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MONTHYEARML0617200682006-08-0909 August 2006 Issuance of License Amendment 223 Regarding Administrative Changes and Relocation of Certain Technical Specification Responsibilities Project stage: Approval ML0622800132006-08-0909 August 2006 Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 223 Regarding Administrative Changes and Relocation of Certain Technical Specification Responsibilities Project stage: Other ML0700300192007-01-24024 January 2007 RAI, Technical Specification Changes Single Control Rod Withdrawal Allowances Project stage: RAI ML0706503422007-02-23023 February 2007 Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding Technical Specifications Changes for Single Control Rod Withdrawal Allowances Project stage: Response to RAI ML0714303052007-04-25025 April 2007 Technical Specifications, Limiting Conditions for Operation Project stage: Other ML0707404192007-04-25025 April 2007 License Amendment, Issuance of Amendment Single Control Rod Withdrawal Allowances Project stage: Approval ML0715605422007-04-25025 April 2007 Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 228 Single Control Rod Withdrawal Allowances Project stage: Other ML0726102002007-05-17017 May 2007 Technical Specifications, Corrected Page II (Fixed Administrative Error) Project stage: Other ML0713401432007-05-17017 May 2007 Correction to Technical Specifications Project stage: Other ML11312A0512011-10-28028 October 2011 Proposed License Amendment: Revision to Technical Specification (TS) Table 3.2.B for the Condensate Storage Tank (CST) Low Level Trip Setpoint & Corrections to Typographical Errors Incurred During Prior License Amendment. Project stage: Other 2007-02-23
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Category:Technical Specifications
MONTHYEARML20328A2972020-12-0101 December 2020 Amendment No. 253 - Non-Safeguards Version ML19276C4202020-01-0202 January 2020 Issuance of Amendment No. 252, Request to Remove Cyber Security Plan Requirements for the Permanently Defueled Condition ML19235A0502019-08-27027 August 2019 Issuance of Amendment No. 249 Order Approving Direct Transfer of Renewed Facility Operating License and ISFSI General License and Conforming Amendment ML17163A1812017-05-25025 May 2017 Supplemental to Technical Specifications Proposed Change - Administrative Controls for Permanently Defueled Condition ML17053A4682017-02-14014 February 2017 Technical Specifications Proposed Change - Administrative Controls for Permanently Defueled Condition ML16363A2662017-01-10010 January 2017 Correction to Amendment No. 234 Change in Technical Specification Measurement Frequency from 18 Months to 24 Months ML16250A2232016-10-28028 October 2016 Issuance of Amendments Proposed Changes to Emergency Plan to Revise Training for the on - Shift Chemistry Technician ML15114A0212015-05-0606 May 2015 Issuance of Amendment Regarding the Minimum Critical Power Ratio License Amendment Request ML14272A0702015-03-12012 March 2015 Issuance of Amendment 242 Re Revision to Technical Specification 2.1, Safety Limits to Resolve Pressure Regulator Fail-Open Transient ML14295A6852014-10-31031 October 2014 Issuance of Amendment Regarding Heavy Loads to Facilitate Dry Storage Handling Operations ML14259A3812014-09-11011 September 2014 Supplement to Proposed License Amendment Request to Modify Technical Specification 4.3.4, Heavy Loads to Facilitate Dry Storage Handling Operations ML13108A2172013-04-0505 April 2013 Proposed License Amendment: Revision to Technical Specification 2.1, Safety Limits to Resolve Pressure Regulator Fail-Open (PRFO) Transient Reported by General Electric Nuclear Energy in Accordance with 10 CFR 21.21(d) CNRO-2012-00009, Entergy Responses to Request for Additional Information Regarding Changes to the Quality Assurance Program Manual & Associated Plant Technical Specifications Re Staff Qualifications2012-11-20020 November 2012 Entergy Responses to Request for Additional Information Regarding Changes to the Quality Assurance Program Manual & Associated Plant Technical Specifications Re Staff Qualifications ML12005A1982011-12-29029 December 2011 Cycle-Specific License Amendment Request for Rod Worth Minimizer (RWM) Bypass Allowance to Allow Reactor Startup ML0731004782007-11-0505 November 2007 Technical Specifications, Issuance of Amendment Control Rod Operability, Scram Insertion Time, and Control Rod Accumulator Requirements ML0726101972007-09-18018 September 2007 Technical Specifications, Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) Change TSTF-372, the Addition of Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO) 3.0.8 on the Inoperability of Snubbers ML0726102002007-05-17017 May 2007 Technical Specifications, Corrected Page II (Fixed Administrative Error) ML0715605422007-04-25025 April 2007 Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 228 Single Control Rod Withdrawal Allowances ML0714303052007-04-25025 April 2007 Technical Specifications, Limiting Conditions for Operation ML0708603592007-03-26026 March 2007 Technical Specifications, Issuance of License Amendment 226 Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF) Change TSTF-484 Use of TS 3.10.1 for Scram Time Testing Activities. ML0708603392007-02-22022 February 2007 Technical Specifications, Modify the TSs to Extend the Use of the Current Pressure-Temperature Limits as Specified in TS Figures 3.6.1, 3.6.2, and 3.6.3 Through the End of Operating Cycle 18 ML0702302932007-01-15015 January 2007 Proposed Change to Applicability of Pilgrim'S Pressure - Temperature Curves as Described in Technical Specification Figures 3.6.1, 3.6.2, and 3.6.3, Revision 1 ML0631303512006-11-0202 November 2006 Application for Technical Specification (TS) Change to Add LCO 3.0.8 on the Inoperability of Snubbers (and Adoption of TS Bases for LCO 3.0.8) Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process (CLIIP) ML0626405822006-09-20020 September 2006 Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 225 Regarding Revised Reactor Coolant System Leakage Detection Instrumentation Requirements and Actions ML0626202402006-09-14014 September 2006 Technical Specification Pages Re Relocation of Technical Specifications Structural Integrity Requirements to Final Safety Analysis Report ML0624904892006-08-30030 August 2006 Technical Specification Amendment Request to Relocate Specifications Not Meeting the Criteria of 10 CFR 50.36(c)(2)(ii), Revision 1, ML0622800132006-08-0909 August 2006 Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 223 Regarding Administrative Changes and Relocation of Certain Technical Specification Responsibilities ML0622301672006-08-0404 August 2006 Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 222 Deletion of Requirement Related to NRC Approval of Engineering Evaluation for Elevated Relief Valve Discharge Pipe Temperature ML0618704692006-06-30030 June 2006 Technical Specifications Amendment Request to Revise the Surveillance Requirements for the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) Systems ML0613000952006-05-0505 May 2006 Correction to Amendment No. 221 Revised Rod Worth Minimizer Bypass Allowances - Technical Specifications ML0610702152006-04-13013 April 2006 Technical Specification Page, Deletes the Main Steam Isolation Valve Twice Per Week Partial Stroke Testing Surveillance Specified in Technical Specification 4.7.A.2.b.1.c ML0610702042006-04-13013 April 2006 Technical Specification Page Re Revised Rod Worth Minimizer Bypass Allowances ML0610908322006-04-12012 April 2006 Proposed License Amendment to Change Technical Specification 3.6.A.2, Pressure-Temperature Limit Curves ML0610701672006-04-12012 April 2006 Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 219 Regarding Single Recirculation Loop Operation ML0611402652006-04-10010 April 2006 Technical Specification Pages Re Revised Applicability for Containment Oxygen and Differential Pressure Limits ML0524301522005-08-29029 August 2005 Technical Specification Pages Re Surveillance Frequency Improvements ML0521400792005-07-29029 July 2005 Technical Specifications, Revised Action for Scram Discharge Volume Vent and Drain Valves ML0515204742005-05-24024 May 2005 Technical Specifications Amendment Request to Revise Primary Containment Oxygen Concentration and Drywell-to-Suppression Chamber Differential Pressure Applicability Requirements ML0515204582005-05-24024 May 2005 Technical Specifications Amendment Request for Rod Worth Minimizer (RWM) Bypass Allowances ML0515204732005-05-24024 May 2005 Request for Amendment to the Technical Specifications to Delete Requirement Related to NRC Approval of Engineering Evaluation for Elevated Safety Relief Valve Discharge Pipe Temperature ML0512200952005-04-28028 April 2005 Technical Specifications, Eliminates Secondary Containment Operability Requirements When Handling Sufficiently Decayed Irradiated Fuel or Performing Core Alterations ML0510400322005-04-12012 April 2005 Technical Specifications, Revision to Surveillance Requirement Frequency for Containment and Suppression Pool Spray Headers and Nozzles ML0509004102005-03-30030 March 2005 Technical Specifications, Allows One-time Extension of Appendix J Type a Integrated Leakage Rate Test Interval ML0507601772005-03-16016 March 2005 Tech Spec Pages for Amendment No. 211, Revise Reactor Vessel Hydrostatic and Leak Testing Requirements ML0503800052005-02-0202 February 2005 Tech Spec Page for Amendment 210 Changes to Technical Specifications Table 3.2.C-1 ML0500701552005-01-0505 January 2005 Technical Specification Pages for Amendment No. 209 to License No. DPR-35 ML0423206092004-08-17017 August 2004 Technical Specifications, Issuance of Amendment Re.: Multiple Control Rod Removal, Limiting Condition for Operation 3/4.10.D ML0420502772004-07-22022 July 2004 Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 206 Elimination of Requirements for Hydrogen Analyzers ML0403307902004-01-30030 January 2004 License Amendment, Tech Spec Pages ML0332100752003-11-14014 November 2003 Revised TS Page 5.0-7, Eliminating Requirements for Post-Accident Sampling System 2020-12-01
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TABLE OF CONTENTS LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 3.6 PRIMARY SYSTEM BOUNDARY 4.6 3/4.6-1 A. Thermal and Pressurization Limitations A 3/4.6-1 B. Coolant Chemistry B 3/4.6-3 C. Coolant Leakage C 3/4.6-4 D. Safety and Relief Valves D 3/4.6-6 E. Jet Pumps E 3/4.6-7 F. Recirculation Loops Operating F 3/4.6-8 BASES B3/4.6-1 3.7 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 4.7 3/4.7-1 A. Primary Containment A 3/4.7-1 B. Standby Gas Treatment System and Control B Room High Efficiency Air Filtration System 3/4.7-11 C. Secondary Containment C 3/4.7-16 BASES B3/4.7-1 3.8 PLANT SYSTEMS 4.8 3/4.8-1 3.8.1 Main Condenser Offgas 4.8.1 3/4.8-1 3.8.2 Mechanical Vacuum Pump 4.8.2 3/4.8-2 BASES B3/4.8-1 3.9 AUXILIARY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 4.9 3/4.9-1 A. Auxiliary Electrical Equipment A 3/4.9-1 B. Operation with Inoperable Equipment B 3/4.9-4 BASES B3/4.9-1 3.10 CORE ALTERATIONS 4.10 3/4.10-1 A. Refueling Interlocks A 3/4.10-1 B. Core Monitoring B 3/4.10-1 C. Spent Fuel Pool Water Level C 3/4.10-2 BASES B3/4.10-1 3.11 REACTOR FUEL ASSEMBLY 4.11 3/4.11-1 A. Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate A (APLHGR) 3/4.11-1 B. Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR) B 3/4.11-2 C. Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) C 3/4.11-2 D. Power/Flow Relationship During Power D Operation 3/4.11-4 BASES B3/4.1 1-1 Amendment No.-179, 219, 224 228 ii