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Letter from Karen Tyler Enclosing a Complete Copy of Attachment A. an Incomplete Copy Was Erroneously Filed with New England'S Coalition, Inc.'S Supplement to Opposition to Entergy'S Motion for Summary Disposition...Dated 07/19/07
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 07/24/2007
From: Tyler K
New England Coalition, Shems, Dunkiel, Kassel, & Saunders, PLLC
50-271-LR, ASLBP 06-849-03-LR, CR-VTY-2007-02133, RAS 13962
Download: ML072190034 (43)





Office of the Secretary OFFICE OF SECRETARY RULEMAKINGS AND Attn: Rulemaking and Adjudications Staff ADJUDICATIONS STAFF Mail Stop O-16C 1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Re: In the Matter of Energy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. (Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station),

Docket No. 50-271-LR, ASLBP No. 06-849-03-LR

Dear Sir or Madam:

It has come to our attention that New England Coalition, Inc.'s Supplement to Opposition to Entergy's Motion for Summary Disposition of New England Coalition Contention 3 (Steam Dryer), filed July 19, 2007, erroneously included an incomplete copy of Attachment A, CR-VTY-2007-02133. A complete copy of this document is enclosed.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely, Karen Tyler SHEMS DUNKIEL KASSEL & SAUNDERS PLLC Cc: attached service list 9 I COLLEGE STREET I BURLINGTON, VERMONT 0540 I TEL 802 / 860 1 003

  • FAX 802 / 860 1 208 - www.sdkslaw .com
5e c/- O9g..

em p( e cy- o04/3 Asoadmintted in, the District of Columbia

Attachment A Eiitergjy CONDITION REPORT CR-VTY-2007-02133 Originator: Fales,Neil Originator Phone: 8024513057 Operability Required: Y Originator Group: Eng P&C Codes Staff Reportability Required: Y Supervisor Name: Lukens.Larry D Discovered Date: 05/28/2007 17:06 Initiated Date: 05/28/2007 17:11 Condition


Steam Dryer Inspection Indications During RFO26 reactor vessel inspections, linear indications on the Steam Dryer Interior Vertical Weld HB-V04 were identified by General Electric. Most of these indications were previously identified in RF025 with no discernable changes noted in RFO26. One new relevant indication was observed of similar appearance, orientation and size as those previously seen. These were documented via GE's process by INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10. See attached GE INR's for details.

Immediate Action


Notified Supervisor and generated CR.

Suggested Action


The new indication will need to be evaluated.


Tag Name 'ag Suffix Name Component Code Process System Code STEAM-DRYER REACTOR MR=Y NB TRENDING (ForReference Purposes Only):


Condition Description GE INR 10

Entergy ADMIN CR-VTY-2007-02133 Initiated Date: 5/28/2007 17:11 Owner Group : Eng P&C Codes Mgmt Current


vw Current Significance: C - [NVEST & CORRECT Closed by: TaylorJames M 6/18/2007 16:06 Summary


Steam Dryer Inspection Indications During RF026 reactor vessel inspections, linear indications on the Steam Dryer Interior Vertical Weld HB-V04 were identified by General Electric. Most of these indications were previously identified in RF025 with no discernable changes noted in RF026. One new relevant indication was observed of similar appearance, orientation and size as those previously seen. These were documented via GE's process by INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10. See attached GE INR's for details.





CR closure review performed.

Attachment Header Document Name:

  • untit:ed Document Location Fodti~o~n.Decription.



E INR 10



IN.R-IVVI'VYR26-07-10-%Steam Dryer interior HB-V04 Indication.Notification Report

.Plant / Unit Component Description Reference(s)

DVD. DISK IVVIVYR26-07w-58 Title 4 Steam Dryer Vermont Yankee RFQO25 IVVI Report INF # 002.

interior Vertical Weld RF026 Spring 2007 HB-.V04


During the Vermont Yankee 2007 refueling outage, in.accordance with the Vermont Yankee .VT-VMW -2:04 V0:

  • Rev 2 Procedure, the Steam Dryer-was inspected. The dryer inspection ipoluded inspection of the Steam. Dryer interior welds and components. These. inspections were.done with GEhs.Fire:Fly RQV with color camera. During the inspecttion of the H1B.V04 weld.(Dryer Unit Hood:End Panel to HB-PL3 Plate weld), relevant linear indications; were
  • observed."in the heat affected zone on the Dryer Unit side .of the weld. Most of these linear indications.were: previously seen in.0R-25, Reference INF # 002. When.comparing this.outage with last outage, one. new relevant indication is:

%seen(T" 3 indication) of%similar appearance, orientation.and size as those previously: seen; one indication :was not seen:

(RF025: 3th.indication). Nodiscerniblech*ange was noted in.those indications which correlates to those of RF026.

See attached 2007 photos and sketches.

.90.0 WO 2.bW.MV~bbo~~yf . cbiiy 4940 ....

.Sketc-h on the. left shows the WelId map rollout The sketch on the right showa bottom view of the dryer.

Prepared-by: Dick..Hoolr Date: 05/27/07 Reviewed by:. Rodney Drazich Date: 05/27/07 Utility.Review. By  : Date:.

INR-WI-VYR266,6Z1o Siea..u ryefintHHE04 Page 1 of a,

GE Nuclear Energy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This 2007 photo shows the interior of the. dryer and the location of HB-V04 vertical weld.

This 2007 photo shows the top of the vane bank (on the left) and the end panel (on the right) and the vertical weld in the center INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10 Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc Page 2 of 8

GE Nuclear Energy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This 2007 photo is of the 1s' indication from top down (Correlates to RFO25: 1s. indication).

This 2007photo is a close-up of the 1s' indication (Correlates to RF025: l' indication).

INR-IWI-VYR26-07-10 Steam Dryer Int HS-V04.doc Page 3 of 8

GE Nuclear Energy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report t d ind This 2007 photo is the 2 d indication (Correlates to RF025: 2 .indication).

This is a 2007 photo of the 3rd indication and is a new RF026 indication.

iNR-IWi-VYR2&O?-1O SteamiDrver tnt HB-V04.doc Page 4 of 8

GE Nuclear Energy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This is a 2007 photo of the 4 . indication (Correlates to RF025: 3 rd indication)

This is a 2007 photo of the 5 th indication (Correlates to RF025: 4th indication).

INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10 Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc Page 5 of 8

GE Nuclear Energy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report

.This is a 2007 photo of. the 6th indication (Correlates to RF025: 5th in dication).

This is a 2007 photo of the 7 1h indication (Correlates to RF025: 6th indication).

INR-IWI-VYR26-07-10 Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc .Page 6 of 8

GE Nuclear Energy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report th This i~s a 200.7 photo.of the

... 8 indication (Correlates to. RF025: 7th indication).

These 2007 photos show a linear indication and change of lighting and show a non-relevant indication (Correlates to RF025: 91h indication).

INR-IWI-VYR26-07-10 Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc Page 7 of 8

GE NuclearEnergy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This is a 2007 photo of the 9 th indication (Correlates to RF025: 10th indication).

This is a 2007 photo of the bottom weld area and crud line.

INR-IWI-VYR26-07-10 Steam Dryer Int HB-VO4.doc Page 8 of 8

Entergy OPERABILITY CR-VTY-2007-02133 OperabilityVersion: I Operability Code: EQUIPMENT FUNCTIONAL Immediate Report Code: NOT REPORTABLE Performed By: Brooks,James C 05/29/2007 21:07 Approved By: Faupel,Robert F 05/30/2007 00:30 Operability


Currently the plant is shutdown with the bolt in place. The bolt -hasone crimp fully engaged preventing the bolt from backing out. The need for having both crimps fully engaged will have to be evaluated prior to startup.

Approval Comments:

Entergy AS S I G N M E N T S CR-VTY-2007-02133 Version: 2

  • Significance Code: C - INVEST & CORRECT Classification Code: C Owner Group: Eng P&C Codes Mgmt Performed By: Wren,Vedrana 05/30/2007 13:04 Assignment


Entergy I A S S IG N M E N T S 1CR-VTY-2007-02133 Version: 1 Significance Code: C - INVEST & CORRECT Classification Code: C Owner Group: Eng P&C Codes Mgmt Performed By: Lukens,Larry D 05/29/2007 04:46 Assignment


self identified outage constraint

Entergy REPORTABILITY CR-VTY-2007-02133 Reportability Version: 1 Report Number:

Report Code: NOT REPORTABLE Boilerplate Code: NOT REPORTABLE Performed By : Devincentis,James M 05/29/2007 08:09 Reportability


Not reportable - This condition does not meet the Reportability screening criteria contained in AP0010 or AP0156. The Steam Dryer is NNS and performs no safety releted fuinctions. VY has a commitment to provide the results of the steam dryer inspections to the NRC following startup.

Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-VTY-2007-02133 CA Number: I i....... ~ u~ ~..~. ..~ ~ ~ . .r ... !. . ..

................ . . . *a m . . . . ... . . ..]

Group Name

  • Assigned By: CRG/CARB/OSRC Assigned To: EngP&C Codes Mgmt Lukens,Larry D Subassigned To: Eng P&C Codes Staff Fales,Neil Originated By: Wren,Vedrana 5/30/2007 13:00:53 Performed By: Lukens,Larry D 6/15/2007 13:17:25 Subperformed By: Fales,Neii 6/15/2007 11:49:49 Approved By:

Closed By: Taylor,James M 6/18/2007 16:02:38 Current Due Date: 06/28/2007. Initial Due Date: 06/28/2007 CA Type: DISP - CA Plant Constraint: 0 NONE CA


C - INVEST & CORRECT (Review. CR for full details)

_.The CRG has initially classified this CR as "C" INVEST & CORRECT

[_'Per the CRG, Perform an Investigation of the issues identified in this CR and determine if additional actions are Erequired within 30 days.

I Ensure all Screening Comments have been addressed in the investigation - (CR assignment tab)

C Develop adequate corrective actions and issue CAs. (Due Dates per LI 102 Attachment 9.4)

L.LT CAs Require Approval from Site VP/ GMPO or Director prior to initiating. Completion of Attachment 9.9 LTCA

-Classification Form is required.


Approved. No additional corrective action required. Therefore, this CR may be closed. LI-102 Closure Statements follow:


oLThe root cause or apparent cause is valid. VERIFIED oEThe specific condition is corrected or resolved. VERIFIED ofiOverall plant safety is not inadvertently degraded. VERIFIED oUGeneric implications of the identified condition are considered, as appropriate. VERIFIED oiLActions were taken to preclude repetition, as appropriate. VERIFIED o0-Any potential operability or reportability issues identified during the resolution of the condition have been appropriately addressed. VERIFIED o..L--AIl corrective action items are completed. VERIFIED o.Effectiveness Reviews have been initiated via use of Learning Organization CR, when applicable. VERIFIED Subresponse:

The new indication was evaluated by Code Programs, see the attached document. The evaluation accepts the indication as is with no repair required. The steam dryer will be inspected per the same scope in RF027 and RF028 per letter BVY 04-097, therefore the area of this indication will be inspected again during the next two outages.

Nell Fales 6/15/07 Closure Comments:

Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-VTY-2007-02133 Attachments:

Subresponse Description Evaluation

Attachment Header Document Name:


Document Location ISubresponse Description . ... ........




ATTACHMENT:9.1 ENGINEERING REPORT COVER SHEET & INSTRUCTIONS SHEET 1. OF 2 Engineering Report No. VY-RPT-07-4)001 Rev 2 Page I of 3 E.t . ENTERGY NUCLEAR Engineering Report Cover Sheet Engineering Report



New 0 Revision E" Cancelled El Superseded []

Applicable Site iPl Ip2 .L E. JAF 0: PNPS El vyO0wpol ANOI. El .ANO2 E] ECH C1 GGNS C- RBS EO WF3 El DRN No. ElN/A;: 0EC 1772 Report Origin: 0 Entergy El Vendor Vendor Document No.:_

Quality-Related: 0 Yes E1 No Neil Fales! ,AJ~- Date: . I*.s5 7-7 Responsible Engineer (Print Name/Sign)

Design Verified/. N/A Date:


Dles ig"n Verifier (ifrequired) (Print

Scott Goodwin/ Date: 6'/5"6, Reviewei~(Piirame/Sign)

Reviewed by*: N/A Date: .

ANif requi*r nt Name/Si Approvedby: Larry Likens/ .Date: _____

  • For-ASME Section X1 Code Pr1gram plans per ENN-DC- 120, if require

Evaluation of Steam Dryer Indication Introduction During RF026 steam dryer visual inspections, flaw indications were reported in the dryer end plates for the internal vane assemblies. Most of these indications were previously identified in RFO2.5 and were evaluated by GE as beihg acceptable to. leave as is per Reference 11. The intent of this paper is to evaluateone new indication identified during RF026 and determine whether it should be: accepted as is.

Discussion One new indication was found adjacent to weld HB-V04, located on bank B at the 0' end and: is labeled. as the 3 rd indication on: INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10 Rev. I (Reference 2).<

This indicationris of similar appearance, orientation and size as those previously seen.

Because of this it is being treated similar to those indications identified in RF025.. The remainder of indications: on the steam dryer listed as: References 1-10 were previously identified and show no signs of growth, These indications are acceptable to leave as is per GE evaluation GENE-0000-0047-2767 (Reference 11) performed in RF025.

Therefore, the one new indication described above .iSthe only one requiring an evaluation.

It should be mentioned that not: all. indications identified in RF025 were re-identified in RF026. The reasons for this vary, but can be the limitations of the equipment, crud layers masking the surface of the indication or the technique of different examiners.

Evaluation of Indications GE's evaluation in RFO25 cites IGSCC as being the likely cause of most of the:

indications previously observed. This .is based. on the jagged appearance and location in the Weld heat affected zone (HAZ). The unit end plates may have cold work resulting from. cold forming. Cold working Type. 304 material can promote initiation of stress corrosion cracks when exposed to the BWR environment. The dryerunit end plates are

  • located in the dryer interior and'are not subjected to any direct main steam line. acoustic loading. Continued growth is unlikely because all of -theseindications appear to have

.stopped without propagating intothe vertical. weld; this is indicative of IGSCC behavior as opposed to fatigue, since weld material is more resistant to IGSCC. The flanges have experienced a near infinite number of fluctuating load cycles and if fatigue. driven, more significant cracking is likely to have occurred after many years of operation. IGSCC in steam dryers has been. typically limited indepth and length since in many cases it is caused by cold work or weld induced residual stress.

The dyer unit end plate, with the indication, is. securely attached and .captured within the structure of the steam dryer bank assembly, The vertical edges of these end plates are attached to the dryer assembly with 3/16" fillet welds, each weld approximately 48" long.

There were no relevant indications reported in these vertical welds. The geometric configuration of the unit end plates is such that the steam dryer assembly mechanically captures the upper and lower edges. The reported horizontal indications were seen in the inlet side end plate flange. The vanes prevent inspection of the central end plate surface, but inspection of the outlet side end plate flanges at both locations found no indications.

If itis postulated that the end plate horizontal indications propagate across the entire 8.75" unit end plate width including both the inlet and outlet side flange, such full width, through-thickness cracks would have no structural impact, Nor is there any concern for loose parts. The separated end plate sections are still attached and will continue to function.

Safety The steam dryer assembly has no safety function. See BWRVIP-06A for additional discussion of steam dryer assembly safety, The flaw indications reported in the steam dryer INR's from RF026 will not likely result in any lost parts at operating conditions.

Therefore, there is no safety concern with continued operation with the Reference 1-10 indications left as is.

Conclusions and Recommendations The dryer unit end plates flaw assessment is based on the followingfactors: (1) it is a highly redundant structure and there is no structural consequence of the cracking and (2) postulated significant flaw extension leading to the flaw reaching the full section of the channel geometry would not create the opportunity for loose parts. Field experience supports this as-is operation decision in the context that the indications will be re-inspected at the next outage. It is recommended, that the new visual indication given in Reference 2 be accepted as is. Repair is not recommended.


1. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-09 Rev. I
2. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10 Rev. 1
3. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-i1
4. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-12
5. GE 1NR-IVVI-VYR26-07-13
6. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-14
7. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-15
8. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-16
9. GEJINR-IVVI-VYR26-07-18
10. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-19
11. GENE-0000-0047-2767

Entergy CORRECTIVE ACTION CR-VTY-2007-02133 CA Number: 2 Groun 1 Name I Assigned By: Constraint Group

  • Assigned To: Eng P&C Codes Mgmt Lukens,Larry D Subassigned To : Eng P&C Codes Staff Fales,Neil Originated By: Wren,Vedrana 5/30/2007 13:02:05 Performed By: Corbett,Patrick B 6/1/2007 17:50:21 Subperformed By: Fales,Neil 6/1/2007 16:58:55 Approved By:

Closed By: Wanczyk,Robert J 6/1/2007 17:54:13 Current Due Date: 06/01/2007 Initial Due Date: 06/01/2007 CA Type: ACTION Plant Constraint: 2 STARTUP/HOTSTANDBY CA


Address Startup Constraint-due 6/1-Disposition and evaluate


approve Subresponse:

The plant can start up with the dryer indications left as is. The new dryer indication is of the same appearance, orientation and size as those previously observed. Since this new indication is located in the heat affected zone and is consistant with the other indications, this is most likely caused by IGSCC. This is consistant with the evaluations by GE. See the INR and evaluation provided.

Neil Fales 6/1/07 Closure Comments:


Subresponse Description Evaluation Subresponse Description GE INR 10

Attachment Header Document Name:

Pu n t it le d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. ..

Document Location ISubresponse Description Attach



Evaluation of Steam Dryer Indications Introduction During RF026 steam dryer Visual indications, flaw indications were reported in the dryer end plates for the internal vane assemblies. Most of these indications were previously identified in RF025 and were evaluated by GE as being acceptable to leave as is per-Reference 11. The intent of this paper is to evaluate one new indication identified during RF026 and accept it as is.

Discussion One new indication was found adjacent to weld HB-V04, located on bank B at the 0' end and is. labeled as the 3 drindication on INR-IVVI-VYR26-0.7-0 Rev. 1 (Reference 2).

This indication is of similar appearance, orientation and size as those previously seen.

Because of this it is being treated similar to those. indications identified in RF025. The remainder of indications on the steam dryer listed as References 1-10 were previously identified and show no signs of growth. These indications are acceptable to leave as is per GE evaluation GENE-0000-0047-2767 (Reference 11) performed in RF025.

Therefore, the one new indication described above is the only one requiring an evaluation.

It should be mentioned that not. all indications identified in RF025 were reidentified in RF026.. The reasons. for this vary, but can be the limitations of the equipment, crud layers masking the surface of the indication orthe technique of different examiners.

Evaluation of Indications GE's evaluation in RF025 cites IGSCC as being the likely cause of most of the indications previously observed. This is based on the jagged appearance and location in the weld heat affected zone (HAZ), The unit end plates may have cold work resulting from cold forming. Cold working Type 304 material can promote initiation of stress corrosion cracks when exposed to the BWR environment. The dryer unit end plates. are located in the dryer interior and are not subjected to any.direc~t main steam line. acoustic loading, However, continued growth by fatigue cannot be ruled out. Nevertheless, all of these indications appear to have stopped.without propagating into the vertical weld; this is indicative of IGSCC behavior as opposed to fatigue, since weld material is more resistant to IGSCC. The flanges have experienced a near infinite number of fluctuating load cycles and if fatigue driven, more significant cracking is likely to have occurred after many years of operation. IGSCC in steam dryers has been typically limited in depth and length since in many cases it. is caused by cold work or weld induced residual stress.

The dyer unit end plate, with the indication, are securely attached and captured within the structure of the steam dryer bank assembly. The vertical edges of these end plates are attached to the dryer assembly with 3/16" fillet welds, each weld approximately 48" long.

There were no relevant indications reported. in these vertical welds. The. geometric

configuration of the unit end plates is such that the steam drycr assembly mechanically captures the upper and lower edges. The reported horizontal indications were seen in the

  • inlet side end plate flange. The vanes prevent inspection of the central end plate surface, but inspection of the outlet side end plate flanges at both locations found no indications.

If it is postulated that the end plate horizontal indications propagate across the entire 8.75" unit end plate width including both the inlet and outlet side flange,. such full: width, through-thickness cracks would have no structural impact. Nor is there any concern for loose parts. The separated end plate sections are stillattached and will continue to function.

Safety The steam dryer assembly has no safety function. See BWRVIP-.06A for additional discussion of steam dryer assembly safety. The flaw indications reported in the steam dryer INR's from RF026 will, not likely result in any lost parts at operating conditions.

Therefore, there is no safety concern with continued operation with the Reference I-1.0 indications left as is.

Conclusions and Recommendations The dryer unit end plates flaw assessment is based on the following factors: (1) it is. a highly redundant structure and there is no structural consequence of the cracking and (2) postulated significant:. flaw extension leading to the flaw reaching the full section of the channel geometry would not create the opportunity for loose parts. Field experience supports this as-is operation decision in the context that the indications will be re-inspected at the next outage. It is recommended that the new visual indication given in Reference 2 be. accepted as is. Repair is not recommended.


1. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-09 Rev,. 1
2. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10 Rev. 1
3. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-11.
4. GE INR-iVVI-VYR26-07-12
5. GE LNR-.IVVI-VYR26-07-13
6. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-14
7. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-15
8. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-16
9. GE INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-18
10. GE INR-iVVI-VYR26-07-19
11. GENE-0000-0047-2767

Attachment Header Document Name:


Document Location Isubresponse Description Attach.Title:

E INR 10

INR-IVIVYR26-07-10-Rev 1 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report Plant Unit Component Descriptio)n Reference(s)

DVD R DISK. IV* - Reo tl -5 Title 4.

Steam Dryer Vermont.Yankee Interior Vertical Weld R-5. IVW) Report INF # 002.

RF026 Spring 2007 "HB-V04


Revision: 1: iIncrporates photos from RFO1-25 and corrects the: sketch.

Durng the ,.ermont Yankee 2007.refueling outpage; in withthe.Vermont. ankee:VT-VMY-204v1 0 Rev 2 Procedr'e,-:the.St 'aDryer was inspected. Theadryer lrspectio.included.inspecion of the'Steam.Dryer interior welds and components. These inspections were-done.With..G* s Fire Fly ROV With color camera. During the inspection of the HB-V04;Weld (Dyeýr Unit' End Panel:to HBPi30Plate, weld), relevant linear inlications were Nosered in theý heat affected.Z *on 8the.Dryer.Unit side of the-weld. Mos thesetlinear indications were previously seen: in RFO-25, Reference INF;# 02. When comparingthis;outage .with ast oiuage,: orenew relevant. indication is

.seen.."(3'"indicaitio)of. similar appearadce, orientation andi'size.:as those previously.s*een;.ne indication was not seen (RF025: 8 kindi6atin). No discernible change.was nbted for those-indidations:which 1orrelatis to those of*RF026.

S6e attached 2007"photos ,a.dsketches.

~ ~ .~ ", 270

.K .190 2106 Sketch on the left:shows the weld.imaprollout The sketch on. the right shows.a bo'tt vi6ew of the dryer.

Preparedy Oick Hoover... Dat ,.e:

05//07 Reviewedby: Rodney Drazich Date: 05/31/07 utility: Review.B Mi ose Date: 05131107 INRIVIvAW-kd0. O7.¶Io HEVo4

ýGon'ojr~lntt Page 1 of 14

GE Nuclear Energy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-1 0-Rev 1 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This 2007: photo shows the interior of the dryer and the location of HB-V04 vertical weld.

This 2007 photo shows the top of the vane bank (on the left) and the end panel (on the right) and the vertical weld in the center INR.IWI-VYR26-07-10 Rev 1 Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc Page 2 of 14

GE Nuclear Energy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10-Rev I Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This 2007 photo is of the 1 st indication from top down (Correlates to RF025: 1s' indication).

INR-IWI-VYR26-07-10 Rev 1 Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc Page 3 of 14

..GE NuclearEnergy INR-IVWI-VYR26-07-10-Rev 1 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This 2007photo is a close-up of the 1s indication (Correlates to RF025: 1sindication).

INR-IWI-WR26-07-10 Rev 1 Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc Page 4 of 14

GE NuclearEnergy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10-Rev I Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This 2007 photo is the 2 nd indication (Correlates to RF025: 2 nd indication).

INR-IWI-VYR26-07-10 Rev 1 Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc *Page 5 of 14

GE NuclearEnergy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10-Rev 1 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This is a 2007 photo of the 3 rd indication and is a new RF026 indication.

INR-IWI-VYn26-07-10 Rev I Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc Page 6 of 14

GE NuclearEnergy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10-Rev 1 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This is a 2007 photo of the 41h indication (Correlates to RF025: 3 rd indication)

INR-IWI-VtYR26-07-10 Rev 1 Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc Page 7 of 14

GE Nuclear Energy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10-Rev 1 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This is a 2007 photo of the 51h indication (Correlates to RFO25. 4th indication).

INR-IWI-WVR26-07-10 Rev 1 Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc Page 8 of 14

GE Nuclear Energy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10-Rev 1 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This is a 2007 photo of the 6 th indication (Correlates to RF025: 5th indication).

INR-IwI-VYR26-07-10 Rev 1 Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc Page 9 of 14

" GE NuclearEnergy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10-Rev 1 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This is a 2007 photo of the 7 1h indication (Correlates to RF025: 6th indication).

INR-IWI-VYR26-07-10 Rev 1 Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc Page 10 of 14

GE NuclearEnergy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10-Rev I Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This is a 2007 photo of the 8 1h indication (Correlates to RF025: 7th indication).

INR-IWI-VYR26-O7-10 Rev 1 Steam Dryer nt HSoV04.doc Page 11 of 14

a GE Nuclear Energy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10-Rev I Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report RFO 25 8 th Indication RFO 25o nt Indication These 2007 photos show a linear indication and with a change of lighting there is no indication. This indication is considered non-relevant. (Correlates to RF025: 9 indication)..

INR-IWI-VYR26-07-10 Rev 1 Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc Page 12 of 14

GE Nuclear Energy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-10-Rev 1 Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04 Indication Notification Report This is a 2007 photo of the 9 t"indication (Correlates to RF025: 10th indication).

INR-IWI-VYR26-07-10 Rev 1 Steam Dryer Int HB-V04.doc P'age 13 of 14

GE Nuclear Energy INR-IVVI-VYR26-07-1 0-Rev I Steam Dryer Interior HB-V04

  • . Indication Notification Report This is a 2007 photo of the bottom weld area and crud line.

INR-IWI-VYR26-07-10 Rev 1 Steam Dryer lnt HB-V04.doc Page 14 of 14

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )


Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee, LLC ) Docket No. 50-271 -LR and Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc. ) ASLBP No. 06-849-03-LR


(Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station) )



DISPOSITION OF NEW ENGLAND COALITION CONTENTION 3 (STEAM DRYER), in the above-captioned proceeding were served on the persons listed below, by U.S. Mail, first class, postage prepaid; by Fed Ex overnight to Judge Elleman; and, where indicated by an e-mail address below, by electronic mail, on the 24th day of July, 2007.

Administrative Judge Office of the Secretary Alex S. Karlin, Esq., Chair Attn: Rulemaking and Adjudications Staff Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Mail Stop: O-16C1 Mail Stop T-3 F23 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: E-mail: Sarah Hofmann, Esq.

Administrative Judge Director of Public Advocacy

.Thomas S. Elleman Department of Public Service Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel 112 State Street, Drawer 20 5207 Creedmoor Road, #101 Montpelier, VT 05620-2601 Raleigh, NC 27612 E-mail: E-mail: elleman( Lloyd B. Subin, Esq.

Office of Commission Appellate Adjudication Mary C. Baty, Esq.

Mail Stop: O-16C1 Office of the General Counsel U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 0-15 D21 Washington, DC 20555-0001 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission E-mail: Washington, DC 20555-000!1 E-mail:; Administrative Judge Dr. Richard E. Wardwell Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Dan MacArthur, Director Mail Stop T-3 F23 Town of Marlboro U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Emergency Management Washington, DC 20555-0001 P.O. Box 30 E-mail: Marlboro, VT 05344 E-mail: dmacarthur(&

Marcia Carpentier, Esq. David R. Lewis, Esq.

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel Matias F. Travieso-Diaz Mail Stop T-3 F23 Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2300 N Street NW Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, DC 2003.7-1128 E-mail E-mail: matias.travieso-diaz(ý Anthony Z. Roisman, Esq.

National Legal Scholars Law Finn Peter C. L. Roth, Esq.

.84 East Thetford Road Office of the Attorney General Lyme, NiH 03768 33 Capitol Street E-mail: Concord, NH 03301 Callie B. Newton, Chair Gail MacArthur Lucy Gratwick Marcia Hamilton Town of Marlboro Selectboard P.O. Box 518 Marlboro, VT 05344 E-mail:; SHEMS DUNKIEL KASSEL & SAUNDERS, PLLC by:

Clara Cavitt, for Ronald A. Shems, Esq. and Karen Tyler, Esq.

91 College Street Burlington, VT 05401 802 860 1003 802 860 1208 (fax) rshems( for the finn Attorneys for New England Coalition, Inc.