L-PI-08-051, Supplement to License Amendment Request (LAR) to Add a Power Factor to the Emergency Diesel Generators' (EDG) 24-hour Load Test (Surveillance Requirement

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Supplement to License Amendment Request (LAR) to Add a Power Factor to the Emergency Diesel Generators' (EDG) 24-hour Load Test (Surveillance Requirement
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/13/2008
From: Wadley M
Nuclear Management Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
L-PI-08-051, TAC MD6551, TAC MD7217, TAC MD7218
Download: ML081650451 (26)


N Cof??m!nedto Nucl Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Operated by Nuclear Management Company, LLC L-PI-08-051 10 CFR 50.90 U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001 Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 Dockets 50-282 and 50-306 License Nos. DPR-42 and DPR-60 Supplement to License Amendment Request (LAR) to Add a Power Factor to the Emergencv Diesel Generators' (EDG) 24-hour Load Test (Surveillance Requirement (TAC Nos. MD7217, MD7218 and MD6551)


1. License Amendment Request (LAR) to Add a Power Factor to the Emergency Diesel Generators' (EDG) 24-hour Load Test (Surveillance Requirement, dated October 29, 2007, Accession Number ML073020289.
2. Supplement to License Amendment Request (LAR) to Add a Power Factor to the Emergency Diesel Generators' (EDG) 24-hour Load Test (Surveillance Requirement, dated April 24, 2008, Accession Number ML081150606 In Reference 1, Nuclear Management Company, LLC (NMC) submitted an LAR for the Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP) Units 1 and 2 to revise Surveillance Requirement (SR) to require that the EDG load test is performed at or below a power factor of 0.85. Reference 2 provided supplemental information to support the review of Reference 1. After review of Reference 2, the NRC Staff has requested additional information which is provided in Enclosure 1 to this letter. Enclosure 2 provides an evaluation of EDG loading if intermittent loads are included at 100% of their rating. NMC submits this supplement in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.90.

The supplemental information provided in this letter does not impact the conclusions of the Determination of No Significant Hazards Consideration and Environmental Assessment presented in the October 29, 2007 submittal and supplemented in the April 24, 2008 letter.

In accordance with 10 CFR 50.91, NMC is notifying the State of Minnesota of this LAR by transmitting a copy of this letter and enclosure to the designated State Official.

1717 Wakonade Drive East Welch, Minnesota 55089-9642 Telephone: 651.388.1121

Document Control Desk Page 2 Please address any comments or questions regarding this LAR supplement to Mr. Dale Vincent, P.E., at 651-388-1121.

Summarv of Commitments This letter contains no new commitments and no revisions to existing commitments.

I declare under penalty of per'u Executed on JUN 1 4 811at the foregoing is true and correct.

Michael D. Wadley t)

Site Vice President, Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Units 1 and 2 Nuclear Management Company, LLC Enclosures (2) cc: Administrator, Region Ill, USNRC Project Manager, Prairie Island, USNRC Resident Inspector, Prairie Island, USNRC State of Minnesota

Enclosure 1 The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Staff has requested the following additional information to support review and approval of Reference 1.

NRC Question 1:

1. In response to the staffs request for additional information, PINGP provided a portion of the EDG loading calculation, ENG-EE-021. On page 8 of the calculation, Section 2.3 states that the intermittent loads had their kilowatt loading reduced to 50% per assumption 4.2.f. Provide the worst-case loading profile, magnitude and duration, for the EDGs assuming 100% capacity of the intermittent loads at the onset of the event.

Provide bases for the assumption that intermittent loads are operating for 50% of the loading interval. Provide justification as to why the assumption that intermittent loads operating at 50% of the nominal rating is considered conservative from EDG loading perspective. If the profile places the predicted loading above the continuous rating of the EDGs, the amendment requested dated August 16, 2007 would be affected since NRC Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.9, Revision 4 assumes that the worst-case design basis loading is within the continuous rating with 5 percent margin. In addition, RG 1.9, Revision 4, Section C, Position 2.2.4, "Rated Load Test," which also applies to the monthly EDG test, states, "Clause of IEEE Std 387-1995 should be supplemented as follows: If the design-bases event loads are higher than the continuous rating of the emergency diesel generator, the test should be conducted at the worst-case design-bases event loads." Therefore, if the peak loading exceeds the continuous rating of the EDGs, the proposed amendment request for the monthly test would not be consistent with RG 1.9, Revision 4, as stated in the August 16, 2007 amendment request.

Nuclear Management Company, LLC (NMC) response:

The Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant (PINGP) is not committed to Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.9, Revision 4. The Unit 1 emergency diesel generators (EDGs), D l and D2, are committed to Atomic Energy Commission General Design Criteria (GDC) 39, "Emergency Power for Engineered Safety Features," as proposed on July 10, 1967, which requires that alternate power systems will be provided and designed with adequate independency, redundancy, capacity, and testability to permit the functioning required of the engineered safety features. As a minimum, the onsite power system and an offsite power system will each, independently, provide this capacity assuming a failure of a single active component in each power system. The Unit 2 EDGs, D5 and D6, are committed to RG 1.9, Revision 2, except portions of the 1984 Edition of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Standard 387 were implemented in the factory testing instead of the 1977 revision. RG 1.9, Revision 4 was used in Reference 1 to compare the proposed TS against current regulatory guidance for EDG testing since the PINGP Unit 1 EDGs are not committed to any standard for testing.

The proposed test load is 90 - 100% of the continuous rating for the load run test as Page 1 of 6 stated in Section C, Regulatory Position 2, "Diesel Generator Testing", 2.2.3. The requirements of Section C, Regulatory Position 1, "Design Considerations", 1.3 appears to apply to diesel generator sizing considerations during the operating or combined license stages of review.

An evaluation of NMC engineering calculation ENG-EE-021, "Diesel Generator Steady State Loading for an SI [Safety Injection] Event Concurrent with Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) for D l , D2, D5, D6", for the 0-5 minute period assuming 100% loading of the intermittent loads is provided as Enclosure 2 to this letter. The 0-5 minute period was chosen as "the onset of the event and bounds the event loads which do not change significantly over the first hour of the event. This evaluation also includes increased loading due to line and transformer losses. As discussed below, the SI event with a LOOP is the worst case loading for a design basis event at PlNGP on the EDGs. A summary of the loading, assuming 100% capacity of the intermittent loads, is 2491.86 kW for D l , 2636.99 kW for D2, 3864.53 kW for D5 and 3467.30 kW for D6 which is below the continuous rating of each EDG. The margin to the continuous duty rating for each EDG is 258.14 kW for D l , 113.01 kW for D2, 1535.47 kW for D5 and 1932.70 kW for D6. (Note these values are from an evaluation performed using Revision 3 to ENG-EE-021 and will not match values stated elsewhere. USAR updates will be prepared based on the latest revision to ENG-EE-021 in accordance with PlNGP program requirements.)

Loads categorized as intermittent loads are those that may be powered by buses connected to the EDGs following load sequencing, but are not assumed in accident analyses or are not likely to be operating the whole duration of the event. Since these loads may or may not be operating at any given time during the event, the intermittent loads were assumed to contribute a load to each EDG equivalent to 50% of their nominal rating.

The assumption that these loads operate at 50% during the event is conservative as demonstrated in the following discussion. The largest loads included in the intermittent category are the Group B pressurizer heaters which account for 192 kW on each EDG, or 96 kW with 50% loading assumed. The pressurizer heaters are not credited in the accident analyses. In the event of a large break loss of coolant accident (LOCA) with a LOOP, these heaters will trip on pressurizer low level before the pressurizer heaters are re-energized from the EDGs at load sequencer Step 6 (t=25 seconds) which is approximately 35 seconds after the diesel start signal. Since the pressurizer is located at a high point in the reactor coolant system (RCS), water from the various emergency core cooling system (ECCS) pumps will flow out of the break rather than refilling the pressurizer. Therefore, throughout the injection and recirculation phases of the accident, the pressurizer heaters will not be energized.

The 50% intermittent loading assumption places 96 kW on each EDG, although no Group B pressurizer heater load would be anticipated; the 100% intermittent loading assumption used in Enclosure 2 places an additional 96 kW, for a total of 192 kW, on each EDG. D2 is the highest loaded Unit 1 EDG and the diesel with the least margin to Page 2 of 6 its continuous rating. The D2 loading, assuming 100% loading of the intermittent loads minus the Group B pressurizer heaters, would be 2445 kW which is below the D2 loading in calculation ENG-EE-021, 2459 kW, which assumed all intermittent loads at 50%. As this evaluation demonstrates, since these heaters do not operate during a large break LOCA, the 50% intermittent load assumption is conservative.

The design basis loads, LOOPILOCA, are within the continuous rating of each EDG even if the intermittent loads are assumed to operate 100% of the time during the onset of the event. Reduction of the intermittent loads by 50% is a conservative assumption used in the design basis calculation for the EDG loading. Thus NMC concludes that the loads for the Unit 1 EDGs proposed in Reference 2, are the appropriate test loads.

NRC Question 2a:

Calculation ENG-EE-021 stated that the bounding case for diesel steady state loading is defined to be a large break (LB) LOCA in conjunction with a LOOP (Input 5.2, page 13).

Calculation ENG-EE-021, page 94, indicates that the 0-5 minute loading on D2 is 2538.57 kW. Revision 29 of the USAR states that the peak LOOPILOCA load is 2453 kW, and the maximum steady state loading during this event is 2479 kW. The USAR also states that the maximum predicted peak load for either U1 EDG during a U2 SBO event is 2624 kW.

a. Provide justification that the LBLOCNLOOP is the bounding case (i.e., worst-case loading) for EDG loading given that the USAR indicates that the peak SBO load is greater than the LBLOCNLOOP load. In addition, please indicate if the small break (SB) LOCNLOOP profile would ever place the loading above the continuous rating past the initial 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of the event.

NMC response:

For PINGP, the worst-case loading is the large break LOCA with a LOOP. This is discussed in Chapter 8 of the USAR (page 8.4-7) which states:

Tables 8.4-1 and 8.4-2 show loading on Emergency Diesel Generators for a "worst case" condition as represented by a Safety lnjection signal coincident with a complete loss of offsite power. A "small break" LOCA that was sufficient to initiate automatic Safety lnjection (SI) action would represent the same inrush kVA load on the Emergency Diesel Generator as shown on the Tables cited. If the break is so small that automatic SI is not initiated, manual action would be required as soon as the operator is aware of the break. Manual action would represent loads less than or equal to that shown on the tables.

A small break would represent considerably less running load on the RHR

[residual heat removal] Pump and possibly less on the SI Pump, but a longer running time for the SI Pump. As shown in Table 8.4-1, this would represent Page 3 of 6 something less than 2453 kW shown as the maximum sequence load which is within the continuous rating of 2750 kW and 1000 hour0.0116 days <br />0.278 hours <br />0.00165 weeks <br />3.805e-4 months <br /> rating of 3000 kW for each Unit 1 Emergency Diesel Generator. Similarly, as shown on Table 8.4-2, this would represent something less than 3609 kW shown as the maximum sequence load which is within the continuous rating of 5400 kW for each Unit 2 Emergency Diesel Generator.

A small break LOCA would result in less loading from the SI pumps, due to less flow needed. The small break LOCA is defined as a rupture of the reactor coolant pressure boundary with a total cross-sectional area less than 1.0 ft2in which the normally operating charging system flow is not sufficient to sustain pressurizer level and pressure. A break of this size would not be expected to pressurize the containment to 23 psi thereby avoiding use of containment spray resulting in a reduction of 199.10 kW per EDG for each containment spray pump not used. This does not include the additional load of support equipment for these loads which also would not be energized.

While the station blackout (SBO) loading is larger for each EDG than the large break LOCA EDG loading, SBO is not a design basis event and the requirements for Alternate AC sources (AACs) for SBO coping are not the same as required for Class 1E emergency power sources.

Per the definition for Alternate AC sources (10 CFR 50.2), the AACs for PlNGP must have the capacity to support the analyzed SBO loading. For D l and D2 this means the loading could be supported up to 3250 kW for 30 minutes and up to 3000 kW for 1000 hours0.0116 days <br />0.278 hours <br />0.00165 weeks <br />3.805e-4 months <br />. Similarly for D5 and D6, loading could be supported up to 5940 kW for two hours out of any 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period and 5400 kW for 8760 hours0.101 days <br />2.433 hours <br />0.0145 weeks <br />0.00333 months <br />. This meets the requirements for SBO. NUMARC 87-00 also only requires the AAC be tested at rated capacity which NMC understands to be the manufacturer's ratings.

As stated earlier, D l and D2 are committed to GDC 39, "Emergency Power for Engineered Safety Features," as proposed July 10, 1967, which for PlNGP is interpreted to mean that D l and D2 analyzed loading should remain under the continuous duty rating of the EDGs for accidents in the safety analyses. D5 and D6 are committed to RG 1.9 Revision 2, which requires the conservatively estimated loads (nameplate) to remain below the continuous duty rating of the EDGs for accidents within PlNGP design bases.

The purpose of testing with the power factor is to demonstrate that the exciter can supply the necessary voltage and current to achieve the power factor and whether the generator can tolerate the increased heating due to the additional current for the apparent power. NMC chose the LOOPILOCA loads as the basis to determine the appropriate power factor for use in Surveillance Requirement (SR), the EDG 24-month test. Although the LOOPILOCA loads may not be the highest analyzed loads that the EDGs experience, these loads represent the loads which the EDGs would supply for an extended operating period during a LOOPILOCA, that is, the EDGs are only required to provide SBO loads for 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> versus the LOOPILOCA mission time of Page 4 of 6 336 hours0.00389 days <br />0.0933 hours <br />5.555556e-4 weeks <br />1.27848e-4 months <br />. Furthermore, the test loads in SR are based on the EDG's continuous ratings which bound the LOOPILOCA and SBO loads. Thus NMC concludes that the LOOPILOCA loads are the appropriate loads from which the power factor determination should be made for use in SR

The proposed SR testing at 103 to 110% of the EDG continuous rating at a 0.85 power factor (if grid conditions permit) and the integrated SI test each refueling outage will demonstrate the capability of the exciter to supply the necessary excitation voltage and current.

NRC Question 2b:

Since the USAR EDG loading values differ from those in Table 1 on page 98 of the EDG loading calc, provide the worst-case peak kW values and durations of the values expected of the EDGs.

NMC response:

ENG-EE-021 Revision 3 provides the current evaluated worst case peak kW values and durations of the values expected of the EDGs. Page 101 of I 0 6 (not provided with the RAI responses in Reference 1) of ENG-EE-021 discuss the impact review for the calculation and, as a result of the updated analysis, an action was issued to update the Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR).

Question 3:

Clarify the 2-hour rating for EDGs D5lD6 stated in Acceptance Criterion 3.2 of the calculation (page 9). Specifically, verify if this is the manufacturer-specified 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> rating (i.e., the load at which the EDG can operate for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> and is usually equivalent to 1 year of continuous operation at the continuous rating), or the short-time rating as defined in IEEE 387. Some manufacturers state that if the EDG is operated at a rating for the entire duration of that rating (i.e., if the EDG is ran for 30 minutes at the 30-minute rating kW value, or for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at the 2-hour rating kW value), the EDG operation cannot be guaranteed afterward (the EDG requires a tear-down inspection and maintenance). Note that the NRC staff does not consider the 2-hour rating the same as the short-time rating defined in IEEE 387."

NMC response:

The requirement to not exceed 5940 kW for a 2-hour period in calculation ENG-EE-021, Acceptance Criterion 3.2 is identical to the requirement of SR which requires the Unit 2 EDGs to be tested at 2 5562 kW and 5 5940 kW for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. Per SR, this 2-hour run is to be followed contiguously by a 22 hour2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> run.

Page 5 of 6 Chapter 8 of the USAR (page 8.8-6) states:

a. Load Capability Test The genset was started and run until system temperatures were at equilibrium.

The generator set was then loaded to 110% [5940 kW] of nameplate load for a continuous period of two hours. The generator set was then loaded to 100% of nameplate load (5400KW) for a continuous period of twenty two hours. Finally, the generator set was tested for loss of load transient response, which verified that engine overspeed values remained within acceptable parameters.

EDGs D5 and D6 were installed in the early 1990s as a modification to the plant. By letter dated September 29, 1989, and supplemented by letter dated December 15, 1989, the NRC was requested to evaluate the adequacy of the proposed qualification program dealing with the procurement and installation of these two EDGs. In a letter dated January 31, 1990, the NRC provided a Safety Evaluation for the EDG D5 and D6 Qualification Plan which stated:

The new EDG, rated at 5400kW continuous with a capability of 110 percent overload or 5940 kW for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> (in any 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period), 1200RPM, 4160V AC, and 0.8 power factor, will be manufactured by the French firm, Societe Alsacienne de Construction Mecaniques de Mulhouse (SACM). Each EDG set is a tandem unit using two SACM model UD45, 16 cylinder engines coupled with a single generator manufactured by Jeumont-Schneider of France.

Therefore D5 and D6 have been tested to have a 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> rating of 5940 kW which has been reviewed and approved by the NRC. Operation at this rating followed by operation at the continuous rating is consistent with current TS testing requirements and the manufacturer's recommendations, that is, inspection and maintenance is not required following operation for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> at 5940 kW.


1. License Amendment Request (LAR) to Add a Power Factor to the Emergency Diesel Generators' (EDG) 24-hour Load Test (Surveillance Requirement,

dated October 29,2007, Accession Number ML073020289.

2. License Amendment Request (LAR) to Increase the Unit 1 Emergency Diesel Generators' (EDG) Monthly Test Load, dated August 16, 2007, Accession Number ML072320401.

Page 6 of 6

Enclosure 2 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100%

Followed by 17 pages

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100°/o COMP. BY: JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBAPOST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MIN TAG Yrn 111 MTR 11 lC-10 121 CLG WTR SFGD TRVLG SCRN 0.61 0.94 I 21 1 MTR lllC-14 12 CLG WTR PMP RIGHT JACKET WTR HTR 6.00 6.00 Y MTR 11 lC-15 12 CLG WTR PMP LEFT JACKET WTR HTR MTR 11 IC-21 11 CLG WTR STRNR MTR 11lC-22 21 CLG WTR STRNR MTR 11lC-25 11 SFGDS SCRNHSE ROOF EXHT FAN MTR 111C-26 12 CLG WTR PMP L/O PMP MTR 11lC-27 12 CLG WTR PMP STARTING AIR COMPR MTR lllC-51 121 DD CLG WTR PMP OIL STG TNK PMP 21 1 MTR 111C-52 121 SCREEN DIFF CONT PNL 70385 0.86 0.96 Y MCC l A B l Transferrable 37.66 45.58 MTR 111E-13 1 1 BATT RM SPCL EXHT FAN MTR 11 1E-2 11 TD AFVJ PMP AUX U O PMP MTR 1 11E-43 123 AIR COMPR UNIT CLR MTR 111E-44 121 AIR COMPR UNIT CLR MTR 11 1E-45 11/21 TD AFW PMPS UNIT CLR MTR 11 1E-46 111 SWGR RM UNIT CLR MTR 11lE-47 15 SWGR RM UNIT CLR 111 MTR 11lE-6 121 STA AIR COMPR 79.17 94.8 1 Y MCC l A l 85.90 107.24 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 1 of 16 Attachment 1

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100% COMP. BY: JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBAPOST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MIN TAG Y/N 111 MTR 11IF-3 1 11 INVERTER (INSTR BUS 11-WHI) 6.26 6.95 Y 11 1 MTR 111F-32 13 INVERTER (INSTR BUS 111-BLU) 6.26 6.95 Y 111 MTR 11IF-33 11 BATTERY CHARGER 39.15 44.24 Y 111 MTR 11IF-35 11 INTERRUPTABLE BUS AUX XFMR 67.50 75.00 111 MTR 11lF-36 17 INVERTER 6.26 6.95 Y MCC lACl 125.43 140.09 MTR 1115-1 12 CHG PMP MTR 1115-12 11/21 RKR CUBICLE AIR MNTR RE-26 (29026)

MTR 1115-52 11 CC PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 1115-53 12 CHG PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 1115-57 112 SWGR RM UNIT CLR MTR 1 1 15-59 12 CHG PUMP RM EXHT FAN MTR 1115-70 11 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 1115-71 11 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 1115-72 11 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 1115-73 11 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 1115-74 11 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 1115-80 11 CS PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 1115-81 11 CS PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 1115-82 11 CS PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 111J-90 11 RHR PMP UNIT CLR 111 MTR 1115-91 11 RHR PMP UNIT CLR 0.45 0.89 Y MCC 1K1 113.51 127.05 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 2 of 16 Attachment 1

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100% COMP. BY:JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBAPOST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MIN TAG Y/N 111 MTR 111K-32 121 D 1 DSL GEN RM SPLY FAN 16.74 20.93 Y 111 MTR 111K-33 12 1 D 1 DSL GEN RM EXHT FAN 16.74 20.93 Y 111 MTR 111K-34 Dl DSL GEN START-UP AIR COMPR 7.97 9.96 Y 111 MTR 111K-56 121 DSL GEN FOST XFER PMP 0.68 1.24 Y 111 MTR 11lK-60 Dl DSL GEN CLEAN FUEL RTRN PMP 0.66 1.20 Y MCC l T A l 42.79 54.26 112 MTR 112C-1 PRZR HTRS 1-3;1-25 & 1-54 38.40 38.40 I 112 MTR 112C-2 PRZR HTRS 1-8;1-30&1-58 38.40 38.40 I 112 MTR 112C-3 PRZR HTRS 1-12;1-35&1-64 38.40 38.40 I 112 MTR 112C-4 PRZR HTRS 1- 16;1-40& 1-70 38.40 38.40 I 112 MTR 112C-5 PRZR HTRS 1-4582 1-77 38.40 38.40 I MCC IS1 192.00 192.00 112 MTR 112D-51 121 ABSV EXHT FLTR HTR 20.00 20.00 Y 112 MTR 1121)-54 121 ABSV EXHT FAN 19.12 23.90 Y MCC l M A l Transferrable 39.12 43.90 MTR 112E-14 11 BORIC ACID TRANSFER PUMP MTR 112E-14s 11 BORIC ACID TRANSFER PUMP (SLOW SPEED)

MTR 112E-15 121 WASTE GAS COMPRESSOR MTR 112E-18 11 CNTMT DOME RECIRC FAN MTR 112E-19 13 CNTMT DOME RECIRC FAN MTR 112E-56 11 RX VSL SUPPORT CLG FAN MTR 112E-57 11 RX VSL GAP CLG SPLY FAN MTR 112E-62 123 WASTE GAS COMPRESSOR MTR 112E-8 11 BORIC ACID TANK HEATER A 7.50 I 112 MTR 112E-9 121 BORIC ACID TANK HEATER A 7.50 MCC 1L1 121.52 151.88 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 3 of 16 Attachment l

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100% COMP. BY: JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBA POST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MIN TAG Y/N 112 MTR 112G-1 SHLD BLDG VENT GAS RAD MON IRE-22 (29032) 1.O 1 1.55 Y 112 MTR 1 12G-11 121 CONT RM CHLR 140.47 159.63 Y 112 MTR 112G-12 121 CONT RM CHLD WTR PMP 20.40 25.50 Y 112 MTR 112G-13 121 CONT RM CLEAN-UP FAN 5.93 7.41 Y 112 MTR 112G-14 RECEPTACLE PNL 1RPA8 10.08 11.20 Y 112 MTR 112G-15 121N RELAY RM UNIT CLR 0.86 1.72 Y 112 MTR 112G-16 TRN A EVENT MON RM EAST UNIT CLR 1.86 3.73 112 MTR 112G-17 121S RELAY RM UNIT CLR 0.86 1.72 Y 112 MTR 112G-18 BA HEAT TRACE SWITCHRACK I (PNL ETN-l,B,C) 90.00 90.00 I 112 MTR 112G-19 BA HEAT TRACE SWITCHRACK I11 (PNL ETN-N) 30.00 30.00 I 112 MTR 112G-3 121 CONT RM CHLR OIL PMP 0.24 0.44 Y 112 MTR 112G-4 121 SFP PMP 55.95 7 1.90 112 MTR 112G-5 121 CONT RM AIR HNDLR & FAN 12.30 15.38 Y 112 MTR 112G-8 AUX BLDG VENT GAS RAD MON IRE-37 (29049) 1.01 1.55 Y 212 MTR 212G-1 21 CNTMT/SBV AIR RAD MON 2RE-11/12 (29030/29031) 1.40 2.15 Y 212 MTR 2 12G-8 AUX BLDG VENT GAS RAD MON 2RE-37 (29050) 1.01 1.55 Y MCC IT1 Transferrable 373.38 425.43 112 MTR 112J-2s 11 FCU (SLOW SPEED) 20.26 53.32 Y 112 MTR 112J-3s 13 FCU (SLOW SPEED) 20.26 53.32 Y MCC 1x1 40.52 106.64 MTR 112K-35 11 SBV RECIRC FAN MTR 112K-36 11 SBV EXHT FAN 112 MTR 112K-55 11 SBV EXHT FLTR HTR 16.00 16.00 Y MCC l M l 32.66 37.04 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 4 of 16 Attachment 1

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100°/o COMP. BY: JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBAPOST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MIN TAG Y/N 22 1 MTR 121C-14 22 CLG WTR PMP RIGHT JACKET WTR HTR 6.00 6.00 Y 22 1 MTR 121C-15 22 CLG WTR PMP LEFT JACKET W TR HTR 6.00 6.00 Y 121 MTR 121C-21 12 CLG WTR STRNR 0.48 0.88 I 121 MTR 121C-22 22 CLG WTR STRNR 0.48 0.88 I 22 1 MTR 121C-25 21 SFGDS SCRNHSE ROOF EXHT FAN 8.73 10.92 Y 22 1 MTR 121C-26 22 CLG WTR PMP U O PMP 1.20 1.99 Y 22 1 MTR 121C-27 22 CLG WTR PMP STARTING AIR COMPR 12.75 15.93 I 22 1 MTR 121C-51 122 DD CLG WTR PMP OIL STG TNK PMP 0.68 1.24 I 22 1 MTR 121C-52 122 SCREEN DIFF CONT PNL 70386 0.86 0.96 Y 121 MTR 121C-9 122 CLG WTR SFGD TRVLG SCRN 0.6 1 0.94 I MCC 1AB2 Transferrable 37.79 45.74 MTR 121E-19 12 MD AFW PMP AUX L/O PMP MTR 121E-43 122 AIR COMPR UNIT CLR MTR 121E-44 12/22 MD AFW PMPS UNIT CLR MTR 121E-45 121 SWGR RM UNIT CLR MTR 121E-46 16 SWGR RM UNIT CLR 121 MTR 121E-6 122 STA AIR COMPR 79.17 94.8 1 I MCC 1.42 85.13 104.86 MTR 121F-31 12 INVERTER (INSTR BUS I-RED)


MTR 12IF-35 12 BATT RM SPCL EXHT FAN 121 MTR 121F-36 18 INVERTER 6.26 6.95 Y MCC 1AC2 58.45 65.89 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 5 of 16 Attachment 1

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100°/o COMP. BY: JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBAPOST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MIN TAG Y/N 121 MTR 1215-1 11 CHG PMP 105.00 110.53 Y 121 MTR 1215-2 13 CHG PMP 105.OO 110.53 Y 121 MTR 121J-3 12121 RHR CUBICLE AIR MNTR RE-27 (29041) 1.01 1.55 Y 121 MTR 1215-52 12 CC PMP MTR UNIT CLR 1.04 2.07 Y 121 MTR 1215-53 13 CHG PMP MTR UNIT CLR 0.86 1.73 Y 121 MTR 1215-54 11 CHG PMP MTR UNIT CLR 0.86 1.73 Y 121 MTR 1215-58 TRN A EVENT MON RM WEST UNIT CLR 0.86 1.73 Y 121 MTR 1215-62 11 CHG PUMP RM EXHT FAN 0.24 0.44 Y 121 MTR 1215-63 13 CHG PUMP RM EXHT FAN 0.24 0.44 Y 12 1 MTR 1215-70 12 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR 0.45 0.89 Y 121 MTR 1215-71 12 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR 0.45 0.89 Y 121 MTR 1215-72 12 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR 0.45 0.89 Y 121 MTR 1215-73 12 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR 0.45 0.89 Y 121 MTR 1215-74 12 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR 0.45 0.89 Y 121 MTR 1215-80 12 CS PMP MTR UNIT CLR 0.45 0.89 Y 121 MTR 1215-81 12 CS PMP MTR UNIT CLR 0.45 0.89 Y 121 MTR 1215-82 12 CS PMP MTR UNIT CLR 0.45 0.89 Y 121 MTR 1215-90 12 RHR PMP UNIT CLR 0.45 0.89 Y 121 MTR 1215-91 12 RHR PMP UNIT CLR 0.45 0.89 Y M C C 1K2 219.61 239.64 MTR 121K-38 122 D2 DSL GEN RM SPLY FAN MTR 121K-39 122 D2 DSL GEN RM EXHT FAN MTR 121K-40 D2 DSL GEN START-UP AIR COMPR MTR 121K-57 123 DSL GEN FOST XFER PMP 121 MTR 121K-60 D2 DSL GEN CLEAN FUEL RTRN PMP 0.66 1.20 Y MCC 1TA2 42.29 54.26 122 MTR 122-1 122 SWGR RM UNIT CLR 0.86 1.73 Y BUS 122 0.86 1.73 Attachment 1 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 6 of 16

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100°/~ COMP. BY: JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBAPOST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MIN TAG Y/N 122 MTR 122D-5 1 -- .A-.,R T V. EUU



MTR 2220-1 SHLD BLDG VENT GAS RAD MON 2RE-22 (29033)

MTR 222G- 15 122N RELAY RM UNIT CLR MTR 222G- 16 TRN B EVENT MON RM UNIT CLR MTR 2226- 17 122s RELAY RM UNIT CLR 222 MTR 222G-8 AUX BLDG VENT GAS RAD MON 2RE-30 (29005) 1.01 1.55 Y MCC 1T2 Transferrable 252.08 303.28 122 MTR 122J-2s 12 FCU (SLOW SPEED) 20.26 53.32 Y 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 7 of 16 Attachment 1

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100% COMP. BY: JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBAPOST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MIN TAG YIN 122 MTR 1225-3s 14 FCU (SLOW SPEED) 20.26 53.32 Y MCC 1 x 2 40.52 106.64 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 8 of 16 Attachment 1

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100% COMP. BY: JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBAPOST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MIN TAG YiN 122 MTR 122K-35 12 SBV RECIRC FAN 15.93 19.92 Y 122 MTR 122K-36 12 SBV EXHT FAN 0.73 1.12 Y 122 MTR 122K-40 AC DIST PANEL 145 FEEDER 4.50 5.00 Y 122 MTR 122K-47 122 SMPL RM EXHT FAN 6.69 8.37 Y 122 MTR 122K-55 12 SBV EXHT FLTR HTR 16.00 16.00 Y MCC lM2 43.85 50.41 15 MTR 15-1 11 SI PUMP 63 1.20 692.80 Y 15 MTR 15-4 11 RHR PUMP 162.10 180.10 Y 15 MTR 15-5 11 CC PMP 199.00 222.80 Y 15 MTR 15-9 11 CS PMP 199.10 227.00 Y BUS 15 1191.40 1322.70 MTR 16-1 12 CS PMP MTR 16-3 12 MD AFW PMP MTR 16-5 12 CC PMP MTR 16-6 12 RHR PUMP 16 MTR 16-7 12 SI PUMP 63 1.20 692.80 Y BUS 16 1425.30 1589.40 180 MTR 181-1 PRZR HTRS 1-2;1-23& 1-50 38.40 38.40 I 180 MTR 181-2 PRZR HTRS 1-6;l-28&1-56 38.40 38.40 I 180 MTR 181-3 PRZR HTRS 1-11;l-338~1-59 38.40 3 8.40 I 180 MTR 181-4 PRZR HTRS 1-15;1-38&1-67 38.40 38.40 I 180 MTR 181-5 PRZR HTRS 1-43;1-73&1-74 38.40 38.40 I MCC 1R1 192.00 192.00 211 MTR 211D 21 D5 DSL RM COOLING FAN 97.87 113.80 Y BUS 211 97.87 113.80 Attachment 1 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming ~ntermittentloads at 100°/~ COMP. B Y JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBAPOST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MIN TAG YIN 21 1 MTR 21 IE-5 123 STA AIR COMPR 79.17 94.81 I 21 1 MTR 211E-6 21 MD AFW PMP AUX L/O PMP 161 2.47 Y 21 1 MTR 211E-8 2 1 B ATT Rh4 SPCL EXHT FAN 0.52 0.80 Y MCC 2A1 81.30 98.08 211 MTR 21 IF-31 2 1 INVERTER (INSTR BUS 11-WHI) 6.26 6.95 Y 21 1 MTR 21 IF-32 23 INVERTER (INSTR BUS 111-BLU) 6.26 6.95 Y 21 1 MTR 211F-33 2 1 BATTERY CHARGER 29.78 33.09 Y 21 1 MTR 211F-35 2 1 INTERRUPTABLE BUS AUX XFMR 67.50 75.00 21 1 MTR 21 1F-36 27 INVERTER 6.26 6.95 Y MCC 2AC1 116.06 128.94 MTR 2115-1 22 CHG PMP MTR 2115-51 21 CC PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 2 115-52 22 CHG PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 2 115-57 22 CHG PUMP RM EXHT FAN MTR 21 15-60 2 1 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 2115-61 21 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 21 15-62 2 1 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 2 I 15-63 2 1 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 21 15-64 21 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 21 1J-70 21 CS PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 2 115-7 1 2 1 CS PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 2 115-72 21 CS PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 21 15-80 2 1 RHR PMP UNIT CLR 21 1 MTR2115-81 2 1 RHR PMP UNIT CLR 0.45 0.89 Y MCC 2K1 111.99 123.62 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 10 of 16 Attachment 1

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100% COMP. BY: JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBAPOST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MIN TAG Y/N 21 1 MTR 211K-1 2 1 D5 FO STG TNK XFER PMP 4.17 5.57 I 21 1 MTR 21 1K-10 D5 ENG 2 HTILT RADIATOR FAN 2 38.20 47.74 Y 21 1 MTR 21 IK-12 21 D5 DSL GEN BLDG SPLY FAN 38.20 47.75 Y 21 1 MTR 21 1K-13 2 1 D5 DSL GEN BLDG RETURN FAN 38.20 47.75 Y 21 1 MTR 211K-15 23 D5 DSL GEN BLDG SPLY FAN 38.20 47.75 21 1 MTR 211K-16 23 D5 DSL GEN BLDG RETURN FAN 38.20 47.75 21 1 MTR 211K-19 AC DISTRUBUTION PANEL 247 1.91 2.25 I 21 1 MTR 211K-2 D5 ENG 1 FO B-U PMP 1.14 1.75 Y 21 1 MTR 21 1K-3 D5 ENG 1 HTILT RADIATOR FAN 1 38.20 47.75 Y 21 1 MTR 21 1K-5 23 D5 FO STG TK XFER PUMP 4.18 5.57 I 21 1 MTR 211K-6 D5 ENG 2 FO B-U PMP 1.14 1.75 Y 21 1 MTR 211K-7 D5 ENG 1 H T L T RADIATOR FAN 2 38.20 47.75 Y 21 1 MTR 21 1K-9 D5 ENG 2 H T L T RADIATOR FAN 1 38.20 47.75 Y MCC 2TA1 318.14 398.88 MTR 212C-1 PRZR HTRS 2- 13;2-36&2-65 MTR 2 12C-2 PRZR HTRS 2-9;2-3 1&2-59 MTR 2 12C-3 PRZR HTRS 2-4;2-26&2-54 MTR 2 12C-4 PRZR HTRS 2-2 1;2-478L2-48 MTR 2 12C-5 PRZR HTRS 2-18;2-42;&2-72 MCC 2S1 192.00 192.00 212 MTR 212E-14 21 BORIC ACID TRANSFER PUMP 11.47 14.34 I 212 MTR 2 12E-14s 2 1 BORIC ACID TRANSFER PUMP (SLOW SPEED) 5.73 10.35 I 212 MTR 212E-18 2 1 CNTMT DOME RECIRC FAN 11.2 14.01 Y 212 MTR 212E-19 23 CNTMT DOME RECIRC FAN 11.2 14.01 Y 212 MTR 2 12E-44 21 RX VSL GAP CLG SPLY FAN 6.39 8.53 Y 212 MTR 2 12E-45 2 1 RX VSL SUPPORT CLG FAN 21.67 27.09 Y 212 MTR 212E-8 2 1 BORIC ACID TANK HEATER A 7.50 7.50 I MCC 2L1 75.16 95.83 212 MTR 2 125-2s 2 1 FCU (SLOW SPEED) 20.26 53.32 Y Attachment 1 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 11 of 16

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100% COMP. BY:JS HIJS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBA POST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MIN TAG Y/N 212 MTR 2125-33 23 FCU (SLOW SPEED) 20.26 53 32 Y MCC 2x1 40.52 106.64 MTR 212K-35 21 SBV RECIRC FAN MTR 2 12K-36 21 SBV EXHT FAN 212 MTR 2 12K-42 21 SBV EXHT FLTR HTR 16.00 16.00 Y MCC 2M1 32.55 36.88 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 12 of 16 Attachment 1

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100% COMP. BY: JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBAPOST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MIN TAG YIN MTR 22 1R-5 1 22 CC PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 22 1B-52 23 CHG PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 22 1 B-53 2 1 CHG PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 22 1B-57 2 1 CHG PUMP RM EXHT FAN MTR 221B-58 23 CHG PUMP RM EXHT FAN MTR 22 1B-60 22 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 221B-61 22 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 22 1B-62 22 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 221B-63 22 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 221B-64 22 SI PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 221B-70 22 CS PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 22 1B-7 1 22 CS PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 221B-72 22 CS PMP MTR UNIT CLR MTR 221B-80 22 RHR PMP UNIT CLR MTR 22 1B-8 1 22 RHR PMP UNIT CLR MCC 2KA2 22 1 MTR 22 1D 22 D6 DSL RM COOLING FAN BUS 221 97.87 113.80 22 1 MTR 22 1E-7 22 TD AFW PMP AUX LIO PMP 1.6 1 2.47 Y MCC 2A2 1.61 2.47 22 1 MTR 22 1F-3 1 22 INVERTER (INSTR BUS I-RED) 6.26 6.95 Y 22 1 MTR 22 1F-33 22 BATTERY CHARGER 39.15 44.24 Y 22 1 MTR 221F-34 24 INVERTER (INSTR BUS IV-YEL) 6.26 6.95 Y 22 1 MTR 221F-35 22 BATT RM SPCL EXHT FAN 0.40 0.61 Y 22 1 MTR 22 1F-36 28 INVERTER 6.26 6.95 Y 65.70 MCC 2AC2 58.33 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 13 of 16 Attachment 1

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100% COMP. BY: JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBAPOST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0 -5 MIN TAG Y/N 22 1 MTR 2215-1 21 CHG PMP 105 00 110.53 Y 22 1 MTR 22 15-2 23 CHG PMP 105.00 110.53 Y MCC 2K2 210.00 221.05 MTR 22 1K- 1 22 D6 FO STG TNK XFER PMP MTR 221K-10 D6 ENG 2 HTILT RADIATOR FAN 2 MTR 221K-12 22 D6 DSL GEN BLDG SPLY FAN MTR 221K-13 22 D6 DSL GEN BLDG RETURN FAN MTR 221K-15 24 D6 DSL GEN BLDG SPLY FAN MTR 221K-16 24 D6 DSL GEN BLDG RETURN FAN MTR 221K-19 AC DISTRUBUTION PANEL 248 MTR 22 1K-2 D6 ENG 1 FO B-U PMP MTR 22 1K-3 D6 ENG 1 HTLT RADIATOR FAhT 1 MTR 22 1K-5 24 D6 FO STG TNK XFER PMP MTR 22 1K-6 D6 ENG 2 FO B-U PMP MTR 22 1K-7 D6 ENG 1 HTLT RADIATOR FAN 2 22 1 MTR 22 1K-9 D6 ENG 2 HTILT RADIATOR FAN 1 38.20 47.75 Y MCC 2TA2 318.14 398.89 222 MTR 222E- 18 22 CNTMT DOME RECIRC FAN 11.2 14.01 Y 222 MTR 222E-32 24 CNTMT DOME RECIRC FAN 11.2 14.01 Y 222 MTR 222E-43 22 RX VSL GAP CLG SPLY FAN 6.39 8.53 Y 222 MTR 222E-44 22 RX VSL SUPPORT CLG FAN 21.67 27.09 222 MTR 222E-5 22 BORIC ACID TRANSFER PUMP 1 1.47 14.34 I 222 MTR 222E-5s 22 BORIC ACID TRANSFER PUMP (SLOW SPEED) 5.73 10.35 I 222 MTR 222E-8 2 1 BORIC ACID TANK HEATER B 7.50 7.50 I MCC 2L2 75.16 95.83 222 MTR 2225-2s 22 FCU (SLOW SPEED) 20.26 53.32 Y 222 MTR 2225-3s 24 FCU (SLOW SPEED) 20.26 53.32 Y MCC 2x2 40.52 106.64 Attachment I 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 14 of 16

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assumlng intermittent loads at 100% COMP. BY: JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAhlE KW KVA DRAPOST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MIN TAG YrN 222 MTR 222K-35 22 SBV RECIRC FAN 15.93 19.92 Y 222 MTR 222K-36 22 SBV EXHT FAN 0.62 0.96 Y 222 MTR 222K-40 AC DIST PANEL 245 FEEDER 4.50 5.00 Y 222 MTR 222K-42 22 SBV EXHT FLTR HTR 16.00 16.00 Y MCC 2M2 37.05 41.88 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 15 of 16 Attachment 1

NUMBER: ENG-EE-021 Evaluation assuming intermittent loads at 100% COMP. BY: JS BUS EQ EQUIPMENT NAME KW KVA DBAPOST COMPONENT ACTUAL ACTUAL SEQ 0-5 MLN TAG YM 25 MTR 25- 10 21 MD AFW PMP 233.90 266.70 Y 25 MTR 25-13 21 CC PMP 199.00 222.80 Y 25 MTR 25-7 21 RHR PMP 160.50 180.10 Y 25 MTR 25-8 21 SIPMP 63 1.20 692.80 Y 25 MTR 25-9 21 CS PMP 199.10 227.00 Y BUS 25 1423.70 1589.40 MTR 26-10 22 SI PMP MTR 26- 11 22 RHR PMP MTR 26-5 22 CC PMP 26 MTR 26-9 22 CS PMP 199.10 227.00 Y BUS 26 1189.80 1322.70 27 MTR 27-1 121 MD CLG WTR PMP 783.09 879.88 Y BUS 27 783.09 879.88 270 MTR 271-1 PRZR HTRS 2- 15;2-38&2-67 38.40 38.40 I 270 MTR 27 1-2 PRZR HTRS 2-33;2-61&2-62 38.40 38.40 I 270 MTR 27 1-3 PRZR HTRS 2-6;2-28&2-56 38.40 38.40 I 270 MTR 27 1-4 PRZR HTRS 2-2;2-23&2-50 38.40 38.40 I 270 MTR 27 1-5 PRZR HTRS 2-44;2-758~2-76 38.40 38.40 I MCC 2K1 192.00 192.00 0 - 5 Minutes kW Loading Page 16 of 16 Attachment 1

I 0 - 5 MIN I Assuming intermittent loads at 100% loading EDG15 kW EDG 16 kW 1ABI 37.66 1AB2 37.79 1A1 85.90 1A2 85.13 1AC1 125.43 1AC2 58.45 1K1 113.51 1K2 219.61 1TA1 42.79 1TA2 42.29 1S1 192.00 BUS 122 0.86 1MA1 39.12 1MA2 39.12 1L1 121.52 1L2 101.57 1T I 373.38 IT2 252.08 1x1 40.52 1x2 40.52 1M I 32.66 1M2 43.85 1R1 192.00 IBUS 15 1191.40 BUS16 1425.30 I


EDG 15 TOTAL 24.09 71.88 1 2491.861 2% (OF 480 LOADS) XFMR LOSSES 3% CABLE LOSSES (ALL LOADS)

EDG 16 TOTAL 1 22.27 76.16 2636.99 I

EDG 25 kW EDG 26 kW 2A 1 81.30 2KA2 7.21 BUS 21 1 97.87 BUS 221 97.87 2AC 1 116.06 2A2 1.61 2K1 111.99 2AC2 58.33 2TA 1 318.14 2K2 210.00 2s 1 192.00 2TA2 318.14 2L1 75.1 6 2L2 75.16 2X 1 40.52 2x2 40.52 2M 1 32.55 2M2 37.05 1AB1 37.66 2R1 192.00 IT1 373.38 1AB2 37.79 1MA1 39.12 IT2 252.08 1MA2 39.12 I

BUS 25 1423.70 BUS 26 BUS 27 783.09 BUS 27 I


EDG 25 TOTAL 30.32 111.68 1 3864.531 2% (OF 480 LOADS) XFMR LOSSES 3% CABLE LOSSES (ALL LOADS)

EDG 26 TOTAL 27.34 100.19 I