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GPI Data Review, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2009
Entergy Operations, GZA GeoEnvironmental
Entergy Operations, Office of Information Services
Download: ML101900406 (39)



  • Entergy Operations, Inc.

White Plains, NY PREPARED BY:

GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.

Portland, Maine April 2009 File No. 09.0025576.00 Copyright © 2009.GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.

S inoft*r wa "g in"

=m *,m -oe*wm ,* A

  • IV







2.2.1 Site Geology2 2.2.2 1*ydrogeology 3






5.1 OVERVIEW ASSESSMENT 7 5.1., Key Findings: Objective I - Groundwat*r Protection Program 7

5.12 Key Findings: Objective 2 - Commnunkiction 8

-5,1.3 Key Findings: Objective 3 -- Program Oversight 8



TABLE I NEI Self Assessment Checklist, FIGURES FIGURE 1 Site Locus FIGURE 2 Site Plan 09.0025576.09.Pg Page i: A4/15/09

APPENDICES APPENDIX A Limitations APPENDIX B Analytical Results VA Nlý APPENDIX C Ground Water Contour Plans APPENDIX D List Of Documents Reviewed'and Personnel Contacted 09.0025576.09 *Page ii 4/15/09


This report was prepared by GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.G(GZA) on behalf of Entergy Operations, Inc (Entergy) and presents a summary of GZA's review of recent hydrogeologic investigatin iactivities performed at EntergyU Grand Gulf Nuclear Station located in Port Gibson;, Mississippi (hereafter referred, to as lthe "Site" or the "GGNS Plant") and'provides an opinion of the status of the Site's Groundwater Protection Initiative (GPI) program relative to the GPI guidance document 07-07 prepared by the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)I. This report is intended to fulfill the requirements >of Objective 3.1a of the 07-07 'NEI guidance' document, and is-subject to.the Limitations outlined in Appendix A.

GZA assessed the plant's progress relative to the NEL 07-07 guidance objectives based on our understanding of thep'plant a'nd :associated Site Conceptuaal Modl9(SCM), using our technical expertise ard experience developed through performance of ,roundwater investigations and remediation at thousands of sites contaminated with industrial chemicals and/or radionuclides "Our opinionfis a'id judgments are based on well established,*ndustry hydrogeo6logic and environmental engineering principals Founded in 1964, GZA is a leading environmental and geotechnicil engineening firm with over 500 highly skilled professionals including, geoelogistsyli-dogeologists, and hydrologists, as well as* geotechnical," instrumentation and environmental engineers, who underpin our.technical ;qualifications to perform projects of this type. "? Our recent4 expeience includes performance of "lminted-scope", as well as sophisticated groundwater protection investigations,' including" a well documented Observational Method 2 /SCM approach to the investigation, of the Indian Point Energy Center in Buchanan,;New< York. This work has been reviewed and validated by both the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comimission and the U.S. Geological Su r ve y . " a  :.? : --,* . . .:.. . . . , , .. . .. . ... .

During the, fall of 2006 and winter of 2007, ,GZA was retained by Entergy, through Enercon Services, Inc. t*' perform an initial (Phase I) hydrogeologic assessmentiof GGIS 'i.ipsuppot 'of Entergys corporate GPI program. This ,work was performefd in general a*cordanfce writihthe then evolving NEI GPI guidelines anid focused on assessing 'potential radionuclide pathways fromn impacted or potentially 'impacted, plant systems to, aid then with, the groundwater. The"Tfindins of GZA'* initial GPI study are' 'presented in a report dated January 30, 2007 (Phase I Report)3.

Since completion of the Phase I 'study, NEI adpopted the final 0.7-07GPI guidance document and Entergy installed a series of groundwater monitoring wells downiradieti of the: Site and commenced groundwater monitoring activities.

NEI, August 2007, Industry Ground Water protection Initiative - Final Guidance Document, NEI document No. 0707 [Final]. "" '. ' '> '

a Use of the Observationil'lMethodin the Investigation and Monitoring'ofa Spent Fuel Pool Release, Barvenik, el al.,

NEI Groundwater Workshopct. 2007. ",">".. '.'

b. Use of the ObservationalMethod in the Remedial Investigation and Cleanup of ContaminatedLand, Dean, A.R. and 10J. Barvenik, The Seventh Geotechnique Symposium -'Geot ciical, Aspects'of Contaminated Land, sponsored by'the Institution of Civil Engineers, Lo*d*n**Volume XLII,'Number 1,March 1992.

OZA and EneTcon, Januaryi 30, 2007, Site Hydgeýologic'assessment in Sugo of Enter'v GPL.Grand Gulf Nuclear Power Stati6n. Port Gibson,,Mississinpj.

09.0025576.09P .Page I 4/15/0911

This report provides ýa brief summary of GZA's Site Conceptual Model (SCM) of the geology and hydrogeology of the site,, a review of recent GPI field activities conducted by others at the GGNS Plant, an assessment regarding the consistency of the recenL findings with respect to the existing SCM,.:and our assessmnent of the Site's progress towards implementation of the GPI program


2. 1 SITE DESCRIPTION Grand Gulf Nuclear Station: consists of "approximately 2,100, acres and is located in Claiborne County in. soiithwesterhMississippi as shown on Figure-1. The plant is located on the east side of the Mississippi River about 25 miles- south of Vicksburg and. 37. miles north-northeast of Natchez.

The Site~consists primarily of woodlands, former-farms aýnhd two oxbow lakes, Hamilton Lake and Gin; L6ke,, which formed within a former'channel of the Misgissippi.I River. The Site is divided roughly in half between the eastern upland,;area that is in the elevation rangeof about 100 to 210 feet: above mean sea level (rmsl) andt'the lowland western'area that is inrthe elevation range of,55 to 80 feet above msl. Surface drainage over a majority of the developed. upland portion of the. Site occurs within' two.:watersheds which discharge o Ha'milton Lake. Most of the undeveloped western lowland area of the 'Sitedrains.',to Hamiltion aind Gin.' Lakes .with: only a very-limited drainage area to theMississippi River along its bank. The GGNS, facilities, including the power generating facilities and adniinistrative officeS, 'are located in the eastern upland portion of the site.

2.2 SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL This section provides a brief summary of GZA's understanding of Site.geology and hydrogeology as discussed in the Phase I report 'and is presented herein! as a Site Conceptual Model (SCM)"

Combinedwith the results of recent data collection activities (described&below in Section 4.0), this understanding'forms the basis of our assessmentfof the technical aspects of the GPI program for the GGNS Plant.

2.2.1 Site Geology The region lies "within the Coastal0Plain physiographic province, which extends from New Jersey to.-Texas andtencompasses all of Louisiana and nearly. all ofMissgissippi. The wide Coastal Plain consists primarily of Late Cretaceous to Ho1ocene deposits that were deposited mostly in a marine environment, were later iuplifted and now. tilt seaward, or to the 'south in' Louisiana. and Mississippi. The Site lies with:i theiorth-south trending Mississippi Alluvial Plain Section of the Coastal Plain Province that par'allels the Mississippi River extending from north of Mississippi'to the. Gulf of, Mexico and consists'of a low flood .plainand deldta, gyste m edoly *' M~issippi River.

The: results 'of previous borings drilled ,at the site indicate thlat the: subsufface consist of the kfollowing (listed, from youngest'to oldest): 145W feet of Holocene Alluvium consisting of clay, silt, sand, and gra '61;"

' 0 to 82 fe:etof Pleistocene Loelss doisistinig of silt; 09.0025576.09' Page 2 4/15/019

0to 151 feet of Pleistocene:Terrace Deposits conisting of lay, silt, and gravel; SMiMocene Catahoula Formation consisting of up:.t 320 feet of hard to very hard partially indurated silty, fine, sandy clay to sclayeyslt and sand; and

, Oligocene Vicksburg Group consistIng of hard clays and interbedded limestone andfine 9 Due to the la*ck of initeediate-age Plioene* deposits, aaniconfority exists -between Catahoula clay and the overlying y"ounger ter-race dep~osits and alluvium.

'the' der The~tpo the 'Catahciulai clay is elevated in the area of the power block with elevations generally 'above 80 ft rnsl and as high' as about 100 ft ni. The top of Catahoula clay elevations generally decrease8in all directioinsfrom the power block are'a'with 'topographic lows 'of'less' than'70 feet~below msl to the west benath Hamilton and Gin Lakes;:less than&20 feet below msl* along the north prprty lin*; abu 10 ft s the .to northeast, and 30ft msl to south. The area of elevated Cathula clay appears to exist :as a rK'idge b'en'eath' the power block oriented generally northwest-souheast."

The Catahoula clay is the load bearing unit, for the major plant-s* uctures at the Site. TheY foundations for the major plant siructures including the Auxiliiry Builidingigand Conitrol Building were excavated into the Catnhoula clay. S beethc nentbuildig,'eexr3e:cavated to depths of about 69 ft msl]compared to the*e*isting grade aro und' the powerblock of'about 32 ft s1 d'andpre-construction surface grades as hi*h as 200 fl msl.

The Terace deposits generally blanket the upland portion of the "Site with pre-construction thicknesses of at least 25 feet .The areas of thinnest Terrace deposits were in the powe block i area

>where the' 'Catahoula is most elevated. 'The Loess deposits overlie the Terrace dep~osits and generally blanket the uplaindportion of theSite .with pre construction thicknesses Thle Alluvium deposits are generally onlypresent in the low lying portion.,of the, Site fromi{ the'.

ground surface to depths generally greater the 50 feet and maxinumthicknesses ofabout near the banks of the Mississippi River.

2.2.2 ~Hydro~zeolov " K The findiings of the Phase I report, indicated thatl several important major regional ,aquifer exist at or near the Sitecorresponding tozthe geologicu nits described abiove'.

These include the.

S'Pleistocene to WHoclene Mississippi River AlluvialAquifer system;

." Qligocene to Holocene Coastal Lowlands Aquifer system, and
  • Upper Cretaceous

';+The+9 ".::.'::."***@:J**::*: through Eocene *Missisippi EE' A

' ' ... si'pi'Embrit:Aquif&

.'*' "- .' - sy tn .' .  :"":=.......

The southern extents of t*e issippi River AlluvialAquifer system exists approximately 10 miles north.of'the 'Site. The northern exteitis not present at the site but of the Coastal Lowlandi Aquifer system exists approximatelyv~l 0 'miles north of the Site-and, txtehds to beyondt4he Gulf of

.Mexic' to the south. The Site is presentInear the center ofMississippi E:mbayment Aquifer which extends from the southernttip of Illinoisto beyond the*outhcm extentvo Missis~sippi system into the Gulf. of Mexi* The

. top of this third. aquifer is estimated to be approximately 600 feet below ms]f" in the area of the Site..

The Coastal Lowlands dAquifer systemriiSisthe first and primary aquiferoencountered at the Site. 'The, Coastal Low*Iands Aqiuifer system consists. of a gulf-ward thicken:in**:heterogene:ous unconsolidated to poorly consolidated wedge of discontinuous bedsof dsand, silt and clay that. rnge from Oligocene to 'Holocenee.:. Where, sufficiently.thikkand permeable, the Coastal Lowlands 09.0025576.09 Page 3sia-+:+:ag: s: ..

'09.0025576.09: .Pagei3, 4/15/,09

Aquifer system yields large',quantities of groundwater forihigh capacityiwell systems f6r industrial, municipal,. commercial,:and irrigation uses. While*ttii* e oastal Lowlands Aquifersysltem consists of five permeable units and two confiningunits and isir**eater than 10,000 feet thick south 6o:the Site, it is only 'present at the,Site in the f6rm of the relatively thin alluvial deposits in the lowland western portin.of the Site and the terrace deposits and toess in the~easter upland areas-of the Site.

yen' the presence of alluvial sands  : in lose proximity to the M issssippi River, cooling and drinking water for the GGNS :Site is obtained from wells constructed in the Coastal Lowlands Aquifer system. . Additional :ýcooling water is obtained from Wells constructed in Holocene Missbsipine aothluvia deposits:

and for other uses at the. Sit in o nsut io i obtained from the Plestocene Tere race deposits in the eastem'upland portion of the Site.

Within the shallow soils at the site, there:are three distinct water levels:. a "perched"' water table in

,the Terrace deposits in-the-viciriity of-the power blok," a regiofial water table inithe Mississippi SRiver~alluvium and potentiometric head in the' confined aquifer within the: Cata-6la Fonrnation.

These are:further"described :below:

Perched Water Table: Perched groundwater is present in the, poweriblock area where the top of the Catahou'la clay is above 70 ftinslm (less than60, ft bgsin theIpower block). Water levels the perched groundwater system prior to construction during the period of. 1972 to 1976 were generally in the rangie of 95 'to 110 ft msl (20 to 35 ft bgs in the power block), with"the highest water level measured in the perched, groundwater system of 130 ft msl.

Regional Water Table: The regional groundwater table corresponds to the water level within-the. alluvial ýdep.osits: and terrace deposits outside::the clay ridge 'an'd are reported (to*

be in the, 85-f*ot msl elevation range (approxiiimately,.50`Sft: bgs in the power block area). Gron dwater flow in -this deosit is in a generally westward 'direction toward, the Mississippii River:,. In the southernmportion of the site, groundwater flow, patterns in the Mississippi -River daluvium are strongly influei*cedhby: the pumping from foir radial wells that supply water for the GGNS cooling water system.

  • Potentiometric .Head:,The potentiometric head in the Catahoula Formation was reported to be n the range of 55- to 80-foot msl. Groundwater flow in the Catahoula Formation is expected to be generally towards the 'westwithdischarge to the Mississippi River.


-This section sunim'ahzes information provided yb~Entergy pertaining) to, recent field investigationIactiyities performed by others at the GGNS site-in support of the pending Combined Operating LicenseiApplicatfi6..(COLA) for the propoed GGNS.Unit 3: Plant, and incorporated a-s part of the oveiall GPI activities forthe existing GGNS site.

4 Note that the term "perched" is used in this document to be consistent with the historical terminology used for the elevated ground~water in the power block portion !of the Site. In reality, perched *aIter classically refers to water elevated above the regional water. table with an unisaturated zone beneath. ,GZA believes that the elevated water identified in the. powei:blck area 'may actually reflect m'ounding if groundwater due to the extensivc ý dge of low permneabilityclay and that an unsaturated zone'may not exit below theelevated waterintifie power block.

09.0025576.09 Pg 4 Page 4/15/09


A ~,~<"~"V'V<"' '~"r 'zr'~


Monitoring wells were recently installed at the plant to support the GGNS Unit 3 COLA., of 44 groundwater monitoring wells were installed at locations west of the existing GGNS' Plant within the terrace deposits or MississippiRiver Alluvium. Four (4) of these wells located closest to

  • i*.] ~ the ~GGNSfoPlant gr (designated wclbý-MWl02OB, nwater monitO inigfo tepr MWl026B, MWl027B,*and MWI 134B)'were then ou1w17r m for- t sence oforadionuclides in support. of-the GP otitities'fhe GGNS Plant. We'llocationsareshown the groundwater contouvr plans provided

, n Appendix C. Boring logs forithese *wellsý,were not provided to GZA f6orreview, 3.2 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS GZA was provided *ith groundwater monitorinig data (anaiytical testing and groundwater elevation measurements) for each of the new wells. Groundwater monitoringrouunds were performed on July 31,12007, 'October 31, 2007, February l,2'008,aadt'Aprl 114, 2008. Each of the samples was tested for tritiumt and gamma activi-ty by Entergy's 'Ch'emistryLaborator.Aayia eutr providedBytcalreults are 3.3 : GROUNDWATER ELEVATION MONITORING The draft CoLA for*GGNS Unit 3 includes groundwater contour plans prepared' based on groundwater level measuremenfts in the niew wells on~Decemberi 2006 and May ~2007, corresponding to~ the periods of highest andi]owest groundwater elvtos epetvl.Cpe of these plans aie provided in Appendix C. Groundwater measuremn*nts are provided intable 2.4.12-202 of the draftCOLA:. Depth to groundwater measurements recoi*ded in the wellsiused for GPI, groundwater'onit in ranged from approximately 45 to' 60 fet below the ground surface.-

4.0 FINDINGS OF. RECENT GPI FIELD ACTIVITIES The follovwijg subsections provide a summary of GZA's review of die recent work perfornmed by others !at'the 'GIGNS site relative to geology, hydrogeology, and groundwater monitoring results.

4.1 GEOLOGY Although GZA was ,not-provided' .Vith copies of boring logs for 'the new ,COLA' wells, the information presented'within the draft COLA' sugets the susrfc maeiasencounitered in th'e new borings w~ere 'generally' consistent widi :the materials previouslydescribed for. the site (Scction.

4.2 HYDROGEOLOGY AND SHALLOW GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTIONS The. .informatid'n presented iin the draft COLA indicates that small isolated area:s of perched groundwater exist in the loess. The soils of the Terrace Deposits (a k a. tile Upland Complex) are the 'principal shallow' groundwater bearing unit at the site, consistent with the pre-existing information.

5ý 54l50 1"i-o,4134cS, 14 Tese parameters iniclude, ~Mn, "8Co, 59

. 11e,_Co, Zn, 9 5Nb~Z, 9 311, ~C "s' 9 Ba, and 'La.

09.0025576,09 Page 5 4/415/09

As stated:fin Section 3.3, gfoundwater conto*ur plans provided in the draft GGNS; Unit 3 COLA were. based on groundwater level measurements in the Upland Complex wells recorded in December 2006 and May 2007. Copies of these 'plans are provided, in Appendix C., Foreach plan, the groundwater elevation contours depict a 'groudwater gradient to the west/northwest towards the Mississippi River, consistent with the SCM." The: available information also indicates that although'an aquitard exi*ts7 between the Upland Complex and the underlying Catahujla Formation, a downwards vertical hy4auli gradient from.the Upland Complex to the. Catahoula formation exists.

of Although the groundwater contoursfom theý GGNS Unift3 COLA provide a solid understanding p!ant, ýthey do not show actual gradients' and groundwater -gradients west of the existing GGNS flow directions within the 'existing piplant. In additioii*, beiauise A1) the closestiftheSe welis.t0eare

eis~ting,(GGNS plant are locatedapproxlmately 650 feet west of the GGNS plant, 2) that they spaced 600 to 800 feet apa*-,:and 3)'that only oneJwe'llj(MW-f027B)"is hydraulically'downg-radient of the plant, this monitoring wel network droes not provide :adequate groundwater quality monitoring, for the existing plant.

4.3 SAMPLING AND-1ANALYSES new Radionuclides were not detected in any of the groundwater samples .collected from the monitoring wells sampled as part of the GPI programx (Section 3.2). However, it is noted that none of these-wells is likely installed immediately downgradi~nt of the potenti'ly contaminatedSSCs within the powerblock.

4.4 ,COMPARISON ,TO THE SCM As discussed above, the recently collected GPI field data 'are generally, consistent with the Site's are SCM. Thus, 'no changes to: the SCM6o'rthe*'Plintis' Final Safetyý;-ii a ysis kReport (FSAR) summary'of key findings of the new GPI datarelative to the pre-suggested at this time. A brief existing SCM is presented below:

The sbsurfaceC aquifer materals desrfibed' in the *draft COLA, are generally c6nsistent:with the, SCM wh~ichincludes,,, a layer of loess. overlying alluvial materials of the "Upland Complex..

  • The groundwater elevation.:data and interpreted groundwater :contour plan provided are generally -consistent;with' the ,anticipated westerly flow towards' the Mississippi River and Gin and Hamilton: lakes. Tritium and gamma activity were not detected ini~*ny o he, samples collected from the new wells. 'However, as noted above, these wells are not likely I cated immeditely downgradTientof potentially contaminatedSSCs.

'The ýavailfable analytical. data do not indicatee that -radionuclides are migrating off-site into the Mississippi River.;,

5.0 EVALUATION OF THE PLANT'S GPI PROGRA RELATIVE TO NEI GUIDANCE Consistent with NEI 07-07, Objective 3.1i,iGZA has assisted t in performing a self-the ass4essment'of th'e GGNS Plant's GPI program. In performjingý' ths assessment, GZA completed An checklist: provided* in Appendix B of NEEI07'07 anrid included in this report as .Table L, overview of thexresults and key findings of this review 'is presented below.

-Page 6 4/15/09 -


Our assessment of the Plant's progress relative to the NEI.07-07 criteria was based on information providedby Entergy, including:

" various documents associated 'with recent ficl d activities including the draft COLA for GGIAS Unit 3.


corporate and.Pla'nt proceduires, anid C2F S,

    • " , *i;., 3# 7.3.3 '3*. . 3,:***:!3

>t:r;* % -

'verbal conmunications with plant:personncl.

.. 3 program

i;7;d **q?*
  • documents;
c; } *
*!* and
    • x..

A; li! sting

! of te documentsvi~we& and: personnel contacted is iipresented Appendix 1D.

It should be noted that the NEI guidance document '<is >alittle".over 12. months old. As 'such, facilities acr~oss the countryare*currently working to put in place GQPlprograms consistent with this gudance. As withi any endeavor involving an uniderstaniding of s-bsuriface conditions, this> Is best accomnplished in ani iterate fashion., As suchoand gien the newness of this programsome degree of follow-onwork to b expected, s programs aeinitidatediand then refined.

5.1 OVE RVIEW ASSESSMENT Entergy and the GNS Planit personnel have made a significant commitment to the GPI Initiative.

This eifort commenced in 206,; before fuial NEI guidance was released in 'August 2007 has included, among other.thigs:

  • the preýparation of' a corporate, GPI program; ~
  • h preparaio... aniniia R... prepor*t);an hydrogeology hial assessment of the Plant (January 2007 PhaseI 0 the installation of supplemental Site monitoring wells (Section 3.1);
  • implemientation of groundwater moritoring (Section 3.2); and ..

0 initial stakeholder comm* nications about the GPI 'programn.

This has resulted in real progress at the Site and substantial achievement of the NEI objectives.

A brief summary ofthekey findings for each*of the NEI objectives follows. 'Additionaldi*iscssion is provided as comments wlthin Table 1. 3 5.1.1. Key Findin.igs Objective1."- Groundwater Protection.Pirogram Based on out review of the information provided,& ZA is of the opinion. that Entergy and the GGNS

'have plant miaide real°progress towards metiing . th general criteria of Objective I of the 07-07 guidance document. This opinion is 4 a th hinformation p tedininffer the Phase I report, combined witbhthe data 'fromthe rNecentGPI field activities, forms the basis of the SCM .as presented herein. Howeverit"isinotedthat, a with all dit characterizations conductedfollowing an obser n a h, the

-tofn teatveposesvasodatapgpsarac'e a i toedate should be considered par ierative proce a dentifi andti ad d addressoiedanod dt the" SCM is refined., For the GGNS site, the available data indicate that the followig nh etsmtto the existing GPI program are recommended t'o mheet the 07'07 guidance document:

' 'Performance of< a groundwater" monitoring well inventor'y to assess> the status of existing wells at theexisting GGNS site. Ifthetiesultsof thisinVenitory indi&ate that' existing "wells,:

are servie and appropriately positionedjslct iadditioinal wells should be' usedto assessgrou0ndwater gradienits; 'flow: patiway' anod groundwater" quaity. at 'the existinig 09.'0025576.09 .., Page 7; : 4/1i5/09


GGNS plant.. ýIf the pre-existing: wells.Iare, not serviceable, 'installation of additional

.monrlitorinhg wells to betterd6efie the on-site horizontal and vertical hydraulic gradients within thie power block area would be required.,

Preparation and implementation of a, site-specific .groundwater monitoring plan, including groundwater rnonitoi0ng;locaiions,, sampling frequency, data quality objectives, ,and procedures for perodic review and revisio'n bfthe plan;

  • Preparation and implementation of a buried pipe and tank monitoring and inspection plar;'

o.....Expansion 'of the plant's.risk- assessment of: engineering systems to include work practices

  • andexisting leak detectionsystems and pograhms; and
  • Preparation of a remrdialt action plan. to address potential spills and releases of licensed material at the site, 5.1.2 Key Findings&Obiective 2 - Communication External.communications .is managed:in.accordance with Entergy's written procedures. These procedures .are generally,, consistent with criteria for Objective 2. "Thus, only minor

-the enhancements are suggested"'including but not limited 'to the addition of procedures for the notification of NEI officials.

5.1.3 Key.Findings: Obiective 3 - Program.Oversight Through. completion offthis review, the plant is' complying with the NEI. Objective for Program Oversight. Further reviews in' the future should'bebperf0rmed in accordance with NEI guidance.

6.0 OPTIONS TO ENHANCE CURRENT GPI PROGRAM Options to enhance the current GPI program a4tthe plant are included in Table 1.

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TABELE I NEI SELF ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST Grand Gulf Nuclear Station' Fort Gibson, Mis~sissippi Guideline I Objective/Acceptance Section

... . *.:Criteria SI IEnsure that the site characterization of gology And "hydr6 log y pvrov ide;s an:

understanding of predominant' ground water gradients based upon current sife conditions.

1.l.a Pe*oirm* hy'dr6eologic and geologic studies to determine predominant ground *water flow characteristics and gradients. WOCauons WeStOI1 ine plant in support oi toe ~t-1OA ior UJJNZ positioned, additional wells should be used to assess Unit 3. The data from these wells; along with information groundwater gradi~ents, flow pathw~ays,~and groundwater

,provided in previous studies, fornman initial basis for assessing quality at.the plant. If the pre-existing w*l*s are not regional groundwater flow directions. Based on these data, the serviceable, additional monitoring w*,ls in and around the dominant shallow groundwater flow directions is towards the power block area are recommended to assess site west/northwest-in the,vicinity of the proposed GGNS Unit 3I groundwater gradients and flow directions at the plant.

Additional explorations are required to confirm groundwater gradients and groundwater flowdirections in the area of the existina GGNS nlant.~

1. l.b As apipopriate, review existing " Yes Substantially com*6leted Jaiuary 2007 and presented Iin the -None

.hydrogeolegic and geologic January 2007 PliasieI Report and draft GGNS*U*it 3 'COLA studies, historical~~ report.

environmental studies, and permit or license related reports 1.1.c Identify potenitial pathways for Yes* Initial identification.of pathways completed January 2007 and Review and update SCM and associated pathways following ground water.migration from presented in the January 2007 .Phase I Report. any additional site characterization conducted tinder 1.l.a on-sitte locations to off-site above.

lIocationsthroughi grou nd water.


  • indicates progress has been made towards meeting the stated NEI criteria. However, additional progress is required to fully meet the criteria..

09.0025576.00 Page I of 14 GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA)

TABLE 1 NEI SE-LF ASSESSMENT CH3ECKLIST Gra.nd Gulf Nuclear Station Port Gibson, Mississippi' Notes:

  • indicates progress has been matde towards meetingthe stated NE i on pgress is requiredto fully
meet the criteria.

'09.6025576.00 -*

Page ;2, of; 14 GZA GeoEnvironrmental, Inc. (GZA)

TABLE 1 NEI SELF: ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Port Gibson, Mississippi Guideline Objective/Acceptance Section Met Comments As Required - Potenrtia reas for Improv'ement Section Criteriai Yes-No __*_*______.___..._____._________.____

1.2.c Identify potential.enhancements No Information pertaining to potential enhancements to leak detection

  • Assess potential enhancements to leak detection to leak detection systems or systems from the potentially contaminated SSCs identified in the systems

.programs.*,. Phase I report has not been provided to GZA.

  • Fullyimplemet Entergy procedure number EN-DC" While the new wells to the west provide some enhanced leak 343, BuriedPipming ai* dTanks Inspection 1Program detection capability, the* are not close tothepoer block and are not *ell-positioned in general to serve'as a pro-active leak .

detection mechanism within the intent.of this criteria.,

Plant personnel indicate that GGNS has begun to implement EN-DC-343 'Buried Piping andTanks Insp6ebtion Program 1.2 d *. ldentiff potential enhan cemebits, No The infomation pifh*ided bythe GGNS*jilant did not indenti fyI

  • Complete an assessment olf'procedre*e and equipment potential enhancements or an assessment of potential to prevent releases from reaching groundJwater.

ireaching ground water.* enhancements to prevent spills or.leaks from reachiug the' groundwater. *.* Fully implement Entergy procedure number EN-DC-343, Buried Piping and Tanks Insplection Program.

Plant4persomnnel indicate that GGNShas be~un to implement EN-

" (i...:..:i,":

  • ___ " *DC.343 Buried Piping and Tanks lnsjpeciiofi Program, "_

1.2.e Identify the mechanism or site: Yes 'Corrective Actions are identified and tracked in accordance with None,

!process for tracking corrective Entergys corporamtecorrective actio* program (Procedure EN-LI-

-actions. 102). Un+/-der this program, when a problem is identifieda-condition report (CR) is initiated, corrective action swill be.

__,_________7__-. ___,_____. __.___..... assigned,. and the.CR is dispositisned based on its severity.


  • indicates progress has been made towards meeting the stated NEI criteria. However, additional progress is required to fully meet the criteria. '

09.0025576.00 Page 3, of 11-4 GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA)


" ~Port Gibson,; Mississippi Guideline 0Objecctive/A ccepta nce MetinAe Comnments As Required PoetaArsfrImovmn Section Criteria Yes-No§ 1.2.1' Establish long term programs to Yes*

perfnrm preventative.

miaintenance o suirveillance activities to miinimlize the potential for inadvertent

  • releses of liceinsed materials due to equipment failure.

geolo gstdis e develorped 0- ppothe nSoftp GGSUiet3C rihei Howstshevr the w...s'are*r k' prP a lci u dowrad.ent

.icpal ot*id lo toview thes d uperiodicjreviewscof SSCs and .. e.othe poweh bloc, arsbeen not' West/noraties.

1.3 Establishacementsit ground f water' - ie tr monitorit n gdvlwell w*adiological tninp stnh hs A ta *f thesineet progngradoeensurentirel positioned

'from teplesntebtlwihinshepwlls are now neded downgradi ent of thepoer, block tohts e arefills w "ot a hydr.ulically d r i to tie boundary defined by the site data gaps in the recently installed COLA well network, 1..l Conisider, as appropriate, 'No T-here are cur rently no sentinel we lls at the GGNS piant< Evaluate installation of sentinel wells near potentially plcn tontinelwell to ' contaminated SSCs, taking into account other leak detection SSSCs th-at have the highest ' and surveillace activities potentialfo'r'inadvertent releases that could reach '

ground waer'rS~ where~

leak detectioni capability'is limited. 44 Notes:,'indicates progress has been made towards meeting the stated NEI criteria. However, add iti onal prgesis required to fully

~meet the criteria.4 Page 4 of 14 .gGZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA)


Grand Gulf Nuclear Station

ýPort,,Gibson,,Mississippi Potential-Areasffor improvemint Required __ ....... .

_ _ _ __Comments _ _ _As .. _______-______..__

Guideline -O : bjectiveIAcceptance Sedtion Met Ye.....

V_ -...... _.... .... _.__ _:____.

S..seti "C~.on riteiia Prepare site-specific groundwater monitoring plan.

L.3.c Establish samanpling.and analysis Yes*' While ongoing groundwater monitoring activities have been protocols, including analytical initiated at GGNS. a comprehensive written, plan including these sensitivity requirements, for details has not yet been prepared.

ground water and soil.*1 in Prepare site-specificgroundwater monitoring plan Establishi a formal;- written Yes* Grouidwaterimonitoritegy. tthe GGNS plant is performed 1.31, accordancewith program for longternt grou.nd


-Procedure'EN-CY-109 water rnonitorineg Prepare site-specific gro undwater monitoringplan

-'~ -

existing- Yes* While roundwxater m6nitoring activities have been Perio'dically reiew l.3,e station or contract lab(s) initiati , a,ompreheniye written. plan including these Itbeen prepared , .

analytical capabilities.*K mionitoring*activities have been Prepare site-specific groundwater monitoring plan L3.f Establish a long-termn programn ,Yes*

-hensoitwritteiiplaining.t-c. e for preventative maintenance of ,ared:. ~~iiidn hs ground water wells. --

mon01itofiniz activities hav.e been- ,rou*ndwater 1.3.g h~.

1.4 Est.

and 10 1 1.4.a -~ making iation of leaks instances0of and shall wa*s The potential for detectible levels of licensed material

-Licensed materials have not been detected in groundwater 1 ;4.b for Yes*

s resulting.fromfplarnmed releases (e.g.. airbolne wash-out.of samples :from thesitewells.

Tritium) should be considered-in future groundwater planned monitoringreporis,  :

to fully:

progress has been made towards meeting the stated NEI criteria. However, additional. progress is required Notes:

  • indicates meet the criteria.

Page' 5 of 14 GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA) 09.002 15576.00

TABLE I NEI SELF ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST> S Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Port Gibson, Mississippi.

Guideline Obj ectiv e/A ceepta nice Section Met Comments As Required Poten'tial Areas for Improvement Section Criteria Yes-No 1.4... .. E ate and dou.ent. as No Based on:the available information, aNlevaluation of-the impact of Perform an evaluation ofdecomn-*. . imat.

appropriate, decommissioning site conditions oil plan~t decommissioning has not been pet-formed imnpacts resulting from nsoigipct reuniediation activities or the


1,5: Ensure that records of leaks, spills, 2.1 Eiacholeffrseaes ruleonutain itia andP petrioeicbrleftngseet the rqirementespeofl 10 programn titt o meete Stthe/Loca.lhs ieswr 2 1 a c h Ti icn see shouldn d isc s Y - . init'

. . eiee sprto e207Pae1 b

The background or industry wihmncplofcas a events that led 'to the GPI ii) Ifpi~re enprotid

~ ~

t~hat the State/Local ofFicials need to better ujnderstand talntUL th1e i 1%(iiAanodnirnm-.l, issue or place it in perspective nc,(ZA for their onstituents~ iii)4 "HoW the State~/1ocal oficials ,

Will use or. distribute the' Liolrnnation~

~Notes: *indicates progress has been made towards meeting tlhe stated NET criteria.

However, additional progress, is required to fuilly, meet the criteria. -A 09.0025576.00 D "rii ......


  • 6:o, t.
  • GZ-A.:. 6.oEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA)

TABLE 1 NEI SELF ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Port Gibson, Mississippi Guideline Objective/Acceptance Section Met Comments As Required Potential* Areas *for mprovement Section " Criteria Yes-No 2..l.b Lic'nseeý'sshould consider No The information from the GGNS plant do not indicate that Provide communication updates with municipal officials including additional additional updates have been made to municipal officials inffonnation or up~dates on ground watei protection in periodic discussions wvith State!Local officials 2.. 1c ForI jicenseesthat are in States , Yes. GGNS is the only nuclear power plan in Mississippi. None whhere multiple nuclear power plants arelocated

.owner companies, and multiple ittisaum I y:: ' * .

recommended thatithelicensees coordinate their efforts ~and COMiMUnicate withi each other.

:~The inital briefing for the ,.

State/locl officias and~the contents of a voluntary communicatiion should he consistent.>

Notes: * .indicates progress has been made towards meeting the stated NEI criteria. However, additional progress is required to fully meet the criteria..

09.0025576.00 Page 7 of 14 GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA)

4 4 fr TABL~E I NEI SELF ASSESSMENT CHECKLIS IT Grand Gulf Nuclear Statiion Port Gibson, Mississippi,

-II II Impr r=

ia] olliwals the end of agencies witnin one Dusir ifan environmental of contami Than :1OOgalloiis, lill to the or of unkfiown volume, o the planttto

-a ll warrant aoLuntarg comnt* lede. i:n roundwater Collditions triggering this If a spill or

ýallons I

eei:L Notes:, indicate's progress has been mnade towards meeting tlie stated NET criteria*' However, add Ional progress is required to fully mneet:th.e criteria.

09.00255*76:.'00 C, 8 of 14 Pa,,,e GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA)

TABLE 1 NEISELF ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST Grand GufNuclear Station Port Gibson, Mississippi Guideline 0 bj ective/Accep tnce Section Met Comments As Required. Potential Areas for: Improvement*

Section . Criteria - Yes-No:-

272.b C the.Yes tmmntiication w.vith Enteirgy's procedure EN-RP-l 13, Response to Contaminated None designated State/Local officials Spills/Leaks, requires notification of Federal, State and Local "shall be made before the end of agencies within one businessiday of.the confirmed detection of the next business day' for a activity. in either an off-site or an-site groundwater or surface water sample result (i) of0off- water sample.whidi exceeds ihe REMPreporting criteria. To our site ground water or surface kiiowledge no conditirnstriggerinig this notification have been.

water that exceeds any of the recorded.

REMPreportinmgcritar for -"

water as described in tile ODCMIODAM, or (i!) of on site surface water, tha is hydrologically connected to ground water, or ground. water

. tlhiit is or could be used as a source of drinking water,-

exceed anyofthe REMP reportingg criteri ,for w aiteras -. - . - .. -. .. . ' I :. . -- -. , - .....  :  ;

described in the

______ODCM/ODAM ~- _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2.2.1c "When*iconii*ifcitihg to the Yes Entergy's procedure EN-RP-1 13, Respo:nse to C*ntaminated None State/L*cal officials, be clear Spills/Leaks provides guidaneefor commurcatins with Federal, and precise in quantifying the State and Local officials. :To our knowledge, no conditions . : .

actual release information as it triggering this notification have been recorded.-

applies toithe appropriat regultory criteria. "-

2.2.d Voluntarycommunication to Yes As stated above, Entergy's procedure EN-RP-l 13, Response to None State and/or Local officials may Contaminated Stills/Leaks, includes notification of Federal NRC also require NRC niotifieation regulators.".To o n*rl0wledge, no conditions triggering this under 10 -CFR 50.72(b),(2) (xi). notification have been recorded.

Licensees Should perform these.

notifications consistent with their existing programr "_:_.___.


  • indicates progress has been made towards meeting the stated NEI criteria. However, additional progress is required to fully meet the criteria.

09.0025576.00 Page 9 0f .14'. GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA)


  • indidt*aStpogress has been madet-'owards pneeting the st a ted NEI criteria, However, additionaflprogress is required to fully meet the criteria.

09.0025576.00 Page. 10 of 14 GZA GeoEhvironmental, Inc.,(GZA)

<'V TABLE 1 NEI SELFASSESSMENT CHECKLIST Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Poit:Gibson, Mississippi Objective/Acceptance BGuideline Section I Criteria 2.4 Document all on,-site ;ground water sample results and a Idescription of any significant on-site leaks/spills into ground w~ater for each calendar year in tlie Annual Radiological TEnvilonmnital Operating Report (AREOR)_

for REMP or the Annual Radioacti eEffluent~

Release Repor (AREUR) for the REeTS as cna ne-nthe appropriate Site reporting procedur'e; beginning with the repiort for

ýcalendair year 2006.

214.a Cormplete appropriate c:hanges

.to the ODCMJODAM or to the appropriat6 procedures to support the 2007 report, For new plants, appropriate procedures that- require inclusion ofsigr*ificant on-site leaks/spills into ground water and all on-site ground water .

results shall be developed and.

implemented prior to-initial t

receipt of nuclear fuel**.

. .. I ra ... r Notes:

  • indicates progress has been made towards meeting the stated NEI criteria. However, additional progress is required to fully meet the criteria.

09.0025576.00 Page 11 of.14 GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA)

TABLE I NEI SEL~F ASSESS MENT CHECKLIST Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Port Gibson, Mississippiý

.Guideline Objective/Aceeptanee j- Section 'Commes As, que Potential Areas for Improvement "

Section Criteri "' 'Yes-No 2.4.*3 Report on-site groundwater' Yes Informationrprovided by the GGNS Plant~indicate that the None isample results as follows i) available grCd)Unwaer monitoring data were appropriately Grounndwater s ple results ii-port'ed in the 2007 ARERR:. Ho%&eier, a copy of this report was that areiaken in*support'*oftie not provided for revieiw

  • GPI but not par of REMP in the AREý_R ii) For long-term ' . ."

.sample mints that are included

~inthe REMP as described in~

the' ODCMI/ODAM, the~ resul~ts M~~are reported in the AREOR; thosejlong-ternm satmple points that are not included in REMP, results arethe reported in the ARERR Notes: indicates progress has been made towardsmetntesttdN Iciei.H wvradtoalp ges sre irdtfly meet the criteria.', etnTesae E rtra o~eadtoa~rgesi eurdt ul

09.002:5576.'00: 09.00557600

'Page'l12 of14~ GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA)

TABLE 1 NEI SELF ASSESSMENTCHECKLIST Grand Gulf Nucilear Station Port Gibson, Mississippi Guideline Objective/Acceptance Section Met Comments As Required Pot'ential Areas for Improveme ht Section, , Criteria Yes-No 2.4.c In addition to 2.Eb, voluntary Yes* Based on information provided by the GGNS Plant, this Verify that the information will be: provided in the 2009 communicasionsshall be information will be provided in future reports as appropriate, report included as follows:' the followingare to be included in eitherthe ARERRand/or the AREOR i)A description of all

Spills or leaks that were communiicated per Objective

'2.2 acceptance criterion a shall be incluided i the ARERR ii)

All on-site
  • * ~water oroff-sitcground.

samiple result,; that~i.-.

exceeded the IREMP reporting thresh~olds as described in the ODCMWODAM thatwere

  • < communicated pr Objective 2.2 acceptance riterion bshall.,

S. ARERR and/or the AREOR 3.1 Perforni aself-assessment of the GPI program (referencesthis check-sheet) 3 la 'An independent, y .- Performed by GZA None knowledgeable individual(s)

  • shall perform the initial! self

'assessment within one year of implementation,* __________

3.1 .b -Perform periodic self-assessments of the ,GPI.

program at least once every five years afmer initial self, assessment.


  • indicates progress has been made towards meeting the stated NEI criteria. However, additional progress is requiredto fully meet the criteria.

09.0025576.00 Page 110if 14 GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA)

TABLE 1 NEI SELF ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST Grand Guilf Nuclear Station SPort Gibson, Mississippi Guideline Object ivelAcce pta ncc 'Section Met Comments As Required Potential Areas ~fo1 Improemnt Section - Criteria Yes-No 3.L1 The self-assessment, at a minimum, shall evaluate implementation of all ob~jectives identified in this document_-

3.14~ The self-assessment shalL be documented c'onsistent with aplicable procedures'.

_3.2 Conduct a review of the GPI progrm inicludinig atla minimum the licensee's slf assessments, under thle auspices of NELp 3.2.a. An independent, knowledgeable individual(s) shall peýrform the initial review within one year of the initiail self-assessmnent performed per

_________objective 3.1. a above_______________________

3.2. b Periodic review of the GPI progranm should be prform~ed every five yea-rs, subsequent to the license's periodic self-assessment performied per

~ Objective 3. Lb above, progress-is fully Notes:

  • indicates prog'eSS hasbeen made towards meeti* tlhe stated NEI criteria. Howveer,, additional meet the criteria. -

GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (GZA) 09.0025576iOO .. 05560Page 14 :of 14


Outside of Scope

<*~ >~5§~




1. This focused, report was. prepared for use by the Client at the :subject Facility, for the limited technical and legal::urposes stated in the report. We, take noresponsibility :for other.uses of this'report or for useby other.,parties.
2. By agreement with the Client, we reviewedandrelied on ,information provided'byrthe Client andFacility tio develop6our opinions. We also relied upon public sources of information to help.develop our understanding of the Facility's 'sydrogeologc,setting.

Local subsurface conditions ýor soil heterogeneities may exist. andimay subsequentIy be shown to'have an unanticipated effect on groundwater flow patteins. These were initial reviews;, we did. not attempt to verify or validate information, oral or wri ttenf.

3. Unidentified and/or unanticipated conditions may exist. Shoulds§Uch conditions .become obvious, it may be necessary for us to *reevaluate the opinions expressed intlhis report.
4. Our findings and .conclusions are, provided as professional ,opinions, and not as statements of fact.
5. Our services were provided withthbedegree of skill and care ordinarily'used by qualified professionals. performing the same oresimilar services,. at. the'same time, under similar circumstancesz in the same or sirmilar locations. No other warran 'expresed r 'implied is made.

09.0025576.00 4/15/09

4 &

Oz 4 ~'


S.I j K* ',,.SAM:7LE"TP.E '4 SM IP.LEO 7 ENDi D113-* 4S1 ,, ME 5 .S2 I S3..

... 4"0-0 .

6] 95..

. S71ZRý.95-

  • . ' .- - 1*.x*-,31 88 6.3-S. C-9 137-1,
MW.11348 Pro.I'.*"4~~.

GGNS" 20070820GMW *:mple 8:06,<

  • 12.34j 4 8 47*< 18.85 < 9731/2001 975< 17.00< 10.68 -17 43-< ..

'-11 88 j '.14.02< 10.35 GGS:" 200708216,GMW ':i " __ 1328< 10957%

0W-113;LGW 7.25j< 2189< 75< 2954<

2281< 146.2 8'836' 16.2.<9< 1684

GGNS 200708228GMW sampl. 7/31/2007L.. 9:51< 8.707< 9.29 16.9141 826< 1951< 904< 1231< 12< 799' 745 dGNS 20070823"GMw  !.MW10278 GW 7/31/20071 .. :151< * .35*< " .979 . " 16.03 6,7< 2516 86< 17,870 1484 < 928 77.2.

7 GGNS 20070824'GMW 'Sample 7131)20071 11.38 8499%7 1034 18517< 180%." 16031 18' <008" 1<699 1009' 896

.GbNS 20070825'GMW_ 3 iM-00 7/31/203.

MW-1027BPost- 03 11.28 366J6 93-8' 14"68 < 12.13 < 7.90 -g 8,37:
  • .GGNS3 2007613MW " samle 731/20307* 1328 501 - 835 21.28< 7,52< 18.9<- 858 1< < 90.2' 88 8.472<

IGONS 200708273MAW' GGS 20070828 GMW __

ýMW.10268 GM,__

ýMW-10266 Post-iaiple' 7/3112007ý 7/31/2007 4 14:40<

1500o' 1248 10,74" 1 01 991 12<


12' 8.30' 18 2193<

13.17' 09 01%

44 19<

23.2 23< 43 2

qMW.1134b Pm-1 GGNS 20071175 "GMW Sampl* . 131200* 00 7.87< 79< 1603:<  ? 6.301< 14031< &89< 18.10 < 13.04 7629< 8 GGNS 20071176SMW , MW"-1134B W 1G0/3I , 9 34J 3415 6251W< ! k. 12 .. 5.<. 1.250< 81.< 1234 11117" A' " 8<40< 6 GGNS 200715177 GMW . Sample /31/206*8 *45<44 7:310. 7.0 13.27<I 8812.68< 10290< 867< 13,14 7'258< 8.1826 GGNS- 20071178035MW .MW-1027BGW 1*/31/2008j 100 < 6:96' 3 < 12< 18.20 < -833-< 13.15- 8. ' 9

.68*-< .7.08 IMM0278 Post-

GGNS6 '200711792GMW 1Sampl st. - 1011/001 11i00. 1010< 10.66, 23 2 501< 12359 883.< .170< 1444'. 13.727< 6.25 "GGNS :200711804GMW 1MW-I2O8'GW i/3142007 12:15< 921< 285% 652% 1733< 16< 0 1538< 186< 7.90 110 MW.*10208 Post. t GGNS= 200711810GMW iAMpleO .POS 10/31/2008 12i20< t0.2ý<

7 741i<

7 13023!< 6090< 14.01% 6.55' " 1165<' 1059 < 7.837<' 7.901 GGNS :2007183GW. MW-10268GW 0/314/2007 1330 874 7'64< 125t 1712< 1453%' 836% 11<3< 1230.99' 713' 667 2'M'-1026 Post 4 2 1 5 i 207 .83GM 10/31/2007 13ý40 < 8,51,< 9.30<. 10< 5' 25,90< 1023% 14.15<, 1< 81 9.82' 4 4 I STE40D ,.A lO $ rZ E ' PE' ENQ('Q 7 E, EN0DTIME 1'11'.MN-54, M

<SZ 1 C0-58:, JS3 ý'FE-59 'j S4 51 S-6 ZN-OS'..I 61 NB-5 I871 'ZRý95 6I8I-1-131 [S91 'CS.134.'.1T'T0S`-1_37_

GGNS I 2008OZS1ýGMW- AMW-1 I34bPr 4 2l/0 8:30".1074'<." 7.88;< ,~17.25 < 6.05- 2390()< 6.94.< 1.56 < 12.84! . 7.98, 8.46 9

'S2008025f G3M W_' M-14G 2//08l 9:15% 7A0< %I.2 .65 < 17,71%< 81< 12.95' 19< .4<r~.9 GS.20080253 6MI., NV1l134b Post 2//201 9:30< U&~ 7;861-<. 21;95i< 8,24% 104< 8.59'.< 12.64"'<, 143' 4 9.60 GGNS" 20080254 GMW4_-'afýsd 2/1/2008' 10()35 5:3:2' 55< 13.60'< i 5.97! 13.57%< 8,49 12.58 < 1.133; 6.83< 604 GGN208OS5GMW MWALO278Bpost 2//00' 100' 0, 130" 98 128 8.9< .196 15< 78'. 84

,16GNS 20060256fGMW'.. IRMW-1028G6 111 2-0Ur 105

-6:k 582; 5'< 1.0% 58 12 1 .39: 1170< 64' 5,90 GGN 20027iM 742<66' 13.221< 4.69' 180V< 9.05< 1709<. 12.97?< 106 837<

~GGS2080581MW MW-106 13W 2/1/2008k 13:15,< 9,721< ~167 94. 1 ;< 15.35 < 12.10< 01< 35< 93 95 GGS 0805GM j~-029pot 2/1/2008 13<~ ~ 7.56 17.15'< 109<95 03 33 14<1 97 11.25

GGNS '200804761MW_ IMW-II134BPRE 4/14/200! 80 10.90% 92< 183 82 26.75' 04 14,59% 112 101 , 1109

~G~0847~1.MW..MW114BW 414208~92% 511 , 95' 116 87< 228% 12.81%< 14.76' 13627' 7.85< 10.43 GGt~N§20080478"GMW WMW-11634BdPOST,4/141200 9:30<ý %171< 158<. 14.15' 102<9 9165 22 18 9 200804791GMW JMW.127 1 4/14/20084, 10:30'% 7;251<4"I19% 93 78 93 48 4' 84 8 13GS~00040GW MWIO2POT

/1/208 105<I 72< 84% 180 73' 15.51% 776 1411 1058'< 7.20 6,74 1

GONS208048 GMW M-IOOW' 4/14/2008, 11:35;< 10.46' < 7 6'< 28% 15% 23.63' 10ý25' 15.63' 27 17 0 IGGS 00042'.GW MW4-1O2O POST I'4/14/2008 11:45< 10.24.' 94' 10< 95 84 6.50, 17,16% 110 8807 11.1,2t fGGI4S 2006048313MW JMA ~W1-0~2 GW 4/14/2008' 12:45 < _9 - 8b7' 2-2.5'1< 10.71 2692< 980 11862' 12.20< 16 11.43, LGGNS 20843 M1026POS' 41/08 25 9<I 98 80 1% _

224!< 9.78< 17.12< 10.75' 79' 4


_~>~AP~D'ND H.3K I rro~r15~

MVVW-11346 Pre-GGNS '20070820 GMW Sample 7131t2007', 37.57, 13850< 527ý55 71/31yj007'ý 34.31' 11.97< 521ý27 iGGNS 2007082,GMW, MW-lI348GW

-3  :, .I, - MW..1134Bpost-7/31/2007< 37.88, 14.67'< 526ý91

. 20070822.... GMW sample 47.45' 833'< 552.29 IGGNS 2N070823 GMW MW-10278 OW 7131/2007, MWJ-10276 Post-GGNS 20070824 GMW -Sample 7/31/2007 < 39.01 < 13.98'ý 551,15

  • GGNS 2X170825 GMW . 020B GW VMW-I 7/31/2007'< 31"39 < 12.85' 525.60 MWý10208 Post-GOS 20070826,GMW sample 7131/'2007'ý 38.62< ~12,50' 528.90 GGNS 7120070827 GMWV MWVA126B GW 713112007', 41.71, 11.62< 528.96 MW-10265 Post-20070826 GMWN sample 7f3l/2007 i '40,24ý 13.76< 527743

,GGNS MW-lI34BPre-

~GGNS 20071175 GMW Sample 10/31/2007'<





14.210' 528.23 553.18 GGNS 200711786 MW 'MW.-1 134D GW

~MW. 134B Post-

~-GGNS 2007~1177 GMW £Sample 1W31.12007' 36072' 1302,< 549.48

~GGNS ~20071178 GMW MVV-1I027B GW 1013112007,, 30,18' 12,16< 550,51 MW4L027B Post-

~GGNS 20071179 GMW Sahmple, 10/3112007'ý 52 00'ý 1410'< 543ý25 20071180 GWA MVW-1020B GW 10/31/2007< 338.78 13.91' 546,28


-:MWV1020* Post-10131/2007,< _ 31.23'< 12.93'< 550.51

,GGNS 20071181 GMWV aml

!-NGG 20071 182G*MW I ,26B GW MVV- 10/31/2007<, 31.21'< 12.78'- 523-61 MW-i0268 Post- 1 1 00 7

!GGNS 20071183 GMW Samj~ple /I /2 - 33.57'< 12,51 ' 519.42

~SIT IDI LLABIDh~ ISAPILET I SAMPLE f0. I8FJID. .)_AE> FSI Ak140, J.S121 LA.140' S14 H~-3 toI GGNS 20080251 GMW . ;,M.-16134b Pro ~2I/20z08" 47.00 < 1;L57 < 48Jý333

, 2111200 8 ,< 36.57'< 11.78'< 464,10 GOi§ 120322 IA N1W 1134b GIN

-:GNS i 2  :

w0080253'dmw M,: 13:**, Post, ~2120' 4859' 7.27, 470.84

[GONS 20080254 GMW ,~ MW-1027B GW 211/2008<1 38,07, 14ý36<1 468ý50

ýG0NS 20080255 1 1,10 'MW-1027B os 2/1/2006]' 41.01'< 14.88'< 445ý69

ýdONS ý20080256 GMW NW-1 027B GVV Zi 2/1/2006' 31.13'< 10,33< 484.39

ýGGNS ~20086257 GMW MVW-1070B post 2/1/2008'< 43,14'ý 13.99'<

3.69 <

452864 431,97 GGNS '~20080258 GMW 'MWI 026B OWý 2/1/2008' 47,98 <

JOGNS~ 2008,0259 GMW .MW.1026B post 2/1/2008' 51ý11< 6,21<, 562861 GGNS 20040476 GMW MW-1Ll1348 PRE 4/14/2008' 35ý29'< 13,32'ý 619.53 MW.1 348 GW 4/14/2008' 39.50' 14,53'< 608,77

'GGNS 2008,047 GOMW GNS 20080478 W.1 134BPOST OMW 4/14/2008', 32,89' 13,921' 618,11 MWV,027 GW 4/14/2008', 2870 < 12,26', 617.88' GNS 20080479 GMW GGN5 ~200SD480 GMW KlW-1027 P0ST 4114/2008',



27.54 <

¶1194' 13.02<

617516 8161. .*

GGNS 20080481 GMWV NIW-1 020GW MV100PS 4/14/2008 < 34,87'< 12.68'< 618.51 GGNS 20080492 GMW GGNS ~20093463 GMW MW-1026 GW 4/14/2008',

4/14/2008 <


  • 33.38, 7.34<

6.09 816,65 616.52 GGNS 20080484 GMW MWI026 POST~


Grand Gulf Nuclear-Sttion, Unit 3 COL Application Par't'2,.FSAR 2J I'-M' J

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General Powerblodk.

Area Grvdm-i*'a.FelM L , . , :' ,,-.." 'V' LEGEND 7 WeftDqLO -bi.06ý,F- 4t


- Evsting Rood (Cased s~ee AOroeat)con~tour interval - i oot "11f.1"-..Grw....  ?

0 425 ~

Figure.2.4-12/203. December'2006 Groundwater Gradient Map, Wells Screened in the Upland Complex Revision 0

4 0=112 I .

Grand Gulf Nuclear Station, UnIt 3, COLApplicationa Part 2,FSAR v*, w==

  • . I

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~'~?f General Unit 3 Powerblock Area LEGEND 0 Wel Loc*IK'f Swell Oesi"neion i" Grmundwater ElevationFeetMSL 2 E swnSbn~rg

- EAislng Road

.CQutdwatar EWvOot COntao - contour interval - 1 foot.

(Dished Whim A~p i Mset)

Gfo.. dw.tefrlGad'emt 0 425 850 F***........

Fet Figure 2.4.12-204. May 2007 Groundwater Gradient Map, Wells Scroened In the UplandiComplex GGNsESP COL 2A4-9, Revision 0




< ,:NFl4 ;August 2007, Industry Ground Water Protection Initiative - Final Guidance Document, NEI 07-07.*

  • Entergy,EN-RP-1 13, Rev. 4,'Response to Contaminated Spills / Leaks

, Entergy, EN-CY-108, Rev. 2, Monitoring of Nonradioactive Systems

  • )Entergy, EN-CY-109, Rev.- 2, Sampling and Analysis of GroundwaterzMoNitoring Wells
  • Entergy, EN-RP-106, Rev. 1,Radiological.Survey Documentation e Entergy, EN-LI-108, Rev. 2, Event Notification andlReoriing
  • Entergy, EN-LI-102, Rev. 1-2,:Corrective Action Process.
  • Entergy, EN-IS-112, Rev. 5, Trenching, Excavating, and Ground Penetrating Activities Entergy EN-DC-343, Rev. 1, Buried Piping and Tanks. Inspection and Monitoring Program Draft COL Application, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station. Unit 3, Part 2 FSAR, Section 2.4.12 Groundwater
  • Microsoft Excel spreadsheet titled "Entergy South GMW Sampling Results.xls" provided by Entergy
  • John M. Lassetter, Grand Gulf Nuclear Station
  • GZA and Enercon, January 30, 2007, Site Hydrogeologic Assessment,in SupWort of Entergy GPI, Grand GulfNuclear Power Station,.Port Gibson, Mississippi.