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Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1979.W/encl Refueling Info Request
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 02/05/1979
From: Howlett G
Shared Package
ML19263C421 List:
NUDOCS 7902220087
Download: ML19263C422 (11)




1. Unit Name: Millstone 2 Notes
2. Reporting Period: Januarv, 1979
3. Licenad 1hermal Power (MWt): NO
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 909
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 830
6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 842
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 810
8. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since last Report. Give Reasons:


9. Power Level To which Restricted,If Any (Net MWe): NONE
10. Reasons For Restrictions.If Any: NONE This Month Yr.-to-Date Cumulative
11. Ilours In Reporting Period 744 744 27,l92
12. Number Of Ilours Reactor Was Critical 679.1 _ 679.1 20,206.8
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 64.9 64.9 2,065.6 14.11ours Generator On.Line 663.5 663.5 19.095.2
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown llours 226
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWil) 1,662,527 1,662,527 45,544,760 .
17. Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWii) 547,310 547,310 14,576,111 524,874 _ ,


18. Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWII) 524,874 13,941,565
19. Unit Senice Factor 89.2 89.2 70.2
20. Unit Availability Factor 89.2 89.2 _


21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 87.1 _ _ 87 1 _


22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) P,5. 0 85.0 61.8
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0 0 23.7
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Oser Next 6 Months (Type. Date,and Duration of Each t:

Refuelino March 17,1979,10 Weeks

25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of Startup: N/A
26. Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation): Forecast Achiesed INITI AL CRITICALITY N/A N/A INITIAL ELECTRICITY N/A N/A COMMERCIA L OPER ATION N/A N/A (W) 790ggggggg

AVLR AGE D tiLY UNil PObER LEVEL DocKE I NO. 50-336 uni r Millstone 2 DATE _2/5179 f.0\1PLETED fiY G.H. Howlett III T Ei.EPHONE _2_03/447-1791 X364 voNrH J nuary 1979 DAY AVER AGE DAll.Y POh ER LEVEL DAY AVER AGE DAll.Y PObER LEVEL

(%!we. Net) (\1We Ne )

i 80.8 i7 122 3 811 is 688 3 ._ _ . - __ _ _ _ _ 81 0 _ _ _ _ ____ _ 19 808 4 8_0_9_ :o 811 s

809 ,,

8M 809 815 6 _ . _ . _ - - _ _ _ _

7 810 ,3 814 8 810 814 3

9 809 796 25 _ _ _ ___

10 806 ,6 #

3, 806 27 -

_ _ _2 __ _ ___

12 ___ . _ _ _8 0 6 . . _ _ _ . _ _

s 81 3 i3 800 . ,o 81 3 14 64 81 3 39 __

is 0 (-25) 31 813 i ,, _ . _ _ _ . _ ._0 - .__ _(- 2 5 )_ _ __

I?.SIRl;CIlONS Or this f ~:at. hst t he n c ce da.!> ma n u. h .c. .n \10 Net for ca h 63 ir tia pung, c,th. ( c pate to the ne.oest w!n , er ,a t t 10 77)

s DOCKET NO. 50-336 UNITS 11UTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS Millstona 2 UNIT NAME DATE 9/6/70 COMPLETED BY G.H. Howlett REPORT MONT11 January 1979 X364 TELEPl!ONE 7n7 /447-1701 No. Date g


3g 3


.E Licensee Event

,E-r, gg h.3 Cause & Corrective Action to i gO yE $ 5 g =g Report a mU o u

Prevent Recurrenec o

01 790114 S 32.5 B 1 N/A HH HTEXCH The unit was manually shut down from 100% power to make repairs to the Heater Drains Pumps P-3A & 3B and the 2B, 3A, 4A & 46 Feedwater heaters.

Siesmiclyqualifiedmountingbbackets were also installed on Steam Generator level transmitters. (See LER 78-26/

3L-0) On completion of the repairs the Unit returned to 100^t power.

i Summary: The unit operated at or near 100% rated thermal power throughout the reporting period except fdr the outage of the 14th through 17th.


Docket R3 50-336 ,

Page 1 of 1 Date 2/6/79 Unit Name Millstone 2 -

Completed By G.H . Hewlett Telephone 203/44/-l/91 xx4 CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE


FOR SAFETY RELATED EQUIPMENT Report Month December 1978 DATE SYSTEM COMP 0NENT MAINTENANCE ACTION 18V Power Supply Ch. 'B' Replaced Lambda + 18V, 0.5 Amp power supply

  • 12/1/78 Reactor Protection LCD-A-22 12/5/78 Service Water Vital A.C. Switchgear Room Cooler Repaired tube leak.

X-181 12/6/70 Reactor Protection 18 V Power Supply Ch. 'B' Replaced filter capacitor Cl in aux. rectifier circuit of Lambda LCD-A-22 12/19/78 Chemical & Volume Charging Pump P-18B Repacked pump Control 12/21/78 Chemical & Volume Heat tracing circuit P-22 Replaced heat tracing Control 12/28/78 Service Water Temperature Control Valve to Rebuilt valve.

Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water heat exchanger 2-SW-8.lA.

Docket No. 50-336 Date: 2-12-79 Completed By: _G.H. Howlett III Telephone: 203/447-1971 X364


1. Name of facility: Millstone 2
2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown: March 17, 1979
3. Schedule date for restart following afueling: flay 15, 1979
4. Will refueling cr resumption of operation thereaf ter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?

Because the Spring, 1979 refueling will be only the second at Millstone Unit No. 2. , Technical Specification Changes are anticipated, especially in the area of reactor engimering specifications. Inspections of the CEA guide tubes and the steam generators are scheduled for the second r" ueling outage; the results of these in:pections may ultimately involve a license amendment. Review of the reload design is scheduled for January,1979.

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information:

" Licensing submittals are scheduled as outlined in the November 1, 1973 letter from W. G. Counsil to R. Reid."

6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in fuel design, new operating procedures:

Serious consideration has been given to uprate the thermal output for cycle 3 from 2560 MWT to 2700 MWT. Further schedular details will be forwarded as they developed.

7. The number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core and (b) in the spent fuel storage pool:

(a) In Core: 217 (b) 72

8. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and the size of any increase in licensed storage capacity that has been requested or is planned, in number of fuel assemblies:


9. The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity:

1983, Spent Fuel Pool, full core off load capability is reached.

1986, Core Full, Spent Fuel Pool contains 648 bundles.