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Declaration of Vincent Fallacara and Roger B. Rucker in Support of Entergy'S Answer Opposing Pilgrim Watch'S Request for Hearing on a New Contention
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 02/14/2011
From: Fallacaro V, Rucker R
Entergy Nuclear Generation Co, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Iepson Consulting Enterprises
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Shared Package
ML110450733 List:
RAS 19584, 50-293-LR, ASLBP 06-848-02-LR
Download: ML110450734 (58)


February 14, 2011 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel In the Matter of )


Entergy Nuclear Generation Company and ) Docket No. 50-293-LR Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. ) ASLBP No. 06-848-02-LR


(Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station) )


1. (VF) I am the Director of Engineering at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS or Pilgrim). In this capacity, I am responsible for the safe, reliable, and timely engineering support for PNPS. I lead the Design Engineering, Systems Engineering, and Programs and Components Engineering departments at the station. A statement of my professional qualifications is attached as Exhibit A to this Declaration.
2. (RBR) I am the License Renewal Electrical Lead for Iepson Consulting Enterprises and an electrical engineering consultant to Entergy License Renewal Services. In this capacity, I provide support to Entergy in developing and implementing aging management programs for electrical components, responding to NRC requests for additional information and other license renewal related reviews, and assisting with audits and inspections. I hold a Professional Engineering license in the state of Arkansas, which requires 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> of continuing education each year, and I hold a master electrician license, which requires testing every three years on each new addition of the National Electric Code to maintain that license. A statement of my professional qualifications is attached as Exhibit B to this Declaration.
3. The purpose of this Declaration is to support Entergys Answer Opposing Pilgrim Watchs Request for Hearing on a New Contention (Feb. 14, 2011). In particular, we will respond to certain claims made in the Pilgrim Watch Request for Hearing on a New Contention:

Inadequacy of Entergys Aging Management of Non-Environmentally Qualified (EQ)

Inaccessible Cables (Splices) at Pilgrim Station (Jan. 20, 2011) (PW Request), and in the Affidavit of Paul M. Blanch (Jan. 19, 2011) (Blanch Affidavit), which Pilgrim Watch submitted in connection with the Request. We have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein.

4. Pilgrim Watch contends that Entergys Aging Management Program (AMP) for non-EQ inaccessible cables and cable splices at Pilgrim Station, as amended by Entergy on January 7, 2011, is insufficient to provide reasonable assurance that these cables will be in compliance with NRC regulations and will protect public health and safety during the term of the renewed license.

PW Request at 1. This is incorrect. Pilgrim is in full compliance with NRC regulations.

Throughout the PW Request and the Blanch Affidavit, Pilgrim Watch and Mr. Blanch make a number of assertions and claims that are incorrect, irrelevant, or immaterial to the sufficiency of Pilgrims AMP for non-EQ inaccessible cables. We address those claims in this Declaration.

Purpose of the Non-EQ Inaccessible Cable AMP

5. The purpose of Entergys AMP for non-EQ inaccessible cables at Pilgrim Station is to manage the effects of aging caused by exposure to significant moisture on the insulation of low-and medium-voltage cable not subject to the environmental qualification requirements of 10 C.F.R. § 50.49 (which Entergy refers to as non-EQ cable). The primary moisture-related degradation mechanism of concern for cable insulation is water-treeing. Insulated cables exposed to water when energized are susceptible to water-treeing in which tree-like micro-cracks are formed in the insulation due to electrochemical reactions known as electrophoresis.

NUREG/CR-7000, Essential Elements of an Electric Cable Condition Monitoring Program (Jan.

2010) (NUREG/CR-7000) at 2-17. Such degradation from water treeing can make the cable susceptible to electrical trees during voltage surges, which can lead to partial discharge and eventual cable failure. The Pilgrim AMP challenged by Pilgrim Watch is intended to (1) minimize the potential for insulation degradation by minimizing cable exposure to significant moisture through periodic actions; and (2) test cables potentially exposed to significant moisture to provide an indication of the condition of the conductor insulation. NUREG-1801, Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report, Rev. 2 (Dec. 2010) at XI E3-1.


6. The Pilgrim License Renewal Application (the Application or LRA), as originally submitted, committed to implement a program for Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium-Voltage Cable that is consistent with Section X1.E3 of Revision 1 to the NUREG-1801, Generic Aging Lessons Learned (GALL) Report (GALL Rev. 1), which was the revision in effect when the LRA was submitted.Section XI.E3 of GALL Rev. 1 provided a program for managing the effects of aging on Inaccessible Medium-Voltage Cables Not Subject to 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements. This program applied to inaccessible (in conduit or directly buried) medium-voltage (2 kV to 35 kV) cables within the scope of license renewal that are exposed to significant moisture (defined as periodic exposures to moisture that lasts for more than a few days, such as cable[s] in standing water). GALL Rev. 1 at XI.E-8. It included both periodic actions to prevent cable exposure to significant moisture (such as inspecting for water collection in cable manholes, and draining water as needed) and testing to indicate the condition of the cable insulation. Id. at XI.E-7-8. GALL Rev. 1 states that the testing is to be a proven method for detecting deterioration of the insulation system due to wetting, such as power factor, partial discharge, or polarization index, or other testing that is state-of-the-art at the time the test is performed. Id. at XI.E-7.


7. The Pilgrim LRA described and committed to implement an AMP consistent with Section XI.E3 of GALL Rev. 1, taking no exceptions. LRA at App. B, § B.1.19, Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium Voltage Cable. Consistent with GALL Rev. 1, the original version of the AMP for non-EQ inaccessible cable submitted with the LRA required testing of the condition of cable insulation at least once every ten years, and inspection for water collection in manholes (and draining water as needed) at least once every two years. During the NRC Staffs review, Entergy provided certain clarifications of its program, which are described in the NRCs Safety Evaluation Report. NUREG-1891, Safety Evaluation Report Related to the License Renewal of Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (Nov. 2007) (SER) at 3-18 to 3-21. In particular, Entergy clarified that the frequency of manhole inspections will be based on actual plant experience with water accumulation in the manholes and adjusted based on the results of the evaluation. SER at 3-19.
8. The NRC Staff reviewed the Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium Voltage Cable AMP during its aging management review of the Pilgrim LRA. The NRC Staff concluded that this AMP was consistent with GALL Rev. 1, and, therefore, that Entergy had demonstrated that the effects of aging for the components covered by the AMP will be adequately managed so that their intended function(s) will be maintained consistent with the current licensing basis for the period of extended operation. SER at 3-18 to 3-22, 3-411 to 3-413.
9. The NRC issued GALL Rev. 2 on December 16, 2010. Therein, the NRC revised the program for inaccessible non-EQ cables in Section XI.E3 to include low-voltage power cable (greater than or equal to 400 volts and less than 2000 volts) in addition to medium voltage cables. GALL Rev. 2 at XI.E3-2. The NRC also increased the recommended minimum frequency of the manhole inspections (from at least once every two years to at least once every year) and cable insulation condition testing (from at least once every ten years to at least once every six years). Id.
10. On January 7, 2011, Entergy submitted a supplement to the Pilgrim License Renewal application addressing changed recommendations in Section XI.E3 of GALL Rev. 2.1 The LRA Supplement explains that, consistent with GALL Rev. 2, Entergy is enhancing its AMP for non-EQ inaccessible medium-voltage cables to include low-voltage (400 V to 2 kV) cables, increasing the minimum frequency of manhole inspections and minimum frequency of testing non-EQ inaccessible cables, and describing how relevant operating experience is used to assure program effectiveness. LRA Supplement at 8. Among other enhancements to the AMP, the Pilgrim inaccessible cable program will test inaccessible medium- and low-voltage cables for degradation of the cable insulation at least once every six years, with the results evaluated to determine the need for increasing the testing frequency. Id. at 8, 9. The AMP commits that

[t]he test is to be a proven method for detecting deterioration of the insulation system due to wetting. . . . Id. at 9. The AMP identifies specific examples of tests that may be used, such as dielectric loss (dissipation factor/power factor), AC voltage withstand, partial discharge, step voltage, time domain reflectometry, insulation resistance and polarization index, line resonance analysis, or other testing that is state-of-the-art at the time the test is performed. Id. Further, 1

Letter from S. Bethay to U.S. NRC, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) License Renewal Application (LRA)

Supplemental Information (Jan. 7, 2011), provided as Exhibit C hereto. Attachment 1 to the letter (LRA Supplement) contains the LRA supplemental information.


inspections for water in manholes containing inaccessible power cables within the Programs scope will be performed at least annually, with more frequent inspections performed based on trending and evaluation of inspection results. Id.

11. The types of tests specified in the revised Pilgrim AMP for non-EQ inaccessible cable (and Section XI.E3 of GALL Rev. 2) are all identified in NUREG/CR-7000 Section 3, Commonly Used Cable [Condition Monitoring] Techniques, as tests that have the ability to indicate the condition of the cable insulation. NUREG/CR-7000 at 3-1. NUREG/CR-7000 Section 3 discusses currently available cable condition monitoring techniques that can be included in a condition monitoring program, provides examples of some commonly used testing techniques, and notes that research is continuing and new, more effective methods of monitoring cable condition will be developed in the future. Id. The cable condition monitoring techniques described in NUREG/CR-7000 that can be used to monitor and test the condition of cable include the same techniques identified in the Pilgrim AMP. These are:
  • dielectric loss (dissipation factor/power factor), id. at 3-4 to 3-5;
  • insulation resistance and polarization index, id. at 3-5 to 3-6;
  • AC voltage withstand, id. at 3-7;
  • partial discharge, id. at 3-7 to 3-8;
  • step voltage, id. at 3-8;
  • time domain reflectometry, id. at 3-8 to 3-9; and
  • line resonance analysis, id. at 3-10.

The relevant pages from NUREG/CR-7000 discussing the effectiveness of these cable condition monitoring techniques are attached as Exhibit D to this Declaration.

Adequacy of Cable Insulation Test Methods

12. Mr. Blanch challenges the adequacy of the cable insulation test methods called for by the AMP. He contends that there is no proven test that will provide assurance that cables and splices that have been submerged will function when called upon. He claims to rely on findings from the NRC, the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Sandia National Laboratory (Sandia), and Brookhaven National Laboratory (Brookhaven). Blanch Affidavit ¶¶ 29, 32-35, 45-46. See also PW Request at 27.
13. These claims by Pilgrim Watch and Mr. Blanch are incorrect. First, there are no cable splices inside inaccessible, underground conduits at PNPS. Splices are contained in accessible structures and are subject to routine inspections under ongoing operational programs. A different AMP in LRA Appendix B, § B.1.34, Bolted Cable Connections Program, manages the effects of aging on cable splices. Second, there are many proven tests to determine the degradation of cable insulation from different aging mechanisms. As previously discussed, NUREG/CR-7000 Section 3, Commonly Used Cable [Condition Monitoring] Techniques, discusses currently available cable condition monitoring techniques that can be included in a condition monitoring program, and goes on to provide examples of available techniques, many of which are identified in the Pilgrim AMP. As discussed in subsequent paragraphs, Pilgrim Watch and Mr. Blanch 4

simply ignore these cable condition monitoring tests, and rely on information irrelevant to these tests.

14. Neither Mr. Blanch nor Pilgrim Watch challenges the sufficiency of these condition monitoring techniques. In fact, Pilgrim Watch appears to endorse them. When claiming that Entergy has not met certain recommendations contained in NUREG/CR-7000, Pilgrim Watch quotes from portions of NUREG/CR-7000 that recommend use of these same condition monitoring techniques. See PW Request at 47-49. Pilgrim Watch and Mr. Blanch cannot claim, on the one hand, that no proven test is available to assure cable performance, and, on the other hand, claim that Pilgrim should be following the guidance and recommendations contained in NUREG/CR-7000 that identify currently available cable condition monitoring techniques.
15. Next, Mr. Blanch quotes statements from the Executive Summary of NUREG/CR-7000 to the effect that in-service testing of cable does not provide specific information on the status of cable aging degradation processes nor the physical integrity and dielectric strength of its insulation and jacket material. Blanch Affidavit, ¶¶ 30-31. The quoted statement is irrelevant because it does not relate to the types of testing that are specified by the revised Pilgrim AMP for non-EQ inaccessible cable and GALL Rev. 2 Section XI.E3. The in-service testing to which NUREG/CR-7000 refers is in-service or surveillance testing of the end devices, such as pumps or valves, which are served by the cables.2 The purpose of such testing is not to monitor cable degradation and, accordingly, the statement quoted by Mr. Blanch does not refer to the cable condition monitoring methods recommended in NUREG/CR-7000, which are identified above and further described in the attached pages in Exhibit D. Indeed, the NUREG/CR-7000 Executive Summary states just several paragraphs after the portion quoted by Mr. Blanch that

[c]ondition monitoring inspections and tests can provide the means for evaluating the level of aging degradation of electric cables. NUREG/CR-7000 at xii (emphasis added).

16. Both Pilgrim Watch and Mr. Blanch refer to EPRI and Sandia reports or studies multiple times, but expend little, if any, effort to analyze those studies or show how they bear on the contention. With respect to EPRI, Pilgrim Watch quotes from EPRI Report 1020804, Plant Support Engineering: Aging Management Program Development Guidance for AC and DC Low-Voltage Power Cable Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (June 2010) (EPRI Report 1020804). PW Request at 19 n.12. But the quotation states only that insulated cables exposed to moisture are a concern, and that the Report will provide guidance for implementing a cable management program. The quoted portion of the Report says nothing about any purported lack of a proven cable condition monitoring system. Pilgrim Watch makes no other specific reference to any other portion of this EPRI Report, or any other EPRI report or study, and makes no further effort to bring any other finding from EPRI Report 1020804 to bear on the contention. Mr.

Blanch generally references EPRI or its studies four times in his affidavit (Blanch Affidavit at ¶¶ 29, 33, 45, 46), but Mr. Blanch never once identifies in his Affidavit any specific report, portion 2

For example, In-Service Testing (IST) for the Emergency Diesel Generators specifies a time duration and loading requirement to verify that all supporting systems, such as cables, fuel, and equipment environments will function per design. The surveillance test program, with IST being one part of the system assessment, is part of the Current Licensing Basis (CLB) and will continue to provide the same function during the Period of Extended Operation (PEO).


of a report, finding, conclusion, or anything else from any EPRI report or study concerning cable aging management programs.

17. EPRI Report 1020804 - which is quoted in part by Pilgrim Watch - states that

[l]ow-voltage ac and dc power cables subjected to wet conditions should be periodically tested by insulation resistance to ground and, as practicable, phase-to-phase or other recognized tests to determine whether degradation has occurred.

Results should be trended to identify significant drops (for example, a decade or more) that are not associated with conditions at the time of the test. Acceptance criteria should be developed.

To the extent practicable, manholes, vaults, and ducts should be drained, so that cables are not in or covered by long-standing water.

EPRI Report 1020804 at 6-1. These actions recommended by EPRI are consistent with those required under Entergys AMP. A separate EPRI report on medium-voltage cables, EPRI Report 1020805, Plant Support Engineering: Aging Management Program Guidance for Medium-Voltage Cable Systems for Nuclear Power Plants (June 2010) (EPRI Report 1020805) provides similar guidance for medium-voltage cables, which is also consistent with Entergys AMP:

If practicable, manholes and vaults should be kept clear of water that could submerge cables and cable accessories.

Cables within the scope of the medium-voltage cable aging management program that are or have been subjected to long-term wet environments should be assessed for condition.

Wet environment cables with insulation shields should be assessed using an off-line ac test. Very low frequency tan  is recommended for cables commonly used in nuclear plants; however, the test type should be applicable to the nature of the degradation expected and the design of the cable. Very low frequency withstand testing may be used in addition to very low frequency tan . Alternate tests, such as dielectric spectroscopy, may be used. Partial discharge testing may be used if the metallic shield configuration and insulation do not lead to excessive attenuation of partial discharge signals.

EPRI Report 1020805 at 5-1. In short, the very document on which Pilgrim Watch relies contradicts its contention and supports Entergys AMP as providing for proven tests to monitor cable conditions.

18. With respect to Sandia reports or studies, Mr. Blanch makes three references to Sandia in his affidavit (Blanch Affidavit at ¶¶ 29, 33, 45), but never once identifies any specific report, portion of a report, finding, conclusion, or anything else from any Sandia report or study concerning cable aging management programs. For its part, Pilgrim Watch does quote from one passage of a Sandia report, SAND96-034, Aging Management Guideline for Commercial Nuclear Power Plants - Electrical Cable and Terminations, claiming the report supports its 6

assertion that there is no proven technology to detect degradation. PW Request at 35-36, ¶¶ 64-65. But, SAND96-034 predates both the GALL Report and NUREG/CR-7000, the latter by nearly fourteen years, and as previously demonstrated, multiple methods exist today to detect cable insulation degradation. In his previous Affidavit dated January 14, 2011, Mr. Blanch asserted that, while the Sandia Report may be 14 years old, its conclusions have not been superseded by additional research including extensive EPRI and NRC studies. Affidavit of Paul M. Blanch (Jan. 14, 2011) at ¶ 44. This assertion too is incorrect (and indeed, no longer appears in Mr. Blanchs Jan. 19, 2011 Affidavit). Both EPRI and Brookhaven have conducted significant studies since the publication of SAND96-0344. In fact, Mr. Blanch refers to NUREG/CR-7000 as the most comprehensive study on cable degradation. Blanch Affidavit at

¶ 42.

19. Furthermore, the technical findings described in SAND96-0344 were considered by NUREG/CR-7000 and the relevant GALL Report programs. See, e.g., NUREG/CR-7000 at 2-14; GALL Rev. 2 at XI. E3-1 (Inaccessible Power Cables not Subject to 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualifications Requirements). Thus, the concerns expressed in SAND96-0344 have been addressed in these later reports and the conclusions and findings of have effectively been superseded.
20. We presume that, when referring to a Brookhaven study, Pilgrim Watch and Mr. Blanch mean NUREG/CR-7000, which was prepared for the NRC by Brookhaven contractors. See PW Request at 39 ¶ 75. As discussed in prior paragraphs, and as the attached portions of NUREG/CR-7000 demonstrate, NUREG/CR-7000 is abundantly clear that multiple methods exist today to detect cable insulation degradation. Pilgrim Watch also associates Brookhaven with NRC Information Notice (IN) 2010-26, see PW Request at 12 ¶ 21, but there does not appear to be any basis for that association. On its face, IN 2010-26 does not appear to have been prepared by Brookhaven, nor is NUREG/CR-7000 (which was prepared by Brookhaven) discussed in IN 2010-26. No other Brookhaven study is referenced or identified in either the PW Request or the Blanch Affidavit.
21. Thus, the various claims raised by Mr. Blanch and Pilgrim Watch that there are no proven methods to monitor cable degradation are incorrect. The very documents cited by Mr. Blanch and Pilgrim Watch demonstrate that such proven methods of testing are available and include the very tests provided for in the Pilgrim AMP for non-EQ inaccessible cables.

Basis for Periodicity of Test and Inspection Intervals

22. In accordance with GALL Rev. 2, the revised Pilgrim AMP for non-EQ inaccessible cable provides that in-scope low- and medium-voltage cable exposed to significant moisture shall be tested at least once every six years to provide an indication of the condition of the conductor insulation, with the results evaluated to determine the need for increasing the testing frequency.

LRA Supplement at 8, 9. In addition, inspections for accumulation of water in manholes containing inaccessible low-and medium-voltage cables with a license renewal intended function will be conducted at least annually and trended to determine the need to revise manhole inspection frequency. Id.


23. Mr. Blanch states that there is no technical justification for this periodicity of testing and inspection. Blanch Affidavit at ¶ 37. However, the periodicity specified in GALL Rev. 2 is based on operating experience - the fact that cable insulation degradation is a slow process - and that it has been found adequate to identify degradation prior to failure. With respect to the preventive measures - i.e., the inspections that must be performed at least annually -- GALL Rev. 2 provides The inspection frequency for water collection is established and performed based on plant-specific operating experience with cable wetting or submergence in manholes (i.e., the inspection is performed periodically based on water accumulation over time and event driven occurrences, such as heavy rain or flooding). The periodic inspection should occur at least annually.

GALL Rev. 2 at XI. E3-2. With respect to the testing of cable insulation, GALL Rev. 2 provides For power cables exposed to significant moisture, test frequencies are adjusted based on test results (including trending of degradation where applicable) and operating experience. Cable testing should occur at least once every 6 years. A 6-year interval provides multiple data points during a 20-year period, which can be used to characterize the degradation rate. This is an adequate period to monitor performance of the cable and take appropriate corrective actions since experience has shown that although a slow process, aging degradation could be significant.

Id. As stated above, the reason for changing the cable test frequency from once every 10 years to once every 6 years was to provide more data points to characterize the degradation rate.

Importantly, the inspection frequencies are minimums and will be increased based on operating experience. Indeed, for example, Pilgrim already conducts bi-weekly inspections for two manholes because operating experience shows that these particular manholes are susceptible to water collection due to their proximity to the water table. See ¶ 37, infra.

Cable Below 400 V and Above 35 KV

24. Mr. Blanch states that, in expanding its AMP to include low-voltage (400 V to 2 kV) cables, Entergy has arbitrarily redefined the scope of its cables monitoring programs thereby eliminating the majority of vital cables within scope of 10 CFR 54.4 and 10 CFR 54.21, namely the miles of cables operating at voltages of less than 400 volts that meet the requirements defined in 10 CFR 54. Blanch Affidavit at ¶¶ 27-28. Mr. Blanch further contends that Entergy and the NRC have defined low voltages [sic] cables to eliminate all cables designed to operate at less than 400 volts even though [m]any of these cables control systems within the scope of 10 CFR 54 and must meet the requirements of 10 CFR 50.49 to assure continued functionality for aging and submergence for normal and design bases events. Id. at ¶ 28.
25. Entergy has not eliminated any cables from aging management programs when compared to the previous version of Pilgrims AMPs, which were based on GALL Rev. 1. Rather, based on the revised findings in GALL Rev. 2 XI.E3, Pilgrim has expanded its AMP (B.1.19, Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium Voltage Cable) to include cables with voltages as low as 400 V, which has added greatly to the inaccessible power cable population subject to the program activities.


26. To the extent that Mr. Blanchs assertions seek to argue that inaccessible power cables less than 400 V should be subject to an aging management program under GALL Rev. 2 XI.E3 and Pilgrim AMP B.1.19, no basis exists for such a position. Cable with voltage below 400 V (typically, instrumentation and control cables) are not included in the Pilgrim AMP for non-EQ inaccessible cable because the operating experience across all operating units has not indicated any significant frequency of water-induced failure for such cable. This reflects the fact that degradation of cable insulation is generally a function of both the voltage and the presence of water (i.e., the voltage level contributes to the degradation). As explained in NUREG/CR-7000, When the stressors of wetting or, wetting combined with higher voltage (generally 480Vac and above), are acting on cables that are not qualified to operate in a wet or submerged state, moisture intrusion, electrochemical reactions, and/or water treeing will occur. These mechanisms will lead to a decrease in the dielectric strength of the cable insulation, an increase in leakage current, and eventually will result in one of the failure modes described in subsection 2.2.1.

NUREG/CR-7000 at 2-14. Thus, there is no basis for requiring cable with a voltage lower than 400 V to be subject to aging management review.

27. Mr. Blanch also refers to cable with voltages ranging up to 345 KV (Blanch Affidavit at

¶ 29), and PW appears to be challenging the lack of a testing requirement for high voltage cable.

PW Request at 27. However, high-voltage (>35 kV) power cables and connections are not included in the aging management program recommended by Section XI.E3 of the GALL Report for non-EQ inaccessible cable because they have unique, specialized constructions and must be evaluated on an application specific basis. GALL Report at VI.A-1. Furthermore, Pilgrim does not have any inaccessible, high-voltage cable subject to aging management review.

Baseline Inspections

28. Mr. Blanch contends that Entergy has failed to provide any commitment to establishing any baseline inspections for safety-related inaccessible cables. Blanch Affidavit at ¶ 42. While there is no regulatory requirement for baseline inspections of cable, Table ES.1 in NUREG/CR-7000 lists establishing a baseline condition of cables as a recommended element of a cable condition monitoring program, and EPRI 1020805 also recommends establishing baseline criteria. These guidance documents provide some information associated with establishing baseline data, and the first tests performed by this AMP will satisfy this recommendation. In this respect, the amended AMP for non-EQ inaccessible cable (B.1.19) provides that [a]ll in-scope medium-voltage cables will be tested prior to entering the [period of extended operation] and low-voltage cables will be tested within six years of entering the [period of extended operation]). Entergy has tested the 4 kV inaccessible cable and will complete testing of the 23 kV inaccessible cable in September 2011, prior to entering the period of extended operation. These 4 kV and 23 kV cables make up the inaccessible medium-voltage cables with a license renewal intended function.
29. The testing of low-voltage cables is an additional recommendation in the recently revised GALL Report, and Pilgrim has committed in the AMP to test low-voltage cables within the first six years of extended operation. Prioritizing the medium- and low-voltage cable testing in this manner is appropriate given (1) the short time between issuance of GALL Rev. 2 with its 9

expanded scope of low-voltage cables and Pilgrims period of extended operation commencing in 2012, and (2) the fact that insulation degradation is a slow process where the potential for cable insulation degradation increases with voltage. The adequacy of the schedule for low-voltage cable testing is further supported by recent test results of some of Pilgrims 4 kV cable.

In 2009, EPRI tested samples from underground 4 kV Pilgrim cable that was over 30 year old.

This cable was removed to test whether any degradation had occurred as a result of its exposure to wetted conditions over this 30-year period. The testing methods used on the samples included many of those identified in Entergys AMP. The test results showed no evidence of premature aging or degradation that could preclude reasonable assurance of continued function through 2032. Indeed, for example, the insulation resistance test showed that insulation resistance is high and met the requirements for new cable. Thus, 30 year-old medium-voltage cable that is more susceptible to degradation than low-voltage cable has shown no signs of premature aging or degradation.


30. Mr. Blanch asserts that [c]orrosion is a factor due to submergence because [c]ables may be degraded due to manufacturing defects, installation, splices allowing contaminated and brackish water to come in contact with the metallic conductors, splices, and other connections thereby resulting in corrosion and overheating, and [t]his potential for corrosion is clearly discussed in NUREG 7000 and is a function of age. Blanch Affidavit ¶ 41.
31. While NUREG/CR-7000 does discuss corrosion, it does not do so in the context of cable insulation degradation because cable insulation is non-metallic and is not subject to corrosion.

Rather, with respect to corrosion, NUREG/CR-7000 discusses the corrosion of splices and connections. NUREG/CR-7000 at 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-14.

32. While Pilgrim does have cable splices, there are no cable splices inside inaccessible underground conduits. All cable splices are in accessible structures and subject to routine inspections under plant operational programs and, as discussed in paragraph 13 above, the Bolted Cable Connections Program described in LRA Appendix B, § B.1.34 manages the effects of aging on cable splices.
33. Furthermore, although not purchased as submarine cable (i.e., cable designed for permanent use in bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans), Pilgrims inaccessible cables are high quality cable that were procured to accommodate a wetted location. Pilgrims cable specifications stated that the cable shall be suitable for installation in underground conduit outdoor wet locations The insulation material in these cables is in fact identical to the highly water resistant material used in submarine cable by the same manufacturer. The only difference is that submarine cable has an additional metal jacket. Cables like Pilgrims inaccessible cables are intended and used throughout the world in similar applications that entail intermittent or even prolonged exposure to moisture in an underground environment.
34. Finally, contrary to Mr. Blanchs claims (see, e.g., Blanch Affidavit ¶¶ 21-23), Pilgrim has not been subject to flooding. Moreover, testing of water from two manholes, conducted as recently as January 28, 2011, shows the water is without chemical contaminants. Thus, Pilgrim has not has not been subject to flooding by brackish or chemically contaminated water.


Subsurface Hydrological Survey

35. Mr. Blanch claims that the AMP lacks requirements to perform a subsurface hydrological survey over the Pilgrim site, to compare those results to a 1967 hydrological study, and to perform future, regular subsurface surveys to check changes in groundwater flow. Blanch Affidavit at ¶ 18. There is no regulatory requirement or recommendation in the GALL Report or other guidance documents (e.g., NUREG/CR-7000 or EPRI) for a hydrological survey to be conducted as part of a program for managing the effects of aging on electrical cables. The Entergy AMP for inaccessible non-EQ cable, which does not require a subsurface hydrological survey, is consistent with the GALL Report, which does not recommend such a survey. For purposes of the AMP, there is no need to perform such a survey because the program conservatively assumes that the cables may be exposed to water and, therefore, manholes containing in-scope cables are inspected, and in-scope cable insulation is tested.
36. In any event, Entergy performed a hydrologic assessment at the Pilgrim site in 2007 as part of a corporate groundwater protection initiative. The survey has been shared with Federal and State regulators. The survey confirms that Pilgrim cables are installed above the groundwater table.
37. The upper extreme of the water table does reach the bottoms of two manholes that contain non-safety related cables with a license renewal intended function. The water table at these manholes reaches approximately 15 feet above sea level during the rainy season, and the bottom of the manhole is 13.5 feet above sea level, providing approximately 18 inches of water above the bottoms of the manholes. The cables in these two manholes are mounted approximately three feet above the bottom of the manhole and thus are above the upper extreme of the water table. There are no cable splices in these manholes. Water is detected in these two manholes on a seasonal basis because of their proximity to the water table. Both manholes are inspected and pumped every two weeks. Entergy has tested the water from these manholes, and it is neither brackish nor chemically contaminated. There are no detectable chlorides in the water, its conductivity is less than 100 umhos/cm, and it has a neutral pH. Water has been found in other manholes only after significant rainfall.

10 C.F.R. § 50.49 Requirements & General Design Criterion (GDC) 4

38. Mr. Blanch contends that Entergy must commit to bring [c]ables that have been exposed to any submergence within the scope of 10 C.F.R. § 50.49 for the PEO to address both aging and submergence. Blanch Affidavit ¶ 37. Among other things, Mr. Blanch asserts that submergence and moisture constitute a continuous harsh environment under 10 C.F.R. § 50.49 Id. at ¶¶ 39-40. Mr. Blanchs novel and unsupported interpretation of 10 C.F.R. § 50.49 is incorrect.
39. Pursuant to 10 C.F.R. § 50.49, safety-related and certain other electric equipment (including cable) located in a harsh environment is subject to testing and analysis to demonstrate its environmental qualification. The environmental qualification requirements in 10 C.F.R. § 50.49, however, do not apply to equipment located in a mild environment. 10 C.F.R. § 50.49(c)(3). A mild environment is defined in the NRC rules as an environment that would at no 11

time be significantly more severe than the environment that would occur during normal plant operations, including anticipated operational occurrences. Id.

40. The presence of water on underground cables at Pilgrim will be no different during any postulated accident than during normal plant operation, including anticipated operational occurrences. In other words, there is no plant transient or accident that will increase the presence of water on underground cables. Accordingly, the 10 C.F.R. § 50.49 requirements do not apply to inaccessible cables exposed to wetting or submergence because the environments of wetted or submerged cables do not change as a result of an accident. Thus, the underground cables in the Pilgrim AMP for non-EQ inaccessible cable are located in a mild environment, and Mr. Blanchs assertion that the requirements of 10 C.F.R. § 50.49(c) apply to Pilgrims inaccessible cables is incorrect.
41. Mr. Blanchs reference (Blanch Affidavit at ¶ 40) to submergence in 10 C.F.R. § 50.49 as a harsh environment is misplaced. 10 C.F.R. § 50.49(e)(6) provides that the electric equipment qualification program must include and be based on the following . . . submergence (if subject to being submerged). The requirement in 10 C.F.R. § 50.49(e)(6) refers to those cables important to safety that may be subjected to submergence as a result of a design basis accident, such as a loss of coolant accident or high energy line break. As stated before, underground cables will not become submerged as the result of a plant transient or accident, and are therefore located in a mild environment as defined by 10 C.F.R. § 50.49.
42. For electrical equipment located in mild environments, such as Pilgrims non-EQ inaccessible cables, compliance with the environmental design provisions of General Design Criterion (GDC) 4 are generally achieved and demonstrated by proper incorporation of all relevant environmental conditions into the design process, including the equipment specification.

NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan (Rev. 3, Mar. 2007) at 3.11-2. In other words, safety-related cable located in a mild environment must still be designed to accommodate the effects of, and be compatible with, the environment to which it is exposed, but compliance with this requirement is generally met by specifying appropriate service conditions when such equipment is procured.

43. Pilgrims inaccessible cables were procured to accommodate wet locations. Pilgrims cable specifications state that the cable shall be suitable for installation in underground conduit, outdoor wet locations, and in exposed conduit or on expanded metal trays in indoor, basically dry locations. Cable designed for wet locations is designed for significant exposure to water.

For example, although not directly applicable here, the Underwriters Laboratory (UL) defines a wet location as a location in which water or other liquid can drip, splash, or flow on or against electrical equipment. Cables like Pilgrims inaccessible cables are intended and used throughout the world in applications that entail intermittent or even prolonged exposure to moisture in an underground environment, and such cables have a track record of long-term moisture resistance. Indeed, the manufacturer of Pilgrims medium-voltage cables (Kerite) states that it has yet to see the start of an age-related failure mechanism after more than half a century of applications.


Commercial Industry Requirements

44. Mr. Blanch devotes several paragraphs of his Affidavit to address wire or cable products that have been submerged, or exposed to or damaged by floodwaters, and particularly floodwaters that may have high concentrations of contaminants. Blanch Affidavit at ¶¶ 19-25.

For support, Mr. Blanch references among other things the position of National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and information contained on the websites and Id. See also id. at ¶¶ 20, 21, 37, 44.

45. Mr. Blanchs assertions do not apply to Pilgrim and its non-EQ inaccessible cables. As previously discussed, Pilgrims cables were procured to be installed in wet, underground environments. There are manufacturer standards for insulated power cables for use in underground service, including standards endorsed by NEMA. The NEMA-endorsed standards for underground power distribution cables, however, nowhere suggest that those cables should be replaced after exposure to the significant moisture that can occur in underground applications.

The NEMA standards cited by Mr. Blanch are for switchboard wire, which is only installed inside a cabinet or panel, and not allowed to be routed between cabinets or panels. The cited standards are not applicable to low- and medium-voltage inaccessible cable.

46. Additionally, contrary to Mr. Blanchs assertion, Blanch Affidavit at ¶ 22, NEMA is not the independent experts for the National Electric Code (NEC) and the NEC code is not produced by NEMA. Rather, the NEC is the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

Standard 70 and is approved and published by the NEC Committee, a sub-committee of the NFPA.3 The NEC is used nationally and internationally as the basis for safeguarding persons, buildings, and their contents from hazards arising from the use of electricity.

47. Furthermore, as stated in Article 90.2 of the NEC, the NEC is not applicable to cable used in nuclear power plants.4 Moreover, the NEC standards nowhere suggest that underground cable, such as that used at Pilgrim, must be replaced after exposure to any type of submergence.

Therefore, Mr. Blanchs discussion of NEC standards is irrelevant to the Pilgrim AMP.

48. None of the other references provided by Mr. Blanch apply to Pilgrim non-EQ inaccessible cable. For example, the Lowes for Pros article quoted by Mr. Blanch refers to ROMEX cable (which is a plastic-sheathed wire used in residential and commercial applications such as lighting), but Pilgrim has no NM-B cable (commercially known as ROMEX) in use as underground cable. For another example, the cited article provides (among other things) that:

3 See 4

NEC Article 90.2(A)(4) provides that the Code covers the installation of electrical conductors . . .for the following . . . Installations used by the electric utility, such as office buildings, warehouses, garages, machine shops, and recreational buildings, that are not an integral part of a generating plant, substation, or control center (emphasis added). NEC Article 90.2(B)(5)(b) provides that the Code does not cover [i]nstallations under the exclusive control of an electric utility where such installations . . . [a]re on property owned or leased by the electric utility for the purpose of communications, metering, generation, control, transformation, transmission, or distribution of electric energy.


Several sections of National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) installation standards say that electrical equipment and inside wiring not intended to get wet that has been submerged in water, and especially dirty water, should be replaced.

However, many property owners, especially those of private residences, do not understand the seriousness of connecting a damaged system to power, and may assume that once dried and clean, the structures system is safe.

Pilgrim does not use any inside wiring not intended to get wet for its underground power cable within the scope of license renewal.

49. In addition, the article cited by Mr. Blanch refers to wire that is inapplicable to Pilgrim non-EQ inaccessible cable. There is no wire installed in underground raceways. Cable must be used for this application. The article references THWN and XHHW, which apply only to wire, not cable. Thus, any reference to these wire types is not applicable to Pilgrim inaccessible power cables.
50. Mr. Blanchs remaining assertions concerning conditions at the Pilgrim site are far wide of the mark. The Pilgrim site grade elevation is 23 feet above mean sea level and is above the 100-year flood level. Pilgrim has not been subject to flooding. Underground cables are located above the Pilgrim site groundwater table. Underground cables may be wetted by rainwater as it percolates from the surface to the groundwater table, but this is a transitory condition for which the cables were procured. Groundwater flows into Cape Cod Bay; sea water does not flow in the reverse direction. Groundwater at the plant does not have high corrosive salt concentrations.

Rainwater does not have high corrosive salt concentrations. As previously discussed, Pilgrim has tested water collected in two onsite manholes and determined that the water is non-contaminated, non-aggressive, and has a neutral pH. Pilgrim also tests rainwater collected from storm drains. The pH measured in those tests is essentially neutral and, contrary to Mr. Blanchs speculation, does not indicate the presence of any contaminants that might adversely impact cable insulation.

Significance of Identified Cable Failures

51. Mr. Blanch states that NRC Information Notice 2010-26 cites failures of 269 cables whose failure frequency increased with the age of the plant; and claims that one would expect the failure rate to be decreasing if there were a proven method for detecting degraded cables.

Blanch Affidavit at ¶¶ 45-49.

52. The 269 cable failures to which Mr. Blanch refers are the results of the NRC Staffs efforts to gather information on cable failures from licensees. In 2007, the NRC issued Generic Letter 2007-01, informing licensees of failures that had occurred in inaccessible cable subject to wetted environments and requesting that the licensees provide a history of inaccessible power cable failures for all cables within the scope of the maintenance rule, as well as a description of inspection, testing and monitoring programs used to detect degradation of inaccessible cables.

Generic Letter 2007-01, Inaccessible or Underground Power Cable Failures that Disable Accident Mitigation Systems or Cause Plant Transients (Feb. 7, 2007) (ADAMS Accession No.


ML070360665) (GL 2007-01). The NRC Staff summarized the results of the responses to the Generic Letter in a report in late 2008. Generic Letter 2007, Inaccessible or Underground Power Cable Failures That Disable Accident Mitigation Systems or Cause Plant Transients: Summary Report (Nov. 12, 2008) (ADAMS Accession No. ML082760385) (GL 2007-01 Summary Report).

53. Mr. Blanch mischaracterizes the results described in the GL 2007-01 Summary Report which are referenced in Information Notice 2010-26. The Staff reviewed responses from 65 nuclear power plant sites that included 104 operating reactor units. GL 2007-01 Summary Report at 4. The licensees reported 269 cable failures for all 104 reactor units over their lifetimes. Id. 125 of these failures occurred while the cable was in service, and 114 were considered to have failed because the cables did not meet testing and acceptance criteria, including cables that did not fail while in service and cables that were determined unacceptable during visual inspection. Id. at 5. Licensees reported 30 failures that were indeterminate whether they were in-service or testing failures. Id. Of the 269 cable failures reported by the licensees, 209 cables were normally energized, and 15 cables were normally de-energized; the licensees did not supply this information for 45 cables. Id. at 13. Thus, 93% (209 of 224) of the failures occurred on normally energized cables. Id. For cables that were normally de-energized, 66.7% (10 of 15) of the failures were discovered by testing. Id. These cable failures also included failures that resulted from manufacturing and installation defects. Id. at 20. Based on its review, the NRC Staff perceived a trend in cable failures, with exposure to water being the predominant contributing factor. Id. at 26.
54. Importantly, the GL 2007-01 Summary Report provided a complete accounting of all cable failures for those cables within the scope of the Maintenance Rule (10 C.F.R. § 50.65), id. at 1.

Each of the 104 nuclear power plants has at least 10,000 cables, with an average of 25 years of service - in other words, cumulatively 26 million years of cable service. As such, 269 failures represent a very low failure rate.

55. In addition, cable failure rates are higher during the first ten years or so of service as a result of installation, manufacturing, or other defects that tend to reveal themselves early on in a cables service life. After this initial period, the failure rate trends down. Contrary to Mr.

Blanchs unsupported assertions and speculation, there is little if any data suggesting that failure rates increase, let alone increase rapidly, as cables age. Rather, for the purposes of license renewal, the NRC and the industry assume that failure rates will start to increase as the cables age in the PEO. In response to this assumption, the NRC and industry implement appropriate AMPs for cables during the PEO so that cable degradation will be detected prior to the loss of the cables intended function.

56. Furthermore, the NRC Staff intended the findings summarized in the GL 2007-01 Summary Report to apply to operating plants independent of license renewal. Among other things, the NRC Staff notes that:

Plants undergoing license renewal have agreed to a cable testing program for the extended period of plant operation for a limited number of cables that are within the scope of licensee renewal, but only a few plants have established a cable testing program for the current operating period.


GL 2007-01 Summary Report at 26 (emphasis added). Because the NRC Staff believes that licensees should have a program for using available diagnostic cable testing methods to assess cable condition, id., the NRC Staff planned to take the following actions: (1) issue a Regulatory Guide that identifies the essential elements of an electrical cable monitoring program by December 2009; (2) issue revisions to applicable Reactor Oversight Process inspection procedures to ensure that the cable qualifications are maintained with regulatory requirements; and (3) continue to take regulatory actions for licensees who have not demonstrated cable qualification for the current license period. Id. at 27. In short, the GL 2007-01 Summary Report does not evaluate the license renewal cable testing programs to be implemented as aging management programs, but rather reflects the NRC Staffs belief that licensees should establish a cable monitoring program independent of license renewal programs. Indeed, Entergy has implemented a cable monitoring program (EN-DC-346) for such a purpose.

57. Pilgrim Watch asserts that Mr. Mathews discussion of the NRCs determination of very low safety significance, or Green finding, concerning the submergence of cables discussed in IN 2010-26 reflects grade inflation in the NRCs lenient grading system and does not show that [Pilgrims] inaccessible non-qualified cables are all of low safety significance now, or that they will be so during the 20 years to which Entergys AMP applies. PW Request at 24.
58. The cables that Mr. Mathew discussed are not cables used to power accident mitigation systems, but cables used to provide offsite power to the plant (the cables ran from the start-up transformer to electrical buses A2 and A4). Nuclear plant safety systems are not dependent on offsite power since they are equipped with emergency power sources, such as the emergency diesel generators. Thus, the cables discussed by Mr. Mathew are not safety-related.

Nonetheless, the cables are within the scope of license renewal because they are credited under procedures for recovering from a station blackout.

59. Mr. Blanch also asserts that the cable failures represent a grave safety issue that may result in common mode failures. Blanch Affidavit at ¶ 50. Contrary to Mr. Blanchs assertion, the emergency core cooling systems and their sources of power are both diverse and redundant.

Therefore, by design they are not subject to common mode failure.

60. Indeed, in 2004 and 2005, the NRC explored the potential for common mode failures for underground medium-voltage cables. In response, the nuclear industry prepared and submitted to the NRC NEI 06-05, Medium Voltage Underground Cable White Paper (Apr. 2006). For a common mode failure to occur, a common stressor resulting from service conditions must be present that is intense enough to cause simultaneous or near simultaneous failure of multiple components. NEI 06-05 at p. 55. In short, such conditions do not exist with respect to the degradation of medium-voltage cables because the likelihood of simultaneous cable insulation failures is extremely low in light of the tens of years (20, 30, or significantly more) required to degrade a cable to make it susceptible to the voltage surges that can lead to cable failure and the fact that voltage surges are random. Id. at p. 56 Other Alleged Inadequacies Entergys AMP
61. Pilgrim Watch makes many unsupported assertions concerning the adequacy of Entergys AMP for non-EQ inaccessible cable (PW Request at 27-28), including 16
a. Significant Moisture is defined to eliminate most of what could be truly significant;
b. Inspections for water accumulation, i.e., what can I see, is insufficient on its face; at least absent testing for water accumulation, present or in the past, in places that cannot be seen simply by removing a manhole cover;
c. Even if significant moisture were adequately defined, looking to see if a cable is exposed to significant moisture fails even to ask if it has been significantly exposed in the past;
d. And, consistently with the entire AMP, there is no mention of what will be done if a test shows deterioration.
62. Pilgrim Watchs claim that the definition of significant moisture would eliminate that which could be truly significant is an unsupported assertion by Pilgrim Watchs non-expert representative. Moreover, Pilgrim Watchs claim offers no support to materially dispute the fact that water treeing is the moisture-related degradation mechanism that the GALL Report and, in turn, the Entergy AMP seek to prevent. NUREG/CR-7000 provides that Cables exposed to water while energized are susceptible to a phenomenon called

'water treeing' in which tree-like micro-cracks are formed in the insulation due to electrochemical reactions. Growth of water trees will increase with time under continued exposure to moisture and voltage stress eventually leading to complete electrical breakdown of the insulation NUREG/CR-7000 at 2-17. It is therefore continued exposure to moisture while a cable is energized that the GALL Report program and Entergys AMP seek to address. Thus, GALL Rev. 2 defines significant moisture as periodic exposures to moisture that last more than a few days (e.g., cable wetting or submergence in water). GALL Rev. 2 at XI. E3-2.

63. Pilgrim Watchs assertions that the manhole inspections for water accumulation are insufficient or fail to account for past exposure ignores the fact that the AMP for inaccessible cable also requires testing of the cable insulation. GALL Rev. 2 acknowledges that inspecting for water collection in cable manholes and conduits, and draining water as needed, are not sufficient to ensure that water is not trapped elsewhere in the raceways. GALL Rev. 2 at XI.

E3-1. The cable insulation testing is specifically intended to assure the integrity of cable insulation for those portions of inaccessible cables that cannot be seen and are conservatively assumed to be wet. And as previously discussed, supra ¶ 17, two EPRI studies also recommend both manhole inspections and cable insulation testing as part of a cable aging management program.

64. Pilgrim Watchs concern that the AMP does not identify corrective actions is misplaced.

For one, the Entergy AMP states that, for the manhole inspection portion of the program, water will be drained as needed. LRA Supplement at 9. Other NRC regulations, which apply during the period of extended operation, will require Entergy to take corrective action if any condition adverse to quality is identified. 10 C.F.R. Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, Corrective Action. Like all AMPs, the non-EQ inaccessible cable AMP is subject to the License Renewal 17

Application Appendix B corrective action program, LRA App. B § B.0.3, PNPS Corrective Actions, Confirmation Process, and Administrative Controls (Appendix B CAP). The Appendix B CAP requires evaluation of conditions adverse to quality, including the assessment of necessary corrective actions. Thus, if a manhole inspection reveals that water has accumulated, it will be pumped. If a cable insulation test indicates degrading cable insulation, the condition will be addressed by the PNPS corrective action program.

65. Pilgrim Watch also contends that Entergys AMP for inaccessible cable is silent on sampling because there is no indication that the entire component, or indeed what components, will be examined, and that, absent an identification of the location and extent of non-EQ inaccessible cables and splices and the current groundwater flow, there is no basis for determining where and what must be sampled if that sample is to be meaningful. PW Request at 35 ¶ 63.
66. Sampling is not relevant for the AMP that applies to non-EQ inaccessible cables. Rather, for inaccessible cables, Entergys AMP provides for visual inspections of manholes containing cables with a license renewal intended function and the periodic testing of cable insulation.


67. Based on our review, it is our opinion that (1) the Pilgrim AMP for non-EQ inaccessible cable is an adequate program that will manage the effects of aging on inaccessible non-EQ medium- and low-voltage cables subject to aging management review in a manner providing reasonable assurance that such cables will continue to perform their intended function in accordance with the CLB during the period of extend operation; (2) that Pilgrim Watch and Mr.

Blanch have not raised any genuine dispute with this program or any other portions of the LRA; and (3) that Pilgrim Watch and Mr. Blanch have not raised any significant safety issue.

We declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements are true and correct to the best of our knowledge, information, and belief.

Executed in Accord with 10 C.F.R. 2.304(d) Executed in Accord with 10 C.F.R. 2.304(d)

Vincent Fallacara Roger B. Rucker Director, Engineering License Renewal Electrical Lead Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Iepson Consulting Enterprises Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. 1448 SR 333 600 Rocky Hill Rd Russellville, AR 72802 Plymouth, MA 02360 (479) 858-4542 (508) 830-8100 18

EXHIBIT A VINCENT FALLACARA Director, Engineering (Effective: March 2010)


Responsible for the safe, reliable, and timely engineering support for the Pilgrim Nuclear Station. The Director leads in the management of the Design Engineering, Systems Engineering, Programs and Components Engineering and the Project Management departments at the station.


3/10 to Present Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. - Director, Engineering, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 11/02 to 3/10 Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. - Manager, Training and Development, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 2000 to 2002 Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc. - Manager, Operations, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 1999 to 2000 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Assistant Operations Manager 1997 to 1999 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Shift Manager 1990 to 1997 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Control Room Supervisor 1988 to 1990 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station - Sr. Engineer, Operations Support 6/81 to 11/88 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station - Plant Engineer EDUCATION:

1985 Master of Science Mechanical Engineering -

Polytechnic Institute of New York

1981 Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering -

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1991 USNRC SRO License - Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station 1995 Massachusetts Nuclear Power Plant Operating Engineers License 1988 SRO Certification - Shoreham Nuclear Power Station

EXHIBIT B RESUME Roger B. Rucker, P.E.

EDUCATION B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Arkansas, 1990 EXPERIENCE 09/2006 - Present Iepson Consulting Enterprises - License Renewal Electrical Lead

  • Responsible for preparation and review of Electrical, Instrumentation and Control (EIC)

Aging Management Reviews, EIC Aging Management Program Evaluation Report, and EQ TLAA Reports for the Indian Point, Cooper, Grand Gulf, TVA Sequoyah, and Waterford 3 License Renewal Projects. Responsible for supporting and reviewing the EIC portions of the Scoping Report, the OE Report, and the LRA for Indian Point, Cooper, Grand Gulf, and TVA Sequoyah.

  • Support License Renewal Implementation Activities for Pilgrim, Fitzpatrick, Palisades, Indian Point, Vermont Yankee, and Arkansas Nuclear One, with the focus on developing and implementing electrical inspections associated with GALL XI.E1, E2, E3, E4, and E6 programs.
  • Support NRC audits for Fitzpatrick, Indian Point, and Cooper, and resolve auditor comments as assigned.
  • Taiwan Power: Developed and presented training material for implementation of license renewal aging management programs for electrical components at Chin Shan plant site and Taiwan Power Corporate office.
  • Attend NRC and Industry meetings as assigned.

07/2010 - 08/2010 Iepson Consulting Enterprises - Palo Verde

  • Performed site walk downs and prepared results report to support EQ program environment update.

10/2009 - 04/2011 Iepson Consulting Enterprises - Southern Nuclear (Hatch)

  • Developed site procedure, and performed inspections for the insulated cables and connections program (GALL XI.E1).

03/2009 - 04/2009 Iepson Consulting Enterprises - Korea Plant Services

09/2008 - 12/2008 Iepson Consulting Enterprises - Entergy Operations, Inc.

Arkansas Nuclear One - Design Engineering

  • Prepared and reviewed instrument loop uncertainty calculations associated with the replacement of the data acquisition hardware for the Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) computer.

07/2008 - 10/2008 Iepson Consulting Enterprises - Entergy Operations, Inc.

Arkansas Nuclear One - Design Engineering

  • Developed the modification package for the replacement of the Unit 1 Startup Boiler control system. The project included providing details for design development including purchase of material, control system software integration, field installation and testing.

April 2011 Page 1 of 3

RESUME Roger B. Rucker, P.E.

12/2007 - 05/2008 EXCEL Services Corporation - Beaver Valley Technical Consultant

  • Provided support for the NRC review of the Beaver Valley LRA including NRC Audits and RAI responses.

08/2005 - 05/2008 EXCEL Services Corporation - Technical Consultant

  • Provided support in various activities including developing proposals for projects including license renewal, reviewing miscellaneous documents, and developing white papers for various clients.

06/2005 - 09/2007 EXCEL Services Corporation - Beaver Valley LR Project Manager

  • Responsible for overall performance of the project from the conceptual through the developmental, and implementation phases. Also acted as the primary point of contact for problem resolution and as the lead of the Project Team.
  • Ensure the project safely achieves the project deliverables within the approved scope, cost, and schedule. Review and approve project and contract budgets for adequacy, completeness, and other requirements and assuring that required future year budgets and project budget revisions are initiated as required.
  • Ensure proper review and approval of project documents for clarity and completeness.

Examples include contracts, requisitions, task authorizations, and other similar project guidance documents as needed.

  • Responsible for selecting and assigning project personnel, and ensuring project personnel are trained and qualified.

07/2002 - 06/2005 Entergy Nuclear - License Renewal Sr. Electrical Engineering Lead

  • Review and direct work of Electrical Engineers assigned to various License Renewal projects.
  • Responsible Lead for developing the ANO-2 and Vermont Yankee OE review reports.

01/2000 - 07/2002 Entergy Operations Inc., Arkansas Nuclear One - Sr. Lead Startup Engineer, ANO-2 Steam Generator Replacement and Power Uprate Projects.

  • Night-Shift Test Lead for Power Uprate Startup: provided approval for proceeding to the next planned power plateau, provided coordination between operations, reactor engineering, design engineering, and startup test group, dispositioned test deficiencies associated with the startup, and provided the morning turnover/status report to the restart team and plant management. (ANSI N45.2.6 Level III Test Engineer)
  • Developed test procedures (work plans) as required to implement the required control system and plant transient testing.

09/1996 - 12/1999 Entergy Operations Inc., Arkansas Nuclear One - Senior Engineer, Minor Modifications

  • Developed, Implemented, and Tested Design Changes for various Unit 1 and 2 systems, including ANO-1 ICS, ANO-2 FW Control, ANO-2 Iso-phase, and various Chemistry Upgrades.
  • Provided support for various modifications as the Post-Modification Test Engineer.

April 2011 Page 2 of 3

RESUME Roger B. Rucker, P.E.

01/1991 - 09/1996 Entergy Operations Inc., Arkansas Nuclear One - Engineer I to Senior Engineer, EIC Design Engineering

  • Project Manager for several plant modifications.
  • Developed Design Changes for various Unit 1 and 2 systems, including Plant Computer Replacement, CAPS Upgrade, ANO-1 ICCMDS, ANO-1 Digital Feed Pump Control, ANO-2 Digital Feedwater Control, and ANO-2 TSI.
  • Developed Testing Work Plans for several design packages while assigned to Plant Modification and Startup for three outages.


  • Professional Engineer; Registered in Arkansas
  • Master Electrician, Licensed in Arkansas PROFESSIONAL
  • Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)


  • Member NEI Medium Voltage Underground Cable Task Force
  • Member EPRI Cable User Group April 2011 Page 3 of 3


~Entergy Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Piigrim Nuclear Power Station 600 Rocky Hill Road Plymouth, MA 02360 Stephen J. Bethay D;rector, Nuc!ear Safety Assurance January 7, 2011 U.S. Nuclear 'Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555


Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.

Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Docket No. 50-293 License No. DPR-35 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) License Renewal Application (LRA) Supplemental Information


1. Entergy Letter No. 2.06.003, to USNRC, "Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc., License No. DPR-35, License Renewal Application," dated January 25, 2006.


Dear Sir or Madam:

On January 25, 2006, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Entergy) submitted the License Renewal Application (LRA) for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS) as indicated by Reference 1.

This letter provides supplemental information to the LRA to address the following five areas which Entergy agreed to evaluate and supplement the LRA, as necessary.

1. Aging management of neutron-absorbing materials
2. Inspection of socket welds in small-bore piping
3. Inspection of buried pipe and tanks
4. Aging management of low voltage cables
5. Inspection of containment coatings New and revised regulatory commitments are provided in the PNPS License Renewal Commitment List as Attachment 2.

Should you have any questions or require additional information concerning this submittal, please contact Mr. Joseph R. Lynch at 508-830-8403.

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Page 2 I declare u,~er penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on January ~, 2011.

JRUjl Attachments: 1. License Renewal Application Supplemental Information (12 Pages)

2. License Renewal Commitment List (3 Pages)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Page 3 cc:

Mr. William M. Dean Lisa M. Regner Regional Administrator, Region 1 Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 475 Allendale Road U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission King of Prussia, PA 19406-1415 Washington, DC 20555-0001 (wlo Attachments)

Mr. Richard V. Guzman, Project Manager Mr. Eric J. Leeds, Director Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-00001 Mail Stop 0-8-C2 Washington, DC 20555 Susan L. Uttal, Esq. Mr. Matthew Brock, Esq.

Office of the General Counsel Commonwealth of Massachusetts U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Assistant Attorney General Mail Stop 0-15 D21 Environmental Protection Division Washington, DC 20555-0001 One Ashburton Place Boston, MA 02108 Sheila Slocum Hollis, Esq. Diane Curran, Esq.

Duane Morris L.L.P. Harmon, Curran, and Eisenberg, L.L.P.

505 9th Street N.W., Suite 1000 1726 M Street N.W., Suite 600 Washington, DC 20004-2166 Washington, DC 20036 Catherine Haney, Director NRC Resident Inspector Office of Nuclear Material and Safeguards Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-00001 Mr. Robert Gallaghar, Acting Director Mr. John Giarrusso, Jr.

Massachusetts Department of Public Health Planning and Preparedness Division Manager Radiation Control Program Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency Schrafft Center, Suite 1M2A 400 Worcester Road 529 Main Street Framingham, MA 01702 Charlestown, MA 02129

Attachment 1 to Letter No. 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station License No. DPR-35 (Docket No. 50-293)

License Renewal Application Supplemental Information

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Attachment 1, Page 2 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station License Renewal Application - Supplemental Information Entergy provides the following supplemental information as a result of operating experience (OE) and industry activities potentially relevant to aging management in the following areas at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station (PNPS).

  • Neutron-Absorbing Material
  • Socket Welds in Small-Bore Piping
  • Buried Piping and Tanks
  • Low-Voltage Cables
  • Protective Containment Coatings Neutron-Absorbing Material The final license renewal interim staff guidance LR-ISG-2009-01, "Aging Management of Spent Fuel Pool Neutron-Absorbing Materials Other than Boraflex," discusses operating experience with neutron-absorbing materials. Specifically, the ISG identifies instances of degradation and deformation of carborundum and Boral neutron-absorbing materials. The ISG recommends that license renewal applicants demonstrate adequate management of loss of material and loss of neutron-absorbing capability of Boral and Metamic in spent fuel pools (SFP) for the period of extended operation (PEO). The PNPS spent fuel storage racks utilize Boraflex, Boral, and Metamic neutron-absorbing material.

Entergy inspects and performs neutron absorber testing of sample Boral coupons. Boral coupons were retrieved and inspected in 2006 and 2009. Results indicated no loss of material and no loss of neutron-absorbing capability. A Metamic SFP rack and a coupon tree were installed in 2009. Testing of Metamic will be in accordance with the methods and frequency recommended by ISG-2009-01. The first Metamic coupon is scheduled for retrieval for inspection and testing in 2011. Acceptance criteria will be that measured and analyzed neutron-absorbing capacity is adequate to ensure 5% subcriticality margin for the spent fuel pool, assuming neutron absorber degradation as the applicable aging effect.

Commitment Entergy is providing the following commitment (Commitment 49) for neutron-absorbing material in the spent fuel pool.

Entergy will perform periodic inspection and neutron absorber testing of Boral and Metamic in accordance with the methods and frequencies recommended by ISG-2009-

01. Acceptance criteria will be that measured and analyzed neutron-absorbing capacity is adequate to ensure 5% subcriticality margin for the spent fuel pool, assuming neutron absorber degradation as the applicable aging effect. Results not meeting the acceptance criteria will be entered into the PNPS corrective action program for evaluation and corrective action. One test on each material will be performed within the five years preceding the PEO, with additional testing performed on each material at least once every 10 years during the PEO.

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Attachment 1, Page 3 Socket Welds in Small Bore Piping Entergy will perform volumetric or destructive examination of small-bore Class 1 socket welds.

There are 117 Class 1 socket welds within the PNPS lSI Program boundary.

The PNPS ASME B&PV Code Section XI Fourth Ten Year Interval (2005 - 2015) In-Service Inspection Program Plan includes inspection of socket welds. Entergy has been inspecting socket welds under the lSI program in accordance with ASME Code Section XI since 1997 and since 2001 has employed a risk-informed in-service inspection (RI-ISI) program to identify candidate Class I piping welds. This RI-ISI program was approved by an NRC SER on May 2, 2001. Since 1997, Entergy inspected 22 Class I socket and butt welds ~4" NPS. A dye penetrant (PT) surface examination and a VT-2 examination were performed on the socket welds. Since 2001, volumetric (UT) examinations have been performed on a selection of these welds under the risk-informed lSI program. No age-related cracking was identified in these examinations.

PNPS experienced cracking of four socket welds, all between 1982 and 1986, and none were age related. Details of each event are provided as follows.

  • In 1982, a %" reactor water cleanup vent line leak was attributed to improper fabrication during original construction. A new vent line assembly was fabricated and installed to replace all the socket welds in the assembly.
  • In 1985, a leak was identified in a Class 1 socket weld on the vessel drain line. The porous weld was evidence of poor installation. The spool piece, approximately 10" in length, was cut from the drain line and a new spool piece was welded in place.
  • In 1986, a cracked weld at a 2" by 1" reducing coupling in the reactor water level instrument line resulted from an incomplete root pass combined with thermally induced stresses from a bound up guide and missing insulation. The corrective action was to repair the affected piping and reduce thermal stresses by replaCing the missing pipe insulation and restoring the guide to its original design configuration.
  • In 1986, following replacement of the reactor recirculation lines, a small-bore vent line which was cantilevered off the RHR piping developed a crack at a transition weld. PNPS repaired the cracked weld, shortened the vent pipe and added a support bracket. A similar (undamaged) line was also modified as a precautionary measure and supports were added to drain lines from additional valves inside containment that were subject to personnel stepping on the piping. As a further precaution, the small-bore nozzle to pipe transition welds and all socket welds up to and including the welds on either side of the first valve off the branch line were PT and visually inspected. No crack-like defects associated with fatigue were identified. No further cracking has been detected since modifications were made to these configurations.

In addition to the four events discussed above, a 2005 UT of a socket weld revealed an indication. The socket weld was removed and destructively examined and the indication was determined to be an installation flaw (localized lack of fusion between weld passes).

Entergy will perform volumetric examination of 10% of the population of Class 1 lSI small-bore socket welds at PNPS. In lieu of a volumetric examination technique, Entergy will perform destructive examinations. The total welds inspected will be any combination of volumetric and destructive examinations, where one destructive examination may be substituted for two volumetric examinations. In addition to the destructive examination performed in 2005, Entergy will schedule four volumetric examinations for 2013. Entergy will schedule the remaining inspections as early as practical and all inspections will be completed no later than 2017. An opportunistic destructive examination may be substituted for two socket weld examinations.

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Attachment 1, Page 4 In addition, the PNPS ASME B&PV Code Section XI Fourth Ten Year Interval In-Service Inspection Program Plan defines the inspection of butt welds using volumetric techniques.

Entergy uses a risk-informed in-service inspection (RI-ISI) program to identify candidate Class I small-bore piping butt welds for inspection. The total population of small-bore butt welds in the lSI program is 75 and Entergy selected eight of these for volumetric inspection during this inspection interval using the RI-ISI methodology. Since 2005, four Class 1 small-bore butt welds have been inspected, another three welds will be inspected in 2011, and one more will be inspected in 2015. No failures have been identified in the volumetric examinations of these welds.

Commitment Entergy provides the following addition to Commitment #20, One-Time Inspections, for welds in small-bore piping.

Entergy will perform volumetric examinations of 10% of the population of Class 1 lSI small-bore socket welds at PNPS. In lieu of volumetric examinations, destructive examinations may be performed. The total welds inspected will be any combination of volumetric and destructive examinations, where one destructive examination may be substituted for two volumetric examinations. In addition to the destructive examination performed in 2005, Entergy will schedule four volumetric examinations for 2013. The remaining inspections will be completed no later than 2017.

As a further enhancement, Entergy will inspect three small-bore butt welds in 2011 and another one in 2015.

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Attachment 1 , Page 5 Buried Piping and Tanks The buried piping in the scope of license renewal includes the following.

  • Station Blackout (SBO) diesel generator fuel oil and cooling system piping (CS) (CP).
  • Standby gas treatment piping (CS) (No CP) (-700 ft).
  • High Pressure Coolant Injection/Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (HPCIIRCIC) condensate suction piping (stainless steel) (No CP).

The cathodic protection system is in service, routinely monitored, and inspected yearly by a NACE-licensed vendor, with structure to soil measurements obtained in accordance with NACE Standard SPO-0169.

There is reasonable assurance of in-scope piping integrity at PNPS based on the following.

  • PNPS pipe/tank installations specified an "engineered backfill", clean, free-draining sand, excluding material >3/8" within 6" of coated pipes and underground tanks.
  • Visual inspections of excavated fire protection, service water, and diesel generator fuel oil piping components in recent years indicate that the exteriors of piping components and applicable coatings remain in good condition, and from those inspections we conclude that the soil is non-aggressive to the coating material.
  • Review of plant records indicates no age-related failures of in-scope buried piping due to external corrosion at PNPS.
  • All license renewal in-scope piping is located above the groundwater table.

Inspection methods for buried piping include visual inspections of excavated components, non-visual methods such as ultrasonic thickness measurements, and pressure tests. Other inspection techniques may be employed if proven effective for the detection of piping degradation.

Entergy is aware of the limitations of non-visual examination methods such as the torsional guided wave method. Entergy will ensure those limitations are considered during application of non-visual examination methods such that any method employed is assured of providing valid assessment results for the specific application.

In the LRA, Entergy committed to the aging management program (AMP) described in NUREG-1801, Revision 1,Section XI.M34, Buried Piping and Tanks Inspection. The NUREG-1801 AMP required at least one inspection prior to the PEO and at least one inspection during the first ten years of the PEO to confirm the acceptable condition of the protective coatings on buried components.

Discussion Having already performed several examinations, Entergy will exceed the recommendations of NU REG-1801, Revision 1,Section XI. M34.

  • In 2009, an 8-foot section of cast iron piping from the firewater system was excavated and sent offsite for analysis. The laboratory analysis determined that an identified through-wall leak was due to installation damage and that the piping's exterior coating showed no age-related degradation.

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Attachment 1, Page 6

  • In 2010, Entergy adopted NFPA 25 flow testing on a yearly frequency, which assures the integrity of firewater system piping.
  • In 2010, Entergy performed guided wave ultrasonic testing on the stainless steel buried piping for the HPCI/RCIC system, and for buried carbon steel and stainless steel piping of the condensate transfer system.
  • In 2010, ultrasonic and visual inspection of CS EDG fuel tank (126-A) revealed no degradation. The previous inspection ten years earlier also indicated no degradation.
  • A portion of the SSW piping is coated CS, >40 years of age. This piping was buried in soil> 22 years and has since been vaulted and internally lined with CIPP. In 2010, Entergy performed a visual inspection of this piping. It showed no signs of degradation of its external coating. Where the coating was removed, the exposed surface of the pipe had no indication of pitting or loss of material.
  • Entergy will perform at least one inspection in each of the remaining in-scope systems by 12131/2013.

PNPS adopted the Entergy corporate Buried Piping and Tanks Inspection and Monitoring Program in response to industry initiatives designed to address ongoing concerns with leaks from buried piping. The program contains a sample selection methodology which considers soil resistivity, soil drainage, materials of construction, cathodic protection, and coatings. It also addresses inspection intervals, inspection techniques, acceptance criteria, and corrective actions if the acceptance criteria are not met.

Excavation and inspection of certain out-of-scope pipes of the same material, age, and susceptibility as piping in the in-scope systems will be performed prior to PEO. Should problems of external corrosion be identified in out-of-scope systems, the corrective action program would engender appropriate corrective actions to address in-scope systems.

Commitment The following commitment (Commitment 50) is provided to augment the aging management program for buried piping.

Buried CS piping in all in-scope systems except fire protection will be inspected by 12/31/2013, using a direct visual inspection of the entire circumference of at least ten linear feet of exposed pipe. Results not meeting the inspection acceptance criteria will be entered into the PNPS corrective action program for evaluation and corrective actions.

Prior to the period of extended operation, Entergy will implement the corporate Buried Piping and Tanks Inspection and Monitoring Program which defines the requirements for continuing inspection of buried and underground piping and tanks.

Section A.2.1.1 of Appendix A to the PNPS LRA is modified to read as shown below A.2.1.1 Buried Piping Inspection Program The Buried Piping Inspection Program includes (a) preventive measures to mitigate corrosion and (b) inspections to manage the effects of corrosion on the pressure-retaining capability of buried carbon steel, stainless steel, and gray cast iron piping components. Preventive measures are in accordance with standard industry practice for maintaining external coatings and wrappings. Buried components are inspected periodically. If trending within the corrective action program identifies susceptible systems, locations, or environments, the progressive corrective

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Attachment 1, Page 7 actions within the program will cause increased inspection, maintenance, or modification. An inspection of each in-scope system will have been performed by 12131/2013.

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Attachment 1, Page 8 Low-Voltage Cables Due to industry concerns regarding inaccessible power cables, Entergy is providing the following information enhancing its aging management program for non-EQ inaccessible medium-voltage cables to include low-voltage (400 V to 2 kV) cables, increase the inspection and testing frequencies of these cables, and describe how relevant OE is used to assure program effectiveness.

Inaccessible low-voltage power cables (400 V to 2 kV cables) that perform a license renewal intended function and are potentially exposed to significant moisture will be included in this aging management program (AMP) to address the effects of moisture on the cable insulation.

Operating Experience Entergy responded to Generic Letter (GL) 2007-01, "Inaccessible or Underground Power Cable Failures That Disable Accident Mitigation Systems or Cause Plant Transients" in a letter dated May 3,2007. In the letter, Entergy reported that no failures were found during a review of PNPS operating experience involving medium-voltage or low-voltage inaccessible cables.

PNPS operating experience since the response to GL 2007-01 was researched in the corrective action program database and no failures of in-scope inaccessible 400 to 2KV cable were found.

Entergy reviewed information provided in industry responses to GL 2007-01 and recent NRC and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) guidance documents. In light of the information reviewed, Entergy is expanding the scope of the B.1.19 (Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium-Voltage Cable) aging management program to include inaccessible 400V to 2 KV cables with a license renewal intended function and increasing the frequency of testing of cables and inspecting manholes.

Discussion Entergy will expand the scope of the program described in LRA Section B.1.19 (Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium-Voltage Cable Program) to include inaccessible 400 V to 2kV cables with a license renewal intended function. Inaccessible cables will be tested for degradation of the cable insulation at least once every six years. A proven, commercially available test will be used for detecting cable insulation deterioration for inaccessible low-voltage cables potentially exposed to significant mOisture, such as dielectric loss (dissipation factor/power factor), AC voltage withstand, partial discharge, step voltage, time domain reflectometry, insulation resistance and polarization index, line resonance analysis, or other testing that is state-of-the-art at the time the test is performed. Entergy will evaluate unacceptable test results to determine the need for increasing the testing frequency.

Inspections for water in manholes containing inaccessible cables in the scope of this program will be performed at least annually, with more frequent inspections based on evaluation of the inspection results.

The following sections are revised text for LRA Section A.2.1.21 and Section B.1.19.

A.2.1.21 Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium-Voltage Cable Program In the Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium-Voltage Cable Program, in-scope cables (400V to 35 kV)

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Attachment 1, Page 9 exposed to significant moisture will be tested at least once every six years to provide an indication of the condition of the conductor insulation. The specific test performed is a proven commercially availble test for detecting deterioration of the insulation system due to wetting.

Significant moisture is defined as periodic exposures that last more than a few days.

Inspections for water collection in cable manholes and conduit containing inaccessible medium-voltage cables in scope of this program will occur at least annually, with some manholes inspected more frequently based on evaluation of inspection results.

8.1.19 Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium-Voltage Cable Program Description The Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium-Voltage Cable Program at PNPS will be based on and consistent with the program described in NUREG-1801, Revision 2,Section XI.E3, "Inaccessible Medium-Voltage Cables Not Subject to 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements."

Inspections for water accumulation in manholes containing inaccessible low- and medium-voltage cables with a license renewal intended function will be conducted at least annually and trended to determine the need to revise manhole inspection frequency. Additional operational inspections will be performed to verify drainage systems are functional prior to predicted heavy rains or flooding events such as hurricanes. The acceptance criteria includes direct observation that the cables are not wetted or submerged, that cables/splices and cable support structures are intact, and that dewatering/drainage systems are functional.

In this program, periodic actions will be taken to prevent cables from being exposed to significant moisture, such as inspecting for water collection in cable manholes and conduit and draining water as needed. In-scope low-voltage and medium-VOltage cables exposed to significant moisture will be tested at least once every six years to provide an indication of the condition of the conductor insulation. All in-scope medium-voltage cables will be tested prior to entering the PEO and low-voltage cables will be tested within six years of entering the PEO.

The test is to be a proven method for detecting deterioration of the insulation system due to wetting, such as dielectric loss (dissipation factor/power factor), AC voltage withstand, partial discharge, step VOltage, time domain reflectometry, insulation resistance and polarization index, line resonance analysis, or other testing that is state-of-the-art at the time the test is performed.

The program will be initiated prior to the period of extended operation.

NUREG-1801 Consistency The program attributes of the Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium-Voltage Cable Program at PNPS will be consistent with the program attributes described in NUREG-1801, Revision 2,Section XI.E3, Inaccessible Medium-Voltage Cables Not Subject to 10 CFR 50.49 Environmental Qualification Requirements.

Exceptions to NUREG-1801 None.

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11 .001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Attachment 1, Page 10 Enhancements This program includes inaccessible 400 V to 2 kV cables with a license renewal intended function.

Operating Experience This program is a new aging management program based on the program description in NUREG-1801, which in turn is based on relevant industry operating experience. As such, this program will provide reasonable assurance that effects of aging will be managed such that applicable components will continue to perform their intended functions consistent with the current licensing basis for the period of extended operation. Lessons learned from operating experience identified in GL 2007-01 and IN 2010-26 have been utilized in the PNPS program development. The Entergy operating experience review process ensures that future relevant operating experience is evaluated to identify appropriate program enhancements.

Commitment License renewal commitment #15 is revised to read as follows.

Implement the Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium-Voltage Cable Program as described in LRA Section 8.1.19.

Include inaccessible 400 V to 2 kV cables with a license renewal intended function in this program. Cables will be tested for cable insulation degradation at least once every six years after entering the period of extended operation, using a proven, commercially available test for detecting cable insulation deterioration. Review test results to determine the need for more frequent testing.

Inspections for water accumulation in manholes containing in-scope inaccessible low-voltage and medium-voltage cables will be performed at least annually. Inspection results will be reviewed to determine the need for more frequent inspections.

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Attachment 1, Page 11 Protective Containment Coatings Program Description The Protective Coating Monitoring and Maintenance Program at PNPS will be the program described in NUREG-1801,Section XI.S8, Protective Coating Monitoring and Maintenance Program.

The Protective Coating Monitoring and Maintenance Program will ensure that Service Level I coatings inside primary containment are monitored and maintained. The program will review the suitability of coatings applied to carbon steel and concrete surfaces inside containment (e.g., steel liner, steel containment shell, structural steel, supports, penetrations, and concrete walls and floors) and manage the effects of aging on those coatings consistent with the recommendations of NUREG 1801,Section XI.S8.

Service Level I protective coatings are not credited to manage the effects of aging, however proper maintenance of protective coatings inside containment is essential to ensure operability of post-accident safety systems that rely on water recycled through the containment. The proper selection, maintenance and monitoring of Level I coatings ensures there is no coating degradation that would impact safety functions.

NUREG-1801 Consistency The Protective Coating Monitoring and Maintenance Program at PNPS will be consistent with the program described in NUREG-1801,Section XI.S8, Protective Coating Monitoring and Maintenance Program.

Exceptions to NUREG-1801 There are no exceptions to NUREG-1801 XI.S8.

Enhancements None Operating Experience Containment coatings are subject to routine inspection in accordance with Pilgrim procedures and inspection checklists. Anomalies are identified, compared to previous inspections and established criteria, and where appropriate, entered into the corrective action program. Coating inspections were conducted and documented in conjunction with the IWE containment examinations in 1999, 2003, and 2007; and are scheduled for 2011. Torus desludging, coating inspection and coating repair were performed by divers in 1997, 1999, and 2007. The Structures Monitoring Program inherently addresses protective coatings on structures and structural components inside primary containment through visual inspections of those structures and components. Operating experience discussed in SER Section includes identification and repair of degraded coatings.

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Attachment 1, Page 12 Conclusion The PNPS Protective Coating Monitoring and Maintenance Program will be effective for managing aging effects of Service Level 1 coatings since it will incorporate proven monitoring techniques, acceptance criteria, corrective actions, and administrative controls consistent with those described in NUREG 1801,Section XI.S8. The PNPS Protective Coating Monitoring and Maintenance Program provides reasonable assurance that the effects of aging on Service Level 1 coatings will be managed such that applicable systems, structures and components will continue to perform their intended functions consistent with the current licensing basis for the period of extended operation.

Attachment 2 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station License No. DPR-35 (Docket No. 50-293)

License Renewal Application License Renewal Commitment List

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Attachment 2, Page 2 This table identifies actions discussed in this letter that Entergy commits to perform. Any other actions discussed in this submittal are described for the NRC's information and are not commitments.

TYPE (Check one) SCHEDULED ONE-TIME CONTINUING COMPLETION DATE ITEM COMMITMENT ACTION COMPLIANCE (If Required) 15 Implement the Non-EQ Inaccessible Medium-X As stated in the Voltage Cable Program as described in LRA commitment.

Section B.1.19.

Include inaccessible 400 V to 2 kV cables with a license renewal intended function in this program. Inaccessible cables will be tested for cable insulation degradation at least once every six years after entering the period of extended operation, using a proven, commercially available test for detecting cable insulation deterioration for inaccessible cables in this program .. Review test results to determine the need for more frequent testing.

Inspections for water accumulation in manholes containing in-scope inaccessible low-voltage and medium-voltage cables will be performed at least annually. Inspection results will be reviewed to determine the need for more frequent inspections.

20 Implement the One-Time Inspection program X As stated in the as described in LRA Section B.1.23 commitment Entergy will perform volumetric examination of 10% of the population of Class 1 lSI small-bore socket welds at PNPS. In lieu of volumetric examinations, destructive examinations may be performed. The total welds inspected will be any combination of volumetric and destructive examinations, where one destructive examination may be substituted for two volumetric examinations.

In addition to the destructive examination performed in 2005, Entergy will schedule four volumetric examinations for 2013. The remaining inspections will be completed no later than 2017.

As a further enhancement, Entergy will inspect three small-bore butt welds in 2011 and another one in 2015.

Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. Letter Number: 2.11.001 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Attachment 2, Page 3 49 Entergy will perform periodic inspection and X As stated in the neutron absorber testing of Boral and commitment.

Metamic in accordance with the methods and frequencies recommended by ISG-2009-01.

Acceptance criteria will be that measured and analyzed neutron-absorbing capacity is adequate to ensure 5% subcriticality margin for the spent fuel pool, assuming neutron absorber degradation as the applicable aging effect. Results not meeting the acceptance criteria will be entered into the PNPS corrective action program for evaluation and corrective action. One test on each material will be performed within the five years preceding the PEO, with additional testing performed on each material at least once every 10 years during the PEO.

50 Buried carbon steel (CS) piping in all in- X As stated in the scope systems except fire protection will be commitment.

inspected by 12/31/2013, using a direct visual inspection of the entire circumference of at least ten linear feet of exposed pipe. Results not meeting the inspection acceptance criteria will be entered into the PNPS corrective action program for evaluation and corrective actions.

Prior to the period of extended operation, Entergy will implement the corporate Buried Piping and Tanks Inspection and Monitoring Program which defines the requirements for continuing inspection of buried and underground piping and tanks.



The polymers used for the insulation and jacket materials for electric cables, cable splices, and terminations are susceptible to aging and degradation mechanisms caused by exposure to many of the stressors encountered in nuclear power plant service environments. Longer cable circuits may pass through several different operating environments over the length of their routing throughout the plant. Portions of a cable circuit may pass through areas experiencing more harsh environmental conditions, such as high temperature, high radiation, high humidity, or flooding of underground cables. There has been concern that such local adverse environmental stressors can cause excessive aging and degradation in the exposed sections of a cable that could significantly shorten its effective service life and cause unexpected early failures.

The integrity and function of power and instrumentation and control (I&C) cables are monitored indirectly through the performance of in-service testing of safety-related systems and components. These tests can demonstrate the function of the cables under test conditions.

However, they do not provide assurance that they will continue to perform successfully when they are called upon to operate fully loaded for extended periods as they would under normal service operating conditions or under design basis conditions. In-service testing of a cable does not provide specific information on the status of cable aging degradation processes nor the physical integrity and dielectric strength of its insulation and jacket materials. Consequently, a cable circuit with undetected damaged or degraded insulation could pass an in-service functional test, but still fail unexpectedly when called upon to operate under anticipated environmental conditions or the severe stresses encountered during a design basis event (i.e.,

fully loaded equipment, more extreme environmental conditions, extended operation in a heavily loaded state).

The 10 CFR Part 50 regulations require licensees to assess the condition of their components, to monitor the performance or condition of structures, systems, and components in a manner sufficient to provide reasonable assurance that they are capable of fulfilling their intended functions, and to establish a test program to ensure that all testing required to demonstrate that components will perform satisfactorily in service is identified and performed. Recent incidents involving early failures of electric cables and cable failures leading to multiple equipment failures, as cited in IN 2002-12, Submerged Safety-Related Cables, and Generic Letter 2007-01, Inaccessible or Underground Power Cable Failures That Disable Accident Mitigation Systems or Cause Plant Transients, suggest that licensee approaches to cable testing, such as in-service testing, surveillance testing, preventive maintenance, maintenance rule, etc., do not fully characterize the condition of cable insulation nor provide information on the extent of aging and degradation mechanisms that can lead to cable failure. Analysis of the summary of licensee responses to GL 2007-01 inquiries on licensees experiences regarding cable failures and cable CM activities, revealed wide variations to the approaches and comprehensiveness of cable testing activities. Analysis of the reported cable failures also indicated a trend toward early cable failures occurring prior to the end of the original 40-year license period. These data prompted the NRC to consider whether licensees should have a program for using available diagnostic cable testing methods to assess cable condition.

This research study developed recommendations for a comprehensive cable condition monitoring program consisting of nine essential elements. These nine elements consolidate a core program of periodic cable CM inspections and tests, together with the results of in-service testing, cable operating environment monitoring and management activities, and the xi

incorporation of cable-related operating experience. The recommended nine essential elements of the cable CM program are listed in Table ES.1 with a summary of the purpose and expected result for each element of the program.

Condition monitoring inspections and tests can provide the means for evaluating the level of aging degradation of electric cables. The cables are exposed to a variety of environmental and operational stressors throughout their service life. Environmental stressors can include elevated temperatures, high radiation, high humidity, moisture intrusion, accumulation of dirt and dust, and exposure to chemicals or other reactive contaminants. Operational stressors can include external interference, installation and maintenance damage, high voltage stress, materials defects, water treeing, and electrical transients. Over time, the aging and degradation mechanisms caused by these stressors can eventually lead to early failure of the cable. These failures can result in multiple equipment failures as described in the example incidents cited in Generic Letter 2007-01. It is therefore important that the cable condition status information that can be provided by periodic condition monitoring inspection and testing of electric cables be considered in the assessment of cable aging and degradation. Severely damaged or degraded cable insulation can then be identified and repaired or replaced to prevent unexpected early failures while in service.

In addition, the benefits of periodic cable condition monitoring inspections and testing can be further complemented by addressing cable operating environments. Environmental stressors, especially temperature, moisture/flooding, and radiation, can be responsible for causing significant aging and degradation of electric cable insulation and jacket materials. Monitoring and management of the environmental conditions in which cables are operated can help licensees to identify adverse stressors so that measures can be taken to control or reduce aging and degradation.

Finally, the review of cable-related operating experience can play an important role in the assessment and management of electric cable aging and degradation. Industry-wide operating experience can alert licensees to cable manufacturing defects, inadequate installation practices, misapplication of cable types, and other environmental and operation factors. Regular review and analysis of in-plant cable failures or cable-related problems can sometimes reveal adverse performance trends or otherwise point to emerging problem areas that can be monitored more closely and/or corrected in a timely fashion before the occurrence of an early cable failure.


Table ES.1 Recommended Nine Essential Elements of a Cable Condition Monitoring Program Program Element Purpose Expected Result

1. Selection of Cables to To identify and select electric cables that A listing of the most important cables in the be Monitored are candidates for inclusion in the cable plant whose condition should be condition monitoring program. periodically monitored and evaluated to provide assurance that they are capable of performing their intended function
2. Develop Database of To provide a single centralized source of A database that will provide essential Monitored Cables information for all the cables in the information to support the implementation program that can be used by the cable of the cable CM testing and inspection engineer as a tool to access, analyze, and activities, and the periodic review and evaluate the data and documentation assessment of the condition of individual necessary to make cable condition cables assessments and to guide the direction of program decisions and activities
3. Characterize and To verify the baseline design operating Baseline environmental operating Monitor Cable Operating environment for a cable, to periodically conditions measurements and inspection Environments verify actual environmental conditions and results, periodic environmental condition identify local adverse environments (e.g., monitoring and verification measurements high temperature or radiation, moisture, and results, identification and description submergence) that may have developed, of local adverse environments, and and to manage environmental conditions activities for managing operating to mitigate the effects on cables environments to mitigate adverse effects on cables
4. Identify Stressors and To identify the stressors and determine the Listing of the stressors and aging Aging Mechanism aging mechanisms affecting cables in the mechanisms affecting the condition of Affecting Cables in the program each cable in the program to be used in Program program element 5 to select the most effective CM inspection and testing techniques for each cable
5. Select CM Inspection To determine the most effective CM An initial listing of cable CM inspection and and Testing Techniques inspection and testing techniques to detect testing techniques and periodic and monitor the anticipated aging/failure performance frequency for each cable mechanisms for each cable
6. Establish Baseline To measure and document the baseline Baseline cable condition measurements Condition of Cables in condition of each cable in the program and inspection results for the techniques the Program using the selected cable CM inspection selected in program element 5 and testing methods identified in program element 5
7. Perform periodic CM To periodically measure and document the Periodic record of cable condition Inspection and Testing condition of each cable in the program measurements and inspection results for using the selected cable CM inspection the techniques selected in program and testing methods identified in program element 5 element 5
8. Review and To review industry-wide and in-plant cable- Incorporate changes to the cable CM Incorporate Cable- related operating experience and program based on review of applicable Related Operating incorporate changes to the cable CM operating experience Experience program as required to address applicable issues and trends
9. Periodic Review and To perform a periodic review of the current A formal periodic assessment of cable Assessment of Cable cable condition CM inspection and testing condition, expected service life, and Condition results, operating environments CM program changes and activities to manage results, trends of cable properties and aging degradation of each cable in the condition measurements, and applicable program operating experience to establish an up-to-date assessment of cable condition, expected service life, and program changes and activities to manage aging degradation of each cable in the program xiii
3. COMMONLY USED CABLE CM TECHNIQUES This Section discusses currently available cable condition monitoring techniques that can be included in a condition monitoring program. The attributes of an effective condition monitoring technique are first presented to provide a framework for evaluating the advantages and limitations of currently available techniques. Following this, an overview of several of the most commonly-used, currently available cable condition monitoring techniques is presented.

Several new or less well-known techniques are also discussed for balance. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list, and no attempt has been made to make this list all-inclusive. The techniques discussed are categorized based upon whether they can be performed in situ, or whether they are laboratory techniques. At least two examples of each different type of technique are presented, including screening techniques, pass/fail techniques, and diagnostic techniques. These examples are taken from the currently available population of condition monitoring techniques with the understanding that research is continuing and new, more effective methods of monitoring cable condition will be developed in the future. The reader is encouraged to review the literature to identify and implement these new, more effective techniques as they are developed.

Finally in this Section, guidance on the selection of a suitable cable condition monitoring technique is presented. This discussion focuses on the factors that should be considered in selecting a technique for a particular application.

3.1 Desired Attributes of an Effective Condition Monitoring Technique A key element of any electric cable condition monitoring program is the selection of appropriate condition monitoring techniques to achieve the desired result. Condition monitoring involves the observation, measurement and/or trending of one or more condition indicators that can be correlated to the physical condition or functional performance of the cable. An ideal condition monitoring technique would have the following desired attributes [Ref. 9] listed below. It should be understood that no single CM Technique will have all of these attributes.

x Non-destructive and non-intrusive (i.e., does not require the cable to be disturbed or disconnected) x Capable of measuring property changes or indicators that are trendable and can be consistently correlated to functional performance during normal service x Applicable to cable types and materials commonly used in existing nuclear power plants x Provides reproducible results that are not affected by, or can be corrected for the test environment (i.e., temperature, humidity, or radiation) x Inexpensive and simple to perform under field conditions x Able to identify the location of any defects in the cable x Allows a well defined end condition to be established x Provides sufficient time prior to incipient failure to allow corrective actions to be taken x Available to the industry immediately The information obtained from condition monitoring techniques is used to determine the ability of a cable, in its current condition, to perform its intended function within certain acceptance criteria. To obtain useful information, it is important that an appropriate technique be selected 3-1

for the cable being monitored. An overview of currently available condition monitoring techniques is provided below, including their advantages and disadvantages, as well as insights into the applications for which they are best suited.

3.2 In Situ CM Techniques There are a number of condition monitoring techniques that can be performed in situ. This is desirable since the removal of sample cable material, which can be destructive, is not required.

The following provides a brief description of available in situ condition monitoring techniques.

3.2.1 Visual Inspection Visual inspection is one of the most commonly used and effective in situ condition monitoring techniques [Ref. 9]. It is performed by visually examining a cable using the naked eye, but can be aided with a flashlight and/or magnifying glass. If direct access is available, the cable can also be touched to obtain tactile information. No other special equipment is required. If indications of degradation are identified during visual inspection, additional more intrusive testing may be required. As such, visual inspection is an excellent screening technique.

However, it should be noted that visual inspection alone cannot detect and quantify many types of cable degradation and aging mechanisms, and should therefore be supplemented by other CM techniques (See Table 3.2 and Section 4.5).

The advantages of this technique are that it is inexpensive and relatively easy to perform, and requires no expensive equipment. A qualitative assessment of the cables condition is obtained that can provide useful information for determining whether additional, more intrusive testing is required. For best results, a standardized procedure should be utilized that identifies the various cable attributes to be examined. Cable attributes that can be visually inspected include:1) color, including changes from the original color and variations along the length of cable, and the degree of sheen; 2) cracks, including crack length, direction, depth, location, and number per unit area; and 3) visible surface contamination, including any foreign material on the surface. Also, the rigidity of the cable can be qualitatively determined by squeezing and gently flexing it. While no quantitative data are provided, it is possible to trend the results of visual inspections. For example, discoloration or degree of cracking can be noted and trended over time with supplemental photographic records. This technique is most effective when performed by experienced personnel with knowledge of cable aging mechanisms and effects, as well as familiarity in how cable aging is manifested and detected.

Another important advantage of visual inspection is that it can reliably detect sections of cable exhibiting the signs of unexpectedly severe degradation that can be produced by locally adverse environmental conditions.

Disadvantages of this technique are that the cable to be inspected must be accessible and visible. In cases where cables are inaccessible, such as those installed in closed conduits or heavily loaded cable trays, a sample of accessible cables can be used as a surrogate, provided they are representative of the cables of interest. Care must be taken in extrapolating results of the surrogate population to ensure that any conclusions drawn are appropriate for the inaccessible cables. Factors to be considered are cable type, application and environment.

Another disadvantage is that this technique does not provide quantitative data that can be easily trended. Observations can be recorded and used for comparison with future inspection results; however, the results are subjective and may differ for different inspectors.


3.2.2 Compressive Modulus (Indenter)

The compressive modulus of a material is defined as the ratio of compressive stress to compressive strain below the proportional limit. Aging of the polymers used as cable insulation and jacket materials typically causes them to harden, resulting in an increase in compressive modulus. Thus, monitoring the changes in compressive modulus can be used as an indicator of the degradation rate of the cable material. This technique has been shown to be applicable to several common cable insulation and jacket materials, including ethylene propylene rubber (EPR), silicone rubber (SR), Neoprene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) and chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE) [Refs. 9, 10, 11].

Compressive modulus can be measured using an Indenter Polymer Aging Monitor (Indenter).

The indenter presses a pointed metallic probe into the material being tested under controlled conditions and measures the force required for the resulting displacement. These values are then used to calculate the compressive modulus of the material. The probe is computer-controlled, which limits the travel of the probe to prevent damage to the cable. Typically, measurements are taken at various lengths on the cable surface and at various circumferential positions to obtain an accurate representation of the bulk cable compressive modulus. This test is most appropriate for use on low-voltage cables in situ.

In testing performed by Brookhaven National Laboratory [Ref. 9] compressive modulus measurement was found to be an effective monitoring technique, which can be used in situ or in the laboratory. The indenter is easy to operate and capable of producing repeatable results. It can be operated by one person in the laboratory, or by two people in situ in a nuclear power plant environment. This is generally a non-destructive test which provides trendable, repeatable results that can be correlated to other known measures of cable properties, and can be used as an indicator of cable condition.

A disadvantage of this technique is that electrical cables are not always easily accessible in nuclear plants. In many cases, cables are installed under other cables in cable trays or run through conduits, which makes them inaccessible for indenter testing. Indenter testing is not always optimal even for accessible cables. For example, cables that may only be accessible for indenter testing on their outer jacket surface, which would provide little direct information about concealed inner jackets or insulation. To monitor the modulus of inner jackets or insulation, access might be available at a termination point; however, the termination point may be physically located in a different plant location and exposed to very different service conditions than the cable location of interest.

The compressive modulus gives direct information only on the brittleness of the outer insulation or jacket polymer material but does not tell whether the insulation is weak or significantly degraded. Compressive modulus, measured at a specific point on a cable, is an indicator of the brittleness of the outer surface polymer at that particular point on the cable, and at that particular radial point on the circumferences of the cable. Local variations due to cable internal geometry and local environment are accounted for by obtaining multiple measurements at several linear intervals along the cable section of interest and at several radial points around the cable circumference at each interval. An average of these compressive modulus measurements can then be correlated to other direct measurements of the insulation dielectric strength of a cable, such as leakage current or insulation resistance/polarization index.


Another drawback to this technique is that typical service conditions may not produce significant changes in compressive modulus in every material, which could make correlation of indenter results with thermal or radiation exposure problematic. In cases where cables are exposed to relatively mild service conditions, the resulting small modulus changes might be difficult to correlate with aging without accurate baseline measurements, which may not be available.

Modulus response to service conditions may also vary based on cable construction and manufacturers material formulations. Moreover, the conclusions are precisely applicable only to the area of the cable that was tested. This approach may be desireable to examine a cable section that had undergone a localized degradation.

3.2.3 Dielectric Loss (Dissipation Factor/Power Factor)

Dielectric loss measurement is an electrical test that can be performed on cables as an indicator of their condition. It includes two related tests; the dissipation factor test and the power factor test. The principle of operation is based on the fact that when a steady-state ac test voltage (V) is applied across a cables insulation (i.e., conductor-to-ground), the resulting apparent total current (I) that flows consists of a charging current (IC) due to the capacitance of the cable insulation and a leakage current (IR). The relationships among the applied test voltage and the current components are shown in Figure 3.1. The phase angle between the applied test voltage (V) and the total current (I) flowing through the insulation is known as the dielectric phase angle. The compliment of the phase angle is called the dielectric loss angle .

I IR Figure 3.1 Insulation Power Factor Relationship Typically, leakage current is much smaller than charging current in electric cable insulation, and it is more sensitive to the condition of the insulation. Insulation that is degraded due to aging will allow an increased amount of leakage current, while the capacitive current remains approximately constant. Thus, as cable insulation degrades the ratio of leakage current (IR) to charging current (IC) will increase. This ratio (IR/IC) is the tangent of the dielectric loss angle (tan

) and is a measure of dielectric degradation. It is called the dielectric dissipation factor and is commonly used as a measure of insulation condition. Similarly, another means of describing dielectric loss is the dielectric power factor, expressed as the cosine of the dielectric phase angle (cos ). At very low power factors (<10 percent), the dielectric power factor (cos ) is approximately equal to the dielectric dissipation factor (tan ).


Dielectric loss measurements are performed using a waveform generator and a spectrum analyzer. The instrumentation is connected to the conductors of the cable under test, and applies a test voltage signal to the test specimen over a range of frequencies (e.g., 0.1 Hz to 5000 Hz). Measurements are made from conductor-to-conductor, and/or from conductor-to-ground in all the conductor combinations. The resulting current response of the cable is measured and recorded for later analysis. Dissipation factor and power factor are calculated at specific frequencies of the applied test signal. ASTM Standard D150 [Ref. 12] and IEEE Standards 400 [Ref. 13] and 400.2 [Ref. 14] provide guidance on the performance of dielectric loss/power factor testing.

Dielectric loss measurement is a very simple and straightforward condition monitoring technique that provides quantitative and repeatable results. Many of the factors that can affect the dielectric loss measurement can be controlled or accounted for through analysis. For example, the effect of cable length is very uniform and predictable, resulting in a relative increase in insulation power factor as the length of cable increases. This effect is most easily accounted for by obtaining in situ baseline measurements for each cable to be monitored for comparison with future measurements. Effects due to other operating electrical equipment or energized cables in the same tray as the cable under test are typically concentrated at the 60 Hz frequency of the operating equipment and can be mitigated by using an applied ac test voltage with a frequency below 50 Hz or above 70 Hz. The best results are obtained on cables with shielding, which reduces interference from nearby operating equipment.

Another advantage of the dielectric loss technique is that the cable being tested does not have to be completely accessible. The test equipment can be connected to the ends of the cable, and the test can be performed without physically touching the length of the cable or removing material samples.

A disadvantage of the dielectric loss technique is that the cable under test must be disconnected in order to attach the test instrument. This is undesirable since it can be cause other unforeseen problems or damage to the cable. In situ testing of cables with this technique would require the development of test procedures with independent verification steps, similar to those used for surveillance and maintenance procedures in nuclear power plants.

3.2.4 Insulation Resistance and Polarization Index Insulation resistance is a standard industry technique that is commonly performed to determine the current condition of cable insulation. It involves the application of a voltage between the cable conductor and a ground to determine the resistance of the insulation separating them. It is based on the principle that when a dc voltage is applied to an insulated conductor, a small but measurable current will flow through the insulation to ground. The total current flowing in the insulation from the conductor to ground is equal to the sum of the capacitive charging current, the leakage current and the dielectric absorption current.

These three component currents change with time. The capacitive charging current and the dielectric absorption current will initially be relatively high when the test voltage is first applied to the test specimen. Since the insulation behaves like a capacitor, after it is energized and charges have aligned across the insulation, these currents will taper off and eventually approach zero. However, leakage current will typically start at zero and then gradually increase.

In high integrity insulation, leakage current will reach and maintain a steady value after a certain amount of time. If the insulation is badly deteriorated, wet, or contaminated, the leakage current will be greater than that found in good insulation and it could continue to increase over time. As 3-5

a result, the total current flowing in a test specimen will start out high when a test voltage is first applied, and vary in different ways over the next several minutes depending on the condition of the insulation. To account for this behavior, insulation resistance is normally measured at one minute and again at ten minutes, then the ratio of the two measurements is calculated. This ratio is called the polarization index. IEEE Standard 400 [Ref. 13], IEEE Standard 141 [Ref. 15],

and ASTM Standard D257 [Ref. 16] provide guidance on performing insulation resistance testing.

Advantages of this test are that it is relatively easy to perform and requires inexpensive equipment. Insulation resistance is often regarded as a simple pass/fail test for the dielectric integrity of electrical equipment and cables since the results are very sensitive to environmental conditions, making them too irregular for trending purposes. The results can be corrected for environmental effects, such as temperature. Measurements are normally corrected to a single temperature, such as 60ºF (15.6ºC) for electric cables. This allows the comparison of measurements taken at different times when the cable might be at different temperatures.

Polarization index provides quantitative results that can be trended over time as a measure of insulation condition. An advantage of using the polarization index is that it is not temperature dependent.

Other factors that can affect insulation resistance include cable length, humidity or moisture within the cable and insulation, dirt, oil, and other surface contaminants, personnel in close proximity to the equipment under test, and electrical equipment operating in the vicinity of the test cable. The effect of length is very uniform and predictable, resulting in a relative decrease in insulation resistance as cable length increases. The effects of length and some of the other factors can be accounted for by obtaining in situ baseline measurements for each cable to be monitored and comparing future measurements to these baseline values. The effect of other operating electrical equipment or energized cables in the same tray was found to be negligible in test performed by BNL [Ref. 9].

Other advantages of this technique are that resistance measurements made with a megohmmeter are relatively easy to perform and require inexpensive test equipment. The megohmmeter is commonly used by all electrical maintenance personnel in nuclear power plants. To obtain meaningful results for electric cables, a megohmmeter that is capable of accurately measuring insulation resistance in the Teraohm range is required.

A disadvantage of the insulation resistance and polarization index techniques is that the cable under test must be disconnected in order to attach the test instrument. This is undesirable since it requires handling of the cable, which could result in unintentional damage, particularly for aged cables that may be embrittled. In nuclear power plants, the performance of this test would have to be controlled by procedures containing independent verification steps, as are commonly used for surveillance and maintenance activities.

Another disadvantage is that this test is not as sensitive to insulation degradation as other techniques. In some cases, such as in dry air, severe damage to the insulation may result in little change in insulation resistance. In addition, leakage currents are very small, and can be very difficult to measure accurately. They are very sensitive to surrounding environmental conditions and will vary considerably from the slightest change, such as someone walking by the cable under test.


3.2.5 AC Voltage Withstand Test The AC voltage withstand test is similar to the DC High Potential test in which a cables insulation is exposed to a high test voltage to demonstrate that the insulation can withstand a voltage potential higher than it is expected to see during service. The principle behind the test is that if defects are present in the cable, the high test voltage will force them to fail. Absent any failures, the cable is considered to be in good condition and able to continue in service.

However, in the AC Voltage Withstand test, the test voltage is applied at very low frequencies

(<1Hz) to minimize potentially adverse charging effects in the insulation that are inherent to the DC Hi Potential test.

The test is performed with a high potential test set that applies a relatively high test voltage (e.g., 2 times rated voltage) for a set period of time (e.g., 15 minutes) between each conductor and ground. If the cable is able to withstand the voltage for the specified period, it is deemed to have passed the test and is fit for continued service; therefore, this is considered a pass/fail type test. This test is applicable to installed cables that contain a shield that can be used as a ground plane. IEEE Std. 400 [Ref. 13] and IEEE Std. 400.1 [Ref. 17] provide guidance on performing low frequency withstand tests.

This is a relatively simple test to perform that can provide insights into the overall condition of a cables insulation. If defects are found and result in failure during the test, it might be possible to repair or replace the degraded or defective section(s) of the cable and return it to service.

A disadvantage of this test is that the high voltage used has the potential to cause a voltage breakdown that could permanently damage the cable insulation. Each time the test is performed on a cable the high voltage may cause an incremental increase in the amount of degradation to the dielectric integrity of the insulation. If this test is repeated excessively, the dielectric strength of the insulation could weaken to the point that the cable will fail due to the testing.

Another disadvantage is that the cable under test must be disconnected to attach the test equipment. This is undesirable for the reasons stated previously for the IR test.

3.2.6 Partial Discharge Test Partial discharge testing is an ac electrical technique that can be used for condition monitoring on medium-voltage cables. It is performed by applying a sufficiently high voltage stress (the inception voltage) across a cables insulation to induce an electrical discharge (also known as partial discharge or corona) in the small voids present within the insulation, or in air gaps between insulation and a ground plane, such as a shield in the cable. The occurrence of partial discharges indicates the presence of degradation sites in the insulation. This test can be performed at power frequency (i.e., 60Hz) or at very low frequencies (< 1Hz). Very low frequencies are sometimes used since they result in different partial discharge characteristics that may detect degradation sites that are not evident at power frequency. This test is potentially damaging since the discharges induced can cause degradation of the insulation over a period of time due to localized overheating. IEEE Std. 400-2001, IEEE Guide for Field Testing and Evaluation of the Insulation of Shielded Power Cable Systems [Ref. 13], IEEE Std. 400.3-2006, IEEE Guide for Partial Discharge Testing of Shielded Power Cable Systems in a Field Environment [Ref.18], ASTM Standard D470, Standard Test Methods for Crosslinked Insulations and Jackets for Wire and Cable [Ref. 19] and ASTM D2633, Standard Test 3-7

Methods for Thermoplastic Insulations and Jackets for Wire and Cable [Ref.20], provide guidance on performing partial discharge testing. Additional information on partial discharge testing of low-voltage cables is provided in Reference 21.

Partial discharges typically carry electrical charges in the range of picocoulombs (pC), and can be measured using an oscilloscope connected to the cable under test. Also, their location can be determined by measuring the time lag between direct and reflected pulses from the discharge site. Alternatively, the discharges can be detected using acoustic emission monitoring techniques [Ref. 22].

This test has limitations for use in the field since it requires relatively high voltages to be applied to the cable, which would be a concern due to the potential to damage the cable or surrounding equipment. Also, nearby operating electrical equipment in a plant environment could interfere with the test due to noise interference, so this test is most successful on shielded cables.

3.2.7 DC High Potential Test The dc high potential test is similar to the ac voltage withstand test in which a cables insulation is subjected to a high voltage potential to determine if the insulation can withstand a potential higher than expected in service for a specific period of time. Since most cable insulating materials can sustain application of high dc potential without damage for very long periods, dc test voltages are sometimes preferred for repetitive field testing of cable insulation. Guidance for performing this test is provided in IEEE Std. 400.1 [Ref. 17] and IEEE Standard 141-1993

[Ref. 15].

Advantages and disadvantages of this test are similar to the ac voltage withstand test, with the exception that the dc test voltage is less likely to adversely affect the cable insulation. Another advantage to this test is that the test equipment is much smaller and more portable.

3.2.8 Step Voltage Test The step voltage test is similar to the high potential test in that dc test voltage is applied to a cable; however, in this test, the voltage starts low and is increased in steps until the desired maximum test voltage is achieved. Each step increase in voltage potential is followed by a hold period during which the leakage current through the insulation is measured. This is considered a diagnostic test since the leakage currents can be recorded and trended to provide insights into the condition of the insulation as a function of age and voltage potential. Guidance for performing this test is provided in IEEE Std. 400.1 [Ref. 17] and IEEE Standard 141-1993

[Ref. 15].

Advantages and disadvantages of this test are similar to those of the high potential test, with the exception that damage to the cable can be mitigated since leakage current can be monitored and the test terminated upon indications of excessively high leakage currents. Nevertheless, this test can be destructive.

3.2.9 Time Domain Reflectometry Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) is a commonly used technique for assessing the condition of instrumentation, control, and power cables in inaccessible locations. The TDR works on the same principle as radar. A non-destructive pulse of energy is transmitted down a cable from one end, and is reflected back when it encounters (1) the far end of the cable, (2) a fault along 3-8

the cable, or (3) some other problem that causes a change in the electrical impedance of the cable. The time for the signal to travel to where the impedance change is located and return back is measured by the TDR and converted into a distance. This distance is used to locate the impedance change [Ref. 9].

The simplest form of TDR will display the distance to an impedance change, which could be a fault. More sophisticated TDRs can display the actual waveform or signature of the cable on a CRT or LCD, which will show the pulse transmitted down the cable from the instrument and any reflections that come back to the TDR from discontinuities or impedance variations along the length of the cable. Impedance variations can be caused by degradation due to aging.

TDR testing can be used to monitor cable condition by first obtaining an initial in situ baseline cable signature for a specific cable, and then comparing future TDR signatures to the baseline to identify and trend in-service degradation over time. Once the characteristic velocity of propagation for specific insulating materials and cable configurations has been determined, an experienced operator can use the TDR to detect and physically locate any cable damage that may have occurred since the last cable inspection.

An advantage of TDR testing is that it is a non-destructive test that can be performed in situ to monitor the condition of low-voltage or medium-voltage cables. It provides information that can be used to determine the severity and location of a discontinuity, which could represent a fault.

In addition; the test equipment needed is only moderately expensive, and the data can be trended against historic baseline reflectograms.

Disadvantages of the TDR are that the cable under test must be disconnected in order to perform the test. Also, training and experience are required of the testing personnel in order to obtain useful results, and transient conditions, such as immersion, are only detected if they are present during the TDR test.

3.2.10 Infrared (IR) Thermography Infrared thermography is a non-destructive, non-contact inspection of electrical equipment that is simple to perform and is valuable in identifying potentially damaging service conditions where elevated temperatures are present [Ref. 23]. It is performed using a thermal detection or imaging system to detect, measure, and or display the infrared, or heat radiation emitted by an object. Depending on the sensitivity and sophistication of the infrared detector, extremely accurate temperature measurements, as fine as one tenth of a degree F, may be obtained.

IR thermography can be performed with spot meters or imagers, both of which are capable of accurately measuring infrared radiation emitted from thermally hot electric equipment. The spot meter converts infrared radiation into a numeric temperature value. It is used by aiming the spot meter at the spot to be monitored, typically aided by a laser guided pointing device, and activating the device. While infrared spot meters are inexpensive and easy to operate, they require some skill, knowledge, and experience to obtain accurate, repeatable, and usable data.

Imagers convert infrared radiation into a visual image or thermogram. These devices can identify hotspots when temperature differences are as small as one tenth of a degree F.

Computer software packages are available that provide trending options in which several thermal images can be analyzed over a period of time and the associated temperature data graphed.


Infrared imaging provides a useful tool for identifying temperature hot-spots, which could lead to accelerated degradation of electric cable systems. The high resolution temperature detection capabilities of the instruments combined with image storage and analysis software make it possible to trend the thermal data obtained.

3.2.11 Illuminated Borescope The use of an illuminated borescope to inspect inaccessible cables has proven to be a useful screening technique for identifying stressors that can lead to cable degradation. It can also detect visible cable damage. The borescope can be inserted into conduits or other locations containing cables that would ordinarily be inaccessible to inspection for mechanical damage that may have been caused during installation or service, or for indications that water has been present indicating submergence of the cables during service. The borescope can also detect the presence of other contaminants, such as dirt, sharp metal debris, or chemicals that can cause accelerated degradation of the cables. Based upon the results of a borescope inspection, a decision can be made as to whether additional, more intrusive testing is needed.

Advantages of this technique are that it is non-destructive, simple to perform and requires little training to be successful. A disadvantage is that it does not provide quantitative data that can be trended; therefore, its main benefit is as a screening technique to determine if additional testing is needed.

3.2.12 Line Resonance Analysis (LIRA)

The Line Resonance Analysis (LIRA) test is a relatively new electrical condition monitoring technique that is based on the analysis of electrical test signals input to the cable under test using a waveform generator. The technique models a wire system using transmission line theory and uses narrow-band frequency domain analysis of high frequency resonance effects of unmatched transmission lines to detect changes in the cable insulations properties. The cumulative phase shift of the input impedance due to the permittivity change in the insulation is used as a condition indicator for aging and small defects. Amplitude change is used to account for larger effects.

This technique is claimed to be sensitive to small changes in wire system electric parameters, such as the insulation permittivity, that are a significant condition indicator for aging of the cable insulation. In addition, it is claimed that this technique can detect and localize meaningful property changes for various different insulation types and geometries for both aging and non-aging related effects [Ref. 24]. Additional research is ongoing on this technique.

An advantage of this technique is that it can be performed in situ without de-terminating the cable. The effects of loads attached to the cable can be accounted for in the analysis of results.

Also, degradation is claimed to be detectable prior to a failure occurring A disadvantage of this technique is that it is not a simple test to perform or interpret. Training and experience are needed to obtain meaningful results.

3.3 Laboratory CM Techniques If samples of the cables to be inspected are available, there are condition monitoring techniques available that can be performed in a laboratory. An overview of some of the most common laboratory techniques is provided below.
