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EA-ELEC08-001, Rev. 12, Uncertainty Calculation for Secondary Calorimetric Heat Balance.
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Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/12/2005
Consumers Energy
FOIA/PA-2008-0046 EA-ELEC08-0001, Rev 12
Download: ML080290674 (23)


.Attachment I Revision .12


hUencedtalnhbL Cgbculatb~io irthSaodr Colmtlietaone INITIATION AND REVIEW Calbulati*n Statusý Preliminar PeOnding, Final Superseded 0 .El XK. __

Initiated miht ReView MethOdý Technicaily [Re'r Sup'v

.Rev, .... Appd: . - " Revlewed. Appd .

Alt: r Quat! By:! S/DR Desi~lpilon

-B Date, ýCaic Rev'w, Test ly Dotegp 0 orIginalIssue A. .. .


'11SChOff: V21/02 RMl___ enned'Y 415102' 4/1/02 RMB DM 815/012 RB 1 See;Record-01 IM Hamm JKennedy '8/2102 Revislon Sheet, Revise Feedwater Error 2 See'Recordof:Revi'sion ER " PAL

PALISADES NUCLI ,R PLANT 'EA-ELECO08,O001 A*NALYS'IS iC .... lNT IWATION SHEET Sheet 2 of`20` Rvio 2 REC*ORDOF REwVSION Reviision'Number Descriptionh Of Change.

1 :F;A-ELEC08-0004, 'UncertaintyvCalculation for UFM Gorrected, Density

(:ompens.ated, Total.Feedwater Flow.Measurement (PPC Only)" has been 3iývised *Which.resulted in an in&cease'in the,Total Loop Uncertainty used as n .inputto this calculation.; The.uncertaity ofthe temperature input to the eat balance changed dUe to the revision of EA-ELEC08-0004. The xp*ected power uprate p!ant peo'atingparameters-areinicluded in 2ection

.1.1 as a major assumption.

he, indicated calculation-.status on the cover 'Sheet has been changed to


0ection 1.0; Added, reference to p0ower uprate, i*ection:3.2.3; Changed dW*ctd 28,614.9, Ibm/hr iection 3.2.7;,Changed T, wto.+/-3.636F and3.ý41.34aFAto,3.625ý1 F ect7io 4.1 .ý;Added this section to provide plaiit parameters.expected ollowinig the power uporate.

,3ection 5.1; Changed Total Uncetdainty,(Uncorrected). to

+1.13% Power -1.21%q/'o. Power s3ection 5.2;, Changed Ttotali Uncertainty(Corrected).to

+0.49%%Power, '0.55%

Powerý 3eCtion 7.0; *Changed Total Uhcertainty (Uncorrected) to

+I.13% Powerý -1f2%%Power ChAngedt TotaflUncertainty (Corrected) to

+0.49%P0Woer, -0,55% Power S.eption 9.p9; Changed'the'revision level to Rev.1 Section 9.11; Changed ,to RI-24A Revisibn,o.

.Section 9:;12;. Added RI-24B Revisi0n 0.

2 Revised Total Feedwater flow enibr, (dWFwc)) from' 28.6,149 Kibm/hrto 29:-389 Klb-m/hr based on IEELEC08-004, "Unceitainty Calculation for UFM Corrected, Density .Compensated 'Total Feedwater Flow.

Measurement (PPC Only)." Error was changed based on a change in location of the UFM measruring the B feedwater loop-flow.

PALISA~pES HU .;LEAR.PLANT EA-ELECO8-0001 ANALYsiS cONk INUATTIONWSHEET 2 of 2lRevlIon.22Sheet RECORD OF REVISION Revision Numbedr Description Of Change EA-ELEC'O,0*0, "!Uncertainty CaicUlation ifor UFM Corrected, Density Compensated, Total FeedwaterFlow Measuremient (PPC Qnly)",has been revised. wvhichr"esultedin*inincr'ease in the- Total Loo6p Uncertainty used :as an in put to,th.s calculation. The uncedtaintyrof the temperatUreinpUtto the heat balance changed due to therevision of EA-ELEGC8,-0004. The

expeted power uprate plantoperating'parameters are included in Section 4.1.r1 as a majOr assumption.

Theý irdicated'calculation:: status on the cover.sheet- has:been changed to Pending.

Section 1.0; Added' reference'to power uprate.

Section3.12.3; Changed dWFwc t6 28,'6144.9 Ibm/hr Section: 3.2.7; Changed, Tw to +/-3.63°F and.,31.41340 F to i.3.6251°F ISectiohn4.1.1; Added this section to provide plant parameters expected following the power uprate.

Section 5.1; Changed Total Uncertainty (Uncorrected) to,,

!+.1.13% Po'er -1.21I%.Power(

Section 5`2; Change d Total Uncertainty (CQorrected) to

+0.49%RPoWer, -0.55% Power Section 7.0; 1Changed ,Totl Uncertainty (Uncorrected),.to

+T.1.3% Power -1.21%,Power, Changed Total Uncertainty (Corrected) to

,0.49% Power, -0.55%, Power Section 9 .9; Changedithe revision level 'to Rev.1l Section ;.11;:hangeddto Rl-24 ARevision 0.

section 9.12;,Added Ri-24B Revsion 0.

2 :Revised Total Feedwater flow error, (dWrWc))ý fRom28,6014Klbm1hr to 9.,389 Klbm/hr based on EA-ELEC08-004,. "'Uncertainty:Calculation for JFM Corrected, Dehnsity Compiensated Totall Feedwater Flow A.,ieasuremenht(PPCO'Orily)," Error was chariges based ,on ,a change in cation of:the UFM measuringthe B feedwater loeop flow.

PALISADES NUMC.I-1ARPLANT EA-ELECO 08001 ANALYSIS CONTiil!IA'T"TION SHEET Sheet 3 of*2oWRbvision 2 1.0 OBJECTIlVE SCOPE This calculatib ,n will compute the uncertainty associated with.the secondary calorimetric heat balance ;alculation with and without the Ultrasonic FTow Meter correction factor.

Heat balanc:,, uncertainties are computed for the manual heat balancecalcUlation* iugh performance of DWO-1 with utilizing the power upratbevalues (Re.fe ren ce*." 10):.

2.0 D,,-,

FUNC-TION/. :ESCRIPTION The Steam (:.:nerators (.S.G) :serve to r'emove energy from the PrimaryG Coolant System

(.PCS) and s&,tiply high quality steam to.the main tur*bin and .vtarious :auxiliary services.

steam exits p:ie SGs through two 36'" headers (Main Steam Lines). Each Main Steam Line Cjntains a Main Steam psolation ValVe which provides the ability to isolate

-(MSL) the MSL fro'rn lth:e bremainder of the secondary system., An accurate caiculation of Reactor po* ris. obtained byperforlming a seco6ndary he~at balance.

The e quatio usedtoi perfor the.Secondary Calorimetric power,..calculationisd*erived as follows::

Applying the 1, st Law of Thermodynahmics-,(Conservation ofEnergy) top!the:Primary Coolant Sys';i::m (POS) yields the following energy equation:*N -EnergyUT 0 Note:- Steadi s~tate:conditions are, assuimed:.

Fortlhe. PC$, it is reasonable to assume'that no external work is performed and changes in kinetic rencv-,gy areý negligible. Tterfore,i.% ,tohheI at 60u*cesarid heat-iksin-the PC.S'nbed;itc~ij bec,ýonsidered..*h folowingd hekat sourcesglitouce energ ,(Q) 'into thte Primary Coo' tntfSystem:

aRe>:. ctor (Qkx) o Prinary Coolant Pumps(Qpcp) ssurizer Heaters (QPz,)


. cl'~rging Flow (QcH)

The followin,,:, heat sinksr remove, energy* (Q)0 from the Primary.Coolant System:

Stliam Generators (QSG) a LEcI own Flow (QLD) oF Fi:,,d Insulation Losses (QFL)

PALISADES NUOý LEAR, PLANT EA-ELECO8-0001 ANALYSIS CON IINiJiON' SHEET .. Sheet.4 of 20 Revision 2 Substitutini,; the.heat sourceS and heat sinks into. the.,energyequation and solvihg for QrOx yields 4i.,e following equation:

Q Q +/-QLD :QFL -QFL QPzR -QCP Note: Enie! jy removed fro0m the Priimary-Coolant System due to, POS lSeakage, is con* idered to benegligibleband is not included in theReactor Power equation.

Per Referer.ce 9.7, the energy terms associated withtheprima' coolant pumps, letdownflov., charging tflow,, fixedeinsulation lossess and*the pressurizer*haterse are

&o~mbin-ed iiir;to one .const-ant value (C). Therefore; the energy equation is simplified as follows:


,Per Referene 9.7, the value of CGwil .vary,:depending on'the: number oftcharging pumps,

/lIetdown or 0ices in service. ( 3 total). Reference 9.7Tdetermines a conservatively Iow'value.6o C for each combination .with the following :results:!

C 9.t72M , h (one orifice)

C =, 8.52VMWth (two orifices)

C 7; 14MWth (threeeorifices)

DWO-1 is u,ized to compute the valueof QSG given in the:equation presented above.:

The determil ,ation. of the.Steam Generator-term (QsG),requires the:application of the energy equAiion with the*Steam Generato'rlconsidie~red ýas*the control volume:

The folJowin, heat.sourcesihntroduce energy-in-to the :Steam.Generators:

SEi: rgy ::fromthePOS (QsO)

The foilowin:rheat sinksý remiove energy from the ,SteamGenerators:,

o B;t ddown Flow (.Q 6)

SSti;am Flow (QSt):

Substituting tieheat sources and heat sinks, into thebenergy equatiohrand Solving for QSG yields,tlhr followingequatioh:.


PA/LISADES NUCLII !AR PL,*ANT EA-ELECOM08OO1 ANALYSIS ,CONTlI'djJATtON SHEET Sheet 5 of20 Revision 2 3.0 ANALYSIS lHiPUTs 3.1 HEAT BALA.CE UNCERTAINT EQUATiON Per'Referen(':.4,.9,j the following equation repteSents the heat balance calculation as

-computed by- :WwO1l QSG =,(435.8 4+.1753 PsG -1.1O0 4 5 Tw +'x X(851.7-89-6 020257PSG))W*

(85:1 789--O.20257 PS'G) WiaD QSG = -*eat, removed fromr the PCSi by the Steam Generators-(btu i.ihr)

PSG -Steam .Generator'Pressure (psia)

TFw '17eedwater-Temperature (0F),

X. = Sr*team. quality (unit-less).

WFW"*=' 'eedwatet flow (Ibm I hr):

Note: The eq: ujation given. above is simplified in DWO;-.1 and broken down irito multiple steps. 'Steam quality is noi measured when performing.the heat balance.

The effects cl instrunment uncertainties on the heat balance are comput~d by taking.the

'total derivati.:,bof~the.,overall energyequation given aboveas follows:

d'sG ý.SG dW "..WF

. + awD SG. dSG",-

" -WSG

  • T d + SG' ÷ ____QS G d

.Using the mc",, hodologydescribed, in References,9.1 and 9.2,Athe individual..randrom

,uncertainy t"mms are combi nhed using the Square. Root. Sum of Squares rnethodýýas' follows:

dQSG. a~W

':,SG dWF


  • W j 0 dW 8b)2~S OpQI:

a s*

(SG, dýsG +


' aýSG

(; dýj The partial d:ivatives, int~h~e equation given.above ,-represe)ntthe weighting.factor of each"parampýý arued sfor the heatý baance.calculation.' The differentials in the equation given above  :,pr~ese.nt the uncertaintY associatedjwitheabch parameter.


ANALYS9S CoNT-I' AUIAION.SHEET SSheet!6-f:20Re*lslon 2 I The partial diiirivatives are as follows: i/

  • A-QSG ý,= -435.804+1

... + 01753P' -1 1045 .. 5. 1 789- ý020257PsG),

09k =- X (51.789- 0.20257 PýSG)ý aWBD 0T -1 .1045 A -FW DT-w WQSG 0. 1753XW.,+ +X (0.20257) (W~ -W6I6 )

aQSG (85ý151.78 - .05 PG)(FW -: WDD awx The followinh nominalfufiipower ,valueslare used to compute the value of each partial d~erivative:,

= 5,678,50,oI!bm / hir [Reference"9.10]

WVBO =,30,000 Ibm [Reference 9.41

=-440.7 F I[Refeence A9.0]


=.7.65.8 psia [Reference 9.10]

= 0.9989. [Ayerage of SG A value and SG B value from Reference.9 ]. .

Substitutingt ese values into each partial derivativeyields the following weighting for e'h -factors parameter usedin the heat balancecalculation:

OQ~=77.lgbtU/lbrm -

-695.895ý btu */bm

_ 6=i2-71,9.03 btu /(hr -°Fq

-147,517 btu I (hr-, psia)


=3,935,089,059 btuJ hr ax

ANALYSIS CONTIIUATIQN- SHEET Sheet 7,of ,20 iRevQision 2'2

ý3.2 HEAT BALA XICE INPUT UNCERTAINTIES 3.2-. *Per Referenc.,, 9.5., the uncertainty associated with the-blowdown flow (Wi o),input, to the heat balahnce .ncertainty calculationzisas: follows:

dWD= +/-2,500 Ibm. hr 3.2.2' Per Referentb: 9.4, the uncertatinty assdociatedwith the steam quality:(dX) measurement which is used in-the heat balance calCulationis as* follows:*

dX  :, 00006 3.2.3 Per Referenci, 9.3, ,the feedwaterflow input to the heat balance is obtained by reading PPC points. F ýIEDWTRFLOWSGA,_AVEiand FEEDWTR_0LOW _SGBAVG. Ifthese points are no l:available; alternateýýcomputer points(FT-0701 oa6ndFT-070 karused to measure feedI vater flow;. Per Reference 9.6, the Ultrasonic Flow' Meter (UFM) corrected Uncertainty (,Vw,). associated ,with the PPCifee66water flow foreichlo'op' reading

,consists of th: uncertainty associated With thefl6w transmitter and theRPPCGA/D uncertainty:

Wc:. *+/-29.389 KIbm /hr

  • Per Referenci: 9.10, the nominal post powerfuprate feedWater flow riate iýs,5,678,500 Ibm

/'hr. Therefork.!,

.dWc:--+05'1%%Flow 3:2.4 Pe6rReferenci!9:;, 9.14, the random uncertainty of thoePPCý feedWaterfloWe,ading (without UFM correctic(, i), consists of theAuncertainty associated wi thhe,flow element, the flow triansmitter, th:. temperature. loop error, and the PPPC AID unernty:A dWFw\ 0.2,24/%o Flow Usingthe:pos! uprate feedwater flow value per steamgenerator from Refetence 9.10, 5,678,500 Ibr*I hr,, .yields the following uncertainty expressed in units of Ibm /hr:

dWFw..: +/-1.3,628.4Jbm Ihr@'10% Power


Ef~ ru~

rLI~tff IEA-ELECO8-OOO ANALYSIS CONSiHfJUATION ShEET Sheet8of2O Revision 2 3,2.5 PerRefereri :e 9.11,.the bias Uncertainty associated with the feedwater flow me.surem6rit (without UFM correction) consists of the bias, uncertainty associated with the, flow eleJi .ent,and the As-Left;tolerance of'the trtansmitter. Therefore, .,the !total biasI uncertaintyVii.' treated as a bi-directioneal bias as follows-Bias = (+/-0. 5.0%+/-25%)Flow.@oo 1%4.Power Bias. =+0.75% Flow @.100% Power Using the p(n,;t uprate feedwater flow value from Refer-nce:9.1*!0,. 5,678.,500 Ibm [ hr, yiei1is*l the following uncertaintyexpressed in u nits; oflbm !hr d'WýVo.= +/-42,588 Ibm I hr@ 100% Power 3.2'6&Attthepresi Lit time, per Reference.9..3,, PPC points PT_0751B and PT 0752B are Used to ,7obtain SW ;t,:im;GeneratorpressUre. If-these points are unavailable,1SteamnGenerator pressure (P, indicators PIC-o751A, 07516B, 07510,:and. 751D are averaged to ,obtain Steam Genilator A pressure,ý and PIC.-0752A, 0752BB0752C,anhd.0752,D are averaged to 6btaihnSte:iiim' G*eneretator B pressure. Per Assumption 4.1t, the procedure Will require the average ,tif at least-13 Steam Generatbr PreSsure reaadings:,perSteam .Generator when the he,:it-balance is performed inthelfuture. Per Reference.,98, the uncertainty assoc!iated viith PIC'-0751A, 0,751B,. 0751,C 0751 Dand.PIC-0752A,,0752B', 752C, and

  • 07:52D i:s as ftllows:

ePSG = +27.48 psia -28.44 psia For conseirv~ism, the:Steaam Generator pressure indicator uncertainty is rounded toM+/-29 psia, and .on:: steam generator. pressurechannel is assumed to be out of service.

Therefore, thi' , uncettainty associated' with the averaging oflthree pressure inputs is'

,ormputeda. blilows:.

dP siaJ2 3+/-3Va29+/-( 2 9 psi 2 +/-(29sia2 dPSG _16.74~psia

PALISADES, NOJ(I, EARPLANT EA-!ELECO8-'9001, ANALY.SIS"ý C', Ii0N*AIN SHEET "Sheto9 of 20 Reioih2 32.7 Per Refererice' 9.3, the feedwater temperature input to the heat balanceis obtained by reading PPI:: points HB_TEMP-STEADYSGA and HBTEM*PTEADY_ SGB Ifthese points are nri)t available, alterate computer points (ýTT 0706A .'and TT 0708A) are -used to.measure ,eedwater:temperature! Referenceg9.5 provides a.PPC Feedwater TemperatU1 i Iuncertaintyyvalueof

- 1_.36F. Hni ',vever,iReference 9.6. calculates a more.conservative uncertainty assoCiated with the Pp:. feedwater temperatur-ereadingiof+/-+3.63OF (rounded up from 3.62511F).

Thiough'the esults of Refe'recde. 9.6 (stated in Section 8.0),are for.restricted use, this valueis ased as:it boundsthe value frm Reference 965.. Therefore:

dTm, =3.*363 0 *F NOTE: Temp~ia!ture input uncer'taintiesare calcul.atedforsinglepoiritteal:timie FW Temperatuire measi,' ements. Any time averaging,of FW Thmperaturevaluesriort t incalometric calcbWi~ ions wotldprovide'F.W Temperature,(and.uncertainty)valuesb'duhdedby the single.point real IM~ FW"Temperature measurements.

.3.2:8 :Per Referer e 9.4, the Heat Ba6lan-e_ Uncertaihny, equation.(stated in Section 3.1) hast as' part-of its asis, enthalpycalculation .equations. Differences, beteenesteam enthalpiesc.dlitermined byu5sing thes'e 'equati6nsý and those determined ,using ,the ASME Steam TabI iý,,could imbpart-a:;bias uncertainty into. theý calcUlationrof overa'll uncertainty for the secovi ary calorimetric. This-additional biaspterm is computed below: by determining team and-feedwater enthalpy errors at various pointS and choosing a representati' ,, bias fromthe caiculated' errors..

Attachment., show'the determinationof` bounding values for:enthalpy errorS in Feedwater' a id Steam. ASME Steam enthalpies, were determined fdr satMurated steam conditions, vwliie feedwater enthalpies were determined-for compressed liquid at 830 psia. Minor : ifferences betweený the assumed feedwater pressure and actual feedwater pressure wo,',Id result in negligible enthtalpy bias differences.. Feedwater,.enthalpy Delta h ei-rror iSbo~u-dedl by+0..17 btu/Ibm. inother words,- calculate4d' FWis than actual hFW . ",steam:(mixture. enthalpy Delta h error is boUnded b -0.108 ,btu Ibm. In the-calc~ulatict i of sicondary¢calrim6etric uncertaintY, these erMrrs would result in thermal tions. that are tower than' actual therma powervwhich ppowrcalcul1is non conservative.

These errors be added to yield an overall.enthalpy bias,term', as follows:.

hb = ,hsbl t Ihfbl) where: hb=, total enthalpy bias, uncertainty hsb = steamenthalpy bias- hcertainty hfb - feedwater enthalpy bias uncertainty Therefore: hb = -(0.08 + 0.17) btu/lbm - .- :-,J hb = -0.25 btu I/ibm' P1'


3.3 -HEAT BALI MCE INPUTSo 3.3.1 Per_-Refereri e,97, a conservatively determined cdnstant value (C) is, used to account for the ener! iterms asesocatd, With'theprimary coolant pumps, letdown flow, charging flow, "f~kdjixe Ifl bution losses, and the,-pressurizer hetr. Te constant C varies, depending: o inumber f charging ,pump,Ietdown ýflow-orifices ýin serice(up tothree total). Parat eters suchascharging fow, letdow*nTWl, etc. are re6ltivly constant during the pirfomance odif the eat babldce, and treating these parameters aspconstants simplifies tho heat balance. Reference 9.7 demonstr~ates thatthe calculated. C values are lower tho 1,aactual, which'woq-uld tendjto nompensate;for any actual varaionsa in then parameters ifiat make'up the Cconstant. The following equation: from Section 2.0 demonstratei .that using a lowerthan actual C value isconservative.

This: equatio' shows, that using a:smaller value ofC" would resultin a higher calculated QRx. As nitý:lear instrumentation is calibrated to the heatbbalance results; th*s would

'Causeoindicaql'ý,d power-to be, greaterthan actual,, Which iS con ervative.

3.3;.2 The 1followin, plant parametersare~used for the heat. balance uncertainrt.calculatiomn:

.PsiG =s.ýteam Generator Pressore (ýpsia)" [Reference 9.10]

PSG -76,5'8 p-sia

"[Reference 9.;10],

TFW  :`eedWater Temiperature. (6F):

Tp :440:7°F x ,=:-.9989

!.team 0X quality (unit..ess) [Reference, 9.4 WD .= ',3lbWdownjflow (Ibm thr) [Reference-9.4]

,V3D 30,000 Ibm / hr 8;

PALISADESNU(t ,',*EAR!PLANT EA-ELEC8 0001 ANALYSS CO ýNil INATTON SHEET Sheet I If 2' 011tvison.-2 4.0 ASSUMPTi i)NS 4j1 MAJOR A,:1t iUMPTIONS 4.1.-1 Nolne 4.2 M1NOPR-AS1',1UMPTl6NS 4.2.:1 Per*R efe re;e 9.3th'e manual heat balance'calculation, :withoUt the WPPCSteam Generator, i:,!essure values aVailabile, will use the:average of-at least three pressure indications ,*Fr Steam Generator each time the Secondary Heat Balanceis"performed.

4.2.2 All uncertai i~Iies associated with the ultrasonicflow meter are random 6ahd independent.

4.2.3, Per Refereii :e,9.10, the following plant parameters areanticipated' after the power up-rate project If actual plant conditions are similat thes this calculation. remains valid.

QR Reactor1oo% Powefr QR' 2565.4-Mt PSG Steam Generator.Pressure (psia)

PSG11 765.8 psia Tfw - Feedwater Temperature (TF)

Tf~:w 44067 0F FW 'FeedWater Flow (Mlb' Ih)

FFW. 11.357 Mlbm. Ihr 5.0 -ANALYSIS, Computation f;lare performed an.accurary of'severalsigsnifibaht digits, but presented in this calculaiii: roundedto totodecimal places inmost cases. Hand verificaiion of this, alculation uw Iizing the rounded values may resultin. slightly different results dUe to round off er'n' s;


Random .Uniiertainties-Per Analysis nput3.1, the:following equation is used to computethe random

'uncertainties tssociated With the*heat ibalance:

dQGQSGS +2~ Sb OTF(W'd T0.eP ýG a t (F.asT The ýuncer .taji i 'es 0assocbiated w~ith e6ach inpu't parameter `(differenial1s) are, .as follo~w~s dWpw= feewater"flow (random) +/-'13,628,Ibm Lhr

.= [Analysis Input*3.2.41]

dW~wt.- feedwater floW (bias) +/- 42,588 Ibml./hr [IAnalysis input3.,2.5]1 dWAD bloWdown flow- 2,5001Ibm1 hr [Analysis, Input 3,2.11 dTW *= feed Water temperatir .=+/-3,63 - F [Analysis lnpu 3.2.]

dPsG .=.,Steam'Generatotp.ressure +/--1÷ri 6.74,psia [Analysis'Inpu't 3*.26]

dX = steam quality, +/-'0.00016 .[Analysis Input:32:2]

Per Analysis ti iput 3.1, the partialderivatives are, as follows:

`QsG 90btutI bmm

=_7791 aw

~*s~. -695.895:btu !iIbm AG, -- 6',271,;903 btu / (hr--F),

aQG -147,51 btu / (hr: pslia)


':..3,935,i089,059:btu,./hr Therefore;,the' aindom uncertainty associated with.the heat balance calculation is as foll.ows:

dQSG-- 0409 btu/ hr 02531



. .A4, the conversion from btu I hr-to Wt is performed by multiplying'by a factor of'0.292!13.Wtt- hr/btu. Per Reference 9.10, 100% Power equates to 2,565.4 MWt. Thereforet, the random heat balance, uncertainty is converted to%.Power with the

PALISADES NUCII.iFAR PLANT EA-ELECOEI-O01 ANALYSIS CON:TII*0UATION SHEET Sheet3 of,20 Revision 2 following ey ,tation:

dQsGd.% Pouwer)" dQsG(bt/ hr(0.29293 Wt:-/r(' 100% Power Therefore, ds +/-029 % Power (Single Steam JhGenerator)

The total railtom u ncertainty associated w.ith the heat balance'calculation is~computed with. the follciýiýing equation:h dQ.SG d + dQS 2 (Both Steam Generators) dQs: :Q;3G' Fd ra*,

dQsG +/-01.41 % Power (BothSteam Generator):

Bias Uncert.:sinties There are t*: ithatbias uncertainties mustbe: considered, Feedwater Flow Measurement

,bias (FWb) ard enthalp bias (6hb.'These bias ter*msare calculated' beIow, then combined toýi ield the'total bias un'certaintylforone steam generator. This result can be multiplied by. I,to yield total bias uncertainty for.-both ,stea-m generaftrs.

Feedwater Ffi Measurement Bias Uncertainty.

Per Section 2.51 , the followirig!bi-directional bias uncertainty iSassociated with the feedwater ilo*i i measurement for one Steam Generator-:

FWb (,:im .1hr) = :+/-42,588.Ibm / hr Per Analysis.1 ,Iput3.1,the weighting fabtor (partial derivative) associated with the, feedwater~flo* heat balance inputis asSfollows:

SQsG 779.190 btud/ Ibm The feedwate i flow- measuremenht bias term is converted, to btu .i hr with the foqlowing equation:

FWb .(T,'Ju hr)= FWb(llbtn/hr(*, I.

FWb (Rl1,j/ hr) = +/-÷33,1i 84,144btu/hr E nthalpy Biaiii UOncertainty Per Section 3.; .8, the followring enthalpy bias: is associated with the feedwater flow to each steam ge,-,, 'erator Which* is5,678,500 Ibm/hr:o

.................... 1

PALISA DES NUCILEAR PLANT' EIAELECO8-001 hb,= O.256btu/lbm hb (bj / hr) = hb (btu lb) WFw

.hb (bI:i,./hr) #-0.25 btu Iibm

  • 5,678,500 lbm./ hr
  • hb (bLI I!hr): = -1.,4,!9625 ;btu I hr . .....

To talBia, UNI 6certainty Total bias ui.ur,ýlelrtain'ty (BiasT) isthe su'm of the Feedwater Flow Measuremenht uricertainty, b:,as and the enthalpywbias. Therefore:.

BiasT = FWb + hb-BiapsT = +/-33,184,144 btu jIhrI ,.-1,419,625 btu / hr.

Biasf = +31,764,5.519 btu.,/ hr 4,6031,769 btu hr Per .Referenm:'!* 9.4, the conversion from btuI hr toWt is performed bymultipying byea fact(or of-0.21,93 Wt.- hr/btu. Per,Refern.ce,9.10i, 100% Powerequates to 2.565.4 MWt. There:l )re, the. bias term is converted to % Poweri utilizingithefollowing equation:

= .. Wt ' 00 ,%POwer Biast Power) Bias (btu/hr 0.29293ý ' -.

btu /'he,\Z-,565;4O0,00 Wt BlaST ,V Power) = +0.36% Power -0.40 % Power (One Steam Generator)

The total bia 1 uncertainty:associated with the feedwater flow.tobo:thSteam Generators is obtained b I multiplying the bias uncertainties for a single Steam 'Generator by "2".

Therefore, BiasT, '/0 Power)'= + 0.72%/a-,0.80%Power(BothSteam Genrators)'

Secondary HKiat Balarice Total UIncetainhtv. (UnorrectedFeedwater Flow)

Total Uncert*.nty (Uncorrected) = _+0,41% Power + 0.7,2% Power -0.80% Powe-f Total Uncertn'ty (Uncorrected)= +1.13% Power-- 1.21% Power

.1' 'l I . " .. "-


" E"


Random Umimrertainties Per'AnaIYs i Input 3.1, the ,following equation is usged-to dompute'the random Uncertaintie&i associated withKthe heatbalahce:

=~~dWaw d~s T;'SGit J+j -50+ c a PS + dT~wýJý7 2 a d)

Th-e -uncertahiities assojciated with e~ac.h in~put. pa.rameter (different.iails) aire .ais ,follows:

dW,, = UFM corrected feedwater flow = +/-29,389 ibtnri hr [Analysis Input 3.2.31 dWr'b= blowdown flow - +/-250o,Ibm', r [Analysis Input 3.2.1]

dT .= feedwater temperature =,+/-3 .6 39F' [AnalySi!nsi ut 3o2.7]

dPS'G, =. Steam.Generator, press!ure -= +/-0.4psi0 [Analysis Input 3".2:6 dX. = stea'm quality

[Anlyss npu.t 3.2.2]

Per Anialysis riput 3.i, thepartial derivatives are as foRlows:

779.190 btuv /Ibm,

- ýsG

.;395:.'895 btu .'ibm.

___. =.-6,271,903. b:tU / (hr -,° F)

N.SG 8 PsG =-147,517 btu /(hr psia)

G:3,935,089,'059 btu / hr:

Therefore, AN: r'andom 'uncertainIty: assoc .iated wiith theý heat.hbaIoncec~uaini d.QS 32438ý,84.1 btu t hr. I it

-______ .. ., .,,.-. 1/4

FAL15AUES NUCLL:J.AR.PLANT EA-ELECOAB-001 ANALYVSIS ,CONT.II'JAI S HEE She 6 of0 vIsio 2b Per Refereqnc the conversion from btu / hrlto Wt is pe.rformed by.multipiying by a factor of. Q.29;,!93 Wt- hr/btU. Per Reference 9.10, 100% Power equates to :2,565.4 MWt. The'rel'*re;rthe random heat balance uncertainty s converedto % Power With the following eqiwtion:-

dQS( Power) = d.../hrkO. r!-@Iuo 2 92-o3 V t,)(Y 100% Power 93 btu, hr) r 2,5665ib40,b0 vvt)

Therefore, dQsG l0'.3704% Power (Single Steam Generator)

Thebtotal random uncertaintyassociated With-the heat balance calculation is computed With*,the followving equation:

..... 2 ýýoi Sd . ...iditd.i.

dQsG = FdQZ dsG÷ (Both Steam Generators) dQSG- = .+/--0.5238% PoWer (Both S'eam"Generators)

Bias iuncertaii Mties Per Sect ion 3*; 1.3, there :bare nhofeedwater flow measurement: bias terms associatebd With the heat balabii,:e when UFM~corrected feedwater flow is utilized as aninput PerSection 3.2.8, there is !n enthalpy'bias ter that mustbe considered;.,

tn- unceeint Biwi Jnn'y~ai Uncrt2 /p- qlylis.ascae~ihte Per-Section 3,i>,8,.the following enthalpy biasis associated with thefeedwater flow to.

each steam gi!-1erator which is 5,678,500 Ibm/h.

.hb -(1..25 btu I Ibm hb (btu, hr) = hb (btuW/O bm) WF hb (btuCil r) =. -0.25btuq Iibm ý 5,678,50,0 Ibm / hr-hb. (btu),1 hr) = -1,41!9,625*:b tu /lhr Per Reference 1.4,the conversion6from btu /ihr to"Wt 'is performed by multiplying by a ftot of 0.292,:3. Wt - hr/btu. Per Ref9erence`9.0, 100%/od Power equates to.2,565.4 M' t There 6' the bias term. isconverted to % Power utilizing-the following equation:

Bias M( 'ower)= Bi)a (biJz /,Iirn0 229293  : Y 00% Power btu:/hkr2,565,400,000.Wt)

Bias(% 'ower) =-0-01/62% Power (One Steam. Generator) 4L

'ANALYSIkS CON TU SHEET Sheet: 18,Of 20 Revision 2 8.0 CONCLUSk'I1h This calculatm*,n computed the uncert.ihnty asociated With the secondar calorimetric heat balance calcula*tioni With and without'.the.Ultrasonic, Fl6w Meter correction factor.

Heat balanci, uncertainties were comptedfor the manual heat b'alancecalculatioh perfo'rmed this calculatbithv)ugQhg!peffom.ance iaresubject tio the;of.DWO,-1.. See Section 7.0 for resuits. The results of following limitations:"...

  • This calci!i:ation assumes thatReference .3.will be revised to use the average of PIC-075 i,, 0751*.B, 0751C-,and.0751D to obtain.Steam GeneratorA pressure, and the avera!!je of PIC-0752Ak07528, 0_752C,:and 0752D will be usedJto obtain Steam Generatoi B pressure every ti'methe Secondary He Baanceis.performe;. The results :of ibis: calculatiotn are based. on lthe'use of at least 3 Steam Generator,-r Pressure lndicati6ns persteaqener-at or.
  • Per Refet 'iince 9.3, flow< contrlrom- 1thefeedwater indicators (il-0701 and FI-0703)'

may a!so le Used as.the.feedWater flow-ihput.jtohe.heat.balance. Th&e ;uncertainty

.associate.:i withthe..cpntfrol room feedwaer flow.Pinca0tors is larger than the.

ujncertaiinl;' associated. With Ithe .PRO computer`-- poinndctnsofewar flow.

Referencc, 9.6.doe' not comutethe un6e*'tinties ;associated .with'the feedwater fl:w control. ru,:m indicators. The:results ofthis.calculation.are bas§ed-.on the use ofthe.

Pcrr cor uter poinits or the feed-water. flow Me6a "sur.ementen o Per Refe!;.nce 9.3. the feedwater.temperture control roomA ndicators (11-0701 6 ;,tnd T!10708) orlrecorder TR-0706may'also be used as the feedwater temperatblire input. to the.heat balance. Th'e uncertainties asso'iated'with the control.

room indi,:rators and the recorde'r are largbr than theuncertain-yassociated with the PPC corrtiluter p0iht indicationsof feedwAater temperature. RKeferen*ce 9.6 does not compute iIe uncertainties associated with the 'anl-og'indicatibns of:feedwater temr perati we,. The: -results.;of this calculation are based,6on .the;use.of the.PPC computer.Points for,,the, feedwaterftemperature measuem6ent.

................... .1.- - *.. ~ .~. ~ . . -

AN ALY CONT i JATlN SHheot1of2R '2 sin 9.0 REFERENCEI" 9.1 NUREG/CR-,:)359, "A Mathematical Model forAssessig.the Uncertantis of SInstrumentatii,>: Measuremehts forPowerand Flow of PWR6R8ctors-, Dated February 1985.

9.2 -iSA-RP67.04, Part1 l - 1,994, I"Methodologies.forlthe Determin ationofSetpoints for Nuclearsafel R~elatedIhtst'f melitati;n", May 1995.

9,33 DWO-1, "Opr: ,ators DMily/! Weeklyltemis, Mode§s 1,. 2,'3&and 4", ReviSion70.

9.4 EA-HARý-91--!i , "Heat Balance Adjustment for Moisture Content of Steam", '.Revision 0.

-9.5 EA-AFZ-96-01, "Analysisof Various Heat'Balance Input!naccuracies", Revision 2.

9.6 iEA-ELEC08*( 04,i"Uinceainty-Calculation- for: UFM :iCorrected, Density Compensa ted Total, Feedwa ',ir Fo.Maueet(COnyRevision-2.

9.7 EA-BWB-96-,: , Heat Balance Calculation Usinglthe Ultrasonic owmeter:.Measurement DeVice,,i ReuiFion 50.'

9.8.EA-ELEC08-; i'04, "uncertainty Calculation Steam GenertorPressure Lodps!, Revision 9.9 Deleted 9.10 EA-ýRCH-O -O;i I"Calculdation:of Chapter 14.Safety Analysis Parameter Changes Due to FC-977 Powe;: Upra'e," Revision' .

9.11 RI-24A, "SteO in.Generato Fdwter Temperature nstrimetLp Calibration,"

Procedure, Rlmision,0; 9'.12' RI1-24B "Ste, ,i Generator Feedwater Flowlinstrument Loop.Calibration," Procedure, Revision 0..

PALISADES, NU*I. 11 :AR !PL,-ANT EA-ELEGO,8-01*1 ANAYSI COT~lLJAIONSHET Shee 20 of ,20 eiso ATTACHMENT A The following table i.*Sstabliihes ,boundingdifferences between steam and feedwater enthalpy taken-from ASME ei3arn Tables and calculated using"approximationPsfromrt Reference 9.4; STEAM ENTHALILY  :(Saturated Conditions)=,

(SGA). .hm = ,220.3-6-7,27Q9VPSG-(aGB) hm = i219097ý.Q27600SG 0).9991135 XB. = 11.998668 PSGz AS 1AE Calc. ASME Calc.

(pliq2) hp 1hf h

'mA Bfltif h: hmBR hmR

,hmA, ffiiiA DO-ft'n- hý htn'B; htnE DClta h hf hinA-1199.361,1099.*7721 ,0,b.065 119--4 -0J.0I6.

765.ý8 3-.75 1,200.29, 50 1199.6871199:614: -A0,73 "T199;362 1199.2931 0.067 7.70, 1200.18 5( )4.5, 11r9 9`5781 19906!, -0.0:789 11 99.253.

119O9.18 -0.073z

.FEEDWATE.1 ENTHALPY (Compressed liquid at'830 psia) hFw

..K:. .. .... . ... -1.1045*Tf:",V - 66.493.

T.FW ASME ,hF* Delta :h d..F hFW

.442.7 422.32. 42-2.47 0.150' 440.7 420M.1 1 420.26 0150.

438.7- 417.89. 418.05 0.,160


.EA -ELECOB-0D0l REV.K ýx 7

SECTON Il Affected Revision Items Affected By This fA ýYes No Required ldenUfy* Closeout,

+ 4 4. .. _________

1.t0! Other EA's.. Dl Im 2.0' Design Documeits E.ectnc* i E-,38thrdugh E949 43

-3`0 D.esignDocuments Mechanii!.

  • M240-M246 M257,M261.., Mii*B4-M6661.


DOCUMENTS 4.1 Final Safe'ty Analysis Reporn, FSAR)

  • 4.2 .Tech nical Specifications 4.3 Operating RiequireentsMaz j Jai 5.0 PROCEDURES '

5.1 Administrative Procedures 5ý.2 Operating etc)' .. Procedur6es (SOP, OP, ONP, 0 ml 5.3 WorkingProcedures 5.41 _Tech Spec Sureillance Tes: "rocedures; 6.0 OTfER DOCUMENTS 6.61 QdList 6.2 Plant Drawings:

6.38 qEqupipment Data, B*se.

6.4 SparPe Pait (Stoc kMMS),

6.5- *:Fire Protecton Prgram Rei!.rtt(FPPR) 6.6 Design Basis Documerits 6.7 operating5Checklists o mi 6.8 SPCCI*PIPP Oil and Hazard* is' IMaterialdaSpill El Elm Prevention. Plat, Ul/

6.69 .- ~Documents 6-10 MOV/AOV Pr'ograrm:Documci ts !(Voltage, thrust, weak link, etc) 6.11 ýWr'k]nstrdcti6ns 6.12! Otherý ýS 0-t2j.~~

SECTiON iI bo anyaof he f6llo~winig documnentsti eed to'be1generated" of the~onclusIons reached in this EA:

Yes' No..

31.¸ .CorectiVe Action Documentfi El. Reference

'EQ Evaluation .Sheet? El Safety Eqalduaii6n?. 'El El Referencer 2.* "bmtt-Design Basis Document Chý Request? El El Reference FSARiChat6ig trocue uetsIq El El Reference.

,6.1 Verifiationi Tes§tProce'dure (.i~lirchangesto' El Reference,,

thDesign Baisis)?~

Completed By:Richard A. Bischoff. , Date: July-15. 2002 Tech'nical Revieed B3y L1 / b at 8

'Identify;Seetioni,No Drawing.,,Ddcurihiint, etc T.. AD

Proc No 9.11 TECHNrcAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Attachment 5 Revision 1 EA - ELECOB:- 0001 REV. I . Page- 1-of I This:checkli st provii: es guidance for the review of engineering analyses. Answer questions`Yes or Ni , or N/A if they .do.not apply. Document all commentoson a EA Reiew "Sheet.. Sai' actoryrespOlution of cmment**nsand completionof'this che cklist is I noted by theI Tech alReview signturat the bottom Ofthis sheiet.

(YIN, N/A)

1. Have the proI:,r,,,r input codes;, standards and design principles been specified?
2. Haveothe inpuii. codes, standards and design principil'es'been properly-applind?


3. Are all. inputs;nind assumptionsý,validaind th. basis for their use documented?
4. Is Vendor information used as input addressed correctly in the
5. If the analysis ,;rgument departs ifr.omVendor lnformation/ Y Recommend, ions, is the departure justifi'cation dcumented?
6. t aed and teasonable?
7. Are the desigi* basis changes permitted by this EA bounded'by-the applicable 50;9 Review?
8. Ar-e',allconstants, variablesand formulas correct and properly
  • f

,9. Have all comimnents been documented on an EA. Review Sheet-and resolved, or hNive any minor (insignificant) errors:been identified anid their ihsignificiiince justified? (Indicate "No Comments,"if 'nonewer-e 1f0. Ifthe.analysis involves Welding,, is 'the foilowing information accurately repr esented on the analysis.,drawing.,(Output document)?

o Type c,'t Weld SSi2ze oi ti/eld

  • MateriolFBeing Joined .Joined ..
  • aý'ThiCkn',vssof MateilBeing .

.e. Locatki,, of.. eld(s) .. ...... "

  • Appror late Weld- ymbology 1.i. Has the objecpd.req of the analysis been met?" '1
12. Have *a-driiis:iative requirements such as nUmbering, format, and S indeing been iatisfied?


Technical Revit wer Date Date..---, 4

P roc No 3.07 Attachment I 50.59 SCREEN ,Revisi6n 12 Page 1 of 1 Page 1of 1 SDR Log No -

I.,. -

ActlvltylDocumentII[, -EA- ELEC08 - 0001 ... Revislon No 2AY"Ž T U t altidfor the S-condarCaloimetri6c HeatBalanwce Brief6Dscr tin-oUictivty (WhatIs Bein Clhanged and Why) FC977 is Derformina a 0weruorate for the.

areator-powermlevel. licertainties:associated with ýthe S!econdary C6l6r!6ietic iMnt W determined: This .1 gnntsi determines i!tji secondarv catorimbt ichlf6at nc lc,6Wt6*ith snd*itho ]total -,

th00 UlrS6nic Flow ~fcgrrecti6n

-tI ~f6a(6r ýWiijthetl lower bngeri~ais.t~reco oudo~ te~ata

~oowr liensvaluwitassrane o no exeediiothe license value'.,:-

tii~tvell~sr -Contined .1 1I. .50.59 Screening QUi,*:*itlons: (Cheik.Correct Response)

.(See. AtchmentKBf:1 dGuidance) .1 List the documents (UIPSAR, Technicial Specificlionsfand other documents) reVie',ed~where feleVant.r iriforTTation "as found including sectioh'nunibers:.FSAR 7.5-3-3. Operatinq Reqiuirements Mahual section 3.17.633: Technical

  • Sec:tions ,:199g6 Annual reportSR3.3.1.3


l. l.F andl.2 jBasis of Facility Cha'nges.A&SR Tests NRC Reau!torv. Issue Summar arnd Exoerments-it~ern 96*1362.*

2002-03 Sec jr~clrmtipetaanceAwihhand'wth6ut the UFEM' ffortitkmnfactor. The rea6torpnowgrflev~l.

orequioment, This ejjiineennaanalvsis only evaluates tlieiucertaitvofthesecondar calormetrc heat balan~e calculation.

1.. Doest~heprop*.;ed activity involve a change to an SsC thatadverselvyaffects, an _Yes 'V7. No:

UFSAR describ. 3ddesignmfunction?

12. Does the prop:iedactivityinvolve a changetoa procedure that adve-dely __Yes. -No,

,:fects,how: U.: ;AR'described:SSC design func.iions.are. performed'or controlled?'

3. Does thepropb*;ed actijvity involve, revising.,0r- replacing .an-UFSAR.described __Yes V No evaluation rne l iodoloy thlat'is used in establishinhgthe-design bases or~used. in the" safety ana~i, ;e~s?

4:. Doesthe pop:, !ed activity involve a test or experiment not described'ih the' -Yes V No UFSAR, wher:C~ in SSC is:utilized o'r conhtrolle~dinamrinzi rijha~th


refe*rence bouivr; s of~thei design for that: SSC orissinconsistentwithh.analyses. or, descriptions in ie UFSAR?

5. Ddest4e pr0 :ied, aitivify,requirea cta.g6 to-the6TeChhical.$ped:ifidati6rtis? -Yes V ~Noý Ill. If alI questions are'nah!,efed NO, then implementlthe.activitywithout perfotming a 50.59 Evaluation or, obtain~ing NRC appr;ovgI.l, '.


If question 5isiswe-d YES,.then a Li.cense Amendment must be obtained.,from the NRC prior to I,

implementation.ofjthe *.!tivity. I, If question 5 is answen!,d NO and question 1, 2, 3'or4 is answered'YES, then a 50.59 Evaluation s-hall be p erormed.

IV. Prbvide .a.ov0erall jus-,i c'ation for theýanswers tolthe screenihgqýuestions.

'This'engineering:analysis ai: :Iresses the second'ary caibrimetrid heat balance.uncertinty. The resultslwill beused

'for the power uprate progra" 3vauatin, This enginnot perform any changes, or moIaians. o. .I eeigt*ys

.......... n " e.isting eup n a d Continued ._/ 04a/c*].. - 2 V. Screen Signoffs . 3creen Preparer: RicahrdA. Bisnhoff 215ate 325/02 3creren Reviewer:-e Date: "____,6_