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Discusses Change in Commitments Made in Response to Open Items Noted in Electrical Distribution Sys Functional Insp Rept 50-255/91-19,per 920302,31 & 930927 Ltrs.Updates to Tables Provided in 930927 Ltr Encl
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Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 02/25/1994
From: Rogers D
NUDOCS 9403080396
Download: ML18059A702 (13)


I *

  • consumers Power POWERING MICHIGAN'S PROGRESS David W. Rogers Plant Safety and Licensing Director Palisades Nuclear Plant: 27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway, Covert, Ml 49043 February 25, 1994 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 DOCKET 50-255 - LICENSE DPR PALISADES PLANT - CHANGE IN COMMITMENT -

ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL INSPECTION REPORT COMMITMENTS - NRC INSPECTION REPORT No. 91019 The NRC conducted an Electrical Distribution System Functional Inspection (EDSFI) at the Palisades Plant from November 4, 1991 to December 13, 1991 and documented the results in Inspection Report (IR) No. 91019, dated January 31, 1992. By letter dated March 2, 1992, Consumers Power Company (CPCo) responded to the violations and deviations identified in IR 91019 and provided corrective action necessary to address the violations. Our submittal dated March 31, 1992, responded to the open items contained in IR 91019 and identified corrective action necessary to address the open items.

By letter dated September 27, 1993, we provided the NRC with an EDSFI closeout plan which reflected our understanding of the work scope and the resources

  • required to complete the remaining EDSFI commitments. In that letter we also stated that we would continue to review the remaining EDSFI commitments in conjunction with our known and emergent work loads, and continue to place appropriate emphasis on closure of the remaining EDSFI commitments. As part of our ongoing review of the remaining EDSFI commitments, we have found it necessary to change two commitment dates. The commitments and the reasons for the changes are discussed in the following paragraphs, as well as new projected compl~tjon dates for these commitments.

NRC Concern No. 3 dealt with the selection basis for the setpoints for the second level undervoltage relays on 2400V buses IC and ID. Consumers Power Company agreed to review the setpoints for degraded grid voltage conditions and develop a load fl ow model for the system. The development _oC the_ _ ~ __

engineering ~nalysis to-~tudy this fsstie ha~-bi~n ~~g~i~g for the past six months. During review of the analysis it was identified that relay tolerances were not adequately incorporated in the analysis. Re-work of the engineering 9403080396 940225  :

PDR ADOCK 05000255 / *i'f.

Q_ PDR (,


analysis is necessary and, therefore, we are projecting a completion date of September 1994.

A second commitment, tied to the completion of NRC Concern No. 3, was to use the results of the engineering analysis to determine the effects of potential transformer burden and relay tolerances on the second level undervoltage relay setpoints. This work was to be performed in series with-the engineering analysis and was to be completed approximately two months after completion of the engineering analysis. Since the engineering analysis to select the initial setpoints will be delayed until September 1, 1994 the completion of the determination of the effects of potential transformer burden and relay tolerances will be extended to November 1, 1994.

Also during the EDSFI inspection, the NRC noted a number of deficiencies in our emergency diesel generator system fuel oil supply system documentation.

These deficiencies were documented as NRC Concerns No. 21 and 50. In our September 27, 1993 letter, we committed to change our technical specifications following the completion of an engineering analyses designed to provide better documentation for fuel oil consumption. The engineering analyses have been completed; however, the submittal of a Technical Specifications change request (TSCR) implementing the resolution of EDSFI Concerns 21 and 50 will be delayed beyond its initial completion date of March 1, 1994. The Electrical TSCR has been developed, but its submittal has been delayed because of a potential conflict with a previously submitted TSCR on Shutdown Cooling Requirements.

At the request of the NRR Palisades project manager, the Electrical TSCR will be delayed until after approval of the Shutdown Cooling TSCR, which is expected to occur within about 60 days. Once the Shutdown Cooling TSCR has been approved, the Electrical TSCR will be submitted, resolving the above EDSFI issues and several other outstanding issues in the electrical *portion of the Palisades Technical Specifications. Current plans call for submittal of the Electrical TSCR by September 1, 1994.

In addition, we have enclosed updates to the tables originally provided as Attachments 1 and 2 to our September 27, 1993 letter. Attachment 1 of this letter identifies by the assigned NRC inspection report number each EDSFI open item, violation, or deviation. The corresponding EDSFI concern number, identified during the EDSFI inspection, is provided as a cross reference. The attachment identifies the previously identified-commitment date and provides the new commitment date where a schedule revision is necessary. Lastly, the attachment identifies the completion date of previously closed commitments and those commitments that have been closed since our September 27, 1993 letter. of this letter describes the EDSFI concerns that were identified during the EDSFI inspection, but were not included in the EDSFI inspection report. As with.Attachment 1, Attachment 2 identifies the completion date of previously closed commitments and those commitments that have been closed since our September 27, 1993 letter.


As previously mentioned in our September 27, 1993 letter, we will continue to review the remaining EDSFI commitments in conjunction with our known and emergent work loads and will continue to place appropriate emphasis on closure of the remaining EDSFI commitments. For your information we have provided an updated version of the tables we originally provided in our September 27, 1993 letter which shows activities completed since our last submittal and the new commitment dates discussed above.


David WRogers Plant Safety and Licensing Director CC Administrator, Region III, USNRC NRC Resident Inspector - Palisades Attachments 3

ATTACHMENT I Consumers Power Company Palisades Plant Docket 50-255 Table I Docketed EDSFI Concerns sorted by EDSFI Inspection Report Open Item Number February 25, 1994 5 Pages

Palisades Nuclear Plant - Consumers Power Company 2/25/94 Docketed EDSFI Concerns Sorted by Inspection Report Number Page 1*

TABLE PREVIOUS NRC NUMBER CONCERN COMMITMENT COMMITMENT DATE (91-19-XX) NUMBER COMMITMENT DESCRIPTION DATE DUE DATE CLOSED 91-19-01 14 For conservatism, correct cable r*esistances in PSS/E Loadflow Model to 90 deg c. 12/01/93 12/01/93 4/14/93 91-19-01 14a For conservatism, correct cable resistances of the Safeguards cable to 90 degC (Loadflow) and 25 deg C

  • 12/01/94 12/01/94 6/07/93 (Short Circuit). Correct SafeGuards Reactances based on field tests and analyses.

91-19-01 19 Determine the effects of circuit breaker and fuse impedances on LF/SC models 6/30/94 1/01/95 91-19-01 19b Review o~ station power load flow calculations. Concerns about assumed cable temperatures, applicability 12/01/92 12/01/92 8/27/92 of sources for ass1.J111>tions in the calcs, and up-to-dateness of the calcs (since 1988/89). Also hard to trace the sources for some of the values used in the calcs.

91-19-01 68 Determine maximum allowable a!11'S and the total allowable time for worst case accident conditions for 9/30/93 7/31/94 cables feeding 2400 v busses 1C and 10. See also A-NL-92-079.

91-19-02 46 Identify voltages on Class 1E Equipment due to a stuck Tap Changer. Establish Operating Procedure. 6/30/94 7/31/94 91-19-03 37 Update the Post-LOCA Analysis on SUT 1-2 and determine maximum allowable amperage and total allowable 6/30/94 7/31/94 time for worst case accident conditions for cable feeding 2400v buses 1C and 10 from SUT 1-2. This is also addressed by A-NL-92-112.

91-19-04 01 104 Initiate a change to .the FSAR to make an exception to the 200 Deg C requirement for the two cables 6/01/92 6/01/92 6/01/92 feeding switchyard power.

91-19-04 01 04a Review the 480V system for similar situations of cables not properly protected. (Switchyard Station 9/01/92 9/01/92 8/25/92 Power Transformer Cable.)

91-19-05 04: Document maximum voltage ass~tions and update the short circuit analysis with cable resistances at 25 12/01/93 12/15/94 deg C.

91-19-06 43 Inadequate Operating Procedures relative to 2400 system ground f.ault indication. Concern is lack of 3/30/92 3/30/92 3/30/92 emphasis on the need to prompt action, and method.*

91-19-07 01 oi (Overvoltage on Ungrounded 2400V System.) 3/30/92 3/30/92 12/10/91 The Plant determined that no corrective action was required on this item.*

91-19-08 Identify minimum required 2400 v voltages prior to transferring diesel generator loads back to an 9/30/94 12/15/94 available off-site supply and incorporate voltage limits into appropriate operating procedures.

91.-19-08 51a Retransfer of LOCA loads to the preferred Coffsite) source from the EOG may lead to a voltage drop of 6/30/92 6/30/92 5/13/92

>2%. This may cause activation of the second level of UV relays.

2/25/94 Palisades Nuclear Plant - Consumers Power Company Docketed EDSFI Concerns Sorted by Inspection Report Number TABLE

    • Page 2*

PREVIOUS NRC NUMBER CONCERN COMMITMENT COMMITMENT DATE (91-19-XX) NUMBER COMMITMENT DESCRIPTION DATE DUE DATE CLOSED 91-19-09 42 Load flow analyses do not include all motor loads per FSAR requirement to start the largest load with all 12/01/92 12/01/92 8/25/92 other loads running. Submit a change to the FSAR 8.3.2 wording and review Chapter 8 to ensure that cur*rent Loadflow Analyses align with FSAR statements and conmitments per D-PAL-91-104B.

91-19-09 52 Complete additional analyses of Post LOCA Operating Contingencies per EOPs and incorporate o*iesel 12/01/93 6/01/94 Generator Loading Limits into the appropriate Operating Procedures as required.

91-19-10 62 The control scheme for the EOG ~toys several automatic trip mechanisms that do not require two or more 7/20/93 5/15/95 independent measurements in the trip logic.

I 91-19-11 11 Differences between station battery internal resistance shown in the DBO 4.01 and that used in the 6/30/93 6/30/93 1/06/92 referenced calcul~tion (010/SC).

91-19-11 01 11 Review and revise TSSP's RT-BC and RT-80 to demonstrate load shedding of the emergency loads. 6/01/93 7/20/93 6/18/93 91-19-11 UI 11 (Engineered Safeguards Testing.) 4/24/92 4/24/92 4/24/92 Submit a Technical Specification Change Request that contains a more conservative emergency diesel generator testing requirement to address NRC concern.that the Tech Spec wording that allows for the automatic starting of only "selected motors and equipment" (apparently original TS wording) is not consistent with emergency diesel testing as stated in the Combustion Engineering Standard TS. (Reference 91-19-12 45: Violation #2d from Nov, 91-19-12 from Inspection Report, EDSFI Concern 45. 6/01/92 6/01/92 5/12/92 91-19-12 45a Violation #2d from Nov, 91-19-12 from Inspection Report, EDSFI Concern 45. 8/01/92 8/01/92 7/30/92 91-19-14 10 Use results from the walkdowns conducted on all MCCs located outside of containment for the purpose of 11/30/92 2/16/95 verifying components to implement actions to ensure plant equipment matches the setting sheet specifications. For safety-related MCCs, make operability determinations for discrepant information.

91-19-14 10a Provide walkdown verification of setting sheet specifications for MCCs located inside containment. 5/15/92 5/15/92 2/25/92 Operability determinations will be made for discrepant information relating to safety-related MCCs.

91-19-14 10b The team found thermal overloads set at different values than the setting sheets. What program is used 11/30/92 11/30/92 3/25/92 to control that the thermal overloads are properly set and sized?

91-19-15 331 The OBD for the EOG states that there are two independent starting circuits on separate DC sources. How 3/27/92 3/27/92 3/26/92 can we get assurance that without channel B field flashing *ckt, the EOG can meet the 1.0 sec start requirement?

2/25/94 NRC NUMBER CONCERN Palisades Nuclear Plant - Consumers Power Company Docketed EDSFI Concerns Sorted by Inspection Report Number TABLE PREVIOUS COMMITMENT COMMITMENT Page DATE 3'

(91-19-XX) NUMBER COMMITMENT DESCRIPTION DATE DUE DATE CLOSED 91-19-16 59 Exceeded.Tech Spec limit of 750 amps on EOG during the monthly testing without reporting this to the NRC. 5/31/92 5/31/92 5/26/92 91-19-16 59a Exceeded. Tech Spec limit of -750 amps on EOG during the monthly testing, without reporting this to the 8/01/92 8/06/92 8/03/92 NRC.

91-19-17 12 Various discrepancies betwee*n the E-8 single line drawings and other design or as-built information. 12/01/93 12/01/93 6/07/93 91-19-17 1Zb Various discrepancies between the E-8 single line drawings and other design or as-built information. 4/30/92 4/30/92 4/22/92 91-19-18 01; 18 Update the DC voltage drop and short circuit calculations with cable resistances at rated cable 6/30/94 12/15/94 ternperat~re (voltage drop) and at 25 Deg C (short circuit).

91-19-19 u Concern about coordination between battery charger breaker and the charger current limit value of 220 12/01/93 12/15/93 11/23/93 amps.

91-19-20 09 Develop ~nd implement a test: program that periodically verifies that the battery chargers will provide 7/20/93 7/20/93 7/14/93 rated output current for an appropriate period of time. Procurement of test equipment and development of a test procedure is required. (Work Orders 24203489, 24203490, 24203491, 24203493).

I 91-19-20 26 Develop and implement a test program that periodically verifies that the battery chargers will provide 7/20/93 7/20/93 7/14/93 rated output for an appropriate period of time. Procurement of test equipment and development of a test procedure is required, ewes 24203489, 90, 91, & 93.)

91-19-21 64 .It appears that the Control Room alarm "Control Switch Not in Auto" referenced in Section is not 12/01/92 12/01/92 11/17/92 I installed. EOG 91-19-21 None f Respond t.o Open Items and Unresolved Items in Inspection Report 91-19. 3/31/92 3/31/92 3/31/92 91-19-22 20 Failure to meet FSAR/TS or seismic criteria for 28 hour3.240741e-4 days <br />0.00778 hours <br />4.62963e-5 weeks <br />1.0654e-5 months <br /> run time, 2500 gallons available, tank level 12/01/92 4/30/93 4/28/93 switches :non-seismic, no visual day tank level scale.

91-19-22 20a Failure to meet FSAR/TS or seismic criteria for 28 hour3.240741e-4 days <br />0.00778 hours <br />4.62963e-5 weeks <br />1.0654e-5 months <br /> run time, 2500 gallons available, tank level 12/01/92 9/01/94 switches non-seismic, no visual day tank level scale. Revise TS run times, determine consumption rate, evaluate new alarm levels and control settings.

91-19-22 Failure to meet FSAR/TS or seismic criteria for 28 hour3.240741e-4 days <br />0.00778 hours <br />4.62963e-5 weeks <br />1.0654e-5 months <br /> run time, 2500 gallons available, tank level 12/01/92 11/30/93 9/21/93 switches non-seismic, no visual day tank level scale. Evaluate adequacy of day tank.

  • i 91-19-22 20c 1) Day tank capacity, alarm and level detector set.ting concerns. 2) Some were known since 1983. What 12/15/92 12/15/92 12/15/92

! has been done on these items* since then? (Supplement submitted 12/6/91) ~DG DFO 91-19-22 20d. 1) Day tank capacity, alarm.and level detector sett'ing concerns. 2) Some were known since 1983. What 12/16/93 2/01/94 2/22/94 has been done on these items since .then? Revise the FSAR to identify changes.

2/2S/94 NRC NUMBER CONCERN Palisades Nuclear Plant - Consumers Power Company Docketed EDSFI Concerns Sorted by Inspection Report Number TABLE PREVIOUS COMMITMENT COMMITMENT 1



(91-19-XX) NUMBER . . COMMITMENT DESCRIPTION DATE DUE DAT E CLOSED 91-19-22 z'oe 1) Day tank capacity, alarm and level detector setting concerns. 2) Some were known since 1983. What 12/01/92 12/22/92 1/04/93 has been* done on these items since then? (Supplement submitted 12/6/91). EOG DFO.

I 91-19-22 21 No evidence exists showing actual EOG fuel consumption rates to support 28-hour day tank capacity. 12/01/92 11/30/93 9/21/93 Calculate consumption rate .for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of OBA *.

91-19-22 21a No evidence exists showing actual EOG fuel consumption rates to support 28-hour day tank capacity. 12/01/92 9/01/94 Revise FSAR/TS for existing .fuel oil system capabilities.

91-19-22 2~b No evidence exists showing actual EOG fuel consumption rates to support 28-hour day tank capacity. 12/01/92 12/31/93 9/21/93 Determine minimum run time for belly and day tank capacity.

91-19-22 21c No evidence exists showing actual EOG fuel consumption *rates to determine required day tank capacity. 9/30/93 12/31/93 9/29/93 Evaluate. required vs available fuel oil inventories.

91-19-22 2~d No evidence exists showing t'he actual EOG fuel consumption rates to determine required day tank capacity. S/31/93 9/30/93 6/11/93 Perform a diesel fuel consumption for .both EDGs.

91-19-22 21e No evidence exists showing a'ctual EOG fuel consumption rates to determine required day tank capacity. 3/31/93 3/31/93 4/14/93 91-19-22 22 P-18A & B not*tested to ensure automatic operation. No acceptance criteria available for pump discharge 6/30/92 6/30/92; 6/29/92 pressure, motor current or voltages to compare with test results. DFO.

91-19-22 24 EOG external day tank fill coruiections: no evidence of testing or maintenance; no guarantee of timely 12/1S/92 12/1S/92 12/1S/92 delivery of delivery truck.

91-19-22 24a Perform test to verify ability to fil.l t.he Day Tank from an external source. Evaluate need to obtain 11/30/93 7/01/9~

guarantee for timely delivery of fuel oil.

  • 91-19-22 so The TS EOG fuel minimum of 16,000 gal must be revised to incorporate SSDC considerations and recognition 12/01/92 12/01/93 11/30/93 of the other demands of T-10.

91-19-22 SOa The TS EOG fuel minimum of 16,000 gal must be revised to incorporate SSDC considerations and recognition 12/01i92 12/01/93 11/11/93

! of the other demands on T-10. Determine T-10, T-2S, belly tank unuseable fuel quantity.

91-19-22 SObI The TS EOG fuel minimum of 16,000 gal must be revised to incorporate SSDC consideration and recognition 12/01/93 1/16/94 12/20/93 of the other demands on T-10 *. Confirm FSAR/TS changes have been implemented in mother document.

91-19-22 soc The TS EOG fuel minimum-of 16,000 gal must be revised to incor~orate SSDG considerations and recognition 12/01/92 11/30/93 11/30/93

.of the other demands on T-10.

91-19-22 SOd The TS EOG fuel minimum of 16,000 gal must be revised to incorporate SSDC considerations and recogn1t1on 12/01/92 11/30/93 11/29/93 of the other demands on T-10~ Determine quantity of fuel oil required with and without energy conservation controls.


91-19-22 SOe The TS EOG fuel minimum of 16,000 gal must be revised to incorporate SSDC considerations and recognition 12/01/93 9/01/94, of the other demands on T-10. Revise FSAR/TS fuel oil consumption, available volumes, and run time.

91-19-22 SOf The TS EOG fuel minimum of 16,000 gal must be revised to incorporate SSDC considerations and recognition 6/01/92 6/01/92 4/13/92 of the other demands on T-10. (Supplemented on 12/11/91.)

91-19-22 69 .storage tank T-10 and its appurtenances are not seismically or tornado qualified (loading and missiles). 12/01/92 11/30/93 11/30/93 91-19-22 None a Determine T-10, T-2S, belly tank available inventories. 3/31/93 3/31/93 3/31/93

2/25/94 NRC NUMBER CONCERN Palisades Nuclear Plant - Consumers Power Company Docketed EDSFI Concerns Sorted by Inspection Report Number TABLE PREVIOUS COMMITMENT COMMITMENT Page DATE 5'

(91-19-XX) NUMBER COMMITMENT DESCRIPTION DATE DUE DATE CLOSED 91-19-22 None b 0/G 7-day Electric Load Study. 7/31/93 12/31/93 11/30/93 I 91-19-22 None c Document reconmended corrective actions for fuel oil system. 9/30/93 12/31/93 9/21/93 I 91-19-23 35b 1. Room steam header: a) not *seismically mounted; b) steam and condensate lines not seismically 6/30/92 6/30/92 6/30/92 supported. 2. EOG room HVAC a) ducting not seismic supported; b) more than one fan required to cool room; c) 'SWS flow to jacket and lube oil at max to maintain control room HVAC needs.

91-19-24 16 The EOG mufflers are not bolted in place. Concern that it could be dislodged and choke the exhaust. 7/01/94 6/18/95 Even if bolted in place, concern exists about seismic qualification. (Supplemented 12/4/91 and 12/10/91).

91-19-24 16a The EOG ri..Jfflers are not bolted in place. Concern that it could be dislodged and choke the exhaust. 3/31/92 6/15/92 4/28/92 Even if bolted in place, concern exists about seismic qualification. (Supplemented 12/4/91 and 12/10/91).

91-19-24 16b The EOG mufflers are not bolted in place~ Concern that it could be dislodged and choke the exhaust. 3/20/93 3/20/93 4/08/92 Even if bolted in place, concern exists about seismic qualification. (Supplemented 12/4/91 and 12/10/91.)

91-19-25 55 The EDGs*have never been tested to demonstrate the ability to start at the minimum temperature conditions 9/30/93 9/30/93 9/27/93 specified by the manufacturer (eg, 90 Deg F lube oil temp and 65 Deg F room temperature). Monthly test does not verify these parameters prior to startup. Perform test of minimum temperature.

91-19-25 55a The EOGs have never been tested to demonstrate the ability to start at the minimum temperature conditions 9/30/93 9/30/93 6/09/93 specified by the manufacturer (eg, 90 Deg F lube oil temperature and 65 Deg F room temperature). Monthly test does not verify these parameters prior .to startup. Evaluate need to alarm parameters.

91-19-25 5Sb The ED Gs *have never been .tested to demonstrate the abi l i ty to start at the mini mum teperature conditions 5/01/92 5/01/92 4/30/92

  • specified by the manufacturer (eg, 90 Deg F lube oil temperature and 65 Deg F room temperature). Monthly test does not verify these parameters prior to startup.

91-19-26 40 Concern that the requirements of JLH 91*084 (8/27/91) have not been proceduralized. Concerns restriction 9/30/93 9/30/93 3/04/93 on maintenance in the switchyard during EOG testing. (Supplement issued 12/11/91).

91-19-27 70 FC-839 requires that the low suction pressure and low lube oil pressure trips are to be blocked when 11/30/92 11/30/92 11/30/92 charging pump B is fed from the alt pump C bus. However, neither of these trips were verified during Post Mod Testing. In light of the two ORs.on this mod's wiring, how do we know that the trips are blocked?

ATTACHMENT 2 Consumers Power Company Pali sades Pl ant Docket 50-255 Table 2 Non-Docketed EDSFI Concerns sorted by Concern Number February 25, 1994 3 Pages

2/25/94 Palisades Nuclear Plant - Consumers Power Company Nondocketed EDSFI Concerns Page *1 ..

TABLE 2 PREVIOUS CONCERN COMMITMENT COMMITMENT DATE NUMBER COMMITMENT DESCRIPTION DATE DUE DATE CLOSED 03 Document Second level UV relay setpo.ints with Load Flow model. Include the effects of AC contactor 9/30/93 9/01/94 control circuit voltage drops. Coordinate results with System Protection Engineering.

03a Review the UnderVoltage relay setpoints using the results of the latest Load Flow model from NECO. The 9/30/93 11/01/94 effects of PT burden, relay tolerance and AC contactor control circuit voltage drop should be clearly documented.

15 Develop a design basis document related to plant HVAC systems to address NRC concern that the HVAC for 1C 12/01/93 12/01/93 10/15/93 and 10 switchgear room has not been tested, is not qualified, and the calculation proving adequacy of the design is not available.

  • 17 The CTs for breakers 152-105 and 106 are connected to Class 1E overcurrent relays and non-1E anmeter and 12/01/93 12/01/93 5/14/93 wattmeter in the Control Room. There is no elec isolation.
  • 29 Complete system Protection Engineering's review and redocumentation of all original Bechtel protective . 12/01/94 12/31/94 d~vice settings. '

34 Improve the Diesel. Engine Air Start Control Circuit Logic. Clarify statements in the FSAR to reflect 7/20/93 5/15/95 actual plant configuration. Transferred to #62.

34a TS testing *of the EOG alternates the use of the A and B starting circuits. 1) Since TS do not address 9/30/92 9/30/92 2/24/92 the use of two starting motors, what is the design basis to meet the 10 second time? 2) Does the use of two air motors constitute independence?

35 1. Room steam heater: a) not seismically mounted; b) steam and condensate lines not seismically 5/18/95 6/18/95 supported.

2. EOG room HVAC ductin.g not seismically supported.

35a 1. Room steam heater: a) not seismically mounted; b) steam and coOdensate lines not seismically 10/05/91 10/05/91 10/16/91 supported.

2. EOG room HVAC: a) ducting not seismic supported; b) more than one fan required to cool room; c) SWS
  • flow to jacket and lube oil at max to maintain Control Room HVAC needs.

36 Expressed concern that critical components of the Electric Distribution System had seismic support 12/31/92 6/18/95 problems. Suggested that CPCo accelerate the planned SQUG program for these components and later merge this with the Seismic Inspection Program verifications.

39 HVAC system and components for 1C & 1D switchgear rooms, cable spreading room, battery rooms, and 12/01/93 12/01/93 7/26/93 electric equipment room is not safety-related,* seismically supported, or tornado-proof. Concerned about HVAC supporting systems (chilled water) also.

49 The temp of the switchyard battery is not monitored. (Ref TS 3.7.1) 11/16/92 11/16/92 11/05/92 54 cdmplete System Protection Engineering's calculations for the power penetration's protective device 12/01/94 12/31/94 settings which illustrate the lit thermal withstand capability for faults.

57 Electrical calculations/modification packages indicate that there are still design control deficiencies. 12/01/92 12/01/92 11/30/92 58 It is possible that the EOG room and jacket temperature will drop below minimum between the 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> 11/30/93 11/30/93 6/09/93 walkdowns.

61 Autoclosure of the EOG breaker (152-106) is blocked to avoid connection to a faulted bus. However, there 7/20/93 5/15/95 is no provision to prevent autoclosure to EOG breaker 152-107 on a faulted bus.

Palisades Nuclear Plant - surners Power Company 2/25/94 Nondocketed EDSFI Concerns Page 2 tr TABLE 2 PREVIOUS CONCERN COMMITMENT COMMITMENT DATE NUMBER COMMITMENT DESCRIPTION DATE DUE DATE CLOSED 65 There is no panel alarm if the crankcase exhaust evacuation motors fail when they should be operating. 12/01/92 11/30/93 4/29/93 Concern is explosive vapors in the EOG rooms.

66 Current drawings and documents do not contain manufacturer size and model information for fuses. What is 12/01/93 1/15/94 1/12/94 fuse control program?

67 Butyl rubber electrical cable is variously shown as having an 85 or 90 Deg C temperature rating. 6/30/92 6/30/92 6/24/92 Calculations to establish sizing and life use both values. Manufacturer has revised certification from 90 to 85 degrees since installed.

IR 020 Are there any tray sections that are overfilled with cables? 9/30/92 2/22/93 2/18/93 IR 027 What is the low voltage shutdown point for the inverters? 9/30/92 9/30/92 10/02/92 IR 031 Evaluate the EOG trip circuitry for bypassing noncoincident logic trips i'n the emergency code. 12/01/92 12/01/92 12/08/92 IR 032 Update E-46 Normal Battery Loads 12/01/93 7/01/94 IR 035 What are the criteria for cable tray fill/conduit loading? 12/01/93 12/15/93 10/14/93 IR 052 *Provide the 18 month overload protection surveillances for the essential MOVs. 9/30/92 9/30/92 5/11/92 IR 087 Provide detail desi'gn of lube oil piping including flange connections. 12/01/93 12/01/93 9/13/93 IR 131 Provide schematic for all EOG trip circuits and relay setpoints. 7/01/93 7/01/93 6/07/93 IR 131A Provide schematic for all EOG trip circuits and relay setpoints. Perform closeout review of A-NL-92-147. 12/31/92 7/01/93 6/07/93 IR 199 (Continuation of Question 67). Identify all of T-10 supply responsibilities and how it affects Question 12/31/92 12/31/92 5/24/93 67; 'provide calcs showing setpoint establishment for day tank and belly tank; include in Question 67 strategy (prog) to assure adequate (7 days) fuel storage.

I IR 201 How, is the FSAR requirement for a mini~ day tank fuel oil availability of 2500 gal satisfied? 12/15/92 12/15/92 12/21/92 IR 206 Provide: 1) Coord. *plots for MCCs 22, 24, 26, and 2 (feed breaker vs largest load breaker); 2) Plot 6/30/92 6/30/92 5/11/92 showing prot. of LC transfer protection using through fault protection curve (ANSI C37-91); 3) Protection device setting she7ts and calcs (if av~ilable for typ motors on Bus 10, LC No12, and MC No2.

IR 214 Is the overspeed trip of the EDGs checked periodically? Provide pertinent data sheets. 7/01/93 7/01/92 6/07/93 IR 269 Are' there any procedural or physical constraints which would prevent operators from transferring to the 12/31/91 12/31/91 5/24/93 offsite source when less than adequate voltage is available?

IR 284 V-33, V-43, and V-47 switchgear room coolers aren't normally fed from 1E power supplies. 1) What 12/01/92 4/01/93 3/19/93 provisions are made to transfer to 1E supplies? 2) Do temp sensors in rooms alarm in Control Room? 3)

Is max room temp 104 degrees F. 4) If so why is setpoint/action level 104?

IR 300 Provide information on the fuel filters and lube oil strainers in regard to ability to shift clean and 8/30/92 8/30/92 9/03/92 inspect. (Verbal question from Joubert to Kupka - inspector has already received the information -

que,stion issued for tracking purposes.)

IR 307 Data sheets provided under Question 245 indicated that breaker 72-302 and 72-401 were last tested in 9/30/92 5/01/93 5/04/93 1980. Are these breakers in a regular PM program? Is breaker 72-18 in a PM program? If not, why aren't these breakers in a testing program.

Palisades Nuclear Plant - nsumers Power Company 2/25/94 Nondocketed EDSFI Concerns Page 3, TABLE 2 PREVIOUS CONCERN COMMITMENT COMMITMENT DATE NUMBER COMMITMENT DESCRIPTION DATE DUE DATE CLOSED None Complete the USI A-46 review of the Plant Emergency Power System *(EPS), as an integral part of the total 5/18/95 5/18/95 6/10/93 SQUG program. Duplicate of Concern 36; closed 6/10/93.

None e Prepare an emergency power system equipment list and perform preliminary screening, walkdown, 12/01/92 12/01/92 11/04/92 evaluations, and to prioritize, under the SQUG Program, any* resulting.modifications.

Weak Resolve weaknesses identified in second level undervoltage scheme due to inadvertant Diesel starts during 12/01/93 7/01/94 routine plant ?perations and testing.