MONTHYEARML25056A4302025-02-25025 February 2025 Acceptance Review - Entergy Fleet - Adopt TSTF-589 - CLIIP ML25006A0432024-12-26026 December 2024 Acceptance Review - Entergy Fleet - License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specifications to Use Online Monitoring Methodology ML24036A0162024-02-0101 February 2024 NRC Email - Acknowledge and Accept the Indian Point Energy Center Request to Be Removed from NRC Headquarters Operation Officer (Hoo) Morning Authentication Code Calls ML23341A2002023-12-0707 December 2023 Email - Indian Point Energy Center Generating Units 1, 2, and 3 – Implementation Notice of Amendment No. 67, 300 and 276 to Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Only Emergency Plan (Ioep) ML23332A0802023-11-0808 November 2023 – Email from State of New York on the Revised License Amendment for Indian Point Energy Center ISFSI Only Emergency Plan ML23331A9542023-11-0808 November 2023 Email - State of New York Comments on the Revised License Amendment for Indian Point Unit 2 and 3 Technical Specification Changes Reflecting Permanent Removal of Spent Fuel ML23325A1632023-11-0808 November 2023 – State of New York Comments on the Revised License Amendment for Indian Point Unit 2 and 3 Technical Specification Changes Reflecting Permanent Removal of Spent Fuel ML23144A3382023-05-25025 May 2023 Dawn Giambalvo of Jersey City, New Jersey Email Against Treated Water Release from Indian Point Site ML23144A3422023-05-25025 May 2023 Peter Duda of Pearl River, New York Email Against Treated Water Release from Indian Point Site ML23144A3442023-05-25025 May 2023 Peggy Kurtz of Rockland County, New York Email Against Treated Water Release from Indian Point Site ML23144A3452023-05-25025 May 2023 Adam Kahn of Monsey, New York Email Against Treated Water Release from Indian Point Site ML23144A3502023-05-25025 May 2023 Dan Kwilecki of Montebello, New York Email Against Treated Water Release from Indian Point Site ML23144A3392023-05-25025 May 2023 David Morris of New City, New York Email Against Treated Water Release from Indian Point Site ML23136B1622023-05-15015 May 2023 – Town of North Salem, County of Westchester, New York Board Resolution Letter Regarding Treated Water Release from Indian Point Site ML23109A0632023-04-17017 April 2023 Email Acceptance Review for IP2 and IP3 Amended Facility License and Technical Specification to Reflect Permanent Removal of Spent Fuel from Spent Fuel Pits ML23055A1112023-02-23023 February 2023 Alyse Peterson Email- NYSERDA No Comments on Indian Point Unit 2 - Regarding Holtec License Amendment Request to Revise Permanently Defueled Technical Specifications and Staffing Requirements with Spent Fuel Transfer to ISFSI (Dockets 50-24 ML23049A0032023-02-14014 February 2023 – NRC Acceptance Email to Holtec for License Amendment Request for Approval of New ISFSI-Only Emergency Plan and Associated EAL Scheme ML22313A1682022-11-0909 November 2022 NRC Response to Updates to the Proposed Amended IP2 Master Trust ML22308A0912022-11-0303 November 2022 Email Acknowledgement for IP2 and IP3 Amended Facility License and Technical Specification to Reflect Permanent Removal of Spent Fuel from Spent Fuel Pits ML22276A1642022-09-29029 September 2022 New York State Revised Draft EA Response E-Mail ML22271A8492022-09-28028 September 2022 E-Mail Transmitting Revised Indian Point Exemption Draft EA ML22269A3452022-09-22022 September 2022 Email Objection to Holtec IP2 Master Decommissioning Trust Agreement for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Facility Unit 1 and 2, EPID L-2022-LLA-0072 ML22259A1992022-09-0202 September 2022 Acceptance for License Amendment Request to Modify Staffing Requirements Following SFP Transfer to Dry Storage ML22265A0142022-08-31031 August 2022 Email Acknowledgement for Amended and Restated Holtec IP3 Master Decommissioning Trust Agreement for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Facility Unit 3 ML22242A2592022-08-19019 August 2022 E-mail from K. Sturzebecher, NRC, to B. Noval, HDI, Acknowledgement for Amended and Restated Holtec IP2 Master Decommissioning Trust Agreement for Indian Point Nuclear Generating Facility Unit 1 and 2 ML22228A1332022-08-0909 August 2022 Acknowledgement for License Amendment Request to Modify Staffing Requirements Following SFP Transfer to Dry Storage ML22215A0432022-08-0101 August 2022 E-Mail Transmitting NYS NSA Exemption Comments & Draft EA Review Completion ML22208A0292022-07-19019 July 2022 E-Mail Transmitting Indian Point Exemption Draft EA ML22168A0072022-06-16016 June 2022 Acceptance Review for License Amendment Request to Revise License Condition to Eliminate Cyber Security Plan Requirements ML22112A0122022-04-21021 April 2022 Acceptance Review: Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 140.11(a)(4) Concerning Primary and Secondary Liability Insurance for Indian Point Energy Center ML22112A0102022-04-21021 April 2022 Acceptance Review: Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50.54(w)(1) Concerning Indian Point Energy Center Onsite Property Damage Insurance ML22104A0342022-04-13013 April 2022 E-mail from Z. Cruz, NRC to J. Fleming, Holtec - Request for Additional Information Related to Request for Exemption from Portions of 10 CFR 50.47 and Part 50 Appendix E for Indian Point Energy Center ML22103A2432022-04-13013 April 2022 E-mail - Request for Additional Information - License Amendment Request to Revise Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme for Permanently Defueled Condition for Indian Point Energy Center ML22038A2572022-02-0707 February 2022 E-mail from Z. Cruz, NRC, to J. Fleming, HDI - Acceptance Review: License Amendment Request to Revise Emergency Plan and Emergency Action Level Scheme to Address Permanently Defueled Condition for Indian Point Energy Center ML22035A1862022-02-0404 February 2022 E-mail to J. Fleming, Holtec, from Z. Cruz Perez, NRC - Acceptance Review: Exemption Requests from Portions of 10 CFR 50.47 and 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E, Section IV for Indian Point Energy Center ML22028A1032022-01-28028 January 2022 E-mail Dated 1/28/2022, Transmittal of Draft Safety Evaluation for Proposed License Amendment Revision to Licensing Basis to Incorporate the Installation and Use of of New Auxiliary Lifting Device ML22038A1592022-01-24024 January 2022 NRR E-mail Capture - (External_Sender) 2021 IPEC Annual Sturgeon Impingement Report ML22006A0442022-01-0505 January 2022 Email from Z Cruz to J Fleming Request for Additional Information - HDI Indian Point Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report ML21337A2952021-12-0303 December 2021 Subsequent Request for Additional Information License Amendment Request to Revise Licensing Basis for New Auxiliary Lifting Device (E-mail Dated 12/3/2021) ML21335A3692021-12-0101 December 2021 Acceptance Review: Indian Point Energy Center - Exemption Request from 10 CFR Part 20 App G Section Iii.E ML21266A2972021-08-18018 August 2021 8/18/2021 E-mail from H. Specter to R. Guzman Public Comments to NRC, Indian Point Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report Public Meeting on July 29, 2021 ML21225A4252021-08-0909 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21224A3032021-08-0909 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe of Connecticut Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21225A5682021-08-0909 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohican Indians Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21225A6142021-08-0909 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Tuscarora Nation Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21225A5012021-08-0909 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Shinnecock Indian Nation Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21225A5462021-08-0606 August 2021 Email from NRC to the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21225A5352021-08-0606 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Tonawanda Band of Seneca Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21225A4402021-08-0606 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Onondaga Nation of Wisconsin Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Meeting on August 18, 2021 ML21225A3142021-08-0606 August 2021 Email from NRC to the Oneida Indian Nation Announcing the IPEC PSDAR Public Meeting on August 18, 2021 2025-02-25
[Table view] Category:News Article
MONTHYEARML1209703522011-12-16016 December 2011 New York Times - Victor Gilinsky - Indian Point the Next Fukushima ML1209703512011-10-31031 October 2011 NRDC Nuclear Accident at Indian Point ML0713102922007-03-23023 March 2007 E-Mail from D. Mayer of Entergy to J. White of USNRC, Regarding News Article ML0613203562006-03-0808 March 2006 E-mail from K. Mcmullin of Entergy to B. Mcdermott and J. White of USNRC, Regarding Nuclear Safety Review Pushed ML0613202782006-03-0101 March 2006 E-mail from D. Croulet of Entergy to J. Noggle and M. Cox of USNRC and T. Rice of the State of New York, Regarding Radioactive Water May Be Following Cracks in Bedrock to Hudson ML0610004492005-11-10010 November 2005 Inside Entergy Indian Point News, Spent Fuel Pool Bulletin, Liner Inspection and New Wells Aid SFP Investigation 2011-12-16
[Table view] |
IJohn White - FW: Nuclear safety review pushed Page 1 1
~h Wie-FW:I Nucler safty reiew pshed ace1 N
"McMullin, Kathy" <KMcMull@entergy.com>
"'Brian McDermott"' <BJM nrc.gov>, "White John (arwl @nrc.gov)" <jrwl @nrc.gov>
3/8/06 9:55AM
FW: Nuclear safety review pushed Thought you might want to see this one Kathy Nuclear safety review pushed By GREG CLARY
<mailto:gclary@ lohud.com> gclary lohud.com THE JOURNAL NEWS Related news from the Web Latest headlines by topic:
- <http:/Awww.topix.net/us/?p=7063&s=PB&co=1> US News
- <http:/lwww.topix.netlus-house/eliot-engeV?p=7063&s=PB&co=1>
Eliot Engel
Five area congressional representatives want federal regulators to conduct an independent safety review of Indian Point and are pushing legislation in Washington to require the additional oversight.
"Indian Point is not functioning properly, and the health of area residents and the integrity of the environment are being compromised," Rep.Maurice Hinchey, D-Middletown, said in a statement announcing the bill he introduced yesterday.
Joining Hinchey in the effort to force the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to ratchet up its oversight of the plant are two Democrats, Reps. Nita Lowey and Eliot Engel, and two Republicans, Rep. Sue Kelly and Connecticut's Rep. Christopher Shays. All are original co-sponsors of the bill.
Entergy officials disagreed with Hinchey's evaluation of the plants' operations and said the legislation wasn't warranted. Two radioactive isotopes have shown up in underground water at the Buchanan site since a leak began last summer from a spent fuel pool, and the elected officials maintain that the NRC must ensure that safety issues are addressed in a formal manner.
"An Independent Safety Assessment is the most comprehensive and guaranteed way to evaluate current problems and identify other potential problems at Indian Point," Kelly said. "As I made clear to the NRC in my written request for an ISA last month, the agency must better demonstrate that the safety of our local communities surrounding the plant is its foremost priority."
John White - FW: Nuclear safety review pushed Page 2 The legislation, if passed, would force the NRC to report its findings on the safety of Indian Point no later than six months from the day the measure is signed into law.
It would also require an in-depth assessment of the design, construction, maintenance and operational safety performance of Indian Point and a comprehensive evaluation of the emergency evacuation plan for the nuclear power plant in the event of a terrorist attack or radiological accident.
The NRC on Saturday posted an annual assessment letter for the plants' 2005 operations, noting an Indian Point 2 nitrogen leak as its main reason for the second highest rating while Indian Point 3 got the highest rating. Overall, the agency said the nuclear plants "operated in a manner that preserved public health and safety."
Indian Point spokesman Jim Steets said the elected officials were pushing for more regulation than is needed.
"Entergy has repeatedly demonstrated that it meets or exceeds safety and security regulations at Indian Point in several comprehensive assessments conducted by federal and local agencies," Steets said. "New York residents would be better served if these elected officials actually read the assessments, rather than waste tax dollars on new unwarranted assessments to mollify the extreme elements of their constituencies that oppose nuclear power."
I1anWie-TEXT.htm Paae 1 onW ie E~t
1 Thought you might want to see this one Kathy Nuclear safety review pushed By GREG CLARY cclarvO lohud.com THE JOURNAL NEWS Related news from the Web Latest headlines by topic:
^ US News
^ US House of Representatives
- Sue Kelly Powered by Toix net (Original publication: March 8, 2006)
Five area congressional representatives want federal regulators to conduct an independent safety review of Indian Point and are pushing legislation in Washington to require the additional oversight.
Indian Point is not functioning properly, and the health of area residents and the integrity of the environment are being compromised," Rep.Maurice Hinchey, D-Middletown, said in a statement announcing the bill he introduced yesterday.
Joining Hinchey in the effort to force the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to ratchet up its oversight of the plant are two Democrats, Reps. Nita Lowey and Eliot Engel, and two Republicans, Rep. Sue Kelly and Connecticut's Rep. Christopher Shays. All are original co-sponsors of the bill.
Entergy officials disagreed with Hinchey's evaluation of the plants' operations and said the legislation wasn't warranted. Two radioactive isotopes have shown up in underground water at the Buchanan site since a leak began last summer from a spent fuel pool, and the elected officials maintain that the NRC must ensure that safety issues are addressed in a formal manner.
"An Independent Safety Assessment is the most comprehensive and guaranteed way to evaluate current problems and identify other potential problems at Indian Point," Kelly
lI Jh hite - TEXT.htm Page 29 l John White - TEXT.htm Paae 2 d said. "As I made clear to the NRC in my written request for an ISA last month, the agency must better demonstrate that the safety of our local communities surrounding the plant is its foremost priority."
The legislation, if passed, would force the NRC to report its findings on the safety of Indian Point no later than six months from the day the measure is signed into law.
It would also require an in-depth assessment of the design, construction, maintenance and operational safety performance of Indian Point and a comprehensive evaluation of the emergency evacuation plan for the nuclear power plant in the event of a terrorist attack or radiological accident.
The NRC on Saturday posted an annual assessment letter for the plants' 2005 operations, noting an Indian Point 2 nitrogen leak as its main reason for the second highest rating while Indian Point 3 got the highest rating. Overall, the agency said the nuclear plants "operated in a manner that preserved public health and safety."
Indian Point spokesman Jim Steets said the elected officials were pushing for more regulation than is needed.
"Entergy has repeatedly demonstrated that it meets or exceeds safety and security regulations at Indian Point in several comprehensive assessments conducted by federal and local agencies," Steets said. "New York residents would be better served if these elected officials actually read the assessments, rather than waste tax dollars on new unwarranted assessments to mollify the extreme elements of their constituencies that oppose nuclear power."