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2011-07-Draft Outline Comments
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 10/27/2011
NRC Region 4
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
50-275/11-07, 50-323/11-07
Download: ML113000279 (2)


Attachment 6 OBDI 202 - IOLE Process DRAFT OUTLINE COMMENTS Facility:

Diablo First Exam Date:

7/8/11 Written Exam Outline 4/18/11 Comment Resolution 1 None 2

3 4

5 Administrative JPM Outline 4/18/11 Comment Resolution 1 Label the JPMs A1 through A9, starting with RO JPMs Fixed 2

The first three JPMs are the same between RO and SRO. Im OK with the first one dealing with reactivity management; however, everything else needs to be different or of the type where the RO performs and the SRO reviews.

Actually these are not the same between RO/SRO.

3 4

5 Control Room / In-Plant System JPM Outline 4/18/11 Comment Resolution 1

C2 is too complex to be simulated in the Control Room proper. There are too many indications that need to be queued. Swap this with another simulator JPM (possibly S5). Find one that is performed in the back panels.

fixed 2

3 4


OBDI 202 - IOLE Process Simulator Scenario Outline Comments 4/18/11 Comment Resolution Generic for all scenarios:

Need to have objective criteria for all critical tasks. For example, isolating steam generators is the task; however, no criteria is identified such as before RCS temperature reaches X or before transition to procedure Y. This should be identified in your FSAR or a commitment, or if needed, a determination by your Ops Manager that failure to meet the criteria warrants a failure.

Will do.

1 Scenario 1:

Event 1: Need to discuss why event 1 has a critical task.

Event 4: 5th line of the applicants action needs to be reworded Event 1: Loss of interlock precludes auto action.

Event 4: Reworded 2

3 4

Event 8: Make the critical task clearer.

This is conditioned upon the existing cooldown.

Fixed 5 Event 1 ES-D-1: Ramps unit where?

Fixed 6