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MONTHYEARML18107A4991999-08-25025 August 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,proposing to Authorize Licensee to Perform Single Cell Charging of Connected Cells in Operable Class 1E Batteries ML18107A5141999-08-25025 August 1999 Suppl to 971114 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,deleting Footnotes Added as one-time Changes & Proposing Change Identified Subsequent to 971114 Submittal That Corrects Error Issued in Amend 69 for Unit 2 LR-N990091, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,proposing to Authorize Licensee to Perform Single Cell Charging of Connected Cells in Operable Class 1E Batteries1999-08-25025 August 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,proposing to Authorize Licensee to Perform Single Cell Charging of Connected Cells in Operable Class 1E Batteries LR-N990336, Suppl to 971114 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,deleting Footnotes Added as one-time Changes & Proposing Change Identified Subsequent to 971114 Submittal That Corrects Error Issued in Amend 69 for Unit 21999-08-25025 August 1999 Suppl to 971114 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,deleting Footnotes Added as one-time Changes & Proposing Change Identified Subsequent to 971114 Submittal That Corrects Error Issued in Amend 69 for Unit 2 LR-N990330, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,replacing Surveillance with Appropriate NUREG-1431 Requirements1999-07-29029 July 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,replacing Surveillance with Appropriate NUREG-1431 Requirements ML18107A4581999-07-23023 July 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75 to Change TS Surveillance Requirement D 7 by Removing Restriction to Perform Test Every 18 Months During Shutdown LR-N990253, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75 to Change TS Surveillance Requirement D 7 by Removing Restriction to Perform Test Every 18 Months During Shutdown1999-07-23023 July 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75 to Change TS Surveillance Requirement D 7 by Removing Restriction to Perform Test Every 18 Months During Shutdown LR-N990248, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75 to Relocate TS 3/4.3.4 Lco,Surveillance Requirements & Bases from TS to Ufsar,Iaw GL 95-101999-07-0202 July 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75 to Relocate TS 3/4.3.4 Lco,Surveillance Requirements & Bases from TS to Ufsar,Iaw GL 95-10 ML18107A4221999-07-0202 July 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75 to Relocate TS 3/4.3.4 Lco,Surveillance Requirements & Bases from TS to Ufsar,Iaw GL 95-10 ML18107A3771999-06-10010 June 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TS 3/4.6.1, Containment Integrity, by Clarifying When Verification of Primary Containment Integrity May Be Performed by Administrative Means LR-N990252, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TS 3/4.6.1, Containment Integrity, by Clarifying When Verification of Primary Containment Integrity May Be Performed by Administrative Means1999-06-10010 June 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TS 3/4.6.1, Containment Integrity, by Clarifying When Verification of Primary Containment Integrity May Be Performed by Administrative Means ML18107A3571999-06-0404 June 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70,DPR-75 & NPF-57 Re Transfer of PSEG Ownership Interests & Licensed Operating Authorities to New,Affiliated Nuclear Generating Company, PSEG Nuclear Llc.Proprietary Encls Withheld ML18107A2081999-04-14014 April 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising TS 3/4.9.12, Fhvas, to Ensure Consistency Between TS Requirements for Fhavs & Sys Design Basis,Per NUREG-1431. Page 4 of 4 in Attachment 2 of Incoming Submittal Omitted LR-N990028, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising TS 3/4.9.12, Fhvas, to Ensure Consistency Between TS Requirements for Fhavs & Sys Design Basis,Per NUREG-1431. Page 4 of 4 in Attachment 2 of Incoming Submittal Omitted1999-04-14014 April 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising TS 3/4.9.12, Fhvas, to Ensure Consistency Between TS Requirements for Fhavs & Sys Design Basis,Per NUREG-1431. Page 4 of 4 in Attachment 2 of Incoming Submittal Omitted ML18106B1571999-03-31031 March 1999 Suppl to 990115 Application for Amend to License DPR-70, Allowing Plant Operation to Continue to Thirteenth Refueling Outage (1R13),currently Scheduled to Begin on 990918 LR-N990149, Suppl to 990115 Application for Amend to License DPR-70, Allowing Plant Operation to Continue to Thirteenth Refueling Outage (1R13),currently Scheduled to Begin on 9909181999-03-31031 March 1999 Suppl to 990115 Application for Amend to License DPR-70, Allowing Plant Operation to Continue to Thirteenth Refueling Outage (1R13),currently Scheduled to Begin on 990918 LR-N990069, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75, Respectively.Proposed Amend Modifies ECCS Subsystems Surveillance Requirement by Adding Option of Providing Necessary Isolation Function When Testing1999-02-0808 February 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75, Respectively.Proposed Amend Modifies ECCS Subsystems Surveillance Requirement by Adding Option of Providing Necessary Isolation Function When Testing LR-N990056, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising Max Permissible Enrichment of Stored New Fuel Described in TS Section Entitled, Criticality Analysis of Salem Units 1 & 2 Fresh Fuel Racks, Encl1999-02-0202 February 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising Max Permissible Enrichment of Stored New Fuel Described in TS Section Entitled, Criticality Analysis of Salem Units 1 & 2 Fresh Fuel Racks, Encl ML18106B0221999-01-15015 January 1999 Application for Amend to License DPR-70,proposing one-time Changes to Certain Unit 1 TS Surveillance Requirements for Fuel Cycle 13,currently Scheduled to Begin on 990918 LR-N990005, Application for Amend to License DPR-70,proposing one-time Changes to Certain Unit 1 TS Surveillance Requirements for Fuel Cycle 13,currently Scheduled to Begin on 9909181999-01-15015 January 1999 Application for Amend to License DPR-70,proposing one-time Changes to Certain Unit 1 TS Surveillance Requirements for Fuel Cycle 13,currently Scheduled to Begin on 990918 LR-N980452, Application for Amend to License DPR-75,requesting one-time Changes to Certain Unit 2 TS SR for Fuel Cycle 10.Basis for Requested Changes,Analysis Supporting No Significant Hazards Determination & Marked Up TS Pages,Encl1998-10-12012 October 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-75,requesting one-time Changes to Certain Unit 2 TS SR for Fuel Cycle 10.Basis for Requested Changes,Analysis Supporting No Significant Hazards Determination & Marked Up TS Pages,Encl ML18106A8921998-09-29029 September 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-72 & DPR-75,modifying TS 3/4.9.4 to Permit Use of Equivalent Methods to Obtain Containment Closure During Refueling Operations for Containment Equipment Hatch LR-N980415, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-72 & DPR-75,modifying TS 3/4.9.4 to Permit Use of Equivalent Methods to Obtain Containment Closure During Refueling Operations for Containment Equipment Hatch1998-09-29029 September 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-72 & DPR-75,modifying TS 3/4.9.4 to Permit Use of Equivalent Methods to Obtain Containment Closure During Refueling Operations for Containment Equipment Hatch ML18106A8761998-09-17017 September 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TSs 3/,3/ & 3/ to Address Movement of Irradiated Fuel & Deleting LCO Re Requirement to Establish Containment Integrity LR-N980358, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TSs 3/,3/ & 3/ to Address Movement of Irradiated Fuel & Deleting LCO Re Requirement to Establish Containment Integrity1998-09-17017 September 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TSs 3/,3/ & 3/ to Address Movement of Irradiated Fuel & Deleting LCO Re Requirement to Establish Containment Integrity ML18106A8351998-08-12012 August 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TS for Containment Air Locks for Salem Units 1 & 2 LR-N980350, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TS for Containment Air Locks for Salem Units 1 & 21998-08-12012 August 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TS for Containment Air Locks for Salem Units 1 & 2 LR-N970738, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising Acceptance Criteria for CR Emergency Air Conditioning Sys from Maintaining CR at 1/8-inch Positive Pressure W/Respect to Adjacent Areas to Following Phrase1998-07-30030 July 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising Acceptance Criteria for CR Emergency Air Conditioning Sys from Maintaining CR at 1/8-inch Positive Pressure W/Respect to Adjacent Areas to Following Phrase ML18106A4221998-03-26026 March 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75, Respectively,Incorporating Note at Bottom of Salem Unit 2 T3/4.8.2 Into Salem 1 TS & Adding Asterisks to Word Inverters. LR-N980125, Application for Amend to License DPR-70,changing Applicability Statement from Mode 3 to Modes 1 & 21998-03-26026 March 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-70,changing Applicability Statement from Mode 3 to Modes 1 & 2 LR-N980038, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75, Respectively,Incorporating Note at Bottom of Salem Unit 2 T3/4.8.2 Into Salem 1 TS & Adding Asterisks to Word Inverters1998-03-26026 March 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75, Respectively,Incorporating Note at Bottom of Salem Unit 2 T3/4.8.2 Into Salem 1 TS & Adding Asterisks to Word Inverters LR-N970810, Supplemental Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively Adding Asterisk to Word Operable in LCO & Associated Note at Bottom of Page1998-01-0808 January 1998 Supplemental Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively Adding Asterisk to Word Operable in LCO & Associated Note at Bottom of Page ML18106A2521998-01-0808 January 1998 Supplemental Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively Adding Asterisk to Word Operable in LCO & Associated Note at Bottom of Page LR-N970663, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising TS to Adopt Option B of 10CFR50,App J,For Type B & C Testing & Modifying Existing TS Wording for Previous Adoption of Option B on Type a Testing1997-12-15015 December 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising TS to Adopt Option B of 10CFR50,App J,For Type B & C Testing & Modifying Existing TS Wording for Previous Adoption of Option B on Type a Testing LR-N970779, Application for Amend to License DPR-70,requesting one-time Exemption to Allow Containment Purging in Modes 3 & 41997-12-11011 December 1997 Application for Amend to License DPR-70,requesting one-time Exemption to Allow Containment Purging in Modes 3 & 4 LR-N970707, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,providing TS Surveillance Requirements to Codify Existing Procedural Commitments for SW Accumulator Vessels1997-11-14014 November 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,providing TS Surveillance Requirements to Codify Existing Procedural Commitments for SW Accumulator Vessels LR-N970150, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75, Correcting Editorial & Administrative Errors in Ts,Which Existed Since Initial Issuance1997-11-14014 November 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75, Correcting Editorial & Administrative Errors in Ts,Which Existed Since Initial Issuance ML18102B6771997-11-14014 November 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,providing TS Surveillance Requirements to Codify Existing Procedural Commitments for SW Accumulator Vessels ML18102B6731997-11-14014 November 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75, Correcting Editorial & Administrative Errors in Ts,Which Existed Since Initial Issuance LR-N970563, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising TS 3/4.8.1 Re EDG & Deleting SR,calling for Diesels to Be Subjected to Insp Based on Vendor Recommendations1997-11-0404 November 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising TS 3/4.8.1 Re EDG & Deleting SR,calling for Diesels to Be Subjected to Insp Based on Vendor Recommendations LR-N970636, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising Surveillance Requirement to Verify That on Recirculation Flow,Containment Spray Pumps Develop Differential Pressure of Greater than or Equal to 204 Psid1997-11-0404 November 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising Surveillance Requirement to Verify That on Recirculation Flow,Containment Spray Pumps Develop Differential Pressure of Greater than or Equal to 204 Psid ML18102B6571997-11-0404 November 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising Surveillance Requirement to Verify That on Recirculation Flow,Containment Spray Pumps Develop Differential Pressure of Greater than or Equal to 204 Psid ML18102B6611997-11-0404 November 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising TS 3/4.8.1 Re EDG & Deleting SR,calling for Diesels to Be Subjected to Insp Based on Vendor Recommendations ML18102B6411997-10-29029 October 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising SR Proposed in Util 960925 Submittal Re EDG Testing ML18102B6371997-10-29029 October 1997 Application for Amend to License DPR-75,revising TS 3/4.4.6, Steam Generators, Making One Time Change to Unit 2 SG Insp Schedule to Require Next Insp within 24 Months of Mode 2 for Unit 2 Fuel Cycle 10 LR-N970639, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising SR Proposed in Util 960925 Submittal Re EDG Testing1997-10-29029 October 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising SR Proposed in Util 960925 Submittal Re EDG Testing ML18102B6441997-10-24024 October 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising Containment Hydrogen Analyzer SRs of TS LR-N970603, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising Containment Hydrogen Analyzer SRs of TS October 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising Containment Hydrogen Analyzer SRs of TS ML18102B6471997-10-24024 October 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TS 3/4.7.7, Auxiliary Building Exhaust Air Filtration Sys & Bases ML18102B6291997-10-21021 October 1997 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,extending Applicability of Power Range Neutron Flux TS Trip to Require Operability & Surveillance Testing in Mode 3,when Reactor Trip Sys Breakers in Closed Position 1999-08-25
MONTHYEARML20212B7181999-09-14014 September 1999 Amends 224 & 205 to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively, Deleting TS 3/4.3.4 & Associated Bases & Relocating require- Ments to Licensee Controlled UFSAR ML18107A4991999-08-25025 August 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,proposing to Authorize Licensee to Perform Single Cell Charging of Connected Cells in Operable Class 1E Batteries ML18107A5141999-08-25025 August 1999 Suppl to 971114 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,deleting Footnotes Added as one-time Changes & Proposing Change Identified Subsequent to 971114 Submittal That Corrects Error Issued in Amend 69 for Unit 2 LR-N990336, Suppl to 971114 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,deleting Footnotes Added as one-time Changes & Proposing Change Identified Subsequent to 971114 Submittal That Corrects Error Issued in Amend 69 for Unit 21999-08-25025 August 1999 Suppl to 971114 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,deleting Footnotes Added as one-time Changes & Proposing Change Identified Subsequent to 971114 Submittal That Corrects Error Issued in Amend 69 for Unit 2 LR-N990091, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,proposing to Authorize Licensee to Perform Single Cell Charging of Connected Cells in Operable Class 1E Batteries1999-08-25025 August 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,proposing to Authorize Licensee to Perform Single Cell Charging of Connected Cells in Operable Class 1E Batteries LR-N990330, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,replacing Surveillance with Appropriate NUREG-1431 Requirements1999-07-29029 July 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,replacing Surveillance with Appropriate NUREG-1431 Requirements LR-N990253, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75 to Change TS Surveillance Requirement D 7 by Removing Restriction to Perform Test Every 18 Months During Shutdown1999-07-23023 July 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75 to Change TS Surveillance Requirement D 7 by Removing Restriction to Perform Test Every 18 Months During Shutdown ML18107A4581999-07-23023 July 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75 to Change TS Surveillance Requirement D 7 by Removing Restriction to Perform Test Every 18 Months During Shutdown ML20210B7271999-07-21021 July 1999 Amends 223 & 204 to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively, Revising TS 5.6, Fuel Storage,Criticality, to Change Max Unirradiated Fuel Assembly Enrichment Value for New Fuel Storage from 4.5 to 5.0 Weight Percent U-235 LR-N990248, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75 to Relocate TS 3/4.3.4 Lco,Surveillance Requirements & Bases from TS to Ufsar,Iaw GL 95-101999-07-0202 July 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75 to Relocate TS 3/4.3.4 Lco,Surveillance Requirements & Bases from TS to Ufsar,Iaw GL 95-10 ML18107A4221999-07-0202 July 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75 to Relocate TS 3/4.3.4 Lco,Surveillance Requirements & Bases from TS to Ufsar,Iaw GL 95-10 LR-N990252, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TS 3/4.6.1, Containment Integrity, by Clarifying When Verification of Primary Containment Integrity May Be Performed by Administrative Means1999-06-10010 June 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TS 3/4.6.1, Containment Integrity, by Clarifying When Verification of Primary Containment Integrity May Be Performed by Administrative Means ML18107A3771999-06-10010 June 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TS 3/4.6.1, Containment Integrity, by Clarifying When Verification of Primary Containment Integrity May Be Performed by Administrative Means ML18107A3571999-06-0404 June 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70,DPR-75 & NPF-57 Re Transfer of PSEG Ownership Interests & Licensed Operating Authorities to New,Affiliated Nuclear Generating Company, PSEG Nuclear Llc.Proprietary Encls Withheld ML20206H2561999-05-0404 May 1999 Amend 222 to License DPR-70,allowing 1 Time Extension of TS Surveillance Interval to End of Fuel Cycle 13 for Certain Srs.Amend Extends Surveillance Intervals in SR for Instrumentation Response Time & Sequence Testing of ESFAS ML20206E8361999-04-30030 April 1999 Amends 221 & 203 to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively, Revising TS 3/, AC Distribution - Operating to Add Operability Conditions & Associated Action Statements for 115-volt Vital Instrument Bus D & Inverter ML20206B4641999-04-26026 April 1999 Amends 220 & 202 to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively, Revising TS to Allow Option of Using Closed & Disabled Automatic Valves to Provide Necessary Isolation Function When Performing SI & CP Tests in Modes 4,5 & 6 LR-N990028, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising TS 3/4.9.12, Fhvas, to Ensure Consistency Between TS Requirements for Fhavs & Sys Design Basis,Per NUREG-1431. Page 4 of 4 in Attachment 2 of Incoming Submittal Omitted1999-04-14014 April 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising TS 3/4.9.12, Fhvas, to Ensure Consistency Between TS Requirements for Fhavs & Sys Design Basis,Per NUREG-1431. Page 4 of 4 in Attachment 2 of Incoming Submittal Omitted ML18107A2081999-04-14014 April 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising TS 3/4.9.12, Fhvas, to Ensure Consistency Between TS Requirements for Fhavs & Sys Design Basis,Per NUREG-1431. Page 4 of 4 in Attachment 2 of Incoming Submittal Omitted LR-N990149, Suppl to 990115 Application for Amend to License DPR-70, Allowing Plant Operation to Continue to Thirteenth Refueling Outage (1R13),currently Scheduled to Begin on 9909181999-03-31031 March 1999 Suppl to 990115 Application for Amend to License DPR-70, Allowing Plant Operation to Continue to Thirteenth Refueling Outage (1R13),currently Scheduled to Begin on 990918 ML18106B1571999-03-31031 March 1999 Suppl to 990115 Application for Amend to License DPR-70, Allowing Plant Operation to Continue to Thirteenth Refueling Outage (1R13),currently Scheduled to Begin on 990918 ML20205A9781999-03-24024 March 1999 Amends 219 & 201 to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively,to Revise TS 3/4.8.2, Electrical Power Sources-Shutdown, for AC Distribution Sys & 125-volt DC Distribution Sys.Amends Change Applicability & Action Statements ML20204H4871999-03-23023 March 1999 Amends 218 & 200 to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively, Revising Voltage & Frequency Acceptance Criteria & Start Timing Methodology for EDG TSs Surveillance Testing LR-N990069, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75, Respectively.Proposed Amend Modifies ECCS Subsystems Surveillance Requirement by Adding Option of Providing Necessary Isolation Function When Testing1999-02-0808 February 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75, Respectively.Proposed Amend Modifies ECCS Subsystems Surveillance Requirement by Adding Option of Providing Necessary Isolation Function When Testing LR-N990056, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising Max Permissible Enrichment of Stored New Fuel Described in TS Section Entitled, Criticality Analysis of Salem Units 1 & 2 Fresh Fuel Racks, Encl1999-02-0202 February 1999 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising Max Permissible Enrichment of Stored New Fuel Described in TS Section Entitled, Criticality Analysis of Salem Units 1 & 2 Fresh Fuel Racks, Encl LR-N990005, Application for Amend to License DPR-70,proposing one-time Changes to Certain Unit 1 TS Surveillance Requirements for Fuel Cycle 13,currently Scheduled to Begin on 9909181999-01-15015 January 1999 Application for Amend to License DPR-70,proposing one-time Changes to Certain Unit 1 TS Surveillance Requirements for Fuel Cycle 13,currently Scheduled to Begin on 990918 ML18106B0221999-01-15015 January 1999 Application for Amend to License DPR-70,proposing one-time Changes to Certain Unit 1 TS Surveillance Requirements for Fuel Cycle 13,currently Scheduled to Begin on 990918 ML20199G0581999-01-0808 January 1999 Amend 197 to License DPR-75,incorporating Into TSs Margin Recovery Portion of Fuel Upgrade Margin Recovery Program LR-N980452, Application for Amend to License DPR-75,requesting one-time Changes to Certain Unit 2 TS SR for Fuel Cycle 10.Basis for Requested Changes,Analysis Supporting No Significant Hazards Determination & Marked Up TS Pages,Encl1998-10-12012 October 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-75,requesting one-time Changes to Certain Unit 2 TS SR for Fuel Cycle 10.Basis for Requested Changes,Analysis Supporting No Significant Hazards Determination & Marked Up TS Pages,Encl ML18106A8921998-09-29029 September 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-72 & DPR-75,modifying TS 3/4.9.4 to Permit Use of Equivalent Methods to Obtain Containment Closure During Refueling Operations for Containment Equipment Hatch LR-N980415, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-72 & DPR-75,modifying TS 3/4.9.4 to Permit Use of Equivalent Methods to Obtain Containment Closure During Refueling Operations for Containment Equipment Hatch1998-09-29029 September 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-72 & DPR-75,modifying TS 3/4.9.4 to Permit Use of Equivalent Methods to Obtain Containment Closure During Refueling Operations for Containment Equipment Hatch LR-N980358, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TSs 3/,3/ & 3/ to Address Movement of Irradiated Fuel & Deleting LCO Re Requirement to Establish Containment Integrity1998-09-17017 September 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TSs 3/,3/ & 3/ to Address Movement of Irradiated Fuel & Deleting LCO Re Requirement to Establish Containment Integrity ML18106A8761998-09-17017 September 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TSs 3/,3/ & 3/ to Address Movement of Irradiated Fuel & Deleting LCO Re Requirement to Establish Containment Integrity LR-N980350, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TS for Containment Air Locks for Salem Units 1 & 21998-08-12012 August 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TS for Containment Air Locks for Salem Units 1 & 2 ML18106A8351998-08-12012 August 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,modifying TS for Containment Air Locks for Salem Units 1 & 2 ML20237A3791998-08-0606 August 1998 Amends 213 & 193 to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively, Revising TSs to Provide SRs for Svc Water Accumulator Vessels LR-N970738, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising Acceptance Criteria for CR Emergency Air Conditioning Sys from Maintaining CR at 1/8-inch Positive Pressure W/Respect to Adjacent Areas to Following Phrase1998-07-30030 July 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,revising Acceptance Criteria for CR Emergency Air Conditioning Sys from Maintaining CR at 1/8-inch Positive Pressure W/Respect to Adjacent Areas to Following Phrase ML20236Q4261998-07-14014 July 1998 Amends 212 & 192 to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively, Revising TS 3/ by Adding Note to Surveillance Requirement That Identifies Those Surveillances Required to Be Performed During Modes 5 & 6 ML20248K8241998-06-0404 June 1998 Amend 211 to License DPR-70,revising TS, Rod Drop Time, Changing Applicability from Mod 3 (Hot Shutdown) to Modes 1 & 2 (Startup & Power Operation) LR-N980125, Application for Amend to License DPR-70,changing Applicability Statement from Mode 3 to Modes 1 & 21998-03-26026 March 1998 Application for Amend to License DPR-70,changing Applicability Statement from Mode 3 to Modes 1 & 2 ML18106A4221998-03-26026 March 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75, Respectively,Incorporating Note at Bottom of Salem Unit 2 T3/4.8.2 Into Salem 1 TS & Adding Asterisks to Word Inverters. LR-N980038, Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75, Respectively,Incorporating Note at Bottom of Salem Unit 2 T3/4.8.2 Into Salem 1 TS & Adding Asterisks to Word Inverters1998-03-26026 March 1998 Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75, Respectively,Incorporating Note at Bottom of Salem Unit 2 T3/4.8.2 Into Salem 1 TS & Adding Asterisks to Word Inverters ML20217F3931998-03-24024 March 1998 Amends 209 & 191 to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively, Revise Emergency Core Cooling System Surveillance Test Acceptance Criteria in TSs 3/4.6.2 for Containment Spray Pumps ML20217K8111998-03-19019 March 1998 Amend 190 to License DPR-75,providing one-time Change to TS 3/4.4.6, Sgs, to Require That Next Insp Be Performed within 24 Months from Initial Criticality for Fuel 10 or During Next Refueling Outage,Whichever Comes First ML20217A1521998-03-12012 March 1998 Amends 208 & 189 to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively, Revise ECCS Surveillance Test Acceptance Criteria in TS 3/4.5.2 for Centrifugal Charging & Safety Injection Pumps ML20203L3921998-02-27027 February 1998 Amends 207 & 188 to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively, Revising TSs to Adopt Option B,Of 10CFR50,App J, Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water-Cooled Power Reactor ML20197A5881998-02-19019 February 1998 Corrected TS Pages 3/4 1-18 & B 3/4 2-4 to Amend 202 to FOL DPR-70,incorporating TS Changes from Amend 201 ML20203B5131998-01-29029 January 1998 Amend 206 to License DPR-70,providing one-time Change to TSs to Allow Purging of Containment During Modes 3 (Hot Standy) & 4 (Hot Shutdown) Upon Return to Power from Current Refueling Outage (1R13) ML20203A5431998-01-29029 January 1998 Amends 204 & 186 to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively. Amends Revise Containment Hydrogen Analyzer Surveillance Requirements of TS to Increase Calibr Frequency to Quarterly ML20203B4871998-01-29029 January 1998 Amends 205 & 187 to Licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75,respectively, Revising TSs to Extend Modes from 1 & 2 That TRs Power Range Nuclear Instrumentation Low Setpoint to Be Operable to Modes 1,2 & 3 1999-09-14
[Table view] |
Public Service Electric and Gas*
Company Louis F. Storz Public Service Electric and Gas Company P.O. Box 236, Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038 609-339-5700 Senior Vice President - Nuclear Operations JUL 1 2 1996 LR-N96188 LCR S96-09 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document control Desk Washington, DC 20555 EXIGENT REQUEST FOR CHANGE TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES INTERLOCK P-12 SALEM GENERATING STATION NOS. 1 AND 2 FACILITY OPERATING LICENSES DPR-70 AND DPR-75 DOCKET NOS. 50-272 AND 50-311 Gentlemen:
In accordance with 10CFR50.90, Public Service Electric & Gas (PSE&G) Company hereby requests a revision to the Technical Specifications (TSs) for the Salem Generating Station Unit Nos. 1 and 2.
In accordance with 10CFR50.91(b) (1), a copy of this submittal has been sent to the State of New Jersey.
The proposed TS changes contained herein represent changes to Specification "Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS)" to reflect a revised setpoint for the interlock, designated P-12.
This design feature enables certain Safety Injection (SI) actuation inputs into the protection circuitry, based on the average Reactor Coolant System temperature.
The P-12 input enables plant startup and allows blocking of the SI inputs during plant shutdown.
This change will correct a deficiency outlined in Licensee Event Report 272/96-007-00, (ref.
PSE&G's letter LR-N96176, dated June 21, 1996) by providing consistency between the various instrumentation TSs, the system design basis, and the ESFAS channel setpoints.
The proposed changes have been evaluated in accordance with 10CFR50.91(a) (1), using the criteria in 10CFR50.92(c), and PSE&G has concluded that this request involves no significant hazards considerations.
The basis for the requested change is provided in Attachment 1.
A 10CFR50.92 evaluation with a determination of no significant hazards consideration is provided in Attachment 2.
The marked up Technical Specification pages affected by the proposed changes are provided in Attachment 3.
r--96<57220284 960712 __________ \\
PDR ADOCK 05000272 1
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@. Printed on
Recycled Paper
JUL 12 1996 Document Control Desk LR-N96188 PSE&G committed to implement this License Change Request (LCR) prior to entry into Mode 3 as a result of the conclusions of LER 272/96-007.
In order to support startup of Salem Unit 2, PSE&G requests exigent approval of the amendment.
The justification for the exigent request is that the discrepancy between the system design basis and the TS was identified on June 13, 1996, during the preparation of LER 272/96-007.
This LCR was developed after necessary technical justification was received from Westinghouse.
PSE&G is requesting a three-day implementation period following amendment approval.
Should you have any questions regarding this request, we will be pleased to discuss them with you.
Affidavit Attachments (3)
Sincerely, c
Mr. T. T. Martin, Administrator - Region I U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. L. Olshan, Licensing Project Manager -
Salem U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Mail Stop 14E21 Rockville, MD 20852 Mr. c. Marschall (X24)
USNRC Senior Resident Inspector -
Salem Mr. K. Tosch, Manager IV Bureau of Nuclear Engineering 33 Arctic Parkway CN 415 Trenton, NJ 08625 95-4933
REF: LR-N96188 LCR S96-09 L. F. Storz, being duly sworn according to law deposes and says:
I am Senior Vice President - Nuclear' Operations of Public Service Electric and Gas Company, and as such, I find the matters set forth in the above referenced letter, concerning Salem Generating Station, Units 1 and 2, are true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this _Lfd:,l/i_ day of \\JU/u
, 1996 7
Notary Public of New Jersey My Commission expires on DELORIS D. HADDEN Notary Public of New Jersey My Commission ~res 03-29-2000
Document Control Desk LR-N96188 LCR S96-09 SALEM GENERATING STATION UNIT NOS. 1 AND 2 FACILITY OPERATING LICENSES DPR-7 0 AND DPR-7.5 DOCKET NOS. 50-272 AND 50-311 CHANGE TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES INTERLOCK P-12 BASIS FOR REQUESTED CHANGE REQUESTED CHANGE AND PURPOSE The proposed Technical Specification (TS) changes contained herein represent changes to Specification "Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS)."
These changes provide a consistent temperature for the P-12 interlock and the Safety Injection (SI) signal setpoint generated from High Steamline Flow coincident with Low-Low Reactor Coolant System Average Temperature (Tavg)
- This proposed change will align the TS to the ESFAS system design basis and will also provide consistency between Salem TS and the TS Tables provided in the "Standard Technical Specifications for Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactors," NUREG 0452 (STS).
The requested changes revise the P-12 TS stated interlock setpoints from "~545°F" to "increasing from 543°F (with an allowable setpoint value ~545°F)" and from "<541°F" to "decreasing from 543°F (with an allowable setpoint value
~541°F)." It should be noted that this change does not impact the Low-Low Tavg input to SI actuation setpoint of 543 °F.
Since the bases for the Minimum Temperature For Criticality Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO), B3/ (U/1) and B3/4.l.1.4 (U/2.), refers to the P-12 setpoint, it is being changed to ref er to the setpoint allowable value for clarification purposes only.
This submittal satisfies*a commitment made in Licensee Event Report 272/96-007-00, (ref PSE&G's letter LR-N96176, dated June 21, 1996).
BACKGROUND On May 24, 1996, a discrepancy was identified between the Low-Low Tavg setpoint for SI actuation contained in TS Table 3. 3-4 and the setpoints for the P-12 interlock provided in TS Table 3.3-3.
During the investigation of the discrepancy on June 13, 1996, it was determined that the existing system design could not satisfy all of the setpoint requirements specified in the two tables.
The existing system design utilizes a single bistable per channel to provide a partial SI signal, High Steam Flow and Low-Low Tavg, Page 1 of 4
Document Control Desk and the P-12 interlock function. -
LR-N96188 LCR S96-09 The purpose of the P-12 interlock, established in the original plant design, is to provide manual blocking capability of the Low-Low SI Tavg signal and is necessary for performing controlled plant startups and shutdowns, when Tavg is normally below 543 °F, without receiving an unwarranted SI.
In accordance with TS Table
- 3. 3-4, the setpoint for the Low-Low Tavg input signal for the SI*
is ~543 °F.
TS Table 3. 3-3, footnote ## denotes that the Tavg signal may be bypassed (i.e., blocked) in Mode 3 if Tavg is below the P-12 interlock setpoint.
The P-12 interlock function is further defined in this table based upon whether Tavg is above or below certain temperature setpoints.
Per the existing TS, with two of the four Tavg channels <541°F, P-12 allows manual block of SI actuation. on High Steamline Flow coincident with either Low-Low Tavg or Low steamline Pressure and also blocks operation of the steam dumps to prevent an excessive cool down of the RCS should a malfunction occur in the system.
This same bistable provides for automatic removal of the manual block, or reinstates the same SI signals, on increasing temperatures when three of the four Tavg channels are ~545 °F and allows full operation of the steam dumps on the increasing temperature.
Since there is only a single bistable for each channel, only two setpoints are achievable: trip and reset functions of the bistable.
By the current TS, three setpoints are required:
~543°F for SI actuation, ~541°F for allowing manual block, and
~545°F for preventing manual block.
With the bistable trip setpoint established in the plant at 543°F, it was discovered that the setpoints for P-12 are not met and could not be met without a design modification.
As noted in LER 96-007, PSE&G determined that the cause of the mismatch in Salem TS values and the actual instrument setpoints was due to improper implementation of the Westinghouse STS for the Salem plants.
Since the STS provides only two different setpoints for Tavgr (the Low-Low Tavg SI actuation setpoint and manual block permissive have the same value with the P-12 reset preventing manual block a different value), the use of a single bistable to satisfy system design requirements is appropriate.
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Document Control Desk JUSTIFICATION OF REQUESTED CHANGES LR-N96188 LCR S96-09 The intent of the Tavg input to the ESFAS is to ensure diversity in SI signal actuation for accidents which result in a rapid depressurization of the secondary side of the steam generators, such as, Main Steamline and Main Feedwater Line breaks, and stuck open secondary valves.
The injection of borated water into the Reactor Coolant System (RCS) as a result_of the SI actuation provides additional protection against a return to criticality from the positive reactivity introduced during the resulting RCS cooldown.
The Low-Low Tavg setpoint is below the program Tavg in -
Modes 1 and 2 which appropriately precludes inadvertent actuatiori of a SI during non-accident transient conditions and is high enough to ensure a SI will occur in time to prevent a return to criticality should the secondary system blowdown.
In Modes 4, 5, and 6, operability of the SI initiation instrumentation, including the P-12 interlock, is not required since there is insufficient energy in the secondary side of the unit to have an accident.
In Mode 3, secondary energy and Tavg increase necessitating an interlock such as P-12 for the mode transition.
- Several different steamline break analyses have been performed to support the operation of the Salem units.
These analyses were performed to determine the core response to postulated steamline breaks and to calculate mass and energy releases both inside and outside containment.
The High Steamline Flow coincident with Low-Low Tavg or Low steamline Pressure protective functions are not modeled in the current licensing basis core response steamline break analysis~ Other SI signals generated from a postulated steamline break are credited in the analysis.
Interlock P-12 is independent of these credited SI signals.
Therefore,.the P-12 related SI signals are considered backup signals providing protection diversity.
since the protective function actuation is not credited from Low-Low Tavg or Low Steamline Pressure in Mode 3, a.change to the P-12 setpoint has no impact on the steamline break analysis.
The licensing basis steamline break mass and energy release safety analyses, inside and outside containment, for Salem Units 1 & 2 assumes the availability of the High Steam Flow coincident with Low-Low Tavg or Low Steamline Pressure for the actuation of SI and steamline isolation.
However, other SI signals will actuate before this protective function is reached in the analyses.
Therefore, credit is not taken in the ana*lyses for actuation of the High Steam Flow coincident with Low-Low Tavg or Low Steamline Pressure SI functions.
PSE&G has determined that there is no safety consequence due to the P-12 interlock enabling the SI function in the range from 543 °F up to 545 °F.
The Tavg no-load temperature for Salem is Page 3 of 4
Document Control Desk LR-N96188 LCR S96-09 547°F, with increasing Tavg for higher power operation.
The allowable setpoint value of 545°F as the upper limit for P-12 assures the availability of the SI function at higher temperatures.
Therefore, the protective instrumentation operates within its analyzed range.
On decreasing temperature, P-12 permits manual block of SI in both High Steamline Flow coincident with Low-Low Tavg and High Steamline Flow coincident with Low Steamline Pressure.
This permits blocking of these SI actuations during a controlled shutdown.
With a 2°F allowable deviation from the nominal setpoint, the setpoint of 543°F is adequate to enable the operator to block SI.
(As discussed in the TS Bases, the trip setpoints are nominal values at which the bistables are set.
Any bistable is considered to be properly adjusted when the "as-left" value is within the band for channel calibration accuracy (i.e.,
+/-rack calibration+ comparator setting accuracy)).
Revision of the P-12 setpoint to enable manual block of SI in the range from 541°F to 543°F does not impact the safety analyses.
The assumption in the analyses is that SI is available at or above the Tavg no-load value of 54 7 ° F, which is consistent with the setpoint for Low-Low Tavg in TS Table 3. 3-4.
Retaining the allowable value of 541°F is also consistent with Table 3.3-4.
The change to the Bases for Minimum Temperature For Criticality has no impact on plant operation and makes the bases consistent with the change to P-12.
No change to the Minimum Temperature For Criticality is requested or needed.
CONCLUSIONS The proposed changes to TS Table 3.3-3 make the P-12 setpoint 543°F increasing with an allowable value to 545°F and 543°F decreasing with an allowable value to 541°F.
These changes are consistent with assumptions in the accident analysis.
By making the P-12 interlock setpoint the same value as the Low-Low Tavg setpoint, a single bistable can be used to ensure that the ESFAS circuitry provides the desired protection for secondary side depressurization accidents.
These changes bring the TSs into alignment with the system design.
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e Document Control Desk LR-N96188 LCR S96-09 SALEM GENERATING STATION UNIT NOS. 1 AND 2 FACILITY OPERATING LICENSES DPR-70 AND DPR-75 DOCKET NOS. 50-272 AND 50-311 CHANGE TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURES INTERLOCK P-12 10CFR50.92 EVALUATION Public Service Electric & Gas (PSE&G) has concluded that the proposed changes to the Salem Generating Station Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Technical Specifications (TS) do not involve a significant hazards consideration.
In support of this determination, an evaluation of each of the three standards set forth in 10CFR50.92 is provided below.
REQUESTED CHANGE The change is to Salem Units 1 & 2, Technical Specifications, Table 3.3-3, Designation P-12, to include a nominal setpoint, 543°F, along with the appropriate allowable values for the permissive to block, ~541°F, and automatic unblock,
~545°F, of SI on Low-Low Tavg signal.
This revision provides consistency between the direction of the allowable value from the nominal setpoint for the high automatic unblock of Safety Injection (SI) and the low permissive to block SI.
In addition, consistency with Technical Specification ESFAS Table 3. 3-4, Low-Low T~vg nominal setpoint is maintained.
This is necessary since all three actions are controlled with the same bistable or hardware.
Technical Specification Bases B3/ (U/1) and B3/ (U/2), Minimum Temperature For Criticality, is being revised to add the word "allowable" in front of the word setpoint when defining the limitations as applicable to the P-12 setpoint.
- 1.
The proposed change does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
This change to the Technical Specifications does not involve any physical changes to the plant or any procedures changes.
There is no safety consequence to the SI function being enabled at 543°F.
The T~~ no-load temperature is at 547°F with increasing Tavg for higher power operation.
The allowable-value. of 545°F as the upper limit assures the availabiiity of the SI function, therefore, the protective Page 2 of 2
e Document Control Desk LR-N96188 LCR S96-09 function will perform within its analyzed range.
On increasing temperature, P-12 automatically enables SI in both High Steamline Flow coincident with Low-Low Tavg and High Steamline Flow coincident with Low Steamline Pressure.
It also provides an arming signal to the Steam Dump System.
On decreasing temperature, P-12 permits manual block of SI in both High Steamline Flow,coincident with Low-Low Tavg and High steamline Flow coincident with Low Steamline Pressure.
This permits blocking of the SI below the minimum temperature for criticality during a controlled shutdown.
With a 2 °F deviation from the nominal setpoint, the setpoint of 543°F is adequate to enable the operator to block SI.
Hardware design of the ESFAS provides that actuation of the SI block, enable, and ESFAS protection system operations are all provided by the same bistables.
The analyses were performed supporting the design of the ESFAS system.
Revision of the P-12 setpoint to enable manual block of SI from 541°F to 543°F does not impact the safety analyses.
SI is available at or above the Tavg no-load value of 54 7 °F, which is consistent with the setpoint for Low-Low Tavg in TS Table 3.3-4.
Retaining the allowable value of 541°F is also consistent with Table 3.3-4.
The proposed revisions do not affect the integrity of the fuel assembly or reactor internals such that their function in the control of radiological consequences is affected.
In addition, the proposed revisions do not affect any fission product barrier.
The proposed revision does not change, degrade, or prevent the response of safety related mitigation systems to accident scenarios, as described in the FSAR.
Therefore the proposed change does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated.
- 2.
The proposed change does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated.
The proposed changes to the TS setpoints for P-12 do not create failure modes that could adversely impact safety-related equipment or cause the initiation of any accident.
The P-12 interlock circuit pertains to accident mitigation systems and not accident initiation.
Functions of safety related systems and components, which are related to accident mitigation, have not been altered.
Page 3 of 4
e Document Control Desk LR-N96188 LCR S96-09 The proposed TS setpoint change does not cause the initiation of any accident or create any new credible failure in the system.
The proposed revisions do not result in any malfunction of equipment previously evaluated.
The proposed revisions do not result in increased probability of equipment failure scenarios previously deemed improbable.
Therefore, the proposed change does not create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated, the revisions will not create the possibility of a malfunction of equipment important to safety different than previously evaluated in the FSAR.
- 3.
The proposed change does not involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety.
Several different steamline break analyses are performed to support operation of the Salem units.
Analyses are performed to determine the core response to postulated steamline breaks and to calculate mass and energy releases both inside and outside containment.
In the current licensing basis core response steamline break analysis, the' High Steamline Flow coincident with Low-Low Tavg or Low Steamline Pressure protective functions are not modeled.
As such, a change to the SI permissive has no impact on the analysis.
Other SI signals generated from a postulated steamline break are credited in the analysis.
Interlock P-12 is independent of these credited SI signals.
Therefore, this change has no impact on the safety analysis.
The licensing basis steamline break mass & energy release safety analyses, inside and outside containment, for Salem Units 1 & 2 assumes the availability of the High Steamline Flow coincident with Low-Low Tavg or Low Steamline Pressure for actuation of SI and steamline isolation.
However, no credit -is taken for these trip functions.
The noted Technical Specification change is resolving a discrepancy between the permissive P-12 setpoint and the Low-Low Tavg
Even though this Low-Low Tavg function is available in the steamline break mass & energy release analyses, operation is not credited in the analyses.
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Document Control D~k LR-N96188 LCR 596-09 There are no new safety analyses or revision to any existing safety analyses as a result of these changes.
In addition, the proposed change does not impact any input assumptions or results of any current licensing basis analyses for the design basis events.
Therefore, there is no significant reduction in the margin of safety.
CONCLUSION Based on the above, PSE&G has determined that the proposed changes do not involve a significant hazards consideration.
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