RA15-079, Cycle 16 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR)

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Cycle 16 Core Operating Limits Report (COLR)
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/19/2015
From: Karaba P
Exelon Generation Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML15337A364 (22)


LaSalle County Station 2601North21* Road r Marseilles, lllinois 61341 Je-. Exelon Generation AA15-079 10 CFR 50.4 November 19, 2015 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 LaSalle County Station, Unit 2 Facility Operating License No. NPF-18 NRC Docket No. 50-374


Unit 2 Cycle 16 Core Operating Limits Report (COLA)

In accordance with LaSalle County Station (LSCS) Technical Specifications (TS) 5.6.5.d, 11Core Operating Limits Report (COLA)," attached is a copy of Revision 3 of the COLA for Unit 2.

This report was revised for LSCS Unit 2, Cycle 16 to remove Appendix A, *operating Limits for Lost Jet Pump Seals Mitigation Strategy,* as It is no longer applicable.

Exelon Generation Company, LLC makes no new or revised regulatory commitments in this letter.

Should you have any questions concerning this submittal, please contact Mr. Guy V. Ford, Jr.,

Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (815) 415-2800.



Peter J. Karaba Site Vice President LaSalle County Station


Core Operating Limits Report for LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16, Revision 3 cc: Regional Administrator - NRC Region Ill NRC Senior Resident Inspector- LaSalle County Station

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 1of21 I l

Core Operating Limits Report for LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16 Revision 3 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSale 2 Revision 13 Page 2 of21 I Table of Contents

1. References ......*...*.................
2. T*erms .and Oefinitio.ns ..............

1...................................................................................... 1..................5 u . . . . . . ""' ** u . . . . . . . "" ** " ' . . . . ..

  • n .. . .. . . . ,. .... .. . + .. .-. ...................... + ............. . *.......... ..... ~* *** 6
3. General J.nform.ation ,.............................................. H ******* h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , ...... H * * * * * * .* * +7
4. Avera.ge Planar Unear Heat Generation Rate ... ..... ,,. ...... ~*********m** ................. H ........... H . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5. Operating Limit Minimum Critical Pow-er Ratio .......................... u .................... H **'"h .............. .,..+ ........ 9 5.1. Manual Flow Control MCl?R **

Limits ..................... ,.... ,........,.. ,., ............... ............ H ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . J!.**************.*.**** 9 5.1, 1. Power-Depe.ndent MCPR ....................................... ., ............................................................................ ... 9 5.1.2. FIOW*Dependent MCPR .......................... ,, .....,.. ,~ .......................................... u . . . . . . . . , ** * * * * * .**.*.** n **** . ,.,..9 5.2. Scram Time H H *

  • n . . . . ., . . + * * *** * * * .* ** u . . . . . . .. . . ..,. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +. . . . H .................. ~ . . . . . .. ... ~ . .. . . .. . . . . 9


5.3. Recirculation Ftow Contro1 Valve Settings................................................. * *** ** ********* ** } , .... i.

  • 10


H .........

5.4. OLMCPR Requirements vyith Lost Jet Pump Plug Seals...................... u ............... u10 6 .. Linear Hea*t Generation Rate ...*.. ~ ....................................... u ..... u . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ,. . . . H * * * * , * * .* .*. *

  • 14
7. R.od Block Monitor ...................................... ,....... H., ... .. .... u****u*.-**********u************ ************ .. ****** .. *********u**--***** 1*7

.a. Traversi119 In-Core Probe System .........................~** ******* ...... ~***** ****** *~**** ....... d ................. ,.H,~ .. ** .**.***. 18 u **

a.1. Description*"***********H*******H**************H***************n********************************************* .................. H . . .. , , . , , . . . . . . . . . 1.a 8.2. Bases ............ ~._H .. ****~* *** *x> ***** ** ** **>><>. ***** .. UUHH .. .. .. ......... , . . . .. .. .... . H*** .. *, *H* <<h*4'> ** *nH ** O* **<'** ** * .. * **** " ****. ******. * .* *1a

9. Stability Protection Setpoints ~.'" . H ***** , ..... , ** * * * * * , * * ** * , *** , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ..... H . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 19
10. Modes of Opera.tion
  • u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .,. . . . , . . . . . . . ., , . .. . . . HU****H'"' "'*'" . ...... ...... u . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 11 . Methodotog*y ........................................... .. ......................................................... H . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . ~.*~**~ .,21 ..

LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 3of21 I Rebord of LaSalle 2Cycle16 COLR Revisio~s Revision Description 10 Initial issuance for L2C16 l

1 11 Add short term operational limits to account for potential peripheral orifice blockage due to lost jet pump plug seals!(Appendix A) and longer term operational limit due to potential lower tie plate blockage (reduced MFLCPR limit) 12 Add clarification in Appendix A to add FWHOOS to the list of EOOS that are exempted from the requirement to be in service in the Base Case 13 Remove Appendix A and add this revision list LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 4of21 I List ofTabl,s I 3-1 Cycle Exposure Range Definitions ................... .................. ,................ ................................ .................. ........ 7 4-1 MAPLHGR for GNF2 and GNF3 Fuel ..................... ., .. ".,. **----**"*******, .................... ................................... ........ 8 4-2 MAPLHGR for ATRIUM-10 and ATRIUM-10XM FueL. ...... ...... ., .................................................................. 8 4-3 MAPLHGR SLO Multiplier for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, BOC to EOC ............ 8 1 1 5-1 Scram Times Req uired for Option A and Option B Application at Notch Position 39 ................................. 10 5-2 Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel ..............,. ...................................... ....,... .. ...... ......... "" ................................................ ....... 11 5-3 Power-Dependen~ MCPR Multipliers (Kp) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and AfRIUM-10XM Fuel, DLO and SLO, BOC to EOC, Option A and Option B ........ ,. ................................ ~ .... .................................. 12 5-4 DLO Flow-Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, BOC to EOC, All Application Groups, Option A and Option B .................................................................... 13 5-5 SLO Flow-Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel.

BOC to EOC, All Application Groups, Option A and Option 8 .... ,. .. ., .. ................................................... ...... 13 6-1 LHGR Limit for GNF2 and GNF3 Fuel ................ "._ ... ... ......... ...................... ............................................... 14 6-2 LHGR Limit for ATRIUM-10 and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel ..... ......................... .................................................. 14 6-3 Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACp) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, DLO and SLO, BOC to EOC ................................ ......." ... '"., ..... .... ........ .. ....................... .. ................... 15 6-4 Flow-Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, BOC to EOC, Pressurization (1 TCVffSV Closed or OOS), All Application Groups ......................... 16 6-5 Flow-Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuet BOC to EOC, No Pressurization (All TCVffSV In-Service), All Application Groups ... ....., ........ ....,..,. 16 7-1 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints ...................................... .. ...... ....................................... ..,. ..,. ....,......... ... .... ,,;....,.,....... 17 9*1 OPRM PBDA Trip Setpoints ................................................................... " .,,. ................,,;; ..,......... ........... . .......... .. . 19 10-1 Allowed Modes of Operation and EOOS Combinations .......................... .. . H ...... . . .. .... .. ..... ... .... . .. .. ..... . ... ... . . 20 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 5 of 21 I

1. Referenjes
1. Exelon Generation Company, LLC Docket No. 50-374 LaSalle County sLion, Unit 2, Facility Operating License No. NPF-18.
2. NRC Letter from D. M. Crutchfield to All Power Reactor Licensees and Applicants. Generic Letter 88-16; Concerning the Removal of Cycle-Specific Parameter Limits from Tech Specs, October 3, 1988.

j t

3. Nuclear Fuels Letter NFM:MW:01*0106, from A Giancatarino to J. Nugent, ULaSalle Unit 1 and Unit 2 Rod Block Monitor COLR Setpoint Change," April 3, 2001.
4. GE Nuclea~ Energy Report NEDC-32694P-A, Revision 0, "Power DistribLtion Uncertainties for Safety Limit MCPR Eva1uations." August 1999. j
5. GE Nuclear Energy Document GE-NE-A 1300384-07-01, Revision 1, "LaSalle County Station Power Uprate Project Task 201: Reactor Power/Flow Map", September 1999.
6. GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Report, GE-NE-0000-0099-8344-R 1 Revision 1, Exelon Nuclear LaSalle Units 1

1 and 2 Thermal Power Optimization Task T0201: Operating Power/Flow Map", November 2009.

7. GNF Report GNF-OOON9256-SRLR-RO, Revision O, "Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for LaSalle Unit 2 Reload 15 Cycle 16. January 2015.
8. GNF Letter from B. R. Moore to Document Control Desk,


u.GNF2 Advantage Generic Compliance with NEOE-24011-P-A (GESTAR II), NEDC-33270P, Revision 5, May 2013," MFN 13-029, May 24, 2013 (ADAMS Accession No. ML13148A318)

9. AREVA Report ANP ..2914(P), Revision 1, "Mechanical Design Report for LaSalle Units 1 and 2 MUR ATRIUM-10 Fuel Assemblies," AREVA NP Inc., June 2010.
10. Exelon Transmittal ES1400016, Revision 0, "LaSalle 2 Cycle 16 Final Resolved OPL-3 Parameters,"

September 11, 2014.

11. GNF ORF A12-00038-3, Vol. 4, "Scram Times Verses Notch Position," G. A. Watford, May 22, 1992.
12. GEH Nuclear Energy ORF Section 0000-0151-0765 Rev. 0, "Application of SLO MCPR", February 12, 2013.
13. GNF Report GNF-OOON9257-FBIR-RO, Revision 0, "Fuel Bundle Information Report for LaSalle Unit 2 Reload 15 Cycle 16," January 2015.
14. Exelon Tech Eval EC 401294-002, "Supplemental Evaluation to LaSalle 2 Cycle 16 Lost Parts Eval," March 2015.

LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 6 of 21 I

2. Terms and Definitions . l AR~S Average Power Range Monitor. Rod Block Monitor and Technical Specification Improvement Program ATRM10 AREVA ATRIUM-10 fuel type ATRM10XM AREVA ATRIUM-10XM fuel type BOC Beginning of cycle BWR Boiling water reactor COLR Core operating limits report CRD Control rod drive mechanism Olp Dual loop operation ELL LA Extended load line limit analysis EO~ End of cycle EOOS Equipment out of service EOR16 End of rated operation for Cycle 16 FFWTR Final feedwater temperature reduction FWHOOS Feedwater heater out of service GNF Global Nuclear Fuels - Americas ICF Increased core flow Kp Power-dependent MCPR Multiplier L2C16 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16 LHGR Linear heat generation rate LHGRFACF Flow-dependent LHGR multiplier LHGRFACp Power-dependent LHGR multiplier LPRM Local power range monitor MAPLHGR Maximum average planar linear heat generation rate MCPR Minimum critical power ratio MCPRF Flow-dependent MCPR MELLLA Maximum extended load line limit analysis MFLCPR Maximum faction of limiting crmcal power ratio MOC Middle of Cycle Point for Licensing Purposes MSIVOOS Main steam isolation valve out of service OLMCPR Operating limit minimum critical power ratio oos Out of service OPRM Oscillation power range monitor PBDA Period based detection algorithm PLUOOS Power load unbalance out of service PROOS Pressure regulator out of service RCPR Relative Critical Power Ratio RPTOOS Recirculation pump trip out of service RWE Rod withdrawal error SLO Single loop operation SRVOOS Safety-relief valve out of service TBV Turbine bypass valve TBVOOS Turbine bypass valve out of service TCV Turbine control valve TCVSC Turbine control valve slow closure TIP Traversing in-core probe TIPOOS Traversing in-core probe out of service TSV Turbine stop valve 3DM 30-MONICORE LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page7of21 I

3. General Information . I Power and flow dependent limits are listed for various power and flow levels. Linear interpolation is to be used to find intermediate values.

Rated core flow is 108.5 Mlbm/hr. Operation up to 105°/a rated flow is licensed for this cycle. Licensed rated thermal power is 3546 MWth.

For thermal limit monitoring above 100% rated power or 100% rated core flow, the 100% rated power and the 100% core flow values, respectivelyf can be used unless otherwise indicated in the applicable table.

Table 3-1 defines the three exposure ranges used in the cbLR The end of rated (EOR) exposure is defined as the cycle exposure corresponding to all rods out, 100% po-f'er/100% flow and normal feedwater temperature.

1 The term (EOR - 2288 MWd/ST) means the EOR exposure minus 2288 MWd/ST of exposure. The value of the EOR exposure is based on actual plant operation and is thus determined from projections to this condition made near, but before, the time when the EOR16 - 2288 MWd/ST exposure will be reached. For cycle exposure dependent limits at the exact MOC exposure, the more limiting of the BOC to MOC and the MOC to EOC limits should be used. This can be achieved by applying the MOC to EOC limits to the MOC point as all cycle exposure dependent limits in the MOC to EOC limit sets are the same as, or more limiting than. those in the BOC to MOC limit sets.

Table 3-1 Cycle Exposure Range Definitions (Reference 7)

Nomenclature Cycle Exposure Range BOC to MOC BOC16 to (EOR16-2288 MWd/ST)

MOC to EOC (EOR16-2288 MWd/ST) to EOC16 BOC to EOC BOC16 to EOC16 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 8 of 21 I

4. Average Planar Linear Heat G,neration Rate Technical Specification Sections 3.2.1 and 3.4.1 The MAPLHGR values for the most limiting lattice of each fuel type as a function of average planar exposure are given in Tables 4-1 and 4-2. During single loop operation, these limits are multiplied by the fuel-dependent SLO multiplier listed in Table 4-3. The MAPLHGR values in Tables 4-1 and 4-2 along with the MAPLHGR SLO multipliers in Table 4-3 provide coverage for all n1odes of operation.

Table 4-1 MAPLHGR for GNF2 and GNF3 Fuel I (Reference 7)

Avg. Planar MAPLHGR Exposure (kW/FT)

(GWd/ST) 0.00 13.78 17.15 13.78 60.78 6.87 63.50 5.50 Table 4-2 MAPLHGR for ATRIUM-10 and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel (Refere nee 7)

Avg. Planar MAPLHGR Exposure (kW/FT)

(GWd/ST) 0 12.81 21.41 12.81 55.42 9.10 63.86 7.30 Table 4-3 MAPLHGR SLO Multiplier for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, BOC to EOC (Reference 7)

SLO Fuel Type MAPLHGR Multiplier GNF2 0.78 GNF3 0.78 ATRIUM-10 0.78 ATRIUM-10XM 0.78 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 9 of 21 I

5. Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio Technical Specification Sections 3.2.2, ~.3.4.1. 3.4.1. and 3.7.7 5.1. Manual Flow Control MCPR Limits The steady-state OLMCPRs given in Table 5-2 are the maximum values obtained from analysis of the pressurization events, non-pressurization events, and the Option mstability evaluation. MCPR values are determined by the cycle-specific fuel reload analyses in Reference 7. Table 5-2 is used in conjunction with the ARTS-based power (Kp) and flow (MCPRF) dependencies presented in Tables 5-3f 5-4, and 5-5 below. The OLMC,PR is determined for a given power and flow condition by ev~luating the power and flow dependent MCPR values and selecting the greater of the two.

5.. 1.1. Power-Dependent~MCPR The power-dependent MCPR multiplier, Kp, is determined from Table 5-3, and is dependent only on the power level and the Application Group (EOOS). The product of the steady state OLMCPR and the proper Kp provides the power-dependent OLMCPR.

5.1.2.. Flow..Qependent MCPR Tables 5-4 through 5-5 give the MCPRF limit as a function of the core flow, based on the applicable plant conditions. The MCPRF limit determined from these tables is the flow-dependent OLMCPR.

5.2. Scram Time Option A and Option B MCPR analyses and results are dependent upon core average control rod blade scram speed insertion times.

The Option A scram time is the Improved Technical Specifscation scram speed based insertion time. The core average scram speed insertion time for 20% insertion must be less than or equal to the Technical Specification scram speed insertion time to utilize the Option A MCPR limits. Reload analyses performed by GNF for Cycle 16 Option A MCPR limits utilized a 20% core average insertion time of 0.900 seconds (Reference 10).

To utilize the MCPR limits for the Option B scram speed insertion times the core average scram speed 1

insertion time for 20% insertion must be less than or equal to 0.694 seconds (Reference 10) (0.672 seconds at notch position 39, Reference 11 ). See Table 5-1 for a summary of scram time requirements related to the use of Option A and Option B MCPR limits.

If the core average scram insertion time does not meet the Option B criteria, but is within the Option A criteria, the appropriate steady state MCPR value may be determined from a linear interpolation between the Option A and B limits with standard mathematical rounding to two decimal places. When performing the linear interpolation to determine MCPR limits, ensure that the time used for Option A is 0.900 seconds (0.875 seconds to notch position 39, Reference 11 ). Note that making interpolations using the Table 5-2 data is conservative because the stability based OLMCPR sets the limit in many conditions. The Option A to Option B linear interpolation need not include the stability OLMCPR penarty on the endpoints when the calculation is made. However, the result of the linear interpolation is required to be 1.51 or greater for the steady state OLMCPR due to the OPRM PBDA setpoint (see Section 9 of the COLR and Reference 7).

LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 10 of 21 Table 5*1 Scram Times Required for Option A and Option B Application at Notch Position 39

{References 1o and 11) l I Notch Scram Time Req4ired for Option A Scram Time Required for Optio1 B Position* Application Application 39 ~ 0.875 sec.  ::;; 0.672 sec.

  • - The insertion time to a notch positio1 is conservatively calculated using the CRD reed switch drop.out time per Reference 11.

5.3. Recirculation Flow Control Valve Settings 1

Cycle 16 was analyzed with a maximum core flow runout of 105(¥/o; therefore the recirculation pump flow control valves must be set to maintain core flow less than 105% (113.925 Mlbm/hr) for all runout events.

5.4. OLMCPR Requirements with Lost Jet Pump Plug Seals To account for the lost jet pump plug seals, an RCPR value was determined to generically apply to the applicable OLMCPR limits discussed in Section 5,1. A maximum allowable MFLCPR value of 0..97 will ensure that the OLMCPR limits discussed in Section 5.1 are bounded with the lost jet pump plug seal RCPR value applied. (Reference 14)

LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 11 of 21 Table 5-2 Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel I

{Reference 7)

Option A i:lotion B DLO/ Exposure Application Group ATRM10/ ATRM10/

SLO Range GNF2 GNF3 GNF2 GNF3 ATRM10XM ATRM10XM BOC-MOC 1.54 1.55 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 i

Base Case DLO l MOC-EOC 1.63 1.64 1.53 1.58 1.59 1.51 I BOC-MOC 1.59 1.59 1.51 1.59 !1.59 1.51 l

Base Case SLb I MOC-EOC 1.66 1.67 1.56 1.61 !1.62 1.53 BOC-MOC 1.61 1.62 1.59 1.51 1.52 1.51 Base Case + TCVSC DLO

+ RPTOOS + PROOS MOC-EOC 1.70 1.72 1.72 1.60 1.62 1.55 BOC-MOC 1.64 1.65 1.62 1.59 1.59 1.51 Base Case + TCVSC SLO I + RPTOOS + PRODS MOC-EOC 1.73 1.75 1.75 1.63 1.65 1.58 BOC-MOC 1.57 1.58 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.51 Base Case + TCVSC +

DLO TBVOOS (aU 5 valves)

MOC-EOC 1.66 1.68 1.57 1.61 1.63 1.54 BOC-MOC 1.60 1.61 1.54 1.59 1.59 1.51 Base Case + TCVSC +

SLO TBVOOS (all 5 valves)

MOC-EOC 1.69 1.71 1.60 1.64 1.66 1.57 Base Case + TCVSC + BOC-MOC 1.65 1.66 1,62 1.55 1.56 1.51 TBVOOS (all 5 valves)+ DLO RPTOOS + PROOS MOC-EOC 1.75 1.76 1.75 1.65 1.66 1.58 Base Case + TCVSC + BOC-MOC 1.68 1.69 1.65 1.59 1.59 1.54 TBVOOS (all 5 valves)+ SLO RPTOOS + PROOS MOC-EOC 1.78 1.79 1.78 1.68 1.69 1.61 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 12of21 Table 5..3 Power-Dependent MCPR Multipliers (Kp) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, DLO and SLO, BOC to EOC, Option A and Option B f

I (Reference 7}


Kp, MCPR Limit Multiplier (as a function of% rated power)

Application Group 0%P 25%P 45%P 60%P 85%P 85.01o/oP 100%P I

Base Case 1.338 1.338 1.191 1.191 1.061 1.061 1.000 I I Base Case + TCVSC

+ RPTOOS + 1.488 1.488 1.378 1.296 1.174 1.097 1.000 PROOS Base Case + TCVSC

+ TBVOOS (all 5 1.379 1.379 1.228 1.207 1.097 1.097 1.000 valves)

Base Case + TCVSC

+ TBVOOS (all 5 1.488 1.488 1.378 1.296 1.174 1.097 1.000 valves)+

RPTOOS + PRODS LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 13 of 21 Table 5-4 DLO Flow-Dependent MCPR limits (MCPRF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM ..10, and ATRIUM-10XM I

Fuel, BOC to EOC, AH Application Groups, Option A and Option B (Reference 7)


(%Rated) 0.0 1.91 30.0 1.72 105.0 1.25 Table 5-5 SLO Flow-Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, BOC to EOC, All Application Groups, Option A and Option B (References 7 and 12)




0.0 1.94 30.0 1,75 105.0 1.28 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 14 of 21 I

6. ,inear Heat Generation Rate Technical Specification Sections 3.2.3 and 3.4.1 The linear heat generation rate (LHGR) limit is the product of the exposure dependent LHGR limit from Table 6-1 or Table 6-2 and the minimum of: the power dependent LHGR Factor, LHGRFACp, or the flow dependent LHGR Factor. LHGRFACF as applicable. The LHGRFACp multiplier is determined from Table 6-3. The LHGRFACF muldplier is determined from either Table 6-4 or Table 6-5. The SLO multipliers in Tables 6-4 and 6-5 have been limited to a maximum value of 0.78, the SLO LHGR multiplier for GNF2, GNF3, ATRlUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM fuet Table 6*1 LHGR Limit for GNF2 and GNF3 Fuel (References 8 and 13)

Peak Pellet Ex osure U02 LHGR Limit See Table B-1 of Reference 8 Peak Pellet Exposure Most Limiting Gadolinia LHGR Limit See Table 8-2 of Reference 8 Table 6-2 LHGR Limit for ATRIUM-10 and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel (Reference 9)

Peak Petiet Exposure LHGR Limit (GWd/ST) (kW/ft) 0.0 13A 16.06 13.4 55.43 9. 1 63.87 7.3 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 15 of 21 Table 6-3 Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACp) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, DLO and SLO, BOC to EOC (Refetence 7)

LHGRFACp (as a function of% rated power)

Application Group 0%P 25%P 45%P 60%P 85%P 100% p Base Case 0.608 0.608 0.713 0.791 0.922 1.000 l

Base Case + TCVSC

+ RPTOOS + 0.608 0.608  ! 0.713 0.761 0.831 1.000 PRO OS Base Case + TCVSC

+ TBVOOS (all 5 0.608 0.608 0.713 0.791 0.922 1.000 valves)

Base Case + TCVSC

+ TBVOOS (all 5 0.608 0.608 0.713 0.761 0.822 1.000 valves)+

RPTOOS + PROOS LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 16 of 21 Table 6-4 Flow-Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, BOC to EOC, Pressurization (1 TCV/TSV Closed or OOS), All Application Groups II

{Reference 7)


(%Rated) 0.0 0.110 0.110 l

30.0 0.410 0.410 1

67.0 1 0.780 0.780 I

I 89.0 1.000 0.780 105.0 1.000 0.780 Table 6-5 Flow-Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, BOC to EOC, No Pressurization (All TCV/TSV In-Service), All Application Groups (Reference 7)


(%Rated) 0.0 0.250 0.250 30.0 0.550 0.550 53,0 0]80 0.780 75.0 1.000 0.780 105 . 0 1.000 0.780 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 17 of 21 I

7. Rod Block Monitor I Technical Specification Sections and 3.4.1 The Rod Block Monitor Upscale Instrumentation Setpoints are determined from the relationships shown below (Reference 3):

i Table 7-1 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints Rod Block Monitor Upscale

"'firip Function Allowable Value Two ~ecirculation Loop Operation o.ss wd + 54.0%

Single Recirculation Loop Operation o.aa wd + 48. 7%

The setpoint may be lower/higher and will still comply with the rod withdrawal error (RWE) analysis because RWE is analyzed unblocked. The allowable value is clamped with a maximum value not to exceed the allowable value for a recirculation loop drive flow (Wd) of 100%.

WrJ - percent of recirculation loop drive flow required to produce a rated core flow of 108.5 Mlbm/hr.

LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 18 of 21 I

8. Traversing ln-C,re Probe System 8.1. Description When the traversing in-core probe (TIP) system (for the required measurement locations) is used for recalibration of the :LPRM detectors and monitoring thermal limits, the TIP system shaH be operable with the following:
1. movable detectorst drives and readout equipment to map the core in the required measurement locations, and i -
2. indexing equip'fent to anow all required detectors to be calibrated in a com~on location.

The following applies for use with 3DM (Reference 4):

The total number of failed and/or bypassed LPRMs does not exceed 25%. In addition, no more than 14 TIP channels can be OOS (failed or rejected).

Otherwise, with the TIP system inoperable, suspend use of the system for the above applicable calibration functions.

8.2. Bases The operability of the TIP system with the above specified minimum complement of equipment ensures that the measurements obtained from use of this equipment accurately represent the spatial neutron flux distribution of the reactor core. The normalization of the required detectors is performed internal to the core monitoring software system.

LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 19 of 21 I

9. Stability rrotection Setpoints Technical k 0ecification Section Table 9-1 OPRM PBDA Trip Setpoints (Reference 7)

Corresponding Maximum PBDA Trip Amplitude Setpoint (Sp)

Confirmation Count Setpoint (Np)

' I I I 1.11 14 The PBDA is the only OPRM setting credited in the safety analysis as documented in the licensing basis for the OPRM system.

The OPRM PBDA trip settings are based, in part, on the cycle specific OLMCPR and the power and flow dependent MCPR limits. Any change to the OLMCPR values and/or the power and flow dependent MCPR limits should be evaluated for potential impact on the OPRM PBDA trip settings.

The OPRM PBDA trip settings are applicable when the OPRM system is declared operable, and the associated Technical Specifications are implemented.

LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 20 of 21 I

10. Modes of c;:>peration The allowed modes 91 operation with combinations of equipment out-of-service ar+ as described below (Reference 7).

Table 10-1 Allowed Modes of Operation and EOOS Combinations (References 4 and 7)

Equipment Out of Service Options <1) <2 ><4l <5) Short Name Base Case (Optiori A or 8) <3 ) Base Base Case + SLO loption A or B)

I Base SLO Base Case + TCVSC + RPTOOS + PROOS (Option A or B) Combined EOOS 1 Base Case + TCVSC + RPTOOS + PROOS + SLO (Option A or B) Combined EOOS 1 SLO Base Case+ TCVSC + TBVOOS (all 5 valves) {Option A or B) Combined EOOS 2 Base Case+ TCVSC + TBVOOS (all 5 valves)+ SLO (Option A or B) Combined EOOS 2 SLO Base Case+ TCVSC + TBVOOS (all 5 valves)+ RPTOOS + PROOS Combined EOOS 3

{Option A or B)

Base Case + TCVSC + TBVOOS (aU 5 valves) + RPTOOS + PROOS + SLO Combined EOOS 3 SLO (Option A or B)

(1) Base case includes 1 SRVOOS + 1 TCVITSV OOS + FWHOOS/FFWTR + 1MSIVOOS+2 TBVOOS + PLUOOS (Reference 7). All Modes of Operation and EOOS Combinations allow 1 TIPOOS (up to 14 TlP channels not available) any time during the cycfe. including BOC, and up to 25% of the LPRMs out*of-service (Reference 4). The FWHOOS/FFWTR analyses cover a maximum reduction of 100°F for the feedwater temperature. A nominal LPRM calibration interval of 2000 EFPH (2500 EFPH maximum) is supported for L2C16.

(2) TBVOOS (all 5 valves) is the turbine bypass system out of service which means that 5 TBVs are not credited for fast opening and 3 TBVs are !12! credited to open in pressure control. For the 2 TBVOOS condition that is a part of the base case, the assumption is that both of the TBVs do not open on any signal and thus remain shut for the transients analyzed (i.e. 3 TBVs are credited to open in pressure control) (Reference 10). The MCFL is currently set at 126.6 and will only allow opening of TBV's #1, #2, #3, and #4 during a slow pressurization event. The MCFL does not use the TBV position feedback signal to know how many TBVs have opened or how far each has opened. The #5 TBV is not available based on the current MCFL setpoint and thus cannot be used as one of the credited valves to open in pressure control.

{3) With all TCVffSV In-Service, the Base Case should be used with the LHGRFACF values from Table 6-5 {Reference 7).

With 1 TCVffSV OOS, the Base Case must be used with the LHGRFACF values from Table 6-4. The one Stuck Closed TCV and/or TSV EOOS conditions require power level :S 85% of rated. The one MSIVOOS condition is also supported as long as thermal power is maintained s 75% of the rated (Reference 7 Appendix D).

(4) The+ sign that is used in the Equipment Out of Service Option I Application Group descriptions designates an "and/or".

(5) All EOOS Options (Reference 7 Application Groups) are applicable to ELLLA, MELLLA, ICF and Coastdown realms of operation with the exception that SLO is not applicable to MELLLA or ICF (References 5 and 6). The MOC to EOC exposure range limit sets are generated by GNF to include application to coastdown operation (Methodology Reference 5).

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COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 21of21 I

11. Methodology The analyti~al methods used lo determine the core operating limits shall ~e those previously reviewed and approved by the NRC, specifically those described in the following documents:
1. XN-NF-81-58 (P)(A), Revision 2 and Supplements 1and2, '1RODEX2 Fuel Rod Thermal-Mechanical Response Evaluation Model. March 1984.
2. ANF-8~-98 (P}(A), Revision 1 and Supplement 1, "Generic Mechani9al Design Criteria for BWR Fuel 11 Designs, May 1995.
3. EMF-85-74 (P) Revision 0 Supplement 1(P)(A) and Supplement 2(P)(A), "RODEX2A (BWR) Fuel Rod Therm~l-Mechanical Evaluation Model," February 1998. ,

f f

4. XN-NF-85-67 (P)(A) Revision 1, "Generic Mechanical Design for Exxon Nuclear Jet Pump BWR Reload Fuel,"

September 1986.  !

5. NEDE-24011-P-A-20 (Revision 20), "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel," December 2013 and the U.S. Supplement NEDE-24011-P-A-20*US, of December 2013.
6. NEDC-33106P-A Revision 2, . . GEXL97 Correlation for ATRrUM-10 Fuel, June 2004.
7. NED0-32465-A, "BWR Owner's Group Reactor Stability Detect and Suppress Solutions licensing Basis Methodology for Reload Applications," August 1996.

LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

LaSalle County Station 2601North21* Road r Marseilles, lllinois 61341 Je-. Exelon Generation AA15-079 10 CFR 50.4 November 19, 2015 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 LaSalle County Station, Unit 2 Facility Operating License No. NPF-18 NRC Docket No. 50-374


Unit 2 Cycle 16 Core Operating Limits Report (COLA)

In accordance with LaSalle County Station (LSCS) Technical Specifications (TS) 5.6.5.d, 11Core Operating Limits Report (COLA)," attached is a copy of Revision 3 of the COLA for Unit 2.

This report was revised for LSCS Unit 2, Cycle 16 to remove Appendix A, *operating Limits for Lost Jet Pump Seals Mitigation Strategy,* as It is no longer applicable.

Exelon Generation Company, LLC makes no new or revised regulatory commitments in this letter.

Should you have any questions concerning this submittal, please contact Mr. Guy V. Ford, Jr.,

Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (815) 415-2800.



Peter J. Karaba Site Vice President LaSalle County Station


Core Operating Limits Report for LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16, Revision 3 cc: Regional Administrator - NRC Region Ill NRC Senior Resident Inspector- LaSalle County Station

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 1of21 I l

Core Operating Limits Report for LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16 Revision 3 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSale 2 Revision 13 Page 2 of21 I Table of Contents

1. References ......*...*.................
2. T*erms .and Oefinitio.ns ..............

1...................................................................................... 1..................5 u . . . . . . ""' ** u . . . . . . . "" ** " ' . . . . ..

  • n .. . .. . . . ,. .... .. . + .. .-. ...................... + ............. . *.......... ..... ~* *** 6
3. General J.nform.ation ,.............................................. H ******* h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , ...... H * * * * * * .* * +7
4. Avera.ge Planar Unear Heat Generation Rate ... ..... ,,. ...... ~*********m** ................. H ........... H . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5. Operating Limit Minimum Critical Pow-er Ratio .......................... u .................... H **'"h .............. .,..+ ........ 9 5.1. Manual Flow Control MCl?R **

Limits ..................... ,.... ,........,.. ,., ............... ............ H ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . J!.**************.*.**** 9 5.1, 1. Power-Depe.ndent MCPR ....................................... ., ............................................................................ ... 9 5.1.2. FIOW*Dependent MCPR .......................... ,, .....,.. ,~ .......................................... u . . . . . . . . , ** * * * * * .**.*.** n **** . ,.,..9 5.2. Scram Time H H *

  • n . . . . ., . . + * * *** * * * .* ** u . . . . . . .. . . ..,. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +. . . . H .................. ~ . . . . . .. ... ~ . .. . . .. . . . . 9


5.3. Recirculation Ftow Contro1 Valve Settings................................................. * *** ** ********* ** } , .... i.

  • 10


H .........

5.4. OLMCPR Requirements vyith Lost Jet Pump Plug Seals...................... u ............... u10 6 .. Linear Hea*t Generation Rate ...*.. ~ ....................................... u ..... u . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ,. . . . H * * * * , * * .* .*. *

  • 14
7. R.od Block Monitor ...................................... ,....... H., ... .. .... u****u*.-**********u************ ************ .. ****** .. *********u**--***** 1*7

.a. Traversi119 In-Core Probe System .........................~** ******* ...... ~***** ****** *~**** ....... d ................. ,.H,~ .. ** .**.***. 18 u **

a.1. Description*"***********H*******H**************H***************n********************************************* .................. H . . .. , , . , , . . . . . . . . . 1.a 8.2. Bases ............ ~._H .. ****~* *** *x> ***** ** ** **>><>. ***** .. UUHH .. .. .. ......... , . . . .. .. .... . H*** .. *, *H* <<h*4'> ** *nH ** O* **<'** ** * .. * **** " ****. ******. * .* *1a

9. Stability Protection Setpoints ~.'" . H ***** , ..... , ** * * * * * , * * ** * , *** , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ..... H . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 19
10. Modes of Opera.tion
  • u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .,. . . . , . . . . . . . ., , . .. . . . HU****H'"' "'*'" . ...... ...... u . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 11 . Methodotog*y ........................................... .. ......................................................... H . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . ~.*~**~ .,21 ..

LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 3of21 I Rebord of LaSalle 2Cycle16 COLR Revisio~s Revision Description 10 Initial issuance for L2C16 l

1 11 Add short term operational limits to account for potential peripheral orifice blockage due to lost jet pump plug seals!(Appendix A) and longer term operational limit due to potential lower tie plate blockage (reduced MFLCPR limit) 12 Add clarification in Appendix A to add FWHOOS to the list of EOOS that are exempted from the requirement to be in service in the Base Case 13 Remove Appendix A and add this revision list LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 4of21 I List ofTabl,s I 3-1 Cycle Exposure Range Definitions ................... .................. ,................ ................................ .................. ........ 7 4-1 MAPLHGR for GNF2 and GNF3 Fuel ..................... ., .. ".,. **----**"*******, .................... ................................... ........ 8 4-2 MAPLHGR for ATRIUM-10 and ATRIUM-10XM FueL. ...... ...... ., .................................................................. 8 4-3 MAPLHGR SLO Multiplier for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, BOC to EOC ............ 8 1 1 5-1 Scram Times Req uired for Option A and Option B Application at Notch Position 39 ................................. 10 5-2 Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel ..............,. ...................................... ....,... .. ...... ......... "" ................................................ ....... 11 5-3 Power-Dependen~ MCPR Multipliers (Kp) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and AfRIUM-10XM Fuel, DLO and SLO, BOC to EOC, Option A and Option B ........ ,. ................................ ~ .... .................................. 12 5-4 DLO Flow-Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, BOC to EOC, All Application Groups, Option A and Option B .................................................................... 13 5-5 SLO Flow-Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel.

BOC to EOC, All Application Groups, Option A and Option 8 .... ,. .. ., .. ................................................... ...... 13 6-1 LHGR Limit for GNF2 and GNF3 Fuel ................ "._ ... ... ......... ...................... ............................................... 14 6-2 LHGR Limit for ATRIUM-10 and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel ..... ......................... .................................................. 14 6-3 Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACp) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, DLO and SLO, BOC to EOC ................................ ......." ... '"., ..... .... ........ .. ....................... .. ................... 15 6-4 Flow-Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, BOC to EOC, Pressurization (1 TCVffSV Closed or OOS), All Application Groups ......................... 16 6-5 Flow-Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuet BOC to EOC, No Pressurization (All TCVffSV In-Service), All Application Groups ... ....., ........ ....,..,. 16 7-1 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints ...................................... .. ...... ....................................... ..,. ..,. ....,......... ... .... ,,;....,.,....... 17 9*1 OPRM PBDA Trip Setpoints ................................................................... " .,,. ................,,;; ..,......... ........... . .......... .. . 19 10-1 Allowed Modes of Operation and EOOS Combinations .......................... .. . H ...... . . .. .... .. ..... ... .... . .. .. ..... . ... ... . . 20 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 5 of 21 I

1. Referenjes
1. Exelon Generation Company, LLC Docket No. 50-374 LaSalle County sLion, Unit 2, Facility Operating License No. NPF-18.
2. NRC Letter from D. M. Crutchfield to All Power Reactor Licensees and Applicants. Generic Letter 88-16; Concerning the Removal of Cycle-Specific Parameter Limits from Tech Specs, October 3, 1988.

j t

3. Nuclear Fuels Letter NFM:MW:01*0106, from A Giancatarino to J. Nugent, ULaSalle Unit 1 and Unit 2 Rod Block Monitor COLR Setpoint Change," April 3, 2001.
4. GE Nuclea~ Energy Report NEDC-32694P-A, Revision 0, "Power DistribLtion Uncertainties for Safety Limit MCPR Eva1uations." August 1999. j
5. GE Nuclear Energy Document GE-NE-A 1300384-07-01, Revision 1, "LaSalle County Station Power Uprate Project Task 201: Reactor Power/Flow Map", September 1999.
6. GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Report, GE-NE-0000-0099-8344-R 1 Revision 1, Exelon Nuclear LaSalle Units 1

1 and 2 Thermal Power Optimization Task T0201: Operating Power/Flow Map", November 2009.

7. GNF Report GNF-OOON9256-SRLR-RO, Revision O, "Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for LaSalle Unit 2 Reload 15 Cycle 16. January 2015.
8. GNF Letter from B. R. Moore to Document Control Desk,


u.GNF2 Advantage Generic Compliance with NEOE-24011-P-A (GESTAR II), NEDC-33270P, Revision 5, May 2013," MFN 13-029, May 24, 2013 (ADAMS Accession No. ML13148A318)

9. AREVA Report ANP ..2914(P), Revision 1, "Mechanical Design Report for LaSalle Units 1 and 2 MUR ATRIUM-10 Fuel Assemblies," AREVA NP Inc., June 2010.
10. Exelon Transmittal ES1400016, Revision 0, "LaSalle 2 Cycle 16 Final Resolved OPL-3 Parameters,"

September 11, 2014.

11. GNF ORF A12-00038-3, Vol. 4, "Scram Times Verses Notch Position," G. A. Watford, May 22, 1992.
12. GEH Nuclear Energy ORF Section 0000-0151-0765 Rev. 0, "Application of SLO MCPR", February 12, 2013.
13. GNF Report GNF-OOON9257-FBIR-RO, Revision 0, "Fuel Bundle Information Report for LaSalle Unit 2 Reload 15 Cycle 16," January 2015.
14. Exelon Tech Eval EC 401294-002, "Supplemental Evaluation to LaSalle 2 Cycle 16 Lost Parts Eval," March 2015.

LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 6 of 21 I

2. Terms and Definitions . l AR~S Average Power Range Monitor. Rod Block Monitor and Technical Specification Improvement Program ATRM10 AREVA ATRIUM-10 fuel type ATRM10XM AREVA ATRIUM-10XM fuel type BOC Beginning of cycle BWR Boiling water reactor COLR Core operating limits report CRD Control rod drive mechanism Olp Dual loop operation ELL LA Extended load line limit analysis EO~ End of cycle EOOS Equipment out of service EOR16 End of rated operation for Cycle 16 FFWTR Final feedwater temperature reduction FWHOOS Feedwater heater out of service GNF Global Nuclear Fuels - Americas ICF Increased core flow Kp Power-dependent MCPR Multiplier L2C16 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16 LHGR Linear heat generation rate LHGRFACF Flow-dependent LHGR multiplier LHGRFACp Power-dependent LHGR multiplier LPRM Local power range monitor MAPLHGR Maximum average planar linear heat generation rate MCPR Minimum critical power ratio MCPRF Flow-dependent MCPR MELLLA Maximum extended load line limit analysis MFLCPR Maximum faction of limiting crmcal power ratio MOC Middle of Cycle Point for Licensing Purposes MSIVOOS Main steam isolation valve out of service OLMCPR Operating limit minimum critical power ratio oos Out of service OPRM Oscillation power range monitor PBDA Period based detection algorithm PLUOOS Power load unbalance out of service PROOS Pressure regulator out of service RCPR Relative Critical Power Ratio RPTOOS Recirculation pump trip out of service RWE Rod withdrawal error SLO Single loop operation SRVOOS Safety-relief valve out of service TBV Turbine bypass valve TBVOOS Turbine bypass valve out of service TCV Turbine control valve TCVSC Turbine control valve slow closure TIP Traversing in-core probe TIPOOS Traversing in-core probe out of service TSV Turbine stop valve 3DM 30-MONICORE LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page7of21 I

3. General Information . I Power and flow dependent limits are listed for various power and flow levels. Linear interpolation is to be used to find intermediate values.

Rated core flow is 108.5 Mlbm/hr. Operation up to 105°/a rated flow is licensed for this cycle. Licensed rated thermal power is 3546 MWth.

For thermal limit monitoring above 100% rated power or 100% rated core flow, the 100% rated power and the 100% core flow values, respectivelyf can be used unless otherwise indicated in the applicable table.

Table 3-1 defines the three exposure ranges used in the cbLR The end of rated (EOR) exposure is defined as the cycle exposure corresponding to all rods out, 100% po-f'er/100% flow and normal feedwater temperature.

1 The term (EOR - 2288 MWd/ST) means the EOR exposure minus 2288 MWd/ST of exposure. The value of the EOR exposure is based on actual plant operation and is thus determined from projections to this condition made near, but before, the time when the EOR16 - 2288 MWd/ST exposure will be reached. For cycle exposure dependent limits at the exact MOC exposure, the more limiting of the BOC to MOC and the MOC to EOC limits should be used. This can be achieved by applying the MOC to EOC limits to the MOC point as all cycle exposure dependent limits in the MOC to EOC limit sets are the same as, or more limiting than. those in the BOC to MOC limit sets.

Table 3-1 Cycle Exposure Range Definitions (Reference 7)

Nomenclature Cycle Exposure Range BOC to MOC BOC16 to (EOR16-2288 MWd/ST)

MOC to EOC (EOR16-2288 MWd/ST) to EOC16 BOC to EOC BOC16 to EOC16 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 8 of 21 I

4. Average Planar Linear Heat G,neration Rate Technical Specification Sections 3.2.1 and 3.4.1 The MAPLHGR values for the most limiting lattice of each fuel type as a function of average planar exposure are given in Tables 4-1 and 4-2. During single loop operation, these limits are multiplied by the fuel-dependent SLO multiplier listed in Table 4-3. The MAPLHGR values in Tables 4-1 and 4-2 along with the MAPLHGR SLO multipliers in Table 4-3 provide coverage for all n1odes of operation.

Table 4-1 MAPLHGR for GNF2 and GNF3 Fuel I (Reference 7)

Avg. Planar MAPLHGR Exposure (kW/FT)

(GWd/ST) 0.00 13.78 17.15 13.78 60.78 6.87 63.50 5.50 Table 4-2 MAPLHGR for ATRIUM-10 and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel (Refere nee 7)

Avg. Planar MAPLHGR Exposure (kW/FT)

(GWd/ST) 0 12.81 21.41 12.81 55.42 9.10 63.86 7.30 Table 4-3 MAPLHGR SLO Multiplier for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, BOC to EOC (Reference 7)

SLO Fuel Type MAPLHGR Multiplier GNF2 0.78 GNF3 0.78 ATRIUM-10 0.78 ATRIUM-10XM 0.78 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 9 of 21 I

5. Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio Technical Specification Sections 3.2.2, ~.3.4.1. 3.4.1. and 3.7.7 5.1. Manual Flow Control MCPR Limits The steady-state OLMCPRs given in Table 5-2 are the maximum values obtained from analysis of the pressurization events, non-pressurization events, and the Option mstability evaluation. MCPR values are determined by the cycle-specific fuel reload analyses in Reference 7. Table 5-2 is used in conjunction with the ARTS-based power (Kp) and flow (MCPRF) dependencies presented in Tables 5-3f 5-4, and 5-5 below. The OLMC,PR is determined for a given power and flow condition by ev~luating the power and flow dependent MCPR values and selecting the greater of the two.

5.. 1.1. Power-Dependent~MCPR The power-dependent MCPR multiplier, Kp, is determined from Table 5-3, and is dependent only on the power level and the Application Group (EOOS). The product of the steady state OLMCPR and the proper Kp provides the power-dependent OLMCPR.

5.1.2.. Flow..Qependent MCPR Tables 5-4 through 5-5 give the MCPRF limit as a function of the core flow, based on the applicable plant conditions. The MCPRF limit determined from these tables is the flow-dependent OLMCPR.

5.2. Scram Time Option A and Option B MCPR analyses and results are dependent upon core average control rod blade scram speed insertion times.

The Option A scram time is the Improved Technical Specifscation scram speed based insertion time. The core average scram speed insertion time for 20% insertion must be less than or equal to the Technical Specification scram speed insertion time to utilize the Option A MCPR limits. Reload analyses performed by GNF for Cycle 16 Option A MCPR limits utilized a 20% core average insertion time of 0.900 seconds (Reference 10).

To utilize the MCPR limits for the Option B scram speed insertion times the core average scram speed 1

insertion time for 20% insertion must be less than or equal to 0.694 seconds (Reference 10) (0.672 seconds at notch position 39, Reference 11 ). See Table 5-1 for a summary of scram time requirements related to the use of Option A and Option B MCPR limits.

If the core average scram insertion time does not meet the Option B criteria, but is within the Option A criteria, the appropriate steady state MCPR value may be determined from a linear interpolation between the Option A and B limits with standard mathematical rounding to two decimal places. When performing the linear interpolation to determine MCPR limits, ensure that the time used for Option A is 0.900 seconds (0.875 seconds to notch position 39, Reference 11 ). Note that making interpolations using the Table 5-2 data is conservative because the stability based OLMCPR sets the limit in many conditions. The Option A to Option B linear interpolation need not include the stability OLMCPR penarty on the endpoints when the calculation is made. However, the result of the linear interpolation is required to be 1.51 or greater for the steady state OLMCPR due to the OPRM PBDA setpoint (see Section 9 of the COLR and Reference 7).

LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 10 of 21 Table 5*1 Scram Times Required for Option A and Option B Application at Notch Position 39

{References 1o and 11) l I Notch Scram Time Req4ired for Option A Scram Time Required for Optio1 B Position* Application Application 39 ~ 0.875 sec.  ::;; 0.672 sec.

  • - The insertion time to a notch positio1 is conservatively calculated using the CRD reed switch drop.out time per Reference 11.

5.3. Recirculation Flow Control Valve Settings 1

Cycle 16 was analyzed with a maximum core flow runout of 105(¥/o; therefore the recirculation pump flow control valves must be set to maintain core flow less than 105% (113.925 Mlbm/hr) for all runout events.

5.4. OLMCPR Requirements with Lost Jet Pump Plug Seals To account for the lost jet pump plug seals, an RCPR value was determined to generically apply to the applicable OLMCPR limits discussed in Section 5,1. A maximum allowable MFLCPR value of 0..97 will ensure that the OLMCPR limits discussed in Section 5.1 are bounded with the lost jet pump plug seal RCPR value applied. (Reference 14)

LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 11 of 21 Table 5-2 Operating Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio (OLMCPR) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel I

{Reference 7)

Option A i:lotion B DLO/ Exposure Application Group ATRM10/ ATRM10/

SLO Range GNF2 GNF3 GNF2 GNF3 ATRM10XM ATRM10XM BOC-MOC 1.54 1.55 1.51 1.51 1.51 1.51 i

Base Case DLO l MOC-EOC 1.63 1.64 1.53 1.58 1.59 1.51 I BOC-MOC 1.59 1.59 1.51 1.59 !1.59 1.51 l

Base Case SLb I MOC-EOC 1.66 1.67 1.56 1.61 !1.62 1.53 BOC-MOC 1.61 1.62 1.59 1.51 1.52 1.51 Base Case + TCVSC DLO

+ RPTOOS + PROOS MOC-EOC 1.70 1.72 1.72 1.60 1.62 1.55 BOC-MOC 1.64 1.65 1.62 1.59 1.59 1.51 Base Case + TCVSC SLO I + RPTOOS + PRODS MOC-EOC 1.73 1.75 1.75 1.63 1.65 1.58 BOC-MOC 1.57 1.58 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.51 Base Case + TCVSC +

DLO TBVOOS (aU 5 valves)

MOC-EOC 1.66 1.68 1.57 1.61 1.63 1.54 BOC-MOC 1.60 1.61 1.54 1.59 1.59 1.51 Base Case + TCVSC +

SLO TBVOOS (all 5 valves)

MOC-EOC 1.69 1.71 1.60 1.64 1.66 1.57 Base Case + TCVSC + BOC-MOC 1.65 1.66 1,62 1.55 1.56 1.51 TBVOOS (all 5 valves)+ DLO RPTOOS + PROOS MOC-EOC 1.75 1.76 1.75 1.65 1.66 1.58 Base Case + TCVSC + BOC-MOC 1.68 1.69 1.65 1.59 1.59 1.54 TBVOOS (all 5 valves)+ SLO RPTOOS + PROOS MOC-EOC 1.78 1.79 1.78 1.68 1.69 1.61 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 12of21 Table 5..3 Power-Dependent MCPR Multipliers (Kp) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, DLO and SLO, BOC to EOC, Option A and Option B f

I (Reference 7}


Kp, MCPR Limit Multiplier (as a function of% rated power)

Application Group 0%P 25%P 45%P 60%P 85%P 85.01o/oP 100%P I

Base Case 1.338 1.338 1.191 1.191 1.061 1.061 1.000 I I Base Case + TCVSC

+ RPTOOS + 1.488 1.488 1.378 1.296 1.174 1.097 1.000 PROOS Base Case + TCVSC

+ TBVOOS (all 5 1.379 1.379 1.228 1.207 1.097 1.097 1.000 valves)

Base Case + TCVSC

+ TBVOOS (all 5 1.488 1.488 1.378 1.296 1.174 1.097 1.000 valves)+

RPTOOS + PRODS LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 13 of 21 Table 5-4 DLO Flow-Dependent MCPR limits (MCPRF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM ..10, and ATRIUM-10XM I

Fuel, BOC to EOC, AH Application Groups, Option A and Option B (Reference 7)


(%Rated) 0.0 1.91 30.0 1.72 105.0 1.25 Table 5-5 SLO Flow-Dependent MCPR Limits (MCPRF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, BOC to EOC, All Application Groups, Option A and Option B (References 7 and 12)




0.0 1.94 30.0 1,75 105.0 1.28 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

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6. ,inear Heat Generation Rate Technical Specification Sections 3.2.3 and 3.4.1 The linear heat generation rate (LHGR) limit is the product of the exposure dependent LHGR limit from Table 6-1 or Table 6-2 and the minimum of: the power dependent LHGR Factor, LHGRFACp, or the flow dependent LHGR Factor. LHGRFACF as applicable. The LHGRFACp multiplier is determined from Table 6-3. The LHGRFACF muldplier is determined from either Table 6-4 or Table 6-5. The SLO multipliers in Tables 6-4 and 6-5 have been limited to a maximum value of 0.78, the SLO LHGR multiplier for GNF2, GNF3, ATRlUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM fuet Table 6*1 LHGR Limit for GNF2 and GNF3 Fuel (References 8 and 13)

Peak Pellet Ex osure U02 LHGR Limit See Table B-1 of Reference 8 Peak Pellet Exposure Most Limiting Gadolinia LHGR Limit See Table 8-2 of Reference 8 Table 6-2 LHGR Limit for ATRIUM-10 and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel (Reference 9)

Peak Petiet Exposure LHGR Limit (GWd/ST) (kW/ft) 0.0 13A 16.06 13.4 55.43 9. 1 63.87 7.3 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 15 of 21 Table 6-3 Power-Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACp) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, DLO and SLO, BOC to EOC (Refetence 7)

LHGRFACp (as a function of% rated power)

Application Group 0%P 25%P 45%P 60%P 85%P 100% p Base Case 0.608 0.608 0.713 0.791 0.922 1.000 l

Base Case + TCVSC

+ RPTOOS + 0.608 0.608  ! 0.713 0.761 0.831 1.000 PRO OS Base Case + TCVSC

+ TBVOOS (all 5 0.608 0.608 0.713 0.791 0.922 1.000 valves)

Base Case + TCVSC

+ TBVOOS (all 5 0.608 0.608 0.713 0.761 0.822 1.000 valves)+

RPTOOS + PROOS LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

COLR LaSalle 2 Revision 13 Page 16 of 21 Table 6-4 Flow-Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, BOC to EOC, Pressurization (1 TCV/TSV Closed or OOS), All Application Groups II

{Reference 7)


(%Rated) 0.0 0.110 0.110 l

30.0 0.410 0.410 1

67.0 1 0.780 0.780 I

I 89.0 1.000 0.780 105.0 1.000 0.780 Table 6-5 Flow-Dependent LHGR Multipliers (LHGRFACF) for GNF2, GNF3, ATRIUM-10, and ATRIUM-10XM Fuel, BOC to EOC, No Pressurization (All TCV/TSV In-Service), All Application Groups (Reference 7)


(%Rated) 0.0 0.250 0.250 30.0 0.550 0.550 53,0 0]80 0.780 75.0 1.000 0.780 105 . 0 1.000 0.780 LaSalle Unit 2 Cycle 16

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7. Rod Block Monitor I Technical Specification Sections and 3.4.1 The Rod Block Monitor Upscale Instrumentation Setpoints are determined from the relationships shown below (Reference 3):

i Table 7-1 Rod Block Monitor Setpoints Rod Block Monitor Upscale

"'firip Function Allowable Value Two ~ecirculation Loop Operation o.ss wd + 54.0%

Single Recirculation Loop Operation o.aa wd + 48. 7%

The setpoint may be lower/higher and will still comply with the rod withdrawal error (RWE) analysis because RWE is analyzed unblocked. The allowable value is clamped with a maximum value not to exceed the allowable value for a recirculation loop drive flow (Wd) of 100%.

WrJ - percent of recirculation loop drive flow required to produce a rated core flow of 108.5 Mlbm/hr.

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8. Traversing ln-C,re Probe System 8.1. Description When the traversing in-core probe (TIP) system (for the required measurement locations) is used for recalibration of the :LPRM detectors and monitoring thermal limits, the TIP system shaH be operable with the following:
1. movable detectorst drives and readout equipment to map the core in the required measurement locations, and i -
2. indexing equip'fent to anow all required detectors to be calibrated in a com~on location.

The following applies for use with 3DM (Reference 4):

The total number of failed and/or bypassed LPRMs does not exceed 25%. In addition, no more than 14 TIP channels can be OOS (failed or rejected).

Otherwise, with the TIP system inoperable, suspend use of the system for the above applicable calibration functions.

8.2. Bases The operability of the TIP system with the above specified minimum complement of equipment ensures that the measurements obtained from use of this equipment accurately represent the spatial neutron flux distribution of the reactor core. The normalization of the required detectors is performed internal to the core monitoring software system.

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9. Stability rrotection Setpoints Technical k 0ecification Section Table 9-1 OPRM PBDA Trip Setpoints (Reference 7)

Corresponding Maximum PBDA Trip Amplitude Setpoint (Sp)

Confirmation Count Setpoint (Np)

' I I I 1.11 14 The PBDA is the only OPRM setting credited in the safety analysis as documented in the licensing basis for the OPRM system.

The OPRM PBDA trip settings are based, in part, on the cycle specific OLMCPR and the power and flow dependent MCPR limits. Any change to the OLMCPR values and/or the power and flow dependent MCPR limits should be evaluated for potential impact on the OPRM PBDA trip settings.

The OPRM PBDA trip settings are applicable when the OPRM system is declared operable, and the associated Technical Specifications are implemented.

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10. Modes of c;:>peration The allowed modes 91 operation with combinations of equipment out-of-service ar+ as described below (Reference 7).

Table 10-1 Allowed Modes of Operation and EOOS Combinations (References 4 and 7)

Equipment Out of Service Options <1) <2 ><4l <5) Short Name Base Case (Optiori A or 8) <3 ) Base Base Case + SLO loption A or B)

I Base SLO Base Case + TCVSC + RPTOOS + PROOS (Option A or B) Combined EOOS 1 Base Case + TCVSC + RPTOOS + PROOS + SLO (Option A or B) Combined EOOS 1 SLO Base Case+ TCVSC + TBVOOS (all 5 valves) {Option A or B) Combined EOOS 2 Base Case+ TCVSC + TBVOOS (all 5 valves)+ SLO (Option A or B) Combined EOOS 2 SLO Base Case+ TCVSC + TBVOOS (all 5 valves)+ RPTOOS + PROOS Combined EOOS 3

{Option A or B)

Base Case + TCVSC + TBVOOS (aU 5 valves) + RPTOOS + PROOS + SLO Combined EOOS 3 SLO (Option A or B)

(1) Base case includes 1 SRVOOS + 1 TCVITSV OOS + FWHOOS/FFWTR + 1MSIVOOS+2 TBVOOS + PLUOOS (Reference 7). All Modes of Operation and EOOS Combinations allow 1 TIPOOS (up to 14 TlP channels not available) any time during the cycfe. including BOC, and up to 25% of the LPRMs out*of-service (Reference 4). The FWHOOS/FFWTR analyses cover a maximum reduction of 100°F for the feedwater temperature. A nominal LPRM calibration interval of 2000 EFPH (2500 EFPH maximum) is supported for L2C16.

(2) TBVOOS (all 5 valves) is the turbine bypass system out of service which means that 5 TBVs are not credited for fast opening and 3 TBVs are !12! credited to open in pressure control. For the 2 TBVOOS condition that is a part of the base case, the assumption is that both of the TBVs do not open on any signal and thus remain shut for the transients analyzed (i.e. 3 TBVs are credited to open in pressure control) (Reference 10). The MCFL is currently set at 126.6 and will only allow opening of TBV's #1, #2, #3, and #4 during a slow pressurization event. The MCFL does not use the TBV position feedback signal to know how many TBVs have opened or how far each has opened. The #5 TBV is not available based on the current MCFL setpoint and thus cannot be used as one of the credited valves to open in pressure control.

{3) With all TCVffSV In-Service, the Base Case should be used with the LHGRFACF values from Table 6-5 {Reference 7).

With 1 TCVffSV OOS, the Base Case must be used with the LHGRFACF values from Table 6-4. The one Stuck Closed TCV and/or TSV EOOS conditions require power level :S 85% of rated. The one MSIVOOS condition is also supported as long as thermal power is maintained s 75% of the rated (Reference 7 Appendix D).

(4) The+ sign that is used in the Equipment Out of Service Option I Application Group descriptions designates an "and/or".

(5) All EOOS Options (Reference 7 Application Groups) are applicable to ELLLA, MELLLA, ICF and Coastdown realms of operation with the exception that SLO is not applicable to MELLLA or ICF (References 5 and 6). The MOC to EOC exposure range limit sets are generated by GNF to include application to coastdown operation (Methodology Reference 5).

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11. Methodology The analyti~al methods used lo determine the core operating limits shall ~e those previously reviewed and approved by the NRC, specifically those described in the following documents:
1. XN-NF-81-58 (P)(A), Revision 2 and Supplements 1and2, '1RODEX2 Fuel Rod Thermal-Mechanical Response Evaluation Model. March 1984.
2. ANF-8~-98 (P}(A), Revision 1 and Supplement 1, "Generic Mechani9al Design Criteria for BWR Fuel 11 Designs, May 1995.
3. EMF-85-74 (P) Revision 0 Supplement 1(P)(A) and Supplement 2(P)(A), "RODEX2A (BWR) Fuel Rod Therm~l-Mechanical Evaluation Model," February 1998. ,

f f

4. XN-NF-85-67 (P)(A) Revision 1, "Generic Mechanical Design for Exxon Nuclear Jet Pump BWR Reload Fuel,"

September 1986.  !

5. NEDE-24011-P-A-20 (Revision 20), "General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel," December 2013 and the U.S. Supplement NEDE-24011-P-A-20*US, of December 2013.
6. NEDC-33106P-A Revision 2, . . GEXL97 Correlation for ATRrUM-10 Fuel, June 2004.
7. NED0-32465-A, "BWR Owner's Group Reactor Stability Detect and Suppress Solutions licensing Basis Methodology for Reload Applications," August 1996.

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