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Partially Withheld Citizens Correspondence Regarding the Restart of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 07/10/2003
- No Known Affiliation
To: Dyer J
Region 3 Administrator
Download: ML041140006 (252)


Look me fn the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe z/994?3

l o o k me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Hello,my family and I are alarmed and concerned with information recieved of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Reactor.

it is to harness the power of the atomic energy. Due to health, economic,and environmental reasons, we agree that the risks aren't worth the consequences.

Threats of meltdowns are apparent, and the maintenance of the facility costs too much in taxes for the people. Money should be the least of our worries. We live in a country that supplies less than 25% of the world's resources, but has 75% of the world's waste. We need power, but our culture is too apprehensive to try new energy efficient alternatives. The expense of Nuclear Power could be spent on more eco-friendly methods of power creation and conservation, such as wave, solar, and wind energies. These are ecologically correct methods of harnessing energy. They are expensive to research and develop, but the fuel neccessary is cheap and abundant. 50 garage sized wave power facilities on the coast of California could supply the southwestern United States with power. One of these said facilities exists in the coast of Ireland, and it powers much of the country. Where are our alternatives?

They exist in tax breaks for fuel efficient vehicles, but there are no choices publicly available for electricity.

What is important to us is our Health, and most importantly, the health of our children. Leukemia lurks in a 30 year distance of subjectivity to radioctive hazards. How many people have you known that have had cancer? On March 6th, the faculty at Davis-Besse found a 5 by 7 inch hole in the reactor. Three-eighths of an inch separated us from a meltdown. The negatives of Nuclear power exceed the positives. One meltdown means 10,000 cancer related deaths in the exposed population, 1,400 fatalities from radiation exposure other than cancer, and 73,000 injuries related to radiation, all in a 25 mile radius.

Public safety is our number one priority, and what we are hoping to preserve with this action.

Environmentallywe have to realize that humans may not exist much longer in geological time. What is to be left over to the next wave of planetary evolution? The great contaminated lakes, will be replacing the great lakes freshwater system, slowly destroying our current habitat and the biodiversity within.

We are acting on this to pursuade the powers that be, to keep the Davis-Besse reactor closed. We seek immediate action to save our health, money, and environment.

Please respond to our concerns, because this is your world as it is ours.

Look me in the eye and teff me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Hello,my family and 1 are alarmed and concerned with information recieved of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Reactor. Ohio citizen action brough e also know how difficult it is to harness the power of the atomic eQergy. Due to health, economic,and environmental reasons, we agree that the risks aren't worth the consequences.

i Threats of meltdowns are apparent, and the maintenance o f t facility costs too much in taxes for the people. Money should be the least of'our worries. e live in a country that suppJies less than 25% of the world's resources, but has 75% of the rld's waste. We need power, but our culture is too apprehensive to try new energy efficien alternatives. The expense of Nuclear Power could be spent on more eco-friendly methods of power creation and conservation, such as wave, solar, and wind energies. These are ecologically correct methods of harnessing energy. They are expensive to research and develop, but the fuel neccessary is cheap and abundant. 50 garage sized wave power facilities on the coast of California could supply the southwestern United States with power. One of these said facilities exists in the coast of Ireland, and it powers much of the country. Where are our alternatives?

They exist in tax breaks for fuel efficient vehicles, but there are no choices publicly available for electricity.

What is important to us is our Health, and most importantly, the health of our children. Leukemia lurks in a 30 year distance of subjectivity to radioctive hazards. How many people have you known that have had cancer? On March 6th, the faculty at Davis-Besse found a 5 by 7 inch hole in the reactor. Three-eighths of an inch separated us from a meltdown. The negatives of Nuclear power exceed the positives. One meltdown means 10,000 cancer related deaths in the exposed population, 1,400 fatalities from radiation exposure other than cancer, and 73,000 injuries related to radiation, all in a 25 mile radius.

Public safety is our number one priority, and what we are hoping to preserve with this action.

Environmentally we have to realize that humans may not exist much longer in geological time. What is to be left over to the next wave of planetary evolution? The great contaminated lakes, will be reptacing the great lakes freshwater system, slowly destroying our current habitat and the biodiversity within.

We are acting on this to pursuade the powers that be, to keep the Davis-Besse reactor closed. We seek immediate action to save our health, money, and environment.

Please respond to our concerns, because this is your world as it is ours.

Look me in the eye and telf me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

and tell me Davis-Besse is safe I

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is s a f e i


Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

October 29, 2003 Mr. Jim Caldwell, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351

Dear Mr. Caldwell,

As residents of the state of m w e are writing to ask you to keep the Davis Besse nuclear power plant closed permanently. The unsafe operation of this plant threaten our health, our safety, and our environment.

The problems at Davis Besse go far beyond the hole found in the reactors lid. Design flaws and a clear disregard for safety culture at Davis Besse give you more reasons than you need to justify a permanent shut-down of this reactor.

Furthermore, the NRCs Office of Investigations is still in the midst of their probe to determine what criminal actions First Energy engaged in when they with held information from federal regulators.

Please write us back and let us know what you will do to protect us.

Thank you,

Look me in the eye and t& me Davis-Besse is safe A

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse i s safe I- -

Write an e-mail message . Sunday, August 31,2003 5:43:34PM . Page 1 of 1 r g & S u b j e c t ~ T o % Z ~ a m e s % 2 0 C a l d w e l l & ~ ~ ~ = ~ f % 2 O y o ~ o / ~ O i e ~ ~ 2 O F i ~ E n e r

Write an e-mail message To:


Davis Besse nuclear plant I am writing to you, hoping that you will not permit FirstEnergy to restart the Davis Besse nuclear plant.

You must not risk thRe safety of 50 million people by allowing the operation of a nuclear facility that is considered to be the most dangerous nuclear plant in this country.

July 10, 2003 James E. Dyer Regional Administrator My family resides in and we are concerned over the potential safety risks the Davis- esse p ant presents.

NRCs top priority should be our public safety not First Energys schedule.

Please keep the Davis Besse nuclear reactor closed, since its re-opening will only be presenting more public safety concerns.

Since you have the authority to keep the plant closed, why arent you? Is your financial well being more important then the citizens well being?

Please respond regarding your intentions in this matter.

Thank You, Hurd Familv

July 8,2003 James E. Dryer, Regional Administrator U.S. Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Rd.

Lisle, Ill. 60532-4351


Public Safety

Dear Mr. Dryer,

I am very concerned about the safety of the Great Lakes Population. It appears that the nuclear power plants have been handled with neglect and carelessness.

The inspections of the Davis-Besse Nuclear is a very good example. How could the Inspectors consider our safety of such little concern. A accident there would destroy millions including myself, my children, and my grandchildren. Please, Do Not Let Davis-Besse open unless there is a complete overhaul of the nuclear vessel.

Our scientist have really let us down. ThreeMile Island is in trouble again.

Russia is having trouble with their Chernobyl Plant again. Our Perry Plant was built on a earthquake fault. These are examples. Don't let Davis-Besse be another disaster.

I am -,..and I am concerned for my family. Please write to me with a response as to my heartfelt concern for the future safety of the Lake Erie Population.

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Susan Ruggles James E. Dyer, Regional Administrator Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, It 60532-4351

Dear Mr. Dyer:

I am concerned about FirstEnergys plans to reopen the Davis-f3esse nuclear reactor The location of the plant itself is cause for concem-a densely populated region with millions of people.

My family and I live it might seem like a Great Lakes, the largest bodies of fresh water in the world. We dare not put this irreplaceable resource, and the lives of millions of people, in jeopardy.

Yet Davis-Besse remains the most dangerous nudear plant in America. In February 2002, it came doser to a nuclear meltdown than any U S . plant since Three Mile Island.

And investigators have discovered the cause:years of management neglect for basic maintenance, lying to regulators, ignoring employees warnings, and punishing anyone who spoke out.

Fifteen months later, none of the top managers have been repfaced, and the companys own investtgation shows continued widespread intimidation of workers who discover safety problems.

The NRCs top priority must always be public safety, not the profitability or the schedule of FirstEnergy.

I ask you to keep the Davis-Besse nuclear =actor closed. You have the authority as regional administrator of the US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to keep Davis-Besse closed. You shouid use this authority.

Please let me know how you intend to respond to this crisis.

I Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe 7-7-0 3 hl a,

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe u


7Margaret Lowther

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Mrs. Sharon Thomas James E. Dyer: Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, Illinois 60532-4351

Dear Mr. Dyer:

I was recently approached by a member of Ohio Citizen Action Organization concerning their concerns about the safety of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant.

I have been following the newspaper stories of what has been happening there, and while I understand the need and the reasoning behind nuclear power plants, but my family lives within @miles of the plant. So I naturally worry a little about whether or not the repairs are being rushed. I implore you to be conscientious in your inspections.

Thank you for your attention.

Respectfully, Sharon Thomas

July 13, 2003 James Caldwell, Regional Administrator U.S. NRC 801 Warrenille Road Lisle, IL 605324351

Dear Mr. Caldwett,

I ha* to add my mice to the many in this public outcry that are calling for changes with Davis Besse. I haw just read that there is another way 4 t h using the winds to be able to work much more safely.

Iread an article by Ohio Citizen Action that calls Dais Besse a weapon of mass destruction. How horrible, for all of us, if something happened. We ha= got to think ahead and mom in a direction of safety for the millions of Ohions who could be affected by something going tembly wrong. I dq not want to lie in fear o w this but know that all is being done to look at another altematie And, I look to you for the help. Ithank you for taking the time to hear my thought.



Carolvnn Fkasmar a

- ~~~ - -

Sunday. July 13,2003 America Online: CarolynnFK Page: I

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye 711 S/'i and tell me Davis-Besse is safe I

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

kook me in t h e eye A - - - - --

and tell me Bawis-Besse is safe

c- --------

Look m e in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

_ I Jim Caldwell In Regards to Davis Besse:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-435 1 Mr. Caldwell, I live with my wqepf-,ni the city-fo (population near 50,000). We have lived in this area all of our lives and have almost always felt safe here. But, in the news lately there have been very disturbing stories of the failures of First Energy to take care of, or ever be aware of, problems at the Davis Besse Facility. We would hope that your interests in this issue would be the safety of the citizens of the area rather than the priorities or profit of First energy.

Thanking you in advance for your consideration in this matter, Roger Howell

Dear Mr. Caldwell,

plant. I live in the city of - <

I was very concerned when I heard about the problems at Davis-Besse nuclear which is about m r o m Lake Erie. However, my family and I own a sailboat on Lake Erie and have been swimming and using Lake Eries water ever since I can remember. My mother grew up on Lake Erie and holds it very close to her heart.

I was astonished when I heard about the potential disaster and the effects it would have had on the areas residents. I am sure that those effects could have been seen in my family, too. I ask that you keep that power plant closed, for the good of the people in the area. Thank you for your time and please strongly consider my plea. Keep the power plant closed!

Sincerely, Bethany Durigg

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Jim Caldweli, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrensville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351

Dear Mr. Caldwell:

As a citizen of with a vital interest in the safe management and operation of request that you keep the reactor closed until you are able to certify that its operation and management poses no immediate o r long-term health and safety dangers to me and my family.

I would very much appreciate your response to my request that the Besse reactor remain closed.

Very truly yours,


Edwin Curmie Pnce

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

F 1 ,

Jim Caldwell Regional Administrator US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 WarrenvilleRd Lisle IL 60532-4351

DearMr. Caldwell:

Although my family and extended family live in the area o m , and not w i t h i n 8 miles of Lake Erie, we are still quite concerned with the possible re-opening of the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant Besides having quite an hvestment in OLE phy?iicaIhomes and properties, we are personally concerned for others and our well-being and hope you will KEEP the Davis-3esse n u c l e reactor


An actual meltdown would obviously came priceless loss of and injury to human i i v a It would also cost strapped Ohio taxpayers billions of unrecoverable ddhrs, life changing inconveniences and tragedies!


While it is difficult for any company to make it in todays mnumy considering the uncertain world events, you must concur that e t h i d y and morally the NRCS TOP PRIORITY must be PUBLIC SAFETY,NOT First Energys schedule, or someones political payback scorecard, or some board of investors agenda.

We can send astronauts into space for highly technicaJ experiments and lengths of time, surety there are other ways we can approacb our immediate and future energy needs without risking our beautiful Ohio lands and Ohioans health ifthis damaged facGty is permitted to re-open.

Where do =personally reside? Would you like to be in my shoes, with children who assume I am keeping them safe and protecting the environment they will be living in for their kture?

Please strongly consider the pleas of familes like mine and organizationslike Ohio Citizen Action that are working diligently to keep their todays and tomorrows nuclear accident free, and ...


Thank you for your time. I hope you will soon let me know your thoughts and plans in this matter.

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe 29

t o o k me in t h e eye and tell me Dawis-Besse is safe

- _ I

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Mrs Frances L Root

August 8,2003 Jim Caldwell, RegionalAdministrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, 1 I 605324351

Dear Jim Caldwell:

I am writing this letter in regards to the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power plant. I live about a

-miles -@P from the Davis-Besse Nuclear power plant. I am very concerned about the safety o f t is plant after the incident of March 6, 2002. I encourage you to keep the Dqvis-Besse reactor dose until all safety concerns are address. Please to not be pressured by First Energys schedule to have it reopened.

Thank you for your attention in this matter Sincerely, Thomas D. Schindler r

Look me in tnt. aye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe c

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is s a f e

Dear Mr. Dyer,

I live in plant.

- A town of nearly 15,000 residents on the shore of Lake Erie. It's located aboutl) minutes east of Davis-Besse Nuclear power I am very concerned that after the narrowly avoided reactor meltdown of 2002 that the NRC is intending to reopen the facility. I am aware of our nation's ever increasing need for cheap and reliable power. One only needs to open a newspaper Of weekly news magazine to see this. But when our source of power can potentially kill or permanently injure thousands of people and irrepairably damage the environment; I must be concerned.

In a time when our nuclear power facilities like Davis-Besse are aging, are strategic targets for terrorism, and have always been susceptable to human fallibility; I cannot rationalize this plants continued service when weighed against the risks and potentially disasterous complications. In this situation I can only beseech you to leave the Davis-Besse facility closed.

I for one feel that a higher electric bill is an insignificant price to pay for the comfort and security of knowing that my family, friends and neighbors are safe from a situation similar to Three-Mile Island or even worse Chernobyl. I am however more than willing to hear your personal views on this issue. If you would be so kind as to respond at the earliest possible convenience, I would be greatly appreciative.

Sincerely, Doug Gray c

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe n 8

i? .. .

I Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Wednesday, July 09,2003 James E. Dyer, Regional Administrator US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, II 60532-4351

Dear Mr. Dyer,

As I go through the normal actions of living (working, keeping house, raising children, etc) I rarely question where my electricity comes from. I am one of the Baby Boomers and it has always been a part of my life.

Stories such as the Erin Brockovich story and the news about Besse-Davis makes the normal, every-day person stop and think. Just how safe is my family? What diseases are related to leaks in the reactors?

A member of the Ohio Citizen Action Organization stopped at my door last night and presented me with some materials about the Nuclear Reactor in Toledo. I have been on the Internet for the last couple of hours doing my homework. To say the least, my concerns are at peak levels again.

Most of the information I have printed from various sources suggest instability of Pressurized water reactors.

I am glad that the Besse-Davis has been closed until the necessary repairs have been made. I understand that out of the nine nuclear reactors in Ohio only 1 is in operation, and the other being Eksse-Davis which has proved to be cracking and unsafe.

Please consider the long term use of nuclear energy vs long-term safety for the people supposedly benefiting from this energy, not to mention being a target for terrorists which is a whole new ball game.

I plan on reading the copious amounts of information that I printed off the Internet today in more detail tonight, but I wanted to express my concern for the future health concerns of Ohio residents. Ihave always lived in-nd pray that the right decision is made. There must be a better way to produce energy safely!

World-wide problems have been associated with this cooling system. Please do not allow this plant to reopen until the cooling system has been tested and proven safe.

Awakened and more Concerned in Canton, Cindy lonno LUCINDA S, IONN --

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Mi. James E. Dyer, Together with a mullilude offellow citizens, I respectfully request you keep Davis - Besse nuclear reactor closed until such time that repairs are completed and to the satisfaction of all citizens. It is no questionthat you agree public safety takes priority over First Energys agenda. As such, I am cerlain you will honor this request.

My fmily and the fbnilies of thousands like mine depend on your good judgment lo maintain a safe environment for all. Although StrongsvilleOhio is a good distance away from Davis-Besse; the consequencesresulting from poor judgment will be realized sooner than one may think.My familys drinking water comes from the same body of water that supports the nuclear reactor.

Your consideration of this quest and a prompt response would be greatly appreciated.

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis43esse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

and tell me Davis-Besse is safe C'

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Christopherson 's

- I look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe TO: Mr. James E. Dyer, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 801 Warrenville Road  %


Lisle, IL 60532-4351 d' RE: KEEP DAVIS - BESSE NUCLEAR PLANT CLOSED Our family lives on fiom Lake Erie shore. We have been resident of this c o m ! ! e in the range of 0miles to Davis -

Besse nuclear plant. The new talks about the re-opening of the plant, are of a great concern to all of us, knowing the fact that it will not be safe, d e r the two near-disasters

.' (1 985, and 2002) at Davis - Besse nuclear power plant.

L We are all very concerned about the safety of our famiIy and our community, in case Davis - Besses Nuclear plant flre-open.

The NRC top priority should be public safety, not First Energy's schedule and interests.

We, as residents of __are asking yoq Mr. James E. Dyer, Regional Administrator for US NRC, to KEEP THE DAVIS - BESSE NUCLEAR CLOSED.

We would like an immediate response on this matter, as our health, well being and decision to relocate, depends on your decision.

Sincerely, wih Christopherson 'A

Look m d n the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look m e in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe 1

and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

and tell me D Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe i

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'i Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe r

l o o k me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe b

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look m e . h t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe


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5 Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

i .



To: James E. Dyer 7/9/03 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Con@- me'in the eye 80 1 Warrenville Rd.

Lisle, IL 6 0 5 3 2 a tell d me Davis-Besse is safe

Dear Mr. Dyer,

The Ohio Citizen Action group has provided me with some informationregarding the Davis Besse

  • . Nuclear power plant. My family and Rive a b o u m i l e s fiom the plant and based on the information provided have some concerns, A s is the case with any industry, safety should always be a first priority.

It is somewhat disturbing to learn that there could be safety issues with the current condition of the reactor.

I I am very supportive of alternative forms of energy (including nuclear powered reactors) as long as the energy can be harnessed and safely delivered. I've been asked to write you and ask that the reactor be kept closed. At the very least, I encourage you to evaluate this situation with only one thing in mind, Public Safety! I am confident that the United States government will make the right decision in protecting the safety of the citizens of Northwest Ohio.

Thank you, Chris Habermehl

Look rne"i'n the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe J a m e s E. Dyer. Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 80 1 Warrenville Road Lisle.IL 60532435 I

Dear Mr?:

Dyer. w L

This l e t t e r is t o explain my concerns with the reopening o f the Davis- Besse nuclear power plant. I have been a resident o f

-which is on the shore o f Lake Erie about e m i l e east o f the Davis - Besse plant. I have a great concern f o r the s a f e t y and f u t u r e o f my state, lake, community and family if the power plant is allowed t o reopen considering the age and the past history o f the plant.

I urge you t o seriously consider closing Davis Besse and looking into alternative power sources.

Thank you #or listening t o my concerns.


s 4..4,&*

Sheila Mvracle

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe s

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe e

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe


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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe h

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe 1

look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Sesse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye

3 Look me'i'nthe eye and teff me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe n

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe ov- -- - u-I

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

October 23,2003 Jim Caldwell, Regional Administrator U.S:Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, I1 60532-4351 Dear Mr. Caldwell My family and I have been life long residents- 0 and frequently enjoy boating and recreational activities in the Western Basin of Lake Erie in the proximity of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant. We have become increasingly concerned that operational problems discovered at the Davis-Besse facility could lead to a potential environmental disaster endangering the water supply of millions and rendering a vital resource unusable. It is our belief that the NRCs first and foremost priority must be for the public safety. It is in this regard that we ask the NRC act to keep the Davis-Besse Plant from resuming operation. I would appreciate your response to this critical concern and how the NRC plans to respond.

Sincerely, Ralph G. Eslinger

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe I


Look me in t h e e y e and tell me Davis-Besse is safe 11/6/2003 Jim Caldwell, Regional Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory. Commissi 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 605324351

Dear Sir:

We think the Davis-Besse Nuclear power plant should be kept closed because First Energy has not proven that they have repaired the reactor so it is safe. If an accident should occur, Lake Erie would become contaminated and so would Lake Huron causing large numbers of people who depend on pure water to become ill or die. It also would cause industry who depend on pure water, to shut down with a loss of a great many jobs. Canada would be effected also. There would be an untold loss of land and animals.

We think Davis-Besse Nuclear power plant should be kept closed until First Energy can guarantee it has been completely inspected. We also think it should be certified safe by an independentauthority.

Please respond ASAP

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe I


Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

and tell me Davis-Besse is safe I

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe P

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

' I

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe n

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Dear Mr. Jim Caldwell,

My family and I are concerned with living near Davis Besse, especially given the fact that it could melt down at any given time. We feel the regulations for this nuclear plant are not strict enough, and we are concerned that the government will not take proper action to keep our neighborhoods safe. Money is not always the issue. Please keep the nuclear reactor closed, because it is not safe for many, many people who live near it. We ask for an immediate response to this life threatening issue.

Thank you,

\-I Amy Dragon

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe H( &r-l CALAWLK //-03-03 1

J c

f Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe


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Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe /d/l0/03


Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe n / - '

I m - 4 5 ajes s! as.saa-s!nea aw ~laapue aAa aya u! aur yo01

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe 4'

and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

a4es si assag-spea au1 pue aAa aya u! alu yo03

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe J

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe U

1 n n

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

a 4-.t3 %!!. CCh.h43hJ, 6 and tell me Davis-Besse is safe 4

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

1 .n ., . .

Look m'e.inthe eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe f

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe ASAP.

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe c

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe I n n

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe J

and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe k

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

1 3 4


Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe W V

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

took me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

c F