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NRC-2018-000695 - Resp 1 - Final. Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/07/2018
FOIA, NRC-2018-000695
Download: ML18345A295 (28)




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Before Administrati~e Judges:

{ .:**: ~ .

Pa~I S. ~Y~l'SQn, Cliairman

  • -Dr. G*ary;S;-Amol!J ,

Dt. Sue H. Ab~u In thtiMatterof

  • OocketNo; 52.:'.047-E~P, ,

TENNESSEE VALLEY-AUTHORITY . '-:' * .: 'ASLBP.-No.- :1'7;;9S*01.:.E$P~B001 (Clinch'RM~rNuclear*site*Early Slte:Perrn~ -Oecemb~r-11; 2011 Appiiqa'tion) * ** *

( \' *~ ' . ,

. PR0TECTI\/E'.ORDi:R*. * * * ,*

This*Prc:>t~c;rtive Order govern~' thij ~isclo~l,i~ and 1,1se'in.this* pfo~ec!ing-~fce,J~in do~umerits thab:1pplicant-tennessee v~iley At.ithotity{rvA)~. orany *oth:er Partlcipant:in .this**

proceeding, ijJaifns):oii~iri*.ptopn~~cy't(ade '.s~ctel$ ~rjg/Ot-pr9prietary ¢Qhim~rcial 'or fif'1Elncial information;j For purp~ses't>fthj~))rpte*ctive Or(fer, *(htnetril*"d9cuni"Eints" rneans*~ny audio or* .

video tape recording'orwritteri matter of*any,kind, '.wnether:prodQcedrr~produceo;_ or,stored on

. .. . { .

pap~r; -*~rds, *t~pi!s, ,nbbo~s; '(fi~Ks; !)elts; :¢tiatts; film;,.Co!llr>uter f!I.Ef~. ,cbmputer di$1<S;* o-r diskette~;;c:ompliter:.st6rage devices',or*anfother trledium, and:include~;.without limttation, 1The ptoYisions of this *Prot~c.tive Ord~r d9:*nc;,J*tesbiel lhe *ijse by'U;$. =Nu_clear* R~ylatory.

Commis.~ion.$taff,cour:tsel, witnesse~. employees, consultants, and others r~presentingthe NRC Staff (NRC* StAff) .bf docufoents* oolitai.ning ,prot¢cled maf~r,al :thaf tfafNRC *has received

  • or rnay-receivei ~pa~ from ,ts ,rol~ as ~-l~garyt}ri ttiis .pp~e~ing (~o~rrients ~nta!n,i11g i_nform~ion require~ lo*be*subiJJ~ed'*td the NR,C ~Y. statute; regulation, ,iceris~ oondjti.on, or- or I information ~ubmitted to, or .acquir~d by, .the NRC in support of a r:equested li_~nsing .action or in fulfillm~:uit of its r~~latofy ~esponsiqilities), Instead,-_ NRC St~ff'ust~~~.discla,sute 'ofs~ch .1

. documents is *governed by "10 C.F.R. §§ 2.390, 9.17, and 9.25, and NRC Management , (

dir.ective 12.6;:"NRc S~nsifive'lJripl~ssifiect*lnfoririail<>n*securiiy'Progrant" ttie p*ro:v,sions of* J; 1,-

.thi~Ptotectiv~ Order apply to N_RC counsel, Witnesses, en,ployees, *consultants, and others ,,

  • representing tne N~G Staff with fespe~t to .dpcii"1~ritfconJainirig i?"r~tecJed mateiiii,irthaf,NRC .

receives sol~ly pu$l!an~ to 1OC.F ;R. '.§ 2.336 and this Proteqtive prder, e~~ept that such . I; persons ar~ not_requir'~d to execute a'NoridisclOSUfeAgreemerit atid Ackri!:iWl~tfgemetit fonn.  !.

books, reports, studies, statements, speeches, notebooks, calenctars, working papers, manuals; mem9randa, notes, instructions, dire_ctiohs, records, correspondence, diaries, diagrams, drawings, lists, telephone logs, minutes, and photographs, and also includes, without limit~lon, originals, copies (with or without notes or changes the_reon), and drafts. PurstJant to this Protective Order, counsel, witnesses, *e*mployees; mei:nbers, officers, consultants, and others representing a party In this proceeding (all of whom ~re r~f~rre~ to h~~ein, _colle~tively, as Participants) shall be pettnitted access*.to proprietary documents held by another Particip_ant in this proceeding (Initial Holders) -otherwise* required ~o. be disclosed in-:accor~an* with 1OC,.F,R.

§ 2.336(a) upon the conditions forth.herein: Except as otherwise,expressiy-set forth '1e.rein; this Protective Order shall remain In effect until specifically modified or tenninated by-the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (Board) or the lJ,~- Nu.clear ij~ulatory Commission (Commission).

Those p~rsons who (1) are qualified pursuant to paragraph F of this Protectiye Otger; and have executed a Nondisclosure Agr:~emen"t-and AckoQwledgment io the formJnch,ided. as AttachmentA to this PrQtective Or~er, t~e ,terms qf which are hereby O:i~rporated l)ereln, shall be permitte.d aqcess to proprietary irp'onnation tttat subject to Rrotective Order and is relevant to an admitted CQntentign jn thi$ pr9~edi11g llnq~r the fQIIQwJ9g c;9,n~!ij_o11s; .

A. .If the initial HoJder ot proprietary information or, Its counsel has ~.tgoocl faith belief tha_t a document or p_ortio.n tJler~f.contain& _infprmation tt1atql.!;!t.andl(?r qommercial or financial infonnation that is proprietary or confidential under 10 C.F.R.

§ 2.390(a)(4) and .(b)(4)(i)-.(v), then the Initial Holdei: o.r its counsel may d_esign~te such docume.nt pn Jts proprietary log ~s* a "pr9prieta:r:y

. , ~pc~rnen~."

an() it sha.11 be prot~c~ed 'in .

.: accordance with the terms and conditions* oft~~ Protectiye Order. Such designation s!Jali ~~e place as fQIJpws:.the lniti~I Holder shall (1) prominently mark, wifh*a conspjcui;>us "*C~11tail'.IS

[insert owner's name] Designated Proprietary *Information~ iabeli each propri.etary dpc~ment qn the first,'p1;19e and on e.a~ other page pf the_ d9~ment; and (2) on or before the lc;1ter of (a) thi~

(30) days after th~ date ~f this PrQte$e Order: or (bf thirty (~Q) d_ays after the date a

Participant req4ests a.copy of the proprietary docum~nt, prc;x;lu~-a copy

.qfthe dOcpm~nt:wfih the propri~tary:inf9imation unr~da~~c:i-°by provi~ing iH9:the c;flily.authorized represi;ttitatwe.s*of

  • the P.artlcipant.requesti~p. t~e pr9pfie~ry. d.O.ment (as*deflned*in paragra ph F below),* provjded each su¢h :~epresenJ~tiye;tiat:; sigiie(f ~fNondi~qlosute Agre.en:ient ~nd Acknow .

ledg,:nent. Upon the request bf NRC'S~ff.counsel; the party claiminsrprotected statusfor,:a Proprietary t Oo~urnent st}all*provic;te an 1:1nted.~ct<<i :copy pf:sµc~ .~ocum¢nt ,g.NRC* S~ff-co.


B. Document~ that are designated in accordance With. paragraph A shall *be*hel d In strict ~fi(fence pur~uanM<r:tQ,C;FJ~~ :§ 2;390(a)(4).and :this*Pre>tectiv.e ,Qrder.

This Protective Order, alid the gi:loc; *rep~sen~tioii ,a_nd.:_c_fesignatiol'il *of-j:locu~.ent.s as proprietai:y *'

docume_nts byJheJn_itial :Holder thereof,* ofth~ .requirement

1o c.F.R. §.2.390(b.:)'and* ~IJpws t~e NRC Sta.fUe recf:iive.J:l~opri~tacy dQ"cum e_nts :~nd ,to protect their confidentiality. under the* Freedom of hifprmaUon*Act. 'Nothing in.this~

Pro~ective Orc;ler sh.all be interpreted ;to,prevent the NRC or TVA frqm discharging their obligations to release or_:i:etain

  • documents ln*th.eir:gps$ession,ahd* OOrittol In a¢cor~ance With and only, Jo

. 1 fh~ ~xJ~nt.,required.,

  • by, federal regulatJons,p6stati.lte, .
  • t, I'
c. Prior to presenti11g any dispLJte arising under this Proteqtiv.e Order;t() the.

Board, the dispute shall consuitand endeavorto,resolve-such dispute

, including,' but not r

  • limited t9; the *use_-of reaacti(in. The. B¢afd shall tesOl\le ~hy .dispuJ¢s,arising:µnder this**.
  • Protective Order not previously resolved, including those relating ,to the pubiic release-of inforr:nation in a proprietary aocument othel'.Wise designated as su~ject to nondisclosure: -.

D. Any Participant.that objects to the designafion:of a dopµment as*proprietary shall

  • provide a-notice of . the Initial Holder stating.the Participant's objecti .

on, and

  • specifying the* porti(ms of the document th~t shouJd be disclosed ..Upon such t>bj~ction, the parties'shall hav.e*twenty (20)_days*(the Consl!ltation.Reriod) to good faith
  • L


resolve the matter. The objecting party may file a motion with the Board


within ten (1o). days Qf t' the e~piration*of the-Consultation* Period. The Initial Holder shall have the* I bLJrden of sh_ov.ling i.


"f, i f *:








that the applicable information il"!.the *proprletary docume:nt js a trade secret 'and/or 'commercial

\ .

ential so .that'the* Board can determine; .as or financial information that is proprietary or confid . .

ent from public disclosure Is warranted applicable, wheth . er; on balance, protection of the doc1,1m .

no later than sixty (60} days under 10 c~F .R § 2;390. Any such objections shall be submitted n Intervenor submit such ..

before the first scheduled day of hearing. However, in no case may-a Intervenor's own *admitted or an objection with respect to a do#limeht .that is* m;>t relevant to that

~dopted coritentlon(s).

above,' pending a*

  • E. . If *a Participant files a motion for disclosure under paragraph: D ruling by the Board, the proprietary doci.nhent. in questi on shall continue to be* held in for-the:asserted protection, or confidence. If the*Board rules * a document does not, qualify .

be .disclosed withou t ttie *restric tions of this protec tive that, .on balance, the document ~hould (15} days aijer the Order, then,the unrestricted use'of such do*cuments may begin fifteen ted status of the document Board's-decision. If, during such time, ttie .party that ~sserted protec to the Commission, such files an interlocutory appeal or request that the-issue be. certified Commission rules Qli .the period of time shall be extended until such time as the Board or the appeal or request for certification.-

ers, officers;

. F. . Only Individual counsel, consultants:,'*.wltnesses, employees, memb have exec~ted ttie attached and others representing a Participant listed in Attachment.B who and Ackno wledg ment, and other person s identified in Parag raph H,

. Nondisclosure Agreement have an additional or will be afforded access -to proprietary inform~tion. Participants may this proceeding be authorized substitute person(s).necessary for the preparation* of materials for Initial Holder by electronic mail to receive. proprietary documents. Participants must advise the access to proprietary of the names of any additional or substitute persori(s) for whom ual to *be authorized is either:

information Is sought The notification must certify that the individ

, *or representative of a (a) legal counsel to a Participant; (b) an employee, mem,ber, officer review thereof is necessary

  • Participant; or (c} a consultant, witness, or another individual whose

.for the p~paration, *of materials fot lt1i$ proceeding..c U,the lriitial *Holder*. agr:el:ls *tO'.disc;ICise, to :the ,:*

additiQnal or ~ubstitute,deii;jg-;iee, tt')e initi~i Holc;terwill,so notify th1;,.,Partici~nti anI:Uhe, * *.. ':

  • individual m1,1st *exec1;1te 1anct ser:veJhe, a~che.d Npndlscl9sure,,Agre.ement*and. Ackn.oW,~gment .

prior ir:ifom,iation;. lf'the.:l~~~I Holder declines to ~i$¢l_q$tHo'th.e

  • applicable*designee;'then* ttie.Paqicipant may,seek.~pprov~I from.the. Board '~Y.filinira motion :',

stati~ th~O;~ch-~gr~):n'~N W.~s;$ougtit ~n~ d_~P!in~cf; ~!1:cfthe*b~~!$ ,lQr"*!t~ . b~li~f:tti~ts_µch :-* -.. _i

  • information :shOUld:be d*isclosed to*the*prqposed,:qesigne.~.**The Initial .Hb,lder*rri!IY- ctiaJlenge su~h a.motiQl'.1 within tem(10)-d~ys otreG~Jptof-1he ~~rti¢ipanfs _fi!ing*~nd the $oard*will.

c;tetermine the d¢~ign~tii;>:n of s,tictt*M~ition~l 'ot:SubstjtUte re:cipients !:>y;(urtti~r *ott:1~t~ Only: aft~r. * .

the approval of the requested.~esi~nation:bythe Board:and_the:1ndividL1ai's:exeCL1tior'i' and _filint:,


. of \he att~c_h~d.'NoilcUsclQ$lJre*AQfe~rfieiita.l'.l~ Ackrioyvl~gmel)t,,.n,,!:IY:$1,Jc_h p~r$<:>n(~) -~*

granted access .to,any pr()ptj~tai:y;informaJiom :Nc:>~ing .in :the:Protective. :0rder.shall be interpreted 'to :waiye;the::'e)dsting* 0rder:and *prope~ures c,fescnbe~ in l'T~nnes$$e Valley, A~tt)ority; Clindh 'River Nuql_~~r:Site. Early. $i1~ Pem,it,~pijcation and A~9~ated

. lmpos_ing Pi"Qce/;fur(:ls for:Access '.to Serisitive Un~!a.ssified Non:.Safeguards,:!nformation *and **

Safeguards .. ._ lnforination

. ... ' . ;.-82

. .. *Fed.. Reg;* 1'6436; ,1643&42 . -(Apr~ 4,-. 2017).

  • G.., ,.,each-_executed r,,ondisclosure**Agreementand Acknpwledgment:shall 'be*filed

. :.* ' -::. - . -~ ~- ' .

H. .A;proprietary.doc;:ument'cJisclosec,t pursuant .to thi~ Protective 0rder.shalh>nly be

  • used as neces~aiy for-Jhe, conduct>Of tt,is pi'oc:eedihg*and any further Commission .or:Judlci~1 * **

proceedings* in* this )natt~rrby *aj:>pfQV,~~ *A ptopriet;:iry do¢um~nt sLJbj~ to thi$ ** ;*

Protective 10rder shall not be disclosed 1n any*manner\to any person*'.except (1)the Commission; the Office *outie Secre~ry. ,the *J;Joai'd, -~nd their respective staffs, (2)the NRC Staff, *its-CQiJn~el, and contractors-or 09nsultants.employed by the U.S: government, and (3)*those.persons engaged In the conc;fuct of this* proceeding who have_ executed a Nond.isc;losure Agreement and Acknowledgment; .An individuarwith access .to proprietary documents may make cqpies of and


take notes on the confide(1tial information ~ntained *in the documents, but such copies.and

. notes become proprietary documents subject to the terms of this Protective Order; I: *Coun$el, *~nsuitants; witnesses;.employees, members, officers,.and others representing a Participant who receive'.documents subject to the terms of this Protective Order shall maintain the confidentiality of the information contained therein as.required in the attached Nondisclosure Agreement and Acknowledgment, ttie temis of which;are incorpoiqJed .herein.

Even If no longer engaged in this proceeding; every person who. has executed a t-:iondiselosure e

Agreement and Ac~nowledgment shall continue *to be bou.nd by the provisions *of this Protectiv

.Order alid*the:attached Nondisclosure Agreement and Acknowledgment.

J: Counsel and others,representing a Particlpantshal!:take* all precautions d

necessary to a$Sure that proprietary documents and propri~tary info.rmation are:not distribute to unauthorized* persons; Counsel and others representing a Partic.ipant are responsible for ensuring that persons.under-their supervision or- control comply with this* Protective Order.


  • All pleadings;*issuances, testlmony,,exhlbtt.s,. and correspondence in this proceeding that contain proprietary information shall be treated as confidential, marked ,in -

accordance with paragraph A *above, and, if served,.-shejll be fil~d usilig*.the E-Filing system. The 'indivldu~I filing the document shall use the Non.:Publlc Submlss_lons *option

. the doctJmentonly pers~>ns*who . .

for. filing, and shall select as recipients of . . d -to are authorize receive infotmation pursuant to this Protective Order. In_ addition, any document su.bject to this Protective Order shall_ include an attached cover sheet bearing _prominent markings indicating the attached document contains "Confidential Proprietary Information Subject to Nondisclpsure Agreement," and a cover letter that describes the contents of the plead\ng or ~rrespondence

. without reference* to such lnforma1ion. If the document is to_ be served on the Board and the parties, the Individual filing the document shall include a statement that :the filing contains proprietary-*information in.the-Document Processing Comments field of-the-Electronic Information Exchange (l::IE). Pap!!lr copies of documents subject to this order shall be sent by


U.S; first class, regi~tered; e>epress;:or certified m~il. internal NRC mail, messenger-courier, or

  • o'lernight cjelivery*ser.vice in a-~l!:llecfen~eiop*~., ** * . '
  • .L. ,A.t. any:hearing or CQnference. In this pro~~dlngJn whipJl ;a statemel'!ti~ made _by a representative of-~:Participai"it, or a.witn~:ss is qli_e~titihed; concerning a'ptoprietary-du'ment or information contained therein, the statement or testimony.shall be given in,camera,or under*, .

ot~:ersliitable ~Mlt.ions:a$,1he~o~rq may-e$.t~bli$h,:*a.n~ th~-rec~r<<;t p9itie>nJ>Mhe hear1n9 and a11Y trans_cript-thei'eof; -~ball ;he Withheld fro;n .distribution ,to ,the*.public ari_d,may only*

b~ distribute~ to persons w_ho are authorize~ tQ rec:eiv~ ,such. irifotmatiQn .purs~ant to;ihis .

  • Pi'Qtective Orcfer. It: ~h~ll'1,>ethe cflit}'-~f,ttie pres~nting .P~rJic.iP-~nnp r,iotify:th~:BoEitd and-:t~e* 1 ..

Initial Hplder

'.that such testfrnony,o rstatement will contain proprietary lhformat!on; ai !east thirty M. Proprietary doquments*shall remain available for the purposes of this proceeding until the daie that aii*9r'derJ~rmineiJing:thi~ p_rQQ~edirig is'np longer.subje~i to j1;.1ditial -re~iew. (the Procee~ing Termination D~te), or as otherwise p,:ovi_de~-_by an .adjudi~tocy order? The . _

Participants'shall; withiri(Qrty-:five '(45) days .of ihE!.PrQceeding :rermination Date; :retqm-~H propri~tary ~o~uments irt\li_eir_'pos'$essi~n., or in. th~:posse~siori of their'.c{:>un~!3I; con.~.4ltant~;

e!Tlployees;, members;- officers, and agents;* to :the*lnitial Hol~er's counsel or sh~II destroy *th~t m13terial, Within* su~h. tir:ne *periQd, ea9h ,Particjpant. r~c~iving . proprietary :docµni~n!s ~~dt;,r,.thi$

Protective'Order shalLst.ibhiit to,the'lnffial Holder's counsel ~n*affidavit:~tating that, to the best of

  • his/her knoWled_~e,'all'proprtetary documents have been returned or d~troyecL to-the extent

, that slich filings, issliahce.$, transcri~s; ~><hibijs, and: n~es*~re*rfot returned or.destroyed

. . *~ . . .. ., Uley shall remain subject to the prc;,visions _of .this Protective .order.*

. 2 The proce~ding maY be ongQing with respect to so,rte !llatters for which no proprietary .

information *is reqi,11red; while the matters 'torwhi'ch .propii_etary information is *reqlii~ct have been

  • resolved. If an adjudicatory order provide~ that th~ portion of the proceeding for which propri~~ry i11formation i~ i'equired'has beeri concluded, all 'proprietary dgcuments shall t>e .

returned or destroy~d in accordance With the pro99dures set out In this paragraph foilowing the Proceeding Termination Oat~. .

  • N: Counsel, consultants, employees, *members, officers,.or any other.individuals representing a Participant who have reason to believe that prol)rietary documents niay have been_ lost or*mlsplaced .or may have otherwise become available to unauthorized persons during the. pendency or following thEt*complation of this proceeding shall _notify the Board and the Initial Holder's counsel promptly of such-belief and-the reasons-for. it.

O. Any violation. of the terms of ttlis Protective Order.-_or a*Nondisclosure *Agreement .

  • and Acknowledgment executed in,furtherance of this Protective Order may result in the
  • imposition of.such sanctio~s:as.the*Board.may deem appropriate including, but to; referral of the violation t<:>apptopriate ba_r associations and/or other disciplinary~uthc:>rities..

P. Nothing In thi~rProtective-Order*precludes any Participant(s) in this.proceedin9 from seeking changes in this Protective Order from the Board, *the Corrtm~ion; or'. a court ~s future circumstances warrant.

Q. Nothing in this*Protective Order shall be deemed to preclude any Participant from independently seeking; through _discovery In any administrative or judicial proceeding, *any proprietary document Qr.information produced in this proceeding-under. this Protective:Order.* In addition, if a document.or information identified in this proceeding as proprietary comes into the possession Of, or is known by*any Participant .Independently of a

  • prqprietary document produced in this proceeding, am~ such knowledge was aC9uired Witho1,1t violation of law or other requirement applicable to such. Participant directing the Participant to keep such information confidential, use of-that document or- information in: this proceeding, Without compliance with the terms of this Protective Order,_ shall not be a violation of the terms a

of this Protective Order. The Participant asserting independent knowledge of the contents of proprietary document or independent access to such a document shall have the. burden of proving that such Information was independent!y. obtained if the lnltlal Holcter asserts that .

disclosure c;>f such information or document was a. violation of tnis Protective Order.


R. The Board m1:1y alter or amend this Protective Order as circumstcinces warrant at any time during t~e cc;,urse of this prc;>c~ed,itig:


It is so ORDERED.


, AND. L1c*EN~ING BOARD iiW J, .

  • Paul S. Ryerson, Chainnan

Rockville, Mary!an_d December 11,*2011

. ~-




  • -1 r







. Before Admlnistrativ~ Judges:

Paul S. Ryerson, t:hairman Dr.sG~ry s. Arnold

  • .*Dr. Sue.H. Abreu In the Matter of Docket No; 52"."047-ESP TENNESSEE VAf.LEY.AUTH0.RIT¥, . ASLBP No. 17-954-01-ESP-BD01 (Clinch River Nuclear Site Early *site Permit Application)
  • NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT l:Jnder penalty of perjury, I hereby .agree and acknowledge that (i) access to "proprietary Atomic Safety and licensing Board's Protective Order documen

. .. ts,~ a~ that term. is. defined in the dated December 11, 2017, issued in Docket No. 52-047-ESP; ASLBP No.17-954-01-ESP-BDOt (Protective Order), provided to me pursuant to th~ terms and restrictions of the I

Protective Order; (ii) I have been given a copy and have read the Protective Order, and (iii) ry

  • agree *to be bound by the terms of the. Protective Order; I understand i;ind agree that proprieta documents, their contents, or any notes or other memoranda summarizing or otherwise describing their contents, or any form of information that.deriv . . es from the .Proprietary*documents and copies or discloses the contents of the proprietary documer:its, shall be held in strict*

confidence and shall not be.disclosed to anyone except in accordance with that Protective

  • Order, and shall. be used only for purposes of this proceeding. I acknowledge that . .

a violation of tes this Nondisclosure Agreement and Acknowledgment or the Protective Order, which incorpora

. . ' ~. . i an the terms of this. Nondisclosure Agreement and Acknowledgment, constitutes a. violation 9f order of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and may result in the imposition of such

  • 2 ..

s$nctit;>ns* ~s, the Atomic .S~fety ant;I Licensing 8:0~fd, oflhe U,S. Nyclear Regulatory

  • Commissi9!1 m~~.~ter;n;tcf~_ij :~P.t>iqprili1~..:-.I :@!~p;~-~~npWJ~_gg~'lh~t~.'{j~j~ljpti ofMJi~.
  • .. ... * .  ?**:..**::.\.:. 1 :*;'l,(~15-1.,:*:.:* <:*::. :*:*/:~t":*~t-. :>~ -~-~.<;*-~/*::t;J:':*J-:~,*: ..*:. , . .

NondisclQslire ArJreement and Acknowl~dgmeilt Qfthe Protective Order. sh1;1ll ~ntitle.the Initial

_ ,~\-r.~ .. :. . 1:"'::..i.:. -:< . ;.......~::-; :

Holder or owne,r of the pr<>prie~iy. docurhent(sJ ot propiie.tao/ !nf9J'fl1~ti(>'r! ooritai.n~:tij~_~in'to

  • * * * .' ~ * *** *~:;~  :*  : ,; : *' * * , :* * ' f ......: * * *:.
  • se*ek imme~iate injunctive reliefprohi!)itl~Q s;lich'violation. . ,:,. -' *; .,c,:-; . * .. *-.

WHEREFO.RE so1emnr. a *'fee,to:i"rot~ct-*s * 'ro * **eti(' *dcfoumerits, ~iic:Mheit.

' ' ':;;::;* ':~*:. -<: ~ .'.\,, cjo

\.]:-\:: ' .**/ } ': :~:::}. *r-,:/ *._'ocn*; J\*-~-'. -'.:~**Jr;;;~?*:. :~.:,:~t~*;~~;f:::.::,~*; .*
  • oonten~. ,as may be disclo*sed to me in t~is* pto_ce~d_iilQ, in, a_qco~~ance with the terms oHhe; .
. . .. ; . . * .*. ' ***:",:._: :~**:.r*::: i _*_: ~ -~~ '.: *. ~~~:*~:: ;_fr,: 1~';?~/-r~~-:. t/\ .' ' .. :~ t-\: :_i*, '

. attac,hed Pr9J~~Uve Order ;:ind this Nonf.ti~¢1osµre Agte~tnerit*~nct;P,iql(liQ\Yleggm~nt:*,r, ;, *

  • ~-- ~;";,* . \* \**:;t, ~ .. \, . :*::~;_/";,; . -~*:., ,; _

.. : '\ ':. ~ ,: '*(  : . -~ .* ': .! '

Name (printed ):,--,.--- ,--------

TiUe: ... -* - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Enipl_qyed by otR_ep~i;enting: *--------- ---

_Signeifure:._--,.,--- ------- ---

Exe~uted-on (~~t~): -.- - - - - - - - -




lndividuals*Approved to Receive Proprietary Documents Upon Execution of

. Nondisclosure Agreerrient and Acknowledgement

. ; -: d,_ ,* . '

Tennessee Valley Authority

. hristophin (kChandler (CQunsel for TVA)

Biake J. Nelson (Counsel for TVA)

Ryard)reke (Counsel fur TVA)

Southern Alliance fotClean1Energ'tr,.and Tennessee Environmental Council, ,

Diane Curran (Harmon, Curran, *Spielber g & Eisenberg lLP. - Counsel for SACE and TEO) . ,; . . . . "'- *. '. . . , *[ '. *.- I . . . . I * * * .

  • Or. Edwin S. Lyman (Expert Witne~ for SACE and TEC) .

M. V. ~amima (l:xpe.rtW ltn~ss,fo r* $AQE;~n d TECj Sara Bar~k (Representative of SACE)

  • Do.nalc:I Safer ~Represe ntative of TEC)
  • I


NucLEA~<:~~Gu~rq~v cp~M1s~1_QN In th~ Matter of ) .




(Early Si_te_ Pemiit Applj~~on )

for Clinch River Nllclear Site) )

CERTIFl0ATE-OF ;SERVICE I hereby certify that.'copie~ 'bf th*l foregoing' PROTECTIVE ORD'=R have been served upon the following

. persons *by .Electronic Information .Ex¢hange. * . .

LJ.~. Nycle~r Regula!QfY C~fii~i$~lon . ~.s. Nuclear R~gulatQiy Cphitriis_siorf Qffi~ of Co}nn:iissi~n Appellate-Adjudication* Office oHHe;Generai-'Courisel* . 1 ,,**

Mail Stop 9/f6e33.' . *. *. M~tf StQp 6~14A44. .

wa~hingtpn; o..c ~qs~~9q_o1 W~s~tn9'~-~.pp 20555:0091 E-n,aif: _ocaamafi@nrc~aov

  • Ann Hove, ~-q;

.David Rot'1; Esqi r -

  • 1, U:_S,. Nue~~( R~g!,,1Ja!¢>'¥ q~,mmi~sion $~s~n'.V~h:~~fis;' ~~~f.
  • Office of-the Secretary *otthe Commission Atitt10nY
  • ,* ,* *v
    • Wilson

, ... ,*I.,


Mall'stopb~l6B3'3' . . . Jod

. y. .-.Maritlri* es*

. _q,** ,, : ,.. !

  • W~shingt~n; DC -~05~.s~ppo1 E~ni~il:

E-Fhal!; **hearingdocket

.. @rirc,gov

. david,fotti@*nrc:gov. U;s*. Nuclear RE)gUl~tory .CQmmi~~ipn.:: ., ... , ;:anthony;wilson@rire:aov

. A,omic $~d~~i,c;j:Ucensing_Bo~rd*Panel . 'jodv~martin@rirc:gov'. ..

M~ii si91fT~3f?f.:. /r'.~;:.'1,. * .OGG Mail_..~~-11te( *.. , *_, ;.:* ',.; ..

Washington, DC *20$55-0001 _ . Pauls; Ryeraon; .Chaimian . . ./- . . . I: : .~

Dr. 'Gary~; Afnqf~fAclmihls{f?idv¢ Judge


Dr, Sue .H~ AbreJJ,:Ad01l~i§ttaijye Ju~gE) 9<?~1'.J.s~i ~r. ~i~nse~. tenn~~e.~ Vc1ll~~ .*

Kimberly.c::,Hsu,*tawClei'I< ,... . . Autboiify: . . .. . '. . * * , ..

Jose. J>,h o.

. McMarius,.Law

.. ' . . "** ' ...Clerk

,.* *' '.. qfijistop~~r ChJ1r,dl~r. J=sq.

E-mail: * ~l~ke*:N~lson/Esq*. '. * ..s Gary.Arliold@nrb.g*ov Ryan t>reke, E$q.

Sue; Tenn~~see Val,l_ey A~thority ** * . w.

400 su*m~it Hilf Driv~. WT 6A.J<

Knoxville, TN 37902 .

E-mail: Counsel for lntervenors, SACE an~ TEC: 'blnelsori@tva*:gov Pian~ Cul'ran, Esq. *

  • rcdreke@tva:gov Harmon Curran ~pi~lberg& *Eisenbel'.'Q LLP 17~5 DeSal~s St., N.vv.* *ste. 500 ,.

Washington, DC .20036 *

. E-maii: .dcurran@h~rmonriurra*n~com Dated at Rockville, Maryland [Original signed .by Herald M. Speiser 1 this 11_ th day of December, 2017 Office of the Secretary of \he Commission

Case 1:16-cv-0105&.GMS

  • Document 27 Filed 12/02/16 Page 1 of 15 PagelD #: 91

.. . .. . .*.. , . ... .... ( ....



v. Civil Acti9nNo. tl(i~v--0105_6-GMS *.





. Defendants.

JOINT PROPOSED STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER In the interests of (i) ensuring efficient and prompt resolution of this Action; (ii) facilitating discovery by the Parties litigating this Action; and (iii) protecting corij;'it;lential


  • 1 information from iniptoper disclosure or ~~. ~e Parties stipµlate* to the proyis~oils set fQ¢1 below. The Court, upo~ good c~~se shown and pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c)(l)~

ORDERS as follows:


  • Definitions
1. As used herein: *

(a) "Action" means the above-captioned action pending iil this Court, I

including any related discovery, pretrial, trial, post-trial, or appellate proceedings.

case Document 27 Filed 12/02/16 ,Pa9e*2.of 15 PagelO #: 92 *

  • .(b) Confidential Information means any trade secret or other confidential research, development, or.commercial information, as such terms are used in.Fed.*R Civ.*P.

26(c)0)(G); or any document, transcript, or other material c_ontaining-such iilfonnation that has not been publisbed Qr otberwise made_publicly available.

(c) *11Disclosed"*~eans* shown, divrilged, revealed; prodqced, ~scri~,*

transmitted or otherwise co~unicated, in whole or. in°p~.

(d) "Documint means any document or electronically stored information, as the tetm is used in Fed. R. Civ. P; 34(a).

(e) -Inv.estigation nie~.s the pre-Complaint iilqriify intQ the matters at issue in this Action by the"U.S; Department of Justi~e..,

(f) "lrivesti~aJion Materialsl' *means non"privil~ged*do.cuments, testirp~my or other materials that (i) any non-Party provided to any Party, either voluntariiy.or under compulsory process, in the course ofand relating to the fuvestigation; {ii) *any P~y_provided to *any non-Party in the course of and relating to the Investigation; or (iij) any Defendant, or affiliated person or entity, provided to Plaintiff, eit}ler voluntarily or under compulsory~

process, in the.course of and relating to the ~vestigatioil... *

,(g) "Litigation Materials!' means non-privileged documents, te~timony, or.other materials that (i) any non-Party provides to any: Party, either voluntarily or under compulsory pr9cess, in connection* with and during the pendency of this Action; (ii) are exchanged between any Party and.any non-Party in connection with and during th,e pendency o_f this Action; (iii).any Defendant provides to Plaintiff, either voluntarily or under compulsory process, in connection with and durin~ the pe~dency of thii:;,Action and/or (iv) Pl~ntiff any 2

Case 1:16-cv-01056-GMS Document 27 Filed 12/02/16 Page 3 of 15 PagelD #: 93 Defendant, either voluntarily or under compulsory process, in connection with and during the pendericy of this Action.

  • .(h) "Outside Counsel of Record" means the finn(s)of attorneys representing a Defendant in this proceeding.

(i) "Party" means the United States or any Defendant in this Action. "Parties" means collectively Plaintiff and Defendants in this Action.

(j) "Person" means any natural:person; corporate-entity, partnership, association, joint venture, governmental entity, or .trust.

~) "frotected Person" *means.any Person (incl_qding a J>arty) that has provided Investigation Materials or whose documents, testimony or other materials. are provided in-this Action by any Party or non-Party to a Party, either voluntarily or ~n response

- to a discovery request or subpoena.


  • Notice to Non-Parties *
2. 'Fhis Order is con~idered ex~cuted and*binding once signed by both parties and filed with the Court.

3.. Once executed, each Party shall have two*busihess days to send by email, facsimile, or ovemight'delivery a copy of this Order to each non-Party Protected Person (or, if represented by counsel, the non-Party Protected Person's counsel) that provided Investigatioii.'Matenals to that Party.

4. If a non-Party Protected Person detennines that this Order does not adequately protect its Confidential Information,. it may, within seven business. day~ after receipt of a copy
  • of this Order, seek additional protection from the Court for its Confiden~ial Information. If a

. non-Party Protected Person seeks additional protection from the ~ourt, the materials for which 3


additio~ill protection *b~ been i;ou~bi. wili ilot be ptQvided*tQ, other Persons. un~l-the*Coµrt,has ruled.- . ,,.,'. - '* -=--'

' . *! , *1-. I;,\;

c. *Designation* of',Coididentiai Information ,*

-"5; [JE$IGN.4,TION OF JNYPSTl(]I\TIONMA/fflRf~- ~ves#g~tic_>n Mate.rials -

. ~tibinilt~<f~y 1:i.'Prof¥t¢cl.P~oq, or ~y .Qtl.,l~r m;1teft~s ,~_at*~ ~ntjij~4 !~f¢o,ifidei;tti~~-fy.µijd¢r. ~~: -, -

Atititn1stCivil-~cei;s'!\ct;J~:;Ui~.O:,§J~lJ(c}(3), th¢.:ff~~s~~.,.Rodino-ArttitnJ~J *;, .. * . , .. *.

Im:provemenis Ac~ /l5 U;S;C.. § J 8a(h), or, any.:othe~, federal or state:statute;:regul~qqrt,, Qr. .,,* ;,_

.precedeiitc;ort~i'niQg ciocum~nts in.the .possession Of ~e Piamtiff; and,any infomiation Juen from .

any .portj.on of such 4.~il.illept;.~ffaJI:J>.e'~ed iittheJµ-st:instanc.e*~

.Cogfi~~~tj~itgfonn,atic;>n urider this Order ijµr,i9g:pr~tri~ prycee.~gs.,,S.uch ma~enal m~Yil?.~tlli~lps.~ J]illy:ii'.i accordan~

  • with the.,proctjlqres,,}orth<in ,this Otder;iAny. sµcf:t .IJ1aterials.. pr~uc~.~yJmyPart)"in tJiis Action wiU,be mark~:W.tth.the.des~gnatian CONFJpENTJALi' in a manner,.tbatwiU:not .

interfere with:legibility:.or audibility.-Where Confidential Infoniu1tion'is produced in ~lectroniq

  • , ,,
  • I , * , - '

format ofra,disk or: -~tliet medium thatcorttains,exclusively Colifidential In:fol'iilation, the _.

"CQNFil,)ENTJAL. d~siggation I'Qato.e pljceq,_9Ii :the aisJC:pt other Q1¢clii,iµt TJ!~ ~.onfide(ltialjJy*.

of sµchip.aterials .may be later clJ~Ien.gep ulider:the provisi(?ll_S, ofS#tio~tP.b.eJ~w.

6. D4SIGNA.TlfJNOF LI'FJ.GATION *~ATEffeA~.(lJie)ollowing:procedures govern the process for, Protected Persons to c:Jesignate as Confidential any-information that they disclosed- . in' thi~. Action after .

this erttered;:inclu~in.g .but not. liinited to information in response to r~uests:undet Fed.-R.-Civ, *P. 30, 31;)3, 36. and.4.S; and_dqcumeiits disclosed i~

response to*Fed. R.*Civ;.P. 33(d), 34(b)(2) and (c), or 45:

  • * . (a) Testimony. AIH~scripts of depositions tak~n in thj,s Action after ei:itry of this Otderwill be treated:as Confidential Information ,in. their entirety for 21 days after the date .


case 1:16;:cv-01os~GMS Document 21 Filed 12102116 Page s of -15 PagelD #: 95 .

when a complete and final c~yof the transcript ,has* been made available to. the deponent (or.the deponent's counsel, if aJ>plicable). Within five business days of receipt of the fio:al transcript, the*

Party who noticed the deposition shall provide th~ fipal.traqscript to ~e dePQjleilt*Witlµn 2! ,

days following receipt of the fmal transcript, the deponent may designate as Golifidential, any portion of t~e deposition transcript, by page(s) and line(s); and any deposition exhibits provided by the deponent or the deponeht's employer. To be effective, such designations must be provided in writing to Plaintiffs and Defendants' counsel listed at the end of this Order. Any portion of the transcript or exhibits not so designated pursuant to this subparagraph 6(a)-shall not be treated a.s Confidential,' despite any prior designatio1,1 ofconfi.dentjality.

. {hl Documents; Where a Protected Person produces* after entry: of this*:order hard copies of documents or* electronic version of documents that are Iiol'in *a native.format, such documents shall be design~ by the Protected Person forprotection under*this Order by

  • stamping or otherwise marking each page containing Confidential Information with *the designatjon "CONFIDENTIAL" in a manner that will not interfere with.legibility or audibility.
  • If. the entire document is not Confidential Information, the Prot~ted Person shall stamp or label only those pages that *contain Confidential Information.

{£}_ Electronic Documents and Data. Where a Protected Person produces

. electronic files and documents in native electronit format after entry of this .Order, sqch electronic files and documents shall be designated by the Protected Person for protection under thi~ Order by appending to the'file names or designators information indicatin~ whether the file contains Confidential Information, or by any other reasonable method f()r appropriately designating such information produced in electronic fonnat, including by making such designations in reasonably accessible metadata associated with the files. Where .C.onfidential 5

case 1:16;.cv.;.01056-GMS Document 27 *Filed 12/02/16 Page 6 of :15Page1D.#: 96 ' '

Information is produced*in electronic;format on a disk or other mediuin that contains.

  • exclusively Confii:lentiai IIiforrilation, the. .CONFIDENTIAL" designation may be pla~ed:on the disk or other medium. When el~t~nic files or documents .in native form are printed for.

useat*d~posi~on, in~ coµrt-proceedirtg; or for provisi()niil printed form to ~tpe:rsQµ desctj}?ed in subparagraph .9(g),* the :J?arty printing tl!e electroni~ files or-docuinep.ts: Sb~ affix

.a legend to .

J:h~ printed docµment saying ".CONFIDENTL~.1:/'

. . . . . 'l,Ul~ includ~.

, . the prQdue.tiQn. and designation -:associated .with the native file,.,.*.*-

I .

  • *(d) Whenever dfacovety iuotighHrolil a:i:lort-PlU'ty in .this Action, a copy of


this Order sh~l acco~paQy.,the discovery request or,_silbpoenct;*N;Onc_Parties,may*designatl!*

materials as'.9onfide~ti~ *pursuant. to 'the -procedures iri Jhis paragraph; ..

7. A.ny production .of _d9Cqments or testim<>~y notdesign_~ted -~ Confide~th*l :.will ,not be deemed a.,waiver of any-future cl~rn: of confidentiality concerning *such infonnation if it is.

iater designa~ as *Co1didential. If at any tipie prior to the :trial.ofthis Action, a Protected Person *realizes* that it.should *have designated as- oilfidential' any documents, testimony;, or other m~terialsthat-Persori ..


. discovery

. in this Action;

. .,

de~ignate such documents; testimony, *ot other*.ma~etials by notifying.the Partiesjn writiQg. The Parties*sh~l thereafter treat such materials pursu~t to the Protected Person's-new desiID)~ti_on

  • under the tenns of this Order. No pripr disclosure ofnewly designated.Confidential Information shall violate this Order.

8.. In the event of a disclosure *of any Confidential Information to any person(s) not authorized to receive such disclosure under.this Ord~r. the Party responsible for having made

  • such disclosure shall promptly notify the,Protected _Person-whose material has beeri disclosed .

and provide to such Protected Person all known relevant information concerning the nature 6

case 1:16-cv-01056-GMS Document 27 Filed 12/02/16 Page 7 of 15 PagelD #: 97

. and circumstances of the disclosure. The disclosing Party shall also promptly take all reasonable* measures to retrieve the improperly discl~sed and- to en~ur~ that no further or greater unauthorized disclosure and/or use thereof is made. Unauthorized or inadvertent.

disclosure. shall no_t change the confidential status of any disclo.sed material or waive the right

  • to maintain the disclosed -material as containing: C<>rifidential Information.

D. Challenges to Confidential Desil!nation

9. Any Party .who objects to any designation. of confi~eritiality may at any time.

before the trial of this Actjon provide a written notice to the Protected Person* who provid_ed the

  • materials and all other Parties-stating withpl!Iticularity the grounds for the*objection: All materials objected to shall continue to be treated as-Confidential Information pending resolution

. of the dispute.* If the obj~ing Party and the Protected Person cannot reach agreement on the objection within 5 business days of the Party's written notice, .the Protected Person may address the dispute to this Court in accordance with the Scheduling Order. The Protected Person bears the burden of persua~g the Court the ~erial is in fact .Confidential *Information within the definition set forth in paragraph l(b): _The designated information shall be treated in accordance with its Confidential Information designatioµ under tins order until the Court rules


  • on the designating Protected Person's timely filed motion. If the Protected Person fails to move the Court in accordance with this paragrapll, or if the Court finds the designation of Confidential Information to have been inappropriate, the designation of confidentiality shall be considered rescinded. The Parties _thereafter shall not be required to treat the information_* as Confidential
  • Information under this Order. The Parties' entry.into this order.shall not preclude or prejudice ,

either the Protected Person or the objecting Party from arguing for or against any-designation, 7$6-GMS :. Docu_ment27. *:Filed 12/02/16 Page a**of lS*P~gelDJ#: 98; est{lblish aJ)y presli~ptioµ that a particular designation

/ .

is valid, or al_ter the burcJen ofproQf that would otherwise apply in a-dispute over discovery or.disclosure_of.information.

  • E. Disclosure*t,f.Confidential lnfonnation
  • I
10. Confideii.ti~ Inf()rrnation m11y be:disclosed only tQ the following p~rso_ns:

(a) th~ ~oui;t and.alLpetsoils assisting the. Go:urt in Uris ;\cticm~ ,in~hid~nglaw .

clerks, CQnrt.reporters in tl.te.-c9~rtrOQ~. ~d ~~nographi~ or clerical*pe.rspQ.n~l; .

(b) counsel for the Plaintiff and its attorneys, in-'houseeconomists, paralegals and other professional pen!<>ilnel (including support*and IT staff), and *agents or independent:

~ontractors retained.~)' ,he Plaintiff to, assis~ in .this Action whose rw:.ctions require access to the inform~tion;

  • * (c).-Outside Coun*sel of Record for.Defend.ants, inc~uding ~y-auorneys, paralegals, and other professiorial perse>:pf!el (includi11g support* and .IT staft) :that ,such .

outside co11nsel assigns tQ this Action whQ~e functions re_quife access to the infonnation (in:.

hmi_se counsel for Defe:pdahts, *however, are exducle<;l an~ shall ilot have.access to any_.

  • Confi_dentiatlnformatjon under this. Order; :urµess and untjl inQdified);

. (d) outside v.endors or service:provid~ts (such:as copy-~ervice providirs,

  • outside court reporters retained for:depositions, and document-,mamigement.consqltants) retained by a Party to assist that Party in this Action provided that they shall first -execute ~

Agreement Concerning Confidentiality

. in the form of Appendix A.attached . hereto;

  • {e) any mediator, arbitt:a~or, or special masterJhat the Parties engage in this

. Action or that this Court appoints;* ..

_ (f) persons who are authors, addressees; and recipients of.the document; to the

.ext~nt they have previously had lawful access to the ~ocument d_isclosed or .to be disclosed; or

,I 8


  • 1 ii;

case 1:16~cv-010S6-GMS Document 21 Filed 12102116 Page *9 of 15 PagelD #: 99

  • persons whom counsei for a Party believes in good faith previously received or ~ad access to

. the docuQ1ent, unless the person indicates that he or She did not have access to the document; (g) any person retained by a Party to i,etye as. ;it~_stifying o.r consulting e_xpert in this Action, _including.empl~yees*of the firm.with which the expert or consultant is associated or inclependent contractors who assist the expert's work in this Action, provided that they shall*.

first execute ail Agreement Concerning the fonniof Appendix A attached hereto; and (h) outside trial consultants (including, but not limited to; gni:phics consultants) provided that they Shall first execute ail 'Agreement Concerning.Confidentiality in the fonn of Appendix A aitached hereto.

11. *Counsel for the Party making the disclosure must retain ~e original of.the Agreement Concerning Confidentiality in the form of Appendix A attached hereto until final resolution of this Action. *
12. Each indj.vidual described in paragraph.9 of this Order to whom
  • information designated as Confidential Information,is disclosed must notdisclose that Confidential Information to any other individual, except as provided in this Order.
  • 13. Recipients of Confidential .Information uildeJ," thi~ Order m&y use such material


  • solely for the prosecution and defense of this Action and not for any business, co~ercial, *or .

competitive purpose or in-any-other litigatkm proceeding. Nothing contained in this 0:r:der, however, will affect or restrict the rights of any Party with respect to its own documents or infonnation produced in this Action. Further, nothing contained in this Order prevents*Plaintiff, subject to taldng appropriate steps to preserve the confidentiality of *such infonnation, from

. disclosing such. information designated as Confidential (i) jn the coun,e of any other legal 9

case'.'.l.:1El-cV-Q1056;,:GMS DocunientiT 'Fil~d-12/02/16 Page 10:of 15 Pa~el0:#:* 100 proceedini in *which the P.S/DeJ?artnient of Justice is a piu'ty; (ii) .for the_ purpose of-securing compliance with a Finfil Jmfgment in this ,Action; or (iii) for:law enforcement p1ll'p9ses. . . :- .

14. Other Proceedings.* J;ly,eQte.rili~Jhis_:o,-<i~r.~4J.i!]liting,,tfi¢, -~s.cio~~re of ~i:!foinliltion in this case,,infCourt does hot i~te°'d ~o precl1,19e ~oth~r-coi,rrt~fromfil}ding.tlu!t ~qfc,rtnatio~

may*berelevagfand. subject to.disc!osure in ~()mer c:a~. Anyperson.9rp~;$u]:ij~t to*tlµs *

.order who bec:ornes ~µJ>je~Ho a motion to disclo~e another .party's i.¢cirD1atto11. de~jgn~~~ , ,

' "confidentiai"-pu~uant to this order, shall.promptly.notify that party of the.,motioil so that the party may; have an 'opp~rturl;.ty. to appeanm'd be* heard. :01hvhether that-info~atton should be cµscloseq{ . *1 ** ,, i , , ,.. . , *

  • 1. .[*i
  • 15 .1N (jthiiig i1Nhjs ()r,,ler: . * ,,:.,,:


. designated* as Confi<ientia1. Information;* * * : . **. *

  • (b) prevents disclosure.of Confidential Infonnation with,the consent

. *. of the Protected Pen;on that aesignated the material as Confidential;_

a (c) prev~nts di_s~Iosure by. P~y of Confi,deiltial Inform~tibrt .(i) Utat is ~t has

  • become publicly'kilown throu~h ~ofault oft,h~t_P~y;'(µ} ~{l\YfµlJy-.acguireg ~Y or:l~nowµ,to that* Party ind~pem;lerit of re.ceipl iifdis¢overy,, in this Adio~; (iii) previously .produced, .
  • disclosed and/or provided to that Party without an oblig:;ition* of confidentiality and not by inadverte_nce otmistake; or (iv) pur~uant to an-order.of a court ot*as may be required by law;
(d) prevents'Plairitiffs ret¢rition or use or disc~<>sure oflnvestigatipiI Materials or Litigation Materials outsicle;Uie context of tlifs. Action to the extent pennitted by applicable
  • law or regulation governing such pre-complaint discovery includiri$ the Hart-Scott.,.Rodino 10 r.

Case; 1:16-cv-01oss~GMS IDocument 27 Filed 12/02/16 Page 11 of 15 Page ID #: 101 Act, 15. U$.C: § 18a,and the :AntitrustCiv:,ll Process Act, 15 U;S.Ca §§ 1311-14, or for law enforcement purposes,or as required by law, court-order or, regulation.

F. Use ofinformation .Designated* This.Action.

16. If arty documents, testimony, or other materials designated under-this Order~ .

C~mfidential lnfotinatjon ~ -included in any pleading, motion, exhibit, *or o~er p11per..tQ be filed .

with the Court; the* Party ~king to file must*file such Confidential Information under seal, in accordance with D; Det LR ~J .3. Nothing in -this shall restrict the Parties,or any interested member.of the public °from challenging,the filing of ;my Confidential Information -

. un4er seal. Nothing in this Order shall apply to Plaintiffs complaint previously flied in this .

action; however, this Order shall apply to Confidential Information \iilderlyi.Ii.g..allegations in Plaintiffs coi;nplaint Nothing in this order restricts Defendants' righf to seek to have informat1on underlying Plaintiffs cc;>mplaint protected as Confidential Information..

17. Disclosure at tnal of documents and testimony* and other materials designated as Confidential Information Will be governed pursuant to Court order.* The parties shall meet and confer before .trial and submit a recommended order outlining those procedures.'

G. Procedures upon Termination .of This Action

18. The obligations imposed by this Order survive.tbe

. ~ .

termination of this Actipn unless the Court, which shall retain jurisdiction to resolve any .disputes* arising* out of this Order, orders otherwise. Within 90 days after the expiration of the time for appeal of an order, judgment, or decree terminating this litigation, all persons having received information designated as Confidential Information must *either niake a good faith effort to return such material and all .

copies thereof to the Protected Person (or the person's counsel if represented by counsel) that produced it, or destroy or delete a11 *such Confi~ential Information. Counsel for Plaintiff and 11

Case:JI16~cv.~01os61:GMS eocument27* Filed 12102116 Page 12:of 1s-Pa~e10 #: .102 ~ .

  • *Defendants will J,e entitled to retain court p~rs, deposition and trial transcripts and .exhibits, and work prod~c~. provided that the Parties and their,disclose:the portions of court p°apers, deposition transcripts;
  • e~bj~::gr. .

WQtk:product containing infonnatioii

. ~*_ :* .: }.  ; : .~--. l :

designate4: as Confi.dentjal ~oriitation to -~)rp~r$o.g e~cept pµrsWt9t.t9 Cb~rt or4.~tor - : **

. . ( *,. *.' :

  • i ..... ' . . .  : * *: * ., ' .,
  • agreement with the Pfyj~~W<J:PyrsQ~.thafpr¢(1µ~~ the C911fjd~~tial lfifonn!ltion. pras i:>U,etwi~e * ., ,
  • '  : I'* * * '  : * -~ * / **  ;-~ ,
*, !
: ~,/'.  ! .' -J Court likewise must be di&PQ~~d J>UO: ac~<>td;ul¢e wiJlrthis -parag~ph. Nothi~g in ~his

~atagraph; however, restricts the rights of. the Parties under.paragraphs 13 or 15 of.this Order.

IL Right to-Seek Modification

19. N~tbing in'tbis Order limits any persori,.including mempers of the pµb}ic, Party or Pr9te~ted Person from seekil)g further-or additional protections of any of its JD~terjals or.

modification of this Order JJpon motion duly made pursuant to the Rules of t~s Court,

. including, without-limitation, an order that certain material not be produced at all or is riot a4nrissible evidertc*e in this Action.

20; ;Nothing in tl)is Ord~t lbnits the right .of the* Panies to seek inoltific~ti9ns t<;> this Order, m,id the fact $at the P~es stipul~ted to this Ord~r slil;l\l not be groulld for an ol;>j~ti<;>n to any future request by a:ny Party for ame~dinent of this Order.


  • Persons Bound bVThis.Order.
21. ,once executed, this Order shall be binding on the Parties to this Action, theit attorneys, and their successors, personal represent~tives, adll14rlstrators, assigns, p_arents, subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, employees, agents, r~tained consultants and experts, and any
  • , I persons or organizations over which they have direct control.

Dated: December 2, 2016 12 l

  • 1 I

case 1t1s-cv.,01os6-GMS Document 21. Filed 12/02/16 .Page 13 of 15. Page ID #: 103 AGREED TO:

By Counsel for the Plaintiff United States:

. Isl Jennifer Hall Isl Travis.R.*Chapman JENNIFER . HALL (#5122). JULIE ELMER

.Assistant United States Attorney. JOHN LINDERMUTH United States Attorney's Office* TRAVIS R. CHAPMAN

. 1007 Orange Stree!, Suite 700 Uriited States, Department of J11stice Wilmington, DE 19801 450 5th St. NW, Suite 7100.

(302) 573-6277 w~hinfilon, o.c . 2os30 (202) 353-9006

  • travis* 13

case 1~16-cv..01oss*"'.GMS Dpcument,27, Filed 12102116 PaQ~ 14 ,of 1s Page10.#; 104 Bf Counsel for Defen~ants Energy Solutions and:Rockwell Holdco: .

. Isl Robert S. Saunders RO:B,J3RT S, ~AlJ,NPERS .. . 0 Sleadden,_ Alps; Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP 9.2() N_. Kh1g Street Wilmingto~, DE 198()1 ,**


TARA REINHART Sk~ddeq~ *Arps, Slate, Meagher & Floin LLP 1440 New York Avenue, NW

  • W~hl~gton,.I>:C: 200005
  • By Counsel for Oefendants Andrews County Holdings and Waste Control Specialists:

lsi Joseph Ostoyich JQ$E.PH. OSTO.YICH Baker Botts LLP .

. 1299 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington,*D.C. 20.004 SO ORDEREI):

  • Da~ed this day of December, 2016 HONORABLE GREGORY M.,SUEET UNITED s'i'ATES.DisTRici' JUDGE



CasEflt16-cv-01056-GM$ Document 27 Filed 12/02/16 Page 15 of 15 PagelD #: 105 APPENDIXA

v. Civil Action No. 1:16-cv-01056-GMS ENERGY SOLUTiONS, INC.,




.f)efendants ..

AGREEMENT CONCERNING CONFIDENTIALITY I , - - - - - - , am employed by_ _ _ _ _ _____ _____

I hereby certify that:

. . J t

  • I '.h*ave read the Protective :Order *entered in the. above-captioned_ action, and understand its-terms. * *
2. I agree to be bound by the terms of the Protective Order entered in the above~

captioned action. I agree to use the information provided to me only as explicitly

  • provided in this Protective Order.
3. I understand that my failure to abide by the terms of the Protective Otder entered in the above-_captioned action will subject me, without l~mitation, to civil and criminal penalties for contempi of Court.*
4. I submit to the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the District of Delaware solely for the purpose of enforcing the terms of the Protective Order entered
  • in the above-captioned action and freely and knowingly waive any right I may otherwise have to object to ~e jurisdiction of said Court. *