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YA-REPT-00-015-04, Rev 0, Instrument Efficiency Determination for Use in Minimum Detectable Concentration Calculations in Support of the Final Status Survey at Yankee Rowe.
Person / Time
Site: Yankee Rowe
Issue date: 10/07/2004
From: Hummer J
Yankee Atomic Electric Co
YA-REPT-00-015-04, Rev 0
Download: ML062780379 (26)


TECHNICAL REPORT TITLE PAGE COPY Instrument Efficiency Determination for Use in Minimum Detectable Concentration Calculations in Support of the Final Status Survey at Yankee Rowe Title YA-REPT-00-015-04 REV. 0 Technical Report Number (Print & Sign Name)

I Date: I 0 p 0t.t Date: 1 ( D ~ Y / Q +

L Date: /o /7/0 y u

YA-REPT-00-015-04 Rev. 0 Page 1 of 26 I


TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Executive Summary. ........................................................................................... 4 2.0 Introduction.................................................................................................... 4 3.0 Calibration Sources........................................................................................... 4 4.0 Efficiency Determination..................................................................................... 6 4.1 Alpha and Beta Instrument Efficiency (E~). ........................................................6 4.2 Source to Detector Distance Considerations....................................................... 7 4.2.1 Methodology ................................................................................. 7 4.3 Source (or Surface) Efficiency (E,) Determination. ............................................... 8 5.0 Instrument Conversion~Factor(E) (Instrument Efficiency for Scanning)...............................9 6.0 Applying Efficiency Corrections Based on the Effects of Field Conditions for Total Efficiency. ...9 7.0 Conclusion....................................................................................................10 8.0 References. ....................................................................................................11 Tables Table 3.1 Nuclides and Major Radiations: Approximate Energies .........................................5 Table 4.1 Instrument Efficiencies (Ei).......................................................................... 7 Table 4.2 Source to Detector Distance Effects on Instrument Efficiencies for a- P Emitters........... 8 Table 4.3 Source Efficiencies as listed in IS0 1703-1:.......................................................8 Table 5.1 Energy Response and Efficiency for Photon Emitting Isotopes: ................................9 Appendix APPENDIX A Microshield. SPA-3 Soil scan .28 cm radius lpCilcm3 C0.60 ....................... 12 APPENDIX B Microsoft Excel Co-60 Calculation Sheet................................................. 13 APPENDIX C Microshield. SPA-3 Soil scan .28 cm radius lpCilcm3 Nb.94 ...................... 14 APPENDIX D . Microsoft Excel Nb-94 Calculation Sheet................................................ 15 YA-REPT-00-015-04 Rev . 0 Page 2 of 26

APPENDIX E Microshield. SPA-3 Soil scan .28 cm radius lpCilcm3 Ag.108m .................... 16 APPENDIX F Microsoft Excel Ag-108m Calculation Sheet................................................ 17 APPENDIX G Microshield. SPA-3 Soil scan .28 cm radius lpCilcm3 Sb- 125....................... 18 APPENDIX H Microsoft Excel Sb-125 Calculation Sheet................................................ 19 APPENDIX I Microshield. SPA-3 Soil scan .28 cm radius lpCilcm3 Cs.134 ....................... 20 APPENDIX J Microsoft Excel Cs-134 Calculation Sheet................................................21 APPENDIX K Microshield. SPA-3 Soil scan .28 cm radius lpCilcm3 Cs.137 ....................... 22 APPENDIX L Microsoft Excel Cs-137 Calculation Sheet................................................ 23 APPENDIX M Microshield. S P A 3 Soil scan .28 cm radius lpCilcni3 Cs.137 .........................24 APPENDIX N Microsoft Excel Cs-137 Calculation Sheet................................................25 APPENDIX 0 Calculated Energy Response................................................................26 YA-REPT-00-015-04 Rev. 0 Page 3 of 26

1.0 Executive Summary:

The minimum detectable concentration (MDC) of the field survey instrumentation is an important factor affecting the quality of the final status survey (FSS). The efficiency of an instrument inversely impacts the MDC value. The objective of this report is to determine the instrument and source efficiency values used to calculate MDC. Several factors were considered when determiningthese efficiencies and are discussed in the body of this report. Instrument efficiencies (gi), and source efficiencies (E,), for alpha beta detection equipment under various field conditions, and instrument conversion factors (Ei), for gamma scanning detectors were determined and the results are provided herein.



Before performing Final Status Surveys of building surfaces and land areas, the minimum detectable concentration (MDC) must be calculated to establish the instrument sensitivity. Table 5.4 of the License Termination Plan (LTP) [8.6] lists the available instrumentation and nominal detection sensitivities; however for the purposes of this basis document, efficiencies for the 100cm2gas proportional and the 2"x2" NaI (Tl) detectors will be determined. Efficiencies for the other instrumentation listed in the LTP shall be determined on an as needed basis. The 100 cm2gas propohional probe will be used to perform surveys (i.e. fixed point measurements). A 2" x2" NaI (TI) detector will be used to perform gamma surveys (i.e., surface scans) of portions of land areas and possibly supplemental structural scans at the Yankee Rowe site. Although surface scans and fixed point measurements can be pedormed using the same instrumentation, the calculated MDCs will be quite different. MDC is dependent on many factors and may include but is not limited to:

instrument efficiency background integration time surface type source to detector geometry source efficiency A significant factor in determining an instrument MDC is the total efficiency, which is dependent on the instrument efficiency, the source efficiency and the type and energy of the radiation. MDC values are inversely affected by efficiency, as efficiencies increase, MDC values will decrease. Accounting for both the instrument and source components of the total efficiency provides for a more accurate assessment of surface activity.

3.0 Calibration Sources:

For accurate measurement of surface activity it is desirable that the field instrumentation be calibrated with source standards similar to the type and energy of the anticipated contamination. The nuclides listed in Table 3.1 illustrate the nuclides found in soil and building surface area DCGL results that are listed in the LTP.

Instrument response varies with incident radiations and energies; therefore, instrumentation selection for field surveys must be modeled on the expected surface activity. For the purposes of this report, isotopes with max beta energies less than that of C-14 (0.158 MeV) will be considered difficult to detect (reference table 3.1). The detectability of radionuclides with max beta energies less than 0.1.58 MeV, utilizing gas proportional detectors, will be negligible at typical source to detector distances of approximately 0.5 YA-REPT-00-015-04 Rev. 0 Page 4 of 26

inches. The source to detector distance of 1.27 cm (0.5 inches) is the distance to the detector with the attached standoff (DP-8534 "Operation and Source Checks of Proportional FriskersV)[8.5]. Table 3.1 provides a summary of the LTP radionuclides and their detectability using Radiological Health Handbook

[8.4] data.

Table 3.1 Nuc lides and Major Radiations: Approximate Energies (Reference 8.4)

Nuclide a Energy 1 E, (MeV) I Average I Photon Energy (MeV) 1 a Detectable I Detectable Y II I Ee I I wlGas I wl Gas Detectable (M~W Proportional Proportional wl Nal2x2" 0.018 0.005 0.158 0.049 I bremsstrahlung 0.314 1 0.094 1 1.173 1100%). 1.332 d l ,.

(I 00%j 0.295 0.085 d 108) 1.65 (An-I 0.624 (Ag-108)

I 0.434 (0.45%), 0.51 1 (0.56%)

0.615 (0.18%), 0.632 I rays 1.840 0.288 0.122 (37%), 0.245 (8%) d 0.344 127%). 0.779 114%)

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NUREG-1507 and IS0 7503-1 provide guidance for selecting calibration sources and their use in determining total efficiency. It is common practice to calibrate instrument efficiency for a single beta energy; however the energy of this reference source should not be significantly greater than the beta energy of the lowest energy to be measured.

Tc-99 (0.295 MeV max) and Th-230 (4.68 MeV at 76% and 4.62 MeV at 24%) have been selected as the beta and alpha calibration standards respectively, because their energies conservatively approximate the beta and alpha energies of the plant specific radionuclides.

4.0 Efficiency Determination:

Typically, using the instrument 47r efficiency exclusively provides a good approximation of surface activity. Using these means for calculating the efficiency often results in an under estimate of activity levels in the field. Applying both the instrument 2n: efficiency and the surface efficiency components to determine the total efficiency allows for a more accurate measurement due to consideration of the actual characteristics of the source surfaces. IS0 7503-1 [8.2] recommends that the total surface activity be calculated using:


As is the total surface activity in dprn/cm2, R S +is~the gross count rate of the measurement in cpm, RBis the background count rate in cpm,

~i is the instrument or detector 2n: efficiency E~is the efficiency of the source W is the area of the detector window (cm2) 4.1 Alpha and Beta Instrument Efficiency (si):

Instrument efficiency (gi) reflects instrument characteristics and counting geometry, such as source construction, activity distribution, source area, particles incident on the detector per unit time and therefore source to detector geometry. Theoretically the maximum value of Ei is 1.O, assuming all the emissions from the source are 2n: and that all emissions from the source are detected. The IS0 7503-1 methodology for determining the instrument efficiency is similar to the historical 47r approach; however the detector response, in cpm, is divided by the 231 surface emission rate of the calibration source. The instrument efficiency is calculated by dividing the net count rate by the 2n: surface emission rate (q 2,J (includes absorption in detector window, source detector geometry). The instrument efficiency is expressed in IS0 7503- 1 by:

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q2n where:

RS+Bis the gross count rate of the measurement in cpm, RBis the background count rate in cpm, q l xis the 27r surface emission rate in reciprocal seconds Note that both the 27r ~Urfaceemission rate and the source activity are usually stated on the certification sheet provided by the calibration source manufacturer and certified as National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable. Table 4.1 depicts instrument efficiencies that have been determined during calibration using the 27r surface emission rate of the source.

Table 4.1 Instrument Efficiencies (E;)

Source Emission Active Area of Effective ~ r e a 100 cm2Gas Proportional Source (cm2) of Detector HP-100 Instrument Efficiency (G )


Tc-99 a 15.2 100 cm2 0.41 48 4.2 Source to Detector Distance Considerations:

A major factor affecting instrument efficiency is source to detector distance. Consideration must be given to this distance when selecting accurate instrument efficiency. The distance from the source to the detector shall to be as close as practicable to geometric conditions that exist in the field. A range of source to detector distances has been chosen, taking into account site specific survey conditions. In an effort to minimize the error associated with geometry, instrument efficiencies have been determined for source to detector distances representative of those survey distances expected in the field. The results shown in Table 4.2 illustrate the imposing reduction in detector response with increased distance f?om the source. Typically this source to detector distance will be 0.5 inches for fixed point measurements and 0.5 inches for scan surveys on flat surfaces, however they may differ for other surfaces. Table 4.2 makes provisions for the selection of source to detector distances for field survey conditions of up to 2 inches. If surface conditions dictate the placement of the detector at distances greater than 2 inches instrument efficiencies will be determined on an as needed basis.

4.2.1 Methodology

The practical application of choosing the proper instrument efficiency may be determined by averaging the surface variation (peaks and valleys narrower than the length of the detector) and adding 0.5 inches, the spacing that should be maintained between the detector and the highest peaks of the surface. Select the source to detector distance from Table 4.2 that best reflects this pre-determined geometry.

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Table 4.2 Source to Detector Distance Effects on Instrument Efficiencies for a- j3 Emitters Source to Detector Instrument Efficiency (q)

Distance (em)

Tc-99 I Th-230 Distributed Distributed Contact 0.4148 0.5545 -

1.27 (0.5 in) 0.24 13 0.1764 2.54 (1 in) 0.1490 0.0265 I 5.08 (2 in) 1 0.0784 1 0.0002 4.3 Source (or Surface) Efficiency (E,) Determination:

Source efficiency (E,), reflects the physical characteristics of the surface and any surface coatings. The source efficiency is the ratio between the number of particles emerging from surface and the total number of particles released within the source. The source efficiency accounts for attenuation and backscatter. E, is nominally 0.5 (no self-absorptiodattenuation, no backscatter)-backscatter increases the value, self-absorption decreases the value. Source efficiencies may either be derived experimentally or simply selected from the guidance contained in IS0 7503-1. IS0 7503-1 takes a conservative approach by recommending the use of factors to correct for alpha and beta self-absorptiodattenuation when determining surface activity. However, this approach may prove to be too conservative for radionuclides with max beta energies that are marginally lower than 0.400 MeV, such as Co-60 with a Smax of 0.3 14 MeV. In this situation, it may be more appropriate to determine the source efficiency by considering the energies of other beta emitting radionuclides. Using this approach it is possible to determine weighted average source efficiency. For example, a source efficiency of 0.375 may be calculated based on a 50150 mix of Co-60 and Cs-137. The source efficiencies for Co-60 and Cs-137 are 0.25 and 0.5 respectively, since the radionuclide fraction for Co-60 and Cs-137 is 50% for each, the weighted average source efficiency for the mix may be calculated in the following manner:

Table 4.3 lists guidance on source efficiencies from IS0 7503-1.

Table 4.3 Source Efficiencies as listed in IS0 7503-1

> 0.400 MeV,, 1 0.400 MeV,,

Beta emitters cs= 0.5 E, = 0.25 emitters I cs= 0.25 I E, = 0.25 It should be noted that source efficiency is not typically addressed for gamma detectors as the value is effectively unity.

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5.0 Instrument Conversion Factor (E) ( Instrument Efficiency for Scanning):

Separate modeling analysis (~icroshield'~)was conducted using the common gamma emitters with a concentration of 1 pCi/g of uniformly distributed contamination throughout the volume. Microshield is a comprehensive photon/gamma ray shielding and dose assessment program, which is widely used throughout the radiological safety community. An activity concentration of 1 pCi/g for the nuclides was entered as the source term. The radial dimension of the cylindrical source was 28 cm, the depth was 15 cm, and the dose point above the surface was 10 cm with a soil density of 1.6 g/cm3. The instrument efficiency when scanning, Ei,is the product of the modeled exposure rate ( ~ i c r o ~ h i e l in d~~)

m ~ h i ' / ~ ~for g the energy response factor in cpm1nWh.r as derived from the energy response curve i / and provided by Eberline Instruments (Appendix 0). Table 5.1 demonstrates the derived efficiencies for the major gamma emitting isotopes listed in Table 3.1.


. Energy Response and Efficiency for Photon Emitting Isotopes 1 Isotope I Calculations for Ei ( Ei See appendix A through L (~pm/pCi/g)

See Appendix Aand B 379 See Appendix C and D 416 See Appendix E and F 637 Sb-125 See Appendix G and H 210 CS-134 See Appendix I and J 506 CS-137 See Appendix K and L 188 .

I Eu-152 1 See Appendix M and N ( 344 I When performing gamma scan measurements on soil surfaces the effective source to detector geometry is as close as is reasonably possible (less than 3 inches).

6.0 Applying Efficiency Corrections Based on the Effects of Field Conditions for Total Efficiency:

The total efficiency for any given condition can now be calculated from the product of the instrument efficiency Ci and the source efficiency c,.

&tot = Ei X Es The following example illustrates the process of determining total efficiency. For this example we will assume the following:

Surface activity readings need to be made in the Primary Auxiliary Building (PAB) on the concrete wall surfaces using the E-600 and C-100 gas proportional detector.

Data obtained from characterization results from the PAB indicate the presence of beta emitters with energies greater than 0.400 Mev.

The source (activity on wall) to detector distance is 1.27 cm (0.5 in detector stand off). To calculate the total efficiency, refer to Table 4.2 "Source to Detector Distance Effects on Instrument Efficiencies for a- P Emitters" to obtain the appropriate ~i value.

Contamination on all surfaces is distributed relative to the effective detector area.

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When performing fixed point measurements with gas proportional instrumentation the effective source to detector geometry is representative of the calibrated geometries listed in Table 4.2 "Source to Detector Distance Effects on Instrument Efficiencies for a- P Emitters".

Corrections for temperature and pressure are not substantial.

In this example, the value for Ei is 0.2413 as depicted in Table 4.2 "Source to Detector Distance Effects on Instrument Efficiencies for a- P Emitters". The E, value of 0.5 is chosen refer to Table 4.3 "Source Efficiencies as listed in IS0 7503-1". Therefore the total efficiency for this condition becomes = Ei x E, = 0.2413 x 0.5 = 0.121 or 12.1%.



Field conditions may significantly influence the usefulness of a survey instrument. When applying the instrument and source efficiencies in MDC calculations, field conditions must be considered. Tables have been constructed to assist in the selection of appropriate instrument and source efficiencies. Table 4.2 "Source to Detector Distance Effects on Instrument Efficiencies for a-p Emitters" lists instrument efficiencies ( E i ) at various source to detector distances for alpha and beta emitters. The appropriate Ei value should be applied, accounting for the field condition, i.e. the relation between the detector and the surface to be measured.

Source efficiencies shall be selected from Table 4.3 "Source Efficiencies as listed in IS0 7503- 1". This table lists conservative E, values that correct for self-absorption and attenuation of surface activity.

Table 5.1 "Energy Response and Efficiency for Photon Emitting Isotopes" lists Ei values that apply to scanning MDC calculations. The ~ i c r o s h i e l dmodel~ ~ code was used to determine instrument efficiency assuming contamination conditions and detector geometry cited in section "MDCs for Gamma Scans of Land Areas" of the License Termination Plan [8.6].

Detector and source conditions equivalent to those modeled herein may directly apply to the results of this report.

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8.0 References 8.1 NUREG- 1507, "Minimum Detectable Concentrations with Typical Radiation Survey Instruments for Various contaminants and Field Conditions," 1998 8.2 IS0 7503- 1, "Evaluation of Surface Contamination - Part I: Beta Emitters and Alpha Emitters," 1988-08-01.

8.3 IS0 8769, "Reference Sources for the Calibration of Surface Contamination Monitors-Beta-emitters (maximum beta energy greater O.15MeV) and Alpha-emitters," 1988-06-15.

8.4 "Radiological Health Handbook," Revised Edition 1970.

8.5 DP-8534, "Operation and source Checks of Portable Friskers".

8.6 Yankee Nuclear Plant Site License Termination Plan, Rev.0, November 2003.

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APPENDIX A Page :1 File Ref DOS File :SPA3-EFF-Co-60.ms6 Date Run Date  : September 10, 2004 Run Time  : 8:56:50 AM BY Checked Duration  : oo:oo:oo Case




SPA-3 Soil scan 28 cm radius lpCilcm3 Co-60 Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions:

Height 15.0 cm (5.9 in)

Radius 28.0 cm (11.0 in)

Dose Points A X Y

  1. 1 0 cm 25 cm 0.0 in 9.8 in Shields Shield N Dimension Material Density Source 3.69e+04 cm3 Concrete 1.6 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input :Grouping Method Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels wCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 Co-60 3.6945e-008 1.3670e+003 1.0000e-006 3.7000e-002 Buildup :The material reference is - Source Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate Energy Activity MeV/cmz/sec MeV/cm2/sec mR/hr mR/hr MeV Photons/sec No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.6938 2.230e-01 9.055e-06 1.590e-05 1.748e-08 3.070e-08 1.1732 1.367e+03 1.098e-01 1.669e-01 1.962e-04 2.982e-04 1.3325 1.367e+03 1.293e-01 1.904e-01 2.244e-04 3.303e-04 Totals 2.734e+03 2.391e-01 3.573e-01 4.205e-04 6.286e-04 YA-REPT-00-0 15-04 Rev. 0 Page 12 o f 26

APPENDIX B YA-REPT-00-0 15-04 Rev. 0 Page 13 of 26

APPENDIX C Page :1 File Ref DOS File :SPA3-EFF-Nb-94.rns6 Date Run Date  : September 16, 2004 BY Run Time  : 3:22:38 PM Checked Duration  : 0O:OO:OO Case




SPA-3 Soil scan 28 cm radius lpCi/crn3 Nb-94 Geometry: 8 Cylinder Volume End Shields Source Dimensions:

Height 15.0 crn (5.9 in)

Radius 28.0 crn (11.0 in)

Dose Points A X Y Z

  1. 1 0 crn 25 crn 0 cm 0.0 in 9.8 in 0.0 in Shields Shield N Dimension Material Density Source 3.69e+04 crn3 Concrete 1.6 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input : Grouping Method Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/crn3 , Bq/cm3 Nb-94 3.6945e-008 1.3670e+003 1.0000e-006 3.7000e-002 Buildup :The material reference is Source Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate

~nergy Activity MeV/cm2/sec mR/hr mR/hr MeV/cm2/sec MeV Photons/sec No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0023 1.391e-10 1.430e-10 1.861e-10 1.913e-10 0.0174 8.762e-09 9.129e-09 4.729e-10 4.927e-10 0.0175 1.719e-08 1.792e-08 9.104e-10 9.491e-10 0.0196 7.924e-09 8.356e-09 2.925e-10 3.085e-10 0.7026 5.643e-02 9.872e-02 1.088e-04 1.904e-04 0.8711 7.464e-02 1.228e-01 1.405e-04 2.312e-04 Totals 1.3lle-01 2.216e-01 2.493e-04 4.216e-04 YA-REPT-00-015-04 Rev. 0 Page 14 o f 26

APPENDIX D YA-REPT-00-0 15-04 Rev. 0 Page 15 of 26

APPENDIX E Page :1 File Ref DOS File :SPA3-EFF-Ag-108m.ms6 Date Run Date  : September 16, 2004 Run Time  : 3:30:40 PM BY Checked Duration  : 00:OO:OO Case




SPA-3 Soil scan 28 cm radius lpCi/cm3 Ag-108m Geometry: 8 Cylinder Volume End Shields Source Dimensions:

Height 15.0 cm (5.9 in)

Radius 28.0 cm (11.0 in)

Dose Points A X Y Z

  1. 1 0 cm 25 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 9.8 in 0.0 in Shields Shield N Dimension Material Density Source 3.69e+04 cm3 Concrete 1.6 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source I n p u t :Grouping Method Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels yCi/cm3 Bq/cm' Ag-108m 3.6945e-008 1.3670e+003 1.0000e-006 3.7000e-002 Buildup : The material reference i s Source Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate Activity MeV MeV/cm2/sec MeV/cmZ/sec mR/hr mR/hr Photons/sec No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0028 1.252e-07 1.287e-07 1.351e-07 1.388e-07 0.003 1.568e-08 1.612e-08 1.612e-08 1.657e-08 0.021 9.534e-06 1.015e-05 2.824e-07 3.007e-07 0.0212 1.862e-05 1.985e-05 5.389e-07 5.744e-07 0.022 3.202e-07 3.434e-07 8.233e-09 8.831e-09 0.0222 6.251e-07 6.714e-07 1.568e-08 1.685e-08 0.0238 9.273e-06 1.010e-05 1.863e-07 2.029e-07 0.0249 3.145e-07 3.464e-07 5.492e-09 6.050e-09 0.0304 4.431e-11 5.248e-11 4.230e-13 5.010e-13 0.0792 2.008e-04 4.802e-04 3.190e-07 7.629e-07 0.4339 2.705e-02 5.514e-02 5.294e-05 1.079e-04 0.6144 4.282e-02 7.808e-02 8.347e-05 1.522e-04 0.7229 5.300e-02 9.194e-02 1.019e-04 1.768e-04 Totals 1.23le-01 2.257e-01 2.398e-04 4.389e-04 YA-REPT-00-0 15-04 Rev. 0 Page 16 o f 26

APPENDIX F YA-REPT-00-0 15-04 Rev. 0 Page 17 of 26

APPENDIX G Page :I File Re DOS File :SPA3-EFF-Sb- 125.ms6 Date Run Date  : September 16.2004 "-.

"Y Run Time Checke Duration Case


SPA3-EFF-Sb- 125


S P A 3 Soil scan - 28 cm radius IpCilcm3 Sb-125 Geometry: 8 - tylinder Volume End Shields -

S o ~ ~ r Dimensions:

cc Height 15.0 cm (5.9 in)

Rndius 28.0 cm (1 1.0 in)

Dnsc Points Y

25 cm 9.8 in Shields Shield N Dimension Material Density Source 3.69e+W c d Concrele 1.6 Air Gop Air 0.00122 Source Input :Grouping klelhod Aclunl Piloton Encrgim Nuclide curia Becquerels pCi/cms Sb-125 i.6945e-008 1.3670eiiIO3 1 .OOOOe-006 Buildup :The n~nterinlrcCcrcnce is Source Inlqrntion Pnramcters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate Energy Activity MeV/cm2/sec MeV/cmllsec mR/hr mRhr MeV Photoss/sec No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0038 1.708e-07 1.756e-07 1.388e-07 1.427e-07 0.0272 1.785e-05 2.020e-05 2.376e-07 2.689e-07 0.0275 3.453e-05 3.922e-05 4.461e-07 5.067e-07 0.03 1 1.857e-05 2.22 le-05 1.670e-07 1.997e-07 0.0355 1.492e-05 1.9 1 Be-05 9.090e-08 1.169e-07 0.117 1.380e-05 3.715e-05 2.146e-08 5.778e-08 0.159 5.634e-06 1.499e-05 9.416e-09 2.505e-08 0.1726 1.634e-05 4.295e-05 2.787e-08 7.326e-08 0.1763 6.392e-04 1.674e-03 1.096e-06 2.870e-06 0.204 1 3.630e-05 9.230e-05 6.435e-08 1.636e-07 0.2081 2.805e-05 7.103e-05 4.994e-08 1.264e-07 0.2279 1.708e-05 4.229e-05 3.098e-08 7.670808 0.32 1 8.474e-05 1.899e-04 1.620e-07 3.632e-07 0.3804 3.792e-04 8.052e-04 7.364e-07 1.564e-06 0.408 5.05 1e-05 1.019e-04 9.853e-08 2.047e-07 0.4279 8.668e-03 1.774e-02 1.695e-05 3.470e-05 0.4435 9.356e-05 1.894e-04 1.832e-07 3.709e-07 0.4634 3.395e-03 6.78 le-03 6.658e-06 1.33Oe-05 0.6006 8.174e-03 l .sole-02 1.595e-05 2.930e-05 0.6066 2.340e-03 4.283e-03 4.564e-06 8.355e-06 0.6359 5.609e-03 1.012e-02 1.091e-05 1.967e-05 0.6714 9.640e-04 1.710e-03 1.867e-06 3.31 1e-06 Totals 3.06Oe-02 ~.901e:o'2 6.046e-05 1.158e-04 YA-REPT-00-0 15-04 Rev. 0 Page 18 of 26

APPENDIX H YA-REPT-00-015-04 Rev. 0 Page 19 of 26

APPENDIX I Microshield v6.02 (6.02-00253)

Page :1 pile Ref DOS File :SPA3-EFF-Cs-134.ms6 Date Run Date  : September 16, 2004 Run Time  : 3:39:09 PM BY Checked Duration  : 00:OO:OO Case




SPA-3 Soil scan 28 cm radius lpCi/cm3 Cs-134 Geometry: 8 Cylinder Volume End Shields Source Dimensions:

Height 15.0 cm (5.9 in)

Radius 28.0 cm (11.0 in)

Dose Points A X Y Z

  1. 1 0 cm 25 cm 0 cm

.0.0 in 9.8 in 0.0 in Shields Shield N Dimension Material Density Source 3.69e+04 cm3 Concrete 1.6 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source I n p u t : Grouping Method A d u a l Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cmS Cs-134 3.6945e-008 1.3670e+003 1.0000e-006 Buildup :The material reference i s Source Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate Energy Activity Photons/sec MeV/cmz/sec MeV/crnz/sec mR/hr mR/ hr MeV No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0045 3.658e-09 3.760e-09 2.507e-09 2.577e-09 0.0318 5.271e-07 6.386e-07 4.391e-09 5.320e-09 0.0322 1.014e-06 1.236e-06 8.157e-09 9.943e-09 0.0364 5.611e-07 7.321e-07 3.188e-09 4.160e-09 0.2769 5.931e-06 1.391e-05 1.113e-08 2.610e-08 0.4753 4.950e-04 9.808e-04 9.712e-07 1.924e-06 0.5632 3.545e-03 6.648e-03 6.940e-06 1.302e-05 0.5693 6.619e-03 1.237e-02 1.295e-05 2.421e-05 0.6047 4.529e-02 8.300e-02 8.836e-05 1.619e-04 0.7958 5.668e-02 9.564e-02 1.079e-04 1.820e-04 0.8019 5.852e-03 9.853e-03 1.113e-05 1.874e-05 1.0386 9.377e-04 1.472e-03 1.717e-06 2.696e-06 1.1679 1.964e-03 2.990e-03 3.514e-06 5.349e-06 1.3652 4.055e-03 5.936e-03 6.993e-06 1.024e-05 Totals 1.254e-01 2.189e-01 2.405e-04 4.202e-04 YA-REPT-00-015-04 Rev. 0 Page 20 o f 26

APPENDIX J YA-REPT-00-0 15-04 Rev. 0 Page 21 of 26

APPENDIX K Page :1 File Ref DOS File :SPA3-EFF-Cs-137.ms6 Date Run Date  : September 10, 2004

8:52:18 AM BY Run Time Checked Duration  : 00:OO:OO Case




SPA-3 Soil scan - 28 cm radius lpCi/cm3 Cs-137 and Daughters Geometry: 8 Cylinder Volume End Shields Source Dimensions:

Height 15.0 cm (5.9 in)

Radius 28.0 cm (11.0 in)

Dose Points A X Y Z

  1. 1 0 cm 25 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 9.8 in 0.0 in Shields Shield N Dimension Material Density Source 3.69e+04 cm3 Concrete 1.6 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source I n p u t : Grouping Method Actual Photon Energies Nuclide curies becquerels yCi/cm3 Bq/cm' Ba-137m 3.4950e-008 1.2932e+003 9.4600e-007 3.5002e-002 Cs-137 3.6945e-008 1.3670e+003 1.0000e-006 3.7000e-002 Buildup :The material reference i s Source Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate Energy Activity MeV/cmz/sec MeV/cm2/sec mR/hr mR/hr MeV Photons/sec No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.0045 1.342e+01 4.020e-08 4.133e-08 2.755e-08 2.833e-08 0.0318 2.677e+01 4.815e-06 5.834e-06 4.011e-08 4.860e-08 0.0322 4.939e+01 9.260e-06 1.129e-05 7.452e-08 9.084e-08 0.0364 1.797e+Ol 5.126e-06 6.688e-06 2.912e-08 3.800e-08 0.6616 1.164e+03 4.442e-02 7.913e-02 8.61 1e-05 1.534e-04 Totals 1.271e+03 4.444e-02 7.915e-02 8.628e-05 1.536e-04 YA-REPT-00-0 15-04 Rev. 0 Page 22 of 26


APPENDIX L YA-REPT-00-0 15-04 Rev. 0 Page 23 of 26

APPENDIX M Microshield v6.02 (6.02-00253)

Page :1 File Ref DOS File :SPA3-EFF-Eu-152.ms6 Date Run Date  : October 7, 2004 BY Run Time  : 11:25:11 AM Checked Duration

. -: 0O:OO:OO Case




SPA-3 Soll scan - 28cm radius 1pCl/cm3 Eu-152 Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions:

Height 15.0 cm (5.9 In)

Radius - ---cm- - -

-- - 28.0 - -- - .

(11.0 In) d Dose Points A X Y

  1. 1 0 cm 25 cm 0.0 In 9.8 In X

Shields Shield N Dimension Material Density Source 3.69e+04 cm3 Concrete 1.6 ,

Alr Gap ......................

Air ........

Source Input :Grouping Method Standard Indices Number of Groups :25 Lower Energy Cutoff :0.015 Photons c 0.015 :Included Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm' Eu-152 Buildup :The material reference is Source Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Exposure Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Rate Exposure Rate Energy Activity MeV/cmz/sec mR/hr mR/hr MeV/cmZ/sec MeV Photons/sec With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup 0.015 1.790e-07 0.04 1.385e-06 0.05 4.014e-07 0.1 1.819e-06 0.2 1.448e-06 0.3 9.540e-06 0.4 3.3 14e-06 0.5 4.010e-07 0.6 3.802e-06 0.8 2.263e-05 1.0 7.042e-05 1.5 5.871e-05 Totals 1.740e-04 YA-REPT-00-0 15-04 Rev. 0 Page 24 of 26

APPENDIX N YA-REPT-00-015-04 Rev. 0 Page 25 of 26

APPENDIX 0 Calculated Energy Response (Eberline Instruments)


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