ML102460026 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | University of Lowell |
Issue date: | 08/24/2010 |
From: | Bobek L Univ of Massachusetts - Lowell |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
Download: ML102460026 (11) | |
Pinanski Building Leo M. Bobek One University Avenue Reactor Supervisor Lowell, Massachusetts 01854 4
tel: 978.934.3365 fax. 978.934.4067 University of e-mail: FA.4 Massachusetts UMASS Lowell RADIATION LABORATORY August 24, 2010 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Re: License No. R-125, Docket No. 50-223 Pursuant to Technical Specification NRC License No. R-125 we are submitting the Annual Report for the University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor.
Sincerely, T~~ 'k I n Z//4 1.-
I-Reactor Supervisor
University of Massachusetts Lowell Research Reactor (UMLRR) 2009-2010 OPERATING REPORT NRC Docket No. 50-223 NRC License No. R-125 University of FAAMassachusetts U MASS Lowell One University Avenue Lowell, Massachusetts' 01854
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CONTENTS Facility History and Overview A. Narrative Summary
- 1. Operation Experience and Experiments
- 2. Facility Design Changes
- 3. Performance Characteristics Changes
- 4. Changes in Operating Procedures Related to Reactor Safety
- 5. Results of Surveillance Tests and Inspections B. Tabulations C. Inadvertent and Emergency Shutdowns D. Major Maintenance E. Facility Changes Related to 10 CFR 50.59 F. Environmental Surveys G. Radiation Exposures and Facility Surveys
- 1. Personnel Exposures
- 2. Radiation Surveys
- 3. Contamination Surveys H. Nature and Amount of Radioactive Effluents
- 1. Liquid Wastes
- 2. Gaseous Wastes
- 3. Solid Wastes This report is submitted as required by the Technical Specification 6.6.4 of reactor license R-125 and provides the information as outlined in the specification.
Facility History and Overview In the late 1950's, the decision was made to build a Nuclear Center at what was then Lowell Technological Institute. Its stated aim was to train and educate nuclear scientists, engineers and technicians, to serve as a multi-disciplinary research center for LTI and all New England academic institutes, to serve the Massachusetts business community, and to lead the way in the economic revitalization of the Merrimack Valley. The decision was taken to supply a nuclear reactor and a Van-de-Graaff accelerator as the initial basic equipment.
Construction of the Center was started in the summer of 1966. Classrooms, offices, and the Van-de-Graaff accelerator were in use by 1970. Reactor License R-125 was issued by the Atomic Energy Commission on December 24, 1974, and initial criticality was achieved on January 1975.
The name of the Nuclear Center was officially changed to the "Pinanski Building" in the spring of 1980. The purpose was to reflect the change in emphasis of work at the center from strictly nuclear studies. At that time, the University of Lowell Reactor became part of a newly established Radiation Laboratory. The Laboratory occupies the first floor of the Pinanski Building and performs or coordinates research and educational studies in the fields of physics, radiological sciences, and nuclear engineering. The remaining two floors of the Pinanski Building are presently occupied by various other University departments.
On February 14, 1985, the University of Lowell submitted an application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for renewal of the facility operating license R-125 for a period of 30 years. On November 21, 1985, the license renewal was granted as Amendment No. 9 of License R-125 in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.
In 1991, the University of Lowell name was changed to University of Massachusetts Lowell. On August 4, 2000, the reactor was converted from high enrichment uranium fuel to low enrichment uranium fuel.
The University of Massachusetts Lowell Radiation Laboratory (UMLRL) is one of 22 research centers at the University. The University departments utilizing the laboratory include Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Plastics Engineering, Radiological Sciences, and Chemical/Nuclear Engineering. Several of the UMass campuses, 2
including the university medical center, have or continue to have research programs at the Radiation Laboratory. Much of the research is concerned with safety and efficiency in the nuclear and radiation industries, including pharmaceuticals, medical applications, health affects, public utilities, etc. However, much of the research conducted in other scientific fields that make use the unique facilities as analytical tools.
Beyond the research activities, the Laboratory's reactor and Cobalt-60 facilities are used in the educational courses of various departments within the University. It also provides these services to other campuses of the Massachusetts system, other universities in the New England area, government agencies and to a limited extent, industrial organizations in Massachusetts and the New England area, as well as numerous school science programs in the Merrimack Valley.
UMLRR Cutaway View 3
- 1. Operating Experience and Experiments The major uses of the reactor during the reporting period were instrumental neutron activation analysis, radiation detector development, borated aluminum irradiation for spent fuel application test, the production of short-lived isotopes for educational and research purposes, educational coursework, and personnel training.
UMass Lowell was selected as part of a $1.5M consortium awarded by the Department of Energy to study the scattering properties of neutrons. Part of the research work is expected to use the research reactor as a neutron source for various experiments.
Over 30 organized groups were provided tours of the facilities, in addition to several individual tour requests. As part of ongoing emergency responder preparedness, several tours and presentations were given to the UML Police Department, the Lowell Fire Department, the FBI-Boston/Lowell offices, and the Massachusetts State Police.
Neutron activation analysis was used for several research projects involving geologic and nanotech materials. Radiation detector development and testing involved various detectors for homeland security applications and in-core nuclear power plant monitoring. Neutron irradiation of various electronics was performed to enhance performance characteristics and for tolerance testing. Borated aluminum was irradiated to evaluate neutron aging of materials to be used in spent fuel storage systems. Short lived isotopes (e.g., Al-28, Na-24) were produced for routine practicum and demonstration purposes. Short-lived mercury-197 was produced for mercury methylation studies in biological media. The reactor was used for several nuclear engineering and non-nuclear engineering practicum and demonstration purposes. In addition, the reactor was used for training operator license candidates.
- 2. Facility Design Changes During the reporting period, changes were made to the drive mechanism control system for the reactor. These changes included an upgrade of the position indicators for the drives, improved relay logic for the position limit controls, and wiring upgrades.
A temporary change was made to the normal primary coolant flow path from cross-stall to down-comer mode to perform vibration tests on the reactor control blades. Both changes are described further herein.
- 3. Performance Characteristics Changes A malfunction of a control component in the reactor drive mechanism control system resulted in an automatic shutdown (scram) of the reactor during a routine operation. An effort was made to reproduce the problem with the reactor in test mode (all drives withdrawn to the same levels without control blades attached). Three tests were made and each time the system worked normally. A physical inspection of the system found no discernible problems. For further evaluation, an outside controls engineer was hired to review the system design and to recommend possible upgrades and improvements. The recommended system upgrades and improvements were implemented under 10CFR 50.59 (see Section E).
Performance of all other the reactor and related equipment has been normal during the reporting period. There were no discernable changes that would indicate any degradation of other systems or components.
- 4. Changes in Operating Procedures Related to Reactor Safety As part of a continuing effort to update and re-format all procedures associated with the reactor, several procedures had minor revisions or updates non-substantive in nature. Such changes are kept on file and summarized for the RSSC at each meeting.
- 5. Results of Surveillance Test and Inspections.
All surveillance test results were found to be within specified limits and surveillance inspections revealed no abnormalities that could jeopardize the safe operation of the reactor.
Each required calibration was also performed.
B. TABULATIONS Energy generated this period (MWD) 6.15 Critical hours 261.8 Cumulative energy to date (MWD) 38.36 5
C. INADVERTENT AND EMERGENCY SHUTDOWNS There were three inadvertent non-emergency automatic shutdowns during the reporting period. One was due to an offsite loss of electrical power, one was due to a drive mechanism malfunction, and one was due to an airlock door interlock malfunction. Descriptions of each automatic shutdown are noted in operator logs and are analyzed by an SRO for safety significance and technical specification requirements.
D. MAJOR MAINTENANCE As described in A.3, maintenance and upgrades were performed on the reactor drive mechanism control system. This maintenance was reviewed by the Reactor Safety Subcommittee and changes were implemented under 10CFR 50.59 (see section E).
Under NNSA funding, major upgrades to the reactor security monitoring, alarm, and protective features were undertaken.
E. FACILITY CHANGES RELATED TO 10CFR50.59 During the reporting period, there were two changes made to the facility that were reviewed and approved under the 10CFR 50.59 process. The first involved changes to the drive mechanism control system for the reactor. These changes included an upgrade of the position indicators for the drives, improved relay logic for the position limit controls, and wiring upgrades. The changes were screened under the 10CFR 50.59 procedure for the reactor. A subsequent review by the reactor safety committee concluded the changes did not involve a modification of Technical Specifications and met the criteria specified for 10 CFR 50.59.
A temporary change was made to the normal primary coolant flow path from cross-stall to down-comer mode. Both modes are described under the FSAR for the reactor. Cross-stall has been the chosen method of forced cooling due to excessive vibration on the control blades using the down-comer mode. The temporary change to the down-comer mode was implemented to perform vibration tests on the reactor control blades and to evaluate the vibration reactivity effects.
The temporary change was screened under the 10CFR 50.59 procedure for the reactor. A subsequent review by the reactor safety committee concluded the change did not involve a modification of Technical Specifications and met the criteria specified for 10 CFR 50.59.
P F. ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEYS Members of the Radiation Safety Office performed an ALARA review for the 2009 calendar year with the results summarized in Sections G and H. The following surveys and monitoring are performed associated with the UMLRR:
- 1. Reactor Field Surveys - monthly (byproduct materials license)
- 2. Reactor Contamination Surveys - monthly (byproduct materials license)
- 3. Primary water analysis - weekly (SP-10)
- 4. 20 ml Secondary Water Analysis - each Rx operations day (SP-10)
- 5. 3 L Secondary Water Analysis - Biennially (SP-10)
- 6. liquid waste (sewer) - prior to disposal (SP-10)
- 7. Rad Monitor Check - each detector checked prior to each day's operations
- 8. Personnel dosimetry - submitted to a NAVLAP accredited dosimetry company monthly
- 9. Environmental dosimetry - submitted quarterly G. RADIATION EXPOSURES AND FACILITY SURVEYS
- 1. Personnel Exposures An ALARA assessment of the UMass Lowell radiation safety program is performed annually. This review is reported to and reviewed by the Radiation Safety Committee. The 2009 ALARA goal for radiation workers at UMass Lowell was to limit the most exposed radiation worker at UML to less than 10% of the federal radiation exposure limits. In addition, the radiation safety manual requires a 100 mrem per week TEDE administrative level. No occupational exposure exceeded an ALARA limit in 2009. Personnel dosimetry was obtained by review of the 2009 Landauer dosimetry reports. These reports include, where appropriate, whole body OSL dosimetry and finger TLD dosimetry. Landauer is a NVLAP accredited dosimetry company.
(<500rem) (<5000 mrem)
Reactor 19 M M
- NOTE: 'M' indicatesno detectable releases or exposure
- 2. Radiation and Contamination Surveys A review of the 2009 Research Reactor Radiation Survey and Contamination results Shows no excess contamination (>250 dpm/100cm 2) was identified. The UML Radiation Safety Office classifies (gamma/beta) an area containing > 500 dpml100cma as being contaminated. No appreciable stray radiation fields (>2mR/hr) were identified in a free area within the reactor.
Radiation levels measured in the reactor building have been typically less than 0.1 mremihr in general areas. Experiments have been conducted in which transient levels at specific locations have been in excess of 100 mrem/hr. Doses in these instances have been controlled by use of shielding and/or personnel access control. The pump room remains designated as a high radiation area during reactor operation and access is controlled.
- 1. Liquid Wastes and Gaseous Wastes As part of UMass Lowell ALARA goals, the radiation safety office has set a campus goal of limiting exposures to members of the public to less than 10% of the federal regulatory limits.
Less than 1 tCi of radioactive material were released through the reactor sewer (detection limits of approximately 6x10 9 [tCi/ml). Argon-41 continues to be the only significant reactor produced radioactivity identifiable in the gaseous effluent. The reactor stack released approximately 1.72 Ci in 2009 resulting in a (conservative) estimated upper limit to the TEDE at the site boundary (10 m from stack) of 0.6 mrem/year and 0.06 mrem/year to a person constantly standing 100 m from the stack.
-- 4 ENVIRONMENTAL RELEASES SOURCE ACTIVITY DOSE GOAL Ci mrem mrem Sewer Releases <lxl0"6 M* _10 Stack Releases 1.72 0.6 *,10
- 2. Solid Wastes Solid wastes, primarily paper, disposable clothing, and gloves, along with other miscellaneous items have been disposed of in appropriate containers. Most of the activity from these wastes consisted of short lived induced radioactivity. These wastes were held for decay and then released if no activity remained. The remaining long lived wasted
(<10 cubic feet) is stored in a designated long lived waste storage area awaiting ultimate disposal at low-level radioactive waste disposal site.
End of Report 9