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OL - NRC PM Open Items List 10-12-11.docx
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 10/11/2011
- No Known Affiliation
Division of Operating Reactor Licensing
Download: ML11306A391 (6)


1 WBN2Public Resource From:

Boyd, Desiree L []


Tuesday, October 11, 2011 10:00 AM To:

Poole, Justin; Milano, Patrick; Campbell, Stephen; Epperson, Dan Cc:

Arent, Gordon; Smith, James D; Bryan, Robert H Jr; Smith, James D; Boyd, Desiree L


NRC PM Open Items List 10-12-11.docx Attachments:

NRC PM Open Items List 10-12-11.docx For next phone call.

Thank You,


Désireé L. Boyd WBN 2 Licensing Support Sun Technical Services 423-365-8764

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Watts_Bar_2_Operating_LA_Public Email Number:

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NRC PM Open Items List 10-12-11.docx Sent Date:

10/11/2011 10:00:19 AM Received Date:

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"Arent, Gordon" <>

Tracking Status: None "Smith, James D" <>

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Tracking Status: None "Smith, James D" <>

Tracking Status: None "Boyd, Desiree L" <>

Tracking Status: None "Poole, Justin" <>

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Page 1 of 4 NRC PM Open Items List 10/12/11 (423) 751-7777 ID 4233652004#


Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person


Cyber Security Plan/Controls and Implementation NRC Table Top/Pilot Jan. 2012 Inspection 4th Qtr 2012 NRC Inspection in 2011 Heinrich/Snyder (Bryan)

Page 2 of 4 No.

Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person


Instrumentation RAI List (Knuettel)

1. GA/ESI is preparing a report to document the conformance of their CGD program to NRC requirements based on NRC telecom on 8/30/11.

Draft scheduled for 9/9 is now TBD.

2. Updates based on schedule received from GA on 09/07/11 following conference call on document schedule.
3. Revise GA-ESI procedure for CGI dedication to address NRC comments.
4. Draft received for review 9/20/11.
5. Non-props & affidavits
6. WEC to provide demarcated proprietary, non-proprietary and affidavits for withholding for each item.
7. WEC to revise figure to remove connection from OM to printer to complete commitment.
8. WEC to agreed to produce a test report for the incore IITA.
9. WEC has the necessary documentation. WEC to produce a non-proprietary summary report and place the test reports in the WEC Rockville office for NRC audit.
10. Submit I&C update letter
1. 9/29/11
2. Various -

see status

3. 9/26/11A
4. 10/4/11
5. 11/18/11
6. Various -

see status

7. 10/24/11
8. TBD
9. 10/10/11A
10. 10/14/11
1. Draft response received and comments sent to GA.
2. 04038903-1SP: 10/11/11A 04038903-2SP: 10/14/11 04038903-4SP: 10/21/11 04038903-QSR: 09/30/11 Non-props and affidavits due 11/18/11
3. OP-7.3-240: Complete
4. Create new bridge document 04038800-1SP:


5. Provide NRC non-prop and affidavit for all remaining documents
6. WEC to provide the following documents:

WCAP for 0000-ICE-30156 TBD CN-EQT-10-44: 11/9/11 DAR-ME-09-10: 10/11/11 EQ-EV-62-WBT: 11/16/11 EQLR-171: 11/30/11 EQ-QR-33-WBT: 11/9/11 EQ-QR-64-GEN: 11/16/11 WNA-SD-00250-WBT: 11/2/11 WNA-SD-00248-WBT: 11/2/11 WNA-TP-02988-WBT: 10/26/11 WNA-VR-00279-WBT: 10/26/11 WNA-PT-00138-WBT: Complete

7. WNA-AR-00189-WBT:10/24/11
8. IITA In-core EQ report
9. MI cable 600V test report Produce non-prop summary document
10. Next I&C submittal update Eng/Hilmes (Smith)

Exemption to 10CFR50.49 for some Category II cables?

10/31/11 Determine if exemption required. NRC may need to establish a license condition.

Hilmes (Stockton)

Page 3 of 4 No.

Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person


Complete Implementation (Hemmer)

Pump Relocation 5/30/12 Bldg Plan 10/31/11 Inspection -

June 2012 Table update -

TBD Substantial building to complete and equipment in May.

Provide document of mitigating equipment and location for unit 2.

Hemmer (Smith)


Fire Protection Report Questions regarding OMA

1. 10/25-27/11 2.9/30/11A 3.9/30/11A
4. 11/4/11
5. 11/30/11
6. 9/30/11A
7. TBD
1. Audit
2. Group 7 RAI response
3. Receive Group 8 RAIs - if needed
4. Response to Group 8
5. Submit As-designed U1/U2 FPR
6. Fire Protection Program Audit Frequency - add to group 7 response
7. Follow-up meeting ENG/Hilmes (Arent)

Tech Spec Revisions from latest T/S markup and NRC Review comments

1. 10/14/11
2. 10/14/11
3. 10/21/11
4. 10/21/11
1. CSST A & B - discretionary
2. I-131 DEI
3. Diesel Generator Frequency
4. Unit 1 AST FHA Licensing/Elton (Bryan)

ACRS 12/15/11 Chapter 15 (T&A and dose), Hydrology, Chapters 11

& 12, Attachment HH?



SSER 22/23/24 Open Items Response 10/31/11 10/31 is the target date for the next SSER update.

The expanded HH list and status is covered periodically.



Transient Analysis issues Boron dilution RAI response 10/18/11 Question on RG revision and modes 3, 4, & 5. TVA to provide write-up explaining NRC acceptance (CLB) of unit 1 for modes 3, 4, & 5. See SSER OI 132.

ENG/Koontz WEC/Morgan


FSAR A107 10/31/11 Current target date for A107 is 10/31/11. Add SAMDA tables and 15.5 clarifications.


Page 4 of 4 No.

Description Status Additional Comments Resp Org/Person


Develop list of planned License Conditions, Exemptions and Relief Requests (Arent)

1. 11/1/11
2. TBD
3. TBD

Review Unit 1 SER for exemptions. Sand baskets, cyber security, physical security, PAD 4.0


NRR to review current exemptions


Verify required notifications made NRR/TVA (Bryan)


Verify Tech Spec Setpoints match calcs TS certification

1. 10/18/11
2. Feb 2012
1. 3 SSDs remaining to be issued. Possible submittal if any number changes.
2. TS certification Eng/Hilmes (Bryan)

Issue two Unit Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (Beach) Review TS Chapter 5 programs also 3/1/12 Determine actual need date Chemistry/

Woods (Bryan)


Issue Unit 2 Completion Letter (Arent) 8/1/12 Licensing


Submit final as-constructed FSAR figures 7/1/12 Licensing/



TMI action items 7/1/12 TVA to provide letter when TMI actions are field complete.

Licensing (Gordon)


ASME N-801 & N-802 code cases 11/30/11 NRC response to relief request submitted 9/1/11.



ASME Section III N-3 reports 8/1/12


Discretionary Actions


Letter to terminate Part 30/40 License after receipt of Part 50 License 4/1/12 Licensing (Arent)


Combined U1/U2 FSAR (Stockton) 3/1/13 Licensing


Status of GSI 199 Eastern Seismicity (Arent)

Fall 2011 No action pending upcoming Generic Letter TVA/NRR


Letter to notify NRC when Vital Area Boundary returned to original location Jan. 2012 Security Plan Update - Boundary to be restored.



IEB 88-02 SG Tube Cracking TBD Tubes are assumed locked in the WEC analysis.

Waiting for NRC concurrence. When will the WEC analysis be submitted? NRC willing to review as a contingency.

Corp SG/

Webber ISI/Tinley