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Responses 62 Continue, 59, 61 & 100 & to Environmental Report - References of NRC Request for Additional Information Re License Renewal Application
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Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 05/09/2007
From: Garrett T
Wolf Creek
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ET 07-0015
Download: ML071440425 (363)



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I .ENGINEERIN-GAND TECHNICAL SERVICES I.E.NViRONMENT:AL MANAGEMENT GROUP NOVEMBER 1.988 I WCNOC: EM06-88 WOLF CREEK GENERATING STATION 1987-1988 OPERATIONAL WILDLIFE MONITORING REPORT Daniel E. Haines Environmental Management Section Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation P.O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Published November 1988 Annual Report for October 1987 -March 1988 Author__ _ _ _Daniel E. H1aines Supervisory Approval e d Managerial Approval 0 to May ard' REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Report No. Report Date WCNOC EM06-88 November 1988-Title and Subtitle Wolf Creek Generating Station 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Author(s)Daniel E. Haines Performing Organization Name and Address Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation P.O. Box 411 Burlington, KS 66839 Abstract Waterbird, waterfowl and bald eagle usage and bird collisions with transmission line were monitored on Wolf Creek Cooling Lake (WCCL) from October 1987 through March 1988. This report compares three seasons of operational data with preoperational data.Thirty nine species of waterbirds and waterfowl were observed with mallard and American coot being most abundant, as was the case during most previous seasons. During the first two operational seasons, increasing numbers of mallards, Canada geese and snow geese were attracted to the ice-free water.However, because the generating station was not continuously operational through the winter of 1987-1988, bird usage was similar to preoperational seasons. During operational winters, the heated effluent provided previously unavailable open water habitat on WCCL which attracted wintering ducks, predominently mallards.

This in combination with seclusion and close abundant food supplies, kept ducks on WCCL longer than during preoperational seasons. Significant (p<O.05) preferences for areas of WCCL providing these were found for these wintering concentrations.

No disease or crop depredation problems were observed.The bald eagle, an endangered species, was a common winter residents.

During the first two operational winters (1985-1986 and 1986-1987), bald eagle usage of WCCL declined from preoperational levels. Responsible for this was the heated effluents from continuous station operations which reduced the quantity of winter-stressed fish, an important eagle food source. Also, the normally prevalent thawing and refreezing of the surface waters exposing these fish were absent further discouraging eagle usage.However, because the plant operated intermittently through much of the 1987-1988 winter, the quantity and to a greater extent the availability of these fish were increased and consequently attracted and held larger numbers of eagles than observed previously.

During transmission line collision studies, there has been no increase in impaction mortality as a result of station operations.

No threatened or endangered species were found. Inherent biases with making collision estimates using dead bird searches were identified, measured, and results were adjusted.

Based on the low percentage that the estimated collision rate comprised of the total usage of WCCL, it was concluded that mortality caused by the transmission facilities associated with the station was not sufficient to be considered problematic thus no mitigative measures were deemed necessary.

Originator' a Key Words Wolf Creek, Operational effects, Wildlife, Threatened and endangered, Bald eagle, Waterfowl, Waterbirds, Heated effluent Table of Contents Page List of Figures .... ...............................................

v List of Tables ... .................................................



1 METHODS ..... ......................................................


... .........................................



....... 53 LITERATURE CITED ... ...............................................

56 V List of Figures Figure Page 1. Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and associated structures..............3

2. Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir, Coffey County, Kansas..........................................

5 3. Transmission line tower configurations in the waterfowl collision study areas at Wolf Creek Generating Station ...7 4. Bald eagles per survey at Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir compared with mean winter air temperatures..............................................

21 5. Preoperational and operational bald eagle usage of Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir..................22

6. Annual combined duck and mallard comparisons between Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir............28
7. Preoperational and operational combined duck usage of Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir............31
8. Biweekly lake level elevation averages for Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir.......................

32 9. Length of migration season for mallards on Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir.......................

36 10. Preoperational and operational mallard usage of Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir........................39

11. Annual snow goose and Canada goose usage comparisons between Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir


42 12. Preoperational and operational Canada goose usage of Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir............43 vi List of Tables Table Page 1. Wildlife monitoring schedule, 1987-1988


11 2. Waterbird and waterfowl census data collected during ground surveys of Wolf Creek Cooling Lake ....................

15 3. Ground count frequency and percent composition of waterfowl and waterbirds using Wolf Creek Cooling Lake ...... 17 4. Significant differences (p<O.05) between rank location means of bald eagles using Wolf Creek Cooling Lake ..........

26 5. National Weather Service monthly average air temperatures for Topeka, Kansas ..........................................

29 6. Ground count frequency and percent composition of ducks using Wolf Creek Cooling Lake ...............................

30 7. Significant differences (p<O.05) between ranked location means of mallards and Canada goose using Wolf Creek Cooling Lake .. 39 8. Ground count frequency and percent composition of geese using Wolf Creek Cooling Lake ...............................

.41 9. Species list, location, and number of mortalities observed during collision surveys of Wolf Creek Cooling Lake .........

45 10. Searcher recovery of planted birds during collision studies at Wolf Creek Generating Station ............................

47 11. Scavenger removal rates of planted dead birds in the trans-mission line study areas at Wolf Creek Generating Station ... 48 12. Total estimated transmission line collisions and bias estimates at Wolf Creek Generating Station ............................

50 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 1 of 59 INTRODUCTION Objectives This report presents results of the operational wildlife monitoring program conducted in the vicinity of Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) from October 1987 through March 1988. Wildlife studies were initiated in 1973 to fulfill commitments made by Kansas Gas and Electric Company (KG&E) to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) as a condition of the construction permit. The WCGS operational program presented here was conducted in accordance with the Final Environmental Statement (NRC 1982) and Sections 2.2 and 4.2 of the Operating License No. NPF-42, Appendix B, Environmental Protection Plan.The general objectives of the 1987-1988 monitoring program were to document and assess any trends or changes due to station operation from those results reported during preoperational studies. Specific objectives were to: 1. document and assess use of Wolf Creek Cooling Lake (WCCL)by waterfowl, waterbirds, and bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)

2. document and assess mortality due to collisions by waterfowl, waterbirds, and bald eagles with transmission facilities in the vicinity of WCCL 1987-1938 Operational WildLife Monitoring Report Page 2 of 59 Description of Study Area Station Description Wolf Creek Generating Station is located in Coffey County approximately 5.6 km (3.5 miles) northeast of Burlington, Kansas and is operated by Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation (WCNOC). The area within the WCGS site boundary encompasses 3973 ha (9818 acres)., composed primarily of range, cropland, and woodland habitats typical of southeastern Kansas. Surrounding land-use within five miles of WCGS was composed of 40 percent agricultural land, 40 percent rangeland, nine percent woodland, five percent built-up area, and six percent miscellaneous (KG&E 1981). The power block area, including a switchyard and lime sludge pond, covers nearly 100 ha (250 acres) while the cooling lake inundates 2060 ha (5090 acres) at normal pool. A once-through cooling system pumping water from WCCL is used by the station.During its second refueling and maintenance outage, WCGS was not operating from September 28, 1987 through January 4, 1988. After achieving and operating at 100 percent, the plant was again shut down for unexpected maintenance on January 22 through February 17, 1988. The plant was then brought on line and operated at or near 100 percent capacity throughout the remainder of the study period.Wolf Creek Cooling Lake Description The cooling lake for WCGS was formed by an earth-rolled main dam approximately 3.7 km (2.3 miles) long (Figure i), with a crest of 331.3m (1100 feet) MSL. The dam, along with five perimeter saddle dams, impounds Wolf Creek approximately 8.8 km (5.3 miles) above its confluence with the Neosho River. The upstream slopes of the main dam and saddle dams were riprapped for protection against wind-generated wave erosion while downstream slopes were seeded with an adapted native grass seed mix.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 3 of 59 LocatFiring Range Cove.' Cemetary Cove Lime Sludge Pond/Transmission

!I I I I II U C Baffl Dike Cooling Lake I I Figure 1.Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and associated structures.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 4 of 59 At an elevation of 331.3 m (1087 feet) MSL the cooling lake has a mean depth of 6.6 m (21.5 feet). It has a limited drainage of 50.4 sq km (19.5 sq.miles), not including the surface area of WCCL, which will not provide adequate run-off to maintain the water level during plant operation (KG&E 1974). Additional water is pumped from industrial storage in John Redmond Reservoir (JRR) as needed. However, no appreciable amounts of water were pumped during this study period. The cooling lake has maintained relatively constant levels (less than one foot fluctuation) throughout the study period.The most influential structures on the cooling lake are associated with the circulating water system for WCGS. Capable of dissipating station operating 0 heat, the system was designed for an expected maximum 17.6 C (30 F) increase in discharge water temperature.

Slightly higher discharge temperatures were actually experienced, however the influence on waterfowl and waterbirds was considered undetectable.

Baffle Dikes A and B (Figure 1) force heated water to travel nearly the length of WCCL before being pumped through the station again. This allows for maximum heat dissipation thus increasing the cooling lake's efficiency.

These dikes provided improved access which allowed for almost complete waterfowl surveys of the lake shorelines.

John Redmond Reservoir, a flood control project controlled by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was completed in 1964 on the Neosho River, and lies approximately 5.9 km (3.6 mi) west of the station and, at their closest points, less than 3.2 km (2 mi) from WCCL (Figure 2). John Redmond Reser-voir has a surface area of 3,804 ha (9,400 acres) at conservation pool and a total project area of 12,829 ha (31,700 acres). The lake is relatively shallow with an average depth of approximately 1.4 m (4.5 feet). Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge, managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as part of the national migratory waterfowl program, occupies 7,487 ha (18,500 acres) in the upper reaches of the project. For the purposes of this report, all reference to JRR includes the Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge.

-m m'*1 0 t.J--mI m --mI m mm --n~ !Un, (DO 0 H.-C O* D (D Fl -~ci-10t 0 0- ~C 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 6 of 59 Transmission Line Collision Study Concern was expressed by the NRC (NRC 1982) of possible significant waterfowl collision events caused by the transmission facilities at WCGS.Incidences of bird mortality caused by impaction on transmission lines are widespread and have been studied to varying degrees (Anderson 1978, Meyer 1978, Northern States Power Company .1978, James and Haak 1979, Beaulaurier 1981, Willdan Associates 1982, and Faanes 1987). The need for monitoring the collision potential was identified in the WCGS Operating License. To detect, document, and assess the presence or lack of collision events, systematic dead bird searches were performed prior to the operation of the station. The results obtained from these were compared with those obtained during the first three years of operation to determine if the plant caused any changes.Study Area Description Transmission facilities crossing portions of WCCL where collisions by waterfowl and waterbirds were considered most likely to occur consisted of three 345 kv highlines and one 69 kv highline (Figure 1). The upstream portions of two WCCL coves and a lime sludge pond are traversed by these lines. From the plant switchyard, one 345 kv line (Benton line) runs in a northerly direction across the lime sludge pond then turns northwesterly across the "Cemetary Cove" of WCCL. The remaining two 345 kv lines (LaCygne and Rose Hill lines) and the 69 kv line (Wolf Creek tap of Athens -Burlington line) head in an easterly direction and cross the "Firing Range Cove" of WCCL.The portion of the Benton line of interest to this study consists of three paired transmission wires positioned in two tiers, one pair over two, all of which were under two static wires. These lines are supported through the study area on one side of three double circuit steel towers (Figure 3) and 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 7 of 59 I I I U I 345 kv DOUBLE CIRCUIT STEEL TOWER I U I I I I I U r---"~ -*i 345 kv SINGLE CIRCUIT STEEL TOWER 69 kv STEEL POLE 345 kv WOOD H-FRAME STRUCTURE U U?igure 3. Transmission line tower configurations in the waterfowl collision study areas at Wolf Creek Generating Station.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 8 of 59 traverse approximately 214 m (700 ft) of water across the lime sludge pond and 100 m (328 ft) of the "Cemetary Cove". Vegetation surrounding this area consists of trees, unharvested native tall grass, and mowed cool season grasses in approximately equal'proportions.

Both the LaCygne and Rose Hill 345 kv power lines are configured identically with each consisting of one tier with three pairs of transmission wires positioned under two static wires. These lines are supported over the study area by five wood H-frame structures and one single circuit steel tower (Figure 3). The Wolf Creek Athens -Burlington 69 kv tap consists of three single transmission wires separated vertically and all under a single static wire and supported by two steel poles (Figure 3). The portions of these three lines of concern during this study were parallel to each other with the 69 kv line the southern-most.

The LaCygne and Rose Hill lines traverse approximately 63 m (206 ft) and 88 m (290 ft) of water across the "Firing Range Cove", respectively.

The 69 kv crosses 125 m (410 ft) of the same cove (Figure 1). Vegetation surrounding this cove is largely unharvested native tall grass.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 9 of 59 METHODS Bird Usage Usage of WCCL by waterfowl, waterbirds, and bald eagles was surveyed during the migratory season from October 1987 through March 1988. Waterbird, for the purposes of this report, refers to any bird that lives part of its life in or around water, especially the swimming, diving, and wading birds (Terres 1980), excluding waterfowl (ducks and geese). Four ground counts were scheduled each month. Of the ground surveys, two were morning counts completed by mid-morning.

The remaining ground surveys were evening counts starting during mid-day and continuing through the evening hours.Individual species, total numbers, and distribution on the cooling lake and adjacent shoreline areas were determined with the aid of binoculars or a spotting scope. Estimates were made when large numbers prohibited actual counts of individuals.

To allow for comparisons between JRR and WCCL bird usage, ground count data of JRR was obtained from the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. These counts were usually bi-weekly morning counts conducted from September 1987 through March 1988.To test for differences between waterfowl usage between WCCL and JRR, 95 percent confidence intervals (Sokal and Rohlf 1981) were computed.Intervals were figured for the species present in large numbers or for those which were of greatest concern with respect to station operation.

Wolf Creek Cooling Lake was divided into five separate locations, identified as A through E (Figure 1), to assess waterfowl and waterbird usage. With Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (Duncan 1955), preferences for these WCCL locations were tested using ground count results. All count totals to be 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 10 of 59 tested were converted to number of birds per acre. Location preferences were evaluated for species that were present in large numbers or were considered most likely to cause disease, crop depredation, or collision problems.Transmission Line Collision Surveys Waterfowl and waterbird collisions with transmission facilities (Figure I)were monitored as scheduled in Table 1. Each study area was searched for dead or wounded birds three times per month. The cove shorelines were searched as well as portions under each transmission line adjacent to the lake. The areas under the lines were searched by one observer walking in a zig-zag fashion under one side of the line and returning on the other. For each specimen found, the location, cause of death or injury if possible, and degree of scavenging were recorded.

Feather spots (feathers left after bird was consumed or removed from study area by scavengers) was treated equally with whole specimens as a collision event.Search bias and scavenger removal rates were estimated for each study area.A known number of dead birds were randomly planted under the lines and along the shorelines to simulate actual collisions.

The principal observers, not knowing the locations, then searched the areas. The number of birds found of the total placed provided an estimate of how many birds that observers normally were unable to find. The same planted birds were subsequently monitored for three consecutive days and again on the sixth and ninth days to determine the rate of scavenger removal. Data collected were used to refine collision estimates from the dead bird searches.

Formulas used were adapted from Faanes (1987) and were as follows:

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 11 of 59 TABLE 1. WILDLIFE MONITORING SCHEDULE, OCTOBER 1987 THROUGH MARCH 1988.Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Waterfowl, Waterbird X X X X X X and Bald Eagle Survey (A)Transmission Line(B) X X X Collision Survey (A) Includes four ground surveys per month (B) Includes.

three surveys per month 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 12 of 59 Search bias SB = TDBF -(TDBF)PBF where SB = search bias TDBF = total dead bird found PBF = proportion of birds found of those placed during the bias study Removal bias RB = TDBF + SB -(TDBF + SB)PNR where RB = removal bias caused by scavengers PNR = proportion of the planted birds not removed by scavengers during the bias study Crippling bias CB = TDBF + SB

  • RB -(TDBF + SB + RB)PFA where CB = Crippling bias PBK = Proportion of birds killed and fell within the study area.Estimated total collisions ETC = TDBF + SB + RB + CB where ETC = Estimated total number of birds colliding based on dead birds found plus the study biases.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 13 of 59 To identify any possible correlation between the number of collisions and the number of birds using the lake, all waterfowl and waterbirds were counted before each dead bird search. Only the birds in the coves in close proximity with the study areas were counted.

I 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report 3 Page 14 of 59 I RESULTS AND DISCUSSION I Thirty-nine species of waterfowl and waterbirds were observed during ground surveys (Table 2). Species diversity ranged from 18 species during February to 25 in October. Comprising 58 and 14 percent, respectively, mallard (Anas platyrynchos) and American coot (Fulica americana) were the most abundant species observed (Table 3). This compares closely to 54 and 18 percent respectively for mallards and coots observed during the 1986-1987 monitoring period.I WCCL Bird Usage U Twenty-five ground counts were completed during the 1987-1988 program. Two morning and two evening counts were performed each month from October 1987 3 through March 1988, except December.

Three morning and two evening surveys were completed during that month. All morning surveys were initiated during the first hour following sunrise, and ranged from 65 to 160 minutes in duration for an average of 118 minutes. All evening surveys were initiated between 1230 and 1530 hours0.0177 days <br />0.425 hours <br />0.00253 weeks <br />5.82165e-4 months <br />, and ranged from 60 to 180 minutes for an average of 100 minutes.Of the five WCCL locations designated to assess area preferences by birds, each had unique components.

Location A represents the northern and upstream reaches of WCCL. It has a surface area of 142 ha (352 acres) which includes approximately 28 ha (70 acres) of inundated deed timber. Shorelines are 3 associated primarily with cropland and grassland.

Prominent aquatic macrophytes consisted of narrow-leafed pondweed (Potamogeton foliosus), American pondweed (P. nodosus), and smartweed (Polygonum sp.).Approximately, seven percent (9.8 ha, 24.4 acres) of the surface area was U U TABLE 2- WATERBIIIRD AND WATERFOWL CENSUS$ DATA COLLECTED DURING GROUND SURVEYS OF WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE, FROM OCTOBER 198"7 THROUGH MARCH 1988.1987 1988 Species Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar.l Common loon Pied-billed grebe Horned grebe Eared grebe White pelican Dbl.-crested cormorant Great blue heron Great egret Tundra swan Gr. white-frtd.

goose Snow goose Canada goose Green-winged teal Black duck Mallard Northern pintail Blue-winged teal Northern shoveler Gadwall1 American wigeon Canvasback Redhead Ring-necked duck Lesser scaup Common goldeneye Bufflehead 1 7 119 13 16 109 35 129 6 3 1 5 160.15 8 1 17 31 659 2 1 1 2 190 60 6 6 1 19!I!I;0 12 I 2 19 15 39 338 240 48 1331 4 4 34 70 58 12 12 5 10 2 215 1 578 11 1 6283 27 2 3 17 I 4 21 47 15 37 85 417 17 1 8732 13 5 3 4 15 11 31 660 877 37 12471 33 2 9 13 9 12 I 20 8-- ---I-1 -1 20 5 21 -100 -1392 1255 -1425 -1178 770 1365 528 14-9 --4 5326 7430 9602 1113 20 13 -----10 --8 1 2 ---3 2 1 -----32 14 4 10 5 14 1 10 16 10 21 7 4 6 5 2 49 46 60 40 12 12 626 254 4573 8 8 (D C j W0-ft '1 0 CD H. 1:.1 M~o4 I~'0 Mt TABLE 2. (Cont.)1987 1988 Species Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Hooded merganser

--4 29 21 48 12 34 35 26 2 -Common merganser

---3 4 364 338 594 310 148 12 13 Red-breasted merganser

... ...- -.--Ruddy duck ---1 ... ... 5 -Unidentified duck 143 115 55 39 -7 95 ---2 65 Osprey ------Bald eagle --1 3 7 10 32 39 40 46 9 1 American coot 10763 1559 255 61 13 -2 131 1120 Killdeer 8 -----4 14 Long-billed dowitcher I ..-. .. ....Common snipe 1 1 -... ......Franklin's gull 4731 498 364 -... .. .. .Ring-billed gull 36 69 172 354 729 154 36 30 9 552 53 132 Number of Species 25 28 22 20 18 24 (1) Mean of two weekly surveys (2) Mean of three weekly surveys Q Co 0-Q W 0 H,. CO CD -.'-1 C1"'o 0 0 0 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 17 of 59 TABLE 3. GROUND COUNT FREQUENCY AND PERCENT COMPOSITION OF WATERFOWL AND WATERBIRDS USING WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE FROM OCTOBER 1987 THROUGH MARCH 1988.Total Count Species Frequency

% Total Mallard 118,777 58 American coot 27,845 14 Canada goose 13,058 6 Franklin's gull 11,184 5 Snow goose 10,974 5 Ring-billed gull 4,804 2 Lesser scaup 4,630 2 Common merganser 3,935 2 American wigeon 1,539 1 Gadwall 1,516 1 Gr. Wh.-ftd. goose 928 <1 Unidentified duck 904 <1 Double-crested cormorant 784 <1 Green-winged teal 549 <1 Misc. ducks 526 <1 Hooded merganser 471 <1 Misc. waterbirds 425 <1 Bald eagle 384 <1 Bufflehead 316 <1 Northern pintail 301 <1 Canvasback 283. <1 Total 204,133 <96 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 18 of 59 covered by these plants. The area is protected from harsh winds, especially from the north, and ice cover during the 1987-1988 winter was 50 to 100 percent from the December 29, 1987 through the February 16, 1988 surveys.Location B is the area of WCCL which was expected to be and was most affected by thermal discharges and flow during WCGS operations.

The surface area is 500 ha (1234 acres) and has approximately 12 ha (30 acres) of flooded trees and brush. Shorelines are adjacent primarily to cropland and grassland.

Aquatic macrophyte growth consisted of narrow-leafed pondweed, American pondweed, trace amounts of Chars app., and smartweeds.

These made up about six percent (31.1 ha, 76.9 acres) of the total surface area. Wind-protected areas are numerous in this area. Heat and flow from the circulating water discharge kept greater than 95 percent of the area ice-free during the first two operational winters. During the 1987-1988 winter, it was kept mostly open, however, when WCGS was not operational during January and February 1988, a short-lived ice cover approached 95 percent on February 9, 1988.Location C is the largest location (913 ha, 2,255 acres) and represents the main body of the lake. There is very little inundated timber and all of the shorelines are either adjacent to grassland, including native and domestic, or rip-rap. Macrophyte growth consisted of narrow-leafed and American pondweed.

These weed beds made up approximately one percent (9 ha, 22.3 acres) of the total surface area. Few wind-protected areas exist within this location.

Thermal discharge inputs and wave action kept this location virtually ice free during the first two operational seasons. Ice cover development during this season was approximately 50 percent or more from the January 13 through January 27, 1988 surveys.Location D comprises 331 ha (817 acres) in the southeast part of WCCL and consists of approximately 49 ha (20 acres) of flooded timber. Large areas of cropland surround this area and much of the location is protected from 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 19 of 59 north winds. Macrophyte composition was narrow-leafed and American pondweed.

Surface area of these weeds was approximately five percent (17.8 3 ha, 44.1 acres) of the total area. Station thermal inputs during the first two operational years kept a large. portion of this area ice-free during the mild winters experienced.

Only recessed, wind protected portions (less than 25 percent) formed an ice cover. During the 1987-1988 season, greater than 50 percent ice cover was noted from January 5 through February 9, 1988.Location E is the area of WCCL which was expected to be most affected by 3 circulating water intake flows. This area encompasses 175 ha (432 acres)and has little flooded timber. Pondweed beds were well developed in this area with almost all of the shoreline and littoral areas supporting some growth. Composition of the aquatic plants was narrow-leafed and American pondweed and Chara sp. Weed surface area was about seven percent (13 ha, 32 acres) of the total surface area. Native grasslands border much of this location.

Refuge areas from most winds are abundant.

Approximately 75 percent of this area froze during earlier operational winters. Ice cover during the 1987-1988 monitoring was relatively extensive with 50 to 100 per-cent cover present from January 5 through February 16, 1988.Threatened and Endangered Species U Since 1973, several threatened and endangered birds have been observed.These include the white-faced ibis (Plegadis chihi), bald eagle, peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), and interior least tern (Sterna antillarum).

The prairie falcon (Falco mexicanus), previously listed as threatened and 3 .observed within the WCGS area, was removed from the threatened list as of May 1, 1987 (Kansas Administrative Regulations 1987). Similarly the white-3 faced ibis was added. During the 1987-1988 winter, only the bald eagle was confirmed on the site environs.

The ibis was observed on WCCL during I I 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 20 of 59 September of 1983, however not since that time. Only the bald eagle used WCCL consistently during the winters. The others may be expected to be occasional visitors in the future and station operation is not expected to impact this.The bald eagle, considered endangered on Kansas and federal lists (Kansas Administrative Regulations 1987, U.S. Department of Interior 1987), was a common winter resident on WCCL. They were first observed during mid-November 1987 with the largest count being 48 observed on February 5, 1988.A peak count of 104 were counted on the JRR and Neosho River area on February 23, 1988. Of the birds observed on WCCL, adults and juveniles comprised 57 and 43 percent, respectively.

There was a higher percentage of juvenile birds than observed during previous monitoring.

Eagle usage of WCCL prior to plant operation was as a feeding and loafing site. In this respect, use during operational monitoring did not appear to change. During the first two years of operations, eagle numbers declined (WCNOC 1987a). However, eagle numbers increased during the 1987-1988 monitoring enough (Figure 4) that when averaged with the previous operational seasons, an overall increase is obvious (Figure 5). Average operational usage on WCCL approached that on JRR. Peak numbers, occurring during February, were still greater on JRR, but because the count totals for JRR comprising the average presented (Figure 5) were variable, no statistical differences (p<0.05) could be detected.Three primary components of eagle winter habitat includes communal nocturnal roost sites, diurnal perch (loafing) sites, and a readily available food source (Steenhof 1978). No nocturnal nest sites have been identified on or around WCCL. Diurnal perch sites are present on both reservoirs and the quantity and quality of these have not changed appreciably after plant oper-ation. Since these two winter habitat uses or requirements have been con-sistent throughout preoperation and operation, they were not considered to have contributed to changes in eagle usage of WCCL.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 21 of 59 35 L-1U z w I kSý-0YEAR M EAN I li I I I I i'1 I I I WCCL, JRR ..........

Z4 Ui<2 z z 10 81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 I I I I Figure 4.MIGRATION SEASON Bald eagles per survey for Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir compared with-mean winter air temperatures and the 1951-1980 30 year mean (December through February) in Topeka, Kansas. Temperature data obtained from the National Weather Service. Confidence limits for the bald eagle data were illustrated only if significantly (p(0.05) different.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 22 of 59 PREOPERATIONAL-OPERATIONAL

.........z< 4 w w>3-j z 0"2 1 N D J F M MONTH Figure 5.Preoperational and operational (three year means) bald eagle usage of Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir.

Confidence limits not illustrated were not significant (p<O.05).

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 23 of 59 Of the requirements, food availability between the reservoir areas differed the most. Bald eagles have opportunistic foraging habits with waterfowl and fish being major components.

Eagles often shift from one to the other during the course of a winter (Southern 1963, 1964, Lish and Lewis 1975, Steenhof 1978, Meyer 1980, Griffin et al. 1982, Ecological Analysts 1983, Griffin and Basket 1985, Kiester et al. 1987).Waterfowl should not be overlooked although they probably weren't as important as fish in the distribution of eagles during operation.

As refer-enced above, eagles commonly exploit waterfowl resources, but usually only when fish become unavailable.

Bald eagles seem to be inefficient predators on healthy waterfowl (Steenhof 1978, Griffin et al. 1982) although weakened, crippled,and dead waterfowl are readily taken (Lish and Lewis 1975, Griffin et al. 1982, Steenhof 1978, Todd et al. 1982, Kiester et al. 1987). The frequency of crippled waterfowl, especially hunter-caused was not known in the study area, but because hunting was permitted in the JRR area, except park areas and large portions of the Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge, and not allowed on the WCCL proper, it may be assumed that greater numbers were available to eagles on JRR. However, because waterfowl hunting seasons closed for most species during January, the importance of hunter crippled waterfowl during February, when eagle numbers were greatest (Figure 5)should have been reduced. Also, fluctuations in waterfowl numbers on WCCL during the operational winters were not necessarily followed by corresponding changes in eagle numbers further indicating that waterfowl as a food source was not of primary importance for this wintering bald eagle population.

Fish appear to be preferred when available.

Gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) in this region are susceptible to winter kill and this species occurs in much greater numbers in JRR and the Neosho River than WCCL (WCNOC 1987b). Shad are highly preferred by bald eagles, probably because of its vulnerability especially during winter in the ice-free head waters and 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 24 of 59 tailwaters of lakes (Lish and Lewis 1975, Steenhof 1978, Ecological Analysts 1983). Fish disoriented or killed as they pass through flood gates below dam projects are easy prey for eagles. John Redmond and the associated Neosho River reaches provide these types of areas. The cooling lake, on the other hand, does not have a major drainage stream flowing into it, thus continuous discharges below the dam exposing these fish are not present. In addition, the availability to eagles of winter-killed fish, mainly shad, increases in the main bodies of reservoirs as the ice cover thaws (Steenhof 1978, Meyer 1980, Griffin et al. 1982). Since the addition of heated effluents from plant operations, this condition is almost lacking on WCCL while still prevalent on JRR. Thus, during the first two years of operations, it was evident that fish resources for eagles occurred in both greater concentrations and, because they were more vulnerable, were easier to obtain on JRR and the Neosho River than WCCL.The 1987-1988 winter was not appreciably colder nor warmer than the previous two operational seasons (Figure 4). It was shown that during mild winters combined with the heated effluents, WCCL did not provide as readily avail-able forage as did JRR (WCNOC 1987a). This was because of the relatively short-lived ice-cover on JRR during those winters which continuously thawed and refroze exposing winter killed shad on the main-body of the reservoir.

Changes in availability of food between the reservoirs was likely respons-ible for the large increase of eagles observed during the 1987-1988 winter.Ice-cover was much more extensive on WCCL during this winter due to the absence of continuous heated effluents.

When JRR was ice-covered, circulating water flows and intermittent heated discharge from the station forced the ice-cover on WCCL to thaw, break-up, and refreeze at varying intensities throughout the winter. As stated above, winter-killed fish which are continuously exposed like this are known to attract bald eagles In addition, the power level transients experienced by WCGS during January and February, attracted and concentrated gizzard shad in WCCL where normal 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 25 of 59 winter shad mortality combined with the open water/ice-cover interspersion likely increased attractiveness to those eagles. A documented fish kill, cause suspected to be cold shock, during mid-February in the circulating water discharge area undoubtably provided easily obtained and abundant food resources for bald eagles. The presence of shad remains under perch trees used for feeding by the eagles in this area supports this assumption.

These factors were the most obvious differences in food availability during the 1987-1988 winter from the previous operational years. Bald eagles, having very opportunistic feeding habits, took advantage of these circumstances.

The discharge area (Location B) had higher eagle usage, significantly (p<O.05) greater to all other areas except Location A (Table 4). The lack of any consistent location significantly attracting eagles from year to year demonstrates that usage was variable around the lake. The usage during 1987-1988 shows that numbers were much greater than past seasons in an area most vulnerable to station operational impacts. It is expected that during normal to mild winters, continuous operation will not attract these numbers. During colder winters, the JRR eagles will likely be forced to range over a greater area to find food thus usage of WCCL may become greater while at the same time become more variable on JRR. This will cause statistical differences to be harder to detect. It appears, based on the above discussions, that intermittent plant operations which attract and concentrate WCCL fishes, possibly exposing them to cold shock, will attract area bald eagles. This will be especially true if JRR maintains an ice-cover for an extended period. Usage during severe winters with the plant operating cannot be determined at this time. It has been Shown, however, that heated water was not of greater importance to wintering bald eagles during cold as opposed to mild winters (Ecological Analysts 1983).

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 26 of 59 TABLE 4. SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES BETWEEN RANK LOCATION MEANS OF BALD EAGLES USING WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE.Total Location Winter Counted Preference 1983-1984 51 A C B D E 1984-1985 115 E B C A D 1985-1986 82 C B D A E 1986-1987 44 C B E A D 1987-1988 395 E C D A B (1) Line underscores ranked (lease to greatest) location means that were not significantly different (p<O.05).I I I 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 27 of 59 Duck Usage Total ducks counted on WCCL and JRR during the 1987-1988 season was simlar to that observed during most winters monitored (KG&E 1983, 1984, 1986a, 1986b, and WCNOC 1987a; Figure 6). Although JRR attracted higher annual averages than WCCL, the differences were not significant (p<O.05) except during the 1983-1984 winter. ' Due to severe weather conditions during December 1983 (Table 5) the normally high late winter concentrations (predominantly mallards) were not present on WCCL during that winter.Conversely, better than normal waterfowl habitat conditions existed on JRR during that season which attracted many earlier migrating ducks.Of the ducks observed on WCCL, 92 percent were dabblers, seven percent divers, and one percent unidentified ducks (Table 6). This is very similar to past. seasons. As during all past monitoring seasons, mallard was most common comprising 89 percent of total. Lesser scaup (Aythya affinis), common merganser (Mergus merganser), American wigeon (Anas americana), and gadwall (Anas strepera) were other common ducks observed, however, making up collectively only eight percent of the total.As during preoperational monitoring, John Redmond attracted the largest por-tion of fall (October and November) migrating ducks (Figure 7). On WCCL most of these ducks were comprised of blue-winged teal (Anas discors), American wigeon, and gadwall. These species plus large numbers of northern pintail (Anas acuta) were present on JRR. The attraction to JRR over WCCL of larger numbers of ducks during the fall represents a pattern obvious during all years monitored.

Although more prevalent in past seasons, natural lake level increases during the fall of 1987 were present (Figure 8)which providbd higher quality duck habitat than the constant lake level of WCCL. The increasing levels of JRR created newly flooded shallow areas.Water bodies with these recently flooded areas have been found to be preferred by waterfowl over those with stable water levels (Chabreck et al.1974, Gasaway et al. 1977, Johnson and Swank 1981).

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 28 of 59 40 30 WCCL--"-JRR .........MALLARD 20 I I I 0 z z 1 COMBINED DUCK 1 81-82 82-83 83-84 84-88 85-86 86-87 87-88 MIGRATION SEASON Figure 6. Annual combined duck and mallard usage comparisons between John Redmond Reservoir and Wolf Creek Cooling Lake. Confidence limits not illustrated were not significant (p-..05).

Combined duck data includes September through March surveys except during 1987-1998 season where October through March surveys were used.Mallard data includes November through February surveys.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 29 of 59 Table 5. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE MONTHLY AVERAGE AIR TEMPERATURES FOR TOPEKA, KANSAS.Temperature (OF)Winter of Dec Jan Feb Preoperational 1981-1982 30.1 (-1.7)(1) 21.9 (-4.1) 28.5 (-4.0)1982-1983 35.8 (+4.0) 32.5 (+6.5) 36.1 (+3.6)1983-1984 14.4 (-17.4) 26.0 (0.0) 40.2 (+7.7)1984-1985 36.8 (-5.0) 19.9 (-6.1) 25.6 (-6.9)Operational 1985-1986 25.1 (-6.7) 35.8 (+9.8) 32.5 (0.0)1986-1987 34.6 (+2.8) 29.7 (+3.7) 40.3 (+7.8)1987-1988 35.9 (+4.1) 28.0 (+2.0) 30.8 (-1.7)(1) Variance from 30 year average, 1951. through 1980.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 30 of 59 TABLE 6. GROUND COUNT FREQUENCY AND PERCENT COMPOSITION OF DUCKS USING WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE FROM OCTOBER 1987 THROUGH MARCH 1988.Total Count Species Frequency

% Total Mallard 118,777 89 Lesser scaup 4,630 3 Common merganser 3,935 3 American wigeon 1,539 1 Gadwall 1,516 1 Unidentified duck 904 1 Green-winged teal 549 <1 Hooded merganser 471 <1 Bufflehead 316 <1 Northern pintail 301 <1 Canvasback 283 <1 Redhead 190 <1 Common goldeneye 181 <I Ring-necked duck 49 <1 Blue-winged teal 44 <1 Northern shoveler 43 <1 Ruddy duck 13 <1 Black duck 4 <1 Red-breasted merganser 2 <1 Total 133,747 <98 40 30 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 31 of 59 WCCL-JRR ..........



000000ý *'**ýI* S ~ tmw=:*" 0-rn-.pi U I U I I I I I N U i 0 x z C0, z 0 20 10 30 20 10 OPERATIONAL 0 N J F M MONTH Figure 7.Preoperational and operational (three year means) combined duck usage of Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir.

Confidence limits not illustrated were not significant (p<O.05).U I m1 jj i~1090 1080-J W 1070 1060 1060 WCCL JRR S-omm 1040 14 28 11 25 a 23 6 20 3 2 16 30 M (DC S'0 0 Mn Od 0-~0D ;3-'0 N D J F DATE Figure 8.Biweekly lake level elevation

('MSL) averages for Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report 3 Page 33 of 59 An increase of pondweed (Potamogeton spp.) on WCCL was noted during the fall\ of 1985. The surface area covered by pondweed during the fall of 1986 was similar to that noted during 1985 (KG&E 1986a). Mechanical removal-of selected pondweed areas to reduce plant operating problems took place during the fall of 1987. However, because of the relatively small area involved, no waterfowl usage changes were observed.

Since pondweed is an important natural food item of the most numerous ducks counted during early fall 3 (Kieth and Stanislawski 1960, Thompson 1973, Duke and Chabreck 1975, Bellrose 1976, Johnson and Swank 1981, Paulus 1982) it was expected that a corresponding increase in early migrant numbers would happen. This was not realized as September and October usage declined 71 percent from 1985 to 1986. Although no September surveys were completed in 1987, October numbers increased by 41 percent of October 1986 numbers. Even with this increase, it is still apparent that the fluctuating water levels provided by JRR was more attractive to early season ducks than the existence of extensive natural aquatic plants offered by WCCL. Greater duck usage, however, would probably occur on WCCL if autumn lake level fluctuations are absent on JRR.Winter duck usage in the area was almost entirely made up of mallards which will be discussed separately below. Spring usage in the vicinity of WCGS was similar to past studies, preoperational and operational.

John Redmond Reservoir attracted most of the ducks in the area (Figure 7). Future station operation is not expected to alter this.3 Mallard: I .A total of 118,777 mallards was observed during the 1987-1988 monitoring accounting for 89 percent of all ducks observed (Table 6). A peak of 26,510 3 was counted on December 17, 1987. Contrary to the first two operational winters, the 1987-1988 survey average (November through February) for WCCL I I-1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 34 of 59 0 was smaller than that on JRR. Although no significant (p<O.05) differences were present, mallard usage of the two reservoirs this season was closer to the preoperational winters (Figure 6).Station operation was expected to preclude ice formation on most of WCCL Ii during the winter and as a result, larger number of some waterfowl species may be induced to remain in the area longer (NRC 1982). Longer usage periods of fall migrating ducks (wigeon, gadwall, blue-winged teal, and others) were not observed during all operational winters. These species left the area, during both preoperational and operational studies before ice-cover preclusion would have played a role, usually during early December.

Most ducks having peak uses on both JRR and WCCL during October or November were not present in large numbers when normal weather conditions would cause ice formation (early December).

Principal food resources of 3 these species are natural aquatic items (Bellrose 1976), likely Potamogeton app. in WCCL and these are not as readily available in large quantities as 3 winter progresses, even with heated effluents.

Based on this, it is suspected that station operation will not induce most of these species to I stay in the area any longer than before. It is reasonable to assume that in this case the birds' inherent need to migrate coupled with declining natural food resources and inicreasing energy demands played a greater role in the longevity of each species usage of WCCCL than did ice-cover preclusion by* station operation.

Mallards, however, were presentV throughout the winter season and have commonly wintered in the area (KG&E 1983, 1984, 1986a, and 1986b). This species relies heavily on cultivated grains during winter and to a lesser extent on natural foods (Bellrose 1976). Since this species occurs in the greatest numbers during winter and does not depend to a large extent on natural food resources, the winter mallard population was considered most likely to be influenced by the lack of ice-cover on WCCL. For the purposes of illustrating this, a winter population was considered present when at L I iI 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring ReportPage 35 of 59 4 least 8,000 were counted for two consecutive counts. A season ended when less than 8,000 birds were counted for two consecutive surveys. Surveys totalling more than 10,000 were used in past studies to illustrate this (WCNOC 1987a), however, because consistent usage greater than 10,000 was not kpresent during the 1987-1988 monitoring, 8,000 was used to better reflect I WCCL usage longevity.

This was shown for JRR and WCCL data (Figure 9).None of the operational seasons (1985-1986 through 1987-1988) were consistently longer than the preoperational winters (1981-1982 through 1984-1985). Large numbers of mallards have basically stayed throughout the winters, usually on JRR. What is evident is the time the larger mallard concentrations in the area were present on WCCL than on JRR during the operational seasons. This coincided with freeze-up of JRR during 1985-1986. Less than 10 percent of WCCL froze during the same time. Complete ice-cover, though present for a short duration (less than one week) was not as extensive during the 1986-1987 winter on JRR and almost lacking on WCCL, on which only the upstream reaches of the coves developed ice cover. Except for December 1986, monthly average temperatures since plant operation have generally been above normal (Table 5). Even with the relatively mild U operational winters, the heated effluents did preclude the formation of extensive ice-cover on WCCL when compared with JRR and this condition greatly influenced the observed increase in late winter mallard attraction to WCCL during the first two operational years. The 1987-1988 mallard usage however, was more similar to preoperational seasons. This was because WCGS was not operating through much of the winter. When the operational average is compared to the preoperational average (Figure 10) it is still apparent 3 that JRR attracts the earlier migrants and WCCL the later migrants and winter residents.

This appears primarily a function of ice-free water on WCCL caused by heated effluents from station operation.

Other factors attracting these birds should not be overlooked.

These include seclusion, wind protection, and the proximity of available food m resources.

It should not be inferred here that these factors were not L WCCLJ i JRR i:: IImllm 87-88 86-87 z 0) 86-86 W V)Z 84-85 0 I-83-84 82-83 81-82 liii 1111111511511111111111ff11111111111111111111111 flhIIIIII iuuiiiiiieuuBnuniau;iul M I a NO SIIIIY >800 NO SURVEYS >8000 I I I--------- 0 a M M M ---M (D CO'0)a 0 00 1 15 31 1 15 31 1 15 31 1 15 31 1 15 31 1 15 31 0 N D J F M DATE Figure 9.Length of migration season for mallards on Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 37 of 59 40 30 I WCCL-JRR ..........

PREOPERATIONAL I o2'0 0r x zi wi a: z 0 0 I 0 0 OPERATIONAL I I I I I I I 1 I 0 N D J MONTH F M Figure 10. Preoperational and operational (three year means) mallard usage of Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir.

Confidence limits not illustrated were not significant (p<0.05).

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 38 of 59 present or comparable on JRR and the Flint Hills National Wildlife Refuge.In fact, it is probable that these areas provided more of these factors than WCCL. However, these were present on and around WCCL and will be considered as they relate to the cooling lake. Since WCCL was closed to public access, harassment of these mallard concentrations was minimal. The cooling lake served as a refuge for these wintering birds. Aside from the lack of hunter disruption, protection from winter winds were available to mallards since the larger coves offered escape from both north and south winds. Probably most important, however, was the combination of these factors with the presence of an available food supply adjacent to WCCL.Agricultural crops are heavily used by wintering mallards (Bellrose 1976, Jorde et al. 1983, Baldassare and Bolen 1984). Harvest of fall crops, primarily soybeans, mile, and to a lesser degree, corn was delayed by wet weather accompanied by the lack of substantial ground freezing during the first two operational years. Harvest attempts in some fields were delayed well into January of each season. Many of these fields were within 300 meters (328 yards) from the WCCL shoreline.

Weather conditions were closer to normal during the fall of 1987 which allowed harvest to be completed, for the most part, before December.

Waste grains were still heavily. used, however.The importance that these factors had in affecting the mallard distribution is reinforced by the area on WCCL these birds used most frequently.

Of the five designated areas, Location D was significantly (p<0.05) preferred over all other WCCL locations (Table 7) during the first two operational winters. Although not to the same extent, this area was preferred during the 1987-1983 season also. Large wind-protected coves and adjacent cropland characterize this area. Thus, the suggested factors contributing to the late winter mallard attraction to WCCL were present to the greatest degree in the area of WCCL these mallards preferred to be.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 39 of 59 TABLE 7. SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES BETWEEN RANKED LOCATION MEANS OF MALLARDS AND CANADA GEESE USING WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE.Total Location Species Winter Counted Preference Mallard 1983-1984 16,878 C E B D A 1984-1985 97,118 C B D E A 1985-1986 84,103 C E A B D 1986-1987 192,380 C E A B D 1987-1988 118,777 C E A B D Canada goose 1983-1984 3668 C D A E B 1984-1985 6453 A C B D E 1985-1986 11,587 C A B E D 1986-1987 14,584 C B 9 D A 1987-1988 13,058 C D B A E (1) Line underscores ranked (least to significantly different (p<0.05)greatest) location means that are not 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 40 of 59 Goose Usage The snow goose (Chen caerulescens) and Canada goose (Branta canadensis) were the most common geese observed.

This has been consistent with past seasons on both WCCL and JRR. Snows and Canadas on WCCL comprised 44 and 54 percent of the total geese observed (Table 8). The greater white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons) was the only other goose species observed.

This species has not been prevalent on WCCL, however, it was present at times in large numbers in the JRR area.Snow goose usage of WCCL has been low when compared to JRR, especially before plant operation (Figure 10). Use of WCCL can be characterized as being sporadic.'

Usually one or two large groups used the cooling lake for a short time period compared to consistently using JRR throughout the winters. Since the existence of WCCL until plant start-up, JRR had significantly (p=O.05) greater numbers. However, these differences were not significant (p=0.05) during the first two operational seasons. The 1987-1988 winter showed numbers closer to preoperational years.A total of 13,058 Canada geese was observed on WCCL during the 1987-1988 season (Table 8). This represents 10 percent fewer birds than in 1986-1987. The 1987-1988 total on JRR was 3.3 times greater than the previous winter (Figure 11). The increasing trend identified on WCCL (WCNOC 1987a)was not maintained during the 1987-1988 winter. This may be because conditions were closer to those during operational season because WCGS was not producing power during much of the winter. The operational monthly average differences were not as great between the reservoirs signifying increased usage of WCCL after operations began (Figure 12). Present during the preoperational period, however to a much greater degree during operational monitoring, was the late winter Canada increase on WCCL not evident on JRR.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 41 of 59 TABLE 8. GROUND COUNT FREQUENCY AND PERCENT COMPOSITION OF GEESE USING WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE FROM OCTOBER 1987 THROUGH MARCH 1988.Total Count Species Frequency

% Total Canada goose 13,058 54 Snow goose 10,974 44 Gr. wh.-ftd. goose 928 4 Total 24,960 100 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 42 of 59 ,--100 0 x z<75>5so cc, U)D25 z z WCCL-JRR ..........

CANADA GOOSE I I U I I II II II UI UI il gI gI 0 0 0 x z>-LU X co z z 15 10 5 SNOW GOOSE I 0 I*-u ~iO *S m Qý81-82 82-83 3 83-84 .84-85 85-86 MIGRATION SEASON 86-87 87-88 Figure 11.Annual snow goose and Canada goose usage comparisons between Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond Reservoir.

Data includes November through February surveys. Confidence limits not illustrated were not significant (piO.05).

6497 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 43 of 59 W CC L--JRR ...... ...REOPERATIONAL 40 30 a I 0 '-. V 0 0 x z 10>- 30 z 0. 10 I 5~ *0 OPERATIONAL

........0....*oo l I* Qo io 0.°°°~eK ..lO N D J F MONTH Figure 12.Preoperational and operational (three year means) Canada goose usage of Wolf Creek Cooling Lake and John Redmond. Reservoir.

Confidence limits not illustrated were not significant (p<O.05).I I i 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 44,of 59 Agricultural grains are used heavily by Canadas, even when natural foods are abundant, and especially when these grain fields are large and open with an i undisturbed body of water nearby (Bellrose 1976, Craven and Hunt 1984).This type of area was provided by WCCL, especially along the eastern coves.Canadas, however, did not significantly (p<0.05) use these areas (Location h D and E) of WCCL (Table 7). It appears that Canada usage of the five lake locations was consistent with no single location being preferred significan-tly year after year. This seems to fit with the way these birds used crop fields surrounding WCCL. Smaller groups, when compared to mallards or snow geese, fed more opportunistically and did not concentrate in any particular area of WCCL for long periods.N Transmission Line Collision Study i A total of 21 carcasses representing S species were found during the 1987-1988 monitoring (Table 9). None of these were listed as threatened or endangered species. The most common species found was the mallard. Most specimens were either partially or totally scavenged with some being 3 represented by feathers only. Almost all of the birds found fresh had injuries considered typically caused by colliding with power lines. These included broken necks, various head and breast abrasions, and broken wings.Since the specimens were found under the highlines and assuming worst case, death of all birds, scavenged or not, was considered to have been caused by line impaction unless causes by other means could be identified.

I Several variables in monitoring waterfowl collisions by searching for victims were recognized and attempts were made to account for some of these. Search bias, scavenger removal, and crippling bias are inherent variables which tend to cause dead bird searches, like the ones completed at 3 WCGS, to underestimate actual collision mortality (Anderson 1978, Northern States Power Company 1978, Meyer 1978, James and Haak 1979, Beaulaurier 3 1981, Willdan Associates 1982, and Faanes 1987).I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 45 of 59 TABLE 9. SPECIES LIST, LOCATION, AND NUMBER OF MORTALITIES OBSERVED DURING COLLISION SURVEYS OF WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE FROM NOVEMBER 1987 THROUGH FEBRUARY 1988.Cemetary Lime Sludge Firing Range Month Species Cove Pond Cove November Double-crested cormorant 3 Black-crowned night heron 1 Mallard 2 Duck sp. 1 Coot 2 1 Passerine sp. 1 December Mallard 1 January Double-crested cormorant 1 Mallard 2 Red-winged blackbird 1 February Double-crested cormorant I Mallard 1 Gadwall I Common crow 1 Bird sp. 1 Totals 7 2 12 21 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 46 of 59 3earch bias refers to the number of collision mortalities that are assumed to be in the area, but the observers normally are unable to find. Seventeen dead birds were planted. to measure the searcher recovery in the WCGS studies. Four gadwall, one hooded merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus), two greater prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cuido), and 10 northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) were used. Recovery in each area was 37.5, 33.3, and 50.0 percent in the Firing Range Cove, Lime Sludge Pond, and the Cemetery Cove respectively (Table 10). With all areas combined, 41-.2 percent of the planted birds were found.Scavenger removal was measured using the same planted birds. By day six of the removal monitoring, all planted birds were scavenged (Table 11). A high percentage were eaten by the third day. Scavenged birds in all areas vanishing without a trace comprised 58.8 percent. Common mammalian predators or scavengers either seen or leaving tracks in the study areas were coyote (Canis latrans), raccoon (Procyon lotor), opossum .(Didelhis marsupialis), and striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis).

Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), northern harrier (Circus cyaneus) and bald eagle were common birds of prey frequenting the areas.Crippling bias refers to the number of birds colliding with the transmission lines and falling outside of the study area. Dead bird searches would not account for these. Formal collision observations were not completed at WCGS. Observed crippling rates reported by Meyer (1978) was 75 percent and by James and Haak (1979) was 73 percent. Both of these studies were completed in Oregon and Washington.

Assuming that birds in this area were as likely to sustain similar injuries by striking a transmission line as those reported by those studies, an average between these (74 percent) was used to compute the crippling adjustments for the this study. Based on this, 74 percent of the birds colliding with the lines did not fall in the study areas. Incidental collision sitings by station biologists suggested slightly higher percentages may actually be able to fly away for some distance after colliding.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 47 of 59 TABLE 10. SEARCHER RECOVERY OF PLANTED BIRDS DURING COLLISION LINE STUDIES AT WOLF CREEK GENERATING STATION Location Number Planted Number Found Percent Found Firing Range Cove 8 3 37.5 Cemetery Cove 6 3 50.0 Lime Sludge Pond 3 1 33.3 All Locations Combined 17 7 41.2 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 48 of 59 TABLE 11. SCAVENGER REMOVAL RATES OF PLANTED DEAD BIRDS IN THE TRANSMISSION LINE STUDY AREAS AT WOLF CREEK GENERATING STATION.Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative Days Number Number Removed Percent Location Elapsed Planted Scavenged No Trace Removed Firing Range Cove 1 8 5 3 37.5 2 5 3 37.5 3 6 3 37.5 6 8 3 37.5 9 8 3 37.5 Cemetery Cove 1 6 4 4 66.7 2 5 4., 66.7 3 6 5 83.3 6 6 5 83.3 9 6 5 83.3 Lime Sludge Pond 1 3 1 1 33.3 2 2 1 33.3 3 2 1 33.3 6 3 2 66.7 9 3 2 66.7 All Locations Combined 1 17 10 8 47.1 2 12 8 47.1 3 14 9 52.9 6 17 10 58.8 9 17 10 58.8 I I I I I I 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 49 of 59 Another possible bias was unsearchable habitat (James and Haak 1979, Beaulaurier 1981, Willdan Associates 1982, and Faanes 1987). This refers to the proportion of habitat in each study area that was not searchable, such as the areas under the lines crossing over water and very dense vegetation.

Parts of all study areas at WCGS crossed over water. Those collisions landing in the water were certainly subjected to being blown away from the study areas. On the same token, winds blowing towards the study areas would concentrate collisions along the shorelines which were searched.

Also, when ice cover was present, those areas were easily scanned for dead birds.Dense vegetation was also very prevalent in the study areas. In the Firing Range Cove area, strips were mowed under the transmission lines during the 1985-1986 and the 1986-1987 monitoring.

This was done to aid in finding collisions.

However, no increase in observed collisions were evident.Also, it was felt that the planted bird study would measure the searchers' abilities to recover collision victims and account for the unsearchable habitat bias. For these reasons and the logic used for birds falling in the water, it was felt that the biases presented by unsearchable habitat was of minor concern at the WCGS study sites.After making adjustments to the total dead birds found to account for the search bias, scavenger removal bias, and crippling bias, an estimate of the total transmission line collisions can be derived (Table 12). Because many assumptions have to be made when making these adjustments and the sample size used to measure the biases was small, a large amount of variation exists. Care must be taken in relying heavily on these estimates because of this large chance of error involvw-d.

However, it is felt that these estimates represent maximum numbers which are worthy to assess the significance of transmission line collision mortality at WCGS.

m m c TABLE 12. TOTAL ESTIMATED TRANSMISSION LINE STATION FROM 1984 THROUGH 1988.COLLISIONS AND BIAS ESTIMATES AT WOLF CREEK GENERATING Dead Birds Search Removal Crippling Estimated Percent of Winter of Location Found Bias Bias Bias Total Collisions Count Frequency 1983-1984 Firing Range Cove 23 61.3 50.6 383.9 518.8 Cemetery Cove 1 1.0 10.0 34.2 46.2 Lime Sludge Pond 1 2.0 6.0 25.6 34.6 -Combined 25 35.7 86.6 419.2 566.5 0.5 1984-1985 Firing Range Cove 26 43.3 41.6 315.6 426.5 -Cemetary Cove 3 3.0 29.9 102.3 138.2 Lime Sludge Pond 1 2.0 6.0 25.6 34.6 -Combined 30 42.8 103.9 502.9 679.6 0.2 1985-1986 Firing Range Cove 26 43.3 41.6 315.8 426.7 -Cemetery Cove 22 22.0 219.5 749.9 1013.4 Lime Sludge Pond 12 24.0 72.1 307.7 415.8 -Combined 60 85.6 207.8 1005.8 1359.2 0.5 1986-1987 Firing Range Cove 9 15.0 14.4 109.3 174.7 -Cemetery Cove 6 6.0 59.9 204.6 276.5 Lime Sludge Pond 13 26.0 78.1 333.3 450.4 -Combined 28 40.0 97.0 469.6 634.6 0.2 1987-1988 Firing Range Cove 12 20.0 19.2 145.7 196.9 Cemetary Cove 7 7.0 69.8 238.6 322.4 Lime Sludge pond 2 4.0 12.0 51.2 69.2 Combined 21 30.0 72.8 352.4 476.2 0.2 a: cco (CO 0~0. (5 0 o Os 1 0-o Hmt Pj C5 o * 'o '0.. 0 0-l~ i C+(~*

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 51 of 59 Anderson (1978) reported that 0.2 to 0.4 percent of the peak bird usage on Lake Sangchris, Illinois, were killed by colliding with transmission lines during each fall. Rusz et al. (1986) had similar collision rates at the Midland Energy Center in Michigan as Anderson (1978), however, the percentage of the peak usage count was not reported.

For two study seasons, Faanes (1987) estimated that 1332 birds were killed by transmission line collisions.

The fall collision percentage of the fall peak count was roughly 6 percent. Meyer (1978) at Lower Crab Creek in Washington estimated 40 birds collided with the highlines and a maximum of 9000 were estimated to be using the area. The estimate represents 0.4 percent of this peak. At Bybee Lake in Oregon, (Meyer 1978) estimated that a maximum of about 12,500 birds were using the area and estimated 28 ducks collided in the study area. This represents about 0.2 percent. James and Haak (1979), Beaulaurier (1981) and Willdan Associates (1982) all reported similar results as Meyer (1978).At WCGS the collision estimated percentage of the total birds counted using WCCL each year ranged from 0.2 to 0.5 percent (Table 12). These rates are similar to those referenced above, however they are not presented as a percent of peak usage, but as the percentage of the sum of all counts.These are considered comparable because no correlation was present between the number of birds using each study area and the number of dead birds found. Increasing bird usage did not correspond to increased collision mortality.

Likewise, greater evidence of collisions was not necessarily during peak usage periods. Anderson (1978) did find such relationships.

Aside from this, care must also be taken when comparing the studies above with each other and with this study. Weather conditions, transmission line positions to waterfowl concentrations and flights, species compositions, among other factors were likely to have been different from study to study.However, it is felt that they do show that the order of magnitude of the estimates are close, which implies that they are somewhat useful in comparing similarities.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 52 of 59 The significance of the estimated collisions to the waterfowl and waterbird populations using WCCL is not considered very great. Stout and Cornwell (1976) contributed only 0.1 percent of the total of non-hunting waterfowl mortality to collisions.

Disease and poisons were responsible for 87.7 percent. Humberg et. al. (1983) also contributed a large portion of the non-hunting waterfowl mortality to disease and lead poisoning, however, transmission lines were not involved with the study. A total first year mortality rate of 60 to 70 percent for juvenile ducks and a subsequent.

rate of loss of 35 to 45 percent was reported by Bellrose (1976). Based on the small percent that the estimated collisions at WCGS comprised of the total population on the cooling lake and the high mortality percentage normally experienced by waterfowl and waterbird populations, it was concluded that deaths caused by WCGS transmission facilities was insignificant.

No substantial increases or decreases were noticed between preoperational and operati6nal seasons. Since no threatened or endangered species were found during the dead bird searches, WCGS transmission facilities have not posed any threat to those populations.

A comparatively larger number of bald eagles, however, were observed in the Cemetery Cove area during the 1987-1988 winter than the previous winters. No problems with collisions or near misses were observed.

Eagles seemed to use the ice-free areas south of the highlines and did not routinely cross the lines. Because bald eagles have keen eyesight, fly relatively slow, and maneuver well, highline collisions should be reduced. However, as noted by Kroodsma (1978), they often fly during poor visibility and may not be attentive when concentrating on hunting causing their collision potential to increase.

Steam fog from station operation is common in the Cemetery Cove study site which would reduce visibility thus further tend to increasing collision potential.

Despite these factors, no eagle mortality from WCGS lines have been observed and given similar WCCL usage in the future, no problems with collision mortality is expected.

U, 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report 3 Page 53 of 59


S I Avian density and diversity observed during operation of WCGS were similar to preoperational studies. Establishment of WCCL has resulted in an increase in species diversity observed in the local area. Annual species diversities have increased approximately 50 percent above those observed prior to lake filling. This was expected as the lake provided numerous waterbird habitats -while upland areas supported similar bird populations that were present prior to lake filling. Detectable differences due to station operation were not found.Threatened or endangered species observed since 1973 included the White-faced ibis, bald eagle, peregrine falcon, prairie falcon, and interior least tern. Bald eagles were common winter residents using WCCL primarily as a feeding and loafing site. The prairie falcon was removed and the white-3 faced ibis was added to the Kansas threatened list as of May 1987. These species migrate through or infrequently visit the area and can be expected* to be observed in the future.Bald eagle usage on WCCL declined initially since plant operation began while remaining constant on JRR. A large increase was observed during the 1987-1988 winter. Initial operational usage on WCCL declined primarily 3 because of the two mild winters which caused gizzard shad, a more vulnerable and preferred food resource, to be more available on JRR than WCCL. Because 3 WCGS was not operating during much of the 1987-1988 monitoring, usage tended to be influenced by the continuous freezing and thawing of the ice-cover on WCCL. This exposed winter killed gizzard shad not usually abundant on WCCL. Intermittent operations through a normal winter period appears to cause WCCL to be an attractive bald eagle feeding location.

Bald eagle usage during severe winter periods with WCGS operating continuously could not be characterized.

I 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 54 of 59 Waterbird usage between the two lakes was similar to past years. American coots used WCCL to a much greater extent than JRR. Pondweed development was thought to be the primary reason for this. Double-crested cormorants used both lakes similarly.

It was apparent that JRR provided easier foraging habitat while WCCL supplied roosting and nesting sites.Of the ducks observed on both reservoirs, fluctuating water levels on JRR appeared to greatly influence the distribution between the lakes of early fall migrants.

During periods of little fluctuation on JRR, WCCL with its aquatic macrophyte growth appeared to attract these ducks, especially during the-1984-1985 preoperational study. Continued heavy use of these weed beds was not evident during operational studies. With high water levels on JRR, this influence was over-shadowed by the attractiveness of JRR. The operation of WCGS greatly influenced the duck distribution between the two lakes during late winter. The heated effluent kept most of WCCL ice-free, providing previously unavailable late winter habitat. This, in combination with seclusion and close abundant food supplies, appeared to keep ducks on WCCL longer than during preoperational seasons. Because WCGS did not operate continuously during the 1987-1988 monitoring, this pattern was not as distinct.

Spring ducks were attracted to JRR almost exclusively over WCCL as during preoperational seasons.Goose distribution between the two reservoirs was similar to preoperational seasons. The increasing trend evidenced during previous years was not continued during the 1987-1988 operational year possibly because WCCL reflected preoperational conditions.

It was shown that WCCL usage, mallards, snow geese, and to a lesser extent, Canada geese increased initially after operations during winter periods when ice formation on JRR was present. However, usage during the 1987-1988 study compared to preoperational studies due to an extended plant outage.Although ice-free condition was probably a major factor, it was evident that 1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 55 of 59 wind protection, hunter refuge, and/or high food availability contributed.

The area where these factors were most prevalent on WCCL was preferred by mallards and snow geese. These types of waterfowl concentrations are known to cause problems with crop depredations and disease outbreaks (Bellrose 1976, Hawthorne 1980, Frederick and Klaas 1982, Kahl and Samson 1984, Frederick et al. 1987). However, the concentrations as of this report have not reached levels high enough to cause wide-spread crop depredation problems.

Given similar usage patterns in the future, mallards and snow geese may be expected to have the greatest potential for causing depredation problems around WCCL. This is because these species occur in large concentrations.

Although snow geese usage from year to year has been highly variable, they have crowded in areas of WCCL at times when late-harvested crops were most vulnerable.

Canada geese, although using the same crop types and present on the lake during the same time periods, .at this time should not cause problems because they have tended to occur in smaller concentrations around the cooling lake. Any Canada depredation problems would likely be highly localized.

Although waterfowl disease outbreaks have not been observed, potential areas of concern will be similar as for crop depredation events because of the consistent usage of the same areas.Results of collision surveys revealed similar mortality rates to those previously documented.

Eight species were identified during the study. No threatened or endangered species were found during these surveys. Inherent biases were identified and measured.

It was concluded that collisions with transmission facilities associated with WCCL during peroperational and operation monitoring did not cause sufficient avian mortality to be considered problematic.

Also, it was concluded that because of the colli-sion consistency observed between years, the collision potential of WCGS has been characterized and that no further studies are needed. This statement is valid only if usage of WCCL, especially that of bald eagles, remains similar to that reported.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 56 of 59 LITERATURE CITED Anderson, W.L. 1978. Waterfowl collisions with power lines at a coal-fired power plant. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 6(2): 77-83.Baldassarre, G.A. and E.G. Bolen. 1984. Field-feeding ecology of waterfowl wintering on the southern high plains of Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management.

48(1): 63-71.Beaulaurier, D.L. 1981. Mitigation of bird collisions with transmission lines. Report for Bonneville Power Administration.

Portland, Oregon.84 pp.Bellrose, F.C. 1976. Ducks, Geese and Swans of North America. Stackpole Books, Harrisburg, Pa. 540 pp.Chabreck, R.H., R.K. Yancey, and L. McNease. 1974. Duck usage of management units in the Louisiana coastal marsh. Proc. 28th Annual Conf. of Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

35: 38-48.Craven, S.R. and R.A. Hunt. 1984. Fall food habits of Canada geese in Wisconsin.

Journal of Wildlife Management.

48(1): 169-173.Duke, R.W. and R.H. Chabreck.

1975. Waterfowl habitat in lakes of the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana.

Proc. Annual Conf. of Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

29: 501-512.Duncan, D.B. 1955. Multiple range and multiple F tests. Biometrics 11: 1-42.Ecological Analysts.

1983. An evaluation of historical flow conditions in the Platte River as related to vegetation growth and habitat use by the endangered whooping crane and bald eagle and the threatened interior least tern. A report prepared for the Central Platte Natural Resources District, Lincoln, NB. 93 pp.Faanes, C.A. 1987. Bird behavior and mortality in relation to power lines in relation to power lines in prairie habitat. Fish and Wildlife Technical Report No. 7. Supt. of Docs. No.: 14910088.

24 pp.Frederick, R.B., W.R. Clark, and E.E. Klaas. 1987. Behavior, energetics, and management of refuging waterfowl:

a simulation model. Wildlife Monograph No. 96. 35 pp.Frederick, R.B., and E.E. Klass. 1982. Resource use-and behavior of migrating snow geese. Journal of Wildlife Management, 46(3): 601-614.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 57 of 59 Gasaway, R.D., S. Hardin, and J. Howard. 1977. Factors influencing wintering waterfowl abundance in Lake Wales, Florida. Proc. Annual Conf. of Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

35: 38-48.Griffin, C.R. and r.S. Baskett 1985. Food availability and winter range sizes of immature and adult bald eagles. Journal of Wildlife Management.

49(3): 592-594.Griffin, C.R., T.S. Baskett, and R.D. Sparrowe.

1982. Ecology of bald eagles wintering near a waterfowl concentration.

U.S. Fish Wildlife Service Spec. Sci. Rep.-Wildl.

No.°247. 12 pp.Hawthorne, D.W. 1980. Wildlife damage and control techniques, in Wildlife Management Techniques Manual, S.D. Schemnitz, ed. The Wildlife Society publ. p. 411-439.Humberg, D., DoGraber, S. Sheriff, and T. Miller. 1983. Estimating autumn-spring waterfowl nonhunting mortality in north Missouri.

Transactions of the forty-eighth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference.

p. 241-256.James, B.W. and B. A. Haak. 1979. Factors affecting avian flight behavior and collision mortality of transmission lines. Report for Bonneville Power Administration.

Portland, Oregon. 110 pp.Johnson, F.A. and W.G. Swank. 1981. Waterfowl habitat selection on a multi-purpose reservoir in East Texas. Proc. Annual Conf. of Southeastern Assoc. of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 35: 38-48.Jorde, D.C., G.L. Krapu, and R.D. Crawford 1983. Feeding ecology of mallards wintering in Nebraska.

Journal of Wildlife Management.

47(4): 1044-1053.

Kahl, R.B. and F.B. Samson. 1984. Factors affecting yield of winter wheat grazed by geese. Wildlife Society Bulletin.

12(3): 256-262.Kansas Administrative Regulations.

1987. Article 23-17-1. Endangered and Threatened Species.Kansas Gas and Electric.

1974. Wolf Creek Generating Station Environ-mental Report (Construction Permit Stage). Wichita, Kansas. 4 Vols.-1981. Wolf Creek Generating Station Environmental Report (Operating License Stage). Wichita, Kansas. 2 Vols.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 58 of 59-1983. Wolf Creek Generating Station Construction Phase Wildlife Monitoring Program, May 1982-April 1983. 35 PP.-1984. Wolf Creek Generating Station 1983-1984 Preoperational Phase Wildlife Monitoring Report. 48 pp.-1986(a).

Wolf Creek Generating Station 1985-1986 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report. 92 pp.-1986(b).

Wolf Creek Generating Station 1984-1985 Preopera-tional Wildlife Monitoring Report. 66 pp.Keister, G.P., R.G. Anthony, and E.J. O'neill 1987. Use of communal roosts and foraging areas by bald eagles wintering in the Klamath Basin.Journal of Wildlife Management.

51(2): 415-420.Keith, L.B., and R.P. Stanislawski.

1960. Stomach contents and weights of some flightless adult pintails.

Journal of Wildlife Management.

24(1): 95-96.Kroodsma, R.L. 1978. Evaluation of a proposed transmission line's impacts on waterfowl and eagles. In Impacts of Transmission Lines on Birds in Flight, M.L. Avery, ed. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-78/48 pg. 69 to 76.Lish, J.W. and J.C. Lewis. 1975. Status and ecology of bald eagles wintering in Oklahoma.

Proc. Southeastern Assoc. Game and Fish Comm.29: 415-423.Meyer, J.R. 1978. Effects of transmission lines on bird flight behavior and collision mortality.

Report for Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon. 202 pp.Meyer, J.R. 1980. A study of wintering bald eagles to assess potential impacts from a proposed 230-kV transmission line in A Workshop on Raptors and Energy Development.

ed R.P. Howard and J.F. Gove. p.87-103.Northern States Power Company. 1978. Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Environmental Monitoring Program. 1978 Annual Report.Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Paulus, S.L. 1982. Feeding ecology of Gadwalls in Louisiana in winter.Journal of Wildlife Management 46(1):p. 71-79.

1987-1988 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report Page 59 of 59 Rusz, P.J., H.H. Prince, R.D. Rusz, and G.A. Dawson. 1986. Bird collisions with transmission lines near a power plant cooling pond. Wildlife Society Bulletin.

14(4): 441-444.Sokal,, R.R. and F.J. Rohlf, 1981. Biometry.

W.H. Freeman and Company, 859 pp.Southern, W.E. 1963. Winter populations, behavior and seasonal dispersal of bald eagles in northwestern Illinois.

Wilson Bulletin.

75(1): 42-55.-1964. Additional observations on wintering bald eagle populations:

including remarks of biotelemetry techniques and immature plumages.

Wilson Bulletin.

76(2): 121-137.Steenhof, K. 1978. Management of wintering bald eagles. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/005-78/29.

59 PP.Stout, I.J. and G.W. Cornwell.

1976. Nonhunting mortality of fledged North American Waterfowl.

Journal of Wildlife Management.

40(4): 681-693.Terres, J.K. 1980. The Audubon Society Encyclopedia of North American Birds. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York. 1110 pp.Thompson, D. 1973. Feeding ecology of diving ducks on Keokuk Pool, Mississippi River. Journal Wildlife Management.

37(3): 367-381.Todd, C.S., L.S. Young, R.B. Owen, and F.S. Gramlich.

1982. Food habits of bald eagles in Maine. Journal of Wildlife Management.

46(3): 636-645.U.S. Department of Interior.

1987. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants. Code of Federal Regulation, Title 50, part 17.U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

1982. Final Environmental Statement Related to the Operation of Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1.Docket No. STN 50-482, NUREG-0878.

Willdan Asociates, 1982. Impact of the Ashe-Slatt 500-kv transmission line on birds at Crow Butta Island: Post-construction study final report.Report for Bonneville Power Adminstration.

Portland, Oregon. 155 pp.Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp. 1987a. Wolf Creek Generating Station 1986-1987 Operational Wildlife Monitoring Report. 65 pp.Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp. 1987b. Wolf Creek Generating Station 1985/1986 Operational Fishery Monitoring Report.

W F CREEK'NUCLEAR OPERATING CORPORATION Kevin J. Moles Manager Regulatory Affairs April 8, 2005 RA 05-0041 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555


Docket No. 50-482: 2004 Annual Environmental Operating Report Gentlemen:

Enclosed is the Annual Environmental Operating Report, which is being submitted pursuant to Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) Facility Operating License NPF-42, Appendix B. This report covers the operation of WCGS for the period of January 1, 2004, through December 31, 2004.No commitments are identified in this correspondence.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (620) 364-4126, or Ms. Diane Hooper (620) 364-4041.Sincerely, Kevin J. Moles KJM/rlg Enclosure cc: J. N. Donohew (NRC), w/e D. N. Graves (NRC), w/e B. S. Mallett (NRC), w/e Senior Resident Inspector (NRC), w/e P.O. Box 411 / Burlington, KS 66839 / Phone: (620) 364-8831 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/HCNVET I'.G E D 0 4 0 9 2 0 0 WOLF CREEK GENERATING STATION ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT 2004 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION WOLF CREEK NUCLEAR OPERATING CORPORATION P.O. BOX 411 BURLINGTON, KANSAS 66839 April 2005 I N G E TABLE OF CONTENTS 0 0 4 0 9 1.0 INTRO D UC TIO N ............................................................................................



3 o 2.1 AQUATIC [Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) Section 2.1] ...... 3 2.1.1 Impacts of Water Withdrawal on the Neosho River ...............

3 2.1.2 Oxidizing Biocide Discharges to Wolf Creek Lake .................

3 2.1.3 C old Shock ............................................................................

4 2.1.4 Impingement and Entrainment


4 2.1.5 Impacts of Wolf Creek Lake Discharges to the Neosho River .... 5 2.2 TERRESTRIAL

[EPP Section 2.2] .....................................................

5 2.2.1 Control of Vegetation in the Exclusion Zone ..........................

5 2.2.2 Vegetation Buffer Zone Surrounding Wolf Creek Lake ...........

5 2.2.3 Herbicide Use for Maintenance of WCGS Structures

........ 5 2.2.4 Waterfowl Disease Contingency Plan and Monitoring


6 2.2.5 Fog Monitoring Program [EPP Subsection 4.2.1] ...................

6 2.2.6 Wildlife Monitoring Program [EPP Subsection 4.2.2] .............

6 2.2.7 Land Management Program [EPP Subsection 4.2.3] .............



7 3.1 PLANT DESIGN OR OPERATION CHANGES [EPP Section 3.1] ..... 7 3.2 NON-ROUTINE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS ......................

8 3.2.1 Submitted Non-routine Reports ...........................................

.8 3.2.2 Unusual or Important Environmental Event Evaluations


8 3.3 Environmental Noncompliances

[EPP Subsection 5.4.11 ..............

8 4.0



9..........9 4.1 2004 Land Management Activities


9 4.2 2004 Zebra Mussel Monitoring Activities


10 4.3 2004 Fishery Monitoring Activities


11 2 I G E


D The 2004 Annual Environmental Operating Report is being submitted in accordance with the o objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP), Appendix B to the Facility Operating 4 License NPF-42. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that the Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) was operated during 2004 in a manner protective of the environment.

0 9 2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 2 o 2.1 AQUATIC [EPP Section 2.1]0 5 2.1.1 Impacts of Water Withdrawal on the Neosho River The WCGS Final Environmental Statement/Operating License Stage (FES/OLS, Section 5.6), NUREG-0878, postulated that makeup water withdrawal of 41 cubic feet per second during drought conditions would extend the duration and severity of low-flow conditions below John Redmond Reservoir (JRR). This, in turn, was expected to reduce riffle habitat that would adversely affect the Neosho madtom, a federally listed threatened species.Neosho River flows at Burlington were maintained during makeup withdrawal activities.

Therefore, there were no adverse impacts to the Neosho River or Neosho madtom habitats attributable to WCGS water withdrawal during 2004.The owners of WCGS have contracted with the Kansas Water Resources Board to pump up to 9.672 billion gallons of water per calendar year to Wolf Creek Lake (WCL) from the tailwaters of the JRR. A total of 4.920 billion gallons, or 51 percent of the contracted allotment, was used for WCGS purposes during 2004.The makeup water for WCL was pumped from May 28 through May 31, June 3 through June 16, June 19 through July 1, and October 18 through December 5, 2004. Measurements at Burlington, Kansas, taken during 2004 by the United States Geological Survey, indicate that flows downstream of the. WCGS withdrawal station in the Neosho River were not reduced by makeup pumping activities.

2.1.2 Oxidizing Biocide Discharges to Wolf Creek Lake Circulating Water System (CWS) Discharge:

Biocide use at WCGS was predicted to cause periodic, appreciable mortality in a conservatively estimated 40 acres of the discharge area to WCL. However, these impacts were not expected to meaningfully affect the overall biological productivity of the lake (FES/OLS, Section

The postulated biocide levels expected to cause the impacts were from 0.68 to 1.08 mg/I of total residual chlorine at the CWS discharge (FES/OLS, Section

Three 30-minute doses per day of 411 pounds of chlorine per dose were projected to produce these concentrations.

Impacts from actual biocide use during 2004 were considered to be less than postulated in the FES/OLS. A sodium hypochlorite and sodium bromide formulation was used to control biological fouling in WCGS cooling water systems during 2004. Evaluations completed at WCGS demonstrated that the sodium hypochlorite and sodium bromide formulation would not have greater 3 I G impacts to the cooling lake environment than those expected from the level of E chlorine use identified in the FES/OLS. All changes were reviewed and O approved by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) prior to implementation.

The WCGS National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES, Number I-NE07-PO02) permit limits biocide discharges to levels lower than postulated in the FES/OLS. This permit was administered by the KDHE. The biocide level for the CWS was limited to a maximum of 0.2 mg/I, total residual oxidant (TRO), for a maximum of two hours per day. Compliance during 2004 was 100 percent.Actual oxidizing biocide dosages averaged approximately 39.1 pounds per day and the daily average TRO was < 0.07 mg/I.Essential Service Water System (ESWS) Discharge:

During 2004 a continuous diversion of approximately 17,000 gallons per minute of WCGS Service Water System (SWS) flow to the ESWS was completed to provide microbiologically induced corrosion protection and sedimentation control.The SWS flows were diverted from SWS discharge with the CWS discharge.

The KDHE established a 1.0 mg/I TRO limit for the SWS flow diversion through the ESWS. Actual measurements of TRO averaged < 0.15 mg/I, and compliance with the NPDES limit in 2004 was 100 percent. No fish mortality or water quality changes attributable to ESWS biocide discharges were observed.Based on this information, permitted biocide discharge during 2004 did not have appreciable effects on the cooling lake environment.

2.1.3 Cold Shock In the event of a rapid decline in plant power level during winter, fishes attracted to the WCGS heated discharge could experience mortality due to a quick reduction in body temperature (cold-shock).

In reference to licensing document evaluations, the WCGS EPP Section 2.1 (c) states, "Cold-shock effects on fish due to reactor shutdowns could cause significant mortality to aquatic species in the cooling lake." No adverse impacts due to cold shock mortality events occurred during 2004.There were four plant shutdowns during 2004. The first was on February 13, 2004, which was during a cold period when fish have generally been attracted to the warm water discharges, thus susceptible to cold-shock events. Cold-shock effects were observed following this plant shutdown.

Evaluation of the event determined that effects to the fishery were considered minimal. Section 3.0 of this report provides more details of this event.The remaining three shutdowns occurred on July 30, August 22 and October 7, 2004. No fish mortality attributable to cold-shock effects were observed after these plant shutdowns.

2.1.4 Impingement and Entrainment Impacts of entrainment and impingement of fish and aquatic organisms due to WCGS cooling water pumping were projected to be significant, as indicated in the WCGS EPP, Section 2.1 (d). EPP Section 2.1 states that the NRC relies on the State of Kansas for determination of the need for monitoring entrainment and impingement impacts. Although the State of Kansas has not required WCGS to 4 I G monitor entrainment and impingement impacts, periodic observations during E 2004 indicated that fish impingement at the WCGS circulating water intake was o negligible.

o 2.1.5 Impacts of Wolf Creek Lake Discharges to the Neosho River 4 The WCGS NPDES permit requires that WCL discharges be sampled on thefirst day of each discharge and weekly thereafter until the end of each respective 9 discharge.

Discharge limits were set for chlorides and pH (NPDES Outfall 004).Lake discharges have typically have occurred at the Blowdown Spillway and 2 Service Spillway.

During 2004, no discharges occurred at the Blowdown o Spillway.

In addition, lake levels remained low enough so that no discharges O occurred from the Service Spillway during 2004. Consequently, no NPDES S; violations at the lake's discharge occurred, and no detrimental effects have been identified to the Neosho River water quality in 2004.2.2 TERRESTRIAL

[EPP Section 2.2]2.2.1 Control of Vegetation in the Exclusion Zone The composition and structure of vegetation in the 453 hectare (1120 acre)exclusion zone were selectively controlled to be compatible with the function and security of station facilities.

Most areas in the immediate vicinity of the power block have been planted and maintained in a lawn-type condition.

Other areas within the exclusion area have been mowed for security and aesthetic purposes.There were no changes in overall vegetation management of the exclusion zone during 2004.2.2.2 Vegetation Buffer Zone Surrounding Wolf Creek Lake To create a buffer zone of least 500 acres around WCL, as specified in EPP, Section 2.2 (b), agricultural production activities were curtailed in 1980 within a border ranging from approximately 200-400 feet adjacent to the lake shoreline.

This area is approximately 1440 acres. Previously grazed or hayed native grass areas were left undisturbed.

Previously cultivated lands were allowed to advance through natural succession stages, or native grasses were reestablished in these areas. Land management activities included controlled burning to enhance and/or maintain the designated buffer zone with a naturally occurring biotic community.

2.2.3 Herbicide Use for Maintenance of WCGS Structures Herbicides were used on gravel areas, railroad easements, and various land areas associated with WCGS. Application rates followed label instructions.

All herbicides used were registered by the Kansas Department of Agriculture when purchased.

No environmental impacts from herbicide treatment of WCGS facilities were identified.

A summary of herbicide application is provided below.In areas where bare ground control was desired, a herbicide mix of Karmex DF (EPA Reg. No 352-508) and Oust (EPA Reg. No. 352-401) was used. Roundup Ultra (EPA Reg. No 524-475) was also used for problem weed areas. These herbicides were used on various gravel areas, including the switchyard, 5 protected area boundary, meteorological tower, storage tank berms, railroad beds, and storage yards.Nuisance tree and brush growth was controlled with Tordon 22 K (EPA Reg. No.62719-6), Tordon RTU (EPA Reg. No. 62719-31), Remedy, Farmland Weedone 2,4-D, Arsenal (EPA Reg. No. 241-346), or Escort (EPA Reg. No. 352-439).Areas treated included the dam, spillways, railroad easements, selected transmission line corridors, and selected grassland areas around the cooling lake.Four plants listed as noxious weeds by the Kansas Department of Agriculture were controlled on WCGS lands. These were serecia lespedeza, musk thistle, Johnson grass, and field bindweed.

Serecia lespedeza was treated with Remedy and Farmland Weedone 2,4-D. Musk thistle and Johnson grass were controlled by mechanical means, while the tenants of the agricultural leases controlled field bindweed through normal farming practices.

2.2.4 Waterfowl Disease Contingency Plan and Monitoring A waterfowl disease contingency plan was maintained to provide guidance for station biologists in the event of suspected or actual disease outbreaks.

The contingency plan lists appropriate federal and state wildlife agency contacts to be made by WCNOC in the event of such problems.

During routine environmental monitoring and surveillance activities taking place over this reporting period, no waterfowl mortality attributable to disease pathogens was identified.

2.2.5 Fog Monitoring Program [EPP Subsection 4.2.1]Visibility monitoring was initiated in December, 1983, and continued through 1987. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of waste heat dissipation from WCL on fog occurrence along U. S. 75 near New Strawn, Kansas. The program was required through one year of commercial operation that started in September, 1985. Upon conclusion of 1987 data collection, sufficient information was available to evaluate cooling lake fogging, and all commitments relevant to fog monitoring had been satisfied.

The fog monitoring study concluded that operation of WCGS did not appreciably increase fogging incidents from that measured before operation.

During 2004, there were no reports of fogging incidents in the vicinity of nearby U. S. 75 from individuals or local agencies responsible for traffic safety. Periodic fogging caused by the cooling lake did occur during the winter months of 2004, but was restricted to the plant site. No mitigation actions or further monitoring were warranted.

2.2.6 Wildlife Monitoring Program [EPP Subsection 4.2.2]A wildlife monitoring program was initiated in 1982 to monitor and assess waterfowl, waterbird, and bald eagle usage of WCL. This program included transmission-line collision surveys to assess collision mortality and determine potential mitigation needs. This wildlife monitoring program was to continue for at least two years following WCGS start-up (FES/OLS Section, which occurred during September, 1985. Upon completion of 1996 monitoring, sufficient data had been collected to determine waterfowl, waterbird, and bald eagle usage of WCL. Consequently, the scope of the wildlife monitoring 6

II G program was reduced. The current program consists of reviewing WCL E waterfowl and bald eagle survey data collected by the Kansas Department of o Wildlife and Parks (KDWP). If review of the KDWP's data indicates usage has changed from that previously documented, then additional monitoring may be oinitiated.

This additional monitoring may include collision mortality surveys.4 Review of waterfowl and bald eagle monitoring data from the KDWP indicate that o no significant usage changes occurred during 2004. No disease outbreaks or 9 widespread crop depredation attributable to waterfowl use of WCL was observed in 2004. No changes to the wildlife monitoring program were warranted.

o 2.2.7 Land Management Program [EPP Subsection 4.2.3]0 Land management activities on all company-owned lands except within the 453 hectare (1120 acre) WCGS exclusion area were designed to achieve balances between agricultural production and conservation values. An annual management plan addressed needs and accepted techniques for land maintenance, soil conservation, and wildlife management.

These included the repair or construction of soil conservation structures, wetland areas, and permanent vegetative covers. An environmental education area was improved and maintained as part of the land management program. A summary of the land management activities appears in Section 4.1 of this report. The land management program continued in 2004 to balance agriculture production and conservation values.3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 3.1 PLANT DESIGN OR OPERATION CHANGES [EPP Section 3.1]Proposed plant design and operational changes or station events which have the potential to affect the environment must receive an environmental evaluation prior to implementation.

There were two environmental evaluations completed in 2004, and these are summarized below. These evaluations concluded that unreviewed environmental questions did not exist per the EPP. There were no events identified in 2004 that required changes to the EPP.The first evaluation addressed impacts due to changes to the lake water chemical treatment program. A non-oxidizing biocide (EVAC) for use in the Fire Protection System to prevent macro-invertebrate growth was reviewed.

The active ingredient was found to biodegrade quickly, and not bioaccumulate in fish, fish food organisms, or sediments.

Detoxification in the effluent water was also not required.

Acute flow-through toxicity tests available for the product demonstrated that no toxicity to non-target organisms exposed to the effluent water would be expected.

Discharge approval from the KDHE was not required.The second evaluation determined that a fish cold-shock event that occurred following the plant shutdown on February 13, 2004, did not cause significant adverse impact to the WCL fishery. Cold-shock events were previously evaluated (FES/OLS Section, and this event was compared to previous events and that expected in the FES/OLS. The number of fish affected was small compared to previous events that did not adversely impact the fishery. Nearly ninety percent were common carp, and no game fish were observed.

The event was confined to the heated effluent area, and did 7 vA.G not involve Wolf Creek or the Neosho River downstream of WCL. No threatened or E endangered fish species were impacted because none inhabit WCL. This event did not o result in an unreviewed environmental question pursuant to the EPP.o 3.2 NON-ROUTINE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS 3.2.1 Submitted Non-routine Reports 0 9 There were no environmental reports involving significant non-routine impacts submitted to the NRC during 2004.2 o 3.2.2 Unusual or Important Environmental Event Evaluations 0 S; No unusual or important environmental events reportable according to specifications in the EPP were identified during 2004.3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL NONCOMPLIANCES

[EPP Subsection 54.1]Potential non-radiological environmental noncompliances and noteworthy events were documented and evaluated in accordance with WCNOC's Corrective Action Program, using Performance Improvement Requests (PIRs). A PIR is WCNOC's administrative vehicle for corrective action. Improvement items evaluated included hazardous waste management and minimization efforts, hazardous waste instructor and data management enhancements, clean air regulation review, environmental procedure accuracy and review, and spill investigation.

All the documented enhancements and reviews were determined not to be reportable pursuant to EPP criteria.8 I 1[I A-G E 4.0


OF ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS AT WOLF CREEK GENERATING D STATION 0 4.1 2004 LAND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES 4 The EPP requires a land management program that will implement conservation and o wildlife management techniques to attempt to balance production and conservation 9 values (EPP Section 4.2.3). The land management program at WCGS satisfied this requirement.

Specific program objectives were to: 2 0 a. conserve or improve both agricultural and natural resources, 0 b. foster good relations with local agricultural and natural resource communities, S c. satisfy licensing requirements, d. improve the appearance of the company's lands, and e. enhance, for educational purposes, the natural resources of the Environmental Education Area (EEA).These objectives were attained as explained below.Grasslands at WCGS consisted of areas leased for grazing and hay production and other areas maintained for regulatory compliance, soil conservation, and wildlife.

Areas adjacent to WCL, approximately 1440 acres, exceeded the 500 acre buffer zone of"naturally occurring biotic communities" referenced in the EPP. Approximately 1,422 acres of native rangeland were leased for grazing in 2004 with 8 local tenants. Leases specified rotation programs, season lengths, and maximum grazing rates. By controlling these variables, range quality was maintained at levels, which provided optimum wildlife value and long term rent generation.

Approximately 542 acres were leased to 13 local farmers for hay production in 2004.Hay meadows were managed for high quality production by requiring hay to be cut by July 31 and bales removed by August 31. No late cutting was allowed.Fire has always been an integral part of the prairie and was used to control woody brush invasion, control less desirable cool-season grasses or weeds, increase wildlife value, and to increase prairie vigor and production.

Prescribed burning was completed on approximately 1149 acres during 2004.Management of cropland reduced soil erosion, maintained rent income, and increased wildlife benefits.

Conservation farming, terracing, and wildlife strip management continued to help achieve the objectives.

A total of 1272 acres of cropland was leased to 12 local farmers in 2004. Consistent with past years, the cropland lease requirements specified that common conservation practices be followed.

On fields with appropriate terraces to follow, contour farming was required.

Fall tillage of crop residues was generally prohibited to reduce soil erosion.Activities at the EEA were designed to improve wildlife habitat and increase the public's chances to view a greater variety of wildlife.

Wildlife food plots, controlled burning, and trail improvements were a few of the techniques employed.

The EEA has drawn a large amount of attention and continues to be well suited for educational purposes.9 4.2 2004 ZEBRA MUSSEL MONITORING ACTIVITIES Zebra mussels were not observed during 2004 monitoring of the Neosho River and Wolf Creek Lake (WCL). Monitoring was completed to provide early detection so that zebramussel prevention plans can be initiated at Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS).Monitoring included substrate and shoreline searches of the Neosho River upstream of oJohn Redmond Reservoir (JRR) and immediately downstream of JRR in the vicinity of the Makeup-water Screen House (MUSH), where water is pumped from the Neosho River to WCL. Settlement monitors were placed and substrate scrapes were conducted at plant structures on the Neosho River and WCL. Inspections of fishing boats enteringWCL were also continued through 2004.0 As a result of zebra mussels being discovered at El Dorado Lake on August 25, 2003, boat inspection forms were updated and lake attendant training was completed to ensure awareness of the increased potential for zebra mussels. El Dorado Lake, approximately 80 miles southwest of WCGS, is in the Walnut River drainage, which is immediately west of the Cottonwood/Neosho drainage.

This placed potential sources of zebra mussels for transport to the Neosho River and WCL much closer than previously, which was north central Oklahoma.

Zebra mussels have been found at inland lakes in Oklahoma, including Oolagah, A. B. Jewel, Kaw, and Grand Lakes. Since 2003, the mussels have colonized the Walnut River below El Dorado Lake.The Neosho River and WCL would be conducive for zebra mussel survival and. growth based on water quality conditions present. Introduction to WCL will most likely be caused by WCGS pumping activities from the Neosho River. Boat inspections will likely prevent mussel introduction via recreational boats. Monitoring in the Neosho River and WCL increased in 2004 by initiating planktonic veliger sampling.

Contact with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment will continue to enhance monitoring and maintain awareness of mussel range extension in the area. Kansas' Aquatic Nuisance Species Plan, which has been supported by WCNOC, is expected to prevent or slow the spread of zebra mussels by the public to other Kansas water bodies.10 4.3 2004 FISHERY MONITORING ACTIVITIES Monitoring during 2004 demonstrated that the fishery in Wolf Creek Lake remained in o3 good condition with no adverse trends identified.

Fish predation pressure on the gizzard 4 shad population continued to prevent excessive shad impingement problems at the circulating water intake. Fishery monitoring activities as outlined in this report were o designed to continue to measure long-term trends and help Wolf Creek Generating 9 Station prepare for any short-term changes, particularly for any changes in the potential for shad impingement events.O Public angling on the lake did not impact the fishery's function of supporting plant o operations.

The catch and release philosophy promoted when the lake was opened for Sthe public has been compatible with gizzard shad control objectives.

Monitoring data did warrant management activities to improve the fishery for public use. These recommendations are: 1. Increase of the creel limit for crappie greater than 14 inches from two to ten fish per day to increase angler use and increase harvest of older crappie.2. Increase the catfish creel limit from five to ten fish per day. Catfish are not considered a significant predator of gizzard shad.3. Decrease the wiper length limit from 24 to 21 inches to increase harvest of older fish.4. Budget for a wiper stocking in 2006 to replace current aging year-classes.

11 59 Acxc Please have available for review the following reports as cited in Enclosure 4 to WM 06-0046 (November 17, 2006) -EA 1985; EA 1988; WCGS 1980; WCNOC 1987;WCNOC 1993; WCNOC 1997.

H ni I, 9 52 f'oi-ogl 19 9 Lo, NUCLAR PERATINGCOPRiN 0 Wn XJ Clay C. Warren Chief Operating Offiom'April 18, 1997 WO 97-0044.1-O0 17qi U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Mail Station P1-137 Washington, D. C. 20555


Docket No. 50-482: Annual Environmental Operating Report Gentlemen:

Enclosed is the Annual Environmental Operating Report which is being submitted pursuant to Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) Facility Operating License NPF-42, Appendix B. This report covers the operation of WCGS for the period of January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996.If you have any questions concerning the above issues, please contact me at (316) 364-8831, extension 4485, or Mr. Richard D. Flannigan at extension 4500.Very truly yours, Clay C. Warren CCW/jad Attachment cc: E. W.W. D.J. F.J. C.Merschoff (NRC), w/a Johnson (NRC), w/a Ringwald (NRC), w/a Stone (NRC), w/a RO. Box 411 / Burlington.








3 2.1 AQUATIC [EPP Section 2.11 ...................................


,................3 2.1.1 Impacts of Water Withdrawal on the Neosho River ..........................

3.V 2.1.2 Oxidizing Biocide Discharges to Wolf Creek Lake ...................

3 2.1.3 Cold Shock ..................

I ....................................................................

4 2.1.4 Impingement and Entrainment..........................................................

4 2.1.5 Impacts of Wolf Creektake Discharges to the Neosho River ....... 5 2.1.6 Other Non-EPP Aquatic Issues ...........................


[EPP Section 2.21 ....... ...............................

5 2.2.1 Control of Vegetation in the Exclusion Zone. .................

5 2.2.2 Vegetation Buffer Zone Surrounding Wolf Creek Lake ...........

5 2.2.3 Herbicide Use for Maintenance of WCGS Structures


6 2.2.4 Waterfowl Disease Contingency Plan and Monitoring


6 2.2.5 Fog Monitoring Program [EPP Subsection 4.2.1] .............................

6 2.2.6 Wildlife Monitoring Program [EPP Subsection 4.2.2 ..........


6 2.2.7 Land Management Program (EPP Subsection 4.2.3] ............


....... 7 3.1 PLANT DESIGN OR OPERATING CHANGES [EPP Section 3.11 ....... 7 3.2 NONROUTINE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS ........................................

10 3.2.1 Submitted Nonroutine Reports ..........................................................

10 3.2.2 Unusual or Important Environmental Event Evaluations


I I 3.3 Environmental Noncompliances (EPP Subsection 5.4.1 ...................

i ATTACHM ENT .........................................................................................................................

12 H 1996 Annual Environmental 1Operating Report 111 Page 3 of 19


UT Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation (WCNOC) has committed to minimizing the impact on the environment from operating Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS). The 1996 Annual Environmental Operating Report is being submitted in accordance with the objectives of the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) as required by Facility Operating License NPF-42. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that the plant operated during 1996 in an environmentally acceptable manner.2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 2.1 AQUATIC [EPP Section 2.1]2.1.1 Impacts of Water Withdrawal on the Neosho River The owners of WCGS have contracted with the Kansas Water Resources Board to pump 9.672 billion gallons per calendar year from the tailwaters of the John Redmond Reservoir (JRR) to Wolf Creek Lake (WCL). A total of 5.030 billion gallons or 52 percent of the contracted allotment was pumped during 1996. Of the total, 0.380 billion gallons or eight percent of the total pumped were used for auxiliary raw water. The remainder was transferred via the make-up pumps operated from April 27 through May 10 and from August 22 through October 23, 1996. Measurements taken during 1996 by the United States Geological Survey indicate that downstream flows in the Neosho River at Burlington were maintained at rates similar to past makeup pumping activities.

Adverse impacts to. the Neosho River attributable to 1996 pumping activities were not observed.The Final Environmental Statement/Operating License Stage (FES/OLS) postulated that make-up water withdrawal of 41 cfs during drought conditions would extend the duration and severity of low-flow conditions below JRR. This, in turn, was expected to reduce riffle habitat which would adversely affect Neosho madtom populations, federally listed as a threatened species. The combination of make-up water withdrawal during very low river flows did not occur during 1996.2.1.2 Oxidizing Biocide Discharges to Wolf Creek Lake Circulating Water System Discharge:

During 1996, Betz Bio-Trol S8P Microbiocide was used to control biological fouling in WCGS cooling water systems. The Betz product is a halogenated oxidizing biocide which replaced gaseous chlorine at WCGS. An evaluation completed by WCNOC demonstrated that the Bio-Trol 88P impacts to the cooling lake environment would not be greater than that expected from chlorine use. The expected impact from biocide use was derived from a postulated level (FES/OLS, Section of between 0.68 and 1.08 mg/I of total residual chlorine at the Circulating Water System (CWS) discharge.

Three 30-minute doses per day of 411 pounds of chlorine per dose were projected to produce these concentrations.

These concentrations were expected to cause periodic, appreciable mortality in a conservatively estimated 40 acres of the discharge area of WCL (FES/OLS, Section

H 1996 Annual Environmental Operating Report M Page 4 of 19 r3j The WCGS National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit was changed to allow the use of oxidizing biocides, other than exclusively chlorine.

This NPDES change was transmitted to the NRC per EPP Section 3.2 on August 8, 1994.N) This permit is administered by the Kansas Department of Health .and Environment 10 (KDHE). The permit limits the concentration of total residual oxidant (TRO) to be 0.2 mg/Il in the circulating water effluent.

Biocide dose duration is limited to two hours per%Jday. In practice, WCGS has kept TRO well below the NPDES allowable limits. Actual oxidizing biocide dosages to the CWS averaged approximately 22 pounds per day during 1996. The daily average TRO concentration was <0.1 mg/I. Compliance with the permit for daily maximum TRO and dose duration was 100 percent.In Section of the FES/OLS, the proposed biocide treatments were not expected to meaningfully affect the overall biological productivity of WCL. Because the actual values during CWS biocide treatments were well below the evaluated levels and no fish mortality attributable to oxidizing biocides was observed, permitted biocide discharges during 1996 were not considered to have had appreciable effects on the cooling lake environment.

Essential Service Water System Discharge:

During 1996, a continuous diversion of approximately 17,000 gpm of Service Water System (SWS) flow to the Essential Service Water System (ESWS) was completed to provide microbiologically induced corrosion protection and sedimentation control. The KDHE established a 1.0 mg/I TRO limit for the SWS flow diversion through the ESWS.Measurements of TRO averaged <0.1 mg/I and compliance with the NPDES limit in 1996 was 100 percent. No fish mortality or water quality changes attributable to ESWS biocide discharges were observed.2.1.3 Cold Shock In the event of a rapid decline in plant power level during winter, fishes attracted to the WCGS heated discharge could experience mortality due to a quick reduction in body temperature (cold shock). In reference to licensing document evaluations, the WCGS EPP Section 2.1 (c) states, "Cold shock effects on fish due to reactor shutdowns could cause significant mortality to aquatic species in the cooling lake." One cold-shock mortality event occurred following a plant trip on January 30, 1996. The fish kill event was not considered detrimental.

Section 3.0 below summarizes this fish kill event.2.1.4 Impingement and Entrainment Impacts of entrainment and impingement were projected to be significant in the WCGS EPP. Condenser mortality for entrained organisms was expected to approach 100 percent. Because of this, sampling efforts to monitor entrainment impacts were not required by the NRC and have not been implemented at WCGS. Through casual observations, fish impingement at the WCL circulating water intake was considered H 1996 Annual Environmental Operating Report Page 5 of 19 minimal during 1996, thus no sampling efforts to monitor impingement impacts have 0 been initiated.

U1 2.1.5 Impacts of Wolf Creek Lake Discharges to the Neosho River N)Discharges from WCL were regulated by NPDES permit limitations.

NPDES permit sampling was completed on the first day of each discharge and weekly thereafter until the.. end of each respective discharge.

Lake discharges typically come from periodic testing of the blowdown spillway and from stormwater runoff at the service spillway.

Discharge limits were set for sulfates, chlorides, and pH. In 1996, no NPDES violations at the lake's discharge were observed.

Considering past monitoring studies, there have been no detrimental effects to the Neosho River water quality due to lake discharges.

2.1.6 Other Non-EPP Aquatic Issues An aquatic issue not specified in the EPP involved Asiatic clam (Corbicula) distribution monitoring in the Neosho River and WCL. Monitoring commitments were specified in WCNOC's response to NRC Generic Letter 89-13. Asiatic clam monitoring has been completed as committed and the results are summarized in the attachment to this report.2.2 TERRESTRIAL

[EPP Section 2.21 2.2.1 Control of Vegetation inthe Exclusion Zone The composition and structure of vegetation in the 453 ha (1120 acre) exclusion zone were selectively controlled to be compatible with the function and security of station facilities.

Most areas in the immediate vicinity of the power block have been planted and maintained in a lawn-type condition.

Other areas within the exclusion area have been mowed for security and aesthetic purposes.2.2.2 Vegetation Buffer Zone Surrounding Wolf Creek Lake To create a 500 acre buffer zone around WCL, agricultural production activities were curtailed in 1980 below an approximate elevation of 1095' MSL, eight feet above WCL normal operating surface water elevation (1087 MSL). This border ranges from approximately 200 to 400 feet adjacent to the lake shoreline.

Previously grazed or hayed native tallgrass areas were left undisturbed.

Previously cultivated lands were allowed to advance through natural successional stages or native grasses were reestablished.

Land management activities specified in an annual land management plan included controlled burning to enhance and/or maintain the designated buffer zone with a naturally occurring biotic community.

There were no management changes to this zone in 1996.

1996 Annual Environmental 0 Operating Report fMl Page 6 of 19 2.2.3 Herbicide Use for Maintenance of WCGS Structures ul A soil sterilant was applied on selected gravel areas of WCGS. These included the protected area boundary, various lay-down storage yards, meteorological tower, support building borders, storage tank berms, switchyard, hazardous waste and waste oil storage.-0 areas, and on-site railroad beds. The herbicides applied consisted of a Karmex (EPA Reg. No. 352-247) and Oust (EPA Reg. No. 352401) mix. Application rates followed label instructions.

These herbicides were registered by the Kansas Department of Agriculture.

No environmental impacts from herbicide treatment of WCGS facilities were identified.

The transmission line right-of-ways associated with the power plant were not sprayed during 1996, except for the 69 Kv line. Trees in this right-of-way were clipped and stump treated with Garlon 4 (EPA Reg. No. 464-554).2.2.4 Waterfowl Disease Contingency Plan and Monitoring A waterfowl disease contingency plan was maintained to provide guidance for station biologists in the event of suspected or actual disease outbreaks.

The contingency plan lists appropriate federal and state wildlife agency contacts to be made by WCNOC in the event of such problems.

During routine wildlife monitoring and surveillance activities taking place over this reporting period, no waterfowl mortality attributable to disease pathogens was identified.

2.2.5 Fog Monitoring Program [EPP Subsection 4.2.11 Visibility monitoring was initiated in December 1983 and continued through 1987. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of waste heat dissipation from WCL on fog occurrence along U. S. 75 near New Strawn, Kansas. The program was required through one year of commercial operation that started in September,.

198$. Upon conclusion of 1987 data collection, it was determined that sufficient information was available to evaluate cooling lake fogging and that all commitments relevant to fog monitoring had been satisfied.

The fog monitoring study concluded that operation of WCGS did not appreciably increase fogging incidents from that measured before operation.

In 1996, there were no reports of such incidents from individuals or local agencies responsible for traffic safety. Implementation of mitigative actions or further monitoring was not warranted.

2.2.6 Wildlife Monitoring Program [EPP Subsection 4.2.21 A wildlife monitoring program was initiated to monitor and assess wildlife populations or parameters most likely to be impacted by the operation of WCGS. As outlined in the 1995/1996 annual wildlife study plan, specific objectives of the wildlife monitoring program were to assess waterfowl, waterbird, and bald eagle usage of WCL. Because these annual monitoring programs target each migration season (autumn through early spring), this EPP reporting period overlaps with part of the 1996/1997 monitoring period.

H.1996 Annual EnvironmentalOperating Report Page 7 of 19 I, The wildlife monitoring program was modified from the previous years' format during 0 the fall of 1996. An abstract of the wildlife monitoring program and results is presented U31 in the attachment to this report. Program changes are also presented in the attachment.

2.2.7 Land Management Program fEPP Subsection 4.2.31 Land management activities on all company-owned lands except within the 453 ha 1 (1120acre)

WCGS exclusion area were designed to achieve balances between agricultural production and conservation values. An annual management plan addressed needs and accepted techniques for land maintenance, soil conservation, and wildlife management.

These included the construction or establishment of fences, terraces, waterways, wetland areas, and permanent vegetative covers. An environmental education area was improved and maintained.

A summary of the 1996 land management activities appears in the attachment to this report.3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 3.1 PLANT DESIGNOR OPERATIONAL CHANGES [EPP Section 3.11 Proposed plant design and operational changes which have the potential to affect the environment must receive an environmental evaluation prior to implementation.

A summary of each modification or operating change which required an environmental evaluation in 1996 is presented.

There were no changes in station design or operation nor were there tests or experiments that involved an unreviewed environmental question during 1996. There were no events identified that required changes to the EPP.Evaluation:

Ice Prevention Activities In the Essential Service Water Screenhouse Bay This evaluation investigated potential environmental impacts from the temporary injection of heated water and bubbling of compressed air into the ESWS pump bays to prevent ice formation in the bay, on the trash racks, and/or the traveling screens. The water and air was pumped through eixisting warming lines and through temporary piping. Heated water was produced with boiler trucks and the air from air compressors.

This project was initiated due to the icing event that caused the January 30, 1996 plant trip.The evaluation concluded that no adverse environmental impacts would occur. The supplemental water flows and/or air addition were confined to the pump bay area. The thermally altered area was not expected to be larger than during normal warming line operation.

It was estimated that flow would be 300 gpm. A maximum of 200 degrees F water from the boiler trucks was not expected to raise the pump bay water temperatures more than a maximum of about 40-50 degrees F. The bubbling air was to be used to circulate existing water. Increased attraction offish to the warmer water was not expected because of the small area affected.

This decreased the potential for an isolated cold-shock induced fish kill if the warm water was abruptly stopped. No adverse impacts were observed.

3.1996 Annual Environmental Operating Report M Page 8 of 19 P Evaluation:

Lake Access Park Construction and Angling Impacts n i This evaluation addressed potential environmental impacts due to access park construction and N. public fishing on WCL. The park was constructed during the summer of 1996 and public angling on the lake started on October I, 1996.Environmental impacts related to the cooling lake and associated structures were previously evaluated in licensing documents and considered acceptable.

A portion of the proposed access site had been previously disturbedby lake construction and thus was exempt from EPP concerns.The EPP allows additional construction activities on areas not previously disturbed as long as potential impacts are evaluated and do not significantly affect the environment (EPP Section 3.1).This evaluation fulfilled this requirement and demonstrated that no significant impacts over those previously evaluated should be expected.This evaluation covered four main areas of potential impact. These were water quality concerns, impact of construction outside previously disturbed areas, angler harvest impact to the fishery, and human disturbance impacts to the bald eagle. In Section 2.1 of the EPP, the NRC relies on the State of Kansas for permit needs related to aquatic issues. These issues were addressed in the U.S. Corps of Engineers (USCOE) review of the lake access park project, which determined that dredge and fill activities were authorized under nationwide permit (NWP) No. 26. Conditions of NWP No. 26 require state water quality certification and responses from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) address compliance with on-site waste water disposal and stormwater pollution control requirements.

To comply with these conditions, WCNOC constructed a sewage disposal system for the restroom facilities in accordance with the Coffey County Sanitary Code. In addition, a stormwater pollution prevention plan was implemented to ensure water quality was not affected.It was expected that any impacts due to the park's construction activities outside areas previously disturbed by plant construction would be insignificant or nonexistent.

This expectation was based on similar conclusions in an Environmental Assessment for the Development of Public Fishing at WCGS completed by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP).Public recreation access was assessed in the Section 2.8.2 of the Environmental Report -Operating License Stage (ER-OLS) and no adverse environmental impacts to the fishery were identified.

No significant adverse impacts were expected from the current proposal, either. In the original ER-OLS review, the greatest economic benefit would be from joint fishery development by WCGS and KDWP (then Kansas Fish and Game Commission).

It was expected that this relationship would promote a trophy fishery, the biology of which would reduce roughfish numbers. The expected fishery was also credited with reducing the plant's adverse fish impingement impacts to the fishery simply by keeping gizzard shad numbers lower in the lake.Gizzard shad typically are vulnerable to impingement at power plant intakes.WCGS funded and developed the fishery with technical assistance from the KDWP. It was desirable to enhance a fishery high in predator numbers and diversity to keep shad numbers down to prevent the operational problems that could be caused by excessive impingement and clogging of the intake screens. Consequently, angler harvest impacts to the existing fishery were analyzed H 1996 Annual Environmental Operating Report ill Page 9 of 19 extensively when creel and length limits were set for the lake. In general, the limits were to O prevent adverse impacts by allowing only harvest of the largest and oldest fish.t'Adverse disturbance of bald eagles by increased human- activity was a potential impact. This issue was also addressed in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service response to the USCOE dredge and fill permit application.

However, operation of lake access was expected to minimize this.0 potential impact. First, only 50 boats per day will initially be allowed on the lake thus reducing.0 eagle disturbance, especially in the winter. Second, the heated discharge area of the lake will remain closed for fishing. Wintering eagles tend to congregate in the heated area. Third, shoreline anglers will be limited to 50 per day and will be restricted to the access park shoreline only, which is about 3/4 mile. This shoreline is greater than 500 yards from the nearest established eagle nest. Finally, plans were to follow U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service recommendation and exclude, via buoys, boat access to within approximately 300 yards from active eagle nests. In addition, monitoring and reporting of angler disturbance of the bald eagle will be completed and any necessary mitigative actions to reduce disturbance will be taken.These are conditions of the NWP No. 26 authorization.


Refuel VIII Steam Generator Chemical Cleaning Process This evaluation covered potential environmental issues associated with chemical cleaning of the steam generators.

This process was completed during Refuel VIII in February, 1996. No process wastes were released to the lake. In addition, potential water quality and hazardous waste issues involved are regulated by the KDHE. As such, the NRC relies on the State of Kansas for monitoring or permit limitations (EPP Section 2.1). WCGS consulted with the KDHE and since the process was to be completed without waste discharge to the environment, no monitoring or permit limitations were required.

A hazardous waste exclusion was requested from and authorized by the KDHE. No adverse environmental impacts were expected nor did any occur.Evaluation:

Outlet Throttle Valve Post Maintenance Test This evaluation demonstrated that no adverse environmental impacts would occur due to post maintenance throttle valve testing. The testing procedure determined the proper throttle position for the B train valve. Make-up flow rates to the Auxiliary Feed Water System, the Spent Fuel Pool, and the Component Cooling Water System were simulated using lake water via the ESWS.Most of the flow was to be returned to the lake via the permitted ESWS discharge (NPDES Outfall 006). Approximately 1220 gpm was to be by-passed to the storm drain system (NPDES Outfall 002). This by-pass represented a change in effluent flow path and potential environmental impact.In EPP Section 2.1 the NRC relies on the State of Kansas to regulate such issues. The KDHE and WCNOC addressed the water quality issues involved.

Since no biocide or chemical treatments were to take place during the bypass, no permit or monitoring limitations were required.

No adverse impacts resulted from the valve testing.

H.~.1 1996 Annual Environmental IT) Operating Report In Page 10 of 19 0 Evaluation:

Fish Mortality Due to Plant Trip In This evaluation addressed the impact of-the cold-shock fish kill event following the January 30, 1996 plant trip due to ice formation on the CWS traveling screens. Quantification of this event revealed that less than two percent of the total fish killed (19,763) were game fish, rough fish killed represented less than one fish per acre, and the majority of shad killed (80% of total fish)were young-of-year fish. Shad of this age usually succumb to winter temperatures or are consumed by the high predator numbers in the lake.The evaluation concluded that the plant trip did not adversely impact the WCL fishery. This conclusion was reached because the event was confined to the cooling lake and there were no threatened or endangered species involved.

Additionally, similar events in the past resulted in no measurable impact to the WCL fishery.Evaluation:

Siren Placement for Public Access of Wolf Creek Lake This evaluation demonstrated that there would not be adverse environmental impacts associated with placement and operation of two emergency sirens close to WCL. These sirens were required to fulfill emergency evacuation needs due to public access to the lake. Two potential issues were addressed.

First, the sirens were to be placed in areas not previously disturbed by plant construction.

The Environmental Assessment for the Development of Public Fishing at WCGS (by KDWP) concluded that these activities, including installation of a warning system, would not adversely impact areas not previously disturbed.

The area involved was also small (<1/4 acre). Because of these reasons, impact due to site disturbance was not considered adverse.Disturbance of bald eagles using the lake was the second impact assessed.

Little impact was expected due to most siren tests being "growl" tests where little sound is produced and full siren sound tests are of short duration.

Discussions with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service came to similar conclusions.

Preliminary observation in 1997 indicate that the nesting eagles are not adversely affected by siren testing.Evaluation:

Development of the Wolf Creek Employees Association Park This evaluation concluded that no adverse impacts would occur from developing the Wolf Creek Employee's Association park. Improvements included a shelter house, parking lot, picnic tables, utilities, and a sewage lagoon. The primary park area was previously disturbed by plant construction and the total area was small (<0.1% of total site area). No adverse impacts were observed.3.2 NONROUTINE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS 3.2.1 Submitted Nonroutine Reports There were no nonroutine environmental reports involving significant impacts submitted to the NRC during 1996.

H 1996 Annual Environmental Operating Report 11 Page I 1 of 19 3 3.2.2 Unusual or Important Environmental Event Evaluations No unusual or important environmental events reportable according to specifications in F0 the EPP were identified during 1996.3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL NONCOMPLIANCES

[EPP Subsection 5.4.1)At WCGS in 1996, nonradiological environmental noncompliances or noteworthy events were documented and evaluated in accordance with WCNOC's Performance Improvement Request (PIR) program. The PIR program is WCNOC's administrative vehicle for corrective action.Events evaluated included monitoring plan deviations, refrigerant leak regulation review discrepancies, discovery of fuel oil contaminated soil, qualified procedure reviewer discrepancies, and state laboratory certification omissions.

All the documented events were determined not to be reportable pursuant to EPP criteria.

H 1996 Annual Environmental Operating Report m Page 12 of 19 0 U) ATTACHMENT


OF ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS AT WOLF CREEK GENERATING STATION, 1996 Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Environmental Management P. O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Contents 1. 1996 Land Management Activities

2. 1996 Water Quality Monitoring Activities
3. 1996 Asiatic Clam and Zebra Mussel Monitoring Activities
4. 1996 Fishery Monitoring Activities
5. Wildlife Monitoring Activities H" 3) 1996 Annual Environmental Cif Operating Report*n IPage 13 of 19 1. 1996 LAND MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES This document presents the 1996 activities for the WCGS land management program. The EPP requires a land management program that will implement conservation and wildlife management techniques to attempt to balance production and conservation values (EPP Section 4.2.3). Procedure AI 07D-001,"Resource Management Program," implements this requirement via a land management report and plan.The program objectives are: NIJ a. to maximize rent income from agricultural lands, b. to conserve or improve both agricultural and natural resources, c. to foster good relations with local agricultural and natural resource communities, d. to satisfy licensing requirements, e. to improve the appearance of the company's lands, f. to enhance the natural resources on the Environmental Education Area (EEA).Grasslands at WCGS consist of areas leased for grazing and hay production and unleased areas maintained for regulatory compliance, soil conservation, and wildlife.

Grass areas adjacent to WCL shorelines exceed the 500 acre buffer zone of "naturally occurring biotic communities" referenced in the EPP. Approximately 1,238 acres of native rangeland were leased for grazing in 1996. Leases specified rotation programs, season lengths, and maximum grazing rates. By controlling these variables, range quality was maintained at levels which provided optimum wildlife value and long term rent generation.

Approximately 336 acres were leased for hay production in 1996. Hay meadows were managed for high quality production by requiring hay to be cut by July 31 and bales removed by August 31. Compliance with these specifications was good in 1996. No late cutting was observed.Fire has always been an integral part of the prairie and controlled burning was used on Wolf Creek land to control woody brush invasion, control less desirable cool-season grasses or weeds, increase wildlife value, and to increase prairie vigor and production.

It is a relatively inexpensive and environmentally compatible method of obtaining these objectives.

Management of Wolf Creek cropland has strived to reduce soil erosion, maintain rent income, and increase wildlife benefits.

A total of 1,349 acres of cropland was leased in 1996. Consistent with past years, the cropland lease contracts specified that common conservation practices be followed.

On fields with appropriate terraces to follow, contour farming was required.

Double-cropping, producing two crops on the same acreage during the same season, was generally prohibited because this practice usually increases soil loss. Fall tillage of crop residues was prohibited except for certain instances.

These generally include tillage necessary for fall planting of wheat, plowing of terraces and deep tillage practices to improve productivity.

Existing weed and grass strips as well as the practice of leaving edge grain, all of which provide wildlife benefits, were continued.

A two acre food plot was established in a predominately brome grass area.This area was not used for agricultural production and was lacking in habitat diversity.

Land management activities on the EEA were designed with natural resource education in mind.Improvement of wildlife habitat in the area to increase the public's chances of viewing a greater variety wildlife was an objective.

Tree and shrub planting, native prairie grass planting, wildlife food plots, and SH 1996 Annual Environmental Operating Report In Page 14 of 19 controlled burning were a few of the techniques employed.

The EEA has drawn a large amount of O attention and lends itself very well for educational purposes.

Continued modifications and habitat U1 improvements are ongoing which will constantly change the area keeping it attractive for wildlife and interesting for visitors.-D h) 3)1996 Annual Environmental mD Operating Report MT Page 15 of 19 a 2. 1996 WATER QUALITY MONITORING ACTIVITIES V1 Water quality in the Neosho River and WCL was not monitored in 1996, except for NPDES requirements.

The' original monitoring program's objectives since plant construction were to satisfy M M licensing requirements and assess plant impacts. This monitoring began in the Neosho River during 1973 and was initiated in WCL after impoundment to fulfill regulatory commitments (KG&E 1981, NRC 1982). The monitoring was to continue through at least two years of plant operation, which was satisfied in 1987. No adverse impacts greater than evaluated in licensing documents were identified.

Since 1987, the scope was greatly reduced to target key water quality indicators chosen to either add to baseline data or to reflect long-term operational impacts beyond monitoring commitments.

With these objectives being met in 1993, monitoring frequency and scope were further reduced. Frequency was changed to a biennial schedule beginning in 1995 with the program scope focusing on long term trends associated with plant operation.

After analyses of 1995 data, it was determined that further water quality monitoring was not necessary and discontinued.

Past results have demonstrated that no impacts to the Neosho River have resulted from plant operation., Past monitoring in the WCL has shown general increases in parameters associated with plant operation, but the trends were also influenced by rainfall dilutions.

No parameters were measured above levels forecasted in licensing evaluations (KG&E 1981, NRC 1982).Literature Cited Kansas Gas and Electric Company. 1981. Wolf Creek Generating Station Environmental Report (Operating License Stage). Wichita, Kansas. 2 Vols.Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

1982. Final Environmental Statement Related to the Operation of Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1, NUREG-0989.

H 1996 Annual Environmental Operating Report IM! Page 16 of 19 r: 3. 1996 ASIATIC CLAM AND ZEBRA MUSSEL MONITORING ACTIVITIES C3 M ASIATIC CLAMS Monitoring for Asiatic clams (Corbicula) in the Neosho River and WCL was discontinued in 1996. The 1995 monitoring determined that the clams had dispersed throughout most of the lake. In addition,.0 juvenile clam monitoring in 1995 detected a fall spawning period in the lake. Consequently, all commitments and needs for monitoring Asiatic clams were satisfied, thus no monitoring was necessary in 1996 and no further environmental monitoring for Corbicula is planned.Asiatic Clam Commitments:

Prior to any monitoring commitments, Corbicula expanded in 1986 in the vicinity of WCGS and monitoring effort for adults and sub-adults was increased at WCGS. Since makeup water for WCL would be pumped from the Neosho River via the Makeup Screenhouse (MUSH), Corbicula movement into the lake was considered inevitable.

However, immediate transport to the lake in this manner was not likely given that no Corbicula were present at the MUSH or upstream.

Nevertheless, an extensive annual effort was initiated during the fall of 1986 to determine the densities and track the upstream expansion of the river's Corbicula population.

At the same time, efforts in WCL were stepped up to identify early colonization and assess potential impacts to the operation of WCGS.Industry incidences of bivalve macro-fouling prompted the NRC in 1989 to issue Generic Letter 89-13 (NRC 1989). This letter required power plants without an established Corbicula population in their cooling water source to monitor for initial presence.

The scope of the required monitoring included visual inspections of intake structures for Corbicula each refueling cycle, and annual surveys of water and substrate.

At the time of Generic Letter 89-13, WCL did not have an established Corbicula population, but the company was already monitoring for possible Corbicula establishment.

This monitoring included intake structure inspections and substrate sampling, two of the three requirements specified in 89-13. WCNOC responded to 89-13 by formalizing Corbicula inspections at the Circulating Water Screenhouse (CWSH), ESWS, and MUSH intake structures.

Annual substrate sampling in the lake was continued.

Monitoring of the water column for juvenile Corbicula, the last of the 89-13 requirements, was not being performed at the time. Juvenile monitoring was not considered efficient for detecting initial colonization in WCL due to low anticipated densities, but it was considered valuable in determining spawning cycles once presence was known. Consequently, in its response to 89-13, WCNOC justified not initiating juvenile sampling until after Corbicula was known to exist in the lake. In lieu of this, WCNOC continued distribution monitoring in the Neosho River and WCL. After Corbicula was found in WCL during June 1991, juvenile monitoring was initiated.

Documentation of spring and fall juvenile release periods in 1995 fulfilled all commitments related to distribution monitoring of Asiatic clams. Further Corbicula monitoring in WCL is no longer necessary and has been discontinued.

ZEBRA MUSSELS Zebra mussel monitoring was increased in 1996 in an attempt to ensure early detection of their presence in the WCGS area. No zebra mussels were detected in 1996 at the five sampling locations in the Neosho River and WCL. Each sampler was checked every two months between June and October for attached adult zebra mussels and the immediate river bank or lake shore at each location was searched for zebra H 1996 Annual Environmental Operating Report iii Page 17 of 19 mussel shells. Zebra mussels have not been reported in Kansas and have not been reported closer to O Kansas than navigation locks in the Verdigris River in northeastern Oklahoma (Benson, 1997). Because 131 zebra mussels can be dispersed by overland transport of recreational boats, monitoring for the presence of zebra mussels near WCGS will likely continue in 1997.IbJ Literature Cited.0 V Benson, Amy J., Biological Resources Division.

U.S. Geological Survey. "An Overview of Non-Indigenous Aquatic Organisms," Presentation.

at Seventh International Zebra Mussel and Aquatic Nuisance Species Conference (January 28-31, 1997, New Orleans, Louisiana).

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Generic Letter 89-13, "Service Water System Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment," to all holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear power plants (July 18, 1989).

H 1996 Annual Environmental Operating Report iMl Page 18 of 19 0 4. 1996 FISHERY MONITORING ACTIVITIES UT Fishery monitoring of the WCL during 1996 was completed to assess gizzard shad densities and the K\ status of the predator species that have kept shad numbers low. Operational problems that are routinely 10 experienced at some power plants due to excessive shad impingement and clogging of cooling water intake screens have been avoided at WCGS. The dynamics of the fishery in the lake have kept shad numbers low enough to prevent this, but monitoring has revealed subtle increases in shad numbers. With angler harvest beginning in 1996, the data also provided valuable information used to determine size and creel limits that would be compatible with shad control efforts.Most predator species responded to the slight shad increases by improving their average body conditions.

The success of wiper stockings in 1995 and 1996 was limited, based on 1996 sampling.

These stockings should support the existing wiper population which have approached the end of their expected life span.Predator densities were good for all species except largemouth.

Data showed that predator fish responsible for keeping shad numbers down generally had good densities, were large on average, and had.improved body conditions.

Shad control should not be sacrificed in lieu of angler harvest, but with the catch-and-release philosophy being stressed at WCGS, limited harvest and continued shad control should be compatible.

Size limits were set high so that only the oldest fish would be harvested.

Low creel limits should spread available harvest among more people. Both should promote catch-and-release.

Creel census results were unavailable, but preliminary review indicates that angler success and harvest were moderate in 1996. The lake was only open for public access a short while in 1'996, starting on October 1, 1996.In summary, gizzard shad showed signs of increasing, but the predator populations were able to maintain control of shad numbers. Wipers were stocked in 1996 to help maintain the predator numbers. Angler harvest length and creel limits were designed to protect high numbers of predator fish capable of maintaining shad control benefits.

Moderate harvest occurred in 1996.

H 1996 Annual Environmental Operating ReportPage 19 of 19 o 5. WILDLIFE MONITORING ACTIVITIES The wildlife monitoring activities targeted possible impacts from station operation to migratory and wintering waterbirds in the vicinity of WCGS. The results presented here cover the 1995/1996 winter Is, monitoring season. The general objectives of the program were to document and assess any trends or impacts that may be caused by station operation to migrating or wintering populations of waterbirds,-D waterfowl, and threatened or endangered species. Use of the cooling lake may expose birds to transmission line collision mortality or to disease outbreaks.

Damage to local agricultural crops by large waterfowl concentrations using the lake was also a concern. To document and assess such occurrences or increased potential for such, specific objectives of the program were to monitor how many and where waterbirds, waterfowl, and threatened and endangered species used the lake during the winter migration season and compare these to the norm observed since station operation began.During the 1995/1996 season, thirty-four species of waterbirds and waterfowl were observed with mallard, snow goose, and Canada goose being most abundant During operational winters, the heated effluent provided previously unavailable open water habitat on WCL. This, in combination with a lack of hunting pressure and close, abundant food supplies, has usually kept wintering birds on WCL longer than during preoperational seasons. Mallard and Canada goose usage has indicated preferences for areas of the cooling lake providing these conditions, although these preferences were not usually significant (p.O.OS). No disease or crop depredation problems were observed during the 1994/1995 season or the first half of the 1995/1996 season. No significant transmission line collision events nor the increased potential for such were observed.The bald eagle was the only threatened or endangered species that was consistently observed using the cooling lake. During operational winters, the cooling lake does not normally attract a disproportionate number of area bald eagles. The seasons of highest usage were associated with plant trips or power reductions causing cold-shock fish kills resulting in a food resource not typically available in such quantity at WCL. Even then, the eagles utilized JRR nearly as much or more than they did WCL. Recent trends seem to indicate that area bald eagles prefer JRR over WCL even when .JRR is ice-covered and WCL is largely ice-free.

Thus, WCL does not appear to be affecting the area bald eagle population so as to attract such high numbers that transmission line mortality could be a problem.A pair of bald eagles has nested at WCL each spring since 1994. A total of five eaglets have been fledged at WCL during the first three nesting seasons. All five eaglets have been banded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service prior to fledging.

The pair of adults has remained in the WCL area year-round since the initial successful nesting. This pair began incubating eggs at WCL again in March of 1997, and it is expected that they will continue to nest at WCL in the future.Beginning with the winter of 1996/1997, the wildlife monitoring program was modified from the previous years' format. WCGS staff are no longer conducting routine waterfowl/bald eagle surveys.Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP) staff will conduct two surveys/month from September through March, consistent with KDWP monitoring of other reservoirs.

Results of these surveys will be forwarded to WCGS staff. Atypically high concentrations of waterfowl or bald eagles identified from the KDWP surveys or by other means such as casual observations by WCGS staff may initiate supplemental monitoring to determine if any new concerns may exist in regard to transmission line collisions, disease outbreaks, or crop depredation.

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  • s* " '. ... .. * ' ..t. * .**. ... " ." .*.. * .. .-°.."'.-. .* ... .".- .'. 5%.~ EA ENGINEERING, SCIENCE, AND TECHNOLOGY, INC.

I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I EA Report KGE52A ASSESSMENT OF COLD SHOCK POTENTIAL FOR SIX TARGET SPECIES FROM THE WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE Prepared for Kansas Gas and Electric Company Wichita. Kansas 67201 Prepared by EA Engineering.

Science, and Technology.

Inc.221 Oakcreek Drive Lincoln, Nebraska 68528 14 November 1985 I I CONTENTS Page


2.0 THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS 2 3.0 COLD SHOCK ASSESSMENT 6 3.1.1 Gizzard Shad 6 3.1.2 Bluegill 8 3.1.3 Largemouth Bass 8 3.1.4 Smallmouth Bass 9 3.1.5 Temperate Basses 10 4.0




14 I I I I I I I I I I I

,I LIST OF TABLES Number Title Page 2-1 Seasonal 1 percentile and 50 percentile lake temperature distri-bution for 1150 MWe unit at 100 percent average annual load factor 4 2-2 Surface and vertical temperature profiles measured at 19 locations in the WCCL discharge cover, 25 October 1985 5 3-1 Number of fish collected by electroshocking in the discharge cove of the Wolf Creek Cooling Lake, 1985 7 I LIST OF FIGURES 2-1 Temperature profile locations at Wolf Creek Cooling Pond Discharge Cove 3 I I I[m I I I I

.; I*


Thermal discharges from electric generating stations elevate water temperatures above ambient conditions of the receiving water body. During the cooler months (late fall and winter) the heated effluent can be an attractant to fishes because the altered water temperatures may be closer to preferred/selected temperatures of fish. A rapid decrease in temperature resulting from a station outage during these cooler months can 1) cause direct death from cold shock; 2)increase susceptibility to predation and/or stranding on beaches through loss I of equilibrium; and 3) alter physiological processes affecting nutrition, disease, or respiration (ANS 1974). The potential for cold shock is based on the assumption that fish remain in the discharge long enough to acclimate to the elevated temperatures and thus would experience cold shock when the water temperature is reduced following a station outage. The ecological consequence of cold shock ultimately depends on the species attracted to the heated discharge and the proportion of the total population affected.

Cold-shock fish kills are often spectacular (Coutant et al. 1974; ANS 1974) but may not be significant if the number killed represents a small percentage of the total population.

The potential for cold shock in temperate regions may be greater than thermal shock because fish tend to avoid high water temperatures in the summer and they acclimate more slowly to declining water temperatures than to increasing water temperatures.

  • This report assesses the potential for cold shock on selected target fish species in the Wolf Creek Cooling Lake (WCCL) which receives the heated effluent from the Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) operated by Kansas Gas and Electric Company (KGE). A general. assessment of cold shock was provided in the operating license stage environmental report for WCGS (ER-OLS) and the final environmental statement (FES) prepared by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff. These earlier assessments were prepared before the WCCL fishery was established and were based on predicted water temperatures modeled with historical meteorological data and several assumptions related to operation of WOGS and the WCCL.WCGS reached criticality in May 1985 and achieved full power in August 1985.Damage to a set of vertical traveling screens (VTS) in late September resulted when strong south winds transported Potamogeton spp. to the circulating water intake structure; damage to the VTS occurred because a pressure sensing valve malfunctioned while the screens were on automatic-intermittent mode. A decision was made to operate WCGS with two of the three circulating water pumps at a high load factor to meet power demands. This resulted in a higher maximum temperature differential between condenser inlet and outlet (AT) than was originally designed (38 vs. 31.5 F). This change in station operation, which has potential implications for the WCCL fishery, precipitated this re-assess-ment of cold shock.The re-assessment was based on fishes now known to be important in the WCCL and on the original modeled temperatures for one unit operation at 100 percent load with a design AT of 31.5 F. The short operational history of WCGS has provided only limited data and re-execution of the model with a 38 F AT has not been done. mainly because field data necessary to verify the model are not currently doe

.f I I available.

This assessment assumes that if the target species are susceptible to cold shock with a 31.5 F AT, they will be at least as or more susceptible with a 38 F AT. This assumption is supported by the lower incipient lethal limits of four target species which experience cold shock at temperature differentials generally at or below the design AT for WOGS (Section 3.0).Information necessary for a complete assessment of cold shock is incomplete or lacking; data on the temperature distribution in the immediate discharge area, temperature decay rates following an outage, and distribution of fish in and around the immediate discharge area during the fall and winter would provide valuable insights for this assessment.

More importantly, the operational data base is currently inadequate, because of the short operational history of assess the applicability of modeled water temperatures for cold shock potential.

2.0 THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS IThe heated effluent from WCGS is discharged into the WCCL from the circulating water discharge structure into a 290-acre cove (Figure 2-1). A baffle dike directs the effluent along a northwesterly path as it leaves the discharge cove to lengthen the flow path through the cooling lake. The computer model used to calculate the WCCL temperature distribution simulated the effects of varying meteorological conditions and plant heated discharge on the surface temper-atures and evaporation rates of a lake. A description of the model and results are presented in the ER-OLS.Seasonal lake temperature distributions were calculated for a 1.150 MWe unit at 100 percent average annual load factor. The fall and winter temperatures.

which were provided in 1 and 50 percentile groups, were used for the cold shock assessments (Table 2-1. Figure 2-1). The discharge velocity and mixing characteristics of the plume would realistically reduce the absolute temper-atures to which fish would be exposed. Field temperature measurements by KGE in the immediate discharge area during late September and October 1985 were 4 t to 7 F lower than the condenser outlet temperature.

It is not clear in the ER-OLS whether the discharge temperatures in Table 2-1 are condenser outlet or actual discharge temperatures; however, based on the 18 second travel time through the condensers, the lower discharge temperatures measured by KGE represents rapid cooling as the discharge jet enters the lake.Therefore, assuming the modeled temperatures are at the immediate point of discharge they would represent worst-case conditions because the high jet velocity and apparent rapid cooling would result in fish being exposed to lower absolute temperatures.

Additionally, vertical temperature distributions measured in the discharge cove on 25 October 1985 exhibited substantial vertical and horizontal heterogeneity (Table 2-2). This heterogeneity reduces the amount of warm water available to fish and provides a thermal refuge for fish that may be attracted to the discharge cove for reasons other than the warmer water (e.g. Morone spp. seeking forage and/or flowing water habitat).Vertical stratification in the discharge cove also suggests the modeled temperatures may not be realistic because the model assumed a well-mixed, homogeneous temperature distribution.

!2 Oe .4 Figure 2-1. Temperature profile locations at Wolf Creek Cooling Pond Discharge Cove.3 S4, I I I I i I I I I I I I I I TABLE 2-1 SEASONAL 1 PERCENTILE AND 50 PERCENTILE LAKE TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION FOR 1150 MWe UNIT AT 100 PERCENT AVERAGE ANNUAL LOAD FACTOR(a)(Values in Degrees Fahrenheit)


Plant Discharge Location A Location B Location C Location D Plant Inlet (a) All values (b) Figure 2-1 1 Percentile Temperature Winter Spring Summer Fall 50 Percentile Temperature Winter Spring Summer Fall 75.8 57.7 50.8 47.4 46.4 46.3 104.1 80.6 75.9 74.4 74.3 74.3 116.5 90.7 86.9 86.8 86.8 86.8 110.0 84.8 80.9 80.6 80.6 80.6 66.2 48.2 41.6 37.9 36.9 36.6 85.2 63.6 57.9 55.7 55.6 55.6 109.6 84.0 80.2 80.0 80.0 80.0 94. 7 70.9 65.8 65.0 65.0 65.0 are based on 16 years of weather identifies locations.

data (1949-1964).

4 TABLE 2-2 SURFACE AND VERTICAL TEMPERATURE (C) PROFILES MEASURED AT 19 LOCATIONS IN THE WCCL DISCHARGE COVE, 25 OCTOBER 1985 Depth 1 Surface 36.5 Im lm 35 35 32.5 26.5 2 34. 5 33 32 19.5 3 31 3a 29 29 28.5 19 3b 5 26.5 26.5 2 m 3m 4m Locat ion(a)5a 5b 5c 28.5 28 28 28.5 28 28.5 28 19 26.5 18 18.5 18 18 16.5 17.5 4 23 23 6 25 25 7a 27 27 27 27 24 7 7b 28 28 28 28 28 22.5 18.5 8 28 28 28 8a 28 28 27 27 25.5 19.5 18 18 17.5 9 25.5 25 24.5 20.5 18 18 17.5 19 18 5m 6m 7 m 16 17 17.5 8 m 16 (a) See Figure 2-2 for reference points.Notes: 1. Plant Operation Data: 94 percent power, intake temperature 18 C, condenser outlet = 39.4 C (AT = 21 C).2. Southeast wind at 19 mph.

.4 .* 3.0 COLD SHOCK ASSESSMENT The potential for cold shock of fish in the WCCL was evaluated with the use of preferred water temperature data and lower incipient lethal threshold temperatures for target species. Preferred temperatures represent those selected by fish over another under given conditions (e.g.. different acclimation temperatures).

Lower ultimate lethal threshold is that temperature which causes death of a specified fraction of a sample of fish irrespective of prior acclimation temperature and the rate of temperature change (ANS 1973).These data were used to determine if the target species would be thermally attracted and acclimated to the fall and winter I and 50 percentile temperatures presented in Table 2-1.Target species were selected based on their relative importance in the WCCL fishery. Although 21 species have been collected from the discharge cove by electrofishing from May through September 1985, the six selected target species (gizzard shad, wiper, striped bass, bluegill.

smallmouth bass. and largemouth bass) accounted for 72 percent of the total catch. The remainder of the catch was dominated by black bullhead (55 percent of the miscellaneous fish). Catch data in September 1985 (Table 3-1) suggested attraction of five of the six target species in the immediate discharge area (Location 9A3) compared to two locations away from the discharge structure along the baffle dike (Locations 9A1 and 9A2) and a third location in the northeastern end of the discharge cove (Location 9B). The September data were collected when WOS was at 50 percent load with a AT of approximately 15 F. Fish probably would typically avoid the immediate discharge area during September if WCGS was at 100 percent load with a 31.5 AT. All target species occurred at least seasonally at Location 9A3 except bluegill.

The August catch data reflects thermal avoidance by the target species when temperatures at Locations 9A2 and 9A3 were 89.6 and 104 F,* respectively.

The selected species represent important forage fish (gizzard shad and bluegill) and predators (wiper, striped bass. smallmouth bass. largemouth bass)which have different habitat requirements (e.g., demersal and pelagic), and should be affected differently by the thermal discharge from the WCGS because of specific temperature requirements, feeding habits, and movement patterns.The following sections examine the potential for cold shock on each target species.3.1.1 Gizzard Shad Gizzard shad represent a primary forage fish in the WCCL, especially for the large pelagic predator species which include striped bass, wipers, and white bass. During cool months, gizzard shad congregate in warmer areas of power plant discharges (Coutant 1975; EA 1985). Gizzard shad are especially sensitive to cold shocks and can suffer equilibrium loss within minutes when acclimated to temperatures of 59 to 68 F and shocked to ambient temperatures below 42.8 F to 44.6 F (Cox and Coutant 1976). Actual death (cessation of opercular movement) occurred long after the loss of equilibrium.

Equilibrium loss represents a more critical thermal dose for survival of gizzard shad because it decreases the fishes ability to escape conditions contributing to the cold shock.!6

-m-m m- -m m -m -m m --TABLE 3-1 NUMBER OF FISH COLLECTED BY ELECTROSHOCKING IN THE DISCHARGE COVE OF THE WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE, 1985 MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 9AI 9A 9A3 9B 9AI 2A2 9A3 9B 9A1 9A2 9A3 9B 9A1 9A2 2A3 9B 9AI 9A2 9A3 2B Gizzard shad 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 13 0 0 5 15 Wiper 24 42 56 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 Striped bass 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 Bluegill 6 0 0 0 5 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 6 Smallmouth bass 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 Largemouth bass 22 6 0 11 11 16 28 0 3 0 231 2 0 0 3 2 0 16 0 Other Species 7 1 2 30 3 7 12 16 0 2 28 16 0 0 0 5 2 4 3 14 Total Catch 59 51 62 47 20 24 59 23 3 3 54 27 4 0 0. 21 5 8 43 35 Note: Location descriptions are provided in Section 3.1 of the text.

.4 , lThe lower incipient lethal threshold for young-of-the-year (YOY) gizzard shad acclimated at 77, 86. and 95 F has been determined to be 51.4..58.1.

and 68 F.respectively (Brungs and Jones 1977). These levels represent the point at which 50 percent of the test fish died. Cold shock to gizzard shad in the WCCL discharge cove would occur during the winter at the 1 and 50 percentile

'i .temperatures if fish were acclimated to the plant discharge temperature (75.8 and 66.2 F, respectively).

Fish acclimated at 77 F would be expected to be stressed at 51.4 F. which is above the predicted plant inlet temperatures (46.3 F). Equivalent data are not available for the 50 percentile plant discharge (66.2 F) temperature, but because test fish were shocked with a 25.6 to 27.9 F temperature differential, fish would be expected to be stressed when ambient is predicted to be 29.6 F below acclimation (i.e.. plant discharge) temperatures (Table 2-1). Cold shock would occur at the 50 percentile fall plant discharge temperature (94.7 F) because this temperature is equivalent to the 95 F acclimation temperature associated with a lethal threshold of 68 F. Gizzard shad acclimated to temperatures at Locations A through D in the main body of 3the cooling lake (Figure 2-1) would not be affected by a plant shutdown.3.1.2 Bluegill Bluegill are warm-water fish often found in large numbers in thermal discharges (Neill and Magnuson 1974) and are probably important forage fish for the WCCL black bass population.

Juvenile bluegill experiencing an acute cold shock are I more susceptible to predation because bass recognize and pursue fish exhibiting abnormal swimming behavior (Wolters and Coutant 1976). A 16 F temperature drop was sufficient to produce an increase in selective predation.

Cold shock in these tests did not cause direct death even though juveniles acclimated to 86 and 89.6 F instantly lost equilibrium when placed in 60.8 F water-a temper-ature differential that is comparable to what bluegill would experience in the fall months at the WOGS plant discharge during a plant shutdown.

Catch data obtained since WCGS began operation indicates little attraction of bluegill to the immediate discharge area (Location 9A3; Table 3-1).The lower incipient lethal thresholds of adult bluegill has been determined to be 36.5. 41.0. 45.5. and 51.8 F for fish acclimated at 59. 68. 77, and 86 F.respectively (Brungs and Jones 1977). Temperature differentials for these tests ranged from 22.5 to 34.2 F and are comparable to predicted winter temperatures in the WCCL assuming fish are acclimated to plant discharge temperatures and are immediately exposed to plant intake temperatures.

Bluegill should not be affected by a fall shutdown at WCGS because based on typical habitat requirements they would be expected to avoid the immediate discharge area because of high velocities and warm water temperatures.

Juvenile bluegills acclimated at 37.4 and 46.4 F preferred water temperatures of 60.8 and 64.4 F, respectively (Brungs and Jones 1977), and these temperatures are slightly lower than the 50 percentile winter plant discharge temperatures.

I .3.1.3 Largemouth Bass Largemouth bass is the major warm-water predatory fish in the United States and is important in the WCCL fishery. Although bass are often found in open water I8

.6-and at considerable depth, its activities are primarily, associated with the shoreline and therefore can be expected to come in contact with the thermal discharge from WOGS. A review of responses of bass to natural and artificial temperature regimes by Coutant (1975b) indicate that largemouth bass are sensitive to temperature decreases; abrupt decreases of 9 F have been shown to cause young bass to be more susceptible to predation by larger fishes (Coutant et al. 1974).The lower incipient lethal threshold for largemouth bass from Lake Erie acclimated at 68 and 86 F was determined to be 41.9 F and 53.2 F. respectively (Brungs and Jones 1977). These data suggest largemouth bass acclimated to the 50 percentile winter plant discharge temperatures would be cold shocked following a plant outage. Fall outages should not result in cold shock of largemouth bass based on ambient (plant inlet) temperatures higher (65 F) than the aforementioned shock temperatures.

However, the 50 percentile spring 3 temperatures are similar to the maximum acclimation (86 vs. 85.6 F) and the incipient lethal temperature (53.2 vs. 55.6 F).Largemouth bass tend to overwinter in deep water which has the warmest temperatures and they exhibit diel and seasonal variations in response to available temperatures (Coutant 1975b). Winter attraction of largemouth bass to heated discharges is common and can be expected at the discharge cove of WCCL. The potential for cold shock will depend on whether fish are acclimated to the discharge temperatures.

A study of largemouth bass in Par Pond. South Carolina showed that bass congregated in large numbers when the reactor was operating but not when cold water was released (Gibbons et al. 1972; Clugston 1973). Other bass showed high mobility in Par Pond and readily moved between the warm arm of the reservoir and cooler areas. There was no clear attraction of Par Pond bass to the immediate discharge point, when preferred water temperatures (80 F) were present, suggesting that currents, shelter, and forage may influence the near-field distribution more than does exact temperature (Coutant 1975b). In a Minnesota radio-tagging study. lhrgemouth bass confined their movements to heated water areas (Ross and Winter 1981). In contrasting their results with Clugston's (1973). they observed that winter ambient temperatures in Par Pond (51.8 F) were not as restrictive as the 32 F temperatures outside the discharge area they studied. Modeled ambient temperatures (plant intake) in the WCCL are closer to the ambient temperatures in Minnesota (32 vs. 36.6 F) than in the South Carolina Cooling Pond.Attraction of largemouth bass to the WCCL discharge cove may therefore be less I than observed at Par Pond based on the larger surface area of WCCL (5020 vs.2770 acres) and cooler predicted winter ambient temperatures (36.6 vs. 51.8 F).3.1.4 Smallmouth Bass Smallmouth bass prefer cooler water temperatures than do largemouth bass and although they are less common in the WCCL they represent a cold water species that have been collected from the immediate discharge area (Location 9A3, Table 3-1). Summer field observations suggest smallmouth bass prefer 70 F whereas laboratory data indicate preferred temperatures as high as 87.8 F in the summer (Coutant 1975b). Under-yearlings acclimated to fall (=50-59 F) and winter (=32-36 F) temperatures selected temperatures of 78.1-86.0 F and 72.5-82.4 F, 9

.0 Urespectively (Barans and Tubb 1973). Adult smallmouth in these tests selected lower temperatures than did the juveniles in the fall (69.8-80.6 F) and winter (55.4-78.8 F). Barans and Tubb (1973) concluded that smallmouth bass would probably aggregate near thermal discharges when temperatures were near those selected in their tests. A field study in Lake Huron. Canada did not demonstrate any winter attraction to a thermal discharge, but YOY and adults were attracted during the summer and fall (Shuter et al. 1985).Detailed data on heat tolerance of smallmouth bass are not as available as for largemouth bass but Horning and Pearson (1973) found that the lower lethal temperature for juveniles was 50 and 35 F for fish acclimated at 79 and 59 F, respectively.

The 29 F differential for the higher acclimation temperature is comparable to the differential predicted in the immediate discharge area for WOGS. Based on these data. fish acclimated to the 1 and 50 percentile winter temperature would be cold shocked if plant discharge temperatures abruptly declined to those at the plant inlet. Smallmouth bass acclimated to water temperatures at Location A outside the discharge cove would not be cold shocked.3.1.5 Temperate Basses Temperate basses of the genus Morone which occur in the WCCL include striped bass, white bass, and the striped bass X white bass hybrid (wiper). Striped bass and wipers have been collected by electroshocking in the WCCL discharge cove with the highest catches recorded in May and September 1985 (Table 3-1).Morone were observed attempting to spawn during the May collection in the nimmediate discharge area which suggests possible attraction to the flowing water habitat during the spawning season. Quantitative data on lower incipient lethal temperatures for the Morone similar to that for the other target species are apparently not available.

Preference data are generally available for Sstrpedbass and white bass based on field and laboratory observations and may be considered representative for the hybrid.Woiwode and Adelman (1984) have determined optimum temperature for wiper growth (87.8 F) and the approximate upper lethal temperature (102.2 F when acclimated at 94.1 F). These authors could find no other data on temperature effects on 3 wiper growth or final preferendum.

Barans and Tubb (1973) reported temper-atures selected by YOY white bass acclimated to summer conditions as 86 to 93.2 F. whereas adults preferred slightly lower temperatures (86 to 89.6 F). White bass in their study acclimated to winter temperatures selected temperatures (64.4 to 77 F) that were similar to the 1 and 50 percentile winter plant discharge temperatures (66.2 and 75.8 F) at WOGS.A study of ultrasonic-tagged subadult striped bass (43 to 68 cm in total length) suggested a thermal niche of 68 to 75.2 F from April through October (Coutant and Carroll 1980). The thermal distributions of these tagged fish supported earlier observations that striped bass avoided an upper temperature range of 77 to 80.6 F. Cox and Coutant (1981) noted that in other studies adults occupied 64.4 to 71.6 F rather than the 73.4 to 78.8 F range that is optimal for growth of juveniles as suggested by laboratory data. They noted that the discrepancy may reflect a size-dependent difference as smaller* 10 I .0'U (younger) fishes tend to have higher preferred temperatures than larger (older)fishes, perhaps due to differences in metabolism and optimal growth.I Temperature preference data for two of the three Morone species suggests preferred temperatures will occur in the discharge cove assuming fish become acclimated to the warmer temperatures.

Preferred temperatures of juvenile striped bass at cooler temperatures suggests they may not be thermally attracted to the immediate discharge in the winter. Juvenile striped bass acclimated at 41 and 57.2 F preferred temperatures of 53.6 and 71.6 F (Brungs and Jones 1977). Striped bass acclimated to 41 F, an expected winter temperatures for the WCCL based on modeled results (Table 2-1), would not be attracted to the immediate discharge area, but could be attracted into the 3 discharge cove based on the 50 percentile temperatures.

Thermal resistance data and temperature differentials necessary to cause cold shock for the Morone were not found for this review. Striped bass and white bass have been reported as being cold shocked in a tabulation of reported cold shock incidents for a period from 1967 to 1974 (ANS 1974). The temperature differential between the plant discharge and plant inlet will probably cold shock Morone, as it will for the other target species if they are acclimated to the discharge temperatures.

Coutant et al. (1976) suggested similarities in the cold-shock resistance data for gizzard shad, bluegill, channel catfish, and 3 largemouth bass were representative for warm-water fishes.4.


AND CONCLUSIONS The preceding review of temperature preference data, lower incipient lethal thresholds, and cold shock potential to the six target species (gizzard shad.bluegill.

largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, striped bass, wipers) for the WCCL should be considered representative rather than exhaustive.

In general, the reviewed literature indicates the target species should be seasonally attracted into the discharge (which has been substantiated by electroshocking data collected to date for the spring, summer, and fall) and would experience cold shock with the design 31 F AT if acclimated to the plant discharge temperatures and are abruptly exposed to ambient (plant intake) temperatures.

The potential for cold shock to fish in the WCCL is greatest in the winter although some species could be affected in the fall or spring. This potential for cold shock was based primarily on available lower incipient lethal thresholds which represent the level that a certain percentage (usually 50 percent) of the fish* will die. The increase in the AT which occurred in late September and October 1985 at WOGS should not have been a factor in cold shock as ambient temperatures were still warm (=60 F) and above cold shock thresholds.

The effect of a 38 F AT (vs. 31.5) in the winter would theoretically increase the percentage of fish cold shocked because the temperature differential between plant discharge (acclimation) and plant intake (ambient) temperatures is greater.3 The response of the six target species will differ depending on where the species congregate in the discharge cove and how they react to the plume. The apparent rapid mixing of the discharge and the surface plume discussed in Section 2 reduces the volume of water with maximum discharge temperatures.

The Sectio vertical and horizontal temperature distribution in the discharge cove should provide thermal refuges for species that may only move into the plume to forage (e.g.. striped bass). Fish body temperatures have been used to determine if fish are residing in plumes or move into the plume for short periods to feed (Spigarelli et al. 1974; Neil and Magnuson 1974; Smith and McNurney 1981).Differences between body temperatures and the water from which they are collected can provide information on how long they have resided in the plume.The overall impact of cold shock will depend on the proportion of the total population that is affected.

Determination of the number of fish attracted to the discharge cove and the percentage that estimate is of the total WCCL population represents a challenge.

However, the presence of wipers, a sterile hybrid stocked in the WCCL, provides an opportunity to make those estimates.

Available catch data and the number of stocked wipers could be used to estimate the existing population size using a simple catch curve approach which yields an estimate of annual mortality (Ricker 1975). An estimate of the number of wipers attracted to the discharge cove could be estimated from a mark-recapture study which determines population size from the ratio of marked fish and total catch to the number of recaptured (marked) fish (Ricker 1975). This approach could be applied to the other target species but wipers represent the most feasible species based on anticipated effort. The accuracy of the mark-recapture method depends on the estimated population size and the number of fish that require marking--the largemouth bass population is much larger than the wiper population and because bass are reproducing, estimation of the total WCCL population would be labor intensive and less accurate compared to using existing data to estimate the number of wipers in the WCCL.It would be speculative to estimate what percentage of the population will be attracted to the WCCL discharge cove, but based on differences in behavior and available catch data some inferences can be made. The species most sensitive to cold shock, gizzard shad, is expected to be thermally attracted to the discharge.

Because shad are pelagic schooling fish and typically seek warm water during the fall transition period (Jester and Jensen 1972) a large number may be attracted.

The high fecundity of gizzard shad also makes it the most resilient target species and the population may not be permanently reduced as a result of cold shock. There is some concern, however, that the gizzard shad population is only marginally supporting the major predators in the WCCL. Cold shock could therefore further reduce the forage base which would probably result in losses of the larger pelagic predators or cause them to shift to young of other important predators (e.g., largemouth bass) as a food source.In either case, the predator-prey balance of the WCCL could shift.The larger pelagic predators (striped bass and wipers) will likely be attracted to the discharge because of the availability of gizzard shad, discharge currents, and/or warmer water temperatures.

Wipers are expected to concentrate more than striped bass because of apparent higher temperature preference.

The flowing water habitat at the discharge structure could concentrate the Morone in or near the discharge cove. Adult striped bass in Keystone Reservoir, Oklahoma exhibited seasonal distribution and migratory patterns similar to anadromous populations with concentration areas (i.e., staging areas), as part of the migratory pattern (Combs and Petz 1982). Striped bass in Keystone 3 12

.4'I Reservoir basically moved upstream in the spring and fall with summer concentrations in the main body of the reservoir.

If Morone in the WCCL exhibit similar movements, then they could come into contact with the plume during the winter./The centrarchid target species can also be expected to utilize the discharge cove in the winter but because those species tend to have relatively small home ranges compared to the Morone, a smaller percentage of the total centrarchid o populations may be exposed to the thermal plume. For example, most smallmouth bass move only modest distances and have restricted home ranges (Coble 1975).Smallmouth bass in the WCCL apparently occur more frequently in catches near the main dam where preferred habitat is readily available.

Based on the distance from the main dam to the discharge cove (Figure 2-1). it is not likely that a high percentage of the smallmouth bass population would be found in the discharge cove. Largemouth bass distribution is more widespread in the WCCL and largemouth bass move greater distances than do smallmouth bass (Heidinger 1975) and therefore a higher percentage of that population could come into contact with the thermal discharge.

The relatively small area ( 290 acres) and volume (03.770 acre-f t) that the discharge cove represents relative to the 5.090-acre WCCL should reduce the potential consequences of a cold shock event. Apparent vertical and horizontal distribution of temperatures in the cove also suggest the area of maximum influence (i.e.. plant discharge temperatures) is even smaller. The high design T and the existence of a single unit, on the other hand, increases the likelihood of a cold shock event that will depend on the operational reliability of WOGS and the extent that fish actually acclimate to plant discharge temperatures.

Several steps can be taken to minimize the extent and impact of cold shock (ANS 1974). Cold shock can be moderated during an outage by reducing the rate of temperature decrease to provide a chance for fish acclimation and/or escape. Planned reactor shutdowns should be graduated over an extended time period, when possible, to reduce the rate of temperature decrease; this should be accompanied by a concurrent reduction in the rate of cooling water flow from three to two circulating pumps to reduce the rate of temperature change and the extent of mixing in the near-field discharge area.Scheduled shutdowns should be planned during seasons that would minimize the potential cold shock conditions, which is currently planned by KGE to occur in the fall 1986 or spring 1987.* 13

.1'.5. REFERENCES American National Standard.

1974. Cold Shock: Guide to Steam Electric Power Plant Cooling System Siting, Design and Operation for Controlling Damage to Aquatic Organisms.

ANS-18.3 Committee, Draft No. 7. New York. 30 pp. +appendices.

Barans. C.A. and R.A. Tubb. 1973. Temperatures selected seasonally by four fishes from western Lake Erie. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 39:1693-1703.

Brungs. W.A. and B.R. Jones. 1977. Temperature Criteria for Freshwater Fish: Protocol and Procedures.

Ecological Research Series. EPA-600/3-77-061.

U.S.I EPA. Duluth. Minn. 130 pp.Clugston, J.P. 1973. The effects of heated effluents from a nuclear reactor on species diversity, abundance, reproduction and movement of fish. Ph.D.dissertation, Univ. Georgia, Athens. Cited in Coutant 1975b.Coble, D.W. 1975. Smallmouth bass. Pages 21-33 in H. Clepper. ed. Black Bass Biology and Management.

Sport Fishing Institute.

Washington, D.C.Combs. D.L. and L.R. Petz. 1982. Seasonal distribution of striped bass in Keystone Reservoir, Oklahoma.

North Amer. Journal Fish. Management 2(1) :66-73.Coutant. C. 1975a. Temperature Selection by Fish -A Factor in Power-Plant Impact Assessments, Environmental Effects of Cooling Systems at Nuclear Power Plants. pp. 575-597. International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna. Cited in Cox and Coutant (1976).Coutant. C.C. 1975b. Responses of bass to natural and artificial temperature regimes. Pages 272-285 in H. Clepper, ed. Black Bass Biology and Management.

Sport Fishing Institude.


D.C.Coutant and Carroll. 1980. Temperature selection by striped bass in the field. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 109(2):195-202.

Coutant, C.C.. D.K. Cox, and K.W. Moored, Jr. 1976. Further studies of cold-shock effects on susceptibility of young channel catfish to predation.

Pages 154-158 in G. Esch and R. McFarlane.

eds. Thermal Ecology II. Energy Res. Development Admin.. Washington.

D.C.Coutant, C., H. Ducharme, Jr., and J.R. Fisher. 1974. Effects of cold shock on vulnerability of juvenile channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) and Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) to predation.

J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 31:351-354.

Cox. D.K. and C.C. Coutant. 1976. Acute cold-shock resistance of gizzard shad. Pages 159-161 in G. Esch and R. McFarlane, eds. Thermal Ecology II.Energy Res. Development Admin.. Washington, D.C.I SBEA Engineering.

Science, and Technology, Inc. 1985. Sutherland Reservoir Aquatic Ecology Study. Report to Nebraska Public Power District.

Columbus.Gibbons. J.W.. J.T. Hook, and D.L. Forney. 1972. Winter responses of 01 largemouth bass to heated effluent from a nuclear reactor. Progr. Fish.Cult. 34(2):88-90.

Cited in Coutant 1975b.2I Heidinger.

R.C. 1975. Life history and biology of the largemouth bass. Pages 11-20 in H. Clepper. ed. Black Bass Biology and Management.

Sport Fishing 0 Institute.

Washington, D.C.Horning, W.B.. II. and R.E. Pearson. 1973. Growth temperature requirements and lower lethal temperatures for juvenile smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui).

J. Fish. Res. Board Canada 30(8):1226-1230.

I Jester, D.B. and B.L. Jensen. 1972. Life History and Ecology of the Gizzard Shad, Dorosoma cepedianum (LeSueur) with Reference to Elephant Butte Lake.Agri. Exp. Station. New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces. Res. Report No. 218.55 pp.Neill. W.H.. Jr. and J.J. Magnuson.

1974. Distributional ecology and behavioral thermoregulation of fishes in relation to heated effluent from a power plant at Lake Monona. Wisconsin.

Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 103(4):663-710.

Ricker, W.E. 1975. Computation and Interpretation of Biological Statistics of Fish Populations.

Bulletin 191 Fish Research Board of Canada, Ottawa. 382 pp-3 Ross, M.J. and J.D. Winter. 1981. Winter movements of four fish species near a thermal plume in Northern Minnesota.

Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 110(1):14-18.

Shuter. B.J.. D.A. Wismer, H.A. Regier. and J.E. Matuszek.

1985. An application of ecological modelling:

impact of thermal effluent on a smallmouth bass population.

Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 114(5):631-651.

I Smith, V.J. and J.M. McNurney.

1981. Behavioral thermoregulation of largemouth bass and carp in an Illinois cooling lake. Pages 585-593 in R.Larimore and J. Tranquilli, eds. The Lake Sangchris Study: Case History of an Illinois Cooling Lake. Vol. 32(4). Natural History Survey Division, Champaign, Illinois.Spigarelli, S.A.. G.P. Romberg. W. Prepejchal, and M.M. Thommes. 1974.Body-temperature characteristics of fish at a thermal discharge on Lake Michigan.

Pages 119-132 in J. Gibbons and R. Sharitz, eds. Thermal Ecology.U.S. Atomic Energy Comm., Washington, D.C.Woiwode, J.G. and I.R. Adelman. 1984. Growth. Food Conversion Efficiency, and Survival of the Hybrid White X Striped Bass as a Function of Temperature.

Paper No. 1849. Scientific Journal Series, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, St. Paul.!15

~. I.Wolters. W.R. and C.C. Coutant. 1976. The effect of cold shock on the vulnerability of young bluegill to predation.

Pages 162-164 in G. Esch and R. McFarlane.

eds. Thermal Ecology II. Energy Res. Develoment Admin..Washington, D.C.!16 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 16 See Request 002 for a copy of EA 1988 Wolf Creek Generating Station Operational Phase Environmental Monitoring Program, Final Report E, ý>- k JýSee Request 089 for a copy of WCGS 1980 Wolf Creek Generating Station Unit No. 1-Environmental Report, Operating License Stage




Aquatic Monitoring 1992 Reports & 1993 Plans Comments: C. Copy to Records Management file 21.9 D. Personal Copies Name R. C. Haman (WC-AD)D. E. Haines (WC-EM)J. D. Hartley (WC-TR)B. S. Loveless (WC-EM)0. L. Maynard IWC-ATli Name K. J. Moles (WC-LI)F. T. Rhodes (WC-ENG)R. K. Smith (WC-CC)B. D. Withers (WC-EX)W. R. Wond (WC-EXI E. Put in TE File No. 42160 F. SEX a '5J, ' ./1 k--ý H EnCUIrM WMM*0 This report presents the results of the. 1992 environmental aquatic 0 monitoring activities completed at Wolf Creek Generating Station. Targeted L4i areas are: 1) fishery monitoring of the cooling lake, 2) Asiatic clam* (Corbicula) monitoring of the Neosho River and cooling lake, and 3) water 0quality monitoring of the Neosho River and cooling lake. Comparisons to*historical data are used to assess how developing trends might impact the efficient operation of the plant. Possible management options and K)monitoring needs that might be required are also presented.

The monitoring (r programs presented were designed at a minimum to satisfy regulatory commitments and to demonstrate that Wolf Creek Generating Station operates S(rin an environmentally sound manner.Fishery monitoring revealed continued dominance by predator fish and low survival of small gizzard shad. These were the exact objectivesmof the fishery management program and prevented impingement problems at the cooling water intake from occurring.

A supplemental stocking of a nonreproducing predator species may be necessary possibly in 1994 to maintain these results.The Asiatic clam which could cause condenser clogging problems continued to spread around the cooling lake in 1992, but as yet not into the cooling water intake area. In addition, none were found in the intake water or structures.

Based on the monitoring, in-plant treatments are not currently warranted.

Continued monitoring is necessary to determine when these will occur in-plant and to satisfy regulatory commitments.

Water quality monitoring showed no impacts to the Neosho River due to plant operation, but detected expected impacts in the cooling lake. All impacts were attributed to direct or indirect influences of the thermal inputs.None were considered detrimental nor were any greater than expected in initial environmental impact evaluations.


........ ......1.2 METHODS ..... ...... ....1.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION


... Prey .... ........... Predators



S AND MANAGMNT IMPLICATIONS 2.0 1993 FISHERIES MONITORING PLAN. ........2.1 GOALS .... ..... .... ....2.2 METHODS ................


.....2.2.2 GEAR TYPES ........... Electrofishing...... Seining ........ Gill Netting .......... Fyke Netting ..........

Page 3 4 5 6 9 9....10........ .10........10 2.2.3 2.2.4 3.0 LITERATURE C AGE DETERMINATION AND CALIBRATI0!


.... .............

N CITED.......................................


...12...18...19 Hn iii 0 fU 1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1992 ASIATIC CLAM MONITORING REPORT.........






1.2 MIETHODS ... ... ... ..... .... ...1.2.1 NEOSHO RIVER. ....................

.. ....1.2.2 WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE......... Adult Monitoring

... .. .. . Juvenile Monitoring...



1.3.1 NEOSHO RIVER. ....................

.. .... Population Characteristics...

1.3.2 WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE ........ Adult Monitoring

... .. .. .. Juvenile Monitoring


.. ..1.4.1 NEOSHO RIVER .... .. .. .. .. .. .1.4.2 WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE.........


2.1 GOALS .. ................

... ...... .. .. .. ....2.2 METXHODS .. .......................

.. .. .. .. ....2.2.1 NEOSHO RIVER.......

... .. .... .. ...2.2.2 WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE .. .. .... Adult Monitoring

... .. .. . Juvenile Monitoring...

.. .. ....2.2.3 REPORTING................

LITERATURE CITED. ....................................

Pasee 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 33 2.0 3.0 4.0 APPENDIX TO ASIATIC CLAM MONITORING 1992 REPORT AND 1993 PLAN...35 H 3 1'i1 iv K)0 0 b)0 U, TABLE OF CONTENTS Paae III. WATER QUALITY MONITORIlNG 1992 REPORT AND 1993 PLAN .... 47 ABSTRACT ...........

............ 48 1.0 1992 WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT ..............




49 1.2 METHODS .... ..................



.51 1.3.1 NEOSHO RIVER ......................

..51 1.3.2 WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE .........

51 Corrosion Products ........ ...51 Water Chemistry

........ 52 Temperature and Dissolved

...52 Oxygen Profiles Primary Productivity


..53 Domestic Sewage Influences




...54 1.4.1 NEOSHO RIVER ..........


..54 1.4.2 WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE ..............

54 2.0 1993 WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN .... .........

..55 2.1 GOALS ..................


..55 2.2 METHODS ..............


.... 56 2.2. SURFACE WATER ....... ..............


...... ..........

..56 2.2.3 REPORTING

....... ..............

.... 56 3.0 LITERATURE CITED ..............



Aquatic Monitoring Page 2 n OABSTRACT Fishery monitoring surveys were conducted on Wolf Creek Cooling Lake (WCCL)from April through October 1992. Collection methods used to target species o of concern were fyke netting, seining, electrofishing, and gill netting.o Data collected were used to describe the fishery which was subsequently W evaluated based on the goal of increased plant reliability through reduced\ gizzard shad impingement.

2Q)Monitoring of WCCL in 1992 revealed that the annual gizzard shad production continued to be cropped, preventing impingement problems at the plant's cooling water intake structure.

The predator populations showed signs of Ir being prey limited, which included low recruitment, below normal body condition, and slow growth. However, not all species demonstrated these characteristics simultaneously and most have appeared to develop stable populations capable of long term sustainability.

The wiper hybrid, a nonreproducing predator, continued to age and may require a support stocking in 1994 to maintain them. in summary, the fishery in WCCL has consumed the annual gizzard shad production, greatly reducing impingement potential and should continue to do so in the future.

Aquatic Monitoring.Page 3 1.0 1992 FISHERIES MONITORING R"PORT


This report presents and interprets the results of fisheries monitoring activities on Wolf Creek Cooling Lake (WCCL). Initially, monitoring the fishery in WCCL was undertaken primarily to satisfy environmental monitoring commitments made before plant operation to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (KG&E 1981, NRC 1982). The operational impacts were expected from thermal effects (temperature elevation and winter "cold shocks"), from chlorine use as a biocide, and from entrainment and impingement effects. Monitoring during plant operation coupled with various operational events have revealed that the thermal impacts have been well below initial licensing predictions.

Impacts from the other concerns mentioned have been minimal.Generally, operational impacts were considered as plant effects to the fishery, but the opposite can also occur in which the fishery could impact plant operations.

Primarily, excessive fish impingement on intake screens can cause costly equipment damage and power production delays. This has been common at many power plants (Bruce NGS 1977) in the Midwest, and excessively abundant gizzard shad has caused the most problems (Olmstead and Clugston 1986).Early during WCCL construction, the generating station knew that shad could not be excluded from and would flourish in the lake. Consequently, an aggressive stocking program was completed which has effectively established a virtually self-sustaining shad control system using natural fish predators (KG&E 1984). Because shad impingement problems at WCGS's cooling water intake have been nonexistent, managing the fishery in WCCL has paid large dividends.

The monitoring results presented in this report determine if the fishery has functioned as desired in 1992 and provides insights into what management options would be available if it begins to fail.

Aquatic Monitoring CPage 4 1.2 METHODS The methods employed during 1992 were consistent with past years. Trap (Fyke) netting, seining, electrofishing, and gill netting were used at long-0 term sites on WCCL (Appendix Figure 4.2.1). The 1992 program was completed o from April through October, and has generally followed standardized efforts W which facilitated analysis of long term trends. A variety of capture techniques and equipment was used to target species important to the WCCL 0 fishery when they were expected to be most efficiently sampled. These standardized sampling methods also improved fishery comparisons with other regional reservoirs.

tr The Fyke nets were set for two nights in April to target primarily the white crappie, black crappie, and walleye. White bass, another important predator, were also easily caught. The Fyke net effort also yielded important information about the winter survival and recruitment of the previous year's gizzard shad production.

The shoreline seining effort was done monthly from May through October. This was valuable in providing information on the current year's reproductive success of gizzard shad. Higher numbers of seined young-of-year (YOY) shad would give early indications of increased impingement potential the following winter. Reproduction of bluegill, largemouth bass, and smallmouth bass which was important in determining the health of the fishery was also measured by the seine efforts.Electrofishing was done during the same months as seining. This gear type was very effective at sampling largemouth bass and bluegill in the spring/summer.

It provided indications on the production and fate of the shad production as well during late summer and fall months. Good smallmouth bass samples were also shocked during the fall.Gill netting was an extensive, two day effort in October. This effort was the most efficient mechanism used to catch the wiper hybrid, which has been one of the most important shad-controlling predators in WCCL. The gill nets were also used to sample white bass, walleye, gizzard shad, and catfishes.

Aquatic Monitoring Page 5 1.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION During 1992 a total of 31 different species were collected.

All were sampled in the past except a short-nosed gar, which likely made it to WCCL during makeup-water pumping from the Neosho River. This species is not expected to have appreciable impact, good or bad, to the cooling lake fishery.The relative abundance (Appendix Table 4.1.1) and percent biomass (Appendix Table 4.1.2) of each species collected in 1992 were similar to past years.Prey species such as gizzard shad and bluegill comprised a high relative percentage of the numbers collected, but a low percentage of the total weight (biomass).

This indicates that most were small, young-of-the-year fish and that few have grown to larger sizes in recent years.Conversely, predator species' relative numbers were lower and biomass percentages were higher. This indicates high numbers of larger individuals.

In addition, the biomass of roughfish such as common carp, buffalo and gizzard shad was atypical in WCCL. The gamefish to roughfish ratio was 3.1 to 1 in 1992, which was close to the 3.0 to 1 average since plant operation began. In other reservoirs, this ratio was weighted much more toward roughfish and usually opposite from WCCL's ratio (Crandall 1978, Electric Power Research Institute 1979, Pallo 1992).1.3.1 PREDATOR/PREY INTERACTIONS The cooling lake fishery's ability to eliminate shad impingement events which can be detrimental to plant operation depends to a large degree on the interactions between the array of predator and prey species. Typical prey species tend to produce a large number of young each year. Characteristics of an annually cropped prey population such as in WCCL would be a high percentage of larger, older individuals, fast growth of young-of-the-year, and good health of individuals.

The number of fish making it to reproductive age (recruitment) would also be low. A concern with excessive cropping would be if the number of reproducing adults became too low to produce enough young to support the predators controlling them and a subsequent loss of the predators would result.Characteristics of predator populations in a low-prey fishery would include low recruitment due to cannibalism, slow or no growth of adults, large percentages of older individuals, and poor health of adults. These characteristics have shown up in varying degrees within WCCL predator populations, but not in all species at once. Prey In WCCL, gizzard shad is one of the most important species present. Shad need to be numerous enough to support the predators used to control them, but not too many to cause impingement problems.

Gizzard shad data in 1992 showed that larger, older shad were abundant relative to smaller individuals..

In the past, very little recruitment has been evident, but during 1992, more was observed.

Two major spawns were evident as in 1991, probably due to warm water discharge from the plant inducing some to spawn earlier. First-year growth of shad was also high, approaching an average of 169 nun which was at H-7£Aquatic Monitoring ii Page 6 V least 30 mm above regional averages (Carlander 1969, Pallo 1992). The average health (Wr) of adult shad was also high further indicating little competition between individuals due to a low population.

All of these 0parameters indicate that predation pressure continued to be high on shad, but o enough recruitment, although low, occurred to sustain theshad population.

0 W Bluegill was another numerically important prey species in WCCL because they V provided predators with a food supply during periods of low shad O availability.

On the average, individual bluegill were small and recruitment to larger sizes was low. Health of individual fish remained good. It was suspected that bluegill were preyed upon extensively, especially during the 1winter and spring when shad numbers were very low. Predators For the most part, WCCL's predator species showed signs of being prey limited, but they have been able to sustain themselves sufficiently and still control shad numbers. There have been some adjustments from the highly productive period when the lake was young. White bass and smallmouth bass have developed very stable populations with good body conditions and are well supported by recruitment.

White crappie, black crappie and walleye populations possess average body conditions, but have varying recruitment success from year to year. These species can use gizzard shad to a large degree and contributed greatly to the annual cropping of the young shad. Two other very important predators, the largemouth bass and the white bass x striped bass hybrid (wiper), also played a significant role in controlling shad numbers in the past and will be discussed separately in this report.Largemouth bass developed a numerically abundant population of large individuals during the first several years of lake impoundment.

This was so much so that they were the dominant littoral predator.

As the lake aged, apparently it could no longer sustain such numbers of bigger largemouths.

Individual body conditions started declining in 1988. Recruitment became scarce and catch rates dropped as the early year classes of largemouths faded. The 1992 data showed that the declining trend bottomed in 1991 and improved through 1992. Body condition improved and recruitment increased, indicating a more stable population.

Wiper hybrids were stocked because of their tendency to take advantage of more open water habitats which would allow them to crop shad not available to most predators close to shore. They can also be fast growing and very aggressive feeders. A drawback was that they do not reproduce significantly and need to be supplemented with periodic stockings.

To some extent, however, this could allow artificial adjustment to match predator pressure with prey abundance.

Other than the original stockings in 1981 (KG&E 1984), the 1988 and 1989 were the only years stocked. These weren't done because of declining shad numbers, rather because the 1981 class had reached its expected life span (5-7 years). The 1992 data revealed that the older fish were still present, but generally at slightly poorer body condition than the younger fish. This indicates that they shouldn't last much longer.Consequently, another stocking of wipers may be warranted, possibly during 1994 depending on 1993 monitoring results.

Aquatic Monitoring Page 7


S AND MANACDIENT IMPLICATIONS Monitoring of the cooling lake during 1992 revealed that the fishery has appeared to stabilize at a level below the initial highly productive seasons when the lake was young. Nevertheless, the gamefish still dominated which made the fishery unique from other regional reservoirs.

Annual gizzard shad production continued to be cropped. This has kept catastrophic impingement problems at the circulating water screenhouse from occurring.

Predation on the shad was extreme, but no imminent loss of the shad was readily apparent.

Through the use of other forage during winter and early spring when shad became scarce, health and growth of the shad-controlling predators were maintained at acceptable levels.Most predator species as a population appeared to have adjusted their numbers to the low prey densities.

A decline in largemouth bass size, health and abundance occurred over the past five years. This trend stabilized and rebounded slightly during 1992. Almost remarkably, the wiper population still had 11 year-old individuals prevalent, but was well supported by the 1988 and 1987 stockings.

Nevertheless, future stockings will likely be needed during 1994.Overall, even though improvement of WCCL predators was apparent in 1992, below average growth and health was evident. While it would be nice if all predators relying on gizzard shad were plump, the cost for this increased condition may prove more than WCGS would want to bear. If gizzard shad became so abundant that there was a constant surplus available for predators, plant impingement rates would undoubtedly increase.

Given that the primary purpose of fish management at Wolf Creek was to enhance operability of the plant by controlling gizzard shad impingement, sub-par condition of its predators is tolerable to achieve this end.

Aquatic Monitoring

~Page 8 r2.0 1993 FISHERIES MONITORING PLAN 2.1 GOALS 0 The 1993 Fishery Monitoring Program will provide guidance to Environmental O Management staff while conducting fish surveys of WCCL. This plan complies with group procedure KP-LE2204, 'Ecological Monitoring Program* Administration'.

A variety of sampling gears will be used in order to* o evaluate the effects of operation on the fish populations in WCCL. In addition, the methods employed will assess the condition of adult and juvenile classes of both predator and prey species to provide information on potential impingement impacts to station operation.

0T Aquatic Monitoring Page 9 2.2 METHODS 2.2.1 SCHEDULE AND LOCATIONS The 1993 efforts will be completed as scheduled in Appendix Table 4.1.3, which has been reduced from the 1992 effort. The September and October seining samples will not be collected.

The primary purpose for seining during these months was to assess young-of-the-year shad numbers surviving into fall. However, seining success has been limited after August likely due to capture avoidance as the fish get larger. Fall electrofishing and gill netting efforts will provide sufficient data to replace the September and October seine efforts.There are three locations identical to 1992 on WCCL which will be used for standardized sampling (Appendix Figure 4.2.1). A fourth location (Location

9) in the discharge area will be sampled using similar gears to assess discharge effects and movements of fish in this thermally altered area.2.2.2 GEAR TYPES Electrofishing Electrofishing on WCCL will occur monthly from May through October. The main components of the shocking unit will be a 3500 watt gasoline generator, a Plaster Electronics electrofishing control unit, a dead-man foot switch and two DC electrode circular arrays. A pulsed DC current of 5-10 amps will be used on all shocking activities.

Sampling will be performed in two 15 minute periods per location.

All fish netted during each period will be measured to the nearest millimeter and weighed if the fish's weight is more than 10 grams. These measurements plus appropriate physical parameters and equipment calibration numbers will be recorded on a Fish Data Sheet (Appendix Figure 4.2.2). After being weighed and measured, fish will be released or saved depending on the need to fulfill the radiological environmental fish sample requirement.

The final copies of the data sheets will be reviewed by the Supervisor Environmental Management.

Further information concerning WCCL electrofishing safety can be found in procedure KI-LE2204.4. Seining Seining will occur monthly from May through August. A 50 foot bag seine will be used at five sites per location.

At each site a standard Swingle Swing will be completed if possible, but this will be modified if conditions require it. If the fish are large enough to be easily weighed and measured in the field, then the measurements will be taken, recorded and released.The other fish will be preserved in a jar containing lOX formalin and labeled with the date, time, location, and other physical parameters as deemed appropriate.

Any evidence of Corbicula at each site will be noted. These fish will be analyzed in the lab and physical parameters will be recorded on the Fish Data Sheet (Appendix Figure 4.2.2). Final copies of the data sheets will be reviewed by the Supervisor Environmental Management.

H D Aquatic Monitoring Page 10 U Gill Netting Gill netting will be performed during October. A minimum of six complement Nnet-nights will be set in October with a 4 inch, 2-1/2 inch, 1-1/2 inch and 1 o inch monofilament gill nets comprising each complement.

One net complement O will be set at each location during two evenings, consecutive if possible.L4 Two additional net complement nights may be set at Location 9. Fish that have been caught in the nets will be removed, measured to the nearest millimeter, weighed, then survivors released.

Radiological environmental samples or voucher specimens may be kept as needed. All appropriate data will be recorded on the Fish Data Sheet (Appendix Figure 4.2.2). Final copies of all data sheets will be reviewed by the Supervisor Environmental TManagement. Fyke Netting Fyke netting consisting of a minimum of 12 net nights will occur during March or April depending on water temperatures.

These activities generally begin when water temperatures reach 48-55 0 F. Each location will be fished four net nights each. An additional four net nights may be fished in Location 9.Effort will be timed to target the start of walleye and crappie spawning.Supplemental sampling may occur at other times of the year at the direction of the Supervisor Environmental Management.

Fish that are caught in the net will be removed, measured to the nearest millimeter, weighed, then released.Radiological environmental samples or voucher specimens may be kept as needed. The appropriate parameters will be recorded on the Fish Data Sheet (Appendix Figure 4.2.2). All data sheets will be reviewed by the Supervisor Environmental Management.

2.2.3 AGE DETERMINATION AND CALIBRATION If otolith or scale samples are taken, the envelope will be temporarily numbered in the field and that number recorded on the field data sheet.Scales will be analyzed for age and growth information and otoliths will be taken and analyzed as time permits and necessity dictates.Weight, turbidity, and temperature measurements will be measured using NES traceable calibrated equipment or standard solution comparisons.


is performed by WCNOC Environmental Management or the WCNOC I&C Lab. Other measurements will use sampler estimates (wind direction, water depth, etc.,)or will rely on the manufacturer's internal standardizing procedures or product accuracy (conductivity, measuring boards, etc.). Documentation of appropriate calibration activities will be kept in accordance with procedure KP-LE2209. "Equipment Control and Calibration.'

2.2.4 REPORTING A final report detailing the 1993 fish monitoring activities will be written and submitted for review by March 15, 1994. Any trends' influence on the ability'of the fishery to control fish impingement events which affect WCGS operations will be identified.

Recommendations which may include increased monitoring or stocking needs will be presented.

A summary of this report will be included in the 1993 Annual Environmental Operating Report, which is mandated by the Environmental Protection Plan, Appendix B to the Facility Operating License.

Aquatic Monitoring Page 11 3.0 LITERATURE CITED Bruce Nuclear Generating Station. 1977. Fish Impingement at Bruce Nuclear Nuclear Generating Station. Ontario Hydro Electric Company. 26 pp.Carlander, K.D. 1969. Handbook of Freshwater Fishery Biology, Vol. 1.The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa Crandall, P.S. 1978. Evaluation of Striped Bass x White Bass Hybrids in a Heated Texas Reservoir.

Pages 588-598 in R.W. Dimmdck, ed. Proc. Ann.Conference, S.E. Association of Fish and Wildlife Agency Electric Power Research Institute.

1979. Evaluation of a Cooling Lake Fishery. Vol. 3. Fish Population Studies. Illinois Institute of Natural Resources.

Palo Alto, California Kansas Gas and Electric Company. 1981. Wolf Creek Generating Station Environmental Report (Operating License Stage). Wichita, Kansas.2 Vols.Kansas Gas and Electric Company. 1984. Wolf Creek Generating Station 1983 Preoperational Fishery Monitoring Report. Burlington, KS. 82 pp.Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

1982. Final Environmental Statement Related to the Operation of Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1, NUREG-0989.

Olmstead, L.L. and J.P. Clugston.

1986. Fishery Management in Cooling Impoundments in Reservoir Fisheries Management.

Strategies for the 80's.G. Hall and M. VanDerAvyle ed. American Fisheries Society.Bethesda, MD. 327 pp.Pallo, S.M. 1992. Fisheries, Clinton Power Station Environmental Monitoring Program Biological Report. Illinois Power Company.Clinton, Illinois.

H Mi a Aquatic Monitoring Page 12 4.0 APPENDIX TO FISHERIES MONITORING 1992 REPORT AND 1993 PLAN 0 cr CONTENTS 4.1 TABLES 4.1.1 Relative Abundance (Percent) of Selected Fish Species Standardized Sampling Regime in Wolf Creek Cooling Lake Using a 4.1.2 Percent Biomass of Wolf Creek Cooling Lake Species Collected with Standardized Sampling Regime 4.1.3 Fish Sampling Schedule at WCGS during 1993 4.2 FIGURES 4.2.1 Fisheries Sampling Locations on Wolf Creek Cooling Lake 4.2.2 Fish Data Sheet Aquatic Monitoring Page 13 Table 4.1.1 Relative Abundance (Percent) of Selected Fish Species Using a Standardized Sampling Regime in Wolf Creek Cooling Lake 1983-85 Species Average 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Gizzard shad 13.9 20.4 21.4 11.2 22.1 27.5 28.2 13.7 Channel catfish 1.1 2.6 1.9 2.9 2.1 4.3 2.7 3.9 White bass 3.5 5.1 3.7 5.2 8.1 10.2 14.4 16.9 Wiper 1.8 3.0 2.5 4.2 5.5 3.9 4.5 1.8 Bluegill 18.5 30.4 23.5 27.4 21.7 11.9 11.2 11.4 Smallmouth bass 0.5 1.0 3.2 3.8 5.1 5.3 7.1 6.5 Largemouth bass 7.4 10.5 7.2 8.2 9.5 6.11, 4.5 4.6 White crappie 1.5 3.1 6.1 6.9 3.9 4.6 4.6 6.3 Black crappie 8.2 4.3 4.9 3.4 3.0 1.9 3.6 2.1 Walleye 2.4 4.7 3.6 6.7 5.8 7.6 5.0 9.0 H M W (r 0\0\j N)Aquatic Monitoring Page 14 Table 4.1.2 Percent Biomass of Wolf Creek Cooling Lake Species Collected with Standardized Sampling Regime 1983-85 Average 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Species 2 2 2 Z Z 2 2 2 Gizzard shad 3.9 5.3 3.6 2.3 4.4 3.9 5.9 3.7 Common carp 14.1 15.9 17.3 13.7 11.8 9.1 5.9 10.9 Bigmouth Buffalo <0.2 0.0 0.2 3.0 2.3 2.0 10.7 2.5 Smallmouth buffalo 1.4 0.9 5.2 7.2 0.6 2.9 6.0 5.0 Channel catfish 8.8 11.7 7.1 9.0 7.7 15.5 5.6 8.7 White bass 7.4 6.9 6.4 6.1 11.6 7.6 14.6 19.4 Wiper 15.5 13.6 13.8 16.5 21.2 13.9 17.3 7.5 Bluegill 2.7 1.7 1.4 0.9 1.2 0.5 0.6 0.9 Smallmouth bass 1.1 1.8 3.3 2.2 3.8 5.7 6.1 5.2 Largemouth bass 14.7 18.8 11.9 10.8 13.6 8.6 4.7 5.7 White crappie 1.7 4.2 8.9 9.3 4.2 7.2 5.5 6.6 Black crappie 5.5 3.2 5.7 3.0 2.5 2.7 2.5 2.1 Walleye 8.4 10.9 9.4 13.1 12.4 16.7 10.8 17.1 Freshwater drum 0.5 1.6 1.9 1.1 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.9 Other taxa 2.6 1.3 1.5 1.1 0.8 0.9 2.2 2.9 Total Biomass (kg) 1035 1222 1193 1386 1113 980 1083 982 Roughfish Gamefish Game/Rough Ratio 20.1 77.6 3.9/1 23.7 28.2 27.3 20.6 20.4 30.0 24.0 75.3 70.5 71.6 78.5 78.7 67.8 73.3 3.2/1 2.5/1 2.611 3.8/1 3.5/1 2.3/1 3.1/1 Aquatic Monitoring Page 15 Table 4.1.3 Fish Sampling Schedule at WCGS during 1993 WCCL JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Electrofishing X X X X X X Seining X X X X Gill netting X Fyke netting X H.111 0 0 0 0 h)a-Aquatic Monitoring Page 16 S a m p In g areas N fI I Loc 6 Fipure 4.2.1 Fisheries Sampling Locations on Wolf Creek Cooling Lake Aquatic Monitoring Page 17 Figure 4.2.2 Fish Data Sheet FISH DATA SHEET Page_ of REVIEWED GEAR DATE LOCATION SECCHI WATER TEMP TURBIDITY CONDUCTIVITY EQUIPMENT NOS.CORBICULA?

COMMENTS-q F Y~Y -I I Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 SPECIES SCALE SAMPLE LENGTH WEIGHT I SPECIES LENGTH IWEIGHT.SCALE SAMPLE 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 13 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ 58 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____14 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ 59 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ ____15 ___________

___ ___ _ _ _ 60-16 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ 61 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ ____17 ___________

___ ___ _ _ _ 62 ___________

___18 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ 63 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___19 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ ____ 64 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___20 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 65 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _21 ___________

____ ____ ___ 66 _ _________

_ _ _ ____22 ___________

____ ____ ___ 67 _ _________

_ _ _ ____23 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 68 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _24 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 69 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _25 __ _ _ ____ ____ 70 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _26 ___________

_ _ _ ____ ____ 71 _ _________

_ _ _27 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ 72 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _28 ___________

_ _ _ ____ ____ 73 ___________

_ _ _ _ _ _29 ___________

____ ____ ___ 74 _____________

_ _30 __________

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 75 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _31 T__________

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 ___________

____ ____ _ _ _32 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 77 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _33 ___________

____ _ _ _ __ _ _ 78 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____34 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ __ _ _ 79 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _35 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ __ _ _ 80 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _36 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ 81 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ _37 ___________

___ ___ _ _ _ 82 ___________

___ ___38 ___________

___ ___ _ _ _ 83 ___________

___ ___ __39 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ 84 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___40 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ ____ 85 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___41 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 86 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _42 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ___ 87 ___________

___ ___43 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 88 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _44 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ___ 89 ___________

___ ___ ___45 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ 90 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ ____

'I Aquatic Monitoring Page 1 7 jq-0r 0 (r 11. VOLE CRRE GENERATING STATION ASIMTC CWI (Corblcula flgumina)MONITORING OF -NEOSHO RIVER I. AND VOLE CErn COOLING T&K 1992 REPORV AND 1993 PLAN.....-.. ........I H Aquatic Monitoring Page 19'M ABSTRACT Distribution and densities of the Asiatic clam (Corbicula fluminea) were monitored on the Neosho River and Wolf Creek Cooling Lake (WCCL). Flooding 0 conditions in the river during late fall of 1992 prevented sampling at two of the five locations monitored since 1986. Upstream expansion could not be determined due to this. Densities and size distribution in the river were\ typical of invading populations in marginal habitat. For the first time, specimens were found in the makeup water screenhouse.

The pump bays of this structure appeared to provide good habitat for these clams.Monitoring in WCCL revealed that the clams have occupied two new areas along the east shoreline likely via wave transport of juveniles.

Densities were typical of young, expanding populations.

Live specimens were collected from a wide range of substrate types including clay, silt, gravel, and combinations of these all of which can be found in the cooling water intake area. However, colonization into the intake area was not found. Neither were planktonic juveniles found in the lake water upstream of the circulating water screenhouse.

Based on the monitoring results, in-plant systems do not appear to be immediately threatened with Corbicula encroachment.

Expansion into more areas, including the intake area, of the lake is expected to occur likely through wave action within the next year or two.

Aquatic Monitoring Page 20 1.0 1992 ASIATIC CLAM MONITORING REPORT


The purpose of this report is to present and interpret Asiatic clam (Corbicula fluminea) monitoring data collected from the Neosho River and Wolf Creek Cooling Lake (WCCL) during 1992. This monitoring was completed by Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation (WCNOC) in part to satisfy commitments made to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in response to Generic Letter 89-13. More importantly, this program was designed to supply population and life history data from local populations and to be used to make future operational and chemical treatment decisions.

To achieve these goals, the following objectives were established:

1. determine the population density and upstream colonization of Corbicula in the Neosho River, 2. determine the population density and distribution of benthic adult and subadult Corbicula in WCCL, 3. determine the concentration and peak occurrence of planktonic Corbicula juveniles in the intake waters of WCCL.1.


Flow blockage of cooling water systems due to the presence of the Asiatic clam has been a persistent problem in nuclear and non-nuclear power plants.The NRC determined that blockage events such as this represented a generic problem to safety components of nuclear power plants after extensive blocking by Corbicula in containment coolers at Arkansas Nuclear One. As a result, the NRC issued Bulletin Number 81-03 (NRC 1981) which required licensees and applicants to assess macro-fouling potential.

At that time, Corbicula were only known to exist at two localities in Kansas (Huggins et al, 1981) which were in the Kansas River drainage, remote from Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS). None were known to exist in the Neosho River drainage until 1984 when they were found at Chetopa, approximately 120 miles down-river from WCGS (Hartmann and Cope, 1985). In August 1986, Corbicula were found during WCGS river monitoring studies at long-term monitoring sites above and below the Wolf Creek/Neosho River confluence.

With the expansion of Corbicula in the vicinity of WCGS, monitoring effort for adults and sub-adults was increased.

Since makeup water for WCCL would be pumped from the Neosho River via the Makeup Water Screenhouse (MUSH), Corbicula movement into the lake was considered inevitable.

However, immediate transport to the lake in this manner was not likely given that no Corbicula were present at the MUSH or upstream (Appendix Figure 4.2.1).Nevertheless, an extensive annual effort was initiated during the fall of 1986 to determine the densities and track the upstream expansion of the river's Corbicula population.

At the same time, efforts in WCCL were stepped up to identify early colonization and assess potential impacts to and response by WCGS operations.

H DAquatic Monitoring Page 21 m Continued industry incidences of bivalve macro-fouling prompted the NRC in 1989 to issue Generic Letter 89-13 (NRC 1989). This letter required power plants without an established Corbicula population in their cooling water source to monitor for initial presence.

The scope of the required o monitoring included visual inspections of intake structures for Corbicula O each refueling cycle, and annual surveys of water and substrate.

w At the time of Generic Letter 89-13, the cooling source (WCCL) for WCGS did O not have an established Corbicula population, but WCNOC was already monitoring for possible Corbicula establishment.

This monitoring included intake structure inspections and substrate sampling, two of the three requirements specified in 89-13. WCNOC responded to 89-13 by formalizing (Corbicula inspections at the Circulating Water Screenhouse (CWSH), Essential Service Water (ESW), and MUSH intake structures.

Annual substrate sampling in WCCL was continued.

Monitoring of the water column for juvenile Corbicula, the last of the 89-13 requirements, was not being completed at the time. In WCNOC's case, juvenile monitoring was not considered efficient for detecting initial colonization, but it was considered valuable in determining spawning cycles once presence was known. Consequently, in its response to 89-13, WCNOC justified not initiating juvenile sampling until after Corbicula was known to exist in WCCL. In lieu of this, WCNOC continued distribution monitoring in the Neosho River to determine when WCCL was most vulnerable to Corbicula establishment.

After Corbicula was found in WCCL during June 1991, juvenile monitoring was initiated.

Aquatic Monitoring Page 22 1.2 METHODS 1.2.1 NEOSHO RIVER The distribution and abundance of the adult and sub-adult Corbicula fluminea in the Neosho River were determined during November and December 1992 (Appendix Table 4.1.2). Five standardized river locations were sampled comparable to past annual surveys since 1986 (Appendix Figure 4.2.1).Distribution was to be determined with simple presence or absence data. In riffle areas, a 6 foot by 15 foot straight seine with one-eighth inch mesh was employed using a kick seining technique.

Each haul was pulled approximately six linear meters. Water depth, water temperature, substrate type, and number of live Corbicula seined were recorded.At locations on the Neosho River wikh established Corbi'culs populations, densities were determined with a 530 cm ponar dredge sampler. A minimum of four replicate samples were taken from suitable substrate and sieved through a U.S. Standard No. 30 mesh screen. Shell widths and total number of live clams sampledý were recorded.

Water depth, water temperature, substrate type, and sample volume were also noted.1.2.2 WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE Adult Monitoring Adult and sub-adult Corbicula distribution in the cooling lake was monitored from May through October concurrent with shoreline seining completed during the fisheries monitoring program. Twenty standard shoreline sites spread around the lake were observed for the presence of Corbicula.

Most substrate types common to WCCL were searched.A concentrated effort consistent with past Corbicula monitoring was completed at the Makeup Water Discharge Structure (MUDS), Saddle Dam IV, Service Spillway, and the CWSH. An approximately 30 man-minute shoreline search was completed at the. latter two locations.

Substrate samples per location were taken with a 530 cm ponar dredge sampler and sieved through a U.S. Standard No. 30 mesh screen. Shell widths and total number of live clams sampled were recorded.

Water depth, water temperature, substrate type, and sample volume were also noted.As part of normal maintenance activities, underwater inspections of intake structures were to be completed when practical.

Procedural specifications require sediment samples from the intake bays to be collected by the divers and provided to WCNOC Environmental Management to determine if Corbicula was present. During the summer of 1992, samples were taken from the MUSH and MUDS (Appendix Figure 4.2.2). These samples were sieved through a U.S.Standard No. 30 mesh screen and inspected for the presence of Corbicula.

There were no sediment samples received by Environmental Management from the CWSH or Essential Service Water intake.

H Aquatic Monitoring 0 Page 23 M Juvenile Monitoring Densities of planktonic, juvenile Corbicula in the cooling lake were 0monitored from March through December 1992 (Appendix Table 4.1.1). All samples were taken immediately in front of the CWSH. Five oblique tows from near the bottom to the surface were made with a 75 cm, 153 micron, conical, bplankton net towed 20 to 30 seconds from a boat traveling approximately 0.75 to 1.25 meters per second. A Kahlsico Hydrodynamic flow meter was mounted in the net mouth to measure the actual distance of each tow. Concentrated samples were preserved in ten percent buffered formalin.

Samples were filtered and adjusted in the lab to a total volume of 100 ml, agitated, and Kfive one-milliliter aliquots were examined microscopically for Corbicula Ujuveniles.

Aquatic Monitoring Page 24 1.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1.3.1 NEOSHO RIVER From the Neosho River, a total of 20 live clams were collected with kick seines and 24 live clams in the ponar samples. High water levels and substrate scouring from high flows prevented efficient sampling of the sites. The flooding conditions prevented seining at Locations 10 and 11 and ponar sampling at Location 11 (Appendix Figure 4.2.1). Population Characteristics Inferences into the 1992 Corbicula densities in the Neosho River should be made with caution due to the reduced sampling efficiency from high flows.At. the long term monitoring sites (Locations 10 and 11) and at the Burlington city dam, Corbicula densities have tracked relatively closely together in the past (Appendix Figure 4.2.3). After initial detection a profound population explosion occurred during 1988. A general decline was evident since then with some fluctuation present at the Burlington city dam in 1991. Rapid expansion followed by a decline is typical of newly established Corbicula populations (Sickel 1986).The length-frequency distribution of live Corbicula collected in 1992 at all locations in the Neosho River with kick seines and ponar grabs showed a population dominated by young individuals, which was the same as 1991 results (Appendix Figure 4.2.4). Live adults representing two and three year-old size classes were rarely collected.

Mortality rates are normally high, but clams up to five years old (Britton and Morton 1982) can be expected to be represented.

The Neosho River population appeared similar to that reported for Corbicula below the Kentucky Dam on the Tennessee River.The dominant size class from that population shifted to individuals less than 12.3 mm (Sickel 1986). This size distribution was indicative of newly invading populations with high fecundity, rapid maturation and short life spans.In the Neodho River, as shown above, available data suggest that Corbicula has not developed the more uniform size distribution expected of an established population.

Although not specifically determined, high mortality rates of two year old and older clams must have occurred.

Common shell sizes found along the shorelines support this assumption.

A possible limiting factor may be the scouring effect of high flows. It was observed that sand and silt deposits where ponar samples were collected in the past were reduced in 1992 suggesting that the preferred habitats may periodically become reduced or disturbed.

Stress on the population from low winter temperatures may also play a role. Corbicula has trouble establishing populations with old individuals in the colder, northern latitudes (Counts 1986). The lower lethal temperature for adult Corbicula was reported by Mattice and Dye (1976) as being 2 0 C. Water temperatures in the Neosho River typically drop to near freezing during winter months (WCNOC 1987). Corbicula obviously survive the winters here, but sufficient mortality appears to take place to prohibit large concentrations of bigger, older clams.

H.3 BAquatic Monitoring 6Page 25 0 For the first time, Corbicula were found in sediment samples taken by divers in the MUSH bays. The size frequency of the clams present were markedly different from that found in the river (Appendix Figure 4.2.4). Individuals which likely colonized in the structure during 1991 represent almost the o entire sample. This suggested that the MUSH bay provided the requirements O for a mature population to develop. This has been found for similar tstructures at other power plants (Johnson et. al. 1986, and Smithson 1986)and similar clam development can be expected at the CWSH.0 1.3.2 WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE Adult Monitoring Initial expectations were that Corbicula would be detected in the John Redmond Reservoir (JRR) spillway before being found in WCCL (WCNOC 1990).This did not happen as the first evidence of Corbicula pioneering into WCCL was found on June 27, 1991 before discovery at JRR spillway.

Shells were found at an established shoreline seining site as part of the fisheries monitoring program. This was an area characterized by clay/gravel substrate with moderate wave action. Subsequent observations in 1991 revealed specimens at two other locations along the west shoreline of WCCL. During 1992, Corbicula expanded to a site in the southeast part and into the discharge area of the lake (Appendix Figure 4.2.2).Ponar grabs and shoreline searches at the annual sampling sites did not collect nor find evidence of Corbicula at the CWSH and Service Spillway (Appendix Table 4.1.3, Figure 4.2.2). Clams were found as expected at the MUDS and at Saddle Dam IV.With the discovery of Corbicula in the lake, immediate concern was raised about the potential for presence in the plant's piping. With the early invasion and patchy distribution in WCCL, it was considered that in-plant encroachment likely had not developed.

No specimens were found in plant systems during 1992.In the past, sediment samples from the plant's cooling water intake bays were inspected for the presence of Corbicula.

The samples were collected by divers performing under-water inspections of the CWSH and ESW bays during plant outages. Determining the presence or absence of Corbicula in the intake bays was important because it would provide an early indication of possible presence in the plant. At power plants using cooling water similar to WCGS, clams as planktonic juveniles commonly find the bays of pump houses favorable (NRC 1984. Smithson 1986, Johnson et. al. 1986). Areas where lower velocities allowed sediments to accumulate were ideal spots for Corbicula development.

Reproduction from the resultant high concentrations in intake bays can continuously reinfest in-plant systems.There were no diver sediment samples available from the CWSH or ESW during 1992, because WCGS did not go through a refueling cycle during the year.However, shoreline inspections and ponar samples in the immediate vicinity of the CWSH did not reveal any Corbicula.

Based on this, expectations were that there were not likely any clams present in the intake bays.

Aquatic Monitoring Page 26 Diver samples were taken from the MUSH and the MUDS and Corbicula were found as expected.

Ten gallbns of sediment were collected from the MUSH and five from the MUDS on July 27, 1992. The samples revealed a mature population indicated by a large size distribution (Appendix Figure 4.2.4)., Similar populations will likely develop in the CWSH and ESW bays. Juvenile Monitoring Corbicula populations can be very efficient at invading new areas and increasing their numbers dramatically.

This was observed during monitoring on the Neosho River. The natural method of dispersion is the passive movement of neutrally buoyant juveniles usually at the mercy of water currents, including wave action. This was evidenced by the establishment in two areas along the east part of WCCL, one of which was in the discharge area (Appendix Figure 4.2.2). It was unlikely that movement into the discharge area occurred via juveniles passing through the plant because none should survive the elevated temperatures or the chlorine concentration in the cooling water system. The lack of clams in the intake water further discounts this. But with the ability to disperse by wave action, they can be expected to inhabit much more of the lake, including the cooling water intake areas within the next few years.With colonization of the intake areas likely, continued attempts in 1992 were made to sample juvenile Corbicula in the cooling water being pumped through WCGS. This monitoring was designed to give initial indication of in-plant infestation.

Peak release periods could also be determined to make in-plant treatment 3timing recommendations.

During this monitoring a total volume of 1625.8 m of lake water was sampled. No planktonic juveniles were identified in any of these samples (Appendix Table 4.1.4).The frequency of sampling was designed to increase juvenile Corbicula detection by sampling more often during expected peak abundance (Appendix Table 4.1.1). Most but not all studies have documented two distinct peaks of juvenile releases to the water. In Lake Sangchris, a power-plant cooling lake in Illinois, a spring peak from mid-May through mid-June and an autumn peak during mid-September through mid-October was evident (Dreier and Tranquilli 1981). For the Altahama River in Georgia, a mid-May and early-October peak'was reported (Sickel 1979). Similar spawning peak timing was found for Corbicula in the Delta-Mendota Canal in California (Eng 1979).Williams and McMahon (1986) showed similar peaks, adjacent to Henley Power Station on Lake Arlington in Texas, although extending into winter longer.Contrary to these studies, Bickle (1966, as cited in Eng 1979) found only one mid-summer spawn in Kentucky.

In an attempt to characterize the peaks in WCCL the majority of samples were taken weekly from late April through July and from early September through late October.Corbicula reproductive characteristics seem to vary slightly between localities across the United States and exactly how the clams will react to conditions in WCCL is unknown. Generally, water temperatures trigger the release of juveniles to the water column. Water temperatures rising above approximately 16 0 C have been correlated to juvenile releases in the spring (Eng 1979, Sickel 1979, Drier and Tranquilli 1981). Most reported fall spawns occurred as water temperatures cooled to approximately 24 0 C. As Aquatic Monitoring Page 27 M 0 Corbiculs concentrations increase in WCCL, planktonic juvenile monitoring should determine the clam's reproductive characteristics.

Knowing this will help in determining in-plant control treatment timings.t0.aJ Aquatic Monitoring Page 28


S AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS 1.4.1 NEOSHO RIVER Flooding conditions in the Neosho River prevented efficient monitoring of Corbicula during the fall of 1992. It could not be determined if upstream expansion occurred during 1992. From available data, clam densities declined in the river. The river's Corbicula population exhibits characteristics of a marginal or stressed population of predominantly young individuals with a high mortality rate.In 1992, for the first time, Corbicula were found in the MUSH forebays.

A population represented by a large size distribution indicated that the clams find the conditions more favorable in the structure than the river.Establishment in the MUSH will more directly release juveniles into the makeup water pumped to WCCL.1.4.2 WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE The Corbicula population in the cooling lake did not expand its distribution into the cooling water intake areas. Two new areas of infestation were found along the east side of the lake. Distribution along the west shorelines remained similar to 1991, the first year discovered.

Makeup water pumping most likely transported the clams as planktonic juveniles to WCCL from the Neosho River.The WCCL population was discovered early in its colonization of the lake providing early warning of potential plant infestation.

Although the 1992 distribution was not in or close to cooling water intakes, it can be expected that the clams will spread to these areas. Based on how quickly they moved within the river and WCCL, this could be within the next year, almost certainly within two years.What this means for plant operations is that in-plant control efforts will need to be considered in the future. The 1992 juvenile monitoring could not identify a fall spawning peak in WCCL likely due to the clam's patchy distribution.

As they increase, future monitoring should document both the number and tiihing of these peaks. In-plant chemical control treatment can then be targeted when concentrations of the easily killed young would be highest. Treatment of adults in CWSH and ESW forebays may also be warranted.

These should help keep them from growing larger in the plant systems and causing flow blockage problems.

H DAquatic Monitoring DPage 29 M 02.0 1993 ASIATIC CLAM MONITORING PLAN 2.1 GOALS o The 1993 monitoring plan presented here is designed to satisfy requirements 0 in procedure KP-LE2204, "Ecological Monitoring Program Administration" and* W commitments made to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission: (NRt.). The\ commitments were made in letter ET 90-0023, which was WCNOC's response to 0 Generic Letter 89-13, "Service Water System Problems Affecting Safety Related Equipment." This monitoring program will also determine the local life history traits of Corbicula to provide data necessary in making in-plant chemical treatment decisions.

To achieve these goals, the following objectives were established:

1. determine the population density and upstream colonization of Corbicula in the Neosho River, 2. determine the population density and distribution of benthic adult and subadult Corbicula in WCCL 3. determine the doncentration and peak occurrence of planktonic Corbicula juveniles of the WCGS intake waters in WCCL.

Aquatic Monitoring Page 30 2.2 METHODS 2.2.1 NEOSHO RIVER The distribution and abundance of the adult and subadult Corbicula in the Neosho River will be determined during September of 1993. Five standardized river locations will be sampled comparable to past annual surveys (Appendix Figure 4.2.1).Distribution in the Neosho River will be determined with presence or absence data. In riffles with sufficient flow at the five locations, a six foot by fifteen foot straight seine with one-eighth inch mesh will be used employing a kick seining technique.

Live clams will be counted. Disarticulated valves will not be recorded from any locations except at the Hartford rapids. Any evidence of Corbicula including dead specimens will be used to ascertain presence at this location.

Water temperature, substrate type seined, and approximate length of each haul will be determined at each location and recorded on the Adult Corbicula Data Sheet (Appendix Figure 4.2.5).A 30 man-minute search for Corbicula along the shorelines at the Hartford rapids will be conducted.

Dead Corbicula shells washed up along the banks from high flows can be relatively easily found. Presence of shells will indicate Corbicula movement into this area.Density estimates will be made at all river locations where Corbicula are present. A minimum of four replicate substrate samples will be taken with a 530 cm, ponar dredge sampler. Samples will be taken at spots within each location where substrates are conducive to ponar sampling.

Generally, these will be along gravel, sand, or mud bars where substrate is small in size.These types of substrates are also conducive to Corbicula development.

Each sample will be sieved through a U.S. Standard No. 30 mesh screen and the number of live clams will be counted. All live specimens of Corbicula from the river collected in the seine and ponar efforts will be measured to the nearest mm from anterior to posterior margins. These data will be used to help determine the age structure and give insights to the reproductive and mortality characteristics of the Corbicula population in the river.Sediment samples taken during underwater inspections by divers of the Makeup Water Screen House will be sieved and surveyed for Corbicula.

These inspections are completed under Maintenance personnel direction usually during plant or system repair outages. As these samples become available, the approximate volume of sediment sieved and the number of live clams present will be recorded.

Shell lengths will also be measured and recorded.

Presence data will be provided to Maintenance.

H 3Aquatic Monitoring Page 31 2.2.2 WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE Adult Monitoring Adult and subadult Corbicula distribution and spread into unoccupied areas O of WCCL will be monitored from May through August concurrent with shoreline o seining completed during the fisheries monitoring program. At each of the W twenty seine locations

.(Appendix Figure 4.2.2) the immediate shoreline will be examined for Corbicula shells. Presence or absence will be recorded on O the fishery data sheet for the appropriate location.A concentrated sampling effort will be *completed consistent with past Corbicula monitoring during September 1993. A minimum of eight substrate E- samples will be taken at four locations on WCCL. These are the shoreline areas adjacent to the Makeup Water Discharge Structure (MUDS), the Service spillway, Circulating Water Screen House (CWSH) and Saddle Dam IV (Appendif Figure 4.2.2). These substrate samples will be collected with a 530 cm ponar dredge sampler and sieved through a U.S. Standard No. 30 mesh screen.Information to be recorded include number of live clams, water depth, substrate composition, and water temperature.

Live specimens collected will be measured to the nearest mm from anterior to posterior margins and recorded.

These data will be used to help determine the age structure and give insights to the reproductive and mortality characteristics of the Corbicula population in WCCL.Sediment samples taken during underwater inspections by divers of the CWSH, MUDS, and the Essential Service Water (ESW) intake structure will be sieved and surveyed for Corbicula.

These inspections are completed by Maintenance personnel as opportunities allow, usually during plant outages. Approximate volume of sediment sieved and number of live clams collected will be recorded.

Shell lengths will also be measured to the nearest mm and recorded.

Presence data will be provided to Maintenance. Juvenile Monitoring Planktonic juvenile Corbicula will be sampled on a schedule (Appendix Table 4.1.1) designed to target efforts during expected peak abundances.

Less frequent sampling efforts are planned in 1993 during expected lower numbers between peaks which will help streamline monitoring efforts. The lack of clams during 1992 made sampling during off-peak times unnecessary.

Since the exact spawning cycles of Corbicula in WCCL are not known as yet, the schedule may be altered as field sampling dictates.Juvenile Corbicula will be sampled from the WCCL water column immediately south of the CWSH to quantify the number of clams with the greatest potential to enter plant systems. A minimum of five replicate tows taken obliquely from near the bottom to the surface will be taken using a 153 micron mesh plankton net with a 75 cm diameter opening. A Kahlsico Hydrodynamic flow meter will be placed in the net's mouth to measure actual distance towed.Each tow will consist of recording the flow meter counter reading and lowering the net to within one meter from the substrate approximately Aquatic Monitoring Page 32 10 meters south of the CWSH. Care should be taken to lower the net with the mouth up to prevent the flow meter from measuring the net's trip down. The net will then be towed at a speed beyween 0.9 .and 1. meters per second for 15 to 30 seconds. Approximately 7 m to 13 m, of lake water per tow will be sampled in this manner. When the net is retrieved, the sample will be bottled and the flow meter reading will be recorded.

Physical parameters listed on the Juvenile Corbicula Data Sheet (Appendix Figure 4.2.6) will be recorded.Laboratory processing of the samples will be completed as soon as practical after field collection.

Plankton samples may be preserved with formalin if immediate processing is not possible.

Each sample will be filtered and adjusted to a known volume (usually 100 ml or 200 ml). The volume adjusted sample will then be stirred gently to randomly mix the plankton and 1 ml aliquots from this will be examined under a dissecting microscope.

All Corbicula juveniles in the aliquot will be counted. A minimum number of aliquots from each sample will be processed to equal five percent of the adjusted filtered sample. Concentrations of juvenile Corbicula in the intake waters of WCCL will be calculated from the field and lab data collected.

The results will be recorded as number of juvenile clams per cubic meter of lake water (Appendix Table 4.1.5).2.2.3 REPORTING All data obtained will be subjected to appropriate statistical analyses.Applicable summaries and treatment recommendations will be compiled in an annual report submitted for review by March 15, 1994. A summary of this report will be included in the 1993 Annual Environmental Operating Report, which is mandated by the Environmental Protection Plan, Appendix B to the Facility Operating License.

H.Aquatic Monitoring

D Page 33 3.0 LITERATURE CITED 0 Britton, J.C. and B. Morton. 1982. A Dissection Guide, Field and Laboratory Manual for the Introduced Bivalve Corbicula fluminea.Malacological Review, Supplement No. 3. 82 pp.o Counts, C.L. 1986. The Zoogeography and History of the Invasion of the W United States by Corbicula fluminea (Bivalvia:


In% Proceedings, Second International Corbicula Symposium.

Special Edition o No. 2 of the American Malacological Bulletin.

239 pp.Dreier, H. and J.A. Tranquilli.

1981. Reproduction, Growth, Distribution, 1and Abundance of Corbicula in an Illinois Cooling Lake. Illinois SNatural History Survey Bulletin, Vol. 32, Article 4. 737 pp.Eng, L.L. 1979. Population Dynamics of the Asiatic Clam, Corbicula fluminea (Miller), in the Concrete-lined Delta-Mendota Canal of Central California.

J.C. Britton ed., First International Corbicula Symposium Proceedings.

Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas. 313 pp.Hartmann, R.F. and C.H. Cope. 1985. Records of the Asiatic Clam, Corbicula fluminea (MUller) in Kansas. Abstracts Vol. 4. Kansas Academy of Science, Pittsburg, Kansas, March 22, 1985.Huggins, D.G., P.M. Liechti, and L.C. Ferrington.

1981. Guide to the Freshwater Invertebrates of the Midwest. Technical Publication of the State Biological Survey of Kansas, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. 221 pp.Johnson, KI., C.H. Henager, T.L. Page, and D.F. Hayes. 1986. Engineering Factors Influencing Corbicula Fouling in Nuclear Service Water Systems. In Proceedings, Second International Corbicula Symposium Special Edition No. 2 of the American Malacological Bulletin.

239 pp.Mattice, J.S. and L.L. Dye. 1976. Thermal Tolerance of the Adult Asiatic Clam in Thermal Ecology II. G.W. Esch and R.W. McFarlanne, editors.Technical Information Center, Energy Research and Development Administration.

406 pp.Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

1981. Flow Blockage of Cooling Water to Safety System Components by Corbicula sp. (Asiatic clam) and Mytilus sp. (Mussel).

Bulletin Number 81-03.1984. Bivalve Fouling of Nuclear Power Plant Service-Water Systems. NUREG/CR-4070, PNL-5300, Vol. 1. 119 pp.1989. Service Water System Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment.

Generic Letter 89-13 to all holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear power plants. July 18, 1989.Prophet, C.W. 1966. Limnology of John Redmond Reservoir, Kansas. Emporia State Res. Study 15(2):5-27.

Aquatic Monitoring Page 34 Sickel, J.B. 1979. Population Dynamics of Corbicula in the Altahama River, Georgia. J.C. Britton ed., First International Corbicula Symposium Proceedings.

Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas. 313 pp.1986. Corbicula Population Mortalities:

Factors Influencing Population Control. Special Edition, Second International Corbicula Symposium.

No. 2 of the American Malacological Bulletin.

239 pp.Smithson, J.A. 1986. Development of a Corbicula Control Treatment at the Baldwin Power Station. Special Edition, Second International Corbicula Symposium.

No. 2 of the American Malacological Bulletin.239 pp.Williams, C.J. and R.F. McMahon. 1986. Power Station Entrainment of Corbicula fluminea (MUller) in Relation to Population Dynamics, Reproductive Cycle and Biotic and Abiotic Variables.

Special Edition, Second International Corbicula Symposium.

No. 2 of the American Malacological Bulletin.

239 pp.Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation.

1987. Wolf Creek Generating Station Operational Phase Environmental Monitoring Program, January 1986-December 1986. Internal Report. 180 pp.1990. Distribution and Abundance of Asiatic Clams Corbicula fluminea in the Vicinity of Wolf Creek Generating Station, Burlington, Kansas 1990 Annual Survey. Internal Report. 19 pp.

H Aquatic Monitoring CPage 35 4.0 APPENDIX TO ASIATIC CLAM MONITORING 1992 REPORT AND 1993 PLAN 4.1 TABLES Q 4.1.1 Sampling Schedule for Juvenile Corbicula Monitoring During 1992 and Planned for 1993 4.1.2 Summary of Samples Collected During 1992 Surveys for Asiatic Clam (Corbicula fluminea) in the Neosho River 4.1.3 Summary of 1992 Surveys for Adult Asiatic Clam (Corbicula fluminea)in WCCL 4.1.4 Juvenile Planktonic Asiatic Clam (Corbicula fluminea)

Monitoring Data from Immediately Upstream of the Circulating Water Intake at WCGS 4.1.5 Juvenile Corbicula Concentration Calculation Steps 4.2 FIGURES 4.2.1 Corbicula Sampling Locations on the Neosho River 4.2.2 Corbicula Sampling Locations and Distribution on WCCL 4.2.3 Corbicula Ponar Grab Densities in the Neosho River and WCCL 4.2.4 Shell Length Frequency Distribution of Live Corbicula Collected from the Neosho River and Makeup Water Structures 4.2.5 Adult Corbicula Date Sheet 4.2.6 Juvenile Corbicula Data Sheet Aquatic Monitoring Page 36 Corbicula Monitoring During 1992 TABLE 4.1.1 Sampling Schedule for Juvenile and Planned for 1993 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 March X April X X May X X X X June X X x X July X X X X August X X September X X X X X October X X X November X December X Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 1993 April X May X X X X June X X X X X July X X X August X X September X X X X X October X X X November X a.39 tL4wI TABLE 4.1.2.Summary of Samples Collected During 1992 Surveys for Asiatic Clam (Corbicula fluminea) in the Neosho River Water Water Number of live t~nrnt* ~nf 11129-D Con r ~nn 0t..-L.a.

.a.Locatio T~ **-" = UrIILZ A.J sUubs~trt Alms LIJ &Sinp UIi, ASIR6.a-Ci Cj~amB Location 11 Flood Levels prevented all Sampling at This Location Location 10 12-15-92 Flood Levels prevented seine Sampling at This Location Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Grab Grab Grab Grab Burlington City Dam John Redmond Reservoir Spiliway 12-15-92 Kick Seine Kick Seine Kick Seine 11-20-92 Ponar Grab Ponar Grab Ponar Grab Ponar Grab 12-15-92 Kick Seine Kick Seine Kick Seine 12-15-92 Ponar Grab Ponar Grab Ponar Grab Ponar Grab Flood Levels Prevented Sampling at This Location 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Clay/Silt Clay/Silt Cobble/Sand Cobble/Sand 6 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 Sand/Gravel Rubble/Gravel Rubble/Gravel Gravel/Sand Gravel/Sand Gravel/Silt Gravel/Silt Flat Rocks/Rubble Flat Rocks/Rubble Flat Rocks/Rubble Gravel Gravel Gravel/Sand Gravel/Sand 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 4 8 8 11 8 1 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Hartford Rapids n re M 0 U M Z.n (1) G yen in order of d-o nance TABLE 4.1.3 Summary of 1992 Surveys for Asiatic Clam (Corbicula fluminea) in the Wolf Creek Cooling Lake Water r'nt-h (ft-i Water Tdwmn (CI Number of live Asiatic clams Tntrn I- ¶i fl?,-r vn S.hntrRte f'l Locat-4n" De-th fftl Asiatic cl HUDS Service Spillway Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 2 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 2 8 4 5 4 4 Silt/Clay Silt/Detritus Silt/Detritus Silt/Clay Silt/Detritus Silt/Detritus Silt/Clay/Detritus Silt/Clay/Detritus Clay/Gravel Clay/Gravel Clay/Gravel Clay/Gravel Clay Clay Clay/Gravel Clay/Gravel Clay/Gravel Clay/Gravel Sand/Gravel Sand/Silt/Detritus Mud/Gravel Clay/Mud/Gravel Clay/Mud/Gravel Gravel/Mud Clay/Gravel/Sediment

  • Clay/Gravel/Sediment Clay/Gravel/Sediment Clay/Gravel/Sediment Clay/Gravel/Sediment Clay/Gravel/Sediment 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 2 Avg. Density/rn

.35.4 CWSH 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 11 131 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 3 3 2 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Saddle Dam IV Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Ponar Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab Grab 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 0 2 1 3 1.0 0 up 0 coca Avg. Density/m2

-31.5 11) Given in order of dominance A 2:---, = 0.,-.E 0 0 Z TABLE 4.1.4 Juvenile Planktonic Asiatic Clam (Corbicula fluminea) monitoring data from Circulating Water Intake at WCGS.Immediately Upstream of the Rimnnhor nF Ag4ntIt- rl1nme nat-l lytal 'r r%r. Ilab Vl nl m 03-20 04-16 04-30 05-08 05-15 05-22 05-29 06-05 06-11 06-17 06-25 07-02 07-10 07-17 07-31 08-12 08-28 09-04 09-11 09-18 09-25 10-02 10-09 10-16 10-26 11-13 12-11 9 14 16 19 20 23 20 21 20 19 21 26 27 27 28 26 24 25 22 22 19 18 16 14 16 11 7 74.1 71.5 74.1 62.1 77.1 58.4 58.2 58.4 56.3 56.0 61.0 61.3 59.5 75.5 51.1 53.9 72.4 56.0 58.5 60.2 64.6 50.6 42.8 48.9 55.7 53.3 54.3 1625.8 cm3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Vol.0 00 0 (D'z .

Aquatic Monitoring Page 40 Table 4.1.5 Juvenile Corbicula Concentration Calculation Steps 1. RV -( r C) c/C)where: RV -replicate volume sampled in m3 r radius of net opening in m C -difference between start and end flow meter counter readings F -flow meter conversion factor (from appropriate flow meter calibration data)2. CR- [(a 1+ a2 ... s n)/n] D/RV 3 where: CR -clams per m in each net tow replicate s = number of clams per I ml subsample (aliquot)n -number of subsamples from each sample D -adjusted sample dilution volume (in ml) from which the subsamples were taken RV -from step 1 3. C (CRc1 + cR2 ... C%) / N where: C -number of planktonic juvenile clams/m3 in the WCCL water CR -from step 2 N = number of net tow replicates frn 0 M 0 0 Wi (r Figure 4.2.1 Corbicula Sampling Locations on the Neosho River Aquatic Monitoring Page 42 wCorbfcul9 expansion in 1992.i Corblcul distribution in 1991 O"-None found I mile N Saddle Dam TZ COOLING LAKE Spillway Figure 4.2.2 Corbicula Sampling Locations and Distribution on WCCL q C."'ZO.-E00 e Corbicula Densities in the Neosho River During Late Autumn Sampling# live clams/m2 200 Corbicula Densities in the Cooling Lake During Late Autumn Sampling# live clams/m2 260-200-150 0oo\60 18o 1087 10o8 1080 1000 1001 1992 1993 1993-Location 11 Bu-- trlngton Dam Location 10 JRR spillway MUDS-CWS8 S- Saddle Dam IV s Service spillway Unable to sample Location 11 during 1992 No Asiatic clams were found at the Service Spliltway or CWSH Figure 4.2.3 Corbicula Ponar Grab Densities in the Neosho River and WCCL 0 on 0 to O 1991 Corbicula Length Frequency Neosho River Sampling percent of total 70-60-50-40-30-20-10-0 d-.,.--.,-

., .,-- .... .2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13141516 17 1819202122232426 Length in mm N=77 1992 Gorbicula Length Frequency July 27 MUSH Bay Diver Sample 20 percent of total 15.10.o il ., ..-7 ........ ...123 46 0 7S & 10 1112 1314 15 16 17 18 Length in mm N=21 1992 Corbicula Length Frequency Neosho River Sampling 1992 Corbicula Length Frequency July 27 MUDS Bay Diver Sample percent of total 30 25 20 105 0 0 OQ 0 I'-O 0 -r- .* I I , I I I ..I , l w 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12131415 18 171819202122232425 Length in mm I 1 3 4 76 0 7 4 .101112131415 IU 1 0l1132031 324$261271S0*08132 Length in mm N=37 N=42 Figure 4.2.4 Shell Length Frequency Distribution of Live Corbicula Collected from the Neosho River and Makeup Water Structures f JI- --110 ItI Figure 4.2.5 Sample Date: Thermometer Number: Adult Corbicula Data Sheet Page __of Collected by: _ ,of Approved by: Location Water Temp Gear Sample Substrate Depth I Type Haul Distance I Live Clams Shell Lengths___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ _ _ ___ __ ___ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __rt I--n 0 OQ 0'Comments:

Figure 4.2.6 Sample Date: Time: Water Temperature:

Wind: Juvenile Corbicula Data Sheet Flow Meter Number: Flow Meter Distance Factor: Thermometer No.: Sample Dilution:

_ ml Page _ of Collected by: Approved by: Flow Counter Start Flow Counter End Flow Counter Diff.Distance Towed (m)*1 Volume Sampled*2 Replicate Clams/ 1 ml, 8l quot 1 12 113 14 15 6 1 Mean Clams Aliquot Clams m. of Water 8 per Lake*3 9 10_____ _____ _ S ............ J Comments:*1 -Flow Counter Difference I Flow Meter Distance Factor*2 -(3.14)(net opening radius in m) 2(distance towed)*3 -See current study plan rt rr Go0 4~1 H I~Jl 0.N)0 a 0 N)1%)IT Aquatic Monitoring Page 47 III. VOLY CRT= GENERATING STATION WOLF rREEM COOLmNG LAKE WATER QUALITY MONITORING- " "'1992 REPORT AND 1993 PLAN z Aquatic Monitoring 0 Page 48 I:' ABSTRACT Water quality monitoring of the Neosho River and Wolf Creek Cooling Lake was conducted bimonthly during 1992 similar to past years. The program was o designed to maintain comparability with baseline studies to detect potential O impacts due to Wolf Creek Generating Station. No such impacts were evident bJin the Neosho River. As expected, changes attributed to the power plant were detected in the lake. Increased forced evaporation likely caused o higher levels of dissolved salts, solids, and parameters affected by them.Temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles revealed similar results as past years excepting Influence of storm-water runoff. Weak stratification occurred but at no time was it considered detrimental to the lake's a- fishery. The primary productivity of the lake remained consistent with levels found since lake filling, with the exception of higher productivity in the thermally influenced area. None of the operational impacts observed were considered detrimental nor were any greater than expected in initial environmental impact evaluations.

Aquatic Monitoring Page 49 1.0 1992 WATER QUALITY MONITORING REPORT


This report presents and interprets the results of water quality monitoring activities completed by Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation on the Neosho River and Wolf Creek Cooling Lake (WCCL). This monitoring began in the river during 1973 and was initiated in WCCL after impoundment to fulfill regulatory commitments (KG&E 1981, NRC 1982). The monitoring was to continue through at least two years of plant operation and was satisfied in 1987. Since that time, the scope was greatly reduced to target key water quality indicators.

The parameters chosen were to either continue to add to baseline data or reflect long-term operational impacts. In addition, the data have been valuable for general characterization of such things as Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) evaluations, in-plant water treatment considerations, and to help demonstrate that WCGS has operated in an environmentally sound manner.The 1992 monitoring program was designed to document environmental change in the vicinity of WCGS. Specific objectives were to: a. determine the concentration of selected water quality parameters, aquatic nutrients, and industrial contamination indicators in the Neosho River and WCCL b. determine the productivity of phytoplankton in the Neosho River and WCCL.

H Aquatic Monitoring U Page 50 D1.2 METHODS Surface water samples were collected at two locations on the Neosho River and three on WCCL (Appendix Figure 4.2.1) on a bimonthly schedule beginning in February.

All the sampling locations were identical to those used in 0 baseline monitoring to aid with year-to-year comparisons.

One river W location was just upstream and the other downstream of the Wolf Creek\ confluence with the Neosho River. The lake locations were chosen to characterize a thermally influenced area, the main body area, and the 0cooling water intake area. All field collections and some lab analyses were completed by Environmental Management personnel.

A contracted lab was used for the remainder of the analyses (Appendix Table 4.1.1). Analysis methods followed accepted standard methods with appropriate detection limits 0f (Appendix Table 4.1.2).

Aquatic Monitoring Page 51 1.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1.3.1 NEOSHO RIVER Annual mean concentrations of most water quality parameters during 1992 were within previously established ranges. There were no between location differences.

The small declining trend. for total suspended solids (TSS).total dissolved solids (TDS), nitrates.

and orthophosphates identified in 1991 were not continued into 1992. The declines were contributed to dry weather conditions and the large amounts of storm-water runoff in 1992 appeared to end the downward trend.Productivity measured as chlorophyll a concentration did continue to show a slight declining trend. No difference was detected between the two river locations, consequently influences from WCCL was not suspected as the cause.Overall in 1992. the monitoring data suggest that the quality of water in the river remained similar to past years. Since filling of WCCL began in 1981, flows into the river from the Wolf Creek have been limited to seepage, releases for testing of WCCL blowdown procedures, and runoff events.Frequent and sometimes heavy rains during the later half of 1992 caused WCCL to discharge more water than usual. There were no apparent deleterious effects to water quality in the Neosho River due to operation of WCGS based on available water quality monitoring data.1.3.2 WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE Water quality monitoring of WCCL began when it was initially filled during 1981. The lake was greatly influenced during that year by makeup-water being pumped from the Neosho River and the effects of newly flooded substrates.

Between 1982 and 1986, makeup-water was generally added only during routine use of the auxiliary raw-water pumps for drinking water and by testing the makeup pumps periodically.

Beginning in 1987, makeup pumping increased to a high of 6.8 billion gallons in 1991. No makeup pumping other than routine testing took place during 1992. Despite initial filling and subsequent makeup pumping, the majority of WCCL's water quality has been generally independent from influence of the Neosho River.Plant operation has caused some changes to the water chemistry of WCCL, but not to detrimental levels. The monitoring program targeted five main aspects of potential plant effects. These were (1) corrosion by-product accumulation, (2) potential concentration of chemical constituents due to high evaporation rates, (3) temperature characteristics, (4) changes to the primary productivity of the lake, and (5) potential influences from the discharge of treated domestic sewage to the lake. Corrosion Products Corrosion by-products include such metals as chromium.

nickel, iron, 'and copper. In the Final Environmental Statement (NRC 1982), concentrations of some of these corrosion products were expected to buildup in the lake.Monitoring has revealed that no such buildup of any corrosion products has occurred.

No consistent buildup of any measured parameter was evident.Most were at or below minimum detection limits.

H D Aquatic Monitoring 0Page 52 rq Water Chemistry There were upward trends of some chemical parameters and if they continue would approach the levels forecasted in the licensing evaluations (KG&E 1981, NRC 1982). These increasing trends were likely caused by the O station's thermal inputs increasing the evaporation rates. The trends were W evident for calcium, magnesium, chlorides, sulfates, and to a lesser extent sodium. These contributed to the concurrent rise for conductivity and TDS.0 KThe concentration of these parameters due to the plant operation was forecasted in the licensing evaluations.

Appreciable environmental impacts were not expected as a result. Monitoring in 1992 revealed that the actual (r water quality was better than forecasted.

Assuming the trends continue to rise, TDS will reach the forecasted level first. By projecting its rise using operational data collected through 1992, TDS would approach the forecasted pre-drought levels (465 mg/I) around 1999 and post-drought levels (888 mg/i) around 2015. Consequently, 1992 monitoring has shown that the lake's water quality was better than originally forecasted implying that actual environmental impacts from plant operation have been less than those expected in licensing evaluations. Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Profiles Thermal influences were most pronounced, as expected, at the shallow upstream site (Appendix Figure 4.2.1). Bimonthly temperature profiles at this four meter deep location showed greater differences from top to bottom than in the past. Evidently, colder, storm-water runoff slid under the heated discharge waters. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) profiles showed little variation from top to bottom contrary to 1991 data. Rain water flow into the area likely kept DO levels higher than normal near the bottom. At the deeper locations by the station intake and in the main body of the lake, temperature profiles showed weak thermal stratification developing in June and persisting through August. The DO profiles at these locations showed oxygen levels decrease to near anoxic condition close to the bottom almost the entire year. This was especially evident at the deeper (20 m) main body location.Considering data prior to and including 1992, stratification patterns in WCCL appear to be independent of the generating station's intake, warming, and discharge of circulating water, with the exception of the shallower upstream area. Significant cool-water inputs from storm runoff during 1992 also affected this shallow site. Nevertheless, no changes to the expected thermal impacts to WCCL due to operation of WCGS were identified in 1992.

Aquatic Monitoring Page 53 Primary Productivity The productivity of a water body, as measured by chlorophyll a concentrations, can be a useful indicator of water quality. During lake filling, the cooling lake's productivity was high due to influence of Neosho River water and the nutrients provided by the decay of the newly flooded vegetation (EA 1988). Chlorophyll a has remained virtually unchanged in the intake and main body areas of the lake since that time, however, a small increasing trend was evident at the upstream location.

Higher nutrients or thermal influence were two obvious factors that may have caused such a rise, but nutrient levels remained constant so productivity changes could not be attributed to that. Consequently, the heated water which greatly influenced the area, likely eliminated or delayed the normal winter-time lows in productivity.

This was not considered detrimental to the lake.Phytoplankton chlorophyll a measurements indicated that any changes that may have occurred to the lake due to plant operations has not adversely impacted the lake's biological productivity. Domestic Sewage Influences The concentration of fecal coliform bacteria was monitored to determine the influences of discharges from the plant's domestic sewage treatment system.During 1992, fecal coliform levels remained very low and no consistent trends were identified.

No adverse environmental impacts were observed due to treated domestic sewage discharge to the lake.

H Aquatic Monitoring In Page 54 m


S AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS 0 1.4.1 NEOSHO RIVER tThe water quality in the Neosho River remained similar to past years.0 Higher than normal storm-water runoff influenced the river's water quality.o The quality of the water was not different downstream of the Wolf Creek/Neosho River. confluence than upstream.

Consequently, no impacts due to plant operation were detected.0 31.4.2 WOLF CREEK COOLING LAKE KThe water quality in the cooling lake showed evidence of plant induced effects. None were considered detrimental.

Most corrosion products were near or below detection limits indicating that no buildup in the lake has occurred.

Levels of dissolved salts and solids have been increasing, but this was expected because of the increased forced evaporation caused by the heated effluents.

The concentrations were still well below forecasted levels. Temperature and dissolved oxygen profiles revealed similar results as previous years excepting the influence of storm-water runoff at the shallow upstream portion of the lake. No stratification which would have been detrimental to the lake's fishery or productivity was found. Finally, the primary productivity of the lake remained consistent with levels found since lake filling, with the exception of an increasing trend in the thermally influenced portion of the lake. This increase was not considered detrimental.

41 Aquatic Monitoring Page 55 2.0 1993 WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN 2.1 GOALS The water quality monitoring program described in this plan represents a continuation of monitoring completed since initial filling of WCCL. It has been refined from operational monitoring commitments in 6.2.1 in the Environmentai Report (ER-OLS) and in 6.1 in the Final Environmental Statement (FES-OLS).

This study plan is required by and satisfies procedure KP-LE2204, 'Ecological Monitoring Program Administration." The main goal of this program is to monitor selected parameters to document environmental change in the vicinity of WCGS. Specific objectives to accomplish this goal and to simultaneously provide data which support plant engineering and operational needs are to: 1. determine concentrations of selected water quality parameters, aquatic nutrients, indicators of industrial and municipal contamination, and selected metals in the Neosho River and WCCL 2. determine phytoplankton productivity in the Neosho River and WCCL.

Aquatic Monitoring

0) Page 56 0 2.2 METhODS 2.2.1 SURFACE WATER o Surface water samples will be collected andanalyzed bimonthly through 1993 O beginning in February.

Duplicate samples will be taken from locations 2, 6, W and 8 on WCCL and from 4 and 10 on the Neosho River (Appendix Figure 4.2.1). Each sample will be quantitatively analyzed for parameters listed in Appendix Table 4.1.1. A contracted lab will be used to determine parameter concentrations as specified in Appendix Table 4.1.1. All others will be determined in the field or in the Environmental Management lab.Containers and applicable preservatives will be provided by the contracted lab. Field preparation or preservation of selected parameters (Appendix (Table 4.1.1) will be completed in the Environmental Management lab.Analysis techniques shall follow accepted methods (Appendix Table 4.1.2) and variations may be acceptable if minimum detection limits can be achieved.2.2.2 PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY Chlorophyll A concentrations will be determined on the same schedule as surface water. All samples will be collected in the field and prepared for analysis in containers provided by the contracted lab. Fluorometric techniques (Lorenzen 1966, Strickland and Parson 1972) will be followed.Six replicate samples will be collected from locations 2, 6, and 8 in WCCL and 4 and 10 in the Neosho River (Appendix Figure 4.2.1). Results will be expressed as milligrams of chlorophyll A per cubic meter (mg Chla/m ).2.2.3 REPORTING All data collected will be analyzed to determine possible plant operation impacts and identify trends. Applicable summaries and implications will be compiled in an annual report submitted for review by March 15, 1994. A summary of this report will be included in the 1993 Annual Environmental Operating Report, which is mandated by the Environmental Protection Plan, Appendix B to the Facility Operating License.

Aquatic Monitoring Page 57 3.0 LITERATURE CITED American Society for Testing and Materials.

1986. Annual Book at ASTM Standards, Volume 11.01. ASTM, Philadelphia.

EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. 1988. Wolf Creek Generating Station Operational Phase Environmental Monitoring Program, Final Report. Prepared for Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation, Burlington, Kansas Kansas Gas and Electric Company. 1981. Wolf Creek Generating Station Environmental Report (Operating License Stage). Wichita, Kansas.2 Vols.Lorenzen, C.L. 1966. A method for the continuous measurement of in vivo chlorophyll concentration.

Deep-Sea Res. 13:223-227.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

1982. Final Environmental Statement Related to the Operation of Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1, NUREG-0989.

Strickland, J.D.H. and T.R, Parsons. 1972. A Practical Handbook of Sea Water Analysis.

2nd Ed. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Canada.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1979. Methods for chemical analysis of water and wastes. Office Technol. Transfer, Washington, D.C.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1984. The Determination of Inorganic Anions in Water by Ion Chromatography.


U.S. EPA, Cincinnati, Ohio.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1987. Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes. 40 CFR Part 136, Appendix C.U.S. Geological Survey. 1979. Methods for Determination of Inorganic Substances in Water and Fluvial Sediments.

Chapter Al, Book 5 in Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations.

U.S. GS, Washington, D.C.

H Aquatic Monitoring 3D Page 58 4.0 APPENDIX TO WATER QUALITY MONITORING 1992 REPORT AND 1993 PLAN CONTENTS o 4.1 TABLES 4.1.1 Water Quality Parameters Measured in Surface Water Samples 0 K4.1.2- Water Chemistry and Bacteriological Analytical Methods (4.2 FIGURES 4.2.1 Water Quality Monitoring Locations on the Neosho River and WCCL Aquatic Monitoring Page 59 TABLE 4.1.1. WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS MEASURED IN SURFACE WATER SAMPLES.COOLING LAKE NEOSHO RIVER General Parameters:



Calcium Chloride Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen (im profiles1 2 Iron, Solubl 1,2 Iron, Total Magnesium Manganese pH Silica 1 Sodium Sulfate 1 Total Dissolved Solids 1 Total Suspended Solids Turbidity Water Temperature (lm profiles)Ammonia 1 Nitrate Nitrite Orthophosphate, Soluble 1.2 Alkalinity Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen pH 1 Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids 1 Total Suspended Solids Turbidity Water Temperature (Surface)1 Nitrate Nitrite 1 Orthophosphate, Soluble 1,2 Indicators of Industrial and Municipal Contamination:

Trace Metals: Fecal Coliform Biochemical Oxygen Demaid Biochemical Oxygen Demayd 1 Chemical Oxygen Demand Chemical Oxygen 1 Drmand Oil and Grease Chromium, total Copper, total Nickel, total 1 2 These parameters will be determined by a contracted lab.Field preparation of these parameters will be completed in the Environmental Management lab H m:0 (8.Aquatic Monitoring Page 60 TABLE 4.1.2. WATER CHEMISTRY AND BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYTICAL HETBODS.Preservation Method Detection Parameter Method Technique Reference Limit Alkalinity.

Titrimetric, Refrigeration 310.1 1 mg/l-total (pH 4.5). U.S.EPA 1979 CaCO 3 Ammonia, Colorimetric.

HgCI 350.1 0.01 Nitrogen Automated phenate Refrigeration U.S.EPA 1979 mg/i -N Biochemical Membrane electrode, Refrigeration 405.1 0.5 mg/l oxygen demand 5-day 20 C U.S.EPA 1979 Calcium Atomic Emission, HNO 200.7 10 ug/l ICP 3U.S.EPA 1987 Chemical Colorimetric, Refrigeration 410.4 5 mg/l oxygen demand manual U.S.EPA 1979 Chloride Ion Chromatography-None 300.0 0.1 mg/l Conductivity U.S.EPA 1984 Chromium, Atomic Emission, HNO.- 200.7 1 ug/l total Conductivity Copper Dissolved Oxygen Fecal Coliform Iron, total Iron, soluble Magnesium ICP Wheatstone Bridge Atomic Emission, ICP Membrane Electrode Modified Winkler Membrane Filtration Atomic Emission, ICP Atomic Emission, ICP Atomic Emission.ICP None None Azide/Acid sterile bottle refrigeration HNO 3 HNO 3 tNO 3 U;.S.EPA 1987 120.1 U.S.EPA 1979 200.7 U.S.EPA 1987 360.2 U.S.EPA 1979 9222D al 1989 200.7 U.S.EPA 1987 200.7 U.S.EPA 1987 200.7 U.S.EPA 1987 I 1 umhoslcm 20 ug/1 I ughl 0.1 mg/l number colonies/100 ml 30 ug/l 5 g/l 1 ug/l Aquatic Monitoring Page 61 TABLE 4.;1.2. CONT.Parameter Manganese Nickel Nitrate, nitrogen Nitrite total Oil and grease Orthophosphate pH Silica Sodium Sulfate Total Suspended Solids Total Suspended Solids Turbidity Water Temperature Method Atomic Emission, ICP Atomic Emission, ICP Colorimetric, Cadmium reduction Colorimetric, Auto-mated Diazotization Gravimetric Colorimetric, Auto-mated Ascorbic acid Potentiometric Gravimetric Atomic Absorption Colorimetric, Methyl Thymol Blue Gravimetric 103-105 C Gravimetric 103-105 C Nephelometry Thermometric Preservation Technique NNO 3 HgCl Refrigeration HgCl Refrigeration H 2so4 H2S4 None None None None None None None None None Method Reference 200.7 U.S.EPA 1987 200.7 U.S.EPA 1987 D3867-85A ASTM 1986 4540-84 U.S.GS 1979 413.2 U.S.EPA 1979 365.1 U.S.EPA 1979 150.1 U.S.EPA 1979 200.7 U.S.EPA 1979 200.7 U.S.EPA 1979 300.0 U.S.EPA 1984 160.1 U.S.EPA 1979 160.2 U.S.EPA 1979 180.1 U.S.EPA 1979 170.1 U.S.EPA 1979 Detection Limit 0.01 mg/l 40 ug/l 0.01 mg/l -N 0.01 mg/i -N 5 mg/l 1 ug/l 0.1 unit 0.01 mg/l-2 ug/l 1 mg/i 2 mg/l 1 mg/i 0.1 unit 0.5 °C H' .Aqu-atic Monitoring

~Page 62 0.II HARTFORD* .1 c37:N F Ja as DAMF CREUW I LOCATION..

": -k ,NEOSHO , ~LEM(Figure 4.2.1 Water Quality Monitoring Locations on the Neosho River and WCCL$#r,..,

I.A--*. I~.' S'S p 5.C)NUCLEAR OPERATING CORPORATION 0 3/0 3/2 0 0 5'0: TE: 42072 LI-87-0092 Brad Loveless DTE: February 12, 1987


Evaluation of the Environmental Effects of Hiqher-than-Postulated Condenser Delta T's This attached report serves as an overall evaluation of the questions raised during fall and winter 1985/86 about the environmental effects of operations at delta T's higher than those projected in licensing documents.

An EPP evaluation form is not attached because this evaluation is not in response to new questions but rather to questions -raised and evaluated previously.

Conclusions in this report do not differ appreciably from those made in EPP evaluation.85-01.

Brad Loveless BSL/rrw cc: 0. Maynard G. Wedd F44S RO. Box 411 / Burlington, KS 66839 Phone: (316) 364-W881 An Equal Opofluvhy Employw MJF'"NCVET

.. I It.S ' Evaluation of the Environmental Effects E of Higher-than-Postulated Condenser Delta T's D During the surner and fall of 1985 it was discovered that cross-condenser 0 delta T's at VCGS could ranqe up to 33 0 F with operation of 3 circ water 3 pumps and to 38OF at 2 pump operations.

Since these exceed the 31.50F maximum projected in the ER(OLS), Environmental Manaqement was asked to o evaluate the environmental risks of operating at qreater-than-nostulated delta T's. The primary biological risk of operations at hiqh delta T's is/ that of a rapid plant shutdown when fish are congregated in the heated 2 discharqe area causing cold-shock mortality.

Therefore, elevated delta T's O do not present a problem in late sprinq, summer, or early fall when the O discharqe is at temperatures above those preferred by WCCL fishes ani is avoided.This delta T evaluation explores 3 areas: 1) Thermal Behavior of the Discharge Cove 2) Fish Distribution in the Immediate Discharqe Area 3) Tolerances of WCCL Fish Tarqet Species to Thermal Shock Attached at the end of this report are Environmental Management evaluations and communications concerning elevated delta T's completed durinq the latter part of 1985 and early 1987.1) Thermal Behavior of the Discharqe Cove Thermal behavior of the discharge cove is important to quantify so that horizontal and vertical temperature distributions throughout the cove and cool-down rates under different meterological and operational conditions can be understood.

Data were primarily collected between October 16, 1985 and February 25, 1986. Eighteen locations were sampled throuqhout the cove for thermal data (Figure 1). Variables such as the delta T, number of circ pumps, wind, and cove morphology stronqly affect this behavior (Fiqures 2-13).Operation with 2 circ pumps results in a higher delta T. While this hiqher temperature drop would mean greater thermal shock if the plant trips, the lower volume of water beinq pumned would reduce the flushing/cool-down rate and mitigate this. Plant operation with 3 circ pumps leads to a larger heated area refuqe in the event of a rapid cooldown, but the high flows would also quicken the cooldown rate which would have neqative effects.Wind plays a large role in discharge cove temperature distribution.

A strong south wind greatly lengthens the path of discharged water which expands the heated area and reduces the cooldown rate, reducing the impact of a cold-weather plant trip. Conversely, strong north, east, or northeast winds increase the potential impact by forcing the discharqe current tiqhtly against Baffle Dike B and quickly out of the cove. This reduces the mixing zone of moderately heated water which cools slowly which would helo mitigate a plant trip.

3/2 0*0 I Figure 1. Temperature profile locations at oblf Creek Cooling Lake Discharge Cove.* *

  • V...G E 3 I'2 o 0 S* 1.11, CM .h 9.,*d4*~.t,, *.q(,, 7_,., --0 A I.*lv , T, ." ..' " i..~. .'./r: /~~0 C'4 S'I I II I//i~( ~J.C..0.I-~ev ~, 6 if)'a;=r) I-' .sm*if) ** (C--'I~ (~;w~~ 1 C-/1.'*~~~=0-SE 0-&j *...1, Fioure 2. Surface TenperatureS.

T G E p (-7 3/2 0 0 S 1- ." -Z. C wC dr~ t-A 7 N 4 i ml 0 7 0 0 e ri 0 V)~~~~0 ei-It CIV.-J-.-~, ~s.( *J-ft.s%.~ / c,~K\e°o.a C.ft.'ft...-'-3.11.ýýt; t J., .-XII'l< ..'! \~~ .j/v.; /*1'(.'0 -,~ ft.* S%O" Nq* II.% %. .*.S.p */ft -'I -.A.7 Mt" /(\ LJ:-~ ~Flgure 3.Surface

,:, G 0.5/P/2 0 0£C. .A., .°N m 4 1~4 art~o g-~.d. p S..--.4 r C/ ~/CI'ft I/:f0,, :*1/I'I.,.7//I 7, t4r ..%..olýk II~((FE'I 0 C- //!4-4'~~3 4 (rfgurze 4. -"" °..:-S-r, ---C-"tLlres.

,!Z' -8.A-1c k .C7 .f:4.4 0>1's) clýN.'I I',)0 0 Sm I,'4 C C-SI 0 i.S -., ¢'I~ v 9.I/s".3 )I -i.'?I .~\p ~2: , .. ..,6 '." ..1 II.:0 It.", S S.S m i SE ,J Surface Topeaurs-', .I -., ,/ , -...-.-Fiqure 5.

G E a 3---.-'3/2 0 0 S-S 1.___I S-K* (S C ac~E.c N~~E C&.rtA-'a'.9 r'V-,---~

~V.5 C-A-S 0/ .1*d-a ~* ' h.N[CIVPVi S Ni'SI I.a a rE I SN I) ~ / .' *./ ~ I#i--V.* 5%'5 /'5 I-'I ((I*-/-r~i.'5-Si./I I i@p, Figure 6. Surface Tvmpratures.

.~ ..-..-~.

I.'I.G E 13 0 3/2 0 0 S I/, / jt ' i Do ), -..r -f.* ...F.LLLr,.4-A ~ : ~L.4// V (1\~d. -Jf a S/~~1 1/~ ~- "/~'I I'..~* 'a F..1-'F'--S.-V I e p*/I.S. I~j ~ii ,* Si* I I F I 0 p-S V S 4 (I/~~~**%S*.*

V *~--/.1J-~ -i 0 4o.5* 5*Figure 7. Surface Temreratureso ILt.I.G E Ii/2 0 0 S~.//*1>-o-T%, ")":J J r -.rt S¶4\I I!o!I..AJ C* ¶4* ~(~J*I-~2~.S Ae 3 *Figure 8. Surface ToTiperatures.

F.2. C T.~J -A TL, IJ*7.;- ? lbV.0 0" 94 50 C.A so-, ... IN,.K. A^4 9\/7.N I I'I'* "'1 *~.%* N.-.9* 'a*.1~J)'I./I'-I N--V.~0 Al

°GI E.,0 r%- .g4Le. C1.I-T of _ ,* 3.. ., .. ,., a'_ .r.: ,,* -" 3 S* .- ./-A.9-.U'I.I m I%Ii\.i 14 IS'9/-~I'C I ,' E~'S i" 0'l..,f.J .-I,- j _' .;.i 69.1*0"5 vl MS S (o*S"-5-* 7/2 U qI~0~Figure 10. Surface TvmperatureS.

I M-~c~'A 1211 E rl o. Tr-4~.c I-1-, f~v~/./".1 J I I a j5~.~i /'I I)Ii'.(//I.!~1 (~J I'I-55 I 55 i*.8~~2 S'4'5////I.N S 55 9 .B*.. *...Figure 11. Surface 'rperatures.

f -..-r9,- I* "-* ,, .l -** .": -. L-- -C- ' ' , .i':..- --', .-,.,'. :- '*16. -." LA I.2 0 0 S'I I.'V..- ~*Ij.-i V*m I I ..'I II..I a/6 S lb 4 I (* ~'4 Dt%" I ý "% " 2'1~2~Ar L ~ i Floure 12. Surface Temveratures.

I G E a 0 3 2 a 0 S 150.W.4' -r- t , o A -- 19" F I'(a I I I.e\.a.-,,.62/'fTh I-,/4 ii..(I.i* °," *...\S..I I ,'S 9I'I'Q~* ~ S* .@ "" "

Lastly, the discharge cove underwater morpholoqy

lays a role in the cove's thermal behavior.

The 2 arms extending to the north of the cove are, in the absence of a strong south wind, thermally isolated and near ambient temnp-Oerature.

The deep portion of the cove will reLnain near ambient temperatures with only the overlying strata being affected by the warmwater discharge/ during extended periods of normal plant operations (Figures 14-20). As 0such, this deepwater area could offer a thermal interqrade which could allow fishes congregating there after a plant trio to cool down at a slower rate/ and therefore reduce cold shock mortality.

0 2) Pish Distribution in the Irmmediate Discharae Area Fish -thermal preferences (distributions) were determined by electroshockinq in the discharge cove and correlatinq fish numbers with water temperatures.

Each location was samoled for 5 minutes per effort and collections were made between October 16, 1985 and February 25, 19%. On each sample date Locations 1 and 2 were sampled but periodically, Locations 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (Figure 1) were collected also. The latter group was checked less frequently since these locations were further away from the discharqe and more likely to be affected by meteroloqical conditions instead of strictly discharqe conditions.

Gizzard shad, largemouth bass, channel catfish and Morones (white bass, striped bass, striped bass x white bass hybrid) were the species which were qenerally captured.Gizzard shad first moved into the discharqe area stronqlv when the temperature was 80OF and ambient lake temperature was 50 0 F. Thev remained close to the discharqe but out of the main current as ambient and discharqe temperatures declined, with delta T's ranqing from 38 0 F down to 20 0 F.Largemouth bass appeared to be very flexible, thermally.

Thev first appeared in the discharge area when the temperature was 76OF at a 280 delta T. Largemouth numbers in the immediate discharge are (Location

1) increased and remained very high as ambient lake (and discharge) temneratures fell during the winter. Delta T's during these collections ranmed from 38-18 0 F.Largenmouths were collected at other locations around the discharge cove, but never to a large degree during wintertime plant operations.

In March when ambient lake temperatures were increasing and the discharqe temperature was 78.5 0 F, largemouth bass had moved away from the discharge and were heavily distributed along Baffle Dike B where temperatures were in the low 70"s.Therefore, 75OF is probably a good cutoff for their presence or absence in the discharge area.Similar to largemouths, Morone spp. in the coolinq lake began to congregate in the discharge at the low to mid-70's, but delta T preferences differed.Men delta T ranged above 25OF, Morones moved from the immediate discharge area (Location

1) and out to the co-ole-redqes of Location 2. When delta T dropped back, Morones moved back in and they piled in spectacularly at delta T's of about 20'F. This preference was clearly illustrated on February 25, 19S6 when the plant was coming up in power from 50 to 100% power. At 1000,

,,,CLIENT 1T n ra PROJECT -r1 7,, r3- 17,-!* ..o.o, u.,go." U< ... +.-: .._u ?+,: o. .;-_S3I 1 a W 2z4 .2712 .27 2-7 2-Q,4 2Z. Ze& I9ML 21 2 1 Y. 2-2V,2i4 2-Ox 2- 24:/:31 27 ej_ 2tb 2__ L ? x' 2. 2 -- 2a_ 1 _ 2-1 21:t. 2- ._ 24_1 2 3 4..214 27 17~ m5Ia. 21 7Y. 2-1' z. .-Yi ,, 25r I22.7 2 113aYI IV , 11 5Y3. 9yv 1 y 16Y.2 CLI1 TI"**w~c =7, F F I q. ýP 'k2.&r 2+/- tc, F.c~*4= 3~. 5 ~L~3i2 2 S'28~~ 26, 1-3 25 21 7S 25 2 2152.26./2~' 25 21 2!5 2;?2 2S 2S j 2'32-ya 3-x 25 lb 2-S 2:5)3' 2.-1~a U A 19 .17 26 02Y~ 2O' 2 4.0I1 10, 17m 1%Z.-1,017 6_Jb ,-- Loc- I 5 -- .1-.Piqure 14. Wlmperature profiles.

  • J ~.E q. r ~ ~ omG~~Td.,o: ~ fiT :2.7 u-i ~' F jj..J 4" a.I." at...s-s.5-.-;L- -7S is-2h. 4 7-30 2 2 i .2 2 20 24 30 2Z 25 -4 2 24 2 2 2i, -j4 19- 2"7 1 275 24'/2 Is)a 2V1I 19 2.1 20lj 19 17;eA 1I 1"t4-i 1-1 b AT,~A~. T12-F Sc- $F AT-.. '? ,r I ,P-I-w UL z U-A M.% -.4 RF SuuCstce 2O :24 23,ý 2S~i X5 2-2 23!Lý 2PL 2-073L I 1 58 o.2' 9Y ...Z*2.22'/ 2V, -. I4 2O3a 2-*a aki 6 a* hi 0 2-hi.. ). I a~ U II.-"U." II IH1 13 I"2.11/3 11 g4.j I5~/;, I3~ '~: 1341 '~:: Fiqure 15. Temperature profiles.

0 I A G E 0 ,9fra5 CLIEN T P POJ ECT$SUBJECTr 6 ~ 9-4-.. " t -",, 26-,LID 2311 22 2.2 2.1 2~2 213 2-'za22 2-2 2D 2.'2.022.21 ¶i,* &,, 15ýa p. , .l T .s-. r=0 r 2ý."2- 2-I 2.1 2.1-X.2cý94 22.VIA 2z.S22.21 2Z.2.3 .2 2AY2 2.2 V/a 2 2.2A; 2 .;'2.0 2.1'-I 2.1 2.1 2.1 2-1 2.2 2.1 204"r rD t*; 'k I I...'1.,, 2-rf (,,f 22 2.2.26,1-:.I 24 2.1 :I a16 1V 9 Figure 16. Teaperature profiles.

I CLIEN T..-2:.PROJECT SUBJECT" F" L..A.T4 4 (-,2Vp AT- -: -30"). -A A ..7p." iSo%12'/2_13'a_I2'12.L.i 12'/a.121/2.12.*/.13..5 12.12. 12.'2., 12.172 1-.12 I2 1-A 12 I12.I0 IY2 12 12.12.12.I-2 172 1 I2.. 12. 11,D 5&II'7;1 12 1415 zF..frs 4." 4-, 2'3 2'J,1 1.'5.37.F 2o Is I4'19 r 6' j-11 7 I"~0 I -17.2. 17 2 17.2 11.2 tR3 e7.t1 ic..5'6.5-4.5 11..5 17.4?.0 7.5 16.2 1".0 1.5 it .5 IsI.¶tS2 14.4.,,}.;._ e r; c.* -I,5'Piqure 17. Temperature profiles.I C)M1M3>=1H 01 Ii4 f's$0o9 ' )25Ps Wo wL;4 h 5SI La 0 Wj td U 0 U I1o Mm"'9'.2.-19.0 111-2 15-.3 15.3f-I-7 15.0 1.5.o II.S 14,$'11L~?15. 0 15. b'5.3 9."I 9.1 7,.' 15.3'5. 3 rC-i5.)*9.q 12.3 3a 14.1.3 i~.2 L5.2 15. a.1 5.3 15:3 152 15.3'5. '~1 1IyFt IS0 16-.3 1.Figure 18. Temperature profiles.


Pugaggi -OFI I Fiqure 19. Temperature profiles.,O o " .3 2u 11. 11.2 oI.S 11.1 I11.3 #&3 CS. 4 5.1 B.-, I'4.3 19.1 14.1 '9.5"J-,- 1.5 82.7 Ir.o 4.-., 0O.4 1o.'+ 11.1%,.91 .6 1o.1 , ,7.4. 1 I0.9 "3.5z 12,5 1..'2 tl O I, 4. 1 11. Il.- t'11.0 12.07., .'10. 71 11.9 -7.r 0 C. I ,P 11.0 L.4 5.,d"/,7 6.s.-;." 5.I I1 , 3..N, aa.3 I9.6 23.5 ( .I'0 ,l0.2 134 134 RI.i1 i4,5 ILI I0,1 141 13.7 11.1 13., 5.2. 12.6 ID 6.9 65.9 C.4 113~[is.I&- 14.1 14.4I 1*2 .6,- 13.5 Ia.2. 12.7 13.5 ,2.7 li.S 41.'12z.-5 .4. q. 4.5:L 4.7- "1.5..412. bJe 11. .. .l losy21.4%J-.20.S ZO. L ZD.(Lo,,I 204 ,"1.9 I'., 11.41 I.i.1b l15.5 I,,A.17.1 l,6.'I 1s.C I'll 13.1 111.1 ,1 .%.)3, ,,,. 22 2#.q 19.3 3 .I ol.d -,fI ZL.O 2.5,2 2,, 'z.0 : I.o3.1 M? I~ 15.0 c/ I0. lil. 16i icx W~ IL W3 ii.? 11.3 Ass 14.19.0 I,. 11.2 &5 I.auS ti.'j 8.51. IL.2. 06.7 i&,.A tlS 12.1. .' 5 1t.'.S.'

g ('00, I.Pigure 20. Temperature proEiles.I to .1 3..3 -:23. 2. , 2.-0.3.-. *15.3 2lJ3/ac. s 0¶ 30 (,, 1 .3 ,1.3 4-4~ Cq. 9.?-1.2 7.0 4'1.'1.2 113 12.3 13.1a l-S 13-5 12.2 I112 inIt"*I., .r 1. % 7.5".o 7.1 1.o ?.,f c .3 7*.3 '.S?4.A .S-115/I ,.l ..5.75.#6.2.IDy .?/ 10.0 11.1- 1.1) 12.4. 1)" I,.5 100.0 1), 10.7.0 1o.03 '1 9.2 10.0 11.2'43 10.2'0,-i 10.09S 90.5 4 IO000 I-I-'030 -,q .,, ,5.,1 4q.9.5.5 5.5 5.5 4c. 'C..,, C.1 c.q ,.3 15.71 5.T 15.2 1,5.3 I0.3'13.68.2 1:1.v 119.?, Io.0'7. 3,-0,. L 7.9 q.5"'.5 10.5 7o.z 9.0"'.7 G1 I6I101-14

,. V A 50% Power, 61OF and a delta T of 21 0 F, Morones in the r9ischarge were present E in nunbers greater than ever seen there before. \t 1530, 100% power, 720 and a delta T of 32 0 F there were less than half the number reported earlier o behind the wingwalls (Location

1) and only 70% or less at Location 2, the channel Myuth. Such behavior is important because it causes 1-lorones to avoid those hiqhest delta T conditions wh.ich would most li]kely cause/ extensive mortality in the event of Plant trio.Channel catfish are less vaqile and less abundant than qizzard shad,/ larqemouth bass, and Morones in WCCL. Conseciuentlv, they are less likely tc.2 relocate with thermal chanqes and these movements are very difficult to O discern. The data collected durinq the fall and winter of 1985/R6 indicate O that these catfish prefer discharge temperatures to be less than 75 0 F, but 5 they'also prefer high delta T's of 30-40 0 F. This is loqical, since a higher temperature difference would be necessary to cause a relatively sedentary species like the channel catfish to move. As would also be expected, this species was found more commonly at the other discharqe cove samolina locations and particularly so along Baffle Dike R, where the large riprao is highly attractive.

DA@ to its resistance to movement, few channel catfish would be expected to be in the discharqe area and affected by a plant trio, but those that are present would be likely killed.3) Tolerances of WCCL Fish Target Species to Thermal Shock When we consider the ability of WCCL fishes to survive cold shocks of varyino magnitudes, we must rely almost solely on lab experimental data.Actual in-lake experiments could potentially kill many fish so cannot be engineered, however data fran plant trips would obviously be very enlighteninq.

Such a trip occurred from 10n% power to n% (7O1P -39OF) on February 22, 198M, so observations of the consecivences were made during that and following days. This incident, however, was not a worst case scenario because a strong southwest wind occurring du-inq the first In hours after the trip qreatly expanded the heated area and slowed the coolinq rate.Additionally, unseasonably warm ambient air temperatures (mid 40"s) slowed the rate of decline. Evaluation of tolerances at elevated delta Ts is difficult because experimental temperature ranqes this hiqh were not used in the literature.

Therefore, the loqical extrapolation of the data is for higher mortality in shorter periods of time and less likelihood of escape when fish are exposed to elevated delta T's.Of the WOCL " species, cold shock survival will be worst for qizzard shad which have been shown to lose equilibrium at temperature drops of less than 25 0 F. While actual death qenerally occurs much later, loss of equilibrium is a critical stage for shad because they are a preferred forage fish and in this condition they becone very susceptible to predators.

Since temperature drops after wintertime plant trips will generally be greater than 25'F, loss of gizzard shad would be expected to be high. Contrary to this, no shad were observed to have died after the February 22 trip when a drop of 32OF 0 I..M'E 0.0/0 3/2 0 0 S-~." ..4 was experienced at the discharge over period of less than 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. " versely, 4,200 dead shad were observed in the discharqe cove during January when no apparent changes in plant operation had taken place.these discordant data, definite conclusions are difficult.

It appears to say, however, that gizzard shad will be the least tolerant of the fishes to cold shock.Con-mid-From safe wcL Largemouth bass have been shown to thermal shock at temperature reductions expected in the WCGS dscharpe durinq a winter plant trip (<25OF). Similar to gizzard shad, no mortality was observed after the February 22 plant trip, but -it is felt that a trio under the harsh winter conditions which are more typical would kill many largemouths in the discharge area, ."* ... ..a .- 1...'*.Little cold shock data is availabe on Morones or channel catfish, but it is expected that if acclimated to winter dischaqe tL-nperatures, these would .. ".also experience a high mortality rate in the event of a 30OF temperature drop. At elevated delta T's between 32-38)F, still higher mortalities are Z-.expected.Summary TO evaluate the potential environmental effects of WCYGS operation at delta T's qreater than the 31.5 0 F postulated in the ER(OLS), many variables must be considered.

These include the thermal behavior and fish distributions in the discharge cove, species' roving versus sedentary tendencies, tolerances of fishes to temperature drops, vulnerability of fishes once equilibrium is lost, and the imoact of the loss to the WCCL population.

The thermal behavior of the discharge cove was primarily dependent on plant operation, wind direction and cove morphology.

Operation with 3 circ water pumps leads to lower delta T's, a larger hiqhly heated area, but a faster cooldown rate. Operation with 2 circ Pumps means an increase in delta T at 100% power from 31-33OF up to 37-39OF but the smaller volume would reduce -the flushing rate and the rapidity of the temperature drop. North, .-'northeast, or east winds force the heated water out of the discharge cove more quickly than under calm conditions, when the current passes north and spends more time in the cove before exiting. This wider circulation is accentuated with south or southwest winds which greatly .. increase discharge water residence time in the cove, causing a much larger heated area with a more gentle thermal gradient during operations and a slower cooldown following a plant trip. T.he most morpholoqically important features of the discharge cove are the two arms to the north and the deepwater area in its center. Both are thermally isolated from water movements during normal operations.

After a trip, the northern arms remain .isolated and are unlikely to be attractive to fishes, but this is not true for the &eepwater-:" zone. During operations, this layer renains coldere than the overlying dishcarge current, but much warmer than ambient lakewater.

` After-a trip, this could function as an area of refuge due to its moderate temperature as the overlyinq water changes from hot to cold relatively uickly.-.-: .--.* ""--'. -- .. F --¢ " ~ -i d 4>Y4 7'~ ~-.

.5."-..GWhen gizzard shad susceptibility to cold shock ard'the expected impact Of E high mortality due to a winter plant trip are considered, this species must 0be viewed as potentially highly affected.

Tor start,, gizzard shad throughout the coldest months are strongly attracted to the discharge area, predanr-O inately around Location 2."Shad are intolerant to rapid temperature drops, 3 quickly losing equilibrium and upon continued exposure to cold, they will die. Duaring the initial phase, shad are often preyed upon or are unable to O move to warmer water due to their incanacitation, either eliminating or 3reducing their survival chances. Under ordinary circumstances, shad are very mobile and would be *expected to Tmve if temperature changes were.2 small. Since gizzard shad are the primary foraqe for %=C Morones and are onot 'as abundant in the cooling lake as in tvoical midwestern reservoirs, a hsignificant portion of their population could be attracted to the discharge imac of 'and impacted by a plant trip. Loss of large numbers of shad could hurt the predators depending on them, so an impact to the' g= fishery thould be felt. Higher delta Ts are likely to exacerbate this imcact in the event of a midwinter plant triop.wintertime largemouth bass distribution in the discharge cove is concen-trated at Loc ation 1 and, to a lesser ncaree, Location 2. Largenouths have *been shown to be vulnerable to temperature drops of less than 25 0 F, so the-typical trip temperature drop would kill nearly all of the bass which remain *~in the area. Since they generally migrate durinq the course of the lay ard.a. mark/recapture study done in the dischars e nt uria winter 1985/86 verified*this, it is thouqht that many of the bass in the discharge during a trip.would be able to move aid survive the cold shock. *Considering the impact on the entire WCL largemrouth bass population, this mortality becomes -very small, because the portion of the discharqe largemouths which will die will be only a very small percentage of the larqe and well-distributed e"-1 population.

Elevated delta t's should make this impact worse, but ony to a small degree.._The iorones in eaTCL are expected to be netliqibly impacted in the event of a amidwinter plant trip. This is projected because of their behavioral-patterns and despite their anticipated hiqh mortality when exposed to a 30OF *temperature drop. There are several factors which lead to this conclusion, First, Morones are generally found at Location 2 in the discharge cove -in O te cur-rent and on the edqe of the discharcie canal. Here, there is little chance for beinq trapped by cold water as there is at Location 1, Secondly",-beensrones have been shown to prefer delta T's of alesuth20F s they don't "-accu-ul te densely at the discharge when the 30+bF delta Ts which typify --. nomal 100% power operations are occurrinq.

Lastly,' orones are constantly amoviN so would be likely to retreat upon a *urapid wintiern temperature.

"" "4-These factors would lead to very low Morone mortality aid an impact on the.population which would be hard to daiscern, this mt y bcm .very smhannel catfish which are using the discharge area (generally Location d 1) w .."W11 likely be trapped and killed in the event 'Of-a midwinter plant trip*_popurtality would probblaybe increased at higheidlta Trse,: but one iteoa-:.tis the impact on the ý:hannel catfish population will not beý6tice.~2 Irhis is certain because ofathe very small numbers of ..fatfish *presentanear-, i The discharge relative to the large numbber in the'aest of the eno f N I-"whinewould not be affectedr s oe d cs o t r h and espite teir antiipated hgh mortaity wh .exoe toa3O __._*_°; ,.

9 S I.Ii G E D 0 3/0 3/2 0 0 In conclusion, although the literature would predict substantial discharqe cove mortality in the event of a mid-winter plant trio at 'C'g, this is vet to occur during the trips in February 1986 or January 1987. This field data stremthens the basis for Greg Wedd's December 16, 1.985 letter (REue.91 R5-017, attached) which gave Envirormental Management approval to operation at delta T's elevated above the projected maximum of 31.5OF.. While the possibility of extensive cold shock mortality at elevated condenser delta T's still exists, it's likelihood of exceeding that imoact already predicted in the ER(OLS) is small.................

°I.4.9~.j* :4.I :a 0 3 I 0 5 2 0 S KANCSAS GAS AND ELEC TIC COMPANY WOLF CREEK GENERATING STATION Education Center IKEJ2AD 85-1001 Forrest Rhlodes 4'FTCM: .Bra5 tc'el ess DATE;August 28, 1985 SrJ-tXX1-:

Evaluation of envirorrnental criteria associated with an increased in max imum AT

Dear Forrest:

Per Jerry Hbughton's reqcuest to Greg Wedd, attac.hed-you will find a short report on the greater- than-postulated LT experienced on August 26, 1985. If any questions arise, please feel free to contact Greg Wedd or myself.-, Sincerely,.....................I .. *cc: Merlin Williams Otto Maynard Greg Wedd Jerry Houghton TE: 42271 TE: 42286 p Ma~acii,,s 3.. 09 ~~ / &urgfaivn.

Kansms "9S" -?*J~ph~vs:A'g 00tI)$ 6-l~f~:~ ,r ~ vITO~ h-Z AL EVAW UATION OF ZRF ) %%X IKJM CAT L'r SR D ELT A "T D Event On August 26 in the after-.Kx, Wolf Creek operations recorded a cross-/ condenser cha-ge in temperature (bT) of 33F. The concurrent discharge temperature was 110F. Ervirormental Managerent was notified via a call to 3Jerry Soughton on August 28./O Eval6ation The T-blf Creek Generating Station ErVirorrnental Report-Operating License Stage states that the maximLrn temperature rise across the condenser for one unit will be 31.5F and the maximum discharge te-perature will be. 117.3F.Sence_, the 33F &T recorded on August 26 is an increase in AT of 1.5F above the ex.Dected maxim=. Importantly, this occurred with a discharge tanperature 7.3F less than the highest postulated.

Based on this informi at ion, it is the opinion of. Envirormetal mana~ent that the postulated Lhermal zone of exclusion will not be increased and that s-anmerti;t-e_ "cold sýhck" effects on fishes will still be insignificant, as suggoested for the predicted AT.71e increased maxiuninAT of 33F# iwhile.aving little expected effect. in suwmertime, may have a signififantly.-.greater impact on wolf Creek Cooing Lake fishes in winter. It is during the coldest months that a reactor trip ard the associated tenperature decline presents the greatest threat of "cold shock" mortality.

Therefore, the occurence of a greater-than-postulated LT in winter could likely result in increased fish mortality and would warrant investigation by thviromnental Management.

August 28, 1985

-KANSAS GAS AND ELICTARC COMPANY SWOLF CREEK GENERATING STATION Education Center D ~Knin 85-013 0/ TO.: ic Control ROM 3 ~~~FROM: rgWd/ DATE: October 15, 1985 2 Elevated Co-Oenser T" enerature Increases S~JB~ET: Tlecon Record Regarding Eeae The purpose of this memTo is to & the .ap raval given to Steve Austin for plant operations with an increase in circulating water temperature which exceeded the maximum value reviewed by NRC. Cn Friday, October 11, 1985 at-2230, Steve Austin called me to explain the existing plant conditions and recroest'approval fram an envircrmental standpoint for continued operation.

Plant conditions descriled were 93% power with a 60*F intake and 98V maximum condenser outlet (discharge) temperature (i.e. 38% T). At that time, I gave an approval of plant operation in regard to envirormntal considerations, (i.e. a maximum condenser T of 386F which exceeds the 31.5'F maximum, evaluated by NRC). This approval was based upon the inoperability of the third circulating water pxqp, the discharye tenperature of 9 8 0F, and the season in question, early fall. This decision was appropriate since the discharge temperature was above temneratures tolerated by WCGS fishes;effectively mJaking the iimeaiate discharge plume an area of avoidance and reducing the chance for fish-kills.

This approval was contingent upon continued briefings on maximum dicharge temperatures and was oriented to the period until a third circulating water pm~rp could be made operational.

The need for a long-term evaluation of condenserAT's which exceed the 31.50F evaluated was also specified.

Environmental Manage-ent will provide assessments of the long-term conditions as soon as practicable.

GF,/rrw cc: H. Estes 0. Maynard N. R adley B. L oveless TE: 42271-W u.r dd~~w P.O. 5~u 3~9/ ~ ~ M~9 -Tbpi~ A'~ ~ds 13163 36S -WRI r S OEM1177 IM 1.67 G INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE E ..TO: WCS Control Room .KUXW 85-016 SFO-- Greg R. Wedd/.DATE: N rber 18, 1985 2


Update on VZCG operation at Elevated Condenser Delta T's The purpose of this memo is to update my previous letter, XKFt'i 85-013, and 5 to offer guidelines for plant operation based on recently collected discharge cove data. Recent investigations have identified a circulatirm water heat loss of about 4 0 F between the condenser discharge and where the water enters the lake. Based on this rapid decrease and our fish mov-eent data, the envirorrnental staff feels no operational constraints are necessary if: 4T condenser

<' 35 0 F Rlever, operations at >35OLT co.denser reT.ains without NRC approval.

AS de-onstrated prior to this date, operations above 350.T condenser is permissible seasonably (i.e. summer and early fall) when the risk of fish kills is low. However, indefensibly large fish kills are possible during late fall, winter and early spring with >350T condenser.

Manaqcement will continue to evaluate whether operation above 356T conderser is defensible from an envirornental standpoint.

It should be noted, however, that we are now in the high risk period and operations above 35(T will probably be environmentally inappropriate until sometime this spring.GA/rrw cc: M. Estes 0. Maynard_. boadley TE: 42271-W-4

  • ;,OtJJ H¥. 16 INTEROFFICE CORRESPONDENCE D.;O: TE: 42072 K=O 85-3)013 0" FROM: Brad Loveless/SDATE: December 4, 1985 3


Seasonal Operations at Elevated Condenser AT 2 The pur-pse of this letter is to prvxide a sumnmary evaluation of %CGS late sprinq to late fall operations at above the maximyrn rostulated condenser AT. Wolf Creek Generatinq Station operation has been aporoved by the MC as evaluated in the FES(OLS).

Postulated operatinq conditions includoed a maxiLLr' co.ndenser AT of 31.5 0 F [JFE(OLS)


This maximum postulated AT was exceeded and evaluated by Envirormental ManaqaTent twice during the s,.iner and .-early fall of 1985 (KF"2.xvw 85-1001 and 85-013). In the first case, all three circulating water pumps were in use and the AT was 33()F. ` in the second, one circulating punp was inorprerable and the reduced vo]u2e of water carried by the remaining two pxips was heated 38 0 F across the condenser.

In both cases, continued, short-term operation was approved due to fish avoidance of the inmediate discharge area.The potential fish kills in the WOCL discharqe area due to cold shock has been evaluated by both FG&E and the NRC IFES(CP) Sect., ..A(O!S)Sect., EPP Sect. 2.1(c)). Two conditions must be met to realize this potential:

high AT ad relatively low discharqe temperature.

It is the second condition, low 'ischarqcetemperature, which hasn't occurred during periods of elevated condenser hT thus far. Discharqe temperature must be 80 0 F or less to be attractive to larqe numbers of fishes (WGS Fishery Monitorinq Data, 1985), so intake temperatures would have to be less than 50 0 F to achieve this, assuminq condenser AT's of q-reater than 30nF. Since lake intake temperatures of 50 0 F or less don't occur between late spring ani late fall in our area, fish won't congrerate at the discharge during that period so plant trips at even very hiqh AT's shouldn't cause sionificant mortalities.

Therefore, DEzirct-nental

'.anaqement considers operation at high oor~enser AT to be safe Lnder the aforementioned conditions occurring during late spring, sia.mer, and early fall.i.ýrd oe! ess.RBS/rrw cc: 0. Yayrkard G. Weed

-1 lb. 8 -0 T'Ee3B t V. 2 2/85 etý 2 of 2 DoeS this desigr~ operatcn &O. qe Yes N neces~si tate an P &aq~e?If this desiqn or oration chwge has been determine to be tuveviewe with-significt eivironmera i'+/-t or or-titute an EPP &.3-qew a written evuaitcrn mist e %tytitted to ZC ad. al received PRICR to irdtiatim of the dc-.we.See attached srrrnary.Trýittal of evaluatm to N)4 required Yes .- x (if 9,, ret--i-on required for the life of the plant)if Yes:. Tranrd ttal apxwe _T-ansý7Littai

.-t Eva3 uation preqxd by: Date: Eva uatin appruval by SEX: Date:

M/. .*AND. I T"TOA A / ~ *WOLF ! XCREL56EW*fA?

SOTTON.E " Mucation C::nter D F'o e85-013 0 0 WOM control Pcm 3 '0/DATE: October 15, 1985 2 -."3a7": ;cord r.aj~ rdiLN reevated 0C n-rzer Temperature ircre ases 0-,he purpzose of this rio is to oc:'Ment he aP~rovaI givento Steve Austin for plant operations with an increase in circulatLi t rpeture which e~~eeded the ir.aaim va-uwe revie.d by IM. an Friday, October 11, 1985 at-2230. Steve Austin called -to explain the existirg plat croditions ar-d rvestap",wa from an ewiraxnntal standpoint for oxntinued operation.

plant conditions described were 931 poer with a 60*F intake and 980P zaim=xr cond~er-ser outlet (diJs&ha-r~e) temperature ( i.e. 380,T). At that*tire, I garve an apprcval of p:ant operation in regard to ezwirorniental consideratcions, (i.e. a raxinjm cor5enser T of 3iF which exceeds the 31.5=F rija m evaluated by NC).

  • his aprvval was ased upon the irio;rability of the third circulatiL water pxri., tUe diseharse tm-perature of 98CF, " .the season in qyestion, early fall. This decision was aproprIate sinr the disearge tatperatu-re was above toueratu-res tolerated by %tG$ fishes;effectlv ly ITraki-g the inroadiate disc.arge p3.rje an area of avoidance and reducirg t"e chanc-e for fish-kills.

This appro'al was contingent upon cc~ntiu briefings on uma-L- -.m die-large temeratures and was oriented to the period until a third clrcujatLrq water pr? could be ma:de operational.

The need for a lcrg-term evaauation of cndenserATs whlch exceed the 31.50F evaluated was also specified.

Eniror-ma-ntal Karagaret will pru~lde ass-essuvets of the long-termu corditions as soo as practicable.

ocs PL Estes 0. Krpyard N. nBdl ey E: 42271-W U ;°* A*"W P-0 fte 3/ 5A*gv. rwam 80 -oAwwk mfr (YWJ 26W -IM KAA'NSAS G.AS AND EUCT&V COWANY fG." WoLF CALEE CENERATA-VO ITAJDON EWucatio Center SKE.xo 85-1001 3/o0: Forrest R1es/ F-": Brad Itveless 2 " August 28, 1985 o Su. m.r: rvaluation of enviro.--ental criteria associated with an increased S " in maxiLm TAT

Dear Forrest:

Per Jerry Fbuhton's re.uest to reg WMe , attach-d -you will fird a short report on the creater-t .ma-postulated AT experienced on August 26, 1985. If any questions arise, p3ease feel free to contact Greg Wedd or nm.-sel.f.

Sincerely, BM./rrw cc: Merlin wil3 i -ms Otto Mayra'rd Greg, We, Jerry I>Pbhton TE: 42271 TE: 42286 S w 0&We P. 0. ow J / I0VO r&.&i. f'. -r&%Pp-& *" on& I16 "J ) la

  • *-* V1RDOq~rAL, MdLt'IJ1 CF.C ?PX"l C1PCLATIM Wkj7k Dmh 9T On "usLt 26 in Lh afteroo oplQeecceration~s ream-ded a cross-=iot3wrser e-arg e in tarpera T of 33F.' I!- concurrent dise&-arge tane~ratuz-e was 110F. wirNtmien r ement was no~tified via a call to Tte Wol f Creek Gernerati-SatcE4 rut~a1 I~aort-Cperating License~'**Stage states that Lhe, max imuclunprature rise across V*toendrxerser for one un~it will be 31.5F ard L'he Pm251Wzin-discharge t~enperat-are will be 117.3F.Bence, the 33F AT re-cr-de on,)ust 26 is an increase in,6T of 1.5F above the expected maxirnum.


this occurred with a disct.-arge 1Ftemperature 7.3F less L'.an, tlehý. he~st postatd sasd an this'i* lorm-ation, It is the' chpini6FPrl of- Dwirormxnetal th~at, te~-.postu~lated thermal zone of e tZR~s1cii-wil1 not be increased w-d that-kavo~ertime -ol1d shock- effec's-f--jshes will still be insignific-anti, as suggested for t~he Predicted AT'.-It*e incre ased mam imrn AT of 3P,3ta wn little expe-cted effect in!p u=ertiare, n~ay have a sagnfi aty.getxr

-,*t1re impact on Wolf Creek'-Cooling Lake fishes in v,:ter,;*-

trIsduring the coldest monrths that a Sreactor trip and t~he assoc~ate .tiperature decline presents the greatest Sthreat of 'cold shck~' mo I 7lt ýThrefore, teocrnc fagetr th&--potO ted T i witer ,likely result in increased fish mrrcitality adwo~uld wmarrant investisatcr Erw :iirocriemntal Kw-,aG eent.N-4 August 28t 1985---Wt,.

G E D./,"a'TEROFFICE itrl We-_" COR To-0 3/ , 3 f 5 FROM: DATE: SuBjECT: Env WCGS 0 Ca..~ a-W--0 " .- j. A 5ate'onWGc 0mration at Elev~ated'~

'Ieense~r Delta*. T s~V ..---z e..of~this letter is to update KE .yw):R-0l6 "ardim envircx-.'erns 'at"hiqh delta T's. Since Lbe.,Iast'up.ate onthis'iss" EtW,ýMKa eent has eontinued to st.h c *th -d5ischarge iover.Dati

ýa'ye~been evaluated on an on-o-oinq uiss uant~to eva luatirK.... .delta Ts Anaws.o recently .collected c vJemtents and teir~erature chanqe l nthet,--xve has "icated: mvem.ent-of fishes towards the disc,.:as*

lake" tereratures.

heirnore, operations at increased

-.Ita3..T appears to.reducei.ti

ýd 1'9charqe'cov, 1 e where f ish, will ex-perizen-cp aradiuAl ox,-&owz ijp'lant.trip.

Both of these fact.b.--heo -t.6'eafish kill. .ingq.Lthe envirornenta.2 consegoenses .qreCrea.sdeldifference between the two the key issue s;.qdate have not precisely definec but*. cespi romental Managament feels that n6§nifIcanto

&-res o _.: iexist between 31.5 and cower operatiM.neta T's t.-This_,b.recent conversations with I' " --* .*- * -." * .,*- ,r ' ,.hese. factors, Envi roment al Mana.eent-'

ls- rev inq del Ta.s.for two pzn oneration necessitated-y -circulatinq water pum ,e*:'ard etrerqencv need-for-no-er situations.75t Ehvironnental:ý-

--will caxplete its docuiientation 2 ant ify the" .Pysica" sbetween the two events. This l'ett effectively rer=ýi'l delta T limitations to WZ(-S EL -i~a-.- " it-act me'at extension 3100, if qoestionsa

," .. ........ Sincer~, -. .....~ .C-_ .... ../~ #Z-:~ '.cIC:\\\.

61 Please provide a copy of Koester 1982 as cited in Enclosure 3 to WM 06-0046 (November 17, 2006).

H.4¢C': NAPe-Lrick 0J DTMcPhee rn JMulholland 11 WCadman/ RLRives* TKeenan/ RTerrill W MJohnson.,I ECreel-.GFouts o FRhodesDPriqe WWBWalker/IDOile KANSAS GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY A 0. Box 208 Wichita; Kansas 67201 4'" MARI. , CA,,.NGVEP

.1i FIS Q OE 7March 19, 1982\)C y.U" Mr. H ld R. Denton, Director Offic' of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. uclear Regulatory Commission Was 7 gton, D.C. 20555 KKUHRC 82-178 Re: Docket No. STN 50-482 Ref: NRC Letter dated 5/17/77 from ODParr, NRC, to GLKoester, KG&E SubJi: Ma1keup Screenhouse Impingement Monitoring Report

Dear Mr. Denton:

As a condition of the Wolf Creek Construction Permit Number CPPR-147 (Reference), the NRC required that the Applicants monitor the im-pingement of fish during the lake-filling phase of construction.

The NRC requirement was outlined, in Section of the Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit No. 1 Final Environmental Statement (FES(CP)), NUREG-75/096.

Transmitted herewith is the Makeup Screenhouse Impingement Monitoring Report which fulfills the NRC requirement.

This information is hereby incorporated into the Wolf.Creek Generatinq Station, Unit No. 1 Operating License Application.

Yours very, truly, GLX:bb Attach cci Mr. J.B. Hopkins (2)Division of Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulator-y Commission Washington, D.C. 20555.Mr. Thomas Vandel Resident NRC Inspector P.O. Box 311 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Original Signed GLENN L. KOESTER LICENSING ROUTING NRCLK KMLNRC TE 4073,5 'A TE4*Q Z -24 Hagan Hall Rathbun Chroniloolcq) 0 Q (j)KANSAS GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY WOLF CREEK GENERATING STATION MAKEUP SCREENHOUSE IMPINGEMENT MONITORING REPORT NOVEMBER, 1980 -OCTOBER, 1981 ACCEPTE'.777-Ij__

.5,ýxaymonau .Lewis, jr.Supervisor Radiological/

Environmental Assessment APPROVED: Greg R. Wedd Supervisor Environmental Assessment M~4arkThreibet Environmental Biologist/Stephen MoWi11iams Environmental Technician m ii, r TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 0 List of Tables .... ii.o List of Figures...............


...... ... .... ... 1 METHODS ................. ..3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

.. ....... 9


.......... ..43 Literature Cited 45 Appendices

.I ...........46 I. .* 60 n--LIST OF TABLES D Table Page 0 1. Randomized sampling dates ..... .4 2. Randomized sub-sampling periods .. ..7 03 ~3. Actual sampling dates .... ... 10 U14., List of all taxa collected

...... 1 5. Estimated annual and percent of total impingement for all taxa ....... 13 6. Estimated daily minimum/maximum, monthly diurnal/nocturnal, monthly total impingement and monthly variance ......... ...* .** 14 7. Calculated monthly biomass, diversity values, diurnal/nocturnal impingement rate and mean water temperature

....15 8. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of gizzard shad..........

... .. .. .... 16 9. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate*, and estimated number of common carp .... .. ... 17 10. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of goldfish ...... .... is1 11.. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of red shiner ... ......19 12. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of ghost shiner .. .. ... .... .20 13 monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of Notropis sp ........... 21 14. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of golden shiner ...........22 I-.In-P1 iv LIST OF TABLES (cont'd)Table page o15. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number 0 of Pimephales sp ..........

23 16. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of river carpsucker


24 17. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of smallmouth buffalo .........25 18. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of channel catfish ...... ...26 19. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of blue catfish ............

.27 20. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of flathead catfish ....28 21. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of white bass .............29 22. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of bluegill.

.............30 23. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of orangespotted sunfish ....... 31 24. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of longear sunfish ..... ..... 32 25. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of green sunfish ...... .... 33 26. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of Lepomis sp .... ..........

.... 34

~v LIST OF TABLES (cont'd)(3 Table Page 27. Monthly length and weight range/mean, Wimpingement rate, and estimated number of white crappie.............

...35 28. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of walleye ..............36 29. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate, and estimated number of freshwater drum .............

.37 He 7~1 In-iii vi vi LIST OF FIGURES FJI W Figure 1. Impingement study field data sheet 8 8 H*w w 7 INTRODUCTION W A permit for the construction of Wolf Creek Generating o Station, Unit No. 1 (WCGS) was issued to Kansas Gas and Electric Company (KG&E) and Kansas City Power and Light Com-pany (KCPL) in 1977. As a condition to issuance of the per-mit [Item 3.f.(2)], the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)established a requirement that KG&E/KCPL monitor the impinge-ment of fish during the lake-filling phase of' construction.

This report presents the results of a one-year impinge-ment study which fulfills the NRC requirement outlined in Section of the Final Environmental Statement (FES), NUREG-75/096.

The objective of this study was to document species composition and abundance, size distribution and seasonality of fish impinged at the WCGS Makeup Water Screenhouse (MUSH) located in the tailwaters of John Redmond Reservoir (JRR).The MUSH is situated on the east side of the Neosho River downstream of JRR dam. The MUSH houses three pumps, each with a maximum capacity of approximately 38,000 gallons per minute (gpm). Trash bar grills and 0.375 inch mesh ver-tical traveling screens are placed in front of each pump.The screen wash system is activated manually, by a timer or automatically from a high differential pressure switch. In-take velocities at the MUSH are quite low with calculated H2 D 2 velocities at the traveling screens ranging from 0.19 to 0.57 feet per second (fps).at 1007.5 MSL.An intake channel supplies makeup water to the screen house during normal flow conditions.

During low flow con-ditions, the channel deadends at the MUSH. However, when moderate to high flow exists, the channel is contiguous with the river. A more detailed description of the JRR discharge system and the MUSH can be found in the WCGS Environmental Report -Operating License Stage (ER/OLS), Section

Ll.7 9 TH 0 WThe study was initiated in November 1980 and continued D through October 1981. Sampling frequency followed the schedule specified by the NRC in the FES and was as follows: K)*l two 12-hour screen counts twice weekly from April to July and twice monthly from August to March; one screen count for the period beginning at 0800 and ending at 2000; the other for the period beginning at 2000 and ending at 0800 the following day. Traveling screens were washed starting about 30 minutes before the beginning and end of a sample period.All debris and fish washed from the screen were collected in an aluminum basket or nylon bag net. The mesh size of both collection devices was 0.375 inch.A program was written to permit the random choice of sampling dates within intervals specified by the NRC. A Hewlett-Packard Model 41-C calculator was programmed and sampling dates recorded as they were produced.

The random-ized schedule of sampling dates is given in Table 1. The schedule of dates produced was utilized as a rigid schedule throughout the study. Impingement was monitored on any scheduled day when makeup pumps were operating.

If MUSH pumps were not in operation on a scheduled sampling date, that sampling effort was dropped from the study. In August, one exception to this system occurred due to erratic pumping.In this case, a single additional sampling date was incor-porated into the study to replace the missed dates.

-7 1 *0 o Table 1. Randomized sampling dates.4 MONTH DATE November, 1980 December January, 1981 February March April May June July August September October 18, 25 3, 15 7, 19 1, 12 16, 27 2; 4, 6, 7, 13, 15, 21, 22, 27 1, 5, 8, 11, 12, 18, 21, 28, 29, 31 2, 7, 11, 18, 19, 25, 26, 28 1, 7, 8, 12, 13, 24, 25, 27, 28 15, 18 13, 14 7, 20 H*'3D Fish collected during a 12-hour period were enumerated O by species, making a full count of those species represented 0 by 30 individuals or less. If the total number of a given o species (N) was over 30 but less than 100, 50 percent of the Co group or a minimum of 30 individuals were processed.

If N was greater than 100, 30 fish plus one percent of N-100 were processed.

This system was used during the initial portion of the study, however, an alternative method was utilized when it became apparent that this method required the handling of excessive numbers of fish. Effective February 1, 1981, the system for enumeration of collected fish was changed to require full enumeration of those species represented by 25 individuals or less. If the actual or calculated total number of a given species (N) was greater than 25, an addi-tional one percent of the total (N) were processed, up to a maximum of 40 fish.Throughout the study, when species were present in num-bers greater than 100 individuals, the number and weight of the individuals of that species in the representative sub-sample was recorded.

These values were then compared with the total weight of all the individuals of that species in the sample to permit extrapolation of the total number.Extremely high impingement rates were encountered on February 1, 1981, and forced the reduction of the 12-hour collection period to four 10-minute subsamples within each 12-hour. period. Times for these subsamples were selected 6 using the Random Number Generating Program. A separate run 0 of. the program was made for each of the sampling periods 0 (Table 2). The 10-minute subsamples were taken at the be-o ginning of each scheduled hour. Even with the time reduc-\ tion, limited resources made it impossible to completely sort each subsample.

Only a representative portion of each 10-minute subsample was sorted. Results of these sortings were then used to estimate the total number for each respec-tive subsample.

All fish enumerated were characterized by length, weight, size and maturity on a field data sheet (Figure 1).In addition, the following physical conditions were also recorded at the end of each sample period: water tempera-ture, air temperature, cloud cover, relative humidity, wind direction, wind speed, sample date, start and finish times.WCGS Operations personnel provided daily flow rate informa-tion for the duration of the study period.Data accumulated during the study were compiled into a program developed on a Sperry Univac Series 1100 Computer System. These results were then extrapolated to estimate various parameters of total impingement using equations modified from appropriate portions of EPRI EA-1402 (1980).Additionally, KG&E Environmental Assessment personnel per-formed calculations of diversity (Lloyd et al, 1968).

H G)I f 4, 7 K)*0 0 bJ 0 (.3 N)Table 2. Randomized sub-sampling periods.SAMPLE DATE February 1, 1981 TIME PERIOD 0800-2000 2000-0800"SUBSAMPLE TIME 0900 1000 1800 1900 2000 2200 0500 0600 S 17,18 01-E 0 02 C~k~kJI:1~tO U et ct 03 W61F CREEX( Q1ERATING STATION IMPItGD04 STIUDY FISH DATA SHE'NO. 8 -Page of I Project Name Date-Begin

_ate-End Sample. Begin Period Total ' Stcoach Scale Physical Sex Species Length weight Sample Sample Corndition M/F Maturity 2.3." -""- _____20. Temperature Sample Duration Flowmeter No.Measuring Board No.Scale No.Scale No.Scale No.Scale No.Psydhrcmuter No.7hermometer No.Comments: 0, Collector's Signature Date Witness Signature Physical Conditions:

Air Tenperatbure Cloud Cover Relative..HumMdiY Wind Direction Wind Speed Water Velocity: Surface mrsec.Mid Dept n M/sec.BOttCM m/sec.Conditioni A a Alive 8 -Damaged C -Dead Date rleviewed


C, H: M RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 0 Monitoring Schedule o Impingement at the MUSH was monitored when makeup pumping to WCCL was occurring according to the schedule in* Table I. However, shut-downs of MUSH pumping occurred perodically and sampling was not performed during these periods. Intermittent pumping resulted in deletion of a single monitoring date in both January and February.

Pump-ing was stopped to permit modification/maintenance of the pump control system for a prolonged period in early spring from April 1 to May 21. This resulted in a total of 15 sampling dates being dropped from the study. Additionally, Ln August intermittent pumping caused both scheduled dates to be missed. In this case, a single sampling date was added to the study on a non-random basis. This was done to provide data for a month when significant pumping occurred that otherwise would not have been included in the study.Impingement was monitored at the MUSH on a total of 33 dates. A list of actual dates sampled for the study appears in Table 3.General A total of 19 species representing 15 genera and eight families were collected during this study (Table 4). The calculated estimate of the total impingment for the study H .mI 10 w 0 Table 3. Actual sampling dates.MONTH DATE November, 1980 December January, 1981 February March April May June July August September October 18, 25 3, 15 19 1 16, 27 21, 28, 29, 31 2, 7, 11, 18, 19, 25, 26, 28 1, 7, 8, 12, 13, 24, 25, 27, 28 28 13, 14 20 HT Table 4. List of all taxa collected.

11 0.LU 0 i'~1 Ul Family Clupeidae Dorosoma cepedianum Family Cyprinidae Cyprinus carpio Carassius auratus Notropis lutrensis Wotropis buchanani Notropis sp.Notemigonus crysoleucas i-me~phales sp.Family Catostomidae Carpiodes carpio Ictiobus bubalus Family Ictaluridae Ictalurus punctatus Ictalurus furcatus Pylodictis olivaris Family Percichthyidae Morone chrysops Family Centrarchidae Lepomis macrochirus Lepomis humilis Le2pomIs megalotis Lepomis cyanellus Lepomis sp.Pomoxis annularis Family Percidae Stizostedion vitreum vitreum Family Sciaenidae Aplodinotus grunniens Gizzard shad Common carp Goldfish Red shiner Ghost shiner Golden shiner River carpsucker Smallmouth buffalo Channel catfish Blue catfish Flathead catfish White bass Bluegill Orangespotted sunfish Longear sunfish Green sunfish White crappie Walleye Freshwater drum H O 3>m 12 period was 105,465,103 fish. The weight of these individ-o uals was estimated through calculations to be 1,403,086 kilograms.

The estimated annual impingement and percent of total X impingement is presented in Table 5 for all taxa. Daily Mminimum/maximum, monthly diurnal/nocturnal, estimated month-Ul ly total impingement and monthly variance appear in Table 6.Daily minimum/maximum values were derived either from actual 24-hour sample results or from mean daily impingement num-bers calculated from 'estimated monthly impingement.

Table 7 presents monthly biomass estimates, diversity values, diurnal/nocturnal/total impingement rates by volume and mean water temperature values. The ranges and means of length/weight, as well as impingement rate and estimated number impinged is presented for each taxa on a monthly basis in Tables 8 -29. Length frequency distribution for impinged fish is presented by month in Appendix I for all taxa.Observations on maturity of impinged fish are presented by month, along with estimates of numbers within each maturity classification in Appendix II.Impingement at the MUSH exhibited a high degree of variability seasonally in terms of numbers and species com-position.

Monthly impingement was highest during the winter months with an estimated peak of 80,139,2.35 fish in February (Table 6). Monthly variance seemed to generally correlate to impingement with the highest values occurring in the winter months and the lowest in the summer. Values for H : V.0 C)0)_)I 0 0)Oj 13 Table 5. Estimated annual and percent of total impingement for all taxa.ESTIMATED ANNUAL % OF TOTAL SPECIES IMPINGEMENT IMPINGEMENT Gizzard shad 104,965,263 99.526061 White bass 244,747 0.232065 Freshwater drum 239,355 0.226952 White crappie 7,318 0.006939 Channel catfish 5,429 0.005148 Smallmouth buffalo 2,098 0.001990 Orangespotted sunfish 206 0.000196 Notropis .sp. 103 0.000097 Flathead catfish 101 0.000096 River carpsucker 99 0.000094 Longear sunfish 85 0.000080 Green sunfish 77 0.000073 Common carp 59 0.000056 Golden shiner 39 0.000037 Bluegill 37 0.000035 Pimephales sp. 28 0.000026 Ghost shiner 25 0.000024 Lepomis sp. 12 0.000011 Goldfish 9 0.000009 Red shiner 7 0.000007 Walleye 3 0.000003 Blue catfish 2 0.000002 S ZI80--Z 00 z :3 .9 ow Table 6.Estimated daily minimum/maximum, monthly diurnal/nocturnal, monthly total impingement and monthly variance.24-HOUR 24-HOUR MINIMUM MAXIMUM DIURNAL NOCTURNAL TOTAL ESTIMATE ESTIMATE MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTH OR ACTUAL OR ACTUAL ESTIMATE ESTIMATE ESTIMATE VARIANCE November 3,179 6,773 61,141 59,036 120,177 90,417,852.00 December 17,028 53,236 206,815 393,936 600,751 10,593,760,896.00 January 791,089 1,563,326 1,326,165 23,197,605 24,523,770 February 2,862,116 5,258,352 46,011,859 34,127,376 80,139,235 March 1,061 2,920 44,769 27,665 72,434 4,482,474.50 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May 18 108 198 375 573 5,514.65 June 14 61 518 447 965 76.5.94 July 17 80 754 685 1,439 999.24 August 19 29 207 394 602 September 46 55 787 714 1,500 483.31 October 65 175 2,252 1,411 3,663 107,982.67 c131-JX Table 7.Calculated monthly biomass, diversity values, diurnal/nocturnal impingement rate and mean water temperature.


(#/gal x 10 (#/gal x 10 ) (#/gal x 10 ) TEMP (OC)November 2,114.20 0.18 58.03 56.67 57.35 4.7 December 9,717.18 0.06 314.95 640.73 455.61 4.3 January 397,738.44 0.01 2,028.15 36,232.44 19,803.58 3.9 February 990,514.38 0.05 68,430.75 53,990.42 63,617.30 0.6 March 2,690.86 0.54 39.51 23.99 31.76 12.5 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May 9.98 1.94 0.42 0.96 0.71 19.8 June 30.29 2.52 0.37 0.33 0.35 23.9 July 71.13 2.83 0.45 0.42 0.44 27.0 August 50.00 2.42 0.18 0.34 0.26 23.6 September 76.06 1.90 0.48 0.43 0.46 24.4 October 73.16 1.22 1.32 0.83 1.07 15.7 U' a~ 2Z- C.- E: 0 0 Z' a a El WiIWAJ Table 8. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of gizzard shad.LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 ) NUMBER November 49-234 98.1 10-115 11.4 55.982 117,302 December 65-235 91.0 10-122 10.0 452.787 597,151 January 81-236 96.0 10-113 10.1 19,796.330 24,514,431 February 85-233 101.1 10-107 10.9 63,313.879 79,732,164 March 78-242 123.0 10-113 27.4 1.292 2,954 April NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May 88-207 147.7 10-66 31.7 0.026 19 June 70-242 139.8 10-126 36.0 0.063 174 July 35-282 155.9 10-126 43.1 0.082 273 August 58-378 190.9 10-315 117.2 0.063 145 September 100-260 178.1 27-120 54.2 0.041 134 October 42-190 96.2 10-5.4 38.0 0.152 520 S a 0,O-" E 0 F 13 OEt le WI Table 9.Monthly length common carp.and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 106) NUMBER November -0.000 0 December --0.000 0 January --0.000 0 February ... 0.000 0 March ... 0.000 0 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May ... 0.000 0 June 109 109.0 22 22.0 0.001 4 July 14-57 41.7 10-34 20.5 0.003 10 August -- -0.000 0 September

... 0.000 0 October 73-106 90.7 10-20 15.5 0.013 46@1 I-J and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of Table 10. Monthly length goldfish.LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (I/gal x 10 ) NUMBER November --0.000 0 December --0.000 0 January ... 0.000 0 February -0.000 0 March .." 0.000 0 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May 157 157.0 46 46.0 0.003 2 June 110 110.0 16 16.0 0.001 4 July 130 130.0 36 36.0 0.001 3 August --0.000 0 September

--0.000 0 October --0.000 0 0 cc 5 Z,- 8 0 .-'E 0 0l E: 0 3 ED 0 21,3: Table 11. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of red shiner.LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH.(mm)

RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 NUMBER November ---0.000 0 December ---0.000 0 January ... 0.000 0 February ---0.000 0 March --0.000 0 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May -0.000 0 June 64-65 64.5 10 10.0 0.003 7 July ... -0.000 0 August .0.000 0 September

--0.000 0 October ... 0.000 0 I-.

S Z,- 8 0,-E C 0 Z 0 a Elki PA Table 12. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated ghost shiner.number of LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 ) NUMBER November ... 0.000 0 December ... 0.000 0 January ... 0.000 0 February .- 0.000 0 March 44 44.0 10 10.0 0.008 18 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May .- -0.000 0 June 50 50.0 10 10.0 0.001 4 July 47 47.0 10 10.0 0.001 3 August .-.. 0.000 0 September

.... 0.000 0 October ---0.000 0 0

, .-8 0.,-E 0.0 Z J N Table 13.Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of Notropis sp.LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 106) NUMBER November --0.000 0 December 37 37.0 10 10.0 0.008 9 January .- -0.000 0 February ---0.000 0 March 36-43 39.3 10 10.0 0.024 55 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May ... 0.000 0 June 45-55 50.0 10 10.0 0.003 7 July 44-53 49.7 10 10.0 0.003 10 August 63 63.0 10 10.0 0.009 21 September

... 0.000 0 October .... 0.000 0* I/

5 Z .-18~ 0 1-- E 0 0 2 14 Table 14. Monthly length golden shiner.and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 ) NUMBER November ... 0.000 0 December ....0.000 0 January ... 0.000 0 February --0.000 0 March 68-80 74.0 10 10.0 0.016 36 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED May 80 80.0 10 10.0 0.003 2 June --- -0.000 0 July 0.000 0 August 0.000 0 September

..0.000 0 October 0.000 0 0 Table 15. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of Pimephales sp.LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 ) NUMBER November ... 0.000 0 December ... 0.000 0 January ..... 0.000 0 February ... 0.000 0 March 61 61.0 10 10.0 0.008 18 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May 72 72.0 10 10.0 0.003 2 June 39-40 39.5 10 10.0 0.003 7 July --0.000 0 August --0.000 0 September

... 0.000 0 October --0.000 0 p.0~I I.r.wO S zS 0E 0Z a lw Table 16.Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of river carpsucker.

LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 ) NUMBER November 117-250 183.5 26-192 109.0 0.012 24 December ---0.000 0 January 236-371 315.0 172-720 452.3 0.038 48 February --0.000 0 March ... 0.000 0 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May 0.000 0 June --0.000 0 July 172-398 257.9 66-800 269..5 0.008 27 August .... 0.000 0 September

... 0.000 0 October ..... 0.000 0 0 I 0.3 S Z,' 2 -" E. 00 Z C3 3 .-V W I Table 17. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of smallmouth buffalo.LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm)- RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 ) NUMBER November 110 110.0 16 16.0 0.006 12 December 105 105.0 13 13.0 0.008 9 January .... 0.000 0 February 117-148 129.7 21-42 30.0 2.033 2,050 March 120 120.0 26 26.0 0.008 18 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May 128-129 128.5 30 30.0 0.006 6 June ..0.000 0 July 59 59.0 10 10.0 0.001 3 August ... 0.000 0 September

.... 0.000 0 October ---0.000 0 K)Lii I SO~ D H z".' 0,-,E 00 0 a Et owl Table 18.Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of channel catfish.!I LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 NUMBER November 44-264 136.1 10-100 31.8 0.150 314 December 77-220 161.9 10-75 38.1 0.098 124 January 58-167 101.0 10-34 12.4 0.127 168 February 86-125 101.3 10-19 11.3 2.033 2,050 March 58-465 91.2 10-710 88.9 0.917 2,092 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May 77-218 117.9 10-65 15.9 0.247 196 June 80-290 136.9 10-211 37.4 0.024 68 July 35-345 145.2 10-170 41.6 0.011 37 August 53-220 146.2 10-75 38.2 0.054 .124 September 64-197 118.0 10-63 28.4 0.032 104 October 53-218 107.9 10-106 39.8 0.045 153.I S~ Z.. a: 0.1-- E 0 0 z a 3 F.) U LjJ I Table 19.Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of blue catfish.LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 ) NUMBER November ..0.000 0 December --0.000: 0 January ... 0.000 0 February ---0.000 0 March .... 0.000 0 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

-May 135 135.0 20 20.0 0.003 2 June ... 0.000 0 July ... 0.000 0 August -" --.0.000 0 September

.... 0.000 0 October --.-0.000 0@1 N-J S E:--- a 0 Z 13 a 0 le L"j I Table 20.Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of flathead catfish.LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 ) NUMBER November ... 0.000. 0 December ... 0.000 0 January ... 0.000 0 February .... 0.000 0 March .... 0.000 0 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May 68-142 105.0 10-29 18.0 0.006 6 June ...- 0.000 0 July 59-220 145.7 10-102 72.5 0.004 13 August 94 94.0 10 10.0 0.009 21 September

.... 0.000 0 October 48-90 64.0 10 10.0 0.018 60 Co.

S z", 0 .11EO 0 1:1 a a WWI Table 21. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of white bass.LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 ) NUMBER November 103-292 161.4 10-340 95.2 0.029 60 December 88-117 101.6 10-20 14.6 0.498 625 January 94-111 102.0 10-20 15.5 1.507 1,951 February 89-111 102.6 10-19 13.9 175.668 241,357 March 95-108 101.9 10-15 11.5 0.104 -238 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May ... 0.000 0 June 32-68 45.7 10 10.0 0.019 53 July 43-196 70.9 10-100 15.5 0.079 262 August 207 207.0 114 114.0 0.009 21 September 92-203 157.8 10-120 53.6 0.041 134 October 108-195 138.3 15-65 33.0 0.013 46 N)~0

!E., Z,.-, 8 0 '-, E 0 0 Z 13a W2 Table 22.Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of bluegill.LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 ) NUMBER November ... 0.000 0 December 38 38.0 10 10.0 0.008 9 January ... 0.000 0 February ... 0.000 0 March .... 0.000 0 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May 62 62.0 10 10.0 0.003 3 June 65-114 97.0 11-36 23.7 0.004 11 July 67-109 83.2 12-30 19.5 0.004 13 August --0.000 0 September

.... 0.000 0 October -0.000 0 0 ~ I.O S Z:-1 aO1-E C) 0 z E 10 WI WJ ~'I Table 23. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of orangespotted sunfish.LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 ) NUMBER November ... 0.000 0 December ... 0.000 0 January ... 0.000 0 February .- -0.000 0 March 50-57 53.5 10 10.0 0.016 36 April NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May 53-83 66.8 10-18 10.0 0.067 61 June 51-83 67.7 10-14 10.0 0.017 46 July 49-102 69.6 10-22 10.7 0.019 63 August --0.000 0 September

---0.000 0 October ... 0.000 0 0 w S 2:.-" 8 0,-, E Cr Cr Z p W t4 W I Table 24. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated longear sunfish.number of LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 1) NUMBER November ..0.000 0 December ... 0.000 0 January ... 0.000 0 February .... 0.000 0*March ... 0.000 0 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May --0.000 0 June 55-97 71.3 10-21 13.0 0.009 25 July 64-135 84.3 10-70 18.1 0.018 60 August .... 0.000 0 September

... 0.000 0 October ... 0.000 0 0.

8 0 ý- E 0 0 Z" Table 25.Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of green sunfish.LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE -ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10) NUMBER November --0.000 0 December --- -0.000 0 January 114 114.0 30 30.0 0.013 17 February ... 0.000 0 March --0.000 0 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May 74-107 90.5 16-46 31.0 0.006 6 June 60-65 62.0 10 10.0 0.004 11 July 61-173 84.7 10-110 22.6 0.013 43 August ... 0.000 0 September

--0.000 0 October --0.000 0 0~I.I* I C I, I La S Z:.- S0- E 0 0 n. 11 72 E I U IAJ T Table 26. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of Lepomis sp.LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (8/gal x 106) NUMBER November .- -0.000 0 December 56 56.0 10 10.0 0.008 12 January ... 0.000 0 February --0.000 0 March ... 0.000 0 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May ... 0.000 0 June --0.000 0 July ... 0.000 0 August 0.000 0 September

.... 0.000 0 October ... 0.000 0 I.t 0 l W Ci 8 .0 -e* -E 0 0 E a B~ ai H. W I I.I.Table 27.Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated white crappie.number of LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 ) NUMBER November 114-253 183.5 19-245 132.0 0.012 24 December 103-278 222.2 16-355 210.0 0.049 59 January 105-252 180.4 18-270 86.2 0.127 164 February 89-279 150.7 10-305 88.5 3.775 5,869 March 102-296 195.8 14-435 159.6 0.160 365 April NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May 162.0 162.0 54.0 54.0 0.003 2 June 108-248 165.8 19-265 73.3 0.033 92 July 36-284 156.1 10-370 78.1 0.039 130 August 77-278 181.0 10-275 99.7 0.072 166 September 77-280 166.9 10-290 79.2 0.122 401 October 97-118 104.3 12-19 14.3 0,013 45 r L' Table 28. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated number of walleye.LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 NUMBER November -- -0.000 0 December .-0.000 0 January .-0.000 0 February .-0.000 0 March --0.000 0 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED May ... 0.000 0 June .- -0.000 0 July 490 490.0 1360 1360.0 0.001 3 August .... 0.000 0 September

... 0.000 0 October ... 0.000 0 bi a0h 5 2:-, 8 0 ý- F 0 0 7- 11 nJ~tIL I Table 29. Monthly length and weight range/mean, impingement rate and estimated freshwater drum.number of LENGTH MEAN WEIGHT MEAN RATE 6 ESTIMATED MONTH RANGE (mm) LENGTH (mm) RANGE (g) WEIGHT (g) (#/gal x 10 NUMBER November 67-218 116.7 L0-106 21.7 1.164 2,440 December 66-238 129.0 10-136 33.0 2.146 2,751 January 77-195 103.2 10-74 15.0 5.434 6,990 February 68-202 98.6 10-78 10.4 119.919 155,745 March 77-185 100.6 10-60 10.8 29.203 66,602 April -- NO SAMPLING COMPLETED

--May 72-236 114.1 10-136 18.4 0,327 265 June 27-180 111.4 10-60 23.1 0.163 453 July 38-387 100.7 10-550 36.4 0.147 485 August " 48-78 65.4 10 10.0 0.045 104 September 59-182 90.1 10-68 14.7 0.221 728 October 62-237 91.9 10-122 13.5 0.819 2,793 0-J H°38 January, February, and September were not available since 0sampling occurred on only one date in each of these months.0. Impingement was not consistently higher during either diur-nal or nocturnal periods throughout the study. Diversity values were highest during the mid-summer months, peaking Kin July at 2.83 while the lowest value, 0.01, occurred in January (Table 7). A discussion of various parameters as they relate to the taxa collected plus the mechanisms affecting impingement follows for each family occurring in the study.Clupeidae This family was represented by only the gizzard shad, which comprised over 99.5% of the total impingement during the study. Length-frequency data indicated that over 90% of gizzard shad processed during the study were less than 125 mm total length (TL). The data would therefore indicate that these fish fall within the average first year growth for mid-western gizzard shad (Purkett, 1958). The rate of impingement indicates that the largest numbers of young-of-the-year (YOY) gizzard shad were impinged during the winter (Table 8).Impingement of gizzard shad increased from December through February, peaking at over 63,000 fish per million gallons. On several occasions during this period, substan-tial numbers of YOY gizzard shad were observed being swept through the JRR gates and out of the stilling basin's low H-39 flow channel. These fish were unable to maintain their orientation in the current and appeared to be in a stressed 0 0 condition.

When monitoring resumed in May, the rate of gizzard 0 G shad impingement had dropped to its lowest rate observed during the study. Although gizzard shad continued to be impinged throughout the remainder of the study, their rates were similar to other species.Cyprinidae During the study, several members of this family were impinged including common carp, goldfish, red shiner, ghost shiner, golden shiner, Notropis sp. and Pimephales sp. As a family, cyprinid taxa comprised a minor portion of the total impingement.

Only two members of this family, Notropis sp. and golden shiner, were impinged at a rate exceeding 0.015 fish per million gallons (Tables 9 -15). Notropis sp. and golden shiner impingement both peaked in March at 0.024 and 0.016 fish per million gallons, respectively.

Common carp were never a large component of sampled daily impingement.

They occurred in June, July and October, peaking in October at a rate of 0.013 fish per million gallons.Catostomidae Two species of this family, river carpsucker and small-mouth buffalo, were collected during the study (Tables 16 -

Z Pi 40 17). River carpsucker were not a major component of total impingement but smallmouth buffalo were the sixth most com-U mon taxa impinged during the study (Table 5). Despite the W number six ranking, total smallmouth buffalo impingement was calculated to be only slightly over 2,000 fish for the W entire study period.Ictaluridae Channel catfish, blue catfish and flathead catfish represented this family during the study. Channel catfish occurred consistently throughout the study. This species ranked fifth in total impingement with a calculated estimate of 5,429 fish (Table 5). Throughout the study the majority of channel catfish impinged were less than 150 mm TL al-though individuals up to 465 mm were collected in March (Table 18). Monthly mean lengths of impinged channel cat-fish never exceeded 162 mm throughout the study.Only one blue catfish was processed during collections at the MUSH. This individual was 135 mm in length and was collected in May (Table 19). The collection of this indi-vidual coincided with the harvesting of a Kansas Fish and Game Commission (KF&G) rearing pond which contained blue catfish and drained into the Neosho River. This individual was within the size range of fish harvested from this pond and probably escaped during draining operations.

Flathead catfish occurred during the summer months but were never numerous (Table 20). October was the peak month 41 for impingement of this species with a calculated total of*60 individuals.

0 Percichthyidae 0 wOnly one member of this family, white bass, occurred Mduring the study. Although this species was the second most commonly impinged taxa, it comprised less than 0.25% of total impingement (Table 5). Throughout the study white bass impingement was confined to early age groups with the monthly average length never exceeding 210 mm TL (Table 21).Over 98% of total white bass impingement occurred in February and during that month their mean length was approx-imately 102 mm.Centrarchidae The six taxa of this family which occurred during the study were bluegill, orangespotted sunfish, longear sun-fish, green sunfish, Lepomis sp. and white crappie. Of these taxa, only white crappie ranked in the top six in terms of total impingement, ranking number four (Table 5).Mature white crappie in ripe condition were impinged during March but comprised only 5% of all crappie processed for that month (Appendix II). Other members of the sunfish family were observed in spawning condition.

Bluegill, orangespotted sunfish, longear sunfish and green sunfish were impinged in ripe and running ripe condition.

These spawning individuals comprised significant portions of 7..42 U impingement for their respective species. However, none of these species ranked high in terms of total impingement.

0 Percidae 0 Impingement of this family was limited to one species, M the walleye. Only one individual was collected during sampling and the total annual walleye impingement was cal-culated to be three fish (Table 28).Sciaenidae The only member of this family impinged was the fresh-water drum. Although freshwater drum ranked third in impingement, they comprised slightly less than 0.25% of the total catch (Table 5). This species was impinged throughout the study with peak numbers occurring in February.

The monthly mean length ranged from 65 to 129 mm (TL) and monthly mean weights never exceeded 37 grams. (Table 29).Additionally, over 98% of all drum which could be sexed were classified as immature (Appendix II)...



Data collected during monitoring at the MUSH reveals%\ a pattern typical of impingement at many other facilities (Edwards et al, 1976: Freeman and Sharma, 1977). This N) pattern shows impingement dominated by the major clupeid species present, peaking during winter months and composed of young-of-the-year (YOY) fish, with sportfish occurring at low rates.Throughout the study gizzard shad were the dominant component of impinged fish, comprising over 99% of the calculated total. Field observations plus impingement study data supports a hypothesis that during peak impingement, shad were being discharged from JRR in a stressed condition and were unable to avoid the low intake velocities present at the MUSH.Gizzard shad, along with white bass and freshwater drum, comprised more than 99.9% of total impingement.

Peak impingement for all three of these taxa occurred during January and February and was predominantly YOY fish.Neither blue sucker (Cycleptus elongatus) or Neosho madtom (Noturus placidus) individuals were impinged during the study. No impingement of Neosho madtoms was expected since this species has not been collected during prolonged monitoring in the area of the MUSH. Additionally, no other rare, threatened or endangered species were impinged at the MUSH.

n, 44 The data compiled and circumstances observed during the monitoring period indicate that a worst case situation has been monitored.

Low rainfall resulted in discharge rates from JRR which were low enough to consistently isolate the 0 intake channel from the Neosho River throughout late 1980 and early 1981. Additionally, lake filling activities necessitated maximum pumping efforts throughout the study.These factors combined to cause the high impingement ob-served during the winter months.Normal rainfall patterns will typically provide more favorable flow conditions and completion of lakefill will substantially reduce demands for makeup water. The combin-ation of these circumstances will ameliorate the contri-butory factors of the observed impingement thereby moderat-ing long-term impingement at the MUSH.

H.3)0 LITERATURE CITED M 0 0 W Edwards, T. J., W. H. Hunt, L. E. Miller and J. J. Sevic.1976. An evaluation of the impingement of fishes at four Duke Power Company steam-generating facilities.

in Thermal Ecology II. Esch, G. W. and R. W. McFarlane, U' _Editors. Technical Information Center of Energy Re-search and Development Administration.

pp. 373-380.Electric Power Research Institute.

1980. Methodology for assessing population and ecosystem level effects re-lated to intake of cooling waters. Electric Power Research Institute Report EA-1402 Volume 1, 370 pp.Freeman, R. F. III and R. K. Sharma. 1977. Survey of fish impingement at power plants in the United States; Vol-ume II. Argonne National Lab. ES-56. 328 pp.Lloyd, M., J. H. Zar and J. R. Karr. 1968. On the calcula-tion of information-theoretical measures of diversity.

Am. Midl. Nat. 79(2):257-272.

Purkett, C. A., Jr. 1958. Growth rates of Missouri stream fishes. Mo. Cons. Comm., D-J Ser. No. 1, 46 pp.United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Final Environ-mental Statement for Wolf Creek Generating Station.1975. NUREG-75/096.

H.['1 10 0\0l APPENDIX I HT._%in 47 Length Frequency and Individuals Processed by Month for All Taxa VU 0 SPECIES MONTH SIZE (mini ACTUAL NUMBER Gizzard shad November 0\I December January February March May 26-50 76-100 101-125 126-150 176-200 201-225 226-250 51-75 76-100 101-125 176-200 201-225 226-250 76-100 101-125 226-250 76-100 101-125 20 1-225 226-250 76-100 101-125 126-150 201-225 226-250 76-100 101-125 126-150 201-225 1 237 30 1 1 7 3 30 466 45 1 3 1 237 60 1 157 79 3 1 42 26 1 9 7 2 2 1 3 Length Frequency and Individuals Processed by Month for All Taxa (continued) f 4 0 48 SPECIES MONTH SIZE (mm)ACTUAL NUMBER Gizzard shad June 0 tki July August September 51-75 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 201-225 226-250 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 201-225 226-250 251-275 276-300 51-75 126-150 151-175 226-250 251-275 376-400 76-100 151-175 176-200 201-225.226-250 251-275 2 8 13 8 10 1 3 4 3 8 1 6 17 26 3 6 8 3 1 2 4-1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 P1':1 0 0 0 (a]N)If'49 Length Frequency and Individuals Processed by Month for All Taxa (continued)

SPECIES MONTH SIZE (mm)ACTUAL NUMBER Gizzard shad October Common carp Goldfish Red shiner Ghost shiner June July 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125 151-175 176-200 101-125 1-25 51-75 51-75 76-100 101-125 151-175 101-125 126-150 4 7 15 1 4 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 October May June July June March June July Notropis sp.December March June 51-75 26-50 26-50 26-50 26-50 26-50 26-50 51-75 26-50 51-75 51-75 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 July August H.-7 3 50 Length Frequency and Individuals Processed by Month for All Taxa (continued)

NJ 0 L'W 0I SPECIES MONTH SIZE (mm)ACTUAL NUMBER Golden shiner Pimephales sp.March May March May June River carpsucker November January July Smallmouth buffalo November December February March May July 51-75.76-100 76-100 51-75 51-75 26-50 101-125 226-250 226-250 326-350 351-375 151-175 201-225 226-250 301-325 376-400 101-125 101-125 101-125 126-150 101-125 126-150 51-75 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 D M 51 Length Frequency and by Month for All Individuals Processed Taxa (continued) 0 0 w C Ce NI U?SPECIES MONTH SIZE (mm)ACTUAL-NUMBER Channel catfish November December January February March 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125 151-175 176-200 201-225 226-250 251-275 76-100 101-125 151-175 176-200 201-225 51-75 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 76-100 101-125 51-75 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 261-225 426-450 451-475 1 5 3 5 5 2 3 1 1 2 1 3 4 2 1 5 2 1 1 2 46.24 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 H.°71 0 D U1 52 Length Frequency and Individuals Processed* by Month for All Taxa (continued)

SPECIES MONTH SIZE (mm)ACTUAL NUMBER Channel catfish May June July August September October 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 201-225 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 251-275 276-300 26-50 51-75 101-125 126-150 176-200 326-350 51-75 101-125 151-175 176-200 201-2 25 51-75 101-125 176-200 51-75 76-100 101-125.151-175 201-225 30 26 2 5 6 3 4 6 5 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 Blue catfish May 126-150 1 H .-7 Length Frequency and Individuals Processed by Month for All Taxa (continued) 153 al"I 11 SPECIES MONTH SIZE (mm)ACTUAL NUMBER Flathead catfish May July August October White bass November December January February March June July August September 51-75 126-150 51-75 151-175 201-225 76-100 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125 201-225 276-300 76-100 101-125 76-100 101-125 76-100 101-125 76-100 101-125 26-50 51-75 26-50 51-75 76-100 151-175 176-200 201-2225.76-100 101-125 176-200 201-225 3 1 1 21 37 27 62 36 96 3 10 12 3 10 47 18 3 1 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1-1-2 1 H.-.7 0l 0 in 54 Length Frequency and Individuals Processed by Month for All Taxa .(continued)

SPECIES White bass MONTH October SIZE (mm)101-125, 176-200 ACTUAL NUMBER 2 1 Bluegill December May June 26-50 51-75 51-75 101-125 51-75 76-100 101-125 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 July Orangespotted sunfish Longear sunfish Green sunfish March May June July 26-50 51-75 51-75 76-100 51-75 76-100 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125 51-75 76-100 51-75 76-100 126-150 101-125 51-75 101-125 51-75 1 1 17 4 11 2 2 11 5 1 5 2 4 13 1 June July January May 1 1 1 3 June H.-7 11'Ii 0 1~j 0 0 hi 55 Length Frequency and Individuals Processed by Month for All Taxa (continued)

SPECIES MONTH SIZE (mm)ACTUAL NUMBER Green sunfish July 51-75 76-100 101-125 151-175 0 7 3 2 1 Lepomis sp.White crappie December November December January February March May 51-75 101-125 251-275 101-125 151-175 226-250 251-275 276-300 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 201-225 226-250 251-275 76-100 101-125 276-300 101-125 126-150 151-175 201-225 226-250 251-275 276-300 151-175 H-7 Li, IF'CI 56 Length Frequency and Individuals Processed by Month for All Taxa (continued) 0C 0I SPECIES MONTH SIZE {mm)ACTUAL NUMBER MONTH SI ZE (mm)White crappie June July August September 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 201-225 226-250 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 201-225 226-250 251-275 276-300 76-100 101-125 126-150 176-200 201-225 226-250 276-300 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 201-225 226-250 251-275 276-300 2 5 9 7 2 1 2 2 4 1 4 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 2 3 5 6 3 1 1 1 H 57 Length Frequency and Individuals Processed by Month for All Taxa (continued)

W, 0 0 W (0 C)SPECIES MONTH SIZE (mm)ACTUAL NUMBER SPECIES MONTH SIZE (mm)White crappie October July November ,Walleye Freshwater drum December January February March 76-100 101-125 476-500 51-75 76-100 101-125 151-175 176-200 201-225 51-75 76-100 101-125 151-175 176-200 201-225 226-250 76-100 101-125 126-150 176-200 51-75 76-100 10 1-125 176-200 201-225 76-100 101-125.126-150 151-175 176-200 8 83 31 2 21 11 2 67 16 4 30 10 2 43 16 1 5 2 73 30 1 1 81 47 2 1 3 2 1 1

-.-7 n.M', 0 0 Ul 58 Length Frequency and Individuals Processed by Month for All Taxa (continued)

SPECIES MONTH SIZE (mm)ACTUAL NUMBER Freshwater drum May June July 51-75 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 201-225 226-250 26-50 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 26-50 51-75 101-125 126-150 151-175 201-225 226-250 376-400 26-50 51-75 76-100 51-75 76-100 101-125.126-150 176-200 3 26 58 3 1 6 2 1 19 13 39 51 4 1 9 64 12 53 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 9 34 3 1 2 August September m Length Frequency and Individuals Processed by Month for All Taxa (continued) 59 m 0 0 0'-SPECIES MONTH SIZE (mm)ACTUAL NUMBER Freshwater drum October 51-75 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 226-250 15 50 15 1 1 r..-7 9 ir Q 0 bJ APPENDIX II 9 1 rri 0 61 Maturity Classification Estimates by Taxa SPECIES MONTH MATURITY ESTIMATED NUMBER Gizzard shad November December January February March May June July August September-October Immature Mature Immature Mature Immature Mature Immature Mature Unknown Immature Mature Immature Mature Unknown Immature Mature Spent Unknown Immature Mature Unknown Unknown Immature Immature Unknown Unknown Immature Immature Immature Immature Unknown 112,275 5,027 594,964 2,187 24,432,168 82,263 78,403,294 1,328,869 104 2,433 417 17 2 32 124 11 7 140 126 7 145 59 148 520 Common carp June July 4 3 7 46 October Goldfish May June July 2 4 3 Fri 0 0 62 Maturity Classification Estimates by Taxa (continued)

SPECIES MONTH MATURITY ESTIMATED NUMBER 0 0 h4-1.MATURITY ESTIMATED NUMBER Red shiner Ghost shiner Notropis sp.June March June July December March June July August Golden shiner Pimephales sp.March May March May June Immature Immature Unknown Unknown Immature Immature Immature Unknown Immature Unknown Immature Immature Immature Mature Immature Immature Mature Mature Unknown Immature Mature Immature Immature Immature Immature Immature Immature 18 4 3 9 55 7 3 7 21 36 2 18 2 7 12 12 48 17 7 3 7 River carpsucker November January July Smallmouth buffalo November December February March May July 12 9 2,050 18 6 3 7 D.J'.t1~0 Maturity Classification Estimates by Taxa (continued) 63 SPECIES MONTH MATURITY ESTIMATED NUMBER!.-I 113 Channel catfish November December January February March May June July August September October Immature Mature Immature Immature Immature Immature Mature Unknown Immature Mature Unknown Immature Unknown Immature Unknown Unknown Immature Unknown Immature 230 85 124 168 2,050 2,040 52 3 191 3 11 57 17 20 124 15 89 46 107 Blue catfish Flathead catfish May May July August October Immature Immature Unknown Immature Unknown Unknown Immature 2 6 10 3 21 15 45 9 64 Ml K)03 Maturity Classification Estimates by Taxa (continued)

SPECIES MONTH MATURITY ESTIMATED NUMBER White bass November December January February March June July August September October Immature Mature Immature Immature Immature Immature Immature Unknown Immature Unknown Unknown Immature Unknown Immature 48 12 625 1,951 241,357 238 53 70 193 21 45 89 15 31 Bluegill December May June Immature Immature Immature Mature Running Ripe Unknown Running Ripe 9 3 4 4 4 10 3 July Orangespotted sunfish March May Immature Unknown Immature Mature Ripe Running Ripe 36 3 12 17 26 3

-7 DI le 9 I. ~65 Maturity Classification Estimates by Taxa (continued)

SPECIES MONTH MATURITY ESTIMATED NUMBER I~i 0 0 c~3'3 Orangespotted sunfish June July June July.Longear sunfish Immature Mature Ripe Running Ripe Unknown Immature Mature Ripe Running Ripe Ripe Running Ripe Unknown Mature Running Ripe Spent Unknown Unknown Running-Ripe Immature Unknown Immature Ripe Running Ripe 32 4 7 4 20 3 13 20 7 11 14 10 3.40.7 17 3 3 11 3 3 33 3 Green sunfish January May June July Lepomis sp.White crappie December November December Immature Immature Mature Immature Mature 12 12 12 i0 49 aa Maturity Classification Estimates by Taxa (continued) a .!66 SPECIES MONTH MATURITY ESTIMATED NUMBER White 0 I10 January February March May June July August September October July November December January February March Immature Mature Immature Mature Immature Mature Ripe Mature Unknown Immature Mature Unknown Immature Mature'Unknown Unknown Immature Immature Unknown Immature Mature Immature Mature Immature Immature Mature Unknown Immature Mature 148 16 4,402 1,467 183 164 18 2 28 60 4 63 60 7 166.252 149 45 Walleye 3 Freshwater drum 2,002 438 2,478 273 6,990 154,289 1,456 497 65,608 497 Hd Ir* .e~*. k, 67 Maturity Classification Estimates by Taxa (continued)

SPECIES MONTH MATUTRI TY ESTIMATED NUMBER MONTH MATURITY 0 Freshwater drum May June July August September October Unknown Immature Mature Unknown Immature Unknown Immature Unknown Immature Immature Unknown Immature.3 260.3 32 420 83 402 62 41 728 67 2,726

100 Wenke, T.L. and M. E. Eberle. 1991. "Neosho Madtom Recovery Plan." Prepared by Natural Science Research Associates for Region 6 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver.

NE Sl ME O NEOSHO MADTOM Noturus placidus Taylor RECOVERY PLAN Prepared by Natural Science Research Associates Thomas L. Wenke, Ph.D.Fort Hays State University Hays, Kansas Mark E. Eberle, M.S.Natural Science Research Associates Hays, Kansas for Region 6 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Denver, Colorado Approved: Regional Director, U.S. FiV and Wildlife Service Date: 47. 30 -7 ý DISCLAIMER Recovery plans delineate reasonable actions which are believed to be required to recover and/or protect the species. Plans are prepared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, sometimes with the assistance of recovery teams, contractors, State agencies, and others. Objectives only will be attained and funds expended contingent upon appropriations, priorities, and other budgetary constraints.

Recovery plans do not necessarily represent the views nor the official positions or approvals of any individuals or agencies, other than the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, involved in the plan formulation.

They represent the official position of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service only after they have been signed by the Regional Director or Director as approved.Approved recovery plans are subject to modification as dictated by new findings, changes in species status, and the completion of recovery tasks.i Literature citations should read as follows: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1991. Neosho madtom recovery plan.and Wildlife Service, Denver, Colorado.

42 pp.U.S. Fish Additional copies may be purchased from: Fish and Wildlife Reference Service 5430 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 (301) 492-6403 or 1-800-582-3421 The fee for the plan varies with the number of pages of the plan.Artist credit: Ann Musser, Fisheries Division, Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Acknowledgment is made to the following people for their contributions toward preparation of this plan: James Berk, Guy Ernsting, Bill Stark, Jim Stroh, Joe Tomelleri, Wells (Natural Science Research Associates);

Dr. Frank Cross and Joe Collins (University of Kansas);William Layher, Ken Brunson, and Robert Wood (Kansas Department Parks);Brad Loveless (Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation);

Dr. William Pflieger (Missouri Department of Conservation);

Leon Hobson, Don Snethen, and Walt Wagner (Kansas Department of Environment);

John Henderson (Kansas State Board of Agriculture);

and John Skeen (Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation).

and Shelley of Wildlife and Health and We also gratefully acknowledge the patient efforts of Dan Mulhern, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Manhattan, Kansas.iii EXECUTIVE


Current Species Status: The Neosho madtom (Noturus placidus) is a small member of the catfish family (Ictaluridae) endemic to the Neosho, Cottonwood, and Spring Rivers of Kansas and adjacent areas of Missouri and Oklahoma.

It was listed as a threatened species on May 22, 1990 (55 F.R. 21148). Populations exist in three distinct regions separated by reservoirs:

(1) the Neosho Basin above John Redmond Reservoir in Kansas; (2) the Neosho Basin below John Redmond Reservoir; and (3) the Spring River. A fourth region, the Spring River in Oklahoma, below Lowell Reservoir (at the confluence of Spring River and Shoal Creek), has not been adequately sampled and might be occupied by Neosho madtoms. Adults of this species usually occupy gravel riffles. Populations of the Neosho madtom seem to be stable, but habitat loss has been extensive due to construction of reservoirs.

Localized threats to populations exist. These include gravel bar removal, drought, chemical pollution, alteration of the flow regime, and possible interspecific competition.

Knowledge of reproductive requirements is lacking and protection through State laws and policies is inadequate.

The Neosho madtom currently is protected by all three States as a threatened or endangered species.Habitat Requirements and Limiting Factors: The Neosho madtom requires loosely packed gravel riffles, burrowing into the gravel during the day and coming out to feed on aquatic invertebrates at night.Recovery Objective:


Recovery Criteria:

The goal of this recovery plan is the protection of self-sustaining populations of the Neosho madtom and the habitat occupied by this species. Determination of the population boundaries and establishment of the appropriate number of populations to be protected in order to consider delisting, are the first priorities of this recovery plan; as such the following recovery criteria are interim.Delisting of the Neosho madtom will be considered when the appropriate number of viable, self-sustaining populations has been documented in the three regions occupied by this species. In addition, enhanced legal protection for these populations at the State level and sufficient biological information to properly manage this species shall be obtained.

Revisions or updates of this recovery plan will become necessary as some of the tasks are completed.

Actions Needed: 1. Conduct studies on biology of Neosho madtoms to determine criteria to be used for delisting.

2. Develop criteria to be used for delisting.
3. Monitor populations of the Neosho madtom.4. Develop Neosho madtom reintroduction plans.5. Enhance protection of Neosho madtom populations and habitat.6. Complete surveys for Neosho madtom in unsurveyed areas.Total Estimated Cost of Recovery:

The Neosho madtom could be recovered at an estimated cost of $412,000.Date of Recovery:

Delisting should be possible in 1997, if specific recovery criteria have been identified and met.iv TABLE OF CONTENTS DISCLAIMER










1 Description


1 Historical and Present Distribution


4 Habitat Preference


5 Life History/Ecology


6 Population Size ..............................................

6 Food and Feeding Habits ......................................

7 Reproduction


7 Associated Species ...................


7 Ownership of the Neosho River ...................................

8 Current Status ..................................................

9 Threats to the Neosho Madtom ...................................

10 Mainstream Impoundments


10 Watershed Impoundments


11 Drought ......................................................

12 Removal of Gravel Bars ......................................

13 Wolf Creek Nuclear Power Generating Station .................

14 Feedlot Pollution


15 Nonpoint Source Pollution


16 Cherokee County, Kansas, Superfund Site .....................

16 General Regulations Protecting the Neosho Madtom ...............

16 Water Quality Standards


16 Protection of Threatened and Endangered Species .............

17 Excessive Collections


18 Biological Research Needs ......................................

19 Interspecific Competition


19 Absence of Knowledge on Reproduction


19 Characterization of Specific Habitat Requirements


20 Conservation Measures ..........................................

20 PART II RECOVERY .......................................................

21 Objective and Criteria .........................................

21 Step-down Outline ..............................................

22 Narrative Outline ..............................................

25 Literature Cited ...............................................

36 PART III IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ........................................

38 APPENDIX A Summary of Dams ...............................................

A-I APPENDIX B Summary of Mean Daily Discharges


B-I v TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont.)APPENDIX C Supplemental Information


C-I FIGURE 1 Streams occupied by the Neosho madtom. ......................

2 FIGURE 2 The Neosho madtom and three related species from the Neosho Basin .........................................

3 vi PART I INTRODUCTION The Neosho madtom (Noturus placidus Taylor) is a small member of the catfish family (Ictaluridae) that typically inhabits stream riffles in the Neosho, Cottonwood, and Spring Rivers within the Arkansas River Basin (Figure 1). This species occurs almost exclusively in Kansas, but smaller populations are found in adjacent areas of Ottawa and, possibly, Craig Counties in Oklahoma and Jasper County, Missouri.

Within this limited range, the Neosho madtom has experienced short-term population declines due to habitat degradation resulting from drought, removal of gravel bars, and water pollution from feedlot runoff (Cross and Braasch 1968, Deacon 1961, Wagner et al. 1984). Considerable long-term habitat loss has resulted from construction of mainstream impoundments in Oklahoma and Kansas, which have inundated Neosho madtom habitat in about one-third of its historic range. Several other potential threats to this species have been identified and considered in this recovery plan.Development of a sound management program for the Neosho madtom is hampered by shortcomings in our knowledge of its biology.In Kansas, the Neosho madtom currently is listed as a threatened species (K.A.R. 115-15-1) under the Kansas Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Act (K.S.A.32-501 through 32-510). In Missouri, this species is listed as endangered (3CSRIO-4.111; RSMo 252.240), and in Oklahoma it also is considered to be endangered (Skeen, pers. comm.; 29 Okla. St. Ann. 5-412). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the Neosho madtom as a threatened species on May 22, 1990 (55 F.R. 21148). The Neosho madtom has been assigned a recovery priority of IIC. This signifies that threats against this species are moderate, and are not fully known or understood, and that conflict with construction or other development projects is a possibility.

Description The Neosho madtom was described formally by Taylor (1969), but it had been recognized as a distinct taxon since the 1950's (Cross 1967). Prior to that, it usually was identified as Noturus miurus Jordan (brindled madtom), which also occurs in the Spring River, or Noturus eleutherus Jordan (mountain madtom), which is not found in the Neosho River drainage.Both the Neosho madtom and brindled madtom have the typical appearance of North American catfishes characterized by the general body shape, sensory barbels on the head, scaleless skin, and presence of a dorsal adipose fin that, in madtoms, is joined or nearly joined to the top of the caudal (tail) fin (see Figure 2). Neosho and brindled madtoms are usually less than 75 mm (3 in) in total length and have mottled coloration with dark vertical bars on the caudal fin. The pattern of the dark pigment on the adipose fin is the best external characteristic that can be used to distinguish these two species. On the Neosho madtom, the dark pigment does not reach the dorsal margin of the adipose fin as it does on the brindled madtom (Figure 2).

A)00 CV iulossiw'z w'C A)--.~ ~I I I I 7 0 A)C")A)*0 0 0 K 00 zU 2L~LIOJ<l 01 o t I 2 Figure 2.--The Neosho madtom and three related species from the Neosho Basin. The brindled madtom is similar in appearance to the Neosho madtom, but typically is not found in gravel riffles. The slender madtom might compete with the Neosho madtom for habitat in the Spring River, and it apparently has been introduced into the upper Neosho River drainage.

The stone-cat is the largest madtom and it occupies areas of a riffle with larger stones, while the Neosho madtom inhabits areas of smaller gravel in the same riffle. Illustrations approximate life size.Neosho Madtom, Noturus placidus Taylor Brindled Madtom, Noturus miurus Jordan Slender Madtom, Noturus exilis Nelson Stonecat, Noturus flavus Rafinesque 3

The stonecat (Noturus flavus Rafinesque) and slender madtom (Nnturs exiis Nelson) are species of madtoms that live within the range of the Neosho madtom, and might occur in the same general habitat. Neither the stonecat nor the slender madtom has the mottled skin pigmentation present on the Neosho and brindled madtoms (Figure 2). The slender madtom grows to about twice the size of the Neosho madtom, and the stonecat can reach 200 mm (B in) in total length or more. Another species (not illustrated), the freckled madtom (Notunius nocturnus Jordan & Gilbert), occasionally is collected with the Neosho madtom.The body of the freckled madtom is not conspicuously mottled, but the underside of the head and the belly has dark speckles.

Its maximum length is about 100 mm (4 in) in total length.Type specimens of the Neosho madtom from the Neosho River near Emporia, Kansas, are located at the Museum of Zoology at the University of Michigan (holotype--UMMZ 167653; 27 paratopotypes--UMMZ 167654) and the Museum of Natural History at the University of Kansas (82 paratopotypes--KU 2517).Historical and Present Distribution Since 1886 (Gilbert 1886), the Neosho madtom has been reported in at least 161 collections from 46 documented sites in the Neosho, Cottonwood, Spring, and Illinois Rivers in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.

Most of these collections contained 1 to 31 preserved specimens, but a few larger samples included between 57 and 116 individuals.

The present distribution of the Neosho madtom lies principally in the Neosho River from extreme southeastern Morris County, Kansas, to near Commerce, Oklahoma (5 miles south of the Kansas-Oklahoma line), and in the Cottonwood River from central Chase County, Kansas, to its confluence with the Neosho River in Lyon County, Kansas (Figure 1).Smaller populations of Neosho madtoms have been recorded on seven occasions from 1963 to 1983 at four localities in the Spring River in eastern Cherokee County, Kansas, and western Jasper County, Missouri (Figure 1). In the most recent collection from this area taken in 1983, Wagner et al. (1984) reported one specimen from a site in Cherokee County, Kansas. A comprehensive survey of the Spring River drainage in Kansas (Terry 1986) did not include any records of this species. Although it is likely that the Neosho madtom still occurs in the Spring River, the species apparently has never been very abundant; however, additional surveys of this river specifically for Neosho madtoms are needed.It is possible that differences in physical and chemical conditions between the Spring and Neosho Rivers might inhibit the development of larger populations of the Neosho madtom in the Spring River, or perhaps other species of fishes that are not found in the Neosho River have a competitive advantage over the Neosho madtom in the Spring River. The Spring River in Oklahoma has not been sampled adequately for Neosho madtoms. Specimens collected from sites upstream and downstream from this reach suggest the possibility that Neosho madtoms might inhabit this region.The presence of the Neosho madtom in the Illinois River of Oklahoma was documented by seven specimens collected at four locations from 1946 through 1950, prior to the construction of Tenkiller Dam. The cold hypolimnetic discharges from Tenkiller Reservoir apparently have caused the extirpation of 4 the Neosho madtom from the Illinois River (Moss 1981). Dr. Frank Cross (University of Kansas, pers. comm.) also has suggested that Neosho madtoms in the Illinois River might have been waifs that periodically moved downstream through the Arkansas River from the Neosho River, and did not represent a distinct Illinois River population.

In either case, the construction of impoundments on the Neosho (Grand) River in Oklahoma and the transformation o, the Illinois River below Tenkiller Reservoir into a trout stream have eliminated about one-third of the native range of the Neosho madtom (Moss.1981).Despite the loss of Neosho madtom habitat in areas impounded by dams, the species is still found throughout the remainder of its range, and recent surveys have extended the known range of the Neosho madtom in Kansas (Ernsting et al. 1989). In 1987, two Neosho madtoms were collected from Lightning Creek, a Neosho River tributary in western Cherokee County, Kansas (Figure 1). This was the first record of this taxon from a small tributary stream in the Neosho basin. During two trips to this site in 1989, no Neosho madtoms were caught.In 1988, one Neosho madtom was collected from the Neosho River near Dunlap, Morris County, Kansas, which extended the range of this species approximately 25 stream kilometers (15.5 river mi) upstream from near Americus, Lyon County, Kansas. This site was sampled again in 1989 and no Neosho madtoms were collected.

The absence of previous records from the Neosho River in Morris County might be a reflection of the limited number of collections made in this reach of the river, or it might indicate that the Neosho madtom is expanding its range upstream in response to more stable streamflows below Council Grove Reservoir.

It also is possible that both the Dunlap and Lightning Creek records represent short-term range extensions at the periphery of the long-term distributional core of the species. Thus, they would be part of a normal expansion and contraction of the range of the species as it responds to fluxes in environmental conditions.

Habitat Preference Adult Neosho madtoms typically inhabit riffles with a gravel bottom. Although they reach their greatest abundance in gravel riffles, smaller populations occasionally are found in other types of habitat. They have been collected from areas with a fine gravel or sand bottom overlain with leaf litter and detritus in the Spring and Illinois Rivers (Taylor 1969; Moss 1981), a habitat they apparently occupy throughout the year. We also have found them in this habitat in the Neosho and Cottonwood Rivers (Dr. Thomas Wenke, Natural Science Research Associates, Hays, Kansas, pers. comm.) as young-of-the-year or as adults that probably were forced from riffles by declining water levels. They also have been reported in areas with large stone or cobble bottoms (Taylor 1969; Brad Loveless, Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation, pers. comm.);however, these areas typically are inhabited by stonecats.

Moss (1983) found that adult Neosho madtoms were most abundant in water with a current of 0.3 to 1.2 m/second (I to 4 ft/second) and a bottom substrate comprised of particles that ranged in size from small gravel to pebbles (2 to 64 mm or .08 to 2.5 in). The size of substrate particles preferred by the madtoms varies with the size of the individual; the larger the fish, the larger 5 the substrate particles.

Young-of-the-year Neosho madtoms seem to be most abundant downstream from the riffle in water that is deeper (0.3 to 1.0 m or 1 to 3 ft) and slower than in the riffle habitat usually occupied by adults (Moss 1981). Young madtoms also are found in riffles near the shore or in areas of finer substrate material.In laboratory experiments with simulated stream habitat (Moss 1983), Neosho madtoms were intrusive into large gravel and pebble substrates (8 to 64 mm or 0.3 to 2.5 in) during the day, but moved about in search of food at night.Neosho madtoms are somewhat gregarious in their natural habitat, but it is not known whether this is a result of social interactions or use of the habitat resources (Moss 1983). Although Moss (1983) did not observe any interspecific aggression between Neosho madtoms and stonecats, it is possible that resource partitioning may occur, with stonecats displacing Neosho madtoms toward areas with smaller sizes of bottom material.

It also has been suggested (Moss 1983)that slender madtoms might compete with Neosho madtoms in the Spring River and force the Neosho madtoms into less favorable habitat.With the exception of the two specimens collected in Lightning Creek (Ernsting et al. 1989), the presence of Neosho madtoms has not been documented in streams tributary to the Neosho, Cottonwood, and Spring Rivers. Three years before the collection of the Lightning Creek specimens, Wagner et al. (1984) suggested a correlation between the presence of Neosho madtoms and stream order. The physical dimensions of some of the sites where Neosho madtoms have been collected in the upper Neosho and Cottonwood Rivers are scarcely different from those of some of the larger tributaries in the Lower Neosho River Basin. Also, the Neosho and Spring Rivers each drain different physiographic provinces, which are likely to impart different physical and chemical attributes to each stream system. Thus, it would seem more prudent to use specific physical, chemical, and biological measurements of the streams rather than stream order to assess the suitability of a stream for Neosho madtoms.Life History/Ecology Population Size. Franklin (1980) estimated that a population of at least 500 individuals is needed to provide sufficient genetic variation for adaptation to changing environmental conditions.

However, this number (the minimum effective population size) always is smaller than the number of individuals in an actual population because of inequities in reproductive success, including inviability of some progeny, nonmating of some individuals, and variations in age and in fecundity (Kapuscinski and Jacobson 1987).The size of Neosho madtom populations is unknown. Estimates of about three Neosho madtoms per 100 m 2 obtained from data compiled by Moss (1983) and observations by Natural Science Research Associates (Dr. Thomas Wenke, Natural Science Research Associates, pers. comm.) indicate that the known concentrations of madtoms in riffles of the Neosho and Cottonwood Rivers certainly are large enough to possess adequate genetic variation if there is appreciable interriffle breeding among madtoms. However, the extent of interriffle breeding is not known. Because of the extreme annual water level fluctuations in the Neosho River, it is likely that some interriffle mixing of 6 madtoms occurs. Greater mixing would occur during droughts, because the fish would be concentrated in relatively small areas prior to redispersal.

Therefore, it is probable that interbreeding occurs with unknown regularity among individuals of different riffles. It also is possible that Neosho madtoms emigrate to adjacent riffles during periods of typically higher streamflows.

Perhaps young-of-the-year madtoms emigrate to other riffles from the pool below the riffle occupied by their parents (see Reproduction section below). These uncertainties represent a serious void in our knowledge of Neosho madtom biology. When this information is obtained, it will be possible to accurately determine the number of populations in each of the four regions outlined in the section on "Current Status." Food and Feeding Habits. Neosho madtoms feed on whatever aquatic insects are most readily available, principally the larvae of caddisflies, mayflies, and dipterans, with chironomids being most abundant in young-of-the-year fish (Moss 1981). Based on laboratory experiments, feeding activity is greatest within 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> of sunset (Moss 1981). In simulated stream habitat, Moss (1983)found that Neosho madtoms were intrusive into gravel substrate during the day, but moved about in search of food at night. They maintained contact with the substrate and seldom swam against even a moderate current for more than a few seconds.Reproduction.

The Neosho madtom is short-lived, normally reaching age class II or, occasionally, age class III (a fish in its fourth year of growth), but little is known about its reproductive habits (Moss 1981). Although no direct observations of Neosho madtom reproductive behavior have been made, other madtoms are known to fashion cavity nests or utilize natural or man-made objects. Eggs and, in some species, the broods are guarded. Reproduction of the Neosho madtom probably is similar to that of the closely related northern madtom, Noturus stigmosus Taylor. Taylor (1969) conveyed information on collections of northern madtom eggs and young from the Huron River, Michigan;one egg mass reportedly came from gravel under a stone, but the others were collected from "tin" cans having fairly large openings.

Eggs and broods were guarded by males. Taylor (1969) stated that, "it is likely that any small cavity of about the size of a number 2 can or larger with a large open end may serve as a nest." In the Neosho madtom, egg development begins in March, but Moss (1981)speculated that spawning typically takes place in June and July. In general, this is the period of peak streamflow in the Neosho drainage, which is followed by a sharp decline in the discharge in late July and August (see streamflow graphs in appendix B). The apparent abundance of young Neosho madtoms in the quiet water below riffles suggests that the young-of-the-year fish either drift a short distance downstream to develop or that the adults move off the riffle to spawn (Moss 1981). Moss (1981) "seeded" riffles with cans, but no nests were produced.

The possible importance of pools as nesting areas for the Neosho madtom has not been studied.7 Associated Species. Four other species of Noturus have been collected with Neosho madtoms: N. exilis Nelson--slender madtom, N. Rafinesque--stonecat, N. miurus Jordan--brindled madtom; and N. nocturnus Jordan & Gilbert--freckled madtom.Of these species, the stonecat is collected most frequently from the riffles where Neosho madtoms are found and might compete with the Neosho madtom for space. The slender madtom, which is the most common madtom in riffles of the Spring River (Moss 1983), also might compete for habitat with Neosho madtoms in that drainage.

Young-of-the-year Pylodictis olivaris (Rafinesque), flathead catfish, also are found in gravel riffles, and young Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque),.channel catfish, swim over most types of riffle substrates.

In addition to ictalurids, several species of minnows and darters often are found in riffles with Neosho madtoms. These include: Hvboysis x-punctata Hubbs & Crowe--gravel chub;Phenacobius mirabilis (Girard)--suckermouth minnow;Campostoma anomalum (Rafinesque)--central stoneroller; Pimephales spp.--minnows; Cyprinella lutrensis (Baird & Girard)--red shiner;Percina caprodes (Rafinesque)--logperch; Percina phoxocephala (Nelson)--slenderhead darter;Percina shumardi (Girard)--river darter; and Etheostoma spectabile (Agassiz)--orangethroat darter.Within the streams occupied by the Neosho madtom, there are several other species protected by Kansas, including unionid mussels and fishes. Among these species are Cycleptus elonoatus (LeSueur), the blue sucker (K.A.R. 115-15-2), and Etheostoma cracini Gilbert, the Arkansas darter (K.A.R. 115-15-1), which currently are classified by the Service (54 F.R. 554) as possible candidates for Federal listing as threatened or endangered species. Implementation of this recovery plan for the Neosho madtom will consider the needs of these and other species native to the Neosho River basin.Ownership of the Neosho River Efforts to manage the Neosho madtom in Kansas could be complicated somewhat by the question of ownership of the streambed, because access to the streams can be limited. In Kansas, riparian landowners own the streambed and control access to it, although they exert only stewardship over the water (Schneider 1974). However, the lower Neosho River from about 3 mi south of Humboldt in Allen County through Neosho and Labette Counties to the Kansas-Oklahoma border probably is owned by the State of Kansas, as outlined in a Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks memorandum by Leland Queal dated April 12, 1979. The original U.S. Government surveys showed the lower Neosho River to be meandered throughout this reach, and it apparently was considered to be a navigable stream by the Surveyor General's Office. This would have 8 deeded the land to the State in 1861 unless it was specifically transferred to private ownership.

Queal could find no evidence that titles between the meander lines had ever been transferred to the riparian owners, who apparently had been paying no taxes on this land.A 1927 case before the Kansas Supreme Court that dealt in part with this issue (Webb v. Neosho County Commissioners; 124 Kan. 38) resulted in a four-to-three decision against State ownership of the Neosho River. The majority ruled from a strict interpretation of "navigability" that "the Neosho River is not a navigable stream in fact, and the riparian owners along said stream own the land to the thread or center of the stream ...." The minority opinion held that: the meandering of a stream is prima facie proof that the riparian patentee of the meandered acreage title only to the river bank; and if he claims beyond that property line he must produce his title thereto ... .Although a recent opinion of the State Attorney General seems to support private ownership of the lower Neosho River to the thread of the stream based on a strict interpretation of a "navigable stream" (Schneider 1974), Kansas statutes (K.S.A. 70a-106, 70a-108) and the apparent lack of evidence of formal transference of the streambed to the riparian landowners seem to support the contention that the State retains ownership of the channel, as it does with the Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri Rivers. This specific issue has not been tested in the courts with respect to the Neosho River.County abstracter's maps (Kansas Blue Print Co., Wichita) indicate that the only significant reach of the Neosho River in Kansas clearly in Federal ownership is U.S. Government land upstream from John Redmond Reservoir in Coffey and Lyon Counties near the towns of Hartford and Neosho Rapids. The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks manages the Neosho Wildlife Area, located along the river south of St. Paul in Neosho County. Small streamside parks are located at Chetopa, Humboldt, Iola, Neosho Falls, and Burlington on the Neosho River and at Emporia on the Cottonwood River.As in Kansas, access to streams in Oklahoma and Missouri can be made with a landowner's permission or at points where the adjacent land is publicly owned.However, in the latter two States, it may be legal to walk or float the streams through areas of private ownership, although this has come under question in Missouri.Current Status Nleosho madtom populations are divided into three distinct regions effectively separated by reservoirs as outlined below. As discussed previously in this plan, we presently are unable to define boundaries of individual populations.

One group of populations lies wholly within Kansas in the Cottonwood River and in t~he Neosho River above John Redmond Reservoir, which serves as an effective b.7rrier to Neosho madtom emigrations (Figure 1). Attempts to find Neosho 9 madtoms in the Neosho River immediately downstream from the dam at Council Grove Reservoir have been unsuccessful; however, suitable habitat exists in this reach that might support undiscovered populations of this species.A second group of populations occupies the segment of the Neosho River from John Redmond Reservoir downstream to the area west of Commerce, Oklahoma.

The reach of the Neosho River from Chetopa, Kansas, downstream to the headwaters of Lake o' the Cherokees in Oklahoma has not been sampled adequately for Neosho madtoms and might support additional populations of this species.The third group of Neosho madtom populations occurs in the Spring River.Presently, this is represented by a short stretch of the river in Cherokee County, Kansas, and Jasper County, Missouri.

However, the section of the Spring River upstream from this reach in Missouri and the section downstream from this reach in Oklahoma have not been intensively surveyed for Neosho madtoms. If Neosho madtoms occur in the Spring River of Oklahoma, they would represent a fourth group of Neosho madtom populations, separated from the populations upstream in the Spring River of Missouri and Kansas by Lowell Reservoir at the confluence of Spring River and Shoal Creek in Cherokee County, Kansas. The inundated channels of the Spring and Neosho Rivers at the upper end of the Lake o' the Cherokees would serve as a barrier between the possible Spring River populations in Oklahoma and those in the Neosho River. Results from population studies outlined in this recovery plan might indicate that these three subunits of the range of the Neosho madtom should be treated as separate "recovery regions," each of which might require somewhat different recovery goals and actions to protect appropriate numbers of viable, self-sustaining populations.

Based on data provided by known collections, the numbers of Neosho madtoms seem to have remained reasonably stable at most sites. Collections of 60 to 120 specimens made during the 1950's and 1970's were efforts to obtain large numbers of individuals for research purposes.

Most other records of this species, with 1 to 30 specimens per site, represented less intensive work, usually associated with qualitative surveys. During March 1989, as many as 12 individuals were obtained at some sites by sampling less than 25 percent of each riffle (Dr. Thomas Wenke, Natural Science Research Associates, pers.comm.). Samples taken in the late summer or fall (as was done in the large collections in the 1950's and 1970's) could be expected to include .a significantly greater number of individuals, including young-of-the-year fish.Although the overall population of Neosho madtoms seems to hav e remained stable, local declines or extirpations have been noted, and threats to local populations still exist.Threats to the Neosho Madtom Mainstream Impoundments.

Relative to the probable distribution of this species 100 years ago, the historic range of the Neosho madtom has shrunk due to the loss of about one-third of the potential habitat with the construction of dams at Lake o' the Cherokees, Lake Hudson, Fort Gibson Reservoir, and Tenkiller Reservoir all in Oklahoma.

These losses were the result of inundation of 10 habitat and cold hypolimnetic discharges (Moss 1981). Additional losses of riffle habitat have occurred behind John Redmond Reservoir on the Neosho River in Kansas and I8 smaller mainstream dams on the Neosho and Cottonwood Rivers in Kansas and Oklahoma.The loss of riffle habitat impounded behind dams is obvious in Oklahoma, but it has not been fully assessed in Kansas. Aerial and ground surveys of the Neosho, Cottonwood, and Spring Rivers in Kansas were conducted during 1989 by Natural Science Research Associates (Dr. Thomas Wenke, Natural Science Research Associates, Hays, Kansas, pers. comm.) to obtain a rough estimate of the loss of riffle habitat behind dams in the mainstream channels.

Given that the size of the areas impounded by the smaller dams will fluctuate with the regular changes in streamflow, the full extent of habitat loss will have to be gauged over several seasons.There are 477 stream kilometers (296 stream mi) of the Neosho River from Council Grove Reservoir to Commerce, Oklahoma.

Of this total, about 31 stream kilometers (20 stream mi) (6.6 percent) are impounded in the conservation pool at John Redmond Reservoir from the dam to a point near Hartford, Kansas. In addition, we estimate that roughly 72 stream kilometers (45 stream mi)(15.2 percent) might be inundated behind 15 smaller structures (listed in appendix A). Not all of this distance would consist of riffles if the dams were absent and not all of these areas would be fully inundated during periods of low flow, but the indication is that up to 20 percent of the area of potential Neosho madtom habitat in the Neosho River in Kansas would be unavailable to riffle species. Of the approximately 115 stream kilometers (71 stream mi) of the Cottonwood River from the mouth of Middle Creek near Elmdale, Kansas, to its confluence with the Neosho River, perhaps 10 stream kilometers (6 stream mi) (8.7 percent) could be ponded behind two small dams.No dams are known to us on the Spring River within the 16 stream kilometers (10 stream mi) known to be occupied by the Neosho madtom in Kansas and Missouri.In total, approximately 113 stream kilometers (70 stream mi) of the river segments within Kansas that might otherwise be inhabited by the Neosho madtom appear to be impounded.

This represents a loss of about 18 percent of the potential habitat in Kansas and adjacent areas of Oklahoma and Missouri where Neosho madtoms still exist. In addition to these present habitat losses, consideration is being given to increasing the elevation of the conservation pool at John Redmond Reservoir to provide additional storage capacity (M. Chester, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, John Redmond Project Office, Burlington, Kansas, pers. comm.). The proposed increase of about 2 to 2.5 ft (0.6 to .76 m) would inundate riffle habitat occupied by the Neo.sho madtom near Hartford, Kansas. Future losses resulting from dam construction on the mainstream channels of the Neosho, Cottonwood, and Spring Rivers should be avoided.Watershed Impoundments.

Watershed impoundments on tributary streams also could threaten Neosho madtom habitat. Both the Soil Conservation Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have proposed the construction of small dams in the Upper Neosho River basin, although the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' studynot active at the present time. These structures would probably reduce I1 annual discharge in the Neosho River because of evaporation and possible consumptive use of the impounded water. The effect of watershed dams on base flow is less certain, but observations by the Soil Conservation Service suggest that it should be enhanced (Wetter 1980). Information supporting this view was provided by Debano and Hansen (1989) who reviewed three watershed rehabilitation projects in the southwestern United States and reported peak flow reduction and enhancement of base flows. For example, in the Alkali Creek watershed of Colorado, construction of 132 gully check dams increased streamflow duration; streamflow was ephemeral before treatment, but after 7 years became perennial at the watershed mouth. The extended flow resulted from slow releases of water stored in sediments deposited behind the check dams. Although the base flow in the Neosho River also might be enhanced by the construction bf watershed dams, appropriate studies on this drainage have not been conducted.

It is premature to assume that an increase in base flow would necessarily benefit the Neosho madtom because this species may require peak flows for reproduction.

Another effect of watershed dams is retention of storm runoff. Although reducing extremes in discharge might seem desirable, it is possible that Neosho madtoms and their habitat could be negatively impacted.

In September 1989, fish were collected in a gravel bar at Council Grove, Kansas, by Larry Zuckerman and Sherry Ruther (Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, pers.comm.). They noted that the interstices of the gravel were heavily silted and attributed this to the regulation of flows from Council Grove Reservoir, although no data have been reported to confirm this. Siltation of gravel could inhibit burrowing activities of Neosho madtoms and reduce the abundance of immature insects that comprise their food. Zuckerman and Ruther suggested that the release pattern from the reservoir be modified to permit flows of sufficient magnitude to cleanse gravel bars. Reduced peak discharges also could adversely affect the spawning success of Neosho madtoms. As far as is known, Neosho madtoms spawn during the period of highest discharge during the summer. Research on reproduction of Neosho madtoms is needed to determine the importance of high flows to the spawning success of this species.At this time, it would seem prudent to delay construction of the proposed watershed dams until appropriate analysis of the changes in streamflow patterns in the Neosho River basin is provided by the appropriate action agencies.

If this information is made available and studies on the reproductive requirements of the Neosho madtom are completed, the Service, through Section 7 consultation, could assess the impacts of these structures on the Neosho madtom and its habitat.Drought. The prolonged drought of the 1950's caused some riffles in the Neosho River to become dry, forcing riffle species, such as the Neosho madtom, into less favorable habitat. These riffle species of fishes were the slowest to recover following the resumption of continuous flow (Deacon 1961). Deacon (1961).did not find the Neosho madtom to be "common" at the sites he sampled until the third summer of continuous flow.12 Droughts can be expected to recur, and the impact of droughts comparable to that of the 1950's will worsen as demands for water consumption increase.Surface water demand for industrial, agricultural, and municipal uses in the Neosho River basin (including the Neosho, Cottonwood, and Spring Rivers) is projected to increase 25 percent between 1984 and 2040, which would make the overall surface water supply inadequate in the event of a severe drought (Kansas Water Office 1987).The concept of minimum desirable streamflows in Kansas was established by law in 1980 to help maintain surface flows in designated streams and protect them from overappropriation of water rights (K.S.A. 82a-703 and 82a-928).

In developing these streamflow standards, consideration was given to consumptive appropriations (municipal, industrial, and agricultural), fish and wildlife requirements, and water quality. Minimum desirable streamflows have been established for two sites on the Cottonwood River and three locations on the Neosho River (K.S.A. 82a-950, Kansas Water Office 1988), and they have been proposed for one site on the Spring River (Kansas Water Office 1988). The adverse effects of a drought on aquatic wildlife could be lessened, but not prevented, by these minimum streamflows which cannot be met during a prolonged drought (Kansas Water Office 1988).Water from Marion Reservoir on the Cottonwood River and from Council Grove and John Redmond Reservoirs on the Neosho River would be used to support the minimum flows in these two streams. An assessment of transit losses for reservoir releases from Council Grove and John Redmond Reservoirs during drought conditions was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (Carswell and Hart 1985). Under none of their scenarios would enough of the water released from the reservoirs be available to meet the minimum desirable streamflows in the lower Neosho River. If maintained as designated in Kansas, minimum desirable streamflows could enhance the survival of the Neosho madtom during brief periods of drought. 'However, these standards would be of little or no value in a drought similar to that of the 1950's, especially if demands on the water supply increase as projected.

Given the relatively short stretches of the Neosho River in Oklahoma and the Spring River in Missouri occupied by the Neosho madtom, minimum desirable streamflows may not be as critical in these reaches. If the streamflow requirements could be met at the designated sites in Kansas, it would be reasonable to expect adequate flows in the adjacent areas of Oklahoma and Missouri as long as excessive surface or alluvial withdrawals of water are not permitted by those States. Increased water demand may dictate a need for minimum desirable streamflow standards in these reaches as well.Removal of Gravel Bars. Removal of gravel and pebbles from the streambed for construction purposes has eliminated specific populations of Neosho madtoms.Under r-atural unregulated hydrological conditions in the Neosho River basin, gravel bars will be replaced by natural processes.

One example of this is the gravel bar at the confluence of the Cottonwood and South Fork Cottonwood-Rivers, which was removed in 1966. The gravel bar redeveloped, and Neosho 13 madtoms were collected at the confluence site again in 1975 (Moss 1981).Larger gravel bars and their fish assemblages in the lower Neosho River would probably take longer to recover.Currently, the Kansas Division of Water Resources regards removal of gravel bars as a channel change rather than a sand dredging operation (John Henderson, Kansas State Board of Agriculture, pers. comm.). This requires a permit from the Chief Engineer of the Division of Water Resources (K.S.A. 82a-301 to :O~a).Permit applications must go through an environmental coordination review (K.S.A. 82a-325 to 327), which includes the following State agencies: Department of Wildlife and Parks; Office of Extension Forestry; State Biological Survey; Department of Health and Environment; State Historical Society; State Conservation Commission; and State Corporation Commission.

Although these channel change proposals usually receive serious objections from some environmental review agencies (John Henderson, Kansas State Board of Agriculture, pers. comm.), the Chief Engineer could approve a permit even if an environmental review agency determined that a project would adversely impact the environment (K.S.A. 82a-327d).

However, if a State threatened or endangered species is involved, a permit also must be obtained from the Department of Wildlife and Parks. This agency, therefore, has the final authority to prevent non-Federal activities judged to be detrimental to State-protected species.In Oklahoma, gravel removal from a stream requires a permit from the Oklahoma Department of Mines (45 Okla. St. Ann. 8A-724). Because the permit approval process allows for public participation, objections can be raised if adverse effects are anticipated.

Although not guaranteed, threats to an endangered species could conceivably result in permit denial. In Missouri, a permit is-required from the Department of Natural Resources; approval of such a permit may involve an assessment of impacts to threatened species. In neither State is the review process as extensive as that in Kansas, and both Oklahoma and Missouri should consider increasing the level of protection they provide in this regard for State-listed species, such as the Neosho madtom.In the matter of gravel removal from streams, Federal laws are of little help to the States, except for certain sections of the Endangered Species Act to address impacts on federally protected species. Section 7 requires Federal Agencies to consult with the Service if any actions they undertake "may affect" listed species. Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act prohibits unauthorized taking of listed species; including activities which might "harass" or "harm" the species. Because the Spring, Cottonwood, and Neosho Rivers are not considered navigable under the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 U.S.C. 403; 33 CFR Ch. II, Part 322.2), no excavation permit is needed from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers if dredged material will not be discharged into the river. It is possible, however, that placement of equipment in the river could result in harmful deposition of materials.

If so, some protection might be provided under Sections 401 or 404 of the Clean Water Act (40 CFR Ch. 1).Wolf Creek Nuclear Power Generating Station. The Wolf Creek Generating Station is located on a Neosho River tributary east of John Redmond Reservoir near Burlington, Kansas. The possible effects of accidental releases of thermal or 14 radioactive water on the Neosho madtom and other forms of aquatic life are uncertain, but the likelihood of such an accident is small. Although normal operation of Wolf Creek Generating Station will not have significant effects on the chemistry of the Neosho River, water releases from John Redmond Reservoir could be substantially reduced during periods of drought (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1982). If there is a repeat of the severe drought of the 1950's, operation of Wolf Creek Generating Station could reduce releases from John Redmond Reservoir to the Neosho River by an average of nearly 50 percent of those expected without Wolf Creek Generating Station operation (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1982). Assuming a life span of about 40 years, Wolf Creek Generating Station should be operational until about the year 2025.Feedlot Pollution.

Pollution from feedlots has caused appreciable losses of Neosho madtoms within Kansas. Feedlot runoff decimated Neosho madtom populations in the Cottonwood and Neosho Rivers upstream from John Redmond Reservoir in 1966 to 1967 (Cross and Braasch 1969). These areas were subsequently repopulated, and legislative action was taken to regulate feedlot operations.

In Oklahoma and Missouri, only a limited number of stream miles are inhabited by Neosho madtoms, and we have found no records of fish kills caused by feedlots located in these areas.From 1973 to 1986, 11 fish kills were investigated by Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks in the Neosho River (Ken Brunson, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, pers. comm.), and at least three of these were caused by feedlots.

All were in 1978 and 1979 in Morris County, which was not known to support any populations of Neosho madtoms until 1988. Affected stream reaches in these three fish kills were 5 to 8 km (3 to 5 mi) compared to 16 to 40 km (10 to 25 mi) in the three fish kills caused by feedlots in the 1960's. The number of fishes reported killed in the 1960's ranged from 225,000 to 425,000, while the total mortalities for the fish kills in the 1970's were 300 to 2,500.These data suggest that the threat posed by feedlot pollution to the Neosho madtom has been reduced by a "shift" of feedlot operations to southwestern Kansas and by improved control of the feedlot industry.Kansas law governing the feedlot industry states that feedlot operators shall.provide adequate drainage, from feedlot premises, and such drainage shall be so constructed as to control pollution of streams and lakes ... " (K.S.A. 47-1505).

Also, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment has devised standards for feedlot design and site selection (Kansas Department of Health and Environment, undated).

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment also has developed quality standards for the surface waters of Kansas (K.A.R. 28-16-28), but these do not apply to feedlot runoff because feedlots are not designed to discharge.

Although fish kills resulting from feedlot runoff are sometimes due to inadequate design, often they result from improper operation and maintenance of feedlot facilities.

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment currently is developing more rigorous standards for feedlots (Walt Wagner, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, pers. comm.) and, presumably, these standards will be amended in the future as conditions warrant.15 Nonpoint Source Pollution.

The impacts of nonpoint source pollution of both urban and agricultural origin has not been documented.

However, because both municipalities and crops occur along the rivers which provide habitat for this species, specific water quality requirements and tolerance for this species should be investigated (see task 142).Cherokee County, Kansas, Superfund Site. The entirety of the Spring River in Cherokee County, Kansas, lies within a Superfund Cleanup Site as designated by the Environmental Protection Agency. Mining in this area for lead, zinc, and coal has resulted in elevated levels of sulfate and trace metals in stream water (Spruill 1984). The effects of these pollutants on past or existing Neosho madtom populations have not been documented.

Current known populations exist upstream from planned cleanup activities.

Protection of the Neosho madtom and its habitat will need to be considered as cleanup plans proceed for this site.General Regulations Protecting the Neosho Madtom Water Quality Standards.

Little is currently known about the specific water quality requirements of the Neosho madtom. The natural occurrence of this species in extremely low numbers in the Spring River might be due to differences in water quality between the Spring and Neosho Rivers. More research on this aspect of Neosho madtom biology needs to be conducted.

Within Kansas, the Department of Health and Environment's standards for surface water quality already afford a measure of protection for Neosho madtoms. The Cottonwood River and the Neosho River downstream from Council Grove Reservoir are classified as "special aquatic life use waters" (waters that contain either unique habitat types and biota, or species that are listed as threatened or endangered in Kansas). These stream segments have specific criteria for many environmental parameters (K.A.R. 28-16-28e).

Further, if these criteria are determined to be underprotective, Kansas Department of Health and Environment could develop appropriate site-specific standards. (K.A.R. 28-16-28e).

The water quality standards in Kansas also recognize threatened or endangered species. Although Kansas Department of Health and Environment could issue a variance if "important social and economic development" is impaired, the general provisions of the surface water quality standards state that ". degradation of water quality by artificial sources shall be allowed that would result in harmful effects on populations of any threatened or endangered species of aquatic life in a critical habitat ...." (K.A.R. 28-16-28c).

Listed as a threatened species by the State of Kansas, the Neosho madtom occupies State-designated "critical habitat," a category so designated because of its importance for the survival of threatened or endangered species. Within Kansas, the Cottonwood River from its confluence with Middle Creek to its confluence with the Neosho River is considered critical habitat (State designation), as is the Neosho River from west of Dunlap to the Kansas-Oklahoma border, and the Spring River from the Kansas-Missouri border to 0.8 km (0.5 mi)below the Highway 96 bridge.16 The water quality standards for Missouri and Oklahoma have no provisions that recognize the special needs of State-listed threatened and endangered species.These standards should be improved.Protection of Threatened and Endangered Species. The amount of protection afforded to the Neosho madtom by endangered species legislation in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma varies considerably among the three States. Federal designation as a threatened species offers additional protection to the species beyond the powers of the States.In Kansas, the threatened status of the Neosho madtom by State regulation gives the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks considerable authority to protect this species (K.A.R. 115-15-3, formerly K.A.R. 23-17-2).

Persons undertaking or sponsoring any project involving public money, assistance from a public agency, or requiring a State or Federal permit must obtain a permit from the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks if the project is likely to destroy individuals of a protected species or their State-designated critical habitats.These projects could include roads and bridges, stream channel alterations, dams, landfills, sewer plants, powerplants, and airports.

The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks could issue the permit if the project sponsor agrees to mitigating and compensating measures that will minimize the loss of animals or habitat; however, the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks can refuse a permit if the resource loss is judged to be unacceptable.

State law, however, is not applicable to Federal projects (e.g., activities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) unless specifically authorized:

by Congress.Persons undertaking or sponsoring projects not funded from public sources and not requiring a State or Federal permit, such as housing developments, also must obtain a permit from Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks if the action will destroy threatened or endangered species. As with publicly funded or assisted projects, a permit can be refused if the resource loss is judged to be unacceptable.

However, the regulation of privately funded projects is applicable only when individual animals are directly harmed; habitats are not protected.

Currently, housing developments are the only projects in this category that involve the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. Although it is possible that erosion from housing developments could cause damaging siltation, it is unlikely that this would be of sufficient magnitude to harm populations of Neosho madtoms.The Missouri Department of Conservation and the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation review applications for projects that might have adyerse impacts on State-listed species. Although these departments have some degree of influence with other State agencies to ensure protection of threatened and endangered species, the State conservation departments have no statutory authority to deny these applications.

The regulations protecting habitat are not as inclusive as those protecting the species themselves.

These regulations should De strengthened.

Under provisions of Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. Ch. 35), Federal Agencies are required to consult with the Service to ensure that their actions are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a species included on the Federal list of threatened and endangered taxa, or result in 17 the destruction or adverse modification of federally-designated critical habitat. This also applies to any non-Federal action that may include involvement by Federal Agencies (i.e., funding, permitting, etc.). This level of protection cannot be provided by the States alone. With respect to the Neosho madtom, construction or operation of dams by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Soil Conservation Service are the Agency actions most likely to have an impact on this species.Excessive Collections.

Concerns have been expressed about overcollecting of the Neosho madtom at sites with samples of as many as 116 individuals reported.Specifically, it has been noted that the site on the Neosho River west of Commerce, Oklahoma, has experienced a decline in the number of Neosho madtoms since August 1976 when 85 individuals were taken. Only three specimens were collected in this vicinity in September 1983, and only one specimen in March 1989. In 1989, Natural Science Research Associates surveyed the length of the river from the Stepps Ford Bridge to a point about I km (0.6 mi) downstream (Dr. Thomas Wenke, Natural Science Research Associates, Hays, Kansas, pers.comm.). They noted an overall absence of the gravel riffle habitat preferred by Neosho madtoms. It is possible that some other perturbation, such as the scouring of gravel from the streambed, might have impacted the Neosho madtom population and its habitat at this site.Collection permits are required by the conservation agencies in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.

These permits govern the taking of all fishes, including the Neosho madtom and other State-protected species. In Kansas, approval of these permits is granted by a conservation officer rather than someone in the environmental services or nongame sections who would be more knowledgeable about threatened and endangered species. This process should be improved.In Missouri, fish collection permit applications are reviewed by an ichthyologist with the Department of Conservation.

In Oklahoma, permits must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation.

All three States require a summary of all specimens taken. When prudent, information on individuals of protected species that are captured and released should be requested from holders of scientific collection permits.Inclusion of the Neosho madtom on the Federal list of threatened species also makes a Federal collection permit necessary.

Initially, these permits should limit the number of museum voucher specimens from each collection site to two individuals for presence/absence surveys. The number of specimens permitted to be killed or removed from each site for other research purposes should be considered on a case-by-case basis. Based on information provided above (see sections on Life History/Ecology; Current Status), a limit of 30 individuals from riffles in an area that reasonably can be reached by walking from a road, bridge, or other access point seems prudent. However, biological research might indicate that this limit should be adjusted.18 Biological Research Needs Interspecific Competition.

An unknown aspect of Neosho madtom ecology that might pose a threat to its survival is the possibility of competition with slender madtoms. The apparent paucity of Neosho madtoms in the Spring River might be due to physical or chemical features of the stream; however, Moss (1983) suggested that it might be attributable to competition with the slender madtoms. If true, this relationship probably developed naturally in the Spring River, but the presence of slender madtoms in the Upper Neosho Basin is a matter of concern.The slender madtom was not reported from the Neosho River and two tributaries downstream from Council Grove Reservoir until after 1970 (Ernsting et. al.1989), possibly reflecting the limited number of collections from these streams. However, they also suggest a possible introduction of slender madtoms because they had not been previously reported from surveys elsewhere in the Upper Neosho River basin. Current records are from sites upstream from the known range of the Neosho madtom; however, if the slender madtom extends its range downstream, it could pose a threat to Neosho madtom populations upstream from John Redmond Reservoir.

If research into the foraging ecology, and reproductive requirements of these species documents that the slender madtom is indeed an effective competitor, the Neosho madtom could be further threatened.

Studies to determine the level of competition between these two species have been given a high priority so that management decisions regarding possible control of the slender madtom in the Neosho and Cottonwood Rivers can be made before it expands its range.There also is the potential for competition for resources between the Neosho madtom and other related species, such as the stonecat.

However, the similarities between these species are much less than with the slender madtom.Stonecats are commonly found in collections with Neosho madtoms, so the two apparently have adapted to living in proximity to one another.Absence of Knowledge on Reproduction.

A somewhat less specific threat to the survival of the Neosho madtom is our lack of information about its reproductive biology. Except for the approximate time of spawning, we know little about this subject in nature or in the laboratory.

Neosho madtoms probably nest in cavities of some sort, which is a common trait among species of North American catfishes.

Moss (1981) seeded riffles with small cans, but none were used by Neosho madtoms. Given that young-of-the-year Neosho madtoms often are found in pools downstream from riffles, there is a strong possibility that the Neosho madtoms move off the riffles into these pools to spawn when the flows rise in the late spring and early summer, as suggested by Moss (1981). While the gravel riffle offers an abundant supply of insect larvae to support the madtoms throughout most of the year, the slower waters of the pool would possibly provide more cavity structures for spawning an brood protection.

19 Understanding the reproductive requirements of the Neosho madtom and being able to simulate them in the laboratory also could prove important to the survival of this species. If adequate protection is provided to the remaining Neosho madtom habitat within the Neosho, Cottonwood, and Spring River basins, it should not be necessary or desirable to introduce this species outside of these basins. However, given that the habitat losses associated with the major reservoirs in Kansas and Oklahoma are permanent, the Neosho madtom is confined to a reasonably small area of streams that periodically will be subjected to droughts and other perturbations.

The ability to propagate Neosho madtoms in a hatchery could be critical in efforts to repopulate areas where populations have been decimated.

Characterization of Specific Habitat Requirements.

Additional study is needed to characterize in more detail the specific habitat requirements of this species. Tolerance levels of riffle sedimentation, degree of use of pools and other nonriffle areas, and ability to withstand environmental perturbations such as pollution and gravel removal are all undocumented.

More adequate protective measures can be implemented with a better understanding of some of these parameters.

Conservation Measures On July 26, 1990, the Service entered into an agreement with the Soil Conservation Service and the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks to study the effects of proposed watershed developments on Neosho madtoms in the Cottonwood River drainage.

This study should help assess any impacts on this species which may result from these structures, as outlined in task 533 of the Narrative Outline. The study team, as initially proposed, would have authority to regulate releases from all proposed structures in the South Fork Cottonwood Watershed, which may provide the means to preclude adverse effects on Neosho madtom populations, if they are suspected.

Any such plan for water releases must be approved by the South Fork Watershed District.

On April 5, 1991, the Soil Conservation Service requested formal Section 7 conservation with the Service. On June 20, 1991, the Service provided its biological opinion on watershed developments in the Cottonwood River Basin, indicating that the proposed monitoring study would result in "no jeopardy" to the Neosho madtom.Field monitoring of possible effects is, therefore, considered a critical element of this watershed development project.20 PART I I RECOVERY Objective and Criteria The objective of this recovery plan is to delist the species once self-sustaining populations of the Neosho madtom and its habitats are secured within each of the regions occupied by this species in the Neosho, Cottonwood, and Spring River systems in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri.

The number of populations in each region will be determined through implementation of this recovery plan.Delisting of the Neosho madtom will be considered when the appropriate number of self-sustaining populations has been documented in the following regions: (1) the Neosho and Cottonwood Rivers above John Redmond Reservoir; (2) the Neosho River downstream from John Redmond Dam to the upper end of Lake o' the Cherokees; and (3) the Spring River in Cherokee County, Kansas, and Jasper County, Missouri.

A fourth region of populations might occur in the Spring River in Oklahoma below Lowell Reservoir (at the confluence of Spring River and Shoal Creek). At least one self-sustaining population should be maintained in regions 1 and 2. If habitat conditions are presently or potentially suitable, at least one self-sustaining population should be documented in regions 3 and 4 as well. Each population shall consist of a minimum of 500 sexually mature individuals.

These recovery criteria are interim criteria, pending further study on groups of populations in regions 1 and 2 (task 1). Small concrete dams (appendix A) probably serve as partial barriers to the movements of Neosho madtoms. These structures subdivide regions I and 2 into smaller groups of populations.

There are 6 of these smaller groups in region 1, and 11 in region 2. Each of these subregions might include one or more self-sustaining populations.

If so, then the number of self-sustaining populations needed to delist the species should be increased.

Once the populations of Neosho madtoms are clearly defined, the stability of these populations should be monitored for a minimum of 3 years. The density of Neosho madtoms from samples obtained in suitable gravel riffle habitat should initially be 3 per 100 m 2 in each population counted toward delisting (Moss 1983). However, as reproductive and population studies are completed, this density may be adjusted specifically for each population segment identified.

In addition to the verification of a suitable number of self-sustaining populations of the Neosho madtom, sufficient biological knowledge also should be obtained to support establishment of the minimum habitat standards and provide the means to artificially propagate Neosho madtoms for their return to areas that might be decimated by unpreventable calamities.

'!though removing the Neosho madtom from the Federal list of threatened species is an achievable goal, the greatly reduced range of this species probably will keep the Neosho madtom on the State lists of protected species. This would 21 provide the Neosho madtom and its habitat with protection in the statutes and regulations of Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma that is not afforded to other, more common taxa. Improvement of the State laws would greatly support the accomplishment of the recovery criteria.Step-down Outline I Conduct studies on the binlooy of Nposhn mAdtnmS tn detprmine Critgri to be used for delistins.

11 Determine population size and mobility of Neosho madtoms.III Study Neosho madtom movements between riffles.112 Conduct systematics studies to determine population boundaries.

12 Assess the degree of competition between Neosho madtoms and slender madtoms.13 Study reproductive behavior in nature.131 Document streamflow requirements for spawning.132 Determine spawning habits of Neosho madtom as related to habitat selection.

133 Determine recruitment rates in the wild.14 Document environmental limiting factors.141 Determine tolerance to siltation.

142 Define water chemistry limiting factors.143 Determine the effects of gravel riffle degradation.

144 Document physical and chemical attributes of the Neosho and Spring Rivers.145 Assess the impacts of Superfund Site cleanup.15 Study feasibility of artificial propagation.

2 Develop criteria to be used for delitinj_3 Monitor nonulations nf thp Npnshn mftnm 31 Implement routine monitoring program under direction of wildlife conservation agencies in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.22 32 Provide for specific assessment of the impact of fish kills on Neosho madtom populations being monitored.

4 Develop Neosho madtom reintroduction plans.41 Survey potential reintroduction sites.42 Prioritize reintroduction sites.43 Develop site-specific reintroduction plans.44 Implement site-specific reintroduction plans and monitor reintroduction efforts.45 Develop emergency response plan.5 Enhance protection of Neosho madtom populations and habitat.51 Improve existing statutes, regulations, and policies.511 Protect minimum discharges necessary to maintain riffle habitat and adequate flows for spawning.512 Evaluate endangered species protection in Missouri and Oklahoma.513 Enforce existing and future State regulations.

514 Increase endangered species protection in Kansas.515 Improve collection permit regulations.

52 Solicit assistance to protect habitat.53 Ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act by all Federal Agencies.531 Conduct Section 7 consultation on reservoir construction projects.532 Coordinate dam operations to benefit the Neosho madtom.533 Study impacts of tributary watershed dams on river discharge.

534 Conduct Section 7 consultation on other Federal actions potentially affecting the Neosho madtom.54 Develop information and education program.55 Develop control program for slender madtoms, if necessary.

23 6 Complete surveys in unsurveyed areas.61 Conduct intensive surveys of the Spring River in Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma.62 Conduct intensive survey of the Neosho River in Oklahoma.63 Conduct surveys in additional tributaries.

24 Narrative Outline Conduct studies on the biology of Neosho madtoms to determine criteria to be used for delistina.

Further information is needed on Neosho madtom mobility, reproductive behavior, competition with slender madtoms, and other potentially limiting environmental factors.11 Determine population size and mobility of Neosho madtoms.The size of Neosho madtom populations is Unknown. Based on the known concentrations of madtoms in riffles, the Neosho and Cottonwood Rivers' populations probably are large enough to possess adequate genetic variation if there is appreciable emigration by Neosho madtoms to riffles other than those occupied by their parents. However, populations in the Spring River might not be large enough to provide the level of genetic diversity outlined in the objective.

Because the interriffle movements of Neosho madtoms and the degree of interriffle breeding are unknown, these matters need to be investigated, to define the minimum effective population size. Information obtained on the size and boundaries of Neosho madtom populations will be necessary before the number and minimum size of self-sustaining populations required for delisting can be determined.

II1 Study Neosho madtom movements between riffles.Studies need to be conducted to determine whether Neosho madtoms move to adjacent riffles. This project can be implemented on a pilot basis at a single group of riffles.Population estimates should be determined, with marking of individual fish in order to identify movements.

If the Neosho madtoms do emigrate to nearby riffles, documentation should be obtained for the age class of the emigrating fish, the portion of the population that emigrated, the flow conditions, and other appropriate data.112 Conduct systematics studies to determine population boundaries.

Electrophoretic studies or other molecular systematics research of specimens from throughout the range of the Neosho madtom also should be conducted to help define the boundaries of the populations.

Coupled with results of task 111, minimum size of populations also may be determined.

25 12 Assess the degree of competition between Neosho madtoms and slender madtoms.Quantitative data from field surveys and studies in simulated stream habitat should be used to determine the degree of competition, if any, between Neosho and slender madtoms. Unless and until it is determined that slender madtoms pose no competitive threat to Neosho madtoms, all field surveys should include specific information on slender madtoms collected in the Neosho, Cottonwood, and Spring Rivers.If the slender madtom populations recently reported from the Upper Neosho River basin are introductions, and the species effectively competes with the Neosho madtom, time could be critical in the implementation of a successful control program before the slender madtom expands its range. Thus, it is important that a determination be made soon as to the degree of competition, if any, between these species.13 Study reproductive behavior in nature.Research should be conducted to determine spawning habits, recruitment factors, and habitat and environmental requirements (e.g., flow conditions, water depth, etc.). Information about Neosho madtom reproduction would be helpful in assessing impacts of proposed human activities that would alter habitat. It also could provide information for artificially improving the spawning habitat (e.g., enhancing habitat structure) and the environmental conditions (e.g., maintaining spawning flows).131 Document streamflow requirements for spawning.Studies should determine what flow volumes are necessary to trigger spawning and enhance survival of eggs and young.Information regarding the possible relationship between the peak river discharge and time of spawning could be important in regulating water releases from mainstream impoundments.

132 Determine spawning habits of Neosho madtom as related to habitat selection.

There is a need to determine the specific substrate size and water depths preferred by madtoms for reproduction.

The extent to which pools are utilized instead of riffles is an important data gap.133 Determine recruitment rates in the wild.There is little known about the natural rate of recruitment in Neosho madtom populations, and what factors may be affecting or limiting this recruitment.

26 14 Document environmental limiting factors.Knowledge of chemical and physical limiting.factors not only woul1/2help assess impacts of proposed changes in Neosho madtom habitat.but also could provide a basis for improvements in the quality standards for surface waters in all three States, if they are necessary.

141 Determine tolerance to siltation.

Of particular importance is the assessment of the tolerance level of Neosho madtoms and their food species to siltation of riffles. Included in this should be a review of literature regarding such effects and tolerances of similar species in other waters. Until these data are available, projects should be postponed that are likely to alter the physical and chemical conditions of streams in the Neosho and Spring River basins, such as construction of watershed dams and reallocation of water storage in Federal reservoirs.

Funding for needed studies should be provided by project proponents as part of overall project design costs.142 Define water chemistry limiting factors.Tolerance limits of this species to chemical factors such as pH, oxygen levels, and natural and human-caused pollutants should be investigated.

Development of a water quality standards model would enable biologists to assess impacts of specific events in the rivers, and to provide better protection of water quality within Neosho madtom habitat. The assistance of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment will be needed to develop an appropriate model.143 Determine the effects of gravel riffle deqr datign.Projects which impact riffles, either through gravel removal or disruptions such as channelizing, may negatively impact Neosho madtoms. Specific studies should document what happens to the fish when an occupied gravel riffle is destroyed or adversely affected.

Funding for needed studies should be provided by project proponents and State and Federal permitting agencies.144 Document physical and chemical attributes of the Neosho and Spring Rivers.Correlations between Neosho madtom abundance and habitat and water quality of these two rivers could help identify specific limiting factors. This would allow protection measures to focus on manageable parameters.

27 145 Assess the impacts of Superfund Site cleanup.Plans for the cleanup of the Cherokee County, Kansas, Superfin4 Site will need to include measures to minimize or avoid the effects of this action on Neosho madtoms occurring in the Spring River. Plans should indicate protective measures which may need to be taken and restoration work that may need to be conducted, if impacts appear possible.15 Study feasibility of artificial orooaaation.

Certain unpreventable circumstances detrimental to the Neosho madtom, such as a prolonged drought, are likely to occur in the future. Given the limited remaining natural range of the Neosho madtom, the ability to artificially propagate the species for later reintroductions might be critical to its survival.

Research should be conducted on the techniques necessary to successfully raise Neosho madtoms, including the role genetics may play in determining brood stocks (see task 112). An implementation plan and facilities to carry out these efforts, should they be necessary, also should be developed (see task 4).2 Develop criteria to be used for delistinq.

Utilizing data gathered under task 1, specific criteria should be developed indicating how and under what schedule delisting may proceed.Guidelines need to be developed, in detail, specifying the number of self-sustaining populations required, as well as minimum population sizes, for each specific region.3 Monitor oopulations of the Neosho madtom.Because the Neosho madtom occupies such a limited range, monitoring of its populations will be necessary, not only to judge the effectiveness of the recovery plan, but also to ensure the long-term survival of the species. Data from the monitoring program could indicate subtle environmental changes that might have an impact on Neosho madtom populations.

31 Implement routine monitoring program under direction of wildlife conservation agencies in Kansas. Missouri.

and Oklahoma-The Service and the three State conservation agencies should develop standardized procedures for a monitoring program of the status of populations of the Neosho madtom throughout its range. Ideally, surveys should be made in late summer or early fall when it would be possible to obtain information on the age structure and reproductive success of the populations.

A single field team with experience in the capture of Neosho madtoms or similar taxa could be composed of employees of the State conservation agencies, a qualified private organization, or a combination of the two.28 The number of populations and sites that need to be sampled Should be determined after completion of. task 11. Based on information provided by Moss (1983) and previous collection data a sample population density of three Neosho madtoms per 100 mý of gravel riffle habitat represents the target population density at each site. The sizes of the riffles in each area will differ, and in locations where riffles are smaller than 100 m 2 , more than one riffle might need to be sampled within each population to achieve a minimum sample area.32 Provide for specific assessment of the impact of fiih kills on Neo hmdto populatifTonsi nq onit ored.Attempts should be made to identify and enumerate Neosho madtoms at fish kills. Conservation departments often are not notified of a kill until 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or more after its occurrence.

Decomposition, therefore, is a problem, especially during the summer. Even with early notification and adequate personnel, many small fish simply are not detected.

In spite of these problems, a more detailed assessment of fish kills is needed to determine the magnitude of effect, if any, on Neosho madtom populations.

Fish kill reporting and investigation procedures need to be reviewed and refined to identify mortality and survivability of Neosho madtoms.Implementation of such procedures will need to be done in a manner which avoids placing additional stress on surviving individuals.

4 Develop Neosho madtom reintroduction plans.The Service and the three State conservation agencies need to design a reintroduction plan to be implemented if imminent destruction of Neosho madtom populations or habitats is likely or when reintroduction opportunities are identified.

This plan should clearly designate specific agency personnel responsibilities for the decision to implement the plan and actual implementation activities.

Reintroduction may not be necessary for small-scale fish kills caused by pollution, because Neosho madtoms would repopulate naturally as they have done in the past.However, reintroduction might be justified in the event of extensive illegal riffle removal, prolonged low discharge, or competition from slender madtoms, which might necessitate poisoning some stream reaches..Also, if Neosho madtoms are found to have formerly been more abundant in the past, or if the habitat conditions are found to be suitable, then reintroduction in regions 3 and 4 may be considered.

The fishes could be obtained from several sources in the Neosho River basin or from artificially propagated stocks (see task 15), and minimum stocking rates should be equivalent to those densities recommended in task 11. Riffle removal can be mitigated by adding cobbles and/or.gravel to the river, thus creating an artificial riffle. This technique is currently used to improve sportfisheries in streams that have been channelized (Edwards et al. 1984).29 41 Survey potential reintroduction sites.Potential habitat areas need to be identified and evaluated to determine those sites most suitable for reintroduction.

42 Prioritize reintroduction sites.Based on thq results of task 41, sites should be prioritized to maximize the potential for success.43 Peveloo site-specific reintroduction plans.Each site potentially identified as a reintroduction site needs a plan developed which indicates how reintroduction would be conducted.

Plans should specify personnel responsible for each aspect of the reintroduction effort. Results of genetics studies (task 15) should be incorporated into this plan.44 Implement site-specific reintroduction plans and monitor reintroduction efforts.Using the plans generated in task 43, reintroductions should be accomplished at selected sites in response to localized extirpations.

Monitoring of reintroduced populations will need to be conducted to document success.45 Develop emeraencv response plan.A plan should be developed outlining measures necessary to protect specified Neosho madtom populations from large or dangerous toxic spill events. Fish could be salvaged alive ahead of an advancing fish kill, and maintained in safety in captivity until the threat passed and they could be returned to the river. The plan should specify personnel, equipment, and locations and facilities necessary for implementation.

5 Enhance protection of Neosho madtom populations and habitat.Legal protection of Neosho madtom populations and habitats need to be increased and implemented.

Other measures to physically protect and restore Neosho madtom habitats also need to be implemented.

51 Improve existing statutes, regulations, and policies.New laws might need to be enacted and aspects of existing laws might need to be modified in response to the results of research recommended in this recovery plan. States should coordinate with the Service for assistance with draft statutes.30 511 Protect minimum discharqes necessary to maintain riffle habitat and adequate flows for spawninq.When the rates and seasonal aspects of stream discharge that are necessary to maintain gravel riffle habitats (task 14) and support flows for successful spawning of Neosho madtoms (task 13) are known, efforts need to be undertaken to protect these flows. The current policy of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is to regulate water releases for the benefit of fish populations whenever possible.

Information obtained from tasks 13 and 14 will allow conservation agencies to effectively advise the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Soil Conservation Service, Nuclear Energy Regulatory Commission, and other agencies involved with dam constructions and operations.

The States should provide protection against overexploitation of surface and alluvial ground water supplies that would be detrimental to Neosho madtom and their habitat. Specific recognition of the needs of wildlife as a beneficial use of instream flows should be provided in State statutes.

The results of research on the impacts of watershed dams (task 533)should be utilized in developing methods to provide, protection of water supplies for the Neosho madtom. The States also should work to improve water quality and control pollution (i.e., feedlots and agricultural and urban runoff) which will compound the effects of lower water flows.Current procedures regulating water releases to achieve minimum desirable streamflow will not suffice in the event of a severe drought. Consultation and coordination between the Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Nuclear Energy Regulatory Commission, Kansas Water Office, and appropriate agencies in Oklahoma and Missouri are needed to ensure that minimum water releases are maintained during a severe drought. A plan describing how this will be accomplished needs to be developed.

512 Evaluate endanQered species protection in Missouri and Oklahoma.Current statutes and regulations in Missouri and Oklahoma may be insufficient to provide adequate protection to State-listed threatened and endangered species, such as the Neosho madtom, and their habitats.

These two States should review existing legislation to determine the necessity of increasing protection comparable to the standards set by the Environmental Services Section of the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks and the regulations of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, which specifically recognize the needs of State-listed threatened and endangered species.31 513 Enforce existing and future State requlations.

The value of laws and regulations is dependent upon the degree of enforcement.

The resources of the State conservation agencies necessary to enforce laws protecting threatened and endangered species and their habitats are inadequate, and the penalties are not sufficient to discourage most violators.

Efforts need to be made to train State conservation officers in endangered species identification and law enforcement, and to increase involvement of State personnel experienced in endangered species or nongame programs.

Strict enforcement of existing and improved State regulations that protect endangered species should be supported by stiffer, mandatory fines.514 Increase endangered species protection in Kansas, Current State laws and regulations protecting State threatened and endangered species, including the Neosho madtom, and their habitats are apparently reasonably adequate up to the point where Section 7 consultation (task 53) would be necessary.

The indirect impacts of privately funded projects on an aquatic ecosystem, such as housing developments, are not addressed in current State statutes and need to be incorporated.

Additional policies may result from implementation of this recovery plan.515 Improve collection permit regulations.

A Federal permit is required to collect the Neosho madtom and other federally listed species. Each collection permit should designate limits on the number of Neosho madtoms that can be killed or otherwise removed from their habitat at each location.

Although no more than two voucher specimens should be collected during presence/absence studies, studies that require more specimens should be considered on a case-by-case basis. Based on currently available information, an initial limit of 30 individuals from any site seems prudent. New information might make it necessary to adjust this limit.Holders of collection permits should be required to record the total number of Neosho madtoms collected and released at each site. This information would supplement data from the regular monitoring program (see task 31). These criteria should be adopted immediately for use on Federal collection permits. To ensure the same level of protection after the species is removed from the Federal list, the States should adopt similar stringent standards that accommodate any modifications warranted by additional biological information.

32 52 Solicit assistance to protect habitat.Use incentives from State programs (e.g., Missouri's "Streams for the Future" program) and enlist private organizations such as The Nature Conservancy to involve private landowners in a comprehensive wildlife conservation program that specifically includes the Neosho madtom.53 Ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act by all Federal Agencies.Control of certain activities performed by Federal Agencies is beyond the authority of State agencies.

Consultations with the Service as stipulated by Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act should be conducted by Federal Agencies to comply with the Endangered Species Act. Section 7 consultations will ensure that Federal projects do not negatively impact Neosho madtom populations.

531 Conduct Section 7 consultation on reservoir construction Droiects.All Federal Agencies proposing to build mainstem and tributary reservoirs in the Neosho River basin must conduct Section 7 consultations with the Service in the location and operation of these reservoirs that may affect the Neosho madtom. State and local agencies also should coordinate with the Service in construction and operation of reservoirs to avoid or minimize impacts to the Neosho madtom or its habitat.532 Coordinate dam operations to benefit the Neosho madtom.Mainstem and tributary dams already in existence may be operated in such a way to benefit the Neosho madtom through modifications of flow releases.

Tributary dams may require spillway modifications to ensure such benefits, and proposed dams should be designed with total release capabilities.

533 Study impacts of tributary watershed dams on river discharge.

Watershed dams on streams tributary to the Neosho, Cottonwood, and Spring Rivers may impact discharge rates and alter seasonal flows in the rivers. Stream fauna also may be altered through changing environmental conditions or as a result of gamefish stockings in the impoundments.

The extent of any of these changes within these basins and their effect on the Neosho madtom need to be documented by those agencies proposing to build such structures before these projects are undertaken (see task 511).33 534 Conduct Section 7 consultatinns nnthpr FdprAal ACtioa potentially affectina the Neoshn m~dtnm-A variety of actions have the potential for adversely affecting the Neosho madtom. These include possible habitat impacts from such projects as bridges, highways, and powerline and pipeline crossings, as well as water quality impacts from feedlot!.pesticide registrations, and municipal sewage effluents.

The Service must be consulted when there is Federal involvement in these actions. For non-Federal actions of this type, State and local governments should coordinate with their State conservation agency and with the Service to avoid or minimize impacts from such projects.54 Develop information and education orooram-With the cooperation of the Service, the three State conservation agencies need to develop strong, comprehensive, educational programs on threatened, endangered, or rare species, with a special recognition of federally listed taxa. An Information and Education Program devoted strictly to the Neosho madtom may not have the same effect as one implemented for highly visible species, such as the bald eagle, black-footed ferret, or whooping crane. Such an effort undertaken solely for the Neosho madtom would be likely to backfire if the madtom is considered by local citizens to be standing in the way of progress (e.g., the snail darter). Any educational program would most successfully take an "ecosystem" approach, showing that several other aquatic and terrestrial species in the Neosho and Spring River basins are threatened, based on Federal and State documentation and, therefore, the ecosystem is threatened.

55 Develop control program for slender madtoms. if necessary.

If slender madtoms are found to effectively compete with Neosho madtoms to the detriment of the latter, programs to control the slender madtom may need to be developed and implemented in the Neosho and Cottonwood Rivers. The slender madtom is part of the native fauna in the Spring River, and control programs would not be desirable in this basin.6 Complete surveys in unsurveyed areas.Several river areas that may provide potentially suitable habitat for Neosho madtoms have not been adequately surveyed.

Additional surveys need to be completed.

34 61 Conduct intensive survey of the SDring RivPr in MiKn,,ri VMS=4 and Oklahoma.The Spring River in Oklahoma has relatively poor access; therefore, it probably has not been sampled adequately.

Access appears to be more feasible in Missouri, but more intensive sampling needs to be conducted there as well.- Appropriate tributary streams also should be sampled during this survey. The presence of Neosho madtom. in the Spring River in Oklahoma would represent a fourth region of populations.

62 Conduct intensive survey of the Neosho River in Oklahoma The Grand-Neosho River in Oklahoma from the Kansas border to the upper end of Lake o' the Cherokees has not been adequately sampled for Neosho madtoms. This river reach should be surveyed intensively to quantify populations which may occur.63 Conduct surveys in additional tributaripK.

Surveys for Neosho madtoms should be conducted in the South Fork Cottonwood River, Lightning Creek, and other tributaries which may be determined to have apparently suitable habitat. Some surveys should possibly be conducted during high-river flows when these tributaries may serve as refugia from high water.35 Literature Cited Carswell, W.J. and R.J. Hart. 1985. Transit losses and travel times for reservoir releases during drought conditions along the Neosho River fro", Council Grove Lake to Iola, east-central Kansas. U.S. Geol. Surv.Water-Resources Invest. Rept. 85-4003. 40 pp.Cross, F.B. 1967. Handbook of fishes of Kansas. Univ. Kansas Mus. Nat.Hist., Misc. Publ. No. 45:1-357.Cross, F.B. and M. Braasch. 1968. Qualitative changes in the fish-fauna of the upper Neosho River system, 1952-1967.

Trans. Kansas Acad.Sci. 71:350-360.

Deacon, J.E. 1961. Fish populations, following a drought, in the Neosho and Marais des Cygnes rivers in Kansas. Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat.Hist. 13:359-427.

Debano, L.F. and W.R. Hansen. 1989. Rehabilitating depleted riparian areas using channel structures.

Pages 141-148 In: R.E. Gresswell, B.A. Barton, and G.L. Kershner, eds. Practical approaches to riparian resource management:

An educational workshop.

Bureau of Land Management:

Billings, MT. BLM-MT-PT-89-001-4351.

Edwards, C.J., B.L. Griswold, R.A. Tubb, E.C. Weber, and L.C. Woods. 1984.Mitigating effects of artificial riffles and pools on the fauna of a channelized warmwater stream. N. Amer. J. Fish. Mgmt. 4:194-203.

Ernsting, G.W., M.E. Eberle, ard T.L. Wenke. 1989. Range extensions for three species of madtoms (Noturus:

Ictaluridae) in Kansas. Trans. Kansas Acad.Sci. 92:206-207.

Franklin, I.R. 1980. Evolutionary change in small populations.

Pages 135-149 In: M.E. Soule and B.A. Wilcox, eds. Conservation Biology: An Evolutionary-Ecological Perspective.

Sinauer Associates, Inc.: Sunderland, MA.Gilbert, C.H. 1886. Third series of notes on Kansas fishes. Bull. Washburn Coll. Lab. Nat. Hist. 1:207-211.

Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

Undated. Designed standards for confined livestock feeding operations.

Kansas Department of Health and Environment Agric. Waste Unit Bulletin, Topeka, KS. 32 pp.Kansas Water Office. 1987. Kansas water supply and demand report. Kansas Water Office, Topeka, KS. 79 pp.Kansas Water Office. 1988. Kansas water plan executive summary: Fiscal year working draft, April 1988. Kansas Water Office, Topeka, KS. 39 pp.36 Kapuscinski, A.R. and L.D. Jacobson.

1987. Genetic guidelines for fisheries management.

Sea Grant Research Rept. No. 17, Univ. Minnesota.

66 pp.Moss, R.E. 1981. Life history information for the Neosho madtom (Noturus placidus).

Kansas Dept. Wildl. Parks Contract No. 38, Pratt, KS. 33 pp.Moss, M.E. 1983. Microhabitat selection in Neosho River riffles. PhD dissert., Univ. Kansas. 294 pp.Schneider, C.T. 1974. Opinions of the Attorney General. Vol. 8, Opinion 74-137. State of Kansas, Topeka, KS. Pages 1173-1177.

Spruill, T.B. 1984. Assessment of water quality resources in the lead-zinc mined areas in Cherokee County, Kansas, and adjacent areas.U.S. Geological Survey, Lawrence, KS. Open File Report 84-439. 102 pp.Taylor, W.R. 1969. A revision of the catfish genus Noturus Rafinesque, with an analysis of higher vertebrate groups in the Ictaluridae.

U.S. Natl.Mus. Bull. 282. 315 pp.Terry, P.A. 1986. A biological survey of the Kansas segments of Spring River and Shoal Creek. M.S. thesis, Pittsburg St. Univ., Pittsburg, KS. 72 pp.U.S. Nuclear related Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

1982. Final environmental to the operation of Wolf Creek Generating Station, Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.statement Unit No. 1.three species Submitted to Wagner, B.A., A.A. Echelle, and O.E. Maughan. 1984. Status of of Oklahoma fishes. Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, NM. 20 pp.Wetter, L.H. 1980. The effects of small watershed dams Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci. 83:237-238.

on stream flow.37 PART III IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE The Implementation Schedule that follows outlines actions and costs for the recovery program. It is a guide for meeting the objectives elaborated in Part II of this plan. This schedule indicates the general category for implementation, recovery plan tasks, corresponding outline numbers, task priorities, duration of tasks ("ongoing" denotes a task that, once begun, should continue on an annual basis), the responsible agencies, and estimated costs for the Service tasks. These actions, when accomplished, should bring about the recovery of the Neosho madtom and protect its habitat. Needs for agencies other than the Service are not identified and, therefore, Part III does not reflect the total financial requirements of the recovery of this species.38 KEY TO IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE COLUMNS Definition of Priorities Priority 1: Priority 2: Priority 3: An action that must be taken to prevent extinction or to prevent the species from declining irreversibly in the foreseeable future.An action that must be taken to prevent a significant decline in species population/habitat quality or some other significant negative impact short of extinction.

All other actions necessary to provide for full recovery or reclassification of the species.Abbreviations Used ACE--U.S.

Army Corps of Engineers FWS:-U.S.

Fish and Wildlife Service FWE--Fish and Wildlife Enhancement RW--Refuges and Wildlife LE--Law Enforcement KDHE--Kansas Department of Health and Environment KDWP--Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks MDC--Missouri Department of Conservation ODWC--Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation SCS--Soil Conservation Service FHA--Federal Highway Administration EPA--Environmental Protection Agency REA--Rural Electrification Administration NERC--Nuclear Energy Regulatory Commission 39 RECOVERY IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE NEOSHO MADIOM PRIORIIV*

IASK PLAN TASK TASK RESPONSIBLE AGENCY COST ESTIMATES (K $1000) COMMENTS/NOTES NUMBER NUMBER DURATION FUS OTHER FY-1 FY-Z FY-3 REGION PROGRAM 3 41 Survey potential ongoing 2,3,6 FUE, KDOP,MDC, 10 5 5 Administrative costs, 3 3 3 42 43 reintroduction sites Prioritize reintroduction sites Develop reintroduction plans RW ongoing 2,3,6 FUE, RU ongoing 2,3,6 FUE, RU ongoing 2,3,6 FWE, RU 44 Implement reintroduction plans 3 514 Enhance protection-Kansas 3 515 Enhance protection-collection permits 3 52 Solicit assistance to protect habitat 3 531 Coordinate reservoir construction 3 532 Coordinate dam operations 3 534 Coordinate other federal costs 3 54 Information and education program continuous ongoing 3 years OOUC KDWP,MDC, OWUC KDOP,IeC, ODWC,SCS, ACE, FHA KDWP.MDC, OOUWCACE, SCS, FHA KDWP KDWP,WDC, ODWC KDUP.MDC, ODUC ACE,SCS, KDWP,MDC.ODWC ACE, SCS FNAEPA, REA, ACE 2,3.6 2,3,6 5 5 field time-- Administrative costs 5 Administrative costs continuous 2,3,6 FWE, LE RW FWE FWE FWE FWE 5 5 5 Administrative costs 6 6 6 Administrative costs S 5 5 Administrative costs 5 3 3 Administrative costs, private organizations involved 5 6 7 Administrative costs, consultations 5 6 7 Administrative costs.consultations 5 6 7 Administrative costs, consultations continuous continuous 2,3,6 2,3,6 ongoing 2,3,6 KOUoPMC, 10 5 5 Administrative costs, OWDC educational nwterials RECOVERY IMPI-[MENTATION SCHEDULE Nf OSHO MAD TOM PRIORIIY TASK PlAN TASK TASK RESPONSIBLE AGENCY COST ESTIMATES QK S1000) COMMENTSMNOTES NUMBER NUMBER DURATION FWS OTHER FY-I FY-2 FY-3 REGION PROGRAM-* .,. .._----- .... -...... 5

  • r£ wflhiOP L L -.2 2 2 2 42- 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 145 31 44 512 513 533 55 61 62 63 15 32 Neosho and Spring River-differences Superfued Site c I eanup Monitor populations Emergency response plan Enhance protection-Oklahoma and Missouri Enhance protection-enforcement Study impacts of tributary watershed dams Develop slender madtom control program Survey Spring River Survey Neosho River in Oklahoma Survey tributaries Study artificial propagation Assess impact of fish kills ongoing ongoing 2 years 6 2,3,6 2,3,6 FWE FUE MW continuous ongoing 3 years 3 years 1 year 1 year 2 years 2 years ongoing 6 6 2,3,6 2,6 2,3,6 6 2,3,6 FWE WUE EWE FWE FWE FWE FWE ODWC.EPA KDWP,KD NE, EPA KDUP,MOC ODUC KDWP,MDC DWUC,EPA, WHlE 0Wuc, iiC KDWP,IEDC OW~C ACE,SCS, I(OWP KOUP KDWP.HDC, ODUC OWuC KDWP,IUDC OIDUC KDWP KD UP.,MDC, WDUC.EPA, KDHE a 12 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 8 8 12 12 2 2 5 5 To be funded by Superfund program Adninistrative costs Administrative costs Administrative costs, fietd time Administrative costs, field time 5 5-- 'Estimate provided by Dexter Nati onal I ih Hatchery 5 Administrative i*oi., field time RECOVERY IMPIEMENTATION SCHEDULE NEOSHO MADIOM PRIORITY TASK PLAN TASK TASK RESPONSIBLE AGENCY COST ESTIMATES (X $1000) COMMENTS/NOTES NUHBER NUMBER DURATION FIS OTHER FY-1 FY-2 FY-3 REGION PROGRAM 2 2 2 2 2 2 111 Study movements between riffles 112 Systematic Studies 12 Assess degree of interspecific competition 2 Develop detisting criteria 511 Protect minimum streamflows 131 Determine streamfiow requirements 132 Spawning habits and habitat selection 133 Determine recruitment rates in the wild 141 Determine tolerance to siltation 142 Water chemistry limiting factors 143 Effects of riffle degradation 2 years 2,3,6 FWE KDWPMDC, OOWC 2 years 2,3,6 FtE KDWP,MDC, ODWC 2 years 2,3,6 FtUE KDUP,MDC, ODWC 1. year 2,3,6 fWE KDWoPMDC, OOWC ongoing 2,6 FUE KDWP,GODC, SCS,NERC, ACE 2 years 2,3,6 FWE KDWPMDC, ODUCACE ,SCS 2 years 2,3,6 FWE KDWP,MOC ODWCACE, SCS 2 years 2,3,6 FWE KDUP,MDC, OOWC 2 years 2,3,6 FWE ACE.KDUP, SCS 2 years 2,3.6 FNE KDWPIDC, ODWC,EPA, KDHE 2 years 2,3,6 FWE KDWPMDC, ODWC,ACE, FHASCS 4 4 4 5 3 3 3 4 4 6 7 -Administrative costs 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 APPENDIX A Summary of Dams


OF DAMS IN THE NEOSHO RIVER SYSTEM WITHIN THE RANGE OF THE NEOSHO MADTOM Cottonwood River Cottonwood Falls, Chase, CO., TI9S, R8E, Sec. 29 Height of structure:

3 m Soden Dam, Emporia, Lyon, CO., T19S, RIlE, Sec. 22 Height of structure:

3 m Neosho River 1.25 mi N and 2.25 mi W of Americus, Lyon, CO., T17S, RIOE, Sec. 33 Ruggles Dam, 2.5 mi S of Americus, Lyon, CO., T18S, RIOE, Sec. 24 2 mi N and 1.5 mi W of Emporia, Lyon, CO., T18S, RilE, Sec. 32 Height of structures:

1.5 m, 2.4 m, 3 m Burlington, Coffey, CO., T21S, RI5E, Sec. 26 Height of structure:

3.7 m Neosho Falls/Riverside Park, Woodson, CO., T23S, R17E, Sec. 33 Height of structure:

3.7 m Iola/Riverside Park, Allen, CO., T24S, Ri8E, Sec. 34 Height of structure:

3 m Humboldt, Allen, CO., T26S, Rl8E, Sec. 4 Height of structure:

3 m Barker Dam, 2.5 mi N of Chanute, Neosho, CO., T27S, R18E, Sec. 5 2 mi N and 2 mi E of Chanute, Neosho, CO., T27S, RI8E, Sec. 11 1 mi S and 2 mi E of Chanute, Neosho, CO., T27S, Ri8E, Sec. 27 Height of structures:

1.5 m, 1.5 m, 2.3 m 1.5 mi S of Erie, Neosho, CO., T29S, R2OE, Sec. 5 Height of structure:

1.5 m 5 mi N and 7 mi E of Parsons, Neosho, CO., T3OS, R21E, Sec. 20 Height of structure:

1.8 m Kansas Ordinance Plant, Labette, CO., T31S, R2IE, Sec. 33 Height of structure:

2.4 m A-i Oswego, Labette, CO., T33S, R21E, Sec. 15 Height of structure:

2.1m Chetopa/City Park, Labette, CO., T34S, R21E, Sec. 35 Height of structure:

2.4 m NOTE: Distances were measured from "city centers" as marked on Kansas Department of Transportation General (County) Highway maps.A-2 C;I I I":- ---I I KANSAS D ICRAWFORD 0 M 20 1 ';0 km I3.0 LAETTE -Spring River L CHEROKEE-- --Shoal Creek OKLAHOMA Approximate locations of smaller dams on the Cottonwood and Neosho rivers;./ = dain; numnber iildicAtes more than one Structure.

APPENDIX B Summary of Mean Daily Discharges The following nine graphs are summaries of the monthly averages of the mean daily discharges at U.S. Geological Survey gaging stations.

They illustrate the general flow pattern of the Neosho, Cottonwood, and Spring Rivers in the areas occupied by the Neosho madtom.B-1 COTTONWOOD RIVER near PLYMOUTH.

KANSAS 1963 -Present 90 1 20, t'"i F-& I -I --I -a J JAN "m MAR AP11 MAY JUN JUL. A4JG SEP OCT NOV DEC H NEOSHO RIVER near AMERICUS, KANSAS 1963 -Prsaent 201 13 1 0 1 -I 0 100.sO 60'JAN PI APR MAY JUN JUL A-UG S.P OCT NOV icC NEOSHO RIVER at BURLINGTON.

KANSAS 1961 -Present JAN PW MAR APR "AY JUN JUL AUG SCP OCT NOV DEC U1 20'B-2 NEOSHO RIVER necr IOLA. KANSAS.1917 -Present g.0.1500 U NEOSHO RIVER near PARSONS. KANSAS 1921 -Present JAN 011011 W PMAY JUN JUL AUG S"IP OCT NOV OCC 50-0*NEOSHO RIVER near COMMERCE.2 0- 39 -Present (Incomplete) 200," OKLAHOMA I 20 E~'00.50.0 liii'JAN Prt MAN APIR MAY JWN JUL AUG S113 Ocr NOV D0C B-3 LIGHTNING CREEK neatr McCUNE, KANSAS 19318 -Present JAN VIM L APR MAy JUN JUL AUG S9EP OCT NOV Dec SPRING RIVER near WACO, MISSOURI 1924 -Present (incomplete) 30 4o 10.JAN U=WAR AR MAY JUJN AUG Sep OCT NOV DcC SPRING RIVER near OUAPAW. OKLAHOMA 1939 -Prement (Incomplete)

I**8-4 APPENDIX C This recovery plan was made available to the public for comment as required by the 1988 amendments to the Endangered Species Act of 1973. The public comme,.t period was announced in the Federal ReQister (56 F.R. 6678) on February 19, 1991, and closed on April 22, 1991. Over 100 press releases were sent to the print media located in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.During the public comment period, 11 letters were received.

The comments provided in these letters were considered, and incorporated as appropriate.

Comments addressing recovery tasks that are the responsibility of an Agency other than the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were sent to that Agency as required by-the 1988 amendments to the Act.4d C-1