ML16204A179 | |
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Site: | Wolf Creek |
Issue date: | 05/31/2016 |
From: | Wolf Creek |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
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ML16203A351 | List:
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WM 16-0008 | |
Download: ML16204A179 (79) | |
Attachment G5 Page 1 Fire Protection Evaluation For HAZ Assessment of Structural Steel Integral to Fire Boundary Date 7/6/2007 Rev. No. W03 I I I I Prepared By Date 7/6/2007 Reviewed By & b Table of Contents Revision Log
3 1.0 Purpose .............................................................................................................................
4 ................................................................................................................................
2.0 Scope
4 3.0 References
4 ......................................................................................................................
4.0 Assumptions
5 5.0 Assessment of Condition to Design Requirements
5 ......................................................................................................................
6.0 Methodology
6 ......................................................................................................................... 7.0 Evaluation 8 .................................................................................................................
8.0 Conclusions
15 Appendix G5A, Room Data Sheets
......................................................... (63 Total Pages)
M-663-000 1 7A Page2of 15 Attachment G5 Revision W03 Revision Log M-663-000 1 7A Page 3 of 15 Attachment G5 Revision W03 Revision W03 Reason for Revision Original Issue M-663-000 1 7A Attachment G5 Revision W03 Page 4 of 15
1.0 Purpose
1.1 The purpose of this document is to evaluate the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) impact of 10 CFR 50 Appendix R fire barriers containing integral structural steel where either of the following is present: Steel is provided with fireproofing on only one barrier side.
Fireproofing is provided on both steel sides and an unprotected thermal short attachment larger than Unistrut is present. This evaluation was conducted in accordance with the guidance of NRC Generic Letter 86-1
- 0. 2.0 Scope 2.1 This evaluation is applicable to the Rooms identified in Table II. 3.0 References 3.1 NRC Generic Letter 86-10, Implementation of Fire Protection Requirements, dated April 24, 1986 3.2 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Fire Protection Program For Nuclear Power Facilities Operating Prior To January 1, 1979 3.3 ASTM E-119, Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials 3.4 UL N-711, (A-126-OOOOI), Fire Test Report Of Loaded Restrained Beams Protected By Cementitious Mixture, Dated August 11, 1976 3.5 UL N-712, (A-126-00002), Fire Test Report Of Loaded Restrained Beams Protected By Cementitious Mixture, Dated May 13, 1977 3.6 A-126, Technical Specification For Cementitious Fireproofing Of Structural Steel For The Standardized Nuclear Unit Power Plant Unit (SNUPPS) 3.7 PIR 2002-2287, Structural Steel Fireproofing With Unprotected Attachments 3.8 FP-M-012, Rev 0, Structural Steel Fireproofing Thermal Shorts and Omissions Evaluation 3.9 CNT-MC-600, Rev.
2, Fireproofing of Structural Steel 3.10 E-15000, Electrical Cable And Raceway List, Rev. 65 3.1 1 A-126, Cementitious Fireproofing of Structural Steel, Rev. 7 3.12 Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR) Section, Rev. 19 M-663-00017A Attachment G5 Revision W03 Page 5 of 15 3.13 Change Package 012323, M-663-00017A Revision to incorporate Structural Steel Fireproofing Evaluation and Analysis, Rev. 0 3.14 IEEE 383, Standard for Qualifying Class I E Electric Cables and Field Splices for Nuclear Power Generating Stations
4.0 Assumptions
4.1 It is assumed that fireproofing material used to protect building steel is applied to a thickness as required by CNT-MC-600.
This is an acceptable assumption based on a review of the Quality Control documentation maintained during initial fireproofing installation activities and subsequent inspections during ongoing plant repairs witnessed by Fire Protection personnel and inspections performed during the this evaluation process. 5.0 Assessment of Condition to Design Requirements
5.1 Reauirements
USAR Section identifies that the design, construction, test method, and acceptance criteria for fire rated barriers is per applicable sections (determined by construction type) of ASTM E-119, UL standards, and state building codes. 5.2 Assessment Fire testing does not directly bound the use of protected steel as part of a fire barrier assembly. Such a configuration presents the potential to transmit detrimental temperatures from the fire side through the steel element of the fire barrier to insitu combustibles and/or post-fire safe shutdown (PFSSD) circuits located in close proximity to the unexposed side of the steel fire barrier segment. Attachment G1, Section 7.1, evaluated that steel with fireproofing on both barrier sides containing unprotected thermal short attachments no larger than Unistrut in size and mass provides an equivalent 3-hour F and T rated configuration.
Therefore, HAZ review, similar to that discussed in Section 7.2.3 of M-663- 00017A for non-T rated penetration seals, is only necessary for structural steel integral to a fire barrier assembly where either of the following is present: Steel is provided with fireproofing on only one barrier side. Fireproofing is provided on both steel sides and an unprotected thermal short attachment larger than Unistrut is present.
M-663-00017A Attachment G5 Revision W03 6.0 Methodology Where a HAZ review was necessary for steel that is integral to a fire barrier assembly, a review similar to M-663-00017A Section 7.2.3 was conducted with the exception that a review distance of two feet from the unexposed steel surface was utilized.
This is an acceptable distance considering the air gap temperature drop discussion provided in M-663-0001.7A Section 7.2.3. This two-foot distance from the structural steel member on the unexposed side is the area that encompasses the HAZ. Assuming an ASTM E- 11 9 three-hour fire duration, a temperature of either 1925°F or 1100°F was assigned to the unexposed barrier side based on the fireproofing configuration provided, including consideration for unprotected thermal short attachments larger than Unistrut.
1 A 1925°F temperature was utilized for the following configurations:
I Fireproofing is single sided with an unprotected attachment on either barrier side. Fireproofing is provided on both barrier sides and an unprotected attachment larger than Unistrut is located on the fire side such that it is in proximity (within two feet) to an unexposed side attachment that supports a raceway within the HAZ. An unexposed side temperature assignment of 1925°F for the above configurations is a conservative approach, as it utilizes the maximum temperature attained during ASTM E- 119 fire testing, with no credit given for concrete barrier heat sink or recognition that the hot spot created by the unprotected thermal short on the exposed barrier side will be localized. An 1100°F temperature was utilized for the following configurations: Fireproofing is single sided and no unprotected attachments larger than Unistrut are present on either barrier side. Fireproofing is provided on both barrier sides and an unprotected attachment larger than Unistrut is not in close proximity (within two feet) of an unprotected attachment on the opposing barrier side.
An unexposed side temperature assignment of 1100°F for the above configurations is a an acceptable approach based on subtraction of ASTM E-119 furnace temperature (1925°F) from Reference 3.4 and 3.5 thermocouple data (1 ,lOO°F). This yields an approximate 825°F temperature drop across the exposed fireproofing during ASTM E- 1 19 fire endurance testing. For PFSSD circuits and IEEE-383 cable, an insult temperature limitation of 700°F was utilized.
A temperature limitation of 400°F was utilized for other Class A combustibles. These temperature limitations are consistent with M-663-00017A, Section 7.2.3. Figure 6-1 reflects the review process utilized to assess HAZ impact.
M-663-000 17 A Attachment G5 Revision W03 Walkdown thermal short & building steel incorporated into Appendix R barriers to determine if circuits and/or exposed combustibles are present in the HAZ (within 2' of barrier of concern).
Assign unexposed side temperature (1925°F or 11QQ°F). 1) Document in M-663-00017A Attachment G data sheet for unprotected thermal short. No 2) Implement design control for scheduled circuit(s) to ensure HAZ issue is addressed if circuit(s) is to be credited for PFSSD in the future. No Document in M-663-00017A Attachment G data sheet for unbounded thermal shorts Yes Further Action Required to Address Issue:
- Evaluation or
- Field Work Required Page 7 of 15 Yes Further Action Required to Address Issue:
- Evaluation or
- Field Work Required Figure 6-1, Heat Affected Zone Review Process M-663-00017A Attachment G5 Revision W03 Page 8 of 15 7.0 Evaluation
7.1 Where
structural steel is incorporated into a 10 CFR 50 Appendix R barrier, one- sided protection does not satisfy cold side temperatures, when considering an ASTM E-119 3-hour design basis fire. The one-sided protection configuration will not allow flame passage through the barrier. However, it could result in temperatures up to 1100°F or 1925OF on the unexposed steel surface of the barrier. Each room was reviewed for HAZ impact in effort to document each raceway and insitu combustibles within two (2) feet of the barrier segment containing steel protected with cementitious fireproofing to ensure PFFSD is not impacted.
In addition, two-side protection with unprotected attachments can also produce localized high temperatures. Therefore, protected steel with unprotected attachments was also reviewed for HAZ impact at barriers separating fire areas. No credit was given to area suppression systems, in effort to achieve a level of conservatism in the analysis process. One sided structural steel fireproofing is determined to be "F" rated only and does not satisfy "T" rating requirements when exposed to a design basis fire.
Specification A-126, Section 7.1 states in part, "stair towers and elevator construction shall be protected from external hazards", thus in these cases structural steel fireproofing was not required on both sides of the barrier.
Where these barriers provide 10 CFR 50 Appendix R separation, this configuration does not satisfy maximum cold side temperature limitations required by the WCNOC Fire Protection Program (250°F plus ambient for fire barrier construction and 325°F plus ambient for fire barrier penetration seals). Therefore, each location where one-sided fireproofing or significant attachments are present was evaluated for HAZ impact to ensure PFSSD is not affected.
As such, any racewaylcircuit or component within 2 feet of the one-sided protected barrier steel and/or two-sided protected steel with large thermal shorts will be considered within the HAZ and will be evaluated for PFSSD impact utilizing the Figure 6-1 methodology. Thermal shorts attached to stairwell steel will not impact the structural integrity of the steel or induce steel failure due to the corbel support afforded by the under supporting walls.
Table II defines the review scope and identifies the communicating rooms and fire areas along with the raceways that are potentially subject to thermal insult, based on proximity to the barriers evaluated. Each room and raceway (where applicable) is dispositioned in the "Comments/Disposition" Section of Table II, with reference provided to the appropriate evaluation paragraph section below.
Area walkdown reviews revealed that no insitu combustibles (other than IEEE- 383 cable) were located within the HAZ for each of the Table II areas. Appendix G5A documents the result of the Fire Protection reviews and assessments for each room and area listed in Table II, below. The data sheets contain relevant information for each location reviewed for HAZ impact.
Fire M*663-000 17 A Attachment G5 Revision W03 Room Bldg ArH A-1 1201 Aux A*l 1116 Aux 1117 1407 Aux A-5 1119 Aux Awe Aux A-6 1127 Aux Aux A-8 1320 Aux 1321 Aux A-26 1405 Aux Elev. 1988-0 1974-0 2026-0 1988-0 2000-0 2047-6 1974-0 2000-0 2000.0 2000.0 2026-0 TABLE II HAZ Barrier Review RooJq DeacriAIIoft:
RoonWArit Arela Vestibule 1201 ' 1119 A-1 A-5 Boric Acid 1116 1301 Tank Room B A-3 A-8 Boric Acid 1111 1320 Tank Room A A-3 A-8 Boric Acid 1407 1408 Batching A-3 A-16 Tank Area Aux. Stair A-1 1119 1201 A-5 A-1 1321 A-8 1502 A-20 Aux. Stair A-2 1127 1120 A-6 A-1 1320 A*8 Aux. Corridor 1320 1127 No.4 A-8 A-6 Exit Vestibule 1321 1119 A-8 ' A-5 Chemical 1405 1401 Storage Area A-26 A-16 Page 9 of 15 (Inches) 19250f= 1 ). No HAZ review required , no items N/A in close proximity. Bounded 1.) No HAZ review required , N/A embedded steel (Concrete) on backside. Bounded 1.) No HAZ review required.
N/A embedded steel (Concrete) on backside. Bounded 1.) No HAZ review required, N/A embedded steel (Concrete) on backside. 1100°F 1). No HAZ review required, no items NIA in close proximity. 1925°F 1 ). No HAZ review required , no items N/A in close proximity. 11 00DF-R Items 1, 2 & 3 ate NOT PFSSD: 4" (R)1 1 ). Conduit 5U4B8R, See Section 7.1.3, NO Set Route Control Required 4" (R)1 2). Conduit 6U1214, See Section 7 .1.3, NO Set Route Control Required 4" (R)1 3). Conduit 5C1014, See Section 7.1.3, NO Set Route Controi'Required 1925°F 1). No HAZ review required , no items N/A in close proximity. 1925'F.C Items 1 and 2 are NOT PFSSD. 11CJOIIF-R Item 3 Jj PFSSD: %"(C), 1). Conduits 1J1E10, Set Route Control Required See Section 7.1.2 1%" (C)1 2). Conduit 1 U1 F2G, Set Route Control Required See Section 7 .1.2 4" (C), 3). Conduit 4U305H, Set Route Control Required See Sedion 7.1.6 11 00'F-R Item 1 is NOT PFSSD: 14%" (R)1 1 ). Conduit 4J3C1 E. See Section 7 .1.3, NO Set Route Control Required 110o<'F-R 1). No HAZ review required , no items N/A in close proximity. Bounded 1.) No HAZ review required, N/A embedded steel (Concre te) on baCkside.
Fb M-663-00017 A Attachment GS Revision W03 ...... -Area C-2 3106 Cntrl C-3 3105 Cntrl 3201 Cntrl Cntrl Cntrl Cntrl Cntrt Cntrl I C-8 3229 Cntrl Elev. Raoot Dlscrlplktn:
1974-0 Electrical Chase 1974-0 Electrical Chase 1984-0 Control Bu il d ing, Stair C-1 2000-0 2016-0 2032-0 2047-6 2073-0 ' 1984-0 i Electrical Chase Roonlil Fli8-ANM ' 3106 3103 C-2 C-1 3105 3101 C-3 C-1 3201 I ()SAC C-6 C-6 ; 3201 3302 C-6 C-10 3201 3403 C-6 C-15 3201 3501 C-6 C-21 3201 3605 C-6 C-17 3201 3801 C-6 C-22 3229 3204 C-6 Page 10 of 15 . . .. (Inches) -t1 oo-F-R Items 1, 2 & 3 are NOTPFSSD:
6" (C), 1). Cable Tray 5J1A90, See Section 3" (R)1 7.1.3. NO Set Route Control Required 6" (C), 2). Cable Tray 5U4A90. See Section 3" (R)1 7.1.3, NO Set Route Control Required ... 6" (C)1 3). Cable Tray 5U1890 , See Section 3" (R)1 7.1.3 , NO Set Route Control Requ i red .. ... 11orF-R Items 1 & 2 are .NOT PFSSD: 9" (C)' 1)-Cable Tray 6U1 890, See Section 7"(R), 7 .1.3, NO Set Route Control Required 1 , I . 6" (C)1 2). Cable Tray 6U3G90, See Section 2" (R), 7 .1.3, I NO Set Route Control Required 1100°F-R 1). NJA lighting conduit, Same Fire NIA Area, No HAZ review required, See Section 7.1.1 , no items ln close JProxi mity. . . 1925°F-R 1). NIA lighting and communications N/A conduit No HAZ review required, See Section 7 .1.1. no items in *Close prox i mity. 1 925'F-R Items 1 is NOT PFSSD and Item 2l§_PFSSD: 23" (C)1 1 ). Cable Tray 6J8D22, See Section 1s-(R)1 7 .1.3 , NO Set Route Control Required 23" (C)1 2). Cable Tray 6U3E21 , S.t Route 3" (R)1 Control Required See Se<:tion 7 .. 1.5 11000,F-C 1). Lighting conduit , SameFwe Area, N/A No HAZ review required , 'See Section 7.1.1 , no items in close proximity. 1 1oo-F-R Item 11s NOT PFSSD: 14" (R)1 1). Conduit 6J1T1A, See Section 7 .1.3, NO Set Route Control Required 1 t25"F.C Items 2 & 3 **Te NOT PFSSD: 21" (C)1 2}. Conduit 4J3006, Set Route Contro l Requir.d See Seetioo 7.1.2 r (C)1 3). Conduit 4J3007 , Set Route Control Ragulr.d See Se<:tion 7.1.2 11000F-R 1). 'No HAZ review required , items noted were Lighting and D.etection N/A conduits no othei *items in close proximity , See Section 7.1.1. I 11 IJOIIF-R Item 1 is t!S!I. PFSSD: i (R)1 1 ). Cable Tray 6U3G90, See Section 7 .1.3 , NO Set Route Control Required "
Fire M-663-00017 A Attachment GS Revision W03 -Ana C-9 3301 I Cntrl I I I C-11 3305 Cntrl C-13 3415 Cntrl C-15 3403 Cntrl 3404 Cntrl 3405 Cntrl 3410 Cntr1 C-16 3409 Cntr1 C*17 3418 Cntrl C-18 3419 Cntrl C-21 3501 Cntrl a.v. 2000-0 I 2000-0 2016-0 2016-0 2016-0 2016-0 2016-0 2016-0 2016-0 2016-0 2032-0 RQOIII CC 1:' oe.crtptlon
- .... ESF 3306 Switchgear C-9 C-12 Room No.1 Electrical 3305 3302 Chase C-11 C-10 Access Ctrl & 3415 3416 ElecEquip C-13 C-14 AJC Units No. 1 Non-Vital 3403 3404 Swgr& Xfmr e-15 C-15 RmNo.1 Switchboar d 3404 I 3403 I RmNo.4 C-15 C-15 Battery Rm 3405 3406 No.4 C-15 C-35 Switchboard 3410 3418 RmNo. 2 C-15 C-17 Non-Vital 3409 3401 Swgr&Xfmr C-16 C-35 RmNo.2 Bectrical 3418 3410 Chase C17 C-15 Electrical 3419 3414 Chase C-18 C-16 Lower Cable 3501 3505 Spreading C-21 C*23 Room Page 11 of 15 . (lnc:hn) -11QOIF.R hem 1
& Item 2 is NOTPFSSD:
6" (C), 1 ). Cable Tray 5C8Q81 , See Section 4" (R)1 7.1.4, NO Sat !Route Control Required s* {C)1 2). Cable Tray 5C6A81, See Section 2" (R), 7.1.3, NO Set Route Control Required 110CJIIF-R Items 1 & 2 are !iQI PFSSD: s* (R)1 1 ). Cable Trays 6J1S70, See Section 7.1.3 , NO Set Route Control Required -----23" (R)1 2). Cable Trays 6U3H70, See Seclion 7. 1.3, NO Set Route Control Required 1100'f.C hems 1& 2 Me NOTP,FSSD: (C), 1 ). Conduit 4U3061, Set Rout. Control Required See Section 7.1.2 1125'f'.C Item 2 Is !!QL PFSSD: 12" (C)1 2). Conduit 6U3069, Set Route 2" (R)1 Control Required See Section 7.1.2 Sounded 1 }. No HAZ Issue, Lighting Conduit Only, See Room 3201-2016, No HAZ NIA review required 1 Bounded 1). Same Fire Area, No HAZ*review NfA required 'Bounded 1 ). Same Fire Area. No HAZ review !JIA required 1100-F-R Item 1 is NOT P.FSS: 12" (C)1 1). Conduit 5J3027 , See Section 10* (R)1 7.1.3, NO Set Route Control Required 11000F-R 1 ), No HAZ review required, no items NJ.A in close proximity. . 1100'F-R Items 1 and 2 ARE PFSSD and Item 3 is NOT PFSSD: 8" (R)1 1). cable Tray 6C8A60, See Section 7.1.4, NO Set Route Control Requ i red 8" (R)1 2). cable Tray 6U3H60 See Section 7.1.4 , NO Set Route Control Reqvired 8" (R)1 3). Cable Tray6J1A60, See Section 7 .1.3, NO Set Route Control Required 1100"F-R Item 1 ia NOT PFSSD and 'Item ! 21SPFSSD:
8" (C), 1). Cable Tray 5C8A70, See Section 3" (R}1 7 .1.3, NO Set Route Control Required ' a* (C), 2). Cable Tray 5C8Q70, See Section 3" (R)1 7.1.4, NO Set Route Control Required 11000F-R 1 ). See Room 3505, Item 1. No HAZ N/A review required, no items in close proximity.
FJre M-663-00017A Attachment G5 Revision W03 ..... Bldg Area ' C-22 3801 Cntrl *C-23 3505 Cntrl C-27 3605 Cntrl C-30 3617 Cntrl C-35 3406 Cntrl 3412 Cntrl C-36 C36 Cntrl C-37 C37 Cntrt F-4 6203 Fuel F*5 6202 Fuel I Table Notes: EIW. Room o.crlptlon
- 2073-0 Upper Cable Spreading Room 2032-0 Electrical Chase 2047-6 Equipment Cabinet Area 2047-6 Electrical Chase 2016-0 Corridor No. 2 2016-o Emergency Shower& Eyewash Area 2000-0 Cable .Chase @CA-C6 , 2000-0 to 2016-0, 2000-0 Cable Chase @CA-C3 , 20DO-oto 2016-0 2026-0 Air Handling Equipment Room 2026-0 Electrica l Equipment Room Page 12 of 15 ---ROOIIIII .. ' .; T Arela (Inc hes) 3801 3201 11000F-R 1 ). No HAZ Issue , Gatronics Conduit C-22 C-6 N/A Only , See Section 7.1.1 3505 3501 t100"F-R Item 1 is NOT PFSSD: --C-23 C-21 T(R)1 1). cable Tray 6J1A56, See Section 7.1.3, NO Set Route Control Required 3605 3617 N/A 1). See Room 3617 , Duplicate HAZ C-27 C-30 . -3617 3605 t100'F-R Items 1, 2 & 3 are NOT PFS.SD: C-30 C-27 18" (C)1 1 ). Conduit 4J1 032, Set Route %-(R), Control Required See Section 7.1.2 8" (R)1 2). Cable Tray 6J1A40, See Section 7.1.3. NO Set Route Conlrol Required ' 8" (R)1 3). Cable Tray 6C8A40 , See Section 7.1.3 , NO Set Route Control Required 3406 3405 11000F-R 1). Grid Plug Mounting , No HAZ C-35 C-15 I N/A review required. No HAZ Issues ; 3412 3101 11WF-R Items 1, 2 and 3 are NOT C-35 C-1 I PFSSD: Duct 2" (C), 1). Conduit 4U1 E2N, Set 'Route Control Required See Section 7.1.2 Chase 2"(C)1 2). Conduit to JB 4U3045 , Set Route Control Required See Section 7.1.2 2" (C), 3). Conduit to JB 4U3046 , Set Route Control Required See Sec:.tion 7.1.2 3412 3411 11WF-R Item 1 is NOT PFSSD: C-35 C-15 8" (C), 1). Conduit 4U1E2N , See Section 2" (R)1 7.1.3, NO Set Route Control Requ i red C36 3302 1100"f-R 1 ). Conduits in close proximity enter C-36 C-10 adjacent FA, No HAZ I ssue N/A Elec. 3301 Bounded Item 1 is NOT PFSSD: Chase C-9 1%" 1). Conduit 2U1034 , See Section C*37 (R)1 7 .1.3, NO Set Route Control Required Unislrul only, no thermal impact 6203 6202 1925°.F-C Item 1 is !:!QLPFSSD:
F-4 F-5 NIA 1). Conduit 6J6014. Assumed failed, see Room 6202 6202 6203 1925"F.C Item 1 is NOT PFSSD: F-5 F-4 14" (C)1 1). Conduit 6.16014, Set Route Control Requl.,.d See Section 7.1.2 1. To determine acceptable air gap distance , conductive pathways , estimated exposure temperature is based on existing steel protection configuration and whether the exposure i s C-Conduct i on or R*Radianl In each case , the worse case Conductive and Radiant distance is used, either cumulative or a s i ngle thennal pathway exposure were reviewed as applicable.
M-663-000 1 7A Attachment G5 Revision W03 Page 13 of 15 7.1.1 Unscheduled conduit such as communication, fire detection and general plant lighting are not considered relevant to PFSSD and are not evaluated for PFSSD impact. Cabling contained within conduit cannot support combustion, propagate flame or hot gases. Therefore, fire propagation is not credible. Scheduled Non-PFSSD conduits referring to this section are located within the HAZ and cable within the conduits have the potential to sustain damage from heat transmission through the barrier segment fabricated from building steel protected with cementitious fireproofing, as postulated temperature exposure exceeds 700°F for the respective raceway. However, fire propagation will not occur, as cabling contained within conduit cannot support combustion, propagate flame or hot gases; therefore, fire propagation is not credible. Future use of these raceways shall be restricted or may require field modification if they are credited for PFSSD in the future.
E-15000 set-route control is required for these raceways to ensure future raceway use continue to satisfy the conclusions of this evaluation. Referenced E-15000 set-route changes were completed by change package 01 2323. 7.1.3 Scheduled Non-PFSSD conduit and cable tray raceways referring to this section have been determined to have sufficient distance from the point of thermal insult and will not be thermally affected by conductive or radiant heat on the unexposed barrier side. This determination is supported by use of the air gap methodology described in M-663-00017A, Section 7.2.3, which credits air space to reduce exposure temperatures to cabling and combustibles within or adjacent to the HAZ. Each HAZ issue was reviewed to ensure combustibles on the unexposed side of the barrier would not be affected by radiant energy and/or auto-ignition. Air gaps and thermal short distances were measured to permit use of the 222OF temperature drop rule for every 1" of air gap. After considering the air gap distance, each of the HAZ issues would have to meet acceptable cable exposures of
<700°F. Maintaining exposure temperatures below this limitation will ensure that fire propagation cannot occur, and the raceway will not be affected through conduction or radiant heat. 7.1.4 PFSSD credited conduit or cable tray raceways referring to this section have been determined to have sufficient distance from the point of thermal insult and will not be thermally affected by conductive or radiant heat on the unexposed barrier side. This determination is supported by use of the air gap methodology described in M-663-00017A, Section 7.2.3, which credits air space to reduce exposure temperatures to cabling and combustibles within or adjacent to the HAZ. Each HAZ issue was reviewed to ensure combustibles on the unexposed side of the barrier would not be affected by radiant energy andlor auto-ignition. Air gaps and thermal short distances were measured to permit use of the 222OF temperature drop rule for every 1" of air gap. After considering the air gap distance, each of the HAZ issues would have to meet acceptable cable exposures of
<700°F. Maintaining exposure temperatures below this limitation will ensure that fire propagation cannot occur, and the raceway will not be affected through conduction or radiant heat.
M-663-00017A Attachment G5 Revision W03 Page 14 of 15 7.1.5 PFSSD credited cable tray 6U3E21, located in Room 3403, is a 12" X 4" open cable tray in close proximity to a 6" x .375 thick I beam that is attached to the building steel.
The building steel separates 10 CFR 50 Appendix R fire areas and is protected on the cable tray side with cementitious fireproofing (one-sided protection). The exposed side of the barrier is Room 3201, North Control Building Stairwell. The cable tray is 23" away from the postulated exposure temperature of 1925OF as determined by the steel configuration and one-side fireproofing. Conservatively applying the M-663-00017A, Table 7.2.3-2B review distance for a 12" diameter pipe, in relation to the 6" beam, reveals that at 24" the thermal exposure would be approximately 1209°F. Application of the air gap methodology of 222°F drop per 1" air gap reveals an approximate temperature of 543°F for the cables within the tray of concern. This is less than the 700°F insult temperature limitation for the IEEE-383 cable. However, this raceway requires E-15000 set route control to ensure future cable additions consider impact to this evaluation. This E-15000 set-route change was completed by change package 01 2323. 7.1.6 PFSSD credited conduit 4U3D5H, located in Room 1320 is a 3" rigid steel conduit supported by a 4" tube steel and Unistrut design mounted to the vertical column separating fire areas. The conduit contains PFSSD cabling associated with BIT injection. The building steel separates 10 CFR 50 Appendix R fire areas and is protected on the conduit side with cementitious fireproofing (one-sided protection). The exposed side of the barrier is Room 1127, North Auxiliary Building Stairwell.
The conduit is 4" away and mounted directly on to the conductive path to the postulated exposure temperature of 1925OF, as determined by the steel configuration and one-side fireproofing. The thermal path is conductive and thermal failure is expected due to the close proximity of the conduit to the exposure temperature of 1925OF. A fire in A-6 does not require BIT injection. Seal injection is available with no inventory loss through letdown. Therefore, PFSSD capability is not affected if a fire would occur in Fire Area A-6. However, this raceway requires E-15000 set route control to ensure future cable additions consider impact to this evaluation. This E-15000 set-route change was completed by change package 01 2323. 7.2 Post Fire Safe Shutdown Impact There is no impact to PFSSD capability, as the evaluation demonstrates that steel integral to 10 CFR 50 Appendix R fire barriers will prevent fire propagation. The comprehensive walkdown review for each of the areas revealed that no exposed insitu combustibles or PFSSD capability is negatively affected by the steel fire barrier segments.
M-663-00017A Attachment G5 Revision W03 Page 15 of 15 8.0 Conclusions Based on physical plant walk downs, reviews and assessments performed by Fire Protection the room and areas identified in Table II above, contain protected structural steel that separate 10 CFR 50 Appendix R fire areas. Each of these barriers vary in configuration, some with one-sided protection and others with two-sided protection with unprotected attachments that could induce heat through the barrier beyond WCNOC cold side temperature limitations, if an ASTM E-119 three hour fire were to occur in the adjacent fire area. Therefore, each raceway that was located within the HAZ was reviewed for potential impact to PFSSD. All raceways listed in Table II above have been determined to be acceptable and do not affect PFSSD considering the protective coating or thermal short configurations that are present.
It is reasonable to conclude that the building steel integral to a fire barrier will satisfy regulatory expectations and commitments as well as WCNOC Fire Protection Program requirements, to prevent fire propagation and unacceptable thermal insult to raceways on the unexposed side of the fire barrier.
M-663-00017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-1 of G5A-63 Structural SteeI Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Room-Elevation:
1201 -1 988 Building:
Auxitiary Fire Area: A-0 1
Vestibule Room Sketch: HA2 #1 Sketch HA2 #1 Photo HAZ #1 Sketch. M63-00017A, Revision W03 Page =A-2 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Roam-Elevation:
11 16-1 974 Building:
Auxiliary Flre Area: A-03
Boric Acid Tank Room B Room Sketch HAZ #I Photo M46340017R Revislon W03 Page G5A-3 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA Room-Elevation:
11 17-1 974 Build tng: Auxiliary Fire Area: A-03
Boric Acid Tank Room 4 Room Sketch: HAZ #I Sketch i w#Pl Photo M-66340017A, Revision W03 Page G5A4 of GW-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendlx G~A Room-Elevation:
1407-2026 Building:
Auxiliary Fire Area: A-03
Boric Acid Batching Tank Area Room Sketch: HA2 #I Sketch HAZ ##I Photo
&66300017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-5 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA Room-Elevation:
It 19-1988 Building:
Aux. Stair A-l & A-1A Room Sketch: Fire Area: HA2 #'I Sketch tJAZ #I Photo M-663-00017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-6 of G5A# . Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA I Room-Elevation:
1 1 1 9-2000
Aux. Stair A-l & A-1A Room Sketch: Building:
Auxiliary HAZ #I Sketch HAZ#l Photo No photo required.
Fire Area: A-05 1 M-663-00017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-7 of G5A-63 I Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A 11 19-2000 HAZ #2 Sketch HA2 #2 Photo A-663-000 t7A. Revision W03 Page G5A-8 of GSA-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendlx GSA Room-Elevation:
I 1 14-2047
Aux. Stair A-1 & A-1A Room Sketch: Building:
Auxiliary HAZ #I Sketch HAZ#1 Photo Fire Area:
M-663.00017k Revision W03 Paae G5A-9 of G5A-83 I Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendlx G~A Room-Elevation:
1 127-1 974 Building:
Aux. Stair A-2 Room Sketch: Fire Area: A-06 HA2 #I Sketch M-683-00017A.
Revision W03 Page GSA-I 0 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA 1 127-1 974 HA2 #2 Sketch BW M ! 'I HAZ #2 Photo M46%00017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-I 1 of G5A43 HAZ #1 Sketch I7 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Room-Elevation:
1 127-2000 Building:
Auxiliary Fire Area: A-06
Aux. Stair A-2 Room Sketch: i . f - L W:'t~vro 7- bb: 1~1r+s $r5~4t01j A-A HAZ #I Photo MS63-00017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-72 of G5A-63 HA2 # Photo Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A I 1274000 HAZ #2 Sketch Il- 1, s- t.*?51& - Rkre . - U4W ru*w4 &md M-663-00017A, Revision W03 Page GSA-I 3 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendlx GSA 11 27-2000 HAZ #3 Sketch HAZ #3 Photo M-683-00017A, Revision W03 Paae G5A-14 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A I Room-Elevation:
1 127-2026
Aux. Stair A-2 Room Sketch: Auxiliary mu- liy *-- pm-] - HA2 #1 Sketch Wm ur*tw4 HAZ #1 Photo Fire Area:
Revision W03 Page G5A-15 of G5A-63 HAZ #I Sketch Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA Room-Elevation:
1320-2000 Building:
Auxltiary Fire Area: A-08
Corridor No. 4 Room Sketch:
hrFBBM0017A, Revision WO% P8ge G5A-16 of G5A-63 1 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data AppendixGSA 1 Room-Elevation:
1 321 -2000 Building:
Auxiliary Fire Area: A48 I Exit Vestibule Room Sketch: HAZ #1 Sketch HA2 #I Photo hlb photo required.
d46%00017A, Revision W03 Paae GSA-17 of G5A# Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA Room-Elevation:
Chemical Storage Area Room Sketch Building:
Auxiliary HAZ #I Sketch Fire Area:
M-663-00017A, Revision W03 Page GSA-18 of GW-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Room-Elevation:
Electrical Chase Building:
Control Room Sketch: HAZ #1 Sketch Fire Area:
Pase G5A-f 9 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Room-Elevation:
Electrical Chase Building:
Control Room Sketch: HAZ #I Photo Flre Area:
tlAZ #2 Photo M-663-00017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-20 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A 31 05-d 974 HAZ #2 Sketch ; 11
- M-663-00017A, Revision W03 P8ge G5A-21 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Room-Elevation:
3201-1984 Building:
Control Fire Area: C-06 Control, Stair Gl Room Sketch: HAZ #l Sketch No sketch required.
'I 7 . , - -- HA2 #I Photo M63-00017A.
Revision W03 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA Room-Elevation:
Control Fire Area:
Control, Stair GI Room Sketch: HA2 #l Sketch - HAZ #I Photo M-66300017R Revision W03 Page G5A-23 of GW-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendlx GSA I HA2 #2 Sketch HAZ Skaeh 2 HAZ #2 Photo M-B6340017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-24 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Room-Elevation:
Control Fire Area:
Contr~I. Stair C-I Room Sketch: HAZ #f Sketch HAZ #I Photo M-663-000 17A, Revision W03 Page GSA-25 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA 3201 -201 6 HA2 #2 Sketch HAZ #2 Photo HAZ #l Sketch M66340017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-26 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA Room-Elevation; 3201 -2032 8uilding:
Control Fire Area: C-06
Control, Stair C1 Room Sketch:
Page G5A-27 of G5A# HAZ #2 Photo Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A 3201 -2032 HAZ #2 Sketch M-66340017A Revision W03 Page GSA-28 of G5A43 I Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA I Rwm-Elevation:
320 1 -2047 Building:
Control Fire Area: GO6 I Descri pf ion: Control. Stair C1 Room Sketch:
HAZ #2 Sketch HAZ #2 Photo SLLT;~ A-A
- M-663-00017A Revision W03 HA2 #3 Sketch HAZ #3 Photo Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A 3201 -2047 Page G5A-30 of G5A-63 M-663-OMll7A Revision W03 Page G5A-31 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA Room-Elevation:
Control, Stair C-I Bullding:
Control Fire Area: Room Sketch: HAZ #I Sketch HAZ M Photo d-663-00017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-32 of G5A# Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA Room-Elevation:
3229-1 984 Building:
Control Fire Area: C-08
Electrical Chase Room Sketch: HAZ #I Sketch A-663-0001 7A. Revision W03 Page G5A-33 of G5A43 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA Room-Elevation:
Control - Fire Area:
Room ESF Switchgear Rwm No. 1 Sketch: r--t*roul HAZ #1 Sketch vlor pkWLLSi. w HAZ ##l Photo No photo requited.
M-663-00017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-34 of G5A-63 StructuraI Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Room-Elevation:
Control Fire Area:
Electrical Chase HA2 #1 Sketch tlAZ #I Photo M-663-OQ017A Revision W03 Page G5A-35 of G5A-63 HA2 #2 Photo Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A 33053000 HAZ #2 Sketch HAZ #I Sketch I HAZ #I Photo 1-663-0001 7A, Revision W03 Page G5A-37 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA 3415-201 6 HAZ #2 Sketch HA2 #2 Photo 4463-00017A, Revision WO3 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A HAZ #3 Photo M-663-00017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-30 of G5A43 HA2 #I Sketch Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA Room-Elevation:
3403-201 6 Building:
Control Fire Area: C-15
Non-Vital Swgr & Xfrnr Rm No. f Room Sketch : HA2 #l Photo HA2 #2 Photo M-663-00017A, Revgin W03 Page G5A-40 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA 3403-201 6 HA2 #2 Sketch I M-663-00017A, Revision W03 HAZ #I Sketch Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA Room-Elevation:
3404-201 6 Building:
Control Fire Area: C-15
Switchboard Rm No. 4 Room Sketch: Page G5A41 of G5A-63 HA2 #I Photo I No photo required.
HA2 #l Sketch M-663-00017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-42 of 05A43 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Room-Elevation:
3405-201 6 Building:
Control Fire Area: C-15
Battery Rm No. 4 Room Sketch: %norJ A-A HA2 #1 Photo M-66340017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-43 of G5A43 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G5A Room-Elevation:
341 0-201 6 Building:
Control Fire Area: C-15
Switchboard Rm No. 2 Room Sketch: HAZ #I Photo M-663-00017A, Revision W03 Pane G5A-44 of G5A4 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A 3410-2016 HAZ #2 Sketch HA2 #2 Photo A-563-00017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-45 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendlx G~A 341 0-201 6 HIU #3 Sketch HAZ #3 Photo d-gs3-00017A.
Revision W03 Page G5A4 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendlx G~A Room-Elevation:
3409-201 6 Bu3ldirtg:
Control Fire Area: C-I6
Non-Vital Swgr & Xfmr Rm No. 2 Room Sketch: HA2 #l Sketct HAZ #1 Sketch M-883-00017A, Revision W03 - - Page GWd? of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Room-Elevation:
341 8-201 6 Bullding:
Control Fire Area: C-17
Electrical Chase Room Sketch: m_- a204 I on\ , Lsl . - WlUX7 - I SeCfIW A-A HA2 #I Photo r
&663-000 17A, Revision WOS Page G5A-48 of GW-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA 341 8-201 6 HAZ #2 Sketch HAZ #2 Photo Haz #3 Sketch eusw Uluw --1' .HA2 #3 Photo M-g63-000f 7A, Revision W03 Page G5A-49 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendlx G~A 341 8-201 6 HA2 #1 Sketch M463-00017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-50 of GSA-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Room-E levat ion: 341 9-201 6 Building:
Control Fire Area: C-18
Electrical Chase Room Sketch: HAZ #ll Photo Paae G5A-51 of G5A-63 x-, m 1 Q HAZ #I Photo M-663-00017A.
Revision W03 Structural Steel fireproofing Data Appendix G~A I Room-Elevation:
Electrical Chase Room Sketch: Building:
Control GHWE~Y A-A HAZ #I Sketch I- V ieW ukr UQ WEST HAZ #I Photo No photo required.
M48340017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-54 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendlx G~A Room-Elevation
- 361 7-2047 Building:
Control Fire Area: C-30
Electrical Chase Room Sketch: 01 L HM #d Photo Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Room-Elevation:
3406.201 6 Building:
Control Fire Area: C-35
Corridor No. 2 Room Sketch: HA2 #f Sketch HAfakaMl -t i . I .. I II .~14r42~ ##ff .,-~CLTI,U A-R I Q 4t II , HAZ #I Photo A6834001 7A, Revision W03 Page G5A-56 of MA43 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix GSA 3406-201 6 HAZ #2 Sketch HAZ #2 Photo M-663-00017A, Revision W03 Paae G5A-57 of G5A-83 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Room-Elevation:
Control Fire Area: Emergency Shower & Eyewash Area Room Sketch: -1 HAZ #I Sketct A HAZ #I Photo M-663-00017R Revision W03 Page G5A-58 of G5A-63 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A 341 2-201 6 HAZ #2 Sketch HAZ #3 Sketch HA2 #3 Photo M-663-00017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-S of G5A-63 Structural Steel fireproofing Data Appendix G~A 341 2-201 6 HAZ #I Sketch - M-3-00017A, Revision W03 Page G5A-60 of G5A-63 3 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Room-Elevation:
C036-2000 Building:
Control Fire Area: C-36
Cable Chase @ CA-C6,2000-0 to 2016-0, Room Sketch: HAZ #1 Photo M-663-0001
?A. Revision W03 Page MA41 of G5A-63 HA2 #I Sketch Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendlx GSA Room-Elevation:
C037-2000 Building:
Control Fire Area: C-37
Cable Chase @ CA-C3,2000-0 to 20160 Room Sketch: HA2 #I Photo d-6$900017A, Revleion W03 Page G5A-62 of G5A-83 Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A C037-2000 HAZ #2 Sketch HA2 #2 Photo M463400f 7A, Revision W03 Page G5AS3 of G5A-63 HAZ #1 Sketch C,., WCK ... Structural Steel Fireproofing Data Appendix G~A Room-Elevation:
6202-2026 Building:
Fuel Fire Area: F-05
Electrical Equipment Room Room Sketch :
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation M-663-00017A.
Revision W01 Page i of I Attachment H Fire Protection Evaluations for Unique or Unbounded Firestop and Cable Tray Cover Configurations (There are currently no evaluations in this attachment)