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Letter Regarding a Request for Additional Information in Connection with the Preparation of the Environmental Statement
Person / Time
Site: Nine Mile Point Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/01/1973
From: Regan W
US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
To: Brosnan T
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp
Download: ML17037C312 (12)



( C PDR, w/encl cal PDR, w/encl Docket File l,ENVIRON)1~ w/enc1 I

\ RP Reading" EP-4 Reading, 'w/encl FEB 1 1973 Attorney, OGC, w/encl J. A. Norris, EP-4, L C. DeBevec, OR-2, L, w/encl Sochet Bo 59 220 N, Brown, EP-1, L C, Luner, ANL, w/encl tBngara Mo&tzlc I3oUer Corporation P. Gustafson, ANL,w/encl ATNx 'Qumuas J. 3x'osnaa RO (3)

Vice ProsMcnt nnd 'Chiog Engineer H. Denton, SS:L 300 Rxie Boulavard Uest W. Regan, EP-4, L Sya'acuse, Meu'orh 13202 D. Muller, EP, L A. Giambusso, RP, L Xa cozslcction UXC4 th5 preparation. bf the EEvlrcKRQntQI StntGQQnt fox'hQ

'tiine Mle Point nuclear Station Unit I, Uo hd. that additional infor cation is x'equired, 'lb'aclosuro to this. Ratter doscribea the required information.

Xa ordax'o mqpaditc Ac zovimrE va xcqucat Q@t cmylotoly adequate x'o@ponses W the 4tpas govern in the enclosure to /bio: latter bc submitted to thi5 office as carIy @s possibio> 'but not later, Qua Rfarcb 7, 3973 Please info@a ua uithixL:@even days after zecei'p of this letter of your ~nfixc2atioa of the schcdulo,br the elate you eiI1 he able to +cat.

Vous reply should consist of three si~e4 miginaH and 297 additional copies as a .scqucntiaIIy numbered esppl@nent of go~ BavLvomcntaI Report. tlc@eo Concord NO of,those copies -amf .retain the Wenafning MO for future uaec

à additional infommtioa kn required'aiatinp to the- requested infor mation, pldase Ecol Ace to contact Br Jan Lorrio> Environmental- Pro<<

)ccrc, ERmagr> zt. 301-973-7263.

Original signed by W. H. Remn, Jr, Qaa gc Reye~. Jr+,9. Chief Emrironmental Pr'objects'hrancb 4 Directox'ate of X iccnsinp cc>> kevin E Up'ton> Esqc Le3ocuf> Xemb~ Xeiby 6 kfacBoe I821 Jefferson Placc11 N.U Uctchiagton, .O'.. C 20036 E


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1. BIOLOGICAL 1.1. Provide all available information to substantiate the statement

".Operating experience since 1969 indicates that velocities of this magnitude (2 fps) have resulted in the entrapment of only a very few'fish primarily alewives, in the onshore screen well."

(p. 5.1-2).

1.2. Provide details and rationale of your fish impingement monitoring


1:3. Provide number and kinds of fish collected at the bar racks in the intake bays for each day of observation.

l.4. Give precentage of fishes collected on the traveling screens which have been found to be alive.

1. 5. Provide information on the spacings between the bars of the bar racks-(a) at the offshore intake (b) in the intake bay onshore I

l.6. Provide measurements of intake velocity at the face of the verti-cal traveling screens.

1. 7. Describe the extent of participation of NY State Environmental Con-servation Department, U. S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, and other State and Federal agencies in planning of ecological studies. (p. 5.5-1).

1.8. Describe which portion of studies conducted since 1963 has been designated as providing "baseline information." Give the extent of natural variability and sampling error for various parameters being measured. Explain exactly how each of these measured para-meters will be used to assess the operational effects of the plant in view of such natural variability and sampling error.

1.9. Provide rationale for selecting 12 transects in a two mile stretch of the shore.

1. 10. Give reasons for not synchronizing data collection for various biological and water chemistry parameters.

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1. 11. Provide quantitative data to substantiate the statement "In general the quantity of plant and animal material found along the Nine Mile Point promontory is less than other areas in the lake." (P. 2.7-7).
1. 12. Provide data analyses and records of observations which show that "No adverse effect has been observed on aquatic biota in the Nine Mile Point area due to thermal, chemical, or radio-logical releases from the station." (p. 5.1-5).

1.13. Provide quanti.tative information to substantiate the statement "Fish larv'al abundance appears to be quite low." (p. 2.7-5).

1. 14. If the fish larval abundance is quite low explain how were the larvae obtained for entrainment studies and how were the studies conducted. Discuss the significance of these entrainment studies if the larval abundance is quite low.
1. 15. Provide reasons for not proposing phyto-and zooplankton'ntrain-ment studies.
1. 16. The preliminary results of entrainment study conservatively in-dicated plankton mortality between 10% and 30% (ambient temper'a-ture, AT, and residence time not mentioned). Provide the final results for bT of 32 F and a residence time of over 4 minutes for various ambient temperatures (including 77 F ambient).
1. 17. Explain how the plankton data from 1964 can be used in assessing the impact of plant'peration on plankton population.

1;18. Provide the diurnal and seasonal distribution pattern for zoo-and phytoplankton in the vicinity of the intake structure at various depths.

l. 19. Explain if the 20 ft. depth contour covers all the area underlying loF rhT isotherm of the thermal plume.

Give the size of the area sampled for each of the benthos samples taken by the divers.

1. 21. Explain usefulness of weighing ashed plant material and use of this parameter in evaluating power plant operational effects.
1. 22. Explain the reason for not using east transect as a control for trawl sampling for fishes. (p. 5.5-9).

1.23. Provide rationale for trawling along the whole transects. This assumes no change in populations from near shore areas to 40 ft.

depth (end of transect) which may not be true.'.24.

Provide complete details of studies conducted since 1969 which have verified the phenomenon that "Fish are able to select or avoid areas of the thermal plume in response to preferred temperatures." (p. 5.1-5) 1.25. Provide quantitative information obtained from diver studies which have shown significant increase in the small mouth bass population in the vicinity of the discharge. At what level were these observations significant? (p. 5.5-4).

1.26. Provide copies of data records that show no significant loss in oxygen content of water (mg. of oxygen/liter of water) during the warmest period of the year, giving exact locations of sampling. (p. 5.5-7).

1. 27. List any rare and endangered species of plants and animals found in your terrestrial survey of the plant area and trans-mission right-of-way. Give names of plants and animals and their locations. Describe precautions taken to preserve them.
2. 1. Provide the number of transmission lines which will ultimately be carried in the right-of-way. Give tower dimensions. The En-vironmental Report states that the 27 mile right-of-way passes through 10 miles of farmland, 4 miles of wetland, and 5 miles of wooded areas. Describe the environment the line passes through in the other 8 miles. Provide number of homes removed during construction of the right-of-way.
2. 2. Describe herbicides used for maintenance of the right-of-way.

Give details of location and schedule of use.

2.3. Provide information if the transmission facilities follow:

(a) the "Environmental Criteria for Electric Transmission Systems," published by U.S. Depts. of Interior and Agriculture (b) The New York Public Service Commission and Dept. of Environ-mental Conservation Rules and Regulations Affecting Trans-mission Lines

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(c) Federal Power Commission's "Guidelines for the Protection of Natural, Historic, Science and Recreational Values in the Design and Location of Right-of-Way and Transmission Facilities"

3. CHEMICAL AND SANITARY WASTES 3.1. Give the volume of the oxygenation pond (2800 sq ft area) used for sewage effluent.

3.2. If it becomes necessary to clean the condenser or service water system, describe the process which will be used.

3. 3. Provide data on the average flow of makeup water through the demineralizer.

3.4. Describe provisions preventing oil which enters floor and equip-ment drains from being discharged into Lake Ontario via a storm drain.

3.5. Describe location in the lake where the detergent phosphorus concentration is measured. Give a detailed calculation showing how 0.2 ppb concentration for phophorus was obtained., If the laundry waste discharge is not continuous, give frequency of dis-charge and maximum phosphorus concentration at the point of discharge.

4. NEED FOR POWER 4.1. Provide the 1972 summer and winter electrical power peak loads for the following New York State Power Pool members and other utilities:

Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corp.

Consolidated Edison Co. of N.Y., Inc.

Long Island Lighting Company New York State Electric and Gas Corp.

Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.

Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Power Authority of the State of New York Jamestown Municipal Electric System Long Sault, Inc.

Village of Freeport


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5-4.2. Provide a tabulation by months of the power production of Nine Mile Point Unit 1 during 1971 and 1972.

4.3. Describe problems and their resolution (if any) encountered by Niagara Mohawk in providing for the electrical load, during periods when Nine Mile Point Unit 1 was not operating or was operated't less than 80% power in 1971 and 1972. Discuss any additional problems which Niagara Mohawk would encounter if Unit 1 were shut down.

5. 1. Give the acreage found in the temporary game refuge. Describe the status of the plans for creation of a permanent game refuge.
5. 2. Provide information if the landscaping for Unit 1 is complete.

Describe any erosion on the Station site or along tramsmission line since the plant has been operating.

5. 3. Provide infoxmation and describe navigational buoys marking intake

~ and discharge structures.

5.4. The horizontal scale on Figure 3.5-2 is inconsistent with the drawing. Provide correct scale. Give distance from the shore-line to the discharge structure. The 0.1 mile stated in :

Section 3.5.2 appears to be in error.

5. 5. Provide current status of authorizations, permits and licenses connected with the operation of the facility.

5.6. Provide results of all thermal surveys made in the Nine Mile Point area.

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