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LTR-14-0713 - Joe Holtzman Email Diablo, San Onofre and Holtec Canisters
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon, San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 12/12/2014
From: Holtzman J
Public Commenter
To: Macfarlane A
Shared Package
ML14349A604 List:
LTR-14-0710, LTR-14-0713
Download: ML14349A603 (5)


CHAIRMAN Resource From: Francis Holtzman <joeholtzman@me:com>

Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 1:57 PM To: Donna Gilmore Cc: Decommission San Onofre; NFC Summit Group; No Nukes Vall; U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer; Dr Hira Ahluwalia; Damon Moglen; Ken Alex; Jordan Krueger - CREDO; Mike Florio; Sepideh Khosrowjah; Shane, Raeann; Woollen, Mary; CHAIRMAN Resource; Donald Mosier; Michael Blood


Re: Diablo, San Onofre and Holtec canisters Donna Well stated ---and as you stated nature is crying.

David Victor is an Edison shill. Thru the CEP process his actions where transparent from the very first meeting--provide cover for Edison!

The decision to buy/use thin wall canisters is criminal-- and that is exactly what all involved in that decision are--criminals !

Thanks for all you do-- !,

Joe Holtzman Those who fail to assert their rights---- will have no rights !

On Dec 12,2014, at 8:02AM, Donna Gilmore <> wrote:

Joe, Thanks for sharing the link that included this excellent film called Dark Circle. It talks about the lethal plutonium that is produced by Diablo Canyon and all nuclear plants. It includes a young Jerry Brown, clearly understanding the risks of nuclear power and the waste. As Governor, Jerry Brown now has the ability to make sure the nuclear waste is stored as safely as possible by ensuring Edison does not receive the money to buy inferior waste storage canisters that may fail within 30 years. The cost to California will be more than those steam generators that failed at San Onofre.

I've included the movie link below.

Protest Against Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant: It's ironic the only U. S. nuclear waste container inspected for salts and temperature on the West Coast happens to be a Holtec canister at Diablo Canyon. The 112" thick stainless steel canister was found to have all the conditions for stress corrosion cracking, yet the NRC is ignoring this information. Southern California Edison is also ignoring this information and announced yesterday they have selected the thin Holtec canisters to store tons of San Onofre nuclear waste.

The pro nuclear EPRI inspected the Diablo canister in January. They have delayed issuing a report on the Diablo findings. However, I was able to find presentations from EPRI, NRC and DOE and other information and put the pieces together and wrote a paper on this. I confirmed 1

my information with materials engineer Dr. Hira Ahluwalia who agrees with the findings that this Diablo canister has all the conditions for cracking. Mark Lombard, the NRC Director of the Spent Fuel Management Division, continues to give me evasive answers about this issue and continues to refuse to require adequate dry cask storage technology requirements because he knows the current U.S. vendors can't meet them. Only international thick cask vendors would meet those more stringent requirements.

Now Edison has decided to buy thin canisters made by Holtec, in spite of the Diablo canister evidence. Edison appointed David Victor Chair of the Edison Community Engagement Panel (CEP). Victor is also an EPRI Board Member. He wrote a paper for Edison in support of procuring these thin canisters in spite of the evidence. Edison is using that paper to help justify their decision. Gene Stone (CEP member) and I were asked to provide input to David Victor's paper. Our input was discounted and relegated to a section of the paper called Attachment A.

The NRC has not approved the updated Holtec UMAX system that Edison wants to buy, but NRC's Michelle Simpson said they may do that in February in spite of the Diablo evidence and in spite of the new requirement that this nuclear waste may stay at the plants for decades, if not longer.

This insanity needs to stop here. This is the recommendation that should have been in David Victor's report. As I write this a rare Southern California storm is beating at my window from the Pacific Ocean. It's as if nature is crying at the decision made yesterday by Edison.

Donna Gilmore 949-204-7794

Original message --------

From: Francis Holtzman 2

Date:12/12/2014 1:48AM (GMT-08:00)


Cc: "U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer"


diablo canyom protest - Yahoo Search Results Folks You have to watch this on the early Protest at Diablo Canyon---all the NRC screw ups continue today --ref SCE fiasco at San Onofre; ylt=AOLEV2D7sopUsOgAfpzBGOd ; ylc=XlMDMjEONTgl MTU4NQRfcgMyBGZyA2lwYWQEZ3ByaWQDdzNRcUVQLkJSWm 1fc VV JMU51 diluQQRu X3JzbHQDMARuX3NlZ2cDNARvcmlnaW4Dc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMARw cXNOcgMEcHFzdHJsAwRxc3RybAMyMQRxdWVyeQNkaWFibG8gY2FueW9tiHByb3Rlc3Q EdF9zdGlwAzEOMTgzNzYzMjQ-?p=diablo+canyom+protest&fr2=sb-top-&fr=ipad Whenever people are well-informed they can be trusted with their own government.


CHAIRMAN Resource From: Donna Gilmore <>

Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 3:33 PM To: Eric Greene; Mike Florio; Sepideh Khosrowjah; Ken Alex Cc: Woollen, Mary; CHAIRMAN Resource; Shane, Raeann; Michal Freedhoff; Gene Stone


Fwd: Status of Approved Storage Casks FYI, there is some miscommunication floating around at the NRC about the status of approval of the Holtec UMAX system Edison plans to use. See below email from NRC Licensing Branch Chief. She told me the earliest time frame would be mid February. This design was pulled from approval earlier this year due to comments made by the public.


Original message --------

From: "Sampson, Michele" Date:l2/12/2014 12:09 PM (GMT-08:00)



Status of Approved Storage Casks

Donna, The Holtec International HI-STORM Underground Maximum Capacity (UMAX) Canister Storage System is under review by the NRC.

When the storage system is approved, it will appear in the list of approved casks, 10 CFR 72.214. The UMAX is proposed to be Certificate of Compliance No. 1040. Below is a link to the list of approved casks, as updated December 10, 2014, and UMAX is not yet listed (if the link does not work directly, the site is 01 &node=se1 0.2.72 1214&rgn=div8 Thank you, Michele Sampson, Chief Spent Fuel Licensing Branch 1

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Division of Spent Fuel Management Mail Stop 3WFN-14A44 Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Phone: 301-287-9077 2