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Monthly Operating Rept for Jan 1997 for Salem Generating Station,Unit 1.W/970213 Ltr
Person / Time
Site: Salem PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1997
From: Conicella N, Garchow D, Phillips R
Public Service Enterprise Group
NUDOCS 9702200352
Download: ML18102A863 (15)


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  • I
  • O,PS~G Public Service Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038-0236 Nuclear Business Unit February 13, 1997 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Attn: Document Control Desk MONTHLY OPERATING REPORT SALEMNO. 1 DOCKET NO: 50-272 In compliance with Section, Reporting Requirements for the Salem Technical Specifications, the original monthly operating report for the month of January is being sent to you.

o;;yo]l David F. ~how General Manager -

Salem Operations VS:pc Enclosures C Mr. H. J. Miller Regional Administrator USNRC, Regionl 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19046

--~-- --- - ~-* ----- -- - \

9702200352 970131 PDR ADOCK 05000272 R PDR 200017 The p'1er is in )001" hands.

95-2168 REV. 6/94



  • e DOCKET NO: 50-272 NAME: UNITl CONTACT: N. CONICELLA TELEPHONE: 609-339-2124 The following items were evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 10CFR50.59. The Station Operations Review Committee has reviewed and concurs with these evaluations DEFICIENCY REPORT Deficiency Report (DR) Use-As- "Deficiency Report (DR) Use-As-Is 970121137" This DR addresses Is 970121137 125 VDC deferring the repair of Breaker 2BKR2ADC31 until the next refueling outage.

SORC: 97-016 DESIGN CHANGE PACKAGES lEC-3360 Pkg. 3, 4 & 6, Rev. 1 "Control Room and Work Control Center Layout Improvements" This DCP installed a conference room and all associated equipment required to perform the functions of the OSC. The conference room is located where the Senior and Shift Supervisors were located.

SORC: 97-009 lEC-3531, Pkg. 1, Rev. 0 "RVLIS Mid-Loop Wide Range Level Upgrade" This DCP will install a new differential pressure transmitter, toggle switch and indicator for wide range mid-loop level operation. Modifications will be made to the RVLIS transmitter's sensor bellows support bracket. The new wide range transmitter will use the same sensing and reference tubing connections as the narrow range transmitter, 1LT16274. The new transmitter will be mounted seismic category 1. The transmitter will use all existing cabling and electrons from narrow range channel 1LT16274; however, the wide range midloop channel will not have alarm functions. A new wide range indicator will be installed directly in the existing narrow range indicator mounting bracket and rewired to existing indicator cabinet where required.

The mounting bracket for the RVLIS transmitter's sensor bellows will be modified to provide for easier maintenance and calibration on this component.

SORC: 97-015 lEC-3577, Pkg. 1, Rev. 0 - "Overhead Annunciator Verification System" This DCP involves installation of new Annunciator Verification System (AVS) and upgrading the existing Overhead Annunciator (OHA) system firmware/software.

SORC: 97-012


  • noLTNo:



50-272 UNITl N. CONICELLA TELEPHONE: 609-339-2124 The following items were evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 10CFR50.59. The Station Operations Review Committee has reviewed and concurs with these evaluations DESIGN CHANGE PACKAGES lEC-3651, Pkg. 1 "No. 1 Station Air Compressor Control - Constant Pressure Mode" This DCP revises the UFSAR to incorporate changes implemented under DCP lEC-3651, Pkg. 1, which added a constant pressure control scheme to the existing total closure control scheme.

SORC: 97-016 DCP 2EC-3605 "Thermal Overpressurization Concern" This DCP will ensure adequate overpressure protection of the SJ system check valves' leakage test lines, associated with the containment penetration M-25, during a LOCA or MSLB event per requirements of NRC Generic Letter 96-06. The SJ system will continue to perform its safety function as designed and the containment integrity will be maintained. This safety evaluation concludes that this proposal is technically adequate, complies with the plant design bases, and meets the requirements of the applicable codes and standards, regulatory requirements and prudent engineering practice.

SORC: 97-007 MINOR- MODIFICATION MINOR MODIFICATION "Diesel Generator (D/G) Turbo Boost Setpoint Change" This minor modification is to increases 2B Diesel Generator Turbo Boost Air Pressure Low Alarm from 190 psig to 206 psig. This change also increases the 2B Diesel Generator 22 Turbo Boost Air Compressor Auto Start Control setpoint from 210 psig to 220 psig.

SORC: 97-010 MISCELLANEOUS 50.59 Safety Evaluation #96- "Containment Flood Level following a LOCA" This SE revises the 223 on PIRS No. 960418084 containment flood level caused by a LOCA from 83'-1" to 84'-0". The effect of this flood level increase is that limit switches for control valves and MOV's will be submerged. The systems affected are Safety Injection, Chemical Volume and Control, Waste Liquid and RHR. All components perform their safety function prior to being flooded or the EOPs provide the required remedial actions. The primary functions to mitigate the consequences of the LOCA are recirculation core cooling, containment isolation and post accident monitoring.

SORC: 97-003


  • noLTNo:


50-272 UNITl MONTH: JANUARY 1997 CONTACT: N. CONICELLA TELEPHONE: 609-339-2124 The following items were evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 10CFR50.59. The Station Operations Review Committee has reviewed and concurs with these evaluations MISCELLANEOUS 50.59 Safety Evaluation of S-C- "Evaluation of 125V DC Vital Battery Design Margins" This SE is written 125-ESE-0869, Rev. 0 PIRS to clarify PSE&G's technical position dealing with the issue of design

  1. 961106222 margin related to the sizing and application of 125V DC Vital Station Batteries.

SORC: 97-009 50.59 Safety Evaluation on PR "Primary Side Loose Object-Steam Generator Tube Plug" This SE 950821301Plug provides an evaluation of plant operations during cycle 11 and the continued power operation after the completion of the 1R12 refueling outage with a steam generator tube plug missing in the reactor coolant system. Westinghouse has performed system and component analysis with the plug intact and in pieces and determined it would be acceptable to operate with the missing plug in the primary system. The plug came from Steam Generator No. 14 cold leg side tube sheet location Rl C94. The steam generators are currently being replaced for other reasons therefore replugging the tube is not applicable. The plug was shown to be in-place by video mapping during the lRlO outage.

SORC: 97-006 Operability Determination - "Operability Determination - Technical Support Center (TSC) Ventilation" Technical Support Center (TSC) The purpose of this Operability Determination is to determine the Ventilation operability of the TSC ventilation system following the TSC ventilation positive pressure test.

SORC: 97-014



10CFR50.59. EVALUATIONS 50-272 MONTH: JANUARY 1997 NAME: UNITl CONTACT: N. CONICELLA TELEPHONE: 609-339-2124 The following items were evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 10CFR50.59. The Station Operations Review Committee has reviewed and concurs with these evaluations MISCELLANEOUS Operating the Unit 1 Auxiliary "Operating the Unit 1 Auxiliary Building Ventilation with the loss of Building Ventilation with the Supply Fans" This temporary procedure revision is being created as a Loss of Supply Fans contingency for the potential loss of ABV Exhaust fan 11 (1 VHE45) during the 1C buss outage (exhaust fan 13 ( 1VHE47) is powered by the 1 C buss). The loss of the 11 exhaust fan will result in a system configuration with only one exhaust fan in service and no supply. Since one exhaust fan will be in service, the Auxiliary Building will continue to be maintained at a negative pressure and any source of contamination will be filtered through the ABV filtration units prior to being released offsite.

Additionally, since the plant is defueled, the potential for contamination and the migration of any contamination will be minimized.

SORC: 97-015 Salem Event Classification "Salem Event Classification Guide Emergency Plan Section 5" Since this Guide Emergency Plan Section 5 procedure revision does not include or affect any systems, structures, or components, there are no Tech Spec safety concerns. The Salem and Hope Creek Event Classification Guides are being revised to provide an improved set of Emergency Action levels (EALs) and Reporting Action Levels (RALs) which are consistent with the revised NUMARC methodology on emergency classification. In addition to revising all EALs, a new document titled "Emergency Classification Guide Technical Basis"(ECGTB), is being provided for each ECG which will provide the ECG user with a basis and discussion for each EAL. The ECGTB will also provide the calculations and assumptions used to provide the EAL threshold values.

SORC: 97-009 Update to Appendix 3 A "Update to Appendix 3 A (concerning requirement of reg. guide) Mode 4 (concerning requirement of reg. Restraint" This UFSAR change revises the description of UFSAR Section guide) Mode 4 Restraint Appendix 3A page 3A-5 Regulatory Guide 1.11 - Instrument lines Penetrating Primary Reactor Containment to include the RVLIS isolation in this FSAR section.

SORC: 97-012



UNITl N. CONICELLA TELEPHONE: 609-339-2124 The following items were evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 10CFR50.59. The Station Operations Review Committee has reviewed and concurs with these evaluations MODIFICATION Minor Modification S96-03 I, "Masoneilan Air Operator, Retainer Clip" This minor modification Rev. 0, enhances the reliability of the Containment Fan Coil Units Service Water Inlet and Outlet Valves (21-25SW58, 2I-25SW65 and 2I-25SW72) and the Turbine Lube Oil and Auxiliary Cooling Heat Exchangers Service Water Bypass Valve (2ST5I) by installing a declutching pin retainer clip.

This provides a positive method, in addition to the declutching spring, to hold the pin in its engaged position. The clip will prevent inadvertent handwheel shaft movement by ensuring that the declutching pin does not become inadvertently disengaged from either vibration or a force being applied on the handwheel.

SORC: 97-001 PROCEDURE 50159 Safety Evaluation on "Alternate Power No. I2 Control Room Emergency Air Conditioner SI .MD-CM.CAV-0003(Q), (CREACS) Supply Fan" This safety evaluation supports a new Rev. 0 maintenance procedure that will provide an alternate 230V AC power feeder to the I2 Control Room Emergency Air Conditioning System. The normal supply for the I2 EACS is from the IC Vital Vent 230V MCC. In modes 5, 6 and undefined it is possible to have an outage on the IC Vital Bus. During the IC Vital Bus outage the I2 EACS will be temporarily powered from the IB Vital Vent 230V MCC. The air conditioning control system is interlocked by the IC I25V DC Distribution System. During the IC Vital Bus outage the IC I25V DC Distribution system will be energized by the IB I25V DC Distribution System.

SORC: 97-006


  • no&TNO: 50-272 MONTH: JANUARY 1997 NAME: UNITl CONTACT: N. CONICELLA TELEPHONE: 609-339-2124 The following items were evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 10CFR50.59. The Station Operations Review Committee has reviewed and concurs with these evaluations PROCEDURE MINOR MODIFICATION "Installation of flanges in the Component Cooling Pumps discharge piping" This minor modification adds flanges and a spacer to the discharge of the 21, 22, and 23 component cooling pumps. The purpose of adding flanges is that it will allow installation of flow orifices which will limit component cooling pump runout if required. The addition of flow orifices will be addressed by a separate DCP. Tech. Spec. 3/4.7.3 "Component Cooling Water System" and Bases and 3/4.1.4 "Reactor Coolant System, Cold Shutdown" and Bases were reviewed. Tech. Spec. is applicable in Mode 5. In this mode, with RCS loops filled, the SAR assumes the CCW system functions as a support system to RHR to remove decay heat. This proposal will not impact decay heat removal as it will be accomplished with the Tech. Spec. required equipment operable (One RHR loop with supporting CCW loop and two steam generators as backup heat). This will provide redundant equipment to remove decay heat and meet single failure criteria.

SORC: 97-009 NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0070(Q), Rev. 5 "Inservice Testing Program" This procedure identifies the requirements and establishes the responsibilities for control and implementation of the Inservice Test (IST) Program required by Title 10, Part 50.55a, of the Code of Federal Regulations. This revision was performed to transfer procedural content related to Valve Programs to NC.NA-AP. ZZ-0075(Q).

SORC: 97-003 NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0075(Q), Rev. 0 "Valve Program" This is a new procedure. Portions of this procedure came from NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0070(Q), Rev. 4, Inservice Testing (IST) and Valve Program. This procedure will identify the requirements and establish the responsibilities for the control and implementation of the NBU Valve Programs.

SORC: 97-003



50-272 UNITl

.MONTH: JANUARY 1997 CONTACT: N. CONICELLA TELEPHONE: 609-339-2124 The following items were evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 10CFR50.59. The Station Operations Review Committee has reviewed and concurs with these evaluations PROCEDURE Nuclear Department "Nuclear Department Administrative Procedure (NAP) 15-Safety Tagging Administrative Procedure Program" This procedure controls and provides information regarding (NAP) 15 - Safety Tagging equipment status to protect personnel and equipment from the unexpected Program energizing, start up and release of stored energy. This program is applicable to all system, structures and components in the NBU. Tagging of 500KV equipment is under the operational jurisdiction of the Electric System Operator (ESO).

SORC: 97-002 S-C-RC-ESE-0870, Rev. 0 "Pressurizer Bus - Channel Separation" This proposal will provide the (PIRS No. 960912139) technical basis to allow the connection of the EP and GP Pressurizer Pressurizer Bus - Channel Heaters Buses to the Pressurizer Heaters when the buses are powered by Separation their safety related alternate feeders. Under the pressurizer, at the heater connections there will be two non-affiliated safety channels (A and C) in less than the required separation distances. At Salem the term non-affiliated is defined as: the relationship between Vital Safety Related channels. Also, the relationship between Safety Related channels and Non-Safety Related channels in any configuration other than, A with H, B with E, C with F, and D with G.

SORC: 97-011 Safety Evaluation Sl/2.0P- "CVCS Demineralizer - Normal Operation" This proposal is to change the SO.CVC-0012(Q) procedure Sl/2.0P-SO.CVC-0012 to allow an alternate sampling method RevisionCVCS Demineralizer - to be applied when the sample cannot be collected with letdown aligned to Normal Operation the HUT. The alternate method throttles CV28, RC Filter Inlet Valve, to increase the backpressure for proper driving head of sample flow.

SORC: 97-008





50-272 UNITl N. CONICELLA TELEPHONE: 609-339-2124 The following items were evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 10CFR50.59. The Station Operations Review Committee has reviewed and concurs with these evaluations PROCEDURE MINOR MODIFICATION "Installation of flanges in the Component Cooling Pumps discharge piping" This minor modification adds flanges and a spacer to the discharge of the 21, 22, and 23 component cooling pumps. The purpose of adding flanges is that it will allow installation of flow orifices which will limit component cooling pump runout if required. The addition of flow orifices will be addressed by a separated CP. Tech. Spec. 3/4.7.3 "Component Cooling Water System" and Bases and 3/4.1.4 "Reactor Coolant System, Cold Shutdown" and Bases were reviewed. Tech. Spec. is applicable in Mode 5. In this mode, with RCS loops filled, the SAR assumes the CCW system functions as a support system to RHR to remove decay heat. This proposal will not impact decay heat removal as it will be accomplished with the Tech. Spec. required equipment operable (One RHR loop with supporting CCW loop and two steam generators as backup heat). This will provide redundant equipment to remove decay heat and meet single failure criteria.

SORC: 97-009 NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0070(Q), Rev. 5 "Inservice Testing Program" This procedure identifies the requirements and establishes the responsibilities for control and implementation of the Inservice Test (IST) Program required by Title 10, Part 50.55a, of the Code of Federal Regulations. This revision was performed to transfer procedural content related to Valve Programs to NC.NA-AP. ZZ-0075(Q).

SORC: 97-003 NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0075(Q), Rev. 0 "Valve Program" This is a new procedure. Portions of this procedure came from NC.NA-AP.ZZ-0070(Q), Rev. 4, Inservice Testing (IST) and Valve Program. This procedure will identify the requirements and establish the responsibilities for the control and implementation of the NBU Valve Programs.

SORC: 97-003



50-272 UNITl

.MONTH: JANUARY 1997 CONTACT: N. CONICELLA TELEPHONE: 609-339-2124 The following items were evaluated in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 10CFR50.59. The Station Operations Review Committee has reviewed and concurs with these evaluations UFSAR UFSAR Change Notice #97-05 "Change Maximum Temperature 22CCW Heat Exchanger and Pump Change Maximum Temperature Room (#22 & 23 Component Cooling Pumps)" The UFSAR is revised to 22CCW Heat Exchanger and reflect a change to the maximum ambient temperatures in the 22CCW Pump Room (#22 & 23 Heat Exchanger and Pump Room, to support unrestricted simultaneous Component Cooling Pumps) operation of the 22 and 23 CCW Pumps, without the 22 CCW Room Cooler (VHE-34), provided the Auxiliary Building Ventilation System and 21 CCW Room Cooler are operating. This proposal assures that these requirements are met during simultaneous operation of both the 22 and 23 CCW Pumps and a postulated failure of the CCW 22 Room Cooler. A Technical Specification change is not required as a result of this proposal.

SORC: 97-011 UFSAR Change Notice 96-210 "Auxillary Building Ventilation (ABV)" This UFSAR change revises Section 9.4.2 of the UFSAR to incorporate the findings of recent design basis validation activities.

SORC: 97-010 UFSAR Change Notice 97-03 "Switchgear Penetration Area Ventilation System (SP AV)" This UFSAR change revises the maximum temperature in the UFSAR for the Switchgear Penetration Area Ventilation System (SP AV). In response to questions/comments from the SORC, the presenters indicated: The previous questions from SORC have been addressed. These questions included: I.) Indicating that the calculations used to determine maximum area temperature include assumptions on variables and maximum temperatures; 2.) Include Attachment 10; 3.) Indicate why the GOTHIC model is valid, and 4.) Clarify the wording in regard to the effect on the margin of safety. The areas were walked down during the preparation of this evaluation. The Operations Log will be revised to initiate an action request prior to reaching the maximum allowed differential pressure (DIP) across the filter and include a value for the maximum DIP.

SORC: 97-010

Refueling Information

  • *Docket No. 50-272 Month: January 1997 Unit Name: Salem 1


N. Conicella Telephone: 609-339-2124 MONTH: January 1997 Refueling information has changed from last month: YES: NO: X Scheduled date for next refueling: (to be determined)

Scheduled date for restart following refueling: (to be determined)

a. Will Technical Specification changes or other license amendments be required?


b. Has the reload fuel design been reviewed by the Station Operating Review Committee?

YES: NO: X Ifno, when is it scheduled? (to be determined)

Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action: NIA Important licensing considerations associated with refueling:

Number of fuel assemblies:

a. Incore: 0
b. In Spent Fuel Storage: 989 Present licensed spent fuel storage capacity: 1632 Future spent fuel storage capacity: 1632 Date of last refueling that can be discharged to the spent fuel pool assuming the present licensed capacity: December 2008
  • OPERA.TING DATA REPORT Docket No: 50-2]2 Date: 02/l_Q/97 Cornpleced by:  !<obert Phil.l.i,ps Telephone: 339-2735 Operating Status
1. Unit: Name §.2..l~ No. 1
2. Reporcing Period Je,nU9,D!: 1997
3. Licensed Thermal Power CMWt) lill
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe} ll1.Q
5. Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe) 1115
6. Maximum Dependable Capacir:.y(Gross MWe) 1149
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe) llM
8. If.Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (items 3 through 7} since Last Report, Give Reason N
9. Power Level to Which Restricted, if any (Net MWe) N/A
10. Reasons for Rescrictions, if any NA Thie Month Year to Da.te Cumulative
11. Hours in Reporting Period 7ii Q 171745_
12. No. of Hrs. Rx. was Critical 0 Q 1043f!Q 1 S
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hrs. 0 0 0
14. Hours Generator On-Line Q 0 100388.J
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 0 0 0
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 0 0 318062~
17. Gross Elec. Energy Generated (MWH} 0 0 1Q:23Ql00
18. Net Elec. Energy Gen. (MWH) -3Q24 -3024 lQ.Ql71712
19. Unit Se:z:vice Factor 0 Q se,s_

20, Unit Availability Factor 0 0 58.5

21. Unit Capacity "i='actor

{using MDC Net) 0 0 52.7

22. Unit Capacity Factor (using DER Nee) 0 0 52.3
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 100 100 26.6
24. Shutdowns scheduled over nexc 6 months (type, date and duration of each)

Refu~og extensj,Qn.

25. If shutdo'tol!l at end of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup:

Under review,


  • Docket No. t 50-272 Unit Name: Salem #1 Oate: 02(10/97 Completed by: Robert Phillips Telephone: 339-2735 Mori th January 1991 Day Ave~age Daily Power Level (MWe-NET) 1 0

3 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 0

16 P. 8.1-7 Rl

UNIT SHUTDCAIM ANO POWER REDUCTIONS REPORr MOHIH December 1996 OOCKEf ND.: _':i::..:0._*'°"27'""2'--_ __

UMll MP..1E: Salem #1 DATE: 02/10/97 COMPLETEO &Y: Robert Phillips lELEPllC.'lE: 609-339-2735


HO. DATE rYPE' (HOURS) REASON REACTOR REPORT # cooE* CODE 5 TO PREVEMl ~ECURREKCE J6S9 1*1-97 F 7~4 ... ---..... ---- 22 l2ZZ Refueling Schedule E~tension '

F C 1 2 J 5 F: h1rced S: Scheduled Reason A-Eqi.1ipnuent Failure (explainl Method~

1*Manual "Exhibit G - Instructions for Preparation of Data EAhibit 1 - S11111e Source I-Maintenance or Test 2*ilanua\ Sc.ram Entry Sheets (or Licensee C-Refuel Ing l*Autamatic Sera~ Event Report ll~ll fi\e D-Requlatory Restric,io~ 4*Contintliltion of CNUKEG*OU11l E-operator Training &license EKamina\ion f-Admi n is tr at ive G-Operatianal Error (Exp,ainl K-Other (Explain)

Previous ou,age 5*Load Rt'duction 9-0ther *e




- UNIT 1 JANUARY 1997 SALEMUNITNO. 1 The unit is in a refueling and steam generator replacement outage and remained shutdown for the entire period. According to commitments from PSE&G and a subsequent confirmatory action letter from the NRC, the unit will remain shutdown pending completion of the following actions:

  • Appropriately address long standing equipment reliability and operability issues
  • After the work is completed, conduct a restart readiness review to determine for ourselves the ability of the unit to operate in a safe, event free manner
  • After the restart review, meet with the NRC and communicate the results of that review