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Draft - RO & SRO Written
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Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 10/03/2003
From: Gosekamp M
Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee
To: Conte R
Conte R
Download: ML033090623 (126)


MASTER EXAMINATION AND ANSWER KEY LICENSED OPERATOR INITIAL TRAINING PROGRAM Course: Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Exam Activity Code: Date Exam Prepared: 9 July 2003 Date Exam Taken: 3 October 2003 Prepared By Approved By Date Form TDD-5.2.2 Rev. 8, 09/00

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 1 Exam Bank Question No.: 5614 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-202 Objective: CRO 3j Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

While operating at full power, you observe the following parameter changes:

MWe net 520 to 472 Turbine Control valves step change in the close direction Reactor Pressure 1010 to 998 psig Core Plate D E 16 to 14 psid Core Flow 47 mlbs/hr to 48 m l b s h Based on these indications, your action should be to enter the procedure for:

I AnswerDistractor I Justification data from the Quad Cities jet pump failure that can onlv be caused bv a iet u u m ~failure.


LOT-00-601 CRO Obj. 1, 3 ON 3141, rev 8 Quad Cities J.P. Failure 2002 New Task Associations 2000090501 Respond to Jet Pump Failure CORE FLOW CRCULATION:(CFR 41.10,43.5,45.13):

Jet pump operabilitv: Not-BWR-1&2 Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/20/2003 8:50:07 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 2 Exam Bank Question No.: 5615 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-01-262 Objective: CRO 6 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

Off-site power has been lost (LNP) and a large break LOCA has occurred. The "A"EDG failed to start. Reactor pressure is 50 psig and lowering. Reactor level is off scale low.

EOPs require you to confirm or initiate:

3 of 6 low pressure pump are powered fiom this bus. HPCI and RCIC have isolated on low steam supply I DUDS will be running: and iniectincr.


EOP- 1, rev 2 OT 3122, rev 19 New Must integrate: Bus 4 is deenergized, all ECCS and RCIC have start signals, HPCI & RCIC have isolated on low steam supply pressure. Both RHR and one core spray injection valves have power available.

_ _ Associations Task ____ -~

Task Number Task Title 2000310501 Respond to Low Reactor Water Level I steps (CFR41.10,43.5,45.13)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 9:22:35 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 3 Exam Bank Question No.: 5616 Revision: 3 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-601 Objective: CRO 2 , 3 , 4 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

A reactor startup is in progress. Plant electrical loads are still on the startup transformers.

Breaker #13 on 125 VDC Bus 1 has tripped causing a loss of control power to 4 KV Bus 1. A reactor scram occurs and after the initial shrink RPV level is 177" and rising. Reactor Feed Pumps A & C are running.

Reactor Feed Pump breakers will respond as follows:

from DC-lC/DC-2C and is functional. A Reactor Feed Pump is powered from 4 KV Bus 1 and there is no control power. High RPV trip logic can not trip the A RFP breaker, C RFP breaker control power is


ON 3 159, rev 4, page 4 note, third bullet New Must integrate: 173" high level trip will be reached. A RFP is powered from 4 KV Bus 1 and with no control power available can not be tripped by the high RPV level signal.

Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2000320501 Respond to a Loss of DC-1,2,3 apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF D.C.

POWER: (CFR 41.7,45.6): A.C. electrical distribution Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/12/2003 3:05:38 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 4 Exam Bank Question No.: 5617 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-249 Objective: CRO 8 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

345 KV Breaker 8 1- 1T is open and white tagged for maintenance during full power operation. A large air leak occurs on 345 KV Breaker 1T and it trips open on low air pressure.

The Reactor Protection System (RPS) will:

I AnswerDistractor Justification

a. not initiate a scram. Incorrect - A scram will occur above 30%

reactor/turbine power and a load reject.

Correct Response - With 81-1T open and 1T then tripping, a complete load reject occurs. The acceleration relay actuates to control turbine speed and sends a scram signal to RPS. The scram is armed when ODeratine above 30% Dower.

Incorrect - The turbine stop valves will be open, the control valves will shut rapidly to control turbine speed, a reactor scram will occur, turbine first stage pressure will decrease to < 30% load and bypass the stop valve closure scram and 30 seconds later low scram air header pressure will trip the turbine, shutting the stop valves.

d. initiate a scram on stop valve closure and Incorrect - The stop valve closure scram control valve fast closure. will be bypassed before the stop valves are tripped shut.


LOT-00-212 Obj . CRO 3 ON 3154 rev 10 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2007300501 Respond to Generator Load Reject Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 9:24:56 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 5 Exam Bank Question No.: 5618 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-129 Objective: 31 Question Level: Fundamental Knowledgehlemory Select the correct answer:

The reactor has been operating at 100% power for 300 days. An I&C Technician causes a full reactor scram during testing due to a human performance error. (Scram discharge instrument volume high)

Fission product decay heat after the prompt drop will equal approximately  % core thermal power and will be removed by the .

I ! AnswerPDistractor I Justification la. I 14%, safety and relief valves b.14%, bypass valves Incorrect - Decay heat value is too high.

SRV lift seboint will not be reached.

Incorrect - Decay heat value is too high.

c. 7%, safety and relief valves Incorrect - SRV lift setpoints will not be reached.

Correct Response - Decay heat after the prompt drop is approximately 6 to 7% CTP after long periods of full power operation.

EPR is in service and will control reactor pressure dissipating the decay heat at a reactor pressure of -932 psig.


EOP- 1, rev 2 OT 3 100, rev 7 New Task Associations 2000330501 Respond to a Reactor SCRAM Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/3 1/2003 10:08:31 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 6 Exam Bank Question No.: 5619 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-612 Objective: A2, A4 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

RCIC is in operation from the alternate shutdown panel due to a large fire in the cable vault.

As torus pressure rises, RCIC:

Answer/Distractor Justification will trip on high exhaust pressure. Incorrect - High back pressure (exhaust) is bypassed when operating from the alternate shutdown panel.

operation is unaffected by backpressure. Incorrect -RCIC operation is negatively affected by high torus pressure and will not provide adequate feed to the RPV at high backuressures.

operation may be affected and if it is SRV Correct Response - OP 2 126 71A & B should be opened and RPV level restored with RHR.

operation may be affected and if it is SRV Incorrect - Core Spray can not be operated 71A & B should be opened and RFV level at the alternate shutdown panels.

restored with core spray.


OP 3126 rev 16, Appendix Cypage 5 caution, Appendix A, page 3 of 7 New Task Associations 2007 170501 Perform Shutdown from Outside the Control Room Knowledge and Abilities Associations System I WA No. I Statement 295016 AA2.07 Ability to determine andor interpret the following as they 3.2 3.4 apply to CONTROL ROOM ABANDONMENT :(CFR 41.10,43.5,45.13): Suppressionchamber pressure Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/3 1/2003 10:09:39 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 7 Exam Bank Question No.: 5620 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-603 Objective: CRO 3g Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

The running RBCCW pump has tripped and the standby pump can not be started. If no operator action is taken, which of the following components will be damaged?

Justification Incorrect - Recirc MGs are cooled by SW and the bearings are air cooled.

Incorrect - RWCU demineralizers are protected by an automatic isolation at 140"F, no resin damage occurs at this temperature.

I c. I Recirc Motor Generator bearings, running Incorrect - Recirc MGs are cooled by SW and the bearings are air cooled.

Correct Response - Recirc pump seals will be damaged and the recirc pumps are required to be shutdown 2 minutes after RBCCW is lost. CRD pump bearings and reduction gear are cooled by RBCCW and must be manually shutdown to prevent damage.


ON 3147 rev 10 New Task Associations 20001 10501 Respond to RBCCW Failure Knowledee and Abilities Associations I

System WA No. Statement RO SRO 295018 I AK2.01 Knowledge of the interrelations between and the following 3.3 3.4 PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF COMPONENT COOLING WATER: (CFR 41.7,45.8): System loads Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 9:32:53 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 8 Exam Bank Question No.: 5621 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-279 Objective: CRO le, 5 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

While operating at full power, the following annunciators are received:

CRP 6-D-1 Inst Air Receiver HDR Press LO CRP 5-C-8 Scram Pilot Air Hdr Press Hi/Lo CRP 5-E-2 FW VLV Lockup SignaVAir Fail Instrument air header pressure is continuing to lower. ON 3146 Low Instrument/Scram Air Header pressure requires you confirm:

Justification Correct Response - Low scram air alarm 60 psig, low instrument air 90 psig, lag compressors start at 95 psig, SA-PCV-1 starts shut at 85 psig in the instrument air header and is full shut at 80 psig. The continuing lower pressure causes SA-PCV-1 to fullv shut.

Incorrect - The procedure assumes lead compressors running and does not require them checked.

c. Lag compressors running and SA-PCV-1 Incorrect -

I d. I Lead compressors running and SA-PCV-1 I Incorrect -


ON 3146, rev 15 ARS-5-C-8, rev 4 ARS-6-D-l , rev 3 New Must integrate Alann Set Points, compressors control logic and PCV-1 operation, and required procedure steps.

Task Associations 2000130501 Respond to a Loss of Instrument Air Pressure

Knowledge and Abilities Associations 3.3 3.2 INSTRUMENT AIR: (CFR 41.7,45.6): Service air Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 9:34:04 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 9 Exam Bank Question No.: 5622 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-601 Objective: CRO 3 , 4 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

Shutdown cooling is operating and reactor pressure is 100 psig, cooling down for a scheduled outage. RHR 18 MOV (shut down cooling suction) shorts out and strokes the valve shut. The RHR pump trips and the valve can not be opened by any means. RWCU was secured for startup of shutdown cooling.

ON 3156, Loss of Shutdown Cooling, requires reactor level be restored to > 185". The reason for this step is to:

AnswerDistractor Justification

a. reduce natural circulation providing more Incorrect - Bottom head drain temperature accurate reactor coolant temperature is not required to be monitored during a monitoring via bottom head drain Loss of Shutdown Cooling. Reducing temperature. natural circulation is caused by lowering

- RPV level. not raising; it.

b. promote natural circulation providing more Incorrect - Bottom head drain temperature accurate reactor coolant temperature is not required to be monitored during a monitoring via bottom head drain Loss of Shutdown Cooling.


C. reduce natural circulation providing more Incorrect - Reducing natural circulation is accurate reactor coolant temperature caused by lowering RPV level, not by monitoring via skin temperatures. raising it.

promote natural circulation providing more Correct Response - Must recall ON 3 156 accurate reactor coolant temperature references SIL-357 and raises RPV level to monitoring via skin temperatures. promote natural circulation by placing a water seal on the dryer skirt.

Must recall that skin temperatures are required to be monitored during a Loss of Shutdown Cooling. Must integrate the two variables.


ON 3 156, rev6, page 7 note, and step 96 New Task Associations 2000150501 Respond to a Loss of Shutdown Cooling

following concepts as they apply to LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING: (CFR 41.8 to 41.10): Natural circulation Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 9:35:20 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 10 Exam Bank Question No.: 5623 Revision: 3 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-620 Objective: 3 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

Refueling operations are in progress. An exposed bundle is full up, when the fuel grapple cable breaks and the bundle is dropped onto the core. 100 fuel pins are ruptured.

What response(s) should you confirm in the control room?

AnswerDistractor I Justification No hi hi trips on the reactor building Incorrect -

ventilation radiation monitors.

A hi hi trip from the refuel floor radiation Incorrect -

monitors only.

A hi hi trip from the reactor building Incorrect -

ventilation radiation monitors only.

A hi hi trip from the refuel floor radiation Correct Response monitors and the reactor building ventilation radiation monitors.


Tech Spec, Bases 21 1, page 78 UFSAR, rev 18, Ch New Task Associations 2737060101 Respond to Automatic Actions from Local Monitors Knowledge and Abilities Associations v

1 I I System WA NO. Statement 1 RO 295023 AK2.03 Knowledge of the interrelationsbetween and the following 3.4 REFUELING ACCIDENTS: (CFR 41.7,45.8): Radiation monitoring equipment Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/19/2003 3:30:40 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 11 Exam Bank Question No.: 5624 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-205 Objective: CRO 2 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

Given the following sequence of events:

0800 "A" Loop of RHR is started in torus cooling 0810 Reactor coolant leak in the drywell occurs 0820 Drywell pressure is 2.5 psig and rising 0830 Reactor water level is 127" and lowering 0840 Reactor water level is 82.5" and lowering 0850 Reactor pressure is 350 psig and lowering Under these conditions torus cooling (RHR 39N34A) valves would close at:

Answer/Distractor Justification 0820 Correct Response - The high drywell signal alone will close all non-LPCI injection paths 0830 Incorrect - If the operator does not know his low verses low low level setpoints this is a valid distractor.

0840 Incorrect - If the operator is not aware that low low level and low reactor pressure are required


this is a valid distractor.

0850 Incorrect - This is a close signal to RHR 34N39A, but they were already closed at 0820.


OP 2124, rev 50, page 5 Pilgrim 2003 NRC New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2000070501 Respond to Containment Hi Pressure 295024 EK2.12 Knowledge of the interrelations between HIGH 3.5 3.5 DRYWELL PRESSURE and the following: (CFR 41.7, 45.8): Sumression ~ o ocoolinp:

l Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 9:35:44 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 12 Exam Bank Question No.: 5625 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-302 Objective: CRO 3 Question Level: Fundamental Knowledgehlemory Select the correct answer:

During a reactor startup, reactor pressure must be maintained below until low condenser vacuum isolation bypass switches are in .

I Answer/Distractor Justification I a. I 850 psig, bypass Incorrect - Low vacuum bypass must be in normal before exceeding 850 Dsig;.

b. 200 psig, bypass Incorrect - 250 psig can be exceeded with the low vacuum isolation bypassed, procedure requires pressure > 750 psig to return it to service. 250 Dsig; is when SJAEs are daced in service.

Correct Response - For startup vac trip 1 & 2 are tipped to ensure Tech Spec compliance. Reactor heatup is begun without pressure control. The low vacuum isolation bypass must be returned to service to allow bypass valves to control pressure.

If the stepskaution are not followed a high reactor pressure scram will occur.

Incorrect - 250 psig can be exceeded with the low vacuum isolation bypassed, procedure requires pressure 750 psig to return it to service. 250 psig is when SJAEs are placed in service.


OP 0150, rev 10, page 40 Pilgrim 2003 NRC New Task Associations 2017400201 Perform Heating and Pressurization of the Reactor I (CFR 41.10,43.2,45.12)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/12/2003 3:06:44 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 13 Exam Bank Question No.: 5626 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-607 Objective: CRO 2 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

Given the following conditions:

Reactor Level is 70" and steady Drywell and Torus pressure are 5.0 psig and lowering Drywell temperature is 240°F and lowering The "A"Loop of RHR is operating in drywell spray, torus sprays, and torus cooling When torus pressure is 2.5 psig you should confirm isolation of:

I IAnswerDistractor I Justification


EOP-3, rev 3 EOP-3 is a required reference Pilgrim 2003 NRC Modified Task Associations 2000210501 Respond to High Drywell Temperature apply to HIGH DRYWELL TEMPEFUTIJR.E:(CFR 41.10,43.5,45.13).: Torushppression chamber pressure:

Plant-specific Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/31/2003 10:10:28 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft. SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 14 Exam Bank Question No.: 5627 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-217 Objective: CRO 5b Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

RCIC is operating in the injection mode with its suction path from the torus. A leak develops in the torus.

As torus level continues to lower, RCIC:

b. will trip on low torus water level. Incorrect - A low torus water level t i p makes sense but VYN does not have this trip.
c. suction will auto transfer to the CST on Incorrect - We have an Auto Swap on Low low torus water level. CST level. It makes sense to have one on low torus level but VYN does not.
d. suction will auto transfer to the CST on Incorrect - A low suction pressure suction low suction pressure. transfer makes sense but VYN does not have one.


OP 2 121, rev 29 Pilgrim 2003 NRC New Task Associations 2170030101 Manually Initiate Startup of the RCIC System Knowledge and Abilities Associations Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 9:44:58 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 15 Exam Bank Question No.: 5628 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-256 Objective: CRO 2 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

All reactor feedwater pumps have tripped causing a scram. HPCI and RCIC are unavailable.

Condensate pumps will be capable of feeding the reactor when reactor pressure is less than and their motor amps should be maintained less than amps.

I Answer/Distractor I Justification Correct Response - RP 2170 Precaution 7, 1

RP 2 170 Precaution 6

d. I250 psig, 210 amps I Incorrect -


LOT-00-610, CRO Obj. 6,7, 12 RP 2170, rev 21, page 6 New Task Associations


Task Number Task Title 2000310501 Respond to Low Reactor Water Level Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/13/2003 10:11:40 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 16 Exam Bank Question No.: 5629 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-610 Objective: CRO 2 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

Given the following conditions:

ATWS in progress Reactor power is 20%

Torus temperature is 115°F Reactor pressure control is on SRVs 800-1000 psig Reactor water level is +25" Injection has been terminatedprevented IAW OE 3 107 Appendix GG Which of the following conditions would establish the upper end of the RPV level control band?

I AnsweriDistractor Justification II Correct ResDonse Incorrect - This is indication of the reactor being shutdown but is applicable when a cooldown is commenced and no boron has been injected.

c. reactor water level reaches -19 inches. Incorrect - This is the bottom of the ATWS level band of +6 to -19", injection should recommence at +6" -


d. only one SRV is open for reactor Incorrect - Regardless of SRV conditions, injection is pressure control. recommenced at TAF to insure adequate core cooling.


EOP-2, rev 4 Pilgrim 2003 NRC New EOP-2 is a required student reference Task Associations 2000310501 Respond to Low Reactor Water Level apply to REACTOR LOW WATER LEVEL:(CFR 41.10, 43.5,45.13).: Reactor power Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/20/2003 8:41:46 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 17 Exam Bank Question No.: 5630 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-610 Objective: CRO 2 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

Given the following conditions:

ATWS 15% of the SLC tank has been injected Reactor level band is - 19" to 40" At this point has been injected into the RPV. This amount of boron will allow .

I Answer/Distractor 1 Justification level to 127" to 177" and Table I. Hot shutdown boron weight is 15% of the SLC tank. Cold shutdown boron weight is 30% of the SLC tank. Can I I

d. cold shutdown boron weight, restoration of Incorrect -

level to 127" to 177"


EOP-2, rev 4 New EOP-2 is a required student reference Task

- - Associations

~ _ _ .

Task Number Task Title 2000200501 Respond to ATWS Event(s)

REACTOR POWER ABOVE APRM DOWNSCALE OR UNKNOW: (CFR 41.5,45.6): Hot shutdown boron Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 9:47:32 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 18 Exam Bank Question No.: 563 1 Revision: 3 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-286 Objective: CRO 4a Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

An electrical fire is burning in MCC89A in the reactor building. To use water to fight the fire in MCC89A:

I Answer/Distractor I Justification


OP 3020, rev 25, definitions and page 10 New Task Associations 2867290401 Respond to Pyrotronics Panel Alarms Knowledge and Abilities Associations 600000 AK3.04 Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as 2.8 3.4 they apply to PLANT FIRE ON SITE:: Actions contained in the abnormal procedure for plant fire on site Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/06/2003 3: 17:5 1 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 19 Exam Bank Question No.: 5632 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-607 Objective: CRO 1 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

When entering EOP-3, Primary Containment Control, which of the following is the preferred indication to be used to determine torus water temperature?

AnswedDistractor I Justification I d. I The higher of TI-16-19-33 A or C I Incorrect -


EOP, rev 11, Vol4, Section 8, page 8-4 New Task Associations 2000 190501 Respond to High Torus Water Temperature Knowledge and Abilities Associations PERATURE and the SPDS/ERIS/CRIDS/GDS :

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/29/2003 12:05:31 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 20 Exam Bank Question No.: 5633 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-138 Objective: 17, 19 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

A reactor pressure transient has occurred causing a violation of the high power MCPR safety limit of for two loop operation, and the resulting fuel damage could cause a member of the public to exceed mRem total body dose allowed for the year at the site boundary.

I Answer/Distractor I Justification

&? 1.10, 500 Correct Response

b. 1.49, 500 Incorrect - This is the MCPR LCO.
c. 1.10. 1200 Incorrect - This is twice the allowed dose.

I d. 1.49, 1200 I I Incorrect - This is the MCPR LCO.


ODCM (formerly T.S.), rev 30 Tech Specs 1.1 176 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2007090501 Respond to High Off-Gas Radiation Knowledge and Abilities Associations 1 System I WA No. I Statement IRO ISRO]

295038 2.2.25 Knowledge of bases in technical specifications for limiting 2.5 3.7 conditioned for operations and safety limits (CFR 43.2)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/31/2003 10:11:05 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 21 Exam Bank Question No.: 5634 Revision: 4 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-602 Objective: CRO 3 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

During power operation an air leak into the main condenser causes SJAE off gas flow on CFW 9-6 FR-102-3 to go off scale high.

This will cause AS-FCV-36,36A, and 37 (steam jet air ejector steam supply valves) to trip shut when:

I AnswerDistractor IJustification 1 I a. I condenser backpressure reaches 22" Hg I Incorrect - Lowering condenser vacuum I abs. does not affect the operation of FCV 36, 36A. 37.

temperature in the SJAE discharge/AOG Incorrect - Increased air inleakage causes inlet reaches 375°F. the off gas temperature to decrease, not increase. FCV 36,36A, & 37 do not trip on off gas temperature changes.

condenser backpressure reaches 12" Hg Incorrect - Lower vacuum does not affect I labs. the oDeration of FCV 36.36A. 37. I Correct Response - AS-FCV-36,36A, 37 are tripped shut by increasing SJAE discharge/AOG inlet pressure at 4.0 psig


LOT-00-271 CRO Obj . 5 OT 3120, rev 13 OP 2150, rev 27 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2000080501 Respond to a Loss of Condenser Vacuum Knowledge and Abilities Associations I

Y System I WA NO. 1 Statement IRO ISROI I 295002 I AK1.04 Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to LOSS OF MAIN CONDENSER VACUUM: (CFR 41.8 to 41.10): Increased offgas flow Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/20/2003 8:40:59 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 22 Exam Bank Question No.: 5635 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-288 Objective: CRO 5 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

A large reactor coolant leak has occurred in the drywell. EOP-3 was entered. Drywell cooling was maximized as directed by EOP-3, Primary Containment Control. Several minutes later the Shift Technical Advisor observes all drywell RRUs are off.

The reason they tripped is:

I AnswerDistractor


I Justification overload. I Correct Response - Increased drywell pressure and moisture increase the work done by the RRU motors a1 overloads to trip at dynvell 1 pressure logic). the drywell sprays and torus but does not affect RRU oDeration.

4 high drywell pressure (RHR drywell Incorrect - The operator had already bypassed the pressure logic). RRU high drywell pressure RRU trip to restart them after the large leak caused drywell pressure to exceed 2.5 psig which trips the RRUs and is the entry condition for EOP-3.

d. short circuit. Incorrect - The RRUs are qualified to operate post LOCA. The high humidity will not cause them to short out.


DP 0166, rev 7, page 6 DR 93-0078 EDCR 90-405 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2227020401 Startup Drywell RRUS Following a LOCA Knowledge and Abilities Associations System K/A No. Statement RO SRO 295010 AK3.02 Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as 3.4 3.4 they apply to HIGH DRYWELL PRESSUkE:(CFR 41.5, 45.6): Increased drywell cooling Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 9:58:23 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 23 Exam Bank Question No.: 5636 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-618 Objective: 1, 13, 15 Question Level: Fundamental Knowledge/Memory Select the correct answer:

The "A" Recirculation Loop has just experienced a double-ended rupture of the suction line.

LPCI injection must be shifted to the containment cooling mode no later than after the break to ensure peak torus temperatures do not reach values which would cause a Loss of ECCS Pump JWSH.

I AnswerDistractor I Justification I

a. 60 seconds Incorrect - RHR 65A heat exchanger bypass is blocked on for 1 minute after the LOCA and can not be shut.

%I 600 seconds Correct ResDonse - USFAR 14.6.25

c. 6minutes Incorrect - 6 minutes is sooner than USFAR specified maximum time.
d. 60minutes Incorrect - 60 minutes is beyond the USFAR mecified time.


USFAR, rev 18, 14.6.25 New Task Associations 2000190501 Respond to High Torus Water Temperature Knowledge and Abilities Associations ISystem YWA NO. 1 Statement IRO ISROl 195013 I AK3.01 I Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as I 3.6 I 3.8 I they apply to HIGH SUPPRESSION POOL WATER TEMPERATURE: (CFR 41.5,45.6): Suppression pool I cooling operation I l l Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 9:58:33 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 24 Exam Bank Question No.: 5637 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-308 Objective: CRO 2,3,4,5 Question Level: Fundamental Kiowledge/Memory Select the correct answer:

The outboard MSIVs have failed shut due to a loss of instrument air. No control rod motion has occurred. Reactor power is 60%.

This transient has caused the violation of the Safety Limit (SL) and will exceed the torus temperature limiting condition for power operation (LCO) of .

I I Answer/Distractor Justification

a. APRM neutron flux, 120°F Incorrect - APRM neutron flux is a Limiting Safety System setting, not a safety limit.

Correct Response - MSIV closure in RUN is a required scram and the scram did not occur. The safety limit shall be assumed to be exceeded. 110°F is the torus temperature LCO. MCPR is the actual thermal limit that is challenged.

c. APRM neutron flux, 110°F Incorrect - APRM neutron flux is a Limiting Safety System setting, not a safety limit.
d. MCPR, 120°F Incorrect - Technical Specifications require a reactor scram when torus temperature exceeds 110°F.


LOT-00-607 CRO Obj. 1 Tech Specs 188,7, page 146 New Task Associations 2000200501 Respond to ATWS Event(s)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/31/2003 10:11:52 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 25 Exam Bank Question No.: 5638 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-607 Objective: CRO 2,3 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

EOP-3, Primary Containment Control, requires an RPV-ED if torus level can not be restored and maintained below 14.75 feet.

The reason for this action is:

Answer/Distractor 1 Justification during a DBA LOCA, the integrity of the Correct Response - EOP Basis page 8-45 Drimarv containment can not be assured.

the volume of the gas in the containment Incorrect -

would be insufficient to absorb the energy of a full RPV-ED.

operation of an SRV at this level could Incorrect -

damage Tee-quencher supports.

during a DBA LOCA, the reactor pressure Incorrect -

vessel must be depressurized before the torus spray function is lost.

erences: EOP, rev 11, Volume 4 LOI-EB 3769 Task Associations 2000230501 Respond to High Torus Water Level Knowledge and Abilities Associations System WA No. Statement ' RO SRO 295029 EK1.01 Knowledge of the operational implications of the 3.4 3.7 following concepts as they apply to HIGH SUPPRESSION POOL WATER LEVEL: (CFR 41.8 to 41.10): Containment integrity Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/3 1/2003 10:12:51 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Vermont Yankee LO1 Exam Bank Question Number 3769 Revision 0 2c Instructor Guide: LOT-00-607 EOP-3, PRIMARY CONTAINMENT CONTROL Obiectives: CRO 3


EOP-3 Rev 0 VY EOP Study Guide Rev 8 pages Answer Justification:

a) is correct based on the statement in VY EOP Study Guide Rev 8 pages 8-44.

"Irrespective of the suppression chamber airspace, the pressure suppression feature of the primary containment can function as designed only when primary containment water level is below 14.75 ft." In other words, if the level in the torus is 14.75 ft or higher, the containment will be damaged as a result of the forces generated during a blow-down alone, even if the containment were able to survive the increased pressure in the torus as a result of the non-condensibles being transferred fiom the Drywell to the torus.

b) is incorrect because there is more than a sufficient amount of water in the torus to absorb the energy of a blow-down since normal level is about 11 ft.

c) is incorrect since this consideration (SRV tail pipe failure) does not cause failure until the level in the Torus is greater than 14.9 ft and the reactor pressure exceeds 1250 psig.

d) is incorrect since a DBA LOCA will not add a sufficient amount of water to the torus to cover the vents (fiom this height)

Cognitive Level: Memory SRO Only: No Style: Multiple Choice Point Value: 1 Time to Complete (Minutes): 2 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeLMemory Task Associations N

2000230501 Respond to High Torus Water Level 295029 EK1.O1 Knowledge of the operational implications of the 3.4 3.7 following concepts as they apply to HIGH SUPPRESSION POOL WATER LEVEL: (CFR 41.8 to 41.10): Containment integrity Question:

Select the correct answer:

Which of the below describes the reason the plant is not to operate, when torus water level is greater than 14.75 feet?

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 10/25/1999 2:40:21 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 26 Exam Bank Question No.: 5639 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-61 1 Objective: CRO 3, 5 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

EOP-4, Secondary Containment Control, has been entered. To determine if any area radiation level is above its maximum safe level, which of the following should be reported to the CRS:

1 Answer/Distractor Justification

a. ARM readings on the Allen Bradley on Incorrect - Allen Bradley provides area CRP 9-21 temperatures for EOP use and is next to the reactor building back panel ARM panels.

Incorrect - It is not expected or required to enter the reactor building to determine radiation level.

Correct Response - ERFIS is used for EOP decision making and provides the necessary reactor building radiation levels.

Incorrect - It is not expected or required to enter the reactor building to determine radiation level.


EOP-4, rev 2 DP 0166, rev 7, page 7 New Task Associations 2727 150401 Respond to ARM Alarms Knowledge and Abilities Associations apply to HIGH SECONDARY CONTAINMENTAREA RADIATION LEVELS:(CFR 41.10,43.5,45.13).: Area radiation levels Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 10:00:57 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 27 Exam Bank Question No.: 5640 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-01-223 Objective: CRO 4, 5 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

Reactor building ventilation radiation monitor "A" is bypassed by I&C for testing and is downscale. The "B" reactor building radiation monitor reading increases to 20 mRkr.

Your response should be to:

I Answer/Distractor Justification I /

a. direct I&C to return the "A" channel to service so that RB ventilation can be left Incorrect - This is a logical action if the student does not understand system operation during I&C testing.

Correct Response - Student must know that I&C keylocks only bypass upscale trips.

Two downscales on RB vent exhaust is an isolation signal, one upscale is an isolation.

Only one key lock bypass is allowed in bypass at any time. RB ventilation will tri~and isolate and SBGT will start.

c. manually secure RB ventilation, isolate Incorrect - This is a logical action if the W A C 9,10,11,12 and start SBGT. student does not understand system operation during I&C testing.
d. direct RP to monitor RB ventilation Incorrect - This is a logical action if the exhaust in accordance with the ODCM. student does not understand system operation during I&C testing.


OP 21 17, rev 17, Discussion New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2737060101 Respond to Automatic Actions fi-om Local Monitors 295034 EA1.02 Ability to operate and/or monitor the following as they 3.9 4.0 apply to SECONDARY CONTAINMENT VENTILATION HIGH RADIATION: (CFR 41.7 ,45.6):

Process radiation monitoring system Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 10:03:00 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 28 Exam Bank Question No.: 5641 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-205 Objective: CRO 2 , 4 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

Given the following conditions:

Drywell pressure is 11 psig and rising Reactor pressure is 300 psig and lowering Reactor level is +20" and steady Core Spray A/B are injecting RHR A is operating in torus cooling RHR B is operating in torus spray UPS Feeder block keylocks are in block, the 5 minute timers are timed out Reactor level rapidly lowers to -150" and continues down. The RHR system will:

AnswerDistractor open A & B LPCI injection valves, close Incorrect - RHR 27A and B injection "A" torus cooling valves, close "B" torus signals 5 minutes timers have timed out spray valves. and the UPS FDR blocks have been placed in block and RHR 27 A & B have been manually shut to establish torus cooling torus spray. RHR 27 A & B will remain shut.

close RHR A torus cooling valves, close Correct Response - At -48 the non LPCI RHR B torus spray valves. injection paths are isolated.

open RHR Heat exchanger bypass valves, Incorrect - The RHR 65 open signal was close "A" torus cooling valves, close "B" present for one minute and the time must torus spray valves, open A & B LPCI have passed to establish torus cooling. To injection valves. establish torus coolinghprays, the RHR 27 valves had to be shut which means that 5 minutes have passed since they auto opened and the UPS Feeders are in block.

open RHR A & B LPCI injection valves, Incorrect - All four valves will remain open A & B heat exchanger bypass valves. shut.


LOT-03-262 CRO Obj. 6, 7 OP 2124, rev 50, Appendix B & C New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2000310501 Respond to Low Reactor Water Level


- (CFR 41.7 / 45.7): Reactor water level Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/20/2003 9:04:48 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 29 Exam Bank Question No.: 5642 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-205 Objective: CRO 2 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

Given the following conditions:

"A" Loop of RHR is operating in shutdown cooling Reactor pressure is 100 psig and slowly rising If reactor pressure continues to increase, the RHR system will:

I Answer/Distractor Justification Correct Response - Correct isolation valves, correct setpoint for protective instrumentation.

Incorrect - The height of water above the pump suction prevents cavitation.

Incorrect - The piping on the suction line is only rated for 150 psig.

Incorrect - The height of water above the pump suction prevents cavitation.


Tech Spec Table 3.2.1 186 New Task

__ - -Associations Task Number Task Title 2000150501 Respond to a Loss of Shutdown Cooling Knowledge and Abilities Associations Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 10:07:26 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

DraR SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 30 Exam Bank Question No.: 5643 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-206 Objective: 1Oc Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

The initiation logic that provides automatic HPCI initiation signals is powered fi-om:

1 Answer/Dist.ractor I Justification


OP 2145, rev 24, Appendix A New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2000320501 Respond to a Loss of DC-1,2,3 L I (CFR 41.?): Initiation logic: B e - 2 , 3,4 Static Simulator Exams:None Last Revised: 07/29/2003 12:09:15 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 3 1 Exam Bank Question No.: 5644 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-206 Objective: CRO 3,5b, 6b, 7 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

HPCI has started automaticallyon a high drywell pressure signal. The CRS directs you to inhibit HPCI.

When you lock the collar in inhibit, you expect the turbine:

1 Answer/Distractor Justification to trip and the minimum flow valve to Incorrect - The inhibit switch shuts the min open. flow valve.

b. to run at 2200 rpm and the minimum flow Incorrect - The inhibit switch does not act valve to open. on the turbine speed control system, and it shuts the min flow valve.

I to trip and the minimum flow valve to Correct Response - The inhibit switch energizes the turbine trip solenoid, and shuts the min flow valve so the CST does not drain to the torus.

Incorrect - The inhibit switch does not act I I valve to close. on the turbine meed control system.


OP 2120, rev 27 A R S 9-3-5-1, rev 0 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2007450501 Terminate and Prevent Injection to the RPV During an ATWS Knowledge and Abilities Associations 206000 Al.08 Ability to predict andor monitor changes in parameters 4.1 4.0--

associated with operating the HIGH PRESSURE COOLANT INJECTION SYSTEM controls including:

(CFR 41.5 / 45.5): System lineup: BWR-2,3,4 Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 10:08:31 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 32 Exam Bank Question No.: 5645 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-218 Objective: CRO 2 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

An ADS blowdown is in progress. All six low pressure ECCS pumps are running, when both Core Spray pumps trip due to improper overload trip settings.

The ADS system will:

I AnswerDistractor I Justification


LOT-00-206, CRO Obj. 8 CWD 750-756 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2000310501 Respond to Low Reactor Water Level LOW PRkSSURE CORE SPRAY SYSTEM will have on following: (CFR 41.7 / 45.4): ADS logic Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/29/2003 12:09:36 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 33 Exam Bank Question No.: 5646 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-211 Objective: A 0 2g Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

The high pressure sensing line for the core plate D P instrumentationhas a fitting leak of 10 gpm at the D P cell. An ATWS event occurs and SLC "A" system is started.

The SLC system will inject:

I Answer/Distractor I Justification I a. I all of the boron above the core date. I Incorrect -

b. some of the boron above the core plate, Incorrect -

some of the boron on the floor in the Southeast Corner Room.

Correct Response - The core plate D/P instrument high pressure tap is below the I core plate and is the SLC injection path.

10 m m of SLC in will EO out the leak.


LOT-00-216, CRO Obj. lb, c G191267 Sheet 1 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 21 10050101 Inject Poison Solution into the Reactor Vessel relationships between ST QUID CONTROL SYSTEM and the followin 1.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/12/2003 3:09:46 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 34 Exam Bank Question No.: 5647 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-626 Objective: CRO 4 Question Level: Fundamental Knowledge/Memory Select the correct answer:

During an ATWS with the Standby Liquid Control System out of service, which one of the following is a means of alternate boron injection?

I Answer/Distractor Justification to the condensate Incorrect -

I1b. Add sodium pentaborate to the condensate Incorrect -

demineralizer precoat tank and inject with Correct Response - This is the only correct suction and inject with a CRD pump. flow path available in procedure OE 3 107, the other flow paths would work but no procedure directs their use.

d. Connect the SLC tank to the RWCU Incorrect -

demineralizer precoat tank and inject with RWCU pump.


OE 3 107, rev 16, Appendix K, Modified Distractors Grand Gulf NRC 3/27/1998 INPO Bank Task Associations 2007600501 Perform Boron Injection Using CRD System fiom SLC Tank Knowledge and Abilities Associations I System IWA No. I Statement IRO ISRO 21 1000 K3.01 Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the 4.3 4.4 STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM will have on following: (CFR 41.7 / 45.4): Ability to shutdown the reactor in certain conditions Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/06/2003 3: 19:37 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Standby Liquid Control is out of service.

Which one of the following is a means of alternate Boron injection?

into the reactor via RWCU.

LocAcronym - 1 NSSSType

'essure to inject the boron into the reactor.

Draft SRO NFX Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 35 Exam Bank Question No.: 5648 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-212 Objective: CRO 2 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

When resetting a full scram the reset switch is positioned to the Group 1 and 4 position last. This ensures the relays that on reset, the solenoid valve that supplies air to open the scram discharge vent and drain valves when all the scram inlet and outlet valves are closed or closing.

supply air to open the SDV vent and drain


OP 2134, rev 16, Page 9 Caution New Task Associations

~ -.._

Task Number Task Title 2127060101 Reset RPS Trips Knowledge and Abilities Associations 212000 A1.09 Ability to predict andor monitor changes in parameters 2.7 3.0 associated with operating the REACTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM controls including: (CFR 41.5 /45.5): Individual relay status: Plant-Specific Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 115 5 5 1 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 36 Exam Bank Question No.: 5649 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-02-215 Objective: CRO 2i Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

An LNP occurs while operating at fkll power. Post scram reactor power can be monitored on:

Answer/Distractor Justification 3

APRMs, ERFIS(CTP) Incorrect - Core thermal power can not be accurately calculated with no RFPs running.

IRMs, A P R M S Incorrect - IRMs can not be driven into the core. Motor drive power is from PP6A on MCC6A powered from Bus 1 which has lost power during the LNP.

E M S Incorrect - IRMs can not be driven into the core. Motor drive power is from PP6A on MCC6A powered from Bus 1 which has lost power during the LNP.

APRMS Correct Response - RPS MG sets trip on the LNP and APRMs automatically transfer to VitaVInst AC


OP 2 131,rev 14, Prerequisites New Task Associations 2000330501 Respond to a Reactor SCRAM 2007020501 Respond to Loss of Normal Power Knowledge and Abilities Associations INTERMEDIATE RANGE MONITOR (IRM)SYSTEM will have on following: (CFR 41.7 / 45.4):Reactor power indication Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/12/2003 3:12:06 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 37 Exam Bank Question No.: 5650 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-02-215 Objective: CRO 8 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

A reactor startup is in progress. Reactor power is 50/125 scale on Range 7. IRM detectors A &

D were replaced during the outage and both have just failed downscale. The CRS directs IRM A

& D bypassed.

Under these conditions the remaining IRMs detectors satisfy operability requirements for:

I Answer/Distractor I Justification both RPS trip systems. Correct Response - IRMs A, C & E provide signals to RPS A. IRMs B, D & F provide signals to RPS B. With IRMs A &

D failed, each RPS trip system still has two inputs and satisfied T.S. Table 3.1.1.

I b. I RPS trit~svstem "A" onlv.

I Incorrect -

I c. I RPS trip system "B" only. Incorrect -

I d. I neither RPS trip svstem. Incorrect -


OP 2130, rev 14, page 1 Tech Spec Table 3.1.1 Notes New Tech Spec Table 3.1.1 / Notes required as a student reference Task Associations

~_ .

Task Number Task Title 2157160401 Respond to IRM System Alarms Knowledge and Abilities Associations 215003 K6.04 Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following-will have on the INTERMEDIATE RANGE MONITOR (IRM)SYSTEM: (CFR 41.7 / 45.7): Detectors Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 11:56:42 Ah4 by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Drafi SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 38 Exam Bank Question No.: 5651 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-01-215 Objective: CRO 6 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

The SRM detector high voltage power supply is powered from:

208 VAC PP6A CKT 25 Incorrect - This is the power source to the drive motor.

120 VAC Instrument AC CKT 7 Incorrect - This is the control power to the detector drive control circuits.

125 VDC DC- 1C/DC-2C CKT 212 Incorrect - DC- 1C/DC-2C provide no Dower to the SRMs.

24 VDC A/B CKT 515 Correct Response - OP 2130, page 2A, Power Supplies


OP 2130, rev 15 New Task Associations


Task Number Task Title 2157170401 Respond to SRM System Alarms I (CFR 41.7): SRM channels/detectors Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 115654 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 39 Exam Bank Question No.: 5652 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-05-215 Objective: CRO 6 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

APRM downscale a I m has come in and APRM "A"indicates downscale on the CRP 9-5 bench board. The BOP is sent to the APRM cabinet to investigate. While attempting to check LPRM inputs, the BOP inadvertently positions the APRM "A" Mode Switch from the operate to the power position.

This action will cause:

Answer/Distractor IJustification I


OP 2132, rev 16, page 2 of 5 new Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2 157150401 Respond to APRM System Alarms associated with operating the AVERAGE POWER RANGE MONITOWLOCAL POWER RANGE Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/20/2003 9:03:21 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 40 Exam Bank Question No.: 5653 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-217 Objective: CRO 4b Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

RCIC is operating and injecting. The flow controller is in manual. As reactor pressure lowers from 1000 psig to 600 psig, the RCIC turbine speed will:

I Answer/Distractor Justification Incorrect - Speed will not increase, the controller does not sense flow in manual.

Incorrect - The controller does not sense flow sensing. flow in manual.

I remain the same because the controller is Correct Response - In manual, controller operation RCIC turbine speed is held constant.

Incorrect - In manual, the controller I sensing. maintains a constant turbine speed.


OP 2121 rev 19 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2170030101 Manually Initiate Startup of the RCIC System Abilities Associations following concepts as they apply to REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING SYSTEM (RCIC): (CFR 41.5 /

45.3): Turbine operation Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 12:07: 10 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 41 Exam Bank Question No.: 5654 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-608 Objective: CRO 1 , 2 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgelMemory Select the correct answer:

Which of the following is the minimum number of SRVs required for emergency depressurization?

Ia. I!AnswerDistractor 1

II Justification Incorrect -


b. 12 I Incorrect -


EOP Study Guide, rev 9, 13.15 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2007400501 Control RPV Pressure Using Bypass Valves, HPCI, RCIC, SRVS, RWCU, Steam Line Drains Know1edg.e and Abilities Associations 218000 K3.02 Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the 4.5 4.6 AUTOMATIC DEPRESSURIZATION SYSTEM will have on following: (CFR 41.7 / 45.4): Ability to rapidly depressurize the reactor Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/29/2003 12:15:OO PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 42 Exam Bank Question No.: 5655 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-206 Objective: CRO 5,7, 10a Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

125 VDC has been lost to HPCI 16 MOV due to a fault. To comply with Technical Specifications and operating procedures, HPCI must be shut and its ACB . This valve's position must be logged .

I I Answer/Distractor Justification 1

a. HPCI-16 outbd isolation, kept closed, daily Incorrect -
b. HPCI-15 inbd isolation, kept closed, Incorrect -

weeklv Incorrect -

Correct Response - Tech Spec to require that another valve in the process line must be closed and its position logged daily. The student must know that an initiation signal would open HPCI 16 and cause rapid piping pressurization, possible valve or piping damage, therefore, the MOV ACB must be opened.


LOT-01-223 CRO Obj. 1,4 OP 2120, rev 27, page 21 Tech Spec 3.7, page 158 OP 21 15, rev 43, page 10 New Students should have T.S. 3.7 as a reference Task Associations 2067090401 Respond to Automatic HPCI System Trip or Isolation Knowledge and Abilities Associations ISystem I WA NO. I Statement 223002 A2.02 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the PRIMARY CONTAINMENT ISOLATION SYSTEM/

NUCLEAR STEAM SUPPLY SHUT-OFF; and (b) based those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR 41.5 / 45.6): D.C. electrical distribution failures

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 43 Exam Bank Question No.: 5656 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-239 Objective: CRO 3 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

A spurious M S N isolation occurs from full power. All control rods fully insert. SRVs B, C, D (RV-71 B, C, D) lift and safety valve "A" (RV-SV2-70A) lifts. Drywell pressure rapidly rises to 5 psig and is now steady.

The lifting of Safety Valve "A" was . The rapid rise in drywell pressure when Safety Valve "A" lifted was .

I Answer/Distractor 1'Justification


SEI-03-200 Obj. 9 USAF, rev 18,4.4.3 Pilgrim 2003 NRC (modified)

New Task Associations 2000180501 Respond to High Reactor Pressure Knowledge and Abilities Associations I I I System K/A No. Statement 1RO ISRO 239002 K1.09 Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect 4.0 4.0 relationships between RELIEF/SAFETY VALVES and the following: (CFR 41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 45.8): Drywell pressure (for safety valves which discharge to the drywell airspace): Plant-Specific Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/31/2003 10:13:29 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 44 Exam Bank Question No.: 5657 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-01-259 Objective: CRO 5e Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

The plant is operating at 100% power. The "A" main steam line flow signal fails to "0".

Which one of the following describes the response of the feedwater level control system?

Answer/Distractor Justification Total steam flow signal increases, feed Incorrect -

flow/steam flow mismatch increases reactor water level Total steam flow signal decreases, feed Correct Response - Loss of one steam flow flow/steam flow mismatch decreases detector will result in indicated steam flow reactor water level being less than actual. FWLC will close the feed reg valves to match feed flow to steam flow. Reactor level will lower opening the FRVs. Final reactor level will be lower.

Total steam flow signal increases, feed Incorrect -

flowhteam flow mismatch decreases reactor water level Total steam flow signal decreases, feed Incorrect -

flow/steam flow mismatch increases reactor water level


USAR 7.10, rev 18 Pilgrim 2003 New Task Associations 2000310501 Respond to Low Reactor Water Level Knowledge and Abilities Associations System IWA No. IStatement RO SRO 259002 K5.01 I Knowledge of the operational implications of the 3.1 3.1 following concepts as they apply to REACTOR WATER LEVEL CONTROL SYSTEM: (CFR 41.5 / 45.3):

GEMAClFoxboroBailey controller operation: Plant-Specific Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 12:12:48 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 45 Exam Bank Question No.: 5658 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-261 Objective: CRO 5 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

During full power operation HPCI is started in full flow test for a post maintenance operability run. Initially torus pressure will:

[ I AnswerDistractor Justification Incorrect - The torus pressure decreases, the pool from HPCI. not increases, on an HPCI start for Surveillance.

Incorrect - HPCI does not exhaust to the torus air space.

Correct Response - The torus is vented through the 3" line to SBGT during power operation. HPCI exhaust blower start starts both SBGT fans but leaves the reactor building suction valves shut.

SBGT draws a vacuum on the torus.

Incorrect - Torus water volume increases I I water volume. during a HPCI run.


OP 4120 OP 21 17, rev 17 New Task Associations 2060030201 Perform HPCI Pump Operability Test relationships between STANDBY GAS TREATMENT SYSTEM and the following: (CFR 41.2 to 41.9 / 45.7 to 45.8): Suppression Pool Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/29/2003 12:15:21 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 46 Exam Bank Question No.: 5659 Revision: 5 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-264 Objective: CRO 11 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

When paralleling an EDG for SurveillanceTesting, which of the following conditions as a minimum must be satisfied for breaker closure to occur?

1 1 Answer/Distractor Justification

a. Sync Switch ON, breaker control switch to Incorrect - Timer is not timed out.


b. Sync Switch ON, Sync Scope in the Incorrect - This window is too wide and window. breaker control switch to CLOSE will not work.

Correct Response Incorrect - a & b justifications above. The breaker control switch is not required to be held in the close position.


OP 2 142, rev 20, Discussion Section A R S 9-8-J-9,rev 7 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2640030201 Perform Emergency Diesel Generator Load Tests Knowledge and Abilities Associations I System I WA No. I Statement f R O ISRO 262001 K4.05 Knowledge of A.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION 3.4 3.6 design feature(s) andor interlocks which provide for the following: (CFR 41.7): Paralleling of A.C. sources (synchroscope)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/12/2003 3:13:09PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 47 Exam Bank Question No.: 5660 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-262 Objective: Id, 3 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

An air leak has developed on 345 KV Breaker ATB-379. High pressure cylinder pressure is 425 psig and lowering. The compressor has tripped on overload. VELCO has authorized opening the 379 ATB.

The breaker must be:

Answer/Distractor opened before air pressure lowers to 400 Correct Response - OP 2140 Appendix A psig and all tripping capability is lost.

can be opened from the control room at air Incorrect - 67 psig is the minimum SF-6 txessure down to 67 Dsig;.

Y pressure that will allow breaker operation.

opened before air pressure lowers to 400 Incorrect - 379 ATB does not psig and automatic opening occurs. automatically trip on low air pressure.

can not be opened from the control room. Incorrect - The breaker can be opened from the control room down to an air Dressure of 400 +/- 10 Dsip;.


OP 2140, rev 24, Appendix A A R S 9-8-B-2, rev 4 A R S 9-8-B-5, rev 3 New Task Associations 29971 80301 Follow the 345KV Voltage Schedule Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 12:18:06 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 48 Exam Bank Question No.: 5661 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-03-262 Objective: CRO 7 Question Level: Fundamental Knowledgeklemory Select the correct answer:

The plant has experienced a DBA LOCA. RUPS units will:

I AnswerflDistractor I Justification

a. continue to operate as before if no LNP Incorrect - The RUPS must transfer to DC signal is present. drive, it's AC power source has been removed by the LOCA signal.
b. automaticallytransfer MCC 89- to Incorrect - MCC 89- transfers to 8B/9B


UASR, rev 18, Bank LO1 VYN #97, modified distractor "D" Task

~- Associations Task Number Task Title 2627260101 Energize 480V Buses and MCCS Knowledge and Abilities Associations I System I K/A No. I Statement


]RO ISROI 262002 K4.01 Knowledge of UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY 3.1 3.4 (A.C./ D.C.) design feature(s) andor interlocks which provide for the following: (CFR 41.7): Transfer from ureferred uower to alternate uower suuulies Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 12:19:07 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 49 Exam Bank Question No.: 5662 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-601 Objective: CRO 2,3,4 Question Level: Fundamental Knowledge/Memory Select the correct answer:

The plant is operating at full power. Electrical Maintenance has requested permission to cycle the 4 KV Bus 1 DC control power knife switch to verify operability of the knife switch.

Your direction to Electrical Maintenance is:

for the recirc MG start sequence, which will trip the drive motor breaker on an incomdete start sequence.


OP 2142, rev 20, page 6, Precaution 3 VYN LO1 Bank #1809, modified ON 3 159, rev 4, page 4 Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2000320501 Respond to a Loss of DC-1,2,3 2627390401 Respond to Loss of DC Control Power to a 4KV Bus Knowledge and Abilities Associations ISystem ~ U ANO. I Statement IRO lSR0 263000 K1.O1 Knowledge of the physical connections andor cause-effect 3.3 3.5 relationships between D.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION and the following: (CFR 41.2 to 41.9 /

45.7 to 45.8): A.C. electrical distribution

Vermont Yankee LO1 Exam Bank Question Number 1809 Revision 1 Instructor Guide: LOT-0 1-262 4 KV ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Objectives: 4


OP 2142 Caution 3 SRO Only: No Style: Multiple Choice Point Value: 1 Time to Complete (Minutes): 5 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Task Associations 2627390401 Respond to Loss of DC Control Power to a 4KV Bus 2997270301 Follow Operating Instructions and Procedures Knowledge and Abilities Associations: None Question:

Select the correct answer:

While the plant is operating at 100% power, electrical maintenance requests that 4KV Bus 1 DC control power be shifted from normal to alternate in order to visually inspect the knife switch. In this situation you should:

b. allow transfer provided it is done quickly to prevent a loss of breaker position indication.
c. not allow transfer due to the inability to locally trip the breaker.
d. allow transfer as long as no 4KV bus 1 breaker operation is expected during the transfer.

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 03/01/2000 3:39:08 PM by Robinson, Kelly G.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 50 Exam Bank Question No.: 5663 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-263 Objective: CRO 2 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

A ground has been detected on 125 VDC Bus DC-2. Ground meter indication is +127 VDC.

Under these conditions, DC-2 loads operate correctly, and you are required to initiate a priority work request.

AnswedDistractor Justification

a. should, 1 Correct Response - OP 2 145, page 7
b. shouldnot. 1 Incorrect -

I c. I should, 2 I Incorrect - I I d. I should not, 2 I Incorrect -


OP 2145, rev 24, page 7 New Task

- - Associations

~ _ _ .

Task Number Task Title 2637090401 Respond to a DC Ground Knowledge and Abilities Associations I I I D.C. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION; and (b) based on I I I I I I those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or I I I mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR 41.5 / 45.6): Grounds Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/31/2003 10:14:40 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 5 1 Exam Bank Question No.: 5664 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-603 Objective: CRO 3 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

The "B" EDG is running for surveillance. 125 VDC Bus DC-1 is lost.

Which of the following is correct?

I Answer/Distractor 1 Justification the engine can be shutdown from the are lost (except overspeed).


LOT-00-264 CRO Obj. 9c ON 3 159, rev 4 Step 3 A R S DB-F-3 New Task Associations 2000320501 Respond to a Loss of DC-1,2,3 2647010401 Respond to DG Alarms Knowledge and Abilities Associations 264000 K6.09 Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the 3.3 3.5 following will have on the EMERGENCY GENERATORS (DIESEL/JET): (CFR 41.7 / 45.7): D.C.

power Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/20/2003 9:00:58 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 52 Exam Bank Question No.: 5665 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-279 Objective: A 0 9d, 11; CRO Id Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

Air temperature in the instrument air dryer towers can be monitored on and will provide a Tower OvertemperatureAlarm at on the tower that is .

I AnswerDistractor I Justification a local panel, 400°F, inservice Incorrect - The inservice tower has no energy source to make it this hot.

Incorrect - The inservice tower has no energy source to make it this hot.

Correct Response - Student must integrate location of indications, alarm setpoints and potential cause of the alarm - the heaters on the reactivating tower have failed to deenergize at their setpoint and temperatures have not stabilized out at 400-425O F .

1 d. I ERFIS, 600°F, reactivating Incorrect - Air dryer temperatures can not I be read on ERFIS.


OP 2190, rev 29 New Task Associations 2997070304 Monitor Plant Systems During Operator Rounds, Surveillance and Normal Plant Operations Knowledge and Abilities Associations ISystem I WA No. I Statement 300000 A3.02 Ability to monitor automatic operations of the 2.9 2.7 INSTRUMENT AIR SYSTEM including: (CFR 41.7 /

45.7): Air temperature

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 53 Exam Bank Question No.: 5666 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-208 Objective: CRO 7 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

A leak has developed in the RBCCW System. Makeup for the leak normally is and the standby pump is automatically started at header pressure.

I !AnswedDistractor I Justification


ON 3147, rev 10 New Task Associations 20001 10501 Respond to RBCCW Failure COMPONENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM including:

(CFR 41.7 / 45.7): Setpoints on instrument signal levels for normal operations, warnings, and trips that are applicable to the CCWS Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/31/2003 10:15:21 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 54 Exam Bank Question No.: 5667 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-02-201 Objective: CRO la, c, e, 3 Question Level: Fundamental Knowledge/Memory Select the correct answer:

The reactor is operating at 50% CTP. A control rod is selected and notched out one notch from position 32 to 34. The rod sequence control timer fails, the withdraw bus remains energized and the control rod continues out.

The 2 second cycle auxiliary timer will provide a control rod:

1 Answer/Distractor Justification 1 select block, and you should confirm the control rod deselected.

b. withdraw block, and you should confirm Correct Response Incorrect - A select block is applied, not a I

the control rod stopped moving. withdraw block.

c. drift alarm, and you should confirm the Incorrect - The control rod should not drift control rod drifting. but stop on the next notch. A drift alarm may occur.
d. settle function, and you should confirm the Incorrect - The control rod is deselected control rod settle to a notch. with no settle function.


A R S 9-5-D-6 rev 4 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2010050101 Operate Control Rods Using Single Notch Mode Knowledge and Abilities Associations REACTOR MANUAL CONTROL SYSTEM; and (b) nces of those abnormal Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/20/2003 8:59:23 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 55 Exam Bank Question No.: 5668 Revision: 3 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-202 Objective: CRO 4,5 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

During full power operation the "A" Recirc Motor Generator trips on differential overcurrent and repairs will take several weeks.

Which of the following limits must be changed to satisfy Tech Specs?


COLR Cycle 23, rev 0 Tech Specs 3.6.G. 1.a, 203 LO1 EB #1650, modified Task Associations 2007900501 Respond to a Loss of Bus 1 Using ON 3 169 Static Simulator Exams: None 1

3.4 4.0 Last Revised: 08/12/2003 3:16:46 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Vermont Yankee LO1 Exam Bank Question Number 1650 Revision 0 NRC 35-Instructor Guide: LOT-00-202 REACTOR RECIRCULATION SYSTEM Obiectives: 4


Core Operating Limit Report and Tech Specs SRO Only: No Style: Multiple Choice Point Value: 1 Time to Complete (Minutes): 5 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Task Associations Ti 2020050101 Adjust the Recirculation System Flow Using Master Manual Control 2990150301 Apply Tech Spec/TRM/ODCM Requirements Knowledge and Abilities Associations: None Question:

Select the correct answer:

According to Technical Specifications, certain settings and limits must be adjusted to allow for reactor operation with only one recirc loop in service. Select from the following list the settings/limits which are required to be adjusted.

a. MCPR Limits, LHGR Limits, APRM Scram and Rod Block Settings, MAPLHGR Limits.
b. MCPR Limits, LHGR limits, APRM Scram Settings, Rod Block Monitor Settings, MAPLHGR Limits.
c. LHGR Limits, APRM Scram and Rod Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 11/01/1999 3:30:38 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 56 Exam Bank Question No.: 5669 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-03-201 Objective: CRO 4 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

A reactor startup is in progress.

Reactor power is 82%

APRM B is reading 83%

APRM E is reading 84%

RBM "A"is reading 125 RBM "Bl' is reading 86 Annunciator CRP 9-5-M-7 RBM HI/INOP has alarmed OP 2133 RBMs requires you to:

AnswerDistractor Justification bypass RBM "A" and continue control rod Incorrect - By procedure, control rod withdrawals. withdrawal is not allowed without Operations Manager permission with one RBM INOP.

bypass RBM "Bl' and continue control rod Incorrect - By procedure, control rod withdrawals. withdrawal is not allowed without Operations Manager permission with one RBM INOP.

suspend control rod withdrawals and insert Incorrect - Indications given show that "A" the control rod to its previous position. RBM has failed upscale. No direction is provided to insert the control rod.

suspend control rod withdrawals and verify Correct Response - OP 2133 requires these thermal limits are less than .995 actions.


OP 2133, rev 16 A R S 9-5-M-7 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2017360401 Respond to RBM " N O P 2157180401 Respond to RBM System Alarms

Knowlec :e and Abilities Associations Statement A2.01 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the ROD BLOCK MONITOR SYSTEM; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR 41.5 / 45.6): Withdrawal of control rod in high power region of core: BWR-3,4,5 Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/20/2003 8:55:46 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 57 Exam Bank Question No.: 5670 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-216 Objective: CRO 4, 11a, 14 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

All control rods are inserted, a reactor cool down is in progress. Reactor pressure is 100 psig.

The CRS has directed you to place the "A" Loop of RHR in shutdown cooling. IAW OP 2124 (RHR) operating procedure, level indicator is the preferred instrument for RPV level control due to its range and calibration conditions.

Justification LI-2-3-86 (Refuel), large, cold Correct Response - The correct indicator is recall, but must also recall range &

calibration conditions that make this instrument the preferred instrument for shutdown cooling operations. (This is a recent procedure change, 9/19/02)

LI-2-3-68 (Transient), small, cold Incorrect - LI-2-3-68 is not preferred and not cold calibrated.

LI-2-3-86 (Refuel), large, hot Incorrect - LI-2-3-86 is calibrated cold head on range 70-470", cold head off 70-570", never hot calibrated, which is a LI-2-3-68 (Transient). small. hot Incorrect - LI-2-3-68 is not preferred.


OP 2124, rev 50, LPC #7 VYC 332 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2057090101 Operate the RHR System in the Shutdown Cooling Mode Knowledge " and Abilities Associations System 1 WA No. I Statement 216000 A2.11 Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following on the 3.2 3.3 NUCLEAR BOILER INSTRUMENTATION; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR 41.5 / 45.6): Heatup or cooldown of the reactor vessel Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 12:36:59 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 58 Exam Bank Question No.: 5671 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-205 Objective: CRO 2 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

480 VAC Bus 9 has been lost due to an electrical fault.

Which RHR Loop(s) could be used for torus cooling?

(No local manual valve operations are allowed.)

AnswerAIistractor I Justification 2'nor "BttLoop is available.

38,39,26,31) needed for torus cooling are powered from MCC 9B -> Bus 9 no


OP 2124, rev 50 New Task


- _ _ _ _ .~ . -

Task Number Task Title 2057190101 Startup the RHR System in the Torus Cooling Mode I (CFR 41.7): Valves Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 12:38:00 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 59 Exam Bank Question No.: 5672 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-01-229 Objective: CRO 5 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

During power operation the drywell oxygen concentration is monitored and the torus oxygen concentrationis monitored .

1 Answer/Distractor Justification 1 continuously,periodically Correct Response - The drywell is continuouslymonitored. The torus is only Incorrect -

Incorrect -


OP 2125, rev 19, page 3 New Task Associations 2297 130 10 1 Operate CAD Panel H2/02 Analyzer following concepts as they apply to PRIMARY CONTAINMENT SYSTEM AND AUXILIARIES: (CFR 41.5 / 45.3): Oxygen concentration measurement: Plant-Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 12:38:13PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 60 Exam Bank Question No.: 5673 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-234 Objective: A 0 2a, b, c, 10a Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

Refueling is in progress. You are over the fuel pool, grapple closed, bundle seated in the rack.

A loss of off-site power occurs (LNP). The refueling equipment will and OP 1101 requires the Refueling Crew to .

[ I AnswerDistractor Justification

a. continue to operate, open the grapple. Incorrect - All refueling motors are variable speed DC motors. This distractor is plausible if the student believes them to be powered from the station 125 VDC batteries.

Correct Response - The student must analyze that the LNP causes a loss of power to refueling equipment which fails as it. Then he must analyze that the EDG repowers the bus in 13 seconds. He must know that the refueling equipment is not load shed, and will be repowered. He must know that the bridge will not auto restart when power is restored. He must also know that OP 1101 requires halting refbeling should an LNP occur. His natural desire will be to restart the bridge and open the grapple.

Incorrect - All refueling motors are operations. variable speed DC motors. This distractor is plausible if the student believes them to be powered from the station 125 VDC batteries.

d. stop as is, restart the bridge and, with the Incorrect -

refueling SRO's concurrence, open the grapple.


OP 1101, rev 35, Appendix A OT 3 122, rev 19, Appendix B New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2007020501 Respond to Loss of Normal Power

FUEL HANDLING; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations:

(CFR 41.5 / 45.6): Loss of electrical power Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/20/2003 854: 15 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 61 Exam Bank Question No.: 5674 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-212 Objective: CRO 3 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

Main turbine stop valve position switches on two of the four stop valves have been found broken. The reactor must be maneuvered to which will ensure that in case of a turbine trip, the Safety Limit will not be violated.

I Answer/Distractor 7 inserted in 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />, APLHGR Justification Incorrect - APLHGR is not challenged by transients.

Correct Response - The student must know that MCPR is the thermal limit that is challenged by overpressure transients. He must also know that a turbine trip causes an overpressure transient. He must apply Tech Spec Table 3.1.1 and notes to determine the LCO reauired actions.

Incorrect - Time for all rods in is 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Incorrect - APLHGR is not challenged by transients.


SEI-03-200 Obj. 4, 10, 17 Tech Spec 3.2,2 12 USAR, rev 18, 14.5 New Tech Spec Table 3.1.1 & Notes are required as a student reference Task

~ ___- - -Associations Task Number Task Title 2000290501 Respond to a Turbine Generator Trip 3410320302/03 Evaluate Plant System Performance and Coordinate Appropriate Actions per Technical Specifications/TRM/ODCM in the Event A Limiting Condition for Operation is Entered or not Satisfied I limits (CFR 43.2,45.2)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 12:43:00 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 62 Exam Bank Question No.: 5675 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-249 Objective: CRO 5,7,9 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

Turbine emergency governor testing is in progress at full power. After moving the emergency governor test switch from Trip to Reset for the second time and the reset light is still extinguished (in the control room and at the front standard), your next procedurally required action is to:

I Answer/Distractor Justification Incorrect - A third attempt is not allowed I I

a. attempt a third reset.

bv the Drocedure.


b. attempt a third t i p test. Incorrect - A third attempt is not allowed by the procedure.

Correct Response - OP 4160 requires this action. If the operator understands the construction and operation of the emergency governor and its indications, he will determine that this is the only SAFE action to take.

d. release the emergency governor test switch Incorrect - If the emergency governor is and "push it in". pushed in without reset indication, the turbine will trin


OP 4160, rev 32, page 20 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2457110201 Perform Emergency Governor Test Knowledge and Abilities Associations System 1 WA No. I Statement 241000 A3.12 Ability to monitor automatic operations of the 2.9 REACTOWTURl3INE PRESSURE REGULATING SYSTEM including: (CFR 41.7 / 45.7): Turbine trip testing Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/12/2003 3:30:24 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 63 Exam Bank Question No.: 5676 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-256 Objective: lj, 2 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

CRP 9-6 Alarm D-4 "Atmos DRN Tk LVL Hi/Lo" is in alarm. Main condenser vacuum is slowly degrading.

When you direct the TB A 0 to investigate, your prejob brief should tell him to expect:

Justification Correct Response - This event has happened at the plant and operators had difficulty diagnosing it. When the level control valve sticks open, the tank level goes Low and allows air to be drawn into the main condenser. A R S 9-6-D-4 discusses how to fail the LCV shut and stop the loss of vacuum.

Incorrect - When the tank overfills, valve stuck open. vacuum is not affected.

c. Tank Level Low, and the level control Incorrect - The LCV sticking shut will valve stuck shut. overflow the tank - vacuum will not be affected.
d. Tank Level High, and the level control Incorrect - These conditions are possible, valve stuck shut. but main condenser vacuum will not be affected.


A R S 9-6-D-4, rev 3 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2567190401 Respond to Low Level Alarm in Atmosphere Drain Tank System lities Associations Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/12/2003 3:30:55 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 64 Exam Bank Question No.: 5677 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-01-288 Objective: A 0 3, CRO 3, 5 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

The CRS has directed you to restart reactor building ventilation. To perform this task the reactor building exhaust fan control switch must be held in the "on" position for approximately seconds to allow for the startup of the .

I 1I Answer/Distractor

a. 10, transfer fans Justification Incorrect - The transfer fans do not exnerience this time delav.
b. 20, supply fan Incorrect - 20 seconds is too long, something is not working correctly.

Correct Response - VYN has had many events (ER 960321 OP Ref) where these controls were not properly set or operated incorrectly. The time delay allows for relay timing, pneumatic damper positioning -->making up limit switches allowing fan start. Once the exhaust fan starts, the whole sequence occurs again with the sumlv fan.

Incorrect - 20 seconds is too long, something is not working correctly.


OP 2 192, rev 30, page 27 New Task Associations 2887210401 Respond to a Loss of Reactor Building Ventilation 1 controls (CFR 41.7,45.7)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 12:43:35 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 65 Exam Bank Question No.: 5678 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-04-215 Objective: CRO 1, FND 3 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

Inter-calibrationof the three TIP units is accomplished by:

L l Answer/Distractor I Justification g ~ traversing

a common position in the core. Correct Response
b. algorithmic comparison of the three Incorrect -

individual automatic TIP traces.

c. using the hand crank to manually position Incorrect -

each TIP unit at its respective reference point.

d. using the semi-automatic mode to achieve Incorrect -

equalized incremental positioning of each


OP 2425 USAR rev 18 LOI-EB # 1912 Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2 150230101 Operate the Neutron Monitoring System Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/29/2003 12:21:01 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Vermont Yankee LO1 Exam Bank Question Number 1912 Revision 0 AJPC 65-Instructor Guide: LOT-04-2 15 TRAVERSING IN-CORE PROBE (TIP)

Objectives: 1; FND 3


OP 2425 Rev 21 SRO Only: No Style: Multiple Choice Point Value: 1 Time to Complete (Minutes): 3 Ouestion Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Task Associations 2150230101 Operate the Neutron Monitoring System Knowlec ;e and AI lities Associations 215001 K5.01 Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to TRAVERSING IN-CORE PROBE: (CFR 41.5 / 45.3): Neutron flu detection:

(Not-BWR.1) 215001 A1.02 Ability to predict andor monitor changes in parameters 2.5 2.4 associatedwith operating the TRAVERSING IN-CORE PROBE controls including: (CFR 41.5 / 45.5): Detector position: (Not-BWR.1)


Select the correct answer:

Inter-calibration of the three TIP units is accomplished by.. .

b. algorithmic comparison of the three individual automatic TIP traces.
c. using the hand crank to manually position each TIP unit at its respective reference point.
d. using the semi-automatic mode to achieve equalized incremental positioning of each TIP unit.

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/06/1998 2:48:01 PM by Autrey, Tim D.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 66 Exam Bank Question No.: 5679 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-302 Objective: CRO 2 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMernory Select the correct answer:

You are performing a plant startup LAW OP 0105 and come to a step with an asterisk (*) at the end.

This asterisk means this is a:

I !AnswerDistractor [ Justification 1 lreauired. I


LOT-01-400 CRO Obj. 1 OP 0105, rev 10, Page 14 of 137 New Task Associations 2017400201 Perform Heating and Pressurization of the Reactor 299006030 1 Maintain Required Logs, Records, Charts, Printouts and Status Boards Knowledne and Abilities Associations I I I status boards. and renorts (CFR 3) I I I Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/29/2003 12:21:48 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 67 Exam Bank Question No.: 5680 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-03-400 Objective: CRO 1 Question Level: Fundamental Knowledgehlemory Select the correct answer:

The reactor has been manually scrammed due to the loss of EPR and MPR. The CRS directs you to control reactor pressure 800-1000 psig using the Bypass Opening Jack (BPOJ), before the SRVs lift again.

This activity may be performed:

I Answer/Distractor I Justification Correct Response - DP 0166 states this action can be performed from memory post scram. If the operator takes the time to refer to the procedure, he will cause additional challenges to the SRVs and add heat to the torus unnecessarily.

Incorrect - Not required, challenges SRVs I c. 1 with the procedure in hand, no place Incorrect - Not required, challenges SRVs keeping required.

d. with the procedure in hand, place keeping Incorrect - Not required, challenges SRVs reauired.


DP 0 166, rev 7, page 6 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2000330501 Respond to a Reactor SCRAM Knowledge and Abilities Associations Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/20/2003 8:52:58 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 68 Exam Bank Question No.: 5681 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-01-400 Objective: CRO 3 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

You are relieving the reactor operator during power operation and have not been on shift for 20 days. The "A" EDG is out of service due to cylinder failure several days ago.

To determine when the failure occurred, you would review:

1 AnswedDistractor I Justification Components Inoperable Check List


OP 0152, rev 22 New Task Associations 2990030301 Conduct Shift and Relief Turnover I43.2,45.13)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 12:49:46 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 69 Exam Bank Question No.: 5682 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-402 Objective: CRO 2 , 3 Question Level: Fundamental Knowledge/Memory Select the correct answer:

Due to a failed vibration switch, the RECIRC PUMP MOTOR A VIBR HI annunciator (4-C-7) is in constant alarm and has been disabled. It is anticipated the annunciator will remain disabled for 15 months until the next refueling outage.

Which one of the following is correct regarding the disabled annunciator?

1 AnswerDistractor I Justification written for this configuration change and will require PORC review after six will require PORC review after six written for this configuration change and


AP 0020, rev 25, page 8 OP 3140, rev 17, page 4 LO1 EB #3271, modified Task

- .- Associations Task Number Task Title 34101 10302/0 Approve Temporary Modifications 3

Knowledge and Abilities Associations I I System K/A No. I Statement IRO ISROI lo I Knowledge of the process for controlling temporary 12.2*11 changes (CFR 12.5 13.4 I Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/02/2003 3:23:25 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Vermont Yankee LO1 Exam Bank Ouestion Number 3271 Revision 1 r u k . 69 Instructor Guide: LOT-00-402 ENGINEERING SUPPORT & PLANT ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES Objectives: CRO 2


AP 0020 Rev 20 SRO Only: No Style: Multiple Choice Point Value: 1 Time to Complete (Minutes): 2 Question Level: Fundamental Knowledgehlemory Task Associations 34101 10302/0 Approve Temporary Modifications 3

0 2.2.11 Knowledge of the process for controlling temporary 2.5 3.4 changes (CFR 41.10,43.3,45.13)


Select the correct answer:

Due to a failed vibration switch, the RECIRC PUMP MOTOR A VlBR HI annunciator (4-C-7) is in constant alarm and has been disabled. All other recirc pump parameters are normal. Unless a forced outage occurs, it is anticipated that the annunciator will remain disabled for the duration of the operating cycle (estimated to be 15 months).

Which ONE of the following is correct regarding the disabled annunciator?

this plant configuration change since this is

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 11/02/1998 10:44:19 PM by Autrey, Tim D.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 70 Exam Bank Question No.: 5683 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-02-201 Objective: CRO la, b, 7 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

You are performing control rod coupling checks IAW OP 41 11, Section C (VYOPF 41 11.03), on a control rod at position 48 prior to a reactor startup.

To perform this check you must:

AnswerlDistractor I Justification

c. go to ROD OUT and hold for 5-10 Incorrect -


d. go to NOTCH OVERRIDE AND ROD Incorrect -

OTJT and hold for 5-10 seconds.


OP 41 11, rev 39, page 12 New Task Associations Task N m b e r Task Title 2017 130201 Perform Nuclear Instrumentation Response and Coupling Integrity Verification - First Withdrawal Knowledge and Abilities Associations including operating those con&ols associated with plant equipment that could affect reactivity (CFR 45.1)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/12/2003 3:39:03 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 71 Exam Bank Question No.: 5684 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-271 Objective: CRO 5 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

A valid off gas Hi-Hi radiation alarm has been in for 35 minutes on RAN-OG-3 127 and 3 128 (Final Delay Line Inlet Monitors).

You must confirm the closure of:

I IAnswerDistractor IJustification


OP 2150, rev 27, page 6 LO1 EB #7 1, modified Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2007090501 Respond to High Off-Gas Radiation Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/12/2003 3:39:32 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 72 Exam Bank Question No.: 5685 Revision: 3 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-602 Objective: CRO 3 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

A reactor startup is in progress. The reactor is critical and reactor pressure is 300 psig. Main Condenser backpressure is 15" Hg Abs. A high worth control rod which was stuck at position 00 drops to position 46.

You should confirm closure of:

Justification Incorrect - This isolation was removed in 2002.

MSIVs, main steam drains, and recirc Incorrect - This isolation was removed in sample valves 2002.

c. Hogger discharge valve, steam packing Incorrect - SPE have no suction valves.

exhauster suction valves Hogger discharge valve is manual valve -

no auto closure Correct Response - Tech Spec Amendment 212, Plant Design Change, removed the MSIV isolation in the fall of 2002. OT 3112


OT 3 112 rev 14, page 5 New Task Associations 2007100501 Respond to Fuel Element Failure 2.9 3.3 Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/12/2003 3:40:26 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 73 Exam Bank Question No.: 5686 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-610 Objective: CRO 3 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

Which ONE of the following is the basis for bypassing the Low-Low RPV Water Level logic in EOP-2, Level Power Control (implementing Appendix P)?

addition. water Level does not prevent a large positive reactivity insertion. This is


EOP Vol4, rev 11, Ch 13.7 LOI-EB # 2226 Task

_._ Associations

~ _ _

Task Number Task Title 2000200501 Respond to ATWS Event(s)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/20/2003 8:51:18 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Vermont Yankee LO1 Exam Bank Question Number 2226 Revision 0 DRC 7 3 Instructor Guide: LOT-00-6 10 EOP-1, RPV CONTROL; EOP-2, ATWAS RPV CONTROL Objectives: CRO 2 & 3


Appendix B, BWROG-EPGs PP 7018, Attachment 9, Rev. 10, Page 7-8 SRO Only: No Style: Multiple Choice Point Value: 1 Time to Complete (Minutes): 3 Question Level: Fundamental Knowledge/Memory Task Associations 3 101070502/0 Direct Bypassing of Group I Isolation Signals 3

291004 K1.05 CENTRIFUGAL: Discuss relationships amond head, flow, 2.8 2.9 speed, and power Question:

Select the correct answer:

Which ONE of the following is the basis for bypassing the Low-Low RPV Water Level logic in EOP-2, Level Power Control (implementing Appendix P)?

a. I To preclude inadvertant positive reactivity Incorrect - Bypassing the LO-LO Level addition. Water Level does not prevent a large positive reactivity insertion. This is accomplished by inhibiting ADS.

Correct Response Incorrect - Condenser vacuum is maintained by ensuring Circ. Water Pumps, Air Ejectors, and AOG are operating. LO-LO Level interlock has no effect on these.

d. To ensure MSIVs can be reopened Incorrect - EOP-2, ARC/OR-5 states that concurrent with high main steam line MSIVs should only be reopened if MSL Hi radiation. Rad simal is not mesent.

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 06/11/2002 1:15:37 PM by Paradis, James R.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 74 Exam Bank Question No.: 5687 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-607 Objective: CRO 2 , 3 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

A small LOCA has occurred. Conditions are listed below. No operator actions have been taken.

Reactor pressure 800 psig and slowly lowering Reactor level 100" and steady Drywell temperature 240°F and slowly rising Drywell pressure 11 psig and slowly rising Torus pressure 11 psig and slowly rising Torus air temperature 236'F and slowly rising Torus level 11.60 feet and slowly rising Torus water temperature 91°F and slowly rising The crew's priority should be:

I AnswerDistractor Justification so the heat capacity of the Incorrect -

torus will be tsreserved.

torus and drywell spray because the Correct Response - Torus air temperature -

pressure suppression h c t i o n of the 140°F above torus water temperature primary containment has failed. indicates the pressure suppression function has failed and sprays are required to prevent containment failure.


c. torus cooling and torus level control so the Incorrect -

heat capacity of the torus will be preserved.

d. vent the drywell before exceeding the Incorrect -

I pressure suppressionpressure.


EOP-3, rev 11, Study guide Page 8-4 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2000190501 Respond to High Torus Water Temperature 20002 10501 Respond to High Drywell Temperature 2000230501 Respond to High Torus Water Level

Knowledge and Abilities Associations 1 I System WA No. I Statement j R 0 (SROI 0 2.4.23 Knowledge of the bases for prioritizing emergency 2.8 3.8 procedure implementation during emergency operations (CFR 41.10,45.13)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/29/2003 12:24:3 1 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 75 Exam Bank Question No.: 5688 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: No Instructor Guide: LOT-00-622 Objective: CRO 4 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeLvlemory Select the correct answer:

An EOP override is identified by a box, and applies to all steps within the procedure leg.

b. yellow, below it Incorrect -
c. red, above and below it Incorrect -
d. yellow, above and below it Incorrect -


VY EOP Users Guide, rev 1 New Task Associations 2000200501 Respond to ATWS Event(s)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 12:58:32 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 76 Exam Bank Question No.: 5689 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-05-215 Objective: SRO 1 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

The A & B Recirc pumps are operating when the "A" pump trips. Parameters are as follows:

"B" Loop Drive flow 19,700 gpm "A" Loop Drive flow Ogpm B Loop Jet Pump flow 18 mlbm/hr A Loop Jet Pump flow 2 mlbm/hr Delta W = 0 The APRM scram setpoint is less than or equal to under these conditions

{ Answer/Distractor Justification

a. 54.0% Incorrect - This answer is plausible if the operator assumes a complete loss of the flow signal.

Incorrect - This answer is plausible if the operator believes the JP flow provides the flow bias signal: .66(W-deltaW) + 54 =

.66(18-2) + 54 Correct Response - .66(W-deltaW) + 54 =

.66(19700/65000 - 0) = 74% APRM flow bias scram uses recirc drive flow signal Incorrect - .66(W-deltaW) + 54 = .66(20) +



LO1 EB #1377 modified T.S. Table 3.1.1 Task Associations 3107190302/03 Direct Response to Recirc Pump Trip Knowledge and Abilities Associations 295001 AA2.02 Ability to determine andor interpret the following as they 3.1 3.2 apply to PARTIAL OR COMPLETE LOSS OF FORCED CORE FLOW CIRCULATION:(CFR 41.10,43.5,45.13):

Neutron monitoring, 55.43(b)(2)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/19/2003 4:00:57 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Vermont Yankee LO1 Exam Bank Question Number 1377 Revision 2 PJAL 36 Instructor Guide: LOT-05-215 AVERAGE POWER RANGE MONITOR (APRM)

Objectives: 4


T.S. Table 3.1.1 SRO Only: No Style: Multiple Choice Point Value: 1 Time to Complete (Minutes): 2 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgelMemory Task Associations 2 157 150401 Respond to APRM System Alarms 215005 K5.05 Knowledge of the operational implications of the 3.6 3.6 following concepts as they apply to AVERAGE POWER RANGE MONITOFULOCAL POWER RANGE MONITOR SYSTEM: (CFR 41.5 / 45.3): Core flow effects on APRM trip setpoints Question:

Select the correct answer:

The reactor is operating under the following conditions:

1) Two (2) Recirculation Loops in operation with Drive Flow of 9850 gpdper loop
2) Core Flow of 24 Mlbs/hr
3) Reactor Thermal Power = 800 MWt Average
4) APRM Reading = 51%
5) Thermal limits are: MFLPD = .45; W R A T = .43; MFLCPR = .54 SELECT the highest APRM flow biased Scram Setpoint allowed by Technical Specifications.

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 11/19/1999 3 5 6 5 2 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 77 Exam Bank Question No.: 5690 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-601 Objective: SRO 8 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

The HPCI system is operating in full flow test for surveillance. CRP 9-8-N-2 "Batt chg faiVDC-1 GND" has been cycling in and out since HPCI was started.

The probable cause for the ground is the:

AnswedDistractor Justification HPCI Aux Oil Pump. Incorrect - The HPCI aux oil pump starts on system startup and shuts down based on pressure supplied by the attached lube oil

~ u -m will~not cvcle.

HPCI Exhaust Blower. Incorrect - The HPCI exhaust blower runs continuously when HPCI runs - will not cvcle.

HPCI Condensate Pump. Correct Response - The condensate pump cycles on hotwell level - on-off-on, etc. It is the probable cause of the ground which if left unattended could degrade to a fault and a loss of DC Dower.

HPCI MOV 14 valve. Incorrect - MOV 14 stroked open and remains deenergized for the HPCI run -

will not cvcle.


LOT-00-203 CRO 8c, SRO OP 2145, rev 24 A R S 9-8-N-2, rev 5 New Task Associations 2637090401 Respond to a DC Ground Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 1:01:26 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 78 Exam Bank Question No.: 5691 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-601 Objective: SRO 8 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

The plant is operating at full power when CRP 9-4-C-5 "Pump Motor A CLG WTR Flow Lo" alarms (Recirc Pump). As the CRS you should send:

cooling flows on ERFIS. from the recirc pump motor cooling water


ARS 9-4-C-5, rev 5 New Provide the student with P&ID G191159, sheet 5.

Task Associations 3440380302/03 Direct Shift Personnel Actions to Ensure Plant Safety During off Normal Conditions Knowledge and Abilities Associations L OR COMPLETE OOLING WATER:

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/29/2003 12:26:05 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 79 Exam Bank Question No.: 5692 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-601 Objective: SCRO (CRS) 5,7 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

Shutdown cooling has been lost due to an electrical fault on RHR 17 MOV which destroyed the valve stem.

Primary containment is open Reactor head is on Reactor coolant temperature is 195°F and increasing RHR A pump is running - Torus suction and discharging to the reactor SRV A is open RHR B pump is running - Torus cooling In this lineup reactor pressure must be maintained < 250 psig to protect the and torus temperature must be maintained > 80°F to protect the .

I IAnswedDistractor I Justification


ON 3 156, rev 6, page 8 Tech Spec 3.6 New Task Associations 2000150501 Respond to a Loss of Shutdown Cooling apply to LOSS OF SHUTDOWN COOLING: (CFR 41.7, 45.6): RHWshutdown cooling, 55.43(b)(2)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/3 1/2003 10:25:45 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 80 Exam Bank Question No.: 5693 Revision: 3 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-614 Objective: SRO 1 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

The "A"Main Steam Line is leaking in the drywell. The following plant conditions exist.

All control rods are in Drywell temperature is 285°F and rising Drywell pressure is 3.0 psig and rising Drywell RRUs have been restarted Reactor water level is 145" Reactor pressure is 920 psig Torus level is 11 ft As the CRS you should order:

AnswerDistractor Justification ,

a. Recirc pumps secured, drywell RRUs Incorrect - Drywell sprays are not allowed, UNSAFE on secured, drywell spray initiated. the DWSIL curve
b. Drywell sprays initiated. Incorrect - Drywell sprays are not allowed, UNSAFE on the DWSIL curve Correct Response - RPV-ED is required because drywell temperature cannot be restored to < 280°F.

Incorrect - RFV Flooding is not required. Must determine still safe on RPV Level Instrumentsaturation Curve at SRV reclosing pressure of 50 psig.


EOP-3, rev 3 New EOP-3 is required for student reference.

Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2000210501 Respond to High Drywell Temperature Knowledge and Abilities Associations Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/19/2003 3:55:49 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 81 Exam Bank Question No.: 5694 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-602 Objective: SRO 6 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

A plant startup is in progress. Reactor power is 398 MWT and plant loads are on the Auxiliary Transformer. Reactor pressure is 930. The CRO reports EPR Stroke is failing to zero.

As the CRS you should direct:

Justification OT 3 116, High Reactor Pressure, cutout Incorrect - Not allowed to exceed 25% CTP with EPR, lower MPR setpoint, and continue a pressure regulator out of service the startup.

OT 3 115, Low Reactor Pressure, if Incorrect - Wrong procedure, misdiagnosed unsuccessful in controlling pressure with EPR and MPR, scram the reactor.

OT 3 116, High Reactor Pressure, cutout Correct Response - Must diagnose that lowering EPR, lower MPR setpoint, and stop the EPR Stroke causes high reactor pressure. OT startup. 3 116 directs EPR cutout, and MPR setpoint lowered. When operating < 25% RTP thermal limits are suspect, proceeding > 25% is not allowed. 398 MWT = 25% CTP, Thermal Limits compliance is reauired to satisfy Tech Specs OT 3 115, Low Reactor Pressure, go to Incorrect - Wrong procedure, misdiagnosed raise on EPR to raise reactor pressure, if unsuccesshl, cutout EPR, if unsuccessfbl with MPR, scram the reactor.


OT 3 116, rev 8 OP 0105 New Task Associations 2000180501 Respond to High Reactor Pressure 3440420302/03 Direct Corrective Actions to Mitigate the Consequences of an Off Normal Event apply to HIGH REACTOR PRESSURE:(CFR 41.10,43.5, 45.131.: Reactor Dower Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/19/2003 3:54:03 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 82 Exam Bank Question No.: 5695 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-614 Objective: SRO 1 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

An earthquake has caused an LNP and a crack in the torus. Plant conditions are as follows:

RPV level band 127"-177" RPV pressure is 100 psig and lowering A & B RHR Loops in torus cooling Torus level is 8 ft lowering CS "A"is injecting at 1000 gpm As the CRS you should direct torus temperature monitored on:

Justification Incorrect -

Incorrect -

Correct Response - ERFIS average torus temperature is preferred but at this torus level the detectors are monitoring torus air space temperature and not water temperature. The EOP Study Guide directs monitoring of points M062M064.

Incorrect -

I temperature


LOT-00-614, SRO 1 EOP Study Guide, rev 11, page 8-6 New Task Associations 2000190501 Respond to High Torus Water Temperature 141.6,45.4), 55.43(b)(5)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/19/2003 3:50:39 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 83 Exam Bank Question No.: 5696 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-603 Objective: SRO 4 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

A large fire is burning on the Turbine Building roof. Light smoke is entering the control room.

As CRS you should direct:

1 Answer/Distractor OP 3 126, Shutdown Using Alternate Shutdown Methods. cable vault or switchgear rooms that cause a loss of control room habitability/functionality.

b. OP 2 192, Shutdown Turbine Building Incorrect - Shutting down Turbine HVAC. Building HVAC will not stop the smoke from entering the control room.

Correct Response Incorrect - These zones are all inside the turbine building, not outside on the roof.


OP 2192, rev 30, Section J.2.a, Discussion Section page 4 New Task Associations 3447020302/03 Call in Off Site Fire Department 3.1

Plant and control room Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 1 :06:24 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 84 Exam Bank Question No.: 5697 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-308 Objective: SCRO 1 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgelMemory Select the correct answer:

The reactor coolant system pressure safety limit is based on the and will not be exceeded during the design basis overpressure transient with SRV(s) out of service.


LOT-00-239, SCRO 1 T.S. 12, rev 160, page 19 T.S. 3.6, rev 196, page 142 New Task Associations 2000 180501 Respond to High Reactor Pressure I limits (CFR 43.2,45.2)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/12/2003 3:47:17 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 85 Exam Bank Question No.: 5698 Revision: 3 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-610 Objective: SRO 3 , 4 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

A high reactor water level transient has occurred. Reactor water level is 250". MSIVs are shut.

All high pressure injection sources are secured. Operators are attempting to control pressure with SRVs. From CRP 9-3, it appears that the SRVs are not responding to the manual actuations. No tailpipe pressure switch actuations. Pressure control is sluggish and remains >

1055 psig.

As the CRS you should direct:

IAnswerDistractor ' I Justification

a. SRV operations to stop, RPV head vents Incorrect - RPV head vents are not allowed used for pressure control. to be used for RPV pressure control under these conditions.
b. SRV operations to stop, RPV head vents Incorrect - RPV head vents are not allowed used for pressure control, and RWCU for RPV pressure control under these started in the letdown mode. conditions.
c. SRV tailpipe temperatures and primary Incorrect - Allowing continued SRV containment parameters monitored. operations with flooded steam lines increases the potential for tailpipe damage.

Actions must be taken to drain the main steam lines.

SRV tailpipe temperatures and primary Correct Response - OP 3 114 requires containment parameters monitored, and primary containment parameters to be RWCU started in the letdown mode. monitored when SRVs are opened with flooded steam lines. SRV tailpipe pressure switches may not indicate open SRVs when the steam lines are flooded. OT 3 1 14 directs monitoring tailpipe temperatures. EOP-1 pressure control leg directs use of RWCU in letdown if not fuel failure exists. This action will also lower RPV water level and reduce the potential for damage to SRV tailpipes.


OT 3 1 14, rev 12 EOP-1 rev 2 1/26/2000 Plant Hatch event New Task Associations: None

operate the facility between shutdown and designated power levels (CFR 45.2), 55.43@)(5)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/12/2003 3:45:01 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 86 Exam Bank Question No.: 5699 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-615 Objective: SRO 1 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

A safety relief valve (SRV) tail pipe vacuum breaker has failed in the open position during SRV operation.

Which one of the following will result?

I Answer/Distractor Justification Direct pressurization of the drywell each Correct Response - Must integrate vacuum breakers are held shut by their own weight, opened by a vacuum in the tailpipe and if failed open provide a direct path for steam discharging from an SRV to enter the drywell Incorrect - The SRV tailpipe vacuum breakers are located in the drvwell.

Incorrect - Steam must pass through the "T" quencher to enter the torus water.

pool water

d. Suppression pool water being drawn up Incorrect - The tailpipe vacuum breakers into the SRV tailpipe line after the SRV is are designed to prevent this from closed hamening.


P&ID G191167,191156 Clinton NRC 2000 Task Associations 2000070501 Respond to Containment Hi Pressure apply to HIGH DRYWELL PRESSURE:(CFR 41.10, 432445.13): Drywell pressure Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/18/2003 11:42:20 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

ractl )Direct Dressurization of the containment each time the SRV is opened.

I .

h of the following will result?

I d r nent5 KaRevision I-.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 87 Exam Bank Question No.: 5700 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-261 Objective: SRO 1 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

Which of the following is the basis for the automatic initiation of SBGT on reactor building ventilation exhaust high radiation levels?

1 Answer/Distractor IJustification

a. Provides for the maintenance of a positive Incorrect -

pressure in the secondary containment, therefore preventing any of the fission products released into the containment from being released into the environment


OP 2 117, rev 17, page 1 Tech Spec 3.7 Bases Grand Gulf 1 1998 NRC Task Associations Task Number Task Title 3410320302/03 Evaluate Plant System Performance and Coordinate Appropriate Actions per Technical Specifications/TRM/ODCM in the Event A Limiting Condition for Operation is Entered or not Satisfied they apply to SECONDARY CONTA Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/19/2003 3:49:54 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Questionld 7ExamType ExamDate -1 AbbrevlocName )Grand Gulf 1 Questionstem )Which one of the following is the basis for the automatic initiation of Standby Gas Treatment on High Ventilation I

within limits.

exhausting air outside of Containment.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 88 Exam Bank Question No.: 5701 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-205 Objective: SCRO 1 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

The reactor has been shutdown for 20 days. Shutdown cooling is in service. Parameters are as follows:

Reactor level 160" for I&C Surveillances Reactor coolant temperature is 95'F SDC flow is 4500 gpm Under these conditions, thermal stratification:

AnswerflDistractor I Justification will not occur. Flow may be lowered to Incorrect - 1100 gpm is the RHRSW Pump 1100 gpm before stratification is a min flow limit, not a thermal stratification concern. limit.

will occur. OP 2124 directs flow raised to Incorrect - 4100 gpm is for pump min flow a minimum of 3250 gpm. concerns, not thermal stratification. OP 2124 has no 3250 gpm limit.

will not occur. Flow may be lowered to Incorrect - Thermal stratification will 4100 gpm. occur under these conditions d d that is why the procedure does not allow operation here.

will occur. OP 2124 directs flow raised to Correct Response - OP 2124 6700 gpm.


OP 2124, rev 50, Precaution #37 GESIL 357 Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2057970101 Swap Shutdown Cooling Loops Knowledge and A1 ilities Associations and (b) based on those predictions, Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/19/2003 3:47:54 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 89 Exam Bank Question No.: 5702 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-614 Objective: SRO 1,2 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

An earthquake has caused a breach of the reactor coolant system and the torus.

RPV-ED is complete "A" Core Spray is injecting at 3500 gpm Torus level is 6 A RPV level is -30" and steady Torus temperature is 185°F "A" and "B" RHR are running in torus cooling Torus pressure is 4 psig You meet the NPSH requirements for the Core Spray Pump and can be used to makeup to the torus.

A n s wer/Distractor Justification

a. do, RHRSW Incorrect - Not safe on NPSH curve
b. do not, RHRSW Correct Response - NPSH is not satisfied under these conditions.
c. do,HPCI Incorrect - HPCI can not be run with torus level < 7 fi
d. do not, HPCI Incorrect - HPCI can not be run with torus level < 7 ft


LOT-00-6 10, SRO 3 EOP- 1, rev 2 EOP-3, rev 3 EOP Study Guide 13.18, rev 1 1 EOP App T & X, rev 16 New Student required reference: EOP- 1, EOP-3 Task Associations Task Number Task Title 2000240501 Respond to Low Torus Water Level 2000310501 Respond to Low Reactor Water Level

Knowledge and Abilities Associations LOW PRESSURE CORE SPRAY SYSTEM; i d (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR 41.5 / 45.6): Low suppression pool level, 55.43@)(5)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 1 :14:36 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 90 Exam Bank Question No.: 5703 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-223 Objective: SRO 3 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

A plant shutdown is in progress to repair a recirc pump seal leak. Reactor power is 6%. The drywell is being purged through the 18" line to allow early primary containment entry.

This mode of operation is allowed by Technical Specifications for per calendar year. This restriction assures the integrity of the .

concept that on a LOCA SBGT 2A/B open before the primary containment isolation valves can stroke shut. This event has the potential to rupture both SBGT trains and make secondary containment unavailable.

By limiting the time the 18" valves are open when containment is required, the y of this happening is reduced to


Tech Spec Bases, rev 197, page 165/166, Section 3.7 OP 21 15, rev 43, page 4 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 3410320302/03 Evaluate Plant System Performance and Coordinate Appropriate Actions per Technical Specifications/TRM/ODCM in the Event A Limiting Condition for Operation is Entered or not Satisfied Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 1:14:46 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 91 Exam Bank Question No.: 5704 Revision: 3 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-264 Objective: SCRO l a Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

The plant is operating at full power. The "A" EDG air compressor has tripped on thermal overload. Air receiver pressure is 190 psig and slowly lowering. Both receivers are in service.

CRP 9-8-E-7 EDG low starting air pressure is in.

For these conditions you should:

Answer/Distractor Justification declare the "A" EDG inoperable, immediately Correct Response - OP 2126; Tech Spec enter a 7 day LCO, and verify the other EDG 3.10.B.1 is operable within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

declare the "A"EDG inoperable when Incorrect -

receiver pressure is < 150 psig, enter a 7 day LCO, and verify the other EDG is operable within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

declare the "A" EDG inoperable immediately Incorrect -

and be in cold shutdown in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

declare the "A" EDG inoperable when Incorrect -

receiver pressure is < 150 psig and be in cold shutdown in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.


OP 2126, rev 33, Precaution 25 Tech Spec 3.10 New Tech Spec 3.10 is a required student reference

_. -~ Associations Task ~ _ _

Task Number Task Title 34 10320302/03 Evaluate Plant System Performance and Coordinate Appropriate Actions per Technical Specifications/TRM/ODCM in the Event A Limiting Condition for Operation is Entered or not Satisfied Knowledge and Abilities Associations ISystem I WA NO. I Statement 264000 K6.01 Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the EMERGENCY GENERATORS (DIESEL/JET): (CFR 41.7 / 45.7):

Starting air, 55.43(b)(2)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/12/2003 3:45:54 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 92 Exam Bank Question No.: 5705 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-205 Objective: SCRO 1 Question Level: Comprehension Select the correct answer:

When the A RHR Loop is placed in torus cooling, a LCO in entered. When the second loop of torus cooling is placed in service, a LCO is entered. These actions reduce the potential challenges to the RPV water level safety limit of inches above top of enriched fuel.

by procedure to ensure LPCI availability.

The concern is a loss of power to the torus


Tech Spec 3.7.A.1, rev 192 OP 2124, rev 50, Precaution 41 New Tech Spec 3.7 is a required student reference Task Associations Task Number Task Title 3410320302/03 Evaluate Plant System Performance and Coordinate Appropriate Actions per Technical Specifications/TRM/ODCM in the Event A Limiting Condition for Operation is Entered or not Satisfied 3440470302/03 Clarify Technical Specifications/TRM/ODCM and Application of Action Statement Requirements Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/29/2003 12:30:26 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 93 Exam Bank Question No.: 5706 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-233 Objective: SRO 1 Question Level: Fundamental Knowledgeh4emory Select the correct answer:

Refueling is in progress. Shutdown cooling is out of service for MOV testing of RHR 17 & 18.

Fuel pool temperature is 118°F and rising. RBCCW cooling has been maximized.

Prior to OF normal fuel pool cooling should be secured and standby fuel pool cooling started. Refueling operations tending to raise fuel pool temperature must be stopped when OF is reached.


OP 21 84, rev 22, Precaution 9 ech Spec 3.12 New Tech Spec 3.12 is a required student reference Task Associations 2337140401 Respond to Fuel Pool Cooling System Alarms 3410320302/03 Evaluate Plant System Performance and Coordinate Appropriate Actions per Technical SpecificationdTlUWODCMin the Event A Limiting Condition for Operation is Entered or not Satisfied FUEL POOL COOLING AND CLEAN-UP; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those abnormal conditions or operations: (CFR 41.5 / 45.6): High fuel pool temperature, I I 155.43hM2)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/3 1/2003 10:48:11 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 94 Exam Bank Question No.: 5707 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-308 Objective: SCRO (CRS) 1 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

The MSIVs are shut, The reactor is critical in accordance with OP 0105, Appendix A, "Reactor Heatup with the MSIVs Closed."

Which one of the following defines the Tech Spec mode of operation?

1 Answer/Distractor I Justification

c. Startup/Hot Standby Incorrect -
d. Run Incorrect -


Tech Spec definitions New Task

- Associations


Task Number Task Tide 34 10320302/03 Evaluate Plant System Perfonnance and Coordinate Appropriate Actions per Technical Specifications/TRM/ODCM in the Event A Limiting Condition for Operation is Entered or not Satisfied Knowledge and Abilities Associations Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 1:24:08 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 95 Exam Bank Question No.: 5708 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-138 Objective: 22,24 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

Core flow is 60%. The recirculation motor generator scope tube mechanical stops are set for 109.5%speed. MCPR Option "A"has been selected based on full core scram times. Core exposure is 11,000 MWdSt. The MCPR operating limit is:

I Answer/Distractor Justification

[ 1.49 Incorrect - Incorrect exposure used Incorrect - Correct for full flow Incorrect - Incorrect exposure used Correct Response - From COLR Table 2.2-1: Option A > 10,375 MWd/ST, MCPR =

1.61; From Figure 2.2-1: 60% flow intersects 109.5 at 1.1 (1.1)(1.61) = 1.771


COLR, rev 0, Cycle 23 Tech Spec New COLR is a required student reference Task Associations Task Number Task Title 341 0320302/03 Evaluate Plant System Performance and Coordinate Appropriate Actions per Technical Specifications/TRM/ODCM in the Event A Limiting Condition for Operation is Entered or not Satisfied such as graphs, monographs, and tables which contain performance data (CFR 41.10,43.5,45.12)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/29/2003 12:31 :47 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 96 Exam Bank Question No.: 5709 Revision: 0 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-400 Objective: SCRO 3 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

RPS "A" System has been tripped for replacement of backup scram relay contacts. The work party has informed the Shift Manager that work is complete and the equipment canbe returned to service. The RPS A trip can be reset under to allow the post maintenance testing required to demonstrate its operability provided that is completed first.

I AnswerDistractor Justification 1 dr administrative controls, all other testing Correct Response - AP 0125 Section 5.2

b. Local Permissive Test Tags, all other Incorrect -


c. administrative controls, resistance testing Incorrect -
d. Local Permissive Test Tags, resistance Incorrect -



AP 0125, rev 12, Admin Limit 5.2 New Task Associations 3420180302/03 Assist in Evaluating the Progress of Maintenance on Technical Specifications/TRM/ODCM or Safety Related Equipment I requirements (CFR 43.2)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 1 :26:06 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 I

Question No. 97 Exam Bank Question No.: 5710 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-223 Objective: SRO 3 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

OP 2 115 Figure 2 provides a graph of purge flow rate verses purge time for the drywell and torus. This minimum purge time for a given flow rate:

I Answer/Distractor I Justification 1


OP 21 15, rev 43 New Task Associations 2230020104 Purge Containment with Nitrogen (Inerting) 3450150102/03 Direct PurgeNent of the Containment Building Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 1:26:58 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 98 Exam Bank Question No.: 5711 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-404 Objective: SRO 1 Question Level: Analysis Select the correct answer:

A point source in the reactor building is reading 500 m r h at a distance of two (2) feet. Two options exist to complete rework on a valve located near this radiation source.

Option 1: Operator X can perform the task in thirty (30) minutes working at a distance of four (4)feet from the point source Option 2: Operators X and Y, who are trained in the use of a special extension tool, can perform the task in seventy five (75) minutes at a distance of eight (8) feet fiom the point source Which one of the following options is preferable and consistent with the ALARA program?

I !AnswerDistractor I Justification


LOT-00-059, rev 6 , page 5 of 12 Palisades 2001 NRC Task Associations


Task Number Task Title 3430290302/03 Assess Exposure Limits of Personnel for Assigned Duties radiation and guard against personnel exposure (CFR 43.4,45.10)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 08/19/2003 3:44:38 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Option 1: Operator X can perform the assignment in thirty (30) minutes working at a distance of four (4 Option 2: Operators Y and Z, who have been trained in the use of a special extension tool can perform th Which of the following options is preferable and consistent with the ALARA program?

.) feet from the point source.

le same task in seventy-five (75) minutes at a distance of eight ,

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Ouestion No. 99 Exam Bank Question No.: 5712 Revision: 2 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-900 Objective: SRO 1 , 4 Question Level: Fundamental Knowledgekfemory Select the correct answer:

AT 12:OO the plant experiences a full power ATWS with no control rod motion after initiation of ARVRPT.

As the Plant Emergency Director (PED) you should classify this event no later than and you should notify outside authorities no later than minutes after the classification is made.

AnswerDistractor I Justification

c. 12:30, 15 Incorrect -
d. 12:30.30 Incorrect -


DP 0093, rev 2, Appendix A page 3 New Task Associations Task Number Task Title 3440170302/03 Analyze Indications to Determine that an Emergency Plan Event is in Progress Knowledge and Abilities Associations System K/A No. Statement RO SRO 0 2.4.40 Knowledge of the SRO's responsibilities in emergency 2.3 4.0 Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/31/2003 10:49:28 AM by Hallonquist, Nora E.

Draft SRO NRC Exam 2003 Question No. 100 Exam Bank Question No.: 5713 Revision: 1 Point Value: 1 SRO Only: Yes Instructor Guide: LOT-00-900 Objective: SRO (CRS) 1,4 Question Level: Fundamental KnowledgeMemory Select the correct answer:

An alert EAL was declared 35 minutes ago. You are the Plant Emergency Director (PED). The Operations Support Center (OSC) and the Technical Support Center (TSC) are manned and have relieved you of your responsibilities. The Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) has not assumed any responsibilities yet.

An escalation to the Site Area Emergency is made by the OSC Coordinator/TSC CoordinatorPED. Who is responsible to notify the states?

Justification Correct Response Incorrect - The OSC does not have an NAS Orange Dhone I

c. TSC Coordinator Incorrect - The TSC does not have an NAS Orange phone
d. Site Recovery Manager Incorrect - The EOF does have an NAS Orange phone but they have not yet assumed responsibility for states notifications.


OP 3540, rev 3, page 5 of 16 Task Associations 3440390302/03 Perfom Required Notifications of On Site and Off Site Personnel for Off Normal Events 0 2.4.43 Knowledge of emergency communications systems and 2.8 3.5 techniques (CFR 45.13), 55.43(b)(5)

Static Simulator Exams: None Last Revised: 07/25/2003 1:30: 16 PM by Hallonquist, Nora E.