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Oconee - FRP Tbst Program
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Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/22/2008
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML081370211 (6)


,.'Tyfo' Flbrwrap* Systems YFE O t~e~ 7 APR 22 2008 FROM: FYFIE CO. LLC Nancy Ridge Technology Center Nancy Ridge Drive Suite 103 San Dieco, CA 92121


Test Program: GFRP Retrofitted CMU Brick Walls for Enhanced Performance under Uniform Pressures 1.0 Purpose This test program provides guidance for the building of test specimens. materials, test procedures, FRP composite reinforcement schedules, time line of actions, and references.

2.0 Goal of Test Program To demonstrate that fiber-reinforced polymer composites can be used to increase the flexural strcngth of existing double-wythe, 4-inch solid core concrete masonry unit walls.

3.0 Materials Tyfo"S Epoxy - is a two-component epoxy matrix material for bonding applications. Tyfoy S epoxy is clear to yellow in color and can be thickened with an inert filler for finishing.

, TyfoWP - is an epoxy formulation developed to provide a primer/membrane undercoat specifically for use in wet, damp, or moist substrates.

" Tyro WS Epoxy - is a two-component, hi-build, 100% solids epoxy formulation developed for bonding applications. It can be used as a final protective coating or as a fill-and-level undercoat over which the Tyfo Fibrwrap System may be applied. This material may be used either as a surface coating or a primer material.

" Tyfo'SEH-5IA A- is a custom weave, uni-directional glass fabric used in the Tyfoý Fibrwrap System. The glass material is orientated in the 0' direction with a non-structural support yellow glass cross fiber at 900.

" Cab-O-Sil Fumed Silica (inert filler)

" Solid lightweight concrete brick 3 5/8" x 7 5/8" x 2 1/4" per ASTM C55-06

" Type S Mor-tar per ASTM C270-07 (consists of Type S masonry cement per ASTM C9 1-0 1, natural sand per ASTM C 144-04, and potable water)

" Number 8 wire reinforcing and 9-gage transverse wires per ASTM A82-07

" Conventional A 615 Gr. 60 Steel reinforcement rebar #3 and #6

,* 5000 psi concrete 4.0 Test Program 4.1 Test Specimens

4. I. I Construction of Wall Specimens - Fourteen wall specimens will be constructed out of representative 4-inch solid-core concrete masonry units. The walls will be 2-wythe thick and framed by reinforced concrete beam elements. One control specimen will be constructed with an aspect ratio of 1.0. The remaining thirteen walls, earmarked for FRP strengthening, will be constructed with respective aspect ratios of 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, and 1.6, three specimens of each and an additional wall constructed at the largest aspect ratio of 1.6.- See Figure 4. I.

4.1.2 Masonry Prisms - Three prism specimens, 2-wythe thick, two brick lengths wide and eight courses high, will be constructed and tested per ASTM C 1314-07. In addition to the newly constructed prism specimens, three additional specimens will be taken directly from the walls at the Owner's facility and tested per ASTM C1314-07.

APR 22 2008 Arpy't Rato of 1,37.S Ape Ralloof 1,6 Po' x I-'-" 8W-0,x 12'-10, 4.1 Test Specimens 4,2 Structural Testing The specimens will be loaded with uniform pressure using an air bag to apply increasing static pressure at increments of 0.6 psi up to failure. Each wall specimen will be monitored for both strain and deflection at appropriate locations.

The proposed test setup is shown below in Figure 4.2 Setup.


APR 22 2008 Reaction wash Support rods (1/2'-3/410)

Reinforced concreteframe 41x 4'Steel Anchror Plate 1layer oftheTyioso

  • Note:*stall"Tyfo@ SEH-51A SEH-51A System System on masonry surface that is flush wilh concvefe frame igh anchor holes

, 4'x4Steel Anchor Plate Steelbeam onfrsde Figure 4.2 Test Setup 5.0 FRP Strengthening Schedules Strengthening schedules for each wall spc6imen will be based on the design methodology described in Attachment 5 to Owner specification OSS-0308.00-00-0006, "Specification for the Design of the Natural Phenomenon Barrier System."

Strengthening schedules for wall specimens will be shown on shop drawings. Actual test results will be compared to calculated wall capacities, and any necessary adjustments to the design methodology will be made before each new test series.

6.0 Execution of Work 6.1 Installation Procedures for Tyfo) Composites Installation of the Fyfe Co. LLC TyfoComposites will follow the project specif'ication Section 03930 and be supported by the Fyfe Co. LLC Quality Control Manual for the TyfoFibrwrap System, February 2007, Revision 8.0.

6.2 Laboratory Material Testing 6.2.1 FRP Coupon Testing - Record the lot number of1fabric and resin used and location of installation. A "sample batch" shall consist of two 12" x 12" samples of cured composite. A minimum of two 3

APR 22 2009 sample batches shall be made daily. The two sample batches will be taken at appropriate times during the clay so as to ensure the, maximum material deviance in the components of the composite.

Testing laboratory shall pre-condition samples at 1400 F for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> before testing. Samples shall be tested per ASTM D3039. The 12" x 12'" panel shall have 5 coupons, 3/4" x 9", removed and tested for their material properties in the longitudinal (primary fiber) direction. Tests shall conform to ASTM procedures and manufacturer's published testing methods. Only pre-qualified testing laboratories shall be used.

6.2.2 Masonry Prism Testing = Per ASTM C1314-07.

6.3 Items ofCaution 6.3.1 Moving of Wall Specimens - The specimens will be lifted by means of Meadow-Burke inserts embedded in the top of the reinforced concrete fr'ame.

6.3.2 Cold Weather Conditions - All Tyfo@ materials will be stored in a (try environment with temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. During the masonry construction, special attention should be made to ensure temperatures do not drop below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. If necessary, measures should be taken using heaters and tarps to prevent the mortar from freezing prior to final set.

6.3.3 Mechanical Damage - All parties involved in the construction and/or testing should be careful not to cause visible or non-visible mechanical damage.

6.3.4 Appropriate Cure Times - The concrete frames should be allowed to reach a minimum compressive strength of 4000 psi before being tilted-up for masonry infill. Masonry should cure for a minimum of 28-days prior to structural testing. The masonry work should cure a minimum of 7 days before the application of the Tylfo Composites. The Tyfo( Composites should be allowed to cure a minimum of 10-days prior to structural testing.

6.4 Test Procedures 6.4.1 Applied Pressure - The pressure will be applied using an air bag. The applied pressure will be measured using a calibrated pressure transducer with a range of 0-15 psi. Furthermore, at the Testing Facility's discretion, strain gages may be installed on the steel rods supporting the wall to measure the strain in the rods, and hence determine the force in each rod. Determining the forces in the steel rods will enable verifying the total applied load versus the applied pressure.

6.4.2 Application of Load - Test wall specimens will be subjected to cycles of loading and unloading according to the proposed loading protocol shown below. Load pressure will be applied in load-control mode and not displacement-control mode. The proposed loading protocol is based on ASTM E 72 (Standard Test Methods of Conducting Strength of Panels for Building Construction) and ACI 437. IR-07 (Load Tests of Concrete, Structures: Methods, Magnitude, Protocols, and Acceptance Criteria). The loading increment will be 0.6 psi up to a diseernable failure mode. After 1.2 psi, the loading increment will be 0.6 psi as shown in the figure below. At each loading step, the pressure load level will be maintained constant for 5 minutes as specified by ASTM E 72. At the minimum pressure level (0.6 psi) the pressure will be maintained for 1 minute.


0 APR 22 2008 6

5 4

2 0

0 t0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Time (min)

Figure 6.4.3 Loading Protocol 6.4.3 tnstrurnentation - Eight string potentiometers will be used to measure the deflections of the brick wall as well as the concrete frame. Deflection will be measured at the horizontal and vertical centerlines as shown in the Figurc 6.4.6 below. Strain gages will be installed on the FRP sheets in the direction of the fibers to measure the strains developed. Locations of strain gages will confirmed after testing the un-strengthened (control) specimen (C I- 1.0).

LOo.Vfood5ting POt Figure 6.4.6 Location of Strings Pots 6.4.4, Data Acquisition - Data will include measurements of applied pressure, deflection, and strains in FRP sheets. In addition, digital photographs will be continuously taken to reflect the progress of cracking.

6.4.5 Analygis of Mode of Failure - The mode of failure of each wall specimen will be described as one of the following or as some combination as below.

0 Flexural-shear across masonry units a Sliding-shear of bedding joint near the support a Flexural: Masonry: crushing of masonry in compression a Fiber: rupture of laminate in tension a Fiber: Debonding of laminate from substrate 7.0 Test Parameters

7. I Anchors 5

4 APR 22 2008 Anchors have been omitted in Series 1. If testing shows anchors are necessary to prevent premature failure, a retrofit scheme will he designed using TyFo Fiber Composite Anchors.

7.2 GFRP Composite Reinforcement Ratio The amount of GFRP Composite is the chief parameter that will be varied throughout the test program. This composite reinforcement ratio can be adjusted by the number of layers, width and spacing of strips. The GFRP reinforcement ratio for each test specimen will be determined jointly by the Owner, Fyfe Co, and NC State.

8.0 Test Schedule Fryf,Co. LLC RD # 636 T*:t Program S*htdul] 211liclas GFRPRotofitred CMU Brick Wai for Enhanced Performzuucr Und~r Uxiorm Prcaurum ugw~ia"TOAk Dw.t~ Ead~il __ 003 tfi I CI-I, ExtiaI'XallComm~acim Seani I RCPFMNCaL'. 3Y-W3CO3 MciaaYC ts 4 V41421M FRt-wr sent I JC*2*WsI*t s LOI~-dryi) xfa I 3112iJ2C1 Sr~e Sam* 3 Fh.y-arPWtcKaos~ -13 2t 613020",-3 S3-Ia.

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S3 - 1.2b UjLnra&r4umamcct"ama =ttzpIcteCx nqutetifo 5;.t=nldfl,,w r S.- spammuwit "RP ruicfazcuaaC.-= op cotu FM Watiu =oaem Vwatl F~ffC.LLC C:,lsas .WS arxmcmrt~at3q=4ýfD.62AWesTar it PMaa\A Tmtaa L Fb 1-ad%:i, 9.0 References o Fyfe Co. LLC Quality Control Manual for the Tyfo Fibrwrap System, February 2007, Revision 8.0

" International Code Council (ICC) Acceptance Criteria for Concrete and Reinforced and Unreinforced Masonry Strengthening Using Externally Bonded Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Systems, AC 125

" Fyfe Co. LLC ICC ESR-2103

" Underwriters Laboratories Inc, Inspection Report Type R Service, dated 8/16/2007 o Specification for FRP Strengthening System, Section 03930.