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Citizens' Motion for Transcript Corrections
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 10/22/2007
From: Webster R
Grandmothers, Mothers & More for Energy Safety, Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch, New Jersey Environmental Federation, New Jersey Public Interest Research Group (NJPIRG), Nuclear Information & Resource Service (NIRS), Rutgers Environmental Law Clinic, Sierra Club, New Jersey Chapter
To: Abramson P, Anthony Baratta, Hawkens E
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
50-0219-LR, ASLBP 06-844-01-LR, RAS 14565
Download: ML073050463 (10)





) ASLB No. 06-844-01-LR (License Renewal for the Oyster Creek )

Nuclear Generating Station) )

CITIZENS' MOTION FOR TRANSCRIPT CORRECTIONS In accordance with the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board's Order at the September 25, 2007 evidentiary hearing, Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch, Inc., Grandmothers, Mothers and More for Energy Safety, New Jersey Public Interest Research Group, New Jersey Sierra Club, and New Jersey Environmental Federation (collectively "Citizens") submit the following transcript corrections for the Board's consideration. 1 Page Line Existing Text Corrected Text 4 7 his its 6 24 (1) (L) 6 25 (1) (L) 12 17 We have We have our 13 1.1.2 .1 identified Exhibit identified that Exhibit 19 1 crated cratered I Citizens and AmerGen have mutually agreed their changes, but time pressure precluded presenting a consolidated table. NRC Staff have not commented on these proposed changes. Citzens have no comment on the Staff's proposed corrections.

Tep/ 4 e*= cy- o,/I

21 .24 .* MR. WEBSTER CHAIRMAN.HAWKENS 23 2 there a couple there are a couple 31 3 rather queer. .- rather clear 35 7 If the primary if any 35 .8 'startsonday one, the primary ,giarting on day one, 35 9 -license. And they and they 37 . 4 requirement ha been requirementshas been 37 24 Dr. Hausman's Dr. Hartzman's 42 1.1 . dangerous bar data.sparse 43 2 errors areas

43. 3 cultured coated 53 4 ifyo usee if you use 67 . 9.. plots and . plots for 74 11 basing ranging 74 12, trench at about trench to about:

78 4 Susan's citizen'.s -

86 4 I'm referred I'm referring 86: .13: and in  ; .aand adds.

90 3 top has top it has

,91 '25 we're saving we're saying 93 2 in Base 17 in Bay 17 98 10 , flooris~at1lfeet--atthe flooris.atthe-99 19 Ashray evaporation ASHRAE evaporation

.124 7 case M284 . case.N-284,.

128 7 even thought we even though we

ý129_ '4 Figure IA might: FgrlA, o ih 132 8 MR. WILLIAMS MR. WEBSTER 37 8 :thought is.. :though is:

138 18 .is .5376 is .536 141 9 is CAP 24 is Calc 24 149 5 And:sonot, . ". . Andssoit i 152 6 with the valuation with the evaluation 152 9 criteria does derive criteria does not derive 152 10 the calculations, but is these calculations, but are 152 11 measurements, but are measurements.

152 12 devoid (blank) 152 16, nothing to do . ' nothing to do withthe calculation.

152 17 statement as the criterion statement of the criterion 1531. 21 1ithink they I think the 154 2 suggestion it suggesting 155 3. misled by pur testimony misled4bythattestimnny.

167 10 record or the COB record or the CLB 2

167 I6 the:COB the CLB 168 2 appropriate to calculate appropriate input to calculate 171 9 you know, hails from, you know, came 176 6-7 buckling with a curve buckling will occur.

.178 20. .s Shell, 2.736 shell, 0.736 180 12 shell, 2.736 shell, 0.736 183 1 Hauslerfrom First Citizens. Hausler for. Citizens.

191 21 Cap for the Calc for the 196 22 .Imean, some of Imean, only some of 208 11 sand bag. sand bed.

.214 6* been a lotcleaner :been a. lot thinner.

216 18 characterization that characterization of what 219 8 close incentive close vicinity ,

231 23 blinding us to. The reality is blinding us to the reality which is 248.. 1 to derive we... To

-- to the.right, as or ...

249 2 we do have, you we do have to, you 249 3 . into.consider. *into.consideration...-.'

251 2 extent when you get a gully of extent. When you get outside by three or four three, four

.251, 3. because:that.probably that pr0bably:

253 4 severe than have severe than we have 257,. 2. i :However, this what However, this2 is what.

257 18 Then we this out Then we average this out 259 17 from30 to48 tfrm-3Oto+48.

259 18 from 30 to 50 from -30 to +50 264. 10 TableA1andTable-- . .. -Table.I and:Table 2.:

289 15 corrosion, in fact, corrosion, where in fact, 289' 160,. quite.a bit,:and.were.smaller than..:; .:quite:d bit.

291, 8 . basically is, they :basically is,..

291 21 barely points is point three six - individual points is point zero three eight six - three 291 22 eight six. eight six (0:.0386).

291 25 this for days this for bays 292 3 of that, you will see that in D the of that exhibit, you will see that indeed the pure

._pure 292 8 varied data field variation of the field 294.. 23 bay, 760, 7.60.

297 24 error and error for 298 1 measurement,.to the ..-. instrument measurement, i.e., to the.... instrument alone.

300 5 if the emulsion if the monitoring 301 3 'the sensible value the central value:

301 6 itself themselves 311 7 perhaps something perhaps add something 3

311 17 data but we data that we 3*12 17 internal grades internal grids 312 18 elevation of reduced curve elevation of the reduced curb 314 5 .has,to be observed . as was observed 314 7 perhaps in pockets .perhaps pockets 315

  • 14 But one day .. Butone bay 315 17-18 that I don't contribute I don't think contribute 315 *21 .on the record :now being plotted 'in the record as having been plotted 316 8 to me thee to me there 316 .15 still need ... be6cause the  :*. . still meet,,.. because of th.e 316 18 the interim grids the internal grids 317 2 cut out cut-out 317 4 sand bay sand bed
  • 317, 5 ofthe data set . . of a data set 318 7 we have UTED. we have UT'ed.

320 20. shelf is very likely There, shell, is verylikely, there 321 17 currently fills the currently fails the 322 :5.. statement, we all statement ard we all 322 19 MR. ABRAMSON: So to me So to me 331 6 1 DR. HAUSLER:..Ronnie... DR. HAUSLER: Rudy.

340 10 I teach. at I teach at the 344 20 yesterday, it: yester*dayhere 348 21 statistical observable statistically observable 359 .:22 analysis does it assumes analys isaassumes 370 21 the Carbon the current 370 23 currently taking currenty taken:

375 2 misapprehension is that some of misapprehension. Some of 3,75 24. ieaningness of theexternal . meaning ofhthe external 3.77 25 DR. HARLOW: DR. HAUSLER:

378 20 project that projectio thaAt 379 5 that is something that is not something 381 . 21 Lrequires a fire: . requires a finite.

383 20 not inspeculative not speculative 384 8 Are they additional Are there additional 389 4 elements that was. redacted Lelements that were redacted 392 14 mentioned in there mentioned it there 400 7 conclusions are what? conclusions:of what?

402 10 inclusions if inclusions. If 402 11 . .."the material.. .... ,the material.

411 19 Dr. Hausler in what, Dr. Hausler what, 412 2 thattheypan. that I can 420 15 yews. yes.

426 22 . uncoded, ... uncoded ::uncoated, ... uncoated 4

428 19 in his file in his refiled 431 22 referred to damage referred to AmerGen 431 23 in Exhibit 7. Exhibit 7.

435 3 wasýcreated was: credited' 436 15 for buckling the for buckling of the 436 2.1 relevant when relevant whether 441 9 which has it coming. which has some corrosion.

465 9 means that the means that there is a 467 21 pre-fire pre-filed 472 4 .your sand your soap 472 11 my sand my soap 472 24. on the shelf. on the shell.

475 3 pre-file pre-filed 501 21 or there is I thihk:it is 210 't is.qu corrosive I think it is A21.*0 502 18 sandbed sand,

  • d wasxremoved.

505 12 the 5rd material the firebar-D material

.505 .1,6 5rdat one fi'ebar-Dat one 506 3 halites halides 506 14::4 Chloride Flouride 506 10 are that are,-that 507 5 is crevice" as;crevice 507 6 specify to specify 507 8 surface .of the deposit surfacedeposit .

508 7 indicated by material indicated to be material 5!3 7 Originally, that there Originally, there-535 13 the currently analysis the current analysis 543 11-1:2. do~it through::.: -do extreme 547 3 prefindings prefilings 547 4. surrebuttal, surrebuttal,. ... ..

555 1 but if they bitthat they 560 19 analyse analysis 579 8 first worst 580 2 LOCA local 581. 8 . of the base. of the.bays.

581 17 get a D revision get a D for revision 583 2 appropriate appropriately 585 1 laterally latterly 585. 24: LOCA local 586 2 4.9 0.49 586.4 LOCA local 586 8 LOCA local 586, ýý12, competence confidence 5

586 14 85 95 586 15 c:ompetence confidence 586 19 competence. T confidence t 586 24 competence confidence 587 2 competence confidence 587 4 more than law and 587 9 competency rates. confidence limits.

587 11 . competence confidence.

587 17 both bother 587, 18 has exactly .... agency in hashnotexiactly..., agency 587 19 nuclear over

  • 589 17 forward are.. forward are resolved..

589 21 Dr. Hausler Dr. Hartzman 590 19 competence in the mix confidence limits 590 21 competence and confidence of 5:91 1 . competence and confidence:of 591 4 questioned question 591 5 competence. confidence 591 8 competence confidence Respectfully submitted, Richard Webster, Esq.

RUTGERS ENVIRONMENTAL LAW CLINIC Attorneys for Citizens Dated: October 22, 2007 6

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD Before Administrative Judges E. Roy Hawkens Dr. Paul B. Abramson Dr. Anthony J. Baratta In the Matter of )


ASLB No. 06-844-01-LR (License Renewal for the Oyster Creek )

Nuclear Generating Station) ) October 22, 2007


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Richard Webster, of full age, certify as follows:

I hereby certify that on October 10, 2007, I caused Citizens' Post-Hearing Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law to be served via email and U.S. Postal Service (as indicated) on the following:

Secretary of the Commission (Email and original and 2 copies via U.S Postal Service)

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Attention: Rulemaking and Adjudications Staff E-mail: HEARINGDOCKET@LNRC. GOV Administrative Judge E. Roy Hawkens, Chair (Email and U.S. Postal Service)

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop - T-3 F23 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: Administrative Judge Dr. Paul B. Abramson (Email and U.S. Postal Service)

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop - T-3 F23 1

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: Administrative Judge Dr. Anthony J. Baratta (Email and U.S. Postal Service)

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop - T-3 F23 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: Law Clerk Debra Wolf (Email and U.S. Postal Service)

Atomic Safety & Licensing Board Panel Mail Stop - T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: DAW1 Office of General Counsel (Email and U.S. Postal Service)

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: OGCMAILCENTER@NRC. GOV Mitzi Young (Email and U.S. Postal Service)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel Mail Stop: 0-15 D21 Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: Mary C. Baty (Email and U.S. Postal Service)

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of the General Counsel Mail Stop: 0-15 D21 Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: mcbl Alex S. Polonsky, Esq. (Email and U.S. Postal Service)

Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 E-mail: Kathryn M. Sutton, Esq. (Email and U.S. Postal Service)

Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 2

Washington, DC 20004 E-mail: ksutton(?, Donald Silverman, Esq. (Email and U.S. Postal Service)

Morgan, Lewis, & Bockius LLP 11.11 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 E-mail: dsilvermankmorganlewis.comn J. Bradley Fewell (Email and U.S. Postal Service)

Exelon Corporation 200 Exelon Way, Suite 200 Kennett Square, PA 19348 E-mail: John Covino, DAG (Email and U.S. Postal Service)

State of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Office of the Attorney General Hughes Justice Complex 25 West Market Street P.O. Box 093 Trenton, NJ 08625 E-mail: Valerie Gray (Email)

State of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Office of the Attorney General Hughes Justice Complex 25 West Market Street P.O. Box 093 Trenton, NJ 08625 E-mail:

  • Paul Gunter (Email and U.S. Postal Service) c/o Nuclear Information and Resource Service 6930 Carroll Ave., Suite 340 Takoma Park, MD 20912-4446 E-mail: paulkbeyondnuclear.orn Edith Gbur (Email)

Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch, Inc.

364 Costa Mesa Drive. Toms River, New Jersey 0875.7 E-mail: Paula Gotsch (Email)


205 6 th Avenue, Normandy Beach, New Jersey 08723 E-mail: Jeff Tittel (Email)

New Jersey Sierra Club 139 West Hanover Street Trenton New Jersey 08618 E-mail: Jeff.Tittel( Peggy Sturmfels (Email)

New Jersey Environmental Federation 1002 Ocean Avenue Belmar, New Jersey 07319 E-mail: psturmfels( Michele Donato, Esq. (Email)

PO Box 145 Lavalette, NJ 08735 E-mail: Signed: AJ-1 Richard Webster Dated: October 22, 2007 4