rept ML20062E2251982-07-31031 July 1982 Socioeconomic Impacts of Nuclear Generating Stations.D.C. Cook Case Study.Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316.(Indiana and Michigan Electric Company) ML18005A0091982-04-0808 April 1982 to Request for Addl Info Re Equipment Environ Qualification Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification Safety Evaluation Repts & TMI Action Plan Installed Equipment. ML17319B3231982-04-0707 April 1982 to Request for Addl Info Re Equipment Environ Qualification Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification Safety Evaluation Repts & TMI Action Plan Installed Equipment. ML17319B2871982-02-28028 February 1982 Tech Specs for Redundant Decay Heat Removal Capability, Donald C Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20041D7251982-01-31031 January 1982 Tech Specs for Redundant Decay Heat Removal Capability, Donald C Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Preliminary Technical Evaluation Rept ML17326A9271981-11-20020 November 1981 Control of Heavy Loads. ML20132C5541981-05-31031 May 1981 Technical Evaluation of Response to Position 5 of Item II.E.4.2 of NUREG-0737,Containment Isolation Setpoint for DC Cook Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 & 2 ML19347E9081981-04-30030 April 1981 Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution Sys Voltages,Dc Cook Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML17319A9411981-04-27027 April 1981 Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Automatic Initiation & Flow Indication, Technical Evaluation Rept ML19240C0001981-03-31031 March 1981 Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution Sys Voltages, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20003C1061981-01-31031 January 1981 Technical Evaluation Rept,Adequacy of Station Electrical Distribution Sys Voltages,Dc Cook Nuclear Station Units 2 & 3, Preliminary Rept ML17331A6131980-11-30030 November 1980 Fracture Toughness of Steam Generator & Reactor Coolant Pump Supports,Dc Cook Units 1 & 2, Revised Technical Evaluation Rept ML17326A7511980-09-30030 September 1980 Fracture Toughness of Steam Generator & Reactor Coolant Pump Supports,Donald C. Cook Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept 1998-03-31
MONTHYEARML17319B2871982-02-28028 February 1982 Tech Specs for Redundant Decay Heat Removal Capability, Donald C Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20041D7251982-01-31031 January 1982 Tech Specs for Redundant Decay Heat Removal Capability, Donald C Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Preliminary Technical Evaluation Rept ML19347E9081981-04-30030 April 1981 Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution Sys Voltages,Dc Cook Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML19240C0001981-03-31031 March 1981 Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution Sys Voltages, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20003C1061981-01-31031 January 1981 Technical Evaluation Rept,Adequacy of Station Electrical Distribution Sys Voltages,Dc Cook Nuclear Station Units 2 & 3, Preliminary Rept ML17319A5831980-08-31031 August 1980 Technical Evaluation Rept on Degraded Grid Protection for Class IE Power Sys for DC Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Technical Evaluation Rept,Aug 1980 ML19332B3521980-08-31031 August 1980 Technical Evaluation Rept on Degraded Grid Protection for Class IE Power Sys for DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Unit 1, Revision 1 ML19332B1421980-08-31031 August 1980 Effect of Containment Temp on Liquid Level Measurements,Dc Cook Nuclear Station,Unit 2, Interim Rept ML19332B3311980-08-31031 August 1980 Effect of Containment Temp on Liquid Level Measurements,Dc Cook Nuclear Station, Informal Rept ML17318A7361980-03-31031 March 1980 Electrical,Instrumentation & Control Aspects of Override of Containment Purge Valve Isolation & Other Safety Feature Signals, Informal Interim Rept.Prepared for DOE ML19305D1811980-02-29029 February 1980 Electrical,Instrumentation & Control Aspects of Override of Containment Purge Valve Isolation & Other Safety Feature Signals, Informal Rept 1982-02-28
MONTHYEARML17335A1681998-03-31031 March 1998 Final TER on step-2 Review of IPEEE at DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, March 1998 ML17334A6111998-01-0707 January 1998 TER Confirmatory Calculations of DC Cook Sump Water Level. ML17333A6911996-06-28028 June 1996 Rev 0 to, Review of Donald C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant Methodology for Analysis of Fire Barrier Ampacity Derating Factors, Ltr Rept ML17333A5511994-12-0404 December 1994 Ltr Rept, Evaluation of Cook Ipe/Hra Matls. ML20126H1381991-07-31031 July 1991 Draft Afs Risk-Based Insp Guide for DC Cook Nuclear Power Plant ML20082K7531991-07-30030 July 1991 Final Rept SAIC-91/6677, Technical Evaluation Rept for Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Station Blackout Evaluation ML17328A1251989-06-30030 June 1989 Pump & Valve Inservice Testing Program,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20245H2301989-02-15015 February 1989 Internal Conduit Fire Seal Program,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML17328A8721988-07-30030 July 1988 Technical Evaluation Rept on Second 10-Yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan:Indiana & Michigan Electric Co, DC Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 2. ML17328A8711988-07-30030 July 1988 Technical Evaluation Rept on Second 10-Yr Interval Inservice Insp Program Plan:Indiana & Michigan Electric Co, DC Cook Nuclear Plant,Unit 1. ML17334B1091987-04-30030 April 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.2.1 - Equipment Classification for All Other Safety-Related Components:Cook 1 & 2, Final Informal Rept ML20214R8651987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28, Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Cook-1 & -2,Haddam Neck, Final Informal Rept ML20204G4181987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28 Item 2.1 (Part 1) Equipment Classification (Reactor Trip Sys Components) Cook Units 1 & 2 ML17334B1101987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Item 2.1 (Part 1) Equipment Classification,Cook Units 1 & 2, Informal Rept ML17334B0721987-03-31031 March 1987 Conformance to Item 2.1 (Part 2) of Generic Ltr 83-28 Reactor Trip Sys Vendor Interface,Cook Units 1 & 2 & Haddam Neck. ML17324B2461987-02-0606 February 1987 Dcrdr Evaluations,Phases III-V,DC Cook Units 1 & 2, Informal Technical Communication ML17334B0331986-11-30030 November 1986 Input for Ser,Beaver Valley Power Station Units 1 & 2, Braidwood Station Units 1 & 2,Byron Station Units 1 & 2, Callaway Plant Unit 1,Catawba Nuclear Station Units 1..., Reactor Trip Sys Reliability Item 4.5.2 Generic Ltr 83-28. ML17324B2191986-11-0606 November 1986 Review of App R Procedures for Post-Fire Remote Emergency Shutdown Outside Control Room,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20207A7041986-06-30030 June 1986 Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 ML20197J4641986-04-30030 April 1986 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.3 & 3.2.3, Catawba Nuclear Stations 1 & 2,DC Cook Nuclear Power Plants 1 & 2,WB McGuire Nuclear Stations 1 & 2,Sequoyah Nuclear Plants 1 & 2 ML17324A9561986-03-31031 March 1986 Technical Evaluation Rept of 1984 Meteorological Data from Donald C Cook Nuclear Power Plant. ML17321A9321985-10-17017 October 1985 Review of Licensee...Responses to NRC Generic Ltr 83-28 (Required Actions Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events),Item 1.2, `Post-Trip Review:Data & Info Capabilities' for DC Cook..., Technical Evaluation Rept ML20244D3871985-07-10010 July 1985 Review of Licensee & Applicant Responses to NRC Generic Ltr 83-28 (Required Actions Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events),Item 1.2, `Post-Trip Review:Data & Info Capabilities for Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. ML20244D4381985-06-30030 June 1985 Conformance to Generic Ltr 83-28,Items 3.1.3 & 3.2.3, Dresden Units 2 & 3,Millstone Unit 1,Monticello,Pilgrim & Quad Cities Units 1 & 2. Contains Info for Dresden & Quad Cities ML20206F3131985-02-0404 February 1985 Revised Containment Hydrogen Analysis Review of DC Cook, Program Ltr Rept.Related Documentation Encl ML17320A4811983-09-30030 September 1983 DC Cook,Units 1 & 2 Inservice Insp Plan, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20077L8511983-09-0101 September 1983 Control of Heavy Loads (C-10) Indiana & Michigan Electric Co,Dc Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20077K9771983-07-27027 July 1983 Revised Masonry Wall Design (B-59),DC Cook Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML17320A5491983-02-24024 February 1983 Draft Control of Heavy Loads (C-10),Donald C Cook Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20076C4091983-01-27027 January 1983 ECCS Repts (F-47) TMI Action Plan Requirements,Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20027D1821982-10-28028 October 1982 Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification Safety Evaluation Repts (F-11 & B-60),DC Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1, Technical Evaluation Rept,Vols 1 & 2 ML20027D1811982-10-28028 October 1982 Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification SERs (F-11 & B-60), Technical Evaluation Rept.Vols I & II ML20069H8611982-10-0808 October 1982 Radiological Effluent Tech Spec Implementation (A-2),DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20127A2891982-10-0505 October 1982 Containment Leak Rate Testing Investigations, Progress Summary for Sept 1982 ML17319B6161982-09-0303 September 1982 DC Cook Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2,Seismic Qualification of Auxiliary Feedwater Sys, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20126F2541982-08-26026 August 1982 Containment Leak Rate Testing, Monthly Progress Rept for Aug 1982 ML20069D0761982-08-17017 August 1982 Improvements in Training & Requalification Programs as Required by TMI Action Items I.A.2.1 & II.B.4, Final Technical Evaluation Rept ML20062E2251982-07-31031 July 1982 Socioeconomic Impacts of Nuclear Generating Stations.D.C. Cook Case Study.Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316.(Indiana and Michigan Electric Company) ML18005A0091982-04-0808 April 1982 to Request for Addl Info Re Equipment Environ Qualification Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification Safety Evaluation Repts & TMI Action Plan Installed Equipment. ML17319B3231982-04-0707 April 1982 to Request for Addl Info Re Equipment Environ Qualification Review of Licensee Resolution of Outstanding Issues from NRC Equipment Environ Qualification Safety Evaluation Repts & TMI Action Plan Installed Equipment. ML17319B2871982-02-28028 February 1982 Tech Specs for Redundant Decay Heat Removal Capability, Donald C Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20041D7251982-01-31031 January 1982 Tech Specs for Redundant Decay Heat Removal Capability, Donald C Cook Nuclear Plant,Units 1 & 2, Preliminary Technical Evaluation Rept ML17326A9271981-11-20020 November 1981 Control of Heavy Loads. ML20132C5541981-05-31031 May 1981 Technical Evaluation of Response to Position 5 of Item II.E.4.2 of NUREG-0737,Containment Isolation Setpoint for DC Cook Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 & 2 ML19347E9081981-04-30030 April 1981 Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution Sys Voltages,Dc Cook Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept ML17319A9411981-04-27027 April 1981 Auxiliary Feedwater Sys Automatic Initiation & Flow Indication, Technical Evaluation Rept ML19240C0001981-03-31031 March 1981 Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution Sys Voltages, Technical Evaluation Rept ML20003C1061981-01-31031 January 1981 Technical Evaluation Rept,Adequacy of Station Electrical Distribution Sys Voltages,Dc Cook Nuclear Station Units 2 & 3, Preliminary Rept ML17331A6131980-11-30030 November 1980 Fracture Toughness of Steam Generator & Reactor Coolant Pump Supports,Dc Cook Units 1 & 2, Revised Technical Evaluation Rept ML17326A7511980-09-30030 September 1980 Fracture Toughness of Steam Generator & Reactor Coolant Pump Supports,Donald C. Cook Units 1 & 2, Technical Evaluation Rept 1998-03-31
[Table view] |
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EGc Du~. ~.
EGG-EA-5098 Report No.
Contract Program or Project
Electrical, Instrumentation and Control System Support Subject of this Document:
" Electrical, Instrumentation & Control Aspects of the Override of Containment Purge Valve Isolation & Other Safety Feature Signals, Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit Nos. 1
& 2. Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316, TAC Nos. 10170/10169" Type of Document:
Informal Report Author (s):
A. C. Udy D:te of Document:
February 1980 R:sponsible NRC Individual and NRC Office or Division:
Paul Shemanski, Division of Operating Reactors This document was prepared primarily for preliminary or internal use. it has not received full review and approval. Since there may be sut,3tantive changes, this document should not be considered final.
EG&G Idaho, Inc.
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401
[m m
H.1P.'Pearson, Supervisor Information Processing Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy Idaho Operations Office Under contract No. EY-76-C-07-1570 NRC FIN No.
A6256 INTERIM REPORT VRC lesearci anc ~echnical Assistance Report 8004140 38
50-316, TAC NOS. 10170/10169 A. C. Udy f
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U.S. Department of Energy i
i Idaho Operations Off!ce Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
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I NRC Rescarch and __ec,an.,iciu
/1ssistance Report Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission g
Under DOE Contract No. DE-AC07-76ID01570 6 6 E b idaho FIN No. A6256
n p EEzG........
FORM EO&G 3te (Rev.117%
Report No.
EGC-EA-5098 Contract Program or Project
Electrical, Instrumentation and Control System Support Subject of this Document:
Electrical, Instrumentation and Control Aspects of the Override of Containment Purge Valve Isolation and Other Safety Feature Signals, Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316, TAC Nos. 10170/10169 Type of Document:
Informal Report Author (s):
A. C. Udy D:t) of Document:
February 1980 R:sponsible NRC Individual and NRC Office or Division:
Paul Shemanski, Division of Operating Reactors This document was prepared primarily for preliminary or internal use. it has not received full review and approval. Since there may be substantive changes, this document should not be considered final.
EG&G Idaho, Inc.
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415 Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.
Under DOE Contract No. DE-AC07-76f D01570 NRC FIN No. A6256 INTERIM REPORT MG Research and Technic Assistanco gepag
1197F i
EG&G Idaho, Inc.
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ABSTRACT Several instances have been reported where the automatic closure of the containment ventilation or purge isolation valves would not have occurred because the safety actuation signals were manually overridden or blocked during normal plant operations. This report addresses elec-trical, instrumentation, and control design aspects for these valves, and the ability of the unit containment ventilation system to isolate on several diverse parameters. Other related systems were audited to the same guidelines.
f 5
Y FIN No. A6256 EICS Support ii i
2 2.1 Review Guidelines..
2 2.2 Containment Ventilation Isolation Circuits Design Description..
3 2.3 Containment Ventilation Isolation System Design Evaluation 4
2.4 Other Related Engineered Safety Feature System Circuits.
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Based on the information supplied by Indiana & Michigan Power Company (I&MP), this report addresses the electrical, instrumentation, and control systems design aspects of the Containment Ventilation Iso-lation (CVI) subsystem of the Primary Containment Isolation (PCI) sys-t r
tem and other related Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) system functions for the Cook 1 and Cook 2 plants. The Final Safety Analysis Reports (FSARs) verify that these systema are identical in both plants.
Several instances have been reported where the automatic closure i
of the containment ventilation or purge isolation valves would not have occurred because the safety actuation signals were manually overridden or blocked during normal plant operations. These events resulted from procedural inadequacies, design deficiencies, and a lack of proper management controls. These events also brought into question the mech-anical operability of the valves themselves. These events were deter-mined by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to be an Abnormal Occurrence (#78-05) and accordingly, were reported to Congress.
f As a follow-up of this Abnormal Occurrence, the NRC is reviewing the electrical override aspects and the mechanical operability aspects of containment purging for all operating reactors.
On November 28, 1978, the NRC issued a letter, " Containment Purging During Normal Plant Operation" to all Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) and Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) licensees.
I&MP responded to the letter in letters 2
3 4
dated January 4, 1979 and June 8,1979. A meeting was held on May 31, 1979 with I&MP and the NRC to clarify the design and character-istics of the Cook CVI and ESF systems.
I&MP declared that their interim modifications (see Reference 3) were permanent in a letter of I
r O
5 November 8, 1979.
Further discussion between I&MP and the NRC by 0
telephone conference occurred on November 16, 1979, resulting in a letter to the NRC on December 5, 1979.
2.0 EVALUATION OF COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 2.1 Review Guidelines The intent of this evaluation is to determine if the following NRC requirements are met for the safety signals to all ESF equipment:
Guideline No. 1--In keeping with the requirements of General Design Criteria 55 and 56. the over-ridinga of one type of safety actuation signal (e.g., radiation) should not cause the blocking of any other type of safety actuation signal (e.g.,
pressure) for those valves that have no function besides containment isolation.
Guideline No. 2--Sufficient physical features (e.g.,
key lock switches) are to be provided to facilitate adequate administrative controls.
Guideline No. 3--A system level annunciation of the overridden status should be provided for every safety system impacted when any override is active.
(See R.G. 1.47.)
Incidental to this review, the following additional NRC design guidelines were used in the evaluation:
Guideline No. 4--Diverse signals should be provi/.ed to initiate isolation of the containment ventilation system.
Specifically, containment high radiation, safety injection actuation, and containment high l
pressure (where containment high pressure is not a l
pcrtion of safety injection actuation) should auto-matica11y initiate CVI.
The following definition is given for clarity of use in this a.
l evaluation:
the signal is still present, and it is blocked in order to perform a function contrary to the signal.
Guideline No. 5--The instrumentation and control systems provided to initiate the ESF should be designed and qualified as: safety grade equipment.
Guideline No. 6--the overriding or resettinga og the ESF actuation signal should not cause any valve or damper to change position.
Guideline 6 in this review applies primarily to other related ESF systems because unplementation of this criterion for containment isola-tion will be reviewed by the Lessons Learned Task Force, based on the recommendations in NUREG-0578, Section 2.1.4.
When containment isola-tion is not involved, consideration on a case-by-case basis on automatic valve repositioning upon reset may be considered acceptable. Accept-ability would be dependent upon system function, design intent, and suitable operating procedures.
2.2 Containment Ventilation Isolation Circuits Design Description e
i Each of the Cook units has two ESF trains which close indepen-dently and separately the inboard and outboard PCI valves.
The valves can only be opened by manual control. Each valve has a three position, spring return to neutral center control switch. The control circuit requires manual operation of the switch to the "open" position for the valves to open. The automatic initiating signals which override any opening signal are listed below:
Containment particulate activity, containment gaseous activity, or containment area monitor 3 radiation levels exceeding their setpoint will result in valve closure.
A safety injection signal caused by either high containment pressure or low pressurizer pressure.
There are other safety injection actuation signals which will result in CVI, as well as Phase A of 7
Containment Isolation Signa 1.
The following definition is given for clarity of use in this a.
I i
Resets The signal has come and gone, and the circuit is being cleared in order to return it to the nonnal condition.
e The CVI actuation signal resulting from the ESF initiation signal can be overridden f rom the ESF panel to allow manual opening of the CVI valves with the initiating signal still present.
The control system is such that the automatic closure signals will close the valves when the control switch is in the "open" position.
Loss of power to the control system or loss of air to the solenoid valve closes the isolation valves.
Valve position lights, open and closed, are provided on the control console.
Changes to the valve control circuitry were discussed with I&MP 3
and they responded with the following:
Mechanical interference covers were provided for the reset switches, with " box car" type lead seals for the cover 2.
" Reset (Blocked)" annunciators were provided for the reset of each of the following ESF functions:
Containment isolation--Phase A b.
Containment isolation--Phase B c.
"ontainment ventilation isolation (CVI) d.
Containment spray e.
Safety injection f.
Feedwater isolation 3.
A signal from the containment isolation--Phase A would initiate CVI valve closure regardless of the status of the CVI override.
2.3 Containment Ventilation Isolation System Design Evaluation i
Guideline 1 requires that no signal override can prevent another safety actuation signal from functioning.
The interim modification to provide a containment isolation Phase A signal to override any CVI signal override satisifies this guideline".
Guideline 2 requires that reset and override switches have physi-cal provisions to aid in administrative control of the. switches. The momentary contact reset switches now have interference covers with " box car" type seals, thus complying with this guideline.
Guideline 3 requires that system level annunciation be provided for wherever an override affects the performance of a safety system.
The Cook units conform to this guideline, as a result of their interim modification".
Guideline 4 requires that isolation of the CVI system be actuated by several diverse signals. The CVI is actuated by diverse signals as reqired by this guideline, including an actuation signal from the safety inj ection sequencer. ~ Guideline 4 is satisfied.
Guideline 5 requires that isolation actuation signals be derived f rom safety grade equipment. The radiation signals to the CVI system are the only actuation signals that are not derived from safety grade equipment and, therefore, do not satisfy this guideline.
Guideline 6 requires that no resetting of isolation logic will, of itself, automatically open the isolation valves.
The Cook units con-form to this guideline in that the valve control switches require manual operation to open the valves after the isolation logic is reset.
2.4 Other Related Engineered Safety Feature System Circuits The CVI is the only portion of containment isolation where two signals were "0R"ed together to a common retentive memory with manual i
reset. This reset affects no other portions of containment isolation.
r l
i Reference 5 declares this modification to be permanent, and as such, a.
this guideline is satisfir.d.
However, the Control Room Intake Duct Isolation Damper logic, while not a part of containment isolation, is of identical design to the CVI and is subject to the same failure mechanism that existed in the CVI.
It is recommended that this circuit be modified in a manner similar to what has been done for the CVI system.
No other manual overrides have been identified in the review of the material submitted for this audit.
S The electrical, instrumentation, and control design aspects of the containment ventilation isolation valves and other related ESF signals for the D. C. Cook station were evaluated using the design guidelines stated in Section 2.1 of this report. The D. C. Cook CVI complies with r
the review guidelines except for the radiation channels used to provide one of the diverse actuation signals. These radiation channels are not class 1E qualified equipment.
It is recommended that the NRC require
- i class 1E qualified radiation channels be used at the D. C. Cook station to actuate closure of the CVI valves.
It is also recommended that I&MP modify the logic for the Control Room Intake Duct Damper so that is is also in conformance with the review guidelines (see Section 2.1 of this report) as concluded in Section 2.4 of this report.
NRC/ DOR letter (A. Schwencer) to all BWR and PWR licensees, " Con-tainment Purging During Normal Plant Operation," dated November 28, 1978.
I&MP letter (John Tillighast) to NRC (Harold R. Denton) Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316, " Containment Purging During Normal Plant Operation," January 4, 1979, AEP: NRC: 00114.
i I&MP letter (John E. Dolan) to NRC (Harold R. Denton) Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316, June 8, 1979, AEC: NRC: 00114A.
i i
Meeting, NRC, IM&P, in Bethesda, MD, May 31, 1979, minutes issued June 12,1979 by Dave Wigginton, NRC.
I&MP letter (John E. Dolen) to NRC (Harold R. Denton) Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316, November 8,1979, AEP: NRC: 00295.
Telecon, Ray F. Scholl, Jr, NRC, Jude DelPercio and Tom King, I&MP, November 16, 1979, 2:30 p.m. EST.
I&MP letter (John E. Dolen) to NRC (Harold R. Denton) Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316, December 5,1979, AEP: NRC: 00295A.
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