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Table 7.4-6, Summary of CSCS Operational Nuclear Safety Requirements
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 10/10/2018
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML18283B577 (1)


BFNP-10 TABLE '7.4.6


OF CSCS OPERATIONAL NUCLEAR SAFETy REOUIREMENTS Applicability Conditions BWR Operating State Non-Initiated Systems Allowable Repair D LPCI 9 Required Number of Operable Components Time Action Required When Operability Surveillance Test Incident Detection Nominal Trip above above Loop System Condition Condition Condition* Condition"'ondition"'II Not Assured Frequency Circuitry Components Settln9 122 psig 122 prig HPCI 9 ADS Selection Initiation H III (see note) (see note( Remarks HPC IS trip system 2/3 month NA "Either the HPCIS tnp system or the ADS trip system ADS trip system X 2/3 month NA may be inoperable for the allowable repair time LPCIS trip systems X 2/3 month NA CSS trip systems X X 2/3 month NA HPCIS trip system logics 2 per tnp system 2 per operable trip 2 per trip system NA NA system ADS trip system logics X X X 2 per trip system 2 per operable trip 2 per trip system NA NA system LPCIS initiation trip system logics 2 per trip system 2 per operable trip 2 per trip system NA NA system LPCIS recirculation loop selection I per trip system I per operable trip I per trip system NA NA trip system logics system CSS tnp system logics 2 per trip system 2 per operable trip 2 per trip system NA NA system Parallel logic pairs I per trip system 2 per trip system 2 per trip system NA NA Condition I: the inoperable parallel logic pair is tripped.

logic logic logic HPCIS reactor vessel low water low 129.7 in, above top X 2 per operable NA 2/3 month 3 months water level (¹21 channels of active fuel parallel logic pair HPCIS primary containment high. 2 pslg X 2 per operable NA 2/3 month 3 months pressure channels paraRel logic pair ADS reactor vessel low water level 17.7 in. above top X X 2 per tnp system NA 2/3 month 3 months Condition I: the inoperable channel is tripped.

(¹1( channel ~ of active fuel logic ADS primary containment high. 2 pslg X 2 per trip system NA 2/3 month 3 months Condition I the Inoperable channel Is tripped pressure channels logic ADS delay timer 120 sec. X I per trip system NA NA 3 months logic LPCI pump discharge pressure 50 psig X I in an operable I in an operable I in an operable NA NA 3 months channels low pressure pump low pressure pump tow pressure pump CSS pump discharge pressure 185 psig cooting path cooling path cooling path channels LPCIS reactor vessel low water level 17.7 in. above top X 2 per operable NA I'/ months 3 months X

paragel logic pair

(¹lt channels of active fuel 2 per operable NA IR months 3 months LPC IS reactor vessel low water level 129.7 in. above top parallel logic pair

(¹2) channels of active fuel 2 per operable NA I'/ months 3 months LPC IS primary containment high- 2 psig X parallel logic pair pressure channels 2 per operable NA IR months 3 months CSS reactor vessel low water level 17.7 in. above top X X parallel logic pair

(¹1) channels of active fuel 2 per operable NA IR months 3 months CSS primary containment high- 2 psi9 X parallel logic pair pressure channels "Conctition I Ag trip systems, logics, and channels operabla.

Condition II One LPCI and CSS tnp system inoperabla.

Condition III Minimum required operable channels with ag trip systems operable.


a. The nuclear system pressure shall be reduced to 122 psig.
b. The nuclear system shall be placed in the cold shutdown condition.

For inoperable HPCIS parallel logic pairs, Note Ia( must be observed. For inoperable LPCIS and CSS paragel logic pairs, Note (bt must be observed.

d. Tested when other equipment is tested; no spemfic test I'equlratt.
