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Official Exhibit - SHN-029-MA-CM01 - Shine Presentation Slides: Environmental Panel
Person / Time
Site: SHINE Medical Technologies
Issue date: 12/08/2015
SHINE Medical Technologies
Mandatory Hearing 2, RAS 28628, 50-608-CP
Download: ML15351A285 (11)


United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Official Hearing Exhibit In the Matter of: SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

(Medical Radioisotope Production Facility)

Commission Mandatory Hearing Docket #: 05000608 Exhibit #: SHN-029-MA-CM01 Identified: 12/15/2015 Admitted: 12/15/2015 Withdrawn:

Rejected: Stricken:

Other: Exhibit SHN-029 Commission Mandatory Hearing SHINE Construction Permit Application E i Environmental l Overview O i December 15, 2015

Development of the Environmental Report Began work October 2011 SHINE production facility will be located in Janesville, Rock County Wisconsin County, Environmental Report follows the Final Interim Staff Guidance A

Augmenting ti NUREG-1537 NUREG 1537 2

Structure and Content of the Environmental Report Chapter Contents 19.1 - Introduction Purpose and need for the proposed action, Regulatory provisions, permits and required consultations 19.2 - Proposed Action Site location and layout, Radioisotope facility description, Water consumption and treatment, Cooling and heating dissipation systems, Waste systems, St Storage, treatment t t t and d transportation t t ti off radioactive di ti and d nonradioactive di ti materials, including LEU, waste, radioisotopes and any other materials 19.3 - Description of the Land use and visual resources, Air quality and noise, Geologic environment, Affected Environment Water resources, Ecological resources, Historic and cultural resources, Socioeconomics, Human health 19.4 - Impacts of the Land use and visual resources, Air quality and noise, Geologic environment, Proposed Construction, Water resources, Ecological resources, Historic and cultural resources, Operations, and Socioeconomics, Human health, Waste management, Transportation, Decommissioning Postulated accidents, Environmental justice, Cumulative effects 19 5 - Alternatives 19.5 No-action No action alternative alternative, Reasonable alternatives alternatives, Cost Cost-benefit benefit of the alternatives alternatives, Comparison of potential environmental impacts 19.6 - Conclusions Unavoidable adverse environmental impacts, Relationship between short-term uses and long-term productivity of the environment, Irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources 3

Scope of Field Investigations Phase I Environmental Site Assessment General G l Reconnaissance R i Soil Borings/Geotechnical Investigation Well Installation Phase I Archaeological Investigation Baseline Visual Assessment Wetland W tl d Delineation D li ti Quarterly Ecological Investigations Aquatic Ecology Terrestrial Ecology Monthly Water Resources Water Quality Water Levels 4

Context for Data Acquisition Site 91.27 91 27 acre parcel located on the south side of the City of Janesville in Rock County, WI Project Area Circular area with a radius approximately 1 mile from the site center point Region Circular area with a radius of 5 miles from the site center point Larger context as appropriate (e.g., geology, air quality)

Region of Influence Rock R kC County t


Consultations City of Janesville Rock County Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Wisconsin State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)

Wisconsin Wi i DDepartment t t off Transportation T t ti U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Aviation Administration Bureau of Indian Affairs Native American Tribes (13):

Wisconsin Tribes:

Forest County Potawatomi Community, Wisconsin Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin Non-Wisconsin Tribes:

11 Tribal Entities 6

Alternative Sites SHINE

((Janesville)) Chippewa pp Falls Stevens Point No-Action Construction SMALL impacts to all MODERATE impacts MODERATE impacts SMALL impacts to all Impacts resource categories to Visual Resources, to Land Use, Visual resource categories Noise and Resources, Noise, Transportation Ground Water, and Transportation Construction 420 jobs; $635,000 420 jobs; $635,000 420 jobs; $635,000 None Benefits annual property tax annual property tax annual property tax payments payments payments Operation SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all Impacts resource categories resource categories resource categories resource categories Operation 150 jobs; reliable 150 jobs; reliable 150 jobs; reliable None B

Benefits fit source off diagnostic di ti source off diagnostic di ti source off diagnostic di ti isotopes: Mo-99, isotopes: Mo-99, isotopes: Mo-99, I-131, Xe-133; I-131, Xe-133; I-131, Xe-133;

$660,000 annual $660,000 annual $660,000 annual property tax property tax property tax payments payments payments 7

Alternative Technologies Low-Enriched Uranium Linear Aqueous SHINE Accelerator Homogenous Technology Technology Reactor No-Action Construction SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all Impacts resource categories resource categories resource categories resource categories Construction 420 jobs; $635,000 420 jobs; $635,000 420 jobs; $635,000 None Benefits annual property tax annual property tax annual property tax payments p y payments p y payments p y Operation SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all Impacts resource categories resource categories resource categories resource categories Operation 150 jobs; reliable 150 jobs; reliable 150 jobs; reliable None B

Benefits fit source off diagnostic di ti source off Mo-99; M 99 source off diagnostic di ti isotopes: Mo-99, $660,000 annual isotopes: Mo-99, I-I-131, Xe-133; property tax 131, Xe-133;

$660,000 annual payments $660,000 annual property tax property tax payments payments 8

NRC Environmental Site Audit July 30 - August 1, 1 2013 SHINE presentations on the production process and alternative site selection process Janesville site visit Walk down of proposed site Driving D i i ttour Rock River visit Sampling sites 1 and 2 along the unnamed tributary to the Rock River Tour of the Janesville Wastewater Treatment Facility Alternative site visits:

Stevens Point Chippewa Falls Responded to NRC Site Audit Information N d Needs 9

SHINE and The Community SHINE believes the relationships p between the company, Janesville, and Wisconsin are important SHINE favors a policy of transparency with our community it SHINEs actions support these principles Participation in four public meetings per year (two SHINE hosted, two for city council)

SHINE management involvement in community activities Regular discussions with city leadership to coordinate plans Regular updates provided to State of Wisconsin These activities have fostered a relationship p of trust and enthusiasm for the project 10

Conclusions The SHINE environmental review was conducted pursuant to 10 CFR Part 51 and is adequate The requirements of Sections 102(2) (A), (C), and (E) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) have been satisfied SHINEs weighing g g and balancing g of the environmental, technical, and other costs and benefits of the SHINE facility supports issuance of the construction permit 11

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Official Hearing Exhibit In the Matter of: SHINE MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

(Medical Radioisotope Production Facility)

Commission Mandatory Hearing Docket #: 05000608 Exhibit #: SHN-029-MA-CM01 Identified: 12/15/2015 Admitted: 12/15/2015 Withdrawn:

Rejected: Stricken:

Other: Exhibit SHN-029 Commission Mandatory Hearing SHINE Construction Permit Application E i Environmental l Overview O i December 15, 2015

Development of the Environmental Report Began work October 2011 SHINE production facility will be located in Janesville, Rock County Wisconsin County, Environmental Report follows the Final Interim Staff Guidance A

Augmenting ti NUREG-1537 NUREG 1537 2

Structure and Content of the Environmental Report Chapter Contents 19.1 - Introduction Purpose and need for the proposed action, Regulatory provisions, permits and required consultations 19.2 - Proposed Action Site location and layout, Radioisotope facility description, Water consumption and treatment, Cooling and heating dissipation systems, Waste systems, St Storage, treatment t t t and d transportation t t ti off radioactive di ti and d nonradioactive di ti materials, including LEU, waste, radioisotopes and any other materials 19.3 - Description of the Land use and visual resources, Air quality and noise, Geologic environment, Affected Environment Water resources, Ecological resources, Historic and cultural resources, Socioeconomics, Human health 19.4 - Impacts of the Land use and visual resources, Air quality and noise, Geologic environment, Proposed Construction, Water resources, Ecological resources, Historic and cultural resources, Operations, and Socioeconomics, Human health, Waste management, Transportation, Decommissioning Postulated accidents, Environmental justice, Cumulative effects 19 5 - Alternatives 19.5 No-action No action alternative alternative, Reasonable alternatives alternatives, Cost Cost-benefit benefit of the alternatives alternatives, Comparison of potential environmental impacts 19.6 - Conclusions Unavoidable adverse environmental impacts, Relationship between short-term uses and long-term productivity of the environment, Irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources 3

Scope of Field Investigations Phase I Environmental Site Assessment General G l Reconnaissance R i Soil Borings/Geotechnical Investigation Well Installation Phase I Archaeological Investigation Baseline Visual Assessment Wetland W tl d Delineation D li ti Quarterly Ecological Investigations Aquatic Ecology Terrestrial Ecology Monthly Water Resources Water Quality Water Levels 4

Context for Data Acquisition Site 91.27 91 27 acre parcel located on the south side of the City of Janesville in Rock County, WI Project Area Circular area with a radius approximately 1 mile from the site center point Region Circular area with a radius of 5 miles from the site center point Larger context as appropriate (e.g., geology, air quality)

Region of Influence Rock R kC County t


Consultations City of Janesville Rock County Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Wisconsin State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)

Wisconsin Wi i DDepartment t t off Transportation T t ti U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Aviation Administration Bureau of Indian Affairs Native American Tribes (13):

Wisconsin Tribes:

Forest County Potawatomi Community, Wisconsin Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin Non-Wisconsin Tribes:

11 Tribal Entities 6

Alternative Sites SHINE

((Janesville)) Chippewa pp Falls Stevens Point No-Action Construction SMALL impacts to all MODERATE impacts MODERATE impacts SMALL impacts to all Impacts resource categories to Visual Resources, to Land Use, Visual resource categories Noise and Resources, Noise, Transportation Ground Water, and Transportation Construction 420 jobs; $635,000 420 jobs; $635,000 420 jobs; $635,000 None Benefits annual property tax annual property tax annual property tax payments payments payments Operation SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all Impacts resource categories resource categories resource categories resource categories Operation 150 jobs; reliable 150 jobs; reliable 150 jobs; reliable None B

Benefits fit source off diagnostic di ti source off diagnostic di ti source off diagnostic di ti isotopes: Mo-99, isotopes: Mo-99, isotopes: Mo-99, I-131, Xe-133; I-131, Xe-133; I-131, Xe-133;

$660,000 annual $660,000 annual $660,000 annual property tax property tax property tax payments payments payments 7

Alternative Technologies Low-Enriched Uranium Linear Aqueous SHINE Accelerator Homogenous Technology Technology Reactor No-Action Construction SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all Impacts resource categories resource categories resource categories resource categories Construction 420 jobs; $635,000 420 jobs; $635,000 420 jobs; $635,000 None Benefits annual property tax annual property tax annual property tax payments p y payments p y payments p y Operation SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all SMALL impacts to all Impacts resource categories resource categories resource categories resource categories Operation 150 jobs; reliable 150 jobs; reliable 150 jobs; reliable None B

Benefits fit source off diagnostic di ti source off Mo-99; M 99 source off diagnostic di ti isotopes: Mo-99, $660,000 annual isotopes: Mo-99, I-I-131, Xe-133; property tax 131, Xe-133;

$660,000 annual payments $660,000 annual property tax property tax payments payments 8

NRC Environmental Site Audit July 30 - August 1, 1 2013 SHINE presentations on the production process and alternative site selection process Janesville site visit Walk down of proposed site Driving D i i ttour Rock River visit Sampling sites 1 and 2 along the unnamed tributary to the Rock River Tour of the Janesville Wastewater Treatment Facility Alternative site visits:

Stevens Point Chippewa Falls Responded to NRC Site Audit Information N d Needs 9

SHINE and The Community SHINE believes the relationships p between the company, Janesville, and Wisconsin are important SHINE favors a policy of transparency with our community it SHINEs actions support these principles Participation in four public meetings per year (two SHINE hosted, two for city council)

SHINE management involvement in community activities Regular discussions with city leadership to coordinate plans Regular updates provided to State of Wisconsin These activities have fostered a relationship p of trust and enthusiasm for the project 10

Conclusions The SHINE environmental review was conducted pursuant to 10 CFR Part 51 and is adequate The requirements of Sections 102(2) (A), (C), and (E) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) have been satisfied SHINEs weighing g g and balancing g of the environmental, technical, and other costs and benefits of the SHINE facility supports issuance of the construction permit 11