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Monthly Operating Rept for Mar 1980
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/08/1980
From: Howlett G
Shared Package
ML19262D011 List:
NUDOCS 8004220413
Download: ML19262D012 (6)


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1. Unit N3me. Millstone 2 Notes
  • Items 21 & 22,
2. Reportin; Period: March 1980 Cummulative are computed using a weighted average.
3. Licen>cd Thermal Power $5tht): 2700
4. Nameplate Rating iGross \lwe): 909
5. Desi;n Electrical Rating (Net SIWE):870
6. Stasimum Dependable Capacity (Gross 31Wep: 895
7. .\lasimum Dependable Capacity dNet stwe): 864

'i. If Chamges Occur :n Capacity Ratin;3 titems Nurnber 3 Through 7) since Last Report. Gise Reasonc None

9. Power Lese! To hhich Restricted. If Any INet .\lhe): None
10. Reasons For Restrictions. If Any: None This .\!onth Cumularise
11. Hours In Reporting Period 744 2,184 37,392
12. Number Of Hours Reactor has Critical 698.5 2,112.6 27,191.7
13. Reactor Re>ene Shutdown !!ours 0 0 q,0 %

l-1. Hours Generator On.Line 678.0 2.059.1 25,879.3

15. Unit Re<ene Shutdown Hours 0 0 3~35 7
16. Gros, Thermal Ener;> Generated (51%I1) I,740,751 _5f25,544 63,124,172~~~~

l- Gros, E:e:tr:e.'l Energy Generated isti.Hi 567,033 1,778,469 20,363,114 li Net E'e trical Ener;> Generate!,3thH) Sf4,23T- ~ ~ 1,7TO 893 T9,T4T ,151 It Unit Senice Faetor 91.1 94.3 69.2

20. Unit u.'iiabdity Factor 91.1 94.3 70.1
i enit C;p av F2etar it,;n; \iDC Neri 84.7 9.0.7 63.6
cmr cy,,gc3 p,c.y,,esia; DER Net) 84.1 90.0 62.3
.1 Unit Forced ouage Rate 8.9 5.7 22.6 _
4. Shatdowa, Seheduled Oser Nest o stonths tty pe. Dire. and Duration of Eachr Refueling (Cycle 4), July 1,1980,9 weeks. .
- If Wr Dm n \t End Of R eport P. . d. E- >JDe af : up. NA h Units in Test Status iPrior to CommerJat Onr2 tion t Foreea,r Achiewd INITI AL CRITN A LtT'r N/A N/A INITIAL ELECTRIUTY N/A _ N/A C0\isiERc! AL CPn iT!o', N/A N/A "0TE: Correction to February Report Item 18. Should read Month 528 95T -

Yr-To-Date 1,166,662, Cumulative 18.935,920. Item 22 Year to Date sncuTd read 93.1 ..


AVER AGE D All.Y UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO. 50-336 m.,7 Millstone 2 DATE April 8,1980 CO\!PLETED BY G.H. Howlett TELEPHONE (203)447-1791 X364

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March 1980 DAY AVER AGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVER AGE DAILY POWER LEVEL Dik,e-Net) anve. Net) 1 850 849 1,e _ _ . _

2 852 33 850 3 781 39 849 4 815 20 750 5 R14 289 21 6 820 22 536 7 850 13 73 _

8 851 ,4 484 9 R51 ,5 343 10 850 26 846 11 850 ,- 847 12 0 (-7) _ ,s 847 13 307 ,9 847 34 847 84'/

3g 15 827 3 847 16 849 IN S TR UCTIC .N S On this Drm.n. i.c -'.: n se 6:h :..: p. e b d .., ' 9.'ie.N*c. r .; em 33 g, g, 9.g .- &c.yw

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DATE April 9,1980 COMPLETED l!Y G.H. Howlett til  !

RE PORT MONIll flarch 1980 l ELEPilONE 203 447-1791 X364 ;

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h Cause & Corrective Action to

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f- y jg Repo, u mV Prevent Recurrence 6

4 800312 F 29 A 3 ft/A .;l VAL"vl ( Feedwater Regulating valve (2-fW-51B) locked-up (closed), resulting in a reactor trip on Low Steam generator level.

5 800320 F 0 A 4 N/A RB CRDRVE Dropped C.E.A. #7-1 due to failed Control Element Drive Mechanism power supply. Reduced power to 65%.

6 800321 F 18.3 8/G 3 ft/A ZZ ZZZZZZ Instrumentation 'echnician removed flain feed pump suction pressure trans-mitter from service for calibration.

This lead to the camp tripping on low suction pressure and a subsequent reactor trip on Low Steam Generator level.

SilMMARY: The unit operated at or near 100% rated thermal power throughout the reporting period except for the following; 3/2-3/6 operations at 96% power in preparation of a Moderator Temperature Coefficient Test, 3/20 Dropped CEA and reactor trips on 3/21 and 3/23.

fl0TES: Correction to February, Unit Shutdowns and Power Reductions; Item #1 Duration (Hours) should have read 23.5 not 24.5. Item #2 Duration (llours) should have read 16.3 not 16.4.


J l'AGI 2 of 2 U 50-336

  • UNil S!!U1 DOWNS AND POWl:R RE!)UC1 IONS U l P A 1E' MIIISl""" d DATE April 9,1980 COMPI.ETLD liY G . ll . Howlett II REPolt'I MON fli March 1980 l tttpliONE 203 ^47-1791 X364 I

- = e 3g 'b J, Y l t.ite m ee ,E-r, L' n, cause & corrective j

No. Date -

p2 j5$ twn:

Lf '2 !i? Attion to H, eU dE & 3 ;y, S Rep.n: u UU 0

Prevent Recurrence j 4 f C l

7 800323 F 18.7 A J N/A lill VALVEX Feedwater Re9ulatinq Valve (2-FW-51A) lill llTEXCil locked-up (closed) during a power reduction for a feedwater heater problem. The reactor tripped from 20% power on Low Steam Generator Level.

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Docket No. 50-336 P'8 9e I Of I Date April 10, 1980 Unit Name ' Millstone 2 '

Completed By G. li. Ilowlett III

  • Telephone (zu3J44/-i/91 x3b4 CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE


FOR SAFETY RELATED EQUIPMENT Report Month February 1980 DATE SYSTEM COMP 0NENT MAINTENANCE ACTION 2/4/80 Reactor Protection R.P.S. Ch. "B" Reactor Coolant Replaced and calibrated converter.

Pump Speed Sensing, Frequency to Voltage converter.

2/2//80 Safety injection 2-SI-466 Safety Inj Tk Fill Line Valve leaked through. Rebuilt valve.

Relief Valve

Docket No. 50-336 April 11, 1980 Date:

Completed By G.H. Howlett III Telephone: 2037447-1971 X364 REFUELING IflFORMATION REQUEST

1. Name of facility: Millstone 2
2. Scheduled date for next refueling shutdown: July 1, 1980
3. Schedule date for restart following refueling: September 1, 1980
4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereaf ter require a technical specification change or other license amendment?

Technical Specification changes will be necessary as a result of the change in fuel and safety analysis supplier.

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting licensing action and supporting information:

The schedule for submitting license actica is as follows:

Basic Safety Report 3-6-80 ECCS Results 5-15-80 Reload Safety Evaluation 5-15-80

6. Important licensing considerations associated with refueling, e.g., new or different fuel design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significani changes in fuel design, new operating procedures:

Cycle 4 will be unique in that it will be the first where the fuel and safety analysis will be supplied by Westinghouse.

7. The nc mber of fuel assemblies (a) in the ccre and (b) in the sper.: tel storage pool:

(a) In Core: 217 (b) 144

3. The present licensed spent fuel pool storage capacity and *M size of any increase in licensed storage capacity that has been recuested or is planned, in number of fuel assemblies:


9. The projected date of the last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity:

1985, Spent Fuel Pool, full core off load capability is reached.

1987, Core Full, Scent Pael Pool contains 648 bundles.

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