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Minutes of Internal Meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 10/19/2003
From: Grobe J
Division of Nuclear Materials Safety III
Download: ML033010611 (9)


October 19, 2003 MEMORANDUM TO: Davis-Besse Oversight Panel FROM: John A. Grobe, Chairman, Davis-Besse Oversight Panel /RA/


MINUTES OF INTERNAL MEETING OF THE DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL The implementation of the IMC 0350 process for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station was announced on April 29, 2002. An internal panel meeting was held on October 2, 2003. Attached for your information are the minutes from the internal meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel and the Open Action Items List.

Attachments: As stated cc w/att: H. Nieh, OEDO J. Caldwell, RIII G. Grant, RIII S. Reynolds, DRP R. Gardner, DRS B. Clayton, EICS G. Wright, DRP DB0350

October 19, 2003 MEMORANDUM TO: Davis-Besse Oversight Panel FROM: John A. Grobe, Chairman, Davis-Besse Oversight Panel /RA/


MINUTES OF INTERNAL MEETING OF THE DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL The implementation of the IMC 0350 process for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station was announced on April 29, 2002. An internal panel meeting was held on October 2, 2003. Attached for your information are the minutes from the internal meeting of the Davis-Besse Oversight Panel and the Open Action Items List.

Attachments: As stated cc w/att: H. Nieh, OEDO J. Caldwell, RIII G. Grant, RIII S. Reynolds, DRP R. Gardner, DRS B. Clayton, EICS G. Wright, DRP DB0350 DOCUMENT NAME: C:\ORPCheckout\FileNET\ML033010611.WPD To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without attachment/enclosure "E" = Copy with attachment/enclosure "N" = No copy OFFICE RIII RIII RIII RIII NAME RBaker:dtp DPassehl CLipa JGrobe DATE 10/09/03 10/08/03 10/09/03 10/19/03 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

MEETING MINUTES: Internal IMC 0350 Oversight Panel Meeting Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station DATE: October 2, 2003 TIME: 9:30 a.m. Central ATTENDEES:

J. Grobe B. Ruland R. Gardner C. Lipa A. Mendiola J. Lara D. Passehl J. Stang R. Baker M. Phillips J. Hopkins Z. Falevits M. Fields Agenda Items:

1. Discuss/Approve Todays Agenda The Panel approved the agenda, but modified the order of presentations. THE APPROVED AGENDA REFLECTS THE ORDER LISTED IN THESE MINUTES.
2. Discuss Response Letters Action Plan Mr. Ruland informed the Panel that resources to implement the plan are being addressed.
3. Discuss Corrective Action Team Inspection Results and Assessment Mr. Gardner led a discussion on the corrective action team inspection results in preparation for the public meeting with the licensee next Wednesday 10/8. Mr. Falevits briefed the Panel on the status of preparations for the meeting.
4. Discuss 2.206 Actions Required/Pending Mr. Fields led a discussion of the status of the 10 CFR 2.206 submitted on August 25, 2003, (Accession No. ML032400435) by Greenpeace, on behalf of the Nuclear Information Resource Service (NIRS) and the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). Mr. Fields stated that all three groups will be placed on distribution for future documents related to the petition. The Panel is to review the time line for processing the response.
5. Discuss HPI Modification TIA and Evaluation Approach Mr. Mendiola led a discussion HPI modification TIA and evaluation approach. The Panel requested that all issues brought up publically need to be adequately addressed during review of the modification.
6. Discuss 10 CFR Appendix R Exemption Issue Mr. Stang led a discussion of the licensees 1991 10 CFR Appendix R exemption request. The issue regards the Alternative Shutdown (ASD) regulations which require that an ASD system maintain primary system level within indicating range. The exemption apparently allowed keeping the pressurizer power operated relief valve open until level in the reactor coolant system is at the top of active fuel and allowance for unlimited manual actions. Questions from the Panel revealed a lack of understanding about some of the allowances granted. The Panel approved a new action item to draft a Task Interface Agreement to address the Panels questions and concerns.

New Action Item (216): Mr. Lara will draft and submit a TIA which addresses issues and questions related to the licensees 1991 10 CFR Appendix R exemption request regarding Alternative Shutdown (ASD) regulations.

7. Discuss Draft September Report to Congress The draft report is complete and forwarded to NRR for review. Mr. Passehl will review comments and issue the report on Friday 10/4.
8. Discuss the House Energy Subcommittee Briefing on OI Issues Mr. Grobe discussed that fact the Panel needs to have someone sit in on the briefing.
9. Discuss Process Closure for RAM Items Ms. Lipa provided an update on the progress of reviewing several examples from the RAM for appropriate closure level. The results will be forwarded to the Panel for discussion at the meeting next Thursday 10/9.
10. Discuss Senior Management Site Visits Mr. Passehl received inputs for future site visits by senior management as follows:

Mr. Jim Caldwell 10/29/03; Mr. Brian Sheron 11/04/03.

11. Discuss/Update Milestones and Commitments The Panel reviewed and discussed upcoming milestones and commitments. No changes to items listed per the agenda were noted.

DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL OPEN ACTION ITEM LIST Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 73 Send feedback form on C Lipa 8/6 - Generate feedback after panel IMC 0350 procedure to A Mendiola meetings reduced to once per week; IIPB (8/6) 8/29 - Discussed - no change; 10/1 - Discussed; 11/7 - D Passehl sent email to C Carpenter and D Coe indicating that we would be able to perform a review of the draft IMC 0350 during the first quarter of 2003; 12/3- discussed; 01/03 - 2 parts, short part- C. Lipa with P. Harris, long part-B. Dean; 01/07 - 2nd larger response will require meeting between all parties; 01/21 - Communications with P. Harris; 01/31-Meeting with P. Harris on Feb 4; 02/11 - Many concerns identified by the panel for inclusion; 02/21 - July 1 due date for larger input; 07/01 - Request 2 month extension of due date; 07/22 - Due date extended to September 1; 09/25- Due date extended to January 1.

138 Evaluate the A Mendiola 01/31 - Ongoing; 02/21 - New EDO effectiveness of the C Lipa Comm Plan for Crisis Update, Comm Plan (01/07) A. Mendiola to review for inclusion.

147 Generate a list of items D Passehl 01/31 - working; to consider after restart 02/11 - Include dates and as well as transition deadlines to Manual Chapter 0350 back to the normal restart inspections planner; 0350 when terminating 07/01 - Discussed; 7/22 - Dave has list the 0350 Panel. The with Christines comments; items should include 08/05 -Discussed. Bring back 6 weeks; plans to augment 09/23 - Discussed; 09/30 - The Panel inspection of corrective decision is to separate this into three actions, inservice distinct listings: Inspection Schedule inspection, and safety items for both prior to and following culture monitoring. restart; Focus Areas for post restart; (01/09) and 0350 Panel termination criteria.

The Panel will approve listings.

DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL OPEN ACTION ITEM LIST Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 178 Determine the type of C Lipa 09/23 - S. Burgess was named to lead backlog assessment this inspection; 09/30 - Discussed, that will be performed reevaluation of resources and decision and by whom. Two on who will lead this inspection will be attributes need to be done on 10/2.

considered: (1) the capability of the licensee to manage the backlog in an operating environment; and (2) the impact of the backlog on equipment reliability. (03/04) 189 Collect Information on J Stang 05/27-Discussed; 07/01 - The the Regulatory Millstone Order was reviewed and the Approach to Research approach is not appropriate. Bill also the Process to Ensure look at the South Texas approach; Proper Regulatory 07/15 -Discussed, title changed; Footprint upon Restart. 7/22 - Lead changed; (05/16) 09/30 - Discussed, history table populated with past 0350 decisions will be presented and decision on this criteria will be made by 10/9.

193 Consider TIA on an J Stang A concern was identified for the issue pertaining to shutdown function performance goal 10 CFR 50, of maintaining reactor coolant level.

Appendix R, An NRC safety evaluation report Section III-L, issued in 1991 apparently allows the "Alternative and licensee to maintain reactor coolant Dedicated Shutdown level above the top of active fuel Capability." (05/27) instead of maintaining level within the range of indication in the pressurizer; 7/1 - John Hannon to determine if a TIA is necessary or the issue is moot.

Sent in draft TIA to HQs J. Stang to review licensing basis first; 09/30 - Discussed, update will be presented on 10/2.

DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL OPEN ACTION ITEM LIST Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 196 Determine whether the J Grobe 6/24 - Closed; 7/1 - Re-opened - see shift manager is meeting minutes for additional qualified to fulfill the information; 09/30 - Resolution will be shift engineer position available by 10/3.

in an emergency and whether there is an adverse impact on the licensees emergency procedure Implementation.

(06/17) Item re-opened at 7/1 Panel meeting.

197 Develop a J Stang 6/24 - Lead changed; 08/21 - Lead communication plan changed; 09/30 - Discussed, list of with restart Qs and As. Q & As is being gathered for review (06/17) and forwarding to RA.

201 Coordinate with T Mendiola 6/24 - The Panel determined that L. Gerke and ask her to when the communication plan is call Rep. Kapturs staff developed for the preliminary regarding the June 13, significance determination for 2003, letter from HPI Pump issue that we consider Chairman Diaz to interfaces with those people who Kaptur. The purpose of receive the letter; 07/15 - Discussed; the call would be to 08/21 - Discussed; 09/30 - Discussed, update Rep. Kaptur on covered by GTG HPI Comm Plan, the recent issues with need to decide if this goes through the the HPI Pumps and EDOs or Chairmans office.

provide information on NRC actions to review LER 2003-02. (06/20) 202 Put a discussion of the J Strasma actions the NRC took in reviewing concerns involving the reactor coolant pumps in the August 2003 newsletter.

(07/15) 208 Evaluate the need to M Phillips call back CI regarding Allegation RIII-2002-A-0177 (D-B) after the OI Investigation is complete (08/21)

DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL OPEN ACTION ITEM LIST Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 209 Add author of A Saso Greenpeace 2.206 petition to the standard distribution list on documents for Davis-Besse. Then remove from distribution 90 days after the final NRC reply to the 10 CFR 2.206 Petition is signed out. (9/16) 210 Contact cognizant J Hopkins personnel in NRC Research regarding the evaluation Research is performing about the combined effects of the deficiencies at Davis-Besse and coordinate a briefing of the Panel. (09/23) 211 (a) Issue a status report J Jacobson of the NOP test results thus far; (b) Issue a status report after the NOP inspection of record has been completed; (c) Issue a status report after the upper reactor vessel head and lower reactor vessel head tests are completed. The reports are to be forwarded to NRC Division of Engineering personnel.


DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL OPEN ACTION ITEM LIST Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 212 Determine whether the J Stang Communication Team has received all electronic and written correspondence from external sources. If there is reasonable confidence that the Communication Team has all the correspondence then develop a set of bullets explaining why there is reasonable confidence.

(09/23) 213 Update the punch list C. Lipa that will be used to ensure that NRC activities necessary for restart are accomplished with intermediate steps and their due dates. (09/25) 214 Discuss with Region III C Lipa Public Affairs Officers whether to include a discussion of the September 20, 2003, rally sponsored by the Union of Concerned Scientists in the next monthly NRC newsletter. (09/25)

DAVIS-BESSE OVERSIGHT PANEL OPEN ACTION ITEM LIST Item Action Item (Date Assigned to Comments Number generated) 215 Contact the J Stang Congressional Affairs office to obtain a current listing of Q & As on matters pertaining to restart and coordinate with Mr. Mendiola to provide an updated package to the Panel for review and incorporation into the Comm Plan.

216 Submit a TIA which J Lara addresses issues and questions related to the licensee's 1991 10 CFR Appendix R exemption request regarding Alternative Shutdown (ASD) regulations.