ML061700407 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Braidwood |
Issue date: | 05/11/2005 |
From: | Polson K Exelon Generation Co |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
BW050043, FOIA/PA-2006-0115, FOIA/PA-2010-0209 | |
Download: ML061700407 (25) | |
Exel n W Exelon Generation Company, LLC NucleaT Braidwood Station 35100 South Rt 53. Suite 84 Braceville. IL60407-9619 Tel. 815-4SS-2801 May 11, 2005 BW050043 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Braldwood Station, Units I and 2 Facility Operating License Nos. NPF-72 and NPF-77 NRC Docket Nos. STN 50-456 and STN 50-457
2004 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Attached is the 2004 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for Braidwood Station. This report Is being submitted In accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.2, "Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report." This report contains information associated with the station's radiological environmental and meteorological monitoring programs. This.information Is consistent with the objectives described In the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual and 10 CFR 50, Appendix I,."Numerical Guides for Design Objectives and Limiting Conditions for Operation to Meet the Criterion 'As Low as is Reasonably Achievable' for Radioactive Material In Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Effluents," Sections IV.B.1, IV.B.2, and IV.B.3. Technical Specification 5.6.2 requires the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report to be submitted by May 15 of each year.
Ifyou have any questions regarding this Information, please contact Mr. Dale Ambler, Regulatory Assurance Manager, at (815) 417-2800.
Respectfully, Keith J. Poison Site Vice President Braidwood Station Attachment cc: Regional Administrator - NRC Region III NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Braidwood Station Information in tuits record was deleted in accordance with t e Freedom of 'nformatiol\
Act, exemptions 2
(0.034 pCi/m3, except for the period from May 16 through June 6 wvhen it was influenced by the nuclear reactor accident at Chemobyl), 1987 (0.027 pCilm), 1988 (0.031 pCi/m3), 1989 (0.028 pCi/m3 ), and similar to 1990 (0.024 pCi/rn), 1991 (0.022 pCi/m3), 1992 (0.022 pCi/rn), 1993 (0.022 pCi/m3), 1994 (0.021 pCi/m3), 1995 (0.023 pCi/m3), 1996 (0.022 pCi/m ), 1997 (0.023 pCi/rn3), 1998 (0.025 pCi/rn), 1999 (0.027 pCi/rn 3), 2000 (0.028 pCi/m 3), 2001 (0.027 pCi/m 3 2002 (0.028 pCi/M3) and 2003 (0.026 pCi/m3).
All gamma-emitting nuclide activity was below respective LLD levels. No activity attributable to station operation was detected in any sample.
5.3 Terrestrial Radioactivity Vegetables were collected in August and analyzed for 1-131 and gamma-emitting nuclides. 1-131 and gamma-emitting nuclides were below the limits of detection indicating that there was no measurable amount of radioactivity attributable to the station releases.
5A Aquatic Radioactivity Well water was collected quarterly from one nearsite well (BD-13) and four farsite wells (BD-34, BD-35, BD-36, BD-37) and was analyzed for tritium and gamma-emitting nuclides. Tritium levels at BD-13, BD-34, BD-35 and BD-37 remained below the LLD level of 200 pCifL. Tritium levels at BD-36 averaged 438 pCi/L with a first quarter high of 494 pCi/L. All gamma-emitters were below the LLD. These results are similar to those obtained since 1991 when tritium well water sampling was initiated.
Weekly surface wvater samples from BD-10 (Kankakee River, Downstream) and BD-25.
(IKankakee River, Upstream) were composited monthly and analyzed for nuclides and gross beta activity. Quarterly composites were analyzed for tritium. Public water samples" from BD-22 (Wilmington) were also composited monthly and analyzed for gamma-emitting nuclides, gross beta and tritium. Weekly composite samples from BD-22 are analyzed for tritium to provide information and trending. These samples and. analyses are not required by the ODCM or REMP program.
Cs-134 and Cs-137 concentrations were below the LLD level of 15 pCifL and 18 pCi/L, respectively, in all samples.
Gross beta concentrations at BD-10 averaged 3.3 pCi/L with a range of 2.2-4.8 pCi/L; concentrations at BD-25 averaged 5.8 pCi/L with a range of 2.7-9.3 pCi/L. Gross beta concentrations at BD-22 averaged 2.7 pCi/L with a range of 1.5-3.7 pCi/L.
Tritium concentrations at BD-10 and BD-25 remained below the LLD level of 200 pCi/L in all samples. Tritium concentrations in public water samples (BD-22) averaged 853 pCiIL with a range of 42-3,144 pCifL. These values are less than the 7
reportable level of 20,000 pCi/L for drinking watc:, hnd are attributable to plant operation. These results were consistent with plant effluent releases and river flow dilution.
Sediment samples were collected twice a year, in May and October, from two indicator locations (BD-10 and BD-41) and analyzed for gamma-emitters. Cs-134 and Cs-137 concentrations were below the lower limit of detection (0.15 and 0.18 pCi/g dry weight, respectively) in all samples. These values are similar to those obtained in 1986 through 2003.
Levels of gamma radioactivity in fish were measured and all samples were below the LLD for the year.
Water, fish and sediment locations are shown in Figure 5.0-3.
5.5 Milk Milk samples were collected monthly from November through April and biweekly from May through October and analyzed for 1-131 and gamma-emitting nuclides. Milk locations are shown in Figure 5.0-3."
1-13 lconcentration was below the LLD level ofl.0 pCi/L in all samples.
Cs-134, Cs-137 and Ba/LA-140 were below the LLD level of 15, 18 and 15 pCiIL, respectively. These results are identical to those obtained in 1986 through 2002.
5.6 Sample Collections All samples were collected as scheduled except those listed in the Listing of Missed Samples, Section 2.0 of Appendix III.
5.7 Progarm Modifications There were no changes to the program in 2004.
6.0 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Procedures used during the period covered in this rep rt remained unchanged. A summary of the procedures used for analyzing "radioactivity in environmental samples is given in Appendix V of the report for the period January - December 1993.
7.0 MILCH ANIMALS AND NEAREST LIVESTOCK CENSUS A census of milch animals and nearest cattle was conducted within a 6.2-mile radius of the Station. The survey was conducted by "door-to-door" canvas and by information from Illinois Agricultural Agents. The census was conducted byA. Lewis on August 30, 2004.
I o DRAIDWOOD Figure 5.0-3 1 2 1 4. 5 Braidwood Station I Ingestion and Waterborne Exposure rliles .. I I
Samolei Locations BD-10 Kankakee River, Downstream 5 Water scdiment 3D-13 Br dC* HallWeHw BDo17Iil dl 0 Fish X Milk-BD-22T*dn-'*
BD-25 K&nikee River, Upstream BD-28 " River, Discharge BD-34 -
cr BD-35l Bl el "4 BD-36 ell BD.57* 'I, BD-41 ]Ede Rver",Downstream 1-18
TABLE.5.0-2 (continued)
- 5. PUBLIC WATER Distance Direction Sector Site Code Location (miles)
BD-22 Wilmington '6.0 NE C
- 6. GROUND/WELL WATER Distance Direction Sector Site Code' Location (mfles)
BD-13 B id od i Hall Well 1.7 NNE B BD.34 11 e -4.7 E E BD-35 ell 4.7 E E BD-36 ell 4.7 E E BD-37 I* [ll 4.7 E E
- 7. SURFACE WATER Distance Direction Sector Site.Cod Location BD-10 Kankakee River, Downstream 5.4 NE C BD-25 (C) Kankakee River, Upstream 9.6 E E
- 8. FISH Distance Direction Sector Site Code Location BD-25 (C) Kankakee River, Upstream 9.6 E E BD-28 Kankakee River, Discharge 5.4 E E
- 9. SHORELINE SEDTMENTS Distance Direction Sector Site Code Location (miles.
BD-10 Kankakee River, Downstream 5.4 NE C BD-41 Kankakee River, Downstream 5.2 E B Control (background) locations are denoted by a "C" after site code. All other locations are indicators.
Name orFacility "tratdwoodiNuearPowe Stton DocketNo. 50A56.50-47 Location of Faci1ity .WUil1JlinU&.11s Reporting Period AIstwarter 2004 (County, St2te)
Sample Type and Indicator Location with Highest Control Number of Type Number of Locations Highest Means Locations Non-routine (Units) Analyses LLD Mean' Quarterly Mean Range Mean Results Range Range Air Gross 65 0.01 0.027 (52/52) BD-06', Godley 6.028 (13113) 0.028(13/13) 0 Particulates Beta (0.010-0.045) 0.5 mL. WSW, Sector (0.016-0.043) (0.018-0.039)
- Ciln )j Gamma Spec. 5 M Cs-134 0.05 <LD <LLD 0 Cs-137 0.06 <LILD <LLD 0 Other Gammas 0.01-0.04 <LLD <LLD 0 Airborne Iodine 1-131 35 0.07 <LLD <LLD 0 (pCimn I ___________ ___
Milk 1-131 6 1 .A<LID <LLD 0 (pCi/I-)
Gamma Spec. 6 Cs-134 15 <LID - <LLD 0 Cs-137 Is <LLD - <LID 0 Ba -140 60 <LLD - <LIZ 0 Ln-140 is <LLD. - <LID 0 Other Gammas 10-.15 <LUD - <.LLD 0 Surface Water Gross Beta 6 4 <LLD DD-25. Kankakee 6.4 (3/3) 6.4 (2/3) 0 (pCi/L) - River,Upstream. (4.3-93) (43-93) 9.6 mH. E. Sector E Gamma Spec. 6 Cs-134 15 <LLD - <LIU 0 Cs-137 to <.LD . <LIL 0 Other ODCM-Required 15-60 <LID <LID 0 Gammas Trtium *.2 200 <LLD - <LLD .0 Well Water Tritiun 5 200 494(115) &D -31 11'-- 494 (ill) None. 0 W(pcUL) 4T2.7En S*rEI Ki b Gamma Spec. 5 '-f ""
CS-134 is <LD - None 0
- Cs-137 18 <LLD. - - None 0 Other ODCM-Required 15-60 <LID None 0 Gammas a Mean and range based on detectable measurements only. Fractions indicated In parentheses.
b Locations BD-06, BD-20 and [3D-03 (C) had Identical means of0.023 pCVOm. BD-06 and BD-03 (C) are detailed in this summary.
I Table 5.0-3 (continued)
Name ofFacility Braidwood Nuclear Power Stl*ton DocketNo. -56. 50-457 Location orFa:niityM5.&flDJnoi Reporting Period IJst Otirler 2004 (County, State)
Sample Type and Indicator Location with Highest Control Number of Type Number of Locations Highest Meana Locations Non-routine (Units) Analyses LLD Mean' Quarterly Mean - Range Me'ni Results Range Range Public Water Gross Beta 3 4 <LLD None 0 (130L)
Tritium 3 200 345 (3/3) BD-22, Wilmington, 345 (3/3) None 0 (219-432) 6.0miNE.SectorC (219-432)
Gamma Spec. 3 Cs-134 is <LLD None 0 Cs-137 18 <LLD . None 0.
Other ODCM-Required 15-60 <LID None 0 Gammas Gamma Gamma Dose 80 9.7 22.6 (78fl8) BD-21 1.1 29.0 (0/1) 24.0(212) 0 Background (19.0-29.0) 4.8 mi. SW, Sector L (24.0-24.0)
' Mean and range based on detectable measurements only. Fractions indicated In parentheses.
I .
Name of Facility Braidwood Nuclear Power Station Docket No. 50A-456j0-457 Location of Facility, Will. Plinois Reporting Period 2nd Ouarter 2004 (Ccunty, State)
Sample Type and Indicator Location with Highest Control Number of Type Number of Locations Highest Mean' Locations Non-routine (Units) Analyses LLD Mean Quarterly Mean_ Ra MeanR Results Range Range Air Gross 65 0.0"1 0.018 (51/51) BD-20,NearsiteN 0.020 (13113) 0.019 (13/13) 0 Particulates Beta (0.010.031) 0.6 miN, SectorA (0.012-0.031) (0.012-0.028)
(pCVr 3 )
Gamma Spec. 5 Cs-134 0.01 <LLD <LLD 0 Cs-137 0.01 <LUD <LLD 0 Other Gammas 0.01-0.04 <LLD <LD 0 Airborne Iodine 1-131 30 0.07 <LW. <LLD 0 3
(PCVm )
Milk 1-131 0 1 <LLD <LLD 0 (pCi/L)
Gamma Spec. 10 Cs-134 15 <LD - <LLD 0 CsQ137 is <LLD - <LLD 0 Ba-140 60 <LLD <LLD 0 Ia-140 15 <LW - <LD 0 Other 10-15 <LLD - <LLD 0 Gammas Fish Gamma SpFc. 4 (pCiIg wet)
Cs-134 0.13 <LUD* - <LLD 0 Cs-137 0.15 <LLD - <LLD 0 OtherODCM-
" Required 0.13-0.26 <LWD <LLD 0 Gamrras Other Gammas 020-0.30 <LLD <LLD 0 Bottoni Gamma Spec. 2 Sediments (pCi/g dry) Cs-134 0.15 <LLD None 0 Cs-137 0.18 <LLD
- None 0 Mean and range based on detectable m*asurements only. Fractions indicated in parerntheses.
Table 5.0-4 (continued)
NameorFadflity: Brsodwood Nuclegr Power Station DocketNo_ 50416.50--457 Location orFac,1ity..__i..VMllin~jL. Reporting Period 2nd Ougrler 2004 (County, State)
Sample Type and Indicator Location with Highest Control Number or Type Number of Locations Highest len, Locations Non-routine (Units) Analyses LLD Meane QuarterlyMean Range Mean Results Range Range SurfacetWater GrssBeta 6 4 4.9(11/) BD-25,Kankakee 5.5(3/3) 5.5 (313) 0 1Ci/L) River, Upstream (4.2-6.9) (4.2-6.9)
Gamrm Spec. 6 9.6 mi. E,Sector E Cs-134 15 <LLD - 0
<LLD Cs-137 18 <LLD - 0
<LLD Other ODCM-Required .15-30 <LLD 0 Gammas <LLD Tritium 2 200 <LWD 0
<LID Well Water KU~iL) Tritium 5 200 "396 (115) ,. 7M*-36" _, -,orW*"I E 396(1/1) None 0 Gamma Spec. 5 Cs-134 15 <LLD None 0 Cs-137 Is <LLD .None 0 Other ODCM-Required 15-30 ULD None 0 Gammas SPublic Water Gross Beta 3 4 <LLD None 0 (PC'L)
Tritium 3 200 <LLD -None 0 Gamma Spec. 3 Cs-134 15 <LLD - - None 0 Cs-137 18 <LLD - - None 0 Other ODCM-Required 15-30 <LLD - None 0 Ganmmas Gamma Gamma Dose so 9.7. 23.5 (7378) BD-209-.1,4.8 rni. S, 30.0(111) 22.5(212) 0 B:ckground (21.0-30.0) Sectorj (22.0-23.0)
o Mean and range based on detectable measurements only. Fractions Indicated In parentheses.
Name'ofFacflity Braid-wood uilear Power Station DocketNo. 50-456. 50-457 Location of Faci1ity.i3lKl.1no;5 Reporting Period 3rdOuartcr 204 (County. state)
Sample Type and Indicator Location with Highest Control Number of Type Number of Locations Highest Me, h Locations Non-routine (Units) Analyses LID Man' Q"uarterlyMean Range Meana Results Range Range Air Gross 70 0.01 0.023 (56156) BD-19',NearsiteNW 0.024 (14114) 0.024 (14/14) 0 Particultes Beta (0.013-0.035) 0.3 mi NW, Sector Q (0.017-0,035) (0.015-0.043)
(pCVm3 ) Gamma Spec. S Cs-134 0.01 <LLD <LLD 0 Cs-137 0.01 elID <LID 0 Other Gammas 0.01-0.04 <LLD <LLD 0 Airborne Iodine 1-131 35 0.07 <LD <LLD 0 (pCi1m3 )
Milk 1-131 14 1 <LLD. -0cUD <
Gammna Spec. 14 Cs-134 15 <LLD <LD 0 Cs-137 Is <.LD <LID 0 Ba-140 60 C=LT." <L.D 0 La-140 15 <LID <LLD 0 Other Gammas 10-15 Vegetation 1-131 10 0.06 <LLD <LLD 0 (PCitg wet)
"'iGamma Spec. 10 Cs.134 0.06 <LID . - <j . 0 Cs-137 0.08 <LLD <LLD 0 Other Gamans 0.01-0.10 <LLD . <LLD 0 Surface Water Gross Beta 6 4 43 (1/3) BD-25 KYnkalcee 6.4(2/3) 6.4(2/3) 0 (pCVL) River, Upstream, (5.0-7.7) (5.0-7.7)
Gamma Spec. 6 9.6 mi E, Sector E 0
Cs-134 15 <LLD" . <LLD 0
Cs-137 18 <LLD. <LLD Other ODCM-Required 15-30 <LLD - <LLD 0 Gammas Tritium 2 200 <LLD <LLD 0
'Mean and range based on detectable measurements only. Fractions indicated in parentheses.
t Locations BD-03 (C) and BD-19 had Identical rmens of 0.024 pCil/ 3. Both arc detailed in this summary.
- 1-30
Table 5.0-5 (continued)
NameofFacility Brvl'noMNuclearPowvSetation Doceto. 50-456. 50-47 Location of Facility Will. ILinois Reporting Period 3rd OQurter 2004 (County, State)
Sample Type and Indicator Location with Highest Control N umber of Type Number of Locations Highest Meanz Locations Hon-routine (Units) Analyses LLD ca Quarterly Mean Range Mean" Results Range Range Well Water Tritium 5 200 485(115) 3 48S(I1l) None 0 ýc - 2 OW~iL) emtSctr ell Gamnma Spec. 5 Cs-134 15 <LLD None 0 Cs-137 18 <LLD None 0 Other ODCM-Required 15-30 <LLD None 0 Gammas Public Water Gross Beta 3 4 <LLD 'None 0
Tritium 3 200 1.911 (3/3) BD-22,Wilmington. 1.911 (3/3) None 0 (685-3,144) 6.0 mi NE, Sector C (685-3.144)
Gamma Spec. 3 Cs-134 i5 <lID . .None 0 Cs-137 18 <LLD. - Hone 0 Other ODCM-Required 15-30 <LLD None 0 Gammas Gamma Gamna Dose 80 9.7 25.7 (73g78) BD-109-1 31.0(1/1) 24.0 (2/2) 0 Background (22.0-31.0) 3.8 mi. S, SectorJ (24.0-24.0)
Mean and range based on detectable neasurements only. Fractions indicated in parenthese.s.
Locations 1D-109-1.209-1 and 209-2 had identical means ot3l mnR. Only BD-109-1 is detailed in this sumnmary.
0 . A.
Nameeof Facility Braidwood Nueiear Power Station DocketNo. 504 65-457 Location orFacility.WillhIlinoi.s_ Reporting Period 41h Ouarler 2004 (County, St*te)
Sample Type and Indicator Location with Highest Control Number or Type Number of Locations Highest Mean' Locations Non-routine (Units) Analyses LLD Meana Quarterly Mean Range Meana Results Range Range Air Gross
- 65 0.01 0.028 (52/52) BDIb.Nchrsite NW, 0.028 (13/13) 0.027 (13113) 0 Particulates Beta (0.013-0.038) 0.3 ml. NW. Sector Q ( (0.015-0.040)
(pCi/m 3 )
Gammna Spec. 5 Cs-134 0.05 <LLD <LLD 0 Cs-137 0.06 <LLD - <LLD 0 Other Gamm*s 0.01-0.04 <LLD - <LLD 0 Airborne Iodine 1.131 35 0.07 <LLD <LLD 0 (pCr/m3)
Milk 1-131 a I <LLD .<LID 0 (pCi/L)
Gamma Spec. a Cs-134 15 <LD - <LID 0.
Cs-137 18 <LID - <LID 0 Ba-140 60 <LLD - <LD 0 La-140 15 <LID . -<LLD 0 Other Gammas 10-15 <LD <LLD Fish Ganmma Spe. 4 (pcij/wet)
Cs-134 0.13 <LID .-- <LLD 0 Cs-137 0.15 <LLD ,.-<LLD 0 OtherODCM-Required 0.13-0.26 <LID <LLD 0 Gammas Other Gamm=s 0.20-0.30 <LLD <LID 0 Bottom Gamma Spec. 2 Sediments (OWCgdry) Cs-134 0.15 <LLD. N-one 0 Cs-137 0.18 <LL.D- " None 0 Other Gammas 0.10-0.60 <LID "" None 0 a Mean and range based on detectable measurements only. Fractions indicated In parentheses.
b BD-19 and BD-20 had Identical means ot0.028 pCi/i. Only BD-19 Is detaild inthis summary.
, J Table 5.0-6 (continued)
NamecoflFacility Br'adwood Nuclear Power Station Docket~o. 50-45 .50-45i /
Location ofFscity j Reporting Period 4th Ouurl1r 2004 (County, State)
Sample Type and Indicator Location with Highest Control Number of Type Number or Locations Highest Meana Locations Non-routine (Units) Analyses LLD Mean, Quarterly Mean. Range Meana Results Range Range Surface Witer Gross Beta 6 4 4.0(113) BD-25, Kankakee 7.3 (213) 73(2/3) 0 (pCiIL) River Upstream. (63-83) (6.3-83)
Gamma Spec. 6 9.6 mi. E. Sector E Cs-134 is <LLD <LLD 0 Cs-137 is <LLD <LD 0 Other ODCM-Required 15-30 <LD - <LLD 0
- Gammas Tritium 2 200 <LLD - - <LLD 0 Well Water Gamma Spec. 5 (pCVL)
Cs-134 15 <LLD - None 0 Cs-137 Is <.LD - - None 0 Other ODCM-Required 15-30 <LLD - None 0 Gamma*s Tritium 5 200 376(1/5) f1D-36 376(1/I) None 0 Public Water Gross Beta 3 4 <LLD - None 0 (pCVL)
Gamma Spec.
3 Cs-134 is <LW None 0 Cs-137 is <LLD None 0 Other ODCM-Required 15-30 <LLD - None 0 Gammas Tritium 200 1.554 (2/3) BD-22, Wilmington. 1,554 (213) None 0 3 (364.2,743) 6.0 mi NE, Sector C (364-2,743)
Gamm= Gamma Dose so 9.7 25.3 (78/8) BD20 9 -2' 30.0 (1/1) 25.0(2/2) 0 Background (22.0-30.0) 4.8 mi S. Sector J (25.0-25.0)
iMean and range based on detectable measurements only. Fractions indicated In parentheses.
b BD-209-2 and BD-21 1-1 had Identical mcans ot3D roR. Only BD-209-2 is detailed in this summary.
BRAIDWOOD Table 7. Surface Water Collection: Quarterly composites of weekly collections Required LLD: H 200 pCi'L Units: pCiL 2004 Sample Description and Concentration Collection Period Lab Code Tritium
]BD-10_Kankakee River. Downtream 1st Quarter BDSW- 1260 90-- 84;85 2nd Quarter BDSW- 3541 45-L 83 ;83 3rd Quarter BDSW. 5612,3 83 : 62 ;63 4 th Quarter BDSW- 7611 176:E 90 ;94 BD-25 (M~ Kanicakee River, Upstream I st Quarter BDSW- 1261 125:E 86 ;87 2nd Quarter BDSW- 3542 -104+80;80 3rd Quarter BDSW- 5614 47:L 86;86 4th Quarter BDSW- 7612 176k 90 ;94 I1N-32
BRAID WOOD Table 8. Well Water Collection: Quarterly ODCM-H 200, Mn 15, Fe 30, Co-58 15, Co-60 = 15, Zn-65 = 30, Required LLDs:*
Zr 30, Nb 15, Cs-134 - 15, Cs-137 - 18. Ba-140 - 60, Lz-140 = 15 pCiIL Units: pCL'.
- Sample Description and Concentration BD-13 Bnidwood City Hall \Veil Date Collected 01-08-04 04-08-04 07-08-04 10-14-04 Lab Code BDWW-157 BDWW-1563 BDWVYM-3583 BDWW-6053 H-3 22:k 80 ;80 11*077;77 113*1- 82 ;84 55*L 82;82 Mn-54 1.0 -1.8 ;1.8 2.4 *3.0 ;3.0 02 E2.0 ;2.0 -0.7 1.3 ;1.3 Fe-59 -2.5 4-3.7 ;3.7 -4.4*7.3 ;7.3 -4.3 *+3.5;3.5 -2.0 *2.4 12.4 Co-58 -0.8 d: 1.8 ;1.5 -1.4 *3.7 ; 3.4 -0.7 1.; 1.4 -0.6 *1. ; 1.2 Co-60 -0.4 -E1.5 ; 1.8 -1.3 *3.4 ;3.7 0.9 1.4 ; 1.5 -1.8 *1.2 ;1.1 Zn-65 .5.3 *L4.9 ;5.0 -3.8 -1*7.5 ; 7.5 -1.2 *4.0 ;4.0 -1.1 *L2.6 ;2.6 Zr-95 2.6 E3.6 ; 3.6 3.8 h7.3 ;7.3 0.6,*3.8 ;3.8 -1.7 *12.9 ;3.0 N'b-95 -1.5 :E2.2;2.2 "-1.9 :L-3.9; 3.9 1.0 *k1.7; 1.7 0.4 *E1.2; 1.2 Cs-134 0.5:1-2.1 ;2.1 2.4 *4.0 ; 4.1 1.6*E2.2 ;2.2 0.9 "*1.3 ;1.3 Cs-137 1.3 -i2.5 ; 2.5 -1.6*E3.9; 3.9 -1.9 *1:2.2 ;2.2 0.1 *'1.2; 1.2 Ba-140 3.0 *8.4 ; 8.4 2.9.*:13.6; 13.6 -8.6 *E6.0 ; 6.2 -2.8 *4.6; 4.6 Lu-140 -1.5 *2.0 ;2.1 -5.9:L3.9 ;4.0 1.8*1.4 ;1.4 -0.7.* 1.4 ;1.5 Date Collected 01-08-04 04-08-04 07-08-04 10-14-04 Lab Code BDWW.158 BDWW-1564 BDWW-3584 BDWW-6054 H1-3 20.+ 80;B0 43*78;79 134*L-83 ;85 77 ;77 Mn-54 0.2 *-1.6 ;1.6 1.3 *1.9 ; 1.9 -1.8 :E2.6 2.6 1.0*:-1.2 ;1.2 Fe-59 -2.7*L3.0 ;3.1 0.7 *3.4 ;3.4 3.5 *15.5 5.5 -0.6 *L2.0 ; 2.0 Co-58 0.3 -*-1.6 1.7 0.7 *L1.7 ;2.3 -0.9 *L2.8 ;3.4 -0.6 *k1.2 ; 1.3 Co-60 -2.0 4-1.7 1.6 -0.7 *:2.3 ; 1.7 -4.6*L3.4 2.8 -0.3 L1.3 ; 1.2 Zn-65 -4.1 :1:4.0 4.0 "-6.6=14.5 ;4.6 1.2 *h4.6 4.6 -0.5 *2.8 ;2.8 Zr-95 0.7 L3.9 3.9 -1.7 :4.9 ;4.9 2.2 *k5.2 ;5.2 "-0.8 *2.7 ;2.7 Nb.95 1.0 -*-2.1 2.1 1.4 *2.2; 2.2 0.9 *L-2.9; 2.9 -1.5 E1.4; 1.4 Cs-134 -0.6 *2.2 2.2 0.2 *E2.3 ;2.3 0.1 L3.4 ;3.4 1.6 *--1.5 ; 1.5 Cs-137 -2.2 f2.22; 2.2 O.0*2.3 2.3 0.5
- 2.7 ; 2.7 0.8 *1.5 ; 1.5 Ba-140 9.0 :k*6.5 6.6 -2.8 %:.5 ; 8.5 -12.6 *8.A ; 8.6 -6.5
- 4.9; 5.0 Ln-140 2.8k-1.9 1.9 0.3*L2.3 ;2.3 1.7 *-3.6 ;3.6 0.4 *L-1.4 ;1.4 111-33
BRAID WOOD Table 8. Well Water
- Collection: Quarterly ODCM-
- Required LLDs: H 200, Mn-54 = 15, Fe 30, Co-58 = 15, Co-60 = 15, Zn-65 = 30, Zr-95 = 30, Nb-95 = 15, Cs-134 = 15, Cs-137 = 18, Ba-140 - 60, La-140 = 15 pCi/L Units: pci/L Saniple Description*and Concentration Date Collected 01-08-04 04-08-04 07-08-04 10-14-04 Lab Code BDWWV-159 BDWW-1565 BDWW-3585 BDWW-6055 H-3 -1:1 79 ;79 20*. 77 ;77 158+ 84 ;87 2-- 79;79 Mn-54 -1.9 *-3.6;3.6 2.0 i3.7 ;3.8 1.3 *-2.5;2.5 -0.0*-1.9 ;1.9 FC-59 0.8 -*-5.6 ;5.6 7.2 *:6.8 ;6.9 0.3 :-4.3 ;4.3 0.4 *-2.9 ;2.9 Co-58 2.2 *3.7 ;3.4 0.7 *-3.9 ;5.1 -1.0 *2.9 ;3.0 -0.3 *-1.5;1.9 Co-60 3.2 +3.4 ;3.7 7.0 +5.0 ; 3.9 -0.5 :3.0 ;2.9 0.4 *-1.9 ;1.5 Zn-65 2.3 +7.7 ;7.7 -7.5 4E9.0 ;9.1 -2.4 -5.2 ;5.2 -0.2 *E3.0 ;3.0 Zr-95 3.3 :E 6.8 ;6.8 2.8 E9.0 ;9.1 -4.0E -6.6 ; 6.6 -3.7 E3.5 ;3.6 Nb-95 1.5 +*3.7;3.7 -0.1 *4.2; 4.2 -5.3 :L2.8;2.9 0.2 11.7; 1.7 Cs-134 -2.6+3.4 ;3.4 2.3 L-4.2 ; 4.2 0.9 *3.4 ;3.4 0.4 *2.0 ;2.0 Cs-137 1.3 *-3.3; 3.3 -1.6 E3.8; 3.8 -0.7*32; 3.2 0.6 *1.9; 1.9 Ba-140 -5.0 *11.7; 11.7 -14.4 E12.5; 12.7 0.3 *E8.9; 8.9 -9.2 *6.8 ; 6.9 La-140 -9.2 +5.3 ;5.5 1.2L4.4 ;4.4 -2.5*3.5 ;3.5 -2.3*1.8 ;1.8 Date Collected 01-08-04 04-08-04 07-08-04 10-14-04 Lab Code BDWW-160 BDWW-1566,7 *BDWW-3586 BDWW-;6056 H-3 494* 100; 121 396:L-66;77 485*E98;118 376d:95 ; 108 Mn-54 -0.5 *-3.1; 3.1 0.1 :E1.6; 1.6 -0.2
- 1.5 ; 1.5 -0.7 "1.2; 1.2 Fe-59 1.9 :E 6.2 ;6.2 1.6 *L2.7 ;2.7 0.1 *-2.5;2.5 -3.0 *-1.9;2.0 Co-58 -3.0*:2.7 ;3.7 -0.8 *E1.5 ;1.6 -0.3 1.3 ;1.4 0.2 *1.1 ;1.1 Co-60 -2.6 !:3.7 2.7 2.2* 1.5 ;1.5 -0.2 *1.4 ;1.3 Zn-65 1.5 *-7.8;7.8 -10.0 *4.4 ;4.6' 3.1 *-3.0;3.0 -0.5 *- 2.1 ;2.1 Zr-95 -0.8 *7.3 ; 7.3 -1.8 :3.4 ;3.4 -2.4 *L2.9 ;2.9 1.3 *L2.6 ;2.6 Nb-95 0.1 :-3.1 ; 3.1 -1.0 *1.9; 2.0 0.5 d-1.3 ; 1.3 -0.2 +-13;1.3 Cs-134 0.3 -3.2 ;3.2 -1.3 1.6 ;1.6 1.5 *1.4 ;1.4 -0.0 *-1.2; 1.2 Cs-137 -1.3 *3.3 ; 3.3 0.2*1.6; 1.6 -0.3 *-1.5;-1.5 "-0.0*:-1.3; 1.3 Ba-140 22.0*11.2; 11.6 -3.8 *-6.1; 6.1 -2.6 *4.8 ; 4.9 .6.8 *-4.5; 4.6 Lz-140 6.7 *4.6 ;4.7 -0.8:E1.8 ;1.8 -4.4k*1.6 ; 1.7 -1.3E-1.3 ;1.4 IH1-34
BRAIDWOOD Table -8. Well Water Collection: Quarterly ODCM-Required LLDs: H 200, Mn-54 = 15, Fe 30, Co-58 15, Co-60 = 15, Zn 30, Zr-95 30, Nb 15, Cs-134 15, Cs-137 = 18, Ba-140 - 60, La-140 = 15 pCillt Units: pCi/L" Sample Description and Concentration I0 \ ~L1~
-3715 0f4 Date Collected 01-15-04 04.15"o04 07-08-04 10-14-04 Lab Code BDWW-248' BDWW.-169Ct BDWW-3587 BDWW-6057 H-3 -151 78 ;78 45:L 78 ;79 1031 82;83 2918 0;80 MUn-54 -0.3 :*3.3 ;3.3 -0.9 E3.8 ;3.8 0.2 *2.0 ; 2.0 -0.4 *h1.9 ; 1.9 FC-59 1.7-1:5.7 ;5.7 -0.4 *-5.9;5.9 -0.7 *-3.9 ;3.9 2.7 :!3.5 ;3.5 Co-58 1.1 +3.4 ;4.0 -.4.2.+3.5 ;3.6 -1.2 *E1.7 ; 1.8 0.3 -1.9 ;2.0 Co-60 1.6 4-4.0 ; 3.4
- 4.1 d-3.5 ;3.6. 2.3 :h1.8; 1.7 4.1 *1.9 ;1.9 Zn-65 -0.3 47.6 ;7.6 -3.4 A7.8 ;7.9 -0.2 +4.0 ; 4.0 -1.7 *4.3 ;4.3 Zr-95 -4.0 -h7.9 ; 8.0 3.1 *E"7.9 ;7.9 -3.6 +3.9 ;4.0 -1.3 *4.7 ;4.7 Nb-95 1.7 -3.1 ;3.1 -1.1 -L3.7; 3.7 -2.7 *-1.8; 1.8 .2.1 *k1.9;1.9 Cs-134 0.1 *3.6 ;3.6 -0.3 *3.8 ;3.8 1.6 *2.2 ;2.2 -0.6 *-2.3;2.3 Cs-137 1.4A3.5 ; 3.5 1.0 +3.2 ; 3.2 1.8 *2.1 ; 2.1 0.7 *-2.3 ; 2.3 Ba-140 8.0 - 10.8 ; 10.9 2.5 *+11.7;11.7 1.1 *6.0; 6.0 10.5 *-7.4;7.6 La-140 -0.9*!4.0 ;4.0 4.3 4-4.4 ;4.4 2.3*2.5 ;2.5 -0.4 *2.3 ;2.3
'Unable to collect on scheduled date of 01-08-04; owner not home.
'Unable to collect on scheduled date of 04-08-04; owner not home.
BRAIDWOOD Table 9. Public Water Collection: Monthly composites of weekly collections ODCM- Gross Beta = 4, H-3 = 200, Mn-54 = 15, Fe-59 = 30, Co-58 = 15, Co 15, Required LLDs: Zn-65 30, Zr-95 = 30, Nb-95 15, Cs-134 = 15, Cs-137 = 18, Ba-140 = 60, La-140
'Units: pCiIL Sample Description and Concentration BD-22 Wilminpzton 2004 Collection January February March Period Lab Code BDPW-391 BDP*W-8I2 BDPW-1243 Gross Beta 1.7* 1.0; 1.1 2.0*k 1.2 ; 1.3 3.3E-1.0 ; 1.1 H-3 383197;110 432* 99; 115 219+/- 90;94 Mn-54 0.7 *+2.8 ; 2.8 2.1 L1.7 ;1.7 1.8*+3.5 ;3.5 Fe-59 -4.5.- 5.6; 5.6 -1.5 + 3.9 ;4.0 1.5*E4.9 ;4.9 Co-58 -0.8
- 2.6 ; 2.6 -0.64k1.8 ;.8 0.2*h3.8 ;3.8 Co-60 5.6k3.4 ;3.4 0.4*E1.9 ; 1.9 -2.64h3.9;3.9 "rn-65 0.6* 4.0; 4.0 -3.1 5.4 ; 5.5 3.0 6.9; 6.9 Zr-95 -1.2*: 6.5 ;6.5 -0.7:k 4.7 ; 4.7 -5.9:*7.9 ; 7.9 Nb-95 -1.0+ 3.1 ;3.1 1.2k 1.9;1.9 02+*3.3 ;3.3 Cs-134 1.6*h3.1 ;3.1 -0.4 E2.2 ; 2.2 -0.3*L-3.8 ;3.8 Cs-137 1.0*k 2.7 ;2.7 -1.3:1:2.2;2.2 3A.43.8 ;3.9 Ba-140 -3.8BE 9.2 ;9.2 -4.2*! 8.3 ;8.3 -4.6+*11.3;11.3 Laý-140 -0.8:h 2.7 ;2.7 S -1.0*2.3 ;2.3 -2.8*. 3.0 ;3.0 2004 Collection April May . June Period Lab Code BDPW-2129 BDPW-2748,9 BDPW-3445 Gross Beta 2.4 :E 0.9 ; 1.0 2.3 L 0.7 ; 0.7 3.3k 1.0 :1.1 H-3 . 56:L 84;84 117:* 62;63 42: 80;81 Mn-54 -1.6E*3.6; 3.6 -0.9b*2.5 ; 2.5 1.0h 2.6 ;2.6
-2.1l*3.8 ;3.8 Fe-59 -8.9*. 7.1; 7.2 2.9:E 4.9 5.0 Co-58 1.2*E 3.3 ; 3.3 -2.0*h 2.1 ;2.1 03-!-3.3 ;3.3 Co-60 2.0h3.4 ;3.5 -0.3 k2.5; 2.5 -0.9*. 3.1 ;3.1 Zn-65 0.SL7.2;7.2 S 0.4*4.8 ;4.8 -4.6*7.0 ;7.0 Zr-95 .3.1 :L 7.0; 7.0 3.1*h4.8 ;4.8 0.5 . 7.6 ; 7.6 Nb-95 0.2* 3.3 ; 3.3 -1.0k 2.1 ;2.1 0.9:+ 2.7 ;2.7 Cs-134 -1.5*L-3.4 ;3.4 -0.5*L2.6 ;2.6 -1.5*L3.3 ;3.3 Cs-137 0.3*E3.5;3.5 0.8 *2.5 ;2.5 1.8*.2.9 ;2.9.
Ba-140 1.4:L 11.6; 11.6 5.2--k7.4A;7.5 -10.2L9.9; 10.0 La-140 -4.214.4 ;4.5 -1.7k 2.3 ;2.3 -6.0
- 4.2 ;4.3 III-36
- I.. -~
BRAIDWOOD Table 9. Public Water Collection: Monthly composites of weel.y collections ODCM- Gross Beta - 4, H-3 =200, Mn 15, Fe-59 30, Co 15, Co-60 = 15, Required LLDs: Zn-65 = 30, Zr-95 30, Nb-95 = 15, Cs-134 15, Cs-137 = 18, Ba-140 = 60, La-140 Units: pCi/L Sample Description and Concentration BD-22 Wilmington 2004 Collection July August September Period Lab Code BDPW-4433 *BDPW-5021 BDPW-5583 Gross Beta ; 1,1 3.3-E1.1 ;1.3 2.8 *- 1.1 ; 1.1 H-3 685-L 105; 141 i,903*.144;296 3,144*h 176 ;463 Mn-54 -0.1 :E 2.1 ;2.1 -0.3*E 1.8; 1.8 -0.6-*2.0 ; 2.0 Fe-59 2.44*4.3 ;4.3 0.5*-3.213.2 -3A4-3.4 ;3.5 Co-58 -0.4*+2.2 ;2.2 -0.5k-1.9 ;1.9 -0.4L 2.1 ;2.1 Co-60 3.3 :L 2.8 ;2.9 -2.1*. 1.3 ; 1.3 -2.9:L 2.6 ; 2.6 Zn-65 0.24E3.9 ;3.9
- 1.04-4.5 ;4.5 0.2:E 4.0; 4.0 Zr-95 -2.4+*4.7 ;4.7
- 2.4-4.0;4.0 -0.7+42 ;4.2 Nb-95 -02:k 2.2 ; 2.2 1.3- 2.0 ;2.0 -1.3"- 1.8; 1.8 Cs-134 -1.8*L2.9;2.9 -2.0h *2.0; 2.1 -0.5 k2.2 ; 2.2 Cs-137 1.4.-2.9;2.9 -0.3 *2.1 ;2.1 -2.0+ 2.1 2.2 Ba-140 5.5h.9.8 ;9.8 2.2E 8.1 ;8.1 14.7*h7.3 ;7.6 La-140 2.0:E 2.9 ; 2.9 -1.9 - 2.2 ;2.2 2.1 + 2.2 ;2.2 2004 Collection October November December Period Lab Code BDPW-6590 BDPW-7148 BDPW-7604 Gross Beta 3.7.L-1.0 ;1.2 3.0+-1.0 ;1.1 2.6L-1.3 ; 1.3 H-3 2,743* 156;404 364:E:101;112 152*k 89 ;92 Mn-54 -1.2*E 1.6; 1.6 2.0k-2.6; 2.6 0.4h1.8; 1.8 Fe-59 0.2 *L2.6;2.6 -5.3 -4.4;4.4 1.3 *-2.9;2.9 Co-58 -0.4:L 1.5; 1.5 -0.1*2.6 ;2.6 1.4L -1.5 ;1.5 Co-60 1.1*- 1.7 ; 1.8 -2.3 *4.0 ;4.0 1.1 E1.9; 1.9 Zn-65 -1.8*3.6 ;3.6 1.9*-5.3 ;5.3 -1.1 *E3.3 ;3A Zr-95 0.2 E3.6;3.6 1.1 *h6.0 ;6.0 -1.0*.4.2;4.2 Nb-95 -2.7E 1.8 ; 1.8 .-1.64 3.1 ; 3.1 1.8:L 1.9 ;1.9 Cs-134 -0.8 *2.0;2.0 1.74k3.4 ;3.4 0.1
- 1.8 ; 1.8 Cs-137 1.0-+ 1.9; 1.9 2 2.7t 2.9;2.9 0.3b-1.8; 1.8 Ba-'140 -0.7 *-6.1 ;6.1 -4.4k -9.9; 10.0 5.9k*6.0 ;6.0 La-140 A4.8 E 2.2 ;2.3 0.6*k 3.4 ;3.4 -1.9*- 2.0 2.0 111-37
Surface Water-Tritium 2600 BD-1O Kankakee River, Downstream 2300 2000 1700, 1400D 1100.
-100 12-31-00 12-31-01 12-31-02 12-31-03 12-30-04 Figure 8. Quarterly composites of weekly collections.
BD-25 Kankakee River, Upstream 400-300 200 C
-200 I I 01-01-00 12-31-00 12-31-01 12-31-02 12-31-03 .12-30-04 Figure 9. Quarterly composites of weekly collections.
Well Water-Tritlium 3 Braidwood City Hall Well V
II i I.
1-00 12-31-01 12-31-02 12-31-03 .12-30-04 Figure 10. Quarterly collection.
Frý Q ANI&
AIm1P" M1-52
- (s .
Well Water-Tritium 11-53
I., f Well Water-Tritium 111-54
6 . .
Public Water - Gross Beta BD-22 Wilmington 10.0, Li 8.0, 2.0, 0.0 I. iI 01-01-0e 12-31-00 1.12-o1-02 12-31-0 12-31-03 12-3o-c4 Figure 15. Monthly composites of weekly collections.
O Public Water-Tritium BD-22 Wilmington 7600 7200 6600 6400 6000 5600 5200 4800 4400 S4000
'3600o 3200 2800 2400--
2000 1600 1200 B00 400 0 -
01-01-00 12-31-00 12-31-01 12-31-02 12-31-03 12-3D-04 Figure 16. Monthly composites of weekly collections.