ML070871112 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Salem |
Issue date: | 02/19/2007 |
From: | Hibbard J, Lundy J MPR Associates |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Public Service Enterprise Group |
References | |
0108-0606-0342-03 0108-0342-JFL-01, Rev 0 | |
Download: ML070871112 (42) | |
MPR Associates, Inc.
SMPR 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 CALCULATION TITLE PAGE Client:
PSEG Nuclear LLC Page 1 of 35 Project: Task No.
Salem CFCU Simplification Project 0108-0606-0342-03
Calculation No.
Analysis of CCW Supply Temperature During LOCA Recirculation 0108-0342-JFL-01 Preparer / Date Checker/ Date Reviewer & Approver / Date Rev. No.
J. Lundy, 02/16/07 A. Tastet J. Hibbard 0 I~o.1o7
~92 QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENT This document has been prepared, checked, and reviewed/approved in accordance with the Quality Assurance requirements of I OCFR50 Appendix B, as specified in the MPR Quality Assurance Manual.
MPR-QA Form OA-3.1-l, Rev. 1
MPR Associates, Inc.
WMPR 320oKing Street Alexandria, VA 22314 RECORD OF REVISIONS Calculation No. Prepared By Che 4 Page: 2 0108-0342-JFL-01 n / A. Tastet Revision Affected Pages Description 0 All Initial Issue Note: The revision number found on each individualpage of the calculationcarries the revision level of the calculation in effect at the time that page was last revised.
MPR Associates, Inc.
- MPR 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No.
0 108-0342-JFL-0 I Table of Contents 1.0 Purpose.................................................................................................................. 4 2.0 Sum m ary of Results ......................................................................................... 4 3.0 Discussion.... I................... .................. ............................................................. 4 3.1 Analysis Inputs .................................................................................................. 6 3.2 Analysis Method ............................................................................................... 7 3.3 Assumptions .................................................................................................... 10 3.4 Results ............................................................................................................. 10 4.0 References........................................................................................................ 12 A Salem Unit I RHR/CCW/SWS Transient Thermal Analysis Results ............. A-1 B Salem Unit 2 RHR/CCW/SWS Transient Thermal Analysis Results ............. B-1 C RHR and CCW Heat Exchanger PROTO-HX Runs ......................................... C-1 MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0
MPR Associates, Inc.
UMPR 320 King Street Alexa-dia, VA- --231-4---
Calculation No. Prepared By ,hecked ~y Page: 4 01 08-0342-JTFL-0l / Lundy 4 "TA stiet Revision: 0 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this calculation is to verify that the Closed Cooling Water System (CCW), Service Water System (SWS) and Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Heat Exchanger can support the minimum safeguards containment cooling function for Salem Unit 1 and Unit 2 during initiation of LOCA Recirculation. The CCW supply temperature should not exceed 120'F, Reference (3).
OF RESULTS This calculation indicates that the peak CCW supply temperature during initiation of LOCA Recirculation is 111.0°T and 11 2.0°F for Salem Units I and 2, respectively. These values are less than the design basis CCW supply temperature of 120'F, Reference (3). The CCW supply temperature is the critical indicator of the heat rejection capacity of the RHR/CCW/SWS path from containment. A lower than design CCW supply temperature indicates that the heat rejection requirements from the RHR System are within its design basis thermal capacity.
3.0 DiSCUSSION The revised Salem containment analysis, Reference (1), assumes a reduced Containment Fan Cooler Unit (CFCU) heat removal capacity to. support a decrease in design basis CFCU Service Water flow and an increase in SWS flow available to other safety related equipment. This calculation confirms that the RHR/CCW/SWS heat rejection path is adequately sized to accommodate the potential increase in heat load due to the reduction in CFCU heat removal capacity.
The combined RHR/CCW/SWS system thermal analysis is performed using an indirect loop &-
NTU method, Reference (2). This analysis verifies that the required heat rejection to support containment cooling is less than the design basis requirement, as represented by the CCW supply temperature. The original Westinghouse design basis for the CCW system was for a CCW supply temperature of 120'F fdr 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />, Reference (3). The CCW supply temperature is the critical indicator of overall heat rejection capacity as it will vary depending on the hot side (RHR system) and cold side (SWS) flows and inlet temperatures. The &-NTUmethod uses the concept of thermal exchange effectiveness to account for non-effective heat transfer. The maximum heat transfer possible is a function of the minimum thermal capacitance and the heat exchanger inlet temperatures. The a-NTU method is generally more amenable to heat transfer system performance calculations than the Log Mean Temperature Difference method. The s-NTU method only requires hot and cold side mass flow thermal capacitances and inlet temperatures and minimizes the need for significant iteration to satisfy conservation of energy. The indirect a-NTU method is an extension of the basic e-NTU method as it incorporates an intermediate heat transfer circuit and only relies on the hot and cold heat exchanger duties and thermal boundary conditions to calculate an overall system heat exchange effectiveness.
MPR Associates, Inc.
UM PR 320 King Street Ale~andria, VA 22314 Calculation No. 7 pared By Page: 5 0108-0342-JFL-01 J. Lundy astet Revision: 0 The analysis of the energy and temperature distributions in the RHR, CCW and SW systems is accomplished using the system thermal model shown in Figure 3-1. The hot side of the system is modeled by the assumed RHR system flowrate and Containment (CV) Sump temperature calculated in the containment analysis. The RHR system flow rejects heat to the CCW System via the R-HR heat exchanger. The containment analysis, Reference (1), assumes that the RHR system flow is returned to the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) for injection into the Reactor Coolant System and subsequent removal of reactor core decay heat. The heat rejected to the CCW system combines with other miscellaneous CCW system heat loads (i.e. Safety Injection Pump lube oil and seal coolers, etc.) and is directed to the CCW heat exchanger. The higher temperature CCW system water rejects heat to the SWS, which reduces the CCW supply temperature to less thant 120'F. The CCW pump supplies flow to the operating RHR heat exchanger (4000 gpm) and to the other safety related miscellaneous loads (140 gpm), consistent with WCAP- 16503.
Containment Sump To Cont Sp ray (0% Flow) Q=3200 gpm (VWCAP-1 6503)
(100% Flow) T= (WCAP-16503) and ECCS 1CH Other CCW Loads RHR Hx Q=2.0E6 BTU/hr (WCAP-i 6503) UA=1.75E6 BTU/hr-F (WCAP-16503)
( ;CW Flow = 140 gpm (WCAP-1 6503) CCW Flow = 4000 gpm (WCAP-16503 1 I tCCW Pump 4140 gpm J SW In Q=8000 gpm (WCAP16503)
T=93F (max) (WNCAP-16503) swou C CCW Hx UA=4.013E6 BTU/hr-F (WCAP-i6503)
Figure 3-1
- J MPR OA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0 ff
MPR Associates, Inc.
F MP R 320 KingStreet Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked y Page: 6 0108-0342-JFL-01 LA.d / stet Revision: 0 3.1 Analysis Inputs The analysis input thermal conditions are shown in Table I and are consistent with those conditions used in WCAP-16503, Reference (1), Pages 6-9 through 6-10. The RHR and CCW heat capacities for the as-built plant conditions are summarized in Table 1 and in Attachment (C) for comparison purposes.
Table I Parameter Analysis Input RHR Heat Exchangers Units Operating 1 Minimum Safeguards 1748.3 see Recirculation Switchover Time Overall U=396.1 BTU/hr-sqft-0 F, Attachment (C)
Heat Capacity, UA* Effective Surf Area, A=4455 sqfl, Attachment (C)
UA=1.75E6 BTU/hr-0 F, Reference (1)
Tubeside (CCW Side Flow Flof H4000 gpm, Reference (1)
Shellside Flow (RHR) 3200 gpm, Reference (1)
CCW Heat Exchangers Units Operating Heat Capacity, Overall U=241.5 BTU/hr-sqft-°F, Attachment (C)
UA Effective Surf Area, A=16615 sqft, Attachment (C)
UA=4.013E6 BTU/hr-°F, Reference (1)
Tubeside Flow (SWS) 8000 gpm, Reference (1)
Shellside Flow (CCW) 4140 gpm, Reference (1)
Additional SystedietLon CCW System Heat ads Loads 2.0E6 BTU/hr, Reference (1)
Tubeside Supply 93'F, Reference (1)
Temperature (SWS)3 f 1he VY1,ir-J0u3U ValUe O0UA- Is slignluy less than or equal to the Salem PI.U LU-HA value, whncn is conservailve for this containment heat removal analysis.
The specified SWS temperature of 93°F is more conservative than the Salem design basis value of 90*F, Reference (7), to provide additional analysis margin to accommodate future changes in Delaware River water temperatures.
The acceptance criteria for adequate RHR system heat removal capacity is based on the CCW supply temperature to the RHR heat exchanger. The design basis for CCW supply temperature is 120°F, Reference (3), during a LOCA Recirculation scenario.
MPR Associates, Inc.
IVM R 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By Page: 7 0108-0342-JFL-01 /J. Lun ýy ' TA 'teRvsin 3.2 Analysis Method The indirect loop c-NTU model, Reference (2) Page 27, is defined using the following equations.
Hot Stream: C CH = W CPLR = pC- RnR C=
Intermediate Loop: C, =C,,, = W - Ccv = ý PCLIT, Cold Stream: C Csqv., = W. Cp[sifs = 'TpC, C,,s where W = Stream Mass Flow, lbm/hr Reference (2) Page 14 C Stream Heat Capacitance, BTU/hr - 'F V = Stream VolumetricFlow, gpm p Stream Density, lbm/cuft Cp, = Specific Heat Capacity, BTU/Ibm - 'F 60mrai/hr 3
C, = CR 7.48 lga=/ft .3200 gpm 57.94 lbm/cuft *1.0 BTU/lbm -'F
= 1.487E6 BTU/hr - OF at 280OF 60 0 CLC =- 7.481 60 4140gpm.61.71lbm/cuflf*.OBTU/Ibm- F
= 2.049E6 BTU/hr - 'F at 120'F 60 min/ hr C.7= CWS 1 8000 gpm 62.08 ibm/cuft 1.0 BTU/lbm - 'F 3.983E6 BTU/hr- OF at 93 0F The density reference temperatures are typical for the analysis being considered in this calculation, that is, the hot side reference temperature of 280°F bounds the typical RHR system temperatures during LOCA Recirculation, the 1257F intermediate loop reference temperature is the CCW system accident design basis temperature and the 93°F SWS reference temperature is the containment analysis assumed temperature. Water densities are taken from Reference (5). Water heat capacities are assumed to be constant at 1.0 BTU/lbm-°F, Assumption (3).
The RLIR heat exchanger thermal model is defined as:
RI [(1 -hpH Z)i(1-e£&,, !-1 =0.5771 Reference (2), Equation 2-18
[- , "Z)/(1- , ) - z MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0
MPR Associates, Inc.
- MPR 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314-Calculation No.
0108-0342-JFL-01 E P'?Ar,,=1 - e-Vz = 0.1065 Reference (2), Equation 2-15 F = (1- -e-ZTU/tn)= 0.0846 Reference (2), Equation 2-15 Z C-m= CRHR =0.751 Reference (2), Equation 2-8 C.. Cc "40004140 NTU = UR4RI" = 1.18 Reference (2), Equation 2-7 n = 10 Baffle Spaces (Typical) Assumption (2)
The value of Cmax in ihe above equation is adjusted by the ratio of the CCW flow to the RHR heat exchanger and the total CCW system flow for application to the calculation of the RHR heat exchanger effectiveness.
The CCW heat exchanger thermal model is defined as:
KI - E P=61ý ' Z)/(l - 6, )1 - 1 6CCMY& 0.7657 Reference (2), Equation 2-18 1(1-E Pcom" Z)/(i )t z E =I-e,, = 0.0833 Reference (2), Equation 2-15 F = (I - e-z"JUI")=0.0448 Reference (2), Equation 2-15 z= Cmix - Cccv = 0. 5 14 4 Reference (2), Equation 2-8 NTU = ý =1.96 Reference (2), Equation 2-7 Ccc.
n = 22 Baffle Spaces Reference (4)
The coupled RHR/CCW/SWS system thermal model is defined as:
MPR Associates, Inc.
INIMPR320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By..- Checked By Page: 9 0108-0342-JFL-01 /J. Lundy "/ A.. Tst~et Revision: 0 8
RHRICCW/SW 1 ++C R,.(R 1 1____ -1 = 0.5116 Reference (2), Equation 2-20e (C if' C(m. CCVCw,* 1 Once the various heat transfer cffcctiveness values are known, the temperatures and exchanger heat duties, Reference (2), can be calculated.
Q= .Qi~ia = *.c, .(,o,-r,,,) General Form QRI[R,.x =Rf(RContSW *inme RIn um -
ratur Time) Reference (2), Equation 2-6 ff(Containmen t Sump Temperature, Time) Reference (1)
= 93 0 F Reference (1)
QRR,, Cp (T,,R,,,I,, - TRJR,,xO,,, ) = CR,, "(TR,,R,,I,,, - TR,,,,*o, ) Reference (2), Equation 2-6 TRllaxw = -- TRRRhx., QRI[Rhx CRIR QccWvX = QMi=sCcfLo,ýds + QR11Rh., = -M,. ' CCcW;'(TccPw,,1, - TWS,, ) Reference (2), Equation 2-6 Tcc1Fl'X~n = QcCIJi + Tsiv" CCYhx ' CCcW QC X= w. .c
-) , - =,,- c Reference (2), Equation 2-6 TccIVhx0ut= ý TcCOV,,,1 QCCIVw, Cccw QCCJ,,X = Wj' .cp,,',(TrISo,,, - Tss,) = c,,,,.(T,,,,,o, - ,,I,,,) Reference (2), Equation 2-6
,,=Ts TSW014 Qcc, SIS1 +Cs;Vs MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0
- M PR MPR Associates, Inc.
320 King, Street Alexandria, VA-22314 Calculation No. Prepared By , By Page: 10 0108-0342-JFL-1 ).J und, Alstet Revision: 0 This calculation is repeated at every time step reported in WCAP-16503, Reference (1), Tables 6.3-4 and A.6.3-6.
3.3 Assumptions
- 1) CCW and RHR heat exchanger values of UA are assumed to be relatively constant and insensitive to the range of thermal boundary conditions evaluated in this calculation. This assumption is reasonable as the limited thermal range of 90°F-280°F results in limhited changes in thermal properties.
- 2) The RHR heat exchanger is a typical shell and U-tube heat exchanger with approximately 10 internal tube baffles.
- 3) Water heat capacities are assumed to be constant at 1.0 BTU/lbm-°F over the temperature range of 90-280'F, Reference (5). Comparison of ASME Steam Table values, Figure U-1 Page 273, indicate there is less'than a 3.5 Percent variation in water specific heat capacity over this temperature range, which is considered to be negligible.
3.4 Results Supplemental calculations, Attachments A and B, indicate that the peak CCW supply temperature during an initiation of LOCA Recirculation is 11 L.0F and 112.0°F for Salem Units I and 2, respectively. The design basis CCW supply temperature is 120'F. As the peak CCW supply temperature is less than the design basis value, it is concluded that the thermal rejection path for containment cooling using the RHR/CCW/SWS systems is adequate to support the revised Salem containment analysis, Reference (1). Figures 3-2 and 3-3 summarize the results of this analysis.
MPR Associates, Inc.
320 King:Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation. No. Prepared By . . Checked By Page: I1 0108-0342-JFL-OI J. Lundy A. T-aster Revision: 0 SGS Unit I COW System Thermial Response to a LBLOCA Transient (WCAP-16503) td(*O
.1.................-....... - .. .......- - l 1 1 -
'M35 E I, S-____ -
I.~. ---.-.-. _____________
- 4 -I tG .C
. ....I.........
Figure 3-2 SGS Unit 2 CCW System Thermal Response to a LBLOCA Transient (WCAP-o16503)
Tim. (sacs)
Figure-3-3 MPR OA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev.') 0 4
MPR Associates, Inc.
- M PR 320 King Street Alexandlria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By Checked By Page: 12 0108-0342-JFL-01 Lun y / A. at e t Revision: 0
- 1. WCAP-16503 Revision 3.
- 2. Kays, W. and A. London, Compact Heat Exchangers, Malabar, Florida: Krieger Publishing Company, © 1998.
- 3. Salem VTD-304209, Westinghouse Precautions, Limitations and Setpoints, - Auxiliary Coolant System, Revision 35, dated 2/15/06, pg 61.
- 4. Salem VTD-301 110, Component Cooling Heat Exchanger #s 11 and 21 Data Sheet, dated 02/02/95.
- 5. Bellows, J., W. Parry, J. Gallagher and A. Harvey, ASME International Steam Tables for Industrial Use, CRTD-Volume 58, NY NY: ASME Press, © 2000.
- 6. Salem Calculation S-C-CC-MDC- 1798, Revision 2.
- 7. Salem Calculation S-I-CC-MDC-1817, Revision 4.
- 8. Salem Calculation S-C-SW-MDC-1350, Revision 6.
V MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0
MPR Associates, Inc.
320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. P ed By ecledBy Page: A-]
010-0342-JFL-01 J. Lundy Revision: 0 A
Salem Unit 1 RHR/CCW/SWS Transient Thermal Analysis Results MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0
Calculation No. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By:ls'ý 0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street jJ. ~ndy Revision: 0 Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By: BYi-A as Page -- ,of A-?q Aux CCW Trhrhxout Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Qccwhx Tswin. Tsw_out Ht Load Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) 0.00 120.0 120.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 0.50 181.4 181.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOE+06 1.00 196.7 196.7 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 2.00 210.1 210.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 3.00 217.4 217.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2,000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 4.00 222.2 222.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2,000+/-E06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 5.00 225.8 225.8 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 6.00 228.8 228.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000+/-E+06 7.00 231.4 231.4 0.OOOE÷00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 8.00 233.6 233.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 9.00 235.7 235.7 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 9315 2.OOOE+06 10.00 237.5 237.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 11.00 239.2 239.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E106 12.00 240.6 240.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.0002E06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 13.00 242.0 242.0 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2,OOOE+/-06 14.00 243.1 243.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 15.00 244.2 244.2 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 16.00 245.1 245.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 17.00 245.9 245.9 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E-06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 18.00 246.6 246.6 0.000+E00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 19.00 247.1 247.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 20.00 247.5 247.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06
.21.00 248.1 248.1 0.000+E00 93.3 94,3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000+/-E06 22.00 248.5 248.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2,000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 23.00 248.9 248.9 0.0001E00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.0002E-06 24.00 249.1 249.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 25.00 249.1 249.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 26.00 249.1 249.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 27.00 249.1 249.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 28.00 249.1 249.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 29.00 249.1 249.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 30.00 249.1 249.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 31.00 249.1 249.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 9310 93.5 2.000+E06 32.00 249.1 249.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 33.00; 249.1 249.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 34.00 249.1 249.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+/-06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+/-06 35.00 248.5 248.5 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000+E06 36.00 247.7 247.7 0000E+00 93.3 94.3 2;600E+06 93.0 93.5 2.0002E06 37.00 246.7 246.7 O.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 38;00 245.8 245.8 O.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 39.00 245.0 245.0 O.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 40.00 244.2 244.2 O.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.0002E06 41.00 243.4 243.4 .O002E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 42.00 242.6 242.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.0002E'06 43.00 241.9 241.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 44.00 241.2 241.2 OO.00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+/-06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 45.00 240.6 240.6 O.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 -93.5 2.000+E06 46.00 240.0 240.0 O.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 47.00 239.4 239.4 O.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 48.00 238.8 238.8 .O002E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 49.00 238.2 238.2 O.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 50.00 237.7 237.7 O.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.0002E06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 51.00 237.2 237.2 O.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 52.00 236.7 236.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table 6.3-4 UlSystemTransientTemps 2/16/2007
Calculation No. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By:_ <1ýZiý 0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street Revision: 0 Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By:/4j st-
/ A.Tastet Page A-3_ of A- .
Aux CCW Trhrhx in Trhrhx .out Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Qccwhx Tsw-in Tsw out Ht Load Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) 53.00 236.3 236.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 54.00 235.8 235.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 55.00 235.5 235.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000OE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000+/-E06 56.00 235.3 235.3 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 57.00 235.4 235.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 58.00 235.4 235.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2,000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000+E06 59.00 235.4 235.4 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 60.00 235.4 235.4 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 61.00 235.4 235.4 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E-06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE÷06 62.00 235.5 235.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000+/-E06 63.00. 235.5 235.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 64.00 235.5 235.5 O.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 65.00 235.5 235.5 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000+E06 66.00 235.5 235.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 67.00 235.6 235.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 68.00 235.6 235.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 69.00 235.6 235.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2,000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.0006+06 70.00 235.6 235.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 71.00 235.6 235.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 72.00 235.7 235.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 73.00 235.7 235.7 0.OO0E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 74.00 2357 235.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 75.00 235.7 235.7 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE÷06 76.00 235.7 235.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 77.00 235.8 235.8 0.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 78.00 235.8 235.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000+/-E06 79.00 235.8 235.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 80.00 235.8 235.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 81.00 235.9 235.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 82.00 235.9 235.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+/-E06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 83.00 235.9 235.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 84.00 235.9 235.9 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 85,00 235.9 235.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+/-E06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 86.00 236.0 236.0 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+/-E06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 87.00 236.0 236.0 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 88.00 236.0 236.0 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 89.00 236.0 236.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 90,00 236.1 236.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 91.00 236.1 236.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+/-E06 93.0 93.5 2.000E÷06 92.00 236.1 236.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000+/-E06 93.00 236.2 236.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 94.00 236.2 236.2 O.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.Q00E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 95.00 236.3 236.3 0.000+E00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 12.OOOE÷06 96.00 236.3 236.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 97.00 236.4 236.4 O.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 98.00 236.4 236.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 99.00 236.4 236.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 100.00 236.5 236.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 101.00 236.5 236.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+/-06 102.00 236.6 236.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.000+E06 103.00 236.6 236.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 104.00 236.6 236.6 0.O000E00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 105.00 236.7 236.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E606 93.0 93.5 2.000+E06 106.00 236.7 236.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table 6.3-4 U1SystemTransientTemps 2/16/2007
Calculation No. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By:.i 0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street Revision:.0 Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By:4 S A."rTastet Page A-'Y of A-5 Aux CCW Trhrhxin Trhrhxout Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwretum Qccwhx Tsw-in Tswout Ht Load Time (sec) (F) . (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTUIhr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) 107.00 -236.8 236.8 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 108.00 236.8 236.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2:000E+06 109:00 23619 236:9 0.000+E001 93.3 94-3 2.000E+06 93.0 93:5 2:000E+06 110.00 236.9 236.9 0.000+E00 .93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 *2*000E+06 111.00 1236a9 236-9 0.OOOE+00 ,93.3 94.3 2:000E+06 93.0 M93.5 2."000E+06 112.00 237.0 237.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 -93.5 2.000E+06 113.00 ' 23710 237.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 .2.000E+06 93.0 '93.5 2:000E+06 114:00, 237:1 237.1 0.002E+00 .93,3 94.3 2000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.0002+06 115.00 237.1 237.1 !0.000E+00 93,3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 '93.5 2:000E+06 116:00 237!1 2371 0.,000+E00 :93,3 94.3 .2.000E+06 93.0 193.5 2,:000E+08 117.00
- 237,2 237.2 O.D00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2n000E06 2
118.00.,'. 237.2 237.2 0.000E+00 .. 93.3 94,3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 ,21000E+06 119.00 .237.3 237.3 0.000E+00 93:3 94.3 2.0002E06 93:0 93.5 2.000-+06 120.00 - l237.3 237.3 0.OOOE+00 --93.3 .94.3 2.0002E06 93.0 93.5 -2:000E+06 121,:00 .237.3 237.3 0.000E+00 .... 93:3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2;000"+06 122100 -237-'4 237.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 -:93.0 --93.5 2.000E+06 123.00 . 237:4 237.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.0002E06 93.0 93.5- 2.000E+0D6 124,00 237:5. 237,5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2:000E+06 93:0 93.5- 2.000E+06 125.00 237:5 237.5 0o.000+00 93.3 -94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5- ' 2000E+06 126.00 *,, 237:5 237.5 0000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 :93.0 "93.5 2.000E+06 127:00 237:6-: 237.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2:000E+06 128.00 - 237.6 237.6 0:00000E-0 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 ..93.0 *.93.5 2:000E+06 129M:00 . 237.7. 237,7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000r+06 93.0 93:5, 2:000E+06 130;00' :237:7 237.7 0.0002E00 .93,3 .94.3 .2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2000E+06 131.00 '1237;7 237.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 '93.5 21000E+06 132:00 237:8 237.8 0,000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 210001+06 133100 237:8 237.8 0.000E2+00 9313 94.3 :2000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.0002E06 134.00. 237!8 237.8 0.000+E00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 -. 93.5. 2.000E+06 135:00 .237.9 237.9 0.000E+00 93.3 .94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 .93.5 2.00DE+06 136:00 , :;', .2379, 237.9 0.000E+00 . 93:3 94:3 2:000E+06 93.0 193.5 2,000E+06 137:00 :. 237.9 .237.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 138;00, 238.0 238,0 0 OO0E+00 - 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 .93.5, 2.000E+06 139.00 -'21.238.0 238,0 0.0002+00, 93.3 94:3 2.000E+06 ' 93.0 93,5. 2:000O+06 140:00' '238:1 '238.1 0000+00 .933 :94,3 2:000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.00E2+06 141:00"':t: *238.1 "238.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.0002+06 93.0 93.5 2.0002+06 142:00":":238:1 '238:1 0.0002+00 " 93:3 94.3 2.0002+06 93.0 93.5 2.0002+06 143.00 ,238, 38.2 0.0002+00 93.3 , 94.3 . 2:0002E06 93.0 .93.5: 2000E+06 144'00- -23821 '238.2 0.000+00 !933 193.5 94.3 2.0002+06 93.0 9 2.000E+06 145.00i*
. :238.2.** 238'.2 0.E000-"*O ; 93',3 94:3 .2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.0002+06 1463.00 . ' 238.3 238.3 0.000E+00 93.3 .94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 "2.000E+06 1474'00 *.1 238.3 238.3 0.000E 00 93:3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 ,93.5 2.000E+06, 148.00 *- .'238.3 238231 0.000E00 . 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93:0 93.5 ,. 2.0002-06 O
149600 : 238.4 238.4 0.0002+0 . 933. 943 2.0002+06 930 , 93.5 2.000E+06 150:00 . 238.4 238.4 0.00000 .....93.-3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.0002+06 151400'-' ,:238.4 1 238.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.0002E06 93.0 _'93.5, 2.000E+06 152100 *.., .23835 238.5, 0.000+E00 93.3 94.3, 2.000E+06 9310 93.5 2.000E+06; 153400' 238.5.. 238.5 0'0002+*00 . 933 94:3 2:000'+061 93-0 93.5 2.0002O06 154.00. 2385 238.5 0.000+*00 ,93.3 94.3 2.000E+06' 93:0 93.5 2.000E+06 155100-m." 238.6 238:6 0.000E+00 .93.3' 94:3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 156:00- " 238.6 238.6 0.000E+,00 ,93:3 94.3 2.0002+E06 93.0 93.5 2.000+E-06 157.00' .. 238.6 238.6 0.000E+00 ý', 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93:0 93.5 2.0002E-06 158.00- 238.7 238.7 '.0100GE00 93.3 94.3 2:000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.000+E06 159W00 238.7 238.7 0.000+E.00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 160.00 j .238.7 238.7 0.000E+00 93.3.. 94.3 2.000E+06 .93.0 93.5. 2.000E÷05 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table 6.3-4 UlSysteinTransientTemps 2/16/2007,
Calculation No.
0108-0342-JFL-01 MPR Associates, Inc.
320 King Street Prepared By:
Revision: 0 Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By::49 Page A-_S of A-i._ /A~astet Aux CCW Trhrhx_in Trhrhx-out Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Qccwhx Tsw_in Tsw_out Ht Load Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) 161.00 238.8 238.8 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 162.00 238.8 238.8 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 163.00 238.8 238.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 164.00 238.9 238.9 0.0005+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 165.00 238.9 238.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOE+06, 166.00 238.9 238.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94,3 2.000E+06 93.0 93,5 2.000E+06 167.00 239.0 239.0 0.00OE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 168.00 239.0 239.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 169.00 239.0 239.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 170.00 239.1 239.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 171.00 239.1 239.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 172.00 239.1 239.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 173.00 239.2 239.2 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 174.00 239.2 239.2 O.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2,000E+06 175.00 239.2 239.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.0001+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 176.00 239.2 239.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 177.00 239.3 239.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 178.00 239.3 239.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2,000E+06 179.00 239.3 239.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 180.00 239.4 239.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 181.00 239.4 239.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 182.00 239.4 239.4 0.000E+00 93,3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2,000E+06 183.00 239.5 239.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.000+E06 184.00 239.5 239.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 185.00 239.5 239.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2,000E+06 93.0 93.5 2,000E+06 186.00 239.6 239.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 187.00 239.6 239.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 188.00 239.6 239.6 0.0005+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 189.00 239.7 239.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 190.00 239.7 239.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 191.00 239.8 239.8 O.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 192.00 239.8 239.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 193.00 239.8 239.8 O.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 194.00 239.9 239.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 195.00 239.9 239.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 196.00 240.0 .240.0 0.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 197.00 240.0 240.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 198.00 240.0 240.0 0.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 199.00 240.1 240.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 209.00 240.5 240.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 219.00 240.9 240.9 0.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 229.00 241.2 241.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 239.00 241.6 241.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 249.00 242.0 242.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 259.00 242.3 242.3 O.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.0005E+06 269.00 242.7 242.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 279.00 243.0 243.0 0.000E+00 93:3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 289.00 243.4 243.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 299.00 243.7 243.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 309.00 244.0 244.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 319.00 244.3 244.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 329.00 244.6 244.6 0.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 339.00 244.9 244.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 349.00 245.2 245.2 0.000E+00 93,3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.0005+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table 6.3-4 UlSystemTransientTemps 2/16/2007
- 1
Calculation No. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By:
0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street L. y Revision: 0 Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By:
A. tastet Aux CCW Trhrhxin Trhrhxout Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Qccwhx Tsw_in Tswout Ht Load Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) 359.00 245.5 245.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 369.00 245.8 245.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 379.00 246.1 246.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 389.00 246.4 246.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 399.00 246.7 246.7 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOE+06 409.00 246.9 246.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06
,419.00 247.2 247.2 :0,000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 429.00 247.5 247.5 0,000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 439.00 247.7 247.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 449.00 248.0 248.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 Z000E+06 459:00 248.2 248.2 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.00E+06
ý469.00 248.5 248.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 479.00 248.8 248.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 489.00 249.1 249.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 ,2000E-06 499.00 249.4 249.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000+E06 599.00 251.8 251.8 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 699.00 253.7 253.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 799.00 255.2 255.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 899.00 256.5 .256.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E-06 999.00 257.6 257.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.0002+06 1099.00 258.5 258.5 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000+E06 1199.00 259.3 259.3 '0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 2.00OE+06 93.0 93.0 93.5 93.5 2.000+E06 2.0002+06 1299.00 260.1 260.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 1399.00 .260.8 260.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.O00E+06 1499.00 257.3 257.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2:0002+05 1599.00 253.4 253.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2:000E+06 1699.00 249.9 249.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.0002+06 1748.30 249.1 169.3 1.187E+08 111.0 170.0 1.207E+08 93.0 123.3 2.000E+06 1799.00 248.3 168.9 1.181E+08 110.9 169.6 11,201E+08 93.0 123.2 2.0002+05 1899.00 248.5 169.0 1.183E+08 111.0 169.7 .1.2032+.08 93.0 123.2 2.000E÷06 1999.00 248.7 169.0 1.184E+08 111.0 169.8 1,204E+08 93.0 123.2 2.0002+06' 2099.00 248.8 169.1 1.1852+08 111.0 169.8 1.2052+08 93.0 123.3 .2.000E+06 2199.00 248.9 159.2 1.1862+08 111.0 169.9 1.2062+08 93.0 123:3 2.0002+/--06 2299.00 249.0 169.2 1.1872+08 111.0 169.9 1,207E+08 93.0 123.3 2.0002+06 2399.00 249.1 169.2 1.1872+08 111.0 169.9 1.2072+08 93.0 123.3 2:0002+06 2499*00- 249.1 169.2 1.1872+08 111.0 170.0 1.207E+08 93.0 123.3 2.0002+06 2599.00 249.1 189.2 1.1872+08. 111.0 170.0 1.2072+08 93.0 123.3 2.0002+06' 2699[06- 249.1 .169.2 !1.1872+08 111.0 170.0 1.2072+08 93.0 123.3 12.0002+06 2799.00 249.1 169.2 1.1872+08 111.0 169.9 1.2072+08 93.0 123.3 2.OO0E+06 2899.00 249.0 169.2 "1.1872+08 111.0 169.9 1.2072+08 93.0 123.3 2.0002+06 2999.00 248.9 169.2 1.1862+08 111.0 169.9 1.2062+08 93.0 123.3 2,000E+06 3099.00 248.6 169.0 1.1832+08 111.0 169.7 1.203E+08 93.0 123.2 2:0002+06 248.0 168.7 1.179E+08 110.9 169.4 1.1992+08 93.0 123.1 2.0002+06
,3199.00 3299.00 247.4 168.4 1.1752+08 110.8 169.2 1,195E+08 93.0 123.0 2.0002+*06 3399.00 246.9 168.2 1.1712+08 110.8 168.9 1.1912+08 93.0 122.9 2:0002+06 3499.00 246:3 167.9 1.1662+08 110.7 168.6 1.1862+08 93.0 122.8 2.0002+06 3599:00 245.8 167*.6 1.1622+08 110.7 168.4 1.1822+08 93.0 122.7 2.0002+06 3699.00 - 245.0 167.2 1.1562+08 110.6 167.9 1.1762+08 93.0 122.5 2.0002+06 3799.00 243.9 166.7 1.1482+08 110.4 167.4 1.168E+08 93.0 122.3 2.0002+06 3899.00 242.9 156.2 1.1402÷081 110.3 166.9 1.1602+08 93.0 122.1 2.0002+06 3999.00 241.8 165.7 1.1322+-08 i110.2 166.4 1.1522+08 93.0 121.9 2.0002+06 4999.00 233.7 16.1.7 1.0702+08 109.3 162.5 1.0902+08 93.0 120.4 2.0002+06 5999.00 226.8 158.3 1.0182+08 108.5 159.1 1.0382+08 93.0 119.1 2.0002+06 6999.00 220.8 155.4 9.7232+07 107.8 156.3 9.9232+07 93.0 117.9 2.0002+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table 6.3-4 U1 SystemTransientTemps 211612007
Calculation No. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By: 4ý-ý 0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street Revision: 0 Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By:, ýýu Page A-7 of A-3 / A.1fastet Aux CCW Trhrhxin Trhrhxout Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Qccwhx Tsw in Tswout Ht Load Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) 7999.00 214.1 152.2 9.213E+07 107.1 153.0 9.413E+07 93.0 116.6 2.000E+06 8999.00 208.3 149.3 8.773E+07 106.4 150.2 8.973E+07 93.0 115.5 2.000E+06 9999.00 203.3 146.9 8.389E+07 105.8 147.7 8.589E+07 93.0 114.6 2.000E+06 19999.00 171.3 131.3 5.957E+07 102.2 132.2 6.157E+07 93.0 108.5 2.OOOE+06 29999.00 164.4 127.9 5.428E+07 101.4 128.9 5.628E+07 93.0 107.1 2.000E+06 39999.00 162.5 127.0 5.288E+07 101.2 128.0 5.488E+07 93.0 106.8 2.000E÷06 49999.00 161.1 126.2 5.177E+07 101.0 127.3 5,377E+07 93.0 106.5 2.000E÷06 59999.00 142.4 117.2 3.761E+07 98.9 118.2 3.961E+07 93.0 102.9 2.000E+06.
69999.00 137.6 114.8 3.396E+07 98.4 115.9 3.596E+07 93.0 102.0 2.000E+06 79999.00 136.3 114.1 3.293E+07 98.2 115.3 3.493E+07 93.0 101.8 2.OOOE+06 89999.00 135.8 113.9 3.254E+07 98.2 115.0 3.454E+07 93.0 101.7 2.OOOE+06 99999.00 135.5 113.8 3.232E+07 . 98.1 114.9 3.432E+07 93.0 101.6 2.000E+06 109999.00 123.8 108.1 2.346E+07 96.8 109.2 2.546E+07 93.0 99.4 2.000E+06 119999.00 121.4 106.9 2.161E+07 96.5 108.0 2.361E+07 93.0 98.9 2.OOOE+06 129999.00 120.8 106.6 2.115E+07 96.5 107.8 12.315E+07 93.0 98.8 2.O0OE+06 139999.00 120.1 106.2 2.059E+07 96.4 107.4 2,259E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 149999.00 120.1 106.2 2.060E+07 96.4 107.4 2.260E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 159999.00 120.4 106.4 2.087E+07 96.4 107.6 2.287E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 169999.00 120.4 106.4 2.085E+07 96.4 107.6 2.285E+07 93.0 98.7 2.OOOE+06 179999.00 120.6 106.5 2.101E+07 96.4 107.7 2.301E+07 93.0 98.8 2.000E+06 189999.00 121.8 107.1 2.190E+07 96.6 108.2 2.390E+07 93.0 99.0 2.000E+06 199999.00 120.0 106.2 2.058E+07 96.4 107.4 2.258E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 209999.00 120.1 106.2 2.061E+07 96.4 107.4 2.261E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000+E06 219999,00 120.2 106.3 2.068E+07 96.4 107.5 2.268E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 229999.00 120.7 106.5 2.107E+07 96.4 107.7 2.307E+07 93.0 98.8 2.000E+06 239999.00 120.4 106.4 2.084E+07 96.4 107.6 2.284E+07 93.0 98.7 2.OOOE+06 249999.00 120.2 106.3 2.071E+07 96.4 107.5 2.271E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 259999.00 120.5 106.5 2.095E+07 96.4 107.6 2.2952+07 93.0 98.8 2.000E+06 269999.00 120.2 106.3 2.068E+07 96.4 107.5 2.268E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 279999.00 120.1 106.2 2,060E+07 96.4 107.4 2.260E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 289999.00 120.0 106.2 2.052E+07 96.4 107.4 2.252E+07 93.0 98.7 2.OOE+06 299999.00 121.0 106.7 2.132E+07 96.5 107.9 2.332E+07 93.0 98.9 2.000E+06 309999.00 119.8 106.1 2.042E+07 96.3 107.3 2.242E+07 93.0 98.6 2.O0E+06 319999.00 119.9 106.1 2.043E+07 96.4 107.3 2.243E+07 93.0 98.6 2.000E+06 329999.00 119.9 106.1 2.048E+07 96.4 107.3 2.248E+07 93.0 98.6 2.OOOE+06 339999.00 120.5 106.4 2.092E+07 96.4 107.6 2.292E+07 93.0 98.8 2.000E+06 349999:00 119.6 106.0 2.023E+07 96.3 107.2 2.223E+07 93.0 98.6 2.000E+06 359999.00 119.8 106.1 2.038E+07 96.3 107.3 2.238E+07 93.0 98.6 2.,OOE+06 369999.00 120.1 106.3 2.064E+07 96.4 107.4 2.264E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 379999.00 119.3 105.9 2.004E+07 96.3 107.0 2.204E+07 93.0 98.5 2.000E+06 389999.00 119.7 106.0 2.030E+07 96.3 107.2 2.230E+07 93.0 98.6 2.000E+06 399999.00 119.4 105.9 2.007E+07 96.3 107.1 2.207E+07 93.0 98.5 2.000E+06 409999.00 119.4 105.9 2.010E+07 96.3 107.1 2.210E+07 93.0 98.5 2.000E+06 419999.00 119.5 105.9 2.012E+07 96.3 107.1 2.212E+07 93.0 98.6 2.000E+06 429999.00 119.3 105.8 1,997E+07 96.3 107.0 2.197E+07 93.0 98.5 2.000E+06 439999.00 119.3 105.9 2.003E+07 96.3 107.0 2.203E+07 93.0 98.5 2.000E+06 449999.00 119.3 1,05.8 2.000E+07 96.3 107.0 2.200E+07 93.0 98.5 2.000E+06 459999.00 119.7 106.0 2,030E+07 96.3 107.2 2.230E+07 93.0 98.6 2.000E+06 469999.00 119.0 105.7 1.975E+07 96.2 106.9 2.175E+07 93.0 98.5 2.000E+06 479999.00 119.9 105.7 1.973E+07 96.2 106.8 2.173E+07 93.0 98.5 2.000E+06 489999.00 119.2 105.8 1.996E+07 96.3 107.0 2.196E+07 93.0 98.5 2.000E+06 499999.00 119.0 105.7 1.979E+07 96.3 106.9 2.179E+07 93.0 98.5 2.000E+06 509999.00 115.1 103.8 1.684E+07 95.8 105.0 1.884E+07 93.0 97.7 2.000E+06 519999.00 113.2 102.9 1.535E+07 95.6 104.1 1.735E+07 93.0 97.4 2.000E+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table 6.3-4 U1SystemTransientTemps 2/1612007
Calculation No. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By:
0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street Revision: 0 Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By: z I... -A.--l=& tet PageA- oEfA-.
Aux CCW Trhrhx in Trhrhxout Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Qccwhx Tswin Tswout Ht Load Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) 529999.00 113.7 103.1 1.577E+07 95.7 104.3 1.777E+07 93.0 97.5 2.OOOE+06 539999.00 113.0 102.8 1.521E+07 95.6 104.0 1.721E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000+E06 549999.00 113.1 102.8 1.530E+07 95.6 104.0 1.730E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000E+06 559999.00 113.1 102.8 1.531E+07 95.6 104.0 1.731E+07 93.0 97.3 2.OOOE+06 569999.00 112.9 102.7 1.514E+07 95.6 103.9 1.714E+07 93.0 97.3 2.OOOE+06 579999.00 112.9 102.7 1.512E+07 95.6 103.9 1.712E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000E+06 589999.00 113.0 102.8 1.520E+07 95.6 104.0 1.720E+07 93.0 97.3 2.OOOE+06 599999.00 113.0 102.8 1.524E+07 95.6 104.0 1.724E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000E+06 609999.00 112.8 102.7 1.507E+07 95.6 103.9 1.707E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000E+06 619999.00 112.8 102.7 1.505E+07 95.5 103.9 1.705E+07 93.0 97.3 2.OOOE+06 629999.00 112.8 102.7 1.509E+07 95.6 103.9 1.709E+07 93.0 97.3 2.OOOE+06 639999.00 112.8 102.7 1.505E+07 95.5 103.9 1.705E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000E+06 649999.00 112.9 102.7 1.512E+07 95.6 103.9 1.712E+07 93.0 97.3 2.OOOE+06 659999.00 112.8 102.7 1.507E+07 95.5 103.9 1.707E+07 93.0 97.3 2.OOOE+06 669999.00 112.8 102.7 1.506E+07 95.5 103.9 1.706E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000E+06 679999.00 113.4 1.03.0 1.552E+07 95.6 104.2 1.752E+07 93.0 97.4 2.OOOE+06 689999.00 112.8 102.7 1.507E+07 95.6 103.9 1.707E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000E+06 699999.00 112.8 102.6 1.503E+07 95.5 103.9 1.703E+07 93.0 97.3 2.OOOE+06 709999.00 112.8 102.7 1.507E+07 95.6 103.9 1.707E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000E+06 719999.00 112.7 102.6 1.499E+07 95.5 103.8 1.699E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000E+06 729999.00 112.6 102.6 1.492E+07 95.5 103.8 1.692E+07 93.0 97.2 2.000E+06 739999.00 112.7 102.6 1.502E+07 95.5 103.8 1.702E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000E+06 749999.00 112.7 102.6 1.496E+07 95.5 103.8 1.696E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000E+06 759999.00 112.8 102.7 1.503E+07 95.5 103.9 1.703E+07 93.0 97.3 2.OOOE+06 769999.00 112.7 102.6 1.498E+07 95.5 103.8 1.698E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000E+06 779999.00 112.7 102.6 1.498E+07 95.5 103.8 1.698E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000+E06 789999.00 113.2 102.9 1.536E-07 95.6 104.1 1.7362+07 93.0 97.4 2.000E+06 799999.00 112.7 102.6 1.496E+07 95.5 103.8 1.696E+07 93.0 97.3 2.000E+06 809999.00 109.9 101.2 1.285E+07 95.2 102.5 1.485E+07 93.0 96.7 2.OOOE+06 819999.00 109.1 100.8 1.221E+07 95.1 102.1 1.421E+07 93.0 96.6 2.000E+06 829999.00 108.8 100.7 1.198E+07 95.1 101.9 1.398E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000E+06 839999.00 108.7 100.7 1.196E+07 95.1 101.9 1.396E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000E+06 849999.00 108.7 100.7 1.195E+07 95.1 101.9 1.395E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000E+06 859999.00 108.6 100.6 1.189E+07 95.1 101,9 1.389E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000+E06 869999.00 108.6 100.6 1.187E+07 95.1 101.8 1.387E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000E+06 879999.00 109.5 101.0 1.252E+07 95.2 102.3 1.452E+07 93.0 96.6 2.000E+06 889999.00 108.7 100.7 1.192E+07 95.1 101.9 1.392E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000E+06 899999.00 108.6 100.6 1.186E+07 95.1 101.8 1.386E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000E+06 909999.00 108.7 100.7 1.192E+07 95.1 101.9 1.392E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000E+06 919999.00 108.6 100.6 1.188E+07 95.1 101.8 1.388E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000E+06 929999.00 108.6 100.6 1.187E+07 95.1 101.8 1.387E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000E+06 939999.00 .108.7 100.7 1.191E+07 95.1 101.9 1.391E+07 93,0 96.5 2.000E+06 949999.00 108.6 100.6 1.184E+07 95.1 101.8 1.384E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000+E06 959999.00 108.5 100.6 1.179E+07 95.1 101.8 1.379E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000E+06 969999.00 108.6 100.6 1.189E+07 95.1 101.9 1.389E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000E+06 979999.00 109.0 100.8 1.216E+07 95.1 102.0 1.416E+07 93.0 96.6 2.000E+06 989999.00 108.6 100.6 1.187E+07 95.1 101.8 1.387E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000E+06 999999.00 108.6 100.6 1.184E+07 95.1 101.8 1.384E+07 93.0 96.5 2.000E+06 1999999.00 107.6 100.1 1.110E+07 95.0 101.3 1.310E+07 93.0 96.3 2.000E+06 2999999.00 107.4 100.1 1.098E+07 94.9 101.3 1.298E+07 93.0 96.3 2.000+E06 3999999.00 107.2 99.9 1.080E+07 94.9 .101.2 1.280E+07 93.0 96.2 2.000E+06 4999999.00 107.1 99.9 1.076E+07 94.9 101.1 1.276E+07 93.0 96.2 2.000E+06 5999999.00 102.1 97.5 6.946E+06 94.3 98.7 8.946E+06 93.0 95.2 2.0002+06 6999999.00 102.1 97.4 6.926E+06 94.3 98.7 18.926E+06 93.0 95.2 2.000E+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table 6.3-4 UI1System Transi entTemnps 2/16/2007
Calculation No. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By:
0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street Revision: 0 Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By: .,.,
/ A. Tastet Page A-__ of A-_
Aux CCW Trhrhxin Trhrhxout Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Qccwhx Tswin Tsw out Ht Load Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) 7999999.00 102.0 97.4 6.872E+06 94.3 98.7 8.872E+06 93.0 95.2 2.000E+06 8999999.00 102.1 97.4 6.891E+06 94.3 98.7 8.891E+06 93.0 95.2 2.000E+06 9999999.00 102.0 97.4 6.876E+06 94.3 98.7 8.876E+06 93.0 95.2 2.OOE+06 10000000.00 102.0 97.4 6.876E+06 94.3 98.7 18.876E+06 93.0 95.2 2.000E+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table 6.3-4 UlSystemTransientTemps 2/16/2007
MPR Associates, Inc.
320 King Street IMPR Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No.
0108-0342-JFL-01 B
Salem Unit 2 RHR/CCW/SWS Transient Thermal Analysis Results MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0
Calculation No. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By: 4s"*/
0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street Revision: 0 Alexandria. VA 22314 Checked By: "4,
/ A. Tiastet Page of B-1 Aux CCW Trhrhxin Trhrhxout Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Qccwhx Tswin Tswout Ht Load Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) 0.00 120.0 120.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 0.50 181.7 181.7 0.OOEi00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 1.00 197.0 197.0 0.0O0E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 2.00 210.9 210.9 0.00OE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 3.00 218.4 218,4 0.000E+00 93.3 94,3 2,000E+06 93.0 93.5 2-000E+06 4.00 223.0 223.0 O.0OOE÷00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 5.00 226.6 226.6 O.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2,000E+06 6.00 229.6 229.6 0,000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 7.00 232.2 232.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE÷06 93,0 93.5 2,000E+06 8.00 234.4 234.4 0,OOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2,OOOE+061 9.00 236.6 236,6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 10.00 238.6 238.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 20OOOE+06 11.00 240.2 240.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 12.00 241.7 241.7 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 13.00 243.1 243.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 14.00 244.3 244.3 0.OOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E÷06 15.00 245.4 245.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 16.00 246.4 246.4 0.OOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 17.00 247.3 247.3 0.0006÷00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 18.00 248.1 248.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 19.00 248.8 248.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 20.00 249.4 249.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 21.00 249.9 249.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 22.00 250.3 250.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.0OOE+06 23.00 250.7 250.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 24.00 251.0 251.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 25.00 251.4 251.4 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 26.00 251.6 251.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2,000E+06 27.00 251.7 251.7 0.OOOE÷00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 28.00 251.7 251.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 29.00 251.7 251.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 30.00 251.7 251.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 31.00 251.7 251.7 0.000E+00 93.3 . 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 32.00 251.7 251.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 33.00 251.7 251.7 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 34.00 251.7 251.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.00÷E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 35.00 251.6 251.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 12.0006÷06 36.00 251.6 251.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 37.00 250.9 250.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 38.00 250.0 250.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 39.00 249.1 249.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.X00E+06 40.00 248.3 246.3 0.0006E00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 41.00 247.5 247.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 42.00 . 246.8 246.8 0.0OOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 43.00 246.1 246.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 44.00 245.4 245.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94,3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 45.00 244.7 244.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 46.00 244.1 244.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 47.00 243.5 243.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 48.00 242.9 242.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 49.00 242.4 242.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 50.00 241.8 241.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.0006÷06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE÷06 51.00 241.3 241.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table A.6.3-6 U2SystemTransientTemps 2/16/2007
Calculation No. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By:jl iZ 0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street Revision: 0 Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By:
Page EkZgof B-f Aux CCW Trhrhxin Trhrhxout Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Qccwhx Tsw-in Tswout Ht Load Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) 52.00 240.8 240.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 53.00 240.4 240.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 54.00 239.9 239.9 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E*06 55.00 239.5 239.5 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 56.00 239.1 239.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 57.00 238.8 238.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+/-06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 5B.00 238.5 238.5 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 59.00 238.5 238.5 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOE+06 93.0 .93.5 2.OOOE+06 60.00 238;6 238.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 61.00 238.6 238.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 62.00 238.6 238.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 63.00 238.6 238.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 64.00 238.6 238.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 65.00 238.7 238.7 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE÷06 66.00 238.7 238.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 67.00 238.7 238.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 68.00 238.7 238.7 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 69.00 238.7 238.7 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 70.00 238.8 238.8 0.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 71.00 238.8 238.8 o.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 72.00 23828 238.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 73.00 238.8 238.8 O.000E÷00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 74.00 238.8 238.8 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93,0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 75.00 238.9 238.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 76.00 238.9 238.9 0.OOOE+00 93.3 " 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 77.00 238.9 238.9 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 78.00 238.9 238.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 79.00 239.0 239.0 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 80.00 239.0 239.0 0OO0E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 81.00 239.0 239.0 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 82.00 239.0 239.0 O.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 83.00 239.0 239.0 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.500E+06 84.00 239.1 239.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.050E+06 85.00 239.1 239.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 86.00 239.1 239.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 87.00 239.1 239.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0. 93.5 2.OOOE+06 88.00 239.1 239.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93:5 2.050E+06 89.00 239.2 239.2 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 '93.5 2.000E+06 90.00 239.2 239.2 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 91.00 239.2 239.2 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 92.00 239.3 239.3 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 12.OOOE+06 93.00 239.3 .239.3 0.O0OE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 94.00 239.4 239.4 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 95.00 239.4 239.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 96.00 239.5 239.5 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 97.00 239.5 239.5 0.OOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 98.00 239.5 239.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.U00E+06 99.00 239.6 239.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 100.00 239.6 239.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 101.00 239.7 239.7 C.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 102.00 239.7 239.7 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 . 2.000E+06 103.00 239.7 239.7 0.OOOE+00j 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 104.00 239.8 239.8 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table A.6.3-6 U2SystemTransientTemps 2/16/2007 S
Calculation No. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By: J*'i 0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street Revision: 0 Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By:A --
/" A. "fastet Page B3fVof B-q Aux CCW Trhrhxin Trhrhx.out Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Occwhx Tsw in Tsw out Ht Load Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/h r) 105,00 239.6 239.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 106.00 239.9 239.9 O.000E÷00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 107.00 239.9 239.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 108.00 240.0 240.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 109.00 240.0 240.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 110.00 240.0 240.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 111.00 240.1 240.1 0.0O0E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 112.00 240.1 240.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 113.00 240.2 240.2 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 114.00 240.2 240.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 115.00 240.2 240.2 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 116.00 240.3 240.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 117.00 240.3 240.3 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 118.00 240.4 240.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 119.00 240.4 240.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 120.00 240.4 240.4 0.00OE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 121.00 240.5 240.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000+E06 122.00 240.5 240.5 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 123.00 240.6 240.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 124.00 240.6 240.6 0.0002+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 125.00 240.6 240.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 126.00 240.7 240.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 127.00 240.7 240.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2,OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 128,00 240.8 240.8 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 129.00 240.8 240.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2,OOOE+06 130,00 240.8 240.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 131.00 240.9 240.9 0.000+E00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 132.00 240.9 240,9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93,5 2.000E+06 133.00 240.9 240.9 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 134.00 241,0 241,0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 135.00 241.0 241.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 136.00 241.1 241.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 137.00 241.1 241.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 138.00 241.1 241.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 139.00 241.2 241.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 140.00 241.2 241.2 0.000+/-E00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 9315 2.000E+06 141.00 241.2 241.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 142.00 241.3 241.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 143.00 241.3 241.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 144.00 241.3 241.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 145.00 241.4 241.4 O.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 146.00 241.4 241.4 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.0001+06 147.00 241.4 241.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.0002+06 148.00 241.5 241.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 149.00 241.5 241.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 150.00 241.5 241.5 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 151.00 241.6 241.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 152.00 241.6 241.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 153.00 241.6 241.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 154.00 241.7 241.7 0.0002+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 155.00 241.7 241.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 156.00 241.7 241.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 157.00 241.8 241.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table A.6.3-6 U2SystemTransientTemps 2/16/2007
Calculation No. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By:
0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street Cek.ed BLuy Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By : /*..
Revision: 0
/ A. T'astet Papge B-I'of B-Aux CCW Trhrhxin Trhrhxout Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Qccwhx Tswin Tswout Ht Load Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) 158.00 241.8 241.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 159.00 241.8 241.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 160.00 241.9 241.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 161.00 241.9 241.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 162.00 241.9 241.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 163.00 242.0 242.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 164:00 242.0 242.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 165.00 242.0 242.0 0.000+E00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 166:00 242.1 242.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 167:00 242.1 242.1 0.0002E00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E.06 168.00. 242.1 242.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 169.00 242.2 242.2 0.000+E00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000OE06 170.00 242.2 242.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 171.00 242.2 242.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 172.00 242.3 242.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06
- 173.00 242.3 242.3 0;000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 174:00 242:3 242.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94,3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06
-175.00 242.4 242.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 176.00 242.4 242.4 '0:000E00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93:5 2.OOOE+06 177:00 242.4 242.4 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 178.00 242.4 242.4 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93:5 2.000E+06
-1179.004 242.5 242.5 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 180.00' 242.5 242.5 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 181.00 242.5 242.5 0:OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOE+06 182.00 242.6 242.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 163.00 242.6 242.6 0.000+E00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 184.00 242.6 242.6 0.00OE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 185.00 242.7 242.7 0.000+E00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 186.00 242.7 242.7 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 187.00 242.7 242.7 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 188.00 242:8 242.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 189.00 242.8 242.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 190.00 242.8 242.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.0OOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 191.00 242.9 242.9 O.000+E00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 192.00 242.9 242.9 0:O0OE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 193.00 243.0 243.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 9315 2.OOOE+06 194.00 243.0 243.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000+E06 195.00 243;0 243.0 0:000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000+E06 196.00 243.1 243.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 197.00 243.1 243,1 0,000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.00OE+06 198.00 243.2 243.2 0:000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 199.00 243.2 243.2 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2:000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 209.00 243.6 243.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000+E06 93.0 9315 2.000E+06
- 219.00 244.0 244.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 229.00 244.3 244.3 0.000E+00 93'3 94.3 2:000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 239.00 244.7 244.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 249.00 245.0 245.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 259.00 245.4 245.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 269.00 245.7 245.7 O.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 279.00 246.1 246.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 289.00 246.4 246.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 299.00 246.7 246.7 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.O0E+06 309.00 247.0 247.0 0,000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2,0002+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table A.6.3-6 U2SystemTransientTem ps 2/16/2007
Calculation No. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By: .f`
0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street Revision: 0 Pare. B- B-~n Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By:/'M ,a ,
Aux CCW Trhrhxin Trhrhxout Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Qccwhx Tsw in Tswout Ht Load Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) F6 (F) (BTU/hr) 319.00 247.3 247.3 0.O00E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 329.00 247.6 247.6 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 339.00 247.9 247.9 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 349.00 248.2 248.2 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2,OOE+06 359.00 248.5 248.5 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 369.00 248.8 248.8 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 379,00 249.1 249.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 389.00 249.3 249.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 399,00 249.6 249.6 O.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 409.00 249.9 249.9 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 419.00 250.1 250.1 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 429.00 250.4 250.4 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 439.00 250.7 250.7 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 449.00 250.9 250.9 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 459.00 251.2 251.2 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 469.00 251.4 251.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 479.00 251.6 251.6 0.OOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 489.00 251.9 251.9 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 499.00 252.2 252.2 O.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 599.00 254.6 254.6 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 699.00 256.5 256.5 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 799.00 258.0 258.0 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 899.00 259.3 259.3 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+08 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 999.00 260.4 260.4 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 1099.00 261.3 261.3 0.OOOE+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 1199.00 262.1 262.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 1299.00 262.8 262.8 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 1399.00 263.4 263.4 0,OO0E+00 93.3 94.3 2.000E+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 1499.00 263.9 263.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 1599.00 262.9 262.9 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.OOOE+06 1699.00 259.1 259.1 0.000E+00 93.3 94.3 2.OOOE+06 93.0 93.5 2.000E+06 1748.30 257.8 173.5 1.253E+08 112.0 174.2 1.273E+08 93.0 125.0 2.000E+06 1799.00 256.4 172.8 1.243E+08 111.9 173.5 1.263E+08 93.0 124.7 2.000E+06 1899.00 256.5 172.9 1,244E+08 111.9 173.6 1.264E+08 93.0 124.7 2.000E+06 1999.00 256.6 172.9 1.244E+08 111.9 173.6 1.264E+08 93.0 124.7 2.000E+06 2099.00 256.6 172.9 1,244E+08 111.9 173.6 1.264E+08 93.0 124.7 2.000E+06 2199.00 256.6 172.9 1.244E+08 111.9 173.6 1.264E+08 93.0 124.7 2.OOOE+06 2299.00 256.5 172.9 1.244E+08 111.9 173.6 1.264E+08 93.0 124.7 2.OOOE+06 2399.00 256.5 172.9 1.244E+08 111.9 173.5 1.264E+08 93.0 124.7 2.OOOE+06 2499.00 256.4 172.8 1.243E+08 111.9 173.5 1.263E+08 93.0 124.7 2.000E+06 2599.00 256.3 172.8 1.243E+08 111.9 173.5 1.263E+08 93.0 124.7 2.000E+06 2699.00 256.2 172.7 1.242E+08 111.8 173.4 1,262E+08 93.0 124.7 2.OOOE+06 2799.00 256.1 172.7 1.241E+08 111.8 173.4 1.261E+08 93.0 124.7 2.OOOE+06 2899.00 256.0 172.6 1.240E+08 111.8 173.3 1.260E+08 93.0 124.6 2.OOOE+06 2999.00 255.9 172.5 1.239E+08 111.8 173.2 1.259E+08 93.0 124.6 2.OOOE+06 3099.00 255.5 172.4 1.236E+08 111:8 173.1 1.256E+08 93.0 124.5 2.000E+06 3199.00 254.9 172.1 1.231E+08 111.7 172.7 1.251E+08 93.0 124.4 2.000E+06 3299.00 254.2 171.8 1,227E+08 111.6 172.5 1.247E+08 93.0 124.3 2.OOOE+06 3399.00 253.6 171.5 1.222E+08 111.6 172.2 1.242E+08 93.0 124.2 2.000E+06 3499.00 253.1 171.2 1.218E+08 111.5 171.9 1.238E+08 93.0 124.1 2.OOOE+06 3599.00 252.5 170.9 1.213E+08 111.4 171.6 1.233E+08 93.0 124.0 2.000E+06 3699.00 251.6 170,5 1,206E+08 111.3 171.2 1.226E+08 93.0 123,8 2,000E+06 3799.00 250.4 169.9 1,198E+08 111.2 170.6 1.218E+08 93.0 123.6 2.000E+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table A.6.3-6 U2SystemTransientTemps 2/16/2007
Calculation No. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By:
0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street Revision: 0 Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By:
Page-ef B
,1 * "Aux CCW Trhrhxin Trhrhxout Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Qccwhx Tswin Tsw_out Ht Load Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr (*F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/fr)
,3899.00 249.3 169.3 1,189E+08 111.1 170.0 1.209E+08 93.0 123.3 2,000E+06 3999.00 248.2 168.8 1.180E+08 110.9 169.5 1.200E+08 93.0 123.1 2.OOOE+06 4999.00 242.3 165.9 1.135E+08 110.3 166.6 1.155E+08 93.0 122.0 2.000E+06 5999.00 239.4 164.5 1.114E+08 109.9 165.3 1.134E+08 93.0 121:5 2.000E+06 699900 236.8 163.2 1.094E+08 109.6 164.0 1.114E+08 93.0 121.0 2.000E+06 7999:00 234.0 161.9 1.073E+08 109.3 162.6 1.093E+08 93.0 120.4 2.000E+06
,8999.00 231.4 160.6 1.053E+08 109.0 161.4 1.073E+08 93.0 119.9 2,OOOE+06 9999.00 228.9 159.4 1,034E+08 108.7 160.2 1.054E+08 93.0 119.5 2:000E+06 19999.00. 208.0 149.2 8.748E+07 106.4 150.0 8.948E+07 93.0 115.5 2-000E+06 29999.00 195.7 143.2 7,810E+07 105,0 144.1 8.01E+07 93.0 113.1 2:000E+06 39999:00 188.6 139.7 7.273E+07 104.2 140.6 7.473E+07 93.0 111.8 2,000E+06 49999:00 183.3 137.1 6.867E+07 103.6 138.0 7.067E+07 93.0 110.7 2.000E+06 59999.00 171.4 131.3 5.961E+07 102.2 132.3 6.161E+07 93.0 108.5 2,OOOE+06 69999.00 163.4 127.4 5,356E+07 101.3 128.4 5.555E+07 93.0 106.9 2.O0OE+06 79999.00 158.4 124.9 4.972E+07 100.7 126.0 5.172E+07 93.0 106.0 2.OOOE+06 89999.00 155.1 123.3 4.724E+07 100.4 124.4 4.924E+07 93.0 105.4 2.0002E06 99999:00 152.9 122.2 4.554E+07 100.1 123.3 4.754E+07 93.0 104.9 2:000E+06 109999:00 146:9 119.3 4.101E+07 99.4 120.4 4.301E+07 93.0 103.8 2.000E+06 119999.00 142.7 11-7.3 3.782E+07 98.9 118.4 3.982E+07 93.0 103.0 2.000+/-E06 129999.00 140.1 116.0 3.581E+07 98.6 117.1 3.781E+07 93.0 102.5 2.000E+06 139999.00 138.6 115.3 3.472E+07 98.5 116.4 3.672E+07 93.0 102.2 2.000E+06 149999:00 137.8 114.9 3.405E+07 98.4 116.0 3.605E+07 93.0 102.1 2:000iE06 159999:00 137.4 114.7 3.378E207 98.3 115.8 3.578E+07 93.0 102.0 2.000E+06 169999.00 138.7 115.3 3,475E+07 98.5 116.4 3.675E+07 93.0 102.2 2.OOOE+06 179999:00 136.7 114.3 3.321E+07 98.3 115.4 ' 3.521E+07 93:0 101.8 2.000E+06 189999:00 136.3 114.1 3.292E+07 98.2 115.3 3.492E+07 93.0 101.8 2.OOOE+06 199999.00 137.9 114.9 3.416E+07 98.4 116.0 3.616E+07 93.0 102.1 2.OOOE+06 209999.00 136.0 114.0 3.272E+07 98.2 115.1 3.472E+07 93.0 101.7 2.000+/-E06 219999M00 135.7 113.9 3.247E+07 98.1 115.0 3.447E+07 93.0 101.7 2.OOOE+06 229999.00 135.9 113.9 3.260E+07 98.2 115.1 3.460E+07 93.0 101.7 2.000E+06 239999.00 135.5 113.7 3.229E+07 98.1 114.9 3.429E+07 93.0 101.6 2:000E+06 249999.00 135.2 113.6 3.212E+07 98.1 114.8 3.412E+07 93.0 101.6 2.000E+06 259999.00 135.7 113.9 3.249E+07 98.2 115.0 3.449E+07 93.0 101.7 2.000E+06 269999:00 135.1 113.6 3.200E+07 98.1 114.7 3.400E+07 93.0 101.5 2.000E+06 279999:00 134.9 113.5 3.186E+07 98.1 114.6 3.386E+07 93.0 101.5 2.000E+06 289999.00 135.1 113.5 3.199E+07 98.1 114.7 3.399E+07 93.0 101.5 2.OOOE+06 299999.00 134.7 113.4 3.170E+07 98.0 114.5 3.370E+07 93.0 101.5 2,0002+06 309999M00- 134.5 113.3 3.159E+07 98.0 114.4 3.359E+07 93.0 101.4 2.000E+06 319999.00 134.6 113.3 3.166E+07 98.0 114.5 3.366E+07 93.0 101.4 2OOOE+06 329999.00 135.4 113.7 3.225E+07 98.1 114.8 31425E+07 93.0 101.6. 2:000E+06 339999.00 134.0 113.0 3.116E+07 98.0 114.1 3.316E+07 93.0 101.3 2.000E+06 349999.00 133.9 113.0 3.115E+07 98.0 114.1 3.315E+07 93.0 101.3 2.000E+06 359999.00 133.9 113.0 3.110E+07 97.9 114.1 3.310E+07 93.0 101.3 2.000E+06 369999.00 133.9 113.0 3.114E+07 98.0 114.1 3.314E+07 93.0 101.3 2.OOOE+06 379999.00 134.7 113.4 3.176E+07 98.0 114.5 3.376E+07 93.0 101.5 2.OOOE+06 389999:00 133.5 112.8 3.081E+07 97.9 113.9 3.281E+/-07 93.0 101.2 2.OOOE+06 399999.00 133.4 112.8 3.076E+07 97.9 113.9 3.276E+07 93.0 101.2 2.000E+06 409999:00 133.4 112.7 3.076E+07 97.9 113.9 3.276E+07 93.0 101.2 2.000E+06
- t 419999:00 133.3 112.7 3.065E+07 97.9 113.8 3.265E+07 93.0 101.2 2.000E+06 429999:00 133.9 113.0 3.112E+07 97.9 114.1 3.312E+07 93.0 101.3 2.OOOE+06 439999.00 132.9 112.5 3.035E+07 97.8 113.6 3.235E+07 93.0 101.1 2.000E+06 449999.00 133.1 112.6 3.053E+07 97.9 113.7 3.253E+07 93.0 101.2 2.000E+06 459999.00 133.1 112.6 3.050E+07 97.9 113.7 3.250E+07 93.0 101.2 2.0002+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table A.6.3-6 U2SystemTransientTem ps 2/16/2007
Calculation No. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By: _*'/
0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street Revision: 0 F Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked By: 4ste Page B- t/'of B-p Aux CCW Trhrhxin Trhrhxout Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Qccwhx Tswin Tswout Ht Load Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) JFl (F) (BTU/hr) 469999.00 132.7 112.4 3.018E+07 97.8 113.5 3.218E+07 93.0 101.1 2.000E+06 479999.00 133.0 112.5 3.043E+07 97.8 113.7 3.243E+07 93.0 101.1 2.000E+06 489999.00 132.5 112.3 3.002E+07 97.8 113.4 3.202E+07 93.0 101.0 2.000E+06 499999.00 132.4 112.3 2.999E+07 97.8 113.4 3..199E+07 93.0 101.0 2.000E+06 509999.00 127.5 109.8 2.622E+07 97.2 111.0 2.822E+07 93.0 100.1 2.000E+06 519999.00 123.2 107.8 2.297E+07 96.7 108.9 2,497E+07 93.0 99.3 2.000E+06 529999.00 123.0 107.7 2.284E+07 96.7 108.8 2,484E+07 93.0 99.2 2,OOOE+06 539999.00 121.2 106.8 2.148E+07 96.5 108.0 2.348E+07 93.0 98.9 2.000E+06 549999.00 120.7 106.6 2.111E+07 96.5 107.7 2,311E+07 93.0 98.8 2.000E+06 559999.00 120.7 106.5 2.109E+07 96.4 107.7 2,309E+07 93.0 98.8 2.OOOE+06 569999.00 120.6 106.5 2.099E+07 96.4 107,7 2.299E+07 93.0 98.8 2.000E+06 579999.00 120.3 106.3 2.075E+07 96.4 107.5 2.275E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 589999.00 120.6 106.5 2.096E+07 96.4 107.6 2.296E+07 93.0 98.8 2.OOOE+06 599999.00 121.4 106.9 2,162E+07 96.5 108.1 2.362E+07 93.0 98.9 2.000E+06 609999.00 120.4 106.4 2.083E+07 96.4 107.5 2.283E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 619999.00 120.1 106.3 2.064E+07 96.4 107.4 2.264E+07 93.0 98.7 2.OOOE+06 629999.00 120.4 106.4 2.086E+07 96.4 107.6 2.286E+07 93.0 98.7 2.OOOE+06 639999.00 120.6 106.5 2.099E+07 96.4 107.7 2.299E+07 93.0 98.8 2.000E+06 649999.00 120.2 106.3 2.070E+07 96.4 107.5 2,270E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 659999.00 120.2 106.3 2.069E+07 96.4 107.5 2.269E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 669999.00 120.1 106.3 2.064E+07 96.4 107.4 2.264E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 679999.00 121.5 106.9 2.167E+07 96.5 108.1 2.367E+07 93.0 98.9 2.000E+06 689999.00 120.0 106.2 2.056E+07 96.4 107.4 2,256E+07 93.0 98.7 2.OOOE+06 699999.00 119.8 106.1 2.038E+07 96.3 107.3 2.238E+07 93.0 98.6 2.000E+06 709999.00 120.1 106.3 2.064E+07 96.4 107.4 2.264E+07 93.0 98.7 2.OOOE+06 719999.00 120.5 106.4 2.091E+07 96.4 107.6 2.291E+07 93.0 98.8 2.OOOE+06 729999.00 120.1 106.2 2.061E+07 96.4 107.4 2.261E+07 93.0 98.7 2.OOOE+06 739999.00 119.9 106.2 2.050E+07 96.4 107.3 2.250E+07 93.0 98.6 2.OOOE+06 749999.00 121.2 106.8 2.143E+07 96.5 107.9 2.343E+07 93.0 98.9 2.000E+06 759999.00 120.1 106.2 2.060E+07 96.4 107.4 2.260E+07 93.0 98.7 2.000E+06 769999.00 119.8 106.1 2.039E+07 96.3 107.3 2.239E+07 93.0 98.6 2.OOOE+06 779999.00 121.2 106.8 2.146E+07 96.5 108.0 2.346E+07 93.0 98.9 2.000E+06 789999.00 120.0 106.2 2.054E+07 96.4 107.4 2.254E+07 93.0 98.7 2.OOOE+06 799999.00 119.7 106.0 2.032E+07 96.3 107.2 2.232E+07 93.0 98.6 2.000E+06 809999.00 119.9 106.1 2.047E+07 96.4 107.3 2.247E+07 93.0 98.6 2.000E+06 819999.00 120.6 106.5 2.098E+07 96.4 107.6 2.298E607 93.0 98.8 2.000E+06 829999.00 119.8 106.1 2.035E+07 96.3 107.2 2.235E+07 93.0 98.6 2.OOOE+06 839999.00 119.6 106,0 2.023E+07 96,3 107.2 2,223E+07 93.0 98,6 2,000E+06 849999.00 120.8 106.6 2.112E+07 96.5 107.7 2,312E+07 93.0 98.8 2.000E+06 859999.00 119.6 106.0 2.027E÷07 96.3 107.2 2.227E+07 93.0 98.6 2.000E+06 869999.00 119.6 106.0 2.021E+07 96.3 107.2 2.221E+07 93.0 98.6 2.OOOE+06 879999.00 119.8 106.1 2.041E+07 96.3 107.3 2.241E+07 93.0 98.6 2.000E+06 889999.00 119.5 105.9 2.014E+07 96.3 107.1 2.214E+07 93.0 98.6 2.000E+06 899999.00 119.5 105.9 2.013E+07 96.3 107.1 2.213E+07 93.0 98.6 2.OOOE+06 909999.00 119.7 106.1 2.033E+07 96.3 107.2 2.233E+07 93.0 98.6 2.OOOE+06 919999.00 119.4 105.9 2.005E+07 96.3 107.1 2.205E+07 93.0 98.5 2.000E+06 929999.00 119.5 105.9 2.016E+07 96.3 107.1 2.216E+07 93.0 98.6 2.OOOE+06 939999.00 119.6 106.0 2.026E+07 96.3 107.2 2.226E+07 93.0 98.6 2.OOOE+06 949999.00 119.3 105.8 1.998E+07 96.3 107.0 2.198E+07 93.0 98.5 2.000E+06 959999.00 119.4 105.9 2.011E+07 96.3 107.1 2.211E+07 93.0 98.6 2.OOOE+06 969999.00 119.5 106.0 2.019E+07 96.3 107.1 2.219E+07 93.0 98.6 2.000+E06 979999.00 119.2 105.8 1.991E+07 96.3 107.0 2.191E+07 93.0 98.5 2.000E+06 989999.00 119.4 105.9 2.007E+07 96.3 107.1 2.207E+07 93.0 98.5 2.OOOE+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table A.6.3-6 U2SystemTransientTemps 2/16/2007 I
Calculation No.. MPR Associates, Inc. Prepared By:
0108-0342-JFL-01 320 King Street Revision: 0,y Alexandria, VA 22314 Checked B d_,y,--
Page,ýXe-ofB*'I, / 'A. fastet Aux CCW Trhrhx_in Trhrhxout Qrhrhx Tccwsupply Tccwreturn Qccwhx Tsw_in Tswout HtLoad Time (sec) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) (F) (F) BTU/hr) (F) (F) (BTU/hr) 999999.00 119.8 106.1 2.038E+07 96.3 107.3 2.238E+07 93.0 98.6 2.000E+06 1999999.00 111.1 101.8 1,374E+07 95.4 103.0 1.574E+07 93.0 97.0 2.O00E+06 2999999.00 111.0 101.8 1.369E+07 95.3 103.0 1.569E+07 93.0 96.9 2.OOOE+06 3999999.00 110.6 101.6 1.341E+07 95.3 102.8 1.541E+07 93.0 96.9 2.OOOE+06 4999999.00 110.3 101.4 1.315E+07 95.3 102.7 1.515E+07 93.0 96.8 2,000E+06 5999999.00 107.3 100.0 1.085E+07 94.9 101.2 1.285E+07 93.0 96.2 2.OOOE+06 6999999.00 107.3 100.0 1.084E+07 94.9 101.2 1.284E+07 - 93.0. 96.2 2.000E+06 7999999.00 107.2 99:9 1.080E+07 94'9 101.2 1.280E+07 93.0 96.2 2.000E+06 8999999.00 107.1 99.9 1.075E+07 94.9 101.1 1.275E+07 93.0 96.2 2.OOOE+06 9999999.00 107.1 99.9 1.073E+07 94.9 101.1 1.273E+07 93.0 96.2 2.000E+06 10000000.00 107.1 99.9 1.073E+07 94.9 101.1 1.273E+07 93.0 96.2 2.0002+06 Source: WCAP-16503 Rev 3 Table A.6.3-6 U2SystemTransientTemps 2/16/2007
MPR Associates, Inc.
00M k320 P King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No. Prepared By heckedy _ Page: C-i 0108-0342-JFL-0l J. Lutdy 7 A"t et Revision: 0 C RHR and CCW Heat Exchanger PROTO-HX Runs The purpose of this attachment is to document the RHR and CCW heat exchanger heat capacitance, UA. Attached are reports based on the current PROTO-HX models for the RHRHX and CCHX models included in S-C-CC-MDC-1798, Reference (6). The file entitled
"*datasheet.doc" includes the heat exchanger parameters upon which the models were built. It also includes the number of active tubes vs. total number of tubes (i.e. tube plugging). The files entitled "*HX report*.doc" are the actual model run outputs - the input data is on top of the page.
The reports are based on the following input assumptions. Note that the temperature assumptions will have minimal impact.
RHR flow (min safeguards): 3200 gpm (Westinghouse model run Reference (1))
CC flow: 4000 gpm (design value - reference S-1-CC-MDC-1817, Reference (7))
RHR inlet temperature: 260'F (approx. sump temperature based on previous Westinghouse Contaimnent analyses, Reference (1))
CC inlet temperature:. 120'F (Reference (3))
tube plugging: 1% (Assumed for Reference (1))
design fouling from heat exchanger data sheet CCHX:
CC flow: 4140 gpm (RHRHX - 4000 gpm; misc flows (ECCS pump seals, PD charging pump - 140 gpm; based on previous Westinghouse analyses assumption, Reference (1))
SW flow: 8000 gpm (reference S-C-SW-MDC-1350, Reference (8))
CC inlet temperature: 170°F (approx. CC return temperature based on S-I-CC-MDC-1817, Reference (7))
SW inlet temperature: 907F (design SW temperature, Reference (7))
tube plugging: 2% (reference S-1-CC-MDC-1817, Reference (7))
design fouling = 0.0016 (reference S-1-CC-MDC-1817, Reference (7))
Kevin King 856-339-1858 Kevih.King 1pseigcom MPR QA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0
MPR Associates, Inc.
- M PR 320 King Street Alexan-dria, VA- 223174----..
Calculation No. PreparedJ3 C Page: C-2 0108-0342-JFL-01 J. Lundy /f A ..T stet Revision: 0 01-17-2006 16:02:26 PROTO-HX 4.10 by Pinto-Power Corporation (SN#PILX-1009)
Salem Generating Station Units I & 2 Data Report for I RHE3&4 - RHRI-IX RHRHX UA for minintunsaftguards Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Input Parameters Shell-Side Tube-Side Fluid Quantity. Total gpm 4,950.00 2,960.00 Mass Fluid Quantity, Total Ibm/hr 0.00 0.00 inlet Temperature 9F 95. 00 137.01)
OutletTempercture IF 108.80 14.00 FoulingFactor hr-ill.'FiBTU p0.0050 0.00030 Shell Fluid Name Fresh Water Tube Fluid Name Fresh Water Design Q (BTUt/hr) 34,150,000 Design U (BTUR7rfi,17) 364.00 Outside h Factor (11off) 0.504234000 5
Fixed U (BTU/ "F) 0 Fixed Area (ft) 0.00 Performance Factor (C.Reduction) 0.00 Fleet Exchanger Type TEMA . E Total Effective Area pee Unit (ft') 4,500.00 Area Factor 1.043435943 Area Ratio 0.00000 Number of Shells Per Unit I Shell Minimum Area 2.206000000 Shell Velocity (ftls) 5.000 Tube Pitch (in) 0.0750 Tube Pitch Type Triangular Number of Tube Passes 2 U-Tubas Yes Total Number of Tubes 603 Number of Active Tubes 597 Tube Length (ft) 43.71 Tube Inside Diamteter (in) 0.527 Tube Outside tiameter (in) 0.625 Tube Wall K (BTU./hr.i A'F) 9.40 Lbe. Central Baffle Spacing (in) 0.000 Lbi, Inlet Baffle Spacing (in) 0.000 thu. Outlet Baffle Spacing (in) 0.000 Doll, Tube Circle Diametele 0.000 Bh, Baffle Cut Height (in) 0.000 Ds, Shell Inside Dianiter (in) 0.000 Lsb, Diametral difference between Baffle and Shell (in) 0.000 LIb. Diametral difference between Tube and Baffle (in) 0.000 Nss, Number Sealing Strips 0.000 MPR CA Form: QA-3.1-3, Rev. 0
MPR Associates, )nc.
- MPR 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No.
01 08-0342-JFL-0 1 I
07-17-2006 16:02:26 PROTO-HX 4.10 by Proto-Power Cot'poration (SNHPHX-1009) Page Salem Generating Station Units I & 2 Calculation Report oi" IRlE3&4 - RHRHX RHRHX UA fir itsinhturnusafeguoods Calculation Specifications Coshatnt hIlet Temperature Metlhod Was Used Exlrapolation Was to User Specified Conditions DcsigssFouling Faltors Were Used Test Data Extrapolation Data Data Date Tube Flow (gp*n) 3,2001.M1 Shell Flow (gpm) Shell Flow(spn) I 01I1.1 Shell Temp In (IF) Tolsb Inlet Tol') PF) 261011)
Shell Temp Oni ( ;,) Shell Inlei 'lem 0111.10" 12019.t
,TIc Fle Pos' (gpiu)
Tube T'emp [i ('Fl Tube Temp Out ('F)
Foaimng Calculation Reosilts Shell Mass Flow (Ibn/he) UIOverall (RTU/hlsfl"'F)
Tube Mass nlow Nllu/hlr) bhell-Sidehil('rshr'fltF)
Tule-Sile hi lIHTIM/hr.f'°)
HleatTrnoisferied (ITII/nr) IMalU lelis l13TU/hrl:*f"F I.MTrI I,MTD (:onaelioo Feelor Ellaucive Area (ft')
Overall Fouling(hrll'ff./tO'U)
Property Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (1l/0l Shell Temp In(IF)
Reynold's Number Shell Tamp Out (7F)
Bulk Vise (llm/, Prandtl Numnber Shell Sln Temp (IF) 'rav Shell (7F) 0 Skin Vise (Ibutlflt') Tube Taerp In ( F)
Density (llsulflfl) Tube Temp Oust(OF)
Cp (BTUlnbms.F) Tav Tube (7F)
K (BTUh.0.fl.iF) Tube Skin Tamp (IF)
Entrapolutlosu Calculation Restilts 3
Shell MaenuFlow (Ib r) 2,000.99l.14 Overall Fouling (lhlt-FI./TBM) 0.0000856 Tube Moss Hlw.; (Ibn/hr) 1.600,79&51 Shell-Side he (BTUlvs.fl.'F) 1,192.9 Tubl-Side hi (BTU/hr-rf'-n 3,309.8 Heet Truoutorred (BTU/lus) 115,0R0,110.15 IValU Rena (I TU/lu'f"'Fý) 2,116.4 75.4 IM'rD Correction Factor 0.8651 Effeclive /Ael (1l1) 4,455.2 U Owrall (BTU/srfttu-F) 396.1 Prpeorty Sliall-lide Tube-Side Velocity (fv/s) 8.26 Shell TeasmpIli (?I) 120.0 Reynold's Number 45.013-1.12 122,367 Shelle Temp Out ("F) 177.5 Primall Number 2.7712 1.6336 Tau Shell (IF) 148.8 Bulk Vise (lbn/1ftlr) 1.0496 0.6353 Shln SkitsTotal:, (fF) 173,9 Skin Vise (loss/Il-hr) 0.8702 0.6752 Tube Tensp In (IF) 260.0 Density (tbnu/ftl) 61.2153 59.5084 Tube TemspOut (IF) 188.7 Cp (BTUIbli--eF1) 0.9997 1.0087 Tas Tube (°F) 224.4 K (BTUfhrffl°) 0.37S6 0.3923 Tube Sidn l'enp (fF) 213.6
- Reynolds Number Ou*slideRange of Equntion Applicability I! Wilh 7.*ue i nus/g The Test HlentLoad Could Not Be Aehieved
-3, Rev. 0
MPR Associates, Inc.
UM PR 320 King Street Alexan-fitiiVA- 223-14 ...
Calculation No. Prepared By ,CheckedUy Page: C-4 0108-0342-JFL-01 / LJLuzndA. Týastet Revision: 0 07-17-M006 16:09:54 PROTO-HX 4.10 by Proto-Pmver Corporation (SNgPHX-1009)
Salem Generating Station Unit I Data Report for ICCE5 - 11 CC Heat Exchanger CCHX UA Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Input Parameters Shell-Side Tube-Side Fluid Quantity, Total gor 6,817.00 9,890.00 Mass Fluid Quantity, Total Ibm/hr 0.00 0.00 Inlet Temperature IF 112.98 90.00 Outlet Temperature I 100.00 99.27 FoulingFactor lu-ft;.F/BTU 0.00050 0.00102 Shell Fluid Name Fresh Water Tube Fluid Name Brackish Water: Salinity=l 2ppt Design Q (B.TU/hr) 44,200,000 Design U (BTUur-ft'F) 267.16 Outside h Factor (Hoft) 0.667909000 Fixed U(BTU/hr'fta'F) 0 Fixed Arca (fit) 0.00 Perfornance Factor (*,% Reducti on) 0.00 Heat Exchanger Type TEMA - E Total Effective Area per Unit (ft') 16,954.00 Area Factor- 0.999838038 Area Ratio 1.10300 Number of Shells Per Unit I Shell Minimum Area 6.604000000 Shall Veloeity ( 2.300 Tube Pitch (in) 1.0000 Tube Pitch Type Triangular Nuanber of Tube Passes 2 U-Tubes No Total Number of Tubes 3,400 Nunber of Active Tubes 3,332 Tube Length (ft) 25.40 Tube Inside Diameter (in) 0.680 Tube Outside Diameter (in) 0)750 Tube Wall K (BTU/br-ft.*F) 1250 Lbc, Central Baffle Spacing (in) 01.000 Lbi, Inlet Baffle Spacing (in) 0.000 Lbo, Outlet Baffle Spacing (in) 0.000 Dotl, Tube Circle Diameter 0.000 Bh, Baffle Cut Height (in) 0.000 Ds, Shell Inside Dianiter (in) 0.000 Lab, Diametral difference between Baffle and Shell (in) 0.000 Ltb, Dianietral difference between Tube and Bamffe (in) 0.000 Nss. Number Sealing Strips 0.000
-3, Rev. 0 ii
MPR Associates, Inc.
1A? A 320 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Calculation No.
0108-0342-JFL-01 07-17-2006 16.09:54 PROTO-HX 4.10 by Proto-Power Corporation (S F#PHX-1009) Page Salem Generating Station Unit I Calculation Rcport for ] CCE5 - 11 CC Heal Exchanger CCHX UA Calculation Specifications Constant Intet Temperattru' Method Was Used Exthapolation Was to User Specified Condidtons poulat 'Was htpu( by User Text Data Eslrapojatiott Data Data Date 'labe Flow (gpm) 8,000.00 Shell Flow (pln) Shell Flow (gpn) 4,140.00 ShellTemp In (IF) Tubs Inlet Temp (IF) 90.00 Shell Temp Out (,F) Shell MIdetTamp (IF) 170.00 Tithe How (p*1)
Fahe Temp hi (IFM Input Fouling Facto- 0.001600 Tuhe Teanp Out (IF)
Fouling Calculation Results Shell Mans Flow (lbntv(m) U Ovetall (BTU/hr'f'-nF)
Tube Mats Flow (Ibm/'r) Shell-Side ha (BITU!lu'flF)
Tube-Side hi (BTU/hr'-f'.*)
Heat Trtasfet'ed (BTU/iu,) l/Wall Resis (BTUuhr'-ft'-F)
LMTD CoineetiOn Factor Effective Area (RI')
Overall Fouling (hrltr'.F/BTJ)
Popeerty Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (fl/s) Shell Teirtp InI(F)
Reynold's Number Shell Tern i Oat ('IF Bulk Vise (llstiffh'la) Prandil Ntunber Shell Skin Temp (IF) Ta"'
Shell (IF)
Skin Vise Ibins/fllue) Tube Temp lIt ('F')
Deisily (Ibtn/tWI) Tube Temp Otlt ('F)
CpI(RTt almtth'F) i'V TiTube('1F)
K (TI~l'-fl'"F) Tube Skis Timlt fF)
E1\,trapolation Calculation Results Shell Mass Flow (Ihbt/hr) 2,071,033.08 Overall Fotling (hrr-'t?.F/BTU) 0.001600 Tube Mass Flaw (Obin/hr) 4,036.365.63 Shell-Side ho (BTU,Io.-1lt.F) 726.4 Tube-Side hi (BTU/Ir'ft%"'F) 1,200.9 Heat Transfetred (BTU/lIr) 112,870,747.88 I/Mall Resis (BTU/hr.ft'-F) 4,082.4 LMYTD 37.0 LkITD Correeliaon Felor 0.7601 Efleclive Area (1t1) 16,614.9 U Ocrell (BTIIhr.flt.aF) 241.5 Properly Shell-Side Tube-Side Velocity (1.) 4.27 Shell Temp In (IF) 170.0 Reynold's umber 17,781.412 33,655 Shell Temp Oat (1F) 11 .5 PmndtilllNumber 2.9217 4.3742 Tax' Shell ('F) 142.7 Bulk Vise (lbmifl-hr) 1.1021 1.6175 Shell Shlit Tatip ('F) 129.9 Skin Vise abn/l1-hr) 1.2297 1.4841 Tibe TeampIn (MF) 90.0 Density hituilft') 61.3273 62.4693 Tube Talap Out (IF) 118.4 Cp (BTt/flbtn.F) 0.9994 0.9840 Tov Tube (OF) 104.2 K (BTU/l-'fi'F) 0.3770 0.3639 Tibe SkitsTamp ('F) 112.8
^ Reynolds Number Outside Range of Equation Appolichbilty H!With 7,ce Fouling The Test HeantIoad Cotuld Not Be Achieved
-3, Rev. 0
Engineering Evaluation: S-C-CBV-MEE-1982 Revision 0 Date:'02/19/2007 TITLE: Updated Containment Pressure/Temperature Response Analysis With SGFP Trip DCP Number: N/A . . . .. ... . .. .
Periodic Review Required Yes No X Action Request Number N/A Attachment 2 E-mail From PGE (J. Nelson) to PSEG (J. Rowey),
"RE: Salem Looking for DCPP MFWPP Design Info" dated May 11, 2006
Salem UFSAR Table 10.4-1 for Info Page I of 5 Lundy, Jeffrey From: Harriman, Mark [Mark. Harriman@]
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 11:09 AM To: Lundy, Jeffrey
FW: Diablo Canyon Feed Pump Trip Original Message -----
From: Rowey, John A.
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:56 AM To: 'Ballard, Jerry'; Nelson, James (DCPP); Railsback, Jerry Cc: Harriman, Mark
RE: Diablo Canyon Feed Pump Trip Jerry/ Jim Thanks for all the information. This confirms our assumption that the feed pump coastdown component is an analytical assumption and not a tested parameter. As we originally discussed, our input to Westinghouse included only a 2 second delay before starting a 10 second coastdown. After comparing the Diablo SGFP parmeters with ours (they are very close), we feel comfortable trimming the coastdown analytical assumption back to 7 seconds with a more reasonable 5 second coastdown delay. This keeps the total time the same (12 seconds) and we hope should minimize the impact on the resulting containment pressure. Westinghouse will be working on this over the next few weeks.
John Rowey
-- Original
--- Message -----
From: Ballard, Jerry [1]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 1:05 AM To: Nelson, James (DCPP); Railsback, Jerry Cc: Rowey, John A.
RE: Salem Looking for DCPP MFWPP design info Jim, I have done much searching and I do not believe we test the actual MFWPP coastdown time. The 4 seconds listed in STP 1-33a Appendix 8.6 Table 8.6.2 just represents the allowable sum of the individual test components actuate a MFWPP trip. The table also lists the surveillance sources which record the time response data for the SG Hi Hi Level signal, slave relay response time, and trip valve closure. Note there is no discussion or surveillance associated with MFWPP coastdown time.
As we documented in our design input transmittal letter to West. for the RSG safety analyses, the NRC has accepted our MFWPP trip response time test criteria, which include the 5 seconds to achieve MFWPP stop valve closure and 5 seconds for the MFWPP to coastdown. In this LA 140 we clearly identify the response time test criteria for the signal processing delay, slave relay delay, and stop valve closure (just as listed in STP l-33A) but there is no discussion of a MFWPP coastdown test. However, the NRC in their SER for LAR 140 stated "The proposed response time for MFWPP turbine trip is reasonable, and satisfies the assumptions in that were credited din the licensee's feedwater analysis."
This indicates to me that the NRC has accepted as reasonable tart we test everything up to the MFWPP stop valve closure but not the MFWPP coastdown. I did come across an old calculation M-903 which perform a calculation to show that based on the pump inertial design, hydraulic resistance, and pump 8/17/2006
Salem UFSAR Table 10.4-1 for Info Page 2 of 5 infinity laws the MFWPP will coast down to flow reversal (check valve closure) with 2.4 seconds aftertrip of the MFWPP. I placed a copy of this calculation on your chair. It is not clear to me if this calculated time includes the 1 second MFWPP turbine stop valve closure time or not. However it is also based on a SG pressure at an operating pressure of around 800 pisg associated with a FW malfunction event at power as opposed to a MLSB with a depressurizing-SG-.
In summary, in my opinion, we have assumed a MFWPP coastdown time of 5 seconds as an input to our safety analysis. This is considered a reasonable established and accepted physical parameter for which we do not perform a response time test.
From: Nelson, James (DCPP)
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 4:43 PM To: Railsback, Jerry; Ballard, Jerry
FW: Salem Looking for DCPP MFWPP design info Guys - Do either of you know if we test for main feedpump coastdown time? Do you know the basis for the 4 seconds mentioned in STP 1-33A? Thanks.
Jim Nelson PG&E - DCPP (805) 545-6547 From: Rowey, John A. [2]
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2006 7:51 PM To: Nelson, James (DCPP)
Cc: Ballard, Jerry
RE: Salem Looking for DCPP MFWPP design info Jim Thanks this clears up my question. Diablo does check the entire SGFP control loop, not just the "steam isolation valve stroke". One other clarification, is it safe to say that the SGFP coastdown time is an
'analytical assumption" and it is NOT tested?
Thanks John Rowey From: Nelson, James (DCPP) [3]
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2006 7:59 PM To: Rowey, John A.
Cc: Ballard, Jerry
RE: Salem Looking for DCPP MFWPP design info John - As Gilda used to say..NEVER MIND! I checked with our IST lead and he showed me the procedure that tests all these times, then adds them up. Our STP 1-33A Acceptance Criteria section for the main feedpump turbine trip states: "The total MFWP trip function response time must be less than 9 seconds, including signal-processing time, pump trip, and pump coast-down. Of this time, an administrative limit of 5 seconds shall be used for the hardware related response time, leaving 4 seconds for pump coast-down." I think this is more of what you were looking for.
Jim Nelson PG&E - DCPP 8/17/2006
Salem UFSAR Table 10.4-1 for Info Page 3 of 5 (805) 545-6547 From: Rowey, John A. [4]
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 4:32 PM To: Nelson, James (DCPP)
RE: Salem Looking for DCPP MFWPP design info Thanks for getting back to me Jim John
Original Message -----
From: Nelson, James (DCPP) [5]
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:51 PM To: Rowey, John A.
RE: Salem Looking for DCPP MFWPP design info John - I don't have an immediate answer so I'll need to talk to the IST guys about this and get back to you. - Jim Nelson From: Rowey, John A. Rowey
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 3:17 PM To: Nelson, James (DCPP)
RE: Salem Looking for DCPP MFWPP design info Jim If I understood you correctly when we spoke last week, you indicated that time response testing for the Diablo Canyon Main Feed Pump trip on an safety injection was performed only stroke time of the stteam supply stop valves to the feedwater pump turbine. No response time testing was performed control signal process time. The input information that Jerry Ballard sent a few weeks ago, itentified the following accident analysis assumptions: 1) 2 seconds signal process delay, 2) 1 second slave relay 3) 1 second steam isolation valve plus an added 1 second "hardware margin".
This is a total of 5 seconds from the receipt of an SI signal.
Is it possible that the reason the signal is not time response tested be that the assumptions are considered so conservative?? Does Diablo Canynon have an IST Basis document that may explain this?
Thanks John Rowey PSEG Nuclear Salem Station 856 339 1870
[Rowey, John A.]
Original Message-----
From: Nelson, James (DCPP) [6]
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 4:58 PM To: Rowey, John A.
Cc: Ballard, Jerry
RE: Salem Looking for DCPP MFWPP design info 8/17/2006
Salem UFSAR Table 10.4-1 for Info Page 4 of 5 John - Here is the design info for our MFW pumps and turbines. The actual operating points are of course different. The pumps are Byron-Jackson DVSR 14x14x17 and the turbines are Westinghouse EMM-25. Hope this helps.
Characteristic Details Type Single stage, double suction, centrifugal Rated flow (design) 18,350 gpm @ 1089 psia Maximum flow 20,000 gpm Pressure @ Discharge 1089 psia design flow Suction 329 psia Differential Design 2000 ft Head Shutoff 2590 ft Pump drive Steam turbine Brake Design flow 9530 bhp Horsepower Max flow 9850 bhp Speed 5800 rpm NPSH Design flow 285 ft Required Max flow 301 ft Efficiency 86%
Jim Nelson PG&E.- IDCPP (805) 545-6547 From: Ballard, Jerry Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 9:09 AM To: Nelson, James (DCPP)
Cc: 'John.Rowey('
Salem Looking for DCPP MFWPP design info Jim, John and I have been talking about the DCPP assumption for the main steam line break analysis that the MFWPPs trip on SI/FW isolation within 5 seconds, and then the pumps coast down to zero speed within another 5 seconds. We recently re-established these values for the RSG safety analysis currently being performed as documented in the attached design input transmittal SGRP-05-266 listed as item AIL-05-021 on page 9-10.
John is looking to establish a similar assumption for the Salem plant and was looking for comparison data of our MFWPP design with theirs to establish they are similar in design and performance. He provided the attached Table from their FSAR which lists the Salem MFWPP design details. I could not find anything in our F-SAR Chapter 10 or DCM S-3 that provided a description of our MFWPP design here at DCPP. Could you please forward him the appropriate info for his comparison?
I am also providing your phone number to John in case he has more questions.
Thanks for your time.
Salem UFSAR Table 10.4-1 for Info Page 5 of 5 Jim Nelsen 805-545- 6547 From: Rowey, John A. [7]
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 8:46 AM To: Ballard, Jerry
Salem UFSAR Table 10.4-1 for Info
<<Salem-SGFP Info T10.4-01 .DOC>>
Jerry Attached please find the Salem UFSAR Table that we just discussed. I highlighted the Relevant Main Feed Pump Technical Information in yellow (on the first page). As I described, we are trying to make a comparison between the Diablo Canyon Main Feed Pumps and Salem's in order to support adjusting our MSLB feed pump trip delay and coastdown assumpitons. We currently assume only 2 seconds trip delay on a safety injection signal and a 10 second coastdown. I started to feel uncomfortable with the thought of attempting to time response test based on our current assumption of 2 second delay.
The more detail on your feed pumps the better. Please feel free to call if you have any questions.
thanks John Rowey 856 339 1870 PSEG Nuclear Senior Engineer The information contained in this e-mail, including any attachment(s), is intended solely for use by the named addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, or a person designated as responsible for delivering such messages to the intended recipient, you are not authorized to disclose, copy, distribute or retain this message, in whole or in part, without written authorization from PSEG. This e-mail may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately. This notice is included in all e-mail messages leaving PSEG. Thank you for your cooperation.
Reference Number: S-C-CBV-MEE-1982, Rev. 0. Updated Containment PressurefTemperature Response Analysis With SGFP Trip
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