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Reed College, Submittal of Annual Operating Report July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012
Person / Time
Site: Reed College
Issue date: 08/07/2012
From: Krahenbuhl M
Reed College
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML12228A379 (23)


REED COLLEGE REACTOR FAC ILITY 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard August 7, 2012 Portland, Oregon Document Control Desk 97202-8199 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission telephone Washington, DC 20555 503/777-7222 fax Docket 50-288 503/777-7274 Enclosed is Reed College Reactor's Annual Report.

email Please feel free to contact me for additional information.

web Regards, Melinda P. Krahenbuhl Director, Reed College Reactor I'D




. . . .}.. . .. .' ',., N * "....."

.,.-.*I I2 Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012

REED RESEARCH REACTOR ANNUAL REPORT July 1,2011 -- June 30, 201.2 3203 Southeast Woodstock Blvd.

Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 503-777-7222 Fax: 503-777-7274 Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012 ,3

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4 Reed Research Reactor.Annual Report 2011-2012

HTABLE OF CONTENTS O verview ..................................................................................................................................... 1 People ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Reactor Staff ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Reactor Review Com m ittee ..................................................................................................... 4 Facilities ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Reactor Facility .................................................................................................................................. S Rotating Specim en Rack Facility .................................................................................................. S Pneum atic Transfer System ........................................................................................................... 5 In-Core Facilities ................................................................................................................................ 5 In-Pool Facilities ................................................................................................................................ 6 Beam Facilities ................................................................................................................................... 6 U sers ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Reactor O perations Sem inar .................................................................................................... 7 Outside Users ....................................................................................................................................... 7 C olleges and U niversities ................................................................................................................... 8 High Schools and M iddle Schools ............................................................................................... 8 Special G roups ..................................................................................................................................... 8 H igh School Student Project .......................................................................................... ........ 9 Concordia University ....................................................................................................................... 9 Scaler Kits ............................................. . ........ .................................. 10 Reed C;lasses ....................................................  :.............................. ;................................................... 10 Industrial and Com mercial Applications ......................................................................... 10 R eactor O perations ................................................................. ............................................ 11 O perations ........................................................................................................................................ 11 Unplanned Reactor Shutdow ns ............................................................................................ 13 R eactor M aintenance ...................................................................................................... 14 Significant M aintenance .......................................................................................................... 14 10 CFR 50.59 Screenings .......................................................................................................... 14 R adiation Protection ...................................................................................................... 15 Personnel D osim etry .................................................................................................................... 15 Fixed A rea D osim etry ................................................................................................................... 15 Gaseous Releases ............................................................................................................................ 16 Liquid W aste Releases .................................................................................................................. 16 Solid Waste Disposal ............................................ 16 Environm ental Sam pling ....................................................................................................... 16 Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012 2

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)7 Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012 3

ýOVERVIEW This report covers the period from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, and is intended to fulfill the reporting requirements of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission License No. R-112, Docket 50-288, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the Oregon Department of Energy Rule No. 345-030-010.

We specifically wish to thank Portland General Electric and Concordia University for their financial aid.

Reed College operates a 250 kW TRIGA Mark I reactor. The Reed College Research Reactor has been a resource for research and educational projects in the Portland area since 1968. The main uses of the Reed Research Reactor are instruction and research, especially in the field of trace-element analysis.

During the year there were 2026 visitors from schools, colleges, universities, and special groups. Additionally, there were 806 visitors as part of Reed College activities (prospective students, family of students, Reed classes, etc.). Seventy-nine members of emergency response organizations came for training. Finally, there were 19 entries by inspectors and regulators from state and federal agencies.

Including tours and research conducted at the facility, the Reed Research Reactor contributed to the educational programs of 8 colleges and universities in addition to 13 pre-college groups. During the year the reactor was taken critical 433 times on 167 days.

The total energy produced was approximately 30 megawatt-hours.

The reactor staff consists ofral !riiect0, aii Associate Director, and Reed College undergraduate students who are licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as reactor operators or senior reactor operators. The licensed operating staff consists of 17 women and 31 men. During the reporting period, 12 out of 15 Reactor Operator candidates passed their NRC exams and all 13 of the Senior Reactor Operator candidates passed their NRC exams.

The license was renewed effective April 24, 2012.

There were no radiation exposures to individuals in excess of two percent of the limit during the year. There were no releases of liquid radioactive material from the facility and airborne releases were well within regulatory limits. There were no shipments of low-level radioactive waste from the facility.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission conducted inspections during November 28-30, 2011. No deficiencies were noted during the inspection.

Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012

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-ix 2 Reed Research Reactor Ahnual Report 2011-2012

IPEOPLE Reactor Staff During the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, the staff consisted of:

Reactor Director: Melinda Krahenbuhl (6/11 - present)

Associate Director: Reuven Lazarus (5/11 - present)

Radiation Safety Officer: Kathleen Fisher (1/03 - Present)

Reactor Supervisor: Matt Carlson (5/11 - 5/12)

Ian flower (5/12 - Present)

Training Supervisor: Kathleen Conahan (5/11 - 5/12)

Mike Vignal (5/12 - Present)

Assistant Training Supervisor: Mike Vignal (5/11 - 5/12)

Molly Maguire (5/12 - present)

Requalification Supervisor: Ian Flower (5/11 - 6/12)

Kathryn Linthicum (starts 7/11)

SeniorReactor Operators(SRO)

Hannah Allen Isaac Khader Ahmad Shabbar Matthew Carlson Melinda Krahenbuhl Elisabeth Thomas Kathleen Conahan Benjamin Larsen Erik Thomas Daniel Dashevsky Relyen, La7arus Mike Vignal Wesley Erickson Molly Maguire Christopher Vittal Ian Flower Ellen McManis Patrick Wijngaard Evan Green Huy Nguyen Florence Williams Luke Howard Neha Rao Andrew Warren Austin Humphrey Neal Reynolds Erin Weisenhorn Alina Kassenbrock Michael Reichert Reactor Operators (RO)

Praker Bajpai Gianmarco Greci Evan Pikulski Christina Barrett Alexander Harris Cristi Panda Andrew Blount Kelsey Houston-Edwards Juliet Shafto Madelyn Brandt Trevor Lohrey Erin Sheffels Gray Davidson Jake Luton Michaela Voorhees Francis Dieterle Jared Milfred Elisabeth Grace Jossef Osborn The list of operators includes everyone who held a license at any time during the reporting period. Reactor Operators who upgrade their licenses to Senior Reactor Operators during the reporting period are listed under Senior Reactor Operators. All of the licensed operators are Reed College undergraduate students with the exception of the Director and Associate Director.

Reed ResearchReactor Annual Report 2011-2012 3

For the 2011-2012 year there are 7 women and 12 men with Reactor Operator licenses and 10 women and 19 men with Senior Reactor Operator licenses.. .... .......

Reactor Review Committee For the '2011 - 2012, the Rkdk Research Reactor (RRR) 'has tWo oversight committees:'

the Reacltor:<Safety' Committee and the"Reactor Operations Committee. Together the' comprise the Ratr Review omimttee. Th membrship'ofn the committees dur'ing the reporting periodis shown below":

Reactor Safety Committee ..

Wayne Lei - Chair (Director.,ofResearchandDeyelopment, Portland,General Electric)

Norm Dyer (OAR:$ervices) *.,

Daniel Gerrity (Chemistry Faculty, Reed College)

Kathleen Fisher (Director,Reed EnvironmentalHealth and Safet)

Thomas Wieting (MathematicsFaculty, Reed Cbleg--

Robert McCullough (Community.Member)

ReactorOpe*aiions Cozmmittee.

'Lucas Illihng-' Chair (Physics Faculty, Reed College)

Julie..Broi. '(Physics Fa.ulty,Pacific Lnin e s ityl JohnlEssik Pogics Fa ultyvReed R Cbllg* ..

`Sie,6`Ree6e (.Raqdiati6n CenterDirector;OregofIzState University) kon Ross,'(Por-tlndGeherdl'Electric)

'Siteven Co20 gdoh, (Community Member)'

I e.

Ex Officio without vote on both committees:

Pat McDougal (Dean of the Faculty,Reed College)

Melinda Krahenbuhl (Director,RRR)

ReuVen Lazarus (Associate Director;,RRR) ' ' "

Matthew. Carlson (Reactor Supervisor, RRR),,

" '"
' > t ' I *
4. Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012

-,F-i --.


Reactor Facility In addition to the r~eactor, .Reed College has .a radiochemistry lab. The equipment ail includes high purity germanium gammra spectrometers, available at the reacto*wfacili y..i ..... .. .

alpha spectrometers, aWhole body cou0nter, gas flow, proportional counters, ion. chambers, betacounters, Geiger Muller tubes, neutron detectors, alpha detectors, and thermo luminescent dosimeter readers. These instruments are used for experiments and training in nuclear science and radiation detection. Two exit monitors are inthe control room; A liquid scintillation detector serves the&campus 'radioisotope' committe&. The reactor facility has several systems for performing irradiations, described below.."

Rotating Specimen Rack FaciLity ,

The rotating specimen rack is located in a well, on' top of the -graphite reflector surrounding the core. The rack consists of a circular array of 40 tubular,,receptacjes,, each of which can accommodate two irradiation tubes. Vials holding ,up,to 1=7 ml (fouridrams) are used in this system. Samples are loadedjn the specimen, rack prior to.the, start-up of the reactor. The rack automatically rotates,. during, irradiation to. ensure each sample receives the same neutron flux.,,Typica9ly,.researchers use the rotating. rack, when long irradiation times (generally greater than five minutes), are. required. The. approximate thermal neutron flux in a rotating rack position at full,pow,er is 1.7 xJ0., n/cm2 s with a cadmium ratio of 6. The specimen rack can be used for gamma irradiations (approximately 8 Rad/min) when the reactor is shutdown.

Pneumatic Transfer System. ., , . * , .' ,. ".......

The pneumatic transfer system ("rabbit") consists ofan, irradiation chamber in theouter F-ring of the core and its associated punmp;,and- piping., This 1allows samples! to: be transferred in and out of the reactor core very rapidly while the reactor is at power.

Routine use of the pneumatic transfer system involves placing samples into vials, which in turn are placed in special capsules known as "rabbits." The capsule is loaded into the system in the laboratory next to the reactor and is then transferred pneumatically into the core-irradiation position. At the end of a predetermined time the sample is transferred back to the receiving terminal, where it is removed for measurement. The transfer time from the core to the terminal is about seven seconds, making this method of irradiating samples particularly useful for experiments involving radioisotopes with short half-lives.

The flux in the core terminal is approximately 5x1012 n/cm2 s when the reactor is at full power.

In-Core Facilities The central thimble is a water-filled irradiation chamber about 3 cm in diameter. It provides the highest available neutron flux, about lx1013 n/cm2 s. Special sample holders are used in the central thimble to provide maximum flexibility in experiment design.

Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012 5-

A fuel replacement source holder assembly can also be used as an irradiation-facility. The chamber fits into a fuel-element position within the core itself. It holds only one specially positioned irradiation container 7.5 cm in length and 2.5 cm in diameter.

Foil-insertion holes, 0.8 cm in diameter, are drilled at various positions through the grid plates. These holes allow inserting special holders containing flux wires into the core, to obtain neutron flux maps of the,core, .,* .

- t 22 In-Pool Facilities Near core, in-pool irradiation facilities can be arranged for larger. samples. Neutron fluxes will be lower than in the rotary specimen rack and will depend on the sample location.

An iridium gamma irradiator is also in the reactor pool 'for gamma ohly irradiations.

Beam Facilitie s:

The, cenntral thimbje.can be evacuated with gas,. producing a vertical neutron. beam. This beam can be used to generate directional neutron flux, or for limited irradiations above the tank. Prompt gamma analysis and neutron radiography can be done. The flux above the beam exit is approximately lxl06n/cm2s when the reactor is at full power.

6 Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012

IUSERS Reactor Operations Seminar The Reed Research Reactor conducts an annual- seminar series. This'non-credit course serves as an introduction to nuclear reactor theory, health physics, and reactor, operation.

Some of the students continue with in-depth reactor operator training and subsequently apply for a Reactor Operator (RO) license. If successful, the individual may be hired to operate the reactor. In addition, existing ROs may take the NRC Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) exam to upgrade their licenses*

During the reporting period, 12 out of 15 RO candidates and 13 out of 13 SRO candidates passed their NRC exams.

Figure 2 is a graph of the number of license application each year showing how many new RO and SRO licenses were awarded at Reed.

S A 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0

.4.4. 4. 4- N NN N N N N N N N N N N Figure 2 Reed Research Reactor License Exam Results Outside Users During the year there were 2026 visitors from schools, colleges, universities, and special groups. Additionally, there were 806 visitors as part of Reed College activities (prospective students, family of students, Reed classes, etc.). Seventy-nine members of Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012 7

emergency response organizations came for training. Finally, there were 19 entries by inspectors and regulators from state, and federal.agencies.

The following institutions have participated in facility tours, experiments, and research projects in the reporting period.

Colleges and Universities Clark College Columbia Gorge Community College Concordia University Oregon Health Science University Oregon Institute of Technology Pacific University' Portland Community College Warner. Pacific. College Hi2h S'chools'and Middle Schools Alliance High School

.CascadesIMontessori Catlin Gabel Christ the King Catholic School Cleveland High School Corbett High School Gilkey Middle School Hosford&Middlt School, iiý: ý:J Life Christian School Lewis Elementary Northwest Academy; ,

Portlanci Waldorf . *. . ,

,Smith Ridge High School,,. ;., .. ., ,

Special Groups Adsideo Church ,

American'S"ociety for Non-Destructi*e Te ting ASNDT "AutisticChildren's Activity .

Bend Science Stati6n Calligraphy Northwest Intel Mathcamp Metropolitan Learning Center OSHER Oregon TAG PCC Cosmos Science Club Reed Neighborhood association Reed Latin Day RSO class Saturday Academy Uniquely Portland

8. Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012

I".. I,.- .*.:I . ,

Figure 3 is a graph showing the history of visiting groups. * "


/-d-Colleges and Universities*

35. 35

-&*--High Schools and Middle Schools .. ,

~ ~~-S

-- " p e cia l G ro u p s. , . .

30 25 a

  • ao I,. I I '

10 ...

0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Figure 3 Visting Groups 2006' 2007 20,08:2009ý.2'010"_2011:2'012 Many reactor tourshealth include hands-on radiation science, physics, and use of facility nuclear equipment, to, conduict~experiments in physics. Atypical lab involvesdetermining the background of a Geiger Muller scalar system and then determining the tialf-4life of a sample of radioactive material. College classes are generally morelclosely tailored to the individual interests and needs of the Consortium faculty member invol;V'ed,'.Experiments include more direct use of the reactor itself by the student~s-, ffiore detailed 'analys:is of materials, and emphasize the incorporation of other classroom activities as much as possible.

,,, , :*::./

Several special programs for gifted, children use the reactor for p'roj-cts. These*are desgne t enichthir ductinal prgram and p repalre-them foi" colilege. Some of the groups who use the reactor target minority and disadvantaged youth wh 6 'are historically under-represented in science professions.

High School Stu dent Project-The Reed Research Reactor continues to be used in independent'science projects initiated by students from several Oregon and Washington State high schools.

Concordia University The reactor provides training and experiments involving radiation, radioactive, material, and trace element analysis for Concordia University classes..

Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012 9

Scaler Kits Through the generosity of Portland General Electric, the reactor lends out kits containing a Geiger counter, a scaler, and some small exempt sources to local high schools.

Reed Classes

' Chemistry 101 students determined the halfdives of chemri'cal forms of vanadiumi.

  • Chemistry 311 Extent of Chemical Re'action using potassium as the tracer
  • One Reed student used the reactor as part of his senior thesis.

Industrial and Commercial Applications The Reed Research Reactor is available for-industrial or commercial concerns Wýhen it does not conflict with our educational goals. As in the past, the primary operations involved neutron 'activation analysis of materials or environmental samples. The facility also provides radiation to interested parties and schools. in. the areA-,

1.0 Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012'


During the year the reactor was taken critical 443 times on 167 days. The total, energy produced was approximately 30 megawatt-hours.,Qperattng- history by month appears in table 1. A history of the data is shown in figure 4..

Table 1 Operating History 2011-2012 TIMES CRITICAL: .DAYS OPERATED, " MW-HOURS July 2.011.. 14 10 -2.31

-August 20411' 26!' .12 2.45 September 20'1 76 .*:,

.. . *: ,, .. .76 ..  ; * " 1 131 . .. . . , 2.43 2

October 2011 50 18 2.67 November 2011 50 17 2.98 December 2011 14 8 2.16 January 2012 15 13 1.53 February 2012 42 17 3.11 March 2012 47 18 2.66 April 2012 46 15 2.97 May 2012 41 16 2.90 June 2012 22 10 1.72 Total 443 167 29.90 Reed Research Reactor Annual Reportt2011-2012 11

600 500 400 300 200 100 0-

  • 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Figure 4. Operations'


12 Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012,

Unplanned Reactor Shutdowns There were 4 inadvertent reactor shutdowns (scrams) as shown in table 2. There was one unexplained scram. The number of unplanned reactor shutdowns is increasing as shown in figure 5. This trend might be linked to the increased number of operations as seen in figure 4.

Table 2 Unplanned Reactor Shutdowns DATE SCýRAM TYPE CAUSE OF SCRAM 9/17/11 Linear Power Operator overshot target power 9/18/11 Linear Power -Operator overshot target power 2/24/12 Linear Power Operator overshot target power 3/20/12 Linear Power Operator overshot target power

-20 ,

15 0-1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Figure 5 Unplanned Shutdowns Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012 1,3

REACTOR MAINTENANCE Significant Maintenance Reactor. staff, performs routine equipment, checks on a daily, weekly, bimonthly, semiannual. (January and July): and annual (Japuary) basis, as required, by facility procedures. Reed College ,maintenance, personnel :assist with routine preventative maintenance to auxiliary equipment. Significant maintenance operations that were not part of a regular schedule are listed in table 3.

Table 3 Significant Maintenance Operations.

DATE MAINTENANCE 4/10/12 Set-screw tightened on the Regulating rod's shaft drive to prevent mechanical slippage.

6/28/12: Make.7 up water - moved brassmeter to before. tank and

,.. 1,,installed a second particul.ate filter,.

10 CFR 50.59 Screenings 10 CFR 50.59 screening were review~ed during this.,reporting period. None of these screenings were referred to the reactor operations copmmittee.,

11-3 Replaceyellow filter caps in the demineralizer-tanks' .- .,

Filtercap was cracked all~owing resin to leakinto the-pool. A new cap wa.smanufactured'

!and installed.... .

12-01 Installed pH probe .

'A pH probe was installed in the tank and the readout, mounted to railing..

12-02 Installed an experiment apparatus to measure Cerenkov radiation An aluminum pole with a horizontal arm was positioned in the empty core detector position. The apparatus was attached to railing. The railing bore the weight of the tool.

The, experiment was approved by the Reactor Operations Committee in a separate action.

14 Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012


Personnel Dosimetry During the period July '.,2011 to June 30, 2012 personnel dosimeters were issued to 54 Reed students and staff' Since dosimeters 'are changed "on a calendar quarter 'skhedule, this period is the closest to the repoiting leriod.: Individuals were issued beta-gamma sensitive ring badges and whole~b6dy badges. The Director and Associate Director were issued beta-gamma-neutron sensitive dosimetry. -

During the year the largest annual whole body dose was 2 mrem deep dose equivalent.

The largest annual extremi'ty.dose .ias 40.'mreni shallow dose equivalent..

Fixed Area Dosimetry  :

(Radiation levels are; continually.imfonitored to provide an indication 'of the' average radiation levels in- the reactor, bay. and dose. outsid.:tlhe facility. All 'dosimeters monitor beta and gamma radiation. Three locations also measure neutron dose.

The deep dose equivalent radiation measured by fixed dosimeters during the period July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 are shown in table 5. M indicated. less than 1 mrem, during the quarter.

Table 5 Area Radiati" DoisimeielS, (doses are in mk~ii PerI 6alendar quarter)


LOCATION (M) DETECTED SEP 30 DEC 31 MAR 31 JUN 30 Reactor East Wall 1.5 [3 10' 13 8 6" 37 Reactor North Wall 1.6 19 24 18 19 80 Reactor West Wall 1.0 13,,, n 28 34 '26 28 ' 116 Reactor South Wall 1.6 3,.n . 8 .. 1.2. 7 6' .. 33 Reactor North Wall 2.3- .1,, . 10 14 . 8, 10.'. :42, Control Room J1.5 [3, 7, 6 5 3 21 Outside North 2.8 P, y 17 !1V 2 . 3 '33ý Outside Roof 0.4 ,y,,n M 'M 'M M M Outside East 1.5 [3,Y M M M M M Outside South 0.4 3, y M M M M M Counting Room 1.5 Y3,, M M M M M Reed Research,Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012.



Gaseous Releases The only routine release of gaseous radioactivity is from 41Ar (1.83-hour half-life) and 16 N (7.13-second half-life). These come from activation of pool water and air in the pool water and in the irradiation facilities. For the reporting period, the average gaseous activity at the site boundary was 4.31 x 1010 pCi/ml, which would deliver a dose to a member of the public of approximately 2.16 mrem, well below regulatory guidelines and constraints. Figure 6 shows the gaseous releases for each year.

1.E-06 1.E-07 1.E-08 1.E-09 1.E-10 I.E-11 1.E-12 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Figure 6 Gaseous Releases Activity (pCi/ml) at Site Boundary Liquid Waste Releases No liquid radioactive waste was released from the Reed Research Reactor during this report period.

Solid Waste Disposal There were no shipments of low-level radioactive waste from the facility during this reporting period.

Environmental Sampling Soil samples taken from the area surrounding the facility showed no activity above background. Water from the facility's secondary cooling system and the nearby canyon were sampled for activation products and tritium, but showed no activity above normal background.

16 Reed Research Reactor Annual Report 2011-2012