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NRC Inspection Manual, Inspection Procedure 92709, Including Handwritten Notes
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 05/10/2007
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Download: ML071340166 (7)


ZI NRC INSPECTION MANUAL LHFB INSPECTION PROCEDURE 92709 LICENSEE TRIKE CONTINGENCY PLANS PROGRAM APPLICABILITY: 2515, 2545, 2600, 2681 SALP FUNCTIONAL AREA: OPS 92709-01 INSPECTION OBJECTIVES To evaluate the adequacy of strike contingency plan content and/or plan implementation to:

a. Determine if the minimum number of qualified personnel is available as required for the proper operation and safety of the facility.
b. Determine if reactor operation and facility security are maintained as required.
c. Determine if the plan complies with the requirements in technical specifications and the code of federal regulations.

92709-02 INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS 02.01 Determine the adequacy of the licensee's strike contin-gency plans and that these plans have been reviewed b the facility's safety review committees. 4^+-t 02.02 Determine if the licensee is properly implementing the safeguards contingency plan.

02.03 Determine the availability and operability of equipment required by the safeguards contingency plan.

02.04 Determine if the licensee can meet (is meeting) the requirements for minimum on ite shift staffij= of the facility.

L9 PL--.4 1T5.

02.05 Determine if the licensee can meet (is meeting) regulatory requirements in the following areas:

a. Plant management. i
b. Operations. 3 -r4 10 Y Issue Date: 08/21/92 92709
c. Maintenance. ý01 L^AAIYZ) ) .1 ý,/ -,0,ý

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d. Security.
e. Chemistry and radiation protection. Pal' -4k,:\ C-
f. Sure _ and ations.
g. Administrative controls.

I 02.06 Determine if licensed personnel who will be performing (are performing) licensed activities are qualified and proficient in these activities . p * *.*F-.. _ f-.A*

02.07 If a strike is in progrdss, perform the foll6wing:

a. Verify that the licensee properly trained non-licensed personnel who are performing functions to which they are not ul) normallyass isa**sie. /

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b. Verify through observation and discussion with one of each of the following plant personnel that they understand their function under the modified staffing plan as follows:
1. Plant management.
2. Senior reactor operators and reactor operators (at reactor sites), plant operators (at fuel facilities).
3. Maintenance.
4. Health Physics.
5. Other personnel responsible for operational or safety functions.
c. Evaluate the effectiveness of site security.

02.08 Verify that support from local agencies is adequate to ensure the following:

a. Unimpeded access of personnel to the plant.
b. Unencumbered delivery of support goods to the site and unencumbered offsite shipment of radioactiv e materials.
c. Mitigation of any possible' threat to the Esite including abusive or violent strikers. u c 1"..,
d. Unimpeded access of medical care and amb lan ce services to treat injured or contaminated persons. -

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e. Unimpeded access of the local fire department *to supplement /pb the site fire fighting unit.

qualifications 02.09 Confirm to that implement personnel sufficientplan.

the siteare emergency in number and A-raw-cAL- P.01T/ )

Issue Date: 08/21/92 92709

02.10 Verify that the emergency communication equipment and the Emergency Notification System, where applicable, are available and operable.

92709.-03 INSPECTION GUIDANCE General Guidance. This inspection should be completed prior to the commencement of a strike and at the time of facility turnover to non-striking personnel.

u-4,, kp/o3in the event the inspector is then the inspection should be not aware that a strike is imminent, conducted as soon as it is known that a strike has begun.

The general requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations dealing with security, emergency situations, and operator training and qualification apply to the strike situation.

The primary guidance available should be located in the licensee's emergency and contingency plans.

Specific Guidance 03.01 The licensee's approved strike provisions are required to be incorporated into the site emergency and safeguards contingency plans. To evaluate the licensee's strike contingency planning, discuss with licensee's management the overall impact of the strike including the number and job classification of potential strikers.

03.02 The inspector should evaluate changes to the licensee's safeguards contingency plan which have not been reviewed by the NRC.

Regulatory Guides 5.54, 5.55, and 5.56 provide guidance for evaluating the changes to tpe strike portion of the licensee's safeguards contingency plan. O.( '&10 o-,-~ e.-0¶L E-a/*AV *. A-ý Non-power reactors having formula quantities of special nuclear material (SNM) have to implement 10 CFR Part 73 safeguards 0tpb contingency strike provisions only when the SNM (i.e.


fuel) becomes 03.03 No inspection guidance.

03.04 Staffing requirements for power reactors are discussed in 10 CFR 50.54 and include the minimum staffing of nuclear power units by operators and senior operators. The inspector should consider

'Woe the amount of overtime needed to maintain shift coverage and ensure it is within the guidelines in the facility's technical specifica-tions. Non-power reactor staffing requirements are contained in the gopw0 11I%

facility's technical specifications. No inspection guidance for fuel facilities other than that contained in the approved license application.

03.05 Specific licensee requirements may be found in the facility's technical specifications, license, and the code of federal regulations. Licensee commitments for power reactors may be found in the final safety analysis report (FSAR) while non-power reactor commitments are contained in safety analysis report.

92709 Issue Date: 08/21/92

03.06 The portion of the licensee's strike contingency plans

/ addressing the pre-strike stage should allow sufficient time for licensed and non-licensed personnel to become proficient in the positions they will perform during the strike. The inspector should limit the length of any discussions held with shift personnel working at new positions so as not to distract them from their duties.. I

a. Licensed reactor operators must maintain their license in an active status as specified in 10 CFR 55.53, "Conditions of D *Licenses" and licensed activities as addressed in 10 CFR

>50.54, (i) through (m) must be performed by operators licensed under 10 CFR Part 55.

b. Fuel facility personnel should be proficient in conversion

/II* processes, recovery processes, criticality controls, and other operations applicable to the facility.

03.07.a-bNo inspection guidance.

03.07.c To determine the effectiveness of site security, the inspector should conduct inspections of the site to evaluate manning of security stations and the proper implementation of any security compensatory measures. The inspector should review Regulatory Guides 5.54, 5.55; or 5.56, and then discuss with plant management any previous and potential safeguards threats by strikers and the plans to counter these threats.

03.08 The principal offsite support agencies to be contacted by the licensee to confirm arrangements should include the following:

  • -a. State police.
b. Local police. V J/c. Local fire department and ambulance service (if separate) .

/d. Local hospitals.

e. State radiological health agency. YIT
f. Fuel oil suppliers.
g. All other suppliers.

The local law enforcement agencies should be prepared to deal with adverse conditions created by aggressive strikers. Arrangements should have been made between the licensee and the local law enforcement agencies to resolve predictable legal or jurisdictional problems.

03.09 No inspection guidance.

03.10 Emergency communication equipment may include telephones, radios, radiotelephones, and walkie-talkies.

Issue Date: 08/21/92 -5 92709


92709-04 RESOURCE ESTIMATE This inspection procedure requires approximately 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> to complete reviews of contingency plans before a strike. If a strike is in progress, an additional 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> are required to review the implementation of contingency plans.

92709-05 REFERENCES 10 CFR 40.31 10 CFR 50.34 10 CFR 50.47 10 CFR 50.54 10 CFR 50, Appendix E 10 CFR 55.31 10 CFR 55.53 10 CFR 60.160 10 CFR 70.22 10 CFR 73, Appendix C Regulatory Guide 5.54, "Standards Format and Content of Safeguards Contingency Plans for Nuclear Power Plants," March 1978 Regulatory Guide 5.55, "Standards Format and Context of Safeguards Contingency Plans for Fuel Cycle Facilities," March 1978 Regulatory Guide 5.56, "Standard Format and Content of Safeguards Contingency Plans for Transportation," March 1978 Technical Specifications END 92709 .6- Issue Date: 08/21/92



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