Letter Sequence Other |
MONTHYEARML0513102802005-04-27027 April 2005 Technical Specifications Change 04-06 - Relocation of Specifications in Accordance with Part 50.36 in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Project stage: Request ML0534102722005-11-17017 November 2005 Units 1 & 2 - Technical Specifications (TS) Change 04-06, Revision 1 - Relocation of Specifications in Accordance with Part 50.36 in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Project stage: Request ML0600402802005-12-28028 December 2005 TS for Amend 295, TAC MC6881, Relocation of Multiple Technical Specifications Project stage: Other ML0600402772005-12-28028 December 2005 TS for Amend 305, TAC MC6881, Relocation of Multiple Technical Specifications Project stage: Other ML0520600332005-12-28028 December 2005 Issuance of Amendments Regarding Relocation of Multiple Technical Specifications to the Requirements Manual (TAC MC6881 and MC6882) (TS 04-06) Project stage: Approval 2005-12-28
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Category:Technical Specification
MONTHYEARCNL-24-071, Expedited Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Revise the Reactor Coolant System Pressure Isolation Valve Leakage Testing Frequency for the (SQN-TS-24-04)2024-11-26026 November 2024 Expedited Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Revise the Reactor Coolant System Pressure Isolation Valve Leakage Testing Frequency for the (SQN-TS-24-04) CNL-24-021, Application to Revise Technical Specification Limiting Condition of Operation 3.5.2, ECCS – Operating, Note 1 to Include Residual Heat Removal Pump Flow Paths (SQN-TS-23-04 and WBN-TS-23-020)2024-11-12012 November 2024 Application to Revise Technical Specification Limiting Condition of Operation 3.5.2, ECCS – Operating, Note 1 to Include Residual Heat Removal Pump Flow Paths (SQN-TS-23-04 and WBN-TS-23-020) CNL-24-014, License Amendment Request to Revise the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications to Use Online Monitoring Methodology (SQN-TS-24-02 and WBN-TS-23-22)2024-11-0404 November 2024 License Amendment Request to Revise the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications to Use Online Monitoring Methodology (SQN-TS-24-02 and WBN-TS-23-22) CNL-23-036, Application to Revise Function 5 of Technical Specification Table 3.3.2-1, Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System Instrumentation, for the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (SQN-TS-23-02 and WBN-TS-23-08)2023-12-18018 December 2023 Application to Revise Function 5 of Technical Specification Table 3.3.2-1, Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System Instrumentation, for the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (SQN-TS-23-02 and WBN-TS-23-08) ML23277A0462023-10-0404 October 2023 Revisions to the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Technical Specification Bases CNL-23-059, Supplement to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-567-A, Revision 1, Add Containment Sump TS to Address GSI-191 Issues (SQN-TS-23-2023-09-20020 September 2023 Supplement to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-567-A, Revision 1, Add Containment Sump TS to Address GSI-191 Issues (SQN-TS-23-03 CNL-23-028, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-567-A, Revision 1, Add Containment Sump TS to Address GSI-191 Issues (SQN-TS-23-03 and WBN-TS-23-06)2023-08-0202 August 2023 Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-567-A, Revision 1, Add Containment Sump TS to Address GSI-191 Issues (SQN-TS-23-03 and WBN-TS-23-06) CNL-22-037, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-541-A, Add Exceptions to Surveillance Requirements for Valves and Dampers Locked in the Actuated Position (BFN TS-533)2023-01-31031 January 2023 Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-541-A, Add Exceptions to Surveillance Requirements for Valves and Dampers Locked in the Actuated Position (BFN TS-533) CNL-22-008, And Watts Bar Nuclear Plant - Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-529, Clarify Use and Application Rules (BFN-TS-541, SQN-TS-21-09, and WBN-TS-22-002)2022-06-13013 June 2022 And Watts Bar Nuclear Plant - Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-529, Clarify Use and Application Rules (BFN-TS-541, SQN-TS-21-09, and WBN-TS-22-002) ML22145A1412022-05-16016 May 2022 Technical Specification Bases, Manual ML22125A1272022-05-0404 May 2022 Revisions to the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Technical Specification Bases ML22108A2822022-04-27027 April 2022 Summary of Regulatory Audit Regarding the License Amendment Request to Revise TS to Adopt TSTF 505, Rev. 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times RITSTF Initiative 4b CNL-21-091, Exigent License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 3.4.12, Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System (SQN-TS-21-06)2021-10-22022 October 2021 Exigent License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 3.4.12, Low Temperature Overpressure Protection System (SQN-TS-21-06) CNL-20-076, Response to Request for Additional Information Re Application to Revise Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Unit 1 Technical Specifications for Steam Generator Tube Inspection Frequency (SQN-TS-20-01)2020-09-23023 September 2020 Response to Request for Additional Information Re Application to Revise Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Unit 1 Technical Specifications for Steam Generator Tube Inspection Frequency (SQN-TS-20-01) CNL-20-014, Application to Modify the Technical Specification to Allow for Transition to Westinghouse RFA-2 Fuel (SQN-TS-20-09)2020-09-23023 September 2020 Application to Modify the Technical Specification to Allow for Transition to Westinghouse RFA-2 Fuel (SQN-TS-20-09) CNL-19-116, Exigent License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 4.2.2, Control Rod Assemblies (SQN-TS-19-05)2019-11-16016 November 2019 Exigent License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 4.2.2, Control Rod Assemblies (SQN-TS-19-05) CNL-19-072, Technical Specification Change - Reactor Vessel Level Instrumentation Inoperable - Exigent Amendment (SQN-TS-2019-03)2019-07-14014 July 2019 Technical Specification Change - Reactor Vessel Level Instrumentation Inoperable - Exigent Amendment (SQN-TS-2019-03) ML19151A5842019-05-31031 May 2019 Revisions to the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Technical Specification Bases CNL-18-130, Revised Application to Modify the Technical Specifications for Unbalanced Voltage Relays2018-11-19019 November 2018 Revised Application to Modify the Technical Specifications for Unbalanced Voltage Relays ML17333A4012017-11-29029 November 2017 Revisions to the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Technical Specification Bases CNL-16-051, Proposed Technical Specification Change to Revise the Note Modifying SR of TS 3.8.1 AC Sources - Operating (TS-SQN-16-04)2017-03-13013 March 2017 Proposed Technical Specification Change to Revise the Note Modifying SR of TS 3.8.1 AC Sources - Operating (TS-SQN-16-04) CNL-16-011, Proposed Technical Specification Change to Extend the Allowed Completion Time to Restore Essential Raw Cooling Water System Train to Operable Status from 72 Hours to 7 Days (TS-SQN-16-01)2016-03-11011 March 2016 Proposed Technical Specification Change to Extend the Allowed Completion Time to Restore Essential Raw Cooling Water System Train to Operable Status from 72 Hours to 7 Days (TS-SQN-16-01) NL-15-128, Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 4 of 82015-06-19019 June 2015 Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 4 of 8 ML15176A7482015-06-19019 June 2015 Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 8 of 8 ML15176A7402015-06-19019 June 2015 Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 7 of 8 ML15176A7182015-06-19019 June 2015 Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 6 of 8 CNL-15-128, Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 5 of 82015-06-19019 June 2015 Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 5 of 8 ML15176A6822015-06-19019 June 2015 Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 4 of 8 ML15176A6792015-06-19019 June 2015 Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 2 of 8 ML15176A6642015-06-19019 June 2015 Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 1 of 8 ML15176A6812015-06-19019 June 2015 Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 3 of 8 NL-15-128, Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 7 of 82015-06-19019 June 2015 Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 7 of 8 NL-15-128, Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 1 of 82015-06-19019 June 2015 Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 1 of 8 NL-15-128, Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 2 of 82015-06-19019 June 2015 Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 2 of 8 NL-15-128, Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 3 of 82015-06-19019 June 2015 Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 3 of 8 NL-15-128, Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 5 of 82015-06-19019 June 2015 Sequoyah Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications Conversion to NUREG-1431, Rev. 4.0 (SQN-TS-11-10) - Supplement 2. Part 5 of 8 CNL-14-176, Application to Revise Technical Specification 6.8.4.h, Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program, (SQN-TS-14-03)2014-12-0202 December 2014 Application to Revise Technical Specification 6.8.4.h, Containment Leakage Rate Testing Program, (SQN-TS-14-03) ML14342B0042014-12-0101 December 2014 Cycle 19 - 180-Day Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report ML13193A0392013-07-0505 July 2013 Revisions to the Technical Requirements Manual and Specification Bases ML11249A0612011-08-31031 August 2011 Application for Temporary Change to TS to Allow Use of Penetrations in Shield Building Dome During Modes 1 Through 4;and Request for Specific Usage of Alternate Source Term Methodology for Calculating Radiation Doses Associated. ML11195A1172011-07-29029 July 2011 Issuance of Amendments Regarding the Cyber Security Plan (TS-09-06) (TACs ME4955 and ME4956) ML11129A1882011-05-0606 May 2011 TS 11-06, Emergency Technical Specification Change for One-Time Extension of Surveillance Requirements Associated with Reactor Trip System and Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System Instrumentation ML1014701582010-05-24024 May 2010 Revisions to Technical Requirements Manual and Technical Specification Bases ML0929503402009-10-20020 October 2009 License Amendment Request for Adoption of TSTF-511, Revision 0, Eliminate Working Hour Restrictions from TS 5.2.2 to Support Compliance with 10 CFR Part 26 - Browns Ferry TS Change 469; Sequoyah Change 09-04; and Watts Change 09-19 ML0833701212008-12-0101 December 2008 Revisions to the Technical Requirements Manual (TRM) and Technical Specification (TS) Bases (Unit 1 Revisions 31, 32, and 33; Unit 2 Revisions 30, 31 and 32) ML0710101532007-04-0202 April 2007 Additional Information for Technical Specification Change 05-09 - Application for Technical Specification Improvement Regarding Steam Generator Tube Integrity and Deletion of License Condition ML0702500312007-01-12012 January 2007 Technical Specification (TS) Change 06-06 - Revised Steam Generator (SG) Voltage-Based Repair Criteria - Probability of Prior Cycle Detection (Popcd) ML0634700292006-12-0707 December 2006 Technical Specifications (TS) Change 06-03 Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) Temperature Increase and Elevation Changes Supplemental Information ML0635302012006-11-30030 November 2006 Correction to Amendments Regarding Addition of Limiting Condition for Operation 3.0.7 on Inoperable Snubbers - Tech Specs Unit 2 - S118818 ML0635302082006-11-30030 November 2006 Correction to Amendments Regarding Addition of Limiting Condition for Operation 3.0.7 on Inoperable Snubbers - Unit 1 Tech Specs - S118819 2024-11-04
[Table view] Category:Amendment
MONTHYEARCNL-24-021, Application to Revise Technical Specification Limiting Condition of Operation 3.5.2, ECCS – Operating, Note 1 to Include Residual Heat Removal Pump Flow Paths (SQN-TS-23-04 and WBN-TS-23-020)2024-11-12012 November 2024 Application to Revise Technical Specification Limiting Condition of Operation 3.5.2, ECCS – Operating, Note 1 to Include Residual Heat Removal Pump Flow Paths (SQN-TS-23-04 and WBN-TS-23-020) CNL-24-014, License Amendment Request to Revise the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications to Use Online Monitoring Methodology (SQN-TS-24-02 and WBN-TS-23-22)2024-11-0404 November 2024 License Amendment Request to Revise the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications to Use Online Monitoring Methodology (SQN-TS-24-02 and WBN-TS-23-22) CNL-23-036, Application to Revise Function 5 of Technical Specification Table 3.3.2-1, Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System Instrumentation, for the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (SQN-TS-23-02 and WBN-TS-23-08)2023-12-18018 December 2023 Application to Revise Function 5 of Technical Specification Table 3.3.2-1, Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System Instrumentation, for the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (SQN-TS-23-02 and WBN-TS-23-08) CNL-23-059, Supplement to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-567-A, Revision 1, Add Containment Sump TS to Address GSI-191 Issues (SQN-TS-23-2023-09-20020 September 2023 Supplement to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, and Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-567-A, Revision 1, Add Containment Sump TS to Address GSI-191 Issues (SQN-TS-23-03 CNL-23-028, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-567-A, Revision 1, Add Containment Sump TS to Address GSI-191 Issues (SQN-TS-23-03 and WBN-TS-23-06)2023-08-0202 August 2023 Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-567-A, Revision 1, Add Containment Sump TS to Address GSI-191 Issues (SQN-TS-23-03 and WBN-TS-23-06) CNL-22-037, Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-541-A, Add Exceptions to Surveillance Requirements for Valves and Dampers Locked in the Actuated Position (BFN TS-533)2023-01-31031 January 2023 Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-541-A, Add Exceptions to Surveillance Requirements for Valves and Dampers Locked in the Actuated Position (BFN TS-533) CNL-22-008, And Watts Bar Nuclear Plant - Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-529, Clarify Use and Application Rules (BFN-TS-541, SQN-TS-21-09, and WBN-TS-22-002)2022-06-13013 June 2022 And Watts Bar Nuclear Plant - Application to Revise Technical Specifications to Adopt TSTF-529, Clarify Use and Application Rules (BFN-TS-541, SQN-TS-21-09, and WBN-TS-22-002) ML22125A1272022-05-0404 May 2022 Revisions to the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2 Technical Specification Bases ML22108A2822022-04-27027 April 2022 Summary of Regulatory Audit Regarding the License Amendment Request to Revise TS to Adopt TSTF 505, Rev. 2, Provide Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times RITSTF Initiative 4b CNL-20-076, Response to Request for Additional Information Re Application to Revise Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Unit 1 Technical Specifications for Steam Generator Tube Inspection Frequency (SQN-TS-20-01)2020-09-23023 September 2020 Response to Request for Additional Information Re Application to Revise Sequoyah Nuclear Plant (SQN) Unit 1 Technical Specifications for Steam Generator Tube Inspection Frequency (SQN-TS-20-01) CNL-19-116, Exigent License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 4.2.2, Control Rod Assemblies (SQN-TS-19-05)2019-11-16016 November 2019 Exigent License Amendment Request to Revise Technical Specification 4.2.2, Control Rod Assemblies (SQN-TS-19-05) CNL-16-051, Proposed Technical Specification Change to Revise the Note Modifying SR of TS 3.8.1 AC Sources - Operating (TS-SQN-16-04)2017-03-13013 March 2017 Proposed Technical Specification Change to Revise the Note Modifying SR of TS 3.8.1 AC Sources - Operating (TS-SQN-16-04) ML11195A1172011-07-29029 July 2011 Issuance of Amendments Regarding the Cyber Security Plan (TS-09-06) (TACs ME4955 and ME4956) ML11129A1882011-05-0606 May 2011 TS 11-06, Emergency Technical Specification Change for One-Time Extension of Surveillance Requirements Associated with Reactor Trip System and Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System Instrumentation ML0929503402009-10-20020 October 2009 License Amendment Request for Adoption of TSTF-511, Revision 0, Eliminate Working Hour Restrictions from TS 5.2.2 to Support Compliance with 10 CFR Part 26 - Browns Ferry TS Change 469; Sequoyah Change 09-04; and Watts Change 09-19 ML0635302082006-11-30030 November 2006 Correction to Amendments Regarding Addition of Limiting Condition for Operation 3.0.7 on Inoperable Snubbers - Unit 1 Tech Specs - S118819 ML0635302012006-11-30030 November 2006 Correction to Amendments Regarding Addition of Limiting Condition for Operation 3.0.7 on Inoperable Snubbers - Tech Specs Unit 2 - S118818 ML0622301112006-08-0202 August 2006 Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 298 Regarding Changes to Cyclic and Transient Limits with Design Features Revision (TS 05-02) ML0622300952006-08-0202 August 2006 Tech Spec Pages for Amendment 309 Regarding Changes to Cyclic and Transient Limits with Design Features Revision (TS 05-02) ML0610102602006-04-0606 April 2006 Technical Specification Pages Re Allowable Value for Reactor Trip System ML0611004082006-03-30030 March 2006 Technical Specification Change 05-11, Revision to TS to Support Third 10-Year Interval Inservice Test Program, Rev 1 ML0600402802005-12-28028 December 2005 TS for Amend 295, TAC MC6881, Relocation of Multiple Technical Specifications ML0600402772005-12-28028 December 2005 TS for Amend 305, TAC MC6881, Relocation of Multiple Technical Specifications ML0507303032005-03-0909 March 2005 Tech Spec Pages Amendments 299 and 288, RCS & ECCS Enhancements ML0434905992004-12-0202 December 2004 Technical Specifications Change 03-13, Application for Technical Specification Change Regarding Mode Change Limitations Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process Cliip.) ML0427204482004-09-20020 September 2004 Cycle 12 (U2C12) 12-Month Steam Generator Inspection Report ML0426102902004-09-15015 September 2004 Issuance of Amendment Regarding, Index - Definitions 1.0 ML0407608732004-03-0505 March 2004 Technical Specifications (TS) Change 04-02, Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Extend the Inspection Interval for Reactor Coolant Pump Flywheels Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process. ML0407608782004-03-0505 March 2004 Technical Specifications (TS) Change 03-14, Application for Technical Specification Improvement to Eliminate Requirements for Hydrogen Recombiners and Hydrogen Monitors Using the Consolidated Line Item Improvement Process. ML0227502132002-09-30030 September 2002 Technical Specification Pages for Amendment No. 279. Ice Condenser Basket Weight ML0220005542002-07-10010 July 2002 Unit 2 - Technical Specification (TS) Change No. 02-03, Essential Raw Cooling Water (ERCW) Operability During Movement of Heavy Loads - One Time TS Change in Support of Steam Generator Replacement Project 2024-11-04
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INDEX LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION PAGE 3/4.2 POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS 3/4.2.1 AXIAL FLUX DIFFERENCE (AFD) ........................................................... 3/4 2-1 3/4.2.2 HEAT FLUX HOT CHANNEL FACTOR-FQ(Z) ........................................................... 3/4 2-4 3/4.2.3 NUCLEAR ENTHALPY HOT CHANNEL FACTOR ........................................................... 3/4 2-8 3/4.2.4 QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO ........................................................... 3/4 2-10 3/4 2.5 DNB PARAMETERS ........................................................... 3/4 2-13 3/4.3 INSTRUMENTATION 3/4.3.1 REACTOR TRIP SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION ........................................................... 3/4 3-1 3/4.3.2 ENGINEERED SAFETY FEATURE ACTUATION SYSTEM INSTRUMENTATION .......... 3/4 3-14 3/4.3.3 MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation ........................................................... 3/4 3-40 Movable Incore Detectors (Deleted) ........................................................... 3/4 3-44 Seismic Instrumentation (Deleted) ........................................................... 3/4 3-45 Meteorological Instrumentation (Deleted) ........................................................... 3/4 3-48 Remote Shutdown Instrumentation ........................................................... 3/4 3-51 Chlorine Detection Systems (Deleted) .................................................................... 3/4 3-55 Accident Monitoring Instrumentation ........................................................... 3/4 3-56 Fire Detection Instrumentation (Deleted) ........................................................... 3/4 3-59 Deleted ........................................................... 3/4 3-68 Explosive Gas Monitoring Instrumentation ........................................................... 3/4 3-69 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 V Amendment No. 54, 130, 134, 218, 236, 295
INDEX LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION PAGE 3/4.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM 3/4.4.1 REACTOR COOLANT LOOPS AND COOLANT CIRCULATION STARTUP AND POWER OPERATION ....................................... 3/4 4-1 Hot Standby ....................................... 3/4 4-2 Hot Shutdown ....................................... 3/4 4-3 Cold Shutdown ....................................... 3/4 4-5 3/4.4.2 SAFETY VALVES - SHUTDOWN (DELETED) ....................................... 3/4 4-6 3/4.4.3 SAFETY AND RELIEF VALVES - OPERATING Safety Valves Operating ........................... 3/4 4-7 Relief Valves Operating ........................... 3/4 4-8 3/4.4.4 PRESSURIZER .3/ 4-9 3/4.4.5 STEAM GENERATORS .34 4-10 3/4.4.6 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LEAKAGE Leakage Detection Instrumentation. 3/4 4-17 Operational Leakage . 3/4 4-18 Reactor Coolant System Pressure Isolation Valve Leakage .3/4 4-19 3/4.4.7 CHEMISTRY (Deleted) .3/4 4-21 3/4.4.8 SPECIFIC ACTIVITY .3/4 4-24 3/4.4.9 RCS PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE (PTLR) LIMITS Reactor Coolant System .3/4 4-28 Pressurizer (Deleted) .3/4 4-31 3/4.4.10 DELETED ...................................................... 3/4 4-32 3/4.4.11 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM HEAD VENTS (Deleted) .......... . .... ..... - 3/4 4-33 3/4.4.12 LOW TEMPERATURE OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION (LTOP) SYSTEM .. 3/4 4-34 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 VI Amendment No. 106, 120,138,147,198, 250, 284, 288, 295
INDEX LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION PAGE 3/4.6.3 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES ....................................................... 3/4 6-17 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL Hydrogen Monitors (Deleted) ....................................................... 3/ 6-24 4
Electric Hydrogen Recombiners - W (Deleted) ....................................................... 3/4 6-25 Hydrogen Mitigation System ....................................................... 3/4 6-26 3/4.6.5 ICE CONDENSER Ice Bed ....................................................... 3/4 6-27 Ice Bed Temperature Monitoring System (Deleted) .................................................. 3/4 6-29 Ice Condenser Doors ....................................................... 3/4 6-30 Inlet Door Position Monitoring System (Deleted) ...................................................... 3/4 6-32 Divider Barrier Personnel Access Doors And Equipment Hatches ....................................................... 3/4 6-33 Containment Air Return Fans ....................................................... 3/4 6-34 Floor Drains ....................................................... 3/4 6-35 Refueling Canal Drains ....................................................... 3/4 6-36 Divider Barrier Seal ....................................................... 3/4 6-37 3/4.6.6 VACUUM RELIEF VALVES ....................................................... 3/4 6-39 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/4.7.1 TURBINE CYCLE Safety Valves ....................................................... 3/4 7-1 Auxiliary Feedwater System ....................................................... 3/4 7-5 Condensate Storage Tank ...................... 3/4 7-7 Activity .3/4 7-8 Main Steam Line Isolation Valves .3/4 7-10 Main Feedwater Isolation, Regulating, And Bypass Valves ..................................... 3/4 7-1 Oa 3/4.7.2 STEAM GENERATOR PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE LIMITATION (Deleted) .................. 3/4 7-11 3/4.7.3 COMPONENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM ....................................................... 3/4 7-12 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 Vill Amendment No. 188, 203, 222, 268, 286, 295
INDEX LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION PAGE 3/4.7.4 ESSENTIAL RAW COOLING WATER SYSTEM ................. ............................ 3/4 7-13 3/4.7.5 ULTIMATE HEAT SINK ............................................. 3/4 7-14 3/4.7.6 FLOOD PROTECTION PLAN (DELETED) ............................................. 3/4 7-15 3/4.7.7 CONTROL ROOM EMERGENCY VENTILATION SYSTEM ............................................. 3/4 7-17 3/4.7.8 AUXILIARY BUILDING GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM ............................................. 3/4 7-19 3/4.7.9 SNUBBERS (DELETED) ................................... , 3/4 7-21 3/4.7.10 SEALED SOURCE CONTAMINATION (Deleted) ................................... 3/4 7-41 3/4.7.11 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS (DELETED) ................................... 3/4 7-43 3/4.7.12 FIRE BARRIER PENETRATIONS (DELETED) ................................... 3/4 7-52 3/4.7.13 SPENT FUEL POOL MINIMUM BORON CONCENTRATION .......................................... 3/4 7-53 3/4.7.14 CASK PIT POOL MINIMUM BORON CONCENTRATION ............................................. 3/4 7-54 3/4.7.15 CONTROL ROOM AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM (CRACS) ............................................. 3/4 7-55 3/4.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS 3/4.8.1 A.C. SOURCES Operating...................................................................................................................... 3/4 8-1 Shutdown ............................................. 3/4 8-9 3/4.8.2 ONSITE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS A.C. Distribution - Operating ............................................. 3/4 8-10 A.C. Distribution - Shutdown ............................................. 3/4 8-11 D.C. Distribution - Operating ............................................. 3/4 8-12 D.C. Distribution - Shutdown ............................................. 3/4 8-15 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 IX Amendment No. 218, 225, 238, 256, 262, 295
INDEX LIMITING CONDITIONS FOR OPERATION AND SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SECTION PAGE 3/4.8.3 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES Containment Penetration Conductor Overcurrent Protective Devices (DELETED) ..................................................... 3/4 8-16 Motor Operated Valves Thermal Overload Protection (DELETED) .......................... 3/4 8-18 Isolation Devices (DELETED) ..................................................... 3/4 8-21 3/4.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS 3/4.9.1 BORON CONCENTRATION ..................................................... 3/4 9-1 3/4.9.2 INSTRUMENTATION ..................................................... 3/4 9-3 3/4.9.3 DECAY TIME ..................................................... 3/4 9-4 3/4.9.4 CONTAINMENT BUILDING PENETRATIONS ..................................................... 3/4 9-5 3/4.9.5 COMMUNICATIONS (Deleted) ..................................................... 3/4 9-6 3/4.9.6 MANIPULATOR CRANE (Deleted) ..................................................... 3/4 9-7 3/4.9.7 CRANE TRAVEL - SPENT FUEL PIT AREA (DELETED) ................................................... 3/4 9-8 3/4.9.8 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL AND COOLANT CIRCULATION All Water Levels ..................................................... 3/4 9-9 Low Water Level ..................................................... 3/4 9-10 3/4.9.9 CONTAINMENT VENTILATION ISOLATION SYSTEM ...................................................... 3/4 9-11 3/4.9.10 WATER LEVEL - REACTOR VESSEL ..................................................... 3/4 9-12 3/4.9.11 WATER LEVEL-SPENT FUEL PIT ..................................................... 3/4 9-13 3/4.9.12 AUXILIARY BUILDING GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM ..................................................... 3/4 9-14 3/4.10 SPECIAL TEST EXCEPTIONS 3/4.10.1 SHUTDOWN MARGIN ..................................................... 3/4 10-1 3/4.10.2 GROUP HEIGHT, INSERTION AND POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS ............................. 3/4 10-2 3/4.10.3 PHYSICS TESTS ..................................................... 3/4 10-3 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 X Amendment No. 53,194, 203, 241, 295
INDEX BASES SECTION PAGE 3/4.4.6 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LEAKAGE ....................................................... B 3/4 4-4 3/4.4.7 CHEMISTRY (Deleted) ....................................................... B 3/4 4-5 3/4.4.8 SPECIFIC ACTIVITY ......................................................... B 3/44-5 3/4.4.9 RCS PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE (P/T) LIMITS . B 3/4 4-7 3/4.4.10 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY (DELETED) ....................................................... B 3/4 4-14 3/4.4.11 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM HEAD VENTS (Deleted) . ............................................
B 3/4 4-14 3/4.4.12 LOW TEMPERATURE OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION (LTOP) SYSTEM ................ B 3/4 4-15 3/4.5 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS 3/4.5.1 ACCUMULATORS ....................................................... B 3/4 5-1 3/4.5.2 and 3/4.5.3 ECCS SUBSYSTEMS ....................................................... B 3/4 5-1 3/4.5.4 BORON INJECTION SYSTEM ....................................................... B 3/4 5-2 3/4.5.5 REFUELING WATER STORAGE TANK ....................................................... B 3/4 5-2 3/4.5.6 SEAL INJECTION FLOW .........................................................B 3/45-4 3/4.6 CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 3/4.6.1 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT .........................................................B 3/4 6-1 3/4.6.2 DEPRESSURIZATION AND COOLING SYSTEMS ..................................... B 3/4 6-3 3/4.6.3 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES ......................................................... B 3/4 6-3 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL ....................................................... B 3/4 6-4 3/4.6.5 ICE CONDENSER ....................................................... B 3/4 6-4 3/4.6.6 VACUUM RELIEF VALVES ....................................................... B 3/4 6-6 3/4.7 PLANT SYSTEMS 3/4.7.1 TURBINE CYCLE .B .................... B 3/4 7-1 3/4.7.2 STEAM GENERATOR PRESSURE/TEMPERATURE LIMITATION (Deleted) ..... B 3/4 7-3 3/4.7.3 COMPONENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM ..... B 3/4 7-3a SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 XilI Amendment No. 147, 188, 250, 284, 295
INDEX BASES SECTION PAGE 3/4.7.4 ESSENTIAL RAW COOLING WATER SYSTEM .............................................. B 3/4 7-3a 3/4.7.5 ULTIMATE HEAT SINK .............................................. B 3/4 7-4 3/4.7.6 FLOOD PROTECTION .............................................. B 3/4 7-4 3/4.7.7 CONTROL ROOM EMERGENCY VENTILATION SYSTEM ............................................. B 3/4 7-4 3/4.7.8 AUXILIARY BUILDING GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM .............................................. B 3/4 7-5 3/4.7.9 SNUBBERS ................................................ B 3/4 7-5 3/4.7.10 SEALED SOURCE CONTAMINATION (Deleted) . ....................................
B 3/4 7-6a 3/4.7.11 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS (Deleted) ........................................... B 3/4 7-7 3/4.7.12 FIRE BARRIER PENETRATIONS (Deleted) ....... B 3/4 7-8 3/4.7.13 SPENT FUEL POOL MINIMUM BORON CONCENTRATION ..... B 3/4 7-9 3/4.7.14 CASK PIT POOL MINIMUM BORON CONCENTRATION ..... B 3/4 7-13 3/4.7.15 CONTROL ROOM AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM (CRACS) ..... B 3/4 7-16 3/4.8 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS 3/4.8.1 and 3/4.8.2 A.C. SOURCES AND ONSITE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS ..... B 3/4 8-1 3/4.8.3 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES (Deleted) ..... B 3/4 8-2 3/4.9 REFUELING OPERATIONS 3/4.9.1 BORON CONCENTRATION ................................................ B 3/4 9-1 3/4.9.2 INSTRUMENTATION ................................................ B 3/4 9-1 3/4.9.3 DECAY TIME ................................................ B 3/4 9-1 3/4.9.4 CONTAINMENT BUILDING PENETRATIONS ............................................... B 3/4 9-1 3/4.9.5 COMMUNICATIONS (Deleted) .............................................. B 3/4 9-2 3/4.9.6 MANIPULATOR CRANE (Deleted) .............................................. B 3/4 9-2 3/4.9.7 CRANE TRAVEL - SPENT FUEL PIT AREA (DELETED) ............................................... B 3/4 9-2 3/4.9.8 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL AND COOLANT CIRCULATION ........................................ B 3/4 9-2 3/4.9.9 CONTAINMENT VENTILATION SYSTEM ................................................B 3/4 9-3 SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 XIV Amendment No. 194, 218, 225, 256, 262, 295
SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 3-44 Amendment No. 21, 290, 295
SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 3-48 Amendment No. 290, 295
SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 3-49 Amendment No. 295
SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 3-50 Amendment No. 295
SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 4-21 Amendment No. 295
SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 4-22 Amnendment No. 295
SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 4-23 Amendment No. 295
SEQUOYAH-- UNIT 2 3/4 4-33 -Amendment No. 106,112,120, 138, 203, 290, 295
SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 7-1 1 Amendment No. 295
SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 7-41 Amendment No. 290,.295
PLANT SYSTEMS This page intentionally left blank.
SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 7-42 Amendment No. 295
SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 9-6 Amendment No. 295
SEQUOYAH - UNIT 2 3/4 9-7 Amendment No. 9, 295