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09/27/1976 Submit Miscellaneous Changes for Technical Specifications
Person / Time
Site: Surry  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 09/27/1976
Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO)
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19093A496 (14)




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Date Recvd. 1=\ --i.,-, ~


TS 4.1-5 e attack of the pipe. In order to insure the c;01:1tinued integrity of the pipe throughout the plant life, the affected lines are flushed periodically to remove stagnant water which may contain contaminants.

The flushing requirements delineated in TS Table 4.l-3A and TS Table 4.l-3B as appropriate for Unit No. 1 and Unit No. 2 respectively, "*.ensure that a build up of contaminants will not occur. The specified minimum flush durations, with expected flow rates during flushing, insures that a volume of water greater than the volume contained in the stagnant flow paths listed in Table 4.l-3A and 4.l-3B will be flushed. The required sampling *of flushed lines further ensures that the specified flushing procedures were effective in removing any undesirable contaminants that may have accumulated in the sensitized pip-ing.

e The control room ventilation system is required to establish a positive differential pressure in the control room for one hour following a design basis loss-of-coolant accident using a bottled air supply as the source of air. The ability of the system to meet this requirement is tested by pres-surizing the control room using the ventilation system fans and comparing

. the volume of air required to that stored. The test is conducted each 47 refueling interval normally coinciding with the refueling outage of Unit 1.

TABLE 4.l-2A e MINIMUM FREQUENCY FOR EQUIPMENT TESTS FSAR Section Description Test Frequency Reference 1, Control Rod Assemblies Rod drop times of all full length Each refueling shutdown or after 7 rods at hot and cold conditions. disassembly or maintenace re-quiring the breech of the Reactor Coolant System intregrity,

2. Control Rod Assemblies Partial movement of all *rods* Every 2 weeks 7
3. Refueling Water Chem- Functional Each refueling shutdown 6 ical Addition Tank
4. Pressurizer Safety _Setpoint Each refueling shutdown 4 Valves
5. Main Steam Safety Setpoint Each refueling shutdown 10 Valves
6. Containment Isolation t<Func tional Each refueling shutdown 5 Trip
7. Refueling System *Functional Prior to refueling . 9.12 Interlocks
s. Service Water System *Functional Each refueling shutdown 9.9 I
9. Fire Protection Pump *Functional Monthly 9.10 and Power Supply
10. Primary System Leakage *Evaluate Daily 4 r,l CJ>
11. Diesel Fuel Supply *Fuel, Inventory 5 days/week 8.5 I
12. Boric Acid Piping Monthly 9.1 \0 Heat Tracing Circuits
13. Main Steam Line Trip Functional (1) Each cold shutdown 10 (1) Full closure (2) .!Before each startup but at (2) *Partial closure ;: least quarterly 14.. Service Water System Fune t i_onal Each refueling 9.9 Values in Line Supplying Rec*ircu-lation Spray Heat Exchangers
15. Control Room *Ability to maintain positive Each refueling interval 9.13 Ventilation System pressure for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> using a (Unit One) volume of air equivalent to or less than that stored in the bottled air supply
  • See Specification 4.1.D

TS 4.5-1 e 4.5 SPRAY SYSTEMS TESTS Applicability Applied to the testing of the Spray Systems.

Objective To verify that the Spray Systems will respond promptly and perform their design function, if required.

Specification e A. Test and Frequencies 1.* The containment spray pumps shall be flow tested at a reduced flow rate at -.least once per month.

2.* All inside containment recirculation spray pumps shall be dry tested at least once per month.

3.* The recirculation spray pumps outside the containment shall be flow 47 tested by determining the shut off head of the pump once per month.

TS 4.5-2

4. The weight loaded check valves within the containment in the various subsystems shall be tested by pressurizing the pump dis-charge lines with air at least once each refueling period. Verifi-cation of seating the check valves shall be accomplished by applying a vacuum upstream of the valves.

5.* All motor operated valves in the containment spray and recirculation spray flow path shall be tested by stroking them at least once per. month.

6. The containment spray nozzles and containment r*ecirculation spray nozzles 47 shall be checked for proper functioning at least every five years, coinciding with the closest refueling outage.

7.* The spray nozzles in the refueling water storage shall be checked for proper functioning at least monthly.

  • During periods of extended reactor shutdown the monthly testing requirement may be waived provided the component is tested prior to reactor startup.

B. Acce_ptance Criteria

1. A dry-test cif a recirculation spray pump shall be considered satis-factory if the motor and pump shaft rotates, starts on signal, and the ammeter readings for the motor are comparable to the original dry test ammeter readings.
2. A flow-test of a containment spray pump shall be considered satisfactory 47 if the pump starts, and the discharge pressure and flow rate determine a point on the head curve. A check will be made to determine that no

TS 4.5-3 particulate material from the refueling water storage tank clogs the test spray nozzles located in the refueLing water storage tank.

3. The test of each of the weight loaded check valves shall be considered satisfactory if air flows through tlie check valve, and if sealing is achieved.
4. A test of a motor operated .valve shall be considered satisfactory if its limit switch operates a light on the main control board demonstrating that the valve has stroked.
5. The-test-of the containment spray nozzles shall be considered satisfactory if the measured air flow through the nozzles indicates that the nozzles are not plugged.
6. The test of'the spray nozzles in the refueling water storage tank shall be considered satisfactory if the monitored flow rate to the nozzles, when compared to the previously established flow rate obtained with the new nozzles, indicated no appreciable reduction in flow rate.
7. The test of the outside recirculation spray pump shall' .be considered 47 satisfactory if the pump starts and the measured shutoff head of the pump is that specified on the head curve within instrument accuracy.

Basis The flow testing of each containment spray pump is performed by opening the normally closed valve in the containment spray pump recirculation line re-e turning water to the refueling water storage tank. The containment spray

TS 4.5-5 provisions to air test the nozzles every five years coinciding with the 47 closest refueling outage is sufficient to indicate that plugging of the nozzles has not occurred.

The spray nozzles in the refueling water storage tank provide means to ensure that there is no particulate matter in the refueling water storage tank and the Containment Spray Subsystems which could plug or cause deteri-oration of the spray nozzles. The nozzles in the tank are those used on the containment spray headers.

The monthly flow test of the contaiment spray pumps and recirculation to the refueling water storage will indicate any plugging of the nozzles by a reduction of flow through the nozzles.

References FSAR Section 6.3.1 Containment Spray Pumps FSAR Section 6.3.1 Recirculation Spray Pumps

TS 4,6-2

b. Automatic start of each diesel generator, load shedding, and restoration to operation of particular vital equipment, initiated by a simulated loss of off-site power together with a simulated safety injection signal. This test will be con-47 ducted during reactor shutdown for refueling to assure that the diesel generator will start within 10 sec and assume load in less than 30 sec after the engine starting signal.
c. Availability of the fuel oil transfer system shall be verified by operating the system in conjunction with the monthly test.
d. Each diesel generator shall be given a thorough inspection during each refueling interval utilizing the manufacturer's reconnnendations for this class of stand-by service.
2. Acceptance Criteria The above tests will be considered satisfactory if all applicable equipment operates as designed.

B. Fuel Oil Storage Tanks for Diesel Generators

1. A minimum fuel oil storage of 35,000 gal shall be maintained on-site to assure full power operation of one diesel generator for seven' days.

TS 4.6-3 C. Station Batteries

1. Tests and Frequencies
a. The specific gravity, electrolytic temperature, cell voltage of the pilot cell in each 60 cell battery, and the D.C. bus voltage of each battery shall be measured and recorded weekly.
b. Each month the voltage of each battery cell in each 60 cell battery shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 volts and recorded.
c. Every 3 months the specific gravity of each battery cell, the temperature reading of every fifth cell, the height of electrolyte of each cell, and the amount of water added to any cell shall be measured and recorded.
d. Twice a year, during normal operation, the battery charger shall be turned off for approximately 5 min and the battery voltage and current shall be recorded at the beginning and end of the test.
e. During the normal refueling shutdown each battery shall be 47 subjected to a simulated load test without battery charger.

The battery voltage and current as a function of time shall be monitored.

TS 4.6-4

f. During the refueling outages connections shall be checked for tight-47 ness and :_an~!-<::orro_s_iorn coating shall be applied to interconnections.
2. Acceptance Criteria
a. Each test shall be considered satisfactory if the new data when compared to the old data indicate no signs of abuse or deterioration.
b. The load test in (d) and (e) above shall be considered satis-factory_if the batteries perform within acceptable limits as established by the manufacturer's discharge characteristic curves.

e Basis The tests specified are designed to demonstrate that the diesel generators will provide power for operation of essential safeguards equipment. They also assure that the emergency diesel generator system controls and the control systems for the safeguards equipment will function automatically in the event of a loss of all normal station service power.

The testing frequency specified will be often enough to identify and correct any mechanical or electrical deficiency before it can result in a system failure. The fuel supply and starting circuits and controls are continuously e monitored and any faults are alarm indicated. An abnormal condition in these systems would be signaled iwithout having to place the diesel generators them-selves on test.

TS 4.8-1 e 4.8 AUXILIARY FEEDWATER SYSTEM Applicability Applies to periodic testing requirements of the Auxiliary Feedwater System.

Objective To verify the operability of the auxiliary steam generator feedwater pumps and their ability to respond properly when required.

Specification e A. Tests and Frequency l.* Each motor driven auxiliary steam generator feedwater pump shall be flow tested for at least 15 minutes on a monthly basis to demonstrate its operability.

2.* The turbine driven auxiliary steam generator feedwater pump shall be flow tested for at least 15 minutes on a monthly basis to demonstrate its operability.

3.* The auxiliary steam generator feedwater pump discharge valves shall be exercised on a monthly basis.

  • During periods of extended reactor shutdown the monthly testing requirement 47 may be waived provided the component is tested prior to startup.

TS 4.11-2

2. The test will be considered satisfactory if control board indication and/or visual observations indicate that all the appropriate components have received the safety injection signal in the proper sequence. That is, the appropriate pump breakers shall have opened and closed, and all valves, required to establish.~a safety injection flow path to the Reactor Coolant System and to isolate other systems from this flow path, shall have completed their stroke.

B. Component Tests

1. The low head safety injection pumps and charging pumps shall be operated e at intervals not greater than one month. During periods of extended 47 reactor shutdown the monthly testing requirement may be waived provided the component is tested prior to reactor startup.
2. Acceptable levels of performance for the low head safety injection pumps shall be that the pumps start, reach their required developed head on recirculation flow and the control board indications and/or visual observations indicated that the pumps are operating prop*.etly.
3. In -.addition to the Safety Injection System, the charging pumps form an integral part of the Chemical and Volume Control System (CVCS), and are operated on a routine basis as part of this system. If these pumps have performed their design function as part of the routine operation of the eves, their level of performance will be deemed acceptable as related to the Specification.

TS 4.12-1 4.12 VENTILATION FILTER TESTS Applicability Applies to the testing of particulate and charcoal filters in safety related air filtration systems.

Objective To verify that leakage efficiency and iodine removal efficiency are within acceptable limits.

Specification A. Tests and Frequencies

1. The charcoal filters in the Auxiliary Building filter banks, control room emergency filter banks, and relay room emergency filter banks shall be tested for leakage efficiency during the refueling shut-down of Unit 1 using an in-place Freon-112 (or equivalent) test 47 method.
2. The particulate filters in the Auxiliary Building filter, control room emergency filter banks, and relay room emergency filter banks shall be tested for leakage efficiency during the refueling shut- 47 down of Unit 1 using an in-place DOP test method.
3. A carbon sample will be removed from one of the banks once every third year and subjected to chemical analysis to determine the iodine removal capability.
4. Instrumentation, equipment, and procedures shall generally conform to

TS 4.15-3

4. In the event repairs of any welds are required following any examination during successive inspection intervals, the inspec-tion schedule for the repaired welds will revert back to the first 10 year inspection program.

B. For all welds other than those identified in TS Figure 4.15:

1. Welds in the main steam lines including the safety valve headers and in the feedwater lines in the main steam valve house shall be examined in accordance with the requirements of subsection ISC 100 through 600 of the 1972 Winter Addenda of the ASME Section XI Code.

C. For all welds in the main steam valve house:

-~----------*-*--------------~------- ---- - **- --- ----- - - --r*-- ---.

1. A visual insI?ection of the surface of the insu:J_~tion at all~

I l-1 .,* *,,

weld locations shall be performed on a weekly basis when. th,e reactor is greater-than 350°F/450 psig for detection of 47 leaks. Any detected leaks shall be investigated and evaluated.

If the leakage is caused by a through-wall flaw,*either the plant shall be shutdown, or the. leaking piping isolated. Repairs shall be performed prior to return of this line to service.

2. Repairs, reexamination and piping pressure tests shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of ASME Section XI Code_.

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