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Forwards EGG-NTA-7484, Technical Evaluation Rept for Palisades Plant,Response to NRR Generic Ltr 83-37, Interim Rept.Licensee Not in Compliance W/Control Room Habitability Requirement (III.D.3.4).Items Still Under Review Listed
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/30/1987
From: Obenchain C
To: Carrington M
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML18052B050 List:
CON-FIN-D-6022, RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737, TASK-2.B.1, TASK-2.B.3, TASK-2.E.1.1, TASK-2.F.1, TASK-2.F.2, TASK-3.D.3.4, TASK-TM GL-83-37, OBEN-43-86, TAC-54555, NUDOCS 8706050249
Download: ML18052B049 (2)


- Idaho National Engineering Laboratory March 30, 1987

-Mr. Mayo Carrington, Project Manager*

. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Technical Assistance Management Branch Planning and Program Analysis Staff 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, MD 20014 TRANSMITTAL OF INTERIM TER. FOR THE PALISADES PLANT RESPONSE TO GENERIC LETTER 83-37 (TAG No.. 54555) .(D6022) ;,.. .Oben-43-86

~~ " ' . . ' ,. - ... *--

Dear Mr. Carringtori~ .*,

The enclosed interim Technical Evaluation Report (EGG~NTA-7484) is

-transmitted iri fulfillment of the interim review for- the Palisades Plant of Project VI for the D6022 NRC Form 189. This work was conducted under the technical direction of Mr. F. R. Allenspach of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Facilities Operations -Branch-Division of PWR Licensing-B.

The* licensee has proposed changes to Specifjcations {TSs) ihat provide an acceptable response for the following ite~:

Long Term Auxiliary Feedwater System Evaluation 1II.E.1.1)

The Licensee is not in compliance with the Generic Letter guidance for the following items:

Control Room Habitability Requirements (III.D.3.4).


I 8706050249 870330 PDR ADOCK 05000255

-EJ '

i I'*---

p _

__ PDR n

~~EGc.G1daho, inc. P.O. Box 1625 Idaho Falls, ID 83415

Mr. Mayo Carrington March 30, 1987.

-Oben:-43 *, ** -

Page 2 * '

. . ~*. . . ~ ' -'

. Thi are being ~eviewed *~y the:NRC St~ff:

Rea~tor Coola~t System Vents t11.B.l)

Postaccident Sampling {11.B.3) . * * .

Nobl~ Gas Effluent Monitors.(11.F~l.1):

Sampling a*nd A11alysis 'of Pl~nt Effluents (ll~.f.1.2)

Containment High7Range* Radia.tion Moni.tor. (ILF.1.3).

  • C6ntainment Pressure Mo~itor (II.t:l.4).
  • Containment Water Level *Monitor (II.F.1.5)

Containment Hydrog*en Monitor (II.F.1.6)

I~strumeniation.for Detection .of Inadequate Cor~ Co~lfn~ (Ii*.~.2) ..

The enCl~sed rep~rt. is an interim review of *the Palisades plant response~.*

to .the 'Generic 'Letter 83-37 requirement for Technical .Specifications .for*..

  • certainTMI .action _items*. A final Technical. Evaluation Report, will be ** ..

issued ~pon receipi df f~rther. responses.fro~ the License~ for fhe items judged fo be not -in compliance wi~h the Generic Letter.. '-_ .

Very truly yours,

<_ .. (l/JJfag.ldt ~*

. : "\.

  • c~~F. Obe~~~ Manager* *.;

NRR*arid I&E Sup~ort EVM:ggo


As Stated*

cc:' F~ R.:. A11 enspach, NR.C-NRR S.

  • s'ryan, NRC G; L. Jones, DOE-ID P. E. Litteneker, DOE-[D.

R; Sc ho 11 , NRC.

J. Stolz,. NRc~oL**.

. . T.: Wambach,. N,RC-DL J,. O.. Zane, EG&G"Idaho .(w/o Enclbsµre.)