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302 Administrative Outlines, Administrative Jpms, In-Plant Jpms, and Control Room JPMs
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Site: Brunswick  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/10/2008
Download: ML090270045 (517)


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Bypass A Control Rod From The RWM Sequence SIMULATOR SETUP IC-32 (suggested) Triggers None Malfunctions None Overrides None Remote None Special Instructions Ensure rod 30-07 is full in. Control Rod 30-07 will have to be un bypassed in the RWM PRIOR TO subsequent JPM administration. Resetting the simulator to the established IC for the JPM setup DOES NOT clear the bypassed rod in the RWM. LOT-SIM-JP-007-A01 Page 2 of9 REV. 2

Bypass A Control Rod From The RWM Sequence SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None. EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. The applicable procedure section WILL be provided to the trainee after finding the appropriate section of the procedrue.
2. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.

Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. Control Rod 30-07 has been fully inserted to suppress a fuel leak.
2. Control Rod 30-07 has not been bypassed in the Rod Worth Minimizer.
3. The RWM does not have a critical self test failure.
4. 2QP-07, Section 4.0 Prerequisites are met.
5. The Reactor Engineer has been notified and Technical Specifications have been reviewed.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit SCQ directs you to bypass Control Rod 30-07 in the Rod Worth Minimizer and inform him when the rod has been bypassed. LOT-SIM-JP-007-A01 Page 3 of9 REV. 2

Bypass A Control Rod From The RWM Sequence PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Obtain a copy of 20P-07, Section 8.15. Current Revision of 20P-07, Section 8. 15 obtained. SAT/UNSAr Time Start: _ _ _ __ Step 2 - Obtain key to RWM Computer Display (P607 - Key #37). Key for RWM Computer display obtained. SAT/UNSAr Step 3 - Place RWM Computer Display keylock switch in the INOP position. RWM Computer Disp/ay key/ock switch is in /NOP.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAr Step 4 - Press the ETC softkey until Rod Bypass Options appears.

Rod Bypass Options is displayed. SAT/UNSAr Step 5 - Press the Rod Bypass Options softkey. Rod Bypass Options softkey is pressed.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAr LOT-SIM-JP-007-A01                           Page 4 of 9                           REV. 2

Bypass A Control Rod From The RWM Sequence Step 6 - Use Up/Down cursor to ensure correct ID of rod to bypass. Rod 30-07 identified for bypassing.

                                                       ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 7 - Press Bypass Rod softkey Bypass Rod softkey is pressed.

                                                       ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 8 - Confirm the selected rod is added to the display of bypassed rods Bypassed Rod is displayed. SAT/UNSAT* Step 9 - Place RWM Computer Display to OPER (Operate). RWM Computer Display is in OPER

                                                        ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 10 - Press the Display Off softkey to extinguish the screen. Display Off pressed. SAT/UNSAT* Step 11 - Ensure annunciator Rod Block RWM/RMCS Sys Trouble (A-05 5-2) is clear. Rod Block RWMIRMCS Sys Trouble alarm verified clear. SAT/UNSAT* LOT-SIM-JP-007-A01 Page 5 of 9 REV. 2

Bypass A Control Rod From The RWM Seguence Step 12 - Inform the Unit SCQ that Control Rod 30-07 is bypassed Unit SeQ informed Rod 30-07 is bypassed. SAT/UNSAT* Time completed: _ _ _~_

  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

LQT-S IM-JP-007-AO 1 Page 6of9 REV. 2

Bypass A Control Rod From The RWM Sequence RELATED TASKS: 214201 B401 Bypass/unbypass a control rod from the Rod Worth Minimizer Computer Display KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: 201006 A2.05 3.1/3.5 Ability to use procedures to correct or control out of sequence rod movement.


20P-07 Rev. 87 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: Key for RWM Computer Display. SAFETY FUNCTION (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2.): 7 - Instrumentation REASON FOR REVISION: Formatting. LOT-SIM-JP-007-A01 Page 7of9 REV. 2

Bypass A Control Rod From The RWM Sequence Validation Time: 2- Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate Actual II Unit: -L Setting: Control Room Simulator_lI_ (Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs) Time Critical: Yes No II Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No -II - EVALUATION Trainee: ------------------------------- JPM: Pass _ _ Fail _ _ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure?: Yes No Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: __________________~------- Date: ___________ LOT-SIM-JP-007 -A01 Page 8 of9 REV. 2


1. Control Rod 30-07 has been fully inserted to suppress a fuel leak.
2. Control Rod 30-07 has not been bypassed in the Rod Worth Minimizer.
3. The RWM does not have a critical self test failure.
4. 2QP-07, Section 4.0 Prerequisites are met.
5. The Reactor Engineer has been notified and Technical Specifications have been reviewed.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit SCQ directs you to bypass Control Rod 30-07 in the Rod Worth Minimizer and inform him when the rod has been bypassed. Page 9 of 9

8.13 Bypassing a Control Rod in the Rod Worth Minimizer C Continuous Use 8.13.1 Initial Conditions DatelTime Started _ _ _ _ __ Initials

1. There is a need to bypass a control rod in the RWM.
2. RWM does NOT have a critical self test failure.
3. All applicable prerequisites listed in Section 4.0 are met.
4. Reactor Engineer has been contacted.
5. The Unit SeQ has reviewed Technical Specification Sections 3.1.3, 3.1.6, and for applicability and has given permission to perform this procedure.

8.13.2 Procedural Steps NOTE: 'Rod Bypass' operations are only allowed in INOP mode at RWM COMPUTER DISPLA Y (P607).

1. BYPASS selected control rod as follows:

NOTE: RWM will only allow a maximum of eight control rods to be bypassed. NOTE: The following step will annunciate ROD BLOCK RWMIRMCS SYS TROUBLE (A-05 5-2).

b. PLACE RWM COMPUTER DISPLA Y (P607) keylock switch in INOP.
c. PRESS ETC softkey until ROD BYPASS OPTIONS appears.

12QP-07 Rev. 87 Page 67 of 1051

8.13.2 Procedural Steps Initials

e. ENSURE correct ID of rod to bypass (use UP/DOWN cursor to change).
f. PRESS BYPASS ROD softkey.
g. CONFIRM selected rod is added to the display /

of bypassed control rods. Ind.ver.


keylock switch in OPER (OPERATE). Ind.ver.

i. PRESS DISPLA Y OFF softkey to extinguish screen.
j. ENSURE annunciator ROD BLOCK RWM/RMCS SYS TROUBLE (A-OS 5-2) is clear.
k. CONTACT Reactor Engineer to annotate appropriate GP Rod Sequence Checkoff Sheet to reflect bypassed rod condition.

I. IF bypassed control rod is inoperable, THEN ENSURE control rod is fully inserted.

m. ENSURE a Caution Tag is generate identifying the bypassed control rod(s) in the RWM and posted at the RWM ODA (P603) and computer display (P607)

Date/Time Completed _ _ _ _ _ __ Performed By (Print) Initials Reviewed By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Unit SCO 12oP-07 Rev. 87 Page 68 of 1051


Restore Nitrogen Backup System after an Isolation SIMULATOR SETUP Recommended Initial Conditions IC-11 Rx Pwr 100% BOC Required Plant Conditions: Triggers: Malfunctions: Insert an inadvertent CS initiation and then remove the malfunction. Overrides: Remotes None Special Instructions: Verify auto actions occurred for the inadvertent CS initiation signal. Turn both Core Spray pumps off. LOT-SIM-JP-046-001 Page 2 of 10 REV. 0

Restore Nitrogen Backup System after an Isolation SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. The applicable procedure section WILL NOT be provided to the trainee.
2. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.

7 I I 271771177 Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS: 1.. Core Spray instrumentation was bumped causing an inadvertent initiation signal.

2. Auto actions have been verified.
3. Core Spray Pumps have been secured.
4. Prerequisites of OOP-46 are all met.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed to:

1. Complete the actions to shutdown Core Spray.
2. Restore the Nitrogen Backup System in accordance with OOP-46.

Inform the Unit seo when the Nitrogen Backup System is restored to normal. LOT-SIM-JP-046-001 Page 3 of 10 REV. 0

Restore Nitrogen Backup System after an Isolation PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Evaluates 20P-18 Section 7 and determines actions are complete with the exception of Core Spray logic being reset (Step 7.1.5). Determines Core Spray Logic needs to be reset., SAT/UNSAT* Step 2 -Perform the following two steps within 10 seconds of each other:

a. Depress both Initiation Signal/Reset pushbuttons, E21-CS-15A and E21-CS-15B and verify both white Initiation Signal Sealed-In lights go out Verifies white initiation lights are not lit.
                                                           ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*
b. Depress both Loop A and B LPCI Injection Signal/Reset pushbuttons, E11-CS-S26A and E11-CS-S26B, and verify both white Initiation Signal Sealed-In lights are out Verifies white initiation lights are not lit.

SAT/UNSAT* LOT-S IM-J P-046-00 1 Page 4 of 10 REV. 0

Restore Nitrogen Backup System after an Isolation Step 3 - Obtain copy of OOP-46 Section 8.10 to restore Nitrogen Backup System to normal. Section 8. 10 of OOP-46 is obtained. SAT/UNSAT* Step 4 - Verifies instrument air header pressure(lA-PI-724-1) is greater than 98 psig. Verifies air header pressure is normal. SAT/UNSAT* Step 5 -Verifies that the following alarms are clear: Alarms are clear. SAT/UNSAT* Step 6 - Momentarily place Div I Non-Intrpt RNA, RNA-SV-5262, control switch to the Override/Reset position, then to OPEN. Control switch placed to overridelreset then back to open.

                                                        ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 7 - Ensures the following valve positions: Valves in their appropriate position. SAT/UNSAT* LOT-SIM-JP-046-001 Page 5 of 10 REV. 0

Restore Nitrogen Backup System after an Isolation Step 8 - Momentarily place Div II Non-Intrpt RNA, RNA-SV-5261, control switch to the Override/Reset position, then to OPEN. Control switch placed to override/reset then back to open.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 9 - Ensures the following valve positions: Valves in their appropriate position. SAT/UNSAT* Step 10 -Inform Unit SCO that Core Spray has been shutdown and Nitrogen Backup System is in normal alignment. Unit seo informed. SAT/UNSAT*

  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

LOT-SI M-J P-046-001 Page 6 of 10 REV. 0

Restore Nitrogen 8ackup System after an Isolation RELATED TASKS: 2782038101, Restore the 8ackup Nitrogen System following an Auto Initiation Per OP-46. KJA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: 232002 A4.03 3.6/3.5 Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Reset system isolations.


OP-46, Section 8.10 Op-18, Section 7. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None. SAFETY FUNCTION (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2.): 5 - Containment Integrity REASON FOR REVISION: New JPM. LOT-SIM-JP-046-001 Page 7 of 10 REV. 0

Restore Nitrogen Backup System after an Isolation Validation Time: --1L Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate Actual \I Unit: _2_ Setting: Control Room Simulator~ ( Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs ) Time Critical: Yes No \I Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No \I EVALUATION Trainee: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ JPM: Pass _ _ Fail _ _ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure Revision?: Yes No _ __ (Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set.) Comments

                                                              -             1l1li          1l1li Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature:                                                          Date: _ _ _ _ __

LOT-S IM-J P-046-001 Page 8 of 10 REV. 0

7.0 SHUTDOWN 7.1 Core Spray Shutdown R Reference Use 7.1.1 Initial Conditions

1. EITHER of the following exist:
a. Core Spray has automatically initiated AND either of D the following exist:

Core Spray is no longer required to maintain water level, OR The automatic initiation signal is NOT a valid signal. OR

b. Core spray was manually started and is no longer D required to maintain water level.

7.1.2 Procedural Steps Loop A(S)

1. IF core spray auto initiated, THEN VERIFY from at least two independent indications that one of the following conditions exist:

adequate core cooling is ensured D the initiation signal was NOT valid D core spray is NOT functioning properly in the D automatic mode

2. CLOSE INBOARD INJECTION VL\I, E21-FOOSA(B). D 120P-18 Rev. 61 Page 16 of 61 I

7.1.2 Procedural Steps NOTE: Actual minimum flow bypass switch setpoint is 603 gpm which, due to limited gage increments, can be verified on Control Room indication at or below 500 gpm.

3. WHEN flow drops below 603 gpm, THEN ENSURE MIN FLOW BYPASS VL V, E21-F031A(B), opens.

o CAUTION .\ {:;~' :~;iE' ."" .Ac<?t~3~J)~~,Mipurnp st9Pp'~d.manuall}f 'Al~tti~~':jhf!i~tion'Sjgn~!;;pr~,~~nt ~l!.I:~.~J ;/' autotTiatip~lIy:restarft;Jnl$ss tile initi~tlor\:~igrJ~!:.ti~~cle~reC:l?~!:l~

       ", .. ~'tJ>" .. , ',>; . , , "        . ..~~' ",,; -::. "'~ J; J;., $. . N"j ,q<'<~1/' ," . j,{'
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                                                                                                           .+z\ "" '"<<,L' "'{,f~<,\t:,',. , ;,"2;'$.£;;;\"';-
4. STOP CORE SPRAY PUMP 2A(2B), E21-C001A(B). o
5. WHEN auto initiation conditions are no longer present, THEN PERFORM the following two steps within 10 seconds of each other:




6. GO TO Section 5.1 AND RETURN core spray to Standby. 0

!20P-18 Rev. 61 Page 17 of 61 !

C Continuous 8.10 Restoring the Nitrogen Backup System After A Core Spray/LOCA Use Logic Auto Initiation 8.10.1 Initial Conditions

1. All applicable prerequisites as listed in Section 4.0 are D met.
2. DIV I BACKUP N2 RACK ISOL VLV, SV-5482 OR DIV /I D BACKUP N2 RACK ISOL, SV-5481, is open due to Core Spray/LOCA Logic actuation.
3. DIV I NON-INTRPT RNA, SV-5262 OR DIV /I D NON-INRPT RNA, SV-5261, is closed due to Core Spray/LOCA Logic actuation.

8.10.2 Procedural Steps

1. ENSURE the Core Spray/LOCA Logic has been reset. D
2. OBSERVE INSTRUMENT AIR HEADER PRESSURE, D IA-PI-724-1, is greater than 98 psig.
3. OBSERVE the following annunciators are clear:
4. MOMENTARILY PLACE DIV I NON-INTRPT RNA, 0 RNA-SV-5262 control switch to OVERRIDE/RESET position, THEN to the OPEN position.

IOOP-46 Rev. 135 Page 57 of 2841

8.10.2 Procedural Steps

5. MOMENTARILY PLACE DIV /I NON-INTRPT RNA, D RNA-SV-5261 control switch to OVERRIDE/RESET position, THEN to the OPEN position.
b. ENSURE D/V /I BACKUP N2 RACK /SOL VL V, D RNA-SV-54B1 is closed.
6. COMPLETE Attachment 11. D IOOP-46 Rev. 135 Page 58 of 2841


Manual Transfer Of E Bus From DG To Normal Feeder Recommended Simulator Setup Initial Conditions IC-11 Triggers None Malfunctions/Overrides None Special instructions

1. Start DG3 and tie to E3, pick up E3 load on DG3 and open the master/slave from 2D to E3.
2. Ensure all motors fed from E3 are not running (Le. CRD, CSW, NSW).
3. Place DG3 in Auto Mode of operation (output breaker will remain closed).
4. Start loads on DG3 to pick up approximately 3200 - 3500 KW. (CRD A, CSW A, NSW A, RHR Loop A in suppression pool cooling)
5. Return DG3 frequency to approximately 60 hertz.

LOT-SI M-J P-050-A02 Page 2 of 11 Rev.2

Manual Transfer Of E Bus From DG To Normal Feeder SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None. EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to examinee)

1. The applicable procedure section WILL provided to the examinee after the appropriate procedure section is identified.
2. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the examinee.

Read the following to examinee. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. Diesel Generator #3 is supplying power to 4160 VAC Bus E3.
2. Bus 20 is energized.
3. The dispatcher has been notified that the E Bus power is being shifted to the normal feeder.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed by the Unit SCO to perform the actions of OOP-50.1 for control room manual transfer of Bus E3 from the Diesel Generator to the normal feeder and inform the Unit SCO when actions are complete. LOT-S IM-JP-050-A02 Page 3 of 11 Rev.2

Manual Transfer Of E Bus From OG To Normal Feeder PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Obtain a current revision of OOP-50.1 , Section 8.6. Current Revision of OOP-50. 1, Section 8.6 obtained. SAT/UNSAT* Step 2 - Reduce diesel generator load or raise diesel generator frequency as necessary to prevent RPS EPA breaker trip. OG3 load is lowered or frequency is raised.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 3 - Place OG3 in control room manual. OG3 is verified to be in control room manual.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SATIUNSAT*

Step 4 - Place the synchroscope to ON for Bus 20 to E3 Bus 20 to E3 synchroscope switch is in ON.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SATIUNSAT*

Step 5 - Ensure incoming and running voltages are matched. Incoming and running voltages are matched as indicated on the incoming and running voltmeters on XU-1. SAT/UNSAT* LOT-S IM-J P-050-A02 Page 4 of 11 Rev.2

Manual Transfer Of E Bus From OG To Normal Feeder PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Obtain a current revision of OOP-50.1, Section 8.6. Current Revision of OOP-50. 1, Section 8.6 obtained. SAT/UNSAr Step 2 - Reduce diesel generator load or raise diesel generator frequency as necessary to prevent RPS EPA breaker trip. DG3 load is lowered or frequency is raised.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAr Step 3 - Place OG3 in control room manual.

DG3 is placed in control room manual without tripping RPS EPA breakers.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAr Step 4 - Place the synchroscope to ON for Bus 20 to E3 Bus 20 to E3 synchroscope switch is in ON.
                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 5 - Ensure incoming and running voltages are matched. Incoming and running voltages are matched as indicated on the incoming and running voltmeters on XU-1. SAT/UNSAr LOT-S IM-JP-050-A02 Page 4 of 11 Rev.2

Manual Transfer Of E Bus From OG To Normal Feeder Step 6 - Adjust the OG3 governor control switch as necessary so the synchroscope is rotating slowly in the SLOW direction. Synchroscope is rotating slowly in the SLOW direction. SAT/UNSAT* Step 7 - When the synchroscope is at 12 o'clock position, Then place and hold the control switch for Bus 20 to E3 in CLOSE until both MSTR and SLAVE breakers indicate closed. Bus 20 to E3 Master and Slave breakers are both closed.

                                                       ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 8 - Confirm synchroscope remains at 12 o'clock. Synchroscope remains at 12 o'clock. SAT/UNSAT* Step 9 - Place synchroscope for Bus 20 to E3 in OFF. Synchroscope for Bus 20 to E3 is in OFF. SAT/UNSAT* Step 10 - Lower OG3 load to between 450 and 550 KW by placing the governor switch in LOWER. OG3 load is between 450 and 550 KW. SAT/UNSAT* Step 11 - Open OG3 to E3 output breaker. OG3 to E3 breaker is open.

                                                       ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-SIM-JP-050-A02 Page 5 of 11 Rev.2

Manual Transfer Of E Bus From OG To Normal Feeder Step 6 - Adjust the OG3 governor control switch as necessary so the synchroscope is rotating slowly in the SLOW direction. Synchroscope is rotating slowly in the SLOW direction. SATIUNSAT* Step 7 - When the synchroscope is at 12 o'clock position, Then place and hold the control switch for Bus 20 to E3 in CLOSE until both MSTR and SLAVE breakers indicate closed. Bus 20 to E3 Master and Slave breakers are both closed.

                                                       ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 8 - Confirm synchroscope remains at 12 o'clock. Synchroscope remains at 12 o'clock. SATIUNSAT* Step 9 - Place synchroscope for Bus 20 to E3 in OFF. Synchroscope for Bus 20 to E3 is in OFF. SAT/UNSAT* Step 10 - Lower OG3 load to between 450 and 550 KW by placing the governor switch in LOWER. OG3 load is between 450 and 550 KW SATIUNSAT* Step 11 - Open OG3 to E3 output breaker. OG3 to E3 breaker is open.

                                                       ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-S IM-JP-050-A02 Page 5 of 11 Rev.2

Manual Transfer Of E Bus From DG To Normal Feeder Step 12 - Observe the following indications:

a. Breaker open in accordance with indicating lights.

Breaker open indication observed. SAT/UNSAT*

b. Emergency Bus voltage remains constant.

Emergency Bus voltage observed to remain constant. SAT/UNSAT*

c. Diesel generator load and amps are zero.

DG load and amps observed to be zero. SAT/UNSAT*

d. NO LOAD and AVAIL lights are illuminated.

No Load and Avail lights observed to be on SAT/UNSAT* Step 13 - Unit seo informed actions complete to transfer Bus E3 from DG to normal. seo informed actions to transfer E3 from DG to normal are complete. SAT/UNSAT*

  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

LOT-SI M-J P-050-A02 Page 6 of 11 Rev.2

Manual Transfer Of E Bus From DG To Normal Feeder RELATED TASKS: 262017B101, Complete A Control Room Manual Transfer Of Emergency Bus Supply From Diesel Generator To Normal Feeder Per OP-50.1 KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: 264000 A4.05 3.6/3.7 Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Transfer of emergency generator (with load) to grid.


OOP-50.1, Section 8.6 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None. SAFETY FUNCTION (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2.): 6 - Electrical (Emergency Generators) REASON FOR REVISION: Formatting LOT-SIM-JP-050-A02 Page 7 of 11 Rev.2

Manual Transfer Of E Bus From DG To Normal Feeder Validation Time:~ Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate Actual .., Unit: _2_ Setting: Control Room Simulator~ (Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs) Time Critical: Yes No .., Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No .., EVALUATION Examinee: JPM: Pass Fail _ _ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Examinee Verify Procedure?: Yes ____ No _____ (Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set.) Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: Date: _____________ LOT-S IM-J P-050-A02 Page 8 of 11 Rev.2


1. Diesel Generator #3 is supplying power to 4160 VAC Bus E3.
2. Bus 2D is energized.
3. The dispatcher has been notified that the E Bus power is being shifted to the normal feeder.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed by the Unit SCQ to perform the actions of OQP-50.1 for control room manual transfer of Bus E3 from the Diesel Generator to the normal feeder and inform the Unit SCQ when actions are complete. Page 9 of 11

8.6 Control Room Manual Transfer of 4160V Emergency Bus Supply from C Continuous Diesel Generator to Normal Feeder Use 8.6.1 Initial Conditions NOTE: IF this procedure is being used to recover from a loss of grid event (such as OAOP-36.1 or OAOP-36.2), THEN the Shift Superintendent and Operations Manager should be included during consultation with the Load Dispatcher to obtain assurance that Off-site power is reliable enough to support reconnection of the Emergency Buses.

1. Diesel generator is supplying the associated emergency D bus.
2. Normal feeder bus for emergency bus is energized. D
3. Notify the Load Dispatcher that the 4160V E Bus power D supply is being shifted to the Normal Feeder.

8.6.2 Procedural Steps NOTE: WHEN transferring the diesel generator from Auto Mode to Control Room Manual, diesel generator frequency is expected to drop approximately 3 Hz at rated load. Since the range of frequency drop to diesel generator load is linear (e.g., transfer to Control Room Manual at half load results in a frequency drop of 1.S Hz), adjustments to lower diesel generator load or raise diesel frequency can be made to compensate for frequency drop prior to the transfer. See Figure 1. loop-so.1 Rev. 72 Page 112 of 1641

8.6.2 Procedural Steps IR3S1 1. PERFORM one or more of the following as necessary to prevent RPS EPA breaker trip. (See Figure 1.)

                               -  RAISE diesel generator frequency (limiter set at                                                                                      D 61 Hz)
                               -  REDUCE diesel generator load                                                                                                          D
2. PLACE the appropriate diesel generator control in D control room manual mode by depressing applicable push button on Panel XU-2.
3. PLACE appropriate synchroscope switch in ON for normal feed to emergency bus:

Emergency Bus Synchroscope

a. E1 BUS 10 TO BUS E1 (1A01). D
b. E2 BUS 1C TO BUS E2 (1 AC8). D
c. E3 BUS 20 TO BUS E3 (2AD1). D
d. E4 BUS 2C TO BUS E4 (2AC8). D t \;~ "<~:kfii~~ :;tr"" :L::~~";~'~'\;~~'
                                                         £nd' r&ririing              YOlt~ge,is frQIJ1~he:~(jiesel generatoG,
,;< ..~."/ '" ,;. *,,,'0t3,;:~~~\,~; .,~. (':\\,,~:: ~,,'>i~' /;:",\>~,(." ,>' ";.;', '\:.V>;\
4. ENSURE incoming and running voltages are matched.


                                   '-><:"', .. / ** :;.:        p,"'.            H";~'/"    /~>   .'
     ".' .)~;;,~~~rk:,.~:'~~~;~f>'7i~i~;~'.. .'                /:,CAOfI0N                                   . .... . . ,':;;'.;:,;;/,(,";,
     ,WHENilfle .S9nchr6~co"p~:i{~ptptingisl()wIYiinthe;fast*directiori;aurfn'9;tf1is~itHeth<si:I'df transfer, it Will be necess~'rY.~tb')!r~is~ Q<3. freql1$ncy tOQDtain. rotation in the slow direction;. FailuretpJolJ';'f~{s;g'pid]anQecould resultin~an RPS MG settripon low fr~q~~:~~~;;~tt~~**~;'\§fdsing.                     . . .'                                                                              " ;;;;;'E~:£[~0*;; .'
5. ADJUST diesel generator GOVERNOR motor control D switch as necessary so the synchroscope is rotating slowly in the SLOW direction (counterclockwise).

IOOP-5o.1 Rev. 72 Page 113 of 1641

8.6.2 Procedural Steps

6. WHEN synchroscope is at "12 o'clock", THEN PLACE D AND HOLD control switch for appropriate normal feed to emergency bus in CLOSE until both MSTR and SLA VE breakers indicate closed:

Breaker Feed Master Slave Breaker Breaker

a. BUS 1D TO BUS E1 1AD1 AE6. D
b. BUS 1C TO BUS E2 1AC8 AG4. D
c. BUS 2D TO BUS E3 2AD1 A12. D
d. BUS 2C TO BUS E4 2AC8 AJ9. D
7. CONFIRM synchroscope remains at "12 o'clock". D
8. PLACE synchroscope used in Step in OFF. D i:i,l:6preventa die~etgeneratorffdrWt[]p~irtg<6h r


9. MAINTAIN generator vars with voltage adjusting rheostat D while lowering diesel generator load.
10. LOWER diesel generator load to between 450 and D 550 KW by momentarily placing the GOVERNOR motor control switch in LOWER.

IOOP-50.1 Rev. 72 Page 114 of 1641

8.6.2 Procedural Steps

11. OPEN the appropriate diesel generator output breaker: 0 Diesel Generator Breaker No.1 DIESEL GEN 1 TO BUS E1 (AE9) 0 No.2 DIESEL GEN 2 TO BUS E2 (AG7) 0 NO.3 DIESEL GEN 3 TO BUS E3 (AI5) 0 NO.4 DIESEL GEN 4 TO BUS E4 (AK2) 0
12. OBSERVE the following indications: 0
a. Breaker open in accordance with indicating lights. 0
b. Emergency bus voltage remains constant. 0
c. Diesel generator load and amps are zero. 0
d. NO LOAD and AVAIL lights are illuminated on the 0 diesel generator control module.
13. SHUT DOWN the diesel in accordance with OOP-39. 0 NOTE: The emergency bus is now energized from normal feeder and the diesel generator is returned to standby automatic upon completion of shutdown section.

IOOP-5o.1 Rev. 72 Page 115 of 1641


RCIC Start Using the Hard Card - Flow Controller Failure SIMULATOR SETUP Recommended Initial Conditions IC-11 Rx Pwr 100% BOC Required Plant Conditions: RPV level <105 inches" RFPTs tripped and HPCI notavailable Triggers: 1 - RCIC Flow Control Failure Malfunctions: Active, ES041 F (RCIC Auto Start Fail) Overrides: Trigger 1, Switch, P601, K1 H12E, RCIC FC Setpoint Decrease, PUSH Remotes None Special Instructions: Place HPCI Aux Oil Pump in PTL. Trip RFPTs to reduce RPV level below +105 inches. Complete scram immediate actions. Start SBGT. When RPV level is <105 inches (LL2), place simulator in Freeze. LOT-OJT-JP-002-AO1 Page 2 of 10 REV. 3

RCIC Start Using the Hard Card - Flow Controller Failure SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. The applicable procedure section WILL NOT be provided to the trainee.
2. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.

l1li11111 Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. Both Reactor Feed Pumps have tripped.
2. HPCI is not available
3. Reactor Vessel Level has decreased to less than LL2.
4. SBGT is running.
5. RCIC has failed to auto start.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed to manually start RCIC per the Hard Card, raise RCIC flow to 500 gpm and inform the Unit SCO when actions to start RCIC per the Hard Card are complete. LOT-OJT-JP-002-A01 Page 3 of 10 REV. 3

RCIC Start Using the Hard Card - Flow Controller Failure PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Obtain Hard Card RCIC Operations For EOPs. Hard Card RCIC Operations For EOPs obtained at P601. SATIUNSAT* Time Started:- - - - - Step 2 - Ensure E51-V8 (valve position), E51-V8 (actuator position), and E51-V9 indicate OPEN. E51-VB (valve position), E51-VB (actuator position), and E51-V9 verified open. SAT/UNSAT* Step 3 - OPEN E51-F046. E51-F046 is full OPEN. SAT/UNSAT* Step 4 -Start Vacuum Pump and leave switch in START. Vacuum Pump running with switch in START. SAT/UNSAT* Step 5 - OPEN E51-F045. E51-F045 is full OPEN.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 6 - OPEN E51-F013. E51-F013 is full OPEN.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-OJT-JP-002-A01 Page 4 of 10 REV. 3

RCIC Start Using the Hard Card - Flow Controller Failure Step 7 - Ensure RCIC turbine starts and comes up to speed as directed by RCIC flow control. RC/C Turbine speed observed to come up to speed. SAT/UNSAT* Step 8 - Adjust RCIC flow controller to obtain desired flow rate. RC/C controller adjusted to achieve flow rate SOD gpm.

                                                        ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 9 - Recognize failure of RCIC, Flow Controller, E51-FIC-R601, and place E51-FIC-R601 , in Manual and raise output to re-establish RCIC flow. ES1-F/C-R601, flow controller, in Manua/ and output raised to achieve SOD gpm.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 10 - Ensure E51-F019 CLOSED with flow >80 gpm. ES1-F019 verified CLOSED. SAT/UNSAT* Step 11 - Ensure E51-F025, E51-F026, E51-F004, and E51-F005 are CLOSED. ES1-F02S, ES1-F026, ES1-F004, and ES1-FOOS verified CLOSED. SAT/UNSAT* LOT-OJT-JP-002-A01 Page 5 of 10 REV. 3

RCIC Start Using the Hard Card - Flow Controller Failure Step 12 - START SBGT (OP-10) SBGT fans verified to be running. SAT/UNSAT* Step 13 - ENSURE SGT-V8 and SGT-V9. SGT-V8 and SGT-V9 verified to be OPEN. SAT/UNSAT* Step 14 - Ensure barometric condenser condensate pump operates. Barometric condenser condensate pump operation verified. SAT/UNSAT* Step 15 - Inform Unit SCO RCIC is injecting to the RPV with the flow controller in Manual due to failure of automatic flow control. Unit SCO informed RCIC injecting in Manual with auto flow controller failed. SAT/UNSAT* Time Completed: _ _ _ __

  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

LOT-OJT-JP-002-A01 Page 6 of 10 REV. 3

RCIC Start Using the Hard Card - Flow Controller Failure RELATED TASKS: 2170038101, Manually Startup The RCIC System Per OP-16 KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: 295031 EA 1.05 4.3/4.3 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to Reactor Low Water Level: Reactor Core Isolation System (plant specific)


S/969 (RCIC Hard Card) OP-16, Section 5.3 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None. SAFETY FUNCTION (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2.): 2 - Inventory Control REASON FOR REVISION: Formatting. LOT-OJT-JP-002-AO1 Page 7 of 10 REV. 3

RCIC Start Using the Hard Card - Flow Controller Failure Validation Time: --.1L Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate Actual ~ Unit: 2 Setting: Control Room Simulator~ ( Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs) Time Critical: Yes No ~ Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes ~ No EVALUATION Trainee: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ JPM: Pass Fail _ _ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure Revision?: Yes No _ __ (Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set.) Comments Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: Date: _ _ _ _ __ LOT-OJT-JP-002-AO1 Page 8 of 10 REV. 3


1. Both Reactor Feed Pumps have tripped.
2. HPCI is not available
3. Reactor Vessel Level has decreased to less than LL2.
4. SBGT is running.
5. RCIC has failed to auto start.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed to manually start RCIC per the Hard Card, raise RCIC flow to 500 gpm and inform the Unit SCQ when actions to start RCIC per the Hard Card are complete. Page 9 of9


2. OPEN E51-F046
4. OPEN E51-F045
5. OPEN E51-F013


10. START SBGT (OP-10)
2. OPEN E51-F046
11. START SBGT (OP-10)


HPCI Start in Pressure Control Per The Hard Card - Exhaust Diaphragm Failure. SIMULATOR SETUP Recommended Initial Conditions IC-11 100%, BOC Event Triggers E1 - Activates all malfunctions/overrides when the F008 is opened Malfunctions A, ES040F, HPCI Fail To Auto Start A, ES053F - E41-F002 Fail To Auto Close A, ES054F - E41-F003 Fail To Auto Close E1, ES047F - HPCI Stm Brk HPCI Room, 1%,0 SEC Overrides Lamps E1, P601, Q1112SWL, Auto Isol Sig A White, ON E1, P601, Q1111SWL, Auto Isol Sig B White, ON Alarms E1, P601, ZA 135, HPCI Isol Trip Sig A, ON E1, P601, ZA 145, HPCI Isol Trip Sig B , ON E1, P601, ZA 152, HPCI Turb Exh Diaph Press Hi, On Special Instructions

1. Scram the Reactor and close MSIV's
2. Perform scram immediate actions
3. Ensure RPV level is stable and >LL2 LOT-SIM-JP-019-14 Page 2 of 9 REV. 0

HPCI Start in Pressure Control Per The Hard Card - Exhaust Diaphragm Failure. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None. EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. The applicable procedure section WILL NOT be provided to the trainee.
2. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.

Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. The reactor has scrammed due to MSIV closure.
2. RPV water level is stable.
3. HPCI is not required for RPV level control.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed by the Unit SCQ to start HPCI for pressure control per the Hard Card and inform the Unit SCQ when the Hard Card actions are complete. LQT-SIM-JP-019-14 Page 3 of 9 REV. 0

HPCI Start in Pressure Control Per The Hard Card - Exhaust Diaphragm Failure. PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Obtain Hard Card for HPCI Injection In EOPs. Hard Card for HPCI Injection obtained. SATIUNSAT* Time Started: _ _ _ __ Step 2 - Ensure HPCI auto initiation is reset. HPCI auto initiation is reset. SAT/UNSAT* Step 3 - Ensure Auxiliary Oil Pump is not running. Auxiliary Oil Pump verified not running. SAT/UNSAT* Step 4 - Ensure E41-V9 and E41-V8 are closed. E41- V9 and E41-VB indicate closed. SAT/UNSAT* Step 5 - Open E41-F011. E41-F011 indicates full open.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-S IM-J P-O 19-14 Page 4 of 9 REV. 0

HPCI Start in Pressure Control Per The Hard Card - Exhaust Diaphragm Failure. Step 6 - Open E41-F059. E41-F059 indicates full open. SAT/UNSAT* Step 7 - Start Vacuum Pump and leave in start Vacuum Pump is running SATIUNSAT* Step 8 - Open E41-F001. E41-F001 indicates full open.

                                                        ** CRITICAL STEP ** SATIUNSAT*

Step 9 - Start Auxiliary Oil Pump and Leave in START. Auxiliary Oil Pump control switch in the START position.

                                                        ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 10 - Throttle open E41-F008 to maintain desired reactor pressure. E41-FOOB indicates dual indication.

                                                        ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 11 - Diagnose indications of a HPCI Exhaust Diaphragm rupture. Determined the exhaust diaphragm has ruptured. SAT/UNSAT* LOT-SIM-JP-019-14 Page 50f9 REV. 0

HPCI Start in Pressure Control Per The Hard Card - Exhaust Diaphragm Failure. Step 12 - Determine HPCI has failed to auto isolate and manually isolate HPCI by closing E41-F002 and F003. E41-F002 or E41-F003 indicate full closed.

                                                      ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 13 - Inform Unit SCQ HPCI is isolated and unavailable for pressure control. SCQ informed HPCI is unavailable for injection. SAT/UNSAT*

  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

LQT-SIM-JP-019-14 Page 6 of9 REV. 0

HPCI Start in Pressure Control Per The Hard Card - Exhaust Diaphragm Failure. RELATED TASKS: 2062008401, Place HPCI in Reactor Pressure control from the standby lineup per OP-19 KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: 295025 EA 1.04 3.8/3.9 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to High Reactor Pressure: HPCI (plant specific)


20P-19, Section 8.2 Hard Card S/1 019, HPCI Pressure Control In EOPs TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None. SAFETY FUNCTION (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2.) 3 - Pressure Control (HPCI) REASON FOR REVISION: Modified JPM to have exhaust diaphragm failure. LOT-SIM-JP-019-14 Page 7 of 9 REV. 0

HPCI Start in Pressure Control Per The Hard Card - Exhaust Diaphragm Failure. Vailidation Time: ~ Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate Actual v Unit: _2_ Setting: Control Room Simulator_v_( Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs ) Time Critical: Yes No v Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes v No EVALUATION Trainee: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ JPM: Pass _ _ Fail _ _ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure?: Yes _ _ No _ __ (Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set.) Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ LOT-SIM-JP-019-14 Page 8 of 9 REV. 0


1. The reactor has scrammed due to MSIV closure.
2. RPV water level is stable.
3. HPCI is not required for RPV level control.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed by the Unit SCQ to start HPCI for pressure control per the Hard Card and inform the Unit SCQ when the Hard Card actions are complete. Page 9 of 9

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 3 of 5 HPCI Instructional Aids HPCI PRESSURE CONTROL IN EOPs (OP-19 Section 8.2)

3. OPEN E41-F011
4. OPEN E41-F059
6. OPEN E41-F001


Reset Scoop Tube Lockout - Speed Failure SIMULATOR SETUP Recommended Initial Conditions IC-10 Rx Pwr70% BOC Required Plant Conditions: Scoop tube locked out on the A Recirc Pump. Triggers: 1 - When Scoop tube lockout is reset (K2712JS8) activates the speed failure on the A RR Pump Malfunctions: Overrides: Recirc A Flow Controller (P2739A 1L) To 1 over 15 seconds when scoop tube is reset. Remotes None Special Instructions: Lock the scoop tube on the A Recirc Pump. Adjust the 2A Recirc Pump Speed Controller counterclockwise to zero in order to provide a deviation signal for the actual speed to controller speed signals. LOT-SIM-JP-002-009 Page 2 of 10 REV. 0

Reset Scoop Tube Lockout - Speed Failure SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. The applicable procedure section WILL be provided to the trainee after he/she has determined the appropriate procedure section.
2. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.

Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. The A Recirc Pump Scoop tube was locked out for maintenance on the speed controller.
2. Maintenance is now complete.
3. An I&e Technician is standing by at the 2A MG Set.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed to reset the scoop tube lockout on the 2A Recirculation Pump in accordance with 20P-02 and inform the Unit seo when the scoop tube is reset. LOT-SI M-JP-002-009 Page 3 of 10 REV. 0

Reset Scoop Tube Lockout - Speed Failure Step 6 - Observes pump speed, loop flow and core flow for changes. Identifies instrl,Jmentation to allow monitoring of pump speed and flow. SAT/UNSAT* Step 7 - Place Scoop Tube A Lock switch to Reset. Switch is in reset and released.

                                                           ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 8 - Recognizes failure and places Scoop Tube A Lock switch to Trip. Scoop tube is re-Iocked.

                                                           ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 9 - Inform Unit SCO 2A Recirc Pump Speed increased when the scoop tube was reset and has been re-Iocked. Unit SCO informed. SAT/UNSAT* Time Completed: _ _ _ __

  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

LOT-S IM-JP-002-009 Page 5 of 10 REV. 0

Reset Scoop Tube Lockout - Speed Failure RELATED TASKS: 2022038401, Recover from a Reactor Recirculation Pump Scoop Tube lockout Per OP-02 KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: 202002 A4.07 3.3/3.2 Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Recirc Pump Speed.


OP-02, Section 8.4 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None. SAFETY FUNCTION (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2.): 1 - Reactivity Control REASON FOR REVISION: New JPM. LOT-SI M-JP-002-009 Page 6 of 10 REV. 0

Reset Scoop Tube Lockout - Speed Failure Validation Time: ~ Minutes (approximate). 1111 APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate Actual II Unit: _2_ Setting: Control Room Simulator~ (Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs) Time Critical: Yes No II Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes II No EVALUATION Trainee: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ JPM: Pass _ _ Fail _ _ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure Revision?: Yes No _ __ (Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set.) Comments Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: Date: _ _ _ _ __ LOT-SI M-JP-002-009 Page 7 of 10 REV. 0


1. The A Recirc Pump Scoop tube was locked out for maintenance on the speed controller.
2. Maintenance is now complete.
3. An I&e Technician is standing by at the 2A MG Set.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed to reset the scoop tube lockout on the 2A Recirculation Pump in accordance with 2QP-02 and inform the Unit SeQ when the scoop tube is reset. Page 8 of 8

8.4 Recovery from Scoop Tube Lockout C Continuous Use 8.4.1 Initial Conditions

1. Annunciator FLUID DRIVE A(B) SCOOP TUBE LOCK, D A-6 2-4 (A-7 1-6), is actuated.
2. Lockout bus power is available. D
3. The cause of the scoop tube lockout has been corrected. D
4. Plant conditions have stabilized. D 8.4.2 Procedural Steps
1. CHECK RECIRC RUNBACK A(8) light is off. D
,~:~.:\<\~'" ,'..~,'.
                                                                                       " . " "', >~,:<,\~. ~~~;~,~':>
                                       . di~~~EmCe irt~~&I&EiI'R~cir~U1ation* Pump- speed ang*,
                              ;thE~f1tiW <i<:;m(troller OR if a rU,nback:signCiI .isPf~.sent wheb . .
                                                                                                               '.'\/:':~  ,

th~ Igf ...,,)&~et ~~So6t'laSp9~ibl~ due

                                        !:I1T'~".'TQ"'.6eQj~~w!~ff~l',lPurhp, IF recirculation   a exc~eS~;I"'e sp;ee."c:i:mis.match between pumps, THEN the .
  • n .... ",,,,,,,,,, sh@uldbe tripped.
2. ADJUST the potentiometer on the affected RECIRC PUMP 2A(B) SPEED CONTROL until the speed demand signal has settled out and is nulled with the actual pump speed as required by the following guide-lines.
a. IF the lockout was MANUALLY initiated for a D SHORT duration with STABLE plant conditions then no adjustment is required.
b. IF step is NOT applicable THEN D REQUEST assistance from I&C in adjusting the controller to a nulled condition.

12oP-02 Rev. 133 Page 59 of 1561

Reset Scoop Tube Lockout - Speed Failure PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Obtain copy of 20P-02 Section 8.4. Section 8.4 of 20P-02 is obtained. SAT/UNSAT* TIME START: _ _ __ Step 2 - Verifies Annunciator Fluid Drive A Scoop Tube Lock is actuated. Verifies A-6 2-4 is lit. SAT/UNSAT* Step 3 - Verifies Recirc Runback A light is off. Verifies that there is no runback signal. SAT/UNSAT* Step 4 -Contacts I&C to verify that the speed signals are nulled. I&C, confirms speed signals are nulled.. SAT/UNSAT* Step 5 - Adjusts the speed demand signal until actual pump speed is nulled. Actual speed signal is nulled with speed demand signal.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-SIM-JP-002-009 Page 4 of 10 REV. 0


Vent the Drywell per OP-1 0 wi Stack Rad Monitor Increase >50% SIMULATOR SETUP: A. Initial Conditions:

1. Recommended Initial Conditions IC 11 Rx. Pwr. 100%

Core Age BOC

2. Required Plant Conditions Drywell Pressure above 0.5 psig SLOWLY rising or stable, AND below 1.7 psig.

B. Malfunctions None required C. Overrides Meters Event Pane Tag Title Value Activate Deactivate I (ramp rate) Time (sec) Time (sec) 13/5 min E1 XU-3 G5B02G15 Main Stack Radiation OSEe N/A Trigger 1 Q6225LGT CAC-V23 Green Lamp =False D. Special Instructions Secure Drywell Coolers 2C and 2D Fans 1 and 2 and allow drywell pressure to rise to

      ~0.6   psig as indicated on CAC-PI-2685-1 on XU-51, then restart Drywell Coolers 2D Fan 2 and allow Drywell pressure to stabilize. Override Drywell Cooler 2C Fans 1 and 2 and Drywell Cooler 2D Fan 1 control switches OFF.

LOT-SIM-JP-010-A02 Page 2 of 11 Rev.3

Vent the Orywell per OP-1 0 w/ Stack Rad Monitor Increase >50% SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: NONE EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. The applicable procedure section WILL be provided to the trainee, once it is demonstrated he/she knows the correct procedure.
2. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained in NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.

Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. Orywell pressure is above normal due to a partial loss of Orywell Cooling.
2. AOP-14.0 has been entered.
3. Standby Gas Treatment System is in the Standby Alignment.
4. The plant stack radiation monitor is in service and CAC-CS-5519, CAC Purge Vent Isolation Override is in OFF.
5. Temporary suppression chamber to drywell vacuum breaker monitoring is in service.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit SCO directs you to vent the Orywell via Standby Gas Treatment, and to inform him when drywell pressure has been reduced below 0.5 psig. LOT-SIM-JP-01 0-A02 Page 3 of 11 Rev.3

Vent the Drywell per OP-1 0 wI Stack Rad Monitor Increase >50% PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Obtain current revision of OP-1 0, Section 8.2. Current revision of OP-10, Section 8.2 is obtained. SAT/UNSAT* Time Started: _ _ _ __ Step 2 - Record D12-RR-R6008, STACK RAD MONITOR, digital point display. Value for o 12-RR-R600B recorded in OP-10.

                                                                               . SAT/UNSAT*

Step 3 - Add 0.17 to the value to obtain the logarithmic equivalent of a 50% increase in stack radiation monitor reading and record result. Value recorded in OP-10 of initial reading + 0.17. SAT/UNSAT* Step 4 - Monitor Stack Rad Monitor, D12-RM-R6008, for increase in activity during venting. D12-RM-R600B periodically monitored. SAT/UNSAT* LOT-SIM-JP-010-A02 Page 4 of 11 Rev.3

Vent the Drywell per OP-1 0 wI Stack Rad Monitor Increase >50% Step 5 - CLOSE REACTOR BUILDING SBGT TRAIN 2A INLET VALVE, VA-2D-BFV-RB. VA-20-BFV-RB indicates fully closed.

                                                     ** CRITICAL STEP ** SATIUNSAT*


                                                     ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 7 - OPEN SBGT DW SUCT DAMPER, VA-2F-BFV-RB. VA-2F-BFV-RB, indicates open.

                                                     ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 8 - OPEN DW PURGE EXH VALVE, CAC-V9. CAC-V9 indicates full open.

                                                     ** CRITICAL STEP **   SAT/UNSAT*

Step 9 - OPEN DW PURGE EXH VALVE, CAC-V23. CAC-V23 indicates full open.

                                                     ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-SIM-JP-010-A02 Page 5 of 11 Rev.3

Vent the Drywell per OP-10 wI Stack Rad Monitor Increase >50% Step 10 - OPEN OW HEAD PURGE EXH VLV, CAC-V49. CAC-V49 indicates full open. SAT/UNSAT* Step 11 - OPEN OW HEAD PURGE EXH VLV, CAC-V50. CAC-V50 indicates full open. SAT/UNSAT* Step 12 - Monitor Main Stack Rad Monitor and determine reading has risen by >50%. Determines Main Stack Rad Monitor reading has risen by >.17 (50%). SAT/UNSAT* Step 13 - CLOSE OW PURGE EXH VLV, CAC-V23. CAC-V23 indicates full closed.

                                                     ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 14 - CLOSE DRYWELL PURGE EXH VALVE, CAC-V9. CAC-V9 indicates full closed.

                                                     ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-SIM-JP-010-A02 Page 6 of 11 Rev.3

Vent the Drywell per OP-1 0 wI Stack Rad Monitor Increase >50% Step 15 - ENSURE OW HEAD PURGE EXH VLV, CAC-V49, IS CLOSED. CAC-V49 indicates full closed.

                                                      ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 16 - ENSURE OW HEAD PURGE EXH VLV, CAC-V50, IS CLOSED. CAC-V50 indicates full closed.

                                                      ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 17 - CLOSE SBGT OW SUCT DAMPER, VA-2F-BFV-RB. VA-2F-BFV-RB indicates full closed.

                                                      ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*


                                                                          . SAT/UNSAT*


                                                                          . SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-SIM-JP-010-A02 Page 7 of 11 Rev.3

Vent the Drywell per OP-10 wI Stack Rad Monitor Increase >50% Step 20 - CONFIRM ALL SUPPRESSION CHAMBER TO DRYWELL VACUUM BREAKERS are closed. All Suppression Chamber to Drywell vacuum breakers verified closed.

                                                                             . SATIUNSAT*

Step 21 - Inform Unit SCO venting is secured due to increase of 50% in Main Stack Rad Monitor reading. Unit SCO is informed venting is secured due to increase of 50% in Main Stack Rad Monitor reading.

                                                                             . SAT/UNSAT*
  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

Time completed: _ _ __ LOT-SIM-JP-01 0-A02 Page 8 of 11 Rev.3

Vent the Drywell per OP-1 0 w/ Stack Rad Monitor Increase >50% LIST OF REFERENCES RELATED TASKS: 261 008 B1 01, Perform Normal Primary Containment Venting. KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: 261000 A4.04 3.3/3.4, Ability to manually operate and monitor Primary Containment Pressure.


20P-10, Sect. 8.2 Rev 65 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None SAFETY FUNCTION (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2): Safety Function 9, Radioactivity Release REASON FOR REVISION: Formatting. LOT-SIM-JP-010-A02 Page 9 of 11 Rev.3

Vent the Drywell per OP-1 0 wi Stack Rad Monitor Increase >50% Time Required for Completion: ~ Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate Actual ../ Unit: Setting: Control Room ../ Simulator ../ (Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs) Time Critical: Yes No ../ Time Limit NIA Alternate Path: Yes No EVALUATION Trainee: JPM: Pass - - Fail Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure?: Yes _ _ No _ __ (Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set) Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Eva Iuato r Sig natu re: ______________________________________________________ Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ LOT-SIM-JP-010-A02 Page 10 of 11 Rev.3


1. Drywell pressure is above normal due to a partial loss of Orywell Cooling.
2. AOP-14.0 has been entered.
3. Standby Gas Treatment System is in the Standby Alignment.
4. The plant stack radiation monitor is in service and CAC-CS-5519, CAC Purge Vent Isolation Override is in OFF.
5. Temporary suppression chamber to drywell vacuum breaker monitoring is in service.

INITIATING CUE: The Unit SCO directs you to vent the Drywell via Standby Gas Treatment, and to inform him when drywell pressure has been reduced below 0.5 psig. Page 11 of 11

8.2 Venting Containment Via the SBGT C Continuous Use 8.2.1 Initial Conditions Date/Time Started _ _ _ _ __ Initials

1. Drywell pressure has increased to greater than 0.15 psig.
2. SBGT System is in standby in accordance with Section 5.1.
3. Plant stack radiation monitor is in service AND CAC-CS-5519, CAC PURGE VENT ISOL OVRD, is in OFF OR E&Re has sampled the drywell atmosphere and has determined that it is suitable for release.
4. Unit SeQ's approval is obtained prior to venting.

8.2.2 Procedural Steps NOTE: IF the plant stack radiation monitor is out of service, THEN Steps 1 through 6 are NOT applicable. NOTE: Backwashing an RWeU filter may cause stack radiation to increase. Venting primary containment and RWeU backwashing should not be done concurrently.

1. RECORD D12-RR-R600B, STACK RAD MONITOR, digital point display.

D12-RR-R600B: _ _ __

2. IF the value obtained in Step is ~ 1 ADD 0.17 to obtain the logarithmic equivalent of a 50% increase in stack radiation monitor reading.

0.17 + = Step Result 12QP-10 Rev. 65 Page 16 of 421

8.2.2 Procedural Steps NOTE: A D12-RR-R600B, STACK RAD MONITOR indication of ~ 1 and downscale denotes an effluent release value of < 10 J,lCi/sec as indicated on the Stack RM-23 panel.

3. IF the value obtained in Step is < 1 and downscale, SUBSTITUTE 1.17 to obtain the logarithmic equivalent as a conservative value to monitor for an increase in the stack radiation monitor reading.
4. RECORD the logarithmic equivalent OR substitute value for a stack radiation monitor increase as determined in Step or

Value: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5. MONITOR STACK RAD MONITOR, D12-RR-R600B, on Panel XU-3 for an increase in activity during the performance of this procedure.

NOTE: Technical Specifications (Modes 1, 2, or 3) requires completion of OPT-02.3.1, Suppression Chamber To Drywell Vacuum Breakers Operability Test, within 12 hours following an operation that causes any of the vacuum breakers to open. The test is NOT required if vacuum breakers are monitored and determined to remain closed during performance of this procedure section.

6. IF desired, THEN ESTABLISH MONITORING of the suppression chamber to drywell vacuum breakers.
7. IF, during performance of this procedure, stack radiation increases above the value determined in Step, THEN PERFORM the following:
a. GO TO Step to secure venting the suppression pool.

OR GO TO Step to secure venting the drywell. 12oP-10 Rev. 65 Page 17 of 421

8.2.2 Procedural Steps

b. NOTIFY E&RC to sample primary containment.
c. REFER to OE&RC-2020 Setpoint Determinations for Gaseous Radiation Monitors (Noble Gas Instantaneous Release Rate Determination).

NOTE: The suppression pool should normally be vented for at least 6 hours prior to venting the drywell. IF drywell pressure requires immediate drywell venting then Step and may be omitted OR the 6 hours reduced as necessary. CAUTION

     ~imultaneous    venting of the Drywell and the Suppression Pool shall NOT bepe.rformedwh. enth. e .p. . lant is.. in Mode 1;4,
                                                       . .. or3.
11. OPEN the following valves to lower suppression pool pressure:
12. WHEN the suppression pool has been vented for 6 hours OR the desired pressure is reached as indicated on Computer Point L 128, THEN CLOSE the following valves:

12oP-10 Rev. 65 Page 18 of 421

8.2.2 Procedural Steps NOTE: Technical Specification (Modes 1, 2, or 3) requires the suppression chamber to drywell vacuum breakers to remain closed OR completion of OPT-02.3.1, Suppression Chamber to Orywell Vacuum Breakers Operability Test, within 12 hours following an operation that caused any of the vacuum breakers to open.

18. IF in Modes 1, 2, or 3, THEN PERFORM one of the following:
a. CONFIRM suppression chamber to drywell vacuum breakers remained closed.


b. OPT-02.3.1, Suppression Chamber to Orywell Vacuum Breakers Operability Test, within 12 hours following an operation that caused any of the vacuum breakers to open.

DatelTime Completed _ _ _ _ _ __ Performed By (Print) Initials Reviewed By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Unit SCO 12oP-10 Rev. 65 Page 20 of 421

Emergency Equalization Around MSIV's - using the Hard Card. SIMULATOR SETUP: Recommended Initial Conditions IC-11, 100% Power, BOC Required Plant Conditions Perform a MANUAL Scram carry out EOP-01-RSP initial operator actions. Close the MSIVs, Trip the SJAEs, RFPs and OPEN the condenser vacuum breakers to reduce vacuum to <10". After this is done place the MSIV control switches to OPEN. Triggers Malfunctions Overrides Remotes MS_VMS5005D MVD-V5005 MN STM DRN HDR Isolation Open MS IAGP1BYP LO COND VACUUM GP1 TRIP BYP LOT-SIM-JP-025-A01 Page 2 of 10 Rev. 2

Emergency Equalization Around MSIV's - using the Hard Card. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to performer)

1. The applicable procedure section WILL NOT be provided to the performer.
2. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained in NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the performer.

Read the following to the JPM performer. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. A scram and Group 1 Isolation have occurred.
2. No fuel failure or steam line breaks have occurred.
3. The Main Condenser is available as a heat sink.
4. The Unit SCQ has anticipated that Emergency Depressurization may be required.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed to perform the control operator actions associated with emergency equalization around the MSIVs, and open MSIVs when pressure is <200 psid, using the Hard Card. You are to inform the Unit SCQ when the actions to equalize and open the MSIVs per the Hard Card are complete. LOT-SIM-JP-025-A01 Page 3 of 10 Rev. 2

Emergency Equalization Around MSIV's - using the Hard Card. PERFORMANCECHECKUST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Obtain "Hard Card" for MSIV equalization.

              "Hard Card" obtained for MSIV equalization.

SAT/UNSAT* TIME START _ _ __ Step 2 - Ensure the condenser vacuum bypass switches in bypass position. Vacuum bypass switches placed in bypass.

                                                                                   . SAT/UNSAT*

Step 3 - Place all MSIV control switches in the CLOSE position. AI/ MSIV control switches, B21-F022A, B, C & 0, B21-F028A, B, C & 0, placed in CLOSE position.

                                                                                   . SAT/UNSAT*

Step 4 - Reset Group 1 Isolation. Group 1 Isolation reset switches, A72-S32 and S33, on P601, are depressed and White lights are ON.

                                                               ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 5 - Open Outboard MSIVs. Outboard MSIV control switches, B21-F028A, B21-F028B, B21-F028C, B21-F028D, placed in OPEN and MSIVs are OPEN.

                                                               ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-SIM-JP-025-A01 Page 4 of 10 Rev. 2

Emergency Equalization Around MSIV's - using the Hard Card. Step 6 - Open MS-F020. MSL Drain Isolation Valve, MS-F020, is open. SAT/UNSAr Step 7 - Open B21-F019. MSL Outboard Drain Isolation Valve, B21-F019, is open.

                                                                ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 8 - Close MS-V28. Steam Supply to MSR's, SJAE's, RFP's, MS-V28, indicates full closed. SAT/UNSAT* Step 9 - Close MVO-F021. Common drain line orifice Bypass Valve to Condenser, MVD-F021, closed. SAT/UNSAT* Step 10 - Open B21-F016. MSL Inboard Drain Isolation Valve, B21-F016, open.

                                                                ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 11 - Open MS-F038 A, B, C, D. MSL Orifice Bypass Valve, MS-F038A, B, C, and D, open to increase steam line pressure.

                                                                ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 12 - Ensure steam line pressure is increasing downstream of Outboard MSIVs. Steam line pressure rising as indicated on Main Steam Pressure AlB indications on XU-1. SAT/UNSAT* LOT-SIM-JP-025-A01 Page 5 of 10 Rev. 2

Emergency Equalization Around MSIV's - using the Hard Card. Step 13 - Close MS-V46, V47, V48, V49 and V35. MSL drain valves, MS-V46, MS-V47, MS-V48, & MS-V49 and V35, are closed. SAT/UNSAT* Step 14 - When < 200 psid across the valves, open Inboard MSIVs. Inboard MSIVs B21-F022A, B, C & 0 are open.

                                                             ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 15 - Open MVD-F021. MVO-F021 indicates open. SATIUNSAT* Step 16 - Direct AO to open MVD-V5005. MVO-V5005 is open. SAT/UNSAT* Step 17 - Open MS-V46, V47, V48, V49 and V35. MS-V46, V47, V48, V49 and V35 are opened. SAT/UNSAT* Step 18 - Ensure Open MS-V43, MS-V44, MS-V45, MS-V37/39, MS-V41N42, MS-V36. MS-V43, MS-V44, MS-V45, MS-V37139, MS-V41N42, MS-V36 verified open. SAT/UNSAT* Step 19 - Open MS-V28. MS-V28 is open. SAT/UNSAT* LOT-SIM-JP-02S-A01 Page 6 of 10 Rev. 2

Emergency Equalization Around MSIV's - using the Hard Card. Step 20 - Notify Unit SeQ that MSIVs are open and to continue with pressure control as directed by the EQPs. Unit SCQ notified MSIVs have been opened per the Hard Card. SAT/UNSAT* Time completed: _ _ _ _ __ LOT-SIM-JP-025-A01 Page 7 of 10 Rev. 2

Emergency Equalization Around MSIV's - using the Hard Card. LIST OF REFERENCES RELATED TASKS: 239201 B401 Equalize Around And Open Main Steam Isolation Valves Per Hot Startup OP-25. KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: 239001 A4.01 4.2/4.0 Ability to manually operate and or monitor in the Control Room: MSIVs


EOP-01-RVCP, Reactor Vessel Control Procedure Hard Card for Emergency MSIV equalization and reopening (S/1032) TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None SAFETY FUNCTION (from NUREG 1123, Rev .2) 4 - Heat Removal from the Reactor Core (Main and Reheat Steam System) REASON FOR REVISION: Formatting. LOT-S IM-J P-02S-AO 1 Page 8 of 10 Rev. 2

Emergency Equalization Around MSIV's - using the Hard Card. Validation Time: -1L Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING . Performance: Simulate Actual l Unit: ~ Setting: Control Room Simulator l In-Plant: Time Critical: Yes No l Time Limit Alternate Path: Yes No l EVALUATION Performer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ JPM: Pass Fail _ _ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Performer Verify Procedure? Yes No _ _ (Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set) Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - -_ _ Date: _ _ _ __ LOT-SIM-JP-025-A01 Page 9 of 10 Rev. 2


1. A scram and Group 1 Isolation have occurred.
2. No fuel failure or steam line breaks have occurred.
3. The Main Condenser is available as a heat sink.
4. The Unit SCQ has anticipated that Emergency Depressurization may be required.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed to perform the control operator actions associated with emergency equalization around the MSIVs, and open MSIVs when pressure is <200 psid, using the Hard Card. You are to inform the Unit SCQ when the actions to equalize and open the MSIVs per the Hard Card are complete. Page 10 of 10


Classify An Emergency Per PEP-02.1. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None. EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. The applicable procedure section WILL NOT be provided to the trainee.
2. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.
3. The evaluator may provide the examinee with a copy of PEP-02.1 (including flowchart) if desired.
4. Criteria for passing are declaration of a General Emergency, and satisfactory evaluation on 3 of 4 steps from steps 2-5.

SOT-OJT-JP-301-A 15 Page 2 REV. 0

Classify An Emergency Per PEP-02.1. Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. Unit Two was operating at 100% power with DG4 under clearance. SJAE monitors were slowly rising and E&RC was notified to obtain a reactor coolant sample.
2. The following sequence of events occurs (ASSUME all automatic actions that should occur have occurred unless otherwise specified):
     @ 1200 E&RC reports results of the Reactor Coolant sample at 5.2 /-lCi/gm 1-131 dose equivalent.
     @ 1230 a seismic event occurs and is verified to be at a magnitude of 0.12g on seismic instrumentation.
     @ 1245 off-site power is lost. DG4 remains under clearance, DG3 fails to start automatically or manually.
     @ 1255 DG3 is successfully started and tied to E3.
     @ 1305 a HPCI steam line break occurs in the HPCI Room as indicated by high room temperature and radiation levels, and high HPCI steam line flow. Attempts to isolate the HPCI steam line are unsuccessful (E41-F002 lost power, E41-F003 trips on overload - Assume any E Bus cross-tie actions are unsuccessful).
     @ 1315 ADS is manually initiated due to two areas above Maximum Safe Operating Temperature with a Primary System discharging.
     @ 1320 E&RC reports results of the Reactor Coolant sample at 330 /-lCi/gm 1-131 dose equivalent INITIATING CUE:

You are directed to classify the event per PEP-02.1. Provide the highest classification exceeded, including EAL number, and for each time listed, state any classification that was exceeded, and the EAL number exceeded. SOT-OJT-JP-301-A 15 Page 3 REV. 0

Classify An Emergency Per PEP-02.1. PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Obtain a current revision of PEP-02.1. Current Revision of PEP-02. 1 obtained. SAT/UNSAT* Step 2 - Determine initial Reactor Coolant sample requires declaration of Unusual Event per 03.01.01-A (Time 1200). Determine initial Reactor Coolant sample requires declaration of Unusual Event c SAT/UNSAT* Step 3 - Determine seismic event required declaration of Alert per 14.02.01 (Time 1230). Determined seismic event required declaration of Alert c SAT/UNSAT* Step 4 - Determine loss of off-site power with failure of DGs to start and synchronize for <15 minutes requires Alert per 06.02.02 (Time 1245). Determined loss of off-site power with failure of DGs to start and synchronize for

             <15 minutes requires Alert C        SAT/UNSAT*

SOT-OJT-J P-30 1-A15 Page 4 REV. 0

Classify An Emergency Per PEP-02.1. Step 5 - Determine HPCI steam line break requires declaration of a Site Area Emergency per 02.03.01 or 12.03.01 (it is acceptable to declare a General Emergency at this time per 12.04.01 since earlier E&RC sample indicates potential for fuel failure) (Time 1305). Determined HPCI Steam Line break requires declaration a Site Area Emergency (or General Emergency) SAT/UNSAT* Step 6 - Determine that a loss of 3 of 3 fission product barriers exist and a general Emergency must be declared per 12.04.01 (also the EAL for Alert has been exceeded per 03.01.01 ). Determine that loss of 3 out of 3 fission product barriers requires declaration of General Emergency.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*
  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

SOT-OJT-JP-301-A15 Page 5 REV. 0

Classify An Emergency Per PEP-02.1. RELATED TASKS: Perform actions of Site Emergency Coordinator following declaration of a General Emergency KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: GEN 2.4.29 3.1/4.4 Knowledge of the Emergency Plan


OPEP-02.1, Rev 50 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None. ADMINISTRATIVE CATEGORY (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2., Supp.1): Admin - Emergency Procedures / Plan SOT-OJT-JP-301-A15 Page 6 REV. 0

Classify An Emergency Per PEP-02.1. Time Required for Completion: ~ Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate 0 Actual Unit: Setting: Control Room Simulator__ ( Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs ) Time Critical: Yes No 0 Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No 0 EVALUATION Trainee: SSN:

        ----~--------------------                 ----------------

JPM: Pass - - Fail -- Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure Current?: Yes No _____ Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: __________________________ Date: _ _ __ SOT-OJT-JP-301-A 15 Page 7 REV. 0


1. Unit Two was operating at 100% power with DG4 under clearance. SJAE monitors were slowly rising and E&RC was notified to obtain a reactor coolant sample.
2. The following sequence of events occurs (ASSUME all automatic actions that should occur have occurred unless otherwise specified):
     @ 1200 E&RC reports results of the Reactor Coolant sample at 5.2 J.!Ci/gm 1-131 dose equivalent.
     @ 1230 a seismic event occurs and is verified to be at a magnitude of 0.12g on seismic instrumentation.
     @ 1245 off-site power is lost. DG4 remains under clearance, DG3 fails to start automatically or manually.
     @ 1255 DG3 is successfully started and tied to E3.
     @ 1305 a HPCI steam line break occurs in the HPCI Room as indicated by high room temperature and radiation levels, and high HPCI steam line flow. Attempts to isolate the HPCI steam line are unsuccessful (E41-F002 lost power, E41-F003 trips on overload - Assume any E Bus cross-tie actions are unsuccessful).
     @ 1315 ADS is manually initiated due to two areas above Maximum Safe Operating Temperature with a Primary System discharging.
     @ 1320 E&RC reports results of the Reactor Coolant sample at 330 J.!Ci/gm 1-131 dose equivalent INITIATING CUE:

You are directed to classify the event per PEP-02.1. Provide the highest classification exceeded, including EAL number, and for each time listed, state any classification that was exceeded, and the EAL number exceeded. SOT-OJT-JP-301-A15 Page 8 REV. 0

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 24 Emergency Action Levels Section Event Category Page No. 1.0 Abnormal Primary Leak Rate ..................................................................... 11 2.0 Steam Line Break or Safety/Relief Valve Failure ........ .......... ...... ........ ....... 13 3.0 Abnormal Core Conditions and Core Damage .................... ........ ............... 14 4.0 Abnormal Radiological Effluent or Radiation Levels.... .......... .............. ...... 16 5.0 Loss of Shutdown Functions: Decay Heat and Reactivity........ ........ ......... 18 6.0 Electrical or Power Failures ........ .......... .................... ...................... ...... ..... 20 7.0 Fire ............................................................................................................ 21 8.0 Control Room Evacuation ........ .............................. ........ ........ ...... ........ ..... 22 9.0 Loss of Monitors or Alarms or Communication Capability ........................... 23 10.0 Fuel Handling Accident ............................................................................... 25 11.0 Security Threats ........................................................................................ 26 12.0 Fission Product Barriers and Specific LCOs ............ .................. ............... 27 13.0 Hazards to Plant Operations............................ .......... .......... ............ ......... 28 14.0 Natural Events ............................................................................................ 29 15.0 Shift Superintendent/Site Emergency Coordinator Judgments ................. 31 IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 10 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 2 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 1.0 Abnormal Primary Leak Rate 1.1 Notification of Unusual Event 01.01.01 Reactor Coolant System total leakage greater than 25 gpm averaged over the previous 24-hour period using the sum of drywell equipment drain integrator (G16-FQ-K603) and drywell floor drain integrator (G16-FQ-K601), and the leakage rate has not been reduced to less than 25 gpm within eight hours, or plant shutdown is not achieved within required time period. OR 01.01.02 Unidentified Reactor Coolant System leakage greater than 5 gpm averaged over the previous 24-hour period using the drywell floor drain integrator (G16-FQ-K601), and the leakage rate has not been reduced to less than 5 gpm within eight hours, or plant shutdown is not achieved within required time period. 1.2 Alert 01.02.01 Small break LOCA with primary system leakage greater than 50 gpm. A LOCA is indicated by a significant loss of reactor inventory to the drywell resulting in increased drywell pressure, temperature, and/or sump pump usage indicated by:

  • Low or falling Reactor Coolant System pressure with rising drywell pressure and temperature (C32-R608, CAC-PI-2685-1, CAC-TR-4426-1A, CAC-TR-4426-1 B, CAC-TR-4426-2A and CAC-TR-4426-2B).

1.3 Site Area Emergency 01.03.01 Loss of coolant accident requiring the initiation of Low Pressure Coolant Injection, Core Spray, or the Automatic Depressurization System, AND REQUIRED FOR ADEQUATE CORE COOLING. IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 11 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 3 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 1.0 Abnormal Primary Leak Rate (Continued) 1.4 General Emergency 01.04.01 Loss of coolant accident requiring the initiation of Low Pressure Coolant Injection, Core Spray, or Automatic Depressurization System, AND REQUIRED FOR ADEQUATE CORE COOLING; AND Inability to provide makeup water to the Reactor Coolant System (Le, failure of HPCI, Core Spray A and B, RHR Loops A and B, RCIC, condensate, and feedwater) as indicated by falling or low reactor vessel level with attempts to inject water not successful. IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 12 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 4 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 2.0 Steam Line Break or Safety/Relief Valve Failure 2.1 Notification of Unusual Event 02.01.01 Reactor Coolant System pressure 2 1250 psig. OR 02.01.02 Inability to close an SRV with Reactor Coolant System pressure

                   ~ 900 psig.

2.2 Alert 02.02.01 Main Steam, HPCI or RCIC steam line break inside the primary containment without (full) line isolation valve closure. 2.3 Site Area Emergency 02.03.01 Main Steam, HPCI or RCIC steam line break outside primary containment and line isolation valve(s) fail to close indicated by valid area radiation and/or temperature alarms. 2.4 General Emergency 02.04.01 N/A IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 13 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 5 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 3.0 Abnormal Core Conditions and Core Damage 3.1 Notification of Unusual Event 03.01.01 Liquid A. Reactor Coolant System (RCS) activity greater than 4.0 IlCi/gm 1-131 dose equivalent. B. RCS activity greater than 0.2 IlCi/gm 1-131 dose equivalent but less than limit above for more than 48 hours. 03.01.02 Gaseous A. Steam jet air ejector off-gas radiation monitor (D12-RM-K601 A and B) reading of greater than 1.2 x 104 mR/hr. B. Steam jet air ejector off-gas radiation monitor (D12-RM-K601 A and B) increase of greater than 2.4 x 103 mRlhr in 30 minutes. 3.2 Alert 03.02.01 Liquid Reactor coolant activity greater than 300 IlCi/gm 1-131 dose equivalent. 03.02.02 Gaseous Steam jet air ejector off-gas radiation monitor (D12-RM-K601A and 8) reading of greater than 1.2 x 105 mRlhr. 3.3 Site Area Emergency 03.03.01 Reactor Coolant System activity is greater than 4000 IlCi/gm 1-131 dose equivalent. IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 14 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 6 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 3.0 Abnormal Core Conditions and Core Damage (Continued) 3.4 General Emergency 03.04.01 Any two functional high range drywell radiation monitors (D22-RI-4195, 4196, 4197, and 4198) reading greater than 5000 Rlhr. IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 15 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 7 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 4.0 Abnormal Radiological Effluent or Radiation Levels 4.1 Notification of Unusual Event 04.01.01 Liquid Release Any unplanned release from the liquid waste system resulting in activity levels in the discharge canal greater than those in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2. 04.01.02 Gaseous Release Any gaseous release which exceeds the dose limit specified in aDCM 7.3.7 (i.e., exceeding the noble gas instantaneous dose rate limit as evaluated by OE&RC-2020). 04.01.03 Any building evacuation based on confirmed radiological conditions (i.e., greater than 10 dac airborne [except precautionary evacuationsD. 4.2 Alert 04.02.01 Liquid Release Any liquid release resulting in activity concentration levels in the discharge canal that are greater than 10 times those given in 10CFR20, Appendix B, Table II, Column 2 (10 times the concentration listed in Unusual Event). 04.02.02 Gaseous Release Any gaseous release which exceeds 10 times the dose rate limit specified in aDCM 7.3.7 (Le., exceeding 10 times the noble gas instantaneous dose rate limit as evaluated by OE&RC-2020). 04.02.03 In-Plant Leak or Spill Unplanned, valid direct area radiation (gamma and/or neutron) reading(s) increase by a factor of 1000 over normal levels. IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 16 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 8 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 4.0 Abnormal Radiological Effluent or Radiation Levels (Continued) 4.3 Site Area Emergency 04.03.01 Projected dose exceeding 50 mRem Whole body (TEDE) OR exceeding 250 mRem Thyroid (CDE) at site boundary. 04.03.02 Measured dose rate exceeding 100 mRlhr at site boundary. 04.03.03 Measured 1-131 dose equivalent concentration exceeds 3.9E-7 JlCi/cc at the site boundary. 4.4 General Emergency 04.04.01 Offsite release resulting in a dose exceeding one (1) Rem Whole Body (TEDE) OR five (5) Rem Thyroid (CDE) at the Site Boundary as indicated by dose projection or field data. 04.04.02 Measured 1-131 Dose Equivalent concentration exceeding 3.9E-6 JlCilcc at the site boundary. IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 17 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 9 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 5.0 Loss of Shutdown Functions: Decay Heat and Reactivity 5.1 Notification of Unusual Event 05.01.01 N/A Alert 05.02.01 Complete loss of ability to maintain plant in cold shutdown:

1. Loss of essential service water loops, or Loss of RHR Loops A and B.


2. Loss of Condenser Condensate System.


3. Either:
a. Coolant temperature exceeds 212°F, OR
b. Uncontrolled temperature rise approaching 212°F.

05.02.02 Failure of the Reactor Protection System to initiate and complete a scram, indicated on Panel A-5, which brings the reactor to a subcritical condition as indicated by full core display panel P603 and neutron monitoring instruments (APRM and IRM). IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 18 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 10 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 5.0 Loss of Shutdown Functions: Decay Heat and Reactivity (Continued) 5.3 Site Area Emergency 05.03.01 Failure of the Reactor Protection System to initiate and complete a scram as indicated by Section 05.02.02 above. AND Failure of standby liquid control to bring the reactor to a subcritical condition. 05.03.02 Complete loss of reactor heat removal capability indicated by inability to maintain Suppression Pool below Heat Capacity Temperature Limit curve. 5.4 General Emergency 05.04.01 Site Area Emergency as indicated in Section 05.03.01 above lasting greater than 30 minutes. AND Loss of main condenser heat removal capability indicated by MSIVs shut or loss of vacuum on condenser vacuum indicator. AND EITHER

1. Failure of all low pressure coolant injection trains indicated on panel P601.


2. Failure of all service water trains necessary for decay heat removal indicated on panel P601 (RHR Service Water) and Panel XU2 (Nuclear and Conventional Service Water).

05.04.02 Containment pressure approaching Primary Containment Pressure Limit (PCPL), and containment venting will be required within the next six (6) hours. IOPEP-02.1 1 Rev. 50 Page 19 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 11 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 6.0 Electrical or Power Failures 6.1 Notification of Unusual Event 06.01.01 Inability to power either 4 kV E Bus from off-site power. OR 06.01.02 Loss of all on-site AC power capability indicated by failure of diesel generators to start or synchronize. 6.2 Alert 06.02.01 Loss of all vital DC power. OR 06.02.02 Inability to power either 4 kV E Bus from off-site power. AND Loss of all on-site AC power capability indicated by failure of diesel generators to start or synchronize. 6.3 Site Area Emergency 06.03.01 Either Alert condition in Section 06.02.01 or 06.02.02 listed above AND lasting longer than 15 minutes. 6.4 General Emergency 06.04.01 N/A IOPEP-02.1 1 Rev. 50 Page 20 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 12 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 7.0 Fire 7.1 Notification of Unusual Event 07.01.01 Fire located in or adjacent to the areas listed below NOT extinguished within 15 minutes of alarm verification or Control Room notification. Areas: Emergency Diesel Generator Building Control Building Central Alarm Station/Secondary Alarm Station Reactor Building Turbine Building Unit Intake Structures Service Water Building 7.2 Alert 07.02.01 Fire which could potentially affect vital safety-related equipment. 7.3 Site Area Emergency 07.03.01 Any fire that impairs the operability of any vital equipment which, in the opinion of the Site Emergency Coordinator, is essential to maintain the plant in a safe condition. 7.4 General Emergency 07.04.01 Any fire which in the opinion of the Site Emergency Coordinator could cause massive common damage to plant systems. IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 21 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 13 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 8.0 Control Room Evacuation 8.1 Notification of Unusual Event 08.01.01 N/A 8.2 Alert 08.02.01 Evacuation of Control Room anticipated or required with control of shutdown established from local stations. 8.3 Site Area Emergency 08.03.01 Evacuation of Control Room AND local control of shutdown is not established in 15 minutes. 8.4 General Emergency 08.04.01 N/A IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 22 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 14 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 9.0 Loss of Monitors or Alarms or Communication Capability 9.1 Notification of Unusual Event 09.01.01 Site communications capability impaired as determined by loss of all of the following:

1. Both site Private Branch Exchanges (PBX's)
2. All private phone lines (not routed through Plant Branch Exchange; Control Room, Security, Site Vice President Office)
3. Selective Signaling
4. Decision Line
5. State and Local emergency management radio system
6. Cellular phone system access
7. Satellite telephone 09.01.02 Unplanned loss of most or all annunciators on Panels P601 ,

P603, XU-1, XU-2, XU-3, XU-51, and XU-80 for> 15 minutes with the affected unit in Mode 1, 2, or 3; AND Compensatory (non-alarming) indications are available. 9.2 Alert 09.02.01 Unplanned loss of most or all annunciators on Panels P601, P603, XU-1, XU-2, XU-3, XU-51, and XU-80 for> 15 minutes with the affected unit in Mode 1, 2, or 3; AND Either;

  • Compensatory (non-alarming) indications are NOT available.


  • A plant transient is in progress.

IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 23 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 15 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 9.0 Loss of Monitors or Alarms or Communication Capability (Continued) 9.3 Site Area Emergency 09.03.01 Unplanned loss of most or all annunciators on Panels P601, P603, XU-1, XU-2, XU-3, XU-51, and XU-80 with the affected unit in Operational Condition 1, 2, or 3; AND

  • Compensatory (non-alarming) indications are NOT available.


  • A plant transient is in progress.


  • Plant safety function indications (reactor power, reactor level, reactor pressure, containment parameters) are NOT available.

9.4 General Emergency 09.04.01 N/A IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 24 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 16 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 10.0 Fuel Handling Accident 10.1 Notification of Unusual Event 10.01.01 N/A 10.2 Alert 10.02.01 Fuel handling accident involving damage to new or spent fuel indicated by: A. Observation/report AND alarm on:

1. Process Reactor Building ventilation RAD monitor D12-K609A, B or D12-RR-R605.


2. Reactor Building roof ventilation monitor CAC-AIQ-1264-3.


3. Refuel floor area monitor ARM channel 1-28 or 2-28.

10.3 Site Area Emergency 10.03.01 Major damage to spent fuel indicated by:

1. Observation of substantial damage to multiple fuel assemblies, or observation that water level has dropped below the top of the fuel.


2. Indications or alarms listed in Attachment 1, Section 10.02.01.A above.

10.4 General Emergency 10.04.01 N/A IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 25 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 17 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 11.0 Security Threats 11.1 Notification of Unusual Event 11.01.01 Security threat or attempted entry (PA) or attempted sabotage. 11.01.02 A credible site specific security threat notification. 11.01.03 A validated notification from NRC providing information of an aircraft threat. 11.2 Alert 11.02.01 Ongoing security compromise (as determined by security). 11.02.02 A validated notification from NRC of an airliner attack threat less than 30 minutes away. 11.02.03 A notification from the site security force of an armed attack, explosive attack, airliner impact, or other HOSTILE ACTION within the OCA. 11.3 Site Area Emergency 11.03.01 Imminent loss of physical control of the plant. 11.03.02 A notification from the site security force that an armed attack, explosive attack, airliner impact, or other HOSTILE ACTION is occurring or has occurred within the protected area. 11.4 General Emergency 11.04.01 A HOSTILE FORCE has taken control of plant equipment such that plant personnel are unable to operate equipment required to maintain safety functions. IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 26 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 18 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 12.0 Fission Product Barriers and Specific LeOs 12.1 Notification of Unusual Event 12.01.01 Loss of containment operability requiring shutdown by Technical Specifications and shutdown is not achieved within required time period. 12.01.02 Loss of engineered safety feature requiring shutdown by Technical Specifications and shutdown is not achieved within required time period. 12.2 Alert 12.02.01 Loss of either Fuel Clad or the Reactor Coolant Boundary. 12.3 Site Area Emergency 12.03.01 Loss of two-out-of-three fission product barriers. 12.4 General Emergency 12.04.01 Loss of any two-out-of-three fission product barriers with a potential loss of the third barrier. IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 27 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 19 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 13.0 Hazards to Plant Operations 13.1 Notification of Unusual Event 13.01.01 Non-hostile Aircraft crash within site boundaries with the potential to endanger safety-related equipment. 13.01.02 Unplanned non-hostile explosion within th~ site boundaries with the potential to endanger safety-related equipment. 13.01.03 Release of toxic or flammable gas that could endanger personnel. 13.01.04 Turbine rotating component failure causing rapid plant shutdown. 13.2 Alert 13.02.01 Non-hostile explosion, aircraft crash, or missile resulting in major damage to structures housing safety-related systems. 13.02.02 Unplanned and uncontrolled entry of toxic or flammable gases into vital areas in sufficient quantities to endanger personnel or the operability of safety-related equipment. 13.02.03 Turbine failure causing penetration of its outer casing. 13.3 Site Area Emergency 13.03.01 Non-hostile explosion, aircraft crash, or missile resulting in major damage to safe shutdown equipment with plant not in cold shutdown. 13.03.02 Uncontrolled entry of flammable or toxic gases into vital areas where lack of access constitutes a safety problem with plant not in cold shutdown. 13.4 General Emergency 13.04.01 Any major internal or external event substantially beyond design basis which could cause massive common damage to plant systems. IOPEP-02.1 Rev. SO Page 28 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 20 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 14.0 Natural Events 14.1 Notification of Unusual Event 14.01.01 Alarm on seismic monitor AND confirmation of earthquake. 14.01.02 Hurricane warning issued. 14.01.03 Tornado on site. 14.2 Alert 14.02.01 Earthquake registering greater than 0.08g on seismic instru mentation. 14.02.02 Any adverse weather conditions that causes a loss of function of two or more safety trains. 14.02.03 Tornado striking inside protected area resulting in major damage to structures housing safety-related systems. 14.02.04 Hurricane winds on site estimated:

1. ~ 130 mph at 30 ft above ground level
2. ~ 180 mph at 300 ft above ground level 14.3 Site Area Emergency 14.03.01 Earthquake registering greater than 0.16g on seismic instrumentation with plant not in cold shutdown.

14.03.02 Flood, low water, or hurricane surge greater than design levels or failure to protect vital equipment at lower levels and plant not in cold shutdown. 14.03.03 Plant not in cold shutdown with hurricane winds on site estimated:

1. ~ 130 mph at 30 ft above ground level
2. ~ 180 mph at 300 ft above ground level IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 29 of 331

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 21 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 14.0 Natural Events (Continued) 14.4 General Emergency 14.04.01 Any major natural event substantially beyond design basis which could cause massive common damage to plant systems. \ OPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 30 of 33\

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 22 of 22 Emergency Action Levels 15.0 Shift Superintendent/Site Emergency Coordinator Judgments When any condition exists which indicates a necessity for an increased level of awareness or readiness above previous plant conditions, the Shift Superintendent/Site Emergency Coordinator should use his judgment to declare the appropriate emergency status for the plant. 15.1 Notification of Unusual Event 15.01.01 Plant conditions exist that warrant increased awareness by plant staff such as exceeding any Technical Specification safety limit. 15.2 Alert 15.02.01 Plant conditions exist that reflect a significant degradation in the safety of the reactor, but releases from this event would be small. 15.3 Site Area Emergency 15.03.01 Plant conditions exist that involve major failures of equipment and that will lead to core damage. Unless corrective action is taken, significant radiation releases may occur. 15.4 General Emergency 15.04.01 Plant conditions exist that make a release of a large amount of radioactivity in a short time possible; any core melt situation. IOPEP-02.1 Rev. 50 Page 31 of 331



Alternate Coolant Injection - EOP-LEP-01 Coolant Injection with SLC Pumps Aligned To Demineralized Water SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:

1. Radiological hazards.
2. Operating equipment hazards.

EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. The applicable procedure section WILL be supplied to the trainee.
2. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained in NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.
3. This JPM may be performed on either Unit, as selected by the evaluator.

Read the following to the trainee TASK CONDITIONS:

1. This JPM will be performed on Unit __ . (Designated by the evaluator)
2. The SLC system and the Demineralized Water system are operable and accessible.
3. Reactor pressure is below the upper range of the SLC pump discharge pressure (0-1380 psig).
4. EOP-01 has directed control operators to enter LEP-01 to restore and/or maintain RPV level above TAF.
5. All control rods are fully inserted.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed by the Control Operator (with SCO approval) to perform the Auxiliary Operator actions associated with aligning Unit _ _ SLC using Demineralized Water for Alternate Coolant Injection and inform the control room when you have completed the actions. AOT-OJT-JP-300-J10 Page 2 of 7 Rev. 04

Alternate Coolant Injection - EOP-LEP-01 Coolant Injection with SLC Pumps Aligned To Demineralized Water PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Determines that EOP-01-LEP-01, Section 1, Step 4 is the starting point and proceed to the Reactor Building 80' elevation. Procedure is obtained. SAT/UNSAT* Start Time: _ _ _ __ Step 2 - Unlock and close SLC storage tank outlet isolation valve, C41-F001. C41-F001 unlocked and manually closed.

                                                       **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 3 - Obtain pipe wrench and Demin water to SLC Jumper hose from 80' LEP Toolbox. Jumper and pipe wrench is obtained.

                                                       **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 4 - Connect one end of the demin water to SLC jumper hose to the threaded connection at the SLC Demineralized Water Supply Isolation Valve, C41-V5000. Jumper is connected to threaded connection at V5000.

                                                       **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

AOT-OJT-JP-300-J10 Page 3 of 7 Rev. 04

Alternate Coolant Injection - EOP-LEP-01 Coolant Injection with SLC Pumps Aligned To Demineralized Water Step 5 - Connect the other end of the demin water to SLC jumper hose to the threaded connection upstream of the SLC Test Tank Outlet Demineralized Water Supply Isolation Valve, C41-F014. Jumper is connected to threaded connection at F014.

                                                       **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 6 - Open the SLC Demin Water Supply Isolation Valve, C41-V5000. C41- V5000 manually opened, at 80' Rx Bldg.

                                                       **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 7 - Unlock and open SLC Test Tank Outlet Demineralized Water Supply Isolation Valve, C41-F014. C41-F014 unlocked and manually opened, at 80' Rx Bldg above SLC test tank.

                                                       **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 8 - Contact the control room to start the SLC pumps. Control room informed that SLC is aligned to demineralized water and that the pumps can be started. SAT/UNSAT*

  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

AOT-OJT-J P-300-J 10 Page 4 of 7 Rev. 04

Alternate Coolant Injection - EOP-LEP-01 Coolant Injection with SLC Pumps Aligned To Demineralized Water RELATED TASKS: 200071 8504 Perform Alternate Coolant Injection With SLC Pumps Per EOP-LEP-01. KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: 295031 EA1.08 3.8/3.9 Ability to operate alternate injection systems.


1. EOP-01-LEP-01, Alternate Coolant Injection, Section 1.


1. 1 LEP Toolbox Key
2. Pipe wrench
3. Demineralized water to SLC jumper hose SAFETY FUNCTION (from NUREG 1123, Rev. 2)

Safety Function 2, Reactor Water Inventory Control REASON FOR REVISION: SLC modification is now common to both Units. AOT-OJT-JP-300-J10 Page 5 of 7 Rev. 04

Alternate Coolant Injection - EOP-LEP-01 Coolant Injection with SLC Pumps Aligned To Demineralized Water Validation Time: _.....:8~ Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate Actual Unit: Setting: Control Room Simulator In-Plant Time Critical: Yes No Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No EVALUATION Trainee: JPM: Pass _ _ Fail _ _ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure?: Yes No ____ ( Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set) Comments: Comments Reviewed With Trainee Evaluator Signature: ------------------------------- Date: ------------- AOT-OJT-JP-300-J10 Page 6 of 7 Rev. 04


1. This JPM will be performed on Unit __ . (Designated by the evaluator)
2. The SLC system and the Demineralized Water system are operable and accessible.
3. Reactor pressure is below the upper range of the SLC pump discharge pressure (0-1380 psig).
4. EOP-01 has directed control operators to enter LEP-01 to restore and/or maintain RPV level above TAF.
5. All control rods are fully inserted.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed by the Control Operator (with SCO approval) to perform the Auxiliary Operator actions associated with aligning Unit _ _ SLC using Demineralized Water for Alternate Coolant Injection and inform the control room when you have completed the actions. Page? of?

Section 1 Coolant Injection with SLC Pumps NOTE: Manpower: 1 Control Operator 2 Auxiliary Operators Special equipment: 1 LEP toolbox key locking tabs 80' Rx Bldg LEP Toolbox 1 pipewrench 1 Demineralized water to SLC jumper hose CO: 1. INFORM the Unit SCO of the performance of this section. D CO: 2. IF directed by the Unit SCO to inject with SLC pumps D while aligned to the SLC storage tank, THEN GO TO Step 6, on page 6. CO: 3. IF it has been determined the reactor will remain D shutdown under all conditions without boron, THEN CONTINUE in this procedure.

4. IF directed to inject demineralized water, THEN PERFORM the following steps:

AO: a. UNLOCK AND CLOSE SLC STORAGE TANK D OUTLET ISOLATION VALVE, C41-FOO1. AO: b. CONNECT one end of the demineralized water to SLC jumper hose to the threaded connection at SLC D DEMINERALIZED WA TER SUPPL Y ISOLA TlON VAL VE, C41-V5000. AO: c. CONNECT the other end of the demineralized water D to SLC jumper hose to the threaded connection upstream of SLC TEST TANK OUTLET DEMINERALIZED WA TER SUPPL Y ISOLA TlON VALVE, C41-F014. IOEOP-01-LEP-01 Rev. 28 Page 5 of38 I


5. IF demineralized water is NOT available AND fire protection water is available, THEN PERFORM the following:

NOTE: Use of fire protection water may result in the injection of borated water from the SLC test tank. AO: a. UNLOCK AND CLOSE SLC STORAGE TANK D OUTLET ISOLATION VALVE, C41-F001. AO: b. UNLOCK AND OPEN SLC TEST TANK OUTLET D ISOLATION VALVE, C41-F031. NOTE: Fire hose stations are located on the north wall of the CRD rebuild room and the south wall of the 80' elevation. AO: c. DISCONNECT the nozzle from the fire hose D selected for make up to the SLC test tank. NOTE: One auxiliary operator will be required to hold the fire hose in the SLC test tank during the filling process while the other operator adjusts the fill flow rate. AO: d. PLACE AND HOLD the discharge end of fire hose D in the SLC test tank. AO: e. MAKEUP to SLC test tank with fire protection water, D throttling flow with the hose reel angle valve as required. AO: 6. IF sparging of the SLC tank is in progress, THEN CLOSE D AND LOCK SLC STORAGE TANK SERVICE AIR STOP VALVE, C41-F012. 1 OEOP-01-LEP-01 Rev. 28 Page 6 of 381

Section 1 (Continued) Initials CO: 7. START SLC Pumps A and B from the RTGB. D

8. WHEN SLC pumps are NOT required for coolant injection, THEN PERFORM the following:

CO: a. PLACE SLC PUMPS A & B, C41-CS-S1, to STOP. AO: b. SECURE fire protection water makeup to the SLC test tank, if necessary. AO: c. IF removed, THEN INSTALL the fire hose nozzle / removed in Step S.c on the fire hose used for Ind.ver. makeup to the SLC test tank. AO: d. IF Step S.c was performed, THEN COORDINATE with Fire Protection personnel to perform an inspection of the fire hose station used for makeup to the SLC test tank.

e. PERFORM the following for all valves that were operated.

AO: (1 ) CLOSE AND LOCK SLC TEST TANK / OUTLET DEMINERALIZED WATER Ind.ver. SUPPLY ISOLATION VALVE, C41-F014. AO: (2) CLOSE SLC DEMINERALIZED WATER / SUPPLY ISOLATION VALVE, C41-V5000. Ind.ver. AO: (3) CLOSE AND LOCK SLC TEST TANK / OUTLET ISOLATION VALVE, C41-F031. Ind.ver. AO: (4) OPEN AND LOCK SLC STORAGE TANK / OUTLET ISOLATION VALVE, C41-FOO1. Ind.ver. AO: f. IF installed, THEN REMOVE the demineralized / water to SLC jumper hose and connections, and Ind.ver. reinstall the pipe caps. IOEOP-01-LEP-01 Rev. 28 Page 7 of38 I

Section 1 (Continued) Initials AO: g. RETURN any LEP tool box equipment to storage AND PERFORM inventory of LEP tool boxes. CO: h. COORDINATE with E&RC to sample the SLC tank for proper concentration OR to refill the SLC tank in accordance with 1(2)OP-OS. AO: i. INITIATE a WO to replace both squib valves. CO: j. EXIT this section AND CONTINUE in this procedure at Step 2.1 on page 3. DatelTime Completed Performed By (Print) Initials Reviewed By: _ _ _ _ _ __ Unit SCO I OEOP-01-LEP-01 Rev. 28 Page 8 of38 I



1. Hearing protection, hardhat, and safety glasses.
2. Simulate all actions including communications.
3. Practice ALARA at all times while simulating actions.
4. Standard electrical precautions when working around energized electrical equipment.

EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to performer)

1. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained in NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the performer.
2. START LOCATION: Begin this JPM at the DG4 Control Panel H57. Access/Egress is NOT evaluated because this JPM starts at and is performed at the DG4 Control Panel H57.
3. PROVIDE A COPY: OASSD-02, Section E, is to be provided to the student (marked up to the starting location).
4. TIME CRITICAL - BASIS FOR TIME: This JPM is a time critical JPM. The critical time is a fraction of the analysis time to establish Suppression Pool Cooling within 1.5 hours.

Based on all the other actions that are required to be performed within this time frame, the critical time established for this JPM is 10 minutes. AOT-OJT-J P-304-24 Page 2 of9 Rev. 0

PREPARE DG4 FOR START PER OASSD-02 with breaker failure Read the following to the JPM performer. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. A Control Room fire has resulted in Control Room Evacuation.
2. OASSD-02 has been entered and is being performed.
3. You are the Diesel Generator Operator.

~. ASSD equipment is distributed and ASSD communications are established ~. You have your ASSD equipment bag and the following keys: Fifteen (15) T112 keys, one (1) CO key, thirty-four (34) GE-75 keys

6. You have completed the actions to remove DG2 and DG4 from service.
7. You have communicated the completion of these actions using the ASSD UNIT 2 TRAIN B SOUND POWERED PHONE CKT, at the DG4 Control Panel.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed to prepare DG4 for start per OASSD-02, Section E, step 1.16. AOT-OJT-JP-304-24 Page 3 of 9 Rev. 0

PREPARE OG4 FOR START PER OASSO-02 with breaker failure PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Comments required for any step evaluated UNSAT. START TIME: _ _ _ __ Step 1 - At MCC OGO Compt 059 (Row G3), place NORMAL/LOCAL switch in LOCAL. MCC DGD Compt D59: Inserts key into NORMAULOCAL switch and rotates switch to LOCAL position

                                                       **CRITICAL STEP**SAT/UNSAT*

Step 2 - At MCC OGO Compt 059 (Row G3), place START/STOP control switch in START for OG CELL 4 EXHAUST FAN 2-VA-H-EF-OG. MCC DGD Compt D59: Rotates START/LOCAL switch to START.

                                                       **CRITICAL STEP**SAT/UNSAT*

Step 3 - At MCC OGO Compt EF7 (Row G2), place SW TO JKT WTR CLR SPLY ISOL VL V, 1-SW-V682 in OFF. MCC DGD Compt EF7: Placed in OFF. SATIUNSAT* AOT-OJT-JP-304-24 Page 4 of 9 Rev. 0

PREPARE OG4 FOR START PER OASSO-02 with breaker failure Step 4 - At 480V Substation E8 trip the following breakers: Row Compt Breaker Open B3 AZ6 MCC 2XH 02 A03 MCC1XK E2 AO? MCC2XM E4 A09 MCC2CB F3 A12 Emerg. 120/208V AC Oistr Pnl 2E8-HG3

                                                           **CRITICAL STEP**SAT/UNSAT*

Step 5 - At 480V Substation E8 Compt FN2 (Row A1): Places NORMAL/LOCAL keylock switch to LOCAL. E8 Compt FN2 (Row A1): NORMAULOCAL switch in LOCAL.

                                                           **CRITICAL STEP**SAT/UNSAT*

Step 6 - At 480V Substation E8 Compt AZ5 (Row B2): Verifies E8 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER. E8 Compt AZ5 (Row 82): EB 4BOV SUB MAIN BREAKER open flag verified. SAT/UNSAT* Step? - At 480V Substation E8 Compt FN2 (Row A 1): Places local ASSO control switch to close. E8 Compt FN2 (Row A1): local ASSD control switch is closed. SAT/UNSAT* AOT-OJT-JP-304-24 Page 5 of 9 Rev. 0

PREPARE DG4 FOR START PER OASSD-02 with breaker failure Step 8 - At 480V Substation E8 Compt AZ5 (Row B2): Verifies E8 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER. EB Campt AZ5 (Row 82): EB 4BOV SUB MAIN BREAKER open flag verified. SAT/UNSAT* Step 9 - At 480V Substation E8 Compt AZ5 (Row B2): Close the breaker by pulling down the manual close lever. <"~I EB Campt FN2 (Row 82): Breaker closed.

                                                       **CRITICAL STEP**SATlUNSAT*

Step 10 - Inform Emergency Switchgear Operator DG Bldg that DG4 is ready to be started. Emergency Switchgear operator DG Bldg Operator informed DG4 is ready to be started. SAT/UNSAT* STOP TIME: _ _ _ __ AOT-OJT-J P-304-24 Page 6 of9 Rev. 0

PREPARE DG4 FOR START PER OASSD-02 with breaker failure RELATED TASKS: 2006118504, Perform actions associated with Alternate Safe Shutdown as the Unit 1(2) DG Operator per OASSD-02. KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: 295003 AA 1.02 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to Partial or Complete Loss of AC Power: Emergency Generators (4.2/4.3)


OASSD-02, Section E. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None SAFETY FUNCTION (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2.): 6 (Electrical) REASON FOR REVISION: Modified JPM to add alternate path. AOT -OJT-JP-304-24 Page 7 of 9 Rev. 0

PREPARE DG4 FOR START PER OASSD-02 with breaker failure Time Required for Completion: 10 Minutes (approximate). Time Taken: Minutes APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate x Actual Unit: --1 Setting: Control Room Simulator _ (Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs) Time Critical: Yes x No Time Limit 10 Minutes Alternate Path: Yes x No EVALUATION Performer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - JPM: Pass _ _ Fail _ _ __ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Performer Verify Procedure? Yes _ _ No _ _ (Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set) _I Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - -_ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ __ AOT-OJT-J P-304-24 Page 8 of9 Rev. 0


1. A Control Room fire has resulted in Control Room Evacuation.
2. OASSD-02 has been entered and is being performed.
3. You are the Diesel Generator Operator.
4. ASSD equipment is distributed and ASSD communications are established.
5. You have your ASSD equipment bag and the following keys:

Fifteen (15) T112 keys, one (1) CO key, thirty-four (34) GE-75 keys

6. You have completed the actions to remove DG2 and DG4 from service.
7. You have communicated the completion of these actions using the ASSD UNIT 2 TRAIN B SOUND POWERED PHONE CKT, at the DG4 Control Panel.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed to prepare DG4 for start per OASSD-02, Section E, steps 1.16. Page 9 of 9

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS NOTE: Critical tasks for the Diesel Generator Operator include tripping Unit 1 condensate pumps, condensate booster pumps, and reactor recirculation MG set breakers, shutdown and restart of Diesel Generators 2 and 4 to re-energize E2 and E4, shutdown of Diesel Generators 1 and 3, and alignment of Diesel Generator Building ventilation. Close coordination and communication is essential between the Diesel Generator Operator and the Emergency Switchgear Operator. Restoration of Div II emergency bus power is vital for DC battery chargers and to supply power for RHR and Service Water Systems in various modes. 1.0 OPERATOR ACTIONS 1.1 OBTAIN a security access key from the ASSD equipment cabinet. £f 1.2 USE appropriate figures in this section for access/egress routes and 121' equipment and communication locations. NOTE: The following two pages contain Control Building and Turbine Building access/egress routes and BOP bus breaker arrangement drawings. IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 82 of 161 I


                                       - - - - ACCESS/EGRESS

\ IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 83 of 161

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS Unit 1 Turbine Buildina BOP Bus Area Access/Earess Path~dWfH F? .. Iml*! . . 1 '**1 1m ,. *Imlml

                  ~ ~       '         ~              '                         '
          \               CONCRETE BEAM


                      \8 BEAM SAMPLE STATION U/2         ~                 D~~ER 00 T:~~'S                                           UNIT 1 TURBINE BLDG.
                            ~                                 D             2BAIR BUSiC
                                 "                                          COM~                     1 CONDo PUMP 1B 2 CONDo BSTR. PUMP 1C
                                        ----.~                                                       3 CONDo BSTR. PUMP 1A
     ~________~_B_._EL_E_V_AT~OR                                                        \


                                                                                             \      BUS1D I        6  CONDo BSTR. PUMP 1 B 7 CONDo PUMP 1 A 8  CONDo PUMP 1C I


         ... _-. ____ -""'" / \ D L                                                                                          ----- .... -.
   ~~-------~~~----~t LEGEND ACCESS/EGRESS - - - -

IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 84 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS NOTE: The drawing on the preceding page depicts access/egress pathways to the Turbine Building BOP bus area and BOP bus breaker arrangement to be used in the following step. 1.3 PERFORM the following in Unit 1 Turbine Building: 1.3.1 REMOVE control power fuses AND MANUALLY TRIP the following breakers at Unit 1 Turbine Building BOP bus area, using the mechanical trip push button: At 4160V SWGR 1C:

1. COND PUMP 1B, Compt AC4 (Row JJ) o
2. COND BSTR PUMP 1C, Compt AC2 (Row HH) 0'
3. COND BSTR PUMP 1A, Compt AC1 (Row GG) J21" At 4160V SWGR 1B:

At 4160V SWGR 1D:

6. COND BSTR PUMP 1B, Compt AD9 (Row I)
7. COND PUMP 1A, Compt AD3 (Row C)
8. COND PUMP 1C, Compt AD2 (Row 8)

IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 85 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS NOTE: The following steps to trip MCC feeder breakers on E5, E6, E7, and E8 satisfies the requirement of NRC Generic Letter 96-06 to prevent uncontrolled restart of RBCCW pumps. In the Diesel Generator Building: 1.4 TRIP breaker MGG 2XE, Compt. AY4, at Substation E7 (Row C3) lZf 1.5 BLOCK OPEN Door 125 between Substations E7 and E8. IZr 1.6 TRIP breaker MGG 2XF, Compt. A04, Substation E8 (Row 03) [2t 1.7 BLOCK OPEN the following doors: 1.7.1 Door 105 between Substation E7 and Diesel Generator 4 1.7.2 Door 110 and Door 111 between Diesel Generators 1 and 2 1.7.3 Door 112 between Diesel Generator 1 and Substation E6. 1.8 TRIP breaker MGG 1XF, Compt. AW2, Substation E6 (Row 03) 1.9 BLOCK OPEN Door 115 between Substations E5 and E6. rzr 1.10 TRIP breaker MGG 1XE, Compt. AU2, Substation E5 (Row C3) 0 1.11 ESTABLISH communications with Emergency Switchgear 0 Operator, using ASSD UNIT 2 TRAIN B SOUND POWERED PHONE GKT, at Diesel Generator 2 control panel. NOTE: IF the Unit 1 SCO is NOT yet on the line, THEN performance of the succeeding steps should NOT be delayed. 1.12 WHEN communication with the Unit 1 RSDP is established, THEN INFORM the Unit SCO that Unit 1 condensate pumps, condensate booster pumps, and reactor recirculation MG set drive breakers are tripped. IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 86 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS 1.13 WHEN directed to remove Diesel Generator 2 from service, THEN PERFORM the following: 1.13.1 IF closed, THEN TRIP GENERA TOR CIRCUIT BREAKER. 1.13.2 IF operating, THEN STOP Diesel Generator 2 using the EMERGENCY STOP push button. CAUTION There areseyerikeylock NORMAULOCAL switches located* on Diesel. (3enerator 2 control panel. Six of these are located ina row. The seventh switch is located in the row above the six.~witches.The six switches in a row must be placed in LOCAL before placing the seventh switch in LOCAL. 1.13.3 PLACE the six keylock NORMAULOCAL switches in LOCAL. o 1.13.4 PLACE the seventh keylock NORMAULOCAL switch in LOCAL, located in the row above the six keylock NORMAULOCAL switches. 1.13.5 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel Generator 2 has been removed from service. NOTE: WHEN necessary to go off the sound-powered phones to relocate, THEN all parties on the circuit should be notified. 1.14 ESTABLISH communications using ASSD UNIT 2 TRAIN B 0' SOUND POWERED PHONE CKT at Diesel Generator 4 control panel. IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 87 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS 1.15 WHEN directed to remove Diesel Generator 4 from service, THEN PERFORM the following: 1.15.1 IF closed, THEN TRIP GENERA TOR CIRCUIT BREAKER. 0' 1.15.2 IF operating, THEN STOP Diesel Generator 4 using the .0 EMERGENCY STOP push button. There areseVenkeylock NORMAULOCAL sWitches located on Diesel Generator 4 control panel. Six of these are located in a row. The seventh switch is located in the row above the six switches. The six switches in a row must be placed in LOCAL before placing the seventh switch in LOCAL 1.15.3 PLACE the six keylock NORMAULOCAL switches in LOCAL. 1.15.4 PLACE the seventh keylock NORMAULOCAL switch in LOCAL, located in the row above the six keylock NORMAULOCAL switches. 1.15.5 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel Generator 4 has been removed from service. NOTE: IF the ASSD sound-powered phone system is being used, THEN the headset may need to be removed to complete the following steps. All parties on the circuit should be informed. 1.16 PERFORM the following lineups: 1.16.1 PERFORM the following at MCC DGD:

1. PLACE NORMAULOCAL switch for DG CELL 4 EXHAUST o FAN 2-VA-H-EF-DG, at Compt D59 (Row G3) in LOCAL.
2. PLACE START/STOP control switch in START for DG CELL o 4 EXHAUST FAN 2-VA-H-EF-DG, at Compt D59 (Row G3).
3. PLACE SW TO JKT WTR CLR SPL Y ISOL VL V, o 1-SW-V682, at Compt. EF7 (Row G2), in OFF.

IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 88 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS 1 .16.2 TRIP the following breakers at 480V Substation E8:

                   - MCC 2XH breaker, at Compt AZ6 (Row 83)                      o
                   - MCC 1XK breaker, at Compt A03 (Row D2)                      o
                   - MCC 2XM breaker, at Compt A07 (Row E2)                      o
                   - MCC 2CB breaker, at Compt A09 (Row E4)                      o
                   - EMERGENCY 120/208VAC DISTR PNL 2E8-HG3 breaker, at Compt A 12 (Row F3) o 1.16.3      PERFORM the following at 480V Substation E8:
1. PLACE NORM/LOCAL switch in LOCAL at Compt FN2 0 (Row A1).
2. IF E8 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER at Compt AZ5 (Row 82) 0 is open, THEN CLOSE E8 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER using the local ASSD control switch on Compt FN2.
3. IF E8 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER was open and failed to 0 close using the local ASSD control switch on Compt FN2, THEN PULL DOWN the E8 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER Manual Close Lever at Compt AZ5 to close the breaker.

(SOER 98-02) 1.17 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel Generator 4 0 is ready to be started. 1.18 WHEN directed, THEN START Diesel Generator 4 using the 0 EMERGENCY START push button. 1.19 WHEN the UNIT AVAILABLE RUNNING light illuminates, THEN 0 INFORM the Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel Generator 4 is running. IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 89 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS 1.20 WHEN directed to close Diesel Generator 4 circuit breaker, THEN PERFORM the following: 1.20.1 PLACE SYNCHRONIZING GENERATOR switch in ON. o 1.20.2 CLOSE GENERA TOR CIRCUIT BREAKER for Diesel Generator 4. o 1.20.3 PLACE SYNCHRONIZING GENERA TOR switch in OFF. o 1.20.4 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that GENERATOR CIRCUIT BREAKER for DG 4 is closed. o 1.21 WHEN 2B NSW Pump starts AND the discharge valve opens, 0 THEN CONFIRM service water pressure is greater than 25 psig on SW-PI-153-4 at Diesel Generator 4 control panel. 1.22 ESTABLISH communications using ASSD UNIT 2 TRAIN B 0 SOUND POWERED PHONE CKT at Diesel Generator 2 control panel. NOTE: IF required to go off the headset, THEN all parties on the line should be informed. 1 .23 REMOVE the sound-powered phone system headset AND PERFORM the following: o 1.23.1 PERFORM the following at MCC DGB:

1. PLACE NORMAULOCAL switch for DG CELL 2 EXHAUST FAN, 2-VA-F-EF-DG, at Compt D99 (Row G3) in LOCAL.


2. PLACE STARTISTOPswitch in START for DG CELL 2 EXHAUST FAN, 2-VA-F-EF-DG, at Compt D99 (Row G3).


3. PLACE SW TO JKT WTR CLR SPL Y ISOL VL V, 2-SW- V680, at Compt. EC3, (Row H2), in OFF.

o IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 90 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS 1.23.2 TRIP the following breakers at 480V Substation E6:

                  - MCC 1XH breaker, at Compt AV5 (Row 83)                     0
                  - MCC 2XKbreaker, at ComptAW1 (Row D2)                       0
                  - MCC 20G breaker, at Compt AW4 (Row E1)                     0
                  - MCC 1XM breaker, at Compt AW5 (Row E2)                     0
                  - MCC 1CB breaker, at Compt AWl (Row E4)                     0
                  - EMERGENCY 120/208 V AC D/STR PNL 1E6-HG3                   0 breaker, at Compt AX3 (Row F3) 1.23.3     PERFORM the following at 480V Substation E6:
1. PLACE NORM/LOCAL switch in LOCAL at Compt FNO 0 (Row A1).
2. IF E6 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER at Compt AV4 (Row 82) 0 is open, THEN CLOSE E6 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER using the local ASSD control switch on Compt FNO.
3. IF E6 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER was open and failed to close using the local ASSD control switch on Compt FNO, o

THEN PULL DOWN the E6 480V MAIN BREAKER Manual Close Lever at Compt AV4 to close the breaker. (SOER 98-02) 1.24 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel Generator 2 0 is ready to be started. 1.25 WHEN directed, THEN START Diesel Generator 2 using the 0 EMERGENCY START push button. 1.26 WHEN the UNIT AVAILABLE RUNNING light illuminates, THEN 0 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator Diesel Generator 2 is running. IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 91 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS 1.27 WHEN directed to close Diesel Generator 2 circuit breaker, THEN PERFORM the following: 1.27.1 PLACE SYNCHRONIZING GENERATOR switch in ON. D 1.27.2 CLOSE GENERA TOR CIRCUIT BREAKER. D 1.27.3 PLACE SYNCHRONIZING GENERA TOR switch in OFF. D 1.27.4 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel D Generator 2 GENERA TOR CIRCUIT BREAKER is closed. 1.28 IF NOT already performed, THEN INFORM the Unit SeQ that Unit D 1 condensate pumps, condensate booster pumps, and reactor recirculation MG set drive breakers are tripped. 1.29 WHEN 1 B NSW Pump starts AND the discharge valve opens, D THEN CONFIRM service water pressure on SW-PI-153-2, at Diesel Generator 2 control panel, is greater than 25 psig. NOTE: Service water pressure should be periodically monitored on SW-PI-153-2 and SW-PI-153-4 at Diesel Generator 2 and Diesel Generator 4 control panels while these diesels are operating. 1.30 REESTABLISH communications using ASSD UNIT 2 TRAIN B D SOUND POWERED PHONE CKT, located on Diesel Generator 2 control panel. IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 92 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS NOTE: Train B sound-powered phone communication is NOT available for operations at Diesel Generator 3 and Diesel Generator 1 control panels. The following steps will require removing the headset, performing the function, and returning to Diesel Generator 2 control panel for communication. IF required to go off the headset, THEN all parties on the line should be informed. 1.31 WHEN directed to remove Diesel Generator 3 from service, THEN PERFORM the following at Diesel Generator 3 control panel: 1.31.1 IF closed, THEN TRIP GENERA TOR CIRCUIT BREAKER. D 1.31.2 IF operating, THEN STOP Diesel Generator 3 using D EMERGENCY STOP push button. 1.31.3 PLACE the six NORMAULOCAL keylock switches in D LOCAL. 1.31.4 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel D Generator 3 is removed from service. 1.32 WHEN directed to remove Diesel Generator 1 from service, THEN PERFORM the following at Diesel Generator 1 control panel: 1.32.1 IF closed, THEN TRIP GENERA TOR CIRCUIT BREAKER. D 1.32.2 IF operating, THEN STOP Diesel Generator 1 using D EMERGENCY STOP push button. 1.32.3 PLACE the six NORMAULOCAL keylock switches in D LOCAL. 1.32.4 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel D Generator 1 is removed from service. 1.33 MONITOR diesel generator operation. D IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 93 of 161 I

SECTION E FIGURE 1 Diesel Generator Building Door Position For Diesel Cell Ventilation 105 110 111 112 15 IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 94 of 161 I

SECTION E FIGURE 2 Diesel Generator Building Access/Egress Routes and Sound-Powered Phone Communications NORTH

                                                                         ~       ....


           - - - - - - ACCESS/EGRESS      .'fY   PHONE JACK, TRAJN A(B)
                                           "\J' PHONE JACK, UNIT 1 & 2 IOASSD-02                            Rev. 43                             Page 95 of 161 I



1. Hearing protection, hardhat, and safety glasses.
2. Simulate all actions including communications.
3. Practice ALARA at all times while simulating actions.
4. Standard electrical precautions when working around energized electrical equipment.

EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to performer)

1. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained in NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the performer.
2. START LOCATION: Begin this JPM at the DG2 Control Panel. Access/Egress is NOT evaluated because this JPM starts at and is performed at the DG2 Control Panel.
3. PROVIDE A COPY: OASSD-02, Section E, is to be provided to the student marked up to the starting point.
4. TIME CRITICAL - BASIS FOR TIME: This JPM is a time critical JPM. The critical time is a fraction of the analysis time to establish Suppression Pool Cooling within 1.5 hours.

Based on all the other actions that are required to be performed within this time frame, the critical time established for this JPM is 10 minutes. AOT-OJT-JP-304-25 Page 2 of9 Rev. 0

PREPARE DG2 FOR START PER OASSD-02 with breaker failure Read the following to the JPM performer. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. A Control Room fire has resulted in Control Room Evacuation.
2. OASSD-02 has been entered and is being performed.
3. You are the Diesel Generator Operator.
4. ASSD equipment is distributed and ASSD communications are established.
5. You have your ASSD equipment bag and the following keys:

Fifteen (15) T112 keys, one (1) CO key, thirty-four (34) GE-75 keys

6. You have completed the actions for starting DG4 and for closing DG4 circuit breaker.
7. You have communicated the completion of these actions using the ASSD UNIT 2 TRAIN B SOUND POWERED PHONE CKT, at DG2 Control Panel.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed to prepare DG2 for start per OASSD-02, Section E, step 1.23. AOT-OJT-JP-304-25 Page 3 of 9 Rev. 0

  • PREPARE OG2 FOR START PER OASSO-02 with breaker failure PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments.

Comments required for any step evaluated UNSAT. START TIME: _ _ _~_ Step 1 - At MCC OGB Compt 099 (Row G3), place NORMAL/LOCAL switch in LOCAL. MCC OGB Compt 099: Inserts key into NORMAULOCAL switch and rotates switch to LOCAL position

                                                       **CRITICAL STEP**SAT/UNSAT*

Step 2 - At MCC OGB Compt 099 (Row G3), place START/STOP control switch in START for OG CELL 2 EXHAUST FAN 2-VA-F-EF-OG. MCC OGB Compt 099: Rotates START/LOCAL switch to START.

                                                       **CRITICAL STEP**SAT/UNSAT*

Step 3 - At MCC OGB Compt EC3 (Row H2), place SW TO JKT WTR CLR SPLY ISOL VLV, 2-SW*N680 in OFF. MCC OGB Compt EC3: Places in OFF. SAT/UNSAT* AOT-OJT-JP-304-25 Page 4 of9 Rev. 0

PREPARE DG2 FOR START PER OASSD-02 with breaker failure Step 4 - At 480V Substation E6 trip the following breakers: Row Compt Breaker Open B3 AV5 MCC1XH D2 AW1 MCC2XK E1 AW4 MCC20G E2 AW5 MCC1XM E4 AW7 MCC1CB F3 AX3 Emerg. 120/208V AC Distr Pnl 1 E6-HG3

                                                           **CRITICAL STEP**SAT/UNSAT*

Step 5 - At 480V Substation E6 Compt FNO (Row A 1): Places NORMAL/LOCAL keylock switch to LOCAL. E6 Compt FNO (Row A1): NORMAULOCAL switch in LOCAL.

                                                           **CRITICAL STEP**SAT/UNSAT*

Step 6 - At 480V Substation E6 Compt AV4 (Row B2): Verifies E6 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER. E6 Compt A V4 (Row 82): E6 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER open flag verified. SAT/UNSAT* Step 7 - At 480V Substation E6 Compt FNO (Row A 1): Places local ASSD control switch to close. E6 Compt FNO (Row A1): local ASSD control switch is closed. SAT/UNSAT* AOT-OJT-JP-304-25 Page 50f9 Rev. 0

PREPARE DG2 FOR START PER OASSD-02 with breaker failure Step 8 - At 480V Substation E6 Compt AV4 (Row B2): Verifies E6 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER. E6 Compt AV4 (Row 82): E6 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER open flag verified. SAT/UNSAT* Step 9 - At 480V Substation E6 Compt AV4 (Row B2): Close the breaker by pulling down the manual close lever. E6 Compt A V4 (Row 82): Breaker closed.

                                                       **CRITICAL STEP**SAT/UNSAT*

Step 10 - Inform Emergency Switchgear Operator DG Bldg that DG2 is ready to be started. Emergency Switchgear operator DG Bldg Operator informed DG2 is ready to be started.

                                                       **CRITICAL STEP**SAT/UNSAT*

STOP TIME: _ _ _ __ AOT-OJT-J P-304-25 Page 6 of 9 Rev. 0

PREPARE DG2 FOR START PER OASSD-02 with breaker failure RELATED TASKS: 2006118504, Perform actions associated with Alternate Safe Shutdown as the Unit 1(2) OG Operator per OASSO-02. KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: 295003 AA 1.02 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to Partial or Complete Loss of AC Power: Emergency Generators (4.2/4.3)


OASSD-02, Section E. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None SAFETY FUNCTION (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2.): 6 (Electrical) REASON FOR REVISION: Modified JPM to add alternate path. AOT-OJT-J P-304-25 Page 7 of 9 Rev. 0

PREPARE DG2 FOR START PER OASSD-02 with breaker failure Time Required for Completion: 10 Minutes (approximate). Time Taken: Minutes APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate x Actual Unit: _1_ Setting: Control Room Simulator _ (Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs) Time Critical: Yes x No Time Limit 10 Minutes Alternate Path: Yes x No Wlilil 21 In EVALUATION Performer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fail _ _ __ JPM: Pass Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Performer Verify Procedure? Yes _ _ No _ _ (Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set) Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oate: _ _ _ __ AOT-OJT-JP-304-25 Page 8 of 9 Rev. 0


1. A Control Room fire has resulted in Control Room Evacuation.
2. OASSD-02 has been entered and is being performed.
3. You are the Diesel Generator Operator.
4. ASSD equipment is distributed and ASSD communications are established.
5. You have your ASSD equipment bag and the following keys:

Fifteen (15) T112 keys, one (1) CO key, thirty-four (34) GE-75 keys

6. You have completed the actions for starting DG4 and for closing DG4 circuit breaker.
7. You have communicated the completion of these actions using the ASSD UNIT 2 TRAIN B SOUND POWERED PHONE CKT, at DG2 Control Panel.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed to prepare DG2 for start per OASSD-02, Section E, step 1.23. Page 9 of9

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS NOTE: Critical tasks for the Diesel Generator Operator include tripping Unit 1 condensate pumps, condensate booster pumps, and reactor recirculation MG set breakers, shutdown and restart of Diesel Generators 2 and 4 to re-energize E2 and E4, shutdown of Diesel Generators 1 and 3, and alignment of Diesel Generator Building ventilation. Close coordination and communication is essential between the Diesel Generator Operator and the Emergency Switchgear Operator. Restoration of Div II emergency bus power is vital for DC battery chargers and to supply power for RHR and Service Water Systems in various modes. 1.0 OPERATOR ACTIONS 1.1 OBTAIN a security access key from the ASSD equipment cabinet. 1.2 USE appropriate figures in this section for access/egress routes and equipment and communication locations. NOTE: The following two pages contain Control Building and Turbine Building access/egress routes and BOP bus breaker arrangement drawings. IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 82 of 161 I


                            ~--      WATER BUILDING, REACTOR BUILDlNG,--....


                                   - - - - ACCESS/EGRESS IOASSD-02                                       Rev. 43                               Page 83 of 161

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS Unit 1 Turbine Buildina BOP Bus Area Access/Earess Pathways NORTH E? ..



         ~      :::'---::::-:::-::::-::::-::::-::::-::::-::::-::::-:::::---1::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                                                                      ----f-.-..lf--- 2' WALLS _ _
            \             CONCRETE BEAM


                     \              I                                                  UNIT 1 TURBINE        BL~G.
                            ~                         D         2BAIR BUSiC
                               "                                COM~                    1 CONDo PUMP 1B
                                      -"'--'~                                           2 CONDo BSTR. PUMP 1C 3 CONDo BSTR. PUMP 1A




          . -.......... - - - - . . . . . \ D

{~----------------------~r;~------_***----*~------~------~t LEGEND ACCESSlEGRESS - - - - IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 84 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS NOTE: The drawing on the preceding page depicts access/egress pathways to the Turbine Building BOP bus area and BOP bus breaker arrangement to be used in the following step. 1.3 PERFORM the following in Unit 1 Turbine Building: 1.3.1 REMOVE control power fuses AND MANUALLY TRIP the following breakers at Unit 1 Turbine Building BOP bus area, using the mechanical trip push button: At 4160V SWGR 1C:

1. COND PUMP 1B, Compt AC4 (Row JJ)
2. COND BSTR PUMP 1C, Compt AC2 (Row HH)
3. COND BSTR PUMP 1A, Compt AC1 (Row GG)

At 4160V SWGR 1B:


At 4160V SWGR 10:

6. COND BSTR PUMP 1B, Compt A09 (Row I) o
7. COND PUMP 1A, Compt A03 (Row C) o
8. COND PUMP 1C, Compt A02 (Row B)

IOASSO-02 Rev. 43 Page 85 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS NOTE: The following steps to trip MCC feeder breakers on E5, E6, E7, and E8 satisfies the requirement of NRC Generic Letter 96-06 to prevent uncontrolled restart of RBCCW pumps. In the Diesel Generator Building: 1.4 TRIP breaker MGG 2XE, Compt. AY4, at Substation E7 (Row C3) 1.5 BLOCK OPEN Door 125 between Substations E7 and E8. 1.6 TRIP breaker MGG 2XF, Compt. A04, Substation E8 (Row 03) 1.7 BLOCK OPEN the following doors: 1.7.1 Door 105 between Substation E7 and Diesel Generator 4 0' 1.7.2 Door 110 and Door 111 between Diesel Generators 1 and 2 .0' 1.7.3 Door 112 between Diesel Generator 1 and Substation E6. o 1.8 TRIP breaker MGG 1XF, Compt. AW2, Substation E6 (Row 03) ~ 1.9 BLOCK OPEN Door 115 between Substations E5 and E6. 0' 1.10 TRIP breaker MGG 1XE, Compt. AU2, Substation E5 (Row C3) i2f 1.11 ESTABLISH communications with Emergency Switchgear 0 . Operator, using ASSD UNIT 2 TRAIN B SOUND POWERED PHONE GKT, at Diesel Generator 2 control panel. NOTE: IF the Unit 1 SCO is NOT yet on the line, THEN performance of the succeeding steps should NOT be delayed. 1.12 WHEN communication with the Unit 1 RSDP is established, THEN )Zf INFORM the Unit SCO that Unit 1 condensate pumps, condensate booster pumps, and reactor recirculation MG set drive breakers are tripped. IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 86 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS 1.13 WHEN directed to remove Diesel Generator 2 from service, THEN PERFORM the following: 1.13.1 IF closed, THEN TRIP GENERA TOR CIRCUIT BREAKER. o 1.13.2 IF operating, THEN STOP Diesel Generator 2 using the 1ZI EMERGENCY STOP push button. CAUTION There are seven keylock NORMAULOCAL switches located on Diesel Generator 2 control panel. Sixof these are located in a row. The seventh switch is located in the row above the six switches. The six switches in a row must be placed in LOCAL before placing. the seventh switch in LOCAL. 1.13.3 PLACE the six keylock NORMAULOCAL switches in LOCAL. 1.13.4 PLACE the seventh keylock NORMAULOCAL switch in LOCAL, located in the row above the six keylock NORMAULOCAL switches. 1.13.5 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel Generator 2 has been removed from service. NOTE: WHEN necessary to go off the sound-powered phones to relocate, THEN all parties on the circuit should be notified. 1.14 ESTABLISH communications using ASSD UNIT 2 TRAIN B 121 SOUND POWERED PHONE CKT at Diesel Generator 4 control panel. IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 87 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS 1.15 WHEN directed to remove Diesel Generator 4 from service, THEN PERFORM the following: 1.15.1 IF closed, THEN TRIP GENERA TOR CIRCUIT BREAKER. 0' 1.15.2 IF operating, THEN STOP Diesel Generator 4 using the EMERGENCY STOP push button. 0' CAUTION There are sevenkeylock NORMAULDCALswitches located on Diesel Generator 4 control panel.. Six of these are located in a roW. The seventh switch is .located in the row above the six sWitches. The six switches ina row must be placed inLOCAL before placing the seventh switch in LOCAL. 1.15.3 PLACE the six keylock NORMAULOCAL switches in LOCAL. 1.15.4 PLACE the seventh keylock NORMAULOCAL switch in LOCAL, located in the row above the six keylock NORMAULOCAL switches. 1.15.5 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel Generator 4 has been removed from service. NOTE: IF the ASSD sound-powered phone system is being used, THEN the headset may need to be removed to complete the following steps. All parties on the circuit should be informed. 1.16 PERFORM the following lineups: 1.16.1 PERFORM the following at MCC DGD:

1. PLACE NORMAULOCAL switch for DG CELL 4 EXHAUST FAN 2-VA-H-EF-DG, at Compt D59 (Row G3) in LOCAL.
2. PLACE START/STOP control switch in START for DG CELL 4 EXHAUST FAN 2-VA-H-EF-DG, at Compt D59 (Row G3).
3. PLACE SW TO JKT WTR CLR SPL Y ISOL VL V, 1-SW-V682, at Compt. EF7 (Row G2), in OFF.

IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 88 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS 1.16.2 TRIP the following breakers at 480V Substation E8:

                  - MCC 2XH breaker, at Compt AZ6 (Row 83)                      0
                  - MCC 1XK breaker, at Compt A03 (Row D2)                      .0
                  - MCC 2XM breaker, at Compt A07 (Row E2)                      0'
                  - MCC 2CB breaker, at Compt A09 (Row E4)                      0'
                  - EMERGENCY 120/208VAC DISTR PNL 2E8-HG3 breaker, at Compt A 12 (Row F3) 0 1.16.3     PERFORM the following at 480V Substation E8:
1. PLACE NORM/LOCAL switch in LOCAL at Compt FN2 (Row A1).
2. IF E8 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER at Compt AZ5 (Row 82) is open, THEN CLOSE E8 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER 0

using the local ASSD control switch on Compt FN2.

3. IF E8 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER was open and failed to close using the local ASSD control switch on Compt FN2, THEN PULL DOWN the E8 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER Manual Close Lever at Compt AZ5 to close the breaker.

(SOER 98-02) 1.17 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel Generator 4 is ready to be started. 1.18 WHEN directed, THEN START Diesel Generator 4 using the EMERGENCY START push button. o 1.19 WHEN the UNIT AVAILABLE RUNNING light illuminates, THEN INFORM the Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel Generator 4 is running. IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 89 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS 1.20 WHEN directed to close Diesel Generator 4 circuit breaker, THEN PERFORM the following: 1.20.1 PLACE SYNCHRONIZING GENERA TOR switch in ON. 1.20.2 CLOSE GENERA TOR CIRCUIT BREAKER for Diesel Generator 4. 1.20.3 PLACE SYNCHRONIZING GENERA TOR switch in OFF. 0' 1.20.4 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that GENERA TOR CIRCUIT BREAKER for DG 4 is closed. o 1.21 WHEN 2B NSW Pump starts AND the discharge valve opens, ,0' THEN CONFIRM service water pressure is greater than 25 psig on SW-PI-153-4 at Diesel Generator 4 control panel. 1.22 ESTABLISH communications using ASSD UNIT 2 TRAIN B SOUND POWERED PHONE CKT at Diesel Generator 2 control panel. NOTE: IF required to go off the headset, THEN all parties on the line should be informed. 1.23 REMOVE the sound-powered phone system headset AND o PERFORM the following: 1.23.1 PERFORM the following at MCC DGB:

1. PLACE NORMAULOCAL switch for DG CELL 2 EXHAUST o FAN, 2-VA-F-EF-DG, at Compt 099 (Row G3) in LOCAL.
2. PLACE START/STOP switch in START for DG CELL 2 o EXHAUST FAN, 2-VA-F-EF-DG, at Compt 099 (Row G3).
3. PLACE SW TO JKT WTR CLR SPL Y ISOL VL V, o 2-SW-V680, at Compt. EC3, (Row H2), in OFF.

IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 90 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS 1.23.2 TRIP the following breakers at 480V Substation E6:

                  - MCC 1XH breaker, at Compt AV5 (Row 83)                      D
                  - MCC 2XK breaker, at Compt AW1 (Row D2)                      D
                  - MCC 20G breaker, at Compt AW4 (Row E1)                      D
                  - MCC 1XM breaker, at Compt AW5 (Row E2)                      D
                  - MCC 1CB breaker, at Compt AW7 (Row E4)                      D
                  - EMERGENCY 120/208VAC DISTR PNL 1E6-HG3                      D breaker, at Compt AX3 (Row F3) 1.23.3     PERFORM the following at 480V Substation E6:
1. PLACE NORM/LOCAL switch in LOCAL at Compt FNO D (Row A1).
2. IF E6 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER at Compt AV4 (Row 82) D is open, THEN CLOSE E6 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER using the local ASSD control switch on Compt FNO.
3. IF E6 480V SUB MAIN BREAKER was open and failed to D close using the local ASSD control switch on Compt FNO, THEN PULL DOWN the E6 480V MAIN BREAKER Manual Close Lever at Compt AV4 to close the breaker.

(SOER 98-02) 1.24 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel Generator 2 D is ready to be started. 1.25 WHEN directed, THEN START Diesel Generator 2 using the D EMERGENCY START push button. 1.26 WHEN the UNIT AVAILABLE RUNNING light illuminates, THEN D INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator Diesel Generator 2 is running. IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 91 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS 1.27 WHEN directed to close Diesel Generator 2 circuit breaker, THEN PERFORM the following: 1.27.1 PLACE SYNCHRONIZING GENERA TOR switch in ON. o 1.27.2 CLOSE GENERA TOR CIRCUIT BREAKER. o 1.27.3 PLACE SYNCHRONIZING GENERA TOR switch in OFF. o 1.27.4 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel Generator 2 GENERA TOR CIRCUIT BREAKER is closed. o 1.28 IF NOT already performed, THEN INFORM the Unit seo that Unit 0 1 condensate pumps, condensate booster pumps, and reactor recirculation MG set drive breakers are tripped. 1.29 WHEN 1B NSW Pump starts AND the discharge valve opens, 0 THEN CONFIRM service water pressure on SW-PI-153-2, at Diesel Generator 2 control panel, is greater than 25 psig. NOTE: Service water pressure should be periodically monitored on SW-PI-153-2 and SW-PI-153-4 at Diesel Generator 2 and Diesel Generator 4 control panels while these diesels are operating. 1.30 REESTABLISH communications using ASSD UNIT 2 TRAIN B 0 SOUND POWERED PHONE CKT, located on Diesel Generator 2 control panel. IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 92 of 161 I

SECTION E DIESEL GENERATOR OPERATOR ACTIONS NOTE: Train B sound-powered phone communication is NOT available for operations at Diesel Generator 3 and Diesel Generator 1 control panels. The following steps will require removing the headset, performing the function, and returning to Diesel Generator 2 control panel for communication. IF required to go off the headset, THEN all parties on the line should be informed. 1.31 WHEN directed to remove Diesel Generator 3 from service, THEN PERFORM the following at Diesel Generator 3 control panel: 1.31.1 IF closed, THEN TRIP GENERA TOR CIRCUIT BREAKER. D 1.31.2 IF operating, THEN STOP Diesel Generator 3 using D EMERGENCY STOP push button. 1.31.3 PLACE the six NORMAULOCAL keylock switches in D LOCAL. 1.31.4 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel D Generator 3 is removed from service. 1.32 WHEN directed to remove Diesel Generator 1 from service, THEN PERFORM the following at Diesel Generator 1 control panel: 1.32.1 IF closed, THEN TRIP GENERATOR CIRCUIT BREAKER. D 1.32.2 IF operating, THEN STOP Diesel Generator 1 using D EMERGENCY STOP push button. 1.32.3 PLACE the six NORMAULOCAL keylock switches in D LOCAL. 1.32.4 INFORM Emergency Switchgear Operator that Diesel D Generator 1 is removed from service. 1.33 MONITOR diesel generator operation. D IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 93 of 161 I

SECTION E FIGURE 1 Diesel Generator Building Door Position For Diesel Cell Ventilation 105 110 111 112 EL. 23' on IOASSD-02 Rev. 43 Page 94 of 161 I

SECTION E FIGURE 2 Diesel Generator Building Access/Egress Routes and Sound-Powered Phone Communications NORTH

                                                                       ~       ....


         - - - - - - ACCESS/EGRESS       '\Y   PHONE JACK, TRAIN A{B)
                                         '\J'  PHONE JACK, UNIT 1 & 2 IOASSD.02                          Rev. 43                             Page 95 of 161 I


Control Room Evacuation lAW AOP-32, Placing the RHR Service Water System in Operation SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS:

1. Operating equipment and energized electrical equipment hazards.
2. Hearing protection is required in this area when equipment is operating.
3. Safety Glasses, Hard Hat, and approved footwear must be worn while in the area of this JPM.

EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to performer)

1. The applicable procedure section WILL be provided to the performer, once it is demonstrated he/she knows the correct procedure.
2. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained in NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the performer.

LOT-OJT-JP-302-E07 Page 2 of 9 Rev.04

Control Room Evacuation lAW AOP-32, Placing the RHR Service Water System in Operation Read the following to the JPM performer. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. The Shift Superintendent has made the determination that Control Room evacuation is required.
2. All immediate actions associated with AOP-32, Plant Shutdown from Outside Control Room, are complete.
3. Remote shutdown equipment has been distributed and communication between the Remote Shutdown Stations is established.
4. All NORMAL/LOCAL switches have been placed in LOCAL in accordance with Attachments 1 through 4, Remote Shutdown Panel Initial Switch Alignment.
5. The RHRSW System is accessible and in standby lAW OP-43.
6. Station 4 (Diesel Building Operator) is available for actions required by this procedure.
7. This JPM will be performed on Unit _ __

INITIATING CUE: You are directed by the Unit SCO to perform Station 2 (Reactor Building Operator) actions, including Remote Shutdown Panel (Station 1) actions, associated with placing the 'B' Loop RHRSW System in operation per OAOP-32, Step Inform the Unit SCO when all required actions have been completed. LOT-OJT-JP-302-E07 Page 3 of 9 Rev.04

Control Room Evacuation lAW AOP-32, Placing the RHR Service Water System in Operation PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Obtains copy of AOP-32 and determines starting point of Step Obtains copy of AOP-32. SAT/UNSAT* TIMESTART _ _ __ Step 2 - OPEN SW-V105, NUCLEAR SERVICE WATER SUPPLY VALVE, at MCC 1(2) XB Compartment DM1, Row H3. SW-V105 is opened.

                                                         **CRITICAL STEP**SAT/UNSAT*

Step 3 - CLOSE SW- 1, ELL WATER SUPPLY VALVE, at the Remote Shutdown Panel. SW-V141 is closed. SAT/UNSAT* Step 4 - CLOSE SW-V~ELL WATER SUPPLY VALVE, at the Remote Shutdown Panel. SW-V143 i~:W/fied closed. SAT/UNSAT* LOT-OJT-JP-302-E07 Page 4 of 9 Rev.04

Control Room Evacuation lAW AOP-32, Placing the RHR Service Water System in Operation Step 5 - OPEN or VERIFY OPEN E11-F002B, RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 'B' SERVICE WATER DISCHARGE VALVE, at MCC 1(2) XB Compartment DN9, Row G4. E11-F002B is verified opened. SAT/UNSAT* Step 6 - Contact Station 4 (Diesel Generator Operator) and direct starting both unit NSW pumps. Both affected unit NSW pumps are started.

                                                           **CRITICAL STEP**SAT/UNSAT*

Step 7 - Contact the Station 4 (Diesel Generator Operator) and direct starting the 'B' or '0' RHR Service Water Booster Pump. The B or D RHR SW Booster Pump is started.

                                                           **CRITICAL STEP**SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-OJT-J P-302-E07 Page 5 of 9 Rev.04

Control Room Evacuation lAW AOP-32, Placing the RHR Service Water System in Operation Step 8 - THROTTLE OPEN E11-F068B, RHR HEAT EXCHANGER 'B' SERVICE WATER DISCHARGE VALVE, at MCC 1(2) XB Compartment DN 1, Row K4, until amperage on the running RHR Service Water Booster Pump reaches 80 amps. E11-F0688 is throttled open until pump amperage reaches 80 amps.

                                                         **CRITICAL STEP**SAT/UNSAT*

Step 9 - OPEN SW-V117, NUCLEAR SERVICE WATER TO VITAL HEADER VALVE, at MCC 1(2) XB Compartment DP2, Row G2. SW-V117 is opened. SAT/UNSAT* Step 10 -Notify the Unit SCO that the RHR Service Water System is in operation. The Unit seo is notified. SAT/UNSAT* TIME COMPLETED _ _ _ __ LOT-OJT-JP-302-E07 Page 6 of9 Rev.04

Control Room Evacuation lAW AOP-32, Placing the RHR Service Water System in Operation LIST OF REFERENCES RELATED TASKS: 2006048504 Perform MCC Operator Actions For Placing Suppression Pool Cooling In Service Per ASSD-02 or AOP-32. KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: 295026 EA 1.01 4.1/4.1 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they apply to Suppression Pool High Water Temperature: Suppression Pool Cooling


AOP-32, Plant Shutdown from Outside Control Room - Rev 45 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: Equipment from the Remote Shutdown Equipment Locker. SAFETY FUNCTION (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2.): Safety Function 5 - Containment Integrity REASON FOR REVISION: Procedure changes. LOT-OJT-JP-302-E07 Page 7 of 9 Rev.04

Control Room Evacuation lAW AOP-32, Placing the RHR Service Water System in Operation Validated Time:~ Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate - Actual Unit: Setting: Control Room Simulator _ (Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs) Time Critical: Yes No ~ Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No ~ EVALUATION Performer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ JPM: Pass _ _ Fail _ _ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Performer Verify Procedure? Yes _ _ No _ __ (Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set) Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ _ __ LOT-OJT-JP-302-E07 Page 8 of 9 Rev.04


1. The Shift Superintendent has made the determination that Control Room evacuation is required.
2. All immediate actions associated with AOP-32, Plant Shutdown from Outside Control Room, are complete.
3. Remote shutdown equipment has been distributed and communication between the Remote Shutdown Stations is established.
4. All NORMAL/LOCAL switches have been placed in LOCAL in accordance with Attachments 1 through 4, Remote Shutdown Panel Initial Switch Alignment.
5. The RHRSW System is accessible and in standby lAW OP-43.
6. Station 4 (Diesel Building Operator) is available for actions required by this procedure.
7. This JPM will be performed on Unit _ __

INITIATING CUE: You are directed by the Unit SCO to perform Station 2 (Reactor Building Operator) actions, including Remote Shutdown Panel (Station 1) actions, associated with placing the 'B' Loop RHRSW System in operation per OAOP-32, Step Inform the Unit SCO when all required actions have been completed. Page 9 of 9

3.0 OPERATOR ACTIONS 3.2.11 PERFORM the following to place RHR loop B in Suppression Pool Cooling:

1. PERFORM the following to fill and vent RHR Loop B:
a. Station 2, ENSURE RHR PUMP BAND D SUPPRESSION POOL SUCTION VAL VE, E11-F020B, is open at MCC 1(2)XB. Compt ON6, Row G1.
b. Station 2, ENSURE RHR PUMP B SUPPRESSION POOL SUCTION VAL VE, E11-F004B, is open at MCC 1(2)XB Compt OK9, Row M 1.
c. Station 2, ENSURE RHR PUMP D SUPPRESSION POOL SUCTION VAL VE, E11-F004D, is open at MCC 1(2)XB Compt OLO, Row M3.
d. Station 3, ENSURE RHR loop B keep fill station is in service (located 50 foot EI.West).
e. Station 3, OPEN REACTOR VESSEL HEAD SPRAY VENT VALVE, E11-V85 (located at vessel head spray station 66' EI., West), until a solid stream of water is observed flowing from the vent line, THEN CLOSE the vent valve.
f. Station 3, OPEN LOOP B RHR SYSTEM HIGH POINT VENT VALVES, E11-V79 and E11-V80 (located RHR Hx Broom EI. 20', South), until a solid stream of water is flowing from the vent line, THEN CLOSE the vent valves.
2. PERFORM the following to place the RHR Service Water System in operation:
a. Station 2, OPEN NUCLEAR SERVICE WA TER 0 SUPPL Y VALVE, SW-V105, at MCC 1(2)XB Compt OM 1, Row H3.

IOAOP-32.0 Rev. 45 Page 15 of 721


b. Station 1, CLOSE the following valves:


d. Station 4, ENSURE both Nuclear Service Water Pumps to the affected unit are operating: I NSWPump Location 1A 4160 Bus E 1, AF9 D 1B 4160 Bus E2, AH6 D 2A 4160 Bus E3, AJ3 D 2B 4160 Bus E4, AL 1 D

RHRSWPump Location 1B 4160 Bus E4, AK9 D 10 4160 Bus E2, AH4 D 2B 4160 Bus E4, AK4 D 20 4160 Bus E2, AG8 D

f. Station 4, MONITOR the amperage on the Service D Water Booster Pump that was started.
g. Station 2, THROTTLE OPEN RHR HEA T D EXCHANGER B SERVICE WA TER DISCHARGE VALVE, E11-F068B, at MCC 1(2)XB Compt ON1, Row K4, until the amperage on the running RHR service water pump reaches 80 amps.

IOAOP-32.0 Rev. 45 Page 16 of 721



NOTE: Position indication for SW-V106 is located on MCC 1(2)XA Compt OE3, Row K3.

i. Station 3, IF necessary to increase flow, THEN THROTTLE SERVICE WATER TO RBCCW D

ISOLA TlON VAL VE, SW- V1 06, at MCC 1(2)XA Compt OH9, Row 11.

3. PERFORM the following to place the RHR System in operation:
a. Station 2, START B RHR ROOM COOLER FAN D at MCC 1(2)XB Compt 1-0P5(2-BV9), Row 02(C1).
b. Station 2, CLOSE RHR HEA T EXCHANGER B D INLET VALVE, E11-F047B, at MCC 1(2)XB Compt OM7, Row N2.
c. Station 2, CLOSE RHR HEA T EXCHANGER B D BYPASS VALVE, E11-F048B, at MCC 1(2)XB Compt OM8, Row N3.
d. Station 2, ENSURE RHR HEA T EXCHANGER B D OUTLET VALVE, E11-F003B, is open at MCC 1(2)XB Compt OK8, Row N1.

IOAOP-32.0 Rev. 45 Page 17 of 721


Determination of Correct Procedure Revision SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None. EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.
2. Obtain the most recent revision of OGP-02 for use during this JPM.
3. Prior to use, verify OGP-02 status as follows:
  • Hard copy procedure revision # matches Controlled Document List revision #.
  • Controlled Document Global Status indicates "ACTIVE".
  • Controlled Document Revision Status indicates "ISSUED".
4. Give student copy of verified OGP-02 for use during JPM.

Page 2 of 8

Determination of Correct Procedure Revision Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. Preparations for a reactor startup are in progress in accordance with OGP-01, "Pre-startup Checklist".
2. A working copy of OGP-02 has been issued for use during the startup.

INITIATING CUE: Per the guidance of RDC-NGGC-0002 Document Control Program, log into PASSPORT and verify the working copy of OGP-02 meets the requirements for use. Notify the Unit SRO of the status of the working copy of OGP-02. Page 3 of 8

Determination of Correct Procedure Revision PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Log into passport. Examinee logs into PASSPORT SATIUNSAT* Step 2 - Access controlled document screen for OGP-02. Examinee accesses controlled document screen for GP-02. SATIUNSAT* Step 3 - Check OGP-02 revision number documented in PASSPORT. Verify revision number on hard copy of OGP-02 matches the controlled document revision number documented in PASSPORT.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 4 - Check Controlled Document Global Status. Verify Controlled Document Global Status field in PASSPORT indicates ACTIVE. .

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT1UNSAT*

Step 5 - Check Controlled Document Revision Status. Verify Controlled Document Revision Status in PASSPORT indicates ISSUED.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT1UNSAT*

Page 4 of 8

Determination of Correct Procedure Revision

  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

Page 5 of 8

Determination of Correct Procedure Revision RELATED TASKS: KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: GEN 2.1.21 3.5/3.6 Verify controlled copy of procedure


RDC-NGGC-0002 Document Control Program PRO-NGGC-0200 Procedure Use and Adherence TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None. ADMINISTRATIVE CATEGORY (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2, Supp. 1.): Admin - Conduct of Operations Page 6 of 8

Determination of Correct Procedure Revision Time Required for Completion: --.1Q.... Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate ~ Actual Unit: Setting: Control Room Simulator__ (Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs) Time Critical: Yes No is Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No is EVALUATION Trainee:

        --------------------------- SSN: ----------------

JPM: Pass Fail _ _ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure as Authorized Copy?: Yes No _ __ (Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set.) Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: _______________ Date: _ _ _ __ Page 7 of 8


1. Preparations for a reactor startup are in progress in accordance with OGP-01, "Pre-startup Checklist".
2. A working copy of OGP-02 has been issued for use during the startup.

INITIATING CUE: Per the guidance of RDC-NGGC-0002 Document Control Program, log into PASSPORT and verify the working copy of OGP-02 meets the requirements for use. Notify the Unit SRO of the status of the working copy of OGP-02. Page 8 of 8


Determination of Correct Procedure Revision SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None. EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.
2. Obtain the most recent revision of OGP-02 for use during this JPM.
3. Prior to use, verify OGP-02 status as follows:
  • Hard copy procedure revision # matches Controlled Document List revision #.
  • Controlled Document Global Status indicates "ACTIVE".
  • Controlled Document Revision Status indicates "ISSUED".
4. Give student copy of verified OGP-02 for use during JPM.

Page 2 of 8

Determination of Correct Procedure Revision Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. Preparations for a reactor startup are in progress in accordance with OGP-01, "Pre-startup Checklist".
2. A working copy of OGP-02 has been issued for use during the startup.

INITIATING CUE: Per the guidance of RDC-NGGC-0002 Document Control Program, log into PASSPORT and verify the working copy of OGP-02 meets the requirements for use. Notify the Unit SRO of the status of the working copy of OGP-02. Page 3 of 8

Determination of Correct Procedure Revision PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Log into passport. Examinee logs into PASSPORT SAT/UNSAT* Step 2 - Access controlled document screen for OGP-02. Examinee accesses controlled document screen for GP-02. SAT/UNSAT* Step 3 - Check OGP-02 revision number documented in PASSPORT. Verify revision number on hard copy of OGP-02 matches the controlled document revision number documented in PASSPORT.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 4 - Check Controlled Document Global Status. Verify Controlled Document Global Status field in PASSPORT indicates ACTIVE.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 5 - Check Controlled Document Revision Status. Verify Controlled Document Revision Status in PASSPORT indicates ISSUED.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Page 4 of 8

Determination of Correct Procedure Revision

  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

Page 5 of 8

Determination of Correct Procedure Revision RELATED TASKS: KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: GEN 2.1.21 3.5/3.6 Verify controlled copy of procedure


RDC-NGGC-0002 Document Control Program PRO-NGGC-0200 Procedure Use and Adherence TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None. ADMINISTRATIVE CATEGORY (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2, Supp. 1.): Admin - Conduct of Operations Page 6 of 8

Determination of Correct Procedure Revision Time Required for Completion: --1JL Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate 0 Actual Unit: Setting: Control Room Simulator__ (Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs) Time Critical: Yes No ~ Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No 0 EVALUATION Trainee:

        -------------------------- SSN:

JPM: Pass _ _ Fail _ _ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure as Authorized Copy?: Yes _ _ No _____ (Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set.) Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: Date:--------- Page 7 of 8


1. Preparations for a reactor startup are in progress in accordance with OGP-01, "Pre-startup Checklist".
2. A working copy of OGP-02 has been issued for use during the startup.

INITIATING CUE: Per the guidance of RDC-NGGC-0002 Document Control Program, log into PASSPORT and verify the working copy of OGP-02 meets the requirements for use. Notify the Unit SRO of the status of the working copy of OGP-02. Page 8 of 8

I Information Use NUCLEAR GENERATION GROUP STANDARD PROCEDURE VOLUME 99 BOOK/PART 99 RDC-NGGC-0002 Document Control Program REVISION 17 \ RDC-NGGC-0002 Rev. 17 Page 1 of 38\

3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.6 Controlled Document List A web based application within PassPort Web Tools that allows users to obtain a list of active PassPort controlled documents and pertinent PassPort document information to support the Verify Working Document program. 3.7 Controlled Document Revision Status Codes A status indicator within the Document Management module that applies to each revision of the parent Controlled Document and utilized by site personnel as the bases, in conjunction with the parent Controlled Document Global Status Codes, for determining document use limitations as stipulated in Section 9.8. 3.8 Copyholder/Sender Identification Record The facility-specific name, notification 10 (valid PassPort Identification), and optional information such as job title, location, telephone number, for each individual who will be sending or receiving information related to Controlled Documents via the Document Management System. 3.9 Document Management Administrator Site-specific personnel responsible for providing overall Document Management program administration and troubleshooting of the PassPort Document Management module. 3.10 Document Management System A module within the PassPort System that provides for the distribution and control of Controlled Documents and indexing and dissemination of controlled document information. 3.11 Document Owner Organization The entity responsible for preparing, revising, reviewing, approving, and completing a Master Controlled Document and submitting it to Document Services for processing. 3.12 "Electronic Controlled" Copy A Controlled Document in an electronic format within the Document Management system. 3.13 Engineering Change System A module within the Passport System that provides revision tracking of Engineering Changes specifically related to each facility. 1 RDC-NGGC-0002 Rev. 17 Page 6 of 381

9.0 INSTRUCTIONS 9.9 Verifying Working Copies The following requirements are established to ensure individuals are aware of and use current, up-to-date, and appropriate Controlled Document information in the performance of Activities Affecting Quality. 9.9.1 Site personnel shall perform Activities Affecting Quality using "Working Copies." Authorized exceptions are:

1. "Working Copies" are not required for emergency activities.
2. During site emergencies, emergency drills, or emergency conditions which could affect safe plant operations, "Controlled" Distribution Copies may be used by Emergency Response personnel and do not require verification. After the emergency, emergency drill, or emergency condition is terminated; copyholders shall replenish "Controlled" Distribution Copies as required.

9.9.2 The Document Management System and/or the Controlled Document List shall be used to verify current revision, Controlled Document Global Status, and Pending Changes prior to use. Authorized exceptions are:

1. Verification of Pending Changes is not required when the Controlled Document Global Status in the Document Management module or the Controlled Document list is "ACTIVE" AND the Controlled Document Revision Status is "ISSUED."
2. Documents defined in Step 9.8.4.
3. Documents used in activities defined as exceptions in Step 9.9.1 by Emergency Response Organization Personnel.
4. Interim approved Temporary Changes to procedures prior to processing by Document Services on the next working day.

9.9.3 The Engineering Change module shall be used to verify pending change statuses. 9.9.4 If the Document Management System is not available, "Controlled" distribution copies shall be used from Vital File Locations, and verification of Pending Changes shall be accomplished utilizing a list distributed weekly by Document Services to applicable locations. Those documents defined in Step 9.8.4 do not require verification. I RDC-NGGC-0002 Rev. 17 Page 25 of 38 I

9.0 INSTRUCTIONS 9.9.5 Pending Changes that impact the activity may be attached to the "Working Copy." Pending Changes with statuses as defined below shall be reviewed to determine the impact on performance of Activities Affecting quality:

1. "ACTIVE" indicates that implementation activities for an EC have started, implementation activities required for turnover to Operations may be complete, but plant equipment has not been returned to service.
2. "ACTIVE-R" indicates implementation activities for a temporary EC have started, removal activities required for turnover to Operations may be complete, but plant equipment has not been returned to service.
3. "CLOSED" indicates that an EC has been fully implemented, turnover to Operations is complete, plant equipment has been returned to service, and administrative requirements are complete.
4. "INSTALLD" indicates a temporary EC where installation activities required for turnover are complete, turnover to Operations is complete, and plant equipment has been returned to service.
5. "MODIFIED" indicates that EC installation activities required for turnover are complete, turnover to Operations is complete, and plant equipment has been returned to service.

9.9.6 "Working Copies" are valid for seven calendar days. However, "Working Copies" may be re-verified at anytime and re-verification is recommended on a daily basis. Evidence of verification may be documented with signature (or initials) and current date. 9.9.7 During verification, if any discrepancy is noted, immediately contact Document Services for resolution. 1 RDC-NGGC-0002 Rev. 17 Page 26 of 381




Response to Dosimeter Alarms SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None. EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.
2. This JPM is written to be administered with the examinee already logged on to an RWP and inside the RCA.
3. Prior to administering this JPM, the evaluator must document the following information from the candidates RWP
  • Dose rate alarm setting mr/hr
  • Total dose alarm setting mrem
4. If this JPM is being administered with a set of JPMs within the RCA, administer it as the last JPM of the set.

Page 2 REV. 0

Response to Dosimeter Alarms Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS: Unit Two is operating at rated power. The following annunciator is received in the control room: CRD ACCUM LO PRESS/HI LEVEL A-07(6-1) INITIATING CUE: As the RB operator, you are directed by the Unit RO to investigate the cause of the alarm at the local CRD HCU Panel. Page 3 REV. 0

Response to Dosimeter Alarms PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Respond to request and commence transit to Unit Two RB 20ft. elevation. Operator responds to request and heads towards U/2 RB 20 ft. SATIUNSAT* Step 2.- Check dosimeter for alarm status. Operator checks dosimeter for alarm conditions. SAT/UNSAT* Step 3 - Commence transit to immediately exit the RCA. Operator immediately commences exit of the RCA.

                                                        ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 4 - Contact Health Physics. Examinee exits the RCA and contacts Health Physics.

                                                       ** CRITICAL STEP **   SATIUNSAT*

Page 4 REV. 0

Response to Dosimeter Alarms Step 5 - Ask the examinee what the "dose rate" alarm setpoint is for the applicable RWP? Without referring to the RWP, examinee states that the dose rate alarm setpoint is

         - - - mremlhr.
                                                      ** CRITICAL STEP **        SAT/UNSAT Step 6 - Ask the examinee what the "total dose" alarm setpoint is for the applicable RWP?

Without referring to the RWP, examinee states that the "total dose" alarm setpoint is mrem.

                                                      ** CRITICAL STEP **        SAT/UNSAT
  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

Page 5 REV. 0

Response to Dosimeter Alarms RELATED TASKS: KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: GEN 2.3.7 3.5/3.6 Ability to comply with radiation work permit requirements during normal and abnormal conditions.


TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None. ADMINISTRATIVE CATEGORY (from NUREG 1123, Rev. 2, Supp.1): Admin - Radiation Control Page 6 REV. 0

Response to Dosimeter Alarms Time Required for Completion: ~ Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate 0 Actual Unit: Setting: Control Room Simulator__ ( Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs ) Time Critical: Yes No 0 Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No 0 EVALUATION Trainee:

        -------------------------- SSN:

JPM: Pass _ _ Fail _ _ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure Current?: Yes No _--_ Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: _________________________ Date: _________ Page 7 REV. 0

TASK CONDITIONS: Unit Two is operating at rated power. The following annunciator is received in the control room: CRD ACCUM LO PRESS/HI LEVEL A-07(6-1) INITIATING CUE: As the RB operator, you are directed by the Unit RO to investigate the cause of the alarm at the local CRD HCU Panel. Page 8 REV. 0


Response to Dosimeter Alarms SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None.

                                            -              71 FREHlfE EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)
1. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.
2. This JPM is written to be administered with the examinee already logged on to an RWP and inside the RCA.
3. Prior to administering this JPM, the evaluator must document the following information from the candidates RWP
  • Dose rate alarm setting mr/hr
  • Total dose alarm setting mrem
4. If this JPM is being administered with a set of JPMs within the RCA, administer it as the last JPM of the set.

Page 2 REV. 0

Response to Dosimeter Alarms Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS: Unit Two is operating at rated power. The following annunciator is received in the control room: CRD ACCUM LO PRESS/HI LEVEL A-07(6-1) INITIATING CUE: As the RB operator, you are directed by the Unit RO to investigate the cause of the alarm at the local CRD HCU Panel. Page 3 REV. 0

Response to Dosimeter Alarms PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Respond to request and commence transit to Unit Two RB 20ft. elevation. Operator responds to request and heads towards U/2 RB 20 ft. SAT/UNSAT* Step 2 - Check dosimeter for alarm status. Operator checks dosimeter for alarm conditions. SATIUNSAT* Step 3 - Commence transit to immediately exit the RCA. Operator immediately commences exit of the RCA.

                                                        ** CRITICAL STEP **  SATIUNSAT*

Step 4 - Contact Health Physics. Examinee exits the RCA and contacts Health Physics.

                                                       ** CRITICAL STEP **   SAT/UNSAT*

Page 4 REV. 0

Response to Dosimeter Alarms Step 5 - Ask the examinee what the "dose rate" alarm setpoint is for the applicable RWP? Without referring to the RWP, examinee states that the dose rate alarm setpoint is

         - - - mremlhr.
                                                      ** CRITICAL STEP **        SAT/UNSAT Step 6 - Ask the examinee what the "total dose" alarm setpoint is for the applicable RWP?

Without referring to the RWP, examinee states that the "total dose" alarm setpoint is mrem.

                                                      ** CRITICAL STEP **        SATIUNSAT
  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

Page 5 REV. 0

Response to Dosimeter Alarms RELATED TASKS: KiA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: GEN 2.3.7 3.5/3.6 Ability to comply with radiation work permit requirements during normal and abnormal conditions.


TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None. ADMINISTRATIVE CATEGORY (from NUREG 1123, Rev. 2, Supp.1): Admin - Radiation Control Page 6 REV. 0

Response to Dosimeter Alarms Time Required for Completion: ~ Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate Actual Unit: Setting: Control Room Simulator__ ( Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs ) Time Critical: Yes No 0 Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No 0 EVALUATION Trainee:

        -------------------------- SSN:

JPM: Pass - - Fail -- Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure Current?: Yes No ____ Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: Date: --------- Page 7 REV. 0

TASK CONDITIONS: Unit Two is operating at rated power. The following annunciator is received in the control room: CRD ACCUM LO PRESS/HI LEVEL A-07(6-1) INITIATING CUE: As the RB operator, you are directed by the Unit RO to investigate the cause of the alarm at the local CRD HCU Panel. Page 8 REV. 0

Dosimetry Section VI Objectives ED-01 State the purpose of dosimetry. ED-02 List the types of radiation detected by thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) and electronic dosimeters (EDs). ED-03 Identify how to wear dosimetry devices properly including placement and orientation. ED-04 Identify the modes, methods, and frequency for operating and reading EDs. ED-OS Identify how dosimetry is issued and returned. ED-06 State the action(s) to be taken if a dosimeter is lost, damaged, or alarming. Purpose and Characteristics (ED-01, 02) Dosimeters are used as a tool to monitor and control personnel radiation exposures during work inside Radiation Control Areas. There are two basic types of dosimeters issued, the thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) and the Electronic Dosimeter (ED). EDs provide you with an approximation of dose received, while TLDs are used to record your permanent occupational external dose record. Characteristics of the TLD and ED TLD ED Passive MonitorinQ Active Monitoring Requires Processing Direct Reading of Dose Estimate Measure Dose Only Measures Dose and Dose Rate Detects Beta, Gamma, Neutron Detects Gamma Only No Alarms Dose and Dose Rate Alarms ED accumulated dose and area dose rate alarm set-points will be established by RC personnel for each Radiation Work PermiUALARA Task. Alarm set-points are determined during RWP development, and will be based on anticipated radiological conditions, average time of RCA entry, maximum expected dose per RCA entry, and ALARA considerations. The goal in establishing the ED accumulated dose alarm is to alert personnel and prevent them from exceeding an Administrative Dose Limit. You should pre-plan your work activities; allowing yourself enough time to exit the area before the ED alarms. If your ED alarms for DOSE, you should immediately place the work area in a safe condition, promptly exit the work area, and contact RC. RC supervision is notified of all accumulated dose alarms. RC supervisor concurrence is required prior to continuing work. The ED dose rate alarm set-point is typically set at, or near, the maximum anticipated work area dose rates. High dose rates that may be encountered during transit to the work area, or for short periods of time during the work activity, may be excluded if these alarm conditions are discussed with workers during the RC briefing. If the ED alarms for DOSE RATE, the response should be based on the type of dose rate alarm: Unanticipated Dose Rate Alarm - Place the work in a safe condition, promptly exit the work area, and contact RC. Anticipated Dose Rate Alarm - If the alarm is outside RC briefing conditions, immediately place the work in a safe condition, promptly exit the work area, and contact RC. If the cause of the dose rate alarm is known and has been addressed; RC may authorize the work to continue. If the cause of the dose rate alarm is unknown, or has not been addressed, RC supervisor concurrence is required prior to continuing work. GET SSG 76 Rev. 17 (08/28/08)

Wearing Dosimetry (ED-03) THE TLD AND ED SHOULD BE WORN IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EACH OTHER, ON THE UPPER FRONT PORTION OF THE BODY (BETWEEN THE NECK AND WAIST). The ED should be worn with the clip toward the body (this ensures the ED detector faces away from the body) and the TLD Beta window should be facing away from the body. Additional or special dosimetry may be required for certain jobs where dose rates to areas of the body are higher than those to the chest region. Typical placements for additional whole-body dose include the head, back, and thigh. For extremity dose considerations, the wrists or ankles may have special dosimetry attached. If you are required to wear any special dosimetry, RC will provide you with instructions. USE OF DOSIMETRY (ED-04) Electronic Dosimeters operate in two modes; dose and dose rate

  • The DOSE mode provides a read-out of estimated dose in units of mrem.
  • The DOSE RATE mode provides a read-out of the current dose rate in units of mrem/hr.
  • The ED should never be removed from the body and should never be used as a survey meter. It should be kept near the body at all times.
  • EDs will alarm if a preset dose or dose rate is exceeded. The LED on the dosimeter will remain illuminated when the dosimeter is alarming. It is still important, however, to track on-the-job dose by periodically checking your dosimeter readings (once or twice per hour in a radiation area and every 15 minutes in a posted high radiation area). The ED has a continuous display for Dose; however, you can toggle between dose and dose rate readings by depressing the button located on the front of the dosimeter. Use the alarms as a backup only.
  • There is also an alarm that will sound on your ED if the battery requires recharging/ replacement.

This alarm is not associated with your dose or dose rate requirements for your RWP; however, it is still important that you exit the area when this alarm sounds. It is your responsibility to monitor your own radiation exposure while performing a task in a radiation area. The ED provides the best method to perform this responsibility. Workers should never tamper with their dosimeters. Failure to comply with the dosimetry requirements may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. GET SSG 77 Rev. 17 (08/28/08)


Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None. EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.
2. The trainee will need a calculator to perform this JPM.
3. The trainee will be given a copy of OPT-16.2 with the first column of FIGURE 1 readings complete, as documented in the JPM, and the cover page initial information complete.

LOT-OJT-J P-201-D09 Page 2 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. Drywell air RTDs CAC-TE-1258-8, CAC-TE-1258-18 and CAC-TE-1258-23 are inoperable due to erratic indication.
2. An LCO has been established that requires the performance of OPT-16.2, Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature, once per 24 hours.
3. OPT-16.2 FIGURE 1 readings have been recorded on FIGURE 1.
4. The CAC-TY-4426-1 and 2 Microprocessors could not be physically accessed to work in the back panel area.
5. The Process Computer is not available due to maintenance activities.
6. ERFIS is temporarily off-line.
7. This is the 15th day of the month.

INITIATING CUE: You have been directed by the Unit SCO to complete the performance of OPT-16.2, Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature, using the readings documented in Figure 1. Report the results of the surveillance to him upon completion of the test. You have been granted permission by the Unit SCO to perform this test. LOT-OJT-JP-20 1-D09 Page 3 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Transfer appropriate FIGURE 1 readings into step 7.2.1 FIGURE 1 readings transferred into step 7.2.1. No reading transferred for 4426-2A Channel 3 due to inoperabi/ity. SATIUNSAT* Step 2 - Add step 7.2.1 readings and record in step 7.2.2 198 and 215 added totaling 413 and documented in step 7.2.2 SAT/UNSAT* Step 3 - Divide total obtained in step 7.2.2 by the number of temperatures used 413 divided by 2 equaling 206.5 and documented in step 7.2.3

                                                         **CRITICAL STEP** SATIUNSAT*

Step 4 - Transfer appropriate FIGURE 1 readings into step 7.3.1 FIGURE 1 readings transferred into step 7.3.1. SAT/UNSAT* Step 5 - Add step 7.3.1 readings and record in step 7.3.2 168, 157 and 154 added totaling 479 and documented in step 7.3.2 SAT/UNSAT* LOT-OJT-J P-201-D09 Page 4 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature Step 6 - Divide total obtained in step 7.3.2 by the number of temperatures used 479 divided by 3 equaling 159.7 and documented in step 7.3.3

                                                          **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 7 - Transfer appropriate FIGURE 1 readings into step 7.4.1 FIGURE 1 readings transferred into step 7.4. 1. No reading transferred for 4426-28 Channel 4 due to inoperability. SAT/UNSAT* Step 8 - Add step 7.4.1 readings and record in step 7.4.2 133,128 and 130 added totaling 391 and documented in step 7.4.2 SAT/UNSAT* Step 9 - Divide total obtained in step 7.4.2 by the number of temperatures used 391 divided by 3 equaling 130.3 and documented in step 7.4.3

                                                          **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 10 - Transfer appropriate FIGURE 1 readings into step 7.5.1 FIGURE 1 readings transferred into step 7.5. 1. SAT/UNSAT* LOT-OJT-JP-20 1-D09 Page 5 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature Step 11 - Add step 7.5.1 readings and record in step 7.5.2 125, 120 and 117 added totaling 362 and documented in step 7.5.2 SATIUNSAT* Step 12 - Divide total obtained in step 7.5.2 by the number of temperatures used 362 divided by 3 equaling 120.7 and documented in step 7.5.3

                                                          **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 13 - Transfer appropriate FIGURE 1 readings into step 7.6.1 FIGURE 1 readings transferred into step 7.6.1. No reading transferred for 4426-1A Channel 6 due to inoperability. SATIUNSAT* Step 14 - Add step 7.6.1 readings and record in step 7.6.2 103, 97 and 98 added totaling 298 and documented in step 7.6.2 SAT/UNSAT* Step 15 - Divide total obtained in step 7.6.2 by the number of temperatures used 298 divided by 3 equaling 99.3 and documented in step 7.6.3

                                                          **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-OJT-JP-201-D09 Page 6 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature Step 16 - Transfer average readings documented in steps 7.2.3,7.3.3,7.4.3,7.5.3 and 7.6.3 into step 7.7.1 206.5, 159.7, 130.3,120.7 and 99.3 transferred into step 7.7.1 SAT/UNSAT* Step 17 - Multiply each reading in 7.7.1 by the designated factor and document in step 7.7.1 10.3, 14.4, 52.1, 45.9, and 7.9 documented in step 7.7.1

                                                           **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAr Step 18 - Add weighted averages in step 7.7.1 and document as TOTAL in step 10.3, 14.4, 52.1, 45.9 and 7.9 added totaling 130.6 and documented in step 7.7.1
                                                           **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAr Step 19 - Record computer point C074 value in step 7.7.2 Step 7.7.2 marked NIA due to unavailability SAT/UNSAr Step 20 - Perform steps 7.7.3 and 7.7.4 Step 7.7.3 and 7.7.4 marked NIA (not required)

SATIUNSAT* LOT-OJT-JP-201-D09 Page 7 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature Step 21 - Perform step 7.7.5 Cover page information verified complete SATIUNSAT* Step 22 - Perform step 7.7.6 Unit SCQ notified test is complete and SA T SATIUNSAT*

  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

LOT-OJT-JP-201-D09 Page 8 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature LIST OF REFERENCES RELATED TASKS: 223*206*81 *01 KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: GEN 2.2.12 3.7/4.1 Knowledge of Surveillance Procedures


OPT-16.2 Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: Calculator ADMINISTRATIVE CATEGORY (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2. Supplement 1): Admin - Equipment Control LOT-OJT-JP-201-D09 Page 9 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature Time Required for Completion: ~ Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate 0 Actual Unit: 2 Setting: Control Room Simulator__ (Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs) Time Critical: Yes No 0 Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No 0 EVALUATION Trainee: _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - JPM: Pass _ _ Fail _ _ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure as Authorized Copy?: Yes _ _ No _ __ (Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set.) Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: Date: _ _ _ __ LOT-OJT-JP-201-D09 Page 10 of 11


1. Drywell air RTDs CAC-TE-1258-8, CAC-TE-1258-18 and CAC-TE-1258-23 are inoperable due to erratic indication.
2. An LCO has been established that requires the performance of OPT-16.2, Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature, once per 24 hours.
3. OPT-16.2 FIGURE 1 readings have been recorded on FIGURE 1.
4. The CAC-TY-4426-1 and 2 Microprocessors could not be physically accessed to work in the back panel area.
5. The Process Computer is not available due to maintenance activities.
6. ERFIS is temporarily off-line.
7. This is the 15th day of the month.

INITIATING CUE: You have been directed by the Unit SCO to complete the performance of OPT-16.2, Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature, using the readings documented in Figure 1. . Report the results of the surveillance to him upon completion of the test. You have been granted permission by the Unit SCO to perform this test. LOT-OJT-JP-201-D09 Page 11 of 11


Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None. EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.
2. The trainee will need a calculator to perform this JPM.
3. The trainee will be given a copy of OPT-16.2 with the first column of FIGURE 1 readings complete, as documented in the JPM, and the cover page initial information complete.

LOT-OJT-JP-201-D09 Page 2 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. Drywell air RTDs CAC-TE-1258-8, CAC-TE-1258-18 and CAC-TE-1258-23 are inoperable due to erratic indication.
2. An LCO has been established that requires the performance of OPT-16.2, Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature, once per 24 hours.
3. OPT-16.2 FIGURE 1 readings have been recorded on FIGURE 1.
4. The CAC-TY-4426-1 and 2 Microprocessors could not be physically accessed to work in the back panel area.
5. The Process Computer is not available due to maintenance activities.
6. ERFIS is temporarily off-line.
7. This is the 15th day of the month.

INITIATING CUE: You have been directed by the Unit SCO to complete the performance of OPT-16.2, Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature, using the readings documented in Figure 1. Report the results of the surveillance to him upon completion of the test. You have been granted permission by the Unit SCO to perform this test. LOT-OJT-JP-201-D09 Page 3 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Transfer appropriate FIGURE 1 readings into step 7.2.1 FIGURE 1 readings transferred into step 7.2.1. No reading transferred for 4426-2A Channel 3 due to in operability. SATIUNSAT* Step 2 - Add step 7.2.1 readings and record in step 7.2.2 198 and 215 added totaling 413 and documented in step 7.2.2 SAT/UNSAT* Step 3 - Divide total obtained in step 7.2.2 by the number of temperatures used 413 divided by 2 equaling 206.5 and documented in step 7.2.3

                                                         **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 4 - Transfer appropriate FIGURE 1 readings into step 7.3.1 FIGURE 1 readings transferred into step 7.3.1. SAT/UNSAT* Step 5 - Add step 7.3.1 readings and record in step 7.3.2 168, 157 and 154 added totaling 479 and documented in step 7.3.2 SATIUNSAT* LOT-OJT-JP-201-D09 Page 4 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature Step 6 - Divide total obtained in step 7.3.2 by the number of temperatures used 479 divided by 3 equaling 159.7 and documented in step 7.3.3

                                                          **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 7 - Transfer appropriate FIGURE 1 readings into step 7.4.1 FIGURE 1 readings transferred into step 7.4.1. No reading transferred for 4426-28 Channel 4 due to inoperability. SAT/UNSAT* Step 8 - Add step 7.4.1 readings and record in step 7.4.2 133,128 and 130 added totaling 391 and documented in step 7.4.2 SATIUNSAT* Step 9 - Divide total obtained in step 7.4.2 by the number of temperatures used 391 divided by 3 equaling 130.3 and documented in step 7.4.3

                                                          **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 10 - Transfer appropriate FIGURE 1 readings into step 7.5.1 FIGURE 1 readings transferred into step 7.5. 1. SAT/UNSAT* LOT-OJT-JP-201-D09 Page 5 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature Step 11 - Add step 7.5.1 readings and record in step 7.5.2 125, 120 and 117 added totaling 362 and documented in step 7.5.2 SAT/UNSAT* Step 12 - Divide total obtained in step 7.5.2 by the number of temperatures used 362 divided by 3 equaling 120.7 and documented in step 7.5.3

                                                          **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 13 - Transfer appropriate FIGURE 1 readings into step 7.6.1 FIGURE 1 readings transferred into step 7.6.1. No reading transferred for 4426-1A Channel 6 due to inoperability. SAT/UNSAT* Step 14 - Add step 7.6.1 readings and record in step 7.6.2 103, 97 and 98 added totaling 298 and documented in step 7.6.2 SAT/UNSAT* Step 15 - Divide total obtained in step 7.6.2 by the number of temperatures used 298 divided by 3 equaling 99.3 and documented in step 7.6.3

                                                          **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-OJT-JP-201-D09 Page 6 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature Step 16 - Transfer average readings documented in steps 7.2.3,7.3.3,7.4.3,7.5.3 and 7.6.3 into step 7.7.1 206.5, 159.7, 130.3, 120.7 and 99.3 transferred into step 7.7.1 SAT/UNSAT* Step 17 - Multiply each reading in 7.7.1 by the designated factor and document in step 7.7.1 10.3, 14.4, 52.1, 45.9, and 7.9 documented in step 7.7.1

                                                           **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 18 - Add weighted averages in step 7.7.1 and document as TOTAL in step 10.3, 14.4, 52.1, 45.9 and 7.9 added totaling 130.6 and documented in step 7.7.1

                                                           **CRITICAL STEP** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 19 - Record computer point C074 value in step 7.7.2 Step 7.7.2 marked NIA due to unavailability SAT/UNSAT* Step 20 - Perform steps 7.7.3 and 7.7.4 Step 7.7.3 and 7.7.4 marked NIA (not required) SAT/UNSAT* LOT-OJT-J P-20 1-009 Page 7 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature Step 21 - Perform step 7.7.5 Cover page information verified complete SAT/UNSAT* Step 22 - Perform step 7.7.6 Unit SCO notified test is complete and SA T SAT/UNSAT*

  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

LOT-OJT-JP-201-D09 Page 8 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature LIST OF REFERENCES RELATED TASKS: 223*206*81 *01 KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: GEN 2.2.12 3.7/4.1 Knowledge of Surveillance Procedures


OPT-16.2 Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: Calculator ADMINISTRATIVE CATEGORY (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2. Supplement 1): Admin - Equipment Control LOT-OJT-J P-201-D09 Page 9 of 11

Determination of Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature Time Required for Completion: ~ Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate Actual Unit: 2 Setting: Control Room Simulator__ (Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs) Time Critical: Yes No (5 Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No (5 EVALUATION Trainee: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ JPM: Pass _ _ Fail Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Yes _ _ No _ __ Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: Date: _ _ _ __ LOT-OJT-JP-201-D09 Page 10 of 11


1. Drywell air RTDs CAC-TE-1258-8, CAC-TE-1258-18 and CAC-TE-1258-23 are inoperable due to erratic indication.
2. An LCO has been established that requires the performance of OPT-16.2, Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature, once per 24 hours.
3. OPT-16.2 FIGURE 1 readings have been recorded on FIGURE 1.
4. The CAC-TY-4426-1 and 2 Microprocessors could not be physically accessed to work in the back panel area.
5. The Process Computer is not available due to maintenance activities.
6. ERFIS is temporarily off-line.
7. This is the 15th day of the month.

INITIATING CUE: You have been directed by the Unit SCO to complete the performance of OPT-16.2, Drywell Volumetric Average Temperature, using the readings documented in Figure 1. Report the results of the surveillance to him upon completion of the test. You have been granted permission by the Unit SCO to perform this test. LOT-OJT-JP-201-D09 Page 11 of 11

BRUNSWICK NUCLEAR PLANT c Continuous Use DATE COMPLETED _...,..-_ _ _ _----:,.......-::;:-:-_ FREQUENCY: UNIT ~ % PWR , 00 GMWE q.c.g Once every 24 hours when at least one SPTMS SUPERVISOR.r~ A& l E air RTD is inoperable in each division of SPTMS REASON FOR TEST (check one or more): and the unit is in Mode 1, 2, or 3. _ Routine surveillance _ WO # _ _ _ _----:.-_ _ _ _-:--_

~ Other (explain) lCD lJ) .. ,lHy""' .....




1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 This test is performed to determine the operability of the drywell in conformance with the requirements specified in Technical Specification SR 1.2 This test involves averaging air temperatures within the drywell.


2.1 Technical Specifications 2.2 FSAR, Section 6.2 2.3 System Description SD-24, Containment Atmosphere Control System 2.4 EER 93-578 (SPTMS Air RTD Divisions/Channels Defined) 2.5 2SP-95-208, Temperature Measurement for SPTMS RTD 2.6 ESR 98-00387, Rev. 0, TS Change to Containment/Drywell Air Temperature Requirements 3.0 PREREQUISITES None Applicable 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS None Applicable 5.0 SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Calculator 6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA This test may be considered satisfactory when the drywell volumetric average temperature is less than or equal to 150°F. IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 2 of 121

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.1 OBTAIN permission from Unit Senior Control Operator (SCO) to perform this test. NOTE: Figure 1 may be used as a worksheet but is NOT required to be retained with this PT. NOTE: All temperatures used in this procedure should be rounded off to the nearest tenth of a degree. NOTE: Primary containment temperatures may be obtained from the CAC-TY-4426-1 (2) microprocessor per OP-24, Operator Interface With The SPTMS Microprocessors, from the recorders in the Control Room, from ERFIS display screens 740 and 745 of the Validation Menu; or as a backup method, the designated process computer points may be used. Microprocessor point values may also be obtained by I&C manually taking temperature measurements of SPTMS RTDs. NOTE: Technical Specifications requires at least one operable temperature detector in each channel for each location. \ OPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 3 of 12\

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.2 90' Elevation And Above 7.2.1 OBTAIN drywell temperature for the locations listed below AND RECORD in the spaces provided. Recorder/ERFIS Display SPTMS CHAN PPC 4426-2A Channel 3 - - - (5823) II N/A 4426-2A Channel 4 _ __ (5824) -I-q 7"1""""9) II N/A 4426-1A Channel 4 _ __ (5822) G{\ c;' I N/A 7.2.2 ADD the recorded temperatures AND RECORD the total in the following space: _ _ _ _ _ _.,---_ _ _ - Recorder/ERFIS display total _ _ _ _ _ _4'--'i_'~"--j___ - SPTMS total 7.2.3 DIVIDE the total by the number of temperatures used to obtain the average temperature for the 90' elevation and above in the following space:


( = total no. of temperatures average IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 4 of 121

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.3 Between 70' And 80' Elevation 7.3.1 OBTAIN drywell temperatures for the locations listed below AND RECORD in the spaces provided. Recorder/ERFIS DisQlay SPTMS CHAN PPC 4426-2B Channel 1 (5802) I II W109 f*C ('! 4426-1B Channel 2 (5803) I.) i I F148 4426-2B Channel 2 (5804) I,>J~4, II W110 NOTE: Notify BESS duty manager if any temperatures between 70' and 80' elevation exceed 240°F. 7.3.2 ADD the recorded temperatures AND RECORD the total in the following spaces: _ _ _.."..",,,,..--_ _ _ _ - Recorder/ERFIS display total _ _ _d.:-, /-,-l~-,--_~__ - SPTMS total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - PPC total 7.3.3 DIVIDE the total by the number of temperatures used to obtain the average temperature for the 70' - 80' elevation in the following space:

                    ------.-------= ------

total no. of temperatures average IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 5 of 121

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.4 Between 28' And 45' Elevation 7.4.1 OBTAIN drywell temperatures for the locations listed below AND RECORD in the spaces provided. Recorder/ERFIS Disglay SPTMS CHAN PPC I"] 4426-1B Channel 3 (5805)  ! " I F149 4426-2B Channel 3 (5806) 12 g II W085 4426-1BChanne14 (5807) '>D I F150 4426-2B Channel 4 (5808) II W086 7.4.2 ADD the recorded temperatures AND RECORD the total in the following spaces: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Recorder/ERFIS display total _ _ _ _""'--"-z.....:.q-!-)_ _ _ _ - SPTMS total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - PPC total 7.4.3 DIVIDE the total by the number of temperatures used to obtain the average temperature for the 28' - 45' elevation in the following space:

                   -----+-------= -----

7 130,13 total no. of temperatures average 7.5 Between 10' And 23' Elevation 7.5.1 OBTAIN drywell temperatures for the locations listed below AND RECORD in the spaces provided. Recorder/ERFIS Disglay SPTMS CHAN 4426-1 B ChannelS _ __ (5809) f~~P F151 _ _ _ __ 4426-1A Channel 3 _ __ (5812) /1,0 W105 _ _ _ __ 4426-2B Channel 6 _ __ (5813) 117 II W088 _ _ _ __ IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 6 of 121

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.5.2 ADD the recorded temperatures AND RECORD the total in the following spaces: _ _ _---=~;----- - Recorder/ERFIS display total

                                                  ")IOZ                 - SPTMS total

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - PPC total 7.5.3 DIVIDE the total by the number of temperatures used to obtain the average temperature for the 10' - 23' elevation in the following space: r>b l

                                     - - - - - - _ ... _ - - - - - - = - - - -

nO. t? total no. of temperatures average 7.6 Below 5' Elevation 7.6.1 OBTAIN primary containment temperatures for the locations listed below AND RECORD in the spaces provided. Recorder/ERFIS Display SPTMS CHAN PPC 4426-1A Channel 5 _ __ (5817) I W106 _ _ _ __ 4426-1A Channel 6 _ __ (581 8) ----,,-.,:::- W107 _ _- - - 4426-2A Channel 5 _ __ (5819) 0,7 II W115 _ _ _ __ 4426-2A Channel 6 _ __ (5820) 0E II W116~-_--

                                                            ~,,> > ,


      • If'rhicroprdcessoris used to obtajnd~ta,f~llure resto~J;{no~~ ~JI~d;or S~it~~tg;ttfe to ERFIS ..(NQRMAL) position/.will~a.use,.IQsS6JSPTMSinGlieati0l1s on the ERFIS Control Room
   ", ~~> /


'.<'<\i::.:~~;~;>"~. '"

7 .6.2 ADD the recorded temperatures AND RECORD the total in the following spaces:

                                     ---=-:::--.t------ -                 Recorder/ERFIS display total 1,"1 b                  - SPTMS total

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - PPC total IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 7 of 121

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.6.3 DIVIDE the total by the number of temperatures used to obtain the average temperature for the below 5' elevation in the following space: crt] ?

                   - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - =- - - - -
                                      +       ')                        I "

total no. of temperatures average NOTE: The total in Step is the volumetric average temperature for the drywell. If this temperature is greater than 150°F, actions should be taken as required by Technical Specification SR 7.7 Volumetric Average 7.7.1 DETERMINE the volumetric average temperature by performing the following calculations:

1. Average above 90' elevation ,\, x 0.05 = /0 I Step 7.2.3
2. Average 70' - BO' elevation
                                                     !If:;q,~,                /4, ),

x 0.09 =_ _ __ Step 7.3.3

3. Average 2B' - 45' elevation I ')0, 'n x 0.40 = )? I / ') I Step 7.4.3
4. Average 10' - 23' elevation ) 'to,6~ xO.3B=_ _ __

Step 7.5.3

5. Average below 5' elevation q 7,) '5 7 xO.OB=_ _ __
                                                                                 <   q4-b1 Step 7.6.3
                                       /17 U, (, ~,}~
6. Total, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Steps through IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page B of 121

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: Computer point C074 may only be used to satisfy EQP concerns and may NOT be used to satisfy Technical Specifications. 7.7.2 RECORD computer point C074 value (for information). C074 _ _ _ __ NOTE: Performance of Steps 7.7.3 and 7.7.4 is only required once a month (perform on the first day of the month). 7.7.3 SUBTRACT the value obtained in Step 7.7.2 from the value obtained in Step


Step Step 7.7.2 Difference 7.7.4 IF the absolute value of the difference obtained in Step 7.7.3 is greater than 10°F, THEN ENSURE that Unit SCQ is informed of the discrepancies in the computer point reading (EQP concern). 7.7.5 ENSURE required information has been recorded on the cover page. 7.7.6 NOTIFY Unit SCQ when this test is complete or found to be unsatisfactory. IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 9 of 121

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 1 Certification and Review Form General Comments and Recommendations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Initials Name (Print) Performed by: Exceptions to satisfactory performance _ _ _ _ _ _-'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Corrective action required _ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Test procedure has been satisfactorily completed: Unit SCO: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature Date Test procedure has NOT been satisfactorily completed: Unit SCO: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature Date Test has been reviewed by: Shift Superintendent: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature Date IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 10 of 121



Revision 34 restores 2CAC-TE-1258-20 (4426-2A [channel 6]-5820) that was temporarily removed lAW EC 63061. Revision 33 incorporates temporary change EC 63061 which temporarily disables temperature indication 2CAC-TE-1258-20 (4426-2A [channel 6]-5820). Revision 32- Removes the Unit Specific items and associated notes that were added per Temporary Plant Modification ESR 99-00485. Temperature Sensor 2-CAC-TE-1258-22 has been repaired during the refuel outage. This revision also revises terminology for PassPort Implementation. Revision 31 - This revision removes the notes that specified equivalencies during implementation of ESRs 97-00125 and 97-00051, and changed points A, B, C, 0, E, & F to channel 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6. [ OPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 12 of 121

FIGURE 1 Page 1 of 1 Containment Temperature Worksheet TIME 4426-2A (Channel 3)-5823 _ _ _ 0.05 4426-2A (Channel 4)-5824 l~~ 4426-1A (Channel 4)-5822 -2.L~ 4426-28 (Channel 1)-5802 Lt,g 4426-18 (Channel 2)-5803 lr2 _ _ _ 0.09 4426-28 (Channel 2)-5804 l ~t.{ 4426-18 (Channel 3)-5805 l3.3 4426-28 (Channel 3)-5806 l/J. B. 4426-18 (Channel 4)-5807 to! 0 _ _ _ 0.40 4426-28 (Channel 4)-5808 4426-18 (ChanneIS)-5809 l;;zC' 4426-1A (Channel 3)-5812 l.2 t:2 _ _ _ 0.38 4426-28 (Channel 6)-5813 (/7 4426-1A (Channel 5)-5817 103 4426-1A (Channel 6)-5818 _ _ _ 0.08 4426-2A (Channel 5)-5819 ~2 4426-2A (Channel 6)-5820 Cf~ AVERAGE TEMPERATURE lOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 11 of 121

BRUNSWICK NUCLEAR PLANT c Continuous Use DATE COMPLETED _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ FREQUENCY: UNIT _ _ % PWR,_ _ _ _ GMWE._ _ __ SUPERVISOR,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Once every 24 hours when at least one SPTMS air RTD is inoperable in each division of SPTMS REASON FOR TEST (check one or more): and the unit is in Mode 1, 2, or 3. _ Routine surveillance _WO# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Other (explain),_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PLANT OPERATING MANUAL VOLUME X PERIODIC TEST UNIT o OPT-16.2 DRYWELL VOLUMETRIC AVERAGE TEMPERATURE REVISION 34 IOPT-16,2 Rev. 34 Page 1 of 121

1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 This test is performed to determine the operability of the drywell in conformance with the requirements specified in Technical Specification SR 1.2 This test involves averaging air temperatures within the drywell.


2.1 Technical Specifications 2.2 FSAR, Section 6.2 2.3 System Description SD-24, Containment Atmosphere Control System 2.4 EER 93-578 (SPTMS Air RTD Divisions/Channels Defined) 2.5 2SP-95-208, Temperature Measurement for SPTMS RTD 2.6 ESR 98-00387, Rev. 0, TS Change to ContainmentlDrywell Air Temperature Requirements 3.0 PREREQUISITES None Applicable 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS None Applicable 5.0 SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Calculator 6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA This test may be considered satisfactory when the drywell volumetric average temperature is less than or equal to 150°F. IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 2 of 121

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.1 OBTAIN permission from Unit Senior Control Operator (SCO) to perform this test. NOTE: Figure 1 may be used as a worksheet but is NOT required to be retained with this PT. NOTE: All temperatures used in this procedure should be rounded off to the nearest tenth of a degree. NOTE: Primary containment temperatures may be obtained from the CAC-TY-4426-1(2) microprocessor per OP-24, Operator Interface With The SPTMS Microprocessors, from the recorders in the Control Room, from ERFIS display screens 740 and 745 of the Validation Menu; or as a backup method, the designated process computer points may be used. Microprocessor point values may also be obtained by I&C manually taking temperature measurements of SPTMS RTDs. NOTE: Technical Specifications requires at least one operable temperature detector in each channel for each location. IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 3 of 121

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.2 90' Elevation And Above 7.2.1 OBTAIN drywell temperature for the locations listed below AND RECORD in the spaces provided. Recorder/ERFIS Display SPTMS CHAN PPC 4426-2A Channel 3 _ __ (5823) _ _ II N/A 4426-2A Channel 4 _ __ (5824) _ _ II N/A 4426-1 A Channel 4 _ __ (5822) _ _ I N/A 7.2.2 ADD the recorded temperatures AND RECORD the total in the following space: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Recorder/ERFIS display total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - SPTMS total 7.2.3 DIVIDE the total by the number of temperatures used to obtain the average temperature for the 90' elevation and above in the following space:

                   ------+-------                               =- - - - - -

total no. of temperatures average IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 4 of 121

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.3 Between 70' And 80' Elevation 7.3.1 OBTAIN drywell temperatures for the locations listed below AND RECORD in the spaces provided. Recorder/ERFIS Display SPTMS CHAN PPC 4426-2B Channel 1 (5802)_ _ II W109 _ _ _ __ 4426-1 B Channel 2 _ __ (5803) _ _ I F148 _ _ _ __ 4426-2B Channel 2 _ __ (5804) _ _ II W110 _ _ _ __ NOTE: Notify BESS duty manager if any temperatures between 70' and 80' elevation exceed 240°F. 7.3.2 ADD the recorded temperatures AND RECORD the total in the following spaces: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Recorder/ERFIS display total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - SPTMS total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - PPC total 7.3.3 DIVIDE the total by the number of temperatures used to obtain the average temperature for the 70' - 80' elevation in the following space:

                    - - - - - - + ------------ =- - - - - -

total no. of temperatures average IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 5 of 121

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.4 Between 28' And 45' Elevation 7.4.1 OBTAIN drywe" temperatures for the locations listed below AND RECORD in the spaces provided. Recorder/ERFIS Display SPTMS CHAN PPC 4426-18 Channel 3 (5805) I F149 4426-28 Channel 3 (5806) 4426-18 Channel 4 (5807) " I W085 F150 4426-28 Channel 4 (5808)

                                                            "       W086 7.4.2       ADD the recorded temperatures AND RECORD the total in the following spaces:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Recorder/ERFIS display total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - SPTMS total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - PPC total 7.4.3 DIVIDE the total by the number of temperatures used to obtain the average temperature for the 28' - 45' elevation in the following space:

                   - - - - - + - - - - - - - =- - - - -

total no. of temperatures average 7.5 Between 10' And 23' Elevation 7.5.1 OBTAIN drywe" temperatures for the locations listed below AND RECORD in the spaces provided. Recorder/ERFIS Display SPTMS CHAN PPC 4426-18 Channel 5 _ __ (5809) _ _ F151 _ _ _ __ 4426-1 A Channel 3 _ __ (5812) _ _ W105 _ _ _ __ 4426-28 Channel 6 _ __ (5813) _ _ W088 _ _ _ __ IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 6 of 121

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.5.2 ADD the recorded temperatures AND RECORD the total in the following spaces: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Recorder/ERFIS display total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - SPTMS total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - PPC total 7.5.3 DIVIDE the total by the number of temperatures used to obtain the average temperature for the 10' - 23' elevation in the following space:


total no. of temperatures average 7.6 Below 5' Elevation 7.6.1 OBTAIN primary containment temperatures for the locations listed below AND RECORD in the spaces provided. Recorder/ERFIS Display SPTMS CHAN PPC 4426-1A Channel 5 _ __ (5817)_ _ I W106 _ _ _ __ 4426-1A Channel 6 _ __ (5818) _ _ W107 _ _ _ __ 4426-2A Channel 5 _ __ (5819) _ _ II W115 _ _ _ __ 4426-2A Channel 6 _ __ (5820) _ _ II W116 _ _ _ __

0 . 'i~;QprOCeSsoris used.t~bbtaindata, fkih.irJ*to~kstore mode selector switch to the
.*~;~~FI~(NORMAL) position will cause loss ofSPTMS indications on the ERFIS Control

\;\~~~n)~i~R~~¥s. 7.6.2 ADD the recorded temperatures AND RECORD the total in the following spaces: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Recorder/ERFIS display total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - SPTMS total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - PPC total IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 7 of 121

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.6.3 DIVIDE the total by the number of temperatures used to obtain the average temperature for the below 5' elevation in the following space:

                                        -------------- = - - - - - - - - -

total no. of temperatures average NOTE: The total in Step is the volumetric average temperature for the drywell. If this temperature is greater than 150°F, actions should be taken as required by Technical Specification SR 7.7 Volumetric Average 7.7.1 DETERMINE the volumetric average temperature by performing the following calculations:

1. Average above 90' elevation x 0.05 =________

Step 7.2.3

2. Average 70' - 80' elevation x 0.09 =________

Step 7.3.3

3. Average 28' - 45' elevation x 0.40 =________

Step 7.4.3

4. Average 10' - 23' elevation x 0.38 =_______

Step 7.5.3

5. Average below 5' elevation x 0.08 =_______

Step 7.6.3

6. Total ________________________

Steps through IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 8 of 121

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: Computer point C074 may only be used to satisfy EOP concerns and may NOT be used to satisfy Technical Specifications. 7.7.2 RECORD computer point C074 value (for information ). C074 _ _ _ __ NOTE: Performance of Steps 7.7.3 and 7.7.4 is only required once a month (perform on the first day of the month). 7.7.3 SUBTRACT the value obtained in Step 7.7.2 from the value obtained in Step


Step Step 7.7.2 Difference 7.7.4 IF the absolute value of the difference obtained in Step 7.7.3 is greater than 10°F, THEN ENSURE that Unit SCQ is informed of the discrepancies in the computer point reading (EQP concern). 7.7.5 ENSURE required information has been recorded on the cover page. 7.7.6 NOTIFY Unit SCQ when this test is complete or found to be unsatisfactory. IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 9 of 121

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 1 Certification and Review Form General Comments and Recommendations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Initials Name (Print) Performed by: Exceptions to satisfactory performance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Corrective action required _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Test procedure has been satisfactorily completed: Unit SCQ: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature Date Test procedure has NOT been satisfactorily completed: Unit SCO: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature Date Test has been reviewed by: Shift Superintendent: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature Date IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 10 of 121

FIGURE 1 Page 1 of 1 Containment Temperature Worksheet TIME T£~ 4426-2A (Channel 3)-5823 ~ _ _ _ 0.05 4426-2A (Channel 4)-5824 ~ 4426-1A (Channel 4)-5822 ~I</"" ~ 4426-2B (Channel 1)-5802 u,'O 4426-1 B (Channel 2)-5803 *5'1 _ _ _ 0.09 4426-2B (Channel 2)-5804 ~ 4426-1 B (Channel 3)-5805 ~ 4426-2B (Channel 3)-5806 ~ 4426-1 B (Channel 4)-5807 ~ _ _ _ 0.40 4426-2B (Channel 4)-5808 :r: ...of ~ 4426-1 B (Channel 5)-5809 !kS 4426-1A (Channel 3)-5812 LU _ _ _ 0.38 4426-2B (Channel 6)-5813 u.:J.. 4426-1 A (Channel 5)-5817 lP..3. 4426-1 A (Channel 6)-5818 ::tHoP U3 _ _ _ 0.08 4426-2A 4426-2A (Channel (Channel 5)-5819 6)-5820

                                        '*1 96 AVERAGE TEMPERATURE 1OPT-16.2                                                   R-~~.          C          Page 11 of 121



Revision 34 restores 2CAC-TE-1258-20 (4426-2A [channel 6]-5820) that was temporarily removed lAW EC 63061. Revision 33 incorporates temporary change EC 63061 which temporarily disables temperature indication 2CAC-TE-1258-20 (4426-2A [channel 6]-5820). Revision 32- Removes the Unit Specific items and associated notes that were added per Temporary Plant Modification ESR 99-00485. Temperature Sensor 2-CAC-TE-12S8-22 has been repaired during the refuel outage. This revision also revises terminology for PassPort Implementation. Revision 31 - This revision removes the notes that specified equivalencies during implementation of ESRs 97-00125 and 97-00051, and changed points A, B, C, D, E, & F to channel 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6. IOPT-16.2 Rev. 34 Page 12 of 121


Determine SRM/IRM Overlap Per GP-02. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None. IlL .. EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. The applicable procedure section WILL NOT be provided to the trainee.
2. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.

711 Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. Unit One (1) startup is being performed per OGP-02.
2. Initial (pre-startup) SRM and IRM readings were recorded as follows:

SRM Channel Reading IRM Channel Reading* A 100 CPS A 3% B 150 CPS B 2% C 150 CPS C 4% D 100 CPS D 5% E 8% F 6% G 3% H 5% LOT-OJT-JP-307 -A03 Page 2 of9 REV. 0

Determine SRMIIRM Overlap Per GP-02.

3. Current SRM and IRM readings are as follows:

SRM Channel Reading IRM Channel Reading* A 2 X 105 CPS A 11% B 9 X 104CPS B 14% C 4 X 105 CPS C 16% D 3 X 105 CPS D 10% E 15% F 18% G 14% H 17%

  • AIlIRM Readings taken on Range One From the Bar Graph Recorder (0-125%)

INITIATING CUE: You are directed to determine if proper SRMIIRM overlap exists in accordance with GP-02. It is NOT desired to use the highest reading IRM (pre-startup) for overlap criteria for all IRMs. For each IRM channel, state if overlap is met. State required GP actions, if any, based on your results. LOT-OJT-JP-307-A03 Page 3 of 9 REV. 0

Determine SRMIIRM Overlap Per GP-02. PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Obtain a current revision of OGP-02. Current Revision of OGP-02 obtained and verified, if applicable. SAT/UNSAT* Step 2 - Determine SRM/IRM overlap criteria is not met for IRM A and D based on not reading 10% of scale. Determined that SRMIIRM overlap criteria is not met for IRM A and D based on not reading 10% of scale. f SAT1UNSAT* Step 3 - Determine SRM/IRM overlap criteria is not met for IRM E based on not reading double the initial reading. Determined that SRMIIRM overlap criteria is not met for IRM E based on not reading double the initial reading.

                                                                         ~   SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-OJT-J P-307-A03 Page 4 of 9 REV. 0

Determine SRMIIRM Overlap Per GP-02. Step 4 - Determine GP-02 requires the Reactor Engineer be notified and Technical Specification Leo be referenced. Determined that GP-02 requires the Reactor Engineer be notified and Technical Specification be referenced.

                                                       ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*
  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

LOT-OJT-JP-307-A03 Page 5 of 9 REV. 0

Determine SRM/IRM Overlap Per GP-02. RELATED TASKS: 215201 B1 01, Verify Correct Overlap Between SRMs And IRMs Per GP-02 KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: GEN2.1.7 4.4 I 4.7 Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational judgments based on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation.


OGP-02 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None. ADMINISTRATIVE CATEGORY (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2. Supplement 1): Admin - Conduct of Operations LOT-OJT-JP-307-A03 Page 6 of 9 REV. 0

Determine SRM/IRM Overlap Per GP-02. Time Required for Completion: 10 Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate 0 Actual Unit: Setting: Control Room Simulator__ (Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs) Time Critical: Yes No 0 Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No ~ EVALUATION Trainee:

        ------------------ SSN: - - - - - - - - -

JPM: Pass -- Fail Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure as Authorized Copy?: Yes No ____ (Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set.) Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: _______________ Date: ______ LOT-OJT-JP-307 -A03 Page 7 of 9 REV. 0


1. Unit One startup is being performed per OGP-02.
2. Initial (pre-startup) SRM and IRM readings were recorded as follows:

SRM Channel Reading IRM Channel Reading* A 100 CPS A 3% B 150 CPS B 2%- C 150 CPS C 4% D 100 CPS D 5% E 8% F 6% G 3% H 5%

3. Current SRM and IRM readings are as follows:

SRM Channel Reading IRM Channel Reading* A 2 X 105 CPS A 11% B 9 X 104CPS B 14% C 4X 105 CPS C 16% D 3 X 105 CPS D 10% E 15!11o F 18% G 14% H 17%

  • All IRM Readings taken on Range One From the Bar Graph Recorder (0-125%)

AX DX G H-LOT-OJT-JP-307-A03 Page 8 of9 REV. 0

INITIATING CUE: ve:r P<'l .~ You are directed to 'aeteFmtfle-if-proper SRM/IRM overlap eXist(fn accordance with GP-02. It is NOT desired to use the highest reading IRM (pre-startup) for overlap criteria for all IRMs. ,~ Foi-eactrtRrVrctTannet-state-+f-everlap-is-met. Staterequired**G P*aetionS;'-'if'any;based*'onl"OI:l'F-resLJlls.. --" LOT-OJT-JP-307 -A03 Page 9 of 9 REV. 0


TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE .................................. ......................................... .................................... ... 3


........................................................................................................... 3 3.0    PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ......................................................................... 5 4.0    PREREQUISITES ..................................... .... ...................... ..... .................................. 6 5.0    PROCEDURAL STEPS ............................................................................................. 6 5.1    Administrative............................................................................................... ..... 6 5.2    Pulling Rods to Achieve Criticality................................................................. .... 7 5.3    Heating and Pressurization of the Reactor..................................................... 15 ATTACHMENT 1      NRC Licensed Personnel Instructions for Reactor Startup ................................ 40 IOGP-02                                                 Rev. 89                                                     Page 2 of        431

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides the precautions, limitations, and instructional guidance for starting up the reactor and raising pressure to rated. This procedure is also used to satisfy Technical Specifications SR, SR, and SR


2.1 Technical Specifications 2.2 FSAR 2.3 OAI-81, Water Chemistry Guidelines 2.4 OGP-10, Rod Sequence Checkoff Sheets 2.5 OGP-11, Second Operator Rod Sequence Checkoff Sheets 2.6 001-01.01, Operations Unit Organization and Administration 2.7 001-01.02, Shift Routines and Operating Practices 2.8 001-53, Rod Worth Minimizer (NUMAC-RWM) 2.9 1(2)OP-07, Reactor Manual Control System Operating Procedure 2.10 1(2)OP-09, Neutron Monitoring System Operating Procedure 2.11 1(2)OP-25, Main Steam System Operating Procedure 2.12 1(2)OP-26, Turbine System Operating Procedure 2.13 1(2)OP-26.1, Gland Sealing Steam System Operating Procedure 2.14 1(2)OP-30, Condenser Air Removal and Off Gas Recombiner System 2.15 1(2)OP-32, Condensate and Feedwater System Operating Procedure 2.16 1(2)OP-34, Extraction Steam System Operating Procedure 2.17 OPT-01.6.2, Rod Worth Minimizer System Operability Test 2.18 1(2)PT-01.7, Heatup/Cooldown Monitoring IOGP-02 I Rev. 89 Page 3 of43 I


2.19 OPT-09.2, HPCI System Operability Test 2.20 OPT-09.3, HPCI System-165 Psig Flow Test 2.21 OPT-10.1.1, RCIC System Operability Test 2.22 OPT-10.1.3, RCIC System Operability Test-Flow Rates at 150 Psig 2.23 OPT-11.1.2, Automatic Depressurization System and Safety Relief Valve Operability Test 2.24 OPT-14.3, Shutdown Margin Demonstration 2.25 OPT-14.3.1, Insequence Critical Shutdown Margin Calculation 2.26 OMST-IRM25R, IRM Channels Range Correlation Adjustment 2.27 Operational Experience Feedback Report, Serial Number B2352 2.28 NCR S-90-022 2.29 GE SIL No. 430 2.30 LER 1-91-016 2.31 INPO SOER 84-2 2.32 ACR 94-01020 2.33 EER 91-0301, Rev. 1, Acceptability of Operation of Both Units Under Boron Conditions IR341 2.34 LER 2-98-003, MSIV Closure Due to Procedure Deficiency 2.35 ESRs 98-00628,98-00629,98-00630,98-00631, HPCIIRCIC Steam Line Low Pressure Isolation Setpoint Change IR361 2.36 SEN 185 Evaluation, Action Item 98-02223 IR371 2.37 INPO SOER 88-2, Premature Criticality Events During Reactor Startup, Recommendation Number 6 (Facts 89B0924) 2.38 OPS-NGGC-1306, Reactivity Management Program IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 4 of43 I

3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 This procedure is to be used in accordance with the procedure compliance guidelines of OGP-01 , Section 5.0. 3.2 WHEN any neutron monitoring system channel is bypassed, THEN reference should be made to the technical specifications to verify operability requirements are met. WHEN a channel is inoperable OR a required surveillance is being performed, THEN bypass switches on Panel H12-P603 provide a means of disabling the control functions of the selected neutron monitoring system channel. 3.3 With less than 17 LPRM inputs total OR less than 3 LPRM detectors per level, an APRM channel is considered inoperable. 3.4 With less than 50% of its required LPRM inputs, a RBM channel is considered inoperable. 3.5 A minimum of 3 IRM channels for each trip system must be operable for the control rod withdrawal block instrumentation to be considered operable. 3.6 The main turbine and RFP turbines should be on turning gear OR isolated from the system prior to starting steam seal system. 3.7 Gland Sealing System must be in operation when a vacuum exists in main condenser. 3.8 WHEN COO vessel effluent is directed to the reactor vessel OR WHEN the COD influent conductivity is greater than 0.1 J.lmho/cm, THEN low flow through CDO vessels could result in higher than desirable pH and conductivity in the reactor vessel. WHEN B21-F032A or B21-F032B is open AND COD influent conductivity is greater than 0.1 J.lmho/cm, THEN each in-service CDO vessel flow should be maintained at 1500-3000 gpm. 3.9 Surveillance Procedures which must be current prior to changing reactor mode switch position in accordance with this procedure are included in OGP-01, Attachments 1 and 2. 3.10 Repositioning IRM range switches should be performed by one Operator, using one hand on one trip system at a time. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 5 of43 I

3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.11 Momentarily depressing the increase or decrease push button on the following controllers will cause the selected parameter to change in increments of 0.1 %. Continually depressing the increase or decrease push button on the following controllers will cause the selected parameter to change at an exponential rate: 3.11.1 SULCV FW-LlC-3269, Control Station. 3.11.2 RFPT A (B) SP CTL C32-SIC-R60 1A (B) , Control Stations. 3.11.3 MSTR RFPT SPIRX L VL CTL C32-SIC-R600, Control Station. 3.12 The time during which sealing steam is applied to the turbine seals without the steam packing exhauster should be minimized to avoid airborne radioactive contamination and a possible moisture excursion in the Turbine-Generator Lube Oil System. 3.13 Pressure Itemperature relationship during operation shall be in accordance with Technical SpeCifications Figure 3.4.9-2. 4.0 PREREQUISITES Unit_ DatelTime Started _ _ _..:-/_ _ Initials 4.1 Preparations for a reactor startup are in progress in accordance with OGP-01. 4.2 Reactor water level is between 182 and 192 inches. 5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS 5.1 Administrative 5.1.1 ENSURE review and implementation of OGP-02, Attachment 1 is complete. 5.1.2 ANNOUNCE on the PA System primary and secondary containment are in effect AND reactor startup is commencing. 5.1.3 NOTIFY Load Dispatcher of impending startup. 5.1.4 OBTAIN guidance from the Reactor Engineer for single notch or continuous rod withdrawal. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 6 of43 I

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 5.2 Pulling Rods to Achieve Criticality 5.2.1 CONFIRM all four RPS Trip System A white Scram Group lights 1, 2, 3, and 4, located on Panel H12-P603 or RPS Panel A H12-P609, are on. 5.2.2 CONFIRM all four RPS Trip System B white Scram Group lights 1, 2, 3, and 4, located on Panel H12-P603 or RPS Panel B H12-P611, are on. 5.2.3 IF the mode switch is in SHUTDOWN, THEN PLACE the switch in START/HOT STBY. 5.2.4 ENSURE RWM Scram Data Buffers are deleted to prepare for future scram data recording in accordance with 001-53.

1. IF the RWM was placed in BYPASS or INOP to delete Scram Data Buffers, THEN ENSURE the following RWM switches have been returned to OPERA TE:

5.2.5 NOTIFY E&RC to obtain a start-up chemistry sample in accordance with ODCMS Table 7.3.7-1, Note (C). IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 7 of43 I

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: Control rod movement should be stopped periodically to observe source range instrument (SRM recorders, indicators, and period meters) response and allow neutron level stabilization. NOTE: Source range doubling must be used as a method of monitoring for criticality. NOTE: IF greater than one SRM is determined to be inoperable prior to establishing overlap with the IRM s, THEN NOTIFY the Shift Operations Manager or Manager Operations to determine if reactor startup should continue. NOTE: Coupling integrity of a control rod shall be checked anytime a control rod is fully withdrawn by verifying the rod does NOT reach the over travel position (see SR NOTE: All rod select push buttons should be deselected whenever rod movement has stabilized to minimize select switch damage from overheating. NOTE: WHEN the Rod Worth Minimizer is inoperable during startup before the first 12 control rods are withdrawn, THEN one startup in a calendar year, with the RWM inoperable for reasons other than bypassed control rod(s), may be performed provided that control rod movement and compliance with the prescribed Bank Position Withdrawal Sequence (BPWS) control rod pattern are verified by a second licensed operator or qualified member of the plant technical staff (Engineer, Control Operator, SRO, or Auxiliary Operator) in accordance with OGP-11. NOTE: WHEN the Rod Worth Minimizer is inoperable after the first 12 control rods have been fully withdrawn on a startup, THEN operation may continue provided that control rod movement and compliance with the prescribed Bank Position Withdrawal Sequence (BPWS) control rod pattern are verified by a second licensed operator or qualified member of the plant technical staff (Engineer, Control Operator, SRO, or Auxiliary Operator) in accordance with OGP-11. NOTE: Any deviation from the original withdrawal sequence should be recommended by the Reactor Engineer, approved by the Unit SCO, and documented on the proper rod sequence checkoff sheet. IOGP-02 I Rev. 89 Page 80f431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: WHEN performing 'doubling' calculations, start with the values indicated on the SRM s. Example: If the indicated SRM value is 100 cpm then (2 X 100 =200) 200 cpm is the FIRST 'doubling', then 800 cpm is the third

         'doubling' recorded in Step, and 3200 cpm is the fifth 'doubling' value to be recorded in Step

5.2.6 RECORD the SRM channel count rates in the Reactor Operator's Log.

1. CALCULATE the three SRM "doublings" count rate.
2. CALCULATE the five SRM "doublings" count rate.
3. VERIFY both calculations are correct. I Ind.ver.
4. RECORD the three and five SRM "doubling" values in the Reactor Operator's Log.

5.2.7 RECORD the IRM channel indications in the Reactor Operator's Log for use in determining SRM/IRM overlap in Step 5.2.19. 5.2.8 CONFIRM, using pressure and temperature instruments identified in 1(2)PT-01.7, reactor vessel pressure and reactor coolant system temperature coordinates are to the right of the criticality limit line on Technical Specification Figure 3.4.9-2 within 15 minutes prior to the withdrawal of control rods to bring the reactor to criticality (SR

1. RECORD the time of the above verification in the Reactor Operator's Log.

5.2.9 VERIFY the applicable Power-Flow Map based on I current equipment conditions is selected. Ind.ver. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 9 of43 I

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials CAUTION During a hot sta rtup following a reactor Scramfrompower,extremely high. rod notch worthscan be encounteredduetopeakJ(enonwithno .moderatorvoids. Continuous control rod withdrawal shoulclNOTbeutilizedwhen approaching criticality. CAUTION T?e r~actor should NOT be operated with a stable period oflElsS than 100 seconds. IF single notch withdrawals result.inreactorperiodsapproaching20 seconds, THEN the control rod(s) should be Inserted toachieye a stable period ofgreater than 100 seconds ANDth~rodwithdrawalsequencediscontinued until a thorough assessment has been performed by the Reactor Engineer andapproveqby the Unit SCO. CAUTION IFa reaqtor periodofless than or equal to 12 seconds isreach~d,TH~N thereactor Tn~1I brshutdownuntiLamargin to criticality is achieved.IFthisisdone, THEN.atleast ten contr?l. rods shall be JuUyinserted pastthe step in GP-1 0 at which the short period wC3sexp~rienced. The reactor startup shall bediscontinu~d untilathorough assessment ast?thecause/recommendation to prevent recurrence hast)een made bythe Reactor Engineer and approved by theU l1 itSCO; CAUTION operationsrnanagement,aSenigr Technical Advisor (STAY and a Reactor Engineer . shouldt)epresentinthe Control Room during approaches to criticality in accordance with9pS"NGGC .. 1306,R~activity Managemel1t.Program, 5.2.10 WITHDRAW control rods in accordance with 1(2)OP-07 in the sequence designated by OGP-10. 5.2.11 RECORD the time and number of the first control rod withdrawn in the Reactor Operator's Log. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 10 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: Upon achieving three SRM "doublings" in the neutron count rate, control rod withdrawal should be in the single notch mode for all subsequent rods unless continuous withdrawal is recommended by the ReaCtor Engineer and approved by the Unit SRO. The single notch withdrawal requirement is also applicable to all high worth control rods, as designated by the Reactor Engineer, regardless of the SRM count rate or number of "doublings". IR371 5.2.12 MONITOR the following for indications of criticality AND CONFIRM SRM levels are increasing as control rods are being withdrawn:

1. SRM Recorders.
2. SRM Count Rate Indicators.
3. SRM Period Meters.

5.2.13 CONFIRM the green RETRACT PERMIT Light for each SRM detector comes on when the SRM level exceeds 100 cps. IR371 5.2.14 OBSERVE the SRM channels for the following indications of criticality:

1. SRM period meters indicate a stable, positive period.
2. SRM levels increasing without requiring additional control rod withdrawal.

5.2.15 WHEN criticality is achieved, THEN RECORD the time, control rod, and notch position in the Reactor Operator's Log AND CONTINUE rod withdrawal until the desired period has been established. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 11 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 5.2.16 WHEN the desired period is obtained, THEN RECORD the following information in the Reactor Operator's Log:

1. Time
2. Rod sequence
3. Item number
4. Control rod
5. Notch position
6. Period (Period =1.44 times the doubling time)
7. Reactor pressure
8. Recirculation loop A temperature
9. Recirculation loop B temperature 5.2.17 ANNOUNCE the reactor is critical on the PA system.

5.2.18 IF any MSIV pit shield plug is NOT installed, THEN INITIATE MSIV pit entry requirements in accordance with 001-01.03, Non-Routine Activities. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 12 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: SRMIIRM overlap must be demonstrated prior to withdrawing SRMs from the fully inserted position. SRMIIRM overlap exists when at least three IRM-channels in each RPS trip system show an increase to at least twice their pre-startup levels AND indicate at least 10% of scale (i.e., 12.5 on the digital readout 0-125 scale) before the first SRM channel reaches 5 x 105 cps. (TS SR If desired, the level of the highest reading IRM (pre-startup) may be doubled and that value used as overlap criteria for all IRMs. This method will allow the operator to compare IRM channel response to a single value which is at least twice the pre-startup levels of the individuallRMs. IFCO~&~RM1(R~ overlap iSNOT~W#:, , **1itl~e R~~~~~J~e~s;'~it~ notifi~4~~NDTeC;~'l2ljcal Specifit:ati~n~C():3.3.'1~~1.;:r§ferencep~,";' ~;~~;: . 5.2.19 CONFIRM correct overlap between SRM and IRM channels based on the pre-startup IRM data recorded in the Reactor Operator's log (Step 5.2.7). NOTE: With IRM channels below range 3, the SRM channels will initiate a rod withdrawal block when either of the following conditions exists:

1. SRM channel indicates greater than 2 x 105 cps.
2. SRM channel indicates less than 102 cps with its detector NOT full in.

NOTE: SRM detectors should be withdrawn two at a time so that the reactor flux level conditions are being monitored by channels that are NOT being affected by detector movement. 5.2.20 WHEN SRMIIRM overlap has been verified, THEN WITHDRAW SRM detectors as required to maintain an indicated SRM count rate between 102 cps and 2 x 105 cps. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 13 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials CAUTION IR361 Repositioning IRM range switches should be performed by one Operator, using. one hand on one trip system atatime. CAUTION WHEN* repositioning thelRMrangeswitches, THEN care shoUld be taken in order to prevenla scramJrom occurring. 5.2.21 REPOSITION the IRM range switches, as reactor power increases, to maintain IRM indication on recorders between 15 and 50 on the 0-125 scale. 5.2.22 WHEN all operable IRM channels are above range 3 AND prior to reaching range 7, THEN FULLY WITHDRAW all SRM detectors. 5.2.23 IF this is the initial startup following a refuel outage, THEN PERFORM the following:

1. OPT-14.3.1 (if OPT-14.3 was NOT completed prior to startup).
2. IRM Range 6 and 7 Correlation in accordance with OMST-IRM25R.

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5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 5.3 Heating and Pressurization of the Reactor NOTE: Main Steam System startup in accordance with 1(2)OP-25 should be performed concurrently with this procedure. NOTE: This procedure assumes startup is being conducted with the MSIVs open. IF the startup is being conducted with the MSIVs closed, THEN OP-25, Section 5.2, should be performed concurrently with this procedure. 5.3.1 COMMENCE Reactor Coolant System (RCS) monitoring in accordance with 1(2) PT-01.7 (SR 5.3.2 CONTINUE to withdraw rods in the sequence prescribed by OGP-1 0 to establish and maintain a heatup rate of less than 100°F an hour as monitored by 1(2)PT-01.7. NOTE: The opening of EO MCCs or Nodes only creates an operability concern when a high energy line break (HELB) can occur. Therefore, breaching an EO envelope is a concern (Le., an HELB can occur) when reactor temperature is above 200°F OR reactor pressure is above 275 psig. 5.3.3 PERFORM the following:

1. ENSURE all work in progress Work Orders are reviewed for breach of an EO envelope.
2. ENSURE any identified Work Orders with EO concerns are confirmed completed OR applicable LCOs are initiated prior to reactor temperature reaching 200°F.

5.3.4 REJECT reactor water using the Reactor Water Cleanup System to the hotwell (preferred) or to Radwaste as necessary to maintain reactor water level. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 15 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 5.3.5 WHEN the reactor temperature approaches, but does NOT exceed 212°F, THEN CLOSE the following:


Ind.ver. 5.3.6 WHEN reactor temperature reaches 212°F, THEN NOTIFY E&RC to obtain a reactor coolant sample for dissolved oxygen analysis. 5.3.7 MAINTAIN reactor coolant temperature at 212°F for a minimum of one hour OR until dissolved oxygen content is shown to be less than 200 ppb. 5.3.8 IF unit startup is from a shutdown greater than three days with the Off-Gas Trains out of service, THEN REQUEST I&C fill SJAE Level Instrument Reference Legs in preparation for placing SJAEs in service. 5.3.9 PERFORM the following prior to starting Steam Packing Exhauster SPE A(8):

1. START a second condensate pump, in accordance with 1(2)OP-32, to provide adequate flow through the SPE.
2. PERFORM the following to drain both SPE's inlet piping:

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5.3.10 CONFIRM one of the following conditions exist:

1. Reactor feed pumps are on turning gear in accordance with 1(2)OP-32, OR
2. The following RFPT A(B) valves are closed:

RFP A (B) EXHAUST ISOL VLV, RFE-V1(V2), RFP A(B) SEAL SUPPL Y VL V, MVD-V119(MVD-V117), RFP A (B) SEAL EXHAUST VL V, MVD- V120(MVD- V118). 5.3.11 OPEN the following demineralized water supply valves for 15-20 seconds to fill the 1.8 minute hold-up loop seals AND THEN CLOSE the valves:

1. Unit 1 only:

DEMIN WTR SUPPLY VLV, DW-V387 (located in Reactor Building - 10' EI., behind OGDT) LOOP SEAL VLV, 1-MUD-V434 (located in Stack Filter House east wall above sump)

2. Unit 2 only:

DEMIN WTR SUPPLY VLV, DW-V387 (located in N-RHR Pump Room - 17' EI., behind OGDT) LOOP SEAL VLV, 2-MUD-V435 (located in Stack Filter House behind sump). IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 17 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 5.3.12 OPEN MECHANICAL VACUUM PUMP 1(2)A SUCTION VALVE, 1(2)OG-V16. 5.3.13 OPEN MECHANICAL VACUUM PUMP 1(2)8 SUCTION VALVE, 1(2)OG-V17. 5.3.14 ENSURE the following valves are closed:


5.3.15 OPEN the following demineralized water supply valves to mechanical vacuum pump reservoirs:


NOTE: Attempting to start a SPE Fan with water in the shell side of the cooler may result in tripping the fan motor breaker. Sufficient draining is indicated by a stream of water less than the size of a pencil at the drain pipe discharge. 5.3.16 PRIOR to reaching 50 psig reactor pressure, ENSURE both SPE inlet pipes and SPE condenser shell sides are drained by performing the following:

1. OBSERVE the drains for 1(2)A SHELL DRAIN VALVE, 1(2)MVD-V39, and SPE 1(2)A SHELL DRAIN VALVE, 1(2)MVD-V40 AND ENSURE the shell side of 1(2)A SPE is drained sufficiently to allow starting the 1(2)A SPE FAN.
2. OBSERVE the drains for SPE 1(2)8 SHELL DRAIN VALVE, 1(2)MVD-V42, and SPE 1(2)8 SHELL DRAIN VALVE, 1(2)MVD-V43 AND ENSURE the shell side of 1(2)8 SPE is drained sufficiently to allow starting the 1(2)8 SPE FAN.

IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 18 of 431


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. .1IiIIIIiIiI1IiIIIIiIiI1IiIIIIiIiI1IiIIIIiIiI1IiIIIIiIiI1IIIIiIiIIii 5.3.17 WHEN reactor pressure is greater than 50 psig, THEN PERFORM the following:

1. OPEN the associated FLOAT TRAP OUTLET VAL VE for the SPE to be started:

MVD-V51 for 1(2)A SPE MVD-V52 for 1(2)8 SPE


NOTE: The time delay between opening OG-MOV-D1 (2) and starting the SPE Fan is to allow the SPE fan housing to drain prior to placing in service.

3. WHEN approximately 3-5 minutes after Step have elapsed, THEN START STEAM PACKING EXHAUSTER SPE A OR STEAM PACKING EXHAUSTER SPE B.

IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 19 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: Steps and should be performed in parallel until stable system operation is established.

7. THROTTLE OPEN STEAM SEAL 8YP VLV, MVD-S2, as necessary to maintain STEAM SEAL HEADER PRESSURE, OG-PI-EPT-4, located on Panel XU-2, between 1.5 and 4.0 psig.
8. THROTTLE OPEN STEAM SEAL SPE 1(2)A MO DISCH VLV, OG-MOV-D1, OR STEAM SEAL SPE 1(2)8 MO DISCH VLV, OG-MOV-D2 as necessary, to maintain GLAND EXHAUST HEADER, OG-PI-EPT-9, located on Panel XU-2, between 10 to 20 inches of water vacuum.
10. THROTTLE OPEN STEAM SEAL SPE 1(2)A MO DISCH VL V, OG-MOV-D1, OR STEAM SEAL SPE 1(2)8 MO DISCH VLV, OG-MOV-D2 as necessary, to maintain GLAND EXHAUST HEADER, OG-PI-EPT-9, located on Panel XU-2, between 10 to 20 inches of water vacuum.
11. ENSURE the inlet valve for the non operating Steam Packing Exhauster is closed.
b. STEAM SEAL SPE 1(2)8 MO INLET VL V, 1(2) OG-MOV-E2 IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 20 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: The Bypass valve jack meter indicates bypass jack output opening demand signal to the bypass valve system. IF a low vacuum condition is present

                << 7"), THEN all bypass valves will be closed BUT bypass jack demand will remain at the last requested position. IF bypass jack demand is greater than 0%, THEN the bypass jack OPEN (red) light indication will be lit.

IR341'-~~~------------~----~----------------~ CAUTION IF bypass valve jack demand is greater than 0% AND the bypass jaSk CLOSED light indication isNPT lit, THEN bypassvalveswillautomatically open when the low vacuum condition has cleared. 5.3.18 ENSURE the Bypass Valve Opening Jack device is run down to the minimum setting as follows:

1. DEPRESS the Bypass DECREASE push button UNTIL the CLOSED (green) indicator is lit.
2. CONFIRM the BYP VL V OPENING JACK meter indicates approximately zero percent (0%).

CAUTION Once vacuum israisedabove the low vacuum torbinetrip setpoint,thE} trip is armed. IF for any reason,suchas5yclingMVPs, vacuum decreases below the trip setpoint, THEN the turbinE} will trip. IF inshelLor chestwarming, THEN a restart of these will be required. 5.3.19 PERFORM the following to place the vacuum pump in service:

1. ENSURE the Heater Drain System is secured from cold cleanup in accordance with 1(2)OP-35.
2. PLACE the condenser hogging valve control switch in HOG.

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5. ENSURE VACUUM PUMP 18(28) starts.

5.3.20 IF the second vacuum pump is NOT required, THEN PLACE its control switch to STOP. CAUTION Exoessivesealwaterflowwilldamage the ni~chanicalvacuum pump seals by forcing the mechanical vacuum pump to pump water. Seal water flowshouldbebetween 1.5 and2 gpm. 5.3.21 CONFIRM seal water flow to the operating vacuum pumps is between 1.5 and 2 gpm:

2. VACUUM PUMP 18(28).

NOTE: The Off-Gas H2/0 2 Analyzers, OG-AIT-42B4 and OG-AIT-4324, may be placed in operation in accordance with 1(2)OP-30, at any time after I&C Maintenance reports the analyzers are ready for operation; however, they are NOT required to be in operation until the SJAE is placed in service. CAUTION Themechahicc:li vacuum pump motor will overloadifit is operated for prolonged periods of time at greater than 23 inches Hg vacuum. 5.3.22 WHEN condenser vacuum has been established, THEN NOTIFY I&C Maintenance to perform any necessary adjustments, calibrations, and surveillances to ensure the Off-Gas H2/0 2 Analyzers, OG-AIT-42B4 and OG-AIT-4324, are ready for operation. 5.3.23 ENSURE FEEDWA TER RECIRC TO CONDENSER VLV, FW-FV-177, is closed. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 22 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: To ensure full closure of FW HTR 4A INLET VLV, FW-V118, AND FW HTR 4B INLET VL V, FW- V119, the associated control switch must be held in CLOSE for at least 20 seconds after receiving full closed indication. CAUTION Tominimize the possibifityofaddition of cold feedwaterinto the reactor, FW HTRS 4& 5f3YP VLV,FW-V120,FW HTR4A1NLETVLV,FVlf,-V11B, AND FWHTR 4B INLET VLV,FWV119 must be fully closed. prior to opening FEEDWATERISOL VLY, B21-F032A ORFEEDWATERISOLVLV,B21-F032B. WHEN thesevalves are closed,Jhe associated control switch must be held in CLOSE for at least20 seconds~fterreceiving fyll closed. indication. IF*any of these valves* are already closed whenthis~eGti9nisperformed ,TH EN the associated .valve control switch should bepli3ced inCLOSE and thegr~eTllightobs~rved.IF the green closed light blin~s, OBTAIN Unit SGOconcurrence to 9penWe a~ected valve until dual indication is aqhieved, THEN PLACE ANDHOLDthe control switch in CLOSEfof.atleast 20secqndsafter full closed indication is received (green lamp Jit.and red lamp exting uished). 5.3.24 ENSURE FW HTRS 4 & 5 BYP VLV, FW-V120, is closed. 5.3.25 ENSURE FW HTR 4A INLET VL V, FW-V118, is closed. 5.3.26 ENSURE FW HTR 4B INLET VL V, FW- V119, is closed. 5.3.27 PERFORM the following to close the Startup Level Control Valve:

1. ENSURE SULCV, FW-LlC-3269, in M (manual).
2. OBTAIN display VAL VE OEM on SULCV, FW-LlC-3269, using SEL pushbutton.
3. DECREASE VAL VE OEM signal on SULCV, FW-LlC-3269, until VALVE OEM indicates 0%.

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5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: The COO condensate conductivity should be less than 0.065Ilmho/cm before commencing feeding the vessel. This limit may be waived with the permission of the Unit SCO and the E&RC Chemistry Supervisor. WHEN COD vessel effluent is directed to the reactor vessel OR COD influent conductivity is greater than 0.1 Ilmho/cm, THEN low flow through COD vessels could result in higher than desirable pH and conductivity in the reactor vessel. WHEN B21-F032A or B21-F032B is open AND COD influent conductivity is greater than 0.1 Ilmho/cm, THEN each in-service COD vessel flow should be maintained at 1500-3000 gpm. NOTE: WHEN opening valves B21-F032A and B21-F032B, the spring return control switch must be held in the OPEN position in order for the valve to stroke to the full open position. Valve open travel may be stopped by releasing the spring return control switch at any time during the valve stroke. Only momentary operation of the control switch in the CLOSE position is necessary to cause the valve to go full closed. throttled. Th~s~zvalves ar&hO'~ele~  ! Gmma9s ... Afleast 3 secondss,&o~la nH mjt\hi!s"+h~lrizljR;'i:!i,ti:lrlf~. . "'Frequerity' . 5.3.28 OPEN FEEDWATER ISOL VLV, B21-F032A. _/- Ind.ver. 5.3.29 OPEN FEEDWATER ISOL VLV, B21-F032B. / Ind.ver. 5.3.30 REQUEST Chemistry to assess the need for Boron sampling and analysis using OAI-81 start-up guidelines for concentrations in the reactor. 5.3.31 PERFORM the following to place the Startup Level Control Valve in service:

1. IF necessary, THEN DEPRESS SEL pushbutton on SULCV, FW-L1C-3269, until VALVE OEM is displayed.

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2. SLOWLY INCREASE SULCV FW-LlC-32B9, VALVE OEM signal to maintain reactor water level between 182 and 192 inches.
3. IF STARTUP LEVEL CONTROL VALVE, FW-L V-32B9, malfunctions, THEN THROTTLE OPEN one or more of the following valves to maintain reactor vessel level at 182 through 192 inches:
a. FW HTRS 4 & 5 BYP VL V, FW-V120.
4. WHEN reactor level is between 182 and 192 inches, THEN PERFORM the following to place the Startup Level Control Valve in automatic:
b. DEPRESS SEL pushbutton on either RFPT A(B) SP CTL, C32-SIC-RB01A(B), until LVL ERROR is displayed.
c. DEPRESS SEL pushbutton on MSTR RFPT SPIRX L VL CTL C32-SIC-RBOO, until SETPOINT is displayed.
d. ADJUST SETPOINT on MSTR RFPT SPIRX L VL CTL, C32-SIC-RBOO, until L VL ERROR display on selected RFPT A(B) SP CTL, C32-SIC-RB01A(B), is approximately 0 inches.
e. DEPRESS AIM pushbutton on SULCV, FW-LlC-32B9, AND CHECK AIM indication changes to A (automatic).
f. SLOWLY ADJUST SETPOINT on MSTR RFPT SPIRX L VL CTL, C32-SIC-RBOO, for desired level between 182 and 192 inches.

IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 25 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 5.3.32 WHEN the Startup Level Control Valve is in service AND RWCU reject no longer required for reactor vessel level, THEN ENSURE the following valves are closed:


NOTE: IF optimal control of STARTUP LEVEL CONTROL VALVE, FW-LV-3269, is desired, THEN the control band should be maintained between 25% and 55% on the controller output demand signal. 5.3.33 IF desired, THEN ADJUST FEEDWATER RECIRC TO CONDENSER VLV, FW-FV-177, to maintain STARTUP LEVEL CONTROL VALVE, FW-LV-3269, output demand signal between 25% and 55%. 5.3.34 WHEN condenser vacuum is greater than 12 inches Hg, THEN TEST the operation of the Low Condenser Vacuum Switches OG-PS-110 and OG-PS-111 as follows:

1. OPEN one bypass valve 15% using the Bypass Valve Opening Jack.
2. CLOSE the bypass valve using the Bypass Valve Opening Jack.

IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 26 of 431


3. CONFIRM the following extraction steam line moisture removal valves are open:
a. LP Turbine B 9th Stage Extraction To Heater Drains Deaerator Moisture Removal Valve, MVO-L V-267.
b. LP Turbine A 9th Stage Extraction To Heater Drains Deaerator Moisture Removal Valve, MVO-L V-266.
c. 4th Stage Extraction To FW Heater 5A Moisture Removal Valve, MVO-L V-268.
d. 4th Stage Extraction To FW Heater 5B Moisture Removal Valve, MVO-L V-269.
e. LP Turbine A 11 th Stage Extraction Moisture Removal Valve, L V-262.
f. LP Turbine A 11 th Stage Extraction Moisture Removal Valve, L V-263.
g. LP Turbine B 11th Stage Extraction To Heater Drains Deaerator Moisture Removal Valve, LV-264.
h. LP Turbine B 11th Stage Extraction To Heater Drains Deaerator Moisture Removal Valve, LV-265.

NOTE: Main turbine shell and chest warming should be performed concurrently with pressurizing of the reactor. 5.3.35 WHEN reactor pressure is greater than 60 psig, THEN COMMENCE shell/chest warming in accordance with 1(2)OP-26. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 27 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: RCIC should be placed in Standby as soon as the low steam supply pressure isolation signal is reset but prior to 150 psig in accordance with Tech Spec 3.5.3. Reset value is 80-90 psig. 5.3.36 WHEN reactor pressure reaches approximately 85 psig, THEN PLACE RCIC in standby in accordance with 1(2)OP-16. 5.3.37 IF the unit was in cold shutdown for longer than one week, THEN NOTIFY the Work Control Center to schedule a RCIC System Operability Test within approximately one week. 5.3.38 PLACE the RFPT gland seals in operation in accordance with 1(2)OP-32. NOTE: Main steam line temperature heatup rate is limited to less than or equal to 100°F an hour. Control of the heatup rate shall be accomplished by monitoring steam line pressure and utilizing steam tables. It should be assumed the steam is saturated steam. Pressure can be monitored from the Plant Process Computer. NOTE: HPCI should be placed in Standby as soon as the Low steam supply pressure Isolation signal is reset, but prior to 150 psig in accordance with Tech Spec 3.5.1. Reset value is ::s; 138 psig. 5.3.39 WHEN reactor pressure reaches 120 - 140 psig, THEN PERFORM the following:

2. PLACE HPCI in standby in accordance with 1(2)OP-19.

IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 28 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: IF the following periodic tests are NOT current, THEN the PTs should be performed at the indicated pressure: Periodic Test Turbine Inlet Pressure

1) OPT-10.1.3, RCIC System Operability 135-165 psig*

Test-Flow Rates at 150 Psig Reactor Pressure

2) OPT-09.3, HPCI System-165 Psig Flow Test 150-180 psig**
*Complete within 24 hours after reactor pressure reaches 135 psig and prior to exceeding 165 psig.
**Complete within 48 hours after reactor pressure reaches 150 psig and prior to exceeding 180 psig.

5.3.40 IF OPT-10.1.3 is NOT current, THEN RECORD when reactor pressure reaches 135 psig to document the start of the 24-hour interval allowed to perform OPT-10.1.3. Date Time 5.3.41 IF OPT-09.3 is NOT current, THEN RECORD when reactor pressure reaches 150 psig to document the start of the 48-hour interval allowed to perform OPT-09.3. Date Time 5.3.42 WHEN reactor pressure reaches 150 psig AND the main condenser vacuum is greater than or equal to 7.5 inches, THEN CONFIRM Turbine Bypass Valve No. 1 opens to prove operability of the pressure regulator. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 29 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 5.3.43 CONTINUE heatup and pressurization of the unit as follows:

1. Preferred Method: ALLOW one Bypass Valve to open at least 25%, THEN JOG the pressure regulator setpoint to establish a reactor heatup (do NOT exceed 100°F per hour heatup rate).
2. Alternate Method: MAINTAIN the pressure regulator setpoint 15 to 20 psig above reactor pressure during heatup (do NOT exceed 100°F an hour heatup rate).

5.3.44 WHEN reactor pressure reaches 150 psig, THEN THROTTLE CLOSED STEAM SEAL BYPASS VALVE, MVD-S2, as necessary to maintain seal header less than 4.0 psig. 5.3.45 Unit 2 Only: ENSURE MN STM TO BPV CHEST DRN VL V, MS- V35, is closed. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 30 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials Unit 2 Only: NOTE: Past history indicates the pressure sensing lines for Condenser Pressure Transmitters 2-B21-PT-N056 A-D fill with condensate during shutdown periods. A pipe wrench will be required to remove the drain valve cap from 2-B21-PT-N056A AND N056B INSTRUMENT LINE DRAIN VALVE, 2-B21-IV-1026, if draining is required. NOTE: The 2-B21-PT-N056 A-D sensing line slope was corrected to design in accordance with SPEC 248-117 under W/O 00069871 during the B215R1 outage. Condenser vacuum should be monitored during startup and an instrument channel check performed on 2-B21-PTM-N056 A(B,C,D)-1 to determine if this resolved the problem. 5.3.46 Unit 2 Only: IF condenser vacuum appears unstable OR a problem is indicated during the instrument channel check, THEN PERFORM the following to drain the condenser pressure sensing lines:

1. ENSURE the following low condenser vacuum bypass switches at Panels 2H12-P609 and 2H12-P611 are in BYPASS:


2. REMOVE drain valve cap from 2-B21-PT-N056A AND N056B INSTRUMENT LINE DRAIN VAL VE, 2-B21-IV-1026.

IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 31 of 431


4. ALLOW line to drain to condenser for 30 seconds.


6. REPLACE drain valve cap AND CHECK for vacuum leaks.
7. REMOVE drain valve cap from 2-B21-PT-N056C AND N056D INSTRUMENT LINE DRAIN VALVE, 2-B21-IV-102B.
9. ALLOW line to drain to condenser for 30 seconds.


11. REPLACE drain valve cap AND CHECK for vacuum leaks.

IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 32 of 431*

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 5.3.47 WHEN main condenser vacuum is 15 in. Hg or greater, THEN PERFORM the following:

1. CONFIRM the following:
a. Condenser vacuum is greater than 15 inches Hg.

is clear.


is clear.

d. MSIV AC LOGIC and MSIV DC LOGIC lights on Panels H12-P622 and H12-P623 are on.
2. PLACE the following low condenser vacuum bypass switches at Panel H12-P609 to NORMAL AND REMOVE the associated keys:
3. CONFIRM the following Panel H12-P609 main steam isolation valve low vacuum trip relays are energized (pulled in from the stop screws):
a. A 71B-K10A.
b. A71B-K10C.

IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 33 of 431


4. PLACE the following low condenser vacuum bypass switches at Panel H12-P611 to NORMAL AND REMOVE the associated keys:
5. CONFIRM the following Panel H12-P611 main steam isolation valve low vacuum trip relays are energized (pulled in from the stop screws):
a. A71B-K10B.
b. A71B-K10D.

NOTE: WHEN reactor pressure reaches 200 psig, THEN a steam jet air ejector should be placed in service. 5.3.48 CLOSE the following drain valves:


5.3.49 PLACE an off-gas train in operation in accordance with 1(2)OP-30. 5.3.50 PLACE the AOG Charcoal Absorber System in service in accordance with 1(2)OP-33. 5.3.51 WHEN condenser vacuum is greater than or equal to 20" Hg, THEN CLOSE SPE A(B) SHELL DRAIN VALVE, MVD-V39(MVD-V42) and SPE A (B) SHELL DRAIN VALVE, MVD-V40(MVD-V43). 5.3.52 WHEN reactor pressure reaches 250 psig, THEN ALLOW a turbine bypass valve to come open at least 20% to prevent reactor power oscillations due to variation in RFP steam demand. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 34 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 5.3.53 IF any SRV tailpipe temperature is more than 50°F greater than the average of the others when reactor pressure reaches 250 psig, THEN IMMEDIATELY CONTACT Engineering for guidance.

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5.3.54 PLACE Reactor Feed Pumps in service in accordance with 1(2)OP-32. 5.3.55 WHEN Condensate Booster Pump discharge pressure decreases to approximately 380 psig, THEN PLACE a second Condensate Booster Pump in service in accordance with 1(2)OP-32. NOTE: The nominal setpoint of the pressure regulator is 928 psig, as read on the plant computer or Control Room pressure indication. Pressure may be raised as high as necessary to accommodate testing, but must be reduced to the nominal setpoint before rolling the main turbine. NOTE: ERFIS computer pOints EHCPA002 and EHCPA003, on Group Point Display

                                         # 38, can be accessed to more precisely adjust the pressure regulator setpoint.
, *V\lI--IEN*raisi[lg/eact9rpressure;~RiPs:e.ress~~lS~}"JHEN.g~pressing the Z{rer~~e~;~E%~l~n~oftime c~~ld:~al;fs~~ a~~~~~tCfr7~i~ral'rlaue .{q~;powersp~~j~.

5.3.56 WHEN one Reactor Feed Pump is in operation, THEN INCREASE the setpoint of the pressure regulator to 928 psig, while maintaining a heatup rate of less than 100°F an hour. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 35 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 5.3.57 PLACE Zinc Injection System (GEZIP) in service in accordance with 1(2)OP-32. 5.3.58 WHEN reactor pressure reaches 400 psig, THEN ENSURE STEAM SEAL BYPASS VALVE, MVD-S2, is closed AND Steam Seal System operating in accordance with 1(2)OP-26. 1. 5.3.59 WHEN reactor pressure reaches 500 psig, THEN ENSURE the following valves are closed:


5.3.60 WHEN Reactor Feed Pump discharge pressure is greater than 900 psig, THEN PLACE MSTR RFPT SPIRX L VL CTL, C32-SIC-R600, in A (automatic) as follows:

1. ENSURE MSTR RFPT SPIRX L VL CTL, C32-SIC-R600, in M (manual).
3. DEPRESS SEL pushbutton on RFPT A (B) SP CTL, C32-SIC-R601A(8), until A(B) BIAS is indicated AND ENSURE bias is set to 0%.
4. DEPRESS SEL pushbutton on RFPT A (B) SP CTL, C32-SIC-R601A(B), until PMP A(B) OEM is displayed.

IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 36 of 431


5. DEPRESS SEL pushbutton on MSTR RFPT SPIRX L VL CTL, C32-SIC-R600, until MASTR OEM is displayed.
6. SET MASTR OEM to equal PMP A (B) OEM value displayed on RFPT A(B) SP CTL, C32-SIC-R601A(B),

using the raise and lower pushbuttons on MSTR RFPT SPIRX L VL CTL, C32-SIC-R600.

7. DEPRESS AIM pushbutton on RPFT A (B) SP CTL, C32-SIC-R60 1A(B) , AND CHECK the indicator on control station changes to A (automatic) AND PMP OEM signal remains unchanged.
8. DEPRESS SEL pushbutton on the out-of-service RFPT A (B) SP CTL, C32-SIC-R60 1A (B), until LVL ERROR is indicated AND CHECK L VL ERROR is approximately 0 inches.
9. DEPRESS AIM pushbutton on MSTR RFPT SPIRX L VL CTL, C32-SIC-R600, AND CHECK the indicator on the control station changes to A (automatic).
10. ENSURE PMP A(B) OEM and VALVE OEM signals remain unchanged.
11. DEPRESS AIM pushbutton on SULCV, FW-LlC-3269, AND CHECK the indicator on the control station changes to M (manual).

l~eQr Ib~ *. 'UShbUttod~x~n. FW-LlC-3~69i~ilJ caus~t if) ......rementsof 0; 1%.;C9ntinua,lll;d~pres.?i~~.}t~y ,.' *e.,,dtrr.:;, .
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                    ..             :;J:Y-i:.':.~:,,/ ,[     ,:iT' };< (~:;" ';;':/{' ~~", .::;...)
12. SLOWLY OPEN SULCV, using raise pushbutton on FW-LlC-3269, until VAL VE OEM is 100% AND CHECK reactor water level is being maintained between 182 and 192 inches.

IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 37 of 431

5.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: IF the following periodic tests are NOT current, THEN the PTs should be performed at the indicated reactor pressure. Reactor pressure may be increased using pressure set to facilitate required test pressure. Periodic Test Reactor Pressure

1) OPT-10.1.1, RCIC System Operability Test 945-1045 psig*
2) OPT-09.2, HPCI System Operability Test 945-1 045 psig**
3) OPT-11.1.2, Automatic Depressurization System 945-1 045 psig***

and Safety Relief Valve Operability Test

*Complete within 24 hours after reactor pressure reaches 928 psig.
**Complete within 48 hours after reactor pressure reaches 928 psig.
***Complete within 12 hours after reactor pressure reaches 928 psig.

5.3.61 IF OPT-11.1.2 is NOT current, THEN RECORD when reactor pressure reaches 928 psig to document the start of the 12-hour interval allowed to perform OPT-11.1.2. Date Time 5.3.62 IF OPT-10.1.1 is NOT current, THEN RECORD when reactor pressure reaches 928 psig to document the start of the 24-hour interval allowed to perform OPT-10.1.1. Date Time 5.3.63 IF OPT-09.2 is NOT current, THEN RECORD when reactor pressure reaches 928 psig to document the start of the 48-hour interval allowed to perform OPT-09.2. Date Time IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 38 of 431

5.0 PROCEOURAL STEPS Initials DatelTime Completed _ _ _ _- - - Performed By (Print) Initials Reviewed By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Unit SCO COMMENTS IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 39 of 431

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 2 of 3 NRC Licensed Personnel Instructions for Reactor Startup 2.4 The Control Operators responsibilities for startup are delineated in 001-01.01. These job functions should be strictly adhered to during the unit startup/synchronization. During the approach to criticality, it is especially important NOT to distract the Control Operator responsible for reactivity manipulations. 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE APPROACH TO CRITICALITY IF a trainee is involved with control rod withdrawal during the reactor startup, THEN the Control Operator responsible for reactivity manipulations will maintain absolute and positive control over the OJT trainee individual. IF there is more than one OJT trainee allowed in the Control Room for startup, THEN only one OJT trainee may be directly involved with repositioning control rods under the strict supervision of the licensed Control Operator. 4.0 ACHIEVING CRITICALITY Prior to the withdrawal of control rods to bring the reactor to criticality, nuclear instrumentation recorders (SRM/IRM) should be checked per 001-01.02 for operability. The guidelines listed below should be followed during the approach to criticality: 4.1 During control rod withdrawal the Control Operator should continuously monitor the following instrumentation:

  • SRM Period Meters C51-R601
  • SRM Count Level Meters C51-R600
  • SRM Recorder C51-R602 This will allow early detection of errors associated with the estimated critical position and nuclear instrumentation:

4.2 During the approach to criticality, "source range doubling" must be used as a method of monitoring for criticality. As a rule of thumb, five "doubles" in the neutron count rate will yield criticality; however, this rule may NOT always hold true due to initial core conditions and time between control rod withdrawal. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 41 of 431

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 30f3 NRC Licensed Personnel Instructions for Reactor Startup

          . Upon achieving three SRM "doublings" in the neutron count rate, control rod withdrawal should be in the single notch mode for all subsequent rods unless continuous withdrawal is recommended by the Reactor Engineer and approved by the Unit SRO. The single notch withdrawal requirement is also applicable to all high worth control rods, as designated by the Reactor Engineer, regardless of the SRM count rate or number of "doublings".

4.3 The estimated critical position (ECP) is a rough approximation of the control rod positioning needed to achieve criticality of the reactor. This estimate should NOT be relied upon for the approach and declaration of criticality. IF criticality occurs before the lower range, or does NOT occur prior to the upper range of the ECP, THEN the operator shall insert control rods in accordance with the OGP-10 sequence sheets to less than three doubles of the SRM counts. The Reactor Engineer and Nuclear Fuels personnel should be contacted immediately. Nuclear Fuels will examine the subcritical data and recommend a course of action. The margin to criticality should be determined by the Reactor Engineer and should include factors such as moderator temperature, fuel temperature, and Xenon. 4.4 While repositioning control rods, time must be taken to initial GP-10 steps and to monitor all operable nuclear instrumentation. This time allocation will provide pauses in the approach to criticality, which allows for neutron level stabilization while the reactor is still subcritical. 5.0 POWER INCREASE AFTER CRITICALITY 5.1 IRM and APRM instruments should be monitored while withdrawing control rods to open bypass valves. 5.2 Heatup of the reactor coolant system with reactor heat should be coordinated with the BOP operator to prevent the reactor coolant system from being heated at a faster rate than the BOP can be placed in service. 5.3 1(2)PT-01.7, Heatup/Cooldown Monitoring, shall be initiated during reactor coolant system heatup to confirm compliance with Technical Specification SR IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 42 of 431



Revision 89: Added steps to close the SPE recirculation line isolation valve ( and open ( Also added Step to adjust vacuum if required. Also added a 3-5 minute delay between opening OG-MOV-01 (2) in step and starting the SPE in and associated note explaining the reason for the delay. This change is required to match the guidance in 1(2)OP-26.1. (PRR00276678). Revision 88: Step added to provide instruction to request I&C fill the SJAE Level Instrument reference legs to prevent delays in startup when placing the SJAEs in service (PRR 229647). Revised step for heatup of the unit to allow opening a Bypass valve and jogging the pressure regulator (PRR 228680). Revision 87 is an editorial correction to correct Step 5.3.36 to be consistent with the wording in the referenced LER. The requirement in the LER is for the RCIC System Operability Test to be scheduled within approximately one week. Revision 86 incorporates new SRM Rod Block setpoint to 2 x 105 cps for Unit 1 in accordance with EC 59816. Revision 85 incorporates new SRM Rod Block setpoint to 2 x 105 cps for Unit 2 in accordance with EC 59816. Revision 84: Revision to Precaution and Limitation 3.8 and note prior to 5.3.27 to change the minimum flow through COO s when feeding the RPV to 1500 gpm from 2000 gpm as in OOP-32.1 (PRR 187718). Revision to caution to provide additional information on how to fully close throttle valves in the Feedwater System prior to opening the Feedwater Line Stops to prevent a possible cold water injection (PRR 180408). Revision to add Caution for to ensure Control Room Staffing meets the requirements in OPS-NGGC-1306 during approach to criticality (NCR 172379). A note has added to notify Operations Management if greater then one SRM is determined to be inoperable prior to achieving SRMIIRM overlap (NCR 204216, PRR 204527). Revision 83: Editorial change to delete note before Revision 82 incorporates a change to the start up sequence for the Steam Packing Exhauster and Gland Sealing Steam due to trips on the SPE causing delays in establishing vacuum allowing steam to leak past the Main Turbine Seals causing a possible moisture excursion in the Turbine-Generator Lube Oil System. Included in the revision is a note providing guidance on how to perform the SRM 'doubling' calculation. Revision 81 incorporates NCR 156480 to ensure the correct Power-Flow Map is selected prior to Control Rod withdrawal. IOGP-02 Rev. 89 Page 43 of 431


Evaluate a Clearance Request - 2A CRD Pump. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. The applicable prints 0-02516 SH1A & 1B, 0-02538 SH2, LL-09113 SH32, and Attachments 2
       & 4 of OPS-NGGC-1301 WILL be provided to the trainee.
2. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.
3. The attached forms from OPS-NGGC-1301 are intended to provide a guide to the evaluator and are NOT to be given to the examinee. Attachments 2 & 4 of OPS-NGGC-1301 should be filled out using actual copies of forms from OPS-NGGC-1301 and given to the examinee.
4. The evaluator should have available copies of valve lineups from 20P-08 & 21 to support performance of JPM if the examinee asks for them.

Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. You are an operator in the Work Control Center. Passport is not available for use.
2. Maintenance has prepared a Clearance Request to place CRO Pump 2A under clearance for scheduled work. CRO Pump 2B will be running.
3. This clearance is to allow maintenance to perform two WOs.
a. The first WO is to allow maintenance to sample lube oil on CRO Pump 2A motor bearings and speed changer, and to inspect the seal cooling water lines (requires breaking flanges on cooling water lines at the pump).
b. The second WO is to lift the pump so the pump feet can be honed due to high vibration (requires breaking flanges at the pump).

INITIATING CUE: The WCC SRO directs you to evaluate the attached proposed Clearance Checklist (Attachment 4 of OPS-NGGC-1301) and determine the adequacy of the clearance boundary, and inform him if the proposed clearance is adequate. LOT-ADM-JP-201-E01 Page 2 of 9 Rev. 01

Evaluate a Clearance Request - 2A CRD Pump. ATTACHMENT 2 Sheet 1 of 1 Clearance Request Form To be completed by the Requestor. (Please print.) A. Name Mechanic Supervisor Ext. No. 0000 Work Group Z73 (Mechanical Maintenance) Date: Yesterday B. (1 ) Unit # 2 (2) System # 2-C12 (3) Equipment to be cleared 2-C12-C001A. CRD Pump 2A C. Clearance Specifications Fluid Boundary System Depressurized and Drained Power Supply breaker racked out/off D. Reference drawings and procedures (attach list if necessary) D-02516 SH1A & 1B, D-02538 SH2, LL-09113 SH32, 20P-08, 20P-21 E. Special requests, precautions, and prerequisites Need SS Waiver of 2 isolation valve requirement F. Date/Time Needed Today / ASAP or Event LOT-ADM-JP-201-E01 Page 3 of 9 Rev. 01

Evaluate a Clearance Request - 2A CRD Pump. ATTACHMENT 4 Sheet 1 of 1 Operations Clearance Checklist Clearance No. Admin JPM Page _1_ of _1_ Checklist Type: Hang INT NAME (PRINT) INT NAME (PRINT)

  • Independent Verification Required? YES If NO, N/A the Blocks Seq Action Type Tagld Position Equipment/Component Completed. Verified By By 1 Hang CIT 1 INFTAH RTGB Control Switch 2-C12-CS-Z4A 2 Hang Red 2 RACOR Motor Feeder 2-E3-AI2 3 Hang Red 3 CLOLOC Discharge Valve 2-C12-F014A 4 Hang Red 4 CLOLOC Recirc Valve 2-C12-F015A 5 Hang Red 5 CLOLOC Suction Valve 2-C12-F013A 6 Hang Red 6 Closed Cooling Inlet Valve 2-RCC-V295 7 Hang Red 7 Closed Cooling Outlet Valve 2-RCC-V7 8 Hang Red 8 Open Pump Drain Valve 2-C12-V45 9 Hang Red 9 Open Casing Vent Valve 2-C12-F1 09A Continued N LOT-ADM-JP-201-E01 Page 4 of 9 Rev. 01

Evaluate a Clearance Request - 2A CRD Pump. PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Steps are listed in a logical order, but may be performed in any order. Step 1 - May obtain a current revision of OPS-NGGC-1301. Current Revision of OPS-NGGC-1301 obtained. SATIUNSAT* Step 2 - Evaluates CIT INFTAH Tag for the RTGB Control Switch 2-C12-CS-Z4A. Determines no deficiencies for the info tag. SAT/UNSAT* Step 3 - Evaluates Red RACGR-Tag-,for the Motor Feeder 2-E3-AI2. IdentieeS-~~cienC~!~~Jfoe breaker number, which should be 2-E3-AJ2.

                         '-...---,-.~---- -
                                                                             ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 4 - Evaluates Red CLOLOC Tag for the Discharge Valve 2-C12-F014A. Determines no deficiencies for the locked closed tag. SAT/UNSAT* Step 5 - Evaluates Red CLOLOC Tag for the Recirc Valve 2-C12-F015A. Determines no deficiencies for the locked closed tag. SATIUNSAT* Step 6 - Evaluates Red CLOLOC Tag for the Suction Valve 2-C12-F013A. Determines no deficiencies for the locked closed tag. SAT/UNSAT* Step 7 - Evaluates R~~deI6sed Tag for theCoo~ng Inlet Valve 2-RCC-V295. Identi(ies wrong valve listed, V~!'te should be 2.RCC-V294.

                       ~"'-~"" ~-'-.-- -- --~-----~.~-~-".."
                                                                             ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-ADM-JP-201-E01 Page 5 of 9 Rev. 01

Evaluate a Clearance Request - 2A CRD Pump. Step 8 - Evaluates R~sLCJ0sed-nrg-fO'th~oling Outlet Valve 2-RCC-V7. Ident!!!es wrong valve listed, Vatye should be 2.RCC-VB.

                     '----~.-.---.--           -//'
                                                                   ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 9 - Evaluates Red Open Tag for the Pump Drain Valve 2-C12-V45. Determines no deficiencies for the open tag. SAT/UNSAT* Step 10 - Evaluates Red Open Tag for the Casing Vent Valve 2-C12-F1 09A. Determines no deficiencies for the open tag. SAT/UNSAT* Step 11 - Identify the positive seal line isolation valv~-1'f6fTnCi-ud;;di;bou-naaryT~ue_Sk---_" Determine positive seal pressure valve-t2::.C1H0171_~f]gY_Lcfj2fJ.-fK!de.d-.,-- ... ' (Red Closed Tag sequenced anywhere after the breaker but before the Drain Valve).

                                                                   ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 12 - Evaluates Sequence of the steps of the clearance. Determines no deficiencies for the sequence. SAT/UNSAT* Step 13 - Inform WCC SRO of results._ WCC SRO informed of results SAT/UNSAT*

  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

LOT-ADM-JP-201-E01 Page 6of9 Rev. 01

Evaluate a Clearance Request - 2A CRD Pump. RELATED TASKS: 2990208301, Develop A Clearance Per OPS-NGGC-1301 KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: Generic 2.2.13 4.1/4.3 Knowledge of tagging and clearance procedures


OPS-NGGC-1301 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: Referenced prints and OP lineups. ADMINISTRATIVE CATEGORY (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2. Supp. 1): Admin - Equipment Control LOT-ADM-JP-201-E01 Page 7 of 9 Rev. 01

Evaluate a Clearance Request - 2A CRD Pump. Time Required for Completion: ~ Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate 0 Actual Unit: 2 Setting: Control Room 0 Simulator__ ( Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs ) Time Critical: Yes No 0 Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No ~ ill EVALUATION Trainee: JPM: Pass -- Fail Remedial Training Required: Yes No ____ Did Trainee Verify Procedure Revision?: Yes No _ __ ( Each Student should verify one JPM per evaluation set. ) t JJJ m F Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: Date: ________ LOT-ADM-JP-201-E01 Page 8 of 9 Rev. 01


1) You are an operator in the Work Control Center. Passport is not available for use.
2) Maintenance has prepared a Clearance Request to place CRD Pump 2A under clearance for scheduled work. CRD Pump 28 will be running.
3) This clearance is to allow maintenance to perform two WOs.

a) The first WO is to allow maintenance to sample lube oil on CRD Pump 2A motor bearings and speed changer, and to inspect the seal cooling water lines (requires breaking flanges on cooling water lines at the pump). b) The second WO is to lift the pump so the pump feet can be honed due to high vibration (requires breaking flanges at the pump). INITIATING CUE: The WCC SRO directs you to evaluate the attached proposed Clearance Checklist (Attachment 4 of OPS-NGGC-1301) and determine the adequacy of the clearance boundary, and inform him if the proposed clearance is adequate. Page 9 of9

ATTACHMENT 2 Sheet 1 of 1 Clearance Request Form To be completed by the Requestor. (Please print.) A. Name Ext. No .____________ Work Group _________________ Date ________ B. (1 ) Unit # __________ (2) System # _ _ _ _ ___ (3) Equipment to be cleared __________________________________ C. Clearance Specifications D. Reference drawings and procedures (attach list if necessary) E. Special requests, precautions, and prerequisites ____________ F. Date/Time Needed _____./______ or Event ___________________ I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 75 of 99 I

ATTACHMENT 4 Sheet 1 of 1 Operations Clearance Checklist Clearance No.---------------- Page _ _ of __ Checklist Type: Hang; Lift; Boundary Change (Circle one) INT NAME (PRINT) INT NAME (PRINT)

  • Independent Verification Required? YES/NO If NO, N/A the Blocks Seq Action Type Tag Id Position EquipmenUComponent Completed. Verified By By Continued YIN QARECORD I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 77 of 99 I

Rs ". 4\~O VOLTS

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      <tw>                                                . ': .

o::J:w Qt-a:::

8 7 6 4 BANK NO. 4 BANK NO. 2 BANK NO. 9ISZQ-O 33-HCU HypRAULIC 34-HCU 35-HCU HEAOER( TYP) M~~ 'lNI 0 'lA l 1i-----21 CONTROL

                                                                                                                                                       ~-----2l                                       ~-----
       '8-SI-21 31V0             I                                                                                                                     I                                              I                       I                                                                      I. FOR GENERAL NOTES. SEE UNIT BANKS                 I Y


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~" CL. 905 <TYP.)                                                                                                                                            F I                                                                                                 79-11 -905 I

I I I I V52 41-1~ -905 40-1 Y2 -905 42-1 ~ -905 45-1' -905 26-1~ -9.05 39-1 ~ -905____.. 46-1-905 46-1-905 EXHAUST WATER D-2516-IA 22-IY2 -905 (E-8 ) 21 -I' -905 20-1 ~ -905 E ~77-l; -905 CHARGING WATER E 19-2-905 37-1 ' -905 36-1~ -905 35-1~- 905 COOLING WATER 35-1' -905 28-1~ -S05 0-2516-IA (E-8 ) 25-1~ -905 24-1 -905 DRIVE WATER 24-1 -905 0-2516-1 A (0-8 ) 1,:-----, V24 RCC-V74 I PI

                                                                                                                <   D-2538-2 (-----:                                                                                                                          P603 I     ROl6 L::: ______ ~

I I SPEC. ___ u ____ " __ ~~~~: ____ u _ -+ _______~~~@ C215HO CRW P603~ P61~:~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ~                     E,S    I,: __ ~~ __ ,



o o I ----------, FI09A----;"!:  : DRIVE WATER PUMP 2A N~~~ ______ L _____ -.. ___ J ___ J_ ~ ~~ . .L.____ -{V;o23()_-'l;"'~--I Ir~i

l.*~44! I~Z COO I A 80-1-165 VI l;"
~,.: 2"J F015A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~                 L::: _____ ~                                 ~

FOOl A .- V2 SPEC. 248-26 I "XI" SPEC. 248-261 I~~I"""'P~--- ~ P603 ~ 248-26 l I" 11711 P603 RBCCW 2-RCC-76-1-154 ~ t& R606

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         @Y_U __
l. __ ~-) 0-2516-1 A)

FY-KOOI 0-2538-2 9-2-905

-- fa (C-8) 19-2-905 CLASS 160 2"4-165 i K601 ORW DI12HO 2-C 12 F021 A -------.,

I ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~---    ES 0-2544 SPEC. 248-26                                                                                                                                                                                                              FT ---------F~----l SPEC.
  • __~1~1~-~2~-9~0~5__-4~
NOQ4 RD 19  :

lr---====~_.5===:;::::J--J 2-CO-211-4-0-7 c VI3 c 2-CO-213-4-C-7 SPEC. F021 B VI4 11-2-905 10-2-905 0-2516-IA V6 00048 68 -l;-905 (B-8 ) V5 FOOl B SPEC. l;" 2-BZI-70tS-31& I "XI"


CLASS 160 LO V48 11" SPEC. ~ 248-26 V4 DRIVE WATER PUMP 2B / , / ,'~!t---'"'---. I" I SUMP. (TYP.) COOIB REAC, RECIRC. L7---::; I . B CLASS 160 ORW 0 I 12HD TEST RBCCW (A-I ), /,' / lUi"' tl l);


2-CO-V200 DRIVE WATER FILTERS SYSTEM 0-2518-1 A) B 0-2544


31-\ -902 31-~~41 :902 I!I 2-RCC-75-1 -154 V2-"

                           . (C-I )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      DRAIN RBCCW (A - 1 )-       /                                                                                                                   CONO. RETURN 0-2538-2     'f--/'       CLASS 160 SPEC. 248 -26 UNIT NO.2


                     ';-                                                                      2-CO-V320 o

o OJ cO 2-CO

                                                                                                  ----©                                                                                                                                 CONO. SUPPLY UNIT NO.2 THE I NFORMA TI ON ON TH I S DWG. COMPLI ES WITH (G.E.) P~ID OWG. 104R947BB SHEET I F.P.                 5763.

2-CO-208-4-C-7 r::::;;r;;;:::-:r-=:=-==:-::=~:r='r"'"""Iif--:-:-:~:-:-:-:--=-:C::-::-'-------~ OJ _ ' " " " ' " - -....-H-f--n--:fl0-2040-1 B)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                '2.1 %M REV/SED 'PER fSRrHJ5'lS .~~~                                   CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COIof'ANY 2-CO-V309 \                 2 -CO-V313
                                                                                           \ 2-CO-V307 (0-3) 2-CO-42-4-C-7        ~31~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?:i 123 b/JJk :~I~;DO:~I:t~~~~~y ~~~ 'f>-~-<-~

____ ~8~R~UN~S~W~IgCK~S~T~E~AM~E~L~E~CT~R~I~C_P~L~A~N~T_____ A REACTOR BUILDING A 2-CO-205-4 C C-7 221,/93 AS-8UILTPEROR92-0064 ~~'Ci'1; "J PIPING DIAGRAM

  • 2-CO-V316 ... 2(; $(,.1. REeVISEP PE.R DR ~~-OO04 ;I~,d CONTRIl ROD DRIVE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM TYP. )

CLASS 160 ORW fJ5 21,/ I"/~, REYI5EO Pl!11 ESII 9'NJ1l8tJ3 SHEETNO.I B2 UNIT 0-2544 C.R.D. PUMP INLET FILTERS (B-2 ) D-02516 SHT. IB 8 6 4

1 4 1 I :2 9IS<:0~ NH *lNI 0 *lA

 'w,un~~~~nl ~~(


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    *                     ...-PBUMBY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,            ~ CONTAINMENT                      PRESS.


~8?> I: I: OPEN 46-1-905 CAP , END EXHAUST WATER 46-1-905
          ) 0-2516-1 8 IE-I)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ~T SEE  NOT~                    !\",6-3-9l1l1 r-----'

E 35-I!-oc905 CODliNG WATER 35 ~ 9115 (0-2516-18 R~f IE-I) 24-1-905 DRIVE WATER 24 1-9l15

                                                                                                                                                                                        >C72-Wll1 L _____ J              I 0 l--b<h'--rVt>:l35<l--I
            <0-2516-18                                                                                                                                                                    FP-lI5148      )_nn __ '           LSTABILIZING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ~I r------t--


                                                                                                               ~248-26 ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     --~--l 2-RNA-252-~"-17l1                                                                                                                                                                                                                   F~7:
                                                                                                        ~ ~-;;-I 30 PSI                                                                                                                                                          iFIl TE:R:
                  ~      ,,0-7029-2A(
                                                    ~~   6!\

I NSTR. AIR 70-75 PSIG CJr--~---~4 ________,~i~t~._ 13-1~ -905~ . CO-7)

                                                  ~              --<0-2517-28(                                                                                           ~" CLEAN V21             ROD6 :                                                             : _
                                                                                                                                                                                                           *        , WITHDRAW           SV       *    ,   F06SA 8.I I' S~C. 248-26                                                                                I                                                      OUT'"\.

o ~V108 VI09


IA-4@'P603 FI R604 I ____ :....J.. 1:-: I, . I ' 007 V34-~-9l16

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .: GENERAL NOTES;                                         o 248-26                                  -----.                                                                                         I                     '---qI

_ _ _ _ _ _. . . . J _____I* INSERT I ]1. EQUIPMENT, INSTRUMENTS 8< PIPING ARE ti:"@I' FlI67A U FILTER D005A R003: L____ J .30-~-9S5-'" L _________________ J PREFIXED BY UNIT 8< SYSTEM NUMBERS "2-C12" UNLESS OTHERwISE NOTED. -- VI05 VI07 '2. WORK THIS DWG. WITH o-lI2517. F038 29-1-905 29-1-905_ I----------s~--l

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~           r~ VENT                         '3. FOR REFERENCE DWGS. SEE oWG. o-lI2519.


                                                                                                                                                  ~SPEC. 31-~-9:~~                          I              r---~~4                 -2::-               i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ,4. CLEAN OUT CONNECTIONS ARE PROVIDED r~~~~:             l ~                                                                                                                                            1I FILTER 00058                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         FOR THE TIE-IN OF TEMPORARY PIPING TO P603@

R605 248-26

                                                                                                                                                                                             ,             I          :    WITHDRAW                    , 33-~-9.06-"


                ~------...JfK-OO.09-FLT-                                                        V26                                                                                          I                        I                  SV            I FOJ9 1-+                   FlIlI2A REG I I  FT                                                i      1--;;-\---:1 ~ ~"CLEAN OUT [~




                               ~.w I-----{

i 0"1

                                                          'T F040A fl,N007
L __ ::...:l I


R007, Eel L.::_~IV~
                                                                                                                                ~---i r--~ l3~ ~E V29 L!.J"-   r=,

FILT~--T------L- F068B

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -~-"          . . ---......         .,;J--~-        ..                                               7. SPECIFICATION 248-26 BY PIPING FABRICATOR.



I ES V25 SPEC. 248-26 c ~ , I/, . ~I

                               \eJ                                                 INSTRUMENT LINE                                                 r---L N~J9 NOlO            ---:                                            .        STABILIZING                                                           LL-lI7l1l1l1.

OO~ V78  : ES I L::: V3 2 t~ >C72-1l11l1: FP-lI5148 ) ___ CN/A, nn. VALVE FlIlI78 .. ~ X= lSI CLASS (l,2,3,M,-) ll1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   . , ~ y= OUALITY CLASS
                                                                                ,UNION                                                                                SPEC. 248-26
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 !(1. SEE TECHNICAL REPORT IlI8NP-TR-lIlI2 FOR~

V-J5-1~ -905 APPLICABLE ASME SECTION XI REQUIREMENr:,.J F047A V54 FlI54 24-1-905 F 34-1-905

                          ~12-1~ -905

[I SPEC_ 248-26"1

                                                                          ~:..J VI6 29-1-905 12-1~ -905 DRIVE WATER PRESSURE CONTROL STATION                 L-..--

Vl7 SPEC . 248-26 COOLING WATER PRESSURE CONTROL STATION FOO6 12-I~ -905 1, 11-I!-oc9~5 P603 B 11-2-905@L

  )0-2516-18           .         Z38

r---14-1~ t-__________~..------~13~-~I~~--~9;05~~Fb06~0~~Pf

                                                                                      -905                                                                    74-I!-oc905---...,
                                                                                                                                                       ~F~0~6~1  ________I.__________                    ~..
                                                                                                                                                                                                               ~13~-~I~~-!90~5~~~~~--r_--~-~t----_r--~~--~FO~7~1------~J t-.~


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ...............,'1                                          8 11-21-:~5)             l ____~L:-:--JM~::~~;;!F_:Ot4;!;0;;:8=~...J Fom                                                               ~~:/):-1                                                                                                                 ,~~

F0468 F070 SET PSID l P6l13~ ~..J-P6l13 "'_.-ot;r.,~__..k13-1-9~5 13-1~ -90S J r- ~ Foo2B P6l!3 L_ ~~ f---~ ~ FLOW CONTROL STATION PART OF INSTRUMENT RACK CTYP I CAll J i ----p-o;-1 NillI8 I _____ -----.J:, "


ES c ___ RlIlI9 @ o I I i

                                                                                                                                                                                                            ------1 PDT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   .Nill1 I" ES

i @

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -----.J'.-~c ___    POI RlIlI5 EI5BB SET @ B5 PSID

_ /.~--~~ REACTOR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .--..0-.02522-28, (C-8Y
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~~~~~~~E LINE THE INFORMATION ON THIS oWG. COMPLIES WITH (G.E.) P8<ID OWG. W4R947BB SH.l, FP-lI5763.


7 6 4 ~ ,  ? I h < ( 147-1-154 RCC-VI20 ,~ CS-833 SEE NOTE 9

                                                                                                                                                                                     .f ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 "                                                                                        j-:                              FOR EXCHANGER TUBE                                                                                TI                                                                             ,-2-RCC L 2 - RXS l

V70 ',---nn-,p-2528-2A, SIDE VALVES ~ PIPING 6"160: LASS 689 0-7070-1 ___ n__ OEMIN. WTR. SYS. TI 686 ,to, I A - 6 )

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -            SEE FUEL POOL COOL! NG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~OWG.0-02549 FILTERING SYSTEM SH':~A                        ~ V80               t                                             V2             IE-31
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   '~"-1      '


                                                         ) 0-2530-2        >--                44-12-154 P.r. VI58 r-;;';'-";';:;"~'I-....I.-..

P.r. VI61 IY.," 47-12-154 AS _i_ TI 687 83-1-154' V81 4"X6" 4" EXCH'R. ~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~                 ~ -p\.

t 11. VI78 2-RXS-13~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  -----70-7070-1 R B S P SYS
  • AM )'

117-\V~~11E:XCHAN\G"--1ER~2CN~~I I ,~O-~~t .~ ,'~'"' ,: r-;~::,~::,~=~Y-~""",

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ':f" IF -2 l
        ~~~:-~~~~17 /0* r                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             !:;:;:


       ~                                   ~~ ~V:I~.

102-I-L-1 Jmll:::;'"' ' ' ~_t:o:l V~~] I!Bll' " "'" Iw ...... 1,,;;, 84-1-15J8~~ 1'1~~~~~2


4" 1 I


V313 I" I VI21 1 "!:"j [~rIl9-~-154 VI80 r-I' VI55 6"16~jlCLASS TI 154;:; 83.3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ', ___ n S 0-7070-1)

Z 111680-::~S5S4 ~V116 0~;594H;_IB ~ i ~ Q';,';:'\~ ~1[r-k1ru . - IVl.i2.~~~ 9))i~~~~~3c~

                  ..                                V314..r                                                              ill                                           1--"1,           W                    ORW                                                 '"      ;;,                                                                                                                                                               688
         $                      ~                        2-RCC *
  • 2-MUO
                                                                                                                                              \"                                                                                                                                       120_                                                 r@V7814V"V6"t                                                                      EXCHR.                                             SEE NOTE I               I                   LS i                                                                                                                                                                                 IE-7)                                                                                                                       ~                                                                                         ~!r It:

_ _ 80-1-154-1, 4" P.T. :t 2-RXS 664 ,. TI 0 II II ~ ~ 1iI;KJ"\..--., ~ R.B.SAMP.SYS.

     -I                   I          LG        :
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ~l~                                                    ~

W II II - ItETI 1 f VI76 ~2':'~.§.:.!~70-7070-1)

   "I                     I         663        'RTG                                           43-12-154           P.T*

TVI57 P.T.'VI60 685, t= - 1l'!=tJ.§QQJA. I~~*1i

    -'   4"           4" I'
  • e5 CLOSED COOL 1NG 114-~


                                                                                                                -154 VI12                                   '1                ~22;-"
                                                                                                                                                                                    'T V123...

1Y.j" _154.:46 46-12-154 ~E 2885 V296 2~~5



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  "'-51-6-154          52-6-154 V48
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,043HO r   P;,J'. 81-1-154-"L!I9 VI54 0-25431B ORW              r-                      6"160 CLASS FUEL POOL HEAT ~

EX IL I45 -\-154 SV 832

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ,ITYP. I ALL VALVES 1/2 " S.W.


    ~                                                                                                                                                 ~"                                                                               '7                                                                                                                                                                                                  CHANGERS                                                                                                          E E


                           -- VI62 WATER SURGE TANK                                   -;-                       "       m                                                                         *                                                                                              '-SEE NOTE 7 ITYP.)                           3-6-154                                  (E"")                                                                                                3-6-154                 TO SlUmNG 80X EXTENSION 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~                                                                                                CS-~3Ht~-                                                                                 ~.
    ~                                                                                "[/,I                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           TO I~                                                                                                                                                    ~                                                                                                               ~--I---'                                                                   ~,~. 1<                                                   f"2Ji1?~O 'l~)~

103-4-154 600 GAL. EXCHANGER "2BN /I 55-6-154 ] fJ!?,EE, NOTE 9 57-\-154--Z*r.!VI49 OIL COOLER CARTRIDGE t 109-2-154 SV ~ ORW J, V50 * <0-7070-1 7 w R. B." ,.,.,,, '" COOLER l FOR EXCHANGER TUBE 115-\ -154 ;..1.V113 037HO (E-3 I  : 831 16Q ,CLAtSS SAMP.SYS.

  • rx¥.'

VI07 SIDE VALVES ~ PIPING 0 2543-1 B ' R B SAM. SYS. T . . m , 4" OR" 0-7010-1 f-V}2-RXS-9 4"160 CLASS SEE SERVICE WATER SYS. OWG.0-02537 SHEET I ITYPICAL ) _ 42-12-154 P. T. VI56 \" 160 CLASS '.f P.T. VI59 IE-6)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                'f' U;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ...         J, P.T.[____

VI51 0-7070-1 IE-31

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       '\ 2 R        I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            - X~ .2-RCC ~

VI831 5 V8

  • 3"~~~VI06 3'~4" 0-2546 /

(E-5) 0316HO ~\ IE 41 143-"-154". -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ~12-RXS E2-RCC S E".:.;N:::.OT:.:E:...;::.6_       rx~

NOTE_~ V:~2' 45~12-154 (~ rnrd' '" I I V I~"

                  <                                                                                                                                                        ~ "~                                                                                                 ! ~                       88-1-154~V8687-1-154                                                                   ~I                         RO*_W;5C2*tl:~                                ~ P.T.~ ~SE-_842)9                              pl~.~ICL'160 SEE                                                                                                                                                      V45                                                            on          -                                       fN9l        '                                                                                                                SS2 9                    --70-7070-1 ) ,

S.. ______ 0-7070-1 IE-51 _\ ' n_____ i 8S6V4

                                                                                                 "   111-'l4 -154 VI09
                                                                                                                                                        ,1:                               VI22
                                                                                                                                                                                                  .   'IY.,"                                l~rSEE    NOTE      7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -r:-'    EXCH'R N2B"                                                                                       \:

G31 T v t E NOOI ~~ ["""OlL 11 TI 6" IE-4) VI12 V147E!i g:'M'IOGE I~~I I 'lI"....,; g ~ "' R.B.SAMP.SYS. 2-RXS- PI ITJ. 684 'L 160 CLASS " I PIPING BY iilS.!.. V 0-17EO_750)-I~'-- _... Vl90 RTG 71,,-2e]3 A ,1111 1111 EXCH.ANGER "2AN 121'-\-154 ~

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ..                                   160 CLASS'l 1\6-1-1.54                                        85-1-154 1~~V83                    I I


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .,V306""v50sa I~

o I '"'~ ~;; 13;-~-154 2 RXS 2-RCC P I , RTG W 112-\ -154--"1,

                                                                                                                                                                         ~VIIO ORW m .;, @
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ,            SEE 0~IR7WHD _/.        'c       -r---GID 1HII                @}, ~                        ~,.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 '-5-~-154                               :5~on ~ ~, 0

611-1, ' **037"H0 W NOTE 7 'lli,fl . l'

PSL ".-../ 0-'25431B fNTOl H-.-1 I TI IY.," 673 J." 160 CLASS
                                                                                                                                               'lI-                                                IE-6)'                                                   ..-              F E : / 0-2546 2256             i<,                 / ....
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              """                           TI         EXCH'R * -AN         -- £.                              uu~                   :FE 2887                                5-1"7 154                         PIPING    BY   PUMP                  0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          !~                  I~"t                                                                  ~_                                                                                                                                                             VI48F'T,V[NOO:+R~~~~f-~-'5588SH')

r.I D-7327 683:'!1 PS REACTOR BLDG. CLOSED IHl 690 . TO AND FROM , V40J;' 672 COOLING WATER HEAT ~~~~ ~~I IT P.T~Vi"50 FOR EXCHANGER TUBE 56-1~-IS4 '.~.~"_I _ _ PUMP "2A" SAMPLE COOLER E-604 ANO 36-12-154-. 39-16-154 't ' -F:"~ 0-12-154 TV 11'4)1' V3 \ 2-RXS-10] SEE C$" 830 SIDE VALVES ~SYS. SEE R.W.C.U. PIPING V307':, ~r¥ COOLER E-605 ON J~Y.j"PUMP ' ._~~~"' J ---3> 0-7070-1) SH.IA DWG. j

                                                                                                                    ~ __ J                                                                                 V38\~V303;:;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 GT03STUI-TmO-ONGILBOCOOXLEEXTRE~:RINDGE~ r[

lJl ) 2-IR-RB-18 AT N2C" 37-12-154 4--' Y.," 695 V4 NOTE in 0-02527 56 \ 154-20' EL. V34\ V301' J,... V36\ ... V302 J, '<t 38-12-154 L" ---'54-2-154 9", ' (E 4)

                    ,.,          ,.,                 J,                   mi                         -;- 7 i                        V35~                               7 .fUME..                           V37~                        ;;;'.fUME..~@;?\ h ~ ~54-6-1~ - - \.J VI74 ~ R.B.SAMP.SYS.                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~,
                                                                      ~J.                                  ~ : PI ~-T                                              ~~ ~                                 ~" .. IF                        ~"2A" 674 L... ~                                                                         1@i~'LO-7070-1                                                                                                                 :~E ~.W.C.U.                                                   rx~
NON-REGENERATIVE 669 VI18 ~ ,_ 670 VII9 ~ ,~/

k I~...=---' "' ~ ~IY2"

-- _ PI PI 76154 u u u u ,

668 VI17 \"/:_

                                                                             ..L;;..",,-""                                             ..I '                     ~ '"


                                                                                                                                                                                                                ~                      ~~5-10-1~4                                                                                    SV                       IE-4)


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        , ,                                                                                       J                                                                                                   A                                                                t      CL.160
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ATTACHMENT 3 C Page 1 of 157 Continuous Use Control Rod Drive Hydraulic System Valve Lineup PERSON(S) PERFORMING OR VERIFYING LINEUP AND INITIALS (PRINT) REMARKS: DOCUMENT any components NOT in required position and reason below. (Duplicates of this page may be used for additional space, if necessary.) Started: Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Time _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Completed: Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Time _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Approved by: / Unit seo Date Time 120P-08 Rev. 74 Page 113 of 3041

(~e< .....'"\c.e.. A.~~ ~ I). r- A.l \ z. 2. PUfcs ~.f 1rl+. 3) ATTACHMENT 3 C Continuous Page 1 of 22 Use Reactor Building Closed Cooling Water System Valve Lineup PERSON(S) PERFORMING OR VERIFYING LINEUP AND INITIALS (PRINT) REMARKS: DOCUMENT any components NOT in required position and reason below. Page may be duplicated as necessary. Started: Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Time _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Completed: Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Time _ _ _ _- - - - Approved by: / UnitSCO Date Time 12oP-21 Rev. 63 Page 42 of 671


                     ~ NUciear   Generation Group 1 OPS-NGGC-1301           Rev. 17            Page 1 of 991

TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 PURPOSE .............................................................................................................. 3


....................................................................................................... 3 3.0   DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................ 8 4.0   RESPONSIBILITES ............................................................................................. 12 5.0   PREREQUISITES ................................................................................................ 18 6.0   PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ................................................................... 19 7.0   SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT .................................................................. 20 8.0   ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ................................................................................... 20 9.0   INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................. 21 9.1    General Administration ................................................................................... 21 9.2    Operations Clearances ................................................................................... 28 9.3    Personal Clearances ....................................................................................... 54 9.4    Audits .............................................................................................................. 68 9.5    Qualifications .................................................................................................. 71 10.0 RECORDS ........................................................................................................... 73 ATTACHMENTS 1      Clearance Log Sheet. ......................................................................................... 74 2      Clearance Request Form ................................................................................... 75 3      Operations Clearance Form ............................................................................... 76 4      Operations Clearance Checklist ......................................................................... 77 5      Operations Clearance Principal Equipment.. ...................................................... 78 6      Boundary Change Form ..................................................................................... 79 7      Personal Clearance Form ................................................................................... 81 8      Special Instruction Continuation Sheet. .............................................................. 83 9      Operations Clearance Audit Form ...................................................................... 84 10     Personal Clearance Audit Form ......................................................................... 86 11     Boundary Device Tagging Guidelines ........ ,....................................................... 87

~ 111 I 12 Clearance Checklist. ........................................................................................... 92 13 Operations Clearance Acceptance/Release Form ............................................. 94 14 Clearance Holder Checklist ................................................................................ 95 15 Clearance Conflict Checking Information ........................................................... 96 IOPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 2 of 991

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides methods to control equipment status and thus provide protection for personnel and plant equipment during operation, maintenance, and modification activities. Additionally, provisions of the procedure ensure that the status of safety-related and other important equipment is independently verified when the equipment is restored to service. This procedure also provides guidance for controlling and documenting the installation and removal of grounding devices. This procedure meets the requirements of ANSI N18.7 and 29 CFR 1910.269, and meets the intent of the Accident Prevention Manual (Florida) and the Safety Manual (Carolinas) related to equipment clearance. This procedure outlines the steps necessary to "afford employees the same level of protection equivalent to that provided by the implementation of a personal lockout or tagout device" in accordance with 29 CFR 191 0.269( d)(8)(ii). All employees working within the boundaries of a clearance will be responsible for personally signing on to the clearance through manual or electronic means.


2.1 General References 2.1.1 ANSI N18.7 (ANS 3.2), Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants I~ 1.21 2.1.2 29 CFR 1910.269, Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution 2.1.3 SAF-SUBS-00065, Safety Manual 2.1.4 NGGM-PM-0007, Quality Assurance Program Manual 2.1.5 SAF-SUBS-00048, Protective Grounding Guidelines 2.1.6 ADM-NGGC-0104, Work Management Process 2.1.7 NGGM-IA-0003, Transmission Interface Agreement for Operation, Maintenance, and Engineering Activities at Nuclear Plants (BNP, HNP, RNP) 2.1.8 MNT-NGGC-0007, Foreign Material Exclusion Program 1 OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 3 of 991

2.1.9 SAF-SUBS-00009, LockouUTagout 1~1.10 2.1.10 ANSI N45.2.9 - 1974, Section 3.2.7, Retention of Records and I 10.0 Section A.4.4, Installation - Construction Records 2.1.11 SOER 98-01, Safety System Status Control Attach. 12 1~1.11 I 2.1.12 TRN-NGGC-0502, Personal Qualification Data System 2.1.13 SAF-FPCO-00065, Accident Prevention Manual 2.1.14 OPS-NGGC-1303, Independent Verification 2.2 Brunswick Nuclear Plant References R 2.2.1 SOER 85-5 2.2.1 R 2.2.2 LER 88-029 2.2.2 R 2.2.3 NCR S-89-099 2.2.3 R 2.2.4 ER 87-39 2.2.4 R 2.2.5 IER 97-13-01 2.2.5 R 2.2.6 CR 98-00015-6 2.2.6 R 2.2.7 CR 98-01220-2 2.2.7 2.2.8 OTPP-224, Miscellaneous Training Programs 2.3 Harris Nuclear Plant References 2.3.1 AP-003, General Plant Personnel Safety and Housekeeping 2.3.2 OMM-001, Operations - Conduct of Operations 2.3.3 OMM-014, Operation of the Work Coordination Center 2.3.4 HNP Final Safety Analysis Report, Section 1.8 2.3.5 HNP Final Safety Analysis Report, Section 1 OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 4 of 991

2.3.6 HTMI-013, Final Safety Analysis Report Commitments 2.3.7 91H0813 2.3.8 92H0154 2.3.9 93H0255 2.3.10 93H0960 2.3.11 ACFR 93-00195-4 2.3.12 ACFR 94-01316-4 2.3.13 CR 95-02387-8 2.3.14 Reply to Notice of Violations dated March 3, 1997, Serial 1:'3.141 HNP-97-039 2.3.15 Response to NRC, i.e. Report R11; 500-400/87-31 Violation A 1:'3.151 (SHF/1 0-1351 OE) 2.3.16 NCR 76491, Personal Clearance Error 2.3.17 NCR 102355, Individuals Not Signing On to Attachment 13s 2.4 Robinson Nuclear Plant References 2.4.1 OMM-001, Operations - Conduct of Operations 2.4.2 OMM-004, Operations Work Procedure 2.4.3 OMM-007, Equipment Inoperable Record 2.4.4 PLP-033, Post Maintenance Testing (PMT) Program 2.4.5 PLP-049, Fuse Control Program 2.4.6 PLP-050, Plant Labeling and Stenciling 2.4.7 MMM-003, Maintenance Work Requests and Work Request Planning 2.4.8 SCR 90-005, Men At Work Red Tags 2.4.9 ACR 91-061, Insufficient Clearance for PM 2.4.10 ACR 91-237, Sequence for Hanging and Removing Tags 1 OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 5 of 991

2.4.11 ACR 92-352, Insufficient Understanding of Clearance Process 2.4.12 ACR 94-00127, EDG "A" Starting during Local Clearance Removal 2.4.13 ACR 94-00459, Valve Positioned within Local Clearance Boundary 2.4.14 ACR 94-00686, Removal of Clearance Boundary Valve 2.4.15 ACR 94-01421, Vent/Drain Caps Removed for Clearances 2.4.16 CR 95-0143, Potential Containment Isolation Valve Misposition 2.4.17 CR 95-0011, Incorrect Clearance Restoration Position 2.4.18 CR 95-01090, Improper Use of Sleeving for System Venting/Draining 2.4.19 CR 95-01352, Contaminated Local Clearance Tag Accountability 2.4.20 CR 95-01354, HVH Unit Damper Maintenance 2.4.21 CR 95-02114, 1ST Evaluation of Maintenance Activities 2.4.22 CR 95-02144, Verifying Personnel on QCHL 2.4.23 CR 95-02373, QCHL Maintenance 2.4.24 CR 96-03104, Clearance Preparation Without Controlled Documents 2.4.25 RAIL 94-R0645, Control of Equipment Inoperable Records 2.4.26 PGM 94-036, Plant General Manager Memo Addressing Review of OSHA Regulations for Electric Utilities 2.4.27 NCR 80320, AFW-39 Misposition, Non-Cited Violation 1 OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 6 of 991

2.5 Crystal River Nuclear Plant References 2.5.1 IE 78-31, Audit Clearance Log (NOCS 1861) 2.5.2 NGGM-IA-0031, Transmission Florida Interface Agreement for Operation, Maintenance, and Engineering Activities at Crystal River 3 Nuclear Plant 2.5.3 IE 85-41 & 85-42, SRO Documentation of Independent Review (NOCS 2556) 2.5.4 IE 85-26, Holder Notification of Boundary Changes (NOCS 5622) 2.5.5 IE 83-23 & NUREG 0737, Restoration and Authorization of a C/O (NOCS 5951 ) 2.5.6 IE 81-07, Ensure Control by Operations Department (NOCS 7398) 2.5.7 NRC Violation 87-17-01, Restore Positions per Applicable Procedures (NOCS 40004) 2.5.8 NRC Inspection Report 89-06-02, Direction for Partial Release of Clearances (NOCS 40257) 2.5.9 NRC Inspection Report 90-24-01, Separate Restoration Column

                  & Sequence (NOCS 40610) 2.5.10  NCR 49526, Electrical Shock Received During a 4160V Bus Cleaning/Inspection 2.5.11  Letter to NRC 3F0797-09, Proceduralize Plant Practices (NOCS 62583) 2.5.12  Letter to NRC 3F0398-26, Addition of Personnel Danger Tags (NOCS 62838) 2.5.13  NCOR, Control of Equipment Outside of Clearance Boundary (NOT Tag) (NOCS 95031) 2.5.14  NCR 90037, FWP-2B Boundary Change Not Controlled lAW OPS-NGGC-1301 2.5.15  NCR 133321, Valves Restored Improperly Following Maintenance 1 OPS-NGGC-1301                     Rev. 17                          Page 7 of 991

3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 Affected Employee An individual whose work may be affected by a proposed boundary change. 3.2 Clearance Instructions used to remove equipment from service for personnel and equipment protection. 3.3 Clearance Assembly A table that allows users to build lists of Clearance Requests and tasks for assembly into a Clearance Order. A Clearance Request should be assigned to a Clearance Assembly which then allows it to be assigned to a new or existing Clearance Order. For example, a Clearance Assembly can be for all work orders assigned to a particular work week or for all work orders on a specific component/system. 3.4 Clearance Cross Reference A section within an Operations Clearance that may be used to track work activities associated with work lists and other related clearances. 3.5 Clearance Holder An individual accepting the clearance as appropriate for their assigned work task(s) by signing electronically in PassPort, (except as provided in paragraph Personal Clearances are not accepted electronically in PassPort. The Clearance Holder maintains a current Clearance Holder Training Qualification in PQD. 3.6 Clearance Information Tags Used to indicate that a component is out of service or is affected by a clearance. Clearance Information Tags are not part of the clearance boundary needed for personnel and/or equipment protection. 3.7 Clearance Pre parer An individual qualified to develop Clearance Orders and Checklists. 1 OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 8 of 991

3.8 Clearance Tags Red tags installed on boundary points that isolate equipment from hazards in order to permit work to be performed safely. 3.9 Clearance Worker An individual signed on to Attachment 13, Operations Clearance Acceptance/Release Form, and authorized to work inside the clearance boundary. Persons signed on to Attachment 13 are required to have received the OSHA required training for Authorized Employees. 3.10 Global Tags Tags shared by more than one Clearance Order. Global tags cannot be lifted until all Clearance Orders requiring the boundary are lifted. Global tags do not indicate a Clearance Order number on the tag. 3.11 Grounding Device Equipment used to provide additional protection for personnel when working on electrical equipment. For example, ground straps or grounding breakers. 3.12 Ground Tag Orange tags installed on grounding devices for the purpose of identifying and tracking installed grounding devices. 3.13 Group Tagout Multiple Clearance Workers performing assigned work task(s) under the direction of a Principal Clearance Holder. 3.14 Independent Verifier An individual qualified to verify components are positioned correctly and tags are installed and removed according to the provisions of this procedure. I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 9 of 991

3.15 Matrix Clearance An Operations Clearance where the specific boundary steps required are specified for each associated work order task. The Matrix association requires the steps identified for each task to be completed in order for a clearance holder to accept the Clearance Order for that work order task. The Matrix is built for each task by using "MATRIX-DEF" as the holder and assigning the required steps to that task on the Matrix panel. Matrix Clearances may have multiple hang checklists to establish system boundaries. When lifting portions of the Matrix Clearance, the boundary change process is used. 3.16 Model Clearance A clearance model is used as a template for subsequent clearances to support preventive maintenance work activities. The model can be used repetitively to create clearances for the same regularly scheduled preventive maintenance work activity on the same piece of equipment. Clearance models are not used to create clearances to support corrective maintenance work activities. A clearance model can be derived from a historical clearance or independently developed and must be authorized for use by an individual knowledgeable with the clearance process. 3.17 Operations Clearance A clearance that, because of its plant impact, personnel risk or equipment risk, is administered by the Operations organization. For example, removing a piece of safety related equipment from service that requires isolating support and interface systems. 1 OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 10 of 991

3.18 Personal' Clearance A clearance that, because of the low level of complexity, the limited plant impact and low equipment risk is administered by the group responsible for the maintenance activity. For example, removing a non-safety air handler from service to replace fan belts. Listed below are guidelines for when use of a Personal Clearance would be appropriate: Performance of Facilities or building maintenance Work that involves simple clearance boundaries and meets the following criteria: Does not cause Maintenance Rule unavailability time to be incurred Does not affect LCO equipment required for the current mode Does not involve breaching high energy systems (>500 psig or >200°F) Does not involve breaching hazardous chemical systems Does not impact plant production or reliability Normally can be completed within the shift; It is acceptable for Personal Clearance to remain hanging for greater than one shift when the work does not impact power plant equipment. For CR3 only, Personal Clearances are performed in accordance with site procedures. 3.19 Personal Clearance Pre parer An individual qualified to develop Personal Clearances. 3.20 Principal Clearance Holder A designated Clearance Holder who has electronically accepted the clearance, (except as provided in paragraph, and who is providing coordination between multiple Clearance Workers performing an assigned work task under a Group Tagout. The Principal Clearance Holder will be identified on the "Contacts" panel of the clearance within PassPort. 3.21 Principal Equipment The pieces of equipment cleared for work. The equipment must be a valid piece of equipment from the PassPort Equipment Database. I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 11 of 99 I

3.22 Release Of Clearance Occurs when personnel who have been working under a clearance release their right to work and their right to protection under the clearance. 3.23 Requestor The individual who initiates a clearance or a boundary change request. 3.24 Tag Hanger An individual qualified to manipUlate equipment and hang and remove tags according to the provisions of this procedure. 3.25 Work Control Center (WCC) An office located away from the Control Room where assigned personnel prepare, coordinate and track Operations Clearances and perform other administrative functions related to coordination of plant activities. 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Manager - Operations 4.1.1 Responsible for the administration of the clearance procedure. 4.1.2 Ensuring that periodic audits are performed on the clearance process. 4.1.3 Ensure an independent inspection of the clearance process is performed on an interval not to exceed annually. 4.2 Manager - Maintenance 4.2.1 Ensure necessary Maintenance personnel are trained on the corporate requirements for the use and specification of grounding devices. 1 OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 12 of 991

4.3 Manager - Training 4.3.1 Develop a single training program to qualify personnel on the clearance process and this procedure. 4.3.2 Provide training on the clearance process and this procedure. 4.3.3 Provide training on the Personal Clearance process. 4.3.4 Provide clearance retraining on an interval not to exceed two calendar years. 4.4 Supervisors 4.4.1 Ensure personnel within their work groups are qualified to perform duties related to the clearance process. 4.4.2 Ensure personnel under their supervision comply with the requirements of this procedure. 4.4.3 Administer the Personal Clearance process for their work group. 4.4.4 Verify Personal Clearance boundaries are adequate for the work being performed by their work group. 4.4.5 Verify equipment restoration positions and sequencing is correct for Personal Clearances used by their work groups. 4.4.6 Authorize installation and removal of Personal Clearances for their work groups. 4.4.7 Ensure Independent Verification (IV) is performed as required by site procedures. 4.4.8 Assign Personal Clearances to qualified personnel for installation and removal. 4.4.9 Ensure appropriate people are notified of the installation and removal of Personal Clearances. 4.4.10 Perform audits of Personal Clearances. 1 OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 13 of 991

4.5 Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) I wee SRO 4.5.1 Review Operations Clearances to identify plant impact prior to authorization. 4.5.2 Authorize installation and removal of Operations Clearances. 4.5.3 Verify Operations Clearance is in a "RELEASED" status prior to distributing the final lift checklist. 4.5.4 Establish correct plant configuration to support hanging or removing Operations Clearances. 4.5.5 Coordinate hanging or removal of Operations Clearances. 4.5.6 Identify and initiate any required compensatory measures as a result of a clearance. 4.5.7 Ensure appropriate people are notified of the installation and removal of Operations Clearances. 4.5.8 (BNP, HNP, RNP) Determine the Affected Clearance Holder(s) on a clearance for a proposed boundary change. 4.5.9 Assign Operations Clearances to qualified personnel for installation or removal. 4.5.10 Determine when activities can be worked without clearances based on plant conditions. 4.5.11 (BNP only) Specify the sequence tags are to be removed. 1 OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 14 of 991

4.6 Clearance Pre parer 4.6.1 Prepare and verify clearances to ensure safe operating conditions exist while equipment is being removed from service, maintained, and returned to service. 4.6.2 Specify precautions and prerequisites to be observed prior to the installation and removal of a clearance. 4.6.3 Specify the sequence tags are to be installed. 4.6.4 Ensure the clearance boundary is adequate to provide personnel and equipment protection, and support the work requested. 4.6.5 Make changes to active clearances and ensure the changes provide an adequate clearance boundary. 4.6.6 Determine Independent Verification requirements based on site procedures. 4.6.7 Ensure equipment restoration positions are correct when preparing the clearance restoration. 4.6.8 (HNP, RNP, CR3) Specify the sequence tags are to be removed. 4.6.9 (CR3 only) Determine the Affected Employees on a Clearance for a proposed boundary change. 4.7 Requestor 4.7.1 Identify the need for a clearance to perform work activities. 4.7.2 Notify the appropriate personnel when a clearance is needed to support non-scheduled work. 1 OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 15 of 991

4.8 Tag Hanger 4.8.1 Position components as specified on the Clearance Checklist. 4.8.2 Positioning components in the sequence specified on the Clearance Checklist. 4.8.3 Install and remove tags according to this procedure. 4.8.4 Notify the WCC any time questions or problems arise during the installation or removal of a clearance. 4.8.5 Notify the WCC prior to installation or removal of a Personal Clearance. 4.9 Independent Verifier 4.9.1 Ensure that components are in the position required by the Clearance Checklist. 4.9.2 Ensure that tags are installed and removed on the components specified on the Clearance Checklist. 4.9.3 Ensure that tags are installed and removed according to the requirements in this procedure. 1 OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 16 of 991

4.10 Clearance Holder 4.10.1 Verify the clearance boundary is adequate for their assigned work prior to beginning work. 4.10.2 Prior to agreeing with a clearance boundary change, verify the equipment within the clearance boundary for which they are responsible is in a safe condition for the new boundary configuration. 4.10.3 Verify the work items for which they are responsible are complete prior to signing off a clearance for release. 4.10.4 Obtain a knowledgeable individual to assist in ground installation and removal as required. 4.10.5 Notify the WCC of any restrictions regarding returning equipment to service. 4.10.6 Ensure components are operationally intact prior to releasing a clearance. NOTE: Personnel who are listed in POD as a qualified Clearance Holder shall not accept a clearance by signing on to Attachment 13, working under the direction of a Principal Clearance Holder. 4.10.7 Clearance Holders shall accept a clearance electronically, using PassPort, except as provided in paragraph Personal Clearances are not accepted electronically in PassPort. 1 OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 17 of 991

4.11 Principal Clearance Holder 4.11.1 A Principal Clearance Holder who accepts a clearance shall verify the clearance boundary is adequate for associated assigned work task(s) on a Group Tagout. 4.11.2 A Principal Clearance Holder shall initiate and have administrative control of the Operations Clearance Acceptance/Release Form, Attachment 13, ensuring that all individual Clearance Workers performing tasks under a Group Tagout have signed on the appropriate Operations Clearance Acceptance/Release Form prior to beginning work under the clearance. A separate Attachment 13 will be used for each clearance controlled by the Principal Clearance Holder. 4.11.3 A Principal Clearance Holder is responsible for remaining aware of hazardous energy sources that may affect the individual Clearance Workers during their work and communicate any change to the clearance boundary or changes to the clearance status to the individual Clearance Workers. 4.11.4 A Principal Clearance Holder will release the clearance when the assigned task(s) is complete, all applicable tools are removed, all personnel are in the clear, and all affected individual Clearance Workers have signed off the associated Operations Clearance Acceptance/Release Form, Attachment 13. 4.11.5 A Principal Clearance Holder is responsible to include the completed Operations Clearance Acceptance/Release Form, Attachment 13, in the work order package or deliver it to Operations for inclusion in the clearance package for record retention when the associated clearance is released. 4.11.6 The Principal Clearance Holder shall ensure that all personnel manually signed on to the clearance understand the clearance . boundary, and allow them the opportunity to walkdown the clearance boundary and ask questions regarding the boundary as necessary. 4.11.7 A Principal Clearance Holder is responsible to enter their name and the associated Work Order and task number(s) on the "Contacts" panel of the clearance within PassPort. 5.0 PREREQUISITES N/A I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 18 of 99 I

6.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 6.1 (BNP Only) Valves with Ball Screw Stem Actuators should not be manually torqued. The following valves have Ball Screw Stem Actuators: BNP: 1-E41-FOO1 1-E41-FOO2 1-E41-FOO3 1-E41-FOO6 1-E41-F011 1-E11-F068A 1-E11-F068B 1-E 11-F024A 1-E11-F024B 2-E41-FOO1 2-E41-FOO2 2-E41-FOO3 2-E41-FOO6 2-E41-F011 2-E11-F068A 2-E11-F068B 2-E11-F024A 2-E11-F024B 6.2 Motor operated valves using Limitorque Operators, under the following conditions, have experienced problems with the valves drifting open:

          -  Operator is in manual.
          -  Valve is shut.
          -  Valve is a globe valve.
          -  A high pressure is present beneath the disc.
          -  Valve has a fast operating time.(less than 10 sec)

The anomaly occurs because the drive gear train is disengaged when in the manual mode. With the high pressure under the seat and the fast operating time with no stem locking feature, the valve operator has insufficient resistance to prevent valves from drifting. An alternative clearance valve or a means for holding valves with these conditions should be used when using such valves for isolation. The following valves have been identified as susceptible to valve drift: HNP: 1CS-182 1CS-240 1CS-382 1CS-472 1CS-752 1CS-196 1CS-278 1CS-423 1CS-745 1CS-753 1CS-21 0 1CS-341 1CS-470 1CS-746 RNP: SI-866A SI-866B 1 OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 19 of 991


9.0 INSTRUCTIONS 9.1 General Administration 9.1.1 Attempts have been made in this procedure to recognize organizational differences at the plants. Even though some position titles may vary, the responsibilities and functions of the position itself should be relatively consistent. Below is a list of the organizational positions, associated titles and a description of how they will be designated in this procedure:

1. Superintendent - Shift Operations (S-SO) - This organizational position indicates the second line of Operations management. Site titles include Superintendent
                      - Shift Operations (HNP, RNP, CR3) and Shift Superintendent (BNP). For the purpose of this procedure, the title S-SO will be used.
2. Control Room Supervisor (CRS) - This title indicates the first line of Operations management. When used in this procedure, it represents a member of management and not a shift position.
3. Control Room SRO - This position is the SRO responsible for Control Room operations. Site shift position titles include Unit SCO (BNP, HNP), Control Room Shift Supervisor (CRSS) (RNP), and Control Room Supervisor (CRS) (CR3).

Individuals filling this position mayor may not be a Control Room Supervisor (member of management). When used in this procedure, it indicates an individual who is fulfilling the shift position of the SRO in the Control Room.

4. WCC SRO - This position is the SRO that is assigned to the WCC. If the WCC is not manned, the Control Room SRO performs the actions assigned to the WCC SRO in this procedure or other SROs designated by the S-SO. For CR3 only, a non-licensed Shift Technical Advisor (STA) may also perform the actions assigned to the WCC SRO as long as the CRS or S-SO are notified prior to removing a piece of equipment from service or returning a piece of equipment to service.

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9.1 General Administration (Cont.) 9.1.2 The clearance process is intended to be used when there is a potential for personnel injury or equipment damage associated with an activity. The clearance process is designed to maintain system configuration control but should not be used solely for that purpose. Other site processes should be used for configuration control purposes when the risk of personnel injury or equipment damage does not exist. 9.1.3 Clearances shall not be used with the sole intent of long-term disabling of equipment or in instances where a plant modification would be more appropriate. 9.1.4 When determining if a clearance is required, consider the following:

1. Is there a potential for personal injury or equipment damage from high temperature fluids or toxic chemicals?
2. Is there a potential for personal injury or equipment damage from applied pressure forces?
3. Is there a potential for personal injury or equipment damage from energized electrical components?
4. Is there a potential for personal injury or equipment damage from maintenance on or in the vicinity of rotating equipment?

9.1.5 A clearance shall always be required for grounds, if the ground installation/removal is not controlled by an approved procedure. An approved grounding procedure can be a site specific procedure or another Progress Energy work group procedure (such as a Transmission Department procedure). 9.1.6 A clearance is not required for the installation of test equipment, hoses, rigs and so forth when a local isolation is available. NGGC/Site configuration control methods will be used to document component position. 9.1.7 A clearance is not required for breaker maintenance when maintenance is restricted to the breaker. NGGC/Site configuration control methods will be used to document component position. I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 22 of 99 I

9.1 General Administration (Cont.) 9.1.8 A clearance is not required to work on pneumatic components if a local pneumatic isolation is available and the pneumatic component is not a boundary isolation. NGGC/Site configuration control methods will be used to ensure the components are restored to correct position. The wec should be notified prior to positioning any pneumatic isolation valves. 9.1.9 Electrical components should normally be de-energized by opening a breaker, operating a switch, or by pulling a fuse. In those cases where this is not feasible, it is permissible to lift leads or slide links. If leads have to be lifted or links slid, it is preferred that the leads are lifted/links slid locally at the component and documented using NGGC/Site configuration control methods. Leadsllinks shall be Independently Verified on those systems required by site procedures. Clearance tags should be installed on the lifted leads/links if the leads/links are lifted at a different location than the maintenance or if the component is a boundary isolation device. 9.1.10 If electrical isolation cannot be performed, it is permissible to work on energized electrical components as allowed by site and corporate safety procedures. 9.1.11 Special consideration should be given to clearances that involve systems that are common to other units. 9.1.12 Only those individuals who have been properly trained on the clearance process may perform related duties. 9.1.13 Rotating generators with field current breakers open may still create a source of electrical energy that must be accounted for when developing a clearance. 9.1.14 The requirements of MNT-NGGC-0007, Foreign Material Exclusion Program, should be reviewed when system vents are left open and uncapped. ' 9.1.15 Clearance tags and ground tags are used to indicate a piece of equipment is adequately isolated/de-energized to prevent equipment damage or personnel injury. Other devices such as locks may supplement the tag, but the clearance tag or ground tag is the primary means of control. If locks are used in conjunction with an Operations Clearance, the WCC should be notified. The WCC should be provided a method to disposition the lock in an emergency situation. IOPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 23 of 99 I

9.1 General Administration (Cont.) 9.1.16 Maintenance will be allowed on boundary isolation components provided that the work activity will not alter the ability of the boundary isolation component to perform its isolation function. Examples of work activities that can be performed on boundary isolation devices are as follows: Limit switch grease inspection Flex conduit repairs Relugging of wire connections Electrical disconnect and reconnect of motor Limitorque grease inspection for rising stem and gate valves Anti-rotation device inspection Work on breakers 9.1.17 Clearance tagged or ground tagged equipment shall not be operated for any purpose while under clearance. The following are exceptions to this requirement:

1. Verification of required valve position by the clearance Independent Verifier.
2. Additional torquing of boundary valves to gain adequate isolation. If personnel determine that torquing of boundary valves is needed, the WCC must be notified. The WCC will determine how best to perform and to document the additional valve torquing.
3. Removal and installation of MCC or power panel breakers where the breaker remains open. Concurrent verification is required to verify the breaker is open prior to installation.
4. 6.9 kV, 4160 volt and 480 volt breakers may be pulled out of their cubicle or placed in test as required if the breaker is tagged as "Not Racked In". WCC SRO concurrence is required prior to starting jobs that require placing a breaker in the test position. Concurrent verification is required to place the breaker in the test position.

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9.1 General Administration (Cont.) 9.1.18 Clearance Information Tagged (CIT) equipment may be operated as follows:

1. When no specific equipment position is specified for the CIT tagged equipment, the equipment may be operated as necessary.
2. When a specific equipment position is specified for the CIT tagged equipment, the equipment may be operated as long as it is restored to its tagged position after manipulation.

9.1.19 When boundary valves leak by their seat and a complete draining cannot be accomplished, the WCC 8RO and the Clearance Holder should determine when conditions are safe to perform the required maintenance. 9.1.20 If tags are noticed to be damaged, missing, or have fallen off, the WCC shall be notified. The WCC should consider stopping work within a clearance boundary if clearance tags or ground tags are discovered missing on isolation boundaries. The WCC shall replace any Operations tags. The WCC shall replace or notify the responsible supervisor of any Personal Clearance tags that need to be replaced. 9.1.21 The introduction of fluids, either gas or liquid, into a system within a clearance boundary may be performed by work groups other than Operations provided it is according to an approved procedure and with the concurrence of the CR8 or 8-80. The location at which the fluid is to be introduced into the system shall be specified in the procedure. 9.1.22 There may be times that plant conditions require work to be performed and a clearance is not practical or possible (for example, installation of reactor nozzle dams). When this occurs, work may proceed with the verbal concurrence of both the work group's supervisor and 8-80. IOP8-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 25 of 99 I

9.1 General Administration (Cont.) 9.1.23 A clearance is not required if the plant conditions eliminate the hazard; example, maintenance on the Main Steam system during an outage and the plant is cooled to less than 200°F (212°F at BNP). This process should only be used when the applicable portions of a system and electrical lineup is required to be performed prior to placing the system in service. When plant conditions eliminate a majority of the hazards, but energy sources still exist which need isolated and tagged (such as Auxiliary Steam sources), plant conditions in conjunction with a clearance may be used to allow the work to be performed safely. When relying on plant conditions to perform work safely without a clearance, perform the following:

1. An SRO shall determine the plant Mode and any other required plant conditions (such as RCS level requirements) in which the maintenance activity can be performed safely without a clearance.
2. An SRO shall insert the applicable plant Mode in the Clearance Requirements value field of the Work Order Task and should list the other required plant conditions in the Clearance Requirements comments field.
3. When plant conditions will be used in conjunction with a clearance, an additional Clearance Requirements row shall be added such that separate requirements for the clearance and the plant condition can be documented. If plant conditions will be used in conjunction with a clearance, a note shall be added to the Special Instructions of the clearance to document this fact.
4. Prior to changing modes or changing other plant conditions that are being relied upon to eliminate hazards, Operations shall verify that the activities relying on the current plant conditions are completed or clearance orders are put in place to support anyon-going maintenance.
5. The applicable portions of the system valve and electrical lineup shall be performed prior to placing the system in service.

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9.1 General Administration (Cont.) 9.1.24 Station/Line Clearances are administered by System Operations. NGGM-IA-0003, Transmission Interface Agreement for Operation, Maintenance, and Engineering Activities at Nuclear Plants (BNP, HNP, RNP), and NGGM-IA-0031, Transmission Florida Interface Agreement for Operation, Maintenance, and Engineering Activities at Crystal River 3 Nuclear Plant (CR3), should be used to identify responsibility boundaries between Nuclear Plant Operations and System Operations. 9.1.25 All employees who need a clearance for protection must personally sign on to the clearance, through manual or electronic means, for all associated assigned work tasks. An employee needs a clearance for protection if the individual is performing hands-on work where direct contact is being made with the piece of equipment removed from service by the clearance or if the individual must physically breach the equipment removed from service by the clearance. If only a visual inspection is being performed and the equipment removed from service by the clearance is not physically breached (Le. looking inside a disassembled valve or open heat exchanger from the outside) then the individual does not need to be signed on to the clearance. Plant conditions may be relied upon for protection in lieu of or combined with a clearance per paragraph 9.1.23 above. If a component is removed from the system and work is being performed on that component while not attached to the system (on the floor or in the shop), then the individual does not need to be signed on to the clearance (however, the workers removing the component from the system and reinstalling it into the system do need to be signed on to the clearance). (BNP only - Personnel do not need to accept the Drywell Access Clearance prior to entry into the BNP Drywell. Entry and closeout will be controlled by applicable site procedures and the clearance will be held by Operations). Examples of when an employee must sign on to a clearance: Performing decontamination activities or surveys directly on the shaft of a pump removed from service by a clearance. Inspecting an electrical connection removed from service by a clearance where the electrical connection must be physically contacted. Performing a visual inspection of a tank or heat exchanger removed from service by a clearance where physical entry into the tank or heat exchanger is required. Building scaffolding inside a component removed from service by a clearance. I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 27 of 99 I

9.2 Operations Clearances 9.2.1 Operations Clearance Preparation and Restoration Administrative

1. Operations Clearances will be maintained by the Operations Department.
2. A Holder Lock may be applied to a clearance whenever special hazards or other abnormalities exist for a clearance such that the Clearance Preparer feels that verbal or face-to-face discussions with the Clearance Holder are warranted prior to allowing the clearance to be accepted.
3. For Operations Clearances, the form used should be generated from a clearance computer program, or a copy from this procedure. The computer-generated form may not exactly match the form in this procedure, but the two forms should be similar and include similar information.
4. CITs shall not be used as a clearance boundary.

CITs are used for information only. They are used to indicate that a component is out of service or is affected by the clearance.

5. When tagging of control switches is desired, CITs should be used if the switch does not form a part of the clearance boundary. For switches that are a part of the clearance boundary, a miniature clearance tag or a switch cap should be used.
6. Controlled copies of approved reference materials should be used in the preparation and restoration of clearances. When a controlled document is not available, other means may be used as deemed appropriate. For example:

performing a field walkdown or using a technical manual.

7. Tagging on control panels requires the use of tags small enough to prevent obscuring plant status indications, controls, switches and labels.

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8. The Clearance Preparer shall add components that need to be manipulated as part of planned maintenance to the clearance as "NOT" tags or ensure that other measures have been taken to ensure proper restoration.
9. Before a clearance is issued for a component, system or electrical circuit, sources of energy that may cause personnel injury or equipment damage should be isolated from the work area.

For example, when isolating a pump motor, the pump discharge and/or suction valves should be shut and tagged to prevent possible rotation due to fluid flow. In some cases it may not be practical or desirable to completely de-energize components within the work boundary. In these cases, components or circuits remaining energized will be clearly identified in the clearance Special Instructions.

10. The Clearance Preparer shall evaluate the requested equipment against current or expected plant conditions and determine required lineups necessary to isolate and restore the component, using controlled and approved references.
11. The Clearance Preparer shall identify any significant loss of function incurred by clearance activities and document the loss of function in the clearance Special Instructions. Some potential examples of significant loss of function may include disabled annunciators, defeated protective relays, defeated trip functions, disabled indicators, disabled meters or gauges, masked annunciators, or loss of monitoring capabilities.

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12. For systems where a pump or fan is affected by a clearance, the clearance should be installed and removed in the sequence listed in the table below to prevent damage to equipment.

Deviations from the sequence and specific instructions below are allowed for safety, ALARA, or if the deviation would not impact personnel or equipment safety. Clearance Installation Clearance Removal I I I

1. Secure pump/fan and hang a tag 1. Remove tags from handwheels of on its control switch. valves and reposition manual valves as required. For pumps, open the suction valve before opening the discharge valve.
2. Remove the power source for the 2. Remove tags on power sources to pump/fan prime mover (open valves and restore the power breaker, remove fuse, shut steam supply as required.

supply valve and so forth) and place tag on the power source.

3. Reposition valves from control 3. Remove tags from valve control switches, as required by the switches and reposition valves as clearance, and place tags on the required.

control switches. Include tags for switches in alternate locations if applicable.

4. Remove power source (electrical, Remove the tag from the power air, hydraulic, and so forth) from source for the pump/fan prime valves, if applicable, and tag the mover. Restore the power source power source removed. as directed by restoration lineup.

S. Reposition manual valves as 4. Remove the tag on pump/fan required by the clearance and control switch and reposition the place tag on handwheels of the switch as required. valves covered by the clearance. For pumps, shut the discharge valve before shutting the suction valve.

13. For clearances that involve the removal of fuses, fuse control and accountability shall be according to site procedures.

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14. For devices having a remote operator, such as a valve reach rod, where both valve and reach rod have a handwheel and are accessible, the clearance should be written such that both mechanical devices are tagged. Tags for the valve handwheel may be excluded if radiation levels make entry into the area undesirable (as a guideline, anticipated dose greater than 10 mrem). If the valve handwheel is not tagged, it should be noted in the Special Instructions.
15. When plant design allows, systems that operate with temperatures greater than 200°F, pressures greater than 500 psig, caustic or acid systems (excluding boric acid) should be isolated from the work area by two in series closed valves when the system is to be breached. S-SO permission shall be obtained to hang any clearance that meets the above requirements and does not use double valve isolation. This permission and a notification to the workers of the clearance boundary limitations shall be noted in the clearance Special Instructions. If plant design does NOT allow double valve isolation to meet the above requirements, then S-SO permission is NOT required, but a notification to the workers shall still be noted in the clearance Special Instructions.
16. Electrical power to a motor should be secured before cooling water and/or lubrication is secured.
17. To prevent moisture buildup on motor windings, motor heaters should remain energized unless actual motor work is to be performed. If the motor heaters are placed under clearance, prompt restoration of the heaters is desired to minimize the effect on the motor.

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18. Clearance boundary valves should be tagged.

This is to prevent the possibility of a boundary valve being removed from the system because there is nothing identifying it as a clearance boundary valve. For valve operators that do not have handwheels, the operator should be tagged. For example, a solenoid operated valve should be tagged locally in addition to removing power to the solenoid. Exceptions to this requirement are allowed for ALARA or safety concerns.

19. Motor operated valves may be used as an isolation boundary point provided, after the valve has been positioned for the clearance, its power supply is isolated and tagged and the handwheel is tagged to indicate the valve position. The valve should not be manually engaged to check position. This will prevent inadvertent damage to the torque switch and/or valve seat, and prevents the drifting problem associated with some Limitorque operated valves. Since the valve position may not be available after the motor breaker is turned off, concurrent verification may be used to determine valve position before isolating the power supply. If the valve is determined to have seat leakage, it is permissible to manually engage the handwheel and torque the valve shut. Refer to site procedures for positioning and position verification associated with motor operated valves.

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20. Conditions may exist such that it is not practical for a single Operations Clearance to cover the scope of planned work. It is permissible to use another Operations Clearance in conjunction with the original clearance to perform such work.

When Clearances are tied together like this, there is no electronic link between the clearances. When more than one Operations Clearance is used to allow work, the other clearance numbers should be listed on the Clearance Cross Reference screen for the existing clearance and a note shall be added to the Clearance Order Special Instructions for the affected Clearances explaining the specifics (e.g. which Clearance Order is Master and which Clearance Order is Subordinate to the others).

21. If items are added to the Clearance Cross Reference, an entry should be made in the Clearance Order Special Instructions indicating the Clearance has cross references listed. Prior to making boundary changes, the Clearance Cross Reference Screen should be checked.

Review of the Clearance Cross References is to ensure no other Clearance Order or Checklist is impacted by the change. The review should be completed by an SRO (CNO for CR3) prior to making any change to an established boundary. I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 33 of 99 I Administrative (Cont.)

22. Systems, or portions of systems, and components that normally operate at temperatures and pressures above ambient should be vented and drained as necessary for the performance of work. Whenever possible, an atmospheric drain and/or vent between the work area and sources of pressure to the work area should be tagged in the open position with the cap/flange removed to release pressure in systems and to accommodate thermal expansion and contraction. If depressurization via vent and/or drain paths cannot be provided within the clearance boundary, other definitive measures should be taken to verify the system or component is adequately drained and depressurized. These measures include breaking of flanged connections, loosening of valve bonnets, removal of instrument tubing or other similar actions. If the system cannot be completely depressurized or drained, a comment should be included in the clearance Special Instructions.
23. System fill and vent should be performed according to site procedures.
24. If the component that was drained has a heater associated with the drained portion, the fill and vent shall be performed prior to energizing the heater.
25. If an Operations Clearance is needed and the clearance computer program is not available, the clearance can be prepared using the forms in this procedure. A Clearance Log Sheet (Attachment 1) will be filled out for tracking purposes starting with clearance number U-YV-99000, where U is the Unit number (BNP only) and YV is the current year. Consideration should be given to entering the clearance into the computer program once it becomes available.

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26. When large portions of systems are removed from service and a complete system alignment is to be performed, it is permissible to remove a released clearance and leave the components position as is and rely on the required valve lineup to align and return the system to operation. A note should be added to clearance Special Instructions when this is the method of clearance restoration.
27. Activities may be added to an active Operations Clearance or an approved Operations Clearance that contains an approved Checklist provided that two Clearance Preparer qualified individuals verify that the clearance boundary is adequate for the activity. For Matrix Clearances, a verification that the correct boundary steps are specified for each associated work order task is required.
28. If an approved checklist is modified, a second Clearance Preparer shall verify that the clearance is still adequate for the work activities, the boundary components are tagged correctly and the tagging sequence is correct. For Matrix Clearances, a verification that the correct boundary steps are specified for each associated work order task is required.
29. If a distributed checklist is modified, a second Clearance Preparer shall verify that the clearance is still adequate for the work activities, the boundary components are tagged correctly and the tagging sequence is correct. For Matrix Clearances, a verification that the correct boundary steps are specified for each associated work order task is required.

Additionally, an SRO shall approve the modifications to the checklist. Tag hanging and verification documentation shall be maintained, either by retaining both checklists or by transferring this documentation to the new checklist. IOPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 35 of 99 I Administrative (Cont.)

30. (CR3 only) When performing electrical bus cleaning or inspections and it is not practical to secure the high side feed to the bus, place clearance tags on any cubicle doors that provide direct access to an energized high side feed with a required position of "Closed".
31. When isolating high pressure pumps without suction relief protection, consider aligning a recirculation or drain flow path prior to shutting the suction valve to protect the pump suction from over-pressurization until the high pressure isolations can be verified to be holding.
32. (HNP and RNP only) When tagging 480 Volt Molded Case Circuit breakers, include clearance steps to ensure that Live-Dead-Live checks are performed to ensure that the breaker is open, prior to making the clearance ready for acceptance. Procedure for Operations Clearances

1. A Clearance Preparer can use a Model clearance to create a new clearance to support preventive maintenance work activities. The Clearance Preparer and Verifier must confirm the accuracy of the model by reviewing the Step list, Checklists, and Special Instructions. If the Model clearance is not accurate for the preventive maintenance activity, then it must be revised and re-authorizedbefore it can be used to create a new clearance. Clearance information should be communicated using an electronic Clearance Request, a Clearance Request Form (Attachment 2), or by verbal communication with the Clearance Preparer.
2. The Clearance Preparer shall understand the scope of the maintenance activities and prepare a clearance ensuring that the administrative requirements of this procedure are met.

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3. Applicable Work Orders should be listed on Principal Equipment. If a Work Order(s) must be listed on the Clearance Cross Reference, then an entry will be made in the Special Instructions indicating that Work Order(s) are included on the Clearance Cross Reference.
4. Any pertinent information should be listed in the clearance Special Instructions.
5. The Clearance Preparer should use Attachment 11, Boundary Device Tagging Guidelines, for proper tagging of clearance boundary devices.
6. When grounds are needed for boundary isolation, generate ground checklists to control the ground installation and removal. Grounds shall be installed in accordance with Section 9.2.2, Operations Clearance Installation and Removal, and removed in accordance with Section 9.2.4, Boundary Changes. All grounds shall be removed when work activities are complete and prior to removal of any clearance tags associated with the electrical boundaries associated with the grounding device(s).
7. The Clearance Preparer shall specify the proper tagging sequence paying particular attention to removing systems from service in a sequence that will not cause personnel injury or equipment damage.
8. A Clearance Order must be approved prior to routing a checklist for approval. For Matrix Clearances, route the Clearance Order for approval. For Matrix Clearances, the Clearance Order and the checklists may be concurrently routed for approval.
9. When preparing a Clearance Order and/or checklist, ensure that the proper user ID is in the prepared by field prior to routing the clearance for approval.

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10. A second Clearance Preparer who is a Licensed Operator shall verify that the clearance is adequate for the work activities, the boundary components are tagged correctly and the tagging sequence is correct. For Matrix Clearances, a verification that the correct boundary steps are specified for each associated work order task is required.
11. When removing a clearance, the "Initiate a Final Clearance Checklist" option in PassPort should be used to ensure that all tags currently hanging are listed on the "Lift" checklist. If a Boundary Change to a clearance has been performed, then the "Initiate a Final Clearance Checklist" option must be used. If the "Initiate a Final Clearance Checklist" option is not utilized, the Clearance Preparer shall verify that all tags currently hanging are listed on the "Lift" checklist to ensure that all tags are removed and the componenUsystem is properly returned to service.
12. Prior to removing a clearance, a Clearance Preparer shall determine the restoration positions, restoration sequence, and Independent Verification requirements or add a statement to the clearance Special Instructions when relying on a system alignment to restore the system to service.
13. A second Clearance Preparer who is a Licensed Operator shall verify that the restoration positions and restoration sequence are correct.

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9.2.2 Operations Clearance Installation and Removal Administrative

1. Should plant needs dictate release of a clearance and all Clearance Holders/Principal Clearance Holders are not available, the S-SO or associated responsible supervisor(s) may release the clearance, provided the Clearance Holders/Principal Clearance Holders have been verified to be off site, reasonable efforts to contact the absent Clearance Holders/Principal Clearance Holders have been made, and no personnel or equipment would be endangered by clearance removal. The Clearance Holders/Principal Clearance Holders must be informed of clearance removal prior to the Clearance Holders/ Principal Clearance Holders resuming work at the facility.
2. The Tag Hanger should verify that the alphanumeric component tag number on the tag matches the plant labeling. If any discrepancy is found while hanging a clearance, the Tag Hanger should consult with the WCC to resolve the discrepancy.
3. The Tag Hanger or the person directing the Tag Hanger shall have the checklist or a copy during the installation or removal of the tags.
4. The Tag Hanger should place the affected component in the required position for the clearance, then install the tag.
5. Clearance tags and ground tags should be attached using a non-reusable cable tie capable of withstanding a minimum of 50 pounds. Use of miniature tags or switch caps is allowed for control boards.

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6. If clearance tags and ground tags cannot be attached using a cable tie capable of withstanding a minimum of 50 pounds due to the physical design of the component, other means of attachment are acceptable provided that the tag attachment means is as strong as possible.
7. Clearance tags and ground tags should be installed in an obvious location on the component to clearly indicate that operation of that component is prohibited.
8. If the component is designed to accept a lock to prevent operation, the tag should be installed at the lock out point.
9. If the tag cannot be installed on the component, it should be installed as close as safely possible and in a location that is immediately obvious to anyone attempting to operate the device.
10. Installed grounds or the ground tags should remain visible from outside the cabinet or cubicle. If the grounds or the ground tags are not readily visible, a sign shall be posted indicating that grounds are installed inside.

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11. Independent verification requirements may be waived by the CRS or S-SO under the following situations:
a. Excessive radiation exposures would result.

As a guideline, an exposure of greater than 10 mrem to conduct the Independent Verification would be considered excessive. Individual situations should be determined on a case-by-case basis by the respective supervisor. In these situations, an alternate means of Independent Verification not involving radiation exposure (such as observing process parameters) should be utilized.

b. Entry into any area where personnel safety is compromised or jeopardized due to the presence of extreme temperatures (greater than 120°F), or other hazards potentially dangerous to health are present.
c. During clearance restoration when the system or components are not required to be operable. Prior to declaring the system or components operable, a lineup and Independent Verification is required.
d. The approval for waiving independent verification requirements shall be documented in the clearance Special Instructions.
12. Prior to removal of clearance tags, Operations shall visually inspect the readily accessible portions of the work area to determine that the system appears intact and ready to return to service.
13. If, during the removal of a clearance, the system integrity is not intact, it is permissible to reinstall the clearance. The Checklist should be annotated to indicate the tags were reinstalled and positions initialed.

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14. Tags should be accounted for. Tags should be recycled for reuse. If tags were hung in a contaminated area, they should be decontaminated as necessary.
15. Safety practices associated with the installation and removal of grounds require that the individual performing the ground installation or removal be protected by the clearance boundary. Procedure for Operations Clearances NOTE: When authorizing clearances with Global Tags, the first checklist "Distributed" that includes the Global Tags will actually include the Global Tag hang actions. Subsequent checklists will assume that the Global Tags have already been hung. While any given clearance cannot be accepted until all required tags are actually hanging in the field, if Global Tags are used and not authorized in the proper sequence, clearance process and/or outage efficiency problems can arise.

1. Each Checklist shall be authorized by an SRO.

This authorization is indicated by the Checklist Status being "Distributed" and indicates the SRO has verified the following: Plant conditions are correct for the clearance Installation of the clearance will not adversely impact plant operation Applicable Compensatory actions have been initiated The Control Room has been notified, as necessary

2. After authorization, the clearance will be assigned to a Tag Hanger for clearance installation.
3. If necessary, place the component or system in proper configuration using the Operating Procedure prior to hanging the clearance.

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4. The Tag Hanger shall position equipment and hang tags in the specified sequence. The Tag Hanger shall initial the "Completed By" block on the applicable Checklist signifying tag placement and component positioning or the completion of any applicable "Comment" steps. Tag Hangers shall print their name at least once with their initials for each Checklist.
5. An Independent Verifier shall verify the tags.

The Independent Verifier shall initial in the "Verified By" block on the Checklist signifying proper verification. Independent Verifiers shall print their name at least once with their initials for each Checklist.

6. Once all tags are hung and verified and system conditions allow safe performance of the maintenance, the checklist shall be completed.

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7. If ground installation is required, perform the following:

The ground installer(s) shall verify the clearance boundaries are adequate for ground installation and accept the clearance prior to installing the grounds. An SRO shall authorize the ground checklist indicating that it is appropriate to install the grounds. The ground installer shall install the grounding devices according to corporate and site safety and grounding procedures. The ground installer will attach or remove the ground tags and initial the "Completed By" block on the Checklist. The ground installer shall print their name at least once with their initials for each Checklist. An Independent Verifier shall verify the ground tags are installed. The Independent Verifier shall initial in the "Verified By" block on the Checklist signifying proper verification. Independent Verifiers shall print their name at least once with their initials for each Checklist. Once all ground tags are hung and verified and system conditions allow safe performance of the maintenance, the ground checklist shall be completed.

8. Prior to authorizing clearance removal, the SRO shall verify that grounds, if used, have been removed by verifying a Checklist for ground removal has been completed.
9. Each clearance removal shall be authorized by an SRO. The SRO shall verify that the clearance order is in a "RELEASED" status prior to distributing the final lift checklist. The SRO should review the Checklist, the Special Instructions and any supporting procedures that will be used during the clearance removal.
10. Prior to the clearance removal, the Control Room should be notified, as necessary.

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11. If removing a clearance tag and another clearance tag or other site specific configuration control tag is in place which conflicts with the restoration position of the clearance tag to be removed, remove the clearance tag to be removed, leave the component in its as-found position, and indicate, on the clearance checklist, the clearance tag number or the number of the other site specific configuration control tag which controls the component's position.
12. The clearance shall then be assigned to a Tag Hanger to remove tags and realign the system.

The "Completed By" block on the Checklist should be initialed signifying tag removal and component restoration or the completion of any applicable "Comment" steps. Tag Hangers shall print their name at least once with their initials for each Checklist.

13. An Independent Verifier shall perform an Independent Verification on those systems required by site procedures and should initial in the "Verified By" section to indicate proper verification. Independent Verifiers verifying the restoration shall print their name at least once with their initials for each Checklist.
14. An SRO (CNO for CR3 only) should then review the Clearance Form to ensure that it is filled out correctly, the equipment is realigned as required, the Clearance is removed from required documents and the OP valve/electrical lineups are updated, as necessary.

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9.2.3 Operations Clearance Acceptance and Release Administrative

1. Plant configuration control will be maintained by the clearance process as follows:
a. Equipment may be operated within a clearance boundary as directed by an approved procedure.
b. Components may be operated within the clearance boundary with approval of the WCC SRO. These components should be listed on the Checklist as a "NOT" tag or other measures shall be taken to ensure proper restoration.
2. Equipment that has tags attached shall not be removed from the system. Hinged covers that have tags attached may be opened provided that the tags do not specifically prohibit opening.

Bolted-on covers that are tagged shall not be completely removed from the system in which they are attached.

3. If work requires a component to be removed from a system and tags would be removed with the component, the Clearance Holder shall have such tags removed by appropriate personnel before removing the component from the system.
4. Prior to beginning work, the Clearance Holder shall verify that the clearance boundary is adequate for their assigned work by performing zero energy checks as applicable for the work.

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5. Prior to beginning work that involves breaching a system, the Clearance Holder shall perform pressure checks to ensure the system is depressurized. Examples of pressure checks include using local pressure indications or verifying vents and drains are open. In cases where complete depressurization could not be accomplished, the Clearance Holder should use caution when breaching the system and do so in such a manner that minimizes the safety hazard. Procedure for Operations Clearances

1. All Clearance Holders who need the clearance for protection shall accept the clearance electronically for all Work Orders being worked under the clearance (except as provided in paragraph All Clearance Workers who need the clearance for protection shall accept the clearance for all Work Orders being worked under the clearance by signing on an Attachment 13 under the control of a Principal Clearance Holder.
2. When a Clearance Holder accepts a clearance, their signature signifies that the following has been met:

The clearance boundary is adequate for their assigned work. The work items they are responsible for that will be worked under the clearance are listed on Principal Equipment or the Clearance Cross Reference. The clearance Special Instructions have been read and understood.

3. If grounds are needed, the Clearance Holder is responsible for ensuring the grounds are properly installed prior to commencing the work.

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4. Clearance Holders are to notify the WCC as soon as possible when a clearance problem is identified. Problems shall be resolved prior to work start. If problems arise during work activities, which introduce, a personnel or equipment risk, the work shall be halted and equipment placed in a safe condition until the problems are resolved.
5. As work items are completed, each Clearance Holder shall ensure work tasks on Principal Equipment and the Clearance Cross Reference are complete for the work items they are assigned, or if a work task is not complete but no longer requires the clearance boundary notify the WCC of any restrictions for placing the equipment in service, then release the clearance.
6. The last Clearance Holder requiring the use of grounds should notify the WCC that grounds may be removed.
7. The last Clearance Holder to release a clearance should notify the WCC that the clearance may be removed.
8. Principal Clearance Holders shall not release the clearance until all associated Clearance Workers have completed their work task( s) and are clear of the clearance boundary.
9. Should plant needs dictate release of a clearance, and all Clearance Workers have not signed off Attachment 13, the Principal Clearance Holder may release the clearance provided the Clearance Worker(s) who are not available have been verified to be off site, and reasonable efforts to contact those Clearance Workers have been made. The Clearance Worker(s) must be informed of clearance release prior to the Clearance Worker(s) resuming work at the facility.

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10. Each Clearance Holder shall ensure that all non-essential items have been removed from the work area, and that all components are operationally intact prior to releasing the clearance. This requirement is not intended to prohibit clearance release on portions of systems and partial system restoration and the continuation of other work in the area.

9.2.4 Boundary Changes Administrative

1. Boundary changes include the addition and/or lifting of tags. Boundary changes are processed by creating Checklists.
2. Should plant needs dictate a boundary change, and all Clearance Holders are not available on site, tags may be removed provided the Clearance Holders who are not available have been verified to be off-site, reasonable efforts to contact those Clearance Holders have been made, all available Clearance Holders are agreeable to the change and no personnel or equipment would be endangered by the boundary change. The Clearance Holder/Principal Clearance Holder must be informed of the clearance boundary change prior to the Clearance Holder/Principal Clearance Holder resuming work at the facility.
3. When a boundary change involves only adding tags to a clearance and the clearance boundary is not affected by the addition of tags, notification of Clearance Holders is not required, but the use of a Boundary Change Form (Attachment 6) is still required.
4. Work activities that will be placed in an unsafe condition during a boundary change shall be suspended until such time that the boundary change is completed.

I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 49 of 99 I Administrative (Cont.) NOTE: It is permissible to notify all Clearance Holders of a pending boundary change or just the Affected Employees. When all Clearance Holders are to be notified, the determination of Affected Employees is not required.

5. Due to the personnel risk associated with boundary changes, when it is decided to only notify Affected Employees of a pending boundary change, determining Affected Employees shall be accomplished by two individuals knowledgeable of the clearance boundary and the associated work. Both of the
                                       .individuals do not have to be from Operations but at least one of the two individuals shall be an SRO (CND for CR3). Procedure for Operations Clearances

1. The Requestor should notify the WCC of the need for a clearance boundary change. The request should include the reason for the boundary change and, if known, a description of the requested change. A Boundary Change Form (Attachment 6), Page 1, shall be used for all boundary changes.

NOTE: If the boundary change is temporarily lifting a Global tag then the checklist MUST be identified as a Temp Lift checklist type (TL). NOTE: If a Lift and Rehang of a Global Tag is performed on the same checklist, the Global Tag will lose its Global designation on the rehang.

2. A Clearance Preparer shall develop the requested clearance boundary change. A Lift and Rehang of a Global Tag should not be performed on the same checklist.
3. If performing a Matrix Clearance boundary change, place a Holder Lock on the clearance prior to routing the boundary change for approval.

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4. A second Clearance Preparer who is a Licensed Operator shall verify the boundary change is adequate.

NOTE: At least one of the individuals determining Affected Employees shall be an SRO(BNP,HNP,RNP) NOTE: It is permissible to notify all Clearance Holders of a pending boundary change or just the Affected Employees. When all the Clearance Holders are to be notified, the verification of Affected Employees is not required. NOTE: When determining Affected Employees, ensure that any other clearances listed on the Clearance Cross Reference are evaluated as well. NOTE: If the boundary change only adds tags to the Clearance and the clearance boundary is not affected by the addition of tags, notification of Clearance Holders is not required. NOTE: When a Matrix Clearance boundary change checklist is routed for approval, if any steps on the boundary change are required boundaries for the matrix definition for a given work order task (or if there is no matrix defined for a given work order task) and that work order task is not finished (in the H/OPS (49) status or greater), then all Clearance Holders currently signed on to the clearance for each such work order task are included on the approval route list. If no employees are listed on the approval route list and all work order tasks which require steps on the boundary change as part of their matrix definition are still in the working status, then there are no Affected Employees and no notifications are required.

5. If the clearance boundary will be affected by the boundary change, place a Holder Lock on the clearance and ensure that all active Attachment 13, Operations Clearance Acceptance/Release Forms, are delivered to the WCC, prior to determining the Affected Employees (or notifying all holders) to ensure that no holders can accept the clearance until the boundary change has been completed.

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6. An individual knowledgeable of the clearance boundary and the associated work activities shall decide to notify all Clearance Holders of a pending boundary change or determine the Affected Employees. A Clearance Holder is NOT an Affected Employee only when that employee's work is clearly unaffected by the boundary change. When any doubt exists as to whether a Clearance Holder is an Affected Employee, consider the Clearance Holder as an Affected Employee. Page 2 of Attachment 6, Boundary Change Form, may be used to indicate the Affected Employees (or all Clearance Holders/Workers) and to later obtain the required approvals, but any appropriate form may be used as long as it is maintained as a QA Record.
7. A second individual shall verify the Affected Employees, if applicable. A Clearance Holder is NOT an Affected Employee only when that employee's work is clearly unaffected by the boundary change. When any doubt exists as to whether a Clearance Holder is an Affected Employee, consider the Clearance Holder as an Affected Employee.
8. The Requestor shall ensure that all Clearance Holders/Workers or just the Affected Employees, as required, understand and agree with the pending boundary change, are ready for the implementation of boundary change, have stopped or suspended work, as necessary, and have indicated their approval for the boundary change by signing or initialing. Page 2 of Attachment 6, Boundary Change Form, may be used to obtain the needed boundary change approvals but any appropriate form may be used as long as it is maintained as a QA Record. Per telecom approvals for boundary changes are acceptable in situations where obtaining an actual signature or initials is not reasonably possible.

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9. Principal Clearance Holders are responsible for obtaining approval for a boundary change from all associated work group employees manually signed on to the clearance using Attachment 13.

Should plant needs dictate a boundary change, and all Clearance Workers are not available on site, tags may be removed provided the Clearance Worker(s) who are not available have been verified to be off site, and reasonable efforts to contact those Clearance Workers have been made. The Clearance Worker(s) must be informed of the clearance boundary change prior to the Clearance Worker(s) resuming work at the facility.

10. The Requestor shall notify the WCC when all appropriate personnel have approved the pending boundary change, as required, and work has been suspended as necessary, and shall sign Section 4.2 of Attachment 6.
11. Each boundary change shall be authorized by an SRO. This authorization is indicated by the Checklist Status being "Distributed" and indicates the SRO has verified the following:

Plant conditions are correct for the boundary change The boundary change will not adversely impact plant operation Applicable compensatory actions have been initiated The Control Room has been notified, as necessary

12. The boundary change is then assigned to a Tag Hanger for implementation. The Tag Hanger shall initial each step and print their name at least once with their initials for each Checklist.
13. An Independent Verifier will perform an Independent Verification of the boundary change, if required. The Independent Verifier shall initial the Checklist and print their name at least once with their initials for each Checklist.

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14. Once all tags are hung and/or pulled and verified and system conditions allow work to be recommenced safely, the Checklist shall be completed, the clearance Holder Lock can be removed, and any affected Attachment 13, Operations Clearance Acceptance/Release Forms, can be returned for use.
15. The WCC will notify the Requestor when the boundary change has been completed.
16. The Requestor will accept the boundary change.

This acceptance may be performed by telecom with WCC personnel.

17. If work was suspended pending the boundary change, the Requestor is responsible for notifying the appropriate employees that the boundary change is complete and work may resume.

9.3 Personal Clearances 9.3.1 Personal Clearance Preparation and Restoration Administrative

1. The responsible supervisor will maintain a crew Personal Clearance log book.
2. Personal Clearances should be generated using the forms in this procedure.
3. CITs shall not be used as a clearance boundary.

CITs are used for information only. They are used to indicate that a component is out of service or is affected by the clearance.

4. When tagging of control switches is desired, CITs should be used ifthe switch does not form a part of the clearance boundary. For switches that are a part of the clearance boundary, a miniature clearance tag or a switch cap should be used.

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5. Controlled copies of approved reference materials should be used in the preparation and restoration of clearances. When a controlled document is not available, other means may be used as deemed appropriate. For example:

performing a field walkdown or using a technical manual.

6. Each Personal Clearance will have a unique number that will include the unit number (BNP only), the year, crew or work group ID and sequential clearance number. For example:

1-96-H72-001 where H72 is a crew ID.

7. Tagging on control panels requires the use of tags small enough to prevent obscuring plant status indications, controls, switches and labels.
8. The Personal Clearance Preparer shall add components that need to be manipulated as part of planned maintenance to the clearance as "NOT" tags or ensure that other measures have been taken to ensure proper restoration.
9. Before a clearance is issued for a component, system or electrical circuit, sources of energy that may cause personnel injury or equipment damage should be isolated from the work area.

For example, when isolating a pump motor, the pump discharge and/or suction valves should be shut and tagged to prevent possible rotation due to fluid flow. In some cases it may not be practical or desirable to completely de-energize components within the work boundary. In these cases, components or circuits remaining energized will be clearly identified in the clearance Special Instructions.

10. The Personal Clearance Preparer shall evaluate the requested equipment against current or expected plant conditions and determine required lineups necessary to isolate and restore the component, using controlled and approved references.

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11. The Personal Clearance Preparer shall identify any significant 1055 of function incurred by clearance activities and document the 1055 of function in the clearance Special Instructions.

Some potential examples of significant 1055 of function may include disabled annunciators, defeated protective relays, defeated trip functions, disabled indicators, disabled meters or gauges, masked annunciators, or 1055 of monitoring capabilities.

12. For systems where a pump or fan is affected by a clearance, the clearance should be installed and removed in the sequence listed in the table below to prevent damage to equipment.

Deviations from the sequence and specific instructions below are allowed for safety, ALARA, or if the deviation would not impact personnel or equipment safety. Clearance Installation Clearance Removal Secure pump/fan and hang a tag on Remove tags from handwheels of its control switch. valves and reposition manual valves as required. For pumps, open the suction valve before opening the discharge valve. Remove the power source for the Remove tags on power sources to pump/fan prime mover (open valves and restore the power supply breaker, remove fuse, shut steam as required. supply valve and so forth) and place tag on the power source. Reposition valves from control Remove tags from valve control switches, as required by the switches and reposition valves as clearance, and place tags on the required. control switches. Include tags for switches in alternate locations if applicable. Remove power source (electrical, air, Remove the tag from the power hydraulic, and so forth) from valves, if source for the pump/fan prime applicable, and tag the power source mover. Restore the power source as removed. directed by restoration lineup. Reposition manual valves as required Remove the tag on pump/fan control by the clearance and place tag on switch and reposition the switch as handwheels of the valves covered by required. the clearance. For pumps, shut the discharge valve before shutting the suction valve. I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 56 of 99 I Administrative (Cont.)

13. For clearances that involve the removal of fuses, fuse control and accountability shall be according to site procedures.
14. For devices having a remote operator, such as a valve reach rod, where both valve and reach rod have a handwheel and are accessible, the clearance should be written such that both mechanical devices are tagged. Tags for the valve handwheel may be excluded if radiation levels make entry into the area undesirable (as a guideline, anticipated dose greater than 10 mrem). If the valve handwheel is not tagged, it should be noted in the Special Instructions.
15. Electrical power to a motor should be secured before cooling water and/or lubrication is secured.
16. To prevent moisture buildup on motor windings, motor heaters should remain energized unless actual motor work is to be performed. If the motor heaters are placed under clearance, prompt restoration of the heaters is desired to minimize the effect on the motor.
17. Clearance boundary valves should be tagged.

This is to prevent the possibility of a boundary valve being removed from the system because there is nothing identifying it as a clearance boundary valve. For valve operators that do not have handwheels, the operator should be tagged. For example, a solenoid operated valve should be tagged locally in addition to removing power to the solenoid. Exceptions to this requirement are allowed for ALARA or safety concerns. I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 57 of 99 I Administrative (Cont.)

18. Motor operated valves may be used as an isolation boundary point provided, after the valve has been positioned for the clearance, its power supply is isolated and tagged and the handwheel is tagged to indicate the valve position. The valve should not be manually engaged to check position. This will prevent inadvertent damage to the torque switch and/or valve seat, and prevents the drifting problem associated with some Limitorque operated valves. Since the valve position may not be available after the motor breaker is turned off, concurrent verification may be used to determine valve position before isolating the power supply. If the valve is determined to have seat leakage, it is permissible to manually engage the handwheel and torque the valve shut. Refer to site procedures for positioning and position verification associated with motor operated valves.
19. Systems, or portions of systems, and components that normally operate at temperatures and pressures above ambient should be vented and drained as necessary for the performance of work. Whenever possible, an atmospheric drain and/or vent between the work area and sources of pressure to the work area should be tagged in the open position with the cap/flange removed to release pressure in systems and to accommodate thermal expansion and contraction. If depressurization via vent and/or drain paths cannot be provided within the clearance boundary, other definitive measures should be taken to verify the system or component is adequately drained and depressurized. These measures include breaking of flanged connections, loosening of valve bonnets, removal of instrument tubing or other similar actions. If the system cannot be completely depressurized or drained, a comment should be included in the clearance Special Instructions.

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20. System fill and vent should be performed according to site procedures.
21. If the component that was drained has a heater associated with the drained portion, the fill and vent shall be performed prior to energizing the heater.
22. Activities may be added to an active Personal Clearance provided that a Personal Clearance qualified individual and a supervisor verify that the clearance boundary is adequate for the activity.
23. When isolating high pressure pumps without suction relief protection, consider aligning a recirculation or drain flow path prior to shutting the suction valve to protect the pump suction from over-pressurization until the high pressure isolations can be verified to be holding.
24. Boundary changes shall not be performed on Personal Clearances. Procedure for Personal Clearances

1. The preparer shall review the scope of the maintenance and any related reference materials (CWDs, procedures, flow diagrams, and so forth) to determine the necessary clearance boundary.
2. The preparer should use Attachment 11, Boundary Device Tagging Guidelines, for proper tagging of clearance boundary devices.
3. The preparer will complete the next available entry on the Clearance Log (Attachment 1) with the following information:

The next sequential clearance number The system number The component description The reason for the clearance (include the work item number or procedure) I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 59 of 99 I Procedure for Personal Clearances (Cont.)

4. The preparer will then complete the Personal Clearance Form (Attachment 7) by providing the following information:

The clearance number Equipment to be cleared Work Item number or Procedure to be performed Tag numbers Order to be hung (the sequence the tags are to be hung, if the sequence is not applicable, record N/A) Equipment Description Component clearance position Ground tags as needed

5. The preparer will then complete the clearance and or ground tags by providing the following information:

The clearance number The clearance or ground tag number Equipment description Component clearance position

6. Prior to removing a clearance, a preparer shall determine the restoration positions, sequence and Independent Verification requirements.

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9.3.2 Personal Clearance Installation and Removal Administrative

1. Should plant needs dictate release of a clearance and all Clearance Holders are not available, the S-SO or associated responsible supervisor(s) may release the clearance, provided the Clearance Holders have been verified to be off site, reasonable efforts to contact the absent Clearance Holders have been made, and no personnel or equipment would be endangered by clearance removal.

The Clearance Holders must be informed of clearance removal prior to the Clearance Holders resuming work at the facility.

2. The Tag Hanger should verify that the alphanumeric component tag number on the tag matches the plant labeling. If any discrepancy is found while hanging a clearance, the Tag Hanger should consult with their supervisor to resolve the discrepancy.
3. The Tag Hanger or the person directing the Tag Hanger shall have the checklist or a copy during the installation or removal of the tags.
4. The Tag Hanger should place the affected component in the required position for the clearance, then install the tag.
5. Clearance tags and ground tags should be attached using a non-reusable cable tie capable of withstanding a minimum of 50 pounds. Use of miniature tags or switch caps is allowed for control boards.

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6. If clearance tags and ground tags cannot be attached using a cable tie capable of withstanding a minimum of 50 pounds due to the physical design of the component, other means of attachment are acceptable provided that the tag attachment means is as strong as possible.
7. Clearance tags and ground tags should be installed in an obvious location on the component to clearly indicate that operation of that component is prohibited.
8. If the component is designed to accept a lock to prevent operation, the tag should be installed at the lock out point.
9. If the tag cannot be installed on the component, it should be installed as close as safely possible and in a location that is immediately obvious to anyone attempting to operate the device.
10. Installed grounds or the ground tags should remain visible from outside the cabinet or cubicle. If the grounds or the ground tags are not readily visible, a sign shall be posted indicating that grounds are installed inside.

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11. Independent verification requirements may be waived by the CRS or S-SO under the following situations:
a. Excessive radiation exposures would result.

As a guideline, an exposure of greater than 10 mrem to conduct the Independent Verification would be considered excessive. Individual situations should be determined on a case-by-case basis by the respective supervisor. In these situations, an alternate means of Independent Verification not involving radiation exposure (such as observing process parameters) should be utilized.

b. Entry into any area where personnel safety is compromised or jeopardized due to the presence of extreme temperatures (greater than 120°F), or other hazards potentially dangerous to health are present.
c. During clearance restoration when the system or components are not required to be operable. Prior to declaring the system or components operable, a lineup and Independent Verification is required.
d. The approval for waiving independent verification requirements shall be documented in the clearance Special Instructions.
12. Tags should be accounted for. Tags should be recycled for reuse. If tags were hung in a contaminated area, they should be decontaminated as necessary.

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1. The responsible supervisor or designee shall perform the following prior to authorizing the clearance:

Verify that the work scope is within the Personal Clearance process scope. Verify that the clearance boundary is adequate. Verify that the tagging sequence is correct

2. The Tag Hanger shall obtain concurrence from the WCC prior to hanging the Personal Clearance.
3. The Tag Hanger will position the components as required by the clearance form and in the correct sequence. The Tag Hanger will initial on the clearance form for each tag hung. The Tag Hanger will initial and print their name at the bottom of the clearance form.
4. An Independent Verifier will perform an Independent Verification of the clearance by verifying the components are in the required positions and initialing on the clearance form.

The Independent Verifier will initial and print their name on the bottom of the Clearance form.

5. The responsible supervisor or designee shall perform the following prior to authorizing the clearance removal:

Verify that the activity that required the clearance is completed. Verify that any PMTRs that need to be performed prior to clearance removal are completed. Verify that the restoration positions and sequence are correct. Verify that any required system restoration plans are adequate (Fill and vent, and so forth). Verify the "Removed By" block is initialed for all ground tags, if used, prior to removing the clearance. I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 64 of 99 I Procedure for Personal Clearances (Cont.)

6. The Tag Hanger shall notify the WCC prior to removing a Personal Clearance.
7. If removing a clearance tag and another clearance tag or other site specific configuration control tag is in place which conflicts with the restoration position of the clearance tag to be removed, remove the clearance tag to be removed, leave the component in its as-found position, and indicate, on the clearance checklist, the clearance tag number or the number of the other site specific configuration control tag which controls the component's position.
8. The Tag Hanger will remove the clearance by positioning the components to the required positions in the sequence specified on the clearance form, and initial each step when completed. Any system restoration plans (fill and vent) should be coordinated with the removal of the clearance. The Tag Hanger will perform tag accountability prior to signing the clearance form.
9. If required, an Independent Verifier will perform an Independent Verification of the clearance by verifying the components are in the required positions and initialing on the clearance form.

The Independent Verifier will initial and print their name on the bottom of the Clearance form.

10. The Clearance Log Sheet shall be updated to indicate that the clearance has been removed.
11. The clearance form should be reviewed by the responsible supervisor to ensure proper completion prior to being filed.

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9.3.3 Personal Clearance Acceptance and Release Administrative

1. Plant configuration control will be maintained by the clearance process as follows:
a. Equipment may be operated within a clearance boundary as directed by an approved procedure.
b. Components may be operated within the clearance boundary with approval of the WCC SRO. These components should be listed on the Checklist as a "NOT" tag or other measures shall be taken to ensure proper restoration.
2. Equipment that has tags attached shall not be removed from the system. Hinged covers that have tags attached may be opened provided that the tags do not specifically prohibit opening.

Bolted-on covers that are tagged shall not be completely removed from the system in which they are attached.

3. If work requires a component to be removed from a system and tags would be removed with the component, the Clearance Holder shall have such tags removed by appropriate personnel before removing the component from the system.
4. Prior to beginning work, the Clearance Holder shall verify that the clearance boundary is adequate for their assigned work by performing zero energy checks as applicable for the work.

I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 66 of 99 I Administrative (Cont.)

5. Prior to beginning work that involves breaching a system, the Clearance Holder shall perform pressure checks to ensure the system is depressurized. Examples of pressure checks include using local pressure indications or verifying vents and drains are open. In cases where complete depressurization could not be accomplished, the Clearance Holder should use caution when breaching the system and do so in such a manner that minimizes the safety hazard.
6. Safety practices associated with the installation and removal of grounds require that the individual performing the ground installation or removal be protected by the clearance boundary. Procedure for Personal Clearances

1. The individual that will be performing the maintenance activity will sign the Clearance Form, accepting the clearance. Non-Clearance Holder qualified individuals may accept a Personal Clearance as long as they are under the supervision of a qualified Clearance Holder, the qualified Clearance Holder remains signed on to the Personal Clearance during this period, and the Non-Clearance Holder qualified individual is qualified as an Authorized Employee in accordance with Section 9.5 of this procedure.
2. If grounds are required, they will be installed, tagged, and initialed for on the Clearance Form after the clearance has been accepted.
3. If, at any time, a problem impacting personnel or equipment safety is noted with a clearance, the worker shall place the work in a safe condition and notify their supervisor. Work shall not continue until the problem has been resolved.

I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 67 of 99 I Procedure for Personal Clearances (Cont.)

4. If grounds are installed, remove the grounds and initial in the "Removed By" block on the clearance form prior to clearance release.
5. If grounds were installed, perform an Independent Verification of ground removal and initial in the "Verif By" block on the clearance form prior to clearance release.
6. After the work is completed, the Clearance Holder will release the clearance by signing the Clearance Form.

9.4 Audits NOTE: Audits may be suspended during Refueling Outages providing that an audit is completed within thirty days of the completion of.the Outage. 8-80 approval is required to suspend the audits. 9.4.1 Quarterly, the 8-80 should ensure an audit of the Operations Clearances is performed. The audit should consist of the following:

1. The audit should include physical verification that the tags for clearances in effect greater than 30 days are in place and undamaged and that components are in the position listed on the Checklist.
2. Clearances in High Radiation Areas or Locked High Radiation Areas are excluded from this audit.
3. Damaged, illegible or missing tags shall be reprinted and replaced. The Checklist should be reprinted to allow documentation of the hanging and verification of the replacement tag. A comment should be entered in the Clearance 8peciallnstructions explaining the replacement.

This tag replacement should be noted on the Operations Clearance Audit Form (Attachment 9).

4. The physical check should be performed by an Independent Verifier.
5. Audit discrepancies and corrective action should be noted on the Operations Clearance Audit Form (Attachment 9) and reviewed by the 8-80.

I OP8-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 68 of 99 I

9.4 Audits (Cont.)

6. A Nuclear Condition Report (NCR) should be generated or verified to exist for each clearance that has been in effect for greater than three months. The purpose of the NCR is to have the Responsible Engineer evaluate system impact and determine the solution to long-term material deficiencies. The NCR number should be noted in the Clearance Special Instructions.
7. Clearances that have been in effect for greater than three months shall be listed on the Operations Clearance Audit Form, Attachment 9. The S-SO shall determine if any alternate methods should be utilized to resolve longstanding clearances.
8. The Operations Clearance Audit Form should be routed to the S-SO for approval. The S-SO should ensure that the Scheduling department is notified to evaluate the need to incorporate long-standing equipment deficiencies in the scheduling process.

9.4.2 Monthly, Supervisors should perform an audit of their Personal Clearances. The audit should consist of the following:

1. This audit should include a physical verification that the tags for Personal Clearances in effect greater than 30 days are in place and undamaged and that components are in the position listed on the clearance form.
2. Damaged, illegible or missing tags shall be replaced. This should be documented on the clearance form and a comment included in the Clearance Special Instructions.
3. Clearances that have been in effect for greater than three months shall be noted on the Personal Clearance Audit Form (Attachment 10).
4. A Nuclear Condition Report (NCR) should be generated or verified to exist for each Personal Clearance that has been in effect for greater than three months. The purpose of the NCR is to have the Responsible Engineer evaluate the system impact and determine the solution to long-term material deficiencies. The NCR number should be noted in the Clearance Special Instructions.

I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 69 of 99 I

9.4 Audits (Cont.)

5. The Supervisor should review the Personal Clearance Audit Form (Attachment 10) with the WCC. The WCC will determine if the clearance can remain a Personal Clearance or if it should be converted to an Operations Clearance.

9.4.3 Annually an inspection of the Clearance Process is to be performed as required by 29CFR191 0.269. This inspection shall be performed by an Operator or Clearance Holder qualified in accordance with this procedure, and shall consist of the following elements:

1. A review of OPS-NGGC-1301 to determine compliance with 29CFR191 0.269( d).
2. A review of a representative sample of open clearances for compliance with OPS-NGGC-1301.
3. Field interviews with employees to review personnel responsibilities under the clearance process. Group meetings between the inspector and clearance qualified personnel constitutes compliance with this requirement.
4. Field observations to determine compliance with applicable personnel safety-related work practices.
5. Identification, documentation, and correction of any deviation or inadequacy, and communication of such to all personnel.
6. Inspectors shall not audit clearances with which they have been involved.

I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 70 of 99 I

9.S Qualifications Individual clearance qualification status is maintained in the Personnel Qualification Data System (POD). 9.S.1 Independent Verifier - Qual. Group GN31/Quai. POIOOOSN

1. An Independent Verifier is an individual that has successfully completed the requirements of the Independent Verifier training program.
2. These individuals can perform tag verification duties associated with both Operations and Personal Clearances.

9.S.2 Tag Hanger - Qual. Group GN06/Quai. POQ0003N

1. A Tag Hanger is an individual that has successfully completed the requirements of the Tag Hanger training program.
2. A Tag Hanger can also perform the duties associated with an Independent Verifier.
3. These individuals can perform tag hanging duties associated with both Operations and Personal Clearances.

9.S.3 Clearance Preparer - Qual. Group GN07/Quai. POQ0004N

1. A Clearance Preparer is an individual that has successfully completed the requirements of the Clearance Preparer training program.
2. A Clearance Preparer is also qualified to perform the duties of Tag Hangers and Independent Verifiers.
3. These individuals may perform clearance preparation, tag hanging and tag verification duties associated with both Operations and Personal Clearances.

9.5.4 Clearance Holder - Duty Area HLDRlQual. OPR1301 N

1. A Clearance Holder is an individual that has successfully completed the requirements of the Clearance Holder training program (POD Clearance Holder Certification "HLDR").
2. These individuals may perform Clearance Holder duties associated with both Operations and Personal Clearances.

I OPS-NGGC-1301 I Rev. 17 I Page 71 of 99 I

9.S Qualifications (Cont.) 9.S.S Contractors and Non-Qualified Progress Energy Employees

                  - Qual. Group GN34/Qual. GNIOOOSN
1. For contractors and Progress Energy employees who are not qualified as a Clearance Holder as defined by Section 9.5 of this procedure, the Clearance Holder qualified individual responsible for the work task(s) being performed shall perform the function of Principal Clearance Holder and electronically accept the applicable clearance, (except as provided in paragraph

This employee shall be responsible to maintain an Operations Clearance Acceptance/Release Form, Attachment 13, for all individuals working under his direction. Attachment 13 shall be maintained and updated for the duration of the task, and included in the work order package or delivered to Operations for inclusion with the clearance package for record retention at the completion of work tasks.

2. Contractors and Progress Energy employees who are not qualified as a Clearance Holder as defined by Section 9.5 of this procedure must have received the OSHA required training for Authorized Employees before performing Clearance Worker functions or before signing on to a Personal Clearance under the supervision of a qualified Clearance Holder. [CAPR NCR 102355]

9.S.6 Personal Clearance Preparer - Qual. Group/Qual. are Site Specific

1. Personnel qualified to prepare Personal Clearances have successfully completed the requirements of the Personal Clearance training program. This program qualifies individuals to perform only the duties associated with Personal Clearances.
2. Clearance Preparer qualified individuals may perform the duties of a Personal Clearance Preparer.

I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 72 of 99 I

10.0 RECORDS R Clearances for safety-related equipment are QA Records; therefore, permanent 12.1.10 retention is required. The following clearance related documents are QA

2.2.5 Records

2.2.6 '--------'. Attachment 3, Operations Clearance Form

  • Attachment 4, Operations Clearance Checklist (all completed checklists)
  • Attachment 5, Operations Clearance Principal Equipment
  • Attachment 6, Boundary Change Form
  • Attachment 7, Personal Clearance Form
  • Attachment 9, Operations Clearance Audit Form
  • Attachment 10, Personal Clearance Audit Form
  • Attachment 13, Operations Clearance Acceptance/Release Form, as applicable
  • Computer generated clearance forms including:

o All completed Checklists o Holders o Principal Equipment List o Clearance Cross-Reference o Checklist Instructions I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 73 of 99 I


ATTACHMENT 2 Sheet 1 of 1 Clearance Request Form To be completed by the Requestor. (Please print.) A. Name Ext. No._ _ _ _ __ Work Group ____________ Date - - - - - - - B. (1) Unit# _ _ _ _ _ __ (2) System # _ _ _ _ __ (3) Equipment to be cleared _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C. Clearance Specifications D. Reference drawings and procedures (attach list if necessary) E. Special requests, precautions, and prerequisites____________ F. Date/Time Needed _ _ _---.,;,_____ or Event ___________ I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 75 of 99 I

ATTACHMENT 3 Sheet 1 of 1 Operations Clearance Form Clearance No. _ _ _ _ __ System No. _ _ _ _ _ __ 1.0 Operations Approval Principal Equipment _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1.2 Prepared By (Planned) 1.3 Verified By (Approved) 2.0 Authorization to hang: Equipment may be removed from service per Checklist and required documents listed in 2.1 have been activated. 2.1 Tech Spec/ESF/Fire Protection System operability affected? Yes/No. Required Documents:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _I _ - Distributed By SRO Date I lime 3.0 Checklist completed. (Clearance Checklist completed as requested) Signature 4.0 Clearance Accepted: Clearance Released: Individual signing has verified clearance establishes Equipment ready to be operated or WCC notified adequate boundary. as to why not. Signature Datemme Grounds Signature Datemme Grounds Reouired Removed 1 YIN YIN 2 YIN YIN 3 YIN YIN 4 YIN YIN 5 YIN YIN 6 YIN YIN 7 YIN YIN 6.0 Authorization to Release: The individuals signing Step 4.0 must sign Step 5.0 before clearance is removed. 6.1 All work completed. Ground removal authorized. Restored Position and Order to be Restored sections prepared. I Signature Date ITime Signature 6.2 Authorized to lift. Equipment may be restored to service per Checklist. Distributed by SRO 6.3 Checklist completed. (Clearance Checklist completed as requested) _ _I _ - Signature Date I lime 7 Review - Equipment Realigned as Required? Yes I NA Clearance Removed from required documents? Yes I NA OP VIE UU Updated? Yes I NA SRO Speciallnstructions/References_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ QARECORD OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 76 of 99

ATTACHMENT 4 Sheet 1 of 1 Operations Clearance Checklist Clearance No. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Page __ of __ Checklist Type: Hang; Lift; Boundary Change (Circle one) INT NAME (PRINT) INT NAME (PRINT)

  • Independent Verification Required? YES/NO If NO, N/A the Blocks Seq Action Type Tag Id Position EquipmenUComponent Completed. Verified By By Continued YIN QARECORD I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 77 of 99 I

ATTACHMENT 5 Sheet 1 of 1 Operations Clearance Principal Equipment 1. laR IW/O: ITask:


2 laR lw/o: ITask:


3 laR IW/O: ITask:


4 laR lw/o: ITask:


5 laR lw/o: ITask:


6 laR lw/o: ITask:


7 laR IW/O: ITask:


8 laR IW/O: ITask:


9 laR Iw/O: ITask: Equipment/Component: 10 len< lw/o: ITask: Equipment/Component: 11 laR IW/O: ITask: Equipment/Component: QARECORD OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 78 of 99

ATTACHMENT 6 Sheet 1 of2 Boundary Change Form Clearance and Checklist Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1.0 TYPE OF BOUNDARY CHANGE REQUEST (Select one) Addition Removal Combination Matrix 2.0 REASON FOR BOUNDARY CHANGE AND BOUNDARY CHANGE DETAILS (Step Requestor: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone #: _ _ _ _ _ _ Datemme: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3.0 PREPARE BOUNDARY CHANGE (Steps,, [ ] Completed via computer entry [ ] Holder Lock applied before routing - Matrix Clearance (Step OR Prepared By Date , Time Verified By Date , Time 4.0 Notifications (Select One) ] Holder lock applied, Attachment 13s returned to WCC, if applicable (Step __ None Required - Addition to Clearance unless the boundary could be affected by adding tags (Go to 5.0) __ Not Applicable - No Holders or Matrix Clearance with no Affected Employees (Go to 5.0) __ Notify All Holders (N'A Section 4.1) __ Notify Only Affected Employees (Section 4.1 Required) 4.1 DETERMINE AFFECTED EMPLOYEES: [ ] Not Applicable if notifying all Holders (Steps, (One must be an SRO, CNO for CR3 only) Determined By Date' Time Verified By Date 'Time 4.2 EMPLOYEE APPROVALS: Appropriate employees must understand, agree, and are ready for the implementation (Steps - of the proposed boundary change, work has been stopped or suspended, as necessary, and approval for the boundary change given by signing or initialing. Clearance Holder Agreement/Approval Obtained [ ] Not Applicable if "None Required" or "No Holders" Requestor's Signature Date' Time 5.0 AUTHORIZATION (Step Boundary Change may be implemented and any required compensatory actions and notifications have been made.

         ] Completed via computer entry OR SRO Date 'Time 6.0     BOUNDARY CHANGE COMPLETE (Steps, Tags hung'lifted and Checklist completed as requested.

[ ] Completed via computer entry [ ] Notify Requestor to Accept Boundary Change OR [ ] Holder Lock removed, Attachment 13s returned, if applicable Completed By Date 'Time 7.0 ACCEPT BOUNDARY CHANGE (Steps, Appropriate employees notified as necessary. [ ] Not Applicable if No Holders Requestor OR WCC Notified Date 'Time

                                                                        ] Accepted per telecom with WCC QARECORD OPS-NGGC-1301                                     Rev. 17                                             Page 79 of 99

ATTACHMENT 6 Sheet 2 of 2 Boundary Change Form Boundary Change Approvals: Clearance and Checklist Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Work Order Number Clearance HolderlWorker Approval Signature or Date and Task Name (Print) Initials QARECORD I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 80 of 99 I

ATTACHMENT 7 Sheet 1 of 2 Personal Clearance Form Clearance Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Page __ of __ Equipment to be Cleared: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Work Item or Procedure Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Clearance Prepared By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DatelTime: _ _ _----' _ __ Supervisor Authorization: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DatelTime: _ _ _---' _ __ WCC Notified: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DatelTime: _ _ _----' _ __ Tags Hung By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DatelTime: _ _ _---' _ __ Tags Verified By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DatelTime: _ _ _---' _ __ Clearance Accepted: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DatelTime: _ _ _ _' _ __ DatelTime: _ _ _---' _ __ Clearance Released: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DatelTime: _ _ _ _,_ __ DatelTime: _ _ _----' _ __ Restoration Prepared By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DatelTime: _ _ _---' _ __ Restoration Authorized: DatelTime: _ _ _---' _ __ WCC Notified: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DatelTime: _ _ _----' _ __ Tags Removed: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DatelTime: _ _ _---' _ __ Tags Verified: DatelTime: _ _ _---' _ __ Review Complete: DatelTime: _ _ _----' _ __

  • Independent Verification Required? YES/NO If NO, N/A the Blocks
  ** N/A if Order is not important TAG         **                  COMPONENT ID/               CLR     ATTACHED     RESTORED       **       REMOVED BY TYPE     ORDER                      LOCATION               POSITION       BY       POSITION   ORDER TO       (INITIALS)

VerifBy Verif By . . . 1. Initials/Print Name _ _ _--' _ _ _ _ _ __ Special Instructions: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ QARECORD OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 81 of 99

ATTACHMENT 7 Sheet 2 of 2 Personal Clearance Form Additional Special Instructions: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Clearance Accepted: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Daternme: _ _ _--' _ _ __ Daternme: _ _ _--' _ _ __ Daternme: _ _ _--' _ _ __ Daternme: _ _ _--' _ _ __ Daternme: _ _ _--' _ _ __ Daternme: _ _ _--' _ _ __ Daternme: _ _ _--' _ _ __ Daternme: _ _ _--' _ _ __ Clearance Released: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Daternme: _ _ _--' _ _ __ Daternme: _ _ _--' _ _ __ Daternme: _ _ _-1 _ _ __ Daternme: _ _ _--' _ _ __ Daternme: _0_ _~ _ __ Daternme: _ _ _-1 _ _ __ Daternme: _ _ _-1 _ _ __ Daternme: _ _ _--' _ _ __ TAG .. COMPONENT IDI CLR ATTACHED RESTORED .. REMOVED BY TYPE ORDER LOCATION POSITION BY POSITION ORDER TO (INITIALS)

                                                                                           ~;'(;f VerifBy t;j:r~ Verif
                                                                ; By                       oo.}1~~li Initials/Print Name _ _ _-' _ _ _ _ __

QARECORD OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 82 of 99

ATTACHMENT 8 Sheet 1 of 1 Special Instruction Continuation Sheet Clearance Number Page _ _ of _ _ I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 83 of 99 I

ATTACHMENT 9 Sheet 1 of 2 Operations Clearance Audit Form Page _ _ of __

1. List Operations Clearances Audited, discrepancies, and corrective actions taken, as applicable (Steps -

Clearance Discrepancies Corrective Actions Taken Number Continued Yes/No QARECORD OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 84 of 99

ATTACHMENT 9 Sheet 2 of 2 Operations Clearance Audit Form Audit Form Continuation Sheet Page _ _ of _ _

2. The following clearances have been in place for longer than three months (Steps,

Clearance NCR Number Reason Status Number

3. Resolution of Items in Block 2 (Steps,

Clearance Resolution/Alternate Means Number Audit Completion Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ WCC-SRO Date Superintendent - Shift Operations ** Date QARECORD ** Ensure Scheduling Department is Notified (Step OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 I Page 85 of 99

ATTACHMENT 10 Sheet 1 of 1 Personal Clearance Audit Form Page _ _ of _ _

1. The Monthly aud)t of the Personal Clearance tags was completed this date _____ with the following discrepancies noted.

Discrepancy Action

2. The following Personal Clearances have been in place for longer than three months:

Number Reason Status

3. Resolution of Items in Block 2 Number Resolution Continued Yes/No Supervisor Date QARECORD I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 86 of 99 I

ATTACHMENT 11 Sheet 1 of 5 Boundary Device Tagging Guidelines NOTE: This attachment should be used as a guideline for the typical restrictions and Tagout methods for the types of com ponents listed. It is not all inclusive. Deviations from the Tagout Method is allowed when component design and application allow for other methods that also provide adequate isolation. Boundary Device Restrictions Tagout Method Manually Operated Valve - Butterfly valves are prone to - Place tag on handwheel leak by seat. Monitor for - If the valve has a remote operator seat leakage. such as a reach rod, it should be

                             -    Plug valves are prone to leak.             tagged Monitor for leakage.

Manual Throttle Valve - Normally not used as a - Record valve position, angle, boundary device percent open or number of turns

                             -    If a test (flow balance) is                in the restored position in Step required to restore valve               Instructions and/or Special position, evaluate if the test          Instructions can be performed during         -    Place tag on handwheel anticipated plant conditions prior to using valve as a boundary
                             -    Documentation of original valve position should be as accurate as indications or positioning will allow Check Valve                 -   Should not be used as a             -    If used, place a tag on the check boundary device                         valve to prevent inadvertent removal from the system
                                                                     -    If possible, establish a vent path between the check valve and work location
                                                                     -    Tag the vent path if possible Solenoid Operated Valve     -   Target Rock Solenoid                -    Place tag on power supply Operated valves should not      -    A tag should be placed on the be used (NUREG-1275 Vol.                valve to prevent inadvertent
6) violation of the boundary
                             -    Use only if valve fails closed
                             -    Evaluate for other components that are powered from same circuit OPS-NGGC-1301                               Rev. 17                                         Page 87 of 99

ATTACHMENT 11 Sheet 2 of 5 Boundary Device Tagging Guidelines Boundary Device Restrictions Tagout Method Motor Operated Valve - Some Limitorque operated - Position valve from control switch valves are prone to drift if in - Place a CIT or clearance tag on manual control switch as required

                         -   If primary use of valve is flow    - Place tag on power supply control, monitor for seat       - Place tag on valve handwheel that leakage                              indicates valve position (handwheel
                         -   If manual torquing is required,         should only be manually engaged if untorque valve prior to              leak by is present stroking electrically           - If torqued, refer to site procedures for additional requirements Hydraulic Operated Valve -   Evaluate on a case by case         - Position valve from control switch (Fails Closed)                  basis to determine if valve     - Place a CIT or clearance tag on can perform adequately as a          control switch as required boundary device                 - Place tag on power supply to hydraulic pump
                                                                - If the operator has a handwheel or other manual positioning device that could open the valve, it should also be tagged
                                                                - If the operator does not have a handwheel or other manual positioning device, tag the operator to prevent inadvertent violation of the boundary Hydraulic Operated Valve -   Normally not used as a             - Position valve from control switch (Fails Open)                    boundary device                 - Place a CIT or clearance tag on
                         -   Either a manual positioning              control switch as required device or a mechanical gag      - Place tag on power supply to hydraulic is required (SOER 85-5)               pump
                         -   Evaluate on a case by case         - If the operator has a handwheel or basis to determine if valve           other manual positioning device it can perform adequately as a           should be tagged boundary device                - If a mechanical gag is installed, it should be tagged
                                                                - If the operator does not have a handwheel or other manual positioning device, tag the operator to prevent inadvertent violation of the boundary OPS-NGGC-1301                            Rev. 17                                       Page 88 of 99

ATTACHMENT 11 Sheet 3 of 5 Boundary Device Tagging Guidelines Boundary Device Restrictions Tagout Method Hydraulic Operated Valve - Normally not used as a - Position valve from control switch (Fails As Is) boundary device - Place a CIT or clearance tag on

                            -  Either a manual positioning            control switch as required device or a mechanical gag    - Place tag on power supply to is required                         hydraulic pump
                            -  Evaluate on a case by case       - If the operator has a handwheel or basis to determine if valve        other manual positioning device it can perform adequately as           should be tagged a boundary device             - If a mechanical gag is installed, it should be tagged
                                                                - If the operator does not have a handwheel or other manual positioning device, tag the operator to prevent inadvertent violation of the boundary Pneumatic Operated Valve   -  Normally not be used as a        - Position valve from control switch (Fails Open)                     boundary device               - Place a CIT or clearance tag on
                            -  Either a manual positioning            control switch as required device or a mechanical gag    - If work is to be performed on valve is required (SOER 85-5)             pneumatic system, place tag on
                            -  If a valve fails open on loss of       pneumatic supply air, isolation of the air     - If work is to be performed on valve supply will cause the valve         pneumatic system, ensure that actuator to work against the        the pneumatics are vented from gag (gagged closed). If             the operator and leave vent path possible, do not isolate air        open to the valve.                 - If work is to be performed on valve pneumatic system, if a solenoid can be de-energized to vent the pneumatics from the operator, the solenoid may be de-energized and tagged
                                                                - If the operator has a handwheel or other manual positioning device, it should be tagged
                                                                - If a mechanical gag is installed, it should be tagged
                                                                - If the operator does not have a handwheel or other manual positioning device, tag the operator to prevent inadvertent violation of the boundary OPS-NGGC-1301                            Rev. 17                                      Page 89 of 99

ATTACHMENT 11 Sheet 4 of 5 Boundary Device Tagging Guidelines Boundary Device Restrictions Tagout Method Pneumatic Operated Valve - A "fails closed" valve is a valve - Position valve from control switch (Fails Closed) that closes by spring - Place a CIT or clearance tag on pressure when the air is control switch as required vented off the valve. No air - Place tag on pneumatic supply to pressure remains present to valve keep the valve closed. If a - Ensure that the pneumatics are valve uses air pressure to vented from the operator and leave keep it closed, follow the vent path open requirements below for a - If a solenoid can be de-energized to "pressure balanced" valve - vent the pneumatics from the a manual positioning device operator, the solenoid may be de-or mechanical gag is energized and tagged required. - If the operator has a handwheel or

                          -  If primary use of valve is flow        other manual positioning device control, monitor for seat           that could open the valve, it should leakage                             also be tagged
                                                               - If the operator does not have a handwheel or other manual positioning device, tag the operator to prevent inadvertent violation of the boundary Pneumatic Operated Valve  -  Normally not used as a            - Position valve from control switch (Fails As Is or Pressure        boundary device                - Place a CIT or clearance tag on Balanced)                 -  Either a manual positioning             control switch as required device or a mechanical gag     - Place tag on pneumatic supply to is required                         valve
                                                               - Ensure that the pneumatics are vented from the operator and leave vent path open
                                                               - If a solenoid can be de-energized to vent the pneumatics from the operator, the solenoid may be de-energized and tagged
                                                               - If the operator has a handwheel or other manual positioning device, it should be tagged
                                                               - If a mechanical gag is installed, it should be tagged
                                                               - If the operator does not have a handwheel or other manual positioning device, tag the operator to prevent inadvertent violation of the boundary OPS-NGGC-1301                           Rev. 17                                      Page 90 of 99

ATTACHMENT 11 Sheet 5 of 5 Boundary Device Tagging Guidelines Boundary Device Restrictions Tagout Method Rack IN/OUT - "Racked Out" is interpreted as either - Secure component/Open breaker Breaker at the Racked Out position or - Place a CIT or clearance tag on control (6.9 kV, 4160 volt or removed from the cubicle. switch as required 480 volt) - "Not Racked In" is interpreted as any - Tag control power if required position other than "Racked In". - Tag breaker as "Racked Out"

                     - If the breaker is placed in the "Test"   -   Tag breaker as "Not Racked In" when it position, concurrent verification is        is known that the breaker will be required to ensure the breaker is           required to be positioned to the "Test" not placed past the "Test" position         position.
                     - Control Power may be left on when the need is identified and evaluated as safe.

MCC Breaker - Not required unless work is - Secure component/Open breaker performed on the load - Place a CIT or clearance tag on control

                     - If the breaker has been removed                   switch as required from the cubicle and work is in      -   Place tag on breaker at the lockout progress on the load, concurrent            device, if equipped verification is required to ensure   -   If the breaker door must be opened or the breaker is open prior to                 the breaker removed, it is permissible reinstallation                               to place the tag at another location on the breaker
                                                                -   (HNP, RNP only) When tagging 480 Volt Molded Case Circuit breakers, include clearance steps to ensure that Live-Dead-Live checks are performed to ensure that the breaker is open, prior to making the clearance ready for acceptance.

Distribution Panel - If a permanent lockout device does - Place tag on breaker Breaker not exist use of a portable or removable lockout device is recommended Lighting Panel - If a permanent lockout device does - Place tag on breaker Breaker not exist use of a portable or removable lockout device is recommended

                     - Use of other tag attachment may be used per Steps Lifted Lead/Sliding   - Use breakers and fuses when              -   If lifted/opened at component, document Link                        possible                                     with NGGC/Site configuration control
                     - Adhere to site and corporate safety              methods requirements.                        -   If lifted/opened at a location other than
                     - Evaluate other circuits that may be              the component, hang a tag on each affected during the lead lift                lifted lead/sliding link
                                                                -   If component is a boundary device, tag each lifted lead/sliding link OPS-NGGC-1301 I                  Rev. 17 I                          Page 91 of 99    I

ATTACHMENT 12 Sheet 1 of 2 Clearance Checklist NOTE: This checklist is intended to be an aid for the clearance process. It is not required but may be used in conjunction with the procedure as necessary. CLEARANCE PREPARATION CHECKLIST YES NO N/A Clearance #

    *J.Jgf; ii'"   ;

J~ 1~~~1~:!!j~~ I~ l}\:.~~X~~. .Ct~~NCE"~REPA~n-ld~;.:"', "

                                                                                                                                                                                      ;. &"\

System prints reviewed System OPs reviewed Electrical Load List reviewed Two isolation valve criteria required, >200°F or >500 psig, Caustic/Acid Sys. Tag hanging sequence correc t (high energy to low energy sequence) Ground straps identified and applicable marked up drawings included Other unit effects identified (BNP Only) Special Instructions include

  • Energized Circuits
  • Significant loss of function the pertinent information
  • WO on Checklist X-Ref
  • Valve handwheels not tagged
  • Double valve iso. not met
  • Not completely drained/depressurized
  • Approval for waivi ng IV
  • Relying on Valve UU for restoration Tagging sequence depressurizes system Vent and drain path administratively controlled (HNP, RNP Only) Live-Dead-Live Checks included for 480V MCC Breakers
                                                                     'J;:;'r) \K:~~~~~~RANgg~f~.~!~lpA;r~J!)N

Second verification complete on Checklist Clearance package complete t§heck Included Documents) D Clearance request Clearance Cross Reference and/or Principal Equipment Screen D Clearance form D Required prints D Checklist(s) D OP valve and electrical lineup 1;:;,0~ '~;c y~~"':,<\; I~l~;~~ ,"".,; .': j~J~'~~: ~,.~>}"";~'~ > CLEARANt~:~;AtJ;Jj;fOR.leAT[~~lt~:

                                                                                   ,         ."     J h *"N,.~, *. * . "'j/>-"'.~.,   .{. *   '>";'<"'>:'c'     .;;,%~; W,*,* .'.~'

LCOs activated Control Room Notified

                                                             '~",;:~      ',~\\\~~~,
                                                                            .           ,......./y.,.'C..

eLEARANCEU~!STAlLl1'ApIG'M;~ .;/,.'\'c'

                                                                                                                                                         ; "!;.     &~~.i "'~", ~.. .
                                                        ;    ::>,:'"   .. i.e         ""j":':!;"" .!!;; .**>}.*...: ,:~<..:"" ,,;.* d\.<' ..".,'.::.,", .*.

Pre-Job Brief held prior to clearance hanging Tags hung Tags independently verified Plant responded as expected SRO notified that tags are hung I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 92 of 99 I

ATTACHMENT 12 Sheet 2 of2 Clearance Checklist CLEARANCE RESTORATION CHECKLIST YES NO N/A Clearance # Ir ';,:itt;f~ ;!:{~Z1;~( '~(J~~t " l'~i:t~~i~f: ;;Cl~~~ANCERESTORATION

                                                                                                                                                          ;  .i,>'    ",

Clearance Restored Order correct Clearance Restored Position correct Independent Verification requirements specified Special Instructions reviewed Partial valve and electrical lineup marked up and attached RijNfOVAL AUT~BRIZAi:I(DN

                ,'/             "    "   ,
                                                     ,,',;~4;~;~: y~!;:~;:;~!   '                                                            ",
        ,.      ,'",'      ': I::, i> ;,',    "'m
                                              '/,:::"/':' "/                                                                            <       "

Cleared equipment condition supports return to service (intact) Current plant conditions support clearance release and restoration Grounds removed, if used Clearance release Pre-Job brief held

                                                              ." .   .",,;/,~l:~~&~ .",,6i..E~R~~e~'R~M.9VAL::                ';\,'
"';'c",<, :. ...SF,:.:;'.

Pre-job Brief held prior to clearance removal Tags removed Tag Accountability performed Tags Independently Verified, as required Plant responded as expected SRO notified that tags are removed 1~,;~~~;~1 ~;};:.j:~.~~ I: "

                                   !~~ . :\ I;" '>, ",.,;';,;;"';,r:;;,, ",;CliEARANCE
                                                                                     ,'. ""<" ;, \"">'<';:':~i""" ,',

REVIEW ",/',2 C'  ?<? ':. i:'/ : Clearance removed from LCOs, EIRs, OWPs as necessary Independent Verification performed (if required) Components/Systems returned to service I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 93 of 99 I

                                      -. ATTACHMENT 13 Sheet 1 of 1 Operations Clearance Acceptance/Release Form Clearance Number:

Principal Clearance Holder: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Work Order Number(s) and Task(s): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Principal Clearance Holder and WO Number(s)/Task(s) listed on Contacts Panel 0 Work Order Clearance Accepted Released Number and Worker Name Signature Date Signature Date Task (Print) Check if continued on next page. 0 This is Page _ _ NOTE: This form should be included in the work order package or delivered to Operations for inclusion in the clearance package for record retention. NOTE: Signing on to this form signifies understanding and acceptance of the work boundary. QARECORD I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 94 of 99 I

ATTACHMENT 14 Sheet 1 of 1 Clearance Holder Checklist This Checklist is intended to be an aid for Maintenance preparation in the clearance process. It is not required but may be used in conjunction with the procedure as necessary. Name: Clearance Number: WO Task Number: YES NO N/A Clearance Preparation Work package requires a clearance. Work Order Task is on Clearance. Special Instructions have been reviewed. Clearance boundary is adequate for work. Clearance Holders are qualified in POD. Clearance Workers are qualified in POD. Does Work Package require multiple clearances? Principal Clearance Holder has accepted the clearance electronically. The Principal Clearance Holder has entered their name and the associated Work Order and task number(s) on the "Contacts" panel of the clearance within PassPort. The Principal Clearance Holder has entered their name and the associated Work Order and task number(s) on the Attachment 13. A separate Attachment 13 is being used for each clearance controlled by the Principal Clearance Holder. Clearance Holders and Clearance Workers:

a. Have signed on the clearance using PassPort or manually signed on to the clearance using Attachment 13.
b. Understand the boundaries.
c. Had the opportunity to walkdown the clearance boundaries.
d. Had the opportunity to ask questions regarding the boundaries as necessary.

Ensure all personnel from additional work groups associated with this clearance have signed on the clearance. I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 95 of 99 I

ATTACHMENT 15 Sheet 1 of 1 Clearance Conflict Checking Information Clearance Conflicts show as a Red Triangle in the Global View Column of the Checklist Plan screen (T221). Clicking on the Gb (Global) View Triangle will show the conflict on the T240 panel. To see the Conflict Summary (T31 0), click the Conflict button on the Checklist Plan screen (T221). To see the Conflict Details (T311) and to determine the Conflict type, select a row on the Conflict Summary panel (T31 0) and hit Enter. The 12 Conflict Types are listed below. If the Conflict is fully understood and overriding the Conflict is desired (all Conflict Types may be overridden), select the specific Conflict row and select the Option to override the Conflict. HPOS - Hang Position Conflict - The equipment was or is about to be isolated by another checklist and its position is different from the position of the step being checked. HGBL - Hang Global Conflict - The step is a global step and a Lift is about to be performed. HPE - Hang Principal Equipment Conflict - There is an active Clearance Order with the equipment item listed as Principle Equipment on its T213 panel. HTL - Hang Temp Lift Conflict - The equipment was or is about to be temp lifted by another checklist. HTAG - Hang Tag Type Conflict - The Danger Tag Type being hung is not compatible with a tag that is currently hanging on the equipment. HDUP - Hang Duplicated Conflict - The tag being hung is already placed or is about to be placed by a different checklist for the same Clearance Order. LPOS - Lift Position Conflict - The equipment was or is about to be isolated by another checklist and its position is different from the position of the step being checked. LTL - Temp Lift Conflict - The checklist being processed is a Temp Lift and the step being checked is hanging or about to be hung on another checklist. LNOH - Lift without a Hang Conflict - The checklist is attempting to process a LIFT of a step that was never completed as a HANG for the same Clearance Order -OR- The HANG exists, but the Globallnd for the HANG does not match the Globallnd for the planned LIFT (note that the Globallnd's may be out of synch if multiple hangs are processed for the step with different values for Global Ind or if the value of Global Ind for a hang is changed after the lift step is planned). LLOK - Lift Locked Conflict - The isolation point being lifted will be set to Action Required ="V', but the Key Location specified for the step is locked or is about to be locked. PEHG - Principle Equipment Hang Conflict - Another Clearance Order Checklist has already or is about to isolate the principle equipment. PETL - Principle Equipment Temp Lift Conflict - Another Clearance Order Checklist has already or is about to perform a temp lift of the principle equipment. I OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 96 of 99 I



SECTION CHANGE 2.1.5 PRR 173821. Changed reference to SAF-SUBS-00048. SAF-SUBS-00048 replaced SAF-PGNC-00048. 3.9,, Based on discussions with the Operations Peer Group, all Clearance Holder qualified individuals must now accept a clearance electronically in PassPort. No longer may Clearance Holder qualified individuals accept a clearance by signing on to an Attachment 13. The Attachment 13 is provided for non-Clearance Holder qualified individuals only. 3.17, Removed the requirement for the notification of the WCC for Personal Clearances extending past one shift. Added guidance to allow Personal Clearances to remain past one shift if power plant equipment is not affected. The performance of facilities or building maintenance almost always does not impact power plant equipment and there is no need to limit this type of work to one shift. Regardless, the WCC is required to be notified whenever a Personal Clearance is hung, thus any issues with the duration of the work will be addressed during that notification. 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 NCR 149188-04. Separated Operations Clearances and Personal Clearances into two distinct sections. This will reduce confusion in using the procedure. Any administrative requirements pertaining to both Operations and Personal Clearances were placed into both sections. All general administrative instructions related to the overall clearance process were placed into section 9.1. 9.1.17 PRR 171975. NCR 192764-07. Clarified the requirements for operating clearance tagged or ground tagged equipment. Only the Clearance Independent Verifier may perform a hand-on verification of component position. If additional torquing of boundary valves is needed, the WCC must be notified and determine the process for the torquing and the required documentation. 9.1.23 Clarified that plant conditions can be used in conjunction with a clearance to provide employee protection. Included the instructions to handle this situation. Clarified that other plant conditions (such as RCS level) may be specified along with plant Mode and included the instructions to document the other plant conditions. Clarified that the applicable portions of a system and electrical alignment is what is required prior to placing the equipment in service. While a full lineup is normally performed during refueling outages, this is not normally done during limited scope outages. With the current requirement for a full lineup, the Mode clearance concept cannot be used for these limited scope outages. 9.1.25 NCR 179820-04. Added requirements for when personnel are required to sign on to a clearance to perform their work and when they are not. There has been some confusion in this area in the past. Clarified that in some cases, no clearance is required (if relying on plant conditions per paragraph 9.1.23). Added BNP specific guidance related to drywell entry. PRR 177299. Clarified the requirements for clearance order ties. Reinforced that clearance order ties do not provide an electronic tie between the clearances. Added a requirement to include Special Instructions to explain the clearance order ties (Le. which clearance is master, and which clearance is subordinate to the others). OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 97 of 99



SECTION CHANGE, Attachment 11, 12 NCR 166657-05. HNP, RNP only. Included guidance based on Operating Experience reviews to perform Live-Dead-Live checks of 480 V Molded Case Circuit Breakers to ensure the breakers are open prior to allowing work start., 9.2.2 PRR 102267. Removed the requirement to install grounds for Operations Clearances in accordance with the Boundary Changes portion of the procedure. Clarified that a separate ground checklist is used for grounds. Section 9.2.2, Operations Clearance Installation and Removal, is appropriate for the installation of grounds since the addition of grounds does not make the clearance boundary less safe. On the other hand, ground removal lessens the safe clearance boundaries and thus the formality of the boundary change process (holder locks, determination of affected holders, approval from holders) is appropriate. PRR 173721. Clarified that for Matrix Clearances, the Clearance Order and the checklists may be concurrently routed for approval. For Matrix Clearances, the boundaries are listed on the Clearance Order itself, thus it makes sense to route both the Clearance Order and the checklists together. PRR 173721. NCR 172272-06. Added a Note reminding personnel that when authorizing clearances with Global Tags, the first checklist that is "Distributed" actually will contain the Global Tag hang actions. If Global Tag clearances are not authorized in the proper order, outage efficiency problems can occur., PRR 177037. Added requirements for what to do when lifting clearance tags and another clearance tag or other site specific configuration control device is in place., Removed the requirement to sign and date for "Checklist Completion." Printed clearance checklists no longer include a block for these signatures. A checklist is completed using an Option in PassPort. PRR 121456. Clarified that only personnel who need the clearance for protection must accept the clearance. Previously, the words "working within the boundaries of the clearance" was used. Personnel may be working within the boundaries of a clearance and not need the clearance for protection., Attachment 6 NCR 170746-17. NCR 182093-05. Revised the clearance Boundary Change process because of the Harris INPO AFI. Formalized the process. Required all Clearance Holders and Clearance Workers to sign or initial for approval for all Boundary Changes. Per telecom approvals are acceptable under extenuating circumstances (Le. worker in a contaminated area, etc.). Required placing a Holder Lock on Attachment 13s by requiring that all active Attachment 13s be brought to the WCC while the Boundary Change is in progress. and Note preceding NCR 176592-05. Added a Note and a procedural step precluding lifting and rehanging a Global Tag on the same checklist. If this is done, PassPort removes the Global designation of the tag on the rehang. Clarified that a Licensed Operator must do the second verification of a Boundary Change. A previous revision made it a requirement for clearance second verifications to be made a Licensed Operator, but this section was missed. OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 98 of 99



SECTION CHANGE (Note preceding), NCR 177033-01. Clarified that when routing a Matrix Clearance boundary change for approval, Affected Employees signed on to the clearance associated with work order tasks that are completed (in the H/OPS or Finished status or greater) will not show up on the approval route list. Changed tag hanging and verification steps to include "Tag Hanger" and "Independent Verifier" to be consistent with the remainder of the procedure.,, Attachment 7 PRR 198617. Added instructions to allow acceptance by additional personnel and by non-Clearance Holder qualified personnel. Added Page 2 of Attachment 7, Personal Clearance Form, to include extra room for Clearance Acceptance and Release, Clearance Special Instructions, and Tag Hanging and Lifting. Changed "notify" to "obtain concurrence from". The WCC is agreeing that a Personal Clearance is appropriate and acceptable to hang. 9.5 PRR 127914. Added Qualification information (Duty Area/Qual. Group/Qual.) to clarify requirements. Didn't include information for Personal Clearance Preparers since these Qual. Groups and Quais. are site specific. Changed "Progress Energy Employee" to "Clearance Holder qualified individuaL" It was never intended that only Progress Energy employees could be Principal Clearance Holders. 9.5.6 Added a step which clarifies that Clearance Preparer qualified individuals may perform Personal Clearance Preparer duties. 5 PRR 170019. Added Attachment 15, Clearance Conflict Checking Information, to include information related to conflict checking, including all the conflict types, what they mean, and what is required to override them. PRR 167583. Improved form based on feedback. Makes form better match procedural requirements. Throughout Changed Checklist Cross Reference to Clearance Cross Reference. PassPort Version 10 included the Clearance Cross Reference section which is more appropriate to use then the Checklist Cross Reference. Throughout PRR 181647. Changed tag verifier to Independent Verifier. Independent Verifier is now the appropriate qualification in accordance with OPS-NGGC-1303. OPS-NGGC-1301 Rev. 17 Page 99 of 99


Evaluate Reactor Water Level Instrumentation using Caution 1 SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None. III EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. The applicable procedure section WILL be provided to the trainee.
2. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.

Page 2 REV. 0

Evaluate Reactor Water Level Instrumentation using Caution 1 Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS: Condition 1 Condition 2 Reactor Reactor 1258-1 258-3 1258-2 1258-2 Condition 3 Page 3 REV. 0

Evaluate Reactor Water Level Instrumentation using Caution 1 Condition 4 Condition 5 INITIATING CUE: Using CAUTION 1 (Unit Two) and the indications provided in:

  • Condition 1, determine if level instruments N004A1B/C are available or unavailable for use in determining reactor water level.
  • Condition 2, determine if level instruments N026A1B are available or unavailable for use in determining reactor water level.
  • Condition 3, determine if level instruments N036/N037 are available or unavailable for use in determining reactor water level.
  • Condition 4, determine if reactor water level is currently above or below TAF.
  • Condition 5, determine if reactor water level is currently above or below LL-4.

Page 4 REV. 0

Evaluate Reactor Water Level Instrumentation using Caution 1 PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Using the Narrow Range Level Instruments section of CAUTION 1, plot the given parameters of Condition 1 to determine availability of N004A/S/C. Using 360F as the Reference Leg Temp, plot and determine that N004A1B are available, plot and determine that N004C is unavailable.

                                                          ** CRITICAL STEP**     SAT/UNSAT*

Step 2 - Using the Wide Range Level Instruments section of CAUTION 1, plot the given parameters of Condition 2 to determine availability of N026A1B. Identify that RB 50ft Temperature is above 140F, therefore N026A1B are unavailable.

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP**     SAT/UNSAT*

Step 3 - Using the Fuel Zone Level Instruments section of CAUTION 1, plot the given parameters of Condition 3 to determine availability of N036/37. Using 360F as the Reference Leg Temp, determine that N036 is available since it is reading above -130 inches, determine that N037 is unavailable since it is reading below

     -130 inches.
                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP**     SAT/UNSAT*

Page 5 REV. 0

Evaluate Reactor Water Level Instrumentation using Caution 1 Step 4 - Using the TAF Determination section of CAUTION 1, plot the given parameters of Condition 4 to determine if reactor water level is above or below T AF. Plot the parameters of Condition 4 and determine that reactor water level is below TAF

                                                         ** CRITICAL STEP**     SAT/UNSAT*

Step 5 - Using the LL-4 Determination section of CAUTION 1, plot the given parameters of Condition 5 to determine if reactor water level is above or below LL-4. Plot the parameters of Condition 5 and determine that reactor water level is above LL-4

                                                          ** CRITICAL STEP**     SAT/UNSAT*
  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

Page 6 REV. 0

Evaluate Reactor Water Level Instrumentation using Caution 1 RELATED TASKS: KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: GEN 2.1.25 3.9/4.2 Ability to interpret reference materials, such as graphs, curves, tables, etc.


Unit 2 CAUTION 1 TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None. ADMINISTRATIVE CATEGORY (from NUREG 1123, Rev 2, Supp. 1.): Admin - Conduct of Operations Page 7 REV. 0

Evaluate Reactor Water Level Instrumentation using Caution 1 Time Required for Completion: ~ Minutes (approximate). APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate Actual Unit: Setting: Control Room Simulator__ ( Not applicable to In-Plant JPMs ) Time Critical: Yes No 0 Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No 0 EVALUATION Trainee: -------------------------- SSN: ---------------- JPM: Pass - - Fail _ _ Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure Current?: Yes No _____ Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: Date: _________ Page 8 REV. 0

TASK CONDITIONS: Condition 1 Reactor Pressure 1258-1 1258-3 1258-2 1258-4 Condition 2 Reactor Water Reactor Pressure 1258-1 1258-3 1258-2 1258-2 Reactor B Condition 3 Page 9 REV. 0

Condition 4 Condition 5 INITIATING CUE: Using CAUTION 1 (Unit Two) and the indications provided in:

  • Condition 1, determine if level instruments N004A/B/C are available or unavailable for use in determining reactor water level.
  • Condition 2, determine if level instruments N026A1B are available or unavailable for use in determining reactor water level.
  • Condition 3, determine if level instruments N036/N037 are available or unavailable for use in determining reactor water level.
  • Condition 4, determine if reactor water level is currently above or below TAF.
  • Condition 5, determine if reactor water level is currently above or below LL-4.

Page 10 REV. 0

Attachment 6 Page 1 of 19 Reactor Water Level Caution (Caution 1) I OEOP-01-UG Rev. 51 Page 89 of 150 I

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 2 of 19 Reactor Water Level Caution (Caution 1) A reactor water level instrument may be used to determine reactor water level only when the conditions for use as listed in Table 1 are satisfied for that instrument. TABLE 1 CONDITIONS FOR USE OF REACTOR WATER LEVEL INSTRUMENTS NOTE: Reference leg area drywell temperature is determined using Figure 13, ERFIS, or Instructional Aid based on Figure 13. NOTE: IF the temperature near any instrument run is in the UNSAFE region of the REACTOR SATURATION LIMIT (Figure 14), THEN the instrument may be unreliable due to boiling in the run. NOTE: Immediate reference leg boiling is not expected to occur for short duration excursions into the unsafe region due to heating of the drywell. The thermal time constant associated with the mass of metal and water in the reference leg will prohibit immediate boiling of the reference leg. Reference leg boiling is an obvious phenomenon. Large scale oscillations of all water level instruments associated with the reference leg that is boiling will occur. This occurrence will be obvious and readily observable by the operator. Additionally, if the operator is not certain whether boiling has occurred, he can refer to plant history as provided on water level recorders or ERFIS. Reference leg boiling is indicated by level oscillations without corresponding pressure oscillations. Instrument Conditions for Use Narrow Range Level Instruments Unit 1 Only: The indicated level is in the C32-Ll-R606A, B, C (N004A, B, C) SAFE region of Figure 15. C32-LPR-R608 (N004A, B) Unit 2 Only: The indicated level is in the Indicating Range 150-210 Inches SAFE region of Figure 15A. Cold Reference Leg Shutdown Range Level Instruments The indicated level is in the SAFE region of B21-Ll-R605A, B (N027A, B) Figure 16. Indicating Range 150-550 Inches Cold Reference Leg To determine reactor water level at the Main Steam Line Flood Level (MSL), see Figure 21. Figure 21 has two curves: The upper curve is for reference leg area drywell temperature equal to or greater than 200°F. The lower curve is for reference leg area drywell temperature less than 200°F. IOEOP-01-UG Rev. 51 Page 90 of 150 I

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 3 of 19 TABLE 1 (Cont'd) Reactor Water Level Caution (Caution 1) Instrument Conditions for Use Wide Range Level Instruments 1. Temperature on the Reactor B21-U-R604A, B (N026A, B) Building 50' below 140°F C32-PR-R609 (N026B) (B21-XY-5948A A2-4, Indicating Range 0-210 Inches B21-XY-5948B A2-4, Cold Reference Leg ERFIS Computer Point B21TA102, OR B21TA103) AND

2. IF the reference leg area drywell temperature is in the UNSAFE region of the Reactor Saturation Limit (Figure 14), THEN the indicated level is greater than 20 inches OR IF the reference leg area drywell temperature is in the SAFE region of the Reactor Saturation Limit (Figure 14), THEN the indicated level is greater than 10 inches.

IOEOP-01-UG Rev. 51 Page 91 of 150 I

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 4 of 19 TABLE 1 (Cont'd) Reactor Water Level Caution (Caution 1) Instrument Conditions for Use Fuel Zone Level Instruments 1. IF the reference leg area drywell B21-Ll-R610 (N036) temperature is less than 440°F, B21-LR-R615 (N037) THEN the indicated level is greater Indicating Range -150 - +150 Inches than -150 inches Cold Reference Leg OR IF the reference leg area drywell temperature is greater than or equal to 440°F, THEN the indicated level is greater than -130 inches. AND

2. Reactor Recirculation Pumps are shutdown.

To determine reactor water level at TAF, see Unit 1 Only: Figure 17 and Unit 2 Only: Figure 17A To determine reactor water level at the minimum steam cooling level (LL-4), see Unit 1 Only: Figure 18 and Unit 2 Only: Figure 18A To determine reactor water level at the minimum zero injection level (LL-5), see Unit 1 Only: Figure 19 and Unit 2 Only: Figure 19A To determine reactor water level at 90 inches, see Figure 20. Continued on next page. I OEOP-01-UG Rev. 51 Page 92 of 150 I

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 5 of 19 TABLE 1 (Cont'd) Reactor Water Level Caution (Caution 1) Instrument Conditions for Use Each figure has two curves: The upper curve for reference leg area drywell temperature greater than 200°F. The lower curve for reference leg area drywell temperature less than or equal to 200°F. IF containment conditions are such that reference leg area temperatures could NOT be controlled and maintained less than the 200°F requirement, THEN the upper lines on the graph should be utilized. These level instruments are valid for indication with RHR LPCI flow. I OEOP-01-UG Rev. 51 Page 93 of 150 I

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 6 of 19 FIGURE 13 Level Instrument Reference Leg Area Drywell Temperature Calculations

1. For all level instruments except B21-Ll-R605 A, B, (N027 A, B); the reference leg area drywell temperature is the highest of the following points:

Recorder CAC-TR-4426-1B, Point 1258-1 __ CAC-TR-4426-1B, Point 1258-3 __ CAC-TR-4426-2B, Point 1258-2 __ CAC-TR-4426-2B, Point 1258-4 __ OR Microprocessor CAC-TY-4426-1, Point 5801 __ CAC-TY-4426-1, Point 5803 __ CAC-TY-4426-2, Point 5802 __ CAC-TY-4426-2, Point 5804 __ IOEOP-01-UG Rev. 51 Page 94 of 150 I

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 7 of 19 FIGURE 13 (Cont'd) Level Instrument Reference Leg Area DrywelJ Temperature Calculations

2. For level instruments B21-Ll-R605A, B (N027 A, B), the reference leg area drywell temperature is the highest of the following points:

Recorder CAC-TR-4426-1A, Point 1258-22 _ _ CAC-TR-4426-1B, Point 1258-3 _ _ CAC-TR-4426-2A, Point 1258-23 _ _ CAC-TR-4426-2A, Point 1258-24 _ _ CAC-TR-4426-2B, Point 1258-2 _ _ CAC-TR-4426-2B, Point 1258-4 _ _ OR Microprocessor CAC-TY-4426-1, Point 5822 _ _ CAC-TY-4426-1, Point 5803 _ _ CAC-TY-4426-2, Point 5823 _ _ CAC-TY-4426-2, Point 5824 _ _ CAC-TY-4426-2, Point 5802 _ _ CAC-TY-4426-2, Point 5804 _ _ I OEOP-01-UG Rev. 51 Page 95 of 150 I

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 8 of 19 FIGURE 14 Reactor Saturation Limit 600 550 0 LL I l.

z: 500 W


  ..J W




  <C    400 W



(!) W 350

  ..J W

0 Z W 300 0::: W LL W 0::: 250 200 100 300 500 700 900 1,100 o 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 REACTOR PRESSURE (PSIG) I OEOP-01-UG Rev. 51 Page 96 of 150 I

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 9 of 19 FIGURE 15 Unit 1 Narrow Range Level Instrument (N004A, B, C) Caution

         ...J 165 -+-+--+--+--t-----+-----'-------'---------L--'---,\-t-----+---+-----t-------1 W                                         SAFE W
         ...J C



o c 155 ---+--+--+--+--+---+--I--t---+--I-c z 300 350 400 450 REFERENCE LEG AREA DRYWELL TEMP (OF) I OEOP-01-UG Rev. 51 Page 97 of 150 I

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 10 of 19 FIGURE 15A Unit 2 Narrow Range Level Instrument (N004A, B, C) Caution

         ...J 165 -t---+---!-+-+-+-~--'---'--+-+---!-+-+----1 W                                 SAFE W
         ...J 160 ---+--+--+---+---+---+--+--+---+---+---+--+--+---+--+--1 C



U C 155 -+-+-+--t----l-+-+-+-+-+-__ Z 300 350 400 450 REFERENCE LEG AREA DRYWELL TEMP (OF) I OEOP-01-UG Rev. 51 Page 98 of 150 I

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 11 of 19 FIGURE 16 Shutdown Range Level Instrument (N027 A, B) Caution

     -----       --++-t-+++-t-+++-1     SA FE            H--++--f--++--+-Jf-+++-1f-+++-1
      ...J 250 -++++++++-+-+-+--r--,-,-,--,-,-,-,---j-j--++-1C++-f-++--f-++--+-++-1 W
    > W
      ...J C



(J 200 -++-t-++-t-++-+-++-+--+++++++++++++++

    -Z 150 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 REFERENCE LEG AREA DRYWELL TEMP rF)

IOEOP-01-UG . Rev. 51 Page 99 of 150 I

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 12 of 19 FIGURE 17 Unit 1 Reactor Water Level at TAF 0

  -en w
              .. 30


  --Z....J W
              -40 I  REF LEG.


   >W         .. 50 ABOVE 200"F
    ....J                                                          .r REF LEG
                                                                   ,. TEMP C         .. 60                                                   BELOW OR W                                                                 EQUAL TO


              .. 70

(,) Z -80

           .. 100 1,150 100      300     500      700      900    1,100 60 200        400      600     800     1,000 REACTOR PRESSURE (PSI G)


ATTACHMENT 6 Page 13 of 19 FIGURE 17A Unit 2 Reactor Water Level at TAF 0

   -.     -20 en W
E: - 30


    -I W
                                                               . I  REFLEG TEMP W     - 50 ABOVE 200*F
    -I                                                           .r REF LEG
                                                                 ,. TEMP C     .. 60                                                     BELOW OR W                                                               EQUAL TO
   !(                                                               200"F

() .. 70

   -C Z     -80
         -100 1,150 00     300      500      700      900    1 ,100 60 200        400      600     800     1,000 REACTOR PRESSURE (PSI!G)


ATTACHMENT 6 Page 14 of 19 FIGURE 18 Unit 1 Reactor Water Level at LL-4 (Minimum Steam Cooling Level) 0

             -10 LL-4
   -en W


     ...J W
   > W       .. 50
     ...J C       -60                                                         REF LEG W                                                                   TEMP ABOVE




          .. 100 1,150 00      300       500             900     1,100 60    200      400                       1,000 REACTOR PRESSURE (PSI G)


ATTACHMENT 6 Page 15 of 19 FIGURE 18A Unit 2 Reactor Water Level at LL-4 {Minimum Steam Cooling Level} 0

   .-.     -20 U)


t: - 30 U


   .....I W
           -40 W       - 50
   .....I C       - 60 W


   !(                                                            TEMP ABove
           -70 U


           - 80                                                  BELOW OR eaUALTO 200<F
          -100 1,150 900     1,100 200      400       600     800     1,000 REACTOR PRESSURE (PSIG)


ATTACHMENT 6 Page 16 of 19 FIGURE 19 Unit 1 Reactor Water Level at LL-5 (Minimum Zero Injection Level) 0



         - 20                      ABOVE LL-5 (J   *30
    -W'  -40
    >W   -50 C


    -C (J
         .. 70 REF LEG Z                                                            ;  TEMP ABOVE 200'F
         - 60 JREFLEG
                                                                  ,. TEMP BELOW OR
         -90                                                         EQUAL TO 200'F
        -100 1,150 100     300        500      700     900    1 ,100 60 200         400        600     800    1,000 REACTOR PRESSURE (PSIG)


ATTACHMENT 6 Page 17 of 19 FIGURE 19A Unit 2 Reactor Water Level at LL-5 (Minimum Zero Injection Level) 0

  -w fIl
         -20                      ABOVE LL-5
    <.J  *30
   ...J W
   ...J  -50 C


   -<.J C    .. 70 Z
         .. 80


         .. 90                                                    BELOW OR eOUALTO 200"F
        -100 1,150 100     300      500       700     900    1,100 60 200        400        600     800    1,000 REACTOR PRESSURE (PSIG)



Evaluate Core Spray System Operability Test Data. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: None EVALUATOR NOTES: (Do not read to trainee)

1. The applicable procedure section WILL be provided to the trainee.
2. This is an administrative JPM designed to be administered in any setting and may be administered to multiple candidates simultaneously in a classroom setting.
3. If this is the first JPM of the JPM set, read the JPM briefing contained NUREG 1021, Appendix E, or similar to the trainee.
4. Obtain copy of OPT-07.2.4a and fill out Attachment 1 up to Unit SCO review. Under General Comments, Exceptions, and Corrective Actions fill in None.
5. Fill out Attachment 2 for Core Spray Pump 1A Test Information. Data should be within acceptance range with exception of:

Incorrectly determine pump DP and record that value. Use numbers that when correctly subtracted place pump DP below the acceptance and required action range value. Fill out one vibration (1 W A) as greater than maximum acceptance value but less than required action - in alert range.

6. Fill out Attachment 3 for Unit 1 Core Spray Loop A Valve Test Information Sheet. All data filled out should fall within acceptance range with the exception of:

1-E21-F005A stoke open time should be filled out as greater than maximum value, but less than limiting value. 1-E21-F031A stroke close time should be filled out as less than minimum value.

7. Provide filled out Attachments 1,2, & 3 and Acceptance Criteria from OPT-07.2.4a to examinee. Provide examinee an entire copy of OPT-07.2.4a if requested (examiner should have available copy for each examinee).

LOT-ADM-JP-018-A01 Page 2 of 9 REV. 0

Evaluate Core Spray System Operability Test Data. Read the following to trainee. TASK CONDITIONS:

1. OPT-07.2.4a, Core Spray System Operability Test - Loop A, has just been completed on Unit One for Core Spray Loop 1A by an operator.
2. The operator who completed the test has determined all acceptance criteria are met with no exceptions as certified on Attachment 1.
3. The operator who completed the test has requested a peer check of the data that was recorded on Attachments 2 and 3 to ensure all acceptance criteria are met.
4. Another operator is checking the remainder of the procedure, other than Attachments 2 and 3 for satisfactory completion.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed to evaluate the data recorded in OPT-07.2.4a, Attachments 2 and 3, against the acceptance criteria of the test. Report any exceptions to satisfactory performance, and if required, any corrective action required by OPT-07.2.4a. LOT-ADM-JP-018-A01 Page 3 of 9 REV. 0

Evaluate Core Spray System Operability Test Data. PERFORMANCE CHECKLIST NOTE: Sequence is assumed unless denoted in the Comments. Step 1 - Obtain a current revision of OPT-02.4.7a. Current Revision of OPT-02. 7.4a obtained. SAT/UNSAT* Step 2 - Evaluate data in the completed Attachments 2 and 3 and identify the following deficiencies:

a. Identify that Pump DP is incorrectly calculated and that actual DP is outside acceptance range and in required action range.

Identified that Pump DP psid is outside acceptance range and in required action range

                                                          ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*
b. Identify that Pump vibration position 1W A is in the alert range.

Identified that Pump vibration position 1W A is in the alert range SAT/UNSAT* LOT-ADM-JP-018-A01 Page 4 of 9 REV. 0

Evaluate Core Spray System Operability Test Data.

c. Identify that Valve 1-E21-F005A is outside acceptance range but within limiting time for opening.

Identified that Valve 1-E21-FOOSA is outside acceptance range but within limiting time for opening.

                                                      ** CRITICAL STEP ** SATIUNSAT*
d. Identify that Valve 1-E21-F031A is outside (less than) minimum acceptance range for closing.

Identify that Valve 1-E21-F031A is outside (less than) minimum acceptance range for closing.

                                                      ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

Step 3 - Recommend the following corrective actions:

a. Declare Core Spray Pump 1A Inoperable based on pump DP.

Recommended that Core Spray Pump 1A be declared Inoperable.

                                                      ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*

LOT-ADM-J P-O 18-AO 1 Page 5 of 9 REV. 0

Evaluate Core Spray System Operability Test Data.

b. Double frequency of testing of Core Spray Pump 1A based on vibration in alert range until cause is determined and corrected.

Recommended that Core Spray Pump 1A testing frequency be doubled. SAT/UNSAT*

c. Declare 1-E21-F005A Inoperable or immediately retest based on opening stroke time.

Recommended that 1-E21-F005A be declared inoperable or immediately retested.

                                                   ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*
d. Declare 1-E21-F031A Inoperable based on closing stroke time.

Recommended that 1-E21-F031A be declared inoperable.

                                                   ** CRITICAL STEP ** SAT/UNSAT*
  • Comments required for any step evaluated as UNSAT.

LOT-ADM-JP-018-A01 Page 6 of 9 REV. 0

Evaluate Core Spray System Operability Test Data. RELATED TASKS: 2090038201, Perform Core Spray System Operability Test Per PT-07.2.4a (07.2.4b) KIA REFERENCE AND IMPORTANCE RATING: GEN 2.1.32 3.8/4.0 Ability to explain and apply system limits and precautions.


OPT-07 .2.4a TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: None. ADMINISTRATIVE CATEGORY (from NUREG 1123): Admin - Equipment Control LOT-ADM-JP-018-A01 Page 7 of 9 REV. 0

Evaluate Core Spray System Operability Test Data. Validation Time: 15 Minutes APPLICABLE METHOD OF TESTING Performance: Simulate Actual 0 Unit: 1 Setting: Control Room Simulator__ (N/A for Admin or In-Plant JPMs) Time Critical: Yes No 0 Time Limit N/A Alternate Path: Yes No ~ EVALUATION Trainee: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ JPM: Pass _ _ Fail -- Remedial Training Required: Yes No _ _ Did Trainee Verify Procedure as Authorized Copy?: Yes _ _ No _ __ Comments: Comments reviewed with Student Evaluator Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date: _ _ _ __ LOT-ADM-JP-018-A01 Page 8 of 9 REV. 0


1. OPT-07.2.4a, Core Spray System Operability Test - Loop A, has just been completed on Unit One for Core Spray Loop 1A by an operator.
2. The operator who completed the test has determined all acceptance criteria are met with no exceptions as certified on Attachment 1.
3. The operator who completed the test has requested a peer check of the data that was recorded on Attachments 2 and 3 to ensure all acceptance criteria are met.
4. Another operator is checking the remainder of the procedure, other than Attachments 2 and 3 for satisfactory completion.

INITIATING CUE: You are directed to evaluate the data recorded in OPT-07.2.4a, Attachments 2 and 3, against the acceptance criteria of the test. Report any exceptions to satisfactory performance, and if required, any corrective action required by OPT-07.2.4a. LOT-ADM-JP-018-A01 Page 9 of 9 REV. 0

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 1 Certification and Review Form General Comments and Recommendations _ _ L..~-=--D:...Ln..Le~-_________ Initials Name (Print) Performed by: TO John :D()p AE> Exceptions to satisfactory performance _ _....ln~O!..:..r1.!..e.~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Corrective action required _.LYl..LO~"..Le",--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ NOTE: Pump test data shall be analyzed within 96 hours after completion of this PT. SCQ review/approval of the PT satisfies this ASME Code requirement. Test procedure has been satisfactorily completed: Unit SCQ: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature Date Test procedure has NOT been satisfactorily completed: Unit SCQ: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature Date Test has been reviewed by: Shift Superintendent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature Date 1 OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 27 of 361

ATTACHMENT 2 Page 1 of 2 Unit 1 Core Spray Pump A Test Information Data Sheet

1. The lubricant level (pump running) is normal. 30
2. Calculate pump dP as follows:

Pump discharge pressure - suction pressure (run) = pump dP

               ,;;, s: 0                 'I. 0              =    ;l t. ct. 0 NOTE:           Pump vibration measurement is required only during CPT. Vibration is measured at the test point marked on the pump for the correct bearing number and direction as indicated by the Test Position number as follows:

the number indicates the bearing number from Attachment 5 for position, N=North, S=South, E=East, W=West for direction, A=Axial, H=Horizontal, V=Vertical NOTE: Reference values for pump suction and discharge pressures are provided for determining the suitability of alternate test gauges, if used. UNIT 1 CORE SPRAY PUMP A TEST DATA REQUIRED ACTUAL REFERENCE ACCEPTANCE ALERT RANGE ACTION RANGE TEST PARAMETER VALUE VALUE VALUE RANGE LOW HIGH LOW HIGH Suction Press. (Stopped) psig Suction Press.

                            '.0               6.0 4.0 4 to 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
                                                                                                <4 N/A
                                                                                                          >8 N/A (Running) psig               '/. 0 Discharge Press. Psig                         290.0             N/A            N/A       N/A     N/A       N/A
lbS.O Quarterly Pump DP 290.9 261.9 to 319.9 N/A N/A < 261.9 > 319.9 psid  :=2bq, 0 CPT Pump DP psid 290.9 270.6 to 299.6 261.9 N/A < 261.9 > 299.6 Y11G4... to
                                                                            <270.6 Flow Rate gpm             l./'} 00            4,700             N/A            N/A       N/A     N/A       N/A Vibration-vel (in/s                           0.133         o to 0.325         N/A     > 0.325   N/A     > 0.700 peak) Position 1S H                                                                       to
                           .300                                                        0.700 Vibration-vel (in/s                           0.195         o to 0.325         N/A     > 0.325   N/A     > 0.700 peak) Position 1W A                                                                       to
                          .;1'15'                                                      0.700 Vibration-vel (in/s                           0.144         oto 0.325          N/A     > 0.325   N/A     > 0.700 peak) Position 1W H                                                                       to
                          ."'.].5                                                      0.700 Performed By (Signature) _----'J"'---"..--"'j)roc..=~.=e..~_ _ __               Date -------- Time -------

Reviewed, 1ST Group (Signature) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date _ _ __ 1 OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 28 of 361

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 1 of 2 Valve Number Stroke Remote Position Stroke Stroke Time Acceptance Direction Indication (Initials) Time Test Criteria (Seconds) Fail- Full- Check Stem Ind. (sec) Acceptable Range Ref. Safe Stroke Valve Valve Lights Minimum Maximum Limiting Stroke Test Exercise Exercise SATI (?J (::;) <<) Time (Initials) (Initials) (Initials) UNSAT 1-E21-F015A OPEN AA TO N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ~A-7 1-E21-F015A CLOSED 1M "'7{) ~/, go 35.90 48.50 52.70 42.20 N/A N/A !Y97 1-E21-F004A CLOSED A-h  ::TO II.{,O 9.85 13.33 14.49 11.59 N/A N/A N/A (j;--K" 1-E21-F005A OPEN AI TP (.3. ,S- 10.01 13.55 14.73 11.78 N/A N/A N/A


1-E21-F005A CLOSED A-~ ".TO II . .2~ 9.88 13.36 14.53 11.62 N/A N/A sAr 1-E21-F004A OPEN A& J1) 1:1.. 05 9.99 13.51 14.69 11.75 N/A N/A ~~ 1-E21-F001A CLOSED A8 J'O qt. '1o 68.51 92.69 100.75 80.60 N/A N/A N/A sA7 1-E21-F001A OPEN 4' >> ll'l. ~~ 72.73 98.39 106.95 85.56 N/A N/A SA-1' 1-E21-F031A CLOSED AB TO 1;1.. 9$" 11.00 14.80 16.10 12.90 N/A N/A N/A s/FJ 1-E21-F031A OPEN Ar& :TO 12..() 0 12.30 16.50 18.00 14.40 N/A N/A ~M 1-E21-F003A CLOSED N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A M ~A-r 1-E21-F029A PART N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPEN II> ~y, 1-E21-F030A PART N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPEN 1M S#I 1-E21-F029A CLOSED N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A j)g $.IP/ 1-E21-F030A CLOSED N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A JU $..If!/ 1-E21-F003A OPEN N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A A-6 .5./1'7 NOTE: Spaces next to valve numbers shall be filled in with an appropriate entry, initials, or N/A. II Performed by (signature) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Performed by (signature) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Reviewed, 1ST Group (signature) Date IOPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 30 of 361

6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA This test may be considered satisfactory when the following criteria are met: 6.1 Pump Tests NOTE: Acceptance Criteria 6.1.1 includes allowances for a number of items (such as flow diversion through the minimum flow valve, cracks, and the vent hole). Meeting the values shown assure that CS can provide 4100 gpm to the vessel with 113 psid between the Suppression Pool and the vessel as required by Technical Specifications. 6.1.1 CORE SPRA Y PUMP A operation develops a recirculation flow rate of 4700 gpm or greater against a system head of greater than or equal to 260 psig. (SR, SR 6.1.2 CORE SPRA Y PUMP A discharge pressure increases to greater than or equal to 300 psig within 5 seconds of control switch operation. (SR, SR 6.1.3 The pump test data shall be compared to the allowable ranges identified in Test Information Attachment 2. 6.1.4 If deviations fall within the ALERT RANGE of Attachment 2, the frequency of testing shall be doubled until the cause of the deviation is determined and corrected and either the existing reference values reverified or a new set of reference values established per IST8-6200. 6.1.5 If the deviations fall within the REQUIRED ACTION RANGE of Attachment 2, the pump shall be declared inoperable and not returned to service until the condition has been corrected. 6.1.6 When completed test results show deviations greater than the allowable ACCEPTANCE VALUE RANGE, the instruments involved may be recalibrated and the test rerun. However, this shall not preclude declaring the pump inoperable as required. 1OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 8 of 361

6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 6.2 Valve Tests NOTE: Stroke time shall be measured from the time the control switch is repositioned to the time the valve is fully stroked by light indication. Deviations from this standard method of testing will be specified in the procedure. 6.2.1 Valve Stroke Time

1. Measured stroke times shall be within the ACCEPTABLE RANGE as specified by the minimum and maximum stroke times shown on Attachment 3.
2. For tests where the measured stroke time of a valve exceeds the maximum ACCEPTABLE stroke time but does not exceed the LIMITING stroke time, the valve shall be immediately retested or declared INOPERABLE.
a. If a valve is retested, and the measured stroke time is within the ACCEPTABLE RANGE, the valve may be declared OPERABLE. A Condition Report (CR) shall be generated to ensure the OM Code requirement associated with the evaluation is completed by Engineering.
b. If a valve is retested and the measured stroke time falls outside the ACCEPTABLE RANGE, a Tracking LCO shall be generated to track the time agreed upon by the Shift Superintendent and BESS in accordance with 001-01.08.

Otherwise, declare the valve INOPERABLE and meet the requirements of all applicable Technical Specifications.

3. For tests where the measured stroke time of the valve is less than the minimum ACCEPTABLE stroke time, exceeds the LIMITING stroke time or the valve disc or stem fail to exhibit the required change of position, the valve shall immediately be declared INOPERABLE.
4. For Core Spray Injection Valves, E21-F004A and E21-F005A, the measured opening stroke time shall be less than or equal to 23.8 seconds to satisfy Core Spray Loop A response time requirements. (SR, SR

IOPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 9 of36 I

6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 6.2.2 Valve Full-Stroke Exercise Full-stroke exercise requirements shall be satisfied by completely cycling a valve from the closed position to the open position and back to the closed position or from the open position to the closed position and back to the open position. 6.2.3 Valve Remote Position Indicator (RPI) Verification At a refueling frequency (not to exceed 2 years), each RPI Verification identified on Attachment 3 shall be observed to verify that the valve position is accurately indicated in both the open and closed positions by the indicating lights on the RTGB when the valve stem or mechanical position indicator has stopped moving. RPI verification satisfies the requirements of SR 6.2.4 Check Valve Exercising

1. Check valve exercising to the full open position shall be satisfied by demonstrating the ability to pass maximum accident condition flow.
2. Check valve exercising to the partial open position shall be satisfied by demonstrating the ability to pass sustained flow.
3. Check valve exercising to the closed position shall be considered satisfactory by demonstrating the ability to establish a differential pressure across the valve seat, or by verifying the absence of flow under pressure while venting the upstream side of the valve seat with pressure on the downstream side.

6.3 Leak Tightness Examination 6.3.1 Identified leakage is recorded on Attachment 4, Leak Identification Data Sheet, and a Work Request (WR) is initiated for any leakage with the exception of packing and gasket leakage less than 5 drops per minute (dpm). The WR shall state that identified leakage is required to be corrected or minimized as required by TS 5.5.2. 6.3.2 For 'through-wall' or 'through-weld' leakage, a Nuclear Condition Report (NCR) is initiated to assess structural integrity of the affected component. 1OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 10 of 361

6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 6.3.3 The following applicable actions are taken when the combined leakage total (AST Combined Leakage Log value plus leakage from components shown on Attachment 6) is greater than 0 gpm:

1. If the combined leakage is determined to be less than or equal to 1 gallon per minute (gpm), the normal work management process (PRI 3) for correcting leakage is implemented.
2. If the combined leakage is determined to be greater than 1 gpm and less than or equal to 20 gpm, the initiated WR should be identified as PRI 2 to expedite corrective actions to eliminate or reduce identified leakage as soon as plant conditions allow.
3. If the combined leakage is greater than 20 gpm, the initiated WR should be identified as PRI 2 to expedite corrective actions to eliminate or reduce identified leakage as soon as plant conditions allow. A Nuclear Condition Report (NCR) is initiated to have Engineering assess the impact to the AST (10CFR50.67) analysis.

1OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 11 of 361

1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 This test is performed to determine the operability of the Core Spray System A Loop. The test conforms to the requirements specified in Technical Specifications 5.5.6 to perform testing in accordance with ASME OM-Code. This test satisfies Technical Specification surveillance's SR and (for the Core Spray Pump). Performance of Valve Remote Position indicator Verification satisfies the requirements of SR This test satisfies a portion of SRs and related to response time testing for Core Spray Pump A and E21-F005A. 1.2 This test also satisfies Technical Specification 5.5.2 for leak tightness inspection every 24 months. 1.3 The following test quantities shall be measured, calculated, or observed and recorded as applicable: 1.3.1 Valve stem travel or disk movement 1.3.2 Proper operation of the valve remote position indicator (RPI) 1.3.3 Time required for valve stroke 1.3.4 Pump inlet pressure 1.3.5 Pump discharge pressure 1.3.6 Pump vibration velocity 1.3.7 Pump flow rate 1.3.8 Pump lubricant level 1.3.9 Pump differential pressure (calculated) IOPT-07.2.4a 'Rev. 58 Page 2 of 361


2.1 Technical Specifications 2.2 FSAR, Section 6.3 2.3 1(2)OP-18, Core Spray System Operating Procedure 2.4 1(2)OP-51, DC Electrical System Operating Procedure 2.5 001-01.08, Control of Equipment and System Status 2.6 Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) 2.7 OSD-18, Core Spray System Description 2.8 NUREG-1482, Revision 1, Guidelines for Inservice Testing at Nuclear Power Plants 2.9 ASME OM Code-2001, Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants through ASME OMb Code-2003 Addenda 2.10 NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Guidance on Developing Acceptable Inservice Testing Programs 2.11 OENP-17, Pump and Valve Inservice Testing (1ST) 2.12 OENP-16.1, 1ST Pump and Valve Data IR131 2.13 EC 46949, 2-E21-F004NB and F005NB Motor Pinion Gear Ratio Change & Compiling Core Spray Surveillance Requirements 2.14 EER 90-0315, Vibration Program for 1A and 2A Core Spray Pumps IRISI 2.15 Response to NRC Bulletin 88-04, Potential Safety Related Pump Loss 2.16 0-25024, Sheet 2, Core Spray System, Unit 1 2.17 0-02524, Sheet 2, Core Spray System, Unit 2 [ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 30f36j


2.18 ESR 97-00508, ECCS Response Time Testing Methods 2.19 10 CFR 50.67, Accident Source Term IR201 2.20 Second Request for Additional Information, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2 Response to Generic Letter 95-07, "Pressure Locking and Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power Operated Gate Valves" 2.21 EGR-NGGC-0010, System and Component Trending Program and System Libraries 2.22 OENP-23, Predictive Maintenance Program 2.23 RFJ-14, Refueling Justification for Stroking E21-F015A1B. 2.24 OAP-54, Plant Leak Management IR2S1 2.25 Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Units 1 and 2, Issuance of Amendment RE: Alternative Source Term (License Amendments 221 and 246, dated May 30, 2002) 3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.1 Attachments 2 and 3 must be reviewed by the 1ST group. 3.2 Water from the suppression pool should not be injected into the reactor vessel during the performance of this test. 3.3 The following annunciators may alarm during the performance of this test: 3.3.1 CORE SPRAY OR RHR PUMPS RUNNING (A-03 2-1). 3.3.2 CORE SPRAY LOOPA SYS PRESS LOW (A-01 2-10). 3.4 Vibration velocity testing is required only during Comprehensive Pump Tests (CPT). When required, vibration velocity readings shall be taken at the test pOSitions specified on the data sheet. Since there are multiple test points, ensure that the probe is located on the correct bearing (see Attachment 5) and in the correct direction as specified in the test position number. IOPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 4 of36j

3.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 3.5 For taking vibration readings, the probe shall be securely mounted at each test position. The probe must be in firm contact with the bearing housing when taking data. 3.6 When taking readings to be recorded on Attachment 2, the indicator/pointer fluctuation should be reduced to a minimum. A valve upstream of the gauge may be throttled to reduce fluctuation. Care should be taken to ensure proper communication between the gauge and main flow path. 3.7 Suitable test gauges may be used in place of any installed instrument If used, the full-scale range of each analog instrument should be three times the reference value or less, with adequate range to prevent damage during use. Use of alternate test gauges requires recording the test gauge identification number, test gauge calibration date, and test gauge calibration due date. 3.8 Some steps of this test require independent verification. 3.9 An Operator should be stationed to monitor system piping for excessive motion and/or water hammer when a Core Spray Pump is started. The susceptible piping includes Core Spray discharge piping located in the overhead of the 50' elevation of the Reactor Building. 3.10 When opening system drain/vent valves, proper radiological control procedures shall be observed. 3.11 Core Spray Loop A shall be declared inoperable from the beginning of Valve Testing, Section 7.7, to when valve stroking is complete AND the CORE SPRAY LOOP A SYS PRESS LOW (A-01 2-10) is cleared. 3.12 During system venting, air is not expected in the system. Should air be found, initiate a W/O and notify the System Engineer. Presence of air in the system does not make the system inoperable but does imply component degradation at some point that must be addressed. The test may continue provided air can be removed from the system via the normal venting process. 3.13 The Comprehensive Pump Test (CPT) Acceptance Criteria is only applicable when performing a Comprehensive Pump Test. The Quarterly pump test Acceptance Criteria is only applicable when performing a Quarterly Test. IOPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 5 of 361

4.0 PREREQUISITES 4.1 No other testing or maintenance is in progress that will adversely affect the performance of this test. 4.2 The Core Spray System (Loop A) is in standby per 1(2)OP-18. 4.3 The station battery chargers are in operation per 1(2)OP-51. 4.4 IF a leakage walkdown is required, THEN OAP-054 Alternative Source Term (AST) Combined Leakage Log value has been recorded on Attachment 4. 4.5 If Comprehensive Pump Testing is required, a temporary 0-30 psig digital pressure gauge, with an accuracy within 0.1 %, is installed at A Core Spray Pump suction at E21-PI-R001A INSTRUMENT DRAIN VALVE, E21-PI-R001A-6. 5.0 SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 5.1 Confirm that no active corrective maintenance W/O exists on the following installed instruments. If any active W/O exists, operability of the instrument must be resolved and recorded in the General Comments and Recommendations section before the instrument may be used. Instrument W/R-W/O W/R-W/O# 5.1.1 E21-PT-N001A yes I no 5.1.2 E21-FT-N003A yes I no 5.1.3 E21-PI-R600A yes I no 5.1.4 E21-FI-R601A yes I no 5.1.5 E21-PI-2651 yes I no 5.1.6 E21-PI-7119A yes I no 5.1.7 E21-PI-R001A yes I no IOPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 6 of 361

5.0 SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 5.2 If CPT is required, a digital 0-30 psig pressure gauge, with an accuracy within 0.1%, is installed at E21-PI-R001A INSTRUMENT DRAIN VALVE, E21-PI-R001A-6. If used, note: 5.2.1 10 number 5.2.2 Calibration date 5.2.3 Calibration due date 5.3 Suitable test gauges may be used to obtain data in place of any installed instrument. If used, note: 5.3.1 10 number 5.3.2 Range of instrument 5.3.3 Calibration date 5.3.4 Calibration due date 5.3.5 Parameter measured 5.4 A stopwatch with the following data recorded below: 5.4.1 Stopwatch identification number. 5.4.2 Stopwatch calibration date. 5.4.3 Stopwatch calibration due date. 5.5 If a CPT is performed, Predictive Maintenance personnel will provide the vibration monitoring instrument used for data collection. Record the required data below: 5.5.1 Vibration monitor identification number. 5.5.2 Transducer identification number. 5.5.3 Vibration monitor/transducer calibration date. 5.5.4 Vibration monitor/transducer calibration due date. 5.6 Vent and drain rig 5.7 Tubing, valves, and fittings to install test gauges (as required). 5.8 Ladder for vibration readings, if required [ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 7 of 361

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.1 OBTAIN permission from the Unit sea to perform this test, AND ENSURE LeO requirements have been reviewed in Unit seo accordance with 001-01.08. 7.2 ENSURE all prerequisites listed in Section 4.0 are met. 7.3 CONFIRM required data has been recorded in Section 5.0. 7.4 NOTIFY Maintenance the pumps are being tested so they can observe the pump run, if desired. NOTE: A leakage walkdown is required to be performed each 24 months per TS 5.5.2.b. 7.5 IF a leakage walkdown is required of CORE SPRAY LOOP A during the performance of this procedure, THEN PREPARE to perform a system walkdown to identify system leaks. 7.6 IF ePT is required, THEN ENSURE a 0-30 psig digital pressure gauge is installed at E21-PI-R001A INSTRUMENT DRAIN VALVE, E21-PI-R001A-6. [ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 12 of 361

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.7 Valve Testing NOTE: Those steps associated with valve remote position indicator (RPI) verification are performed each refueling, not to exceed 2 years, or after maintenance which affects RPI performance. IF RPI verification is NOT required for this test, THEN N/A may be entered in the Initials. NOTE: Steps 7.7.1 through are required to be performed only during refueling outages in an effort to prevent voiding Core Spray piping during power operations. IF these steps are NOT required for this test, THEN NA may be entered where appropriate. IR201 CAUTION CoreSprayLobp A shall be declared inoperable from the beginning of Valve Testing to when valve stroking is complete AND the CORE SPRAY LOOP A SYS PRESS LOW (A-01 2-10) is cleared. 7.7.1 IF performing during a refueling outage, THEN ENSURE Core Spray FULL FLOW TEST BYP VL V, E21-F015A, is closed. 7.7.2 IF performing during a refueling outage, THEN OPEN Core Spray FULL FLOW TEST BYP VL V, E21-F015A.

1. CONFIRM Core Spray FULL FLOW TEST BYP VLV, E21-F015A, valve stem travels to the open position when indicating lights indicate open, AND RECORD remote position indicator results on Attachment 3.

7.7.3 IF performing during a refueling outage, THEN CLOSE Core Spray FULL FLOW TEST BYP VLV, E21-F015A, AND RECORD valve stroke time and full-stroke exercise on Attachment 3.

1. CONFIRM Core Spray FULL FLOW TEST BYP VLV, E21-F015A, valve stem travels to the closed position when indicating lights indicate closed, AND RECORD remote position indicator results on Attachment 3.

[ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 13 of 361


2. IF entrance into this procedure was necessary only to perform stroking and timing of E21-F01SA, THEN GO TO AND PERFORM Section 7.8 AND applicable steps of Section 7.10.

7.7.4 ENSURE Core Spray OUTBOARD INJECTION VL V, E21-F004A, is open. 7.7.5 CLOSE Core Spray OUTBOARD INJECTION VL V, E21-F004A, AND RECORD valve stroke time on Attachment 3.

1. CONFIRM Core Spray OUTBOARD INJECTION VL V, E21-F004A, valve stem travels to the closed position when indicating lights indicate closed, AND RECORD remote position indicator results on Attachment 3.

7.7.6 ENSURE Core Spray INBOARD INJECTION VL V, E21-FOOSA, is closed. 7.7.7 OPEN Core Spray INBOARD INJECTION VL V, E21-FOOSA, AND RECORD valve stroke time on Attachment 3.

1. CONFIRM Core Spray INBOARD INJECTION VL V, E21-FOOSA, valve stem travels to the open position when indicating lights indicate open, AND RECORD remote position indicator results on Attachment 3.

7.7.8 CLOSE Core Spray INBOARD INJECTION VL V, E21-FOOSA, AND RECORD valve stroke time and fUll-stroke exercise on Attachment 3.

1. CONFIRM Core Spray INBOARD INJECTION VL V, E21-FOOSA, valve stem travels to the closed position when indicating lights indicate closed, AND RECORD remote position indicator results on Attachment 3.

[ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 14 of 361

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.7.9 OPEN Core Spray OUTBOARD INJECTION VL V, E21-F004A, AND RECORD valve stroke time and full-stroke exercise on Attachment 3.

1. CONFIRM Core Spray OUTBOARD INJECTION VL V, E21-F004A, valve stem travels to the open position when indicating lights indicate open, AND RECORD remote position indicator results on Attachment 3.

7.7.10 ENSURE Core Spray TORUS SUCTION VL V, E21-F001A, is open. 7.7.11 CLOSE Core Spray TORUS SUCTION VL V, E21-F001A, AND RECORD valve stroke time on Attachment 3.

1. CONFIRM Core Spray TORUS SUCTION VL V, E21-F001A, valve stem travels to the closed position when indicating lights indicate closed, AND RECORD remote position indicator results on Attachment 3.

7.7.12 OPEN Core Spray TORUS SUCTION VL V, E21-F001A, AND RECORD the valve stroke time and full-stroke exercise on Attachment 3.

1. CONFIRM Core Spray TORUS SUCTION VL V, E21-F001A, valve stem travels to the open position when indicating lights indicate open, AND RECORD remote position indicator results on Attachment 3.

7.7.13 ENSURE Core Spray MIN FLOW BYPASS VL V, E21-F031A, is open. 7.7.14 CLOSE Core Spray MIN FLOW BYPASS VL V, E21-F031A, AND RECORD valve stroke time on Attachment 3.

1. CONFIRM Core Spray MIN FLOW BYPASS VLV, E21-F031A, valve stem travels to the closed position when indicating lights indicate closed, AND RECORD remote position indicator results on Attachment 3.

IOPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 15 of 361

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.7.15 OPEN Core Spray MIN FLOW BYPASS VLV, E21-F031A, AND RECORD valve stroke time and full-stroke exercise on Attachment 3.

1. CONFIRM Core Spray MIN FLOW BYPASS VLV, E21-F031A, valve stem travels to the open position when indicating lights indicate open, AND RECORD remote position indicator results on Attachment 3.

NOTE: A higher pressure indication on E21-PI-R600A than on E21-PI-R001A confirms CORE SPRA Y PUMP DISCHARGE CHECK VAL VE, E21-F003A, is in the closed position. 7.7.16 CONFIRM CORE SPRA Y PUMP DISCHARGE CHECK VALVE, E21-F003A, is in the closed position AND RECORD position on Attachment 3. 7.8 Filling and Venting Core Spray Loop A NOTE: IF air is observed in the discharge piping, a W/R should be prepared to correct any problems. 7.8.1 IF the keepfill station for CORE SPRA Y LOOP A is available, THEN PERFORM the following:

1. ENSURE that a vent and drain rig is attached to CORE SPRA Y DIVISION I LINE VENT VAL VE, E21-V23.
2. THROTTLE OPEN CORE SPRA Y DIVISION I LINE VENT VALVE, E21-V23, until a solid stream of water issues from the vent line, THEN CLOSE E21-V23.

NOTE: Observation of a solid stream of water from CORE SPRA Y DIVISION I LINE VENT VALVE, E21-V23, confirms KEEPFILL STATION CHECK VALVES, E21-F029A and E21-F030A go to the partial open position.

3. CONFIRM KEEPFILL STATION CHECK VALVES, E21-F029A and E21-F030A, go to the partial open position AND RECORD position on Attachment 3.

[ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 16 of 36]

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials CAUTION Failure to follow Steps through in the order specified may cause the KEEPFILL RELIEF VALVE, E21-F024A, to lift and damage the seat of KEEPFILL STA TlON PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE, E21-PCV-F026A. 7.8.2 IF it is desired to use the KEEPFILL STA TlON E21-PCV-F026A BYPASS VALVE, E21-F028A, OR the valve is already open, THEN PERFORM the following:

1. ENSURE that a vent and drain rig is attached to CORE SPRA Y DIVISION I LINE VENT VAL VE, E21-V23.
4. THROTTLE OPEN CORE SPRA Y DIVISION I LINE VENT VALVE, E21-V23, until a solid stream of water issues from the vent line, THEN CLOSE E21-V23.

NOTE: Observation of a solid stream of water from CORE SPRA Y DIVISION I LINE VENT VALVE, E21-V23, confirms KEEPFILL STATION CHECK VALVES, E21-F029A and E21-F030A go to the partial open position.

5. CONFIRM KEEPFILL STATION CHECK VALVES, E21-F029A and E21-F030A, go to the partial open position AND RECORD position on Attachment 3.

[ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 17 of 361



VALVE, E21-F027A. 7.8.3 IF required, REMOVE the vent and drain rig from the CORE SPRA Y DIVISION I LINE VENT VAL VE, E21-V23. 7.8.4 CONFIRM CORE SPRAY LOOP A SYS PRESS LOW (A-01 2-10) is cleared. 7.9 Pump Testing 7.9.1 IF Quarterly testing is to be performed, THEN OBSERVE CORE SPRA Y PUMP A suction pressure (stopped), as indicated on E21-PI-R001A, AND RECORD on Attachment 2. 7.9.2 IF Comprehensive Pump Testing is to be performed, THEN PERFORM the following:

2. OBSERVE CORE SPRA Y PUMP A suction pressure (stopped), as indicated on temporary gauge, AND RECORD on Attachment 2.

[ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 18 of 36]

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials Do NOTcross-conne9t the Nuclear and Convention~IServiceWater headers by simultaneously opening NUG~W TO VITAL HEADER VL V, SW- V117, ancl CONV SW TO VITALHEADERVLV, SW-V111. 7.9.3 ENSURE one of the following valves is open:


7.9.4 ENSURE VITAL HEADER XTIE VLV, SW-V118, is open. 7.9.5 ENSURE WELL WATER TO VITAL HEADER VALVE, SW-V141, is closed. 7.9.6 STATION an operator to monitor system piping for excessive motion and water hammer when a Core Spray pump is started. 7.9.7 ENSURE proper CORE SPRAY PUMP A lubricant level. [ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 19 of 361

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: The following step requires that the time interval from pump start to discharge pressure at 300 psig be measured with a stopwatch. It may be advisable to place a temporary non-destructive mark on the pressure indicator at 300 psig to assist in timing. IRISI 7.9.8 START CORE SPRA Y PUMP A while monitoring pump discharge pressure on E21-PI-R600A, AND CONFIRM pressure increases to greater than or equal to 300 psig in less than or equal to 5.0 seconds. Response Time _ sec. 7.9.9 RECORD the time that CORE SPRA Y PUMP A was started. Time 7.9.10 ENSURE the following:


7.9.11 THROTTLE OPEN Core Spray FULL FLOW TEST BYP VLV, E21-F015A, to obtain greater than or equal to 4700 gpm as indicated on E21-FI-R601A. 7.9.12 WHEN flow is greater than 603 gpm, CONFIRM that the Core Spray MIN FLOW BYPASS VL V, E21-F031A, closes. IR131 7.9.13 CONFIRM CORE SPRA Y PUMP A discharge pressure is greater than or equal to 260 psig, as indicated on E21-PI-R6OOA. IOPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 20 of 361

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials NOTE: A higher pressure indication on E21-PI-R600A than on E21-PI-2651 confirms KEEPFILL STA TlON CHECK VALVES, E21-F030A or E21-F029A, goes to the closed position. If indication on E21-PI-2651 is "pegged", then proceed to Step 7.9.15. If test is satisfactory, then N/A Step 7.9.15. NOTE: Operability of the keep-fill check valves is performed as a pair. If the check valves cannot be determined to be closed, then a W/R shall be written to repair or replace both E21-F030A and E21-F029A. 7.9.14 CONFIRM KEEPFILL STATION CHECK VALVES, E21-F030A or E21-F029A, goes to the closed pOSition, AND RECORD on Attachment 3. NOTE: Confirming the absence of flow under pressure while venting at E21-PI-2651 INSTRUMENT DRAIN VALVE, E21-IV-786, satisfies reverse exercising requirements for KEEPFILL STA TlON CHECK VAL VES, E21-F030A and/or E21-F029A. This does NOT imply that drainage will not be present. IR151 7.9.15 IF test conditions in Step 7.9.14 cannot be met, THEN PERFORM the following steps to satisfy exercising KEEPFILL STATION CHECK VALVES, E21-F030A and/or E21-F029A, to the closed position:

1. CONNECT hose at E21-PI-2651 INSTRUMENT DRAIN VALVE, E21-IV-786, AND ROUTE to floor drain.
4. OPEN E21-PI-2651 INSTRUMENT DRAIN VALVE, E21-IV-786, AND ALLOW piping to drain for a minimum of 3 minutes.
5. CONFIRM the absence of pressurized flow from drain hose AND RECORD KEEPFILL STA TlON CHECK VALVES, E21-F030A and/or E21-F029A go to the closed position on Attachment 3.

[ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 21 of 361



CAUTION DamagetotheKEEPFfLL STATION PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE, E21-PCV-F026A, may occur iritis placed in service too rapidly.


E21-PCV-F026A UPSTREAM ISOLA TlON IndVer. VALVE, E21-F025A. 7.9.16 SLOWLY OPEN E21-PI-7119A INSTRUMENT ISOLA TlON VALVE, E21-V5000. NOTE: The Core Spray Pump shall be operated under conditions as stable as the system permits prior to recording test data. 7.9.17 THROTTLE Core Spray FULL FLOW TEST BYP VL V, E21-F015A, to obtain 4700 gpm as indicated on E21-FI-R601 A. 7.9.18 IF the Quarterly test is being performed, THEN PERFORM the following:

1. OBSERVE CORE SPRA Y PUMP A suction pressure (running), as indicated on E21-PI-R001A, AND RECORD on Attachment 2.
2. OBSERVE CORE SPRA Y PUMP A discharge pressure, as indicated on E21-PI-7119A, AND RECORD on Attachment 2.
3. CALCULATE Core Spray Pump differential pressure, AND RECORD in Quarterly Pump DP on Attachment 2.
4. RECORD CORE SPRA Y PUMP A System flow, as indicated on FLOW INDICATOR E21-FI-R601A, on Attachment 2.

[ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 22 of 361

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.9.19 IF Comprehensive Pump Testing is being performed, THEN PERFORM the following:

1. OBSERVE CORE SPRA Y PUMP A suction pressure (running), as indicated on temporary gauge, AND RECORD on Attachment 2.
2. OBSERVE CORE SPRA Y PUMP A discharge pressure, as indicated on E21-PI-7119A, AND RECORD on Attachment 2.
3. CALCULATE Core Spray Pump differential pressure, AND RECORD in CPT Pump DP on Attachment 2.
4. OBSERVE CORE SPRA Y PUMP A System flow, as indicated on FLOW INDICATOR E21-FI-R601A, AND RECORD on Attachment 2.
5. MEASURE CORE SPRA Y PUMP A vibration velocity (in/sec peak) at the test positions indicated, AND RECORD on Attachment 2.

7.9.20 ENSURE proper lubricant level AND RECORD on Attachment 2. NOTE: Flow indication of at least 5000 gpm on FLOW INDICATOR E21-FI-R601A confirms CORE SPRAY PUMP A DISCHARGE CHECK VALVE, E21-F003A, goes to the full open position. 7.9.21 THROTTLE Core Spray FULL FLOW TEST BYP VLV, E21-F015A, to obtain 5000 gpm as indicated on E21-FI-R601 A. 7.9.22 CONFIRM CORE SPRA Y PUMP A DISCHARGE CHECK VALVE, E21-F003A, fully opens AND RECORD on Attachment 3. NOTE: A leakage walkdown is required to be performed at least once per 24 months per TS 5.5.2. 7.9.23 IF required, PERFORM a leakage walkdown of the components identified on Attachment 6, AND RECORD leakage on Attachment 4, Leak Identification Data Sheet. IOPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 23 of 36\

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.9.24 CLOSE E21-PI-7119A INSTRUMENT ISOLATION _I VALVE, E21-V5000. IndVer. 7.9.25 IF CPT was performed, THEN CLOSE E21-PI-ROO1A I INSTRUMENT DRAIN VALVE, E21-PI-ROO1A-6. Ind.Ver. 7.9.26 CLOSE Core Spray FULL FLOW TEST BYP VLV, E21-F015A. 7.9.27 WHEN CORE SPRA Y LOOP A flow is less than 603 gpm, ENSURE that Core Spray MIN FLOW BYPASS VL V, E21-F031A, opens. 7.9.28 STOP CORE SPRA Y PUMP A AND RECORD the time. Time 7.9.29 CONFIRM the following:


7.9.30 IF required, ENSURE the following valves are closed:




7.9.28 7.9.9 [ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 24 of 361

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.9.32 IF required to relieve high system pressure condition or ensure the system is filled and vented, THEN PERFORM the following

1. ENSURE a vent and drain rig is attached to CORE SPRAY DIVISION I LINE VENT VALVE, E21-V23.
2. THROTTLE OPEN CORE SPRA Y DIVISION I LINE VENT VALVE, E21-V23, until a solid stream of water issues from the vent line, THEN CLOSE E21-V23.
3. IF required, REMOVE the vent and drain rig from CORE SPRA Y DIVISION I LINE VENT VAL VE, E21-V23.

7.10 System Restoration 7.10.1 ALIGN valves as specified in Table 1. NOTE: Independent verification is required for valve lineup. TABLE 1 SYSTEM VERIFICATION LINEUP SHEET REQUIRED INITIALS VALVE NO. DESCRIPTION POSITION IND. VER. E21-FOO1A Core Spray Pump A Suppression Pool Suction Valve OPEN I E21-FOO4A Core Spray Outboard Injection Valve OPEN I E21-FOO5A Core Spray Inboard Injection Valve CLOSED I E21-F031A Core Spray Minimum Flow Bypass Valve OPEN I E21-F015A Core Spray Test Bypass Valve CLOSED I E21-V23 Core Spray Division I Line Vent Valve CLOSED I 7.10.2 IF installed, REMOVE drain hose installed at E21-PI-2651, INSTRUMENT DRAIN VALVE, E21-IV-786. 7.10.3 IF CPT was performed, THEN REMOVE the temporary gauge at E21-PI-R001A INSTRUMENT DRAIN VALVE, E21-PI-R001A-6. [ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 25 of 361

7.0 PROCEDURAL STEPS Initials 7.10A IF necessary, REMOVE the temporary mark on pressure indicator E21-PI-R600A. 7.10.5 ENSURE the required information has been recorded on the cover page. 7.10.6 NOTIFY the Unit SeQ when this test is complete or found to be unsatisfactory. [ OPT-07.2Aa Rev. 58 Page 26 of 361

ATTACHMENT 1 Page 1 of 1 Certification and Review Form General Comments and Recommendations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Initials Name (Print) Performed by: Exceptions to satisfactory performance _ _- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Corrective action required _______________________ NOTE: Pump test data shall be analyzed within 96 hours after completion of this PT. SCQ review/approval of the PT satisfies this ASME Code requirement. Test procedure has been satisfactorily completed: Unit SCQ: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature Date Test procedure has NOT been satisfactorily completed: Unit SCQ: =-:----:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature Date Test has been reviewed by: Shift Superintendent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature Date [ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 27 of 36]

ATTACHMENT 2 Page 1 of 2 Unit 1 Core Spray Pump A Test Information Data Sheet

1. The lubricant level (pump running) is normal.
2. Calculate pump dP as follows:

Pump discharge pressure - suction pressure (run) = pump dP


NOTE: Pump vibration measurement is required only during CPT. Vibration is measured at the test point marked on the pump for the correct bearing number and direction as indicated by the Test Position number as follows:

                 -        the number indicates the bearing number from Attachment 5
                 -        for position, N=North, S=South, E=East, W=West
                 -        for direction, A=Axial, H=Horizontal, V=Vertical NOTE:           Reference values for pump suction and discharge pressures are provided for determining the suitability of alternate test gauges, if used.

I UNIT 1 CORE SPRAY PUMP A TEST DATA i REQUIRED ACTUAL REFERENCE ACCEPTANCE ALERT RANGE ACTION RANGE TEST PARAMETER VALUE VALUE VALUE RANGE LOW HIGH LOW HIGH Suction Press. 6.0 4 to 8 N/A N/A <4 >8 (Stopped) psig Suction Press. 4.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (Running) psig Discharge Press. Psig 290.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Quarterly Pump DP 290.9 261.9 to 319.9 N/A N/A < 261.9 > 319.9 psid CPT Pump DP psid 290.9 270.6 to 299.6 261.9 N/A < 261.9 > 299.6 to

                                                                         <270.6 Flow Rate gpm                                4,700               N/A        N/A      N/A     N/A       N/A Vibration-vel (in/s                          0.133           oto 0.325      N/A    > 0.325   N/A     > 0.700 peak) Position 1S H                                                                   to 0.700 Vibration-vel (in/s                          0.195           oto 0.325      N/A    > 0.325   N/A     > 0.700 peak) Position 1W A                                                                   to 0.700 Vibration-vel (in/s                          0.144           o to 0.325     N/A    > 0.325   N/A     > 0.700 peak) Position 1W H                                                                   to 0.700 Performed By (Signature)                                                    Date            Time _ __

Reviewed, 1ST Group (Signature) Date _ _ __ [ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 28 of 361

ATTACHMENT 2 Page 2 of 2 Unit 2 Core Spray Pump A Test Information Data Sheet

1. The lubricant level (pump running) is normal.
2. Calculate pump dP as follows:

Pump discharge pressure - suction pressure (run) = pump dP


NOTE: Pump vibration measurement is required only during CPT. Vibration is measured at the test point marked on the pump for the correct bearing number and direction as indicated by the Test Position number as follows: the number indicates the bearing number from Attachment 5 for position, N=North, S=South, E=East, W=West for direction, A=Axial, H=Horizontal, V=Vertical NOTE: Reference values for pump suction and discharge pressures are provided for determining the suitability of alternate test gauges, if used. UNIT 2 CORE SPRAY PUMP A TEST DATA REQUIRED ACTION ACTUAL REFERENCE ACCEPTANCE ALERT RANGE RANGE TEST PARAMETER VALUE VALUE VALUE RANGE LOW HIGH LOW HIGH Suction Press. 6.0 4 to 8 N/A N/A <4 >8 (Stopped) psig Suction Press. 4.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A (Running) psig Discharge Press. Psig 290.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Quarterly Pump DP 283.1 260.0 to 311.4 N/A N/A < 260.0 > 311.4 psid CPT Pump DP psid 283.1 263.3 to 291.5 260.0 to N/A < 260.0 > 291.5

                                                                             <263.3 Flow Rate gpm                                4,700              N/A         N/A      N/A      N/A       N/A Vibration-vel (in/s                          0.230          o to 0.325      N/A    > 0.325    N/A     > 0.700 peak) Position 1S H                                                               to 0.700 Vibration-vel (in/s                          0.212          o to 0.325      N/A    > 0.325    N/A     > 0.700 peak) Position 1W A                                                               to 0.700 Vibration-vel (in/s                          0.156          o to 0.325      N/A    > 0.325    N/A     > 0.700 peak) Position 1W H                                                               to 0.700 Performed By (Signature)                                                     Date             Time _ __

Reviewed, 1ST Group (Signature) Date _ _- - [ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 29 of 36]

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 1 of 2 Valve Number Stroke Unit 1 C Remote Position S . Stroke System (Loop A) Valve Test Infl Stroke Time Acceptance f - - - - Sheet Direction Indication (Initials) Time Test Criteria (Seconds) Fail- FulI- Check Stem Ind. (sec) Acceptable Range Ref. Safe Stroke Valve Valve Lights Minimum Maximum Limiting Stroke Test Exercise Exercise SATI J;>.) (4 <<) Time (Initials) (Initials) (Initials) UNSAT 1-E21-F015A OPEN N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1-E21-F015A CLOSED 35.90 48.50 52.70 42.20 N/A N/A 1-E21-F004A CLOSED 9.85 13.33 14.49 11.59 N/A N/A N/A 1-E21-F005A OPEN 10.01 13.55 14.73 11.78 N/A N/A N/A 1-E21-F005A CLOSED 9.88 13.36 14.53 11.62 N/A N/A 1-E21-F004A OPEN 9.99 13.51 14.69 11.75 N/A N/A 1-E21-F001A CLOSED 68.51 92.69 100.75 80.60 N/A N/A N/A 1-E21-F001A OPEN 72.73 98.39 106.95 85.56 N/A N/A 1-E21-F031A CLOSED 11.00 14.80 16.10 12.90 N/A N/A N/A 1-E21-F031A OPEN 12.30 16.50 18.00 14.40 N/A N/A 1-E21-F003A CLOSED N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1-E21-F029A PART N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPEN 1-E21-F030A PART N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPEN 1-E21-F029A CLOSED N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1-E21-F030A CLOSED N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1-E21-F003A OPEN N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NOTE: Spaces next to valve numbers shall be filled in with an appropriate entry, initials, or N/A. II Performed by (signature) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Performed by (signature) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Reviewed, 1ST Group (signature) Date 1 OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 30 of 361

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 2 of2 Valve Number Stroke Remote Position Stroke


Stroke Time Acceptance

                                                                                                 - -   - - - - - - - - - -  - - -- -- - -  ~ -

Direction Indication (Initials) Time Test Criteria (Seconds) Fail- FulI- Check Stem Ind. (sec) Acceptable Range Ref. Safe Stroke Valve Valve Lights Minimum Maximum Limiting Stroke Test Exercise Exercise SATI (~) {~) (~) Time (Initials) (Initials) (Initials) UNSAT 2-E21-F015A OPEN N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2-E21-F015A CLOSED 36.30 49.10 53.30 42.70 N/A N/A 2-E21-F004A CLOSED 9.38 12.70 13.80 11.04 N/A N/A N/A 2-E21-F005A OPEN 10.20 13.80 15.00 12.00 N/A N/A N/A 2-E21-F005A CLOSED 10.30 13.94 15.15 12.12 N/A N/A 2-E21-F004A OPEN 9.61 13.01 14.14 11.31 N/A N/A 2-E21-F001A CLOSED 70.00 94.60 102.90 82.34 N/A N/A N/A 2-E21-F001A OPEN 67.20 90.80 98.70 79.03 N/A N/A 2-E21-F031A CLOSED 12.20 16.40 17.90 14.33 N/A N/A N/A 2-E21-F031A OPEN 13.10 17.70 19.20 15.41 N/A N/A 2-E21-F003A CLOSED N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2-E21-F029A PART N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPEN 2-E21-F030A PART N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A OPEN 2-E21-F029A CLOSED N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2-E21-F030A CLOSED N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2-E21-F003A OPEN N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A NOTE: Spaces next to valve numbers shall be filled in with an appropriate entry, initials, or N/A. II Performed by (signature) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Performed by (signature) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Reviewed, 1ST Grou Date OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 31 of 36

ATTACHMENT 4 Page 1 of 1 IR2S1 Leak Identification Data Sheet NOTE: For packing and gaskets, a WR is required to be initiated and documented if leakage exceeds 5 dpm. NOTE: Each WRIWO listed is required to state that identified leakage is to be corrected or minimized as required by TS 5.5.2. SYSTEM: Core Spray System A Loop Unit _ _ _ __ Leaka~e Component Nature of Leak Rate WRIWO# Sum of Identified Leakage: AST Combined Leakage Log value from OAP-054: + Total: = 1 Conversion Factor: (dpm x 1.6 x 10-3) + 60 =gpm Examination Performed by: I Date _ _ __ (Signature) (Print Name) Examination Performed by: I Date _ _ __ (Signature) (Print Name) IOPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 32 of 361

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 1 of 2 Leakage Inspection Boundary NOTE: Because of drawing limitations, instrumentation lines connected to boundaries are not shown. The leakage inspection boundary for instrumentation lines extends to and includes the last instrument root valve before the instrument. NOTE: The Suppression Chamber is NOT required to be examined. It is shown for clarification only

               ~'f_.1 ='"7 f1)12, MM
                              - I~x               r                    6:J
                                                                        ?I" POllIA                                           F02M
                                                                               \141 foa:lA 1"

Vi i'ooM \1$$ lOPr-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 34 of 361

ATTACHMENT 6 Page 2 of2 Leakage Inspection Guidance When performing leakage inspections for TS 5.5.2, the following guidance should be followed to the extent practical.

1. The leakage inspection should be conducted by examining the accessible exposed surfaces for evidence of leakage.
2. For insulated components or components whose external surfaces are inaccessible for direct inspection, the leakage inspection should be performed on surrounding areas (i.e. floors or equipment surfaces located under the component) for evidence of leakage or other areas to which leakage may be channeled.
3. For vertical surfaces, the inspection of the lowest elevation where leakage may be detected should be performed.
4. For ALARA, a leakage inspection using remote visual equipment or the use of an installed leakage detection system to identify leakage is acceptable.

IOPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 35 of 361



Revision 58 incorporates upgrade of ASME OM Code to 2001 with 2003 Addenda; incorporates Comprehensive Pump Test criteria; incorporates check valve testing of E21-F003A close and E21-F029A/30A part open. Revision 57 incorporates PRR214582 (CORR 207570-14) and PRR20653 (CORR 207575-16) program changes to perform a Leakage Walkdown in accordance with TS 5.5.2. Changes include documenting leakage as required for Alternate Source Term (License Amendments 221 and 246 dated May 30, 2002). Revision 56 adds Step 7.8.33 to vent system as required. Revision 55 incorporated EC63657 by changing pump flow rate from 4626 to 4700 gpm (steps 6.1.1 and 7.8.10), adding a new step (7.8.23) to increase flow to 5000 gpm, changing Note prior to new step (7.8.23) to 5000 gpm, remove the statement inside the

 "( )" in Step 2.13, and changed the 1ST pump psid value to 260.

Revision 54 makes an editorial correction to add the Tech Spec reference to Section 6.3 per NAS Observation 69604 (This reference is already listed in the Purpose Section). Revision 53 revises the stroke time acceptance criteria for 1-E21-F004A and 1-E21-F005A to reflect the gear ratio change incorporated lAW EC 51210/54126. Revision 52 makes editorial corrections to update the cover page and word processing format and makes changes to reflect EC 46949, Rev 2, re-evaluation of CS injection valve and pump performance requirements. Revision 51 revises the stroke time acceptance criteria for 2-E21-F004A and 2-E21-F005A to reflect the gear ratio change incorporated lAW EC 46949/EC 50010. Revision 50 adds "if performing during a refueling outage" to clarify required testing associated with stroking E21-F015A. Revision 49 updates stroke time data for 2-E21-F005A iaw the 1ST program; added frequency of each refueling outage for stroking/timing E21-F015A; added NOTES/step informing operators E21-F015A is required to be stroked/timed during refuel outages only and routes procedure users to applicable sections if test is being performed only to test E21-F015A Revision 48 removes reference to specific vibration instrument, IRD Model 890, and replaces with generic reference; Add P&L and caution identifying Core Spray Loop A is inop during valve stroking and until the Loop A low pressure alarm clears. Revision 47 revises purpose to include Tech Spec Section 5.5.2.a and adds Precaution and Limitations regarding actions if air is found in the system during testing. [ OPT-07.2.4a Rev. 58 Page 36 of 36]}}