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Restart Activities
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/19/2004
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML041480238 (11)


Davis-Besse Restart Activities Last Updated: 02119/4 Punch List February 19,2004 RESPON PLANNED ACTUAL ISTATUS SIBILITY COMPL COMPL DATE I DATE I

@'-¢'.'W- $TVIE-4;P .' -  ; . m 1 Complete Restart Poruons OTme Panel's P.^ocess Plan upa/AJI r"

it r nWIuM4-ioenury roruons pT Process Pan requiredo 0 be complete prior to restarL Discuss weekly at panel. (Standing Rem) 65 2 Close Restart Checklist and RAM L 2a Restart Checkiist Items Thomas 2 aCRDM Testng, Requires Mode 3-NOP/NOT Mendiola _ Z,2e-HPI TIA, Min Recirc. Flow Lama _ 9 3 a-CATI Insp. Results Wright 4.b-M & H P Followup Inspection Results Passehl 5.b-CATI Tech Issues/RRATI Insp. Results Passehl 15.c-RRATI Followup Inspection Results Mendlola _7.a-Review Integrated Restart Report (Dated 11t23103) and Conduct Public Meeting - Panel briefed on the Review of the IRR & Supplement

_______ report 20117J04.

2b RAM Item Closures Baker/AIl 0111 6/04-Identify listing of key RAM Items related to Restart Checklist Items.) 3 Remain open-02N19/04.

Closures weekly at Tuesday panel meetings 3 Close Confirmatory Action Letter Passehl Up to date with Rev E; next rev will be close to Information in trils renurd w d.!#tt+ /, '

-., -. 1Li-, .

WA~- 2,0 Oct- ,

Davis-Besse Restart Activities Last Updated: 02/19/04 Punch List February 19,2004 5


Davis-Besse Restart Activities Last Updated: 02119/04 Punch List February 19, 2004 0_ . 1 rDa __G . _I__

Confirmatory Order Rulandl 14 .. .s . .111 Confirmatory Order 4 Mendlola 11117/03- Final Draft to Panel 11/25/03- Panel reviews Draft Order 12102/03 - Order in Office Director Concurrence (NRR, Rill, OE, OGC)

Panel reviews Revised Draft Order Panel Concurs on Final Order and OEDO nrefs TAs.

To OEDO for staffing to commission I

To Ucensee for agreement (Ucensee Report 11/24103)

Issue Rea Notice and Issue the Order L .. -.


Davis-Besse Restart Activities Last Updated: 02/19104 Punch List February I 9,2004 6b Restart Communications Plan Rulandl TBD Restart Communications Plan:

Mendlola Restart Meeting 10/31/D3 - Finalize WP Repository of ali prior O&A's 11/03103 - Draft O's provided for comment for comment (Comm. Team, Panel, OPA(R3))

11/04/03 - Panel Discussion for Approval 11/05/03 - (Xs for comment (Comm. Team, Panel, OPA, OCA, NSIR, RES, Dyer, Caidwell, Collins) 11/10/03 - Final Q's for answer development 11/17/03 - Final Answers for Communication Team Review 11125/03 - Panel Approval

- Press Release: Restart Meeting Q&As 12104/03 - Final Draft In Concurrence - Office Director (R1II,NRR, OPA, Collins) mplementation - Restart Meeting cislon Draft hi Review

- Press Release Final Draft for Concurrence

- Press Release - Restart Decisions

  • Restart Decision

-a 4

Davis-Besse Restart Activities Last Updated: 02/19/04 Punch List February 19, 2004 7 Document Panel's Restart GrobelAil 11/04/03 - Research Completed Recommendation - Collect Restart Recommendations Issued from other recent sites.

(CooktClintonlMillstone/South Texas/etc.)

- Brainstorm Restart Recommendablon 11/06/03 - FrameworklAttachments for Restart Rec.

- Present to Panel 11/12/03 - Panel approval of framework/attachments 11/25/03 - Draft Panel Restart Rec. routed for review I 12101103 - Receive Panel Commentstincorporate In final drafl l ~12111/03 - Panel discus Revised Restart Rec. Memo I 12117/03 - Final draRt Restart Rec. to Panel for review 8 Document Post-Restart Inspection iUpaf kl

anel discussion on Final Restart Rec.

12/12103_ Irafl ist marked up by panel; (Includes 5

Plan Passehl continued Monthly Public Meetings 1 Qtr, then Quarterly till 0350 termination, etc.)

01/20/04 - Panel Review of Draft Inspection Plan 02113/04 - Panel Approve Final Inspection Plan/Ltr

__ _ 8Restart - Final Issue 9 Obtain Regional Administrator's Grobe/ 02/17/04 - Panel BrIef/Presentation for Jim Caldwell, Approval for Restart Ruland Jim Dyer, and Sam Collins Oa Deputy EDO's Concurrence Caidwell 9b NRR Director's Concurrence Caidwell

.J _)


. __-1__--____'__._______ . ..... _-_1-._____'______ ___-_-- ---- _____1 Davis-Besse Restart Activities Last Updated: 02/wa'04 Punch List February 19, 2004

_ rLA_._ * .s1_ & \


10 .. ..Issue Restart Authorization A lL_ _ _-

Letter and Plz. 111 Caldweil/ 11/17/03 - Final Draft Confirmatory Order to staff Regulatory Footprint Documents Dyer L7077 11/12/03 - Panel approves Framework/Attachments for Restart Recommendation 11/25/03 - Panel approval of Final Draft Confirmatory q Order 12/02103 - Draft Panel Restart Recommendation routed for comment 12/0403 - Final draft Restart Rec. to Panel for review jj L!J 3ectlon 4 .



  • sw.

.. I..-.decdsion r

  • fl . i on Che&clst Rom closure WA2t0504.

hI Preparation. Pubic Meeing held 12/1003 at RIII, S

to address effectiveness of CA perFormned. Panel final

  • l * ° -


}1 I m t ia1n bson -z 11l06/0 - 1 f/06/0

. < .. p4m t tj p. r i Pafi ei ei eS d:.

4 5. 4 b l . t t , e AiN ~ . I L ' I a f . r a I t L RI -ty ~ ~ ~ '

J T- - 'r e ap 1 ie EQM4 I r cl n ~ V a~~ 1 0 / - ~ ~ I ~ / ~ ~ EWeR

. 1 AlP o p ee In 9 TVMioIC In09 3 6

Davis-Besse Restart Activities Last Updated: 02119/04 Punch List February 19, 2004 12~ -Restrtfeadns s~sel: Soa l 02/02/0 0/40 TaOC'drMlgjd ~Ietol lnApoe 12h Organizational Effectiveness and Grobe Internal Safety Culture Assessment Tool and Future Human Performance Inspection -

Phase 3 Improvement and Assessment Plans presented at 12/03/03 Pubflc Meeting 12/17/03 - Results to Panel

5 12/15903 - PublIc Exit on Phase 3 i0aHi PesrInetoPup h HpisTAsue dAsemntPaNesPnlApra, 12k Management and Human Wright 01/12-16104; 01 04 - Onsite. Public Exit Performance Followup Inspectlon condted 0212/04. RequIres Quick-Look Memo.

13 OngoIn Inspectons Upa R .S Modafncation Assessment Review In Process, T1A Response Due 12/05/03.

Final Design Mod package expected 11/28/03.

1/28 Document Mod Review In IR 03-25 11/29/03 - Mr. UnDcewltz observed testinc.

14 Planned Inspections Upsa______ .K______ ______________

i4a p Sta W oms .

h-iuIg 0113I/F-A R OftAt-Rtle }fap et-ne'vf -


IY-_'t *'"-'"-'t --. , -age t Davis-Besse Restart ActIvities Last Updated: 02/19/04 Punch List Feb,-uary 19, 2004

15 :-i Jacoson J Letter Issued MOM8103,Lcensee notified NRC on 10/16M3 no Reg Conf., Response Letter was due 1/08A)3; Requested extension until 12/05/03 has been lied. Re-SERP conducted 2119/04, finding White.

Air-Operated Valve Finding Holmberg 111t25/03 Need Date I Preliminary Assessment complete, require licensee's F MelHas I Ast,--..-.-... L -nse .-# 4o4 lMO2n-I 10CFR2.206 Petitions I uRnlar Fielbds 8

-. - - - __ ___ - - r C, Davis-Besse Restart Activities Last Updated: 02/19/04 Punch List February 19, 2D04

'a~RedWdcf$h Md~o "'WteedGTjj"', OI2Q-FinaIDIrbotors M 1D66i§16bisued.

bate s ~ ~6dikiO/7 2-' C/04 fto403-1o im2 21/4 0/80 1 10/10/3 -Pn4 fUs'~ ~

ft2 it tin pi. s - N4~ len UNI QNSACA. ~ 3/4

,'2,71Pbi Meetings i are La.lpetqees .1.D/3 0//3T

-, ~i~~iness

' ~ Re ~ess d ows ~,1g3/4211sr

-1m1~~o ,-~ -

,-E-oIo ATfeda'HP' , kokb~k _'02MD314~ 12,. x-chdidf~ 21/0 Dlubfi$ p pma.m 22c~a ~tit~et~n t~ 0212/4 .~02/2/0 eduedlr02/2/06 n 10 tCii P

_ >~~~r W-r_I=l Davis-Besse Restart Activities Last Updated: 02119/04 Punch List February 19,2004 d,22d Periodic Panel Meetings with the Upa 0350 Panel 0350 Panel 11/12103 - Meetings at Oak Harbor HS Ucensee and the Pubic Terminatlon Termination Present Completeness&Accuracy/CATU Ln a tPlNOP, and hear Ops Improvements/CAP high points 12103/03 - Meetings at Oak Harbor HS Hear SCWE survey results, specific safety culture plans and RRR results 01/21/04 - Meetings at Oak Harbor HS 02/12/04 - Public Restart Meeting (Location TBD)

_ __ _031??I04. Proposed Meeting Date (Location TBD)

,23 Correspondence Control Stang "ai U

____ , , r.-  ; -j-c 23a Green and Yellow Tickets, Letters, Stang 10/16/03 - Refer to the Comm. Plan Tracking Marix Electronic Mall Panel brief on post restart correspondence b ii~tb'/EetonicMl 1:0~Oi orrbs 1/50 01/14/04 :,tees, ter.~

23c Allegations PassehN/ On-Going Ust of Restart Related: 2004-005 Overtime Issue Jacobson 2004-009 SW?


24 Communicatlon Plans Stang i 4 .  ; - -

24a '$-?P~el C fimrnI~tbr~ Piai s  ; Reblonh ll 11/W03r- - -7110/03-;a -Posted Re.llio'ADAMSirML0311J0057-w..' YaW-24b Specific Focus Comm. Plans 9 10/16/03 - Refer to the Comm Plan Tracking Matrix Restart Questions and Answers Stang 02t02/04 11/03/03 - Draft list developed to present to Panel OVDOJ Interface Comm. Plan NRR COMPLETE COMPLETE 11/18/03 - Finalize Ust

- Focused Comm. Plans as needed Upa (Safety Culture, Critical Decisions) 42 Routine Reports to Congress (Monthly Upal 18 months 01/07/04 - December Input submitted Before Restart and Semi-Annually Passehi following 02/06/04 - January Input submitted After Restart for 18 months) restart 03/07/04 -February Input due m v~a ~ liOnfne t~mo e ~ mm Dr~ 1- -. - _ _ _ _ _ __I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


_ _ I rcly a 1-1 Davis-Besse Restart Activities Last Updated: 02119104 Punch List February 19,2004 28-, Routine Briefings of Federal, State and Grobel As needed URSB 10/6, 01/12, Ouarterly Meetings 2 Local Officials Lickus Brief for Governor Taft-1209103 F: X J. Caidwell Call &Meet with S. Buchanan-Before f._ ._ Restart Ma on 02/12104 2 29ARoutine Interface with Public Strasma InformationOutlets S t rasma i; ..

29a - ;NatialyPublic RadlointerView SGobe 9/26/03ii@>-.9/26/03 *-. leted: sti esuis .

U ,.ug2)..............'- .L, ~4-. ;..¢,..........<k,;<,<.t 30 Poll Staff for Restart Objections Baker 02105104 11/25, 12118, 01/06, 0126 - Panel discussions -

Items tracked on RAM.